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davidrusselblr · 3 years
Power BI Training in Pakistan – A Complete Guide on Introduction to Power BI
BI #1 Power BI Training in Pakistan We may safely assume that few of you are unfamiliar with business intelligence and data visualization. In today's world, where data is the Robin of every business and organization, this is especially true. And there would be no Batman without this Robin! Data is a treasure trove of knowledge and useful information that company leaders utilize to make profitable and productive decisions at the correct moment. 
BI #1 Power BI Training in Pakistan
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Tutorial for Power BI
Let's take a quick look at business intelligence before getting into the Power BI introduction (BI). It refers to the process of extracting raw data from a data source, converting it into usable data, and using it to create reports and useful visualizations for data analysis.
Data visualization is the process of graphically expressing tabular data. It allows a user to visualize key data using charts, graphs, KPIs, maps, and other tools in order to gain significant insights simply by looking at them. Microsoft Power BI, on the other hand, is a business intelligence and data visualization tool.
What exactly is Power BI?
Microsoft's Power BI Training in Pakistan is a cloud-based business intelligence and analysis service. It's a set of software services, apps, and data connections for business intelligence and data visualization.
By creating sharable reports, dashboards, and applications, we may use the datasets imported in Power BI for data visualization and analysis. Power BI is a user-friendly application with powerful drag-and-drop functionality and self-service capabilities.
Power BI platforms are divided into three categories by Microsoft:
Power BI Desktop is a desktop version of Power BI (A desktop application)
Power BI Service is a service provided by Microsoft (SaaS i.e., Software as a Service)
Power BI Mobile is a mobile version of Power BI (For iOS and Android devices)
In addition, Power BI can be used on both on-premise and cloud platforms.
What is the purpose of Power BI?
As we learned in the previous section of this Power BI lesson, Power BI is an umbrella word that encompasses a variety of services. Power BI Services is a cloud-based BI service that can be used to view and share dashboards. Power BI Desktop is a desktop-based reporting interface. Power BI Embedded, which runs on the Azure cloud platform and can be used for report creation, ETL, and data analysis, is another important offering. Let's go through a few reasons why Power BI is such a crucial tool in today's world and why we need it.
Establishing direct links to data sources allows for real-time analysis in Power BI. Furthermore, data refreshing maintains data up to date to the second.
Custom visualizations from a custom visuals gallery can be used. There are numerous possibilities and categories for custom visuals.
Using the Quick Insights tool, you may quickly search your data for important insights and datasets.
Establish a live or non-live connection to on-premises data sources like SQL Server, and access data through data gateways using a secure channel. As a result, Power BI is enterprise-ready, as on-premises connections provide secure data transfer and the technology is scalable and reliable.
You can use Power BI to connect to other services like SQL Server Analysis Services (SSAS), Microsoft Excel, and so on.
Power BI is a cutting-edge product that makes use of cutting-edge technology including HTML 5.0, column store databases, cloud computing, mobile apps, and more. This helps to maintain Power BI Training in Pakistan at the top of the charts and is popular because it is continually updated with new features.
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Components for Power BI
Microsoft's Power BI software suite is a collection of several types of services for business intelligence and data mining. These services each perform a specific job and work together to make Power BI work as a whole. We'll learn about each of these Power BI services or components, as well as their functions, in this section of the Power BI lesson.
We utilize Power Query to access, search, and transform data from the public as well as local/internal data sources.
Power Pivot: This service offers capabilities for modeling data from an in-memory data source and analyzing it.
Power View: This service provides a number of tools for graphically representing data.
Power BI Desktop is a development tool that works alongside Power View, Power Query, and Power Pivot. In Power BI Desktop, you may import data from a data source, prepare and manipulate it, and use it in visualizations to produce reports.
Website for Power BI: This is a web platform for viewing and sharing Power BI apps and solutions. You can create dashboards from reports, share dashboards with other Power BI users, and slice and dice data within a report using the Power BI Website.
Power Service: The Power Service allows other users to share spreadsheets and data views. The data from on-premises or cloud-based data sources are refreshed at regular intervals.
Power Q&A: How to Use the Power Q&A Option
Mobile Power BI instances allow business users to view and interact with reports and dashboards that have been published on a cloud service. The Power BI Training in Pakistan mobile apps are compatible with Android, Windows, and iOS mobile devices.
Data Catalog: The Data Catalog feature allows you to search for and reuse queries.
Data Management Gateway: This component is in charge of data refreshes on a regular basis, as well as data feed viewing and table exposing.
People who use Power BI
Users of Power BI are divided into four groups based on their motivation for using the tool. Analysts, business users, IT professionals, and developers are the four sorts of users. Let's get to know them a little better.
Analysts utilize Power BI to create reports, dashboards, and data models, as well as analyze them for important insights. Power BI has a variety of data sources from which an analyst can extract data, create a shared dataset, cleanse and prepare data for reporting and analysis.
Business users
Business users are regular people who look at the reports and dashboards that are accessible for them to share on the Power BI website or mobile app. Business customers are kept up to speed on the most recent information, which aids in making timely decisions. They can also set up an alert notice for every data change or anomaly (if occurs).
IT professionals
The key concerns of IT professionals are data scalability, availability, and security. They also have a centralized management system for all Power BI services and users.
Developers are in charge of all technological tasks. Their main responsibilities include designing bespoke Power BI visuals, embedding Power BI Training in Pakistan into other apps, and creating reports, among other things.
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davidrusselblr · 3 years
Learning Path: Your Guide to Get Tableau Services in Pakistan
BI #1 Tableau Services in Pakistan Data visualization is the art of displaying data in such a way that it can be understood by non-analysts. A precise balance of aesthetic aspects such as colors, size, and labels can result in visual masterpieces that offer startling business insights, allowing firms to make more educated decisions.
The use of data visualization in business analytics is unavoidable. As more data sources become available, corporate leaders at all levels are embracing data visualization tools that allow them to graphically examine trends and make quick choices. Qlikview and Tableau are currently the most popular visualization and data discovery solutions. 
BI #1 Tableau Services in Pakistan
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Tableau is a Business Intelligence (BI) and data visualization application that is rapidly evolving. It's simple to set up, easy to learn, and simple to use for customers. For those who are new to Tableau, here is a learning path. This program will guide you through a methodical approach to learning Tableau Services in Pakistan.
Beginners are advised to adhere to this course religiously. If you already have some knowledge or don't require all of the components, feel free to go your own way and let us know how it went!
Step 1: What is the Importance of Data Visualization?
Before we get started with Tableau, I'd like to stress the importance of data visualization and how it can help businesses make better decisions. To whet your appetite, here's a video:
Tour of Tableau's Products
Tableau is the market leader across all BI products, according to Gartner's magic quadrant 2015.
Magic Quadrant, Gartner, Tableau
Step 2: Download and install Tableau.
Tableau has five major products that cater to a wide range of visualization needs for professionals and businesses. They are as follows:
Tableau Desktop is a desktop version of Tableau Services in Pakistan that is designed for individual usage.
Tableau Server is a collaboration tool that may be used by any company.
Tableau Online: Cloud-based Business Intelligence Tableau Results
Feature Highlights
Tableau Public and Tableau Reader are free to use, while Tableau Server and Tableau Desktop have a 14-day fully functional free trial period after which the user must pay.
Tableau Desktop is available in two versions: Professional and Personal. Tableau Online is accessible for a single user with an annual subscription and grows to thousands of users. Tableau has gone through several iterations; in this article, we'll look at Tableau Desktop 9.0's learning curve.
Tableau Desktop can be downloaded as a trial version from the Tableau website, however, it is only available for 14 days. Follow the steps to install it on your system and begin using it.
Step 3: Tableau: Getting Started
Tableau Services in Pakistan offers free online, live, and (paid) classroom training. This is the ideal starting point for your quest. I recommend that you take the path outlined below. Here is a link to a free on-demand online training course with supplementary materials. All of these movies provide the data set that you can investigate on your own.
You must first register in order to see these training videos. Expand the "Getting Started" area and view the three videos that are offered. Connecting with data, data preparation, generating views, filters, dashboards, story points, and ways to disseminate will all be covered in these videos.
Step 4: Integrating Data
Tableau can connect to a variety of data sources, including text, spreadsheets, databases, and big data searches. We'll look at the fundamentals and advanced features of data communication with various sources in this part. We'll also examine at join types, data blending, cube connections, custom SQL, and Google Analytics in this section.
Step 5: Creating and Analyzing Points of View
Tableau Services in Pakistan offers a variety of ways to visualize data, including applying filters/drill-downs/formatting, creating sets, groups, drawing trend lines, and forecasting. Begin your journey!
You've now looked at a variety of data visualization objects. One of the most difficult decisions you'll have to make when building data visualization is which object to use to represent data.
The image below will assist you in deciding on the type of visualization to use. The tableau feature of automated view selection, on the other hand, takes care of this issue to a significant extent. This function triggers the optimal views for the selected dimension(s) and measures automatically (s). 
Step 6: Workout
We've looked at data connectivity, various objects, and view generation in Tableau Services in Pakistan up until this point. It's time to get your hands dirty with data and draw conclusions using a variety of visualization techniques:
Kaggle organized a data science challenge to forecast crime categories in San Francisco based on 12 years of crime reports from all of the city's neighborhoods (from 1934 to 1963). (time, location, and other features are given).
Step 7: Dashboards and Narratives
The creation of Tableau's "Dashboard and Stories" is the product's USP (unique selling proposition). The dashboards that have been made are fantastic, and they take this product to the next level. Dashboards and Stories have their own component in the Tableau online training program. This section includes the following topics:
Storytelling and the Dashboard
Dashboards: Adding Views and Objects
Using Filters on a Dashboard
Options for different layouts and formatting
Story Points on the Interactive Dashboard
Services We Offer:
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davidrusselblr · 3 years
Top 30 Reasons You Should Be Considering Power BI Training in Pakistan
BI #1 Power BI Training in Pakistan “In the future, I believe there will be those who were able to adapt the new method early and rapidly and are leading from the front, as well as those who couldn't, shouldn't, or wouldn't and were left in the dust.” For various reasons, there were (and still are) individuals who went early and those who waited. When a company has a big financial commitment in a legacy BI solution, there can be a good reason to hold off. Power BI was primarily a self-service BI solution in 2017, and it wasn't nearly suitable for enterprise use. All of that has changed now. So buckle up – here are my top 30 reasons why you and your firm should adopt Power BI for self-service and/or enterprise BI.
BI #1 Power BI Training in Pakistan
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1. It's from Microsoft (the new Microsoft)
Nobody can doubt Microsoft's dominance in the world of business software and IT solutions.
Microsoft hasn't always been good at listening to individual customer complaints, but it has always been good at developing and delivering world-class commercial products. Power BI is a continuation of that tradition, but it is superior for all of the reasons I discuss in this article.
2. Power BI is based on the SSAS platform from the ground up.
Although Power BI is a new tool, it has a long history. Microsoft has been one of the most successful firms in the BI market, with SQL Server Analysis Services Multidimensional and Microsoft Excel, in terms of self-service BI. Excel was the most extensively used self-service BI tool prior to Power BI Training in Pakistan.
3. Power BI is based on SSIS from the ground up.
Power Query (the self-service ETL tool – Extract, Transform, and Load) was designed from the ground up utilizing new technologies yet with a proven track record, just as Vertipaq. However, Microsoft has once again brought in its top SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) team, which has a long and successful track record of successful ET.
4. Power BI can import data from almost any source.
Connectors for the majority of the key data sources have already been constructed and deployed in production. There is also a "catch-all" ODBC database connector, and new (less mainstream) connectors are constantly being developed. In addition, several cloud-based connectors, such as Google Analytics, make it simple for users to connect to cloud content.
5. Power BI is extremely compact and fast.
Vertipaq (the data modelling engine in Power BI and Excel) is a columnar database that is extremely compressed and performant. It creates a highly compressed database that loads completely into memory for fast performance using modern tabular database technology (developed from the ground up). It is not uncommon for a database to compress between 600 and 1200 percent, resulting in a 1 percent reduction in size.
6. Power BI now has a brand-new visualization engine.
There is no luggage to bring with you on this trip - no Silverlight, for example. Microsoft has created a fresh new HTML 5 visualization engine that is simply amazing. Everything (nearly everything) will be sliced and diced, and everything else will be cross-filtered.
7. Open source visualizations are available in Power BI.
Microsoft released early on (thanks to that excellent leadership noted before) that it couldn't solve world peace by itself. Instead of trying to address every visualization challenge for every firm around the world, Microsoft opted to offer its visualization source code so that any competent developer can design their own.
8. Power BI is designed for Excel users, but it is not Excel.
This is the pinnacle of self-service Power BI Training in Pakistan. Who better than the firm that created and owns Excel to develop the user interface for the business user community? While it is reasonably simple to get started for Excel users, it is not Excel. The rigout and structure of SQL Server Analysis Services have been integrated into this product by Microsoft.
9. Power BI is now available in the cloud.
The world is heading to the cloud, whether we like it or not. This solution was designed from the ground up with cloud sharing in mind. It employs all of the latest HTML5 coding approaches to ensure browser compatibility across all platforms. It has industrial-grade security wrapped around its cloud presence, and it is unquestionably safe — Microsoft's image is tarnished.
Unless it's in the cloud, that is.
For whatever reason, not every firm is ready to shift to the cloud. Microsoft has announced Power BI Report Server, an on-premise version of Power BI that allows businesses to store their data on-premise if necessary. Furthermore, the software's desktop version is free for anybody to use and is at least as excellent (if not better) than Excel for performing personal BI analyses.
11. There are mobile apps for Power BI.
One of the advantages of starting from scratch is that you don't have a legacy to uphold. Microsoft has developed apps for both Apple and Android devices (and Windows mobile of course).
12. You can subscribe via email, but don't do so!
I understand that some of you simply want your static report delivered to your inbox every morning. That's fine, Power BI can handle that. Simply navigate to the report tab you wish to see, click "subscribe via email," and when you get to work, a professionally prepared PDF that is excellent for printing will be waiting in your inbox.
13. You may integrate Power BI into your own custom apps.
Another advantage of starting from the bottom up is that you can consider a wide range of concerns when designing the architecture. Microsoft has always intended for Power BI Training in Pakistan to be able to be integrated into custom apps. So, if you want to create your own website and control user access with your own logon credentials, Microsoft is happy with that. It's just them.
14. Power BI is inexpensive to purchase.
It's completely free to try and use for as long as you wish. If you want to use more enterprise capabilities, such as regulated data sharing and automatic refreshes via gateways, you'll have to pay – wait for it – a whopping US$9.99 per month per user. It's enough to send the competition shivering through their boots!
15. Power BI is simple to use (and hence cheap to train users)
A Power BI report can be interacted with by anyone who can click a button. Anyone who wishes to consume content interactively will find it straightforward and simple to understand. The product's minimal training costs make the total cost of ownership quite appealing. And that's before the product is ever utilized to assist users in making decisions.
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16. Power users can learn how to use Power BI's modelling engine.
With the Vertipaq engine, Power BI is also enabling self-service BI for a new breed of "citizen developers" from the business community. It is no longer the sole responsibility of an MDX coder to create a usable cube. Many businesses will continue to require IT cube developers, and they can now do it more easily.
17. Power users can learn how to use data loading features in Power BI.
Power Query is so simple to use that it embarrasses SSIS experts. I'm not implying that SSIS developers are no longer required. For large-scale enterprise BI initiatives, I believe there will always be a demand for enterprise-grade technology. 
18. Power BI is a self-service BI platform
Power BI Training in Pakistan is self-service BI embodied for the two reasons mentioned above (the Vertipaq engine and Power Query). It's all you'd expect from self-service BI and more. Any proficient Excel user may easily learn and apply these tools, allowing them to become partially self-sufficient in their analytics and reporting needs.
19. Except when it's not self-service BI
However, just because Power BI is a powerful self-service BI tool doesn't imply it can't also be a powerful enterprise BI tool — in fact, it can do both. Power BI is both a powerful enterprise tool and a self-service solution. Also, don't overlook the importance of ad hoc and enterprise analysis capabilities.
20. Power BI provides dashboards for consolidation.
Power BI is a data source aggregator, among other things. It makes no difference where your data comes from or how/if it connects with other data that matters to you. You can add data in Power BI and pin your visualizations to a dashboard/cockpit where you can view everything you care about and nothing you don't. 
21. Power BI improves on a daily basis - literally!
The Power BI service is updated on a regular basis. Improvements are released into the cloud service as they are made. Microsoft also has to make upgrades to the mobile apps and Power BI Desktop at the same time. These products are released on a monthly basis rather than on a daily basis, but the speed is still tremendous. 
22. Power BI has a large user base.
At the time of writing, Power BI was less than two years old (it is now six years old), and there are millions of users in the community who ask questions and help out other like-minded people. There are hundreds of user groups in major cities throughout the world, and there are displays illustrating how individuals are already utilizing Power BI. Specifically
23. What's significant is decided by the Power BI community.
Isn't it true that Microsoft has evolved? Rather than producing simply what Microsoft feels we need, the company is asking the community what new features they want the most. Anyone can sign up and submit and/or vote on new product improvement suggestions.
24. Power BI features a query engine that understands plain language.
This may appear to be a gimmick, but believe me when I say it is quite cool and effective. You may ask well-designed Power BI Training in Pakistan data model natural language questions like "what were my sales yesterday by state?" or "how are bike sales trending compared to last year?" Power BI will do its best to provide the answer to you as a table, chart, or whatever else you like.
25. Power BI provides automatic analysis with immediate insights.
When you load your Power BI reports to PowerBI.com, a rapid insights tool will trawl through them and analyze the data for quick insights. Quick Insights produced about 50 fascinating pieces of information about the data in my report when I ran it on the Adventure Works demo database.
26. Power BI works in tandem with Excel (no need for export)
Power BI has two major benefits over the competition in this area. To begin, you don't need to export to Excel; simply choose "Analyze in Excel," and Power BI and Excel communicate as if they were twins separated by an umbilical cord (this is literally true in fact). Second, Power BI's appearance and feel is so similar to Excel that it's hard to tell them apart.
27. Power BI works in tandem with PowerPoint.
The truth is that most organizations rely on PowerPoint to communicate stories, thus many people want Power BI Training in Pakistan and PowerPoint to work together. OK, today's PowerPoint integration is quite limited (you can simply export reports to slides), but it works and will only improve. There is already a third-party product available that allows you to email.
28. R and Python are integrated into Power BI.
R and Python are two of the world's most popular open source statistics and transformation software programmes. Microsoft isn't attempting to compete with these applications. Instead, it has decided to natively integrate R and Python into Power BI, allowing you to use your packages with Power BI.
29. Integration of Third-Party Tools
Third-party tools have been around for a long time, most notably DAX Studio and Tabular Editor, but these are just two of the most well-known; there are many more. Microsoft (the new Microsoft) made the deliberate choice to "harden" the Power BI backend so that third-party developers could connect directly to Power BI Training in Pakistan and Power BI Desktop in a stable and supported manner.
30. Microsoft is a favorite of Gartner
Last but not least, Gartner ranks Microsoft first among all vendors in terms of vision completeness and ability to deliver.
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