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nuhamariam · 8 months ago
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Ethiopian coffee beans are renowned for their exquisite flavors and complex profiles. From the floral and fruity notes of Yirgacheffe to the spicy and winey character of Harar, there's a bean to suit every palate. Discover the magic behind these exceptional coffees and embark on a flavorful journey through the heart of coffee's origin.
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kopiflores · 8 months ago
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vineetakamal · 2 years ago
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beanvoyage1 · 1 year ago
🌟 Exploring Coffee Flavors: A Journey Through Bean Diversity ☕
Hey there, fellow coffee aficionados! Today, we're embarking on a flavor-filled adventure through the mesmerizing world of coffee. Join us as we unravel the captivating stories behind different coffee bean types and their delightful flavors, from the delicate nuances of Arabica to the bold character of Robusta. There's a coffee variety for every palate, and we're about to dive deep into this aromatic realm.
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The Coffee Spectrum: Coffee is not just a beverage; it's a spectrum of experiences waiting to be explored. Each cup has its own unique tale to tell, whether it's the vibrant acidity of a Kenyan AA or the comforting sweetness of a Colombian Supremo.
Arabica vs. Robusta Beans: Let's start by comparing the heavyweight contenders, Arabica and Robusta. Arabica, known for its elegance, often presents floral and fruity notes, while Robusta boasts robust flavors with hints of earthiness and nuttiness. The choice between them sets the tone for your coffee adventure.
Other Coffee Bean Varieties: But wait, there's more! We'll also introduce you to lesser-known coffee bean types like Liberica and Excelsa, each offering a unique twist to your daily brew.
Specialty Coffee Sensation: In recent years, the coffee world has witnessed the rise of specialty coffee. Dive into this movement, which emphasizes single-origin beans and micro-lot coffees, resulting in a rich tapestry of flavors.
Mastering the Art of Coffee Tasting: Elevate your coffee experience with our expert tips on tasting coffee notes. It's like taking a journey through your senses, uncovering the hidden treasures in every cup.
Coffee Pairings: Coffee isn't just a solitary pleasure; it thrives in the company of complementary flavors. Experiment with coffee pairings to discover exciting new tastes.
So, fellow coffee lovers, which coffee bean type and flavor has left you intrigued? Share your coffee journey with us in the comments below, and don't forget to check out our video for an in-depth exploration of coffee flavors. Subscribe, like, and share to spread the love for this enchanting brew! ☕🌍
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bippityboppitybrew · 1 year ago
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jmutono · 4 years ago
A coffee consuming culture
Walking through the streets of Nairobi, other cities and major towns in Kenya, you will come across several coffee houses.Several, not many. It should though be noted that they are a little more than they were back in 1963.Java house is one of the most notable ones which seem to be steady and progressive.As much as Kenyans in Nairobi and other places in the country seem to slowly adapt to…
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mfproductsuk · 4 years ago
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Hello all my coffee drinkers, it’s a beautiful sunny and we’re back sharing content for your delight 🤩☕️#coffeeorigin #ressurection #coffee #coffeelifestyle #coffeelover #coffeetime https://www.instagram.com/p/COU9jJXhei_/?igshid=p5oe6vx13xz9
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caffebreak · 4 years ago
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We selling original Aceh Gayo coffee beans with wine variants. . Sekantung kopi nusantara, menjual rasa sesuai selera . #Caffebreakcoffee #Caffebreak #winelover #coffeewine #sell #selling #coffeeorigin #coffeeaceh #instacoffeelove #coffeelatte #coffeeholic #coffeeroastery #coffeebeans #roastingcoffee #kopiindonesiaituenak #buyersandsellers #buyeragent https://www.instagram.com/p/CGcrYYeL3Yv/?igshid=1ox8jbiz0ikph
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everydaycoffeeph · 5 years ago
Panama Finca Santa Teresa
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Finca Santa Teresa is a boutique coffee farm and mill located high in the cloud forest of Panama. FST sits close to the border with Costa Rica and Panama’s highest peak, the Volcan Baru. Adjacent is La Amistad National Park, a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
FST produces coffees of singular quality. The key to this is terroir – rich volcanic soils, high altitude, weather systems driven by the Pacific and Atlantic and a series of ridges and valleys. The result is coffee redolent of honeysuckle, lychee and strawberries.
Between November and February, coffee is picked from the 20 different lots on the farm. Soon after picking, the coffee is processed using one of three main processing methods – washed, honey or natural. Depending on the method, this can see the coffee drying on raised beds (known as Camas Africanas) for up to a month.
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ajustcup · 7 years ago
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The Thanksgiving Coffee •latest arrival• for February is our Canto de Bolivar. Learn more through this origin, and grab a bag for yourself: ⠀ ⠀ www.thanksgivingcoffee.com/bolivian-coffee⠀ ⠀ #bolivia #boliviancoffee #bolivian #fairtradecoffee #organiccoffee #coffeelover #thanksgivingcoffee #morecoffee #givemecoffee #caffeineaddict #atorigin #origin #coffeeorigin
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nuhamariam · 8 months ago
Ethiopia's Coffee Treasure: A Guide to the Best Beans
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Ethiopia, the birthplace of coffee, offers a diverse range of coffee beans renowned for their exceptional flavor. This article explores the best types of Ethiopian coffee and the factors that contribute to their unique taste.
From the floral notes of Yirgacheffe to the complex spice of Harar, Ethiopian coffee beans cater to various preferences. Discover the magic behind these beans and why they are prized by coffee connoisseurs worldwide.
For more information read the blog "https://medium.com/@mariamnuha123/discover-the-best-types-of-ethiopian-coffee-beans-07413945f218"
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kopiflores · 8 months ago
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thelibraqueenishere · 7 years ago
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kafetcetera · 7 years ago
Una esponja llamada cafeto.
Imagínense que la raíz del café es una esponja, que en el momento en que está seca tiene esa cualidad de absorber toda el agua a su alrededor y dentro del agua los nutrientes que esta lleva (ya sea por corriente o por riego), tomando los nutrientes principales que serían nitrógeno, fósforo y potasio, y de una menor cantidad de calcio, magnesio, azufre, hierro, zinc, manganeso, boro y cobre (mediante los primero 10 cm de profundidad de la raíz principal), esto dando sustento a su raíz y a su crecimiento, generando una especie de almacén para sustentarse en los momentos en que no reciba captación de agua y de esta manera poder sostenerse por todas sus raicillas que está a su alrededor y sirven para llevar a la raíz principal que en este caso es el almacén.
Una vez obtenidos los nutrientes el cafeto comienza su crecimiento de manera continua, partiendo de su raíz principal las raicillas que lo mantendrá fijo en la tierra y continuamente alimentado, ya fuera de la tierra de su ser brotarán las hojas (que vienen en par), las flores blancas conocidas como flor estrella, las cuales darán paso al nacimiento de los granos (que generalmente vienen en pares), y reproduciéndose a sí mismos ya que cuentan con ambos órganos reproductivos en su haber. Pero debemos de considerar que para que el cafeto se encuentre en su máximo esplendor la tierra debe de contar con la acidez propicia para que esto suceda, teniendo una acidez o ph de entre 5 a 5.5 que darán condición para el fortalecimiento de la raíz, la mejor absorción de nutrientes y el crecimiento de la flor estrella que decantan en el cerezo.
Así podemos referirnos a que el café es como una esponja que continuamente absorbe y absorbe desde líquidos hasta minerales y que jamás está satisfecha, regalándonos sus frutos, su belleza y su conocimiento.
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the-2020-project-blog · 8 years ago
Nepal Update
The training has continued to progress over the last two months with the completion of training for 380 farmers. Our partners in Nepal also completed our baseline surveys with all of the farmers to allow us to measure our impact over the coming years. 
May is a big month at the nursery in Pokhara as thousands of coffee saplings will be distributed to the 380 farmers who have been part of the training so far. 
The preparation is in full swing, with the farmers preparing their land for the new saplings. The weather is also heating up making it difficult to keep the coffee saplings happy in the nursery. 
June will bring the rainy season- the perfect time for planting out. The plants will get three months of rains to help them establish their roots and settle in. The coffee saplings will be planted near or under the shade trees which were distributed to the farmers last year. These trees will shelter the saplings from the heavy rains and extreme heat of the sun allowing them to thrive. 
Shade trees will be important as the plants grow as climate change will increase the average temperatures. However, a number of studies have shown that even 50% of shade cover can cool the air around the coffee trees by up to four degrees celsius. In this project, we are using indigenous plants which help restore nitrogen into the soil. The coffee plants can then use this as a natural fertiliser. 
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Each Farmer who has participated in the training will receive enough coffee saplings (50) to join a coffee cooperative. There is currently no coffee cooperative in the community which means one will be formed in the coming months. 
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This cooperative will enable the community to collectively bargain for higher sale prices of their coffee and give them more access to bigger buyers. It also allows for the pooling of resources and sharing of knowledge. The 20/20 Project is investing in leadership training over the coming months to help these farmers manage and maintain the cooperative to keep it functioning efficiently. 
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dramaticeyerolls · 6 years ago
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@cheesetater was kind enough to supply me with a prompt, that being coffee and pirates, and I ran with it. Labels read: Lignum vitae treen coffee grinder Arabian coffee beans sent to Batavia and later stolen to be planted in the Caribbean. Dutch porcelain Navy issued mess kit tin English pewter Turkish brass dallah coffee pot #coffee #pirates #historicalresearch #coffeeprocess #coffeeorigins #antiques #howto #coffeethroughtheages #cannonfodder #ink #penandink #art https://www.instagram.com/p/BqtdTxZniaP/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=dxjebjq7mpyf
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