#Cody Rhodes Fanfiction
mytribalnightmare · 8 hours
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(Credit to gif owner, I forgot who made it)
Pairing: Roman Reigns, Cody Rhodes and Fem reader 
Summary: You had a thing for both Cody and Roman. You could never admit it though, both of them having their own family and wives. What you didn’t expect was for both of them to be with you in the same room and it wasn’t for talking purposes…
Warnings: MDNI, smut, includes a 3 some, oral (all of them), curses amd dirty talk, p in v, unprotected sex, mentions of cheating, kinda silly, kinda dirty
Word count: 4450 (way more than intended but oh well, y'all tell me if it's too much 🥲😅)
Taglist: If you wanna be added to my taglist for my future releases, please let me know! :) (I don't bite unless you want me to 🤭)
Writer’s note: This is my first release as a writer. Although, it’s not the first smut I wrote. (gonna release it soon 😉) Please be considerate of this. Also, being French Canadian, English isn’t my first language, so I apologize in advance if the wordings, choice of words or anything  isn’t the best. 🥲 I proofread and tried my best to make it as good as possible but let me know if there’s anything wrong, so I can improve in the future. :) It took me about a month to finish this, one because I’m a college student. Two, I just couldn’t figure out how to start it and kept restarting all the time, until I had THE idea in the middle of the night. (I’m starting to believe the best ideas happen at night 🤔 at least for me lmao)
📣📣I don't want none of y'all in my mentions, asks, dms, etc.. complaining about the pairing, my choice of tags, or anything else if it isn't ✨constructive✨ criticism PLEASE AND THA K YOU JUST KEEP SCROLLING IF YOU DON'T LIKE AND/OR DON'T HAVE ANYTHING GOOD TO SAY📣📣
And on that, I'll leave y'all to read and enjoy 😌
Don't forget to reply, reblog, like and follow me if you liked it 😇
Cyn 🖤 aka @cynssia (my main)
♡ ♡ ♡
Forbidden. Forbidden thoughts. Forbidden talks. Forbidden touches. Forbidden kisses. Forbidden relationship. It was forbidden. Everything about this was forbidden. Yet, here she was… Here they were…
She doesn’t remember exactly how it got to this point. It all happened so fast. One minute she knocked on Roman’s locker room door, the other, she was sitting on the black leather couch in the middle of the room... Tribal Chief and American Nightmare sitting on either side of her. But now, there was no coming back. There was no way out of this. Not that she, or they wanted to back out from this anyway… 
You had dreamed about similar scenarios before, with either of them… Only difference? You had them both at the same time, tonight. In the same room. Touching you. Feeling you. You all knew you were bad for doing this, for being here. Tension grew to a point of no return, after weeks of teasing, shared eye contacts, innocent touches of the arm…
The tension in the room was high. 
Heavy breathings. 
Sweaty palms. 
But everything written in their eyes. 
Not a word spoken. 
Attraction. Desperation. Need. Lust. 
Bodies brushing against each other… Warm and hot. Eyes locked on one and switching to another. Deep and daring. Waiting on the first who dares make a move. 
It didn’t take long.
She felt his strong palm on her left thigh. Moving in slow deliberate movements. Up and down, feeling the warmth of her skin under her clothes. Confident and gentle touch. Long calloused fingers grasping at the rough material of her jeans. Her skin erupted with chills, feeling his hand through the material. Teeth biting her lip. Heart beating fast and unsteady. Butterflies in her tummy. 
And then… Another hand was on her right thigh. Shy touch. Almost scared to hurt her. Delicately tracing patterns with his thumb on the side of her thigh. Your legs were wide open, feeling them both pulling on you. You were stuck in place. Not knowing how to react. Not knowing what to do. All you could do was leave your body to both of them. Both their eyes on you. Drinking in your body, your every curve. Bodies getting closer and closer. If that was even possible. 
Nervousness grew as the samoan on your left moved his hand from your thigh and moved your hair away from your face, behind your ear. The tip of his fingers barely brushed the skin of your cheek. The touch was nothing but gentle under his rough fingers. “You’re so beautiful, Y/N…”, he said, before licking his lips astonishingly slowly, your eyes looked down hungrily at them. Watching as his tongue lubricated his lips, before creeping on the side and disappearing back into his mouth. 
You felt your mouth starting to water. Slowly melting under his touch and sweet words, you always were a sucker for men telling you how pretty you were, how sexy you looked, how much of a good girl you were…
Before you knew it, his hand wrapped around your neck firmly, your eyes instantly closing and a gasp leaving your lips at the sudden movement. His lips trailed down sloppy kisses on your jaw and neck, his beard tickling your skin, now covered with chills. You could feel him smirk on your skin as he moved down to your neck. 
You couldn’t concentrate only on him, though… Not when Cody’s hand was now cupping your right breast, a soft groan moving past his lips. His leg brushed against yours as he moved his head dangerously close to your ear, biting the skin gently. One hand grasping Roman’s wrist, while the other instantly went to Cody’s cheek. Both men going to town on both your neck and shoulders… The warmth of their body enveloping you.
A mess. You were a mess. 
Your body was at their full disposition. They could do whatever they pleased with you. You’d let them. Eyes closed, trying to make sense of everything you were feeling. Trying to make sense of all the emotions felt at the same time. It was a first for you. Never have you ever had two men to yourself, let alone kissing your skin at the same time. “Fuck..”, you moaned, not being able to contain how good they made you feel at this exact moment. Time felt stuck in time.
All your worries had surprisingly disappeared…
“Look at you… You love that shit don’t you?”, you heard Roman say, voice low, almost a whisper. His hand left your neck, now gently holding your chin making you turn your head to look at him. You had a hard time keeping your eyes open. It also wasn’t helping that Cody’s lips and hands were everywhere. 
You couldn’t believe the way your body was behaving. The way it made you feel. The way they made you feel. With just the slightest look and slightest touch. “Y-yess.”, was all you let out in between breaths. They both chuckled at the state you were in. Your eyes opened and locked with Roman.
God. The way he looked at you.
Hunger. Gaze filled with lust and need.
And hell… You wanted to devour him too…
“Such a nasty girl, aren’t you? We barely touched you and look at you… you can’t stop moaning and grinding…”, Roman whispered, smirking, inches away from your face. Everything about him was perfect. He looked so sexy and hot. Though, hot was an understatement. No words in the dictionary could ever describe him perfectly. He didn’t seem real. 
He looked down at your lips for a second and licked his, looking at you. His dark brown irises diving straight into you, almost melting under his gaze. 
God, just kiss me already, you thought. 
“You’re right.. What are we gonna do to her?”, you heard Cody say, now looking at Roman, curious. His voice was deep but almost a whisper. Your breath caught in your throat at his words. Swallowing quickly, you looked at both men and almost came just at the sight of  them… They were sitting right there. They looked so good. You couldn’t believe how lucky you were right now. Having them both for your own pleasure. All to yourself. 
The look they shared, though. Fuck. You almost thought they were about to kiss right here and there. Eyes locked on each other, not moving one bit. Both waiting and daring the other one for what was about to happen. Turning his head to look at you, smirking, as always, Roman let out “I have my idea…” 
Yeah. You were fucked. There was no coming back from this, now. You were now at their mercy. 
Roman finally granted you with what you wanted desperately, as he brought his lips to yours. Your hand now on his thigh, gripping for dear life against the firmness under your touch. Teasingly and slowly moving your hand up, dangerously close to his hardening dick. The kiss was nothing but sloppy and messy and he moaned on your lips as your hand moved closer to where he was starting to need your attention. Both fighting for dominance with your tongues, you heard “Can I get a taste too..?”
Roman groaned in the kiss and you were sure he rolled his eyes too at Cody’s desperate need for attention. You chuckled and reluctantly moved your lips away from him, but not before biting his bottom lip.
You turned your attention to Cody, who smirked when he saw you motioning a ‘come here’ with your finger. “Your turn champ’.”, you winked at him, grabbing him by the neck and kissing him with similar passion than your previous kiss. His right hand resting on your cheek to deepen the kiss as his left hand was creeping behind your back, grabbing your ass.
Lust-filled eyes and cheeks starting to turn a pretty shade of pink, adding to his already charming features… 
It’s true that the temperature in the room had dropped in the last minutes…
“Bet you can taste me on her lips... You like it?”, you heard Roman say under his breath behind you. You could tell the little fuck was smirking too.
“Shut up Reigns.”, Cody replied back against your lips, not even looking at him. 
You heard him let out a chuckle. Lips still busy against Cody’s lips, you felt a pair of brown eyes burning through you and Cody as he watched you kiss. He wasn’t pleased with the fact you weren’t giving him any attention right now.. A groan left his plump lips, feeling his big hand moving up and down the bare skin of your back, under your shirt. You shivered at his touch. 
The samoan wasn’t gonna wait any longer to get a taste of you. Plus, he was done watching you and Cody kiss, “Enough kissing. Strip. Now.”, he demanded, his voice deep and serious. So, you did as you were told, getting up from the couch and standing in front of them. . 
Your movements were quick, yet slow. You took your time, yet you wanted to tease them. 
You started by taking off your shoes and discarding them somewhere in the room. Moving your hips to some kind of rhythm, seductively, you slowly moved your hands over your top. Grabbing your covered breasts, you glanced over to them for a second, looking at their reaction. They were both in trance, watching your every move. Their eyes followed your hands as they moved on your boobs and then, grabbed the hem of your top to put it over your head, now met with your chest and black lacy bra. 
You turned around, undid your bra and took it off slowly, leaving it to fall on the floor. Before turning around, you grabbed your naked boobs in your hands and moved your hips around. When you were in front of them again, still grabbing your boobs in your hands, you played with them a little, watching as their breaths caught in their throats. Winking at them you let go of your hands and let your breasts free. “Shit” and “Fuck” could be heard almost as a whisper. They watched both your boobs with hungry eyes, seeing how they bounced to your every move. Your nipples pink and perked. Not wasting another second, you took your jeans and panties off. 
Completely nude in front of them, you watched as they both shared a look then, turned to smirk at you. “You’re so beautiful, Y/N.”, Cody said, staring straight into your eyes, biting his lip. Roman hummed agreeing with him, “Sooo beautiful baby girl…” Cheeks turned red at their comments and the way they were both devouring you with their gaze. The prey they couldn’t wait to get a taste of. 
Roman was stroking his beard with his right hand’s fingers. Licking his lips slowly. Legs wide. Left hand laying flat on his thigh.
Cody was breathing heavily. Chest moving up and down under his black ‘American Nightmare’ tank top, with every breath he took. Right arm laying on the arm of the couch, fingers touching his chin. Deep in thought.
Their eyes were admiring your perfectly shaped body. All the hours spent at the gym and performance center in the last year or so, have done wonders to your body. You knew it. And they knew it. Growing impatient with their staring game, while they were sitting there fully clothed, you decided to say something, “Nuh uh, why y’all still with your clothes on… kinda unfair if you ask me…”, you looked at them while you talked, they both started smiling. 
“Do something about it then.”
“Oh, I will.”, you winked at Roman who dared you to make a move. Dropping to your knees, you started crawling over to Cody. Feeling Roman’s eyes following your every move, you stopped and looked at him, “Don’t worry, your turn will come too…”, you lowered your voice, “.. my Tribal Chief.”, looking at him innocently. That sure had an effect on him, you could tell with the groan that came out of him. 
“Oh, just wait til’ I get my hold on you…”, he retorted, voice low and husky. 
You chuckled and continued following the path leading you to Cody’s lap. He opened his legs a little to make room for you, situating yourself right in the middle. Locking eyes with him, his piercing blue eyes dove straight into your soul. Your heart almost skipped a beat at how deep his gaze was and how pretty his eyes looked. Even prettier now that they were filled with lust and desire for your sexy body incredibly close to him.
Eyes went down to his crotch, visibly showing his arousal through his sweatpants. Licking your lips, you brought your hands to his thighs, slowly massaging them and letting your nails grab at the material. Purposely ignoring the bulge in his pants, your hands moved under his tank top, to his abs. You heard him gulp loudly when your hot and soft hands touched his chest, up and down. You leaned yourself up and lifted his tank top, leaving soft kisses on his tummy. Making your way up in between his chest and pecs, where you took it off. Your eyes locked with his when he tossed it somewhere on the floor, but moved down quickly to your breasts. At full display, your hardened nipples cried for him to touch them. That’s exactly what he did. He grabbed both globes with his hands, playing with them and feeling how soft they were under his touch. Your head tilted back, feeling his lips connect with your left nipple, sucking, only to switch to the other and give it the same attention. “Cody..”, you moaned, your hands at the back of his neck bringing him closer. “Been wanting to see these two, for soooo long, you have no idea…”, he muttered against your skin, moaning. 
You chuckled, “Actually… I spotted you more than once staring at them…”, you connected your lips with his and kissed him softly, now that his head left your chest. “You’re real’ bad at hidin’ it, y’know..”, you winked at him. “Maybe I wasn’t trying to hide..”, he chuckled.
“Such a bad boy.. you’re a bad liar too..”, you retorted, moving your head down to kiss his shoulder and ‘Dream’ tattoo, soft breaths coming out of his puffy lips, your lips kissing everywhere on his chest.
Moving away from his gorgeous chest, your fingers were now playing with the waistband of his sweatpants. They slipped under them, Cody lifted his hips to help you take them off him, as well as his boxers. His erection sprung free and tall on his abdomen, a gasp leaving him when it finally met with the thick and hot atmosphere of the room. No longer constricted under clothing.
Barely touching the length of his dick with the tip of your pointer finger, you looked at him as you murmured teasingly, “I’d play with you.. I really want to…, but I have to take care of ‘mister big man’ over there…”, motioning with your hand and head to Roman, eagerly waiting on the other end of the couch. “Hope you don’t mind.”, you smirked as you stood up from in between his legs. He sighed but chuckled at the way you talked to him. Shit, she’s so hot, he thought. 
Big smirk on your face, tongue creeping at the corner of your mouth, you walked over to Roman. Him watching your every move intently. You swung your hips and situated your legs on either side of Roman’s, straddling his muscular thighs. 
“Hey, you.”, you said, smiling, your lips inches from each other. “Hey, baby girl…”, he smiled back, lowering his hands to your ass and slapping your left cheek with his right hand. “Mhm, fuck!”, you jumped at the slap, but you couldn’t hide the moan that came out of you. It felt so good. 
“Took you long enough…”, he said, making you melt on top of him. He always had a way with words and his raspy voice never failed to wake up the butterflies in your tummy. Grabbing your neck with his hand, he brought your face closer to his, whispering in your ear, “Daddy’s been waiting for you… for way too long…” You felt his tongue on your shoulder, his rough beard tickling your skin making you giggle, accompanied with a moan at his words. 
Tilting your head to the side, leaving him more access to your neck, your hands were now grabbing his biceps. You loved the feeling of his soft skin against your fingers and how big they felt in your tiny hands. You moved back from him, tugging on his ‘OTC’ shirt motioning for him to take it off. 
He did as you wanted, pulling his shirt over his head. His hands were fast on your hips again and he smirked, watching you stare at his body. His big hands were warm and helped you move your hips against his covered self. Bringing your left hand to his tribal tattoo, you lightly traced the contour of it with your finger. Biting your lip, your hands roamed over his massive chest, feeling him relax under your touch. 
“You’ so fuckin’ wet already..”, he groaned seeing as you were leaving a mess on his pants. A wet spot of your arousal for both him and Cody was left there. Making your way down his chest, you hummed on his skin, lips following down his pecs, to finish at his abs. Face now ‘eye level’ with his crotch and by the bulge in his pants, you knew he was big and more than excited to see you…
“You’re welcome.”, Cody whispered, his voice low and barely audible. “Uh? What are y- mmhm fuckk.”, Roman started asking Cody, until he felt your hand on his big thick dick. 
“Oh, sorry couldn’t resist..”, you smirked, innocently. He was too busy retorting to Cody, that he didn’t even realize you had zipped down his pants and retrieved it from his underwear. Your hand was moving astonishingly slow, teasing him even more. Your thumb moved to his red mushroomed tip, collecting the precum and moving it along his shaft. Moving your hand up and down, locking your eyes with his, watching as his mouth was left open, throaty moans leaving his plump lips. He wasn’t even in your mouth yet, but he already looked close to losing it. 
You smiled triumphantly, the powers of teasing and messing with him had taken over him. Clearly, you had such a big effect on him. Good. 
“Y/N.. if you keep that up I’mma cum…”, he moaned, desperately warning you. 
Now, that didn’t come from Roman…
Turning your head, you were met with a messy looking Cody, slowly stroking his dick. He looked desperate and so irresistible, his cheeks all flustered and pink. His gaze begging you to come over to him and suck his dick.. 
“You were touching yourself watching me suck his dick? Umm?”, you bit your lip, watching as he was trying to catch his breath, “You liked that, didn’t you?”, you smirked.
Shit. You couldn’t even believe the words that came out of your own mouth. That’s how big of an effect these men had on you. 
“Why don’t you come over here and suck my dick, too?”, his voice sounded so desperate, and he looked so fucking hot, pretty much begging you with puppy eyes and a pout. 
“I’mma tell ya’ she has the lips of an angel…”, Roman said, moaning as he remembered the feeling of your mouth around his dick just minutes ago.
Crawling to Cody’s lap, you took his dick in your hand, feeling it throb from your touch. Licking a stripe along the length, you followed by putting his full dick in your mouth, little by little. Cody grabbed your hair and pulled on it, guiding you as your mouth took him fully. “Fuck, you’re so good at this…”, he moaned, his head hitting the back of the couch, eyes closed. 
He wasn’t as big as Roman, but his dick still was decently big and thick. At least, you could fit him completely in your mouth and you did so, making sure to twirl your tongue all around his sensitive tip. 
With the position you were in, doggy style, ass in the air, Roman had easy access to your pussy. You felt his thumb moving along your folds, spreading your wetness. Soon enough, his hands were grabbing your ass, pulling the cheeks apart, as he was feasting on your juicy cunt, hungrily. Tongue slurping around and tasting your sweet juices. “You taste soo good baby….”, you heard him say, combined with slurping sounds, moaning in your pussy, his tongue now teasing your entrance. 
Continuing his work on your needy pussy, he inserted one finger knuckles deep, slowly, before adding another one. You were now a moaning mess. Stroking Cody’s dick you moved your head to the side to moan, “Mhmm, Roman, fuck…” This only made him go faster and deeper, touching that sweet little spot deep inside you that made you go crazy, as you felt the familiar feeling of a climax quickly approaching. 
Feeling your walls clenching around his fingers, he knew how close you were. Bringing his right arm around you, he rubbed your clit, “C’mon cum all over my fingers.. you’re doing so good baby girl..”, he encouraged you. Your body started shaking. 
Cody removed you from his dick, repositioned himself on the couch so he could kiss your neck and touch your boobs, adding on to your pleasure building up. “So fucking beautiful.. I wanna see that pretty face of yours as you’re cumming…”, he muttered. “Like that…”, he started stroking his dick again with his free hand at the sight of you close to climaxing. While his other hand was still on one of your boobs, playing and pinching at your nipple. 
And then, you came. Hard. 
As your breathing went back to normal, Roman removed his hands from you and put them to his mouth, licking them clean. 
You pushed yourself up on your knees and brought your hand to your pussy, collecting some of your juices, looking at Cody while doing so. He watched curiously, waiting for your next move, “Wanna taste, handsome?”, you asked him, motioning to your arousal-coated fingers. He gasped, but eagerly nodded yes. 
Taking your fingers and pushing them past his lips, he sucked on them and hummed at the sweet taste on his tongue, “Mmm. You taste divine baby...” You leaned in and kissed his lips, tasting yourself on them, as you started grinding yourself against Roman’s dick, poking your ass from behind you.
“You’re such a naughty girl.. can’t get enough of one of us..”, Roman groaned, feeling you grind against him, firmly holding your hips against him.
Both Cody and Roman chuckled at your desperate state, “I know… so fucking needy…”, Cody agreed, watching you suck on his thumb. While also watching how your hips moved against Roman. Free hand moving back to his dick, playing with it, pleasuring himself.
“Look at you.. touching yourself… You want his dick that bad, uh?”, you moaned at his words, your fingers on your pussy, rubbing your clit. A moaning and grinding mess. It’s what you were.
“Oh, and she’s gon’ get it…”, Roman said, feeling him move behind you. You heard his soft moans, knowing he had his dick in his hand, stroking himself a few times, before finally entering your wet entrance. Both moaning at the feeling of his tip slowly moving past your warm folds, “Oh my goddd…”, was all you let out.
Taking his time, pushing his dick little by little, letting you adjust to his size. Then, grabbing you by the neck, he brought you flush to him, your back touching his chest. He started slamming into you, hard, hands holding you close. You cried, his dick filling you completely and perfectly. Moving his hand over your mouth, trying his best to silence your moans, “As much as I love hearing your pretty moans… you need to keep it down.. Don’t wanna get caught like this with us, do ya’?”
“MmNoooMhm.”, you said against his hand, barely audible. 
“Bet you’re clenching and gripping his cock so good right now…”, Cody moaned watching you take all of Roman, and you all knew there was a lot of him… You heard Roman chuckle on your neck, “Keep on watchin’, you ain’t close to get your turn on her tight pussy”.
With the way he was hitting your sweet spot with every thrust, your hands were gripping his wrists hard. Head laying on his shoulder. Eyes closed. Mouth slightly open.  “That’s it, baby girl… Let him know how good it feels… How good, daddy, makes you feel… Show him…”, he groaned in your neck, voice husky and breathless, at how fast he was pounding your pussy. Trying his best not to be too loud either. 
Hearing Cody’s moans, you opened your eyes to look at him. You bit your lip, watching Cody’s eyes locked on your moving body, hand moving in fast movements on his erection, getting off to Roman and you fucking. Eyes moving down, watching his hand move around his dick. “I could cum just watching you get fucked.. you want it? You want me to cum all for you…”, Cody said under his breath, eyes locking with yours. He was close, no doubt about it. His face contorted in pleasure and his hand and hips moved erratically. 
Before you could even answer him, you heard a phone ringing. You felt Roman tense behind you, stopping all movements. Cody was wide-eyed and sat up straight on the couch at the sound.
“Shit, it’s your wife.”
Your eyes went wide at Roman’s words. Quickly coming back to your senses. Back to reality. What the fuck were you doing. You started feeling sick. Removing yourself from Roman, you jumped off the couch and started putting your clothes back on, wanting to leave ‘asap’.
“Fuckk, she told me she was gonna call before going to bed.”, you heard Cody say, also moving around the room retrieving his clothes and putting them on as quickly as he could. 
“We shouldn’t have done this. What the fuck.”, you said, finishing putting on your shoes and grabbing your phone, running to the door, closing it behind you.
Leaving and dressing up so fast, you didn’t even realize you forgot to take your vest and bra still laying on the floor…
To be continued…? 😋
🏷: @femdisa @harmshake @surdelcielo @eringobragh420 @smile1318 @murrylove @jxtina-86 @yana3sworld @empressdede @miss-kuki-nz @wrestlezaynia @aureliacorvina
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jeysbvck · 7 months
you made a mark on me (a golden tattoo)
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welp, here it is! cody has been my favourite wrestler since 2007/2008, and i NEVER thought i'd write a fic about him, but here we are! after mondays segment, i couldn't get this out of my mind and i hope you all enjoy reading it as much as i enjoyed writing it!! please reblog & comment, they are really helpful & motivating to fic writers!
taglist; @nightmare-viper @harmshake @wrestlezaynia @alyyaanna @xtripleiiix @afterdarkprincess @courtninacole @crxssjae @wrestlingprincess80 🫶🏻 (if u wanna be taken off the list or added, lemme know!!)
warnings; teasing in public, f receiving, m receiving, slight praise kink, p in v penetration, slight exhibitionism, jealous!cody (if i've missed anything please let me know!)
word count; 2.7k
summary; once again, teasing Cody works wonders.
Even from the other side of the room, you could feel those blue eyes on you, staring so hard you were sure you'd find a burn mark on your cheek when you looked in a mirror. You leaned your elbow on the bar, twirling a piece of hair around your finger as you half listened to Damian; giggling and playfully slapping his arm or chest at the right times. You could barely pay attention to Damian. All you could think about was Cody and how he was reacting to the very obvious flirting happening. You could picture his face clearly in your mind; the way his usually soft gaze would be hardened watching the scene play out, the way he'd be clenching his jaw or biting the inside of his cheek; waiting for the moment he could drag you away without causing suspicion.
The moment came sooner than anticipated when Dom dragged Damian away to rejoin the rest of The Judgement Day in the booth they'd occupied all night. You looked around the room, searching for Cody, but when you couldn't find him, you opted to join Sami and Jey, who were waving at you wildly. Before you could, someone came up behind you, and their hand gripped your bicep tightly.
"I know what you're doing," Cody said, his voice low in your ear.
You craned your neck so you could smile up at Cody. "What? I was just having a very lovely conversation with Damian." You said innocently.
Cody spun you around and glared down at you, his eyes looking brighter under the dim lights. "It won't work." He told you, and you tilted your head, pouting slightly.
"I don't know what you're talking about." You replied, batting your eyelashes, making Cody roll his neck. "You wanna dance?" You quickly asked before he could say anything else.
He glanced at the mass of people dancing and pulled a face. "We really shouldn't..."
"Come on, I was dancing with Jey earlier. It doesn't -"
"You were dancing with Jey?" He asked, his nostrils flaring as he narrowed his eyes. "Fine, let's dance." He conceded, unable to hide his jealousy as he pulled you to the dancefloor as you giggled.
You took advantage of the number of people on the dancefloor and pressed your body up against Cody while snaking your arms around his neck. His hands rested on your waist, and he raised his eyebrow, to which you shrugged, a smile dancing on your lips. "Sorry." You mouthed, and he shook his head, unable to hide the smile. "You're terrible." He replied, making you grin.
"Oh, you know you love it." You said, massaging the back of his neck with your fingertips, just like you did when you were curled up in bed together. Being this close to him was driving you wild, and if you couldn't touch him the way you truly wanted to, you'd revel in driving him just as wild.
You pushed your pussy into Cody's bulge as you danced, and his grip on your hips tightened. "Don't tease me," He warned, his voice almost a growl. "I'm not sure I'll be able to control myself."
You lifted yourself onto your toes and whispered in Codys' ear, your breasts pushing against his chest. "Who's asking you to control yourself? You could just let go."
Your breath on his neck and your scent in his nostrils was intoxicating. It sent a shiver down his spine, and he closed his eyes as he inhaled through his nose; a futile attempt to control the effect you were having on him. His hands made the journey from your hips to your ass and you glanced around the room, thankful that nobody was paying any attention to the two of you. Considering neither of you was ready for people to know about the two of you, you were playing a very dangerous game. Teasing each other and flirting around other people, stealing kisses and secret moments in crowded rooms, sneaking into each other's hotel rooms or onto Cody's bus; it was all so thrilling, and it was a miracle nobody had caught onto the two of you.
"Baby, you gotta stop." He groaned, squeezing your ass. "You're killing me."
Your eyebrow arched upwards, followed by a smirk. "You want me to stop?" You questioned, slipping your hand in between your bodies, sliding your hand down his shirt until you stopped at his belt buckle. "Just say the word, and I'll do whatever you want."
Cody dropped his head onto your shoulder, a low, almost animalistic sound emitting from his throat. He rutted against you, nipping at your neck as he did, the action making your pussy throb as you caught a moan in your throat. Before you could move your hand lower, Cody promptly grabbed your wrist.
"How about we continue this somewhere more private?" Cody said into your ear. He'd posed it as a question, but it wasn't intended as one— which was apparent when he didn't wait for your answer and practically dragged you out of the main party room and through the hotel lobby.
With his hand on the small of your back, he pushed you through the doors, the cold night air pinching your naked arms. Cody guided you around the corner, and before you knew it, you were up against the wall, his lips attaching to yours, forcing his tongue into your mouth. You reciprocated the kiss, tongues wrapping around each other; both moaning in harmony as he fondled your breasts over your dress. You unbuckled the belt and popped the button open, and when he bit down on your lip, you grinned. You tried to slip your hand into his boxers, ready to feel his cock in your hand, but Cody pulled away, breathless.
"Not here." He said, lacing his fingers around yours. You walked hand in hand across the parking lot, towards where trees lined the edge of the lot. The closer you got, the more you noticed the large outline of Codys' bus, hidden in the shadows of the trees, tucked away from the moonlight. 
"You brought your bus here?" You laughed. "You couldn't use the car?"
Cody unlocked the door and ushered you up the steps. "It's a good thing I didn't, isn't it? I knew you'd try something." He teased, slapping your ass lightly. You turned to face him.
"I knew it'd work." You said, reciprocating the soft smile he sent your way as the lock clicked. He took a few steps towards you, his eyes boring into your soul. They were mesmerising, like two oceans you were certain to drown in, and you wouldn't mind a single bit if you did.
"Of course, it worked," Cody said softly. "It'll always work."
You couldn't wait any longer. You pulled Cody towards you by his tie, your lips smashing together forcefully, his fingers tangled in your hair as he tugged slightly, deepening the kiss. He was like a drug you were addicted to, one that you'd never want to give up.
Cody spun you around and slowly unzipped your dress, peppering your naked back with kisses. The black, velvet number fell to the floor, and you turned to face him, standing in just your heels and black panties. He took a step back and carefully studied you like he was looking at his favourite work of art. He grinned and licked his lips as he arched his eyebrow.
"Get on the bed." He ordered. You stepped backwards until your legs hit the edge of the small bed, and you lowered yourself down, the mattress dipping under your weight. Cody pulled at his tie until it loosened and unbuttoned his shirt, smirking at you as he did.
He stood in front of you, his trousers still open from the make-out session outside, and you maintained eye contact as you pushed them and his boxers down his thighs, freeing his cock from its restraints. Cody's tongue poked out of between his teeth as he smirked, his eyes dark as he flicked his thumb across your bottom lip before he lined his cock up against your mouth.
You stuck your tongue out just enough for it to brush the tip, the simple action making Cody buck his hips. You opened your mouth wider, taking as much of Cody's cock as you could. His hand bundled your hair into a ponytail and as you closed your mouth around him, a groan left his lips as he pulled on your hair, throwing his head back. You dragged your tongue up the underside of his cock, the sensation making it twitch in your mouth. You flicked the tip before curling your tongue around it,and you grasped the base of him, taking a moment to look up at him while you pleasured him.
Cody's eyes were glazed over, profanities spilling from him while he guided your head and fucked your mouth. You loved the noises he made, loved the look on his face whenever you were together. He was usually so calm and collected, so to be the one who made him lose control, to fall apart because of you, it made you feel incredibly powerful and confident; something you didn't have much experience with until you met Cody.
He found himself in a rhythm— one that you wanted to disrupt and so you rolled his balls in your hands, massaging them gently as you took the rest of his cock, choking slightly as the tip hit the back of your throat. The noise Cody made was sinful, and you weren't sure you could be any more turned on until you looked up at him through teary eyes. The sweat was beading around his hairline, his teeth almost biting through his lip as he grunted and thrust into your face.
You wrapped your tongue around his cock and he forcefully pushed your head into him before he couldn't take anymore. He tugged you off by your hair, a Pop! echoing out around the bus. You watched him lean towards you and you crawled up the bed slightly, until Cody was leering over you, his eyes full of lust. He wiped your wet cheeks with his thumbs and kissed you; so much passion in the soft and tender embrace. The longer the kiss went on, the more fierce it became, and your back hit the soft sheets, bringing Cody down with you. His mouth followed a path, planting little butterfly kisses down your jawline, your neck, down to your cleavage  — where he latched onto your breast, sucking and biting as your hands ran down his shoulders, fingertips scratching his back. His mouth then continued its journey down your sternum to your stomach while his hand caressed your breast and rolled your nipple with his fingers. 
Cody hooked his thumbs under your underwear line and ripped them clean from your body. He threw them over his shoulder and held your hips down with one arm, his other hand snaking back up to your throat. He flattened his tongue against your slit and slowly dragged it up your cunt, beginning his feast.
Your hands grabbed the back of his head, and you attempted to buck your hips, but his arm wouldn't let you. "Ohhhh, Cody," you whimpered through little gasps, "feels so fucking good!"
You felt him smile against your thigh as he kissed along the insides before burying his face back into you. "You're such a good girl." He said. "You're my good girl." He said, before flicking your clit with the tip of his tongue. Your hips bucked again, and his grip on your throat tightened as did the grip on your hips. Cody was great at everything he did, he had that Midas touch, but he was incredible at making you feel amazing.
You squeaked as he pushed his tongue into your entrance, releasing your throat so he could caress your clit with his thumb as he fucked you with his tongue. You writhed underneath him as much as he'd allow, pushing his head deeper into your cunt, gripping your thighs against his head, unintelligible sounds leaving your throat as your toes curled.
"Co-Cody, please! I'm gonna cum!" You gasped. He chuckled, picking up the pace and your moans got louder. You were certain that everyone in the hotel would be able to hear you, and that the bus would no longer be hidden from everyone— but you didn't care one bit.
You came undone in seconds, and Cody released your hips from his grasp so you could ride his face, his name spilling out of your mouth. His kept working as you rode the wave of your orgasm and when he came up for air, you giggled breathlessly.
Cody climbed up your body like a lion hunting its prey. He needed to be inside you, to feel your walls clench tight around him as he fucked you hard. He rubbed his cock against your slit, sliding it between your lips, without penetrating. You wrapped your legs around him, attempting to pull him closer to you, trying to force him to give you what you craved. He laughed, his tongue poking out the corner of his mouth and rubbed your entrance with the tip of his cock.
"Cody, please -" You whined, your heels digging into his ass cheeks.
"Use your words, baby."
"Cody- I want your-" His tip teased your cunt again and you groaned, your eyes rolling to the back of your head. "Cody, please fu-fuck m- ohhh ffuck!"
He slammed into you, guttural groans passing through his lips at the euphoric sensation. He would never tire of any of this— of being inside you, making you scream his name and lose control at the slightest touch. He loved feeling your body underneath him or on top of him. Even the smallest of gestures; the slightest touch of your pinky fingers secretly interlocking around people and his favourite— when you placed your palm on his cheek before a match, a little good luck ritual you'd implemented long ago. He would never get enough of the sparks that coursed through his veins when you touched.
His pace quickened when your walls clenched around him. Your moans echoed around the room, in harmony once again, and as another orgasm reached its peak, your arms reached around Cody's neck and pulled toward you, pressing your lips together. The kiss was messy and toothy, and he interlaced your fingers together, sending his free hand between your bodies, his finger circling your clit. You quickly became unglued and your head thrashed against the bed, screaming Cody's name, just the way he liked; as Cody reached his own orgasm, his mouth found your neck, biting down hard before he lapped at the skin with his tongue.
He dropped his body onto you, and you wrapped your arms around his back, enjoying the weight of him on top of you. He nuzzled his head into your neck, pulling the sheets over the both of you, and you closed your eyes, feeling content. With his chest on yours, your heartbeats combined, like your two hearts were one. There were so many reasons for you to go public with your relationship, to let people in on your secret. You wanted to scream from the rooftops about how lucky you were to be the one Cody Rhodes wanted to be with. But you also wanted to stay in your bubble, in your own world where it was just the two of you, nobody else mattered, or even existed.
Cody lifted his head off your chest and leaned onto his elbow, tilting his head as he grinned at you. "You okay?" He asked and you turned to face him, reaching your hand up and placing your palm on his cheek, smiling at the beautiful man with the hearts in his eyes that were for you, and only you.
"I'm starving." You whispered, grinning at him. He rolled onto his back, reaching for a phone that was on the bedside cabinet. He settled back onto the bed, and you found your usual space on his chest. "What do you fancy?"
"Apart from you?" You asked, tracing circles around his chest. Cody laughed loudly, and you grinned wider. "Chinese."
"Whatever you want, you shall receive." Cody replied, making you blush. "Yeah?" You asked, and he nodded, planting his lips on your forehead softly.
"Of course. Always."
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joannasteez · 2 months
starship pain
pairing: cody rhodes x reader , cm punk x reader warning: explicit content (smut) minors pls dni. angst. emotional infidelity? loads of description!!! a lot of space related metaphors. authors note: lovely little request from @harmshake i hope i did your idea some justice. this takes place after mania. somethings are changed and switched around to fit my ideas. so it's a bit of an alternative universe from present kayfabe. the one flashback i have in this has a little red text noting when in the timeline of the year its set in!! word count: 14k tagging: @333creolelady @theninthwonder @kill-the-artiste @empressdede @southerngirl41 @2-muchsauce @crxssjae @coyotegirl-ramblings @luchorgasm @xbriexx @wanna-see-my-lease
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...what gives a star it's character?...
...and with the display of such magnificent character, do stars not go about tirelessly with the work of inspiring awe? living wondrously bright amidst the deafening swallow of that deep void called space, so much so, that even with great distance, they exist bold enough to be witnessed. if so, then can we not be stars too? though not as great, can we not aspire, with terrible diligence, to be as breathtaking?... 
and with the conclusion of wrestlemania forty, the philadelphia crowd erupts thunderous. earsplitting even. the american nightmare, cody rhodes, kneeling with tears at the heart of the ring. clutching the weight of the title belt. gold in hand, the newly crowned undisputed wwe universal champion. the hearts, minds, joys and displeasures of the people performing well to revolve in orbit around such star-like greatness.
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"your moonsault needs a bit of work still". your father's voice coarse from age. his eyes unblinking. a perfectionist's stare. his penchant for over examination as lively as the sun. existing still even with the residual thrill of wrestlemania. "you're hesitating too much before you press off'. 
you sigh. small enough that it goes incomprehensible. sipping at early afternoon coffee complimentary of the hotel. "it was just nerves pop", you give. because facing rhea ripley for the title, center stage in front of thousands was no easy feat. preparation took a back seat, amongst the lights and screams and hard bumps to the body. it was natural to have a seconds worth of overthought. "the match was fine'.
because it was fine. it was good. great even. two women telling a story with the violent bursting and clash of their bodies. loss be damned. it felt good to withstand the cold. to toil through limitation so fiercely. an easy break of a glass ceiling that worked well to loom above your head for some time. but your hall of fame of a father couldn't see pass the minor inconsistencies. a scrutinizer to the greatest degree. 
"you should come by the gym soon. we can catch up. work through a few things together'". 
catch up and work through meaning your body bouncing off a turn buckle till his satisfaction reached a good, sore, exhaustion. you pivot quickly at the thought of it. at the thought of drilling through moves and the terse cut of his voice. 
you pick up your phone, hearing the shift of feet from across the hotel room. another sip of coffee that plays well over the soft closing of the bathroom door. because your father didn't need to know the details of your latest tryst. especially so soon after the events of the biggest sports entertainment night of the year. everything to him, that isn't the four sided ring, a distraction. 
you smile. "doesn't sound like anything's wrong with my wrestling. sounds like you miss me". 
he softens. blinks his eyes and lets his pride show through a small smile. "any father in their right mind would". 
"so then say it".
"your moonsault is near flawless...", he gives. like relenting but not really. "...and i miss you". 
the bedsheets ruffle behind you. your cue to end the moment before it has the chance to sour.
"we'll talk later", you give. "i have to go". 
"alright. be good".
the face time call ends. gentle touching steps along the carpet of your hotel bedroom before you're slipping under puffy sheets. the philadelphia sun bursting beyond thin curtains to shape his face. blue eyes more sky than ocean under such bright warmth. his fingers quick to pull against your body. slipping up and over with a tender maneuvering till you lay against him like he seems to like. a drawn tune of a hum singing, your weight pressing in to comfort the sore, exhausted champion. his neck craning, rushing with movement to follow the run of your touch over his scalp and across the apple of his cheek. lips dipping into the heart of your palm. 
"did i wake you?", you ask. 
"no", cody gives. voice tired. "my phones been going crazy all morning". 
your thumb caresses just beneath his bottom lip. soft and sweeping. "as expected. the price goes up when you're the champ. so does the attention". 
"is that right?", tone suggestive. eyes a heavy linger along your lips. 
you oblige him. a small sweet reward for all his tiresome effort. your lips, sweet and rich, tasting of coffee as they meet his. a tender meshing before they slip to slot passionate. his fingers curling into your hips. a venture to endear you, moaning lazy as his body forms deeper into the sheets. mouths parting only so his indulgences can lead him else where. wet, tongue led kisses along your pulse. hot breath and the dull graze of his teeth. surely overwrought still by the thrill of the night before. this morning version of him performing with a delirious high. his every touch sure and firm. the hands of a champion. 
"how does it feel?" 
a deep breath. weighing the question with silence. finding a home for his yet to be spoken thoughts in the dip of your neck. the part of his lips there producing a shiver up your spine. 
"good. it feels good". the shine in his eyes threatening to wane. "scary. now i have to actually carry it. do some good with it". 
you kiss him sweetly. a plant of reassurance. "you will". words kind as you roll on your side to face him. catching the beginnings of an etch in of adoration as he fails to look away from you. a semblance of something near unpleasant troubling your chest. like being under the weight of his gaze is too much to bare. 
"thank you for being here". 
"of course". 
"i couldn't get to you properly last night. it all moved so fast after the match. one thing after the other". 
you find yourself ruffling through his hair again. your own will, making to ingratiate your senses to him. like staining the skin to lay a good base for memory. "it's ok. m'here now", mouth on him. an urge that lives with imperfections, your tongue flicking soft, lapping over sweetly till it works away that ambivalent trouble in your belly. urges growing greater by the second till they form with an edge too defined to ignore. eager now, to feel him against skin. the way the mellow heat of him flares under your palm, melting the worry till it runs off into desire. this performance of a great gravitational pull.
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regulating yourself to one drink for the night is a testier task than originally thought, but it works well enough. the celebratory buzz of the room filling in where the warmth of liquor doesn't. the philadelphia skyline sparkling the dark chill of the night as the closed in rooftop swells up to a comfortable fullness. wrestling stars at every corner. drinks in hand and simple, cheery conversation. the scene of it all, once a dream, talked of and imagined, now a reality as you maneuver amidst it all.
a firm take to your arm pulls you toward the secrecy of a corner. your lips failing to keep away from a pull up of excitement. heels clicking to keep the pace as you're rounded about a tall column and tucked away behind it. cody pressing in. a lazy little kiss against your mouth that tastes like his drink of choice. the glass clutched in his hand still, attempting not to spill it. 
not so long after your intimate morning did you both part. post-mania obligations too much of a priority to ignore. 
his free hand slips into the slit of your dress. fingers curling into your thigh. a silky brown number that matches his undone suit. his tie loose, his jacket gone and the vest unbuttoned. cheeks dusted a faint pink. his mouth pressing into your pulse. housing there to feel the warmth corralling under the skin. 
and with only a few weeks of this relationship have you confirmed just how affectionate cody is. his every touch made to linger, his smile luminous and his words warm as they work tirelessly to sink into skin. 
"you look", a kiss to your cheek. "absolutely beautiful angel", and another to your mouth. 
you smile. lip tucking under your teeth. "thank you". fingers running to crease his shirt. pulling him closer. the curt shuffle of his shoes clicking forward as your back flushes up into the corner. your eyes sweeping over his mouth. reaching to lick in for a kiss that makes him groan. "you look good too". tasting the bitterness washing his tongue before going in for more. "very good", a purr of a moan floating in that makes his breath hitch before he's groaning soft. a mindless overworking of nerves you're sure. because the weeks with him thus far—albeit fresh—have been nothing short of a teasing game. heavy traveling and the looming possibility of a good passion not yet explored. that trouble in your belly shortening the full breath of your desires. 
you break for air, remembering where you are. he downs the rest of his drink. clutching the glass still. 
"you had a lot to drink?", you ask. wiping at his mouth with your thumb. licking at the residual bits of liquor.
his eyes trailing over your lips. unhurried to meet back at your eyes. "not too much. this was my last. m'tappin out early". 
"good", you give. tugging at the undone part of his vest. keeping him flushed up against you so that the strength of his cologne steeps in. "cause i need you sober. we have unfinished business". 
his free hand still finds itself making a home beyond the slit of your dress. kneading just where your thigh rounds out into the supple flesh of your bottom. a firm squeeze that's all possession. the action risky, but exhilaratingly so. his words toughing out with a groaning. "fuck the party then". 
"no. enjoy it". slipping from under him slowly. "we'll have plenty of time later". 
a final look of promise before you click away. deep tempering breaths that work to quell your own rise of desire. cheeks hot and your body beneath the delicate dress teeming with the memory of his touch. sensations comfortable enough that they leave you wanting. borderline desperate. but yes, what lives of the the draw, the pull of him, all a symptom of simple necessity. his everything sure enough to fall into. a security exacting to an almost bothersome degree. but maybe this full consumption isn't a bad thing, after past failures and flings too loose and undefined. shapeless, wordless things. maybe cody is what you need. your body tucking to lean into the wall that meets the end of the rooftop bar. "gin and tonic", you order. 
soft clutching hands at your shoulder. you turn. bianca belair beaming with excited knowing eyes and a smirk. "you got blondie real red in the face", she starts. slipping up next to you. "no thoughts, just half of a three piece suit and a vibe". 
you smile with her. feeling heat in your cheeks and a swirl in your belly. the intimacy of your relationship with cody no outright secret, but the confirmation of it never really reaching the great private sphere of your friends and friendly acquaintances. because it was business only yours and cody's to keep or share, but bianca is a good friend. closer than most. a former tag team partner. a nxt sister. and the playfulness of her curiosities were always as fun to indulge in as they were to hear. 
"a real nasty vibe", you chuckle. "that man was trying to give ya'll a PLE from the corner. i had to slip away while i could". 
"and i get it cause this brown and gold!?", her hand taking yours to spin you around. appraising the the beauty of your dress and accessories. her fingers dabbing up under an eye and sniffling with faux tears. "i taught you so well". 
"you really did". 
both of you laughing and sipping at your drinks. 
"is it serious?", her tone shifting firm. 
the question forcing you into a bout of consideration you've attempted to stray from on many occasions. but it's crucial nonetheless. a conclusion you'll have to come to regardless. 
"i mean, i don't know". thumb rubbing against the chill of your glass. taking to a silent mull over. the past few weeks or so a whirlwind of affection. secret rendezvous' and late night calls. the tenderness of him working with an endless drive, even amongst the world of work set before the both of you. "we're slow burning it a bit but i think the end goal for him is to have something serious". 
and your wording doesn't go unnoticed, not that you want it to. some part of you maybe looking to gain some much needed perspective. a nudge in the direction you feel is necessary. and she doesn't fail in delivering it. "you deserve something stable. the casual shit is cool but it's not forever". 
you sigh. memory serving well of your former trysts with a different superstar. "i agreed on that being casual".
"you can agree to a lot when you think the dick is good". sipping at her drink. "he's here by the way". 
and if you pretend not be be affected by the possibility of seeing him, of being seen by him, then doesn't that null the existence of the feeling all together? that twist in of nerves in your belly. residual things, like words and perhaps sentiments left to wander the void of space formally known as a very casual but fevered, undefined union of legs and lips. a deep passion left to succumb to the suffocating elements of space and time. 
"i figured he'd be".
his name is a draw. of money, eyes and thoughts. his return causing this gravitational pull of the people, controversial or otherwise. a veteran in his own right. for him not to be seen at a celebration of the greatest night in their business would be confounded and weird. 
"you good with all that though? i know it ended kinda all of a sudden". 
from passion all the time to none at all. hour long drives and last minute flights. apartments and not so high floor hotel rooms. his name seemingly forever written into the slip and work of your tongue. free and casual but still working so sure in that space of passion that the feeling of being beholden to one another felt more truer by the day. living too sporadically—and maybe too unrestrained—still though, to last well enough on its own. because without the consistency of light, how is anything sure to grow? and then in came cody, prying away your attention with the ease and experience of a star born to evoke awe. his light pleasant and safe. 
you shrug. "you live and learn, you move on. i'm good where i am". 
bianca smiles. her arms a nice embrace. "as you should be. m'happy for you".
"thank you", you give. her warmth contagious. your body squeezing into the hug. 
and when she's called away, montez drunkenly whisking his wife to another corner of the room, she parts with an apologetic smile. mouthing "sorry", as her sloshed to capacity of a husband drags her along with him. leaving you to live alone at the end of the bar, newly made acknowledgements of your relationship resting over you thickly. a tight take of adrenaline to your nerves. small sips of your drink working only to occupy your hands. unwilling to decipher the root of such a rush. fear or excitement. either way, the feeling of it drops your belly and leaves the tiny hairs everywhere to stand on end. because this has happened before, drawing too close to the power of a star too soon, burning amongst the void before the possibility of impact. 
shoes click, approaching beside you. his cologne familiar. a scent made to intrigue. memory slipping in to harshen the roll over happening in your belly. of course he'd be here. the self proclaimed 'best in the world', the second city saint, the straight edged superstar. after some months of nothing, cm punk is alive and looking too well for you to stand. 
you sip again. a cool lean up again the wall. eyes patient as they go about examining him whole. his doing just the same. 
he looks good in a suit, much to your dismay. 
"you clean up well", you give. meeting his eyes. standing firm against the heaviness of his gaze. 
"so i've been told", slipping closer. his body leaning up against the bar to rest just as coolly as you have against the wall. a casual disposition so incredibly indicative of your times together. "you look beautiful. nothing new for you though".
"you're letting your grays grow out again". 
"a new era, a new look". his palm smoothening over the salt and pepper patches of hair. a smile running through his lips. "you always did like them". 
a fight to arrest the heat in your cheeks and old memories. "so what, this is about me?"
"such a smart girl", he chuckles. "i love it when you state the obvious". 
you grin at his teasing. "i just had one of the most important nights of my life', shoving up against him playfully. "you can't be a dick to me". 
"you did well by the way". a sincerity that makes something bloom over the skin. a jittered feeling you choose to ignore as he continues. "a nice bag of new little moves and tricks, it was good shit for your first mania. get rid of that moonsault though, it doesn't fit you". 
you scoff. "oh cause you know what fits". 
body bracing for impact just after such a wild take to flight. the words leaving before you can think them over. his shoulders shaking as he laughs. 
"i've had the pleasure of knowing a time or two". 
"oh fuck you punk". 
"i mean...", dark earthy eyes sweeping over your lips. a lazy, patient journey over your body. a show of his appraisal. "...i don't know if you can. given your new boy toy and all". 
"i'm bound to get a new toy if the old one breaks". not that cody is a toy. no. he's no play thing in the slightest. a sudden need to defend him in that right springing up till its thick in your mouth. stitching into words. his every intention appearing precise and laid bare. sweet gestures and impassioned words. his everything lingering long enough for you to notice. "it's a lot more serious than you think". 
"so it seems", voice neutral, but appearing in his eyes to live, these little slivers of disappointment. 
its something not meant to harp on for the sake of your own peace. but they try their damnedest to penetrate. working diligent. enough for the air to feel too warm and thick to breathe in. your barely touched drink a nuisance and the friendly crowd of the celebration too much to handle. and thank God for cody, your attention catching his motions for you. slipping through the crowd to head for the entry-exit doors. a make to leave as he catches your eyes to join him. 
"i should...i should go-"
"that's a smart decision". 
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cody's tongue tastes like his drink of choice. room temperature whiskey. the lap of it lazy and patient, aiming to steep into the palate. his lips soft, twisting wet as they go about the work of ingratiating the senses. his hands following suit. a tight journey over the skin, heat flaring up in the wake of such an ardent touch. curling in to leave cratered impressions. his movements breathtaking, your body hoisted up in his arms before you're bouncing into the fluff of the bed. persistent fingers and his mouth ready, tongue dipping into where your body pliantly unfolds for him. your legs spreading with guidance. an exposure to the air that pulls a shiver through the body. 
"so pretty", musing to himself. tongue slipping deep. warm and wet and earnest. groaning from a pleasure that comes with pleasure. your inner thighs suffering under the gripping weight of his touch. a steady hold that keeps you open for him. "been thinkin about this all day". 
you hiss. touch filled with delirium. your belly overwrought and filling in hot. skin breaking away from the chilly philadelphia air. your hips testing their limits. a gentle swing up that catches against the rhythm of his mouth. a sweet suckle to your clit that shortens the air in your chest.
his thumb joins the fray. teases the messy drool of arousal pooling to drip lazy like. a dull circling at that broaches the possibility but nothing more. leaving you with the desire to be filled to the hilt. your pussy pulsing hard against his tongue. clenching about nothing, waiting impatient as he revels in his own play at giving pleasure.
"cody please", voice near broken. a sweet little plea. 
he leaves you spread. watches your little performance of appeal. nails painted a color that leaves a beautiful contrast against your soft skin. slipping sweet at the bud of your clit. holding his eyes. enchantment and lust. the light of his desire bright enough that it reflects beautifully off your skin. curving its way up the body. paints itself warm over the work of your pleasure. melting in till its swirling heavy at the base of your belly. a sensation that grows easy. another groan erupting, surely from that clinging sensation you've bought to his tongue. pulsing and shivering. singing and moaning wispy for him. a full consumption that breaks the resolve you've built so easily. and when his thumb sinks into the fat of your clit, circling deep and persistent, you sink further into the sheets. a sharp "fuck", breaking into the air. your nerves unruly as they go in their frenzy. 
your body drunk, senses beautifully askew. a quick to arrive release that speaks to his determination. 
his mouth messy and slipping over your inner thighs. working to kiss your belly and through the valley of your breast. tongue peaking before it flattens over the perk of your nipples. an involuntary rut in your hips rushing up into him. the sensation like kindling for a fire. 
you taste yourself. pulling your lips to his. the whiskey and that dangerous steep in of your own arousal. his hands nailed into the sheets. your own freeing him from his underwear. hot and hard in your hand. slipping him through slick arousal, to feel how awfully ready he is for you, before you're guiding him in with a desperate hand. head tipping into the bed as you feel the wet split as he goes. a hiss of enjoyment as he deepens, resting just over the end of you. 
cody hums. diving his nose into the scent of your perfume. the stain of it at your neck arresting him. hips knocking in firm. deft and easy. working you open to take him. 
your palms sweep over muscle. to layer over that already laid foundation of memory.  his back taut and strong. nails clawing in as he fills you whole. your lips parting. breaths taken. belly coiling with the threat of release. and here the work of taking him in feels more than good. that troubling knot of ambivalence that once warred beneath the skin, trampled upon with a temporary defeat, as his hips work steadily. 
"you feel so good", a moaning drawl of words. 
an admission that slips its way to settling into thick air. performing well enough to saturate the room. and its true. cody feels good. amazing. his warmth gentle, and his everything near flawless.
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the man wrapped in your arms, the reigning undisputed universal champion, is only near flawless. this, a thought that slips deep into your conscience. taking root aggressively so. but are stars not perfect in shape? bright and the enormity of them sensational. great enough in size that the draw of them from within performs well enough to gather equally at every side. a faultless sphere of a shape indeed. and has he not—in spite of your damning early morning sentiments—taken on that part of a stars character? wearing it warm and well. the wrestling world revolving to orbit his dazzling spectacle of victory amongst the mania. then what of it could be so wrong as to call him only near flawless and not flawless simply? the touch of his skin and the pull of his lips gracious even in hunger and looking to consume. a ready made heat not so dissimilar to a great star. 
it's clear. so very fucking clear, amidst the slow creep in of the morning, as your phone vibrates with a call, just where the doubt reeks from. 
'the best in the world' showing up as caller ID. because you never changed the name. because you never had the heart to leave him nameless even. slipping from the sheets, from the comfortable weight of cody's body. a fluffy robe over your skin as you slide the balcony doors of the hotel room open. answering his call. 
those slivers of disappointment in his eyes from last night. performing well enough to disrupt your feelings. like the grand effects of a solar flare. 
"have breakfast with me", he starts. 
no preamble to give you room to deflect. a sigh heavy as it leaves you. his morning voice coarse and unfortunately satisfying. maybe you should've stayed in bed. wrapped yourself deeper beneath the sheets and the lay over of cody's body. 
"we lose a little contact and you forget your manners. that's unfortunate". 
he chuckles. "please?"
"that took a lot out of you huh?" 
"not really". a dramatic little pause, because punk does have a flare for it. albeit in small doses, in his own way. and you can feel him smiling through the phone. can feel the change in tone just before he can give it. "begging is just usually more your thing than it is mine". 
and the truth only hurts, vexes the nerve so, because it is the truth. because it has life. breathing and smiling with the sole objective of tethering itself ungraciously to every little thing you do. 
"can you not?" 
"you like it".
slivers of guilt. peering to look through the glass of the balcony door. cody still sleeping, peacefully unaware. but what is there to be guilty of? the past solely the past. this little phone call but a blip in time. a soundless action amidst the airless void of space. 
"ok, m'sorry". he relents. receiving your silence in full. "i'll stop". 
"i can't do breakfast. it wouldn't feel right". 
"it's just coffee and a little chit chat". 
lies. "i've never had just coffee with you...", memory serving right as the words grow heavy and thick. leaving the tongue less easy than you'd like them to. months of passioned tryst' and rendezvous, from city to city, before and not so long after his return to the company. "...it's always had some accompaniment to it". 
he hums. "i know how to respect a boundary if that's what you're worried about". 
slivers of guilt still. a pang in your chest. the cool morning philadelphia air doing nothing to lessen the heat in your cheeks. "the boundary isn't just for you", admission quick and terse. angered that it had to leave.
this slow to slip along silence. a lazy passing over before he's chuckling again. like the type of amusement you get after a small win. his voice is all raspy satisfaction. "i see", he gives.
"i'm sure whatever you want to say over coffee, you can just say over the phone right now".
"you gonna make me bare my soul over some fuckin radio waves?"
it'd all be a less ceremonious go of words. not so serious. as shapeless and uncategorized as the months were with him. 
"you are notorious for saying things you probably shouldn't, so keep that in mind".
"old habits unfortunately die very hard sweetheart". 
a chill creeping up the spine. riding in along the morning air. "it's almost eight a.m., it's not even a good time to be sharing all this...sentiment". 
"then give me a time and place". 
"i don't know punk, whenever you can get to a target closest to you", laughing a little. the rejection feeling sweet and easy as it leaves you. "they sell journals and diary's with matching pens. that's a good place to put all of your little feelings". 
you stand. watching cody slowly make his way to the bathroom through the glass balcony window. your hand against the handle to slide it open. "i have to go". a quick throw of words before you end the call. pride slowly inching over the skin. 
a successful deterrent.
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the “archangels moonsault", a name coined by a collective of your fathers contemporaries. his performance of the golden triangle moonsault habitually flawless. appearing more angel than man as his body soared for some seconds. awe forever struck across the color of your eyes at such a spectacle, so much so, that you wished to live it. and so it went, a song and dance done many times before. the child of a legend attempting to step beyond that harrowing shadow in hopes of creating their own. the awe inspired, attempting now to inspire awe. like the cinematic feat of interstellar travel, viable only through the art of imagination. a play at the impossible, and nothing more. the perpetual falling short of a dangerous aspiration. nerves fraying at the seams and a deep plummeting of the heart. angst, a side effect of near flawlessness. starship pain.
"just keep workin at it", cody said once. watching your frustration after failing to perfect your fathers beloved moonsault. the precision of it lacking. your body insistent on underperformance. resentful of the air.
the encouragement working against its own intention. a bitterness rising to meet your tongue. but the near success of it grows palpable on your fingertips. nagging the nerve endings there so much that it forces into the skin a deep repetition. a cycle of the same thing for weeks on end—house shows, and training, and live events and training, and meet and greets and training, and merch signings and training, and interviews and training, and photoshoots and training—till the system grew faithful. and whichever cracks of free time expose themselves are quickly remedied with cody. because if all these distractions exists, then the time to decipher the bitterness growing on your tongue has no room to live. the ambivalence attempting to sneak in your belly once again, snuffed out by other things. 
and friday night smackdown becomes an interesting state of affairs amidst your little world of moonsault turmoil. cody and punk both drafted, a feud storyline written up by creatives. the new undisputed champion versus the self proclaimed best in the world. a guarantee for money and ratings. which always means good business. your draft to smackdown a grounds for opportunity just the same. a fresh creative direction post-mania. but such good chances don't stop your body's war with itself. feeling the toil of the work, that faithful routine, and refusing to surrender from it's grudge. resentful of the air still. 
but cody remains. his touch heated and sure. a sweet kiss to your skin in the privacy of a dressing room before your first match on the smackdown brand. the memory of his words sticking as you make to kiss him. 'just keep workin at it'. the rush of affection feeling odd. 
"you okay?", his eyes searching. thumb swiping gentle, palm holding at your cheek. 
"yeah", your body odd in it's skin. tempted to leave but feeling the need to stay. you grab his hand. a gentle squeeze of assurance. "i think it's just nerves". 
"you been workin at it hard. it's gonna pay off", he gives. his smile small but bright still. a hand roaming gentle. soothing up your back. 
but the second city saint was, is, never too far behind. posturing himself as the metaphorical rock, adamant on flushing you uncomfortably against a hard place. slivers of mischief in his stride and in coarse perfected words. the smackdown before backlash interesting to say the least. proving itself as the first domino. the main event of the night a strategic volley of words. the returned superstar and the undisputed champion. the knot tying itself about your belly barbarous as it works, watching them dig into each other with dramatic promises of destruction. the usual song and dance of a good promo. waiting for something terrible that affirms the odd abrupt spring ups of guilt and that bitterness refusing to leave your throat. everything of your romance, center stage and dazzling with bright lights for all the world to see. and when the words stop, the crowd jeering for who they hate and loud in delight for who they love, the air grows thick with the way it deafens. 
rough thudding drops of their microphones before that faithful rushing in. fire in their eyes and a close size up of the competition. good drama for the crowd. 
punk breaks with a laugh. similar in an amusement you've heard, felt before. like he's won a small victory. wholly fucking satisfied and happy about it. reaching to whisper something in cody's ear. words that penetrate more than they're supposed to. something a little less fire filled than anger striking bold along cody's expression. like a smoldering yet to come fully ablaze. 
and it is said that for every star, there is a loss of mass in it's life time. a lessening of that gravitational pull. a change of character that threatens its awe. 
his skin warm, but not as balmy. his kiss sweet but the comfort of it waning. the journey to seeing to its ease seeming more painful than letting it be. but the need to try breathes still. living bored and tired and thin, but alive nonetheless. the late hours between the end of the live show and his first official title defense quiet and terrible. all of his little bright smiles and tender touches gone. the beauty of the french hotel drained by this sudden standstill. blue eyes colder and distant. taken by the trouble of overthinking. 
text message | outgoing: wtf did you say to him?
text message | the best in the world: what's my name saved as in your phone? 
your fingers feel weak. tired and unable. the nerves there doing well in fraying at the seams. held hostage by a guilt that refuses to leave.
text message | the best in the world: i'm not really a write my feelings in journals kinda guy, you should know that. i want to see your pretty little face for a chat still. whenever you decide to stop avoiding me. 
text message | outgoing: boundaries remember? or are the new gray hairs screwing your memory
text message | the best in the world: well i figure a little courtesy closure is in order before your boy gets his ass whipped on live television. 
text message | outgoing: closure? can't really close a door that never existed can you? 
a thick, curling cloud of steam rolls into the hotel bedroom from the open door of the shower. a silent invitation to join him—an olive branch living still in spite of his sudden brooding—that your body refuses to indulge. but the air does well in an attempt to suffocate you anyways. skin sweltering uncomfortably. or maybe it's just the ambivalence in your belly and the dull taste of something wrong on your tongue. frayed nerves and this half shaped desire to leave. all of these symptoms living as the summation of...of something that feels too harsh to speak to. your eyes take a steady read over the chain of messages. a once over that happens too many times to happen just once and yet there is no clarity of thought here. 
closure? a type of reconciliation afforded to people once terribly impassioned. and yes, your times with him were fevered. fierce little meetings that left you craving more. but never did the attraction burn so much as to bring about such a heat, that lived closer to something like love than not, or whatever he seems to be feeling. 
but there was that one time in albany. a confusing, charged little tryst. different from the others. his fingers curling in so deep then that he'd bruised your skin, like he was trying to remember you-
"so...", cody starts. a simple word edged with hesitation. bath towel wrapped about his waist as he pads out of the steam of the bathroom. skin wet and tantalizingly inviting. "...you and punk?" and finally it comes. the source of his brooding, his silence. that dejection of touch and affection. 
your phone grows heavy in your hands. plops along the sheets like a weight. "old news", words ironed and pressed. dressed up in a surety, that if spoken with enough, can be believable. because the second city saint is old news. 
his eyes are cold. a gray-blue snatched from the impending roll in of a storm. "feels pretty current", he sighs. turns to the table below the bedroom mirror. searching through a small bag of things. lotions and colognes and clothes and such. his perfect teeth spreading mirthless. "very current actually". 
your body anchors to the bed, and curiosity an anchor in your body. inspires a refusal to move—to go to him, to ease the tension in his shoulders—as the sharp edges of it rip through till it holds deep enough. 
"what'd he say to you?" 
"nothing worth repeating...", hands rubbing about his face. a serum moisturizer. taking up small work as he finds and treads slow through words. tone like that of an interrogators though not nearly as violent. but the suspicion in him bothers to root well enough that it can't be hidden. can't be done away with easily. "just implying a bunch of... of shit. which is interesting because punks not that type of guy on the mic. if it needs to be said, he makes it plain..."
"its a work probably...". tone cool. indifferent. the sensation resting in your belly just the opposite. words spilling, living two fold. an attempt at persuasion overflowing so well that it performs for him and yourself just the same. "...ratings, clicks, views. it's drama for tv". 
"well it feels pretty damn personal". 
"and what?", you scoff. "winning mania wasn't?" 
cody recedes. softens. because winning at mania was personal. business but very personal. the stakes of such a win clinging to the base of his emotions at every breath and turn till the belt rested in his hands. that much you could feel, drawing closer to him in those months—a sweet, innocent friendship born from this great host of similarities—till nearly every moment was spent with each other. his words and his thoughts and his touches becoming more intimate. affections as clear as the perfect beauty of his smile. and then comes the guilt, a drizzle against the air, like the first damning drops before the inevitable chaos of a down pour. your body lighter now. the will to leave him be, to wrestle with his feelings by his lonesome unanchored by the shame of doing so. 
"am i being crazy about this?", he asks. 
you move to him. crossing the exceptional size of the room to embrace him. arms encircling and your eyes gentle. his skin warm and comfortable. your body fighting itself still though, even amidst the vulnerability of him, battling back these slivers of a temptation to leave. "it's a mind game. don't let him win". 
his hands venture. a smooth, sweeping take along your arms till they cradle your face. thumbs tender as they roll at the apple of your cheeks. "and us? this is it right? we're solid?"
your eyes flick to his lips in a means to inspire within yourself some true meaning of devotion. desire and fidelity. your mouth pressing sweetly to the seam of his as you pull him into a deeper embrace. words kept unsaid. buried alive before the work of a damning departure. your tongue soft and slipping gentle. wet and precious enough to elicit a moan. the tension in him waning as he goes, falling further into your show of affection. shoulders unburdened and the heat returning pleasantly to his skin. a performance that convinces only his hesitations and nothing of your own. 
and that lack of conviction reigns over heavily. devastatingly so. failure thundering about your chest, slipping wild through the arms and legs, till it swims heavily about the head. ambivalence working ungracious in the body, like a storm of solar proportions. because cody had done well at backlash, performed greatly against the second city saint as they went head to head in their first of a best of three match. 
but you—your knees buckling just after the press off for the archangels moonsault—do terribly. a harsh botch that leaves your feet to slip, head hitting against the ring before your body can be properly caught. a concussion that blurs your vision for the remainder of the match. 
a number of horrible executions that follow, equilibrium disrupted, all amounting to a slow paced performance. your body resentful, spiteful now too. 
this attempt at a diligent work of resting comfortably in the security of cody's everything, like a roaming out into the hostile environment of space. unprepared and certainly unfit for such an expedition of passion. a fast deterioration of desire and the weakening of a strength to see to its survival. 
this longing for a good and whole and secure thing, a need pulsing your heart strong and persistent, now inverted, though working with the same vigor, to bring you under with a maddening sort of frailty. a self induced bout of muscle atrophy. 
"a break", is what hunter is calling it. his words and eyes this odd, cold meshing of empathy and business. a command that lives without the room to resist and it stings even the strongest parts of your ego. 
punishment by the ether, for aspiring to reach so far, with so much confidence, for something never meant to be had. because stars exist out of reach, with light years of distance, for a reason. 
and the doctor gives a definitive "no" on flying back to the states. a futile joke to follow about getting much needed rest in the "city of love", which in full effect lurches your stomach into a fit so disgusting that it empties. that bile troubling itself in your belly, waiting for its call to action, finally revealing its putrid nature to be formidable and unrelenting. a symptom of the concussion they say, but you know, above all things medically sound, that this is just violent revenge inflicted upon the self. the body taunting the mind for its ill-purposed ambition. trying to fall into something comfortable and love-like with cody was, is, and would always be ill-purposed ambition. 
the air of the suv heavy with that leather interior smell. rolling smooth and slow against the parisian streets on its way back to the hotel. 
cody's finger playing along yours with a soothing caress. a patient concern brushing up the drained make of your face from his eyes. soft music living under the sound of his voice as he goes. "they'll probably clear you to fly in a few days. i can get someone to book a flight for you, and you can just… just be with me...", a gentle tone but living definitive. committing himself to your care. a security you'd always hoped to fully adore. "...and im not saying this like you're unfit to take care of yourself but i wanna help...", his blue eyes looking for a response and receiving much of nothing. a shallow head nod that keeps him rambling. "...i wanna—just let me do this for you. please?", his hand squeezing yours. a feather weight gesture. "let me take care of it, okay?" 
you blink. eye lids heavy with exhaustion. a drained sensation that leaves you too undone for any proper recognition of feeling other than emptiness. your voice hoarse, the acid moving up violent enough that it stole away the fullness of it.
"i hear you cody". 
the last words said to him before his departure from france in the morning. 
an army of texts and calls heating your phone as the sun rose and rested amongst the clouds with a far comfortable distance. a reminder of terribly fated ambitions. water at your bedside that felt like heaven as it settled in and down the body. 
five calls from bianca and encouragement texts of the "i love you" variety. one call from your father and a message that read more definitive than suggestive. "come home when you can", it said. and a text from him. 
text message | the best in the world: heard hunter put you on a bit of a break. im here for you when you need me. 
not if, but when. the confidence even amongst the sympathy, frustrating. an imagining of his cool, more sage than forest, green eyes screwed with pity. the thought of it beating a harsh heat pass skin into blood. rolling in amongst the red till it rushes to anger. a pounding in your skull and a light nausea rocketing the delicate lining of your belly. laid out along the length of a too beautiful parisian couch, your body forced to endure the harsh gravitational pull back down to earthly reality. for there could no longer be an ambitious voyage to that outer enormity, in search of bright, wonderful, comfortable lights. a star so secure in its character that you make no qualms with the threat of it burning your skin before even the reach of full impact. and truly how stupid and cowardly was it anyways? fearful of a different end so much as to suffer with something that just barely scratches the surface of fulfillment. 
fearful of the ill-controlled, imperfect things so terribly that you looked upward in an escape to the stars. 
and though albany, new york is not the perfect choice, it is the most suitable option for what you need. a quiet, reclusive setting that works well for all this wonderfully, amazing, burdensome introspection you've been forced to endure. truths roaming tirelessly about your skull as they look and wait with impatience to be fully actualized. and maybe—agreeing with his decisions against your better judgement and instinct—hunter was right. this "break", needed. a thing that could not be put off on the account of some bruised ego. countless little mishaps and slip ups in ring that had eventually led to a nasty botch during the biggest PLE since mania. the look of it not great for business or your health. but to hear it, to feel the full rejection of it, tears through you something fierce. a complete tattering of your pride till it remained undone in mangled pieces. raw and red and blood filled. and once the doctors give their clearance for you to fly, you leave france silently. without a word to anyone. bags and suitcases packed and ready. the flight to new york like a shipping over into uncharted territory. 
because some truths had made themselves painfully aware already. did not wait for your slow foot drag of a realization. funneling up hot and disgusting with the bile from your empty stomach. 
trying with cody was only a dream, forced and sculpted by your hands and a stubborn will, till it formed with jagged edges. the struggle to fit two unmatched puzzle pieces.  
"your old man'll kill me if he knows you're up here with me and not training with him". a ghost of a laugh living along with the coarse age of his voice. jimmy "the butcher" cruz, a dear old friend of your fathers, and a hall of famer in his own right, sighing agreeably as he speaks over the phone. "but you're welcome any time kiddo. you like my own, y'know that? the gym is here whenever you need it to be". 
"i appreciate you butch", you give. the slow ride to your hotel quiet and familiar.
"let me know if you need anything else".
"will do".
the call drops. a blow of air past your lips working well enough as it plays an odd tune of some mild mannered frustration. a soreness of spirit where the body breathes and functions well, systems and internal processes going on as they should but still there rests this adrift feeling. a weightless sensation. fatigue and an imbalance of any direct thought. confusion. symptoms of the concussion surely, which only do well in leaving you to exist in this dead space limbo. an auto pilot of movement. muscles remembering the weight of things. your suitcases and bags, and the heavy swing back of the hotel doors. memory bruised but alive. because you don't have an explanation for returning to albany. your foot stepping into the quaint beauty of the hotel room like aggressively lifting the unfinished heal of a scab. being here, in this place, like your body is taking the long, necessary journey back down to earth. hot on impact of the surface but ready to land. 
your lips suffering under your teeth and your fingers tingling. a wistful air working about you, brushing up against your skin as a reminder of times past. here in this place with him, before the abrupt end of it all. 
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flashback - january 2024 - albany, new york
and it is said, by scientists and theologians alike, that before the creation of everything, there was nothing. whether the world came to be from a Godly "let there be", or this abrupt but explosive expansion across the cosmos, the truth remains here, that we exist not of our own casual volition. and so if this coming into being—a devastatingly beautiful ripple through that forever stretch of space—is as ornate in nature as it is said to be, then how is it that one can exist so unceremoniously with another? passion this slow, steady expansion like that of the universe. his name on your tongue and his grip nestled into delicate skin. eyes fashioned with colors to rival that of those painting the faraway galaxies and the breaths singing between coarse little moaning songs, a great imitation of the wind. surely these are bouts of madness, giving frivolous, near shapeless names, for such heavy performances of affection. 
or maybe it isn't insanity. because don't we always give awful, insufficient names to things we hate. and even more terrible names to things we fear. 
the apple state inn, a small time hotel in albany, new york, is not known for it's size or luxury. a just off the exit, two and a half, maybe three star rated establishment—google reviews and the website beg to differ with one another—with a scarce housekeeping staff and forever stale, day old coffee. always near empty vending machines and a just out of high school receptionist who doesn't know the difference between credit and debit and counts change like they're counting sheep. but the walls are thick and the privacy is immaculate. immaculate enough that it'd be more useful and cost effective to keep from printing do not disturb cards than not. because once the door closes behind him and that roll of his mini suitcase follows him in, you figure—with the way he's nearly suffocating you with his mouth—that he needs all the undisturbed time he can get. 
the cloud over of steam and a stream of hot, prickly, shower water. your fingers sudsy as they comb through the slick, soaked ways of his hair. thumbs sweeping at his nape before the caress behind his ears. these tender little dotting ministrations that make him groan some. a dark, near weightless, trembling sort of song humming up his throat. tattooed fingers feeling stitched into the soft flesh of your hips as the water works to wash away the soapiness of his hair. his nose nudging into yours and the slight height of him leaving this impression about you that he's surrounding you some. working to consume. to prove with a wordless go of his everything that he's the best in the world. 
that thick curl of heat and the prod of his hard dick against your leg don't help either. his tongue jutting against your lips—a little lick that you chase with enthusiasm—as he smooths it over his own. such a damn tease. your body alive and burning with a war of feelings. not so little sensations that burst at your neck and your mouth and your chest and the warmth pulsing between already wet legs. the proximity of him damning to whatever words you used before to name your current state of affairs. because this seems a little more than casual. a little too charged and full of breath and life to be just a fulfillment of those nagging, sultry, desperate, bodily desires. because it's never felt this impassioned before. this slow and meticulous. a strangulation about the heart that makes the muscle somehow pump harder, faster. like if it fights for life, for it's right to be as its always been, than maybe it can survive the domineer of whatever this is.
the soap dissolves from his hair, washing down into the drain. your fingers remaining still. running dull over his scalp. a deep caressing. an act living so well that it forms it's own memory in your fingers. the seam of his lips pecking at yours. tiny, lax, unhurried kisses that work like they have till the end of the expansion of the universe. 
a laugh cuts up from your chest. like it's unsure it even wants to escape. a fear that it'll have to explain itself. 
cool green eyes and a spark of diligence you've only seen him have when he's wrestling. "what?"
"nothing, it's just...", eyes failing to meet him. dim as they take to the littered ink all over his chest instead. "...this is strangely intimate no?" because it is. the usual air of your rendezvous' living with a more curt edge to it. an urgency of spirit. something great and simple and to the point. made and brought about from a deep mutual attraction, but for the pure sake of fulfillment. 
and maybe your words, amounting to this cautioned little question, have put some distance between your bodies. like the air and nerve to say it leaves the both of you just a little more distant than seconds before. and it must have, because he's fastening himself to you. skin pressing hotly over skin, a slow mold, leaving you to shiver up against cool tiling. mouth still a sweet tease over yours. palm sweeping down and under to cup your thigh till it's hitching up into his palm and cinched to his waist. "i take last minute flights to nameless little, kinda three star hotels, to eagerly stick my dick in you...", his hips canting up. nudging at the sensitive bloom of your slit. lips at the curve of your ear. his breath hot and your skin shuddering. "...and i'm not knockin the hotels..", he chuckles. "...i'm just sayin. it's a bit of a journey to make it to you. this whole thing has been pretty intimate in a way for a while". 
you take slim little nips at your lip. "does that bother you?"
an earnest moan escaping as he slots his lips along yours for a real kiss. the gentleness of it turning sharp as his teeth glide to pull your lip. "why would it?...", tongue led kisses. hands cradling him hostage. his mouth tasting like the sweets he indulges in before he meets you. "...our whole thing is a little informal but that doesn't mean we can't have a moment...", nipping a trail to your neck and kissing over the slights as he goes. breath at your pulse and the thick heat of him slotting and nudging still between your legs. "...or moments". his words these actors of persuasion. as if muddying the lines of a casual thing has ever been good for anyone foolish enough to do it. 
"does it bother you?", he gives into your neck. fixing your hips to the wet wall as he grinds into them. 
the air thick still. his hair fine under your fingers as they find a home there. your lips kissing his shoulder. dazed by the sensation of shared little whispers and the hard ride of him provoking your arousal to slip and your belly to roll with delicious quiver. "no", you hum. meeting his hips with a roll of your own. "i think it makes our thing more enjoyable". words shaky and a shitty contradiction to the inevitable. 
because this thing, this flare of a sensation—soldering hot to melt your bones—is neither unceremonious or fleeting. it is that forever expansion, forming from nothing into something after the abrupt snap that wills it into being. a universe of a feeling housed in the fragility of skin, simple sweeping touches and the persistence of his eyes. 
your body is this picturesque take to the sheets. his arms strong, a gentle carry before he's settling to slot between your legs. wrapped up in your thighs and his lips placing delicate. and no, not like the simplicity of it would work in a means to break you, but like the need for reverencing runs deep enough that it'd feel like sin to ignore it. and cm punk has never been a man of self-denial. his tongue curling against yours, sweet and patient. hums of moans and the warmth of him working in beautiful opposition to the cool sheets. his thumb soothing up your jaw, palm cradling your cheek, like he's keeping the angle of your lips just where he likes it to be. control living easy in him. pressing kisses in without the urgency of forethought. 
and maybe the apple state inn deserves a five star rating. a review that speaks to the allure of low yellow lights and that natural smell of lavender stuck to the walls. 
an embarrassing sort of greediness spills over. hips rocking clumsily to rush into the simple glide through of his fingers at your slit. a firm circling with his thumb but still sedated. a measured touch that nearly aches your teeth in anticipation. breaths short and brattish whimpers. your back curling, attempting to steer him to the tight throb of your entrance. 
he's enjoying this. teeth nipping your lips with a small smile. nails digging at his arms in need. "please". a drawl of a whine. 
a gentle, testy, shallow, slip into your pussy makes him groan. raw and unmoderated. your legs falling over the muscles of his thighs, spread for him as he dips and retracts. the lewd little sound of it hot to the ears. "don't rush my process", teeth gripping into your neck. tongue following to sooth. 
you squeeze his arm. digging what exists of sharp nails into tattooed skin. impatience unruly. "fuck your process, i wanna-"
an emptiness. the dip of his lone finger gone, replaced with the swift swat of his hand at your slit. a gasp cutting up quick, your body jostling from the speed and the cruelty of it. nestling then in pleasure that rolls in after. his tongue still at your neck. remedying skin sure fated to bruise in the morning. your clit overly wet and throbbing and sliding messily along the idle way his finger just sits there. resting right over without a mind to do something useful. the second city saint, a bastard and a half. 
his laugh breaks into your skin. a little wry and a little mean. like maybe he thinks you're too audacious. so vulnerable and desperate and still making demands. "you barely know what you want for breakfast sometimes...", he starts. forehead pressed into yours. his right hand playing through the easy slip of your folds and the other tight as they ball the sheets near your head. like all of his control is stored there. knuckle white tight and fighting to stay strong. "...so whatever shit you think you want, it's just you being impatient and greedy. i guess its that only child syndrome shit". 
"fuck you", you cut. nudging your face against his. cheeks roughing over the gray of his beard. defiance rife. 
"oh sweetheart", he sings. a drawl of a tenor voice that makes you shudder. makes your hands cling to him tighter. like your hold there could maybe cause it to wring out more of his voice and breath, warm and sweet over your body. "you got not the slightest idea how much you're gonna eat every letter of what your just said". kissing your mouth harder. tongue sweeping with a less gentler purpose. lips pulling and suckling and nearly suffocating. looking to savor the dirty taste of your words. touch taking an abrupt curl into your pussy. a steady wet stroke that rattles your body with an almost ugly moan. almost. "you been drivin me crazy since before i got on that flight...", tongue lapping at your yours. a stress of a moan working up as he seats his finger deeper. "...been thinking about touching you for days". 
and you rush to meet the feed in of it. an upswing of your hips, urging him just that much deeper. praying for the feel of it along that sensitive little spot inside that makes your skin jitter and your breathing short. your hands cradling his face close. a tough hold in his hair as you suck his tongue. a lazy timeless go if it, nearly falling so well into it that you almost lose yourself. 
"someone sounds a little obsessed", you give against his lips. 
his eyes green but nearly black and piercing. forehead pressed to you still. "unfortunately yes". an almost whisper if not for the bass of it. 
your heart hammering. fearful and exhilarated all the same. 
and you can feel his mouth on yours still, moving and hot and dangerous even as your eyes close for some feen for reprieve. a break from the diligence of his own. but you can hear him, the pry the noise of him takes to flesh, like he's opening up and splitting your nerves at the seams. "want you to show me what you do when i'm gone...", kissing your lips sweetly. a second finger joining the first. burying deep to the knuckle and balancing with perfection the deftness it takes to numb your brain with bliss. clit nudging against the add of his thumb. sensitive and the sensation of it blooming it's way till it reaches your toes. "...wanna see how good you take care of yourself when i'm not with you'. 
that lavender smell soaked into the walls filling your lungs. the tips of your fingers pressing his thumb in till it's flush up against the swell of your clit. control ill suited to your body as you groan in his mouth. 
back curling in with another arch. nipples aching and needy and up against his chest. 
your longing this breathy, moaning, call to action. his mouth quick with a salacious answer, finding your body there. a flat, wide, lick over the twist of it. deep in it's savoring. curling and flicking and smiling about the perk of it as he feels you cling wet to his fingers. the pad of his thumb touched by the throb in your clit and the tight press you lay over it. keeping him there as he drags long and steady through your pussy. a greedy moan of his bleeding into your skin as it leaves him, the ball of your nipple playing in his mouth before he's suckling with tongue and prying with his hot mouth. wringing up the pleasure till it's voicing pliant and needy for him. teetering a line of overindulgence where he forsakes control. breaths heavy and hungry as he moves on to the other. a similar treatment that forces your hips to buck. a harsh, abrupt spurring that slips him deeper. right there, nestling and stroking lewd still. "harder, baby", you gasp. clutching the sheets. control lost. sporadic ruts that feen for that touch again. 
"there?", humming at your breast. fingers just a little more vicious. the sensation sweetening your blood as it heats.
throbs undulating your skin, like the rippling push of something that goes on to last forever. his thumb releasing to let your have at your own undoing. lips suffering under your teeth. eyes glazed and your head tipped into the sheets. chasing that bliss as it waits to unfurl all over. 
"yes", gasping. a tiny, pleading soprano. small and aching as it leaves you. trembling soft under him, the beginning of it rocking into you slowly. "oh God, i-", labored breaths and groaning. your fingers running up sloppy at your clit and his mouth suckling still. fucking into you with a purpose you're sure that entails seeing you go mad. "i'm coming ". 
he releases your nipple with a simple pop of his lips. returning to sweep his tongue through the awestruck expression of your mouth. a sloppy kiss. wet and meshing and a little mindless. pussy drooling still as it steeps and clings and throbs. 
"not sure he'd love hearing you say that but i sure do", a frail kiss at the edge of your mouth. "say it again". 
"i'm coming", you pant. short cuts of breath he presses his lips over. 
a glint to his eyes. gaze cascading over. appraising the state of your unraveling. "and so pretty doing it too". 
you hiss. body collecting with a short hitch, like it means to ease the landing of this brace-less thing. an effort made in vain as the violence of it takes you. his throat humming satisfied, and the work of his fingers going on still to brush up against that deeper, delicate, slip of skin in you that drives you crazy. a bright, pitchy, "fuck", flying off the tip of your tongue as you curl in and lose yourself. a wordless, world of a feeling. an inconceivable burst of color behind the eyes and your lungs fighting for those better takes of air. unruly and exposed. skin teeming with too much of a good thing. the bed dipping and un-dipping, the shift of him living just at the edges of your awareness. the taste of former words heavy and thick in your mouth, like he said they'd be. his fingers collecting your thighs to adjust the way they reveal the mess of you. 
a trail of dainty kisses as he ventures low. a journey over flesh to mark his appearance. a quiver playing your nerves, his tongue slipping to lick long along the full bloom of your slit. messy and drunk, like the careless indulgence of a reward long awaited. drawling moans and the grip in your thighs meaner than any touch he's given you thus far. a drive of his tongue through where you pulse and drip. weak hands near dead, trying their hardest to ease him off. eyes recovering and lazy, watching him go greedy. another hiss through your teeth, one now that indulges. a little less than brutal hold in his hair that keeps him close. the end of an old pleasure making way for a new one. suckling your clit like he did other parts of skin. little bursts of pleasure breaking to the surface, your hips rutting to following the sensation blindly. 
his quickness, a jarring little feat. feeding tongue into your mouth to share the taste of you. your thumbs over his cheeks and your thighs hiking over his hips. the hard heat of him grinding along till it's snug and laying at your slit. 
and even the thought of him slipping in is enough to leave you shivering. 
"how do you want me?" 
"deep". a thoughtless answer. your tongue wetting your lips, aching for it. "just take it, take me. i-", desperate and thin feeling. "please", you stress. 
his earlier words a little clearer. thoughts and imaginations disrupted, having been troubled by the thought of you. his diligence running vengeful. 
and there is nothing exactly satiating about this, about the pace, the life of it, of this. heavy feeling as he makes to stretch you deep. filling to the hilt and nestled comfortably so. like perhaps he was always meant to be there. your throat singing, breathy and filling his mouth as he makes to kiss you. a softness to you, boneless and subdued. the slightest touches made into something bigger and greater. a hand held at your thigh, a smooth reach till its hooking under your knee and the other calm and patience, the thumb of it stroking your forehead. 
"not much for being a selfish prick but i need you lookin at me", he rasps. cool green eyes just a bit warmer under the low lights. gentle and arresting. "so beautiful", like a whisper to himself. "i wanna see em when i'm coming in you", he gives. testing your devotion with a push of his hips. 
something heavy and dismantled erupting in his chest. bass-y and coarse, breathing over your mouth. his lips making like they mean to kiss you but never fully getting to the completion of it. your thighs housing a sweet aching and your ears burning hot, pleasured by the noise of him. the way his body slowly conforms to being taken in. easy and patient and terrible for his nerves. "yeahhh", he drawls, like an agreement of some staggering pleasure made with the self. or maybe a noise of satisfaction made pure by completion. 
whimpers stuttering and cut with short breaths. your eyes glassy and your throat gaining that bit of heaviness. softly trembling, and feeling crazy under the weight of his eyes. like such vulnerability would soon be your end. a quiet sob breaking free, fingers sinking into his skin for dear life. your pussy quivering desperate, clutching hot as he gives a slow, firm, slipping stroke, pressing in enough that it makes you whole. 
terror delighting it self in your bones. pressure in the body heavy enough to make diamonds. a tear slipping tenderly, falling over your cheek, the trouble of another release gathering in your belly. 
he kisses the wet streak along your face. lewd and hot and wet, pussy pulling at him softly to stay. an endearing path being made upon the skin, a light press of his lips everywhere. silent and filled with purpose.  
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it isn't enough to let go, to deny the self of a former ambition. solid ground must be met, a full impact made regardless of how unsavory the process is. this quiet, contemplative, stretch of time in albany, not so dissimilar to a travelers great return to earth. readjustments made to air and the gravity. a re-stabilization of things—your walking and your turning and your weight against the ropes of that faithful squared circle and your ego—because a concussion only made your body's resentment more of a hell to deal with. compromise, a great ordeal with the self, a testier thing to endure even. a month of falling away, deep into the recesses of a particularly dark shadow. a host of memory lanes and the diminishing of self importance. FOMO a real bitch and a half to deal with. the frustration buried beneath skin feeling more childlike than anything else, eyeing the others as they roam and enjoy, from the window of your injury styled detention. week after week, nestled at the back of a little less than dingy sports bar, watching your friends and colleagues perform at the greatest arena's and stadiums. 
but the time away made for an easier reclamation, a confession you wouldn't speak well too aloud, lest it proved hunter's opinions right. your head clear of that horrible knock of an ache against your skull and the nausea more than minimal. 
minimal, but not gone. a small swim of it rippling your belly. flowing against the slosh of ginger beer you've become friendly with since discovering the existence of 'porters dive bar'. an albany staple for the city's exuberant wrestling community. the spice of the ginger steeping your tongue and the fizz of the liquid rolling over to test the limits of your stomach. like the first weary steps of a travelers feet back on earth. a fear of failure but an eagerness of spirit regardless. the building back of strength and resistance. a well made sort of exposure therapy. 
your phone pings. another one of his messages appearing. his televised win against cody at an arena in albany, working like a kindling for this abrasive flare styling his words. ego on fire and looking to consume. 
text message | the best in the world: soon i'm gonna stop asking to see you and just show up unannounced. you know i'm close right? where are you?
text message | outgoing: porter's dive bar 
and this here is the full impact. a hypersonic re-entry. soaring past atmospheric layers as the body is once again enveloped by earths gravity. reality styled with its many worldly limitations. rich colors and coarse ground and a pulling weight in your bones. 
talking to him is that meeting of skin against solid ground. the unsavory process. 
your phone pings again. fingers slipping against the screen to reveal who. dread coursing wild and unfettered. a quick washing in your blood that plunges the heart. 
text message | cody r: can we meet sometime soon? to talk? 
text message | outgoing: of course.
you owe him that much. an explanation—regardless of how terrible it will form on your tongue. bile and a lack of brilliance born from guilt.—of your faults and self misguided decisions. but it's all just another step. a heel toe to reclaim familiarity with the earth. building back the strength lost from that unruly lack of ambition, from that great deal of muscle atrophy. 
the wooden chair opposite your booth seat scoots harshly against the floor. his entrance screeching your nerves to wake with a horrible sort of surprise. the cool green of his eyes hidden beneath the curl over of a ball cap brim. shoulders squared and wide and persistent. "you look good", he gives. sitting across from you. "refreshed". 
you settle your phone down. a soft tremble in your fingers as you make to embrace one hand in the other. the feel of his gaze, like the easy thin slice of a razor over thick skin. a surgical opening that leaves you bare to eyes and air alike. useless to yourself and a short ways from uncomfortable. fighting against a painless pain, against that shameful, irritating weakness that comes with vulnerability. fears and slivers of frustration born from this ill-controlled performance. because cm punk, the best in the world, makes you vulnerable. 
you take one of the two ginger beers off the table. sipping at the cool spice of it for some reprieve. "your first words are always about how i look".
"because i'm unfortunately very invested in your wellbeing". 
"s'not a whole lot of reciprocation on that front". words not minced. eyes trailing to look over the cold glass left untouched. his curiosities moving him to bring it closer. "what is this?"
"ginger beer". watching him sniff at the rim of the glass before he tests the taste. the spice of the ginger and the fizz delightful and cold sober. "reciprocation". the truth of it cutting across the air, to give something deep and sharp and exacting against whatever assumptions he's made amidst his resentments. because while your investments into his wellbeing weren't as vocal as his for yours, they still hold firm in some form of existence. 
"where you been hiding out?"
"our little go to hotel".
he shifts the curl of the brim to reveal more of his eyes. in a manner that allows you to see them well enough. to get the gist of whatever mixture of emotions they take. a hardened sort of confusion styling them now as your answer sinks in. "why there?" 
hesitation. like the stutter of your foot after a misstep. body afraid to fail, afraid to fall after that great coming back to earth. "not sure". 
his nose flares. a fierce movement. and then his jaw. a chain reaction of many things. as if to curb the brunt of his anger. this overbear of a deep vexing, he pulls into the constraint of words. hard eyes and a harder tongue. "you got a real nasty habit of not saying the things you mean and i can really do without it". 
but it was enough, too much even to admit such wrongdoings amidst the court of your own thoughts and imaginations. resentment housed by the body, less sore as the days venture on, but still aching in the skin. felt in the abruptness of harsh maneuvers. swimming knocks in the head and your balance disturbed. those disgusting dull bursts of nausea and a heaviness in your body. exhaustion from nothing. "...and what is it exactly that you want from me?" 
"a little transparency", he grits. "some honesty".  
"i was fine with cody...was on my way to something substantial even', you give. a corral of words you feel were truthful sometime ago. back when the ambition felt sure and not so unattainable. before muscle deep resentment and injury. "we fell away from each other naturally...", words more like a tool. these builders of persuasion. and God what horrible persuaders they were. everything falling off the tongue half made and shoddily voiced. "...but in true cm punk fashion, whenever you don't like something anymore you get pissy about it. threw a dirty little wrench into my relationship to screw me over". 
his chair stresses against the floor. body pulling in closer. fury stored in the pull in of his brows. "you screwed yourself. threw yourself headfirst into bullshit because you're scared. called what we had a thing, because if you actually put a decent name to it then you'd have to admit how you feel about me, and how much that terrifies you...", his tone hushed and curt and piercing. "because cody is safe and easy and if he fails at making you happy, it's no real loss at all right? because you were never really in all the way anyways". 
you feel thin. subdued and quite overwrought by all this exposure to him. "you had time to say something. why wait till when i'm with someone else?"
he sighs. settles into an answer like it's the hundredth time he's come to the conclusion of it. "spent since january trying to get rid of you and it didn't work for me, and you were on live tv botchin the hell out of everything, trying to get rid of me, so i don't think it really worked for you either...so here we are". 
the air thick and the silence loud. the droning of the bar easing in to fill the space. a hard siphon of the energy by words and the confession of not so dead feelings. your ginger beers icy still and watered. a waitress comes, strutting up to your table. 
"you guys need anything?"
"two more of these ginger beers please", punk gives. a small smile as she leaves. 
his eyes the color of garden sage. softer now. flitting over your face with a renewed sense of diligence.
and it's more clear now than it's ever been. he isn't going anywhere. 
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your fingers curl, a slow coming together into your palm to ball. multi-purposed, squeezing to live a little in that familiar burst of an ache. bones and muscles flexing as the skin pulls some. a summation of weariness. knuckles breaking against the door to knock. a similar rhythm playing in your chest, because cody could be many things. sad. angry. vexed. indifferent. he could speak wild or terribly soft, but inspire another layer of guilt to lay at your skin just the same. 
"just a second", he gives. bass in the voice and words slipping thick like over his tongue. in that way that he tries to cover some but can't help. 
a shift in your leg, like the anxious pinch of a nerve. a jerk or maybe a pulling. you're not sure what it is, but it's asking to move. to leave. to maybe do this another time. "i can come back later if you want", shouting some over the regular drone of pre-live show buzz. one hand slipping away from the cool metal of the door handle and the other undoing from that ache of a fist. making to about face into the fray of crew members. but he must recognize your voice, even through the thickness of the door. must've settled himself enough in whatever emotions he's living in.
his voice rushing. like he can feel you falling away from this long overdue talk. "no no, come in. i'm good. come in". 
your hand returns against the door handle. cool metal more like an icy burning. stepping into his dressing room like a re-entry into the world of him. his hair retouched to the roots, a cold blonde that pops his already sky blue eyes. his hands roughing with his wrestling boots. blinking up at you silently. mouth parted and slightly lost for words. like he'd maybe rehearsed everything and has now forgotten all the brilliance of it. a sigh leaving with that realization. like he'll have to forsake all the prearranged self made discussion and go about this a little less practiced. "you look well", he gives. with a nod. "the break did you some good". 
"yeah", stepping in further. arms folded over. body overly aware of his appraisal. "that seems to be the consensus". 
his throat clears, brows pulling together before they fall away quickly. this awkward abrupt movement that reveals the slow work of his thoughts. gears oiled and turning and trying out words before he says them. a farer cry from his in-ring persona, where he's suited and pristine and seemingly always ready. the little action of it making him more human to the eyes and less star-like. something you would have shrunk away from before out of fear that it would cause him some lackluster effect, now finding in its own imperfections, very endearing. 
"was it something about me, or anything i ever did that kinda just-...?", his voice falling off. left to motion oddly between your bodies with his hands. miming a separation. like finishing the words, allowing them to live in the air, would cause them to be true. 
"no! no, it was...", trying to find something not so terrible to soothe him with. stepping a little closer to him. arms unfolded. like the honesty begging to leave you for some time has now taken command of your body and it's functioning. "...i wasn't being honest about a lot of things with myself and it spilled over into what we had going on, and i'm really sorry about that". 
and he nods. not like he's accepting of it all but like he gets it. like he's relating to you. eyes softer, made vulnerable by his own truth. "all the...all the asinine bullshit leading up to mania just...", his eyes rolling as he remembers the trouble of it. "...on top of already wanting the belt for personal reasons, it just drove me crazy. and i think in the midst of that, i leaned in on us a little harder than i should've. maybe more than i planned to". fingers scratching and curling up into his hair, going about aimlessly almost. giving himself something to do to remedy the weight of his words. "we have quite a bit in common so...the intimacy was good enough, it-it was easy to just hold on to. i think we were both faking it to make it". 
your throat grows heavy, face warm with the well up of tears. relief meshing easy with the sadness of it all. the both of you willing to settle, if it meant being comfortable and not alone. a heartbreaking circumstance to force upon the self for sure.
"can i...?", your hands motioning for an embrace. 
"of course, c'mere".
his arms warm and comforting as he takes you in. wrapped tightly, with a friendly sort of affection. an earnest touch, made not to linger in a performance of desire but to give solace. sniffling against his chest as he squeezes tightly. 
"don't you start crying for real...", he jokes. "...cause then you're gonna make me cry".
you smile. slipping away from him gently. "well that don't take much so..." 
his eyes roll. grabbing the outer jacket that completes his in-ring gear. 
your fingers sweep under your eyes to rid of the wet streaks. shoulders less heavy and the dread in your chest no longer fighting to consume. making to leave his dressing room. "don't go easy on him either. i need him a little softened up". 
"will do". 
you make a full exit. slipping your phone from your pocket. his name under your thumb as you press against it. memory serving well, thinking of that sports bar in albany and all the empty glasses of ginger beer spread across the table. the vex about his face growing gentler as the night carried on. that line in the sand washed away, the boundary blurred and then made new into something with a better shaping. his cool, pale, sage eyes working like he wanted to remember that moment. like the satisfaction of having you in front of him again without any attempts to break away from him, was too good to simply be lost to time. 
you click to call and wait for his answer. an impatience running in your fingers as you make to join the producers and tech operators at the staging area. 
he answers. a simple, coarse, "yeah", that sweetens your ears.
"have breakfast with me tomorrow", you give. plain and a little demanding. "please?" 
he hums. amusement in his voice like he's smiling. 
"time and place sweetheart". 
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mamirhodessxox · 7 months
One request. 🥺🥺🥺🥺
Angry black suit cody. 😍😍😍
That's all.🙃🙃🙃
Ask and you shall recieve shnookum 🤓☝️
Settle Down
Cody Rhodes x Fem!Reader
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Desc: Cody fires himself up during his Monday Night Raw promo which results into Y/N having to help calm him down backstage.
Contents: Fluff, Cussing, Y/N being a sweetie, angry cody 🤗‼️ (No smut in this one since next oneshot will include smut)
🏷️ list: @alyyaanna @ginswife @coolpastelartshoe @greatkoalawizard @cokolin044 @kotoriarlert @alicerosejensen @bunnybot55 @agent-dessis-posts @adollonyourshelf @mini-rhodes @southerngirl41 @harmshake @femdisa
{~I'm very serious with you guys interacting with my writing!!!! it would make me so happy & excited, the more comments & reposts the more inspiration i have to write :) likes and comments are strongly appreciated so please COMMENT COMMENT COMMENT COMMEENNTTT the more comments the more content <3!!!~}
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“The Rock, took to instagram last week following up with a very entertaining rock concert, too bad he didn’t wanna be here tonight..” the crowd booed “Rock referred to himself as our favorite heel..?” Cody’s voice echoed throughout the arena talking & saying “The nature boy rick flair was a heel. Rock..I don’t think you’re a heel I think you’re an asshole..” Cody scowled directly into the Camera while standing inside the ring as if you two were making eye contact despite the fact you were backstage watching this all go down on the tv that laid against the wall of his dressing room.
“Haven’t you been crying behind the scenes this whole time? I mean once that hashtag came out once they started chanting something else, you went and CRIED to your buddies on the TKO board ‘HEY HEY! This is gonna be some good pr for the rock I need to save wwe’ god knows look at thise house we sure needed saving right?! He said it’s gonna be this great pr for the rock until it wasn’t..” Cody ranted while circling around staring directly at the live camera & you immediately noticed that he was beginning to fire himself up the more he spoke.
“Rock, the TKO folks said to you oh my gosh yes rock yes put on your gucci shirt your muscles will look so big YES YES YES YES! The reason they said it is because they are YES people they are enablers they don’t tell you like it is, so I’m going to.” Cody scoffed as he went on another tangent on how he could admit many things on the Rock but then he pissed himself off so much to the point where he started becoming more verbally agressive “Rock you are also a terrible Salesman a carny succubus and for those who don’t know what that means..Your a whiney BITCH.” He snapped.
Y/N sat in the dressing room staring directly into the fury of his eyes right through the television screen, all this talk about the rock had genuinely started becoming angering to him & bothersome that he somehow managed to upset himself the more he spoke. “You haven’t been in the ring in real time action in YEARS! And April 6th the BELL is gonna ring! What happens rock when it rings? Are you gonna have all that Big Dwayne Energy or LDS?! Little. DICK. Syndrome!” He shouted while all of the fans within the arena started Chanting, Cheering, Shouting waving around their signs while even the announcers chuckled to themselves.
For the rest of his promo he continued ranting, shouting & even going as far as making a sudden deal with The Wiseman Paul Heyman, threatening to pull a Homelander & rip out his throat if he didn’t get to the point which left Paul a little shocked. Once his promo for the night was finished You immediately left the dressing room just as he rushed his way backstage huffing and puffing mumbling with Jey & then approaching you hut you held up your hands that lightly knocked against his chest about to speak but you shook your head
“Cody I can tell you’re pissed off, You upset your own self just by talking about Dwayne alone & before You do anything like take off the suit, get comfortable, go to the bus I need you to grab some water & take a breath.” You spoke softly as you noticed his hands were shaking in irritation and inner rage before he took a deep breath & exhaled while nodding.
“Good. Now let’s get you out of that suit & into the bus before Pharaoh looses his mind..” you pat his shoulder while you two went to the dressing room. You helped him get undressed and for a moment he just legit stood there with boxers on ranting his heart out “Had the nerve on him to mention MY mother y/n and complain about me shedding ONE tear ONE SINGULAR TEAR but this entire time he’s bitching and WHINING to TKO” he started shouting a bit while you folded his suit & packed it away. You turned around & started shushing him softly and pat his chest “Baby your yelling, Settle down okay? I know your pissed hell I would be do if someone talked about my parents like that. But I need you to lower your voice, your throats gonna go raw. Like Monday.”
Cody chuckled at the corny joke you had made to help cheer him up while pulling him into a warm hug as you practiced deep breathes with him “Thank you sweetheart I don’t know what i’d do without you.” You smiled shrugging “I don’t know either.” He snorted and pressed a kiss against your lips “alright now pipe down a bit.” You laughed before giving him one more kiss.
Cody was not an easily angered man, until things like his parents or loved ones getting mentioned but when he had You around? He was going to go a long way when you knew how to calm down in the right ways.
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xtripleiiix’s Masterlist
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caramelcleopatraa · 3 months
I'mma need some more Cody from you...
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Finding out what turns each other on
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His turn on: watching you dance
He didn’t realize how much you liked to dance until he watched you cook. He sat at the marble island, tapping endlessly into his computer and caught a glimpse of you moving your hips to the beginning of “Big Mama” by Latto. Holding your hands above your head and creating a figure 8 with your hips while keeping an eye on the food sizzling on the hot pan. While he had his eyes on you. Observing your body move to the music, completely forgetting about his business on his computer. He kept watch as your hands dragged down your hair, to your shoulders, to your hips. Sadly, you stopped to check on the food. But the tightness in his jeans told him he wasn't done seeing you dance.
“Honey, are you about done with the food?” You look back at him and answer, “Yeah, why?”
“I want you to dance for me.”
Your turn on: him wearing cowboy hats
It was hot and humid. You sat in an open chair under an umbrella watching Cody from a distance. You told him that you were hungry, so you left him to get a plate of food while he continued line dancing. You scraped at the plate, picking up a hefty scoop of food and found Cody with his shirt off, and a white cowboy hat on. His body glistened in the sunlight and his face was shaded from the broad hat. You watched him as he bit his lip, dancing with the crowd of people that formed around him. How he got that hat? Hell if you know, but God did he look good with it on. After a few minutes, he stopped dancing, making his way to you, spotting an empty char next to you. He sat down, panting with his hands resting on the buckle of his brown leather belt.
“When did you get that hat?” 
He looked at you, smiled, and pointed to the snow white hat. “Some random person gave it to me. Said I can keep it.” You tilted your head while looking him up and down.
“Keep that hat on when we get home.”
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🏷️ tags :) @reignsboy19 @2-muchsauce @theninthwonder @harmshake @alichesmi @thesamoanqueen @alyyaanna @empressdede @badbitchcentralinc @christinabae @fame-ass-ers @southerngirl41 @cyberdejos2 @murrylove @sassginaswanmills @pixiedust4000 @shes2real @pittieprincess22
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delilahcalicocat · 6 months
♥︎•-Behave Now.-•♥︎
{Rating: Smut}
{Warnings: Cockwarming, Master/Princess Dynamic, Unprotected Sex, Swearing}
{Pairing: Cody Rhodes x Fem!Reader}
《Summary: After they returned home, Y/N decides to test Cody again. To see what she'll get as a punishment》
It was a Tuesday, that night Cody was off. Since NXT didn't have any plans for him to show up.
"Sir, are you still busy?" You asked, peeking your head through the door to his office
"Yes Princess, I'll be busy for atleast the next hour." He spoke
Little did he know, you'd been trying to annoy him. Trying to get his attention, since that day. You'd worn a red and blue lace set, with a colorful Collar that had a tag, it read "If found please return this naughty little slut to her master: Cody Rhodes" you remembered the day Cody gave it to you.
It was your birthday a year ago. You remember reading the text and being horny whenever you read it.
"Sir.. Can you look at my dress before I leave? I want to know if this is appropriate to go out in." You asked
You knew your outfit was far too slutty to leave in, it was a tight black dress that revealed your lingerie underneath.
He looked up at you for a moment, he looked shocked. His pupils blown wide with a lustful look.
"You aren't going anywhere in a outfit like that, Princess." He spoke
"Really? Not even if it's a night out with my girls?" You pouted
"If you're going anywhere, it's in my lap. While you squirm and beg for release." He said coldly
A gulp caught in your throat, but by the time you went to speak, Cody had you pinned on his desk.
He clawed at your dress, pulling it off of you.
You now sat in the bralette and panties, in his lap.
Your wrists pinned onto his desk by his hand, you sat there pitifully
"Sir? Have... I deserved.."
"I don't know, should you have my cock? Do you dream of having me fuck you over this desk?" He spoke to you coldly
"S-Sir.. please I've been a good girl.. good enough for your.. c-cock.." You pleaded and begged.
You prayed he'd let you have his cock, but instead. He made you sit in his lap again, your panties pulled to the side, Cody not even bothering to remove his suit.
You sat there, an occasional whine passing your lips. Attempting not to rock your body, as he'd slap your thigh.. you sat there for minutes that seemed like hours..
You zoned out for a moment, rocking yourself.
You got brought back to reality when he slapped your thigh..
"Behave. Now. You little slut." He said
You immediately sat still, the last thing you needed tonight was brat tamer Cody. You wouldn't be able to wrestle on Friday if the brat tamer side came out.
You sat there, trying not to move. It'd been 26 minutes since this started..
"Master?.. Can... you.. move?.." You asked
"How badly do you want me to move?" He questioned
"Very Badly, please master... I've been a good little slut..." You whined
Without hesitation, he stood up and pushed you over his desk. Hands still pinned behind your back.
He fucked into you at a bruising pace, enjoying the whimpers and whines that spilled from your pretty little mouth..
He fucked you basically into the desk.
Your whimpers and whines, Turning into cries and moans.
He kept hitting that one spot, that nobody ever could in their life..
He came with a final rough thrust, you finishing immediately after that. With a loud whine.
"Heh, looks like we should get changed.." He sighed, Picking you up into his arms
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mytribalnightmare · 3 days
WIP - Preview
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(Credit to gif owner, I forgot exactly who it's from)
Pairing: Roman Reigns, Cody Rhodes and Fem reader 
Summary: You had a thing for both Cody and Roman. You could never admit it though, both of them having their own family and wives. What you didn’t expect was for both of them to be with you in the same room and it wasn’t for talking purposes…
Warnings: MDNI 18+, smut, includes a 3 some, oral (all of them), p in v, mentions of cheating, kinda silly, kinda dirty 🙈
Word count (at final release): ~3228 (still not done writing)
Writer’s note: After almost A MONTH (oof I know), I finally figured this one out and I’m satisfied enough with it to share a little preview. The final version is still subject to change as I still have to finish writing it and I may change a couple of things, but you still get an idea of the main story. I’ll explain more about what inspired me, why it took me that long to release etc., when I release the final version in 🤞 a couple days. I should be able to release it by Friday
Taglist: @femdisa & @harmshake I don’t know how much you were waiting for this lmao and if you even remember asking me to tag you if I ever wrote this smut, but here we go. I still hope you enjoy it :) 
📣📣PS: I don't want none of y'all in my mentions, asks, dms, etc., complaining about the pairing, my choice of tags, or anything else if it isn't ✨constructive✨ criticism PLEASE AND THANK YOU JUST KEEP SCROLLING IF YOU DON'T LIKE AND/OR DON'T HAVE ANYTHING GOOD TO SAY 🤫😚📣📣
Alright, I'll stop reading this over and over before I just back out and end up never sharing it and will try to calm my nerves lmao
On that note, have a good read! 🤗
♡ ♡ ♡
Forbidden thoughts. Forbidden talks. Forbidden touches. Forbidden kisses. Forbidden relationship. It was forbidden. Everything about this was forbidden. Yet, here she was… Here they were…
She doesn’t remember exactly how it got to this point. It all happened so fast. One minute she knocked on Roman’s locker room door… The other, she was sitting on the black leather couch in the middle of the room, Tribal Chief and American Nightmare sitting on either side of her. But now, there was no coming back. There was no way out of this. Not that she, or they wanted to back out from this anyway…
The tension in the room was high.
Heavy breathings.
Sweaty palms.
Not a word spoken.
But everything written in their eyes. 
Attraction. Desperation. Need. Lust.
Bodies brushing against each other… Warm and hot. Eyes locked on one and switching to another. Deep and daring. Waiting on the first who dares make a move. It didn’t take long.
She felt his strong palm on her left thigh. Moving in slow, deliberate movements. Up and down. Confident and gentle touch. Long calloused fingers grasping at the rough material of her jeans. Her skin erupted with chills, feeling his hand through the material. Legs clenching together. Teeth biting her lip. Heart beating fast and unsteady. Butterflies in her tummy. 
And then… Another hand was on her right thigh. Shy touch. Almost scared to hurt her.
Eyes closed, you tried making sense of everything you were feeling. Tried making sense of all the emotions felt at the same time. Both their eyes on you. Drinking in your body, your every curve. Bodies getting closer and closer. If that was even possible.
♡ ♡ ♡
The blonde started kissing your neck. Lips so sweet and... tongue tasting your skin softly... teasing… Your eyes closed and rolled all the way to the back of your head not only at the sensation, but because you loved seeing them almost fighting to get a taste of you.
You felt hands on your thighs again... You didn’t know whose it was, but at this point, you didn’t care. Craving any kind of attention and touch. Stuck in some kind of trance... Desperate.
You had dreamed about similar scenarios before... Only difference? You had them both at the same time, tonight. In the same room. Touching you. Feeling you. You all knew you were bad for doing this, for being here. Tension grew to a point of no return, after weeks of teasing, shared eye contacts, innocent touches of the arm...
One of the hands started moving closer and closer to where you started needing them most… Hand now touching you through your jeans, feeling your body move, react, from his touch. You couldn’t control the sounds coming out of your mouth and your hips grinding… Way too needy and eager to finally taste the forbidden fruit...
You didn’t need to wait for the said man to talk, you already knew who it was.
“Such a nasty girl, aren’t you? We barely touched you and look at you… you can’t stop moaning and grinding…”, Roman whispered, smirking, inches away from your face.
Everything about him was perfect. He looked so sexy and hot. Though, hot was an understatement. No words in the dictionnary could ever describe him perfectly. He didn't feel real. He looked down at your lips for a second and licked his, looking at you, hunger in his eyes. His dark brown irises diving straight into you, almost melting under his gaze. God. Just kiss me already, you thought.
You almost forgot it wasn't just the two of you... Almost...
It was Cody's turn now to touch you, as you felt his hand creeping in between your legs, rubbing you through your clothing. You let out a soft moan at his touch, head laying on the couch, eyes closed slightly. His right hand moved to your chest, and cupped one of your covered breasts.
No surprise there, he always tried his best not to show it, but you always saw... Saw how hard it was for him not to look down your exposed cleavage any time you were in your wrestling gear or when you were wearing something else, showing a little too much cleavage.. Not that you minded, you'd be lying if you said you didn't do it on purpose sometimes... You can't help it, he always had an effect on you. The perfect smile he always had on his face, showing out his pearly whites... His blue eyes, so blue you almost could see the ocean through them... The way his big arms envelopped you as he hugged you, loving to feel his muscles flex under your touch while you grabbed at his biceps... and his hands, his abs, his ass... you could go on and on and on...
Opening your eyes again to look at him, his eyes weren't any different than Roman's. Lust-filled eyes. Bottom lip trapped between his teeth. His cheeks were starting to turn a cute shade of pink, adding to his already charming features... It's true that the temperature in the room had dropped in the last minutes...
You tried to relax and let yourself lose to the handsome men sitting right next to you, touching you, kissing you… and you wished, soon… fuck you… Still thinking about the risk, the risk of being caught, the risk of their wives finding out... How disrespectful and wrong this was... Your desire was growing bigger and bigger and soon, it would take over all your senses. No longer able to think about anything else but you and them. Together. In the moment.
“You’re right.. What are we gonna do to her?”, he removed his hand from in between your legs, now looking at Roman, curious. His voice was deep but almost a whisper. Your breath caught in your throat at his words. Swallowing quickly, you looked at both men and almost came just at the sight of them… They were sitting right there. They looked so good. You couldn’t believe how lucky you were right now. Having them both for your own pleasure. All to yourself.
The look they shared, though. God. You almost thought they were about to kiss right here and there. Eyes locked on each other, not moving one bit. Both waiting and daring the other one for what was about to happen. Turning his head to look at you, smirking, as always, Roman let out “I have my idea…”
Yeah. You were fucked. There was no coming back from this, now. You were now at their mercy.
Voilà :) 
Hope you enjoyed this little ‘avant-goût’ (preview)
📌These are separate parts. (separated by the hearts) I chose them just to give you an idea and... also to tease you 😈
📌I’m kinda nervous as this is the first ever writing I’m sharing. Please be gentle with me as I’m still learning about this new writing thing I’m doing. I’m open to all kind of comments and constructive criticism of course.
🏷If you want to be added to the taglist for Forbidden, you can either send me an ask or send me a message and I’ll gladly add you to the list :) Also let me know if you want to be added to ALL my taglists and not just for this one.
Also, for all my Roman Reigns girlies (and boys of course) out there, I also have another smut waiting to be released (I just need to proofread and it’s good to go), just letting y’all know, I got y'all 😌 I’m also working on 2 other smuts and 1 series all pairing our favorite samoan and OTC, Roman Reigns, stay tuned for that as well 💋💋 and I may or may not have other ideas I want to explore with other of my favs...
Don’t forget to follow, reblog, like and reply if you enjoyed :) And I hope to see your beautiful faces (or blogs) again on my feed 🥰
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À bientôt! (see you soon)
Cyn 🖤 aka @cynssia (my main)
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south-of-heaven · 1 year
Cody Rhodes x reader where they do a panel discussion at a comic con together and holds hands? ty!!! :)
Together || Cody Rhodes x Reader
Summary: Cody won't let go of your hand through the whole panel discussion at Comic-Con
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The massive hall was buzzing with excitement as fans from all around the world gathered at Comic-Con. The stage was set for the panel discussion featuring you, Cody, and a few other WWE superstars. Nerves tingled in your stomach as you took your place on the stage, the crowd's enthusiastic cheers washing over you.
Cody, looking dashing in his casual yet stylish attire, settled into the chair beside yours. He flashed you a reassuring smile, and in that moment, all your anxiety seemed to melt away.
The discussion began, and questions poured in from fans and the moderator alike. The camaraderie among the panel members was palpable, and Cody's presence beside you felt like a comforting anchor in the storm of attention.
As the discussion flowed, Cody's hand sought yours beneath the table. His fingers interlaced with yours, and he gave your hand a gentle squeeze. It was a silent reassurance, a reminder that you were in this together.
With Cody's touch, you felt grounded, secure, and undeniably loved. The energy of the event, which had initially left you a bit overwhelmed, became something you could manage with ease.
Questions and laughter filled the room as the panel went on, but you and Cody were in your own world, sharing secret smiles and small, supportive gestures. It was as if you had a private sanctuary amidst the chaos.
During a particularly tough question about the challenges of life on the road, Cody's thumb brushed soothing circles on the back of your hand. His touch was a source of strength, a reminder that you had each other to lean on.
As the panel came to a close, and the applause of the crowd echoed through the hall, Cody leaned in and pressed a tender kiss to your cheek. It was a quiet expression of gratitude for your unwavering support and a promise that no matter where your careers took you, you'd always have each other's backs.
Walking off the stage hand in hand, you couldn't help but smile. Cody had a way of making even the most overwhelming moments feel like an adventure you were facing together. Comic-Con had been a whirlwind, but with Cody by your side, it was a journey you'd cherish forever.
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joannasteez · 5 months
almost blue (1)
pairing: cody rhodes x black reader warning: explicit descriptions of violence and sexual activity. minors please do not interact. readers eighteen and older interact only please. descriptions of alcohol consumption and the use of deadly weapons. authors note: JOHN WICK AU!!! so excited to share this! i had this sorta kinda in my back pocket for a while, while trying to build up tanks of blood, which you can find to read here. not everything in this is super true to the world of john wick but the most im using as inspo is the aesthetic anyways. also a one off mention of john wick lol. that and some of the names for certain things. italics in the beginning represent flashback perspective music inspo: almost blue by chet baker word count: 4800 tagging: @333creolelady @harmshake @theninthwonder @kill-the-artiste @empressdede @southerngirl41 @2-muchsauce @crxssjae
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new york. the continental hotel and it's flatiron shape. september 2019. the rain, this soft unsteady pitter patter. a gentle gray coloring the sky. the air cold and biting. the city filling its brim with a sleepless droning. 
and amongst the deathly sort of decadence—gold trim and blood red carpet floors—bath water disturbs till its sloshing to overtake the tub. a messy spill against the floor. his lips working over yours. fingers kneading deep enough into skin that it stains with the print of his touch. nails tender in his hair and your body melting in till the heat of him breaks over your skin. his everything settled into the wisp and charm of your voice as his pleasure becomes whole. too great.
—but his memory tires from old moments like these, a shell of itself as it attempts in vain to restore to it's former glory. has been in a perpetual state of exhaustion for sometime. but this straining is singular. a throbbing at the forefront of his skull. a tight pulling pain at the nape of his neck till it's creeping wild at the tip of his spine. forcing him to grow ill as he works to reminisce. body wistfully undone. and what words do the men of our time say about insanity? to be in a perpetual state of trying, doing, in hopes of something new. and so on he went, flirting with this disaster, this run of nostalgia, so much so that memory has forsaken him, taking these little complexities —the new york rain and the taste of your lips— along with it. 
but cody can handle the load and reload of a glock 26 as fast as he does it well. a deft maneuvering before the barrel raises and he pulls the trigger, the recoil driving sharp. a bullet through the skull and the splattering of blood. whoever meant to kill him, now dead in his wake. 
but what cruelty this is. a traitor to his own body. living with nothing but the means to kill and tattered memory. with him still, only, all of the things left unsaid—
you'd smelt of vanilla. the yearning about his tongue deep and yet to be settled. his lips a shadow as they feathered against yours. his questions overdone with a frightening passion. "where are you ten years from now?" 
your fingers slipped over his skin, as easy as they would over porcelain. a delicate taking over wet soapy muscle till it clawed over his shoulders and against the heat of his cheeks. "somewhere warm and comfortable. retired".
where ever you were, is where he wanted to be. "am i with you?"
a reversion, just barely perceptible, but there all the same. something like fear, like hesitation, pushing against a situational sort of tenderness in your eyes. the warmth slowly but forcibly outdone by the cold. lukewarm. just like the fate of too old bath water. not enough of either extreme. lukewarm. 
"seems more like a question for you to answer".
"answer it anyways".
and he couldn't feel your lips anymore. too much air, too much distance. caution thick. woven about your words. the tones. the inflections. "ten years from now, you'll be somewhere as warm, as comfortable and retired too".
"am i with you?" 
to draw such a long length of need into the air. passions and hopes and dreams. cody knew. it would've been easier to take the sear of a bullet, the ripping tear in of a knife or the crack of something blunt and unforgiving to his skull. those things easier than the down trod of such a silence. your eyes having gained more and more distance. fear peaking soft and brown before the quick slip over of indifference. like you didn't care for his whispered words sounding too much like forever. and recovery from bullets and knives and blunt force was tedious. sewn up skin and the reformation of fine motor skill. but this. the way you suffered him to feel the drift away of your body and the simple, delicate, eager push in of your touch. something in his heart—amongst the lukewarm water—failed. this low dropping into a less lively place. 
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new york. the continental hotel and its flatiron shape. june 2024. a peak of the sun amidst more grayish than white clouds against an icy pale blue sky. the air breezy with a teasing smell of rain. like a stray tendril before some great unraveling. the city as sleepless as it's ever been. 
and amongst the deathly sort of decadence—scarlet sage in bloom and the ever present air of readymade violence—cody sips at a short glass of brandy. an edgy spike to his tongue as it settles. everything of the continental he possessed now lost to time and the overwork of his sore tired memory. lost to a bout of corrosion done by words left unsaid. because he did not remember your answer after the persistence of his "am i with you?” all thats left, this great blurring. of words and the finer littler complexities. your lips and your eyes and the soft ways of your touch. and maybe it came to be this way for good reason. using such a burn to his ego to fuel the fire of his rage. revenge for memories unforgettable. around the glass of brandy, his hands feel stronger. less careful in how they hold. caution be damned. he sips again to finish. his finger buttoning his suit jacket, making way from the bar and across the communal space of the hotel. 
warmth at his ear and a twitch in his trigger finger. something like eyes resting over him. watching him.
he continues to a connecting hallway. elevators and mosaic floors. maybe the brandy wasn't the best idea, but neither was coming to such sacredly awful ground. lovers trauma and all that bullshit jazz. 
the fourteenth floor is quiet. his steps carpeted by soft wool. a second twitch in his trigger finger that leads into the sharp driving heat reminiscent of staggering gun recoil. a sweet burning in his arm, the muscles knowing, remembering. but he has nothing of use on him. nothing to snuff out and quiet that vicious call of death. his hotel room styled with a modernistic flare to it's luxury. clean and unadorned. a simple reflection of his own style thankfully, but nothing extravagant to weaponize. he would have to, if needed, to make due. a slim ball point pen, sleek and multifunctional, rests next to a complimentary bottle of wine. "enjoy your stay", in cursive. cody feels the warmth at the tip of his ear again, something greater than a simple bout of paranoia. his fingers slip the pen into his pocket, a reversing in his steps to triple check the locking function of the room doors.
and he shouldn't be so wound up should he? conducting business was, is, has always been forbidden on hotel grounds. 
his fight or flight saying otherwise. breathing over his skin overwhelmingly warm. lingering wearily. intuition always a nagging son of a bitch but never wrong. it's never failed him. 
cody showers, stands amidst the icy rain of too cold water. cody showers, because warm baths terrify something in his body. the possibility of turning stale and lukewarm. too distant and uninviting to be either extreme. like eyes and soft lips he can barely form well enough to reimagine. 
and the bed sheets are welcoming. slipping along his skin with a delicate relief. but still, something feels wrong. a heaviness to the air that precedes this faithful old tryst with life. with death. the ring of his phone working to unburden him suddenly, but for only some seconds. the number blocked. he answers, rushing to fish that ball point pen from his dress pants. sleek and multifunctional in his grip. but the urgency in his maneuvering cuts short with the slip in of something dangerously angelic. memory sore and exhausted no more, but now rushing back to him fervid and unrelenting. a tender charming tone in his ear that disrupts the stalwart build of his resolve. september 2019. june 2024. five years of an almost complete pain. icy feeling wind with the teasing of a torrential down pour. almost there but not quite. the anger and the pain never red enough. the sadness almost blue. 
"the loft in tribeca" you start. cody commits it all to memory. the words, the tones, the inflections. shuffling to rough his pants on. pen in his pocket. phone wedged to his ear as his fingers rip off the casing of a pillow. body easy as it maneuvers to protect his six o'clock, leaning against the wall. his eyes scope along the room. an over examination. waiting. "if you're not dead in the next 30 minutes, meet me there". 
the call drops. 
the slow unlocking click of his hotel room door. his muscles burn with remembrance. eyes sharp. his ears attune. the shells of them warm. cautioned steps approach the entry way of the bedroom but they fail to go unnoticed. thudding against the soft carpet. and if not for the possibility of his demise, cody would laugh. surely this was amateur hour. boots and inconspicuous were no more suited together than suede in the rain. and he'd made that rookie mistake before. back when he was a rookie. but the high table were no idiots, sending rookies to bring his head in, unless they hated him that much and felt he should feel the brunt of that hatred with some disrespect. and disrespect it was. 
cody's breath holds. his head thumping against the wall before he makes a swift crouch to his knees. a gun rounding the corner, and a bullet flying aimed for where his head had knocked in. a simple quick diversion. nothing special or particularly extravagant, but enough to give him seconds to maneuver. and oh this is disrespect in deed. dominik mysterio the source of his current heavy breathed, adrenaline rushing circumstance. cody knuckling the hold of the still upward pointed gun with a punch before another sinks into domink's abdomen. a short grunt breaking from the scrappy, ill-sophisticated, mullet wearing piece of shit. and surely dominik is more of a piece of shit when his heavy boot toughs into cody's jaw. racing for the gun. 
but cody is quick. has felt and faced harsher things. if anything, its more of an irritation he feels than a full measure of pain. it was hard maintaining good skin considering the life he led. he spits against the carpet. iron on his tongue. red staining the clean line designs. he reaches for dominik's leg just before he's in reach of the gun. pulling him near and flipping him over quickly. a rough hand in the silk of domink's mullet as he rains down punches with the other.  cody ill satisfied as he hears the sloppy singing of grunts from the younger mysterio. and as his frustration mounts, swindled by the audacity of the high table, dominik gains an advantage. his hips shifting up to propel cody, his arms lean and tight and trapping over cody's and rolling. 
"you three piece suit, hugo boss wannabe wearing motherfucker", dominik's face bloody and angry. his fists balled and quick as he comes down against cody's face. 
the impression of the pen presses into cody's thigh. memory and dexterity working like a trained muscle. amidst the  barrage of fists, cody reaches for the sleek ball point pen. clicking the tip and rushing it into dominik's side. harsh vicious stabs till the pain takes hold enough for him to hesitate. plunging the inky tip into his neck, where blood flows to gush. breaking up out of his skin. choking on air and the pain of a slow to come death. 
"bulletproof three piece suits asshole", cody roughs out. kicking dominik for satisfaction. 
if you're not dead in the next 30 minutes, meet me there
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the loft is the same. unadorned by that uncanny but natural weathering of time and neglect. warm homely autumn inspired tones with splashes of green and hand carved wooden furniture. cody ever the horrendous sucker for hand carved shit. an intimate union of labor and passion. ever the reflection of a once lively relationship. carefully cultivated, ending poorer than a bastard dying with his eyes wide open. because when you go that way, you deserve it. but cody? his passions didn't deserve that violent abrupt end. and yet here he is, creeping past the entrance. a painful stuttering of footfalls as he goes. muscles sore and his skin on fire. 
dominik mysterio was a warm up. a warning even. the call must've went out. a bounty worth enough for people to try him. the train ride to tribeca interestingly violent. a woman with a knife, a man with a gun and another thinking his bare hands were some great unstoppable force. and no, cody did not make quick work of them. not as quickly as he would've liked. but he managed. and at the very least, he'd suffered a slitting cut to his cheek and a laceration to his chest. that piece of shit running the blade right through his tattoo. some maybe secondary bruising and a bad headache. but he's not dead. not like the idiots that tried and failed to kill him. 
the loft, much like the continental hotel, is agreed upon neutral ground. a place for trysts and the sharing of information. or rather, thats what it used to be. now, cody isn't so sure. 
and his limping is pathetically loud. shoes a heavy clack against the floor. makes him bristle annoyed. you stand just behind the kitchen island. wine bottle opened. a glass in hand as you sip. more beautiful than he remembers. soft looking still, your eyes casting over the rim as you sip, undeniably deceptive. 
a gun lays easy on the coffee table sat between two couches. too easy. but his displeasure gets the best of him. he shifts for it quickly. a swift up of his hands positioned about the gun, aiming for your face. 
you knew his whereabouts. so much so that you knew the whereabouts of the people trying to kill him. taking the chance to trust could cost him his life. and cody quite likes his life. 
"you had me scared a little bit". a gentle float of words. a finger dancing along the rim of the wine glass. a daring stare down the barrel of the gun. "i thought you got bested by a second rate mysterio". and when cody doesn't move, captured by pain, caution and the mystique of your presence, your eyes roll. his form fixed and perfected. trigger finger cool, but his heart unsure. "cut the melodrama. put the gun down cody". 
"you knew i was being followed", he clips. jaw tight. 
"i mean...duh...", you give. dry and teasing. finishing your wine. "half of that was me, and lets not be silly", covering the length of distance between your bodies slowly. a stalking patience. a fierce feline approach. "you shot a bullet through the skull of one of thee most important men. finding out don't come cheap when you fuck with the high table". 
"everybody seems to forget I had to bury my father", the barrel of the gun kept high with perfect aim as you near closer. "killing that sack of shit was just me evening the score". 
"i didn't kill your father cody". 
was that sincerity? empathy? a sudden waft in of warmth after years in the cold. it felt unreal. true but unreal. and he was sure it wouldn't last. 
"obviously", cody bites out. 
your forehead nestles against the barrel of the gun. his memory overwrought. his senses in a frenzy. a horrible mixture in his skin of pain and elation. steeped with the fear of having to endure another sudden vanishing. angry that such an endurance was his portion in the first place. 
"so then why is the gun still pointed at me?"
his fixed form eases. your hand slipping the gun from his hold gently. fire over his skin as you touch him for the first time in five years. a deft maneuvering about the cold heavy metal to expose the contents of the magazine. amusement coloring your eyes and spreading over your mouth for a teasing little smile. 
"they're blanks anyways", emptying the magazine as the faux bullets fall to the floor. your hand settling down the gun and its magazine on the coffee table. leaving him in an exasperated awe as you head toward the kitchen. "just wanted to see how thin your patience has worn". 
your chin jutting over to the couch. hands full of medical supplies as you pad over to him softly. his body aching and slow as it rests into the tender leather seating, but moving without delay still. always under the gentle charm of your voice, his being falling under this servile sort of subjection. making him bristle silently within himself. all that time and distance amounting to nothing for his resolve. 
cody surrenders. mind over matter no longer needed. succumbing to the full weight of his pain. hair messy with red droppings of other peoples blood. his muscles sore and the hammering about his skull diligent and taunting. 
"my pain has always been a funny little joke to you". 
you pull the coffee table closer to the wide spread of cody's legs. your own slipping over to straddle the strength of one of his thighs. your body warm and comforting against his skin. an old feeling blooming in his chest. you were doing this on purpose. he's sure of it. to see him waver and yield to the charm of your presence. gentle touch dabbing to rid his cheek of dried blood before you went about cleaning the wound. his fingers itching to form to your body, desperate to push dull nails into your skin again. to form in and caress with the intent to renew his memory. 
your eyes flit to his crotch. "its a lot more than little. give yourself some credit", you muse. applying butterfly stitches. 
the air is thick. forces him to maintain a steady breath. memory overwrought once more. a mighty rushing in that heats him whole. your hands working his button up open. the lax take of your palm to his belly forcing a throb to the crux of his thighs. the closing in of the distance makes for easy intimacy. a registration of the lesser noticeable, more complex things. the prick of your nails telling familiar stories, as they work to rid him of the shirt all together. tender and caring, similar to how they used to be. your eyes roaming and thinly glazed over. he spares a glance at the wine bottle. halfway done. your ministrations functional but indulgent of the moment. of his skin.
a quicksand sort of state of affairs. if he doesn't pull himself together now, he would fall into you. full consumption. and he can't possibly risk his life because he's half hard and overdone with sentiment. 
"how long have you been following me?"
you apply something like a salve after cleaning the nasty chest wound. an anesthetic. how sweet of you. to suddenly take his pain into consideration.
"a few months". 
"why am i not dead?"
your body adjusts a top of him. somehow closer. your knee nearly running into his crotch. "yet", you give. beginning the process of suturing. "the question everyone wants to know is why is cody rhodes not dead yet". breaking shortly to peer over him. a full examination it seems. heat rising in his cheeks. "cause he's no john fuckin wick. so why is he still here". pressure of the needle feeding into his skin. your lip tucking under your teeth in full concentration. "people don't know resilience is the bane of even your own existence. a little meat puppet made to take push pins". 
he scoffs. "this doesn't feel like a compliment if it is". 
you finish off the suture. a hesitant but delicate maneuvering off his thigh to rid of the medical supplies. the heat of you gone in an instant. "its an observation". the uncorking pop of that half drunken wine bottle. a generous crimson pour that you sip at. 
"on what basis exactly?" 
a whipping swing of kitchen cabinet doors. a bottle of brandy and a short glass. for him it seems. and the pained parts of him grow excited at the possibility of a simple taste. anything for a temporary fix. something to numb the burn in his bones. 
"very close encounters".
and no you don't dip into the leather to sit beside him when you return. you assume a much more compromising position. a full straddle of his legs as you gift him his little amber colored remedy. and if at any moment he ever thought he needed it and actually didn't, let this be the moment where that edgy spike to his tongue becomes essential. something to help him as he searches for a secure hold at control. and of course he drinks it all. an easy burning slip against the back of his throat as he feels the heat of you settling back into him. once dormant urges awakening in his fingers. supple thighs lined up over his kevlar woven dress pants. the baggy button up you'd decided was good enough for his visit thin and something like revealing. the other details left to his imagination. and God was that prone to running at any moment. tripping and falling away from him well enough till his crotch became to uncomfortable to bare the perfect fit of his pants. your empty hand returning to where it'd been. roaming tenderly against slow but steady bruising skin. his nose picking up the sweet wine on your breath. the glaze about your eyes. thighs over him, clenching slightly. 
"you were always a little too indulgent with the wine", cody gives. 
your eyes flitting to his crotch again. bulge more prominent. the teasing of your nails inching over past his navel. your throat humming. "and you with me". 
"don't think much of it". an attempt made in vain he thinks. feeling the hard throb of himself as soon as the words leave him. "it tends to happen. adrenaline from almost dying multiple times", his thigh knocking up into yours to grab at your attention. tipsy eyes drifting to the cold blue of his. "now spill. why am i still breathing?"
"because the number isn't high enough yet". another sip of wine before turning to rest it at the table. your hands free to run over the muscle of him. about his shoulders till your thumbs are caressing at his nape and the hard cut of his jaw. and that nearly drives him to insanity. the weight of you resting right where he pulses with life. "i take your head now, i'd be settling. and the game of it all ain't that fun right now anyways. its too amateur hour-ish for me. i wanna battle it out with the adults". 
"im flattered", cody deadpans. 
you smile. thumb soothing over his lip. "as you should be". 
"why else", the pulse about his blood wild. an unadulterated beating that coaxes to life the run off of his imagination. his touch a staggering grip at your jaw. pulling your eyes to him. lowly sat pretty brown eyes with a penchant for doing him inexplicably dirty. but they draw him in all the same. his stomach empty. filled with nothing but the slosh of brandy. cody feeds into the daze of it. the possibility of a buzz. your lips a breath from his. desire on your tongue by way of the sweet smell of wine. "talk".
your hips shift over him. a rut into the fabric. friction to appease the ache, he's sure of it. thin panties and the desperate curl in of your nails. running into his scalp. trying to persuade him with tender touches and the charm of such wanton need. and its working. fuck, itsworking well. had worked some time ago and doing well now just the same. because cody, despite such deadly skill, was not immune to this type of torture. could not battle it with stalwart patience or dapper precision. and as you rut against him again, mind clouded by wine and your own intent, his fingers burn to touch you more. not so simple and plain but disgustingly greedy. his lips smooth against the seam of yours. amber brandy and red wine a near perfect melding together. 
"fuck", you relent. your nose knocking soft into his. laughing with a wry sort of amusement. "it would stroke your ego to a nice little finish if i did say it wouldn't it?"
cody hums. slips his hold till its anchored about your neck. measured in its pressure. his tongue licking to wet his lips. the slight of it forcing a tremble into your body. 
maybe his suffering isn't a lonely one after all. 
you whimper. taking a hard swallow. 
"vindicate me", cody rasps. 
your struggle is apparent. surfaces with a tear that stains your cheek. body undone by the defeat of such an intimate admission. 
"i miss you", fragile and nearly unclear. 
he smiles mirthless against the soft ways of your skin. his nose buried into the dip of your neck. "i don't trust your sentiment".
"it's true cody". 
"she says, after admitting she wants to kill me".
"better me than someone else". your fingers abandoning him to grip into the leather of the couch. a tight take to it that fastens your body into him. your mouth lax as your lips slip over his. the tease of a kiss filled with too much tension to bare. "touch me", you give. a plea and a command all the same. 
his fingers working in swiftly, a firm obedience, cupping your cheeks to steady the wild go of your tongue as it snakes to slip at his. a frail whimper singing from your chest and the return of your sharp nails. digging against his scalp to bring him impossibly closer. nearly suckling his tongue whole as your hips rut at him again. a less cautious shifting as you look for harsher friction. the pain of a murderous sort of labor and the pleasure of touching you again warring over the tenderness of his skin. coaxing him to groan and wince. strong, tired fingers forcing your hips to rock over him. an easy, stable grind along the hard bulge of his cock that leaves you living without the proper brilliance of words. reduced to the struggle of too pleasured moans. 
your teeth prickling and sharp as they snag against his lip. fingers deft, undoing his zipper. the heat of him hard and throbbing dangerous. his headache out done by more pressing matters, hazy and his senses going numb with lust. palms persistent, sinking into supple flesh. and fuck does it feel good. even better when his patience thins. fingers stretching the fabric of your panties till they tear. the slick way of your arousal making for an easier pace. a sweet teasing slip through your slit. his imagination wild and unfettered. even the thought of slipping in to have his full way with you enough to twist the base of his belly. groaning into your mouth.  
fire in his fingers as they pull against the fat of your ass. sweltered skin sweet in his palms. forming with every push and spread and pry that he gives. 
your mouths depart. a hesitant slipping away. breaths heavy. your face hiding in the dip of his neck. your pussy messy. bewitching even as you grind mindless into him. an undulating heat over his skin. "cody", a mantra as it travels to slight the beating of his pulse. 
the tell tale trembling in your body. a breath away from bliss. and he can feel the build in his bones. the return of an ache thats been transformed. throbbing and restless. an urgency he works to relieve. and with it so does your mouth. less desperate to consume him. melting to linger at his lips. breathy and stuttered. 
"right there angel", he gives. a whisper against your lips. corralling the last bits of resolve to break. your hips stuttering but caressing faithful still. coming undone. rutting greedily to grasp at the last bits of pleasure.
and here he finds that charming sort of relief. an unfurling warmth about his skin. snatching your body into him as he strokes against you and throbs, coming undone. release pooling and spurting against the baggy button up you'd worn to tease him with. 
your lips finding his again. needy still. and he accepts without wait. ready and willing. your moaning along his tongue delicate and wispy. reminiscent of a memory once forgotten. new york. september 2019. cody cups your face again. thumbs dusting over the apple of your cheeks. on a mission to stain himself with this moment. sweet red wine mixed with aged brandy. 
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she was getting to be a lil too long so i had to break her up! but how do we feel about our little hitman?
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mamirhodessxox · 4 months
request for single dilf cody and babysitter where he’s home early from work. the baby’s already down for the night so it’s just the two of them with nothing else to do on a saturday night. maybe they have drinks and put on a movie and one thing leads to another? idk, please take whatever liberties you want!
I Adore You <3
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Single Dad!Cody Rhodes x Babysitter Fem!Reader
Desc: It all started when Cody asked for help on a babysitter site so someone could help his 3 little kiddies when he was at work & that’s when Y/N applied! 3 years go by and after a lot of emotional tension the two finally talk to each other privately!
Contents: Fluff!! Cody weak in the knees for lil miss Y/N, Drinking, Cussing, Body touching, Making out, Fluff!!!, Smut, Crying, Overstimulation, Aftercare.
🏷️ list: @alyyaanna @ginswife @coolpastelartshoe @greatkoalawizard @cokolin044 @kotoriarlert @alicerosejensen @bunnybot55 @adollonyourshelf @mini-rhodes @southerngirl41 @harmshake @femdisa @kabloswrld @bones-rhodes @claymoresofinfamy23 @edtomh @cococodysleevlesshoodie
{~I'm very serious with you guys interacting with my writing!!!! it would make me so happy & excited, the more comments & reposts the more inspiration i have to write :) likes and comments are strongly appreciated so please COMMENT COMMENT COMMENT COMMEENNTTT the more comments the more content <3!!!~}
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Usually babysitting 3 kids wouldn't be easy for the average baby sitter but luckily that wasn't the case..Y/N had been babysitting 3 kids for over 3 years after her employer took to a babysitting blog asking for assistance since he would be going on the road sometimes or needed someone willing to travel with him when the kids were able to go on the road. His name was Cody, Y/N knew who Cody was before even taking the application she just wasn't a die hard fan, that was her parents. She only took the application simply because she likes kid's and she actually handles them pretty well.
3 kids. 2 twin boys now hitting 10 & 1 girl who just turned 3 years old, Braden, Chase & Harper Rhodes. Cody had went through a nasty divorce in 2022 after Harper was born, His then wife was unhappy but also a terrible mother who ignored the boys & kept starting arguments with Cody in front of them. After his divorce he got full custody over the kids but also needed assistance when they traveled with him when he was scheduled for shows.
Y/N had gotten verry close with him & the kids over the years, Cody & the kids had considered Y/N apart of the family, she was invited to every event and holiday party you could think of, she was even at the house almost everyday just to hang out and now that it was summer time she was spending a lot more time with them, chalk activities in the drive way, water balloons in the back, grilling later at sunset, movie nights etc, besides the kids Y/N & Cody themselves had a good bond between each other, Corny inside jokes that he would find himself snickering at if he was doing something in the kitchen, For self defense when she would be out alone he went out of his way to teach her how to fight for just incase purposes especially when she was with the kids.
As of this week Cody was in and out of town doing plenty of promos & Y/N had been watching over the kids & during her free time she & Cody would FaceTime for a fee minutes before finishing up the kids’ screen time, “How’s my babygirl Harper?” Y/N shrugged at the question and turned her head to see the little girl playing in the corner with her dolls while her brothers watched TV for a little bit, Harper had bad separation anxiety when it came to her dad and it was not easy for him or her when he had to go on the road for a few days, She would spend most of her time if her signature corner with her toys down in the dumps waiting for her main best friend to come back home “She’s still a little bit sad, It’s not as difficult putting her to bed as usual but it’s definitely not any easier.” Cody listened to Y/N’s words thoroughly “She’s a Daddy’s girl, Paul had some scheduling problem’s so I’m on the bus on my way back, I should be home by later tonight how’s that sound?” Y/N smiled brightly at his words while balancing her phone against something while she made the kids their lunch.
“Sounds like a plan, They’re gonna be super excited, especially Harper” Cody nodded as he stared at Y/N through his phone screen watching her intently and paying attention to every single detail while she was talking, is that a new shirt? It has to be. He never seen her wear that top before, Her make up with light, casual, nothing about it was heavy or Caked up, “I’m gonna hang up now alright? Lunch time, I’ll see you later yeah?” Cody sighed a bit as his jaw clenched a bit & his heart ached with the fact it was time for her to set the phone down “Yeah, do whatever you need to do Doll, talk to you later.” Y/N smiled to herself at his words and set her phone down as the call was over “Lunch!!”
For most of the day Y/N had spent time with the kids, Harper had a few fits but overall she stayed patient with the kids as usual, The boys were upstairs playing while Harper sat beside the couch this time away from her signature hangout corner, Y/N had been cleaning up the kitchen after dinner for a little bit before giving the little girl most of her attention “Hey honey-girl, how you feeling?” The 3 year old shrugged her shoulders while her lips pouted before setting down her barbies “I just miss my daddy” Y/N frowned before crouching down to her level “I know sweetheart but he’s coming home very soon I promise!” Harper huffed and crossed her arms before Y/N had checked the time & noticed it was pushing bed time, "C'mon harp let's get you and the boys to bed alright?" The little girl nodded her head and got up independently and waddled her way up the stairs while Y/N went into the twins' shared bedroom "Chase, Braden c'mon time for bed" the boys frowned and set down their action figures "a few more minutes?? Pleaaaaase Y/N!” She smiled and ruffled Chases hair “Sorry hun but you know your dad’s rules” the boy huffed and nodded his head smiling before he & his brother got ready to go to bed, Y/N went into Harpers room and smiled softly as the little girl sat on her bed ready to be tucked in.
“When’s daddy coming home?” The little girl chirped before leaning back into her bed comfortably while Y/N hummed as she pulled the blanket over Harper “Tomorrow sweetheart, when you wake up he’ll be home I promise!” She quickly smiled and hugged Y/N before finally calming down while Y/N adjusted her pillows before finally letting her get rest and leaving the room.
The house was silent, the only thing to be heard was her light steps on the cold wooden floors. Y/N sat on the couch and quietly scrolled through tiktok on her phone before hearing the front door close and quietly as possible followed by a sigh, Cody took off his shoes before walking into the living room and seeing Y/N sitting comfortably looking in his direction “Hey.” She smiled at his greeting and jotted her head up “Hi, how was work?” He scratched the back of his neck before sitting next to her “It was alright, just a lot of public speaking y’know?” She nodded while setting her phone down “I just put the kids to bed, they played with chalk, had lunch watched tv and ate dinner, a pretty relaxed day” He listened to her words & had a small smile creep up from his smile before getting comfortable completely on the couch “Why don’t we have some drinks and watch a movie? Been awhile since we last hung out and had together time.” Y/N marveled at the idea & rolled her bracelets around her wrist as she thought before finally giving in and scooting closer “As long as I get to pick the movie that’s quite alright with me.”
Cody let out an airy chuckle before leaning comfortably into the couch while passing her over the remote so she could choose a movie she assumed was simple, easy going and maybe a little funny, they poured a few glasses of wine & paid attention to the screen letting out a few laughs here and there, Cody couldn’t quite remember what the name of this movie was but it seemed like a subtle hint of something since it was some cheesy rom-com, Y/N was drifting off asleep 15 minutes in making Cody do a double take from the screen to her before he decided to shut off the movie before getting up with a light groan & nudging her “hm..?” Y/N hummed out before stirring awake while he sat her up and grab ahold of her hands gently “let’s get you in bed alright? Your falling asleep” he spoke to her in a quiet tone while she groggily stood up and went up the stairs with him, Cody guided her to the guest bedroom she often slept in sometimes & help lie her down on the bed, he was just about to pull the covers over her but she frowned shaking her head in protest “Stay? At least until I fall asleep maybe?” Her lips were curled into a small pout while her hand laid against his wrist while she made room for him in the bed, how could he say no to a sweet thing like her? Cody gave in to her offer & almost immediately climbed in the bed & laid next to her.
The two were face to face with each other, his arm wrapped around her body comfortably while her hand was lying against his shoulder before nudging the tip of her nose against his “Your warm” she whispered while he smiled and rubbed his thumb against her shirt “Is that a good thing or a bad thing?” Y/N shrugged her shoulders and scooted a little closer “I think it’s a good thing” a small smile crept up his lips before he did what seemed to feel natural and press his lips up against Y/N’s and let out a short moan slip past his mouth while their hands explored each others bodies and grabbed at their clothes, Y/N bit at his lip & tugged his hair while he whined into her mouth before tugging on her sun dress hard enough to rip it apart and snatching off her panties “Co-!!” He tilted his head and planted his hand over her lips “what like I won’t buy you another pair tomorrow?” He teased before yanking his arm away and undressing himself before lying back next to her with her back up against his chest while he left scattered kisses against the nape of her neck. Y/N was busy becoming a hot whiney mess that pressed her ass against his dick more that enough to make him hard & desperate “knock it off.”
Cody warned Y/N when she whimpered from him smacking her ass as a warning , the tip of his dick slipping between her wet folds with ease and caressing up her clit again. She felt his chest rumble with his own moaning, too, however, his precum slipping from him and mixing with her wetness. And while he kept teasing her clit by thrusting in and out of her folds his dick eventually slipped into her pussy causing Y/N too let out a moan while he held her legs open as he fucked her from behind & his fingers dipped down her stomach into the depths of her thighs just too tease and toy with her swollen little bud. “F-Fuck it feels s-so goddamn good!” Y/N cried out while Cody grabbed a fistful of her hair and continued fucking himself into her at a rapid pace leaving the room filled with only noises that sounded like smacking, whimpering & heavy breathing
“What a pretty girl taking my cock so fucking good f’me” Cody moaned in her ear before he continued focusing on driving himself deeper into her, Y/N’s legs were shaking & she was overall overwhelmed from the amount of pleasure she was receiving, her spine shivered every time Cody teased at her clit & fucked her at the same time, he ran his free hand down his face to wipe off any tears from her face before his hips sputtered against her ass and came deep inside of her just as her climax hit “f-ffuck..” he moaned in the shell of her ear as Y/N let out short cries with her head leaned back as she kept convulsing and throbbing around his cock as her legs shook.
He had her roll over on her stomach after pulling out while he got behind her and lifted her hips up and pressed her ass back against them before fucking himself back into her while she cried into a pillow the more his thrusts became faster & harsher while he was leaning forward pressing himself against her back and kissing up on her neck “my good girl” he chanted in her ear like some sick love spell, the air in the room was thick, intimate, intense & overwhelming, Y/N panting and whining into the pillow whenever Cody slammed back into her pussy just to see her pretty face contort into an expression of pleasure while tears ran down her already red cheeks, he laid his hand against her lower back while letting out his own whimpers here and there when he felt the need to cum again, He would bury himself all the way inside of Y/N making her roll her eyes back and clutch ob the blankets, sheets, his wrist, everywhere.
“Yeah? Does that feel good pretty girl? You like it when I do that?” He taunted at her with his words while leaning back over her and kissing her shoulder while she nodded profusely before moaning out once he smacked her clit “f-fuck Cody! ‘m gonna cum again!” He smiled and fucked her at an even faster pace “c’mon angel cum for me, be a good girl for me and cum” he groaned out while she cried and flung her arm back to hold onto his hand for some support, both of them came together causing Cody to topple over her and hug her tightly against his body “love you so so much gorgeous” not a sense of nervousness or anxiety came out with those words, he said it almost naturally as if the two were already together, Y/N teared up and ended up breaking down at the sentence as overstimulation & emotion took over which alarmed him.
Cody was about to pull out to check on her but she protested immediately against his actions and pressed her ass further against him causing his cock to sink further inside of her making her moan into the pillow that was right next to her face “Sweetheart I gotta-“ she turned her head quickly and frowned at his unfinished sentence “n-no! I need you to stay, please?” This is exactly how he got into this predicament, her little pleads & the pout on her lips got him right here in this exact moment “Let me get you cleaned up first and then we’ll get back to..this, alright princess?” She sniffled a bit and nodded as he finally pulled out making her wince at the empty feeling, she rolled over on her back and watched as Cody went into the bath connected to the room & run warm water over a wash cloth & come back in the room to gently clean her up from the mess he made in-between her legs “you feeling okay?” He mumbled before pressing soft kisses against her ankle & tummy before throwing the wash cloth into the laundry basket & crawled back in bed with her & got ahold of the hair tie around her wrist and pulling her hair into a small pony tail “did you mean it?” She muttered nervously while he smiled tiredly and kissed her temple “Of course I did love, I’ve adored you for 3 whole years and I don’t think that will be changing anytime soon in the near future.” He mumbled against her hair while his hands massaged at her side “I love you too Codes.”
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Mamirhodessxox’s Masterlist
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samdeancass · 26 days
Love Story
Requested by Anonymous
Pairing: '08!Cody Rhodes x fem!reader
Genre: Slight Angst, Fluff
Characters: Cody, Y/N, Lita
Description: Y/N and Cody have been inseparable since they were kids. Over the years, Y/N has developed feelings for Cody, which have blossomed into love. When Y/N gets backed into a corner about why she hasn't dated, she hasn't got a way out other than to tell Cody the truth.
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Everyone around you has always wondered why you hadn't dated anybody. You always told them it was because you weren't interested in that. Truth is, you were interested in just one person in particular: Cody Rhodes. You had grown up together, lived next to each other and practically spent every day with one another. You couldn't quite pinpoint when you started developing feelings for him, but you knew you could never tell him. The fear of ruining your friendship was a heavy burden you carried.
You were overjoyed when Cody joined WWE. He was making his dreams come true. You were even more happy when he asked you to go with him. "Of course, I will! I can't wait to share this experience with you!" You wrapped your arms around his waist and gave him a hug. Since then, both of your lives have been a whirlwind. Cody was propelled into stardom in the wrestling world whilst you also joined the industry, working backstage. Of course, you mainly worked with Cody, making sure his costumes were ready for each show, but you did have time for other wrestlers. They also caught on with your non-existent dating life.
"So, Y/N, are you just scared of dating, or are you really a nun? I mean, seriously, any man out there would be crazy to not date you; you just choose not to. I would not pass up on anything if I looked like you." You chuckled at Lita's comments, straightening out her outfit for the current show as she was due out in half an hour. "No, it's nothing like that. I'm just not interested." Lita scoffed and walked over to you, looking at you dead in the eyes. "No, that's not it. There is someone. C'mon, spill!" Shaking your head, you turned away, but Lita caught your hand. "You're not getting away that easy." You fought so hard in your head whether to tell her or not; after all, she is the one friend you have always trusted. You held your hands up in defeat, smiling. "Alright, you broke me. But you cannot tell anyone." She smiled back at you and crossed an X over her heart. "I won't tell a soul." You took a deep breath and readied yourself. "It's...it's Cody. I have had feelings for Cody for as long as I can remember. We grew up and did everything together, so my feelings blossomed there. In fact, I think I might actually love him. That's why I haven't dated; I knew there would be no point because there'd be no future in it, not with how I feel about him." Lita smiled so wide and gave you a hug. "I'm so glad you told me; at least now I know you're not a nun or something like that." You chuckled as you made your way out of the room to ready up another wrestler. However, when you opened the door the rest of the way, you were met with a large body standing in your way.
You looked up, and your eyes widened when you saw it was Cody. A fiery blush immediately appeared on your cheeks. "P-please tell me you didn't hear that." Cody looked down at you and nodded his head. "I did, Y/N. But I don't want to have this conversation out in the hall. Let's go to my locker room." You nodded and followed Cody as he led the way. Pangs of sadness and anxiety washed over you. All of the work you put into him not finding out had just been undone; you could have just lost the best friend you ever had, and it hurt like hell.
He opened the door to his locker room and let you enter first before closing the door. "So.. about what I heard." You put a hand up to stop him. "I didn't plan on you finding out how I feel, but I'd best tell you everything. I've liked you since we were little kids, and no matter how hard I try, the tragic part is that I don't think I could ever stop, even if I wanted to. Because....because we both know you don't feel the same way." You looked down at your feet, solemn and sad. You had just poured your feelings out to someone you hoped never to find out. To your surprise, though, he started walking towards you with a soft smile. He placed his thumb and finger under your chin and lifted your head to look at him. "Who said that I don't feel the same? I don't believe we've ever had that conversation. What ever made you think that I wouldn't feel the same?" Your eyes brightened at his questions. Does he feel the same for you? The excitement began to bubble up inside you as your lips curled into a smile.
"I just assumed that you would always see me as your best friend. When you came here, I thought you would meet the woman of your dreams, and I never wanted to get in the way of that." His hand moved from your chin to your cheek, the warmness of his contact eliciting a sigh from you. "First things first, you would never get in the way of anything; you are the most important person in my life. Second, I met the woman of my dreams when we were kids. Our friendship blossomed into something more; the other didn't know of the feelings brewing between the two. I don't see you as my best friend but as someone more. You are the one for me, Y/N, and always have been." Cody looked into your eyes before slowly lowering and attaching his lips to yours. Passion flooded your body; everything you had ever dreamed of was finally coming true. Your hand wrapped around his neck as Cody pulled you further into him, hands wrapping around your body. Reluctantly, you both pulled away but with smiles on your faces.
"You have no idea how long I've been waiting to do that, Y/N." You arched an eyebrow at him. "Errm, I think I do." He chuckled and pecked another kiss on your lips before letting go and taking your hand in his. "Hold on, is that why you never dated anyone, because of how you feel about me?" "Guilty as charged." You smiled as Cody laughed at your silliness and opened the door for you to exit first, hand-in-hand.
You always expected that letting Cody know how you felt about him would ruin everything, but it turned out that it was the best thing you could have ever done.
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delilahcalicocat · 6 months
★-Back Off!-★
{Rating: Fluff, Angst.}
{Warnings: Swearing, Fem!Reader, Fem!Reader has a daughter named Emma from a past relationship, Roman and Jimmy being Cracked in the face, Hugging, Kissing}
{Pairing: Cody Rhodes x Fem!Reader}
{summary: Roman gets Personal with Cody and Y/N when he taunts Y/N's Daughter Emma by saying her adoptive father won't win}
It was RAW After Wrestlemania, Cody came out after Triple H announced him, Cody was speaking as normal until Roman & The Rock came out with Jimmy.
Y/N's Daughter who was ringside with her mom was scared for her adoptive dad.
"Haha! Cody, You don't stand a chance with that title. Rock will beat you in 5 seconds in the main event of smackdown" Roman Spat
Cody was clearly pissed off, he knew he stood a chance. He could beat the rock.
"And To little Emma over there, Your Daddy is gonna lose~" Roman Hummed
Cody got even more pissed, that Roman went so far as to bring Cody's Adopted Child into this.
Y/N took the mic from Cody after she got in the ring with Emma, and sighed
"Fuck Off Roman!" Y/N Seethed.
"Baby, Calm Down- you still have Em-" Cody was going to speak until Jimmy Slapped him
"Babe, Take Em." Y/N spoke handing Emma over to Cody
"Why?-" Cody's Jaw dropped when Y/N cracked Jimmy's Face Back in return
"Fuck your stupid Bloodline you assholes! I hate your guts Roman Reigns!" Y/N Spat
"Wow... Y/N- you didn't have to go that-" Cody looked in shock when Y/N Smacked Roman aswell
"You don't bring my child into this! You fucker!" Y/N Shouted
"Mommy?" Emma spoke
"Momma's Busy Emmy-" Cody Calmly spoke
"Ok.." Emma Said, Before Hugging Cody
Y/N continued to beat down Roman and the rest of The Bloodline, she was an angry mother.. it was a derailed train that ain't going back on track anytime soon.
Meanwhile, Cody had backed off and out of the ring with Emma. So Emma wouldn't see something to traumatize her.
Y/n eventually stopped, and then walked over Cody and gave him a kiss. And took Emma Back. Y/N hugged Cody and smiled
"Back off Roman, you don't wanna mess with her now.." Cody spoke
Roman Flared him only to be flared right back by Y/N..
"Fuck you Roman!" Y/N Giggled as Cody's Theme played as they walked off
A/N: Reader's Child is the age of 6, and was from her past relationship with JD McDonaugh (Sorry if I misspelt it), JD didn't want a kid yet. So Emma is technically a Rhodes now, cause Y/N is engaged to Cody in this story ❤️
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juceynightmare · 1 year
dating 101 (18+) part 22 - cody rhodes x reader
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my masterlist
dating 101 (18+) masterlist
pairing(s): cody rhodes x fem!reader, roman reigns x fem!reader
warning(s): swearing, knifeplay, blood kink, breeding kink, daddy kink, cody has a filthy mouth, choking, slapping, crying during sex, reader squirts, dom!cody, sub!reader, oral sex (m and f receiving), multiple (forced) orgasms, creampie, possessive!cody, cody has a big dick
genre(s): college!au, slow burn, 5.8k words of pure SMUT
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she hadn’t even been able to open her own door before it was thrown open and she was pulled in. y/n didn’t have enough time to process that she was being pushed back against the door and that cody had taken his karambit from her before she felt the cold metal pressed against her throat. she stared up at the man, her eyes wide and her breath stuck in her throat. she was frozen in place, scared that if she made any movement that the blade would dig into her skin, but god did that thought turn her on even more.
“i was right about how much more beautiful this knife would look pressed against your throat.” cody murmured, tilting his hand upwards and causing the curve of the blade to press further into her throat, but still not enough to scratch her skin. “but it still doesn’t compare to your beauty, even with the fear in your eyes.” he continued, his free hand resting against her hip as he pressed himself against her.
y/n gasped as cody dragged the blade down along her throat, careful not to breach her skin. “cody…” she breathed out, feeling the blade snag on to the collar of her shirt.
“you care about this shirt?” cody asked, watching y/n shake her head. he held her in place as he dragged the blade through the shirt and cut it open. cody rested his hand on her waist afterwards, leaning in and capturing her lips in a heated kiss.
before y/n could even react to the kiss, cody was already pulling away with a grimace on his face.
“we’ll have to wash that taste from your mouth.” he mumbled, bringing his free hand to the back of her head and tangling his fingers into her hair. he grazed the knife against her lower stomach, watching the way she shivered from the cool metal against her skin. cody smiled at her reaction, dragging the blade of the knife upwards along the center of her upper body. he pressed the tip of the blade against the bottom of her chin, forcing her to tilt her head upwards. “safe word?” cody asked.
y/n thought about it for a moment, trying not to be too distracted by the cool metal that was threatening to dig into her flesh or the way cody was staring at her like she was fresh prey for him. “quail.” she said, causing cody to cock his eyebrow in a silent question, although he did not verbally express it. instead, cody simply nodded his head and hummed in acknowledgement, before pulling the blade back from her chin.
suddenly, y/n was being pushed down to her knees with cody’s hand still gripping her hair tightly. he pulled her hair back, making her tilt her head upwards before letting go of her hair. “open your mouth and stick your tongue out.” he ordered, pulling his boxers down just enough to let his length spring free of its restraints. he wrapped his hand around his length, pumping himself as y/n opened her mouth and stuck her tongue out obediently. “good girl.” cody praised, slapping his heavy length against y/n’s tongue.
suddenly, cody thrusted his length into the girl’s mouth, bracing himself on the door so he could press forward all the way until the entirety of his length was down her throat and the back of her head was pressed against the door. he grunted, giving her no time to adjust before he was roughly fucking into her mouth, enjoying the way the wet sounds of her mouth and gagging noises filled the room.
he stared down at her, already finding her staring up at him with tear-filled eyes. “so pretty with your mouth full of cock.” cody mused, reaching down to tuck her hair behind her ears while still thrusting in her mouth. “i bet if i took any longer to shower, randy would be in my position. wouldn’t he, lovely?” he spoke, his tone turning venomous at the mention of randy and the way cody had used randy’s newfound nickname for y/n had sounded so devilish that y/n could feel a pool of arousal begin to soak her panties.
he pulled out of her mouth, allowing her space to breathe and catch her breath and smiling at the way her breathing sounded so labored and ruined. he pushed himself off of the door, stepping back. “jerk me off.” he ordered. y/n immediately reached up at his command, wrapping her hand around his length and pumping him until she found a pace that had cody grunting above her.
she leaned forward, her breathing finally evened out, and she began to lick at cody’s head while still pumping his length, causing him to throw his head back in pleasure. “fuck, that feels good, princess.” cody praised, unconsciously bucking his hips up into her hand and mouth. “i had something else in mind to wash him from your mouth, though.” he chuckled, pulling his hips back to remove himself from her grip and mouth.
she looked up at cody confused, wondering what cody had meant by his words. cody held his free hand out for her, and she reached up to place her hand in his. cody turned her hand over, so her palm was facing up, and placed the handle of the knife in her hand. he wrapped her fingers around the handle, realizing that the girl was too much in shock and guided her to press the blade against the skin of his lower abdomen. “carve yourself into me.” cody whispered, watching the way y/n’s eyes had widened and her gaze flickered between cody’s gaze and where the blade was pressing into cody’s skin.
“are you sure? you don’t have to just because you’re going to do the same to me later.” she replied, not wanting cody to feel pressured.
cody squeezed her hand gently, and applied just enough pressure for the blade to breach his skin. “use me. cut me. brand me. i want to bleed for you. i’m all yours, y/n.” he breathed out, his tone so tender that it had y/n’s head reeling. suddenly, the world seemed to have started spinning faster on its axis as the implication of cody being hers had hit her. y/n focused her gaze on where cody’s blood had started to trickle down along his skin.
she leaned forward, pressing a soft kiss to cody’s lower stomach and whispering against his skin, “all mine.” her words had sent shivers down cody’s spine. she sat back on her knees and began to drag the blade along his skin, hearing him hiss from the sensation of being cut into. he had let go of her hand, and was now resting his hand behind her head, his gaze fixed on where y/n was carving her initials into his skin.
although she had never once held a blade like this to another person, y/n made sure that she wasn’t cutting deep into cody. she breached his skin just enough for him to bleed, and probably enough to leave her initials scarred for at least a couple weeks. when she was done, she pulled the blade back, and admired the way cody’s blood had beaded up along the cuts that spelled out her initials right in the center of his lower abdomen.
cody took the knife from her, clutching it in his hand tightly as he focused on the way his stomach had burned from the cuts, his heart reeling in h is chest at the fact that y/n had branded him. with his hand that was resting against the back of her head, he gently pushed her towards his lower stomach, watching the way she instinctively ran her tongue along the cuts. the metallic taste of cody’s blood instantly hitting her tongue as she collected his blood. she looked up at cody, her tongue still out so he could see the blood that had painted her tongue.
his length twitched at the sight, and before y/n could close her mouth, cody reached down and grabbed her chin to keep her mouth open. he lined his length up with her mouth, letting the head rest against her tongue and smearing the blood against her tongue with his tip. “look at how pathetic you are. licking up my fucking blood without me asking and just accepting my cock in your mouth.” he grunted, moving his hand from her chin to the back of her head and slowly pushing her head forward onto his length. he gasped at the feeling of her mouth enveloping his length, letting her take control and set the pace as she bobbed her head along the length of his cock.
tears welled in her eyes with every time cody’s cock slid down her throat, gagging with every intrusion. the taste of cody’s blood traveled down her mouth to her throat, and everytime y/n would take cody’s entire length in her mouth, the stray blood that had began to roll down his lower stomach and on to his pelvis would smear over her cheeks and nose.
it was embarrassing how fast cody was reaching his high, but the sight of y/n with his blood beginning to smear on to her face and the way y/n had increased the pace she was bobbing her head along his length left cody weak in the knees. it was when y/n brought her hand up to squeeze cody’s balls that cody’s hips began to thrust into her mouth sporadically. breathy moans fell from his lips as he tangled his fist into her hair and held her in place so he could thrust into his mouth.
cody pulled out just enough so that his tip was resting flat against her tongue and he came with a loud groan. his cum painted her tongue, shooting down into her mouth, and cody marveled at the sight of her red stained tongue being covered in his cum. he untangled his fist from her hair and wrapped his hand around his length, pumping himself before pulling back completely. he watched y/n close her mouth and swallow, a satisfied smile on both of their faces. just as he was about to praise the girl, he was caught off guard by the feeling of her tongue against his lower stomach, licking at the blood that had began to dry up and clean up his cuts.
y/n smiled up at cody as she stood back up, cody’s hands instantly finding her waist to support her. “hi cody.” she greeted innocently once she steadied herself on her feet, looking up at cody and smiling widely as if she hadn’t just swallowed a mixture of the man’s cum and blood.
he laughed softly, feeling her hands press against his lower stomach and her fingers drag along his burning skin. “hi honey.” he whispered, the new pet name sending y/n’s stomach in a flurry. before she could react, cody was already pressing his lips against hers and kissing her feverishly.
she moaned into the kiss as cody walked them over to the bed. frenzied hands were pulling at her torn clothing, pulling them all off and leaving y/n bare until she was finally pushed back into the mattress. along the way, cody’s boxers had joined her clothes in a pile on the floor. her chest rose and fell with each heavy breath that left her, and she propped herself up on her forearms before being stopped by the feeling of the the cool metal of cody’s karambit pressed against her throat.
he pushed her back down on to the mattress by gently pushing forward with the knife, grinning at her compliance. he used his free hand to guide her to wrap her legs around his waist and pulled her back so that only her upper body was resting on the bed. cody dragged the knife down her neck, careful not to scratch her, and pressed the cool blade against her collarbone. he made his first cut there, quick and just enough to have y/n gasping at the sensation. he leaned forward, his hand holding the blade resting against her hip while his free hand grabbed her breast and kneaded the flesh. he pressed his lips to the cut once blood began to bead on the surface, licking and sucking on the cut as the metallic taste of her blood filled his mouth. he pressed his hips forward against hers, rolling his cock against her pussy and spreading her arousal over him.
she raised her hands up, but before she could wrap them around cody’s neck, cody had grabbed her wrists and pinned her arms back to her side. “you can pull my hair all you want later, but not now. i won’t be able to hold back if you do it now.” he murmured against her skin, letting go of her wrists and pulling away from her collarbone. he admired the hickey he had sucked into her skin, watching the way blood continued to bead against the surface before it began to slowly trickle down.
he dragged the blade along her breasts gently, running the metal over her nipples before dragging them down lower to her stomach. “no going back after this, y/n. you’re going to have me engraved in you for weeks at the very least.” he warned her, his eyes trained on her expression.
without a second thought, y/n breathed out, “you’re mine just as much as i’m yours, cody.” her words had flipped a switch in cody’s mind, and he pressed the knife into her hip.
her eyes squeezed shut the moment cody cut into her skin, focusing on the feeling of cody’s comforting hand that had found hers and laced their fingers together. but the stinging sensation of cody’s blade had y/n gasping and arching her back off of the bed.
he let go of her hand and pushed her back down on the bed, keeping his hand pressed against her lower stomach to hold her in place as he continued to carefully carve his initials into her hip. “i feel you getting wetter just from me cutting into you. you sick freak, you like it when i cut myself into you?” he questioned, bucking his hips against her pussy teasingly and drawing out a moan from her throat.
when he finished his initials, cody smeared her blood over her hip with his knuckles, grinning the at the sight of her blood smearing across both of their bodies. he moved the blade to the other side of her lower stomach, quickly cutting a number of x’s across her lower stomach and watching the way she writhed under his touch and the blade. cody pulled his hips back, guiding her to unwrap her legs from around his waist so that he could bend down and run his tongue along her lower stomach, collecting her blood on his tongue.
she couldn’t stop herself from reaching out and grabbing at cody’s hair, the soothing feeling of his tongue across the burning cuts had y/n bucking her hips up into the air helplessly. cody couldn’t describe the primal feeling he felt in that moment, but every blood cell in his body was telling him to fuck y/n until she was begging him to stop.
y/n watched as cody opened his eyes to meet her gaze while still lapping away at her cuts. and suddenly, cody was wrapping her legs around his waist and leaning up to meet her face to face with her blood still on his lips and slightly smeared on his chin. she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him down for a kiss, just as cody pushed his cock into her, and she arched her back off of the mattress at the feeling of the intrusion without any proper foreplay to stretch her beforehand.
she whimpered into the kiss, tasting herself on cody’s tongue as he bottomed out inside her. cody pulled away from the kiss, and pushed himself back up, grinning at the clear pain and discomfort on y/n’s face. “what’s wrong, honey? feel like you’re losing your virginity again? cry harder, whore. i know you can take my cock.” he sneered, pulling his hips back until just the head was left in her before roughly ramming back inside her and causing her to scream. she had pushed herself up on her forearms when cody thrusted back in, her eyebrows furrowed together and tears welling in her eyes.
the way cody had mocked her had only made y/n more aroused, and she felt embarrassed by the fact. she was pushed back against the mattress by cody, who had held the blade back up to her throat and commanded her with only a look.
“little girl, lay there and take my cock.” cody growled, repeating the motion over and over again and increasing in intensity and speed over time. he pushed the karambit against her neck, breathy moans falling from his lips at the way her pussy clenched around his length so deliciously. endless moans and whines were drawn out of y/n, the feeling of cody so deep inside her without preparation had made the stretch around his cock feel impossibly bigger than usual, and cody was already a blessed man in that department.
it was as if cody was splitting her on his cock for the first time again, and y/n’s head filled with thoughts of cody, cody, cody as he continuously pounded into her.
“daddy! it feels so good, daddy!” she cried out, her hands reaching out to rest against his shoulders as he fucked her. she gasped, a stinging sensation spreading through her neck, right against where cody was holding the blade to her neck. he hadn’t cut her, but it was enough of a reminder for y/n to stay still.
“yeah? you want to make me a daddy, princess?” cody questioned, his hooded gaze fixed on y/n’s tear-filled ones. “keep fucking calling me daddy like that and i’ll fuck a baby into you. fill you over, and over again until my cum’s forced into your womb.” he grunted.
cody. cody. cody.
his words. the way he was fucking her. the way he commanded her with just a look. the way she wanted to bleed more by his knife. y/n was infiltrated with thoughts of cody.
cody felt the way her cunt clenched and unclenched repeatedly around him, and he used his free hand to lift her hips up slightly so that with every thrust, he’d brush against her g-spot and the head of his cock would press right against her cervix - just the way she liked it. it wasn’t long before y/n’s eyes rolled back and her body arched off of the mattress as she came with a loud moan of cody’s name.
he fucked her through her orgasm, his eyes fixed on where their bodies connected. he rubbed her clit as she squirted over him, and the slick, wet sound of him thrusting his cock into her pussy while she moaned his name like a mantra was heavenly to cody. he focused on the feeling of her walls convulsing around him, his thrusts becoming inconsistent as he chased his high. “greedy little girl, coming undone on my cock without asking for permission first.” he grunted.
cody unwrapped her legs from around him, pushing them upwards so they could rest on his shoulders. he pulled the knife back from her throat, his hands finding the mattress as he leaned forward to bend her in half as he continued to jack hammer into her.
she screamed at the change in angle, her orgasm still coursing through her body. she felt cody’s mouth on hers, and she tried to kiss him back but was ultimately left to moan and scream against his mouth. “shut the fuck up and kiss me properly, slut.” cody swore, raising a hand to wrap around her neck and press against her airways. he kissed her again, this time with y/n trying to silence her moans as she kissed him back messily.
he pushed in with one final thrust, shuddering as he spilled his hot seed inside of her and moaning against her mouth. he kept his hips pressed flushed against her, pulling away from the kiss and letting go of her neck so he could press his face into the crook of her neck.
y/n’s hands were pressed against his back, her fingers dragging along his spine as she felt ropes of his cum spill into her.
before y/n could relax, cody was already standing back up and pulling out of her. he brought her legs down from his shoulders, moving the girl’s body as if she were a ragdoll and laying her completely flat on her bed.
he climbed on to the bed with her, pushing her legs apart with his knees and kneeling between her legs. the karambit was laying on the bed, so cody could freely use both of his hands on her body. “you didn’t possibly think i was done with you, did you princess?” he laughed, catching the confused expression on y/n’s face.
he watched the way pleasure overcame her features as cody pushed two fingers into her, pushing his cum deeper inside of her as he thrusted his fingers in and out of her, curling up into her g-spot. “oh fuck.” y/n breathed out, throwing her head back against the mattress as she grabbed at the bed sheets under her. cody latched his mouth on to one of her nipples, licking and sucking on the little bud as he played with her breast with his other hand.
“daddy, i’m so sensitive, please wait.” she begged, her eyes closing shut once cody pushed a third finger into her and began to relentlessly curl his fingers into her g-spot.
“wait? if you want me to wait and slow down, then why are you bucking your hips into my hand, huh?” he murmured against her skin. she hadn’t even noticed that she was bucking her hips up against cody’s hand, and making him reach deeper into her with just his fingers. her flushed cheeks grew impossibly more red in embarrassment as she fought to keep her hips glued to the bed.
cody pulled away from her breast, sitting back on his legs and rubbing her clit with his free hand as he continued to finger her, the sound of the mixture of her arousal and his cum was so pornographic that it even had caused cody to flush in embarrassment. despite her best efforts, y/n began to buck her hips helplessly against cody’s hand as she felt that familiar knot in her stomach begin to tighten.
“i feel you clenching down on my fingers, princess. apologize for cumming without permission and beg for me to make you cum now.” he ordered, as he pulled his fingers out of her and pulled back completely so that he wasn’t touching her at all.
y/n’s eyes widened at the lost of contact, her shocked expression fixed on cody’s amused gaze. she felt her face heat up and her heart swell in her chest. she raised her arm and covered her face with her forearm, feeling cody’s hand on her wrist in the next moment to pull her arm away from her face. she was met with cody’s face right over hers, a cocky smile etched on his face as confidence and dominance radiated from his body. it had sent her straight through the mattress, and she felt her arousal and his cum begin to spill out of her and on to the mattress. “please, daddy. i want to cum over your fingers. i’m sorry for cumming without permission earlier daddy. i’ll be good this time, i promise.” she whispered, her voice worn from the endless screaming and moaning she had done previously as well from her own embarrassment that cody was making her beg.
he thought about it for a moment, but the way y/n was looking up at him with big doe eyes and her puffy lips had formed a pout from her begging was cute enough to satisfy cody. he pecked her lips gently at the same time that he reached between their bodies and pushed his fingers back into her, easily replicating the same motions at the same pace he was earlier. “cum for me, princess.” he whispered in her ear, before pushing himself back up and using his free hand to rub her clit.
she focused on the feeling of cody’s fingers abusing her g-spot, the additionally pressure of his other hand rubbing her clit was making the knot in her stomach tighter with each passing second.
“mine. my pretty little girl.” cody groaned, watching the way y/n’s mouth had dropped open with endless stream of moans of his name and her body writhed under him. his words were enough to finally tip y/n over the edge as she came with a scream around his fingers, her body shooting up from the mattress before being roughly pressed back down by cody’s hand as he had seemingly increased the pace he was thrusting his fingers in and out of her to ride out her high.
she felt light headed, and her eyes were permanently squeezed shut. she felt cody pull his fingers out of her just as her orgasm had calmed down. her entire body felt as if it was numb, and there was a tingly sensation wherever cody rested his hands.
“someone’s all fucked out.” cody hummed in amusement, taking in the fucked out expression that had painted itself on y/n’s face. her lips were turned upwards into the smallest smile, her cheeks dusted a light pink, and when she finally opened her eyes to look at cody, he could practically feel the way they had opened a window into her soul and let him know that y/n was in pure bliss. “one more time, honey. give me one more and you can rest.” he promised her, rolling her over so that y/n was laying on her stomach. when she moved to get up on her knees, cody pushed her back down gently. “lay down, princess. just let me fill you back up, yeah?” he whispered, trailing kissing along her back and feeling the way she shivered from his touch.
her body was sensitive all over, the second orgasm that cody had pulled out of her had been so intense and so quickly after her first orgasm that y/n was unsure if she was even able to cum again. before she could tell cody, she felt the familiar cool metal pressed against her asscheek. “gotta mark you up here too. so no one can just fuck you from behind and ignore that i’ve already branded you.” she heard him say, followed by the feeling of him cutting into her skin that had her gasping.
the striking feeling of him cutting into her skin had also cut into the numbness of her body, and suddenly it was as if him cutting into her had shocked her nerves into hyper sensitivity. she wiggled her hips slightly, yelping when she felt his hand harshly slap against the flesh of her ass. she moaned at the sensation, which only made cody repeat the action.
“stupid fucking girl. loves getting cut into and getting her ass slapped.” he mumbled, rubbing over the spot where he had hit her with his palm as he continued to cut into the skin right above her ass. he pulled the knife away once he was done, dropping it to the mattress and running his hand to smear the blood that had began to gather on her skin. cody marveled at the sight of “cody’s <3” that he had carved into her lower back as he brought his bloodied hand up to his mouth to lick off her blood.
“can’t wait to take a picture of that later.” he laughed, lining himself up with her entrance and pushing himself back into her. he groaned at the feeling of her tight, swollen walls enveloping his length once again, and with the new position, cody had reached deeper into the girl at a new angle that had her mewling under him. he supported himself on his forearms beside her head, pressing a kiss to her back as he began to roughly thrust into her.
it didn’t take long for y/n to determine that this was her favorite way to have cody fucking into her.  she could feel his hot breath against her ear and listen to the way he softly moaned her name as if he were praising her. she could feel the way her flesh burned with every thrust and his hips would collide with her ass. she could feel the way her walls were being spread forcefully with his cock and the new angle had ensured that he was reaching parts of her body that she didn’t even knew existed. she pushed back up against him, as if trying to fuck herself back against him to get him deeper, deeper, deeper into her. the sound of skin slapping against skin had grown impossibly loud amongst the mantra of their moans in sync.
she felt cody’s hands grab hers and he laced their fingers together. “trying to fuck yourself on my cock, princess?” he moaned softly, shutting his eyes and focusing on the way y/n’s walls had felt impossibly tighter in the new position and the way she was rutting back up against him and forcing him deeper into her.
“yes daddy.” she moaned out, feeling cody pin her hands to her side. “want your babies deep in me, daddy. give it to me nice and deep.” she continued, and suddenly cody was pushing himself up so he could properly fuck into her from behind. a scream of pleasure was ripped out from y/n at the brutal pace, and she began to moan “daddy” as if it were a mantra.
“yeah, honey? you want me to breed you? fuck you full of my kids and let everyone know that it’s me who knocked you up?” cody grunted, something primal being awoken in him at y/n’s words. and suddenly, his thoughts were plagued with thoughts of him and y/n. him having kids with y/n. a future where it was just him and y/n in a room of their house with y/n cradling a baby close to her chest as she looks up at cody with tears in her eyes and a wide smile on his face. “gonna make you mine, y/n. gonna fill you up and fuck you good until you’re pregnant with my kid.” he moaned.
her third orgasm was pulled out of her so harshly that y/n felt as though she was having an out of body experience. she moaned out cody’s name as she came, her eyes rolling to the back of her head and everything around her beginning to spin at lightspeed. her entire body shook so ferociously that cody had to press against her lower back to keep her glued to the mattress as he jackhammered into her. suddenly, cody collapsed down on top of her, further pressing into her as he came with a loud moan of her name. his hips jerked forward with every rope of cum that was pulled out of him, y/n’s abused walls convulsing around him harshly and continuing to milk him for all he was worth.
it had been about ten seconds after, but cody was still coming and whispering praises in y/n’s ear. “fuck, i can’t stop cumming. your pussy is milking me.” he breathlessly whined in her ear. the confession had y/n’s walls clenching down on him once again. “stop that, i’ll keep cumming forever if you keep doing that, honey.” he was practically begging for her to stop clenching around him, as soft whines and whimpers fell from his lips.
“can’t help it.” she apologized, her voice hoarse and sounding as though she had just smoked a full pack of cigarettes from how much she had abused her voice while cody fucked her relentlessly. “that’s all your fault. telling me that you can’t stop cumming because of me is doing everything to my mind and body right now.” she admitted.
with his hips still pressed into her and his cock finally milked out of all he had to give her, cody turned her head with his hand so she could look at him. he leaned forward, capturing her lips in a kiss as they lazily and sloppily kissed each other.
it must be the orgasm, but y/n felt shockwaves being sent through her body as cody kissed her. her body reacted accordingly and she clenched around his length once more which caused cody to whimper against her mouth.
he pulled away, much to y/n’s chagrin and smiled at her. “i’d love to stay here like this, but we have blood to wash off of ourselves. cuts to disinfect. and a plan b we need to buy.” he laughed, watching y/n pout out her bottom lip. he pecked her lips once more before pushing himself off of her, pulling out from her in the process as a loud squelch sound filled the room.
“empty…” she complained, her voice barely above a whisper. cody hushed her, sitting back on his legs and spreading her legs so he could admire the way a seemingly endless stream of his cum trickled out of her.
“you just want to be filled with cock all the time.” he mused, scooping some of his cum on to his fingers and pushing it back into her, causing her to whimper from overstimulation. “no more, honey. don’t worry. just filling you back up with my cum.” he averted his gaze to the last place he had carved himself into her, seeing the cuts had already began to turn into scabs.
“can we do all those other things in like… 15 minutes or so? i can’t even stand up, and i want to lay here and be with my cody.” she asked, attempting to push herself up but ultimately failing and flopping back down on to the mattress.
“your cody?” he asked, complying to her wishes and laying down beside her. he turned her over so that she was laying on her side and pulled her against him, wrapping his arms around her securely and kissing the top of her head as she cuddled up against him.
“my name’s on your abs. i’ve squirted on you multiple times which is basically piss which means i’ve peed on you.” she mumbled, closing her eyes and sighing deeply as she reveled in the feeling of being so full of cody and being surrounded by cody. her entire body had grown numb and tingly, and y/n had no idea that she was even speaking in that moment - lost in the feeling of bliss from her orgasms. “and you’re my favorite person. that makes you my cody.” she mumbled, her brain feeling foggy and her heart suddenly feeling full in her chest.
he smiled down at her, although she wouldn’t see it as her light snores had already began to resonate through the room. cody relaxed against her, shutting his eyes and letting himself enjoy the feeling of y/n calling cody hers. “my y/n.” he mumbled to deaf ears before focusing on the sound of her sleeping soundly against his chest.
|| next part ||
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joannasteez · 6 months
untitled work (two)
pairing: roman reigns x black reader , cody rhodes x black reader warning: smut. minors do not interact pls. authors note: in the process of writing for tanks of blood, this came to me so here it is. word count: 800 tagging: @333creolelady @harmshake @kill-the-artiste @southerngirl41 @thesamoanqueen @theninthwonder @empressdede @spritelucozade @2-muchsauce @hypno-bear-tini
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cody was still trying to register his current state of affairs. fully suited still in a well color matched three piece. but very badly exposed. or rather thats how he feels. fully clothed but somehow so very bare. 
but this is what was asked of him. 
"come in a suit. she has a thing for you, and for the suits". 
and he didn't know why he followed the instructions so willingly. with such diligence. or rather, he knew why, but it was always so much easier to skate around the scarier truths. hide and cower away from the finality of them. because no honest man wanted to admit that he was into another mans wife. not aloud anyways. 
but roman was insistent. calm and insistent. diligently following the simple instructions given to him. 
a cracking smack against tender skin strips cody of his disassociation. and then comes the gentle breaking of a moan to sedate his wanderings. your legs open wide and revealing. held to keep from some sudden mindless urge to close. and when that pleasure of pain overtakes, you arch and tremble. your soft body caving into the strength of romans chest. 
your lips are kiss swollen. chest heaving and the fabric made to cover over is tattered viciously. cody was very obviously late to the party. the thick heat of the air beginning to swelter his skin. his tongue watering, icy blue eyes slipping slowly over the hard perk of your nipples and the heavy pulsing at your clit. and yes, maybe he'd thought of this once or twice. in the dead of the night, comfortably alone and left to play with his thoughts. 
but his imagination had so obviously failed him. disrupted by the will of his own ideas and likings. but the ease with which you could moan at something pleasurable made for a terrible weakness in his knees. he wanted to be the cause of something that sweet. something that raw. 
roman caresses the inner heat of your thighs. a soothing go against the skin before the intensity of his palm breathes with life. slapping against it. each thigh and then a beat. his own groaning mixing in as he does it again. his fingers slipping soft and delicate over the mess of your slit. such an abrupt and devious exit from the pain he'd just given. his lips kissing gentle into your neck. licking into the skin as his finger drives knuckle deep to slot against the throb of your pussy. 
roman laughs into a moan. surely feeling just how desperate and needy his wife is. the sticky wet thrust of his middle finger lazy. roman kissing his way from your temple to your cheek. "she's kinda like you in a way rhodes. she likes her pain". 
the mess of his finger leaving with an easy slip to join the others. a tight methodical pattern of bursting pats to your clit before he's rubbing over it. driving you wild and stressing the limits of your moaning. 
"tell him what you want", roman adds. his lips at your ear. 
and the gears in cody's body oil over. ready to do and perform. and if his mind were anymore sober and void of need, he would bristle from just how ready he is to do. so damn servile. but he can't help it. 
"start with the tie", you rasp. the burn of your eyes meeting the blue of his. "take it off slowly". 
and you've never looked at cody so intently. with such want. dazed and your teeth tensing over your lips. a mouth he hopes he can get to taste before the night is over. 
the thick of romans fingers remain at your clit. a delicate teasing touch. "what do we say when we want things sweetheart?", his thumb and his pointer giving your clit a soft pinch that forces your hips to cant. 
the headiness of your arousal driving the work of cody's hands to undress more efficiently. 
"we say please".
your words drifting into a moan. 
"go ahead then".
"cody, please". 
and he's never relieved himself of a suit and tie before so fast. his button up left to lay idle along the hotel floor. knees dipping into the bed till his lips purse, tongue sweeping in to kiss your lips. and when the thick of romans fingers mix to slip against your tongue, cody finds neither the will or strength to care. licking against the taste to savor your arousal. 
his balance shifts, laying flat against the bed till his lips hover teasingly over your slit. a moan pushing easy from his chest as he dips his tongue against your clit. lips pursing over as he suckles gently. your fingers driving through his cropped blonde hair till you're thumbing his nape tenderly. 
a collection of moans melting in with the call of his name . 
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mamirhodessxox · 6 months
😭😭 need a fic of him just in interrupting reader while baking ( reader could be a baker and trying new recipes to add to their menu )
Cherries On Top
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Cody Rhodes x Baker Fem!Reader
Desc: Y/N is trying to focus on adding new sweet treats to her bakery’s menu but her husband tends to be a distraction.
Contents: Fluff, Cody being a little annoying but in a tolerable way, SMALL indications of smut, Y/N being a lil cutie Patootie!
🏷️ list: @alyyaanna @ginswife @coolpastelartshoe @greatkoalawizard @cokolin044 @kotoriarlert @alicerosejensen @bunnybot55 @agent-dessis-posts @adollonyourshelf @mini-rhodes @southerngirl41 @harmshake @femdisa @kabloswrld @claymoresofinfamy23 @jeysbvck
{~I'm very serious with you guys interacting with my writing!!!! it would make me so happy & excited, the more comments & reposts the more inspiration i have to write :) likes and comments are strongly appreciated so please COMMENT COMMENT COMMENT COMMEENNTTT the more comments the more content <3!!!~}
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Before Y/N & Cody established a relationship between them Y/N had a small little bakery filled with alll sorts of sweets & treats! Once a month she would spend an entire day whipping up pies & cakes and many other scones & sweets to add on the menu at her little bakery & do cooking youtube videos & Today was that day.
Y/N was in the middle of recording in the kitchen, Cody would walk by every now and then or stand behind her and watch over her shoulder to see what she was doing. But then he became more vocal.
She was currently working on a bourbon pound cake. “Don’t you need measuring cups for this part?” He questioned while his hand ran up and down her back while his wife shrugged “I’m just gonna add like a few shot glasses worth of bourbon.” He shot open his eyes and looked over at her camera set up and shook his head dramatically “She’s gonna get me drunk with a cake.” Since he was video bombing Y/N she decided that she would put him to a little work and start stirring the cake mix while she poured bourbon into the mix very carefully & poured him a small shot as a reward which he pridefully took
Y/N was instructing her future viewers how to carefully put the mixture into the pan & how long to leave it in the oven but Cody randomly popped back into the kitchen “Check out my gun.” She looked up as he interrupted her speech & smiled “It’s a salt shooter my dad got it for him.” “Maybe next time I make steak I can season salt onto it with my cool gun yeah?” She shook her head “No because you’re gonna break something. Just use your hands.” He glared for a second and sassily shook his head “I won’t break anything.”
6 minutes later Y/N worked on another small pastry while the cake was in the oven & suddenly the lights started flickering & she laughed a little before he walked back into camera frame “What are you whipping up now?” “Blueberry crois-“ “Hold on wait I have a quick question what did 50 cent do when he was hungry? 58.” “Your not funny.” He shrugged with a smug smile “I’m actually very funny.” She hummed nodding slowly “whatever helps you sleep at night my love.” He raised an eyebrow and looked at a bowl full of flour.
What if he just….
“CODY GARRET RUNNELS GODDAMNIT I’M GOING TO KILL YOU IN YOUR SLEEP!” Y/N stood there frozen as he actively poured flour over her head while letting out a mischievous laugh “uh ohh she said the full na-“ she splashed him in the face with water “well deserved.” She glared up at him & picked up her bowl filled with yet to be stirred eggs while grinning to herself as her husband backed up and raised his hands in defense “No…Y/N….” She squinted and nodded “your right that would be to messy.” She sighed while he let out a chuckle of relief but she caved & poured the eggs all over him making him gasp and look at her while she giggled & grabbed the flour bag before shaking what remained inside all over him before he turned starring at a glass of milk that sat on the counter next to one of the bowls it was supposed to be inside of.
Eventually she gave up on the video she tried making & giggled while playfully kissing her lover while he grinned biting her lip a little & grip at her waist “You sure you don’t wanna take it any furth-“ she nodded immediately and pulled away before prancing up the stairs to get clean “C’mon Codes your filthy.”
This was just the Cherry On Top for Cody, he immediately tossed away the kitchen towel & followed behind her before giving Y/N a light smack on the butt chuckling
“The shower is your best idea yet sweetheart.”
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mamirhodessxox’s Masterlist
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rhodesrider · 8 months
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Yandere! Cody R. x Black! Fem! Reader
Author’s Note: Now this is total different from my usual content I post. If you do not like this type of stuff which is obsession and murder, Please do not read.
Warning: Once again Minors DNI / 18+ Only, Murder, Unhealthy Obsessions, blood, weapons, psychological horror themes, mentions of cheating, mentions of sexual behavior
You have been warned.
“I don’t get why would he just leave…”
Y/N sighed after her sobbing for about a hour, she sat on her bed looking at the note looking over it once more. Seeing the writing was rushed and messy, like he was in a rush. Her ex now MIA left her note and she’s been worried since the sun was up for the morning time. She was so confused in top of that because he was find the other day, he bought her flowers, they went out and watched some movies. They were having a nice time for once besides just arguing and spending the night in separate rooms. But the next morning hit and she was hoping to see him next to her but instead she sees a single note. “Everything was fine…” her mind was clouded, she couldn’t think at all. Just more tears started to fall somehow she felt like it was her fault. She was probably asking too much of him to where he just leaves from being overwhelmed in their relationship. She heard her phone go off and glanced to the side seeing that it was her friend Cody, he was a mostly a busy man, but he always knew when to call. She smiled some and picked up the phone, cleaning her face some. “Hey Cody.”
Cody smiled as he heard her angelic voice, “Hey Pumpkin, you doing good today? You usually text me after I get off work to see how our days were.” She smiled at the sound of her second support, Cody has always been a good friend to her. He listens to her venting and gives the best advice. “I know, I’m sorry I didn’t it’s just…he’s gone. All he left was a note. Saying that “You’ll find better” and more stupid shit.” She sniffled and wiped her tears away with a tissue. Cody sighed hating to hear her cry, that’s the last thing he wants. “Did you try his cell?” He asked as he smiled going on another phone, holding it with black gloves and scrolling down messages. “I have and he left me on read. I don’t get what’s going on. Did I do something wrong Cody?” “No no angel, your perfect. He doesn’t know it and I don’t think he’s ever gonna know it.” He smirked. The phone he soon turned off making sure the tracker was off and all. “Give me one second please Y/N.” He put the phone on mute and smashed the phone to pieces on the ground. Turning her back of mute he brought his composer back. “But yea you didn’t do anything. I don’t know why he just up and left you both were having such a good time yesterday.” She agreed fully. As she continued to vent and figure out what’s going on, Cody just simply put her on speaker and walked over to an open space in his garage. He stopped in front of a man, a man that was tied up and drugged in a chair. He just smiled and muted himself again while she continued to vent and cry. “She deserves better ya know? And you can’t give her that. I saw you trying thou.” His gaze darkened. “That was precious. Trying to keep her from me, I’ve been nothing but a great friend to her. But you wanted to be in my way. “Baby I don’t know he gives me weird vibes.”” He mocked as he remembered the times hearing him speak ill of Cody.
He unmuted himself, “Hey Y/N, have you heard from him at all?” He sounded so concerned, it made Y/N worry. “No I haven’t, he even turned off his location.” She sighed as she went to the Ifind app and it was still buffering on his whereabouts. “How about I come over and if we have to I’ll go to the police station with you as well if nothing comes up in a day or two. He can’t just stop all connections with you.” The boyfriend looked at Cody with somewhat pleading eyes, Cody just smiling at him happy he’s finally able to get his chance. “Thank you Cody, I’ll let you know if something comes up.” “Ok sweetheart, talk later. I hate it when you’re upset, hopefully he has a very reasonable explanation for this.” As Cody said those last words he held up a gun. Examining it and the boyfriend’s eyes widened and wanted to scream. The drug isn’t letting him. Cody hung up and kissed the gun looking at the dude. “You know, her favorite color is Green. Did you know that?” The boyfriend shook his head fast trying to defend himself but soon was pistol whipped. “NO YOU DIDN’T YOU FUCKING IDIOT. YOU THOUGHT IT WAS PINK.” Cody screamed in his face in anger, turning absolute red. “You are a waste to her and she still cares. I want that, I want her to care about me like she does for a parasite like you.” He calmed himself, slowly putting the barrel to the boyfriend’s neck looking in his eyes with a darkened deadly glare. “You are nothing more than dirt to the woman. I’ve seen what you are to her. She took care of you and you do nothing for her. She begs for you to go out, but you’re too busy. Doing what exactly?” He scratched his head with the gun and looked in the corner. “Oh wait. Were you doing her?” He pointed the gun to the dark corner. The boyfriend fixed his eyes while he could and stared in fear.
A body.
It couldn’t be who he thinks it was. “When I met her she was easy, I can see why you fuck her. She melted in my hands. She was vile.” He had a disgusted look on his face. “I had to shower and get tested after giving her a good time and cleaning the blood out.” He hissed. “I have to make sure I didn’t contract anything, condom or not. I wanna stay clean for my princess.” He smiled and got up walking over to the spot turning on a single light, showing the rotting body. The boyfriend started to shed tears, seeing that he might not make it. Cody smiled walking back over to the boyfriend and looking at his tears fall. “Weak. You were never for her.” He put the gun down and started to walk up the stairs going back to his home. He closed the door and got the key locking it shut. He checked himself in a near by mirror and saw some blood splatter on his shirt. “Hmm we can’t have that.” He went to go wash and freshen up for Y/N, planning to comfort her. Just the thought of being in her presence made him warm inside, all he ever thinks about is her. And he needs her, if he doesn’t get her no one will. But Cody doesn’t think it could ever get that far. He knows she’s just blinded by stupidity and she’s gonna fall for him. “I love you so much baby.” He sighed in the shower, where he had a cover for his phone to watch cameras. He was watching Y/N on the bed looking at her phone, crying and clearly in distress. “I’ll be there soon baby.” He started to hurry up and finished his shower. He got ready and grabbed his keys walking out greeting his dogs, he went to the car after and rode off to her home. Ready to be of service for her.
The boyfriend in the garage sat in the chair wiggling trying to find a way out. He kept looking back at the body with flies, tears falling in fear. This man was dangerous and he was gonna be with Y/N. He had to stop it. He moved the chair some and hear a contraption go off. He looked around but was too late feeling his knee go in. He screamed to the top of his lungs but no one can hear him. Cody set up a trap and it was highly sensitive. He sat there defeated. Crying and pleading god, wishing he would have treated Y/N a bit better than before. “I’m sorry Y/N…” it echoed in his head as he passed out from the shock.
He’s gonna have her one way or another.
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