#Cody Christian x male Reader
supercap2319 · 6 months
Theo wiped the sweat off his forehead with his jersey, showing his bare skin as he headed towards his locker, only to find Y/N leaning against it. "Hello, Raeken." He flashed him a smile.
"That's not creepy at all, dude. Come for a free peepshow?" Theo gave him his signature cute half-smirk.
"This is the guy's locker room, and last time I checked, I was a guy. Besides, I told you I'd find out what you're up to." Y/N said.
"So, you decided to stalk me in a smelly locker room?"
"I will admit, this place isn't ideal, but it's better to know now, then have you stab us in the back again."
"What makes you think I would?" Theo asked.
"You're Theo, fucking Raeken. It's what you do. I mean, you did try to hurt my friends. What makes you think you wouldn't screw us over again?" Y/N looks at him.
"You're right, I could. I could be hatching a plan to ruin all your lives like before, or..." He pushed Y/N against the lockers and got closer to him until they were close enough to kiss. "I could kill you."
"Go ahead. I'd like to see you try."
Theo smirks. "Maybe later."
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Mercy ~ T.R.
A/n: I haven’t actually watched this far into the show, this is all from second hand understanding, so if it’s a little OOC I apologize :)
Request: “Can you do a Theo Raeken x Mreader where the reader never doubted that there was goodness in Theo’s heart even tho he committed terrible acts, the reader supports Theo because they knew that he was led astray since he was a child. The pack believes that the reader maybe crazy and when they discuss that Theo deserves everything bad that happens to him, the reader defends him, which makes Theo feels like he doesn’t deserve someone like them.” By anon
Word Count: 2100+
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"Stop that." 
Y/n was a pretty passive person. His strengths came from maintaining focus and calm. Hiding, not being seen, never losing control. When he spoke, it was always even and his gaze gave nothing away. He wasn't particularly comforting, or good at fighting, but he was extremely good at getting out of a tight situation - or sneaking into one without consequences. It left him often as the one who could get reinforcements, deliver information where it was needed, or learn important things others couldn't because he hadn't been noticed or stopped.
Which meant easily enough that when he glared at someone, or when his sharp tone snapped through the room with genuine anger, the pack knew it was a severe reaction. If you didn't know him, it would be easy to dismiss the outburst as quieter than Derek's, or softer than what Isaac or Stiles might have hit with. There was no sass or sarcasm and even very little poison in the words... but the fact that it was so full of emotion was telling.
Especially because all they were talking about was Theo.
Scott raised his eyebrows as he shot Y/n a sideways glace. "Stop what?"
"Don't talk about trauma you don't understand," was all Y/n said.
Stiles' face twisted slightly with an anger leaning confusion. "What are you talking about? Theo tried to kill Scott and take over all of us. Including you. He did horrible experiments on the chimeras he did get his hands on - and most of them died. All he has done is cause pain and misery since he got here. Who the hell cares what he's been through?"
Y/n's sudden pointed look stopped Stiles dead. It was equivalent to a blade being pressed to his throat, or a gun leveled at his head. It was a threat - a promise - and he knew to back down immediately. "You never know what kind of person others' experiences would have made you if you'd lived through them. Theo was a child. And before you go off or dismiss me like you have in the past, Stilinski, no I don't condone or dismiss the vast amounts of harm he has caused the people around him. I'm not saying anyone is required to forgive him just because he had a hard life. I was there when Kira sent him to hell the first time, and I helped every step of the way. I stand by what we did. But he doesn't deserve all the pain and suffering he's been through, and it does matter, and he deserves a chance to get better and be a different person." He grew quiet for a moment, sensing everyone in the room growing tense and avoiding his eyes. He sighed and stood from his chair. "I'll see you guys later - let me know when you need me." He left the room, leaving everyone staring after him with wide eyes and parted lips.
Despite how important he found his message, Y/n knew not to push it. It wouldn't go anywhere to hit a brick wall over and over again. It would just break his hand.
"What's your deal this time?" Scott sighed the words, his shoulders drooping. This time Theo was in the room, and they'd been trying to ignore Y/n expression as it grew darker and darker, but Scott was powerful because he cared - of course he couldn't last forever.
Y/n's eyes were trained on the windows to the side of the room they were on, taking in the view of the outside past them. Trying to focus and ground himself. He needed to answer this calmly no matter how volatile he felt; they needed to be united in the face of those who depended on them. Like Liam and Theo. 
When he did speak, he could feel every single pair of eyes on him. "I will not stand for that talk in my presence. Keep your harsh words to yourself, or I will intervene."
Stiles, who had been the one going off on Theo, rolled his eyes. He was still wrapped up in his ow feelings and thoughts and didn't have the wherewithal to control himself - even under such threat from Y/n. He fell back on what he was best at: not shutting up. "Theo killed his own sister-"
Y/n snapped. He rushed Stiles, hands wrapping in his shirt as he slammed the other boy against the wall. Everyone scrambled, but Scott held up a hand and caught his breath, eyes wide. They all paused. They had trusted Y/n to not go too far this long; they needed to keep doing so. This was important to him, and it needed to happen. Stiles looked startled but unhurt, so they could hold their breath for just a second. Each person was coiled though, ready to launch the second Scott gave the signal.
"Derek tried to start his own pack and fucked up Jackson's entire life. He has been universally unhelpful, an all-around dick, and general trouble since day one and we forgave him. Isaac was part of that pack, and actively antagonized everyone in our pack - especially you and Scott. He got into fights, belittled other people, and fell through plenty of times when we really needed him. He's disappeared completely when we need him the most and we forgave him anyway because we understand him and see his perspective and work around it. Jackson actively tried to kill us for weeks, but we wrote it off because he was being controlled. But he was that vicious far before he was a monster, and actively bullied and belittled all of us. He put Scott in danger several times and tried his best to ostracize us and make us hate ourselves. Even Lydia used her intelligence and power to hurt and tear down other people - but she's the most active part of this community just because her powers forced her to be here and we accepted her the way she was after that, allowing her to be truer to herself as time passed until she became a genuinely kind and caring person.
"There have been plenty of people who have actively hurt us that we've forgiven. Don't even get me started on Peter. But we forgave them anyway, and they were far older than Theo was - and most of them did what they did without any outside influence. Theo was a child, and whatever horrible thing they did to the other chimeras for a month of two, Theo got for seven fucking years. I don't care what you think or what you know, shut your fucking mouth or I will shut it for you. He's been given the chance to change, and he's trying his best to. He has done a lot for us since he's been back - especially for Liam. He's one of the only ones who's treated Liam's struggles seriously while you make fun of the boy for what he deals with - and you know what? Now that I'm thinking about it, who the hell are you to say anything? You want to start digging shit up about the Nogitsune? How about Allison?"
A hand landed on Y/n shoulder as Stiles' face went pale. "That's enough." Scott.
Y/n caught himself, letting Stiles' shirt go and stepping back. You don't have to forgive him, or like him, but if you're going to talk shit it better not be where he can hear you. Or where I can hear you, for that matter. Next time I'll just deck you - I'm tired of your bullshit." And with that, he left the room. He knew there would be some kind of repercussions for that... but he didn't care. If he left the pack then perhaps it was just time for it to happen. 
He was sure that was the end of it for now, but he heard the door open behind him again as he made his way down the hall. Of all the people he had been expecting to see when he turned to defend himself - he had not been expecting Theo himself.
The brunette boy slowed out of his jog once he'd caught up, stopping too close to Y/n. There was something in his eyes. Tears, at his water line, but also so many emotions that twisted and roiled - too many for Y/n to even begin to decipher. Y/n was taken aback by the emotion, and froze in place, unsure what would happen next. Final Theo managed a, "Thank you," but it was so thin that Y/n knew there was so much to that than the simple two words would be communicating normally.
So he took a second to think, so absorb it all and try to understand. His expression melted and softened, opened up and allowed sincerity and vulnerability to come through. He had been watching Theo struggle for ages now and he was more than willing to let it show plainly. "I'm glad you're back, Theo. That you've taken this chance to learn new things and become a new person. I knew back then that you were capable of good, and you haven't disappointed."
Theo's eyebrows came together. "You did?"
Y/n shrugged, growing a bit sheepish. "I doubted it in the end... I mean, everyone has some good in them, but I decided that it was over, you'd lost your chance, and it hit me to my core. But you served plenty of penance in hell, and when you came back... I could tell you were so different. And I hoped again. And it all paid off. You're becoming the person I always knew you could be. I'm proud of you."
Those emotions turned across Theo's face again and he paused for a whole second before something snapped, or broke - something. Theo closed the distance between them, grabbing Y/n's face and pulling him into a kiss. Y/n hummed in surprise but the sound turned almost immediately into a moan when their lips actually met. The kiss was hard and passionate. Their hands pulled at each other, both of them losing whatever control they had in that moment to do their best to drown in each other. 
Y/n hooked his fingers in Theo's belt, pulling him closer, and whatever anxiety Theo had about the moment melted away. His hands moved from Y/n's face to his hair, fingers wrapping around the strands and tugging on them, forcing his head back to tuck Y/n flush against his chest as every inch between them was filled. Y/n moaned again and Theo sighed into the kiss, his expression relaxing and a smile coming to his face. He reacted again, forcing Y/n to scramble to keep up with him as he moved them through the hall until Y/n's back slammed against the wall.
It was aggressive and desperate but didn't actually hurt. Y/n found himself surprisingly comfortable and only enjoying every moment they shared now. There was tenderness to the kiss too. Small things, like the tips of Y/n's fingers running across the top of Theo's waistband and ghosting the skin there; Theo's thumb rubbing the softest circles at the back of Y/n's neck where the smalls of his hair grew thinner than the rest of the thicker hair, allowing his skin to feel the contact and tingle at such affection. There was nothing sexual to it, which also made every single kiss and bite as Theo caught Y/n's bottom lip or skated away from his lips and began to trail across Y/n's jaw and down his neck - it was all accompanied with sighs and kisses if Y/n's hissed in pain. 
How long had Theo wanted this? Because the sheer relief and desperation communicated Y/n's own feelings like a mirror. 
After a few minutes they both relaxed and melted into each other, their touches and holds relaxing until Theo simply leaned into Y/n, their foreheads pressed together. It was quiet for a few beats, and then - "I don't deserve you."
Y/n scoffed. He reached up, gripping Theo's jaw between his fingers. "I'll kick your ass too, Raeken."
That made Theo smile. "Feel free." He left another kiss on Y/n's lips, but this one was lingering and soft. It was more intimate that way, and they were both left a little dazed. "Will you go on a date with me?" He still didn't seem entirely sure, which was almost laughable after the kisses they'd just shared, but Y/n didn't say anything. 
Who was he to give someone shit for questioning the person they liked liking them back when they thought it impossible?
Y/n sighed, nodding. "Yeah. I'd like that."
Theo pressed their foreheads together and they sat there for a long time. Y/n got the feeling that neither of them would feel alone ever again... They had each other now. They'd be just fine.
Story Tags: @badblondebisexualboy
Male reader Tags: @ravenpuff-oli @sortzz
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gayonetta95 · 2 years
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Theo walked into our only to find me in a jockstrap and playing with myself. As i look at my chimera boyfriend, i whimper for him. "Fuuucckk Theo, i want you so deep inside me." Theo gets super turned on by this and gets completely naked. Theo then stops me from playing with myself and pulls me aggressively closer to him. He takes both my legs and places them on each of his shoulders. Before Theo started to pound me, he decided to tease me as well by teasing my tight, hungry hole with his Cock. Theo saw the desperation in my eyes. He knows how much i want him inside my guts, so he keeps teasing me more and more. I grow desperately for him and begging him to please fuck my tight hole. Theo then gets closer to my face and pulls me in for a kiss only for seconds later he slides his thick and veiny cock in me. Theo starts pounding me like some wild animal and tells me, "Fuucckk baby,you're so fucking tight, im going to fuck you so hard and so right until you cum for me twice." Theo knows exactly how to hit my G spot, which always makes me cum fast for him. As he pounds me harder and harder, i moan for him "AAH THEO FUUCCKK THEO AAH IM CUMMING"
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I can feel Theo's body begin to tense up, he is going to cum. His eyes begin to glow yellow, and i can feel his claws go down on my back. Theo groans "FUUCCKK BABY IM GOING TO FUCKING CUM." I tell Theo to cum in me and he does so, as he cums Theo let's out a loud roar only for his body to collapse on mine. As we both stare into each others eyes, Theo says to me, "Who's my beautiful little beta slut" i reply "im your little beta slut"
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zaceouiswriting · 5 months
The Delinquent
Character: Theo Raeken x male reader
Universe: Somewhere in Teen Wolf
Warnings: Smut
Authors Note:
I know I'm a month late for my annual Theo Raeken Appreciation Month. But better late than never, right? On this blog, we know that Theo Raeken doesn't get the recognition he deserves (Or Cody Christian, his actor). That's why me, myself, and I have made it my mission to fill this world with as much Theo Raeken content as possible. I may not post every day (honestly, even posting once a week would be a treat at this point), but I promise to get out as much as humanly possible. And there will be a lot of smut. A lot of smut.
Please forgive me. As an apology, I'm including a GIF of this handsome man so nobody forgets how good he looks!
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It had become much more intense than even you could have imagined in your wildest dreams. The same hands that punched you in the stomach that morning and that later punched you in the face were now holding your bare ass up. He had been in such a hurry to rip off your pants and underwear like an animal, that they would likely not be useable anymore. If you think about it, he was an animal but only in all the right ways.
His rough, large hands felt heavenly on your bare skin. You never knew what you were leaving out when you didn't get intimate with someone. Even though it wasn't love by any means, you don't think it could feel any better. It was clear that Theo was not just experienced but a master at it. Each thrust was meticulous, like a well-oiled machine, even if he didn't look at you.
You had heard - as everyone else - that he would fuck anything on two legs, but he was only seen with girls. It made you hope to be the first guy he fucked.
Only half of his cock was pushing in and out of your hole as it was much, much bigger than you expected. And even though you prepared for it every night - as you knew deep down it would happen someday - the thought of him couldn't prepare you for the real deal.
Suddenly, Theo jolted you out of your thoughts by forcefully slamming your back against a row of lockers. It was almost as if he wanted your undivided attention, but wasn't willing to reciprocate with the same. The openness of your activity made it even more tempting to you. Up until this point, you didn't even know you had this kink - to fuck in the open hallway of your school.
As he turned his head back to the side, you felt shame welling up. Fed up with his gamey, with your left hand, you grabbed his sharp jaw and forced him to look at you. The moment your eyes met, you saw nothing but contempt in his hazel, almost innocent-looking eyes. They were so beautiful when he was angry, but right then they sent a wave of excitement down your spine.
“Look at me while you fuck me,” you whispered to him, barely able to contain your lewd moans. You wanted nothing more than to scream, moan and groan. But you kept it to yourself, not wanting to show him how much you loved the feeling of his cock in your hole, how his hands were holding your ass so tenderly, spreading your cheeks and the roughness of his skin, or the way his eyes made you feel with the obviousness anger contained within them. The hopelessness of the situation in his glaring eyes made you stay hard.
“Fucking faggot,” he muttered angrily, but there was more that you couldn't pinpoint.
Smiling, you looked straight into his beautiful eyes. “Last time I looked, you were fucking me.”
He paused for a second, disbelief running across his face, just before he stopped being gentle and entered you fully. You could have sworn you felt something tear, but the way he hit that one spot inside, you couldn't feel pain or even think about it. Theo began to thrust upwards like the wild animal he was, which in return made him move closer to you. So much so that his head came right next to yours, panting heavily. He obviously liked it at least as much as you did, but his ego and pride surely wouldn't let him show it, which made him look even hotter in your eyes.
“Shut up, fucking whore!” Theo whispered in your ear. The closeness of his voice caused an obvious shiver throughout your body, coupled with his warm and moist breath tingling the fine hairs on your ear and neck. It finally broke whatever resolve you had. You started to moan loudly, and your hands buried themselves in his perfectly styled hair, to try holding onto him for dear life. “Do you like that?” he asked teasingly, an audible grin in his already teasing voice. But when you tried to answer, he thrust up at the first note, making you moan instead. “Fuck! You feel so good and you sound so fucking needy.”
The dirty talk was finally enough for you. As you came without touching yourself, you moaned in deathly embarrassment, one shot after another coming from your cock, which didn't go limp afterward.
“Fuck, stop milking me!” Theo moaned, not realizing he had made you cum. It wasn't until he moved his head back and saw your fucked out face, partially limp, with your head against the locker and not against his neck where it was just a second before. Theo looked intrigued, at least as your blurry eyes suggested. “Shit,” he muttered, pausing in his movements, “If you had shown me your naughty side earlier, I would have fucked you long ago,” he said to you, chuckling darkly.
He suddenly removed his right hand from your ass but somehow managed to hold you up with just one hand since you couldn't wrap your legs tightly around his waist anymore. Out of nowhere, he touched your face and gently caressed your cheek. Without a word though, he stuck his fingers into your mouth. Noticing it a second later, you slowly closed your lips around his strong fingers and licked them like they were a lollipop. But Theo forced it further down until his palm was against your face. You didn't gag or anything.
Realization hit Theo a few moments later. But still, in disbelief, he pulled his fingers out until a soft 'pop' was heard. He moaned at the sound so loudly that you thought he was coming. But just as suddenly as before, he started fucking you again, more relentlessly than before. Clearly excited about what he had just discovered. Somehow you knew it would lead to many more wet and slimy encounters.
Theo's hand went to your throat where he tightened his grip, restricting your breathing. But the only thing it did to you was make you want him to fuck you senseless.
Your eyes must have betrayed and you believed him starting to grin again. After all of that, it didn't take long for Theo to come. He closed his eyes and opened his mouth in ecstasy. Just a second later, he groaned loudly, filling your insides with endless amounts of his warm cum. With one particularly powerful spurt, his swollen cockhead pressed against your prostate so hard that you came a second time.
He collapsed against you as you felt his cum painting your insides like a masterpiece while simultaneously painting the outsides of him and yourself a similar color. As he carelessly breathed heavily into your neck, you became excited again. But when you heard a low rumble from him that almost sounded like a chuckle, you looked at him. You caught his big, scheming eyes staring at you, which made you blush.
He slowly lowered you back to the floor where you almost collapsed, but Theo was there to hold you tight. Your legs had never hurt so much. It took a few minutes, but when you were able to stand alone, Theo asked for the test answers, immediately, staring at you darkly again with his blank, murderous eyes, which he used for his gang activities, even though you believed he would someday build a massive underground empire. You just knew that you couldn't be on his wrong side. To comply with his request, you stumble towards your backpack and retrieve some documents. As you turn back to him, you notice his surprised expression.
“You had them with you the whole time?” he asked exasperated.
“Of course,” you replied plainly, hiding a grin. “I know you like to get your deals done quickly, so I finished it after my morning beating. All the answers to all kinds of questions,” you told him before hobbling away.
It was a week later when you were cornered by Theo again, his cronies were nowhere to be seen. Knowing why, you didn't show fear, even when he left you hanging in the air by your collar. You seemed like a lightweight to him, but you couldn't be mad about his fury, after all, you outsmarted him.
“Why the hell did I get an “F,” you fucking idiot?” Somehow, you imagined him as a foaming-at-the-mouth wolf, ready to attack you and rip your throat out. But the next moment you imagined him naked and only with dog ears, you immediately blushed. “What’s there to laugh about, faggot? I'll make you feel how stupid it was to-"
“I’m sorry,” you interrupted, eyes closed, preparing yourself for what was to come. But when you opened them again, there was nothing but self-confidence to be seen inside them, which confused Theo. You placed your right hand on his and looked deep into his hazelnut eyes. “You won’t hurt me anymore!” you told him calmly. 
It seemed like an order, which infuriated Theo even further, causing him to question whether you comprehend the power imbalance between the two of you.
Before Theo could argue, you pulled out your phone. You were about to say something and held the screen up to him. When Theo played the video and heard the lewd moans, he immediately shut it down, horror visible in his eyes.
“You filmed us?” he asked. Swallowing loudly, he waited for your answer, but you just grinned. “You stupid faggot,” he muttered crestfallen, his face in his hands.
“That’s funny,” you replied arrogantly. “The only person who's actually fucked another guy is you, and to be honest, from the way we're standing in the video, it looks a lot like... you know. What if people see it? Do you think they would see the same thing?”
You never thought you would see defeat in his eyes so quickly. Until then, you thought he would destroy your phone and think it was over. But he seemed to have realized that you were smarter than that, which you were since you had a dozen copies of them at home. You weren't ashamed of admitting to jerking off to it multiple times if he asked.
“What do you want?” he finally asked, his head bowed and his voice staggering. He wasn't attractive the way he was right then. Pushing him lightly so that he would have no other choice but to put you down again, until you stood strong before him.
With your free hand, you ran over his burgundy shirt, feeling every muscle of his - as you knew - divine body down to the edge of his pants. Without hesitation, you undid his button, as he simply stares at you, unable to say anything.
“I’m about to suck you off, but first I’d like to make a deal with you.”
Theo was already breathing heavily. It made you smirk, knowing you made a certain, rather lewd impression on him. Massaging his big, soft cock, it grew faster than you thought. But you decided against teasing him about it.
"The deal is that you'll be intimate with me every day until the end of the school year, for me not to show the video to anyone, and I'll help you leave this place as a straight-A student for me getting a favor in the future. But you would have to change your behavior a little or the teachers might think you were cheating.”
"What do you- Ahhh, damn it, tighten your grip- Yes, that's right." Theo was already in heaven and seemed to have forgotten the conversation you were having. But somehow he snapped back after a few seconds. "What do you mean?" He finally finished his question, albeit loudly swallowing.
Smiling, you scoffed at him. “Do you really think they would believe that a delinquent like you would suddenly become a great student?” You removed your hand from his, still on your collar, and pulled him by his collar closer to you. “But don’t worry, I’ll teach. But I think I deserve something special now.”
Theo looked confused, his eyebrows furrowed, and his eyes filled with many unanswered questions. You didn't feel like answering any of them, so you pulled him closer and kissed him. His lips tasted like mint, and before either of you knew it, your tongue was already entwined with his, dancing in perfect harmony.
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lazydoodlesandfanfic · 7 months
Faking It (Chris Evans X Reader)
Where Are They!? (Dan Smith X Child!Reader)
Shipping (Cody Christian X Fem!Reader)
It Won't Come To That (Daryl Dixon X Fem!Reader)
Walkers (Rick, Carl & Judith X Fem!Reader)
Potential (Finch X Reader)
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multireese · 5 years
This is War
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Asher Adams x male reader, Jordan Baker x male reader
 Asher and Jordan watched as he ran along the beach with his friend. The hot new kid and Layla Keating were splashing kicking up sand and doing terrible cartwheels, but the two best friends thought it was adorable. To say they had crushes on Y/N was an understatement, ever since the new boy transferred to Beverly Hills High the two were determined to hook up with the new kid on campus. As is the usual between best friends it had to become a competition.
"Bro, I heard he went to a boarding school in Italy so he could model. Came back to the states to get a "real high school" experience." Asher said while watching Y/N and Layla sit on their towels to catch a tan. Layla seemed to be the only friend Y/N had made at school so far but he was already the most popular.
Jordan laughed to himself,"People are actually saying that?" He crossed his arms over his chest with a big smile taking over his face.
"I mean do you see him? I sure as hell believe it," Asher nudged his friend's which got him an agreeable nod from Jordan, "All I know is I'm definitely gonna make that boy mine, just don't be jealous when he's wearing my jersey in the stands." Asher considered himself a player and as arrogant as he could be he wasn't wrong. The students at BH High threw themselves at the receiver and he was more than willing to catch them. At the moment, Asher was focused on getting with Y/N. He thought about what people would think of Asher Adams the star football player with a model cheering him on in the stands. It was cliché but that's what the pros do. Jordan's voice pulled Asher out of his delusions, "I don't know about that dude."
 Asher gave Jordan a look as if to tell him, just wait and see. "Yo JJ, hit me," Asher said tossing him the football. He then began running to jogging out to where Y/N was lounging and talking to Layla. Jordan bit his bottom lip, grinning at the scene playing out. He knew Y/N was different from everyone else in Los Angeles. F-boy moves like the one Archer is trying to pull won't impress him. At least that's what he hoped. 
 "Soooo Y/N, have you seen anybody you might be into yet?" Layla said. 
"There's actually this one guy but we haven't even hung out yet. Everyone's been really nice to me but 2 weeks and you're the only friend I made." Y/N's shoulders dropped down, his eyes turning down and away. Saying those words out loud embarrassed him a little.
 "Well isn't that all the more reason to be excited about where things could go with this guy? Option one, you make a friend and I have to share you or option two you get some dick." This made them both laugh out loud. Layla brought Y/N back to his usual chipper mood. The two put their sunglasses back on and laid back on their towels. This got him thinking about what could come of hanging out with that hot guy later. How should Y/N come on to him? Should he come on to him? Y/N hasn't dated since his ex and that relationship started in middle school. 
 Layla and Y/N sat up when they heard someone yell something that sounded like watch out. Suddenly, a cute blonde boy holding a football fell between the two facing Y/N. "Sorry about landing right on you like this, I just couldn't let that pretty face get hurt," Y/N laughed that line was corny but still sweet. He thanked the blonde guy expecting him to go away until Layla cleared her throat and shot Y/N a look, " I'm Asher Adams, nice to finally meet you handsome." Asher extended his hand Y/N shook it but instead of pulling their hands apart Asher just held it. When Asher rubbed his thumb over the back of Y/N's hand, the boy struggled to introduce himself. Y/N prayed his hands wouldn't clam up. Asher's eyes never left his. Jordan walked down the beach to where all this was taking place, not that anyone noticed. "Listen Y/N, I know you're new and Layla is probably a great tour guide but, how about we give her some time off and you let me show you around my city tonight?" Asher leaned in offering Y/N a seductive smile. 
 "That sounds great Asher and I'd love to see more of your city but I actually have plans tonight," Asher wasn't bothered by a little competition what guy has a better chance than him? 
"Actually…," Jordan spoke which made Y/N melt, Asher felt Y/N go weak as Jordan placed an arm around him, "...we have plans tonight. I'm taking Y/N out tonight, maybe we'll end up at JJ's party Asher." Asher's lips tightened and he narrowed his gaze. Y/N was so taken aback by the revelation that this would be an actual date with Jordan, he didn't notice the tension building between the two. Asher promised to find Y/N at the party and show him a good time before walking off. This was war.
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sergeantbuckybarnes · 7 years
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male character posters ➜ theo raeken
↳ “Real pain is emotional pain. That is the kind of pain that lasts”
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myfeetkeepdancing · 6 years
Unsustainable - (8/9)
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!Disclaimer: I do NOT ship the people on the banner or any gifs showing up in the fanfic. They helped me visualize and are part of my writing experience. Much love for Tom Holland & Cody Christian!
Summary: An accident happened in which the reader has gotten powers. The reader is struggling to adjust to his new powers but also to keep them secret from Peter as they become closer.
Pairings: Peter Parker x Male Reader
Word count: 2694
The Raven sat there, its tail feather calmly blowing by the breeze from the window. The simple dinner was sufficient to regain some strength. A homemade salad with some chicken, backed in garlic and sweet soy sauce. A snuff of garden herbs to finish it off. You grab a piece of chicken and hold it up beside you, tilting your head to one side. Making way for the Raven. The Raven hops towards you and climbs onto your shoulder. With its beak, it gracefully picks it from between your fingers. You continue to feed him several smaller pieces. Soon after it hops back and takes place in the window.
Looking out over the city. Meanwhile, you feel the headache start to subside slowly. Exploring your new powers drew a lot of energy. Not only physically but also mentally. Communicating with the Raven was difficult at first. Requiring a lot of focus from your nerves to concentrate on the sound. But also separating your own thoughts from the thoughts you ‘told' the Raven. Since it was always around, at school, in the bus, walking home. The information it gave felt if your mind went into overdrive at first. Overflowing with things to process. Keeping your focus on everyday tasks was hard. Hearing voices that aren't there. Not following conversations made to you. It got you into several awkward situations. Multitasking was something you had to grow accustomed to fast. But within several weeks its potential what could be had shown itself. You knew what happened five miles away from home. When ordering a pizza, knowing exactly where your order was. If the bus ran late, you knew. Bad weather coming up. You knew. A sense of clairvoyance surrounded you. Every time taking it a step further. For once, to test your power, you tried to order the ravens around. You had control over the ravens in the area. Not knowing how many, but instead of receiving the information you wanted to send them on a quest for once.
  Standing on the roof, in the afternoon light. You send them out. After mere minutes, the results came in. One by one, ravens landed in front of you. Each and every one of them holding a coin in their beak. The bowl in front of you filled up quickly. Pleased with the result, you counted the money and treated yourself to a sweet milkshake. As a way to celebrate success.  But the next morning your actions turned out to be disastrous. It was all over the news. Ravens snatching coins out people's purses, robbing fruit stand owners of their hard earned money and many more. YouTube was full of videos people getting attacked by ravens. The ravens weren't to blame, it was your decision. Your responsibility. All because of a little ‘experiment'. Learned the hard way.
Recollecting the training of today was more successful. From a mere touch, you would be able to transfer your human consciousness into that of the Raven. Easier said than done. Seated properly onto the roof, you tried several times. Sharpening your nerves, focusing your senses, concentrating your breathing. Slowing your heart rate. In the course of the day, you managed, though it was short-lived.  You managed to glide through the air for a couple of seconds as the Raven. An incredible feeling, feeling the cold wind, the freedom. The unlimited possibilities flashing before your eyes. But the short connection resulted in a substantial headache. Though in the future, he was convinced you would be able to do it without touch. The headaches were something you grow out of. Nosebleeds don't. Unfortunately.
 The bell rang. Must be the pizza delivery guy.  Faster than expected.
You're eyes widen in disbelief, nailed to the floor, throat falling dry. The hairs on your arms rise at the sight of the person standing in front of you. You try to stammer out a few words, but fail to do so. Words fall short to welcome your guest. Luckily he invites himself in as soon as you open the door. "Here, on the house kiddo." Stepping inside, his eyes survey the room. In your hands, you hold the pizza you ordered just minutes ago.  You stand there, unable to comprehend what was about to unravel in front of you. Looking at him as he wanders around the living room. "Nice touch on the family pictures. How cute." Holding the frame with your 5-year-old birthday pictures your way. As if he's looking for a comparison. "S-Sir… I… what." The many thoughts racing through your mind, block any communication. You had spent many nights thinking about what you wanted to say to him when you would meet him. Day in, day out you pondered about what you wanted to tell him. The feelings you had, the anger, the rage. But now the rage you felt towards him has locked away deep. "Calm down kiddo. Call me Tony. We gotta talk." His hand firmly grasping yours, the other on your shoulder. What follows can solely be described as an awkward handshake. Your arm was more like a rag, as you stood there dumbstruck staring at him with big eyes. "Better start on that pizza. What is keeping him?" Stark looking down the hallway. Seconds after, down the far corridor the sound of boots fast pacing across the marble stone floor came closer. Dad. Suited in a black suit, blue tie and phone in one hand he storms towards the door. An all too familiar sight in all those years. "I will. Yes, Johan. Yes… Of course… You know me right. Ok. I tell him that. Gotta go. Bye.” Coming to a standstill just at the door. “I knew it. That’s my boy. That trip to CERN wasn’t for nothing. C’mere. Gimme a hug.”
 “Right, let’s talk. I got great news for you (Y/N). And I wanted to get your dad’s approval before I got here.”
 “I-…I still don’t get it.”
 “Stark Industries is scouting for young talents. We’ve been doing so for years. We want the best and brightest minds together. And doing in-house training and schooling is the best method there is. And you sprung out in the results on school. The trip to… CERN. You got a bright mind, kiddo. Not to mention, your friend Peter did a good word for you as well.”
 “I knew you got the best parts of me. Such a smartass.” Dad proudly affirming before Stark could continue.
 “Yeaaah… So… Let me have a word with the kid for a moment." Pressing one hand on your shoulder, and the other waving your dad away. You watch him turn towards the study, while on his way he shoots you two thumbs up with a big grin before turning into his study, shutting the door behind him. Leaving you with Tony Stark alone. "Listen kiddo. Since you are still in school. I'd like to offer you an internship. Something like your friend Peter is doing right now. But somewhat different. We'll work out the details when we get there." While Stark sits you down and continues to lecture you. You feel zoned out. Numbed by what's happening. His words don't seem to reach you. You only feel your heart rate increase. Pounding in your chest. Not only the fact that the famous Tony Stark was addressing you personally, but how everything just went south. How could this have happened? Does Stark have a clue about your powers? Did Peter have a say in this? Going to that tower is wrong. They'll found out in minutes. Stark's tech will scan you, maybe take a DNA sample while you… Your mind races, jumping from one conclusion to another. Imagining the worst scenarios. Not only for you. But also for you ‘ally'. All the while Tony Stark is still going on, showing holograms and projection schematics around the room. The scenarios running through your head made you so nervous, that speech became almost impossible. The lump in your throat not helping either. You at least try to make out some words.
 "B-But I…" Nothing more comes out. Your throat falls dry as soon as Stark turns his attention to you the moment you try to speak. Leaving you speechless.
 “You know what, before you do anything rational. How about we do a tour around the Stark Tower first? Meet some of the Avengers, perhaps see their jet. You’ll love it. FYI, I already got your dad’s permission. I’ll inform your dad and make Happy bring the car around. You… eh… wanna dress up perhaps?” Pointing out your sweatpants and sweater combination.
 In a disillusioned way, you stumble to your room. Picking a suitable attire for the tour, you rumble through your closet. On the other side of the apartment, you hear to two men discuss something. From this distance inaudible. You reach out for your phone, ripping the charging cable out the socket. Trembling fingers play around the screen, dialing the number you never meant to forget. Hiding behind the closet door, you bring the phone to your ear. The line connects, then several weird technical sounds creak through the speaker. Your heart skips a beat, a disturbing sound. Afraid someone might have heard it. You peek around the door of the closet, keeping an eye out for the door. The line connects thoroughly as the other side seems to have picked up the phone. You have a feeling someone is listening. No time to waste. "I need help. T-T-Tony… Stark here and is taking me to the tower. Please… Help." You try to whisper.
 "I see…" The short sound rang with bitterness. His voice still instilled goosebumps when he spoke. Breaking the line shortly after. Leaving you with nothing but questions. "You ready?" Stark standing in your doorway. Watching you nervously stuff your phone into your pocket. "Looking better already." His eyes running from top to bottom. "Follow me."
 The drive was nerve-racking. Your body was shaking, it was barely controllable. If your feet weren't bouncing up and down, your knee was. Every piece of nail left on your fingers fell victim to your wandering mind. Staring out the window, expecting something. From somewhere. Pulling hope from the smallest sound, the simplest event. When stopping for a traffic light, your eyes scan the crowd passing by. Your eyes run by every person coming past. Hoping that someone would do something. Hoping they would be involved. To save you from this crazy rollercoaster. You saw the Raven swooping by from time to time. Having nothing to report. Panic started to kick in. Only a few miles to go. You could just jump out…
 “Something is incoming sir.” Happy glances back at Tony, sitting behind him. “Seems to be one of your suits sir.”
 Tony grabs his phone. "I didn't do anything." His finger swiping across the screen. A touch on the side of his glasses opens communication to his AI. As well as revealing the glass roof in the car. You turn your eyes to the sky, looking left and right for any sign. Meanwhile, Starks addressing his AI with commands.
 “Closing in fast sir.” Happy nervously awaiting his boss’s order. “Northeast, one o’clock. Coming from 54th Avenue. Low altitude.” All eyes turn to the front of the car. In the far distance, over the traffic, the light of thrusters can be seen as they turn the corner. Coming straight for the car. “Happy, activate defense matrix. I can’t seem to disable it, and I don’t wanna take a risk.” Happy’s hand reaches for the central panel, hitting several buttons and swiping through menus. “Stay close kid.” Starks’s hand resting upon your shoulder. The single touch makes you jump right up. “I get it, you nervous. Don’t worry. It’s gonna be alright.”
 In silence, the three passengers watch as the Iron Man suit closes in on the car. "Shit! Hold tight!" Happy shouts. On the suit, from both shoulders, small boxes pop up. Releasing a swarm of bright illuminating missiles, closing in even faster on the car. What started as a small cloud of missiles now turned into a maelstrom of tiny orange colored missiles. On the streets, panic starts breaking out. Cars reversing into each other while large masses of pedestrians run past the car, looking back in fear of the incoming swarm of missiles. Two large arms wrap around you, before you can react, you are pushed flat onto the seat. Tony Stark protecting you, holding you tight to his chest.  His eyes shut tight. “You’re going to be alright,(Y/N). I’ll pro-”
 Stark's last words fall silent in the abhorrent, excruciating sound of pounding and ripping metal. The wave of missiles hammering the exterior. Rocking the car on its wheels. Bright orange flashes color the windows. The smell of burned rubber and smoke fill your nose. There seems to be no end to the uninterrupted stream of missiles. The sound of glass cracking and explosions all around drown out all other sounds. Eventually wrapping the interior in complete darkness. Tony Starks grip didn't let go as you feel yourself being thrown around, hitting the roof, seat, and back up again. The explosions seem to be getting heavier and more frequent from all other sides. Shaking the car so heavily you don't know what up and down is anymore.
 Suddenly the cars rocks from side to side and silence fell upon the car. Slowly opening your eyes, you take in the damage. Dust, smoke and torn leather seats, stained with blood. What once was a car was now a horrible mess of warped metal and hanging wires. An occasional spark from the dangling wires breaks the silence. How are you still alive? Shoots through your mind. Because of the adrenaline you only manage to feel several small cuts itch onto your skin. Other than some minor bruises, you can still move your legs and arms. Though your muscles feel sore and stretched. You look at Stark, slowly pulling himself up. His glasses show several cracks, a small cut on his forehead and pieces of glass scattered on this back. None seems to have made its way through his jacket. "Y-You're hurt?" His voice sounding rasp.
 Looking over the top edge of his glass, breathing heavily. Slowly try to get back up. Checking his surroundings. Happy groaning from the front. "Sir? You alright?" As you feel your head spinning. You hold on the door handle. Your intestines feel entirely off balance. Your stomach is about to be turned upside down. As you feel something coming up. A strong push on your side of the car sends it flying several meters until it collides with something. With your last strength left you manage to hold onto the door. In horror you watch Tony being smacked into the door. Happy befalling the same fate. Regaining your bearings, you try to reach out for them. But instead, your body decides to let go of your meal. Vomiting all over the floor. The door handle then gets violently removed out of your hand. Sending you almost flying out the car. Chunks of vomit flying along. Scrambling back up, you see the Iron Man suit with the door in its hand. Behind you, you hear several words mutter. The Iron Man suit reaching out for you. Now it strikes you. The eyes. A bright green light shines through. He did this.
 Barely able to stand on your feet. Your legs unable to support your own weight, the suit reaches out for you. Assisting you out of the car. You feel a tug on your jacket. From the corner of your eye, you see Stark hanging on. Before you can respond. The Raven lands on the shoulder of the suit. Opening its beak and releasing a screech into the car. Although your ears are still ringing from all the violence, you actually notice nothing special. But Tony, on the other hand, jumps back screaming in pain covering his ears. You look onto him as you are slowly being helped onto the street. The suit then picking you up and flying away from the scene.
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imaginefan · 8 years
What fanfics are we expecting
You are going to have a:
Rebekah Mikaelson X Male Reader
Maggie Rhee!Mother X Reader X Glenn Rhee!Father 
Theo Raeken X Reader
Michonne!Mother X Reader
Mikaelson Family X Reader
Cody Christian X Reader
Graham Humbert X Reader
Theo Raeken X Reader
If I don’t do those ones today they will be up tomorrow!!!
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supercap2319 · 6 months
"So, the traitorous, backstabbing sociopathic chimera bitch is now a jockstrap?" Y/N asked. "Is this some way to get Liam's attention?'
He had been on his way to meet Liam and Mason after Liam was done with lacrosse practice, only to discover Beacon Hills' new high school football team. And who just happened to be on said team? Theo, fucking, Raeken.
Watching him run around in tight football pants as he played the role of quarterback and called out plays, throwing the ball to open teammates before their eyes locked together. Theo gave him one of his famous half-smirks before continuing the practice.
Y/N wasn't sure why he stayed and watched, but when it was time for a break, Theo approached him. "Well, Scott says I should get involved in school. What better way than sports? Full body contact in a homoerotic fashion. And why would I want to impress Liam?"
"Aren't you guys boyfriends?"
"No. Just good friends."
"You're thinking of wrestling. And I don't by this cute school boy act. I know you're up to something, Raeken, and I'm going to find out what it is." Y/N warns.
Theo smirks. "Lucky me. I look forward to having your eyes all over me." He pops his mouthpiece back in with a wink as he jogs to the other players.
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supercap2319 · 2 years
Y/N: “Hey, Theo, wanna hear a joke?”
Theo: “Sure.”
Y/N: “My dick.”
Theo: *Frowns* “I don’t get it.”
Y/N: *Smirks* “Liam and Brett do.”
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gayonetta95 · 2 years
Small Theo Raeken X Male Reader Imagine
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Summary: You are currently out of town while your werewolf boyfriend Theo stays behind with the pack at Beacon Hills. Theo of course makes sure to video call you every night no matter how tired his day has been
Y/N: how was your day today Handsome
Theo:(Tired and Yawning)Honestly....pretty boring, i mean yeah i hang out with the pack and all but it's just not the same with you Baby
Y/N: AWE Theo....(laughing) that's so corny but i agree, it's not the same without you either
Theo:(laughing) im just use to seeing your beautiful face everyday, wake up and just pull you close to me for a cuddle
Y/N: well don't worry handsome, just one more week and ill be home in your arms
*At this point Theo seems really tired and sleepy but tries to stay strong just to talk to you
Theo: (Sleepy Tired Voice) Good, i also miss biting on your cheeks
Y/N: which ones? (Winks at Theo)
Theo:(Laughing) Kinky one i see 
Y/N: what can i say only the perfect man can that kinky side out
Theo: (Yawning) so i see Baby
Y/N: you seemed really tired handsome, what's say we carry this conversation tomorrow
Theo: (eyes begin to give up on him) No Baby, im fine really im just....im jus.......
*Theo at this point gave in and is completely knocked out while video chatting with you
Y/N: Theo....Theo....Handsom.....for once your tiredness has conquered you (Theo Snoring on your video call) you have the most adorable snores ever Theo Raeken, honestly you sure you're a werewolf and not a bear then again you're like a cute little puppy....i can't wait to see you again and just be in the arms of the man who truly has my hea.....(Theo snoring loudly) i should screen record this so i can show you once i see you, until then goodnight my handsome Werewolf Puppy Bear, sweet dreams
*And with that Y/N decides not to cut off the video call for you truly miss atleast hearing his adorable snores you truly love it, it almost feels like home...almost, all thats missing is your werewolf boyfriend who happens to snore like a bear and looks like a puppy at the same time
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myfeetkeepdancing · 6 years
Unsustainable - (7/9)
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!Disclaimer: I do NOT ship the people on the banner or any gifs showing up in the fanfic. They helped me visualize and are part of my writing experience. Much love for Tom Holland & Cody Christian!
Summary: An accident happened in which the reader has gotten powers. The reader is struggling to adjust to his new powers but also to keep them secret from Peter as they become closer.
Pairings: Peter Parker x Male Reader
Word count: 2169
Saturday morning. For what it's worth the friction from last night seemed out the air. Breakfast like a small little family, some small talk. Nothing special. But you can't help but notice Peter is happier, more content with himself. He's smiling more than often. You've always enjoyed his company, sometimes a bit too much. Is he running against the same barrier then you? Who's going to take the first step? Should you? The question keeps circling through your head. Overthinking every sentence like always. What could you have said differently? Would that have cracked the ice? After a gaming session on the console, you both decide to look for some new tinker parts. Scavenge some local alleyways, but first, check out the dump store. May was soon going out shopping, so a tagging along the ride wasn't a problem.
Arriving at the dump store, a list of items in hand and dollars in your pocket. Before entering you continue discussing the items on the list. Peter isn't someone who gets mad or annoyed if he didn't get his way. If you reasoned well enough, he'd let you take the lead. You, on the other hand, could get a bit grumpy for not getting your way. Not your best quality. A couple minutes go by, as you go over the most important items for now. Setting the priorities straight, you both enter. You both start digging through the boxes. Chatting up with the owner, Henry, you always got dibs on the new stuff and the usual discount. Behind the fence in the alleyway was his new stock, handing the key to Peter you continue talking with Henry. As a former electrician, you enjoyed his tips and tricks. Now old and retired, he runs one of the busier dump stores around the block. He gave you the old soldering station which it all started with. Sorting through the boxes, you gather some necessary parts and scrap when your eyes catch sight of the Raven. That feeling in the back of your head, that itch. Now familiar to you. "…Peter's in trouble…" Without glancing in its direction. You walk past the counter, pushing the parts onto the counter pacing quickly outside. "One moment." Turning straight into the alleyway you hear muffled sounds in the distance. Moving on your toes, you skid past the stone wall. The sound becoming clearer. "Who did it Parker!?"
 Halfway the alleyway opened up into a large square area. Beside the fenced off storage part from Henry's shop and some fuse boxes and air cons, it was like any other alleyway. Trash littered around the garbage bins and containers as the smell of decaying food and cat litter and piss stenches the area. Approaching the fence, you peek around the corner. In the pile of cardboard boxes lay Peter, his right eye socket swollen red. Towering over him stood Flash, beside him two of his friends. "I-I.. don’t know Flash! I-" Before Peter could say anything more Flash's foot connected right into Peter's stomach. Peter hunches back as he coughs and puffs, curling up on his side, afraid of more hits. Without a second thought, or weighing your options you walk right through the gate. Filled with anger and rage, you don't even try to hide your approach. The adrenaline pumping through your system. You barely notice your shaking hands. Now more than ever could you finally give Flash the beating he deserved. Doing that on school gets you in trouble. Now it was your turn. The last few steps towards him attracted attention from his buddies beside him. Retracting your balled up fist, knuckles white. Ready to bring it home. With one hand on Flash's shoulder and a firm pull, you turn him towards you. Losing his balance, tumbling back on one foot. "Y-…" Is the only response he's able to get out. With every muscle in your arm tensed to the max, you put every bit of force and weight into your hit. Lighting fast, your knuckles strike directly on the bridge of his nose. At least that's how it looked to you. Flash dropping straight to the floor. His hands clamped on his nose, screams of pain and anguish filled the alleyway. Between the screams of Flash and the stinging pain in your knuckles, his buddies got onto you. The bruised skin on your knuckles slowly bled as your fingers hurt from the impact. Maybe you didn't hit him at the right angle. A sudden force hits the side of your jaw. Followed by a blow to your knee, forcing you to the ground.
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 You didn't see it coming. Your vision blurry, everything doubled. You struggle to get back on your feet, stumbling backward against the fence. Hanging against the fence, you see the vague contours of a figure speeding towards you. Seeing an object above him, you prepare for the impact. As soon as it hits, you charge forward, grabbing his torso and smashing him into a container. In a quick reflex, you step aside, his buddy hunched from the impact. Both hands on his back, you drive your knee deep into his stomach. A final moan sends him to the ground. The last one not taking its chances runs out. "You ok?" Peter's eyes are wide open as he nods while scrambling back up. Seeing Peter's good, you turn your attention to Flash. "F-Fu-u…" His body shudders as you approach. "I'm not done with you yet. You little fu-" You threaten. Dashing onto him, your anger getting the best of you. Punch after punch hit him in the face. Your fingers and knuckles starting to hurt, more blood gradually seep from your hands. His hands desperately trying to block your blows. Two hands pull you off him. "Enough! Let's go!" Falling on your side, you feel yourself being dragged away across the floor. Still managing the get a kick into Flash's side. Peter's arms wrap around your chest, struggling to get you back on your feet. "We should go…" Peter concludes, looking around worried.
 Getting back up on your feet, you smack right back into the fence. Sending a lot of noise through the alleyway. Peter darts to your side seeing you struggle. Your left leg hurts, you can hardly stand on it. Let alone walk. The blow to your knee must have bruised something. Clamping your arm around his neck, unwillingly you let all your weight rest upon him. Slowly you limp out of the alleyway. "Henry!" You call out. Pedestrians passing by glance at the both of you with worrying faces, limping out the alleyway like soldiers returning from the frontline. Seconds later Henry appears. "What the hell-“ The older man mummers through his lips. “I’m sorry for-“ You manage to get out. “We are…” Only to be corrected by Peter. You glance at Peter for a second, his cheeks bright red, panting heavily. “-sorry for the mess. Some lads from school were waiting for Peter. Got a bit rough.” You could see the doubt in Henry’s eyes. Thinking about what he was gonna say.  “Get in. I’ll call you guys a cab.” Limping past him, the silence in the alleyway was disturbed by wailing in the distance. “I see you got them good.” Turning around you see three figures storming out the other end. “Lesson learned.”
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 “Nosebleeds are kinda your thing now eh…” Peter remarks with a quirky smile. Small red circles paint the stairs as your limp up towards the front door. You feel the warm blood stream through your nostril and fall down onto the stairs. “May!” A slight tremble sounded in Peter’s voice. It doesn’t take long before the door get swung open. “Guys! Wha-“ Before May could sound her worries Peter had already interrupted her. "(Y/N) beat Flash and his friends up. He got them good. They waited for me in the alleyway near the dump store." May didn't say anything for a moment, assessing the situation in front of her. "You're my hero (Y/N)." Helping you in with a content look on her face. Although May was a person, who disapproved violence, after an honest explanation she saw justice in your actions. Glad that Peter was ok. Glad you were there this time around. The fight was also a relief for yourself. Finally, that bottled up fury let loose. The grudge against Flash fulfilled. Pulling comfort from the thought Peter wouldn't get hit on again by Flash and his friends for some time made you and May happy. May wouldn't let you go home. Insisting you would stay and rest here. The knee itself was red and swollen. Moving it felt sore on the muscles but not that painful. Depending on how the leg was tomorrow May would drive you to the hospital if necessary. May thought though it would be for the best if dad at least knew. She tried to call dad, but the voicemail as usual. The rest of the day was spent on the couch. Completely stretched onto the couch, like you own the place. And no space left on the couch, Peter decides to rest on the floor. Right in front of you. You can't deny that it was somewhat challenging to keep your focus on the movie. Together with pizza, drinks, and movies, it was the perfect night. May even got beers for the occasion, she herself going out for the night. Not too much though she pressed. A promise easy to keep. But drinking just two was enough to become slightly tipsy and giggly. Playing with Peter's hair, pushing the cold beer into his neck. The usual pestering. Peter himself also being tipsy started playing along. And the inevitable while drinking. Taking a piss. Everyone has to after a beer. After the first one, there is no stopping it. Every five minutes, you gotta go. But with Peter supporting you limping to the toilet, and being tipsy was an adventure on its own. The door being just meters away, Peter kept forcing you the other way. You had no other way then obey and follow. Limping across the room, laughing and singing. Deliberately pushing your weight on his shoulder, making him pay for his joking around.
 Sunday morning. Slowly waking up you hear faint sounds coming from the kitchen. You slowly open your eyes and are surprised at the brightness. By this time of day, the curtains didn't hold back much light. You assume it's already later in the morning. You eyelids still feeling heavy, you sway back onto your side. Letting your eyes adjust to the light. Your eyes being drawn to the door, as it slowly opens. Your sleepy eyes make out the contours of Peter's face peeking around. "You awake?" You shake your head in denial. "Barely…" Rubbing your eyes with the palm of your hand. "Breakfast is ready."
"Gimme a minute." You groan and moan while stretching every inch of your body. Peter still watching you from the door. You move towards the edge of the bed, pushing the blankets aside. Sitting on the edge, legs dangling. The knee feeling a bit stiff but surprisingly better compared to yesterday. You feel a small summer breeze coming from the window, gently blowing past your legs and back. You give yourself some time, regaining your bearings. "Right…" Scaling the stairs of the bunk bed, you're eyes catch sight of Peter's bedsheets. His dark blue sheets pushed to one side, revealed a white duvet cover. His shorts thrown in there, phone with buds on top. [ 9:36 ] revealed the screen. But the screensaver caught you off guard. One of the selfies you took just before going on holiday. One of many that day. Do all friends this? Overthinking once again. Shaking the thoughts from your mind. You continue.
 Peter had disappeared behind the wooden door. Grabbing one of his oversized shirts you follow him into the living room, the smell of freshly baked croissants teasing your nose. Looking through the living room stood Peter, dressed in T-shirt with a chef's apron dangling from his neck. A towel thrown over one shoulder, the other supported by May's hand. "Good morning sunshine!" The dinner table dressed by a red and white tablecloth, colorful cups and plates sitting on top. "Good morning, you've been busy." You voice sounding a bit raspy. "Breakfast worthy of a hero like yourself." May replied. You can't help but smile at the sight of such a breakfast. They really put effort into it. Everything you can think of to start the day perfectly are there. And somehow the things you like are there. Including Peter. Pieces of fruit, cup of tea and warm croissant. Did you mention that to Peter sometime? Fresh from the oven croissants barely touch the plates as the three of you quietly enjoy the breakfast. "Compliments to the chef." You add, eyeing Peter in process. Sitting across Peter, you can't help notice the smile running across his face.
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myfeetkeepdancing · 6 years
Unsustainable - (3/9)
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!Disclaimer: I do NOT ship the people on the banner or any gifs showing up in the fanfic. They helped me visualize and are part of my writing experience. Much love for Tom Holland & Cody Christian!
Summary: An accident happened in which the reader has gotten powers. The reader is struggling to adjust to his new powers but also to keep them secret from Peter as they become closer.
Pairings: Peter Parker x Male Reader
Word count: 2635
The following days went by as any school day. Although the nosebleeds were still present, nothing else seemed wrong. On the other hand, the Raven came around from time to time, still not clear to what purpose. But it didn’t speak anymore, it watched but ignore you at the same time. While you visited Peter, May wouldn't let the opportunity pass to help you with the nosebleeds. She was convinced her homeopathic ointments would work. In great lengths, she'd explain the different flowers and what industrial giants use to poison us. Although Peter was ashamed of her at times. She was a loving and caring woman, not only for Peter. Laying on the couch, she would apply salves and ointments in and around your nose. She was convinced it worked. As soon as she's finished you quickly continue to Peter’s room, Peter looking ashamed of his aunt. But afterward making fun of the weird smell. At that point, you couldn't smell anything. If that was the only aftereffect. Returning home the trembles returned once again, and more severe. For all certainty, this wasn't caused by Aunt May's salves, but this couldn’t go on. The trembles became more severe and frequent, and even more difficult to hide. Luckily he offered help.
 Unfortunately the next morning, it was something completely different. A nasty rash had formed on your nose as it burned horribly. Throughout the night, in your sleep, you probably scratched your nose repeatedly. Therefore it bled in several places as the skin looked torn open all along the nose. A nasty sight. The only way to hide this was with bandages. Or stay home…
At your locker, you gathered your stuff for the day. The burning sensation at around the nose was terrible. The urge to scratch was irresistible. The schedule for this week was on the inside of your locker door, you scanned the table as a familiar face popped up beside you.
“Morn-” Peter stopped talking, biting his lower lip while glancing at you. “Morning Peter.” You respond with a playful smile. “How are you this fine morning?” You reply with a sarcastic undertone.
 “Please, tell me this is not May’s doing.”
 “Nah, I shaved my nose by accident this morning.”
 “Sarcasm really is your strong side isn’t it…”
 “I can think of better ones.”
“C’mon man! May is really serious about this. You have to tell her!”
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 “No! I’m not gonna tell her Peter. She tried so hard. I’d be a real bummer to her.”
In the background, the school bell rang. The halls of school just became two times as busy, students rushing from both sides. Peter took a step closer, just inches away from you to add some weight to his words. And since you were a couple of inches taller than Peter. It was more evident than ever, as he looked up to you with his puppy eyes.
 “Y-You don’t understand. She asked me to invite you over tonight. If it hurts you gotta tell her.”
 “It’s alright Peter, it’s just really itchy.”
 "No, it's not (Y/N)! Anyone can see it's not working. Do me a favor. Please tell her.”
 “What? How is this doing you a favor?”
 “B-Because she has all kinds of ideas for ointments for my bruises and cuts I sometimes get from my internship. If they get the same result. I-I can’t continue doing my work there. Mr. Stark is really afraid of germs and infections. I can’t let that happen. I’ll let you smell one of them tonight. They’re horrible.”
 “Wow Peter, putting the fate of your internship in my hands. Well, I guess you finally get to spend some more time with your friends after all. No running out the movie this time.” You grin as you finish up at your locker.
 Peter’s wasn’t a person who’d get visibly angry. But his face spoke for itself. If he had the strength, he’d probably folded you in your locker. Like Flash and his buddies did to Peter last year.
 "Get that look from your face. I'll hop by later today!”  You playfully ruffle your hand through his curly hair. “Stop it (Y/N)!” Peter responds with a grin on this face.
 Suddenly Ned showed up through the crowd. He pushed himself towards Peter, pulling his hoody. "Let's go, Peter! We're gonna be late at chemistry!" Peter was grabbing at his throat, gasping for air as he's pulled into the swirling mass of students.
 “See you at lunch!” You wave at them. In response you see Peter’s hand sticking above the crowd.
 Lunchtime. Since it was a beautiful day, you choose to sit outside. The regular spot under the tree in the courtyard. A wooden bench surrounded the tree. The tree provided a sufficient amount of shadow for this warm day. And combined with a small breeze, the perfect spot. With the tray on your lap, you look out for the rest. MJ was home for the day, ill apparently. You send a text her way you would come by later. What followed was a stream of memes and weird gifs. She'd been texting all day, but in class, it was difficult to keep up with the spam. Slowly working your way through your lunch, continuing to text with MJ while waiting for Peter and Ned.
 "P-P-Penis Parker!" Was chanted on the other side of the courtyard. Peter and Ned came through the door as Flash and his buddies waited for him. Before you get a chance to react to the situation. You see Peter pushing open the door with his tray, Flash kicking the door right back. Peter didn't see it coming and tumbled on his knees, and Ned stood behind him helplessly. Peter's tray went flying as his sandwich and drink went airborne and landed in the flower garden beside the door. Defeated he got up, looking at Flash as he and his buddies walked off laughing. Peter scuffled over to you, with a defeated look on his face. Crashing on the bench, throwing his backpack on the ground, arms crossed. "I'm sorry Peter."
 “Not your fault (Y/N).” Peter lets out a big sigh, hanging his head in defeat.
 You ruffle through your bag, as you pull out a couple of muesli bars and Snickers. Handing them over. “The least I can do.”  
 “You shouldn’t, really.” Peter grumbled.
 “I’ve got nothing left, sorry Peter.” Ned mutters as he stuffs his last sandwich in his mouth.  
 “Go on. Eat something. Can’t show up at your internship with an empty stomach.”
 “That’s true. Thanks, you’re the best.”
 “H-Hey! I thou-…” Ned replies with his mouth full.
 “He’ll get what’s coming to him someday.” You look towards Flash and his buddies. Sitting on the fence, still going on about Peter. Pointing and laughing. Your mind gets clouded with thoughts that are a bit too dark for such a sunny day. If only…  You're awakened by Peter’s elbow in your side. “Stop it (Y/N). It’s fine.”
 “Lost in thoughts, that’s all…”
 “You seem quite occupied these days (Y/N).” Ned looks at you.
 “How so?”
 “I dunno know, you stare and gaze a lot these days. If something is bothering you.”
 “Oh… No, just… a lot on my mind lately. Sorry.”
 “Where were you at gymnastic anyway?” Peter turns to you.
 “Don’t have to attend for a couple of months. Got some problems with my left arm. You know… from my trip.”
 “You didn’t tell us.” Peter looking confused.
 “Mister Jamerson wrote you up as absent.” Ned added while drinking his apple juice.
 “Oh well, headmaster Mueller is aware and signed my papers.”
 “So, what happened on that trip?”
 "We went on a hike, and I fell, dislocated my shoulder, and pulled some muscles. Takes a couple of months to recover.”
 “Sounds bad, where did you go hiking?
 “Europe.” You react way too quickly. If you had it all prepared.  
 The sounds of flapping wings in the distant fill the courtyard. The conversation falls silent as the attention of the three is drawn to the other side of the courtyard. The sky above the yard was black with large birds as the sound of squawking birds became louder. Somehow a familiar call to you.
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“A-Are those crows?” Peter says with disbelief.
 “They’re raven.” You react instantly. “I think…”
 “Where did they come from? “  Peter mumbles as the three look up at the sky. The Ravens started to circle, as out of nowhere one of them nosedives down, right at Flash. Before Flash can react the Raven spreads his wings just before he hits him. An awful screech echoes over the courtyard as the Raven darts back up and Flash tumbles down from the fence. Flash wasn't hit, but the sudden fear threw him off balance. His friends ran away the second Flash fell to the ground, leaving him alone to the flock the birds. Not that they had any means to deal with them… Terrified he looked up from the ground as the ravens circled him. For a moment he had overcome his fear as he darts back up, climbing onto the fence. One single screech from a raven unleashed a rain of pebbles. Flash hanging half onto the fence looks up as a shower of pebbles fall upon him. The students in the courtyard watch in silence as he hangs half over the fence with tears running down his face.  
 The ravens disperse as soon as they came. The courtyard falling silent again, only hearing Flash his snickering. He picks up his bag and runs inside avoiding eye contact with anyone, pushing students aside on his way to the door. "What the…?" Mouth open, Peter didn't finish his sentence. You hear a soft dud, and you look over to Ned as his sandwich lays flat on the floor. "That… was awesome!" Peter turning visibly annoyed to Ned. “You said you didn’t have any sandwiches left…?”
 “Hah! That w-…” Ned’s excitement subsides quickly as soon as he sees Peter annoyed look towards him.
 "This can't be a coincidence." Peter turns to you with a look of suspicion. "Am I right (Y/N)?"
 “I don’t know Peter.” You snarled at him.
   The school day went by quickly. Flash was nowhere to be seen around school. But it was definitely the talk of the day. You sat beside Peter again during math. From what you thought was suspicion in his looks, there seemed to be nothing left. The Ravens, they still kept your mind occupied. The one raven that flew down was terribly familiar.
 Peter didn’t have time after school. Something had made him really enthusiastic as he ran out front excusing himself. “I have things… to do at my internship. See you guys tomorrow!” He left you standing there with Ned. You both watch Peter jog away. The blazing sun shuns down as you both stand halfway on the steps of the school entrance. Ned turns to you. “Well, I gotta catch the bus, have to go to the dentist. I’ll text you when I’m done.”  
 “Good luck Ned. Talk to you later!”  
 You wave some students goodbye you know from class as you start your way home. It's only a couple of block away. And since the weather is right, you instead take a walk back home. The sun shuns bright between the skyscrapers. You put on your favorite cap to protect your eyes from the sun. Walking home wasn’t bad, especially since your favorite corner shop was a couple blocks in-between. They served the best (your favorite flavor) milkshakes in New York. With one hand you fish ear pods out of your pockets, and as always entangled with keys and pens. After the struggle with ear pods, you plug them in and continue your way, opening Spotify up you scroll through your favorite playlist. Turning by the corner shop, you pick up your favorite milkshake and continue on your way. Down the walkway into the park. The park was covered with trees, offering much shadow from the heat of the sun. You stroll down the parkways. People lay on the grass enjoying their free time. Parents playing with their children, an elderly couple resting on benches and the usual ice-cream cart. You continue your walk down the path.
  “…You didn’t look…”
 You cough violently as you almost choke on the cold stream of milkshake when you heard that dark voice from within again. Coughing hysterically you look around searching for that damn bird. It had to be the damn bird again. With watery eyes, it was difficult to take notice of any shapes. It was frustrating. You knew you couldn’t draw the attention from the other people. But you kept looking around. The damn bird could be anywhere.
 “… The bench…”
 In front you down the pathway stood a wooden bench, an old garbage can sat beside it. Nothing out of the ordinary. Several feet behind the bench towered a massive oak tree. The big crude roots stuck half out of the ground which grew up into the sturdy bark turning into large looming branches. The colorful green leaves blew calmly in the wind. It stood full grown, unable to see most of the branches. You approach the bench, with one eye on the oak. Half expecting to the raven to lurk from one of the branches.
 It wasn’t…
 You sit down and wait. Instinctively you remove your earbuds like you expected a conversation to happen at any moment. A flutter of wings made some noise on the left of you, as the claws hit the top of the bench. You look over and observe as the Raven lands on top of the bench. It's beak pointing straight ahead. This time it seemed more impressive than when it sat in the window. Its black figure stood proudly on the bench, long black feathers gently blowing with the wind. It was larger than any other raven you had seen, but one detail struck you more than anything else. The eye. From within the eye emitted some kind of searing red energy. Then it struck you. A familiar color. You knew that color all too well. As you mind wandered off, the raven turned its beak toward you.
 “…Afraid of the truth?…” You hear from within.
 “Wha-…” You try muttering a word.
 “…Stop… Talk to yourself (Y/N)…Focus… Think about what you want to say… I read your thoughts…”
 You hesitate for a moment. Then it struck you, the accident earlier in the courtyard. You thought about how you wanted to punch Flash so hard, make him pay for what he did to Peter. Peter always was a scapegoat for Flash and his friend. They didn’t bother Peter when you were around. But they always found a way to bully Peter, or Ned. But seeing Peter being bullied over and over again was painstakingly difficult not to act out revenge some time. But Flash had more friends then you could probably handle. Someday... But did... Did the ravens act…?
 “…You are right. We did…”
 You look around the park. No one seemed to have noticed the Raven and you. Must have been a weird sight you think to yourself. A single guy chilling with a raven in bright daylight. You sink back deep in thoughts staring across the parks green grass. This Raven has to have answers to your questions. What are you anyway? What binds this raven to you? Did you become a druid of some sort? Weird…
 “…All in due time. For now, beware of Peter...”
 What has Peter to do with any of this?
 “…He’s onto something (Y/N)…How is your left arm…”
 What? What did it just say? How did it know? Master? Since when? How?
 “…I was affected by the same thing… In that alleyway…”
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myfeetkeepdancing · 6 years
Unsustainable - (2/9)
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!Disclaimer: I do NOT ship the people on the banner or any gifs showing up in the fanfic. They helped me visualize and are part of my writing experience. Much love for Tom Holland & Cody Christian!
Summary: An accident happened in which the reader has gotten powers. The reader is struggling to adjust to his new powers but also to keep them secret from Peter as they become closer.
Pairings: Peter Parker x Male Reader
Word count: 2490
A/N: Second part to get the story rolling. And some fluff 😉
The sound of silence, disrupted by a pulsating sensation of warm blood racing through your left arm again. The tremble in your fingers almost faded. Slowly opening your eyes, surprised by the bright, vibrant sunlight shining through the curtains. You turn towards the clock on the nightstand. It shows it's already late in the afternoon. Eyes stuck to the ceiling you lay defeated on your bed. All energy was drained from the last couple of hours.
 You checked on your left arm. It felt weak and sore. Your fingers gripping your phone wasn't much of a success as it almost slipped from the nightstand. Barely any strength left. With the other hand, you take the little apparatus from your nightstand. You bring it up your upper left arm, and with a firm press, you inject the serum under the skin. A short sting follows as the small needle punches through your skin. The cold substance slowly seeping into your lower arm. A final small twitch in the tips of your fingers ends the tremble. With a sigh, you thud back into the pillows. Your eyelids felt heavy as they started closing again as you fought to stay awake. Leaving it in the bathroom just like that… How could you?
 That moment of reflection was disrupted by a sharp tapping sound. For a couple of minutes, you tried to ignore it. Twisting and turning on the bedsheets. But the sound became repetitive. Annoying.
 Originating somewhere from near the window. You make your way to the back of your room. Looking for the origin of the sound. Coming close to the last window, your eyes widen with disbelief as three ravens sit beside each other, looking straight at you. The middle one repeatedly tapping the window with its beak. "Shoo! Go away!" You try waving them away. You threw a pencil at the window. In turn, a textbook lying on your desk.  They didn't respond to anything. Are they lost or something? You carefully close in on the ravens. Standing a few meters away from them, they did not seem to be afraid of you. Even as you came closer, they didn't flinch or flee. You grab hold of the curtain hanging beside the window. With a massive tug, you swing it left and right, like a magician, letting objects disappear. Making sure it wasn't some kind of daydream.
Nothing. They were still there.
 The Raven in the middle tilted its head, in a confused way. It almost looked human in its behavior. Details of the raven became clearer as you hunched in front of the window. To your shock, you notice the raven in the middle was different from the others.
 From within the very core of your brain, you hear an echo. Shocked by the sound, you look around but see no one. Was a headache coming back again? Again an echo of some sort emitted from within your skull. The sound overshadowed your own thoughts. In shock, you fall backward. You try to get a word out, but nothing but mutter leaves your lips. The Ravens didn't seem startled at all, they keep staring back. Deep within the vague echo keeps returning.
 Panic hits you, not sure what to do. You make a break for the bathroom and stick your head under the showerhead. Running cold water through your hairs and down your face you gulp for air in response. Letting the cold water run for a few moments. Hoping to wake you up further. You keep still for a moment, running the towel over your face and through your hairs. You hold back for a moment, letting it sink in for a moment. To your shock, you hear the echo slowly coming back.  Returning to your room, the Ravens were still there. Was it trying to communicate?
 You close your eyes, trying to focus on the sound. Silence in the room makes way as your focus on your breathing. Slowing down. Calming down. Sharpening your senses. The air becomes colder as you feel the hairs on your arm raise. The echo turns into sound. The sound forms into something more. A deep, dark voice. Like a voice whispers in the shadow. Though only you can hear it.
"…The door…" Frightened by the sudden voice you react. But before you get the chance, a groan leaving your body as you feel a jolt of energy jump through your left arm. Feeling the strength come back again. You turn around towards the door.
 You quickly scan the room with your eyes. But nothing is there. You turn towards the window, but the raven had disappeared without a trace. You lift yourself up onto the window. With a trembling hand, you open the window. The cold air blew calmly through your hair as the sounds of cars and sirens in the distance could be heard. Leaning out you look left and right. No birds in sight. Just the sun shining down on your skin. Suddenly the doorbell rang. Startled by the sound you pull yourself back in, closing the window and start heading for the door. How did the Raven know?
 You unlock the door and slowly pull it open. Peter. Puppy eyes and a cheeky little smile. Dressed in a dark green shirt with a blue vest. His usual curls now formed together into nice wave flowing to the right. Bag over his shoulder, one hand holding the shoulder strap. The other hand dangling beside him clutching a paper bag.
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 You could feel a knot in your stomach, and your body ignites internally. You couldn't help it. Peter looked damn good right now. A raging fire screaming deep down. The eye contact. Drowning in those beautiful brown eyes. What seemed like an eternity, were in fact only mere seconds. In a somewhat guilty tone, he mutters. "Hey (Y/N)…" His eyes roll to the floor. "What's up, Peter? Troubles?" You quickly respond.
 "N-No… I wanted to apol-"
 "God Peter, knock it off. Come in."
 "If you're not busy with anything, cause' you seem… occupied." pointing to your forehead.
 In a quick motion, you wipe your forehead with your wrist. It glisters with sweat. Your forehead is soaking wet. "No, not all. Was just cleaning up a little. Wanted to be done before dinner." You wipe away the remaining sweat with your hand.
 "Luckily for you. I brought you this." The paper bag lands on the bar with a thud. Taking a seat on one of the stools. "Just in time for dinner."
 "Nice! XXL Bacon Burgers." You turn to Peter with a surprised expression. "And they're still warm. How'd you get them here so quickly?"
 Peter looks at you with half a smile, as he's struggling to get his shoes off.
 "You know what, never mind. I'm gonna attack already if you don't mind. "
 Sitting beside Peter, you both enjoy the burgers. Sharing videos and memes while eating.
"So… I actually came to apologize for earlier today. I was a bit annoyed and…"
 "It's alright Peter. I'll get over it. Btw, how much do I owe you?"
 "No seriously (Y/N), you have to understand. I was genuinely worried! And I mean we all were. None of us have seen you in all these months."
 "I get it, Peter. Those trips were just really abrupt, and everything was planned last moment."
 "You know, MJ even told me she was worried. For the record MJ showing emotions to someone else other than you. You lucky guy."
 "You know full well we don't have anything going. Never had and will have. Just really good friends."
 "Sound an awful lot like your friend zoned."
 With an annoyed look towards Peter, you continue to clean up. "While you're here. Wanna catch up on the latest episodes of the Ghost Rider TV-show? I missed out on a lot of ‘em."
 "I'd love too! Ned and I just kept postponing our sessions for you to join. But you know Ned. He just finished it last week. Almost spoiled the last episodes. Sometimes he's…"
 "Then it's just us I guess. I'll get my laptop. Can you get the Ben & Jerry's from the freezer?
 "You have Ben & Jerry's?!"
 "Yea it's great. Ruth brought in some earlier this morning."
 Ruth lived around the block. Although dad was almost never home, her presence was a relief. She took care of the apartment, kept it clean and did the grocery shopping. She'd check on you from time to time. Helping out wherever she could. Every once and a while she'd bring you leftovers, or show up with pancakes in the morning.
 "May never buys it. She thinks it full of chemical products or something. It's really weird…"
 "Oh! I bet she'll love the Spider-man limited edition. For the fun of it, you should bring some with you."
 "Spider-man ice-cream?! Are you kidding?"
 "No man. Check the bottom drawer."
 Your laptop was on your desk. With a push, you open the door and walk into your room. As you feel that weird sensation in your brain again. From deep inside of your skull, you hear that same familiar sound again. In fear, you turn your head and look towards the window where the raven was earlier. There it was again. Its feathers gently blowing in the wind and its beak pointing towards you. The echo began to turn into a sound as it became clearer inside your head. Words.  The distinct dark and deep voice could be heard again. "…Look in his bag…" Before you processed the words, it was already gone. You snatch the laptop quickly and return to Peter. Already on the couch entirely concentrated on the cup ice-cream. Your mind still occupied with what the raven told you. You observe from a distance Peter furiously smashing the spoon in the half-frozen ice-cream.
 "(Y/N), you're sweating again." Peter waving his spoon in your direction. With a napkin from the table, you wipe away the few drops of sweat. You continue to connect the laptop to the TV and take place on the couch. Peter visibly enjoying his Spider-man ice-cream. He hands over the other spoon.
"I thought there was another cup in the freezer." With a small frown, you look at Peter. He shakes his head in disagreement with the spoon stuck between his lips.
 With your spoon, you give Peter a playful tap on his head. "Just leave some for me."
 "Come on, we can share." Before you get a chance to react, Peter gets up and crashes himself right into you, almost sitting in your lap. Sitting shoulder to shoulder, side by side, close together. Having Peter this close was a great feeling, you wish you could throw your arm around him and cuddle all night.
 Grabbing the spoon out your hand, he again starts digging violently into the ice-cream. "Let me just hit-" No further words could leave your mouth as Peter pushed a large chuck inside your mouth. While you visibly struggle, coughing, huffing, and puffing. Peter couldn't stop giggling. "Choking on Spider-man?" Peter joked, his facing turning red as the pillows. As you both roll over from laughter. You both sit back together, in turns scooping ice-cream out the cup. But your mind was distracted from the words the Raven told you. Peter's bag. It was right beside the couch. What could be so special about it?
 "I wish I could try that Doctor Strange flavor. Has multiple flavors with pop rocks mixed in." As you try to scoop the last bits out of the cup.
 "I like the Spider-Man one, nothing crazy about it."
"But eh…What do you think of Spider-Man? In a non-ice-cream way." Peter turns to you.
 "I love him. He gives the citizens that feeling that good is watching over us from time to time."  
 "Y-You love… him? Or the ice-cream?"
 "Him. In a good way-"
 In an instant, Peter moves close to you. Placing one hand on your lap, leaning forward. Your heart skips a beat. Maybe more. It happened in a split second. One hand reaching for your face. His face moving closer. Yours froze on the spot. As his soft fingers wrap around your nose, you notice the napkin. "You're bleeding again." A small, caring quirk appears from the corner of Peter's mouth. You stare at each other for a couple of seconds. Drowning in his brown eyes. You run your fingers in between his, trying to take over the napkin. But Peter doesn't move. You break the silence with a slight tremble in your voice. "I-I…I got this. T-Thanks…"
 "Good…good…" With a slight blush, he slowly removes his hand from yours, sitting back.
 "So… Y-You a… You've met Spider-Man at your internship?" Hanging back in the couch, napkin wrapped around your nose. Peter couldn't stop giggling at your weird nasal sounds coming from your mouth.  
 "Yeah, met him some time ago. Cool guy."
 "You know, I think he could do it without Stark's help. He may be a part of the Avengers but he almost like Stark's puppet."
 "What makes you think that? Everyone needs a good mentor, right?"
 "Stark isn't one of ‘em. I think the best way to learn it is by trial and error."
 "We're talking about lives here. Don't you think that'd be a bit irresponsible?"
 "Maybe. But Stark has done more harm than good."
 "Your brain is already running low on blood?"
 "Let's just continue watching."
 The evening went by like crazy as you both caught up with the remaining episodes. Glad you could spend time with Peter again. Just you and him. It was almost entirely dark outside when Peter's mobile rang for the third time in ten minutes. Aunt May sounding worried. "I'm at (Y/N) place… No… He's alone… You really don't have to May. Please. I can just walk…" Disappointment sounded through Peter's voice. "Alright, see you soon."
 The couch was surrounded by bowls of snacks and empty cans. Peter had quite the appetite. It's admirable he still stays in shape the way he eats. "May is gonna be here in a couple of minutes. She insists on picking me up." Peter sighs loudly.
 "At this hour, I think she's right." You turn to Peter while collecting cans.
 "Let me help you, we'll get this cleaned in no time." Peter grabs several bowls and storms off into the kitchen. On your knees, you reach under the couch grabbing bits of chips and snacks that fell during the evening. Suddenly your eyes catch sight of Peter's bag. You could see the zipper, you could open it quickly, just a peak. From the kitchen, a busy Peter could be heard whistling as water ran through the sink. What if you ignored the raven? What if this meant you would ruin a good friendship? You wouldn't let the raven tell you what to do. We all have our secrets anyway…
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myfeetkeepdancing · 6 years
Unsustainable - (4/9)
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!Disclaimer: I do NOT ship the people on the banner or any gifs showing up in the fanfic. They helped me visualize and are part of my writing experience. Much love for Tom Holland & Cody Christian!
Summary: An accident happened in which the reader has gotten powers. The reader is struggling to adjust to his new powers but also to keep them secret from Peter as they become closer.
Pairings: Peter Parker x Male Reader
Word count: 1994
A/N: This chapter more a less feels like a filler. Not really happy how it turned out.
The old wounds ache. Nightmares keep repeating themselves. They kept coming back and more frequent than ever before. In the middle of the night waking up, shirt soaking wet. That same scene over and over again. You couldn't shake it loose. It kept tormenting you during the long nights. Falling asleep was already a problem. So many questions left unanswered left you awake until late in the night. Twisting and turning in your bed. Not long into the night, you'd wake up sitting upright in bed. Sweating all over, bruised knuckles and a trembling body, full of adrenaline. Sleep deprived you'd arrive at school, no attempt to hide it from Peter. Why should you anyway? Occasionally you'd stay home. But the absences from school were noticed. You called in sick multiple times. It was waiting for school to take some sort of action. Meanwhile, MJ kept you up to date, she’d bring in new the homework. While keeping Peter distant. Afraid you let something slip.
 Every conversation you had with Peter kept you on your toes. Since the meeting in the park, you learned a lot. The Raven answered many questions. But the thought that Peter was possibly hiding something was unnerving. Weirdly enough, the Raven didn’t want to tell the truth. It wanted you to find it out on your own. You didn’t meet with Peter as often as before. At the start of the year, things looked good. You became closer to him than before. But now you wanted to keep him away from this. What would happen if he found out? Would he tell Stark? May invited you over for dinner, but you had to come up with all kinds of reasons to pass up. You were torn between feelings for Peter and him finding out your secret. One of the two actually. Your feelings for him was another. Just as hard to keep hidden. What was he onto? How did he find out? Did Mr. Stark help him? And what had Peter to hide? You snap out of your daydream as the bus comes to a halt.
 Peter was in doubt, the last weeks worked on his nerves. Being Spider-Man carried its own burdens but (Y/N) story was different. He fought the villain Vulture, captured bank robbers, stopped bicycle thieves and help the elderly cross the street. This was different. This felt different. This was personal. Peter wasn’t a detective, but his Spidey senses were tingling ever since (Y/N) returned from summer vacation. His heightened senses helped him read a person much better. And if there is one thing he can trust it’s his Spidey senses. (Y/N) was hiding something. In the spur of the moment, he asked Mr. Stark for help. That was only once. But in the heat of the moment, he let that slip. Thinking back to that very moment, he keeps reassuring himself that was the best course of action. He couldn’t forgive himself if (Y/N) got hurt. Peter was panicking back then. Now, he was ashamed of his actions. Peter felt the cringe consume him, remembering how (Y/N) reacted. (Y/N) was furious. Understandable, as someone who goes on a regular holiday and then hears afterward that he was tracked by Tony Stark's supercomputers. But by all means, Peter was convinced this wasn't a ‘normal holiday.’ Peter knew that (Y/N) was lying then. Peter wanted to scream it. (Y/N) heartbeat had betrayed him. Peter thoughts ran wild. He kept pondering over the same questions. Could he contain his nerves? Why would (Y/N) keep lying? He swallowed the lump in his throat, his hands feeling sweaty in his pockets. His fingers playing with his house keys. He jogs up the main stairs of the Avengers Tower leading up to the lobby. Out of nowhere, Miss Potts surprises Peter. “Peter, are you alright? You look nervous.”
 “H-Hi… Miss Potts. I-I’m alright. I’m looking for Mr. Stark.”
 “I believe he’s in his lab, floor 54.”
 Peter nods as he sidesteps Miss Potts, quickly heading for the elevator. The steel elevator doors wore the Avengers symbol perfectly in the middle. As the doors slid open to the side, the large glass back panel gave sight onto the inner courtyard of the Avengers tower. A peaceful garden surrounded by a flow of water originating from a small waterfall at the back. Peter leaned forward crossing his arms as he lays them on the railing. The elevator rocketed upwards, Peter stared outside as the peaceful garden make way for skyscrapers and office buildings. The sun carefully covered by a thick layer of clouds. Drops of rain start falling onto the side of the elevator. Only adding to Peter's sad state of mind. Peter stared into the grey sky as he thought of all the inconsistencies (Y/N) had shown. Was he right? Did he see it the right way? The sound of the elevator reaching the floor helped Peter out of his endless gaze. He turned into the hallway leading onto Mr. Stark's lab. There was a certain calmness in the air as he walked down the hall, no employees, no Iron Man suits, just some planters and chairs, and rain hitting the window. Peter held his ground, one hand on the door as he tried to listen to sounds coming from the lab. But also wondering if he did the right thing. From the corner of his eye socket, he noticed a shape. Before he could look, the shape resembling a bird of some sort flew off down towards the city. Whatever. Peter pushed open the door leading into the lab. The lab was a large spacious room. Workbenches lay in the center with large screens hanging from the ceiling. Armory stations lined the walls which housed all different kind of versions of Iron Man armor.  Like usual parts were scattered all along the floor, heaps of technical devices lay against workbenches. Containers of screws, wires and circuit boards were stacked upon each other, begging to be pushed over soon or later. From the center of the room, the sound of repairs was heard. Sparks and sounds of hydraulics could be heard. Peter carefully moved passed the heaps of metal and parts. Careful not to damage anything. Mr. Starks sat on a small trolley working on a suit of armor, reconnecting and replacing parts. Nearby machines were busy rewiring and pressing pieces of steels. Peter looked on in silence.
“M-Mr. Stark?”
 “G-! Holy! Mother of smol beans!” Tony darts right up from his work. ”Pete! You scared the bejesus outta me.” Hitting his suit with the tool, creating sparks all over.
 “S-So sorry Mr. Stark. I-I…I just wanna discuss something with you.”
 "Let me guess, you destroyed the suit. No, wait…! Aunt May. She finally agreed to get some dinner?"
 “What? No, not at all. I-I… mean it’s just…”
 "Spit it out, kid. The world isn't going to save itself."
 “It’s personal sir…”
 “Oh dear, you met a girl, had a few too many drinks and now you may or may not have a child with her?”
 “Please mister Stark, something is wrong with (Y/N). And I need your help…”
 “I’ve heard that before Peter…”
 “This is different! It’s so frustrating sir! Every day I see him struggling. I-I… just feel it... He is distant, rarely comes over, we barely spend time together, we don't do sleepovers anymore. He gets sick often, has random nosebleeds, suddenly started writing with his right arm. While he's always left-handed! And strange birds suddenly show up. Something is going on with raven’s sir. It all doesn’t add up. It’s tearing me up from inside! I need answers, sir. Please…"  
 “Wow, you really got worked up about it kiddo…”
 “At first, I was really hesitant to ask for your help again. I couldn’t sleep for days. It… It just kept circling in my mind. I’m just really fed up about it. I just can’t seem to connect the dots, not on my own sir…”
 "Let me draw you the first line, Peter. You care about (Y/N). More than you afraid to admit. I see it in you. You have that same fire in your eyes.”
 “No… he’s j-just…”
 “Pepper had that look too.”
 “Listen, you don’t have to admit it to me. Start following him, find out what he does outside of school. Find out what breaks his routine. Protect him from what you think is haunting him. Be that friendly neighborhood Spider-Man. Look out for the little guy. But don't let your emotions get the best of you.”
 “But how are you-“
 “Shush! Now go, Peter! Let me know what you find out. I have something in mind.”
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 Starks shifting attention let Peter standing, gazing into nothingness. With legs like stone, armpits like waterfalls, shaky hands and a knot in his stomach he was frozen to the spot. Zoned out from all the noise happening around. That sudden realization hit home harder than expected. He had battled those feelings before. Unsure what it all meant. His body told him the signs, showed it. He felt it. Time and time again. Every time you were around, or close to him. Even getting a look from you, his body told him. Peter’s body had ached for it. Begged for it. And Starks words hit the nail on the head. The signs became ever more apparent in the months while you were gone. Peter was afraid to admit it. The months you were gone were bland, boring and empty. His mind had wondered day in day out, unable to focus on anything. Expecting you to show up around every corner. Those days were long and tiresome. There wasn't something or someone who could fill that gap, that emptiness. That loneliness. Except for you. Now he knew. Now he felt it. Peter had feelings for you.
  From the bus on you take the usual path down the docks towards the warehouses. During the day the warehouses didn’t have that creep factor. Although the presence of seagulls and some stray cats, and of course the Raven, pretty much nothing happened here. At night the empty parking lots and abandoned warehouses were a different story. Turning down the small passageways, you eventually end up at the shack. Checking your surroundings, you move inwards. The old shack was connected to a larger warehouse. The two walls facing the warehouse were lined with small square windows. A couple of old desks, broken chairs, and file cabinets littered the place. Connecting the battery in the corner sprung on the old desk light. Filling the room with a slight buzzing sound as the old light bulb warmed up and lit the desk up. Taking place on the desk chair, you reach behind the drawer with one hand. Your fingers searching for the mechanism. A clicking sound pushes the bottom drawer open, revealing the folder. As you roll your eyes over the text, in the corner of your eye, you see a familiar figure emerging in the doorway. “Hello (Y/N)…” said the older man. “Hey Matthias, how’s Boris doing?” You reply without losing sight of the papers. “He’s getting old, as we all do…” Matthias limps across the room, taking place on the old chair in between the file cabinets. The old wooden chair creeks under the weight. “You look troubled (Y/N). Something bothering you?” You knew it would be for the best to share everything you knew and experienced. For the sake of yourself and him. “You know the master is doing this to help you?” Matthias pressed on. But should you tell about Peter? “Something happened earlier this week… An eh… raven appeared before me. Shares the same fate as me. Somehow I have a connection with it…" You explain while searching for the little apparatus in your backpack. “He will figure this out. Don’t worry. For now, read the papers and start your training. You need time to regain your strength before returning home.”
 A/N: Originally I had a plan for Matthias & Boris but since I haven’t found a way to keep the story going after chapter 9. You may forget about them.
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