#Cody Burns/Priscilla Pynch
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gamecrash716 · 25 days
Discount (Pt 1)
Kade Burns/Myles
Cody Burns/Priscilla Pynch
Kade walked into the kitchen, chuckling to himself about the sweet deal he got at the local diner. Little did he know it would come back to bite him.
Cody was daydreaming while eating cereal, Dani was attempting to make herself breakfast, Graham was making toast, and Charlie was sipping coffee while reading the newspaper.
"Mornin family," Kade said. "You're a bit late today," Graham said. Kade scoffed, "I needed some extra beauty sleep." Dani rolled his eyes at Kade's comment, and Charlie chuckled at it and continued reading. Then he read something that made him almost spit out his coffee. It took everyone by surprise by the action and got Cody out of his daydream.
"Uh, dad, is everything okay?" Cody asked. Charlie cleared his throat, "Just the news, son," "A rumor that's been going around the town for a few weeks ago." Dani raised an eyebrow, "What rumor?" If it was so bad that Charlie almost spat out his coffee, Dani wants in on the gossip. "Let me see," Dani said, and Charlie handed over the newspaper. "What does it say?" Graham asked.
"Ex-Theif Turned Rich Girl's Babysitter Is Possibly Dating the Oldest Burns!"
The four family members turn to look at Kade. His face was almost red as a fire hydrant. Charlie and Graham were in disbelief, Dani could see it happening, and Cody was mad and glared at Kade. "So it's okay for you to tease me for crushing on Priscilla, but you're outright dating her babysitter." Cody sneered. He knew his brother could be a bit of a hypocrite at times, but these are the few times where it genuinely made him mad. "You definitely don't wanna see the pictures then," Dani said.
Dani put the newspaper on the table and opened it, showing the "dates" of Myles and Kade. Everyone looked at Kade for a response. "I need to make a call real quick." Kade said as he dashed to his room and closed the door. He frantically dialed Myles' number, hoping it would answer.
(I absolutely suck at writing phone call dialog, so it'll be like this until then)
M: Yeah? K: Have you read the newspaper? M: No, why? None of us even really read that stuff. Only Madeline does. K: Remember how we would go to the diner and fake being a couple for their discounts. M: Dear god. What is on the paper? K: There's been a rumor going around that we actually are and my family knows. M: Let me guess, Cody's been giving you the stink eye ever since K: I didn't know people would think we're dating! And with Cody, it's not that bad. M: Dude, you bullied your younger brother for crushing on Priscilla, the daughter of a criminal. And he thinks you're dating me, an actual criminal. M: Of course he's going to be mad at you. P: He has a crush on me? M: Uhh P: Does he? K: Who are you talking to? M: *whisper* Priscilla heard me, Kade. She knows about the crush K: Why does that matter? M: *whisper* She likes him back! K: OH! Uh, gotta go train!
Myles looked at the hung up phone in annoyance. 'That explains why people kept looking at me weirdly,' He thought and turned to look back at Priscilla. She was giving puppy dog eyes. Now, most of the time, this wouldn't work on him. However, the feelings are mutual. He couldn't lie about and break Priscilla's heart. Myles sighed, wanting to to avoid the question. Luckily, his twin opened the door. "Hey there's a carnival going on tonight," Evans said, "Do you want to go there Priscilla?" "Myles, can you call Kade and tell Cody I'm going?" Priscilla asked. Myles sighed, "Yeah, I will." 'Just need to make sure that idiot didn't do anything stupid,' He thought.
-Back at the Fire House-
Cody was continuing to give Kade glares. Kade, obviously, ignored it. The bots wanted to know why, mainly Heatwave. Blades went to ask Dani, she always knows. "Hey Dani, what's with Cody?" Blades asked. "And what did Kade do?" Heatwave asked, giving Kade a harsh side eye and ready to spray him with water. Dani whispered to Blades and he was shocked and audibly gasped. "What is it?" Boulder asked. "You're dating Myles?!" Blades shouted. "N-No, the press just makes it seem like it," Kade tried to explain. "Kade, why would you associate with a criminal that we have arrested multiple times?" Chase asked. "Would you believe me I told you?" Kade asked. Everyone gained interest.
"Look, a few weeks ago, there was a couples discount at the local diner," "I didn't have enough money for the normal amount and Myles was near by so I asked him for us to pose as a couple so I could get the discount." "He agreed, so we ordered and sat away from everyone else." "We did this multiple times when the had the discount was in place and I guess people though we were dating because how close we tend to get at times..." "We got really close some nights..."
After hearing Kade's explanation, everyone had various reactions to this. "So people think you two are dating because you wanted a discount?" Graham asked. "Yup, and it worked." Kade said proudly, "I guess we got too convincing." "Why am I not surprised," Dani said, "I should've expected that you'd be the type to do it."
"So why is Cody so upset about it?" Boulder asked. "You mind if I tell them?" Dani asked. "No," Cody responded. "Alright, Cody likes Priscilla and he's upset about it." Dani said. "Wait, you do?" Blades asked. Cody nodded. "Myles did chew me out about it over the phone considering Priscilla likes you b-" Kade covered his mouth before he could finish the sentence but it was already to late. "She likes me?" Cody asked. Kade sighed, "Yeah, he did tell me because Priscilla over heard everything and he may have told her about your crush." There was a tinge of pink growing on Cody's face.
Part 2 will be coming soon
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bluekat12345 · 2 years
I don't remember what plans I have for the day so...
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Have this sketches I did at 2am. The first sketch being an AU of Cody, Priss, and Frankie as part of the Lantern Corps! And the second sketch being my version of teenage Cody and Priss, who, after some adventures they both have gained some new scars.
But what do you think??
The Lantern outfits look amazing, and I love how you did their hair!
And Teen Cody and Priscilla look great as well! The scars look cool, and you can tell they've been on quite a few adventures.
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oldeubagel · 24 days
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Heres a classpect with the tfrb characters (atleast the ones who aren't npcs) + sideswipe, bumblebee and optimus prime.
(Also alot of these classpects where made with the help of @brazillianfishsticks btw)
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mysticfoxdesigns · 2 months
@gelu-the-babosa-multiversal have your sillies /pos
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Had to draw their Cyberaligned designs for this.
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tf-cyberaligned · 1 year
Out of context artwork for a oneshot coming up for the continuity
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All Charlie wanted was a normal prom photo from his youngest.
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Radiance In Disguise human concept art be upon ye!!
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I got so frustrated with trying to figure out a headturn, but it wasn’t until after I finished Priscilla that I realized I was way too lazy to do another one.
There’s no way I’m doing another one for anybody else anytime soon. If anything I’m going to count it as an art study.
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hopefulangelpuppy · 5 months
Why do I feel like this is Canon
Heatwave: hey whares Cody?
Blur: I don't know anyone does anyone else know whare he is?
Chase and chief: not at all
Graham and Boulder: no
Dani and blades: naw
Kade: whare is he??
Cody:*chasing Priscilla* give me my jacket!
Priscilla:*running away from Cody with his jacket* never!
Frankie:*also chasing Priscilla* give my bestie his jacket back!
Wes: 👁️👄👁️
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transingsomeformers · 6 months
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this was from 2ish years ago when i was starting a swap au where everyone switched places
the other rescue bots (quickshadow blurr hightide nd salvage) would have switch with the main team and the other humans (haley, evan, amy, prsicilla and madeline) would switch the the burns family
morroco and greene would switch as well, tho instead of being from the past they would be from the future
I have more on it its just been so long i can elaborate more if theres interest
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sweetpeaches666 · 1 year
(Cody sees Priscilla in the front newspaper.)
Cody: Looks like someone brought their way onto the front page.
Chase: Is it legal for a child to wear that much makeup?
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I have made a scary conclusion guys...
Any Rescue Bots who are also Guilty Gear fans could tell me that I'm crazy????
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gamecrash716 · 28 days
I really like @gelu-the-babosa-multiversal aus where Priscilla is a robot/techno-organic, because I always think of the song Mary On A Cross by Ghost
Specifically this line in the song where I'd always imagine Cody would sing it to Priscilla to help her feel better
"Your beauty never ever scared me"
The song is really cute :)
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bluekat12345 · 2 years
Oldest Child Cody: Cody and Priscilla's Relationship
I've decided to explore more in what Cody and Priscilla relationship would be like in this AU and how it progresses.
It would be a classic enemies-to-lovers kind of thing.
I imagine them knowing each other since elementary school or middle school with Priscilla's mother sending her to school on Griffin Rock for a while.
They would not like each other and would be rivals at almost everything they do in school. From extracurriculars to school events.
They would both be able to see through each other. Priscilla seeing through his perfect boyscout facade and Cody sees through her sickeningly sweet attitude she uses to charm suckers.
They would act polite when around others, but in private, they don't hold back on reminding each other how much they hate the other.
But after high school, Priscilla would leave Griffin Rock with her mother, presumable to a fancy college her mother wants her to study, while Cody remains in Griffin Rock.
Eventually, she would return, and the rivalry is reignited. But again, they would play nice in public, while being snarky in private.
During the events of 'Spellbound', they would work together, and there would actually be a little heart-to-heart moment where they open up a bit to each other, if only a little bit. Maybe partially share their reasons for acting the way they do.
After that, they would continue their charade of acting nice in public but disliking each other in private. But they wouldn't dislike each other as much as they used to, with whatever insults they throw at each other not having as much fire as they used to and being able to tolerate each other more and more.
As much as neither of them would want to admit it (mainly Cody), they find themselves drawn to each other.
For Priscilla, she finds a bit of excitement that Cody can see through her and doesn't put up with her attitude without one to match. She finds it fun and sees Cody as something of a worthy opponent.
For Cody, Priscilla is the one person he is comfortable enough to truly be himself around, to show all parts to, the good and the bad parts of him. He can openly show his flaws and imperfections and not worry.
Eventually, their attitudes and secret insults toward each other become more playful and almost flirtatious.
Possibly develop a friends with benefits type relationship, under the agreement of simply trying to let off some steam from their stressful lives. Priscilla with her mother's demands and Cody with being perfect. Nothing more than that. At least that's what they claim.
Eventually the more they spend time together, the more comfortable they would be around each other, the more they realize they might love like each other more than they thought.
Priscilla would totally make the first move, as she's more honest with her feelings and Cody struggles being honest with himself, but he really does like her.
I can actually see Priscilla flirt with other guys to deliberately make Cody jealous as a way to try to get Cody to admit to her how he feels and actually do something about it.
Cody knows fully well what she's doing and is angrier at how it works than her actually doing it.
Don't worry, once Cody admit he likes her and starts dating her, Priscilla wouldn't flirt with anyone other than him.
They would keep their relationship a secret for a while. Cody would feel bad about doing that, but is worried at how his family and the bots would react to him dating. Priscilla agrees since she knows her mother would be furious that she's with Cody.
Plus, there is a bit of thrill of sneaking behind their families backs and being able to be together right under everyone's noses.
Priscilla would actually be a big help with Cody letting go of his toxic perfectionism. Since Priscilla has seen the good and bad parts of him, and still likes him, he helps him believe that others would too.
Eventually, once Cody's comfortable enough, he would make his relationship with Priscilla and love for her public, not caring if others like it or not.
And once their relationship is public, they would be happy and comfortable with PDA and would be a happy, healthy couple. Things aren't perfect, but they don't mind.
Sorry if this is sloppy, but I still hope you enjoyed reading.
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I already know that You don't like Cody x Priscilla, but I still want to ask. I will bite You hard if I don't agree with what you say. Hope My art can give You an idea as to what I love this crack ship aksjhdkaks
And in the middle maybe Dani x Hayley??
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I love a good enemies to lovers but, I just can’t not see Priscilla as a femme lesbian. The only way I can see her getting with a guy is to manipulate them, like a boss bitch~
I guess Priscilla’s grown on me as a character in general, but I don’t think she’ll ever be in my figurative “top ten”. I’m too hung up on the fact that if I was in that show, as a kid or otherwise, I would despise her lol
Dani and Hayley is interesting! 4/10
I feel like Dani might be too much for Hayley. Yeah, I know, she handles Kade, but they have more in common.
Dani is way more of an action girly than Hayley. I know Hayley’s more of a rounded character since we found out she knows so much about plants, and lord knows you have to have skills to wrangle children by yourself (I’m a daycare teacher).
BUT Dani’s all up in the sky and everywhere, looking for challenges. Hayley’s a lot more family oriented (in that I could see her wanting multiple children of her own) and down to earth.
I could see them like having a fling, or being friends that flirt with each other a lot.
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oldeubagel · 6 months
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drawings for my tfrb x homstuck au! Probably going to call it “rescuestuck”
Anyways I’m going to put all classpects under the cut
Cody - heir of hope
Frankie - witch of light
Priscilla - thief of rage
Katy (my oc) - maid of life
Graham - heir of mind
Dani - rogue of light
Kade - bard of time
Joy (my moot maria’s oc) - sylph of light
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mysticfoxdesigns · 11 months
Doodle request???
I read the rules and it says that ships are okay too?? Cody Burns x Priscilla Pynch, both from Rescue Bots
But if not, can I just request Priscilla Pynch (Rescue Bots) then??
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Here you go!
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