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Transpalete hidráulico manual
Imagine reduzir o esforço físico da sua equipe enquanto aumenta a eficiência operacional. O Transpalete Hidráulico Manual proporciona isso e muito mais. Sua construção durável e design ergonômico não só facilitam o manuseio, mas também contribuem para um ambiente de trabalho mais seguro e produtivo.
Entre em contato conosco agora para cotar o Transpalete hidráulico manual!
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sequelanet · 2 years ago
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lobstermind · 4 years ago
It geniunely surpirses me that no one made an au of what would have happened if Feyre said i love you to tamlin and effectively breaking the curse. What would have happen when she meets Rhysand again? How would it go down ??
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raibieswhimsy · 4 years ago
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I think that Maas wrote ACoMaF with feminism in mind and it connected. That you can be a independent woman, strong and courageous and powerful, be respected and loved by someone who lets you be completely and wholly yourself- however I would have liked to see Feyre more on her own, without her male counterparts in the next room, to truly see her become herself just through her own mind in the latter half of the novel, to see that growth really take place on her own. However, I enjoyed how she came to realize what was good for her and not good for her and how Maas changed the world around Feyre with her imagery as Feyre’s mind started changing. Feyre’s growth into her Fey-self in the new court with Mor (I would die for her), Amren (I think she really missed Feyre at the end, demanding Rhys go get her), Cassian (he is so funny- his comedic lines are always in the right place and never really make me cringe), and Azriel (can that boy just make a move already??? Talk about slow burn) really showed that she was able to still forge connections of friendship and rebuild that trust in those connections after they had been so broken down. I’ve already been a bit spoiled and see a lot of “it’s not as good”, “the writing is so repetitive”, “why is this book not as good as the others”, and “after ACoMaF, I’m so let down by this”, I’m simply going into it with an open mind and plan to enjoy it as what it is, a romance, YA novel- and whether I’m pleased or disappointed at the end, I’ll let you know😉 Check my goodreads for my full review 😊😊 #acourtofmistandfury #ACourtofThorns&Roses #CourtofThornsandRoses #cotar #comaf #SarahJMaas #MaasSarah #fairies #thefey #fantasy #YAfiction #ya #youngadult #books #book #bookstagram #yalit #yaliterature #read #reading #love #romance #dark #secrets #powers #sacrifice #hate #lovetriangle #forbidden https://www.instagram.com/p/CMJI2yjH4bA/?igshid=1b0o7cg3m2mx2
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fiercefeministprincess · 5 years ago
“Bury the gays” : a phenomenon in literature where an lgbtq+ character is included, the story gets diversity points, readers get hooked... then the character is killed off
I am BEYOND HAPPY that morrigan survives the war. When her sexuality is revealed I was starting to think of which inner circle character would die (I think it’s unrealistic that they all survived but that’s a whole other thing). I got so scared that mor would be killed off just after coming out. But! She! Lives!
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purpleivy12 · 5 years ago
Hello Humans.
I can take requests for fan fictions. I will write for:
-Pretty much any Broadway musical
-Sanders Sides
-Pretty much any horror movie character.
-I’m probably forgetting many others but if you want me to write for something that isn’t on this list please just ask.
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cotar-game · 6 years ago
do the ros & family members have canon heights? if so, what are they :o?
If you search up Heights on my blog, you can find the heights for the RO’s.
Adaran stands at about 5′10″
Mirien stands at 5′7″
Kean stands at about 4′9.
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Toldo retrátil
Apresentamos o toldo retrátil, a solução perfeita para proteger sua área ao ar livre do sol escaldante ou chuva inesperada. Com sua aparência elegante e funcionalidade excepcional, o toldo retrátil é o complemento ideal para qualquer ambiente externo. Você pode facilmente estender o toldo em dias ensolarados para criar um espaço sombreado e fresco, e recolhê-lo quando quiser aproveitar a luz natural.
Em nosso portal você encontra o melhor toldo retrátil do mercado!
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pitterpatterpot · 6 years ago
Does anyone else wonder if Lord Devlon is Cassian’s father? I mean, it’s been stated that he’s one of the only lords that tolerates him, and that even if Devlon is an ass to females he’s surprisingly ok with bastard illyrians. Plus I just checked and it clearly mentions that Devlon has hazel eyes. There’s no need to put that detail in there but it’s there. And Cassian has hazel eyes. Most other illyrians are described to have ‘dark’ eyes, not necessarily hazel.
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lukeios · 6 years ago
There are literally no books about fae in my city, I have found only one in the university's library and it was very, very basic. 
(we have a lot about  Slavic and Christian beings, though)
In the end, I discovered The Court of Thorns and Roses and thought that if I really want to create this fae universe for my stories, it may be a good piece of inspiration. 
I read all the books in less than a week while attending university and moving out from my parents to my own flat. 
I didn’t really sleep and if I did, I dreamed about those books. And Rhysand. 
Now I am in pain, I should have known I will end up in another fandom
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nodociosweb · 7 years ago
Nueva publicación en Nodocios | El canal de emprendedores
New Post has been published on http://nodocios.com.ar/gobierno-santa-fe-entrego-credito-tasa-subsidiada-la-cooperativa-cotar-rosario/
El gobierno de Santa Fe entregó un crédito a tasa subsidiada a la cooperativa COTAR de Rosario
La ministra de la Producción, Alicia Ciciliani, recorrió este viernes las instalaciones de Cotar en Rosario en el marco de la entrega de un crédito de 6 millones de pesos que permitirá duplicar la producción de derivados lácteos. Previamente, mantuvo una reunión con el directorio de la empresa durante la cual proyectaron el futuro de la cooperativa.
La ministra de la Producción, Alicia Ciciliani, recorrió este viernes las instalaciones. Los fondos permitirán ampliar la producción y modernizar la planta.
“Para la provincia acompañar a Cotar es una prioridad. Es una empresa con una enorme potencialidad. Está incorporando tecnología para mejorar su competitividad y demuestra que la forma cooperativa, basada en la solidaridad, puede ser muy competitiva, puede ganar nuevos mercados y dar trabajo a más de 200 personas como lo hace. En nuestras conversaciones estuvo un plan de futuro muy ambicioso y los vamos a acompañar”, destacó Ciciliani.
Por su parte, el secretario de Desarrollo Territorial y Economía Social, Mauro Casella, explicó que “se hizo entrega de un primer tramo de 3 millones de pesos, y el segundo, de igual monto, tendrá lugar durante el 2018. Es una apuesta importante por una cooperativa de tamberos con una larga historia en Rosario, que está yendo por el camino de la eficiencia y la innovación. Por eso el gobierno provincial y la Agencia de Desarrollo Región Rosario (ADERR) decidieron apoyarla con un crédito a tasa subsidiada, para así mejorar la productividad y la competitividad de la empresa en un mercado lácteo que viene de diversas crisis”.
Al respecto, el presidente de Cotar, Bernardo Arocena, señaló que “a través de la ADERR recibimos un crédito de 6 millones de pesos que nos permitió comprar un equipo para envasar yogur en potes que nos va a duplicar la producción. Esto será un importante impulso, ya que aunque tengamos dificultades en cuanto al capital de trabajo, estamos produciendo en buena cantidad y eso nos va a hacer crecer a partir de aumentar nuestras ventas”.
El gobierno de Santa Fe entregó un crédito a tasa subsidiada a la cooperativa COTAR de Rosario
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christian-cardoso · 7 years ago
Sindicato de Camioneros denunciado por "amenazas y apriete" contra una empresa del conurbano
Sindicato de Camioneros denunciado por “amenazas y apriete” contra una empresa del conurbano
El Sindicato de Camioneros fue denunciado penalmente este lunes por “amenazas y aprietes” contra una cooperativa láctea que opera en Hurlingham y se encuentra bloqueada desde hace cinco días. El gremio que conduce Pablo Moyano mantiene un bloqueo total contra una distribuidora de la cooperativa Cotar, porque le exige la incorporación de trabajadores que fueron despedidos por una compañía del…
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monkeymakes · 7 years ago
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Dark, dark, dark beauty. Heady with notes of liquorice and plum. A stunner of a wine. #wine #cotar #sLOVEnia #wineporn ❤️🇸🇮🍷via @vinostorija
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trashof2manyfandoms · 8 years ago
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Some sketchy things. I'm doing the courts from cotar, night and dusk are my favorite ones and also the only toe completely finished ones. I know dusk isn't a court.
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cotar-game · 6 years ago
So our mother was the royal one? And she married a commoner?
Yes, your mother is the royal. Your father is technically the reigning Regent until you are of age, when you will inherit the throne.
And in this world, they put less stress on who you marry, as long as you marry someone and continue the bloodline, which is typically tracked through the mother. Most royalty marry either other royals or nobles at least, but outliers do happen. So a commoner marrying royalty isn’t extremely popular, but it does happen.
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populusciencia · 8 years ago
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Síndrome de Cotard o de Negación: Las personas que sufren este trastorno se ven así mismas como muertos vivientes, afirman sentir que no tienen sangre, ni cerebro, ni órganos y que perciben incluso el olor de su carne pudriéndose. Este delirio está relacionado con la hipocondría, los síntomas más comunes son la depresión, la automutilación, los pensamientos suicidas, la analgesia o ausencia de dolor.
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