#Cloudia Phantomhive
truedarkhunter · 3 months
Counterpoint: Undertaker not with Cloudia
While many people, including ones I respect, are fond of the Cloudia and Undertaker pairing, I can't quite get behind it. I don't hate it, mind you, but looking at things both in the period and in the story setting, it kind of doesn't work for me. Here's some of why. 1. Humans are fireflies. Undertaker is one of the oldest, and would have the least connection to the human world. Hence he finds the stage of human life "absurd". He watches it as a play while attempting to stay detached. While some of the Reapers do dally with humans (Grelle in her macaroni get-up in The Story of Will the Reaper, and Ron flirting with a girl in Book of the Atlantic), they aren't long-term things. Reapers have too much to do to easily maintain such relationships and what do you do when someone wants to ask questions like "where do you live?" and "what do you do for a living?" These are some basic things people want to know quickly to assess your social status. Not only can Reapers not easily answer those questions, when they can get away to see someone (lover or no), it could be a month later or more. When they don't have a clear answer for their absences, like being in the military or a deep sea fisherman, it would be hard to wait for such a person. If Undertaker knew Cloudia from when she was a little girl, would he really see her as a woman? Wouldn't that feel weird, like Jacob from Twilight level weird? I kind of think he'd just have the affection and desire to watch over and protect Cloudia throughout her life if he formed a bond with a bright, little girl who didn't see him as scary or creepy, but rather funny and kind. She might have been the reason he discovered the value of laughter. That would be a greater gift. 2. Virginity was still a goal in Victorian times. Remaining a virgin until death was still a goal, especially with the influence of the Catholic church. You wanted to enter Heaven pure. Those who did got a special crown. With Reapers being in Purgatory already, some may wonder if it's wise to get involved with anyone when the goal is to get out of there.
3. It would ruin Cloudia. Virginity was also important to be able to marry well, as having dalliances before marriage could kill a good match. Undertaker was not her social equal. Even if he could have vied for her hand, he couldn't have offered her the life she deserved, and people would definitely have talked. If she had a relationship with him outside of marriage, it could alter her life - i.e. alter the course of human events by keeping her from the life that was originally planned. That would not be a good thing for Undertaker to do to someone he claimed to care for, nor would it be wise given how the Grim Reaper Association might come down on him. Unrequited love? Absolutely! Feeling friendship or a kinship to the girl who then died at 36, causing him to reach the point of wondering what his own life and efforts amounted to? Sure! Getting romantic with someone when you know that giving into your passions would only hurt them, especially when you know that in 5 minutes (to you) their desires will calm down or they will be married off and those emotions can find purchase elsewhere? Not so much. That isn't love, just desire. 4. Demons don't eat Reaper souls. Neither Sebastian nor Claude showed any interest in munching on Reapers, so something fundamentally shifted in them. So even if humans and Reapers can have kids, how would that have affected Vincent and Francis? Is one of them a half-Reaper? How would Heaven and Hell treat that soul after their life ended? (Angels and humans together produced Nephilim, would the Grim Reaper Association even allow such a pregnancy to reach full term? Would the other Powers That Be?) How would that soul get judged or sorted? While having Ciel be a quarter Reaper is a fun concept it also comes with a severe complication. 5. It ruins the story. The whole premise of Black Butler is about the pact between a DEMON and a HUMAN. If Ciel was 1/4 Reaper, i.e. inedible stuff, why would that pact even form? (Let's face it, he'd be like a dog dropping sandwich. No matter how little dog dropping is in it, you don't want it anymore.) What special powers would it confer? It certainly robs the tale of the struggle that makes it poignant if Ciel isn't really a fallible mortal like everyone else. His choice to walk the road not taken and giving everyone else a glimpse into a Faustian pact where instead of pleasure and power, the maker of the pact wants revenge is what makes it interesting. If Ciel isn't fully human, maybe the pact can't be properly formed in the first place. It can undo the very premise of the show, and that makes it not fun. I like it more for an AU concept than the main one. This tale is a tragedy. We are about to see it play out as a version of Hamlet. I'm more wondering who will be the one(s) left to report that Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are dead. Let's see if we get to learn Cloudia's fate. I DO suspect her death, and her close ties to the Undertaker, undid the best Reaper of the association and set him on the path of ending death itself so no one had to die anymore so he might find his own end/peace. And realize, if you do like the Cloudia/Undertaker ship, good on you. I'm still going to read posts and fan-fics about them and get some popcorn. The idea is intriguing, but comes with a lot of plot holes that I need to see filled to fully get behind the match. That said, if anyone can fill holes in plots, it certainly would be Undertaker. Ciao!
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abybweisse · 5 months
I know this headcanon is a very rare one to see in this fanbase and that exactly why I want to share it, but I personally have a lot of fun reading Undertaker as asexual! I think he would be sex-favorable and very romantic towards his partners (or past partners I guess) but still asexual. I love to see how other people headcanon him as well but this is one that I never see and if I had to guess I would say that's probably because so much of the fanbase has the hots for him hahah
Undertaker's sexual identity?
My main reason for not thinking of Undertaker as asexual is because it's very important to my theories that he fathers Vincent and Francis/Frances with grandma Phantomhive. And I doubt he'd have sex with her (or anyone) without wanting to. Forcing himself to have kids with a human just for the point of pissing off the royal family doesn't seem like a strong enough argument.
I guess you could say he's sex-favorable -- how is this considered asexual? -- and just passively accepts an offer from her, but I don't see him that way.
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secretanimeart · 1 year
cloudia phantomhive ✨️
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Saw someone pointing it out and went to look myself to see if there's more and yes, we're so getting Ch85 animated! Cloudia mention in the anime, here we come!!!
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(The screenshots are from the Behind the Scenes video with Director Kenjiro Okada!)
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0the-duchess0 · 1 year
Has anyone else noticed...
That Vincent Phantomhive has a rather stoic and sometimes even cynical look on bonds, especiallty those of (romantic) love?
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So much so, that even Diedrich, his fag, questions if Vincent really understands or is capable of certain types of love? Is there something he knows about Vincent when it comes to love that we don't?
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Furthermore, while undertaker was at his castle, he made a pretty obvious remark about the uniquie anatomy of humans, which doesn't even bother Diedrich in the slightest. Does Diedrich know Undertaker's true nature?
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And what exactly is the bond between Vincent and Undertaker? They seem really close. Closer than the standard evil nobleman and his informant. I know a lot of people are on the "Undertaker is Vincent's father" boat, and there's a lot that checks out on that suspicion (the main event being Undertaker having that locket of Claudia Phantomhive) but.... Why would father and son sit the way they do in the picture below?
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Let me know your thoughts...
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goraesang2 · 2 months
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The two male characters I've fallen in love with the most in my life.
They share the keyword Death and Silver Hair, and they are crazy with different feelings. And love how they drove them because of their loss for their beloved woman(Claudia.P & Marika).
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warmmilk-n-honey · 1 year
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Cloudia Phantomhive probably
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cloudiateika · 1 year
3 Levihan fanfic artists I love so much
Disclaimer: I do not own the artwork and have not asked permission to Repost their work, so I will be linking and watermarking their works
Mamiya Tsukiko
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Her LeviHan Fanarts are just 💋👌.
I first saw her work in Smut Doujinshi then after some searching, I found her Pixiv account and her Twitter. Here's a link to her profile card that has the links to all her socials. Highly Recommend you check out her work!
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Her LeviHan Fanarts are not just Fanarts but interesting comedic writing, it's very much a fan parody, the kind every levihan Cultist would eat up in a heart beat.
According to her Instagram, her name is Sophie. Her Tumblr page full of illustrations from as early as 2015.
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helenaverse au aot
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Unfortunately, I couldn't find the author at all, just that these comics were originally in Spanish and was compiled in Wattpad. Another person translated those work and also compiled in the same platform but is now long deleted. But fortunately for us, it is available in Pinterest!
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naughtyghxst · 1 year
Insane Theory (Black Butler)
What if Thomas Wallis' story is basically a foreshadowing to...something...
- love between human woman and a reaper
- woman was scheduled to die
- reaper wanted to prevent this and so on, I'm too lazy to recite the whole story but I think my point is clear....
I'm ngl, it would explain a few things like the mourning lockets, him always emphasizing that everyone only has one soul and so on and why the time with loved ones should be appreciated. However, he is being quite the hypocrite because his own selfish goals took those 'people 'loved ones' from others. Maybe his character development will be realizing that shortly before the end of the story and/or the confrontation with the cult. Depending on the situation and Ciels choice, he'll probably either live or die. But I am all for him facing at least SOME consequences for kILLING ORPHANS.
ofc I know that my theory has some flaws, doesnt explain the Cedric thing well enough. But anyway, watching the Undertakers descend into hypocrisy and obession is oddly interesting. The deeper irony of the situation is quite interesting and I'm not surprised that Black Butler was literally discussed in my 10th grade German book HHHH
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shinigami-mistress · 2 years
Claudia Phantomhive
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I just wanted to draw something different.
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Cloudia Phantomhive
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eemoo1o-animoo · 2 years
So I’m totally on board with Cloudiataker, but can reapers reproduce seeing as they’re technically dead? Alternate post: is Cloudia’s maiden name “Phantomhive” or did she marry into it? Did Undertaker take her last name?
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abybweisse · 1 year
Why is Rachel considered a masculin charecter?
Rachel's "masculine" character
That seems to be a common misunderstanding within the fandom, which I also fell victim to for a while. I think it stems from the English fan translation (perhaps even the French licensed translation?) about her in the Character Guide.
Yana-san tried to clear that up a while later, like in tweets or something, but it's still a pervasive misconception.
What Yana-san was trying to say is that Rachel is a strong-willed woman, much like Vincent says of the Phantomhive women. In "With Father" he was mostly talking about his sister and mother, but he probably chose to marry a woman who shares many of the same characteristics.
Rachel doesn't have the strongest physical health, given her severe asthma, but she's clearly (per the Character Guide and Vincent) the disciplinarian in the family, not Vincent. And we've seen her take charge of a situation when Vincent didn't know what to do or say (when real Ciel says he doesn't want to become earl anymore). She's also canonically the one who names the boys, since Vincent says so, explaining to the real Vicar Rathbone that he's no good with choosing names and that Rachel named their own sons.
She's also got a rather raunchy sense of humor (grabbing her little sister's boobs and being openly envious of her for her endowments). Madam Red might have developed her own naughty sense of humor partly influenced by Rachel's.
Idk exactly how the original Japanese words it in the Character Guide, but at least one translation came up with "masculine" to describe her personality. Like I said above, the fandom -- including me -- ran with it. I haven't deleted the old posts I made about it, but there should be reblogs or comments or both on some of the old posts, where I try to clear up the confusion. And there should be some newer posts, like this one, where I explain the misunderstanding.
Rachel's strong-willed and not particularly demure, with her occasionally raunchy and scathing wit. She takes charge of situations when her husband isn't sure what to do. She's the one who spanks the children when they misbehave, and so they fear her more than their father. Some would call this "masculine" of her... and that's possibly how the misunderstanding came about in the first place. She doesn't 100% fit gender norms of the Victorian era. But then again, who truly did?
Personally, I find characters who fit 100% to some stereotype to be one-sided and boring. Rachel strikes me as an interesting, multifaceted character. And we still hardly even know her....
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Well, okay then!!!
Happy Sneak Some Zucchini onto Your Neighbour's Porch Day!
The trilogy:
Part 1: 1847 (Cloudia and Cedric)
Part 2: 1867 (Vincent and Francis)
Part 3: 1887 (Ciel and Lizzie)
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sinceyousawvienna · 1 year
Cloudia Phantomhive <3
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rocknrolloccultist93 · 9 months
The Soulless Vincent Theory
Ok so, this is something I typed out on Discord on a whim but I've been thinking about it FOREVER and needed an excuse to finally put it into words that make sense. TW because the Black Butler lore is fucked up, obviously. Also sorry for the lack of paragraphs
Am I the only one who thinks it's possible that Vincent either has no soul or only has a partial soul? Assuming Undertaker is the father, it could be the case that reapers aren't allowed to "meddle in human affairs" because only two humans can create a child with a whole soul. We know reapers should be able to have children because they're essentially in an OP human body (and Grelle's whole motivation in the Jack the Ripper arc revolves around being jealous of cis women specifically which suggests that if she were a cis woman, she'd be able to have children, reaper or not.) This would also make sense of the "new recruits" (citing the reaper ova here) seemingly being all the same age and younger than the on-duty reapers. If reapers have children together, they can't give birth to a body with a soul unless there's a fresh suicide victim's soul waiting in the wings, because if they could, there would be no shortage of staff for Will to complain about. Back to Undertaker though, if he had children with Cloudia, just as in real genetics, they'd have a mix of the parents' traits. So, maybe Francis got the white hair and wicked fighting skills, and Vincent got the lack of a soul. There's something wrong about Vincent's demeanor to me. He's always smiling, it's basically his neutral expression. We almost never see him actually emote about anything, and though he does seem to care about others (his family, for example), so does Real Ciel, who we know for a fact, doesn't have a soul. The same behavior we see in Vincent, we see in real Ciel, not just because they're father and son, but because they both lack a soul. Real Ciel does act more like Vincent in the flashbacks, but not to that extent. He clearly emotes and cares deeply about his brother and his family, to the extent that he wants to give up his position as earl to be with Our Ciel forever. We see no such concern in Bizarre Doll Ciel, who actively sabotages everything his brother worked for and forces him to go on the run. He no longer seems to care for Our Ciel's safety. Similarly, Vincent doesn't even think to train both the boys in the same manner to take over the earldom and title as watchdog, even though there's a chance the younger might have to. Francis on the other hand, trains both her children the same way, because whether or not they're going down the same path, they're still skills that will help them survive and succeed. Vincent, frankly, doesn't seem to care that much about the younger twin's ability to thrive after he's gone. Real Ciel doesn't lack the empathy required to care about others when they're not benefitting him, neither does Our Ciel despite his attitude. Vincent and Bizarre Doll Ciel do. They know enough about human emotions to say what's expected of them. Of course BD Ciel cares about Lizzie, because she's supposed to marry him. Of course Vincent cares about the elder sibling, because he's supposed to take his place as Earl and Watchdog. The people these two care about benefit them in some way. Our Ciel cares about people regardless. He has no reason to let Prince Soma and Agni watch his townhouse, he could just order Sebastian to prevent intruders either himself or by hiring guards. Soma annoys him, but Our Ciel keeps him around despite that.
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