#Closed hands saetia
trustmarketplace · 2 years
Closed hands saetia
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#Closed hands saetia how to#
However there are great problems with Friedman’s ideas. This is really an ideal type of economy that shows strong capital and economic growth. For years the United States believed that government was best to stay out of the economy as much as possible, and let the money balance out by itself. A strong example of this “trickle down” economy in history is the United States of America. Friedman’s theory’s provided insight to those revolutionaries who believed in lower taxes, less regulations, economic competition, and a lot of money. If there is more work for everybody, then unemployment rates will lower and capital will grow for not only the rich, but the poor too. If the government was able to lower regulations and red tape on the upper class producers, then the wealthy would provide more jobs in the economy by making new businesses. Friedman’s idea was that if the government lowered taxes on the wealthy (and everyone in general), then the money would “trickle down” into the lower classes. The second system is the Friedman “Trickle Down” economic system, which was developed by a man named Milton Friedman. In Keynes’s economic system a smaller income gap between the rich and the poor is the main idea, though if made pure, government deficit would be too large and the country would have trouble surviving. This is good because it provides a bigger income gap between its citizens and makes international trade strong by a strongly respected nation. In Canada however, this equilibrium has been reached by not only understanding the points of what should be provided to its citizens, but also by throwing in some healthy economic competition. These are very good ideals to hold, although it also causes the government to have deficit spending, and in Sweden almost to the point of bankruptcy. In Sweden, not only is universal health care provided, but also pensions, social security, and welfare. And although both countries use these ideals, it is only Canada that sees equilibrium should be made between capital and communism. These two governments believe certain necessities should be provided to the people by the government. One thing that creates equality in these two countries, that is not significant in other democratic countries, is the universal health care. Some government’s that use this system (In a democratic position) are Canada and Sweden. Keynes’s system is commonly linked with social democracy, and is supported highly by the ideals of equality throughout everyone.
#Closed hands saetia how to#
This is Keynes’s theory on how to make everybody happy. More money for the poor to spend equals more money rising through the social classes into the wealthy. If the government did this, then the consumers in the lower classes would have more money to buy consumer goods that the wealthy producers were putting out. If the government provides new jobs and production rates in the bottom of the economy (example: The government hires and pays minor companies to build new roads, schools, and government and public buildings, then the poor will have more work). If the government puts on more red tape, and regulations to the wealthy, then they will have more trouble raising the “top” of the economy. If the government lowers taxes on the poor, and raises taxes on the rich, then there will be more money in the government to insert into the lower classes. Keynes’s idea was that if the government stimulates the bottom of the economy, capital will bloom and flourish throughout the rest of economy. One system is the Keynesian economic system (Peculator), which was developed by a man named John Keynes. Throughout history however there have been two major economic positions that give us citizens a clear spectrum in how the economy works. Each country worldwide has varied economic conditions and therefore we see a wide variety of political argument over which system might be the greatest. Regardless of the amount of control the government may or may not be able to maintain its economic stability relating to the rest of the world. In all political systems the government may have all or some of the control in it’s countries economics. To what extent should governments intervene in the economy?
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allefoglie · 4 years
Du Selection playlist - Screamo
Iniziamo con una playlist di musica screamo, che è in assoluto uno dei generi che ascolto di più. Credo che queste canzoni mi abbiano accompagnato per tantissime ore durante gli allenamenti e le gare, ma non solo. è un genere che non è di facile ascolto, richiede comunque un pò di impegno, per apprezzare le parti melodiche così come quelle più tirate e i testi urlati.
1) Funeral Diner - We become Buried
Non potevo che cominciare con una delle mie band preferite, per me una delle più influenti, complete e appassionanti di sempre: una delle band più importanti della storia. Forse la più grande di sempre. Half Moon Bay, California, attiva tra il 1998 e il 2007. Prima o poi scriverò un approfondimento solo su di loro, ma la carenza di materiale e il senso di inappropriatezza a scrivere qualcosa su questa band finora mi ha fermato. è una delle band fondatrici del genere screamo, che riesce amescolare lati cupi e oscuri con parti melodiche e tirate allo stesso tempo. Testi favolosi e discografia eccezionale la rendono una delle mie band preferite di sempre (ah lo avevo già detto);
And we resign ourselves to existence in the dark You must stay, stay afraid, you must stay afraid And the hate only gets worse, hidden in the low light The hate only gets worse
2) Portaits of Past - Kqed Equal Volvo
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Altra band leggendaria, altra band californiana attiva tra il 1994–1995 e sempre della zona della baia di San Francisco.
Questo LP intero è un viaggio pazzesco, i Portraits of Past nella storia sono riusciti a delineare delle emozioni che probabilemente nessuna altra band è mai riuscita ad esprimere. Nel loro vinile comprato in una bancherella anni fa ho trovato racconto scritto con la macchina da scrivere, favoloso.
A sick look glazed over my repression Humbly I'm dismissed with no warning A sick look glazed over my repression Humbly I'm dismissed with no warning
3) Ampere - We Neither Rise Nor Fall
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Cambiamo lato della costa americana, e si capisce subito come in East Coast le cose suonino doverse, si va nel colto Massachussets. Boston è patria di Streight Edge e band tamarre, gli Ampere hanno influenze dall’hardcore veloce, le loro canzoni sono veloci e tirate. I loro LP e i loro live faticano ad arrivare alla mezz’ora. Ne ho scritto un approfondimento qui
4) City of Caterpillar - As Curtains Dim
Questo è un altro di quegli LP che ho distrutto a furia di ascoltare. Li ho visti live e posso solo confermare come li ha descritti un mio caro amico. “hanno suonato due note e hanno annullato tutti quelli che avevano suonato prima” Band di Richmond, Virginia, a cui trovare un’etichetta sembra stupido. I City of Caterpillar dovrebbero, a essere precisi, essere sotto la categoria “post hardcore”, ma li ho inseriti qui perchè questo è uno dei pezzi che ho ascoltato per interi periodi della mia vita in loop, mentre correvo. Ricordo interi autunni trascorsi ascoltando la ripetività delle loro canzoni, fino a quasi entrarci dentro. Ho scelto questa canzone “postuma”, registrata dalla band dopo che si erano sciolti per poi riformarsi (grazie gesù), perchè secondo me descrive meglio di tutte chi sono i City of Caterpillar. Una canzone introspettiva, oscura, a tratti visionaria, che parla di ciò che la band sarebbe diventata e dei fantasmi di noi stessi che tutti siamo diventati
Close your eyes Sway your bodies As I turn my back Cos I'm scared I'll cringe At this ghost I am
5) La Quiete - Cosa sei disposto a perdere Vabè, i La Quiete. Credo sia superfluo anche solo spendere due parole su questa band, di cui ci sarebbe da parlare per un libro intero. è assurdo pensare che a Forlì possa essere nata ed esistita una band che ha saputo far cantare tutto il Mondo. Siamo fortunati del fatto che i loro testi siano in italiano, così da poterli imparare a memoria con facilià e tenerli a mente, sempre, quando nella vita serve cantarli.
Solleticati dal vento correre per farsi rubare la prima risata, gli occhi bambini e bagnati. Vorrei corressero ancora ginocchia sbucciate e non dipingere risposte prive di colore.
6) Malady - Tongue Like a Serpent
Band assolutamente diversa da tutte le altre, non a caso al suo interno ci sono dei membri dei City of Caterpillar e dei PG. 99, che si sciolsero entrambe nel 2003. Mescolano generi diversissimi tra loro riuscendo a creare qualcosa di nuovo e inaudito. Sperimentali e avanguardisti.
They like me like flies on stinking meat.
7) Saetia - Some Natures Catches Ho approfondito questa band qui Band leggendaria e pilastro per praticamente tutta la musica screamo mai esistita. Autentici pionieri del genere, mai diventati famosi e sempre e per sempre band indimenticabile per chi gli ha dato almeno un ascolto nella vita. La voce più tirata e dolorosa che esiste.
8) Age Sixteen - Peter Pan Complex
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Di questa band ho scritto un approfondimento qui Si tratta di una band proveniente dalla Baltimora più grigia e problematica. Una band che parla di emozioni in un posto dove l’umanità è ridotta all’osso.
9) Frail Hands - Nothing Said Ok tra le tante band forse quella è la meno importante, ma è comunque nella playlist. Band fresca di Halifax, NS, che ha un suono pulito e per certi versi elegante. Qualcosa di più semplice ed orecchiabile andava inserito, e loro mi è capitato di ascoltarli.
10) Suis la Lune - My Mind is a Birdcage
Band che a qualcuno piace da morire e a molti fa schifo, è una band molto particolare, che io amo, che viene dal freddo nord svedese di Stoccolma. Questo lavoro del 2005 contiene dei pezzi che vanno ascoltati con calma, coi loro climax e discese lente e costanti. Ho dei ricordi a tratti spiacevoli a tratti bellissimi legati a questa canzone. Sarai nella mia memoria come un uccello in gabbia.
but you will stay in my memory like a bird in a cage. you will never be released from my mind. save me, please. and it always comes down to this. wake me up, and open my eyes.
11) Touche Amore - Throwing Copper
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Saranno anche considerati fighetti. Saranno quello che vi pare ma questa canzone è spettacolare. Tirata dall’inizio alla fine, con un grande testo e un suo senso, sia estetico che musicale. Una band che dal vivo è coinvolgente e ascoltata da cuffietta rende comunque bene. è post hardcore? massì, ma ci stava in playlist. Di dove sono? Los Angeles.
Like staring at a flickering light: You don’t know when it’ll burn out Or how much time you have left to let it light up your life Because when you’re at your darkest It’s all you have to survive Like throwing copper in a well: You’ll never know if wishes work only time can tell But if superstitions can give someone faith Then I’m throwing my wallet and begging for change
12) Kodan Armada - Say Something Band che viene dal fottutissimo Kentucky, città di Louisville. Si, è lo Stato dei cazzo di polli fritti KFC, delle pianure desolate, della gente armata in casa e dei bifolchi più bifolchi. Questa canzone mi piace nella sua sincopata ripetizione della frase “say something”, quando il crescendo di suoni parte da poco più di una cantilena a un urlo. Grand band, forse sottovalutata, nella mia playlist c’è sempre.
13) Loma Prieta - Uniform
I stand alone My strength unyeilding My mind a martyr This is all i fucking have to give to you This is all i know And i'll ever known So don't try to fucking pull me down I know what i do Right i know I can't hold my head high But who has faith in me? Who has faith in me? Who has faith in me? But who has faith in me? Who has faith in me? Who has faith in me? No love No hope No fucking change No love No hope No fucking change No fucking change I swear I will never change
Non si può rimanere indifferenti a un pezzo come questo, sono 3 minuti della vita spesi bene. E la voglia di rimetterlo in loop è ogni volta la stessa, da quando ho ascoltato questo pezzo la prima volta nel 2012.
Band che deve il suo nome al devastante terremoto del 1989 che distrusse la Baia di San Francisco, da dove proviene la band. Come potete notare sono molte le etichette e le band screamo di quell’aerea, segno di forte sottocultura e cultura musicale e di una tradizione di questo genere. I Loma Prieta possono risultare ripetitivi nell’ascolto di un intero LP, ma questa canzone per me è una perla assoluta. Provate a cantarla, il testo è sopra.
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hermitologist · 5 years
My 20 Favorite Records of 2019
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Lists! Everyone loves them. Here’s another one.
These are the records I liked the most this year. That doesn’t mean they’re the *best*, that means I liked them. You might not. That’s fine! You might be livid that Porpoise Corpse’s neo-classical folk prog double LP isn’t on my list because it’s an easy top 5 record for you, but maybe electric mandolin solos, blast beats, and harpsichord runs aren’t my thing. That’s fine too! It’s infinitely cooler and far more productive to let people enjoy the art they enjoy rather than wasting precious minutes of your life trying to convince the entire internet to have the exact same taste in music.
That said ... 
This years list is chock full of the usual, if you’re familiar with my taste at all -- tons of super heavy bummer jams, a handful of Radiohead-adjacent mid-tempo rock of the indie or emo variety, some hearty post-rock, some tried-and-true vets doing the thing they do very well ... again, and a few outliers. The honorable mentions list gets considerably more eclectic if you’re looking for stuff that sounds less like a soundtrack to various stages of the apocalypse.
As always, I welcome your suggestions for records and podcasts I might’ve missed the boat on. There’s way too much good stuff out there to keep up with, so PLEASE help me out.
Also: When I am not being a lazy pile of crap, I try to haul my dadbod around town for a run a few days a week and will listen to/briefly review a record in the process. Almost every record on this list has been a part of one of those posts, so if you’re interested in such a thing, please check out my Instagram.
BONUS: I put together a playlist on Spotify of my favorite song from each of my top 20 records, and a separate one for the 51 other records I liked this year, so if you’re overwhelmed and don’t know where to start, just needle drop a little and see if anything grabs you. And if anyone’s feeling productive and has time to do an Apple Music playlist, I’ll link and credit you.
Top 20 Spotify Playlist
Top 20 Apple Music Playlist -- Thanks, Austin!
Other Faves Spotify Playlist
But before we get to the Top 20, a couple of records that deserve a nod ... 
Record I Listened To The Most In 2019 Whether I Wanted To Or Not
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Angel Du$t - Pretty Buff
This is my four-year-old son’s favorite record, and while I’m trying to round out his musical palate by throwing on all sorts of different bands while we’re hanging out, he insists on either “no music” or “The Basketball Song” (which is “Big Ass Love”). I have no idea how or why his little amazingly weird brain equates the song with basketball (a sport he doesn’t really play or watch or think about ever, to my knowledge), but it does. He LOVES IT. I’ve got to admit, I didn't care for the song all that much when I first heard it, but it’s an earworm, and some 3000 plays later, I love it, and I love the record. Funny how that works out.
Record That Came out in 2009, But I Didn’t Discover Until 2019
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Self-Evident - Endings
Endings was neck-and-neck with my favorite record of 2019 for spins this year. Coincidentally, the it was recommended by someone from the band who made my #1 record, and it has moments where it sounds a whole hell of a lot like my #1 record. Blows my mind that a band that was/is so incredibly in my wheelhouse sonically, that has released nine LPs over an 18 year career, and operates in circles incredibly close to a ton of bands I love and respect and nerd out about music with somehow managed to elude me for the better part of two decades. At any rate I’m incredibly stoked to have finally found them, absolutely love them, and honestly might’ve listened to this LP 20 times in a matter of a few days when I got my first taste. It’s that good. 
And now for the list ... 
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20) Remote Viewing - It’s Better This Way
Super nasty, dark, sludgy, well-crafted noise rock out of London that fits somewhere in between KEN Mode and early-Kowloon Walled City sonically. You’d think it was pretty crazy to have a band be so locked in and fully formed as early as LP2, but then you find out they’re ex-members of Palehorse, Million Dead, and I Want You Dead and it all kinda makes sense. Unfortunately, the song on the playlist is from a previous LP (because the new one is inexplicably not on Spotify), but you can and should get the new record on Bandcamp.
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19) From Indian Lakes - Dimly Lit
I’ve been a big fan of FIL for years, but have always been at a bit of a loss when it comes time to describe them. It’s hazy and dreamy, but not quite shoegazey ... it’s insanely infectious and pleasing to the ear, but not really poppy ... it’s forward-thinking and experimental, but not quite art-rock or groggy at all. It’s just excellent. Full stop. If you dig anything from Tycho, to Radiohead, to The Cure, to Slowdive you’ll enjoy this.
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18) Stray From The Path - Internal Atomics
Furious, mathy, riff-heavy hardcore from Long Island that sounds like a reformed Rage Against The Machine had spent the past two decades doing steroids, mainlining Red Bull, and studying the finer points of Moshology. The breakdowns are massive, the drumming absolutely mental, and the vocals pissed as hell. At my advanced age, it’s rare that a record makes me want to pit and/or try to deadlift cars, but this one’s got that magic.
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17) Glassing - Spotted Horse
Mostly spazzy, occasionally dreamy, black-metal sprinkled post-hardcore that fits in very well with bands like Portrayal Of Guilt and Respire in the rebirth of traditional screamo. It’s fits and starts of chaos and beauty, and it all sounds and feels like it could completely go off the rails at any time which is what made bands like Orchid and Majority Rule and Saetia so great back in the day. 
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16) La Dispute - Panorama
It’s no secret that I’m a big La Dispute fan (Thrice has toured the US with them twice in the past decade), and I love all of their records, but I’m pretty sure I can say with full confidence that this is the best record they’ve ever made. Everything is firing at peak performance, and the way the record is arranged and sequenced makes it feel more like a film score than a collection of songs. It’s a complete work -- meant to be listened to as such, which is a daunting artistic task, but they pulled it off in grand fashion.
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15) Russian Circles - Blood Year
This band has been in the upper echelon of post-rock bands for as long as I can remember, and Blood Year is another incredible addition to their already stellar discography. These guys are all absolute monsters at their given instruments, and one of the best live rock bands on the planet, so getting to hear them do their thing on a record that manages to actually capture that live energy and ambience really does the trick for me. 
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14) Greet Death - New Hell
This one kinda came outta nowhere for me, as I (ashamedly) was not familiar with them prior to giving New Hell a spin. It blew me away. I’m a total sucker for bummer jams, and this record is full of top-quality sludgy, sad, shoegazey goodness. If you dig Cloakroom, O’ Brother, or Pianos Become The Teeth this is gonna be right up your alley.  
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13) Sleep Token - Sundowning
Another record that came out of nowhere to knock me on my ass. I downloaded it before a transatlantic flight on a whim (after hearing about 30 seconds of the opening track), hoping that it would be a nice, mellow companion to ease my in-flight anxiety. And it was, but whoa was it so much more than that. It kinda sounds like a collab between Active Child and Deftones -- poppy, melancholic piano ballads, brought to crushing crescendos via super heavy drop-tuned sludge -- which sounds like a mess, but it works so well. It’s a killer record and probably would’ve landed higher on this year’s list if it hadn’t come out so late in the year.
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12) Big Thief - UFOF
This one’s a bit of an outlier, and a damn good one at that. I came across UFOF via a friend’s recommendation before the hype train had left the station, and honestly didn’t know what to expect. Said recommendation simply said that it was good and infectious and probably a few other things that I can’t recall, but didn’t mention the folk thing (which is great because I probably would have passed). The friend was right. It’s good (maybe even great), incredibly infectious, and gave me a nice reprieve from the heavy stuff I tend to listen to on the regular.
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11) Cave In - Final Transmission
I’m beyond thankful we got any new music from Cave In after Caleb passed. They owed us nothing, and had every right to walk away, but managed to rally to release a killer record that is heavy both sonically and conceptually, and still manages to give me chills despite being live demos recorded in a rehearsal room. There are few bands on the planet who’ve inspired me like Cave In have, and seeing them pull together to grieve and forge ahead to continue to build their legacy is even more inspiring. What a band.
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10) Pedro The Lion - Phoenix
My favorite singer/songwriter of my generation decided to revive the project that made me a fan of his in the first place. That project put out a record for the first time in 15 years, and I had unreasonably high expectations for it. Phoenix delivered and then some. I remember sitting at my kitchen table, weeping into my cup of coffee the first time I heard Phoenix, the same way Control used to make it seem like the inside of the Thrice van was getting a little dusty during cross-country drives back in the early 00s. It blows my mind that David Bazan can be such a prolific artist, write such insanely powerful music, and seem incapable of writing a dud song. 
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9) Coilguns - Watchwinders
This Swiss noise-rock band kicks unbelievable amounts of ass. Their Millenials LP made my favorites list last year, and when I heard they had a follow up coming out a little over a year later, my gut reaction was to worry they’d blow it with a new record that was either rushed and/or half-assed, or lose the plot and take a hard left turn and make something markedly un-Coilguns. They did neither. The made an absolute monster of an album, that was apparently written in the studio, and is full of live energy in rawness that is pretty tough to capture in a sterile atmosphere like a studio. Watchwinders dropped in late October, and if I’d had a bit more time with it, I could see it moving up to my Top 5. It’s that good. I find myself going back to it constantly.
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8) Blessed - Salt
This record kinda defies description, but it reminds me of everything from Pile to Menomena to Interpol to La Dispute to Devo at times. As scatterbrained and incongruent as that might sound, I assure you it rules. It was in verrrry heavy rotation this year -- mostly for the utterly filthy drum groove on the final track. If you like your music catchy, but slathered in weird, this is definitely gonna do the thing for you. It’s an incredible record.
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7) Herod - Sombre Dessein
I hadn’t heard of this band before they popped up on a Spotify playlist early this year, and when “Reckoning” hit, it absolutely flattened me. You know that nuclear apocalypse scene from Terminator 2? That’s what “Reckoning” did to me. It was undoubtedly my favorite ultra-heavy track of the year, and while it’s my favorite song on the record by a pretty large margin, the rest of Sombre Dessein kicks ass too. It’s 42 minutes of crushing heaviness that kinda sounds like a blend of Cult Of Luna, Meshuggah, and Gojira. Heavy. Pissed. Unrelenting. And Outstanding.
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6) Pile - Green & Grey
Every time I try to describe Pile to someone I fail. On Wikipedia they’re described as “indie rock”, which ... sure, I suppose? There’s a little post-punk in there, a little post-rock, a little noise-rock, nods to classic rock (maybe?), a little of that southern magic that made Colour Revolt so great (but Pile’s from Boston so hmm ... ), some country even? Do you like weird guitars? Freakish musicians? Melancholic crooning? I dunno. It’s all over the place, but in the best ways possible. They’re a singular band, and so damn good. Green & Grey is stellar addition to a discography that is already full of incredible music ... even if the album cover gives makes me want to fold those blankets and put them away.
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5) PUP - Morbid Stuff
Was this the year that PUP broke? Definitely seems like it, and rightfully so. Morbid Stuff is my favorite thing they’ve ever done, but I’ve absolutely loved everything they’ve ever put out, so that’s saying a lot. Per usual, it’s insanely infectious and anthemic without being traditionally poppy or relying on tropes to burrow into your skull and take up residence there. It’s uplifting musically, but kinda depressing lyrically, which does this weird push/pull thing in my brain that makes it impossible to stop listening to. The musicianship is fantastic, the guitar parts especially -- like the guitar line in “Scorpion Hill” wow. I really needed a record to fill the gaping void between the metal/sludge/noise and the ambient/downtempo electronica I listened to this year, and Morbid Stuff fit the bill perfectly.
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4) Cult Of Luna - A Dawn To Fear
These guys belong on the Mount Rushmore of Post-Rock/Metal with Neurosis and Isis. Nobody has done it better than them over the past two decades, and A Dawn To Fear is arguably their best work to date. It, like any Cult Of Luna requires a great deal of patience, but man if they don’t make the wait worth it. They’re the masters of the slow build to an absolutely crushing climax, the dynamic shifts that leave you feeling like you got hit by a freight train, the nuanced instrumentation that tells a different story each time you listen to a certain section of a song. They’re absolute masters at their craft, and this record is them at their peak. 
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3) Big|Brave - A Gaze Among Them
Another record that came out of nowhere to completely floor me. I hadn’t heard a single note from this band until a friend recommended I check out the opening track, “Muted Shifting Of Space”. I did ... and that plodding drum and bass pulse with dark, swirling, ethereal guitar swells/feedback and soaring vocals building into a huge release of sludgy, drop-tuned goodness checked off all the boxes for me. I was hooked. The atmosphere and dynamics Big|Brave have built their sound around give every song a cinematic feel -- if you close your eyes, can you see drone footage of landscapes too? . If you dig post-rock/metal that is experimental around the edges, moody, absurdly heavy, and has both feet firmly planted in sludge, this is a must-have record. 
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2) Cloudkicker - Unending
If you’ve been following me on social media or reading these year-end lists for a while you’re probably pretty familiar with Cloudkicker by now because any time we get new music I can’t shut up about it and the record invariably ends up on this list. This instance is no different. Unending is the first LP we’ve gotten from Ben Sharp in four years, and it’s worth the wait and then some. He’s managed to pull from every era of CK and turn it into a masterpiece mash-up of styles without it ever feeling rehashed or uninspired. I’d go far as to say this tops Beacons and Fade for me, and comes awfully close to challenging Subsume for my favorite Cloudkicker record of all time and space. There’s soooo much progressive and djenty masturbatory metal garbage floating in the ether right now. Hearing the one of the kings do the damn thing properly is incredibly refreshing.
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1) Town Portal - Of Violence
No surprise here. I’ve been crapping my pants about this band ever since my good friend Scott Evans shared their music with me a couple years ago. I’ve been unhealthily obsessed ever since. The magical progressive rock/metal these three guys are capable melts and massages my brain in a way few bands ever have. Of Violence is incredibly mathy without ever feeling awkward, it’s melodic without being conventional, it’s discordant without being abrasive, it’s heavy as shit without being overloaded with distortion, it’s progressive as hell without ever coming remotely close to devolving into a wankfest, and it’s damn near perfect in every way. Songwriting? Great. Tones? Phenomenal. Musicianship? Otherworldly. Execution? Flawless. Mix? Perfect. Replayability? (Not a word, but ... ) PUT THIS RECORD ON A GODDAMN LOOP AND NEVER TURN IT OFF. Can you tell I like it? You might too, so give it a listen. And if by chance you do not like it, please see a doctor. You’re broken.
METZ - Automat
Buildings - Negative Sound
Helms Alee - Noctiluca
Minors - Abject Bodies
Periphery - Periphery 4: HAIL STAN
Employed To Serve - Eternal Forward Motion
Elizabeth Colour Wheel - Nocero
Defeater - S/T
Pelican - Nighttime Stories
Spotlights - Love And Decay
Great Falls - A Sense of Rest
Baroness - Gold & Grey
The End of the Ocean - -aire
Vous Autres - Champ du Sang
Brutus - Nest
Torche - Admission
Glose - The Second Best of Glose
Throes - In The Hands of an Angry God
Slipknot - We Are Not Your Kind
meth. - Mother of Red Light
SECT - Blood of the Beasts
Kublai Khan TX - Absolute
Seizures - Reverie of the Revolving Diamond
Dead Kiwis - Systematic Home Run
Norma Jean - All Hail
Refused - War Music
Chamber - Ripping / Pulling / Tearing
Jimmy Eat World - Surviving
Elbow - Giants of All Sizes
Raketkanon - RKTKN #3
Bad Religion - Age of Unreason
The Appleseed Cast - The Fleeting Light of Impermanence
DIIV - Deceiver
Idiot Pilot - Blue Blood
Microwave - Death Is A Warm Blanket
Low Dose - S/T
SWMRS - Berkeley’s On Fire
Self-Evident - Lost Inside The Machinery
B. Hamilton - Nothing and Nowhere
Trade Wind - Certain Freedoms
Square Peg Round Hole - Branches
Great Grandpa - Four of Arrows
Local Natives - Violet Street
Rhone - Leaving State
Shlohmo - The End 
Tycho - Weather
Bon Iver - i,i
Drowse - Light Mirror
Bonniesongs - Energetic Mind
Telefon Tel Aviv - Dreams Are Not Enough
GoGo Penguin - Ocean In A Drop
Bent Knee - You Know What They Mean
The Deadcast (RIP) - sports, culture
Chapo Trap House - politics
The Rich Roll Podcast - health, wellness, endurance sports
Hang Up & Listen - sports
Effectively Wild - baseball
The Gist - current events
The Downbeat - drums, humor
To Live & Die In LA - true crime
FilmDrunk Frotcast - movies, culture, humor
The Modern Drummer Podcast with Mike & Mike - drums (duh)
The Trap Set - also drums
Song Exploder - songwriting
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grimelords · 6 years
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​My March playlist is finished and posted on time for once! Please enjoy three and a half hours of my new and old favourite music. A lot of post-hardcore, country of a few different flavours and a thirteen second long song that goes beep beep boop. Enjoy.
Old Money - Omar Rodriguez-Lopez: Who among you will join me on my podcast ‘Omar Podriguez-Locast’ where we discuss one of Omar Rodriguez’s 60+ insane solo albums every week and grow gradually infuriated with the very existence of each other until listeners are just tuning in each week for the episode where one of us finally snaps and attacks the other with a microphone?
America’s Most Blunted - Madvillain: It’s weird that this song about the wild and wacky world of jazz cigarettes opens up with a Steve Reich sample before moving into some real Reefer Madness type lameness at the end. Songs from so long before any type of legalisation are so lame like 'recent research shows that it’s not so darn harmful!’. This song is still very good though. I only found out that Lord Quas was just Madlib recently but I really respect the idea of having a rap alter-ego that’s just you with a pitch pedal.
Love My Way - The Psychedelic Furs: An underrated part of Call Me By Your Name is when Armie Hammer hears this song playing from a car and sprints over to dance with a woman who looks like she’s doing the monster mash.
Seven Stop Hold Restart - Bear Vs. Shark: Despite their bad name Bear Vs. Shark are a very good band and the best lyric in this song is when he says 'I am nine years old with short legs and arms.’ What I like about this song, and this band, is that the screaming is not the sort of affected scream-singing of a lot of their contemporaries it’s just a stocky guy absolutely yelling his guts out, which I appreciate.
Turncoat Revolution - Hot Cross: I think that’s close to what I like so much about Hot Cross too, I’ve never listened to Saetia either (the other band this guy sings for) but maybe I should because I just love this guy’s voice. The central hammery riff is so appealing to me but my favourite part of this song is the ending where the three chords just shrink away as the whole thing mellows down, it feels like realising you’ve been mad at something that happened in a dream this whole time.
Mag11 P82 - Venetian Snares and Daniel Lanois: Venetian Snares is apparently doing an album with Daniel Lanois who produced a bunch of U2 albums so my dream of a Bono/Venetian Snares team up is one step closer to reality. I like collaborations like this where you can very clearly tell who did what part. It’s hard to mistake when and how Venetian Snares is involved in a song a lot of the time. I really like this team up because freeing Snares from any kind of melodic responsibility allows Lanois to give the song a huge amount of space, unprecedented in a Snares song where the melody is often just as frantic as the rest of it.
Cornflake Girl - Tori Amos: Do you remember when Tori Amos had that album called American Doll Posse where she was doing a bunch of characters or something and it’s got one of the worst covers of all time in my opinion and I think about it a lot. Had a song called Big Wheel on it that I get stuck in my head a lot. But this isn’t that song so never mind! I was thinking about the production on this song, and how crazy it is to have whistling as a big part of your song while avoiding having everyone think of it as 'that whistling song’. All the instrumentation on this is great, the mandolin and acoustic next to each other making a huge bed for the piano to move under, then the harpsichord sounding keyboard and the guest vocal near the end, there’s just so much happening I love it.
The Field That Touches My House And Yours - Sarah Louise: This is probably the upcoming album I’m most excited about right now. Sarah Louise (who’s one half of House And Land who I’ve posted about before) is pulling a real James Blake by releasing a lot of amazing instrumental music and then suddenly revealing she’s an absolutely incredible singer and songwriter as well.
Jezebel - The Drones: The Drones have a lot of good songs about how it’s the end of the world and we’re all fucked and we’re all gonna die but this is one of my favourites. The sort of wide ranging scientific nihilism of an opening line like 'strontium 90, removed from milk’ really sets the tone for the rest of this song as it lays out every war like an ongoing nightmare that you have no option but to participate in as your body and the earth turn to muck in their wake.
How Sweet It Is - Karen Dalton: Everyone always talks about Karen Dalton as this mercurial folk phenomenon but I really love her second album where she just does standards with a full band. Hearing her bring her insane, complete chaos sense of rhythm to these regular-ass songs is such a delight to me. The way she just swoops in on the first line with absolutely no regard for whatever else is going on really cracks me up. That the song has backing vocalists for the chorus just makes it better, I imagine them singing while glancing at each other with panicked eyes as she just wildly darts around the microphone and sings absolutely whenever.
Bang Bang - Vanilla Fudge: Pitchfork had some video about the origins of heavy metal and I lasted about ten seconds becuase they mentioned a 60s psychedelic metal forerunner named Vanilla Fudge and my brain went 'funy’ so I looked them up instead. This song is a nightmare I absolutely love it, there’s simply not enough organs around anymore. The organ sounds absolutely immense and balanced against their cursed harmonies it sounds even bigger, what a jam.
Ride For Me (feat. Young Thug & 24 Hrs) - A-Trak and Falcons: Young Thug has finally brought back his insane Harambe voice and I for one couldn’t be happier. I have no idea who 24hrs is but he for real sounds like when Justin Beiber first came out so that’s a thrill.
Space Song - Beach House: This might be the platonic ideal of a Beach House song, it’s just beautiful and I don’t think I really have anything more to say about it. Beach House put out two albums in 2015, they put out the on that this song is on and then like three weeks later they surprise released another one and I was so shocked by the deluge of content that I have never listened to the second one. A powerful lesson for Beach House.
Anna - Will Butler: This song is so good I have no recollection of what the rest of the album sounds like, I just listen to this song over and over and over. Every part is good. The brass, the 'ba ba ba’s, they way he says 'you Got to get Mo-nay’, the piano breaks that sound like he’s just slamming it with flat hands. What a gift.
Hawkmoon 269 - U2: Here’s the straight up truth that nobody wants to hear: Rattle And Hum is U2’s best album. It’s literally just The Joshua Tree except better. It’s every bad instinct of U2 turned up to 11, which is what makes it good. He mentions preachers like twenty times on this album and there’s a gospel choir on two songs, it’s all happening all the time.
Silver And Gold - U2: Here also, is the straight truth: this is U2’s best song. A proper straight up political song about a specific idea, incredible instrumentation and Bono realising halfway through his speech that the crowd unfortunately does not care about Desmond Tutu’s request for economic sanctions against South Africa.
Hunting For Witches - Bloc Party: Post 9/11 war on terror indie is such a good genre. Kele’s always been a bit of a lame-o and he’s really on display here but when the instrumentation bangs like this it’s forgivable. Bloc Party have always seemed like a band where absolutely everyone is pulling their weight and doing the most in every single song and this is a good example. The drums! Matt Tong deserves a trophy!
All Of The Lights - Kanye West: I literally remember where I was the first time I heard the drums in this song, that’s how good it was. I can’t believe I only just found out that every single famous person features on this song. I thought it was just Rhianna but it turns out it’s La Roux in the 'fast cars shooting stars’ bit, Cudi in the 'getting mine’ bit, and fucking Fergie in the 'unemployment line’ part PLUS Elton John and Alicia Keys in the outro? This song is ridiculous. It’s almost a shame that such an incredible song in every aspect features some of Kanye’s most boneheaded verses but I suppose that’s what I love about him.
Let’s Hear It For The Boy - Deniece Williams: I’d like to invite you all now to stand and give a round of applause for my dipshit miser boyfriend that dresses like shit and can’t sing, I love him. I love this song a lot because I feel like she’s talking about me. This is a great song that’s right at the top of my long list of potential wrestling entrance themes.
Hey! - The Go! Team: I was premature when I said that new Go Team album wasn’t that great because it is in actuality very very good. This song would make a good wrestling theme too now that I think of it.
Monument - Royksopp & Robyn: I put the T.I.E. version of this song on my list last month and that prompted me to give the original another listen because it’s honestly just as good in a totally opposite direction. A long bit of space-jazz instead of a monolith threatening to crush you.
Merrymaking At My Place - Calvin Harris: My friend sent me this song and said it reminded him of Mother! which is very funny in my opinion. Loads of people come to my house, they take stuff inside of my house, and smoke stuff outside of my house, lots of people at my front door, lots of people in my front door, trying to get into my house. At my place [leaning into the mic] Baby. [panicked] Baby at my place.
Precious Lord (Take My Hand) (Parts 1 & 2) - Aretha Franklin: I was searching spotify for a good version of The Day Is Past And Gone and ended up finding this Aretha Franklin album that is absolutely incredible. It turns out it’s her first ever recording from when she was 14, which is mind boggling. It sounds like it was recorded from the back row of the church so it has this incredible amount of space to it and she just completely fills it with immense power. Even her piano playing is amazing. The whole thing is just an astonishing piece of music.
Big Iron - Marty Robbins: I was camping this month and thinking about country music, and so this and the next few songs are the result of that. I think Taylor Swift should not only pivot back to county for her next album but pivot back to this kind of cowboy story-song country. She should, in fact, just cover this song. This is The cowboy album and I feel like Marty Robbins may have been the most American man that ever lived, he used the money he made from cowboy songs to finance a NASCAR career.
Country Dumb - Josh T. Pearson: I spent a long time on the fence about Josh T. Pearson because music like this always raises the question of authenticity. He sort of feels like the country version of Nick Cave to me, straining for a very very authentic thing but in actuality a Berlin art boy. The main difference between Pearson and Cave though is that Pearson is actually very good. So I reconcile it by telling myself he’s a sort of Lana Del Rey character singer or something like that. This song is so great and I especially like his guitar style of letting the words lead and the guitar follow, where the lyrics are at the forefront and every part of the music is purely in support of them. 
Angel From Montgomery - John Prine: I’m so glad that John Prine is enjoying a bit of a late life resurgence in popularity among the Youth right now because he really deserves it. He feels like the songwriter that every songwriter loves but nobody else has ever heard of. I love this song, it feels like it was custom built to be some 70 year old country woman’s 'Hurt’.
Bogota Affair - Kid Creole And The Coconuts: A good and tropical song about getting cucked on an island and absolutely loving it.
Mientras La Veo Sonar - Rx Bandits: I figured out the reason I like this song and it’s honestly just that it sounds like watered down Mars Volta and I’ll take all of that you’ve got.
Joan, I’m Disappearing - City Calm Down: The way the first line of this song is an unexpected anacrusis makes me laugh cause it feels like the guy from The National just suddenly stepping into your room and collapsing into a seat to complain. I absolutely love this song, I’ve been listening to it on repeat. It’s melodically brilliant in the chorus, it just keeps giving, and structurally it never gets boring by just getting bigger and expanding the entire time to this huge emotional outpouring. I love the lyrics to this song because they’re so pathetic, which sounds like a strange and cruel thing to say but it’s true. It’s such a specific misguided melodramatic plea for a childish love that went on for too long and it’s just so heartbreaking and pathetic, and when it’s turned up to the emotional peak it’s believable and you sympathise. I wish this song went for five minutes more.
Footsteps - Dardanelles: This album was the critical darling of Australian music in 2006 and then this band just totally disappeared and I couldn’t find it for a long time before someone added it to spotify last year and now all their songs have <1000 plays. Very mysterious. I go through stages of being totally obsessed with this song, every part of it is just my favourite kind of pretentious art rock shit. 'This trail of breadcrumbs below your feet whispers like muscle cars on heat’? That’s good lyrics!
Queen Majesty - Techniques: I heard this song late at night when I was listening to ABC RN to fall asleep and some old guy was explaining how rocksteady was better than reggae and now I agree with him.
Opal (Four Tet Remix) - Bicep: The way this song builds around the central strong chords is just incredible, it’s a really simple motif and the way it comes back and sits foundationally through the whole piece. I love in the later half how the extra off-time melodies that seem to have no relation at all to the just come swooping through and almost destabilise the whole thing before those strong strong chords come through again. Also I have a strong suspicion that the snare sound in this is just Four Tet slapping his desk which I respect.
Jesus Came To My Birthday Party - The Middle East: I can’t overstate how much this song is directly wired to my brain stem. It is just perfect. This song is so simple but it feels like it came from another dimension to impart wisdom to me. It honestly makes me feel crazy. This whole album feels like the long lost brother of In The Aeroplane Over The Sea thematically and it really deserves a similar spot in the canon in my opinion. Please listen to it.
Eden - Talk Talk: The dynamics in the guitar playing is what really gets me in this song. The huge crescendo where it feels like the sound is being pulled apart from the inside dissipating to steam as soon as the groove kicks in. I don’t know, there’s not much to be said about Spirit Of Eden that hasn’t already been said, it’s transcendental music. It’s cliched but this is great driving music, music to space out and think about the universe to.
Outlaw Blues - Queens Of The Stone Age: What a treat to suddenly discover that one of my favourite bands has covered my favourite Bob Dylan song and done a great job of it too!
No Condition Is Permanent - Marijata: Ok this is embarrassing but the way I found out about this song was some goober on the overwatch subreddit had made playlists for every hero (Torbjorn’s was all electo-swing and pirate metal so who knows what the fuck was going on) and this and the next song were both on the Doomfist playlist, which was a lot of 70s afro-funk and highlife music which personally isn’t really telling the full story of Doomfist but that’s a whole other post. Anyway this song is great, and I’m glad I listened to this whole dumb-ass playlist to find it. I have a real affinity for songs like that that feel like the recording only ended cause they ran out of tape or the singer collapsed from exhaustion. This song could go for another 20 minutes and I’d only love it more.
Love And Death - Ebo Taylor: The groove of the drums in this song and the melodies of the horns are just hypnotising, and combined with the lyrics this feels like some very dark magic that I completely love. The guitar is really amazing in this as well actually, especially the solo where he switches back and forth between jazz soloing and just frantically strumming open chords.
Automatic (12" Version) - The Pointer Sisters: Huge fan of the extremely powerful megaman synth that comes in about halfway through this song and just charges the whole place up. I love how rich and deep her voice is, how it’s built on by the harmonies in the prechorus and then unleashed in the chorus. I also love how simple the chorus is, it doesn’t overshadow the rest of the song and the verses are just as good which is exactly what you want from a long mix like this. Huge fan of the deep guy’s voice just saying 'au-to-ma-tic’ during the fade out too, give that guy some more to do.
White Girl - Soul Coughing: Lyrically most Soul Coughing songs sound like somewhere between echolalia and reading out every street sign that you see, which is very appealing to me because that’s essentially how I communicate, but this one feels like a dire warning about an approaching conqueror. Also the ending of this song make me laugh because it’s the same as at the end of New Noise by Refused where he just screams 'THE NEW BEAT’ over and over and over after the instruments have all finished and in my eyes that’s a very very funny thing to do with the phrase 'white girl’.
Tone Tone Tone & Tone Tone Two - Shuta Hasunuma and U-zhaan: This album feels like some real Tiny Mix Tapes-core; a collaboration between two Japanese composers - a found object orchestra composer and a tabla player but against all odds it’s actually good. Unfortunately my favourite part of it is this 13 second piece of music that sounds like the brand ID for a very high-end podcast network.
I Won’t Be Found - The Tallest Man On Earth: I listened to this song eight times in a row and sang along the whole time on my drive home from work the other day. His voice is so uniquely good, a cowboy yodel with a slight swedish accent. I’m hooked right from when he sings 'morning’ as 'morning-AH’.
Now U Got Me Hooked - A.A.L: I can’t get over how good this new Nicolas Jaar side project album is. It’s just wall to wall bangers, a perfect party album. I love the really raw sound of a lot of the drums in this song; the huge clap that’s on the edge of being over-distorted mixed with a huge rumbling kick blowing out the low frequency that eventually cleans up and brings the sample back in and almost eliminates the bass entirely before it drops again and the sequence starts over. I love how long a lot of the songs on this album are, every idea is given so much room to completely stretch out.
Ride - Lana Del Rey: I saw Lana live last night and as soon as the first notes of this song played the girl in front of me absolutely screamed 'BITCH!!’ and I felt a real kinship with her. I really think this might be my favourite song of hers. It makes me so emotional every time and I can’t even pinpoint why. The way she sings 'fucking crazy’ the huge, sweeping chorus. It’s just amazing, I love her so much! Bitch!!
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insertsappylyrics · 7 years
(via https://open.spotify.com/track/2QSkjIgO4YPzjirqOhZBuX)
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