#Clone Trooper Steppes
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kyberled · 8 years ago
🛠 gimme some of these side charas :0
Send “🛠” and I will reveal some OCs, NPCs, or side characters I have || Accepting
Otto, Maverick, Razz, Surefire, Beskar, and Steppes are a group of clone troopers who serve in the 212th Attack Battalion. They’re no definite clique, but they do find themselves working together more often than not. And, of course, I don’t mean that they work as a unit, since that goes without saying; I mean that they’re often assigned to certain missions together, and they just assume it’s because they can get things done to a satisfactory degree. As far as actual ‘groups’ go, Razz and Surefire are best friends, Steppes keeps Beskar’s temper and abrasive attitude from getting him into trouble, and Maverick and Otto are sort of the odd ones out in that they aren’t really best friends with anyone in the group. They just go along with it - Or, in Maverick’s case, sprint ahead whooping and hollering on ahead to take the proverbial bull by the horns. Otto’s more likely to hang back and make a sarcastic comment (Same with Beskar, unless Bes has decided to fight someone about it).
Otto, or CT-5588, has short hair in a crew cut, a bit of stubble, and often has his fingernails painted in the 212th’s signature gold. He also has a few sabaac cards tattooed onto the inside of his left wrist. His armour has gold-painted shoulders with the Aurebesh number eight painted in white on each; the underside of his bracers are painted gold, as are the tops of his boots, and the rims of his helmet and visor. He’s a younger soldier, but not naive; war’s taken that privilege away from him. He’s quiet, unless spoken to first, with a wry, blunt way of speaking and a straightforward and sarcastic sense of humour. He likes to think of himself as a man of simple tastes and simple pleasures. He likes his caf black, his bedding dry, and his Seppies dead. He doesn’t like thinking about the bigger things; he says it’s not his job. He’d rather leave that to the Jedi and the Senators. On his off-time, Otto can be found cleaning his weapons and his gear, playing sabaac, arm wrestling, or drinking with his brothers, napping, or working out. Braig finds his simple, to-the-point outlook and method of speaking to be refreshing, and appreciates his down-to-earth views; Otto, himself, thinks Braig’s ‘optimistic naivete’, as he calls it, a nice change of pace from the gritty and upsetting nature of war. Because of this, the two view each other as friends, and can often be found chatting idly when the 212th sets up camp on missions, or when Braig visits the barracks. (Sidenote: Otto’s best friend, Macho, was killed during the Second Battle of Geonosis.)
Maverick, also known as ‘Mavvy’, was assigned the number CT-5653 upon his ‘birth’. His hair is a bit longer than regulation, scruffy, and slicked back on all sides. He sports a small goatee, has a silver stud earring in his right ear, and a large target tattooed onto his chest. He’s known for being a ruthless fighter, an ace pilot, and the cause of most the trouble his unit finds itself in. He loves stirring things up with his brothers, pulling pranks, teasing, and generally making a nuisance of himself with all the vim and vigour you could imagine. He’s fond of pulling off stunts in the air, complete with victory barrel-rolls when he makes his way out of a dog-fight, or when the boys in gold have taken victory, Because of this, he’s a fan of Anakin Skywalker’s work, and as such is thrilled when the 501st teams up with the 212th. On at least one occasion, when told to deliver a report, he announced that ‘there’s a singing telegram for you, sir’. Once, Braig decided to indulge him, and told him to go ahead; After Maverick recovered from the brief shock of actually being allowed, to his credit, he did start singing; His report was delivered in a short, jaunty tune that had to be rapidly altered to have a lot less cursing when he noticed Cody staring him down from across the field. In his off-time, Maverick can be found vying for a chance in the flight simulator, fussing over his fighter, dissolving different candies into his drinks at 79′s to ‘make them taste better’, listening to music, pulling pranks, or trying on eyeliner. He’s not sure if he wants to make it part of his permanent look. Though he doesn’t speak to Braig much, as Braig has a distinct loathing for flying and was rarely a part of the flight group, Maverick does appreciate the fact that Braig lets him get away with his mischief. As long as it doesn’t cause any serious harm, and it’s not during a mission, Braig’s not one to intervene on their fun. So, Maverick thinks positively of their pint-sized commander.
Razz, who will to his dying day deny the fact/rumour that he got his name from the phrase ‘razzle dazzle’, carries the number CT-5759 next to the lighter he always keeps on his person. Nobody really knows how he got it, but he will never tell anyone that it took a lot of time picking credits off the street, bringing bottles and cans to the recycling droids, etc, etc, until he’d saved enough to get his precious luxury. Razz is, by his own admission and his brothers’, a pyromaniac who’s channelled his love of fire into becoming a demolitions expert. He was fascinated by fireworks when he was younger, which was, in part, the instigation of the chain of events that culminated in him receiving his name. He keeps his lighter around to help relax when things get too much, to help keep himself centred, and to quiet his thoughts when he gets too noisy. It’s come in handy a few times, and he’s not hurting anyone, so, even if they’re not sure if he’s supposed to have it, his brothers aren’t gonna take it away from him (Maverick might try, but that’s less ‘You shouldn’t have this’ and more ‘I want to have this and potentially cause trouble with it’). He has the sides of his hair shaved down, but the top’s grown out and tied back into a ponytail. He also has freckles along his nose and cheeks, faint burn scars along his fingertips, and he’ll sometimes steal Maverick’s eye liner as payback for trying to steal his lighter. But, that’s usually only when they’re on leave and heading to 79′s. Razz is a pretty relaxed guy, though he’s more into the bigger picture and the nitty-gritty sort of thing. He likes hearing about what’s going on, getting a feel of what people are doing, and he can be a socialite with his brothers and their Jedi (he’s not a fan of talking with people outside those ranks; Civvies are rarely good conversation, and same goes for politicians). Outside of fire, he finds a bit of comfort in flimsi-folding, drinking, boloball, sketching, yoga, and sparring. You can often find him at the shooting ranges, though, while he does put in his fair share of training time in, he’s often there just because Surefire is there. Nobody’s surprised. As for his relationship with Braig, Razz is pretty fond of the little guy. He taught Braig how to make paper flowers, and is absolutely fascinated by lightsabers. He’ll take every excuse he can to ask about ‘em.
Surefire got his name in a pretty ordinary way - he’s good with a blaster. Before that, he was known as CT-5754, and he was one of Razz’s batch brothers. He’s got his main position in the unit as a sniper, though he’ll also gladly take up positions on walkers or with a sturdy weapon closer to the front lines, if need be. Surefire’s got the regular crew-cut that’s standard for troopers, a scar slashing through his left eyebrow, and a small, neatly-groomed moustache. He’s also got his name tattooed across his knuckles in Aurebesh; ‘Sure’ on one hand, ‘fire’ on the others. He’s almost always got some kind of firearm on his person, either cleaning it, fiddling with it, practising with it, or just admiring it. He likes guns. He’s a sarcastic kind of guy, known for making quips over closed commlink channels when he can get away with it, or to whoever happens to be standing next to him (usually Razz). He likes to think of himself as a realist, embracing a situation whether it’s awful or fantastic (and making sure to comment on his views all the while). Like a lot of his brothers, he also has a dark sense of humour, and, with him being one of the more vocal soldiers, is not above cracking jokes in the face of certain death. In spite of his quirks and quips, Surefire is a fiercely loyal soldier, proud of his duty and protective of his brothers. He has no qualms with putting himself on the line if it means the rest of them get out safe. Surefire’s hobbies include practising at the shooting range, reading holomags, chatting with his brothers, hogging the treadmill, rock climbing, boloball, and hanging out with Razz. Surefire’s another one who’s grown fond of little Braig. Their friendship began when Surefire suggested that the Force must make the Jedi into great marksmen, and implied that he wanted to have a target-practise contest. Surefire was utterly horrified when Braig informed him that, as a matter of fact, he’d never fired a blaster in his life, and he promptly dragged the Padawan Commander off to at least figure out how to use a rifle. Since then, there have been a few times when ‘Fire’s taken Braig out to a range to do some shooting, and to shoot the breeze. While he does think Braig’s got a ways to go when it comes to marksmanship, Surefire very much enjoys their conversations.
Beskar, known on official datawork as CT-5579, is the sort of person who seems to be perpetually in a bad mood. Tough and unyielding as the iron he’s named for, Beskar doesn’t mince words, has minimal control of his temper, and seems to be one of those clones who actually enjoys being sent out to fight the droid armies. Sure, he doesn’t like when his brothers get hurt, and he doesn’t like a lot of the collateral and fallout and stress associated with warfare, but he does find something very satisfying about taking out a klanker, no matter the method (though he does prefer being up close and personal). Beskar’s head is shaved bald, and he has a short yet scruffy beard and near-constant dark circles under his eyes, and a smattering of scars over his body. While he has tally marks painted on his armour, he also has them tattooed on his shoulders, back, chest, arms, and hands, and even a few tiny ones under his right ear - clumps of tallies to mark his kill-count wherever he felt like having that bunch at the time. Beskar’s preferred method of killing time include lifting weights, hogging the punching bag, push-ups, arm wrestling his brothers, spending time at the shooting range, listening to the radio, and drinking alone. He’s not a fan of the crowded atmosphere of 79′s. He’s also known to be fond of gambling, though accusing him of cheating is considered asking for a beating. (He doesn’t cheat, he just has one hell of a poker face). He also probably has the best grasp of profanity of the entire group, aside from possibly Maverick. Beskar doesn’t talk to Braig much; he doesn’t really talk to anyone, outside of necessity, with Steppes being the one exception. Beskar finds running after the 212th’s notoriously extra Jedi to be exasperating and headache-inducing. He’d protect Obi-Wan and Braig with his life, just like the rest of them, he just wonders why the kriff they keep asking for danger, or to get captured, or who knows what else. He does appreciate the fact that they treat him and his brothers like people, though. They’re a bit less frustrating than the Kaminoans. 
Steppes, or CT-5581, has cemented himself as a pacifist among his brothers, doing his best to make sure that any infighting is nipped at the bud and quelled peacefully - Or, as peacefully as is possible for them. As far as he’s concerned, they have enough violence in their lives already. He has the typical crew-cut, is clean-shaven, and has a few small scars on his lower lip. On the right side of his jaw, he has three small stars tattooed in white ink. He’s one of the only boys patient enough to handle Beskar, and one of the only brothers Bes will actually get along with. Seeing as some people think Steppes’ pacifism is a weakness, especially when they were cadets, having a snarly, hyper-aggressive best friend definitely kept Steppes from being teased, tormented, and picked on nearly as much as he would’ve, otherwise. Now that they’re older, Steppes’ empathetic tendencies have made him a common choice for a would-be ‘therapist’ amongst his brothers, and have contributed to his well-known leadership abilities, which resulted in his promotion to ‘Lieutenant’. He’s absolutely the ‘mom friend’ of the group, and, though he can come off as overbearing, some boys appreciate the concern. In his off-time, Steppes enjoys reading, going for walks/jogs, checking in on and chatting with his brothers, making sure his gear is in order, games of holochess, and fixing up the speeders he and his brothers ride into battle. While he does also enjoy drinking, he’d rather sit around with a few brews and a few brothers in the comfort of their own bunks; 79′s is good in small doses, but he appreciates the peaceful quiet of home. Being the soft heart that he is, Steppes has found a kindred spirit in Braig. It’s reassuring to him to know that even Jedi can be soft. Makes him feel a bit better about himself. They’re good friends, and Steppes fusses over the kid when he gets the chance. 
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historical-waifus · 7 years ago
Actually you know what? We need more diverse Clone War settings
- A regiment deployed to a jungle planet, disguising their white plasteel armor with mud and tree branches lashed to themselves with lengths of wire. Breaks up their outline out in the bush, as well as the mud hiding them from droid heat sensors. Armed with huge, brush-clearing, machete-like knives, which they’re more than happy to use in close combat.
- A Clone Trooper brigade stuck in urban warfare, becoming adept snipers among the ruined buildings. Droids move in predictable patterns, driven by programming rather than training and instinct, making them easy targets for sharpshooters. This sniper brigade making nests with which to take pot shots at Separatist forces, even making dummy nests to cause confusion among any organic commanders the droids might have.
- An armored corps Clone unit, made up of double the normal issue of walkers. AT-TEs form the backbone of the regiment, on-foot infantry serving as a supporting quick-advance role to knock out anti-walker weapons. Speeders provide the infantry groups with extra punch, but the walkers do most of the heavy lifting. Deployed in wide-open steppe environments, the Separatists have little that can match a Republic Armored Corps in a toe-to-toe fight.
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kyberled · 4 years ago
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send me  ‘ hc ‘  + a word and i’ll write a headcanon about it regarding my character. || ACCEPTING
@stubborn-amphibian​ asked:
hc + relationship with the clone troopers
He loves his men. That’s really the be-all end-all of it. Obviously, he doesn’t know all of the troops; there are far too many for that. And they’re all too different. But the ones he works closely with, he adores. He has a lot of them that he considers close friends, including Wyll’s Vibes, Darian’s Kay (and Rex), Alpha’s Vin and Noisy, Torrent’s Rex, and Sol’s Waxer, and then a handful of NPCs I’ve thrown in for flavour (The Twelvers - Kriss, Prez, Boone, Cooper, Lonnie, Tanzer, and Lowswipe - and Maverick, Beskar, Steppes, Razz, Otto, and Surefire from the 212th). And then there are some he regards as family, rather than friends: Xidori’s Wolffe and Collie’s Ace as his brothers (older and younger, respectively), Liz’s Cad as an uncle figure, and of course, Liz’s Cody is papa bear. On a different section of the spectrum is Michael’s Fox, who Braig figures he’ll never get along with on a personal level - they’re too different, he thinks - but he does respect Fox a great deal for the work he does, and for how much easier he and his brothers make the Jedi’s jobs by keeping things running smoothly on Coruscant. Those he serves with, he feels a great loyalty to. He knows they’d be lost in the war without them. He also feels protective over them, which I imagine looks kind of funny without context. This tiny, put-together teenager getting riled on behalf of the huge, battle-hardened soldiers. 
But, Braig is a Jedi. As far as he’s concerned, protecting people is what he’s here to do. Sometimes, this means protecting them physically. Defending them in battle, for instance - the way he sees it, he’s a Jedi, he’s got the heightened reflexes, he’s a Force Healer. He has an infinitely higher chance of surviving the front lines than someone who can’t connect to the Force. This has lead to more than a few ‘I’m supposed to protect you / no I’m supposed to protect you’ back and forths, but he means well. Sometimes protecting them physically means taking their medical care into his own hands. As I said, he’s a Force healer. He’s usually in the med-tents after battles, and it’s not always because he got himself scraped up. The Force can heal serious wounds faster than bacta, even if he’s still just learning, and there’s only so much he can do at the moment. Sometimes, though, it’s for older injuries. Darian’s Kay and Liz’s Cody, for example, both suffered from chronic pain from injuries that hadn’t healed right at the time. He might not have known how to fix the issue, but he could ease the pain without side effects, and it was enough. (This also leads into the story of how Braig played the system to get Kay out of the Kaminoans’ research labs and into better care, but this is going to be long enough without that.) And, sometimes, caring for them medically just means using his status as a medic and the knowledge that he can get away with murder at this point to assign the men a few hours of ‘medical leave’ if they look too run-down. Go nap, trooper. He’ll deal with the CO’s. 
Sometimes, protecting them means looking after them emotionally. Somebody has to, after all. This might just be talking to them, listening to them, and generally making himself available for the men to come to with their concerns. He knows he won’t understand like their brothers will, but he also knows he has more power and influence than they do (and depending on the point in time, more than he should reasonably have), and as such can probably solve some issues that would otherwise be over their heads, so. He does what he can to be someone they can come to if things get rough. He might not always know exactly what to say or do - he’s only a teenager - but he tries. It can also just mean helping them cope with everything going on. Liz and I often joked that Braig was Cody’s teddy bear/comfort item. Having a bad day? Give the padawan commander to the Marshall Commander. Cody Can’t sleep? Cuddle up to your Littlest Jedi and the problems get better! If you want a favor from Cody, make sure Braig is there. It puts him in a better mood. In a more direct, if not toned-down manner, Braig also taught Cooper a few meditation tricks and breathing techniques from the Temple when the latter suffered a panic attack during the Tassish mission. We all know the Kaminoans wouldn’t care to help them in that department, so, someone has to. 
… And sometimes it means picking fights with visiting dignitaries because they’re badmouthing the men within Braig’s earshot. Yes, he did this. No, he hasn’t been punished. In fact, the master he was with - Sam’s A’Sharad - basically told him ‘good job, kid, my turn next’. We’ll see how that affects the budding complex he’s got going. Even if he did get punished, though, he figures he can take it. He’ll get over it. There’s significantly less they can do to him than to one of the men, and he knows it. He’ll ask politely, of course, try to open a dialogue and resolve things quietly, but if you keep going at it, well - Jedi protect those who can’t protect themselves. He will do his best to rectify the situation. 
And then there were the no-Order-66 post-war shenanigans from a while back where the teenagers got into politics to try and get the men citizen status and the accompanying rights. Why not? Trying to be idle after the end of the war just… Didn’t work for him. Yes, he was glad for the rest, but he had to adapt to it. In the mean time, why not challenge the entire Senate? What’s the worst that could happen? I don’t think all of us who were involved ever came to a conclusion, but it did get absolutely buckwild. The mafia was involved. People were getting bribed left and right to stand behind the movement, when their own morality failed them. One of the senators, half way through a meeting, just went “I have a spy network, would that help?” “Uh, yes?” Anyway, it was a mess, but he’d do it again in a heartbeat. He just doesn’t think he’s allowed to call himself the friend of the men he’s close to if he’s not going to stand up for them and try to improve their situation. 
Long story short, he’s trying his best, and he loves his boys. 
Which is why Order 66 hurts so much more.
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