#Clockwork had Tucker make the game as an “exercise”
hughmanbean · 8 months
Another World
Dick had found a new indie game that had just come out, and it was pretty good. He had even gotten Tim sold on it, though that hadn't helped his sleep schedule.
It was one of those visual novels, but had really good fighting mechanics and great backgrounds and settings. The setting was really well done, with even one off characters feeling fully fleshed out.
It was a mix between romance, mystery, slice of life, and psychological horror, since you could take the romance routes or the mystery routes in any interactions, which would drastically change the rest of the gameplay.
There were many routes, and at the end you would encounter the one of or the entire Royal Family.
The High Queen, Avaricious Duke, Erratic Prince, Wandering Princess, Autumn Knight, and Advisor Time.
Depending on your choices, it could anything from a heartfelt confession, an epic battle, or the reveal of a horrid secret.
The reason why this is relevant is because they're now stuck in this game.
Not just Dick and Tim, but the rest of the family too.
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lightsburnbrite · 8 years
Young & Wild: Part 5
“If you don’t like them just say so.”
Preston snapped the lid closed on the box containing the matching engraved cufflinks, tie clip, and money clip. “No, they’re fine. Thanks.”
“I can return them.” Georgina waited for Preston to turn his back before she rolled her eyes. At least he could return them and get cash. What was she supposed to do with vouchers for tennis lessons?
“Didn’t we agree that you were going to stop being such a bitch on this trip?” He tossed the box on to the dresser and folded his arms across his chest. “Not exactly holding up your end of the deal there.”
Georgina threw her arms up in frustration. “How am I being a bitch?”
“You’ve spent hardly any time with me or my family, you’re always working on your laptop or taking notes in the margin of a journal.” He paused for effect, something that he did often. “Why did you even come here?”
She looked back at him with a frown. “I came because I was invited. I’m sorry that my thesis is keeping me busy but I want to be thorough with it because my advisor say I can then turn it into my dissertation if I wanted to pursue my doctorate.”
“That’s not why I’m mad.” Preston began speaking with his hands as though he was talking to a dimwitted person. “You go to England and you go to Denmark but you can’t even pull yourself away from your work for my family.”
“I work wherever I go.” She bit her tongue to prevent from laughing and saying he’s not special in being ignored. “It’s not just here.”
Preston narrowed his gaze. He had wanted an apology from Georgina and some sort of indication that he could influence her but that was definitely not what he was getting. “Why don’t you just leave if you’re so unhappy here?”
“I’m not unhappy.” Georgina could tell that her lack of emotion one way or another was driving Preston crazy. “But I’ll leave if you want me to.”
He set his jaw and raised an eyebrow. “I think that might be best.”
Within the hour, Georgina had packed and arranged for a car to come and take her to the airport. The reason for Preston’s foul mood wasn’t the amount of time Georgina spent on her work but a text he saw show up on her phone early Christmas morning from a contact labeled Danny: Babe, you’re amazing. Can’t believe you figured out I wanted new clubs. Happy Christmas!
The clubs he was expecting as a Christmas present had obviously gone to someone named Danny who thought nothing of calling his fiancé “babe”. Surprisingly, this wasn’t a deal breaker for him. Instead, he wanted to know more about Georgina’s extra curricular activities. Any information gathered could be potentially helpful to him.
Once she was at 39,000 feet, Georgina finally started to relax. She figured she’d take the rest of the day to herself before telling anyone she was home and subsequently finding a reason for why she came home early. Back in the sanctuary of her apartment, Georgina flopped down on her bed and sighed as she stared at the ceiling. Breaking her own rule, she decided to call Daniel.
“Georgie, they’re perfect.”    
Georgina laughed as he didn’t even bother with the formality of a greeting. “I’m glad you like them, Danny. Did you have a nice Christmas?”
“Not bad.” From the way he was speaking, she could tell that he was nodding his head and she loved that they had come to know each other well enough to anticipate reactions. “Of course, we still play so it’s not like I could get home to see my family. Couple weeks and we’ll have our own Christmas. How was your’s?
“Well,” She sighed as she made herself comfortable. “His parents are ok towards me but his sister in law is awful and her kids are just rude. Preston didn’t like the present I got for him and then we argued about how he thought I was spending too much time working-”
“Because you didn’t actually want to be there?”
“Right.” She smiled again. “He kept calling me a bitch and said I should just go home. So, here I am.”
“You shouldn’t let him speak to you like that.” The tone of Daniel’s voice caught her by surprise, it was much more stern than she had heard from him before. “That’s no way for a man to treat the woman he supposedly loves.”
She gave a little sigh, maybe Preston didn’t actually want to get married either. “I know, Danny. That’s part of the reason I left.”
“You’re home now?” There was surprise in his voice, but he seemed pleased at the same time.
“Ok, listen,” Georgina could tell that he was going through some papers as he was talking. “You’re alone, right? I’m going to have your present delivered. Maybe a couple of hours from now. Don’t go out yet, ok?”
With another sigh, she closed her eyes. “Wouldn’t dream of it.”
“Great. I’ll call you soon.”
“Ok, Dan.” She laughed now at how endearing his child-like impulsivity was. “I love you.”
“Love you more, Georgie.”
As soon as she hung up, Georgina dozed off only to be woken again by her phone ringing. She smiled when she saw Daniel’s name show up.
“Did you miss me already?”
He laughed before answering. “Oh, I miss you everyday but I wanted to check to make sure you were still home.”
“I am.” Georgina was starting to get excited, wondering what Daniel had lined up.
“Good.” It was obvious he was enjoying this. “Put the phone down and put me on speaker.”
She followed his directions but remained puzzled. “What do I do now?”
“Just wait a minute, you’ll see.”
As if by clockwork, there was a knock on her door. Georgina opened it to reveal a stout woman in her mid fifties dressed in khakis, a navy polo shirt and an olive drab utility vest. “Georgina Henry?”
“Yes?” As soon as Georgina confirmed her identity the woman held out her hand to shake.
After a brief shake, the woman realized she hadn’t introduced herself. “Margaret Lang, nice to meet you I’m the owner of Ravenwood Kennels in Colt’s Neck. I have something for you.”
Margaret stepped to the side, out of site, and moved a large cardboard box, flaps still open, in front of the door.
Georgina looked to Margaret then to the box and back.
“Go ahead,” Margaret smiled. “Open it up.”
Cautiously, she took a step forward and moved the flaps out of the way. Inside, tangled together and passed out on a fleece blanket were two Labrador puppies, one jet black and the other a pale cream.
“Oh my god,” Georgina’s voice automatically dropped to a whisper. “They’re adorable.”
Margaret bent down and picked up the black one who let out a great yawn. “They’re tuckered out from the car ride but give them a minute and they’ll be bouncing all over the place.”
Georgina followed suit and picked up the lighter one, who immediately started to lick her face. She laughed as she spoke a little louder now. “Ok, Danny. Why is a stranger showing up with a literal box of puppies?”
“They’re yours.” Margaret gave a little smile and nodded as Daniel spoke. “Happy Christmas, Georgie.”
Pressing her lips together, Georgina was overwhelmed by the gesture and held the cream colored puppy close to her. Daniel said a quick goodbye, knowing that Margaret had some things she wanted to go over with Georgina, with the promise that he’d check in tomorrow. Soon after, the doorman accompanied a delivery man with crates, an exercise pen and two large bags of kibble. Margaret left her with the name of a highly recommended and nearby dog trainer who would work with Georgina at the apartment as well as at their location.
A few days passed and Georgina wasn’t sure if it was the puppies or her coordinating a trip to Liverpool before her new semester started but she hadn’t thought about Preston once. It caught her by surprise when the doorman called over the intercom to announce that Preston was there but then she remembered that he’d asked to stay there while he had some meetings in New York.
“Oh, boys.” Georgina turned to the puppies who were playing tug of war with a rope. “I was hoping you wouldn’t have to meet him.”
She had their exercise pen set up in her office so they could be in there with her while she worked and now that seemed like the best place to keep them when Preston came. The ding of the elevator signaled his arrival and caused the knot in Georgina’s stomach to grow.
She heard him call from the gallery and walked out to meet him. “Hello Preston, how was your flight?”
“Relatively painless.” He looked her over with a raised eyebrow. “Your forgot I was coming, didn't you?”
Suddenly Georgina regretted her choice of leggings paired with an oversized hoodie. One of Daniel’s hoodies to be exact. “I’m sorry, I’ve been a bit forgetful recently.”
“Right. Well, get dressed, I thought we could go out for dinner.” He carried his bag to her bedroom, compelling her to follow. “Also, you should clear your schedule next week. You owe my parents and apology for Christmas.”
She steeled herself and decided now was as good a time as any. “Preston, we need to talk.”
“Talk?” He went to open the second closet but stopped short. “Talk about what?”
Georgina took the ring from her finger and handed it to him. “I need to give this back to you.”
“What are you doing, Georgina?” He scoffed, thinking she was playing some sort of passive aggressive game to get him to grovel.
“I’m sorry,” She closed her eyes and shook her head. “Last week you made me realize…I barely have time to take care of myself, let alone devote time to others and it’s not fair to you-”
“You’re not seriously breaking up with me, are you?” He still looked somewhat in shock. “No. Partners are never single. They’re always men with a wife and a couple of kids.”
She rolled her eyes. “If that’s the main reason you’re upset then it just proves my point that we don’t need to be together.”
“Does your father know?” He still had a pompous air around him, as if he was too good to be left. “What do you think he’d have to say about it?”
Georgina simply shook her head. “I would hope that my happiness is what matters most to my father. Look, I have no problem with you staying in the guest room while your in town-”
Preston’s response came in the form of a glare as he took the ring out of her palm. “I should hope not considering you’ve given me no notice.”
As he took his bag and walked out, she closed her eyes and exhaled. Georgina was really hoping he’d opt to stay in a hotel, but it was only for two days at least, how bad could it really be? Her first thought was to get in touch with Daniel. She took a picture of her left hand with a now bare ring finger and sent it to him before she followed up with another text.
Broke it off, but he was supposed to stay here for a few days on business. He’s still here but in the guest room so I can’t talk freely. See you soon!
Daniel’s response came in the form of a thumbs up.
Quietly walking past the guest room, Georgina had to admit that it would be easier only keeping one secret from Preston. Turning back, she poked her head in and spoke quickly before he could get a word in.
“I got myself two puppies for Christmas. I need to take them out now, I’ll be back in a few minutes.” Without giving him the chance to respond, Georgina grabbed their leashes and had them out the door.
Georgina went straight for the central park mall, only stopping once she made it to a bench. Pulling out her phone, she exhaled before calling her father. Part of her was hoping he wouldn’t answer, but once he did, Georgina realized it was probably easier just to get it over with.
He seemed surprised, but pleased to hear from her. “Gigi. To what do I owe the pleasure?”
“I, um,” She hesitated for a moment but shook her head and continued. “I called it off with Preston, we broke up.”
“Oh, Georgina.” He seemed disappointed, but not entirely upset. “He seemed like a good fit for you.”
She wanted to laugh, but stopped herself. “Not really, Dad, he’s mainly a good fit for himself. It didn’t seem like the right time and I’m not convinced he actually wanted to marry me. I think he more wanted to seem like the ideal candidate to make partner.”
“Well,” He paused as if he wasn’t sure he wanted to say what he was about to. “When he asked if he could marry you, he spoke more about himself than the two of you.”
Now she did laugh. “That’s exactly what I mean, Dad.”
“Tell me something, Gi.” There was a level of kindness in his voice again that was reserved for private matters. “Are you happy?”
“I am, Dad. But that’s the other part of why I wanted to call you.” She sighed and at once felt like a weight had been lifted from her shoulders. “I was given two Labrador puppies for Christmas.”
Her father laughed. “That certainly does seem like something you’d appreciate more than tennis lessons. But who gave them to you? Seems like a pretty significant gift.”
“Daniel Agger.” Georgina suddenly felt the need to clarify. “I met him at the club’s reception for you in October. We’ve become very close friends.”
She really didn’t know what kind of reaction to anticipate, but complete silence on the other end did nothing to assuage her growing concern. “Dad?”
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