#Clay Spenser Imagine
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ac-19 ¡ 8 months ago
T-Shirt - C. Spenser (Bravo 6)
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Summary: you wore Clay's shirt to an op by accident.
When I got the call for the op, I was at Clay's apartment, so I got dressed as quickly as possible. Clay and I headed out in separate cars to keep our cover intact with the team and headed to base. Briefing was on the plane, so we barely had a minute to get settled before we took off and briefing took place.
I could feel the heat radiating off Clay's body as he stood behind me as Jason briefed us. Jason turned his back to talk to Blackburn, and I felt Clay's breath on my ear.
"Is that my shirt?"
I quickly looked down at myself and realized I was, in fact, wearing Clay's shirt. In the hurry, I guess I didn't realize that I grabbed his shirt instead of mine. In my defense, we had gone for a run that morning, and I was wearing an oversized t-shirt with some biker shorts when I got to his place so this was the same look I had on prior just a different shirt.
I swiftly grabbed my jacket that laid on my gear pack which was set off on the right side.
"You good there princess?"
I looked over at Sonny and nodded.
"You know I'm always cold."
He nodded, and he looked between Clay and I, and I diverted my attention back to Jason as Blackburn spoke up.
"Listen up, guys, we're receiving more intel, so for now, sit tight. We'll brief you in soon."
We all nodded, and all went out separate ways to make sure our gear was squared away.
"I don't believe it."
I furrowed my eyebrows as I looked back at Sonny.
"What are you going on about Sonny?"
"You and Blondie are sleeping together."
"What the hell are you talking about?"
"That's Clay's shirt that you're wearing. I know that because he wore it leaving the base yesterday."
I grabbed onto Sonny's arm and pulled him away from prying ears and eyes.
"You tell anybody about this I'm going to come and kill you in your sleep understood?"
"Copy that princess. But it's about damn time."
I rolled my eyes as I went back to checking out my gear and before I knew it Clay was sitting beside me.
"Sonny knows."
I nodded.
"I know."
"Said you threatened to kill him in his sleep if he told anyone."
I chuckled.
"I thought of it more like a promise but yeah."
Clay chuckled.
"You look good in my shirt by the way."
I smiled as Jason walked past us.
"Get back to work Spenser."
"Yes, sir."
I chuckled as I watched Clay walk over to his gear pack. I caught his eye, and he smiled as he winked at me. I shook my head as I turned my head and looked down at myself. I couldn't believe I had worn Clay's shirt to an op.
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rebelwrites ¡ 1 year ago
Hellloooooo!! God how much i've missed your writing!
What about a little Clay fic?? What about reader thought she wouldn't see him at Christmas as he was working, so she's at her parents house and half way during dinner or like nearly midnight on christmas and the doorbell goes and it's Clay and he somehow made it for Christmas armed with a small present as that's all he had time to buy but reader just loves it and him 😍
Home For Christmas
Clay Spenser x Reader
As this is a flash fic, this hasn’t been edited
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As always reblogs and feedback is highly appreciated ❤️ if you want tagging in future parts let me know ❤️
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Staring around the room you couldn’t help but let out a loud sigh. Today was Christmas, one of your favorite holidays but this year you just wanted it to be over. Everyone was coupled up apart from you, dropping your gaze down to your hand, you found yourself fiddling with your engagement ring.
This was the first Christmas without Clay, in the four years you had been dating he had never had a deployment fall on Christmas but this year your luck had run out.
For the last week you had been practically holding your breath that he would make it home in time for the holiday, but here you were sitting alone on the sofa with a large glass of wine just wanting the day to be over.
It was currently 8pm and any hope you had of seeing your Clay today had completely vanished, so you found yourself curled up under the blanket with your 6 year old nephew as you all watched The Grinch.
You found yourself constantly checking your phone to see if you had any missed call from Clay, but once again you had nothing. At this point you had no idea if he was even coming home this side of the new year, even though he confirmed with you their deployment was coming to an end. You both knew from previous experience that things could change at the flip of a switch.
Hours had passed and there was no sign of you Fiance, your heart weighed heavy in your chest as you checked the time for the 50th time this hour.
It was nearing midnight, you were absolutely exhausted. Just like every year your nephews had you running around like a headless chicken and this year you had decided you were doing Christmas dinner. One of the many ideas you had to try and keep your mind from wandering.
Everyone had gone up to bed at this point, leaving you pottering around starting to tidy up. The last thing you wanted was to wake up to a house that looked like it had been ransacked. As you carried a load of glasses through to the kitchen you heard a sound coming from the hallway, but you thought nothing of it, it was probably your sister coming down because one of the boys forgot their stuffed animals.
Once you had dumped the glasses into the dishwasher you headed back into the living room but the moment you stepped into the hallway you couldn’t help but freeze.
Your fists came up to your face, forcefully rubbing your eyes to make sure you weren't seeing things. But there he was standing there in his greens, rucksack hanging from his shoulder and a small red gift bag hanging between his fingers.
“Merry Christmas baby,” Clay whispered, his eyes shining brightly under the moonlight that shone through the window in the front door.
“Please tell me I’m not dreaming,” you breathed, taking a few steps so you were within touching distance of your boyfriend.
“Definitely not a dream babe,” he smirked, reaching out causing his rucksack to drop to the floor with a loud thud. Neither of you cared if it woke the rest of the house up right now. Within moments you were wrapped up in his arms, nuzzling your face into his toned chest.
“I know it’s not much,” he whispered, holding the small gift bag in the air, “not many shops are open this late on Christmas.”
You didn’t care about presents, all you cared about was Clay and that he made it home safely and in one piece. A large smile appeared on your face as you pulled away from him to investigate what was in the gift bag. Your heart fluttered when you pulled out three bars of your favorite chocolate. “Thank you,” you breathed, reaching up resting your hand on Clay’s cheek.
“I promised I would make it home for Christmas,” he hummed, resting his forehead against yours, “and I never break a promise to my girl.”
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@chibsytelford @supervalcsi @talicat713 @disasterfandoms @bravo-four-seal-team @jasonbabymama @jayhalsteadfan-2417 @seik-o @velvetcardiganbucky @phoenixhalliwell @itsonautopilot @pinkrockstar19 @galaxysanduniversesinmymind @softi92 @abby-splace @theysayitscrazy @thelovelyleo23 @i-love-scott-mccall @fourthwallhateclub @hippyprincessxx @the-jer-bear @extraneousred @choochoo284 @lmao-liz @babypink224221 @pedrohoe04 @littlekittymeow @nichia88-blog @zozebo
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sinofwriting ¡ 2 years ago
Sweet Nothing - Clay Spenser
Words: 4,912
Note(s): This is a long one that I honestly did not want to end. Also this is x reader but she goes by the nickname Mira. And anything in italics unless stated otherwise is them speaking Urdu. (Oh, and title is of course from a Taylor Swift song)
Tagging @nerdyreaderpapi who said they were really excited for this. Hope they and everyone else enjoys this.
Summary: Clay has a wife and no one believes him. He’s been a part of Bravo for eight months, the wife excuse is getting old, got old after the first month and yet he sticks to it, despite the fact that they never met her, don’t know her name, or seen a single picture of her.
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Turning his phone on, a tired smile crosses his lips at the sight of his lockscreen and he can’t help the way his thumb caresses the screen as he mouths the words on it that he knows by heart, a yawn leaving him in the middle as he adjusts to being awake.
The always there ache in his heart, grows now that they’re so close to being home. And he has to resist rubbing at his chest. He didn’t need to catch Trent’s attention, the medic was like a mother hen to all of the team, but especially him since he was the youngest.
Unlocking his phone, he goes to his texts and scrolls through his missed texts, body relaxing into his hammock as he looks at the texts from his wife. Some just random tidbits of things she had to translate, or things she had to buy that they ran out of, things she made for dinner, how she forgot to pick her meds up but not to worry because she did end up getting them, just a week later than she should’ve and he can ignore the email from the pharmacy about it, and that yes Clay she knows she hopeless without him and she’s more than okay without.
He lets out a chuckle at one of her texts telling him that she wants a dog and he needs to stop dragging his feet about it.
“It’s been nearly a year, husband. The longer we go without any paws running about, the more I’ll want.”
He lifts his eyes from his phone, letting them drift around until they land on Brock who’s also laying in his hammock, though he’s more upright, Cerberus in between his legs.
“Hey, Brock.” “Hmm?” Clay doesn’t notice that the rest of the team have also turned their attention to Clay. It wasn’t often that the kid was talkative after missions, especially one like this one. “I’ve been meaning to get a dog, anything I should keep in mind with Cerb?” The dog lifts its head at his name, tail wagging as he looks at Clay. Brock runs a hand over the dog's head. “I’d say once they settle in, we introduce them, just in case.” “What kind of dog you getting?” Clay shrugs, “not too sure yet. It’ll be a puppy, that’s for sure.” His wife would have his head if they’re first pet together wasn’t a puppy. “Puppy? That’s a lot for our job.” “Yeah, who’s getting to watch it when we get spun out or are on deployment?” “My wife, who absolutely exists.” He throws up a middle finger at Sonny, already knowing what comment was going to leave the Texan’s mouth. He makes a noise and half hearted denial, but doesn’t say anything, jaw twitching as Clay tries to press that he had a wife on them again.
“She going to pick you up?” Clay’s eyebrow raises, and he pockets his phone as he feels a shift in the altitude. They’d be landing within the next thirty minutes. “I drove myself. So, no.” Ray makes a noise at that and he has to resist the urge to snap at him or one of the other guys who was staring at him.
“Join us for beers tomorrow?” Sonny asks, as they all step out and start heading to their cars. “We just spent nearly two weeks together, next time absolutely.” Sonny grunts. “Fine, but just remember what you're missing out on, GQ. I could get you a great girl.” “Married.” He shouts, as he rushes to his car. The door shuts before he can hear Sonny’s reply and with it comes a sigh of relief.
The drive home passes quickly and before he knows it, he’s in the driveway of his house. His wife’s car parked in its spot and the porch light on, with its automatic timer set to turn on at eighteen hundred and shut off at four hundred.
Clay feels the ache in his chest grow, being so close and yet still so far away. So, he doesn’t bother grabbing his go bag, even though everything needs to be washed, he just climbs out of the car, barely remembering to lock it and running up the steps to the front door.
Opening the door, he quickly steps into the house, kicking off his boots as he closes the door behind him.
“Baby?” He calls, anxiety and excitement warring inside of him. “Mira?” He uses the name that her parents started calling after learning that he and her grandmother had taken to calling her Miracle in Urdu. “I’m home.” He hears the sound of feet rounding the corner before a cry of his name greets him and he’s got an armful of his wife.
He holds her tight, lifting her off her feet, his hands moving down to her bottom to hold it as her legs wrap themselves around his waist.
“Fuck, I missed you.” He whispers into the skin of her neck, tears pricking at his eyes, as he takes in the feeling of home, the smell of it, of her. “Missed you too.” Her arms loosen from around his shoulders and she pulls back slightly, looking into his eyes as her hands come up to his face. She sighs, thumbs rubbing his cheekbones. “You got even more handsome. I think you can’t, then you leave me and somehow it happens.”
His cheeks turn pink at the compliment, the one she always gives him when he comes home to her. At one point he had denied it, thought she was just saying it, that she didn’t mean it, but with over a decade together, he knew that she meant it. It was clear in her face, the way her eyes were lit up in awe and they couldn’t stop looking at him. Clear in her body, how her breath still sped up, heart hammering in her chest.
Emotion bubbles up in him, how overwhelmingly he is in love with this woman and has been since they met, since he was fifteen. And he knows that if he speaks right now, he’ll stumble over his words, so instead he presses their lips together.
And the ache that had been plaguing him vanishes at the contact. At the soft lips pressed to his. Her hands slip from his face to his neck, her right pointer finger tracing the shell of his ear making him tighten his grip on her and press his tongue to the seam of her lips, gently touching them, before retreating. Even with the sigh into his mouth.
“Do you have anything cooking?” “No.” She breathes, “take me to bed, soldier.” He grins at the command, pressing their lips together, once than twice before starting the trip to their bedroom. “Yes, ma’am.”
“Stop looking at me like that.” She murmurs, eyes scanning the menu. “How am I looking at you?” She lifts her eyes off the menu, her husbands grinning face staring at her. “Like you won the lottery.” His grin grows wider, eyes alight with amusement. “Everyday with you is like winning the lottery, miracle.” She has to look away for a moment, lips pressing together to suppress a giggle. Fuck, her husband was a charmer.
Her eyes drift back towards the menu. Despite having dinner two hours earlier, she was hungry again, but not hungry enough to eat something all by herself, so it was a good thing she had Clay with her. She swore sometimes he had more than one stomach on him with the way he ate.
“Want to share a chicken strip basket with me?” “Sure. You want a beer?” He asks, looking out for a waitress. “Please, just whatever you get.”
Resting her chin on her hand, she watches as he orders for them. Seamlessly keeping the waitress's attention off her.
“It ran over. Complications?” She asks when the waitress leaves, curiosity pulling at her. He nods, “Intel was bad. HAVOC nearly blew a gasket.” “But, no injuries.” “No injuries.” The whole team had basically been glorified bodyguards for two weeks. “It was a milk run that went long. Only reason we were there for so long was because of the intel and having to get new contacts.” She hums, switching back to english. “This place seems nice.” She takes a glance around. “Only opened up a month or so ago. Kids aren’t allowed after eight.” “Yes, sir.” The waitress says, setting down two beers in front of them. “And the last family we had just left. So just a warning the music will be going up and our cook is only here until ten.” “Thank you.” She smiles at the waitress. “Of course. Let me know if you need a refill and your food should be out shortly.”
“She’s nice.” “Hasn’t worked long enough in food service.” Her eyes roll. “Says the man who's never worked in food service.” “But you did. Worst six months of our marriage.” Her mouth falls open, “you were deployed for all of it.” He shrugs, “you were miserable working at the place. Me not being there just made that worse.” “Such a softy.” Clay smiles, tangling their fingers together on top of the table. “Only for you, my miracle.”
They're halfway through their beers when the music gets turned up and their basket of chicken strips arrive. Grabbing one, she hisses at how hot it is immediately dropping it back down. She shakes her hand out, rubbing the pads of fingers together.
“Cut it?” “Please.” He doesn’t say anything, sending her a fond look before grabbing the fork and knife that had been resting on the table and cutting the chicken up.
Nearly an hour later and on her third beer and last one, since Clay was also stopping at three since he was driving, the door opening to the bar and raucous noise catches her attention.
Turning her head, she eyes the group of six men and two women, military she noted by some of their stances and they way all the men seemed to be surveying the building. It’s then that her eyes focus on their faces and her eyes widen, recognizing some of them.
“Clay,” she kicks his shin lightly. She hears his sharp intake of breath and she blindly reaches for his hand, squeezing it tight. Her heart thuds painfully in her chest when he grasps it tight, clinging to it. “Do you want to leave?” “No.” “Are you sure?” “It's your choice.” She takes her eyes off his team, going to protest, but he stops her. “No, it’s your choice. I know you don’t particularly like them.” His face twists at that, because that was a light way of putting it.
His wife nearly despised them for judging him just because he had the last name Spenser. Add on Sonny’s treatment those first few missions and how Jason treated him after that first time he worked with Bravo. He was surprised that she hadn’t stormed onto base using her clearance to give the Master Chief a piece of her mind. It wouldn’t shock him if them meeting eventually resulted in that happening. She wasn’t one to hold back, not when it concerned him.
She eyes her husband, remembering how he had come home practically collapsing in her arms because of Bravo, because he had the last name Spenser and more stupid military men weren’t willing to not judge a book by its cover. Remembering their refusal to believe that he was married, all because he won’t introduce them or talk about her, because he was a kid, despite being twenty-seven. But she also remembers the light in his eyes as he talks about Cerb, Trent’s mother henning, Ray’s quiet accompaniment to the range. He’s been with them for nearly a year and she knows that they’ve become like family to them, so close to being brothers in not just name but also bond. And she knows that the only thing that is stopping him from letting them in and really see who he is behind that cocky façade is her. And she can’t deny him family, more people to love him, so she squeezes his hand again.
“Let’s stay.” “Really?” She nods. “They’re your brothers, honey. I can’t deny you people that love you, just because of my misgivings.” He looks at her in awe, blue eyes shining. “I don’t deserve you, not one bit.” He sounds reverent and before she can deny it, protest, he’s leaning across the table, crushing their lips together in a passionate kiss.
A loud whistle breaks them apart and he’s still looking at her in absolute awe. “You, Mrs. Spenser, are going to be spoiled so much later.” She swallows harshly, thighs pressing together at the promise. “And I can’t wait, husband.” His eyes flash but the sound of a chair being pulled out stops him from kissing her again.
“I’m going to take these up and get something else to drink. You want anything?” She asks, grabbing their beer bottles. “Water, please.” She nods, flashing him a smile before standing and heading to the bar, a slight limp in her gait.
He watches her, heat simmering inside of him.
Clay looks away when someone sits across from him, knocking their feet together,
“Would ya look at that, GQ. Said you didn’t want to come out drinking with us and we still ended up at the same place.” The Texan accent makes him sigh. “Sonny. First stop of the night?” “Yeah, even managed to get Blackburn to join us.” Clay spots the rest of the group in the corner where there’s pool tables, brows going up seeing Naima standing next to Lisa. He had forgotten that her parents were in town this week. “Naima eat?” “You think Ray would’ve let her out of the house to drink without food in her stomach?” “I don’t think Ray tells her to do anything.” Sonny laughs, “right you are, brother. Last time Ray tried to tell her to do something,” he whistles. “I don’t think I’ve seen a man regret something so much.” He chuckles, he hadn’t been part of the team for that but he could imagine it. “Lisa text you, we were coming here? Decide to join us anyways?” “No, I actually,” he begins before he can continue, two glasses are being put on the table and a familiar weight is settling on his leg that’s planted outside the booth.
“Next time we should Uber, they’ve got some interesting cocktails.” She tells him, before turning her head to look at the stunned Seal sitting across from them. “Hi, I hope I wasn’t interrupting.” Clay has to press his face against her back to hide his smile. She knew damn well what she was doing and he couldn’t love her more for it. “No, ma’am. You known Clay long?” His eyes flicker between the two. She lets out a laugh, just a little off from her normal one. “Long enough.” He squeezes her waist and she relaxes a little back into him. “Well, my name's Sonny Quinn, I work with Clay since he ain’t got the manners to introduce us.” She extends her hand, giving the Texan’s a quick shake before giving her name and they both watch as his jaw drops and his eyes widen. “But please, call me Mira. Everyone does.”
“Spenser?” He repeats, barely hearing her request. “Yes, sir. And proud.” She lifts her left hand and gives it a small shake where both his grandmother’s wedding band sits and her grandmother's wedding ring. “Well, it’s a pleasure to meet you” He manages to say after a few seconds. “Mira, I don’t think you’ve met the rest of the team, but if you’d like you could join us. We're just playing some pool and drinking.”
“Join?” The french makes him blink, but he nods. “Sure.” “We’d love to.” He blinks at the language change, but nods, standing. “Alright, then. Can I get you anything to drink?” His eyes flicker to Clay, expecting to see some sort of scowl on the younger man’s face at his offer but the kid just looks amused and tension he didn’t know he was holding, vanishes. “I’m alright. I just got us some water.” She tells him, standing, grabbing one of the waters from the table.
Nodding, he watches as Clay also stands, doing the same as her, his arm looping around his wife’s waist, lips brushing her temple. They make an interesting picture, a pretty one. Cause of course Clay would have a wife even prettier than he was.
Leading them over to the corner that Bravo had commandeered, Jason spots them first, smiling at him, before a brief look of concern takes over at his wide eyes. And a quick nudge to Ray’s ribs from Jason gets everyone else's attention.
“Ladies,” he nods to Lisa and Naima, “gents. Look who I ran into?” He steps aside letting them more easily see Clay, who’s setting their waters down on a high table they took over. “Hey!” A few say at the time, catching other people's attention for a moment. “What are you doing here?” Lisa asks, smiling at the youngest member of Bravo. He tilts his head to the left, gesturing, “date night. Went to dinner then ended up here. Would’ve gone somewhere else if I knew who we’d run into.” He grins, catching the elbow his wife starts to throw before it can make contact. “You love us.” She teases and Clay rolls his eyes but the soft line of his shoulders and grin betrays him. “And who is this?” She looks at the woman next to Clay offering her smile. She smiles at the woman who Clay talks about fondly, always having their back in HAVOC, “I’m Mira, Clay’s wife.” Her smile doesn’t flicker at the sharp intakes of breaths her introduction causes. “You must be Lisa, Clay talks about you often. He talks about all of you often.” She looks at the rest of them. Naima hits Ray’s chest. “I had no idea that Clay was married.”
She quickly shakes the younger girl's hand. “I’m Naima, Ray’s wife. If Ray had something sooner, we could have set up something sooner. All of us wives and girlfriends have a groupchat. I know how difficult it can be.” “Thank you. We’ll have to exchange numbers. You have two kids right? Jameelah and RJ?” “We do.” Her smile widens at Mira remembering her kids names just from hearing Clay talk about them. “Clay mentioned them. He’s never been uncle Clay before. Came home all lit up.” He nudges her slightly. “They meet you and you’ll be Auntie.” “Damn straight, I married you for the benefits, honey.” “And my body.” He grins down at her, holding her tighter against him. She pats his chest. “And your body.”
Naima awes a bit at the young couple. She remembered when her and Ray were first together, they had also been stuck together at the hip. Now with being together for so long and two kids, there wasn’t a lot of being stuck at the hip.
“How long have you two been together? Or married?” She asks, curious. They seemed like newlyweds, just a couple of months under their belt, still firmly in the honeymoon phase. “Been together for twelve years, married for eight.” Clay tells everyone, a proud look in his eyes. “Seven, honey. We got engaged eight years ago.” She corrects, watching the shocked faces of his team. He scowls at the reminder of the near year of waiting he had before they finally could get married. “Worst year of my life.” “It wasn’t even a year!” “It was nearly a year.”
“Now, why do I feel like there’s a story there?” One of the guys says, recovering first. “Trent,” he offers his name, just in case. “That would be because there is.” She pats Clay’s hand. “Clay and I got together when we were fifteen, but there’s nearly a year between us. So, Clay turns eighteen, proposes, is already to go to the courthouse and be married and I had to remind him that we had to wait a good eight months to get married since I was still seventeen.”
“The wait was horrible.” He groans. Mira laughs, “what wait? The only thing that changed was my last name and us getting a piece of paper. Nothing else changed.” “Sex.” Sonny chokes on his beer. “We had sex before.” Lisa lets out a laugh at the exasperated look on her face, she already liked this girl. “Yeah, but it wasn’t married sex.” “Oh my god.” She rolls her eyes, not needing to look at him to know he was grinning, chest puffed out a bit.
She looks at the other women in the group, “Please save me from him.” Naima laughs at the girl, but steps over to the booth where Brock is sitting and motions for her to join. “Sit with me and Brock. I want to know all about you.”
She feels Clay squeeze her hip and brush his lips across her temple before letting her go. She sends him a smile before joining the older woman at the booth, sliding in on the same side that Naima’s sitting on.
“Nice to meet you, Brock.” She greets the man. “You too.”
Clay watches as Naima and Mira start to talk, Brock paying rapid attention if the way his body language is anything to go by.
“So, Bam Bam does have a wife.” He scowls at the Texan, “Told you I did.” “Still. Can see why you kept her away. She’s so far out of your league.” Sonny laughs, sending Clay a wink as he dodges an elbow from Lisa. He looks back at Mira, who’s laughing. “Damn right.”
He felt lucky most days that she even took a glance at him.
“Why did it take so long for us to meet her?” Jason asks. “Does she not like the job? Cause problems at home?” Clay scoffs, “god, no.” It wasn’t that they hadn’t had problems, they’d been together for over a decade they had them, but the idea of his job causing some was laughable. “She encouraged me to enlist, wouldn’t have made it as far without her. And she understands the job.” Something in his tone sets Jason on edge, “Not too much, I hope.” “Spenser,” Eric starts, realizing where Jason’s head went and it’s clear Ray did too by the way he sets his pool cue down. He sticks his chin out, shaking his head. “She’s a linguist.” He gets blank looks. “She knows as many languages as me, more. She’s been a consultant for the CIA since we were twenty. She’s got higher clearance than me.” Sonny whistles, “she’s really out of your league.” He grins at him.
“So, what was the problem?” Jason asks and god was he like a dog with a bone. He could tell there was a reason and all of them knew he wouldn’t stop until he knew why. Clay sighs, sending a look over to Mira, who sensing it, looks back at him and sends him a smile and nod. “I talk shop with her.” Jason sends him a disapproving look, but he ignores it. He liked Jason, but he wasn’t about to take relationship advice from the older man. “So, if I’ve had a bad day or something went wrong I talk about it.” “I don’t get it.” Lisa whacks the Texan on his arm, understanding why Clay hadn’t introduced her or even talked about her. He sighs, “she doesn’t like you,” he looks at Sonny. “Or you.” he looks at Jason. “What? For what reason?” Trent and Ray let out laughs at Sonny’s confusion. They could take a good guess for why she didn’t like either Sonny or Jason and they couldn’t say they blamed her. “She doesn’t have much tolerance for anyone who sees the last name Spenser and immediately assumes I’m like my father.” Jason winces at the statement and reminder of what he had first thought of Clay and how he treated him because of it. Yeah, he could see the reason for dislike. “Shit, Bam Bam. I fucked that one, huh?”
Clay smiles at the older man, “give her a year, maybe two. You’ll get off her shitlist.” “And me?” Jason asks, noticing that his eyes hadn’t drifted over to him. He winces, “that’s a bit more complicated.” Ray lets out a laugh at Jason’s face, slapping him on the back. “I told you that one of these days your big mouth and unwillingness to let things go would bite you in the ass.”
“He did not, Mira!” Naima’s scandalized voice rings out and makes them all turn their heads to look over at the booth where her, Mira, and Brock were sitting. She lets out a laugh, people’s reactions to how exactly Clay proposed never ceased to make her laugh. “He absolutely did.” Naima’s scandalized expression vanishes and her jaw locks as she ushers the younger out of the booth, turning her attention to the man they had just been talking about. “Clay Spenser!” His eyes widen at his name being said like that and he sends a look to Ray, but the 2IC just shakes his head. He was on his own with this one. “I can not believe you! Proposing like that!” She stands with her hands on her hips, lips pressed together in a frown. He relaxes at that. He knew how he proposed wasn’t normal and had pointedly not mentioned how he had to her parents or his grandparents knowing he’d got smacked upside the head. “Naima, I was eighteen.” He pleads, putting his hands up in surrender, sending a look to Mira who’s giggling. “Really, it’s funny more than anything.” “Oh, I’ve got to know this.” Sonny mutters under his breath. There would never be enough material to tease Clay with. And something from his relationship, well that was even juicer.
“How exactly did Clay propose?” Lisa asks, wondering what had the normally chill woman up in arms. “Well, honey, should I tell them or do you want to?” She asks, teasingly as she walks over to him. He wraps an arm around her, pulling her closer. “You can, miracle. Already told it once today, what’s two times?” She nods, wrapping an arm around him as well. Might as well get as comfy as she could with all the eyes on her.
“Well, you already know that Clay was very eager to get married.” “Be a fool not to.” He mutters, interrupting her which she ignores but Trent snorts hearing the mutter. “But he was really eager. My parents and his grandparents were missionaries, so they kept odd hours, were really only home to sleep and even then sometimes depending on how bad the area they were at was they sometimes would sleep there. Which meant we had a lot of time to ourselves.” The guys all grin at that, knowing exactly what that meant. “And with our luck, the week that Clay turned eighteen, they were away helping a village six hours away that experienced a horrible fire.” That earns a few frowns, but everyone is still listening intently to her.
“So, when it rolled over to midnight, I woke him up to wish him a happy eighteenth and to have birthday sex.” She earns a few laughs at how unashamed she is and she smiles at the sound. She could blame it on being a horny teenager but she still wanted to climb Clay like a tree as much if not more than when they were teens. “In the middle of said birthday sex, he just asks me to marry him. Tells me that one of the guys in the village we were in owes him a favor and we could take his truck to get married as soon as the sun was up.” “You didn’t?” Clay shrugs at the disappointed look from Jason. “I’d been thinking about it for months, it slipped out.” He defends. “It was sweet.” Mira also defends him. “Even if my response put a damper on things.” He winces at that, because yeah, he hadn’t reacted the best to hearing the word can’t right after he had proposed and then forced onto his back so she could ride him. It was one of the few times that he had stopped in the middle of sex for a reason that wasn’t cramping or someone knocking on the door. “And what was your response?”
“Can’t, just the word can’t.” She gives Clay a sorry smile. “Even in the middle of sex the logical side of my brain was working.” “Sounds like someone wasn’t doing a good job.” Sonny jokes. “Nah, I was thinking of a way to flip him on his back right before he started talking.” Sonny lets out a loud laugh at that and the way it makes Jason slightly bug eyed. “I definitely like you, Mrs. GQ.” “Can I be Mrs. Bam Bam instead?” She asks, grinning. “Rolls off the tongue better.” “You can have whatever nickname you want, Mrs. Bam Bam.” The Texan tells her, a bit more southern drawl in his voice as he gives her a wink.
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shoot-the-oneshot ¡ 1 year ago
NEW YEAR NEW PROMPTS!!! Request are open!!! Send em in
- [ ] 74 “Help me set this fucking thing on fire.”
- [ ] 75 “have you eaten today?” “Yeah” “okay have you eaten more than a fruit roll up”
- [ ] 76 “tell me again.”
- [ ] 77 “be my good girl.”
- [ ] 78 “who did it?”
- [ ] 79 “I don’t care where I am in the world I’m with you, I’m right there with you.”
- [ ] 80 “Tell me. Do you plan out all of the dumb stuff you do? Or does it just come naturally?"
- [ ] 81 "I plan but it never goes how I want."
- [ ] 82 “I might have done some bad things in my life but you are by far the best.
- [ ] 83 "I gave a dude your number, he wouldn't stop bothering me, give em' hell,"
- [ ] 84 "do you have my sad hoodie? I need my sad hoodie,"
- [ ] 85 "oh really?" / "yes, really." / "lying doesn't suit you, sweetheart”
- [ ] 86 “Weird way to propose, but ok."
- [ ] 87 Why do you insist on giving me pet names?
- [ ] 88 "you? beat me? what a joke,"
- [ ] 89 of course the flowers I got you were the best, you think you can do better?'
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child-of-of-the-sunshine ¡ 6 months ago
I’m going to rewrite some of my old seal team fics and also get the Masterlist back up and running for it
I also might have an idea for a Top Gun Maverick crossover with seal team stay tuned
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vae1bixy ¡ 1 year ago
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nevilles-insinuations ¡ 2 years ago
Fear of Falling - Clay Spenser
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Summary: You have a nightmare and Clay tries his best to comfort you, if you'll actually let him
Word Count: 650
You don't scream when you wake up from nightmares. Hearing your own sharp breaths and that heaviness deep in your gut was torture enough. Almost as if you woud be trapped in those seconds of confusion forever. The shock of whatever horror your subconcious had come up was just enough to render you breathless for a while. After that, there's no talking. Just the sound of absolute quiet, trying to find comfort in the silence. Eyes staring into darkness, making sure the shadows are just objects. The chest of drawers. That pile of clothes that you said you would put away but didn't. Your breathing slows a lot quicker on the nights Clay is asleep next to you. One of his arms is tucked around the pillow, which his blond hair is practically buried in. Seeing him makes the weight on your chest disappear, but still you don't immediately move from that spot.
He's asleep, he's fine, he's just asleep.
You hate waking him up, he never minds but you still do. Looking over to make sure he was still snoring, your feet finally meet the cold floor, sneaking to the kitchen. Sitting there, trying desperately to scrub the images from your mind. The cup of tea makes a good distraction, despite the caffeine that would no doubt screw you up in the morning. While those thoughts raced your mind, he stirs awake. SEALS are pretty light sleepers from their training, plus Clay can feel that you aren't next to him. Seeing the light filter through the door, he knows. So he sneaks across that same freezing floor. Clay is still rubbing his eyes, groaning at the change from pitch black to the lights but he needed to check on you.
Upright on the couch, you had moved on to a glass of water. He recognises the symptoms well. Dry throat and a vacant stare. Clay can see you look annoyed with yourself for being weak, for mixing the two worlds you try very hard to keep separate against the pressure of breaking apart. Your legs are tucked underneath your torso and the drink isn't even finished. He glances at you from the doorframe and you nod that everything is fine. Fortunately, tonight wasn't one of the worse times. Those nights when you could barely separate fact from nightmare. And just for a second- there was a part of you that thought he would never be there laying next to you ever again. Knowing you're seemingly alright, Clay returns the motion, slowly heading back to the bedroom.
It was a long 15 minutes before, you too, made your way back over. Anyone who saw the scene as you opened the door again would assume Clay had fallen back asleep. Arm tangled back under the pillow in an attempt to block the light from his eyes. His figure was almost still, except for his chest moving up and down.
But you knew better.  Knew him better.
Your boyfriend's arm was closer to the left side of the bed, ready to stayed wrapped around you until morning. As you slides back into the crisp sheets, a strong arm clutches your waist. You would laugh if you had the energy. Hopefully for the rest of your life, he would be there to hold you in times like this. Clay doesn't have to say anything, as your smaller fingers lace with his. A kiss to your shoulder and things are a lot calmer, like nothing ever happened. Something about his touch makes you forget the feeling of the cold kitchen floor that still stung on your feet, that you had been so quick to escape to. Neither of you mention it in the morning but you notice how he holds you for a little longer. His gaze lingering just in case. And for that you kiss him deeper as a thank you, which he graciously accepts.
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disasterfandoms ¡ 3 years ago
Future Home || Clay Spenser Headcanons
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@rebelwrites “Hey saw you had preference requests open, can I please get one for Clay Spenser x Reader house hunting and him wanting it to be the perfect house and him planning his future with reader 💜 thank you”
A/N: Hi! I’m sorry this took so long, but i’m glad i’m finally getting it out! I hope you enjoy!
TW: none
Join The Taglist!
Taglist: @blathannabeaga @bravo-four-seal-team @madhare0512 @galaxysanduniversesinmymind @kobababy @i-love-scott-mccall @peaches-1999 @theysayitscrazy @chibsytelford​
- He would ask you to move in spontaneously, probably after an op that affected how he saw his life.
- You both would dream up the perfect house, with big windows and a fenced in yard, so your future kids could run and play when it’s warm.
- He would want privacy, so somewhere where the neighbors aren’t too close, but let it still feel homey. 
- Actual house hunting would be a disaster, as he would become insanely picky.
- He just wanted it to be perfect for you, while you didn’t mind if it was a fixer-upper, as you can make it your own. 
- Eventually, you found a three bedroom home, with lots of natural light and privacy. You have to fix it up as you go, but you almost prefer it that way.
- Moving in would often get interrupted by an OP, making you the one who does it all on your own. You get everything assembled and put away, and can finally relax until he came home.
-He would want to get working immediately, fixing appliances and other things, as you would bake and help when needed.
-Eventually, ypu two would settle into routines. one of which is sitting on the porch at sunset, watching the world pass you by as you talk about your forever.
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lmao-liz ¡ 3 years ago
a/n  - this is mostly for myself since clay has my heart but enjoy Ψ seal team watchers or not 
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Secret Relationship ━ @chibsytelford
dating clay spenser includes  ━ @melwilson
Mistake ━ @rebelwrites
Mini Bravo Six ━ @rebelwrites
New Arrival (HC) ━ @rebelwrites
Birthday Girl ━ @rebelwrites
You Gotta Be Quiet ━ @rebelwrites
Head And Heart ━ @rebelwrites
Nurse ━ @lotsoflovefromlea
The Ground Will Shake ━ @theysayitscrazy
Sick Day ~ Sick Day 2 ━ @theysayitscrazy​
Fluffy Alphabet ━ @disasterfandoms​
Dating Clay Spenser Headcanons ━ @disasterfandoms​
NSFW Alphabet ━ @disasterfandoms​​
Love Is A Battlefield ━ @rebelwrites (all time favourite)
From Heaven, To Hell And Back ━ @rebelwrites
Hidden In Plain Sight ━ @rebelwrites
Doctor’s Orders ━ @theysayitscrazy​
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Stream Seal Team all seasons on Paramount Plus 
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theysayitscrazy ¡ 3 years ago
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Birthday Suits || NSFW
Clay Spenser x Jax Teller x Thor Odison x Reader
This one is for @rebelwrites. Happy Birthday darlin! There might have been a couple anonymous asks sent your way.
AN: This might be the filthiest thing I've ever written...
TW: Mind the warnings here... daddy kink, choking kink, size kink, breeding kink, foursome, anal, double penetration, oral, triple penetration, BDSM, dom/sub, established relationship, off screen negotiations, spanking, punishment. I almost want to send this anonymously. It's not edited... I couldn't read it again. LOL
Clay watches as Y/N comes into view on the small laptop screen. Her hair was pulled back away from her face while glasses perched on her nose. She looked exhausted, and considering it was going on 1 am where she was, she had every right to be.
This latest deployment was hitting her hard. Taking a toll on both of them. He should have been home three weeks ago. And now they weren’t sure when he’d be home. Her birthday was coming up in a couple days and there wasn’t too much he could do about it being deployed halfway across the world.
Y/N sighed and gave him a tired smile. “Hey baby,” y/n murmured.
Clay gives her a dazzling grin and says, “Hey beautiful.”
“Hey,” Y/N mumbles.
“What’s wrong?” Clay asks, sensing her pain, even though there’s a smile on her face.
She shakes her head.
“Y/N,” Clay demands lowly.
Y/N caves immediately. “I just… I’m feeling selfish. You’re gone, Thor’s off world dealing with Loki, Jax left yesterday for a run and said he wasn’t sure he’d be back in time for my birthday. And I’m just… alone,” she admits softly, tears leaking from her eyes.
Clay’s heart breaks watching Y/N cry. “I know baby. I know it’s hard. We’ll be back soon. I promise. Look, I want you to got take a hot bath. Throw on some music. Try and relax.”
Y/N nods absently.
Clay knows she probably won’t listen, it’s late there and she needs to get to sleep. “Get some rest babe.”
Clay jumps in the group text, making sure it’s the one for the boys and not the one that also included Y/N. When he was confident that he had the right one, he started texting. Houston, we have a problem.
Thor: Who’s Houston?
Jax: Who we killin?
Clay: Us apparently. Or Thor.
Thor: What’d I do? And who’s Houston?
Clay: Focus buddy. Our girl is upset. She’s all alone and feeling unwanted. Her birthday is a couple days away.
Jax: I know. I’m trying to get home as soon as I can.
Clay: Same. We’re about done out here, but no clue on flight plan yet.
Thor: I’m in the middle of it… I’ll try to get back in time.
Clay: Keep us updated.
You frown at your phone. You’d sent several messages to the group chat with your boys but hadn’t gotten a response from any of them. You knew they were all extremely busy. Busy jobs, busy lives, not always able to answer their phones right away, but it was rare that not one of them at least, answered you.
It was your birthday, and it wasn’t like them to not be celebrate with you.
You knew Thor was off world, but Tony had managed to create the impossible as usual, and gave you guys intergalactic cellphones, capable of reaching Asgard. So theoretically, Thor could receive your text, but again if he was busy, he wouldn’t be checking it… or if he broke his phone again.
Jax was probably riding his bike, and Clay was probably not in cell service or if you were lucky, he was 1400 feet above earth, flying home… but he usually texted when he was leaving a place, so you at least knew when to expect him.
The radio silence from the three of them was killing you.
You grabbed your keys and locked up the house. You couldn’t sit around doing nothing on your birthday. You could at least take a drive, blare some music, and try to relax. It was one of your favorite pass times, after all.
It was late when you got home. Past dark, almost midnight. You were exhausted. You spent half the day driving around before you met up with friends for dinner. Thankfully that after a couple of drinks you managed to have a good time. Your friends knew you were feeling down about the boys, so they had cheered you up.
After a couple drinks you cut it off, knowing you still had to drive.
After you parked in the driveway at home, you shut your car off and glanced at your phone.
No messages. Not even a Happy Birthday text from your boys.
You sigh and slip the phone into the pocket of your hoody, staring at the dark house in front of you. There were no other cars in the driveway. No motorcycle parked under on the front walk. Thor didn’t drive… so there was no way of seeing if he was inside from outside the house, but it didn’t look promising.
You head inside and flip on the light, half hoping for your boys to jump out and yell, “Surprise.”
You’re disappointed when it doesn’t happen and lock up behind you. You toss your keys in the bowl by the front door and set your bag on the stairs and kick off your shoes. You head into the kitchen to make another drink when you find something that has you stopped misstep.
There’s a vase on the island filled with daisies and sunflowers, your favorite.
But the vase hadn’t been there when you left several hours ago. You glance around for any other indicators on who might be home but find nothing. You walk the first floor searching and find no one. You head upstairs and search everywhere, but again, no one is home. “What the fuck?” you grumble and head back downstairs.
In front of the flowers is a takeout container. You open it to find your favorite. Chicken nuggets and fries. “Alright fuckers, where are you?” you ask as you stuff a chicken nugget in your mouth.
The backdoor opens and you about die when you see what your three blonds are wearing… all three of them are in crisp black suits. Black shirts, black ties, and black shoes.
Your mouth drops open in shock.
Thor, who usually was in his Asgardian fighting gear, looked almost human with his tailored suit and haircut. “What the fuccckkkk,” you breathe, reaching up to run your fingers through his short locks.
The grin he gives you is heart stopping. “Happy Birthday, love,” he greets.
You’re speechless as Clay walks over, looking cleaner than you’d ever seen him. There was usually a layer of dust and sweat covering him post deployment. He was still looking scruffy, his hair and beard grown out from deployment. “Happy Birthday, beautiful.”
You reach out and run your fingers through his beard as tears start to well up in your eyes.
Jax moves over, boxing you between Thor and Clay. “Happy Birthday, darlin’,” he murmurs, smirk on his lips. He doesn’t even give you a moment to respond before he’s gripping your chin, tilting your head and kissing you with a dominance that was all him.
He pulls away abruptly, gripping your face roughly. “You’ve been drinking,” he glares at you.
“And driving,” Clay snaps, his own glare on his face.
“I only had a couple,” you try to explain, but you know how the three of them feel about your safety.
“I can taste the whiskey on you,” Jax grumbles.
Heavy hands land on your shoulders and you startle, forgetting that Thor was behind you. His grip is tight as he maneuvers you out of the kitchen and into the living room. “On your knees pet,” he says, when you’re standing in the middle of the carpeted living room, not giving you much of a choice as he pushes down on your shoulders.
You gulp but slide to your knees gracefully. You knew better than to ignore an order from a God. It wouldn’t do you any good anyways, you were outnumbered, and they were upset.
“You’ve been told about drinking and driving, pet,” Clay sighs, taking a step away from you.
You nod, knowing at this point they don’t want to hear any excuses. Resigned to your fate, you assume the position and settled into a relaxed kneel, your hands on your thighs, palms up. At the last moment you glance between the three of them, before you lower your eyes to the floor.
All three of them had a hungry look in their blue eyes.
God damn, why did you have to have a type?
“I think we’ll teach you a lesson, so you won’t do it again,” Jax murmurs, circling you.
You gulp silently, knowing your night was just beginning.
“Take your clothes off,” Clay orders as he walks over to an armchair and sprawls in it like a throne, one leg draped over the side.
You’re quick about pulling your shirt and bra off. Easy and efficient. Pulling your pants off… is a little trickier. Thor had told you to kneel. The three of them really didn’t like it when you disregarded one of the other’s orders.
You rise up from sitting on your feet while kneeling, so you’re fully on your knees. You can see Jax’s smirk out of the corner of your eye and feel the flush rise up your chest. You move quickly, unbuttoning your jeans and pull them and your undies down as much as you can while still kneeling, before you lower back to sitting on your feet. In a quick move, you shift down onto your hip, slide the jeans and undies passed your knees, and then resume your kneel, able to slide your clothes off your legs.
You toss them behind you and settle into a relaxed kneel, sitting on your feet, your arms folded behind your back. You straighten your back and shoulders, keep your head up and eyes down. You knew what they wanted.
“Well, well, well, looks who decided to follow the rules,” Jax drawls as he sprawls out on the love seat before you, taking up the entire couch with an arm across the back and a leg up on the cushion.
You stay quiet and don’t move, knowing it was better in long run.
They hated when you broke their rules, and they didn’t have too many for you. Your safety was their number one concern though. They all had dangerous jobs, that put you in danger on a regular basis just for being associated to them. Doing anything that would add to that danger, or draw unwanted attention from law enforcement, well, you understood why they were upset.
Thor circles around in front of you, a booted foot nudges in between your closed knees and pushes them apart. You follow his silent order and spread your thighs wide, shifting your weight back onto your heels. A gravely chuckle escapes his lips. “Look at you, pet. What a mess you made.”
You’re leaking, dripping down your thighs.
Cool air hits your exposed cunt, and a shiver runs down your spine. The anticipation is killing you. “Speak,” Thor’s voice is rough and deep.
“Please Daddy,” you immediately begin. “I’m sorry,” you look up at him, meeting his steely blue gaze.
There isn’t an ounce of amusement on his face, not even a quirk of his lips.
“You can do better than that,” Clay intones, almost mockingly, tilting his head and looking almost bored.
“Please sir, please Daddy, my liege,” you lay it on thick, glancing at both Clay and Jax as you continue. “Please, I beg your forgiveness. I was lonely. I missed all of you. I haven’t been by myself like this in years,” you keep going. “It brought up too many memories,” you choke up as the emotions overwhelm you.
Tears well in your eyes and the mood of the room immediately changes.
You see Clay and Jax share a look before they both sit up and sit forward, but Thor is already before you. He reaches out and cradles the sides of your face with his large hands. His fingers brush away tears and he coos down you. He pulls your head up so you’re fully on your knees and you burry your face into his abdomen.
He cards his fingers through your hair while you sniffle into his rock-hard abs. The silk of his suit, soft against your face. “Now, now, pet,” he murmurs lowly. “Maybe that’s our fault for leaving you alone too long,” he drawls, petting you. “Maybe it’s our fault for not having someone for you to take care of.”
“Is that what you need, pet?” Jax drawls. “Someone to take care of?”
“Yes,” you whine into Thor’s abs.
“Perhaps we should fuck a baby into this sweet girl, so she always has someone to take care of,” Thor’s voice is deep as it rumbles across the room.
You still immediately, freezing against him.
“Ohhh, I think she likes that,” Jax chuckles. You hear him stand from the couch, and you pull back. “You like that pet? Want us to breed you? Fuck a baby into you? Make you ours forever?”
A low whine escapes your throat as you watch him circle behind you.
“Answer him, pet,” Clay says. He’s right next to you. When did he get up? “Should we take our turns fucking you until you’re swollen with our cum? Plug you up until it takes?” Clay goads.
You let out a breathy whimper. “Yes. Yes please.”
“Is that what our pet wants for her birthday? To be bred?” Thor asks.
“Yes Daddy, yes,” you agree instantly. “Please, please put a baby in me. I promise I’ll be good.”
Jax chuckles darkly and wraps a hand around your throat from behind. He squeezes it as he pulls you back against him, tilting your head back. “The little whore promises she can be good, when she can barely follow simple safety guidelines.” His voice is sardonic, a hard glint in his eye. His hand squeezes tighter around your throat, cutting off your air supply.
You don’t even sputter, you trust him explicitly. You vision starts to dim before he finally lets go, and a rush of air fills your lungs. You gasp softly, as oxygen rushes to your brain. Your lightheaded and floaty, and you haven’t even begun playing.
He can see it too. His eyes roaming over your face, taking in every breath and shudder that racks your body. Another reason they didn’t like you drinking before they played. It made things more dangerous, and they didn’t like the added risk.
“Punishment first,” Thor growls, his hands in your hair pulling you forward, roughly.
You fall forward, hands coming out to brace for impact. Thor’s moved out of the way, so they end up on the floor. Another push and you’re up on your hands and knees, prone and naked before the three fully dresses and gorgeous men in your living room. They’re so much larger than you. So much more a threat.
You’re panting roughly as your juices coat your thighs and run down your legs.
“What a wanton little slut,” Clay smirks, and shoves two fingers into your cunts without warning.
You yelp, as his thick fingers glide easily into your aching cunt. “Such a mess.”
“Please,” you moan as he pumps in his fingers deep, in agonizingly slow strokes.
His removes his fingers and a quick hard smack to your ass has you almost falling forward.
You let out a yelp in surprise and try to turn to face him, but hands are gripping your face. You look up to see Jax there now. “Be a good pet, and take your punishment quietly,” he orders.
You nodded slowly, brain in a haze. Still find it odd to see him in a suit.
You have to grit your teeth as another hard smack lands on your ass cheek, but you keep quiet. Jax smirks down at you and his fingers slide across your face. He forces two fingers into your mouth, pressing your jaw down and open. You try to suck, but it’s almost painful the way he’s pressing your mouth open. Salvia is filling your mouth and you groan.
He smirks again and pulls out his fingers, leaving a mess of salvia behind as you try to swallow quickly. Another hard smack lands on your ass cheek with just a bit of fire behind it to tell you it was Thor that hit you, purposely heating his hand with lightening before striking you.
You groan as Jax works open his belt buckle. A moment later with little preamble, he’s shoving his hard length past your lips. You let out as gasp as he grips your face between both hands, holding his cock in your mouth, just past the point of comfortable.
He gives you a moment to breathe through it as two hard slaps to your ass hit on both cheeks. Both Thor and Clay, reminding you they’re still back there. You moan loudly around Jax’s cock. He takes advantage of your distraction to work his cock in deeper. His hands hold your face steady as he eases back and then thrusts forwards, going even deeper.
You focus on relaxing your jaw as he hits the back of your throat. You have to breathe through your nose as he holds himself there. Your throat contracts. You force yourself to relax.
Another double hit to your ass cheeks has you jolting forward. You swallow more of Jax’s length. He in your throat now. Your hands reach up to grip his hips and he smacks them away. “Hands behind your back,” he orders, his voice thick.
Your cunt clenches at nothing. You’re achy and throbbing.
A hand smooths over your bruised and battered ass, rubbing softly. You whimper as fingers plunge into your sopping cunt. You whine. “Look at this swollen, messy cunt,” Clay murmurs. “Just begging to be filled and bred.”
You’re so close. So close. If they’d just touch your clit, you’d be over.
You whimper around Jax’s cock, his steady rhythm as he fucks your face, your throat. You barely manage a sucking motion as he pulls out. You’re feeling lightheaded again. Floating on the edge of climax.
Clay’s fingers in your cunt twist and turn, before they curl and slide out, pulling out as much of your juices as he can. His fingers circle your puckered hole, using your bodies natural lubricant to ease the passage. A thick finger pushes in as a hand reaches around to circle your clit.
“There’s a good pet,” Thor’s voice is raspy. “Come for us pet.”
Another flick of your clit and you’re over the edge. You moan loudly around Jax’s cock, your mouth slack as your orgasm rips through you.
A second finger slides into your back passage, all while the fingers on your clit keep rubbing and circling. You shudder and would have lost of balance if Jax wasn’t holding your face as he continued to fuck your throat though your orgasm.
Jax pulls out of your mouth, and you pant loudly as the fingers in your ass scissor back and forth. The fingers circling your cunt slide into your cunt and then there’s the wet hot heat of a mouth lapping at your folds.
You barely get a reprieve before Jax is pushing his cock past your lips again, go deep in one thrust.
When three fingers enter your cunt and three in your ass, your body spasms so violently rough hands have hold you in place. “Don’t you dare bite me,” Jax groans as your throat constricts around his cock.
You don’t even register what he says. Your lifted off your knees, Jax’s cock yanked out of your mouth as you’re manhandled around. You look down as you’re placed above Thor. He’s laying on the living room floor, naked. You barely get to take in his sculped plane of his chest and abs.
Two sets of hands grip your hips, holding you above a very erect and very large cock.
Thor grips the base of his erection, holding it steady as him and Clay lower you down onto him. He rubs his head along your folds, using your slick to get himself ready for you. “No, no,” you murmur, out of breath. “I can’t-”
Your protests fall on deaf ears.
“Yes, you can pet,” Clay whispers into your ear, pressing a kiss to your temple.
“I’m not ready,” you try again.
“Shh,” Thor murmurs as he eases the thick head into your body.
You groan, throwing your head back against Clay’s shoulder. Thor was so much larger than most men. Jax and Clay were both large for regular men, but Thor was a God. An Asgardian. He wasn’t human. He was larger than life and his cock matched his titled.
Your boys usually worked their way up to him. Got you warmed up and soaking, compliant, before he ploughed into you. “Daddy,” you whimper as your body is slowly eased down onto his massive cock. You’re halfway there when Clay and Thor pull you back up, and slowly lower you down even more.
“That’s it, pet,” Thor’s voice rumbles out. “Such a good girl for Daddy. Gonna fuck you so good. Breed you for Daddy. Put a baby in you.”
You groan and pant, feeling a hot rush of fluids leak out and coat his cock.
He chuckles darkly. “Such a needy little cock whore,” he pants as he finally pulls you all the way down on his rock-hard length. You groan as your body is split open around him. His large hand settles on your belly, the damn thing the size of a dinner plate, covering your whole abdomen. He presses against you, feeling himself through your layers of skin.
You moan loudly and grind yourself down on him, getting your clit just right. A strong hand is on your back, between your shoulder blades, pushing you forward.
Thor reaches up and palms both your breast as you fall against his chest. There’s a cold sensation as Clay squeezes lube onto your ass. Jax smirks and moves forward, kneeling just to the right of Thor’s chest. He captures your mouth in a filthy kiss. You’ve barely kissed him back before he’s shoving your face down and onto his cock again.
You let out a high pitch whine as fingers enter your back entrance again. Two, then three, quickly working you open, all while Thor is seated deep in your cunt.
You pant around Jax’s cock, wrapping a hand around the base and take the rest of him deep. His hand cards through your hair, holding your head in place.
“Look at you,” Thor chuckles lowly. “Being such a good cock whore for your daddies.”
You whimper as a shiver runs down your spine.
Clay fingers pull out of your ass and soon his cock is replacing them. Jax and Thor hold still as Clay slide in, balls deep. Your body is straining, trembling. Tears run down your face as all at once a orgasm spreads fire across your body.
Your boys groan, their breaths coming out in labored pants as your body squeezes around them.
“There’s a good girl,” Thor murmurs. “Gonna fill you up now. Breed you with our cum. Pump you so full of our babies. You’ll never be alone again.” Thor’s rambling now. Him and Clay start to move, develop a rhythm. Jax follows them.
You’re a mindless, sobbing mess by the time the next orgasm rolls over you. Crying around Jax’s cock.
Your boneless by the time your boys come. Jax first, spurting down your throat in deep rivulets that you swallow eagerly.
Then Clay, his hand reaching around to wrap around your throat again. The sudden pressure on your throat sends you over as Thor thrust right again that spot inside you.
Your scream is muffled by Clay’s hand around your throat. Your vision darkens as your orgasm tears out of you.
The last thing you remember before you pass out is Thor’s roar as he climax’s deep in your cunt, your pussy milking him dry.
You startle a wake, feeling a cock slip out of you as you’re lifted in the air. “Shh,” Jax murmurs softly, cradling you against his chest.
You settle against him and rest your head on his shoulder, drifting off to sleep as he carries you upstairs to your shared bedroom. You wake again as your lowered into the middle of the bed, pillows pulled up under your hips to tilt them up. “Gonna make sure it takes,” Jax murmurs and presses a kiss o your lips. “Happy Birthday, darling.”
He’s replaced by another blond. “Happy Birthday, baby,” Clay murmurs. “We’ll make sure you’re bred thoroughly.” He presses his own kiss to your lips.
You mumble incoherently, a smile on your face.
Thor leans over you and presses a chaste kiss to your lips. “Don’t worry baby girl, we’re gonna take care of you. Happy Birthday.”
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ac-19 ¡ 7 months ago
Sleep - C. Spenser (Bravo 6)
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Summary: After the attack on Echo team, you're putting all your energy into finding out what happened only you're neglecting your health in the process. Most importantly, your sleep.
"You need to get some sleep."
"I need to find the people responsible for killing Echo team."
"And you will but you can't do that when you can barely keep your eyes open."
"You don't understand Clay."
"Enlighten me then."
I dropped the stack of files I was carrying on the table and looked over at Clay who had been following my every move since the beginning of the day.
"I built that target package. Intel was solid. I need to figure out what went wrong. I need to figure out why six of the men I was responsible for aren't going back home. I can't go back to Virgina Beach and face their wives and kids without answers."
Clay nodded.
"I get it. I do, but how much sleep have you gotten in the last few weeks?"
I shrugged.
"A couple hours here and there. I'm not sure Clay. Sleep is the last thing on my mind right now."
"You're going to burn yourself out. Now come take a nap with me."
I shook my head.
"It wasn't a question."
I sighed.
"Fine. Twenty minutes."
Clay nodded.
"Twenty minutes."
I followed Clay out to his hutch, and I had to admit it was nice to cuddle up to him and forget about the whole world crashing down around us just for a few minutes.
It had been three hours, and I wasn't planning on waking her up anytime soon. Sure she was going to be pissed at me when she did wake up, but she needed this.
I understood her pain and her throwing herself in her work. Echo was her team, and she had built the target package, but she was one of the best intel officers in the business, and Echo would have followed her anywhere.
"Blondie you in here?"
"Sonny shut up."
Sonny furrowed his eyebrows as he walked further into the hutch, and he nodded. (Y/N) was laying on my chest with her legs entangled with mine. Normally we try to keep things as professional as we can at work but she needed this.
"Sorry to interrupt. You know, you guys should lock the door."
"She's sleeping you idiot. This is the most sleep she's gotten in weeks. If you wake her up I will kill you."
"Copy that princess. I will go be literally anywhere else."
After Sonny left, I closed my eyes for a while, and I guess I must have fallen asleep too because we both woke up to our phones ringing.
"What time is it?"
I reached for my phone and sucked in a breath. We had been asleep for most of the day.
"Jesus Christ Clay, I was only supposed to sleep for 20 minutes. I could of gotten so much done by now."
She pushed herself up and hurried out of the hutch, and I couldn't help but smile. Even though she was mad at me right now, at least she had slept almost a full 8 hours.
I quickly made my way over to the command center and sighed as I ran a hand through my hair. Even though I was mad at Clay for letting me sleep that long I had to admit I felt a lot better right now.
"What do we got?"
"Ensign (Y/L/N) nice of you to join us again."
"Sorry sir. I laid down to take a quick nap, and I slept longer than I intended."
"Good. I asked Petty Officer Spenser to get you to sleep. I figured he was the only person here that you might listen to."
I nodded.
"Where can I assist here?"
"Ensign Davis is putting together a target package for Bravo team and she could use your expertise on the target that Echo team hit."
I nodded.
"Here to help."
He nodded.
"I'll leave you to it."
I nodded and walked over to Lisa who was sitting at the desk in the corner of the room.
"Everything okay?"
I nodded.
"Just needed some sleep. What do you got?"
We combed through intel together, and by sundown, we had a target package ready for the guys. We briefed the guys, and I watched them from a distance. I watched Echo team get ready for an op so many times, and I didn't know what the future held for me right now, but watching Bravo was kind of comforting.
"We'll get these guys."
I nodded as I looked up at Jason.
"Be safe out there."
He nodded and one by one the guys pilled out of the room and I gave Clay a small smile as he walked over to me.
"Thank you."
"For what?"
"Getting me to sleep, even if you were just following orders."
Clay chuckled as he put his head down.
"Be safe out there okay?"
Clay nodded as he wrapped his arm around my shoulder and pulled me in for a hug. I hugged him back best I could despite all his gear and I smiled as he laid his hand on the back of my head and planted a soft kiss on my forehead before we pulled away from each other.
"I love you."
"I love you more, Bravo 6."
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rebelwrites ¡ 1 year ago
Hi! For your 100 word drabble:
Busted, pouting, and running
For Clay
Please and thank you!
Enjoy ❤️
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“You have got to be fucking kidding me,” you said pouting, as you saw the mess your kitchen had been left in.
“CLAAAAAAAY!!!” You shouted, mentally counting to 10’in your head. You had only counted to 5 before you heard the thud of the recliners slamming closed.
“We’ve been busted!” Your husband laughed as he came running out of the living room, refusing to make eye contact with you. “Sonny, move it she will hit you.”
“You boys better get this placed cleaned up before I kick your asses,” you hollered, grabbing a bottle of beer out of the fridge
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child-of-of-the-sunshine ¡ 5 months ago
Seal Team Master list
Clay Spencer
Brock Reynolds
Sonny Quinn (He’s a Princess)
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shoot-the-oneshot ¡ 3 years ago
Call sign Guardian angle
Requested by Anon “we have to stop meeting like this.”
Brock Reynolds x reader
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You just so happened to be walking past the command room when you over heard bravos team leader call for air extraction, “negative Bravo 1, to many tangos in the air the helicopter wont get cleared for take off you’ll have to exfil on foot.” Davis informed over coms. “We are surrounded we need air support now!” Jasons anger could be heard even over the choppy radio, you knew it wasn’t your place and not your call but you’ve covered Bravo team from the air multiple times, you even assisted them on your first solo air strike, 
so to say you had a soft spot for that team wouldn’t be far off. With a curse you stepped through the open door your flight suit standing out against the room of blue camo, “If I can provide cover for their helicopters would that get them cleared?” You asked making the room freeze around you, Bravos commander reached over Davis and spoke into the radio, “Stand by Bravo 1.” Then turned his attention to you, his eyes raking over your suit no doubt looking for a team patch or anything that would give up who you were only finding your top gun patch and call sign. “provide cover how? You are aware they are deep in enemy territory correct?” To which you shrugged your shoulders you were used to being in hostile environments, well over them anyways. Taking a step closer holding your hand out to introduce yourself, but someone beat you to it. “Lieutenant Y/n Y/l/n call sign Guardian, shes a fighter pilot,saved our asses a few times too”, Davis chimed in sending you a wink she knew exactly who you were and how a certain member of Bravo felt hearing your voice in the field, this was however her first time meeting you in person, “My jet is still on the runway it would take one call to go back up” you pushed, “a fighter jet is harder to get cleared than a fleet of Helios while we appreciate your help it would take to long,” Blackburn said, Turing back to his team to find another way to get his men out. “Good thing I’m better at asking for forgiveness than permission!” You yelled out, already making your way back to your jet. By the position of it you could tell Davis called and told the crew the plan. Pulling your steps down and climbing up pulling your helmet back on and getting situated again. “Havoc to Guardian do you read?” You heard over the coms her voice much different to the tower you were used to. “Guardian to havoc read you loud and clear,” you watched and waited until the ground crew waved you on. “Guardian Cleared for take off, Helio 13 cleared for take off,” the tower called feeling the rumble of your engine through your body would never get old always pulling a smile to your face, nothing would ever beat the feeling of being in the air just you and your jet, steering the joystick to line up with the runway, throwing a salute to the crew as always. Pushing the throttle you launched off the deck into the air banking hard left wing pointed down to the sea below and the other the sky as you made a flyby the communication room, Blackburn and Davis watching through the window, “fighter pilots always making risky moves.” Seeing you no furthers than twenty inches from the ship, “it seemed risky is just what we needed,” Davis stated before calling to update the team, “All bravo callsigns we have Air exfil inbound.”
“How’d that get cleared I thought we were on our own?” Clay asked Jason the team hunkered down behind cover taking shots through the windows of the house they were hiding In. The enemy hadn’t let up and he doubted they just changed their minds. “I don’t know.’ Havoc repeat your last?” The boys sat waiting throwing he occasional frag when the shooters outside got to close. “Air exfil and support in bound, Oh and Bravo five your going to love this.” Davis could be keep the smile out of her voice, the team turned to Brock, who had no idea what she meant, if this was just air support you would already be screaming across the sky to the team in distress but you were just playing defense today so you followed close behind the chopper your radar scanning the sky for any tangos. “Guardian to havoc can you patch me through to bravo?” You spoke through your headset, “affirmative patching you through.” “Good morning Bravo team your saving grace is two mikes out.”
“Angel?” “Bravo 5, We’ve got to stop meeting like this.”Hearing your voice Brock lets out a chuckle, he was the one to give you your call sign on your first op he called you the teams guardian angle and guardian stuck ever since, unless Bravo was around. the team knowing you were close started cracking on Brock, “uh oh angles are singing boys,” Clay who was new had no idea who you were. “Who are we talking about?” Before they could respond your voice cut through again “Havoc am I allowed to shoot at these guys or strictly intimidation?” Brock couldn’t help but smile a bit you hadn’t changed while he had never met you outside of coms he knew his little crush had grown just a bit. “Negative on the shooting Guardian.”
‘Alright alright’ you spoke to yourself coming up on the village Bravo was hiding in. flying as low as you could you dove down the side of the three story building and flew over the trucks the shooters were hiding behind. The shock and jet wash was enough to make them tuck tail and run giving bravo team enough time to reach the helicopter that landed behind the building. “That’s who we’re talking about” Sonny shouted to Clay to be heard over the helicopter rotors and your engine. “Guardian say hello to blondie Aka Clay Spencer.” Clay looked out the helicopter looking for the jet coming off empty until you rolled to the side from underneath completing a full roll around them. “Nice to meet you Clay,” waving to the team from your cockpit, moving to fly ahead of the helio, the team was confused normally you disappeared as quick as you showed up but you were staying right with them, “Hey pilot, why is she staying with us?” Sonny asked, Brock paying more attention than he was before, wondering the same thing. “She’s stationed on the ship,” hearing this Sonny snapped his head over to Brock, “well lookie here you might get the chance to meet your girl,” he didn’t even know your name and now he was supposed to just walk up to you, and say what? “Havoc to guardian, we have a blimp on your radar do you read,” taking a look at the radar you spot the blimp “Copy havoc going to investigate.” Brocks heart skipped a beat hearing this of course exfil was to easy, he just wished he was in a position to help if you needed it.
Pulling your nose up letting the wind push you up and over the helicopter (the gif above) rolling back over, the blimp getting closer they were flying the same altitude as the helio so you went up to 25,000 feet since you were so close to the Blackhawk you doubt they even knew you were there and that’s exactly how you want to keep it. “Havoc I have eyes it’s Pakistan military want me to engage?” Going inverted being hidden by the clouds above them. “We will try and make contact do not engage until we give the clear.”
You knew they would only let you play if they shot first or followed to close to the ship you just had to stalk and wait, “Blackhawk increase speed see if you can shake them.” As you expected they sped up keeping pace with your helicopter, you were about to hit open water the time to strike ticking down. “Havoc to Guardian Pakistani military refuse to fall back until we tell him why we are here, if they get within three miles of the ship you’re clear to engage.” Moving into position behind the foreign helicopter watching the distance until you can make your move. “Copy havoc waiting to engage.” Unfortunately you couldn’t just shoot a missile out and call it a day, they weren’t expecting a fighter jet nor do they have the weapons to fight one so unless they have a suicide mission the bogey will back off just have to wait and one more second. The alarm in your jet goes off signaling the set danger zone. Being pressed back into your seat you dropped below the helicopter shooting back up right in front of their nose forcing them to swing wide to avoid contact. Back on the Blackhawk Bravo team was watching your dogfight like a movie “Woah Brock I might have to steal her for myself you think she likes Texas barbecue? Ouch Ray!” Sonny rubbed his arm where Ray whacked him even Cerberus was watching the in air action. Taking more dives at their aircraft forcing them to turn back towards land. Getting closer when they tried to turn back towards the water. ‘Alright play time is over’ you said to yourself, lining up the missile lock knowing an alarm would go off letting them know they were about to be in checkmate, after a good second they backed off and headed back to land. Doing a few more passes to make sure they weren’t circling back you spun back taking your spot next to the hovering Blackhawk. Laughing as you saw bravo celebrating inside, giving your own fist bump into the air. “Air is clear havoc requesting to land” making the lap around the aircraft carrier lining up with the strip to land your body jerking as you caught the band slowing your jet to a hard stop. Going through your post flight checks with the crew you just barely saw bravo team being ushered off the deck to debrief. Only locking eyes with the tallest one for a second before he disappears. It was after your own debrief and light scolding that you were walking back to your room, being stopped by a dog running through the hallway and stopping at your feet looking up at you with big brown puppy dog eyes. “Why hello cutie” dropping to your knees running your fingers through his fur laughing as he licked your chin, “Cerberus!” Someone yelled and wouldn’t you know its the same guy you saw on deck, he visibly released a breath seeing the dog with you. “Thank god I though he’d be half way to the kitchen by now.” He spoke making his way over grabbing the dogs collar but not pulling him away from you letting you continue to pet him. “Well if he did make it there I’m sure he’d have no problems getting whatever he wanted, wouldn’t you cutie pie.” The last part you spoke in your puppy dog voice. Behind Brock Bravo team was peaking around the corner watching the interaction, “Does he seriously not know its her? Ray come on even the dog knew let me call dibs on her.” Sonny begged, making Ray hit him again. “Relax Sonny he’ll figure it out.” Ray at least hoped he would.
Cerberus had moved from the floor to crawling in your lap forcing you to fall back against the wall not that you minded at all, making small talk with his handler Davis walked passed bravo huddled around the corner, “why in the world are y’all crowding the hallway?” “We are watching Brock and Guardian.” At Clays explanation Sonny huffed, “more like watching him tank it with her.” Davis shook her head. What would these boys do without her. Strolling past the operators, “Hey Guardian, nice flying thanks again for helping us get these guys out of trouble.” She said giving Brock a firm pat on the back, knowing it finally clicked when his eyes widened. “No problem anytime,” giving you a nod of her head goodbye she walked past turning around frantically pointing at you behind your back. “It’s her!” She mouthed, “I didn’t know you were bravo.” You said noticing the matching patches on his shirt and the dogs vest quickly assuming that’s their unit patch. “And you didn’t tell me you were my angel.” You could feel the blush crawling up your cheeks. “You know my official call sign is Guardian right, you’re the only one that calls me angel.”
Even though he knew he didn’t have a right to he felt a sense of possessiveness flood him, good he should be the only one who gets to call you that. You peeked around Brock to see Bravo duck back behind the wall, with a laugh you stood giving Cerberus a final pet behind the ears. “Looks like your team is waiting for you, Don’t be a stranger Bravo 5.” You winked, waving to the team that was trying to act nonchalant as you passed. The second you were out of sight they swarmed Brock who was telling Cerberus what a good boy he was leading him to you. “So what happened?” Looking at his team leader with a lovestruck look, “I’m never leaving this boat.”
Bravo team was off for a few days waiting for the target package to get cleared while word didn’t slow down for you, you did find yourself spending your free time with Bravo, and Brock. It was weird getting to know the teams you saved you knew next time you’d be even more worried knowing your friends were the ones down there putting personalities to a unit was dangerous, but you don’t regret it.
“Not that we don’t love having you slum with us why haven’t you invited any of your hot fighter pilots to join us?” Sonny asked, you were all playing rounds of call of duty in their little living room area they had it was the last day they had on the carrier you can admit you were going to miss them maybe one more than the others, Brock glared at him from beside you even cerb picked his head up of your lap to give the man a look. “Well Sonny we don’t really hang out like you guys do.” Now that got Jasons attention the team was everything to them he couldn’t imagine doing it alone, “Why not?”
“It’s more of a constant competition between pilots we don’t lets lose around each other,” you shrugged missing the look they all had, the next day you had another mission, just a simple strike and come back, you were on the deck doing preflight check with the crew. Just as you were about to climb in you heard your name being shouted, confused you turned around you saw Bravo team with their bags packed early, you had all said goodbye last night since you were supposed to be gone when they left, “What are you guys still doing here?” You reached down to pet Cerb who pulled against the leash Brock held to rub against your legs, “We had something we wanted to give you.” Jason said reaching out and patting your arm sticking something there, yo looked down at what once was an empty Velcro square was now covered with a Bravo patch, “We wanted you to know that we think of you as one of our own, that you always have a place with us at home or outside the wire.”
Taking a breath you swallowed the lump in your throat only being able to nod in thanks or your emotions would get the best of you, walking to the helicopter waiting for them each member took a turn saying goodbye again and patting the patch on your arm signifying they agreed with Jasons words, “Be safe up there girly, give em hell, death via Bravo from the sky!” Sonny shouted pointing to the sky making you and Brock who was the last one laugh at his antics, “so.” You dragged out, “so” Brock had a whole speech he wanted to say but the second he looked into your eyes he forgot every last word. Settling for a hug he wrapped you in his arms squeezing you tight, “I’m gonna miss you angel.” Sighing falling deeper into his chest, “I’ll miss you too, Bravo 5,” giving him one more smile you pulled away knowing the tower wouldn’t be happy if you were late taking off. You watched Brock walk away until he turned back and shouted “My number is sewn on the back of that patch so you don’t lose it!” Laughing and slightly giddy like a school girl who’s crush just asked you out you climbed in your jet. Fastening your belt you caught a glimpse of the patch, you didn’t thing anything could feel better then being in your jet but this time it felt that much sweeter. “Tower to Guardian you’re clear for take off.” With the go ahead you launched your jet off the deck and into the air ending up beside the Blackhawk oh how things have changed since your escort. The guys beating their fist in the air and a few against the patch that matched your new one. Giving your own a tap you dipped your wing twice as a final wave and shot off to your mission disappearing from sight. Normally you lived for work but with your newfound family maybe you’ll have something else to live for.
One year later
“And then the jet came flying over you could hear it coming a mile away” Sonny told the kids making fake jet noises to add to his storytelling a hand mimicking the maneuvers. It was a get together at Rays house everyone from Bravo was there including you, tucked under Brocks arm and cerb stuck to you on the other side feeling like the most protected person in the world stuck between two tier one seals that wouldn’t let anything happen to you, hell a whole team that wouldn’t and you felt that same about you them. “He’s told that story to everyone on base.” Brock whispered in your ear. “Well is a cool story sounds like an amazing pilot to pull that off.” You teased, making him let out a low chuckle nodding along. “Oh it was the best story, and that pilot is a special one. And Sonny is missing the best part excuse me.” Giving you a quick kiss he rushed to the other side of the fire joining in on the story pushing Sonny out of the way, “that story is cool but a even cooler one is how she got the name angle” as Brock launched into the story of your unofficial call sign you couldn’t help but look around and think how much things changed and how glad you were that you happened to walk passed havoc that faithful day.
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dreamonseems ¡ 3 years ago
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Just watched the episode where Full Metal dies I cried so hard 😭😭😭 I’m so sad he was so funny😭 Also found out the actor who played him was actually a navy seal very cool real life hero!
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theysayitscrazy ¡ 4 years ago
Like you expected me not to land here 😂
“Maybe if you actually stop staring at him and talk to her, you might have a chance.” And “You love them.” “Wha-what!? Haha, no I don’t!” “Okay, so you make moon eyes at them every single time you’re around them only because they’re your friend then?” “I don’t make ‘moon eye’s.” “You’re doing it right now.”
Maybe Sonny/Jase has been very observant and notices how the reader looks at our young blondie
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Late Night Confessions
Clay Spenser x Reader
Tag List: @rebelwrites @bravo-four-seal-team @heathermann200
You’re late when you hit the Bulkhead after your shift. Jason had texted you three times, but you were in Command with the other officers and didn’t have your phone. Davis had asked if you were heading out when she left, two hours before, but you had loose-ends to tie up on your intel package. So, you stayed, and worked well into the evening.
By the time you left Command and retrieved your phone, Jason had sent three texts and so had Sonny. You were exhausted and weren’t sure you even wanted to head out with the guys. A hot bath and your bed were calling your name.
It was Blackburn that changed your mind though. He had convinced you that it’d been a long week, and that everyone could use a drink and some down time. So, you agreed and followed him out.
When you entered the Bulkhead though, the place was packed, and Bravo had claimed their usual corner around the pool table and dart board. Sonny and Clay were tossing darts, while Trent and Metal had an intense game of eight-ball going that everyone else was betting money on.
You had said your hellos to everyone immediately before you headed to the bar and ordered a Vodka Seven with lime and settled on a stool to wait. You help yourself to some bar nuts and look over at your team. Everyone is laughing and smiling. Yelling over each other. All but Metal and Trent…who’s game is overly intense. It makes you smile and shake your head.
Metal looks ready to kill and Trent is stone faced as he eyes the table.
Clay catches your eye as you look over at him and Sonny and tosses a wink your way.
Thankfully, the bartender chose that moment to set your drink down before you, so you don’t have to worry about schooling your features to appear aloof, because the most gorgeous man in the bar chose to wink at you. And damn, was he the most gorgeous man in the bar.
Clay had a gone from a cocky little shit, when he’d first joined Bravo a couple years ago, to a well-respected teammate and brother to everyone on Bravo.
Everyone but you. Sure, you got along fine on the job. You managed to keep your professionalism with him. You never let on to your feelings. But when you weren’t at work? You forced yourself to keep your distance. You stayed friendly enough around the team to not raise suspicions, but the more you drank, the further you had to stay away.
Or your secret would be out.
“Maybe if you actually stop staring at him, and talk to him, you might have a chance,”Jason murmured next to you.
You look over at him, not even realizing he sat down eat the bar next to you. “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” you sighed, and shrug a shoulder, before turning back to your drink.
“Okay, so you make moon eyes at Clay every single time you’re around him, only because he’s your friend then?” Jason argued.
You shot him a sharp look. “I don’t make ‘moon eye’s,” you countered, rolling your eyes.
“You’re doing it right now.”Jason looks over and takes his time surveying you.
You don’t appreciate his scrutiny and turn to face him head on. It’s not Jason, your friend watching you though. It’s Bravo One, team leader. “What’s on your mind, Jase?” you asked, hoping to get him to at least ease into whatever brunt assessment he’s about to make.
“You love him,” Jason stated with a tilt of his head, watching you.
“Wha-what!? Haha, no I don’t!” You sputtered, so completely caught off guard, you can’t even gather your composure.
Jason’s Cheshire smile is obnoxious and knowing and uncalled for.
You roll your eyes and turn away from. You knew coming out tonight was a bad idea. You were exhausted and didn’t have your walls up thick enough. You felt vulnerable and unsettled that someone called you out.
He wasn’t wrong, either. Some how in the last couple years, you’d fallen for the SEAL and there was nothing you could do about it. The navy had strict no fraternization rules. You were an officer. He was enlisted. There were endless cons standing in the way.
Not to mention, he never once gave off the impression that he was interested.
You take a swig from your glass and slide from the barstool. “Goodnight,” you tell him, set the glass down on the bar and turn to leave.
“Y/N,” Jason puts his hand on your shoulder to stop you.
“Leave it, Jase,” you sigh, and shrug off his hand.
You leave the bar without saying goodbye to anyone. You’re too raw. Too emotional, as the tears threaten to fall as you push through the front door of the Bulkhead.
You make it all the way to your SUV before someone calls your name, “Jase, I said leave it,” you snap, turning to face him.
Only it’s not Jason.
It’s Clay.
“Shit,” you sigh, when you see him. You have to look away to keep the tears at bay.
“Hey, Y/N, are you okay?” his concern is heartwarming, and annoying at the same time.
He steps forward, and you have to take a step back. He stops in his tracks and watches you, warily.
“Sorry,” you sigh, glance at him. “It’s just been a long day,” you murmur, trying to play it off, even though your voice cracks and the tears spill over.
He’s pulling you into his arms immediately. One hand cradles the back of your head while the other rests low on your back as he wraps you in his warm embrace. The tears fall freely as you rest your forehead against his shoulder, in the crook of his neck, and rest your hands on his hips. He’s wearing a white Henley that hugs his shoulders like a second skin. Its one of your favorite shirts on him. A backwards hat over scruffy, curly hair that you just want to tangle your fingers in.
Your stiff in his arms. You keep your hands on his hips, fisted in his shirt.
But the tears keep flowing and a stifled sob wracks your body.
“Y/N,” he breathes your name, and pulls you tighter against his body. “What’s wrong, baby?”
Your walls crumble with that one word, and you let the sobs consume you and wrap your arms around his waist and tangle your fingers in the back of his shirt.
“Hey,” he murmurs. “Whatever it is, you can tell me.”
You shake your head and pull away. You wipe your tears and try to steady your breathing. “I can’t, I’m sorry. I need to go.”
You turn away from him and unlock your car.
Clay’s hand lands on your arm and he sighs. “Y/N.”
“Clay, just leave it. I’m fine, just having a bad night.”
“At least let me drive you home,” he says, sliding his hand down your arm to your hand. You take a deep breath when his hand wraps around yours.
The heat of his hand on yours sends butterflies through your tummy. You can’t help but wrap your fingers around his for a moment before you relinquish your keys. You don’t look at him as you walk around your car. You do happen to see Jason watching from the steps of the Bulkhead. You give him a little wave and head to the passenger door of your SUV.
Clay starts the vehicle, and you adjust the volume on the stereo as the music starts blasting.
The drive is quiet, and you zone out, lost in your thoughts, not paying attention to where Clay is driving. When the car shuts off, you snap out of your daze and finally look around. You’re at a rocky cliffside, overlooking Virginia Beach below. The ocean reflects the city lights, and you gasp at the beauty of it.
Without thinking, you undo the seat belt and get out of the car. You walk over to the rocky edge and climb up on a large boulder and sit down.
Clay slides next to you, so close your sides are touching. You ignore the heat of his body as you stare out into the night. “So you wanna talk about why you were crying?” he asks.
“No.” You shake your head.
“How about what you and Jason were fighting about?”
Again, you shake your head.
“How about, why you’ve been avoiding me the last couple months?”
“I haven’t been ignoring you,” you answer immediately, shaking your head. You hadn’t. You made it a point to be as normal as possible when around him at work. After hours, you kept your distance, but that was easy to do in a large group. You could still go to the Bulkhead with the boys and laugh and joke, without looking like you were keeping your distance.
You just made sure to leave before you got too tipsy, and made sure it was never just you and Clay left at the end of the night.
“Fine, you’ve been distant,” he counters.
“Clay,” you sigh, looking down at your hands and start playing with a button on your uniform. “Just forget it.”
“Nope, that’s not happening,” he sighs and turns to you. “Sorry babe, I’m not letting you hide from me anymore,” he grabs your hand and laces your fingers together.
Startled, you look up and gasp when you find his face inches from you. “Clay,” you mumble.
“Stop thinking,” he smirks and cradles your face with his other hand and brings your mouth to his. You lean into him and let him guide the kiss.
“What was that for?” you murmur a while later.
His forehead is resting against yours and your eyes are still closed. You don’t want to ruin the moment, but you have to know where his head is at.
“You love me?” he asks.
Your eyes fly open as your heart races in your chest. You pull back to see him better. He’s watching you through half-lidded eyes. “Yeah,” you answer, finally admitting it.
He smiles easily and kisses you again. “I love you too, Y/N. I have for a while.”
“We can’t do this,” you murmur.
“Who says?”
“The Navy?” you reply.
“They don’t have to know,” he answers easily.
You shake your head at his easy confidence. It was what attracted you to him at first. What had originally come off as cocky arrogance, had really been an easy confidence of man that had everything he wanted and was comfortable with who he was. “And we hide from our friends and family? I can’t live my life in secret. I won’t do that,” you shake your head.
You can feel the emotions welling again, as the thoughts of keeping your feelings to yourself overwhelm you again.
“Hey, hey,” he says, wrapping his arms around you and pulling you against him. “Is that what all this about? Why you didn’t tell me how you felt? Why you’ve been distant?”
You nod against his chest.
“Aww baby,” he sighs and rocks you gently. “We’ll figure all that out. I wish you would have told me how felt sooner, instead of bottling all this inside.” He rubs a hand down your back. “We’ll tell Bravo. They won’t say anything. There’s no reason to keep this from our friends and family. We’ll keep it from the Brass. You don’t have to worry about it.”
You sigh in contentment and nod. You believe him. “I love you,” you smile, glad to finally be able to confess your feelings.
“I love you too, babe.”
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