#Claudia's Spark in the Dark
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half-lightl ¡ 7 months ago
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Claudia's Celebration of Life: Spark in the Dark Aug 25th & 26th: Favorite lines or scenes
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crazykuroneko ¡ 8 months ago
Claudia's Celebration of Life: Spark in the Dark
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As the title suggests, this event is to celebrate the wonderful Claudia; her personality, her aspirations, her journey. The heart for the past two seasons of AMC Interview with The Vampire. This is to take the narrative back to her, proving she's not just a shingle roof for us.
The event will be held for 30 days (from Aug 11th to Sept 9th) with 15 themes. Anyone can join, and you can post whatever you like, from gifsets, meta analysis, fic recs, fanvids, web weaving, fanarts, fanvids, even poems. You can post them on Tumblr, or Tiktok, or AO3 etc. The rule is just one: make sure to tag "#Claudia's Spark in the Dark" and her character tags #Claudia and #AMC Claudia. Let's flood her tags with posts about her again! (plus, please give TW or CW when it's appropriate)
Important point: This event is AMC Claudia & Madeleine focused only. Please try to minimize inclusion of other characters or iterations except when it's on the theme.
Themes and dates are under the cut!
(The order of themes are generated randomly. Feel free to interpret each theme. For the themes with 'OR', you can choose which one you want)
1. Aug 11th & 12th: Hobbies
2. Aug 13th & 14th: Alternate Universe
3. Aug 15th & 16th: Quotes (From TVC books, other cast, Anne Rice about Claudia OR web weaving with other media)
4. Aug 17th & 18th: Family (Her relationship with Louis and/or Lestat OR with the concept of family itself)
5. Aug 19th & 20th: Claudia's Voice and Lack There Of (e.g. Claudia's diaries as her outlet and how they're used by others)
6. Aug 21th & 22nd: As A Caged Bird OR In Solitude (e.g. the limitations Claudia faces as a seemingly 14-year old Black girl OR bird motif)
7. Aug 23rd & 24th: Happiness (Anything as long as Claudia is happy. I just want to see her happy)
8. Aug 25th & 26th: Favorite lines or scenes
9. Aug 27th & 28th: Womanhood OR Childhood (e.g. Claudia's relationship with womanhood OR the still childlike or innocent part of her)
10. Aug 29th & 30th: The Actress(es) (Bailey Bass and/or Delainey Hayles with or without Roxane Duran)
11. Aug 31th & Sept 1th: Finding The X (Claudia's quest in searching for love)
12. Sept 2nd & 3rd: Enduring (e.g. Claudia relentless determination to "make the best out of it" with her vampirism or how the abuse she suffers and witnesses shapes herself and her views)
13. Sept 4th & 5th: Fashion or Costumes
14. Sept 6th & 7th: FREE THEME!
15. Sept 8th & 9th: Claudia & Madeleine
Special thanks to my mutual (you know who you are) who has helped me with the themes.
Update! I also made a submission page available during the event, if that's your preferred way to post.
Feel free to ask by replying under this post or ask me on my account or on my Twitter @itskuronekos
Let's go!
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clensters ¡ 7 months ago
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Did a piece for @crazykuroneko's Claudia event, for Day 1: Hobbies.
I'm pretty sure we've only seen Claudia draw/paint that one time in Ep 6, but hey, maybe she kept with it!
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claudiablogger ¡ 7 months ago
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on claudia (and madeleine) and desire
robert lowell // roland barthes // ruth ozeki // anne carson //charlotte brontĂŤ
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murfeelee ¡ 7 months ago
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IWTV Claudia's Celebration of Life: Spark in the Dark - Alternate Universe
As the title suggests, this event is to celebrate the wonderful Claudia; her personality, her aspirations, her journey. The heart for the past two seasons of AMC Interview with The Vampire. This is to take the narrative back to her, proving she's not just a shingle roof for us.
2. Aug 13th & 14th: Alternate Universe
“It’s chaos after you die. It’s a dream from which you cannot wake.” Armand says quietly to Daniel. “Imagine drifting half in and out of consciousness, trying vainly to remember who you are or what you were. Imagine straining forever for the lost clarity of the living—” Armand stops suddenly to glare somewhere to Lestat’s left. “Lestat, I beg you on bended knee to close your mind. I cannot bear to listen to her any longer.” “Listen to who,” Louis asks, sharp as fangs. “CLAUDIA!” Lestat shouts into the swamp, spinning in his inner tube. “These drugs are making me hallucinate our dead daughter. I’ve been listening to her explain exactly how I failed her with much virulence and creativity for the last forty-five minutes.” “What’s she like?” Louis asks, eager as anything. “Magnifique,” Lestat answers immediately. “She despises me. She’s wearing a yellow… I believe it is called a tankini. She has a margarita....” Lestat twists in his tube to glare at Armand. “Montre-lui/ Show him.” Louis squeezes his eyes shut, wrists limp in front of him. Armand’s mindgift transmission is jagged and blurry from the drugs, and Lestat’s view is all the more distorted by his own intoxication, but it’s her, it’s her. Claudia rises from the dead to berate Lestat from her very own inner tube, pausing only to take sips from her human drink. At least she is granted liquor in the hopeless afterlife that is haunting Lestat. Claudia’s hair is pulled back the way it was the day she passed, but her face is baby smooth, no trace of the injury the coven had subjected her to before her murder. She smiles at Lestat, dimple still adorable, no matter how old she gets. “And I don’t give one solitary sh*t if you’ve got him d**kmatized,” Claudia tells Lestat. “He says he forgives you for letting me die?” She brings her fingers together and gestures to her own chest. “I don’t f**king forgive you! ” Claudia starts singing in mockery, bitter as her daddy on his worst nights. She cups her hands (Her beautiful hands! The simple pleasure of her hand in his!) around her mouth like a megaphone. “I don’t forgivveeee you!” “Jesus Christ,” Louis hears Daniel say in the real world before exploding into choking coughs. In Lestat’s psychosis as translated by Armand on LSD, Claudia keeps at it. She urges Lestat to find new and innovative ways to kill himself, embodying Lestat’s senselessness and Louis’ sense in her rage. Their courageous, intelligent, honest-to-God hurricane of a daughter does not look Louis’ way the whole memory, even though Louis deserves the privilege of meeting her eyes again so much more than Lestat does. Even though Louis has spent a lifetime fasting and praying for it. But she is Lestat’s ghost, she haunts him just like she said she would, and Louis figures… He hears his own laugh—hysterical—as the memory ends, the tears wet on his cheeks. Louis figures he’s just too sane to see her these days.
-- Alligator Tears, @siahatha
A day late, cuz I was busy yesterday.
This post was directly inspired by the latest chapter of an extremely good & unhinged post-canon modern AU IWTV fanfic, where Loustat are back together, Devil's Minion is a thing, and Lestat's being haunted by the ghost of Claudia's memory. Louis' sad that he can only see her through Armand, cuz he can't read his Maker Lestat's mind, ofc.
-- IP EP pool floats by me
-- Lestat heatstroke tan line in gamma by me
-- Blood bags by @thebleedingwoodland (X X)
-- Louis swimsuit at MTS
-- Gators at Simszoo
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murfpersonalblog ¡ 7 months ago
Claudia's Celebration of Life: Spark in the Dark - Lines & Scenes
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As the title suggests, this event is to celebrate the wonderful Claudia; her personality, her aspirations, her journey. The heart for the past two seasons of AMC Interview with The Vampire. This is to take the narrative back to her, proving she's not just a shingle roof for us. 8. Aug 25th & 26th: Favorite lines or scenes
This was REALLY hard. She's never done anything wrong in her entire life, your honor! Anyone who says otherwise can kick bricks.
1: "Oh I forgot! Love makes you STUPID! Make you fickle, and weak, and blind!... PICKED ANOTHER ONE, OVER ME!" Hearing her yell that in the first trailer had me gagged. I knew right then that Delainey was gonna kill it; perfectly depicting Claudia's PAIN, sick of being the shingle on their roof, caught in "the stormy romance of YOU TWO!" (Honorable Mention #1).
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2: "I now know all your faces. If there is an afterlife, I'm gonna come back and f*****g KILL all of you. And if there isn't an afterlife, I'm still gonna find a way!" My daughter, ladies & gentlemen. 👸🏾
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3: "Please, come with me! Let's meet vampires WORTHY of your love!" One of the most underrated & important lines in the whole dang show. Lestat wasn't worthy of Louis yet. Unworthy in NOLA, unworthy in Paris--disregard!
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4: The park bench scene in 1x6 is so freaking sweet, she loved her Daddy Lou so much. But she knew there was no way she'd survive with that monster Lestat; and she knew Lou'd never leave him. (Honorable Mention #2: "You should've let that train go, Uncle Les!")
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5: Claudia clowning Lestat in 1x7 effing SENT me, omg, that's my daughter. In S3 hope he hears her mocking wheezes in his dreams.
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6: The look on her FACE as she realizes the fix she's in with the coven. I wanted to effing cry. DOOMED by the narrative. U_U
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7: Claudia's "Massa Lestat" added years to my life! She said this Ku Klux Klan member better stop playing with me!
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8: "Who are you, Louis?" Kids say the darndest things. She clocked his whole life in S2, knowing good and dang well he wasn't her effing "brother" & she wasn't his "sister;" she was just a placeholder until he was back with Lestat. (Honorable Mention #3: "If he can't take you ballroom dancing and tell you you're pretty, to hell with him!" 💀)
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9: She was NOT 👏 HAVING 👏 IT 👏 with Antoinette. (Honorable Mention #4: "If that's the kind of desperate trash he wants to love, then let him have her!" Jfc, Claudia. 😅)
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10: Claudia killing Madeleine's rapists was so dang good. I did NOT expect the vampire reveal to go that way, oml. The hype was real though, I was cheering and whooping the whole time.
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oldshoolb ¡ 7 months ago
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[id: a digitial drawing of claudia from amc's interview with the vampire. claudia is a young-looking black teenager who has her hair stylized into ringlets. she's wearing the lulu costume, her smile is sharpened by visible fangs, and her red eyes pop against the blues and whites of her dress. hazy yellow light fades into the blue background from above.]
the yellow creeps through
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b-plot-butch ¡ 7 months ago
FRIENDS LOVERS COUNTRYMEN. what should i do for claudia’s spark in the dark i GOTTA contribute somehow
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brotherconstant ¡ 10 months ago
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INTERVIEW WITH THE VAMPIRE 2x04 | “I Want You More Than Anything in the World”
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rosesocietyy ¡ 1 year ago
This guttural rage oh the axis of the earth has shifted
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crazykuroneko ¡ 7 months ago
Claudia's Spark in the Dark has started!
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For day 1 & 2, it's all about hobbies and interests! Post your metas, gifsets, fanedits, fanarts recommendations, anything about Claudia's hobbies. Don't forget to tag us!
Check out details of our event here:
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hatchetart ¡ 4 months ago
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had to stop myself from doing too much lol.
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claudiablogger ¡ 7 months ago
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claudia and family
eric larocca // annie ernaux // chloe michell howarth // ocean vuong
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murfeelee ¡ 7 months ago
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IWTV Claudia's Celebration of Life: Spark in the Dark - Costume: Baby Lulu
As the title suggests, this event is to celebrate the wonderful Claudia; her personality, her aspirations, her journey. The heart for the past two seasons of AMC Interview with The Vampire. This is to take the narrative back to her, proving she's not just a shingle roof for us.
13. Sept 4th & 5th: Fashion or Costumes
I hate that effing dress, I hate that effing song, I hate that effing Theatre, I hate that effing coven, and I hate how effing Armand treated my daughter Claudia.
But Claudia ATE, performing My Baby Loves Windows as Baby LuLu.
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-- Hair, Bows (x x) Dress (*cough*), Shoes
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murfpersonalblog ¡ 7 months ago
Claudia's Celebration of Life: Spark in the Dark - Enduring
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As the title suggests, this event is to celebrate the wonderful Claudia; her personality, her aspirations, her journey. The heart for the past two seasons of AMC Interview with The Vampire. This is to take the narrative back to her, proving she's not just a shingle roof for us. 12. Sept 2nd & 3rd: Enduring
I saw this post about character tropes by @ciaran and immediately thought of Claudia, and all the BS she had to endure from Loustat.
"i wish we could expand the definition of characters having a "parent/child relationship" (platonic connotation) to the nastier parts of parenting: the projection, the control, the invasions of privacy, the entitlement, the codependency that sours into mutual bitterness because the relationship is unbreakable and fragile at once. I want to see two unrelated characters have the kind of perversely needy animosity generally reserved for a lonely, angry mother and her kids… i want to see two characters who never once knew each other as kids play out the dynamics of an inheritance of misfortune otherwise reserved by fathers for their children" @ciaran
The projection
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(x x x x)
The control
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(X X)
The invasions of privacy
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The entitlement
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(X X)
The codependency that sours into mutual bitterness because the relationship is unbreakable and fragile at once
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Two unrelated characters have the kind of perversely needy animosity generally reserved for a lonely, angry mother and her kids
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Two characters who never once knew each other as kids play out the dynamics of an inheritance of misfortune otherwise reserved by fathers for their children
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claudianolastname ¡ 11 months ago
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