#Clan Reave;
boinkingbattlemechs · 27 days
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Timber Wolf (Mad Cat)
The Timber Wolf is a fast, heavy OmniMech. A signature design of the Clans' military might, it was arguably the first Clan OmniMech encountered by Inner Sphere forces (as opposed to periphery forces) on The Rock in 3049 by Phelan Kell.
Vaguely resembling a cross between the MAD (Marauder) and CAT (Catapult) series, the Timber Wolf was tagged with the Inner Sphere reporting name Mad Cat on first contact. The targeting computer on Phelan Kell's Wolfhound switched between MAD and CAT when trying to identify it; upon analyzing the data recording from Kell's 'Mech, Precentor Martial Anastasius Focht later officially designated it "Mad Cat".
The Timber Wolf is vastly more powerful than either the 3025-era Marauder or Catapult, and features approximately as much firepower as both of those mechs combined. It uses its speed and firepower to engage an enemy at the range of its choosing. When first encountered by Inner Sphere forces the idea that a heavy 'Mech could move so swiftly while being as heavily armed and armored as the Timber Wolf was inconceivable. With its twelve tons of ferro-fibrous armor and an arsenal that rivaled most assault 'Mechs of the era, it was completely alien to Inner Sphere military planners, commanders, and even the Precentor Martial of ComStar. First introduced in 2945, the Timber Wolf was designed by Clan Wolf as a second generation OmniMech along with the Gargoyle and the Naga to replace the aging Woodsman. While the Gargoyle may have been a very capable, fast assault OmniMech, and the Naga may have been an excellent fire-support OmniMech, Clan Wolf (and indeed every other Clan) instantly realized the value of the Timber Wolf; thus, production rights to the Timber Wolf were jealously (and successfully) defended. Only through trade, gifts and battlefield salvage has the Timber Wolf entered the armies of other Clans. Until the invasion of the Inner Sphere, production of the Timber Wolf has been limited to a single facility on Strana Mechty.
Despite its prominence among the Wolves during the Clan Invasion, Refusal War and Word of Blake Jihad, the Timber Wolf became increasingly rare following the sundering of ties with the Homeworld Clans during the Wars of Reaving and Blakist scouring of Tamar. Being built by hand at W-7 plant on Weingarten as of 3080, with some parts even being individually machined due to missing data, attrition vastly outstripped supply as the Wolves looked toward other designs. When Alaric Ward forged the Wolf Empire, he left the W-7 facilities to Clan Hell's Horses and ordered the Kallon plant on Thermopolis be retooled for Timber Wolf production, restoring its position within the Wolves touman.
The default configuration of the Timber Wolf features a well-blended mix of energy and missile weaponry; primarily extended-range lasers and long range missile racks that give the Timber Wolf considerable firepower at medium and long range. A pair of LRM-20 racks supplemented by two Extended Range Large Lasers make up the bulk of the Timber Wolf's firepower. The Timber Wolf also has an array of lighter, shorter ranged weaponry for use once the 'Mech draws closer to its prey: two ER Medium Lasers and a Medium Pulse Laser. Finally, it has two Machine Guns for point defense against infantry. Even on the modern battlefield the primary configuration of the Timber Wolf is a force to be reckoned with.
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urban-media · 3 months
A Xanatos Tale
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First Appearance: "Awakening - Part 1" the pilot episode of the Disney animated series, "Gargoyle" which aired October 24, 1994.
Creators: Eric Luke (film/TV/comic book writer and novelist) Micheal Reaves (TV writer and producer)
David Xanatos was born in Maine, to Petros Xanatos, a fisherman. At a young age, he received a letter containing gold coins from the 10th century, worth $20,000 in historic value each. He sold the coins, invested the money into various stocks, and founded Xanatos Enterprises. Due to his father's belief that his fortune was unearned, their relationship became strained.
Xanatos's holdings include Xanatos Enterprises, Gen-U-Tech, the Scarab Corporation, and Pack Media Studios. Despite his father's belief that Xanatos did not deserve the gift that had launched his career, Xanatos continued to claim that he would one day prove himself a self-made man.
Xanatos learned of Castle Wyvern  from Demona and purchased the castle, transporting it brick by brick and reconstructing it atop his New York skyscraper, the Eyrie Building. With the castle "above the clouds," he successfully released the survivors of the Wyvern Clan  from their frozen sleep.
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khanhannahlewis · 6 months
Warrior without a battlemech, without a clan, without a home.
My story starts back in the Clan Homeworlds, far away and long ago. The jumpship I was aboard was ambushed by treacherous Star Adders, during the Wars of Reaving. but the ship still managed to jump away. Then I awoke, in only my cooling suit and neurohelmet, surrounded by debris on the coast of a small island, on a small periphery world, rimward of the Inner Sphere. Luckily, the will of Kerensky was on my side, and a fishing vessel came across me. I worked for food and board around that planet for seven months before an offworld trader arrived. I bid my way onto their dropship, and found myself in the Canopus Compact, running odd jobs for room and board. I refused to take monetary payment of course, as mercenary work is dezgra. News filtered to me and I found that I had not only been displaced in space, but in time. My clan had been long destroyed, and I would never return to York, my bloodline would never continue. Thank you for listening to my story, and for the food.
Art that reminds me of the Inner Sphere will be tagged as: #sights of the inner sphere
Art that reminds me of the Clan Homeworlds will be tagged as: #remembrance of a lost home
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(Also playing Hannah's bondsman Archaea, and Isidora, a bondsman of Clan Ghost Bear.)
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[Personal diary entry - STCAP Xerxes Truscott - 2 Oct 3153]
>> Begin entry:
I have had quite the interesting day. The Fusiliers arrived in the Islington system. There was much work to do. I busied myself in the morning working with the Techs on my 'Mech. We fixed the leg calibration! And that was when... I saw her.
A Blood Spirit, a Star Commander. I had not known any yet lived. I did not meet her then. That had to wait. But she... seemed haunted by many things. But she was beautiful nonetheless. Unkempt hair, a fierce look in her eyes, and... Pain and loss.
If what we have heard from the Homeworlds is true, she might be the last of her Clan. Just as I am the last of mine. Or, well, no, the last of mine in the Sphere. Not... not literally. But for her... It might be.
I want to help her not feel lonely.
In any case, a short time later I was called to the simulator bay. Savannah wished me to join her in fighting this Blood Spirit.
Her name is Hannah.
It was... A revelation. Savannah barely interfered. I think she knew.
We fought. She was ... just as fierce as I thought she would be. Savage almost. We killed each other in the sim. A mutual kill. Close, intimate.
I knew then. It was clear.
I love her.
We coupled afterwards. We talked. I told her of Strana Mechty. Of the time before the Reavings, before the Invasion. It was lovely. She wanted to see the library after.
And so we went, and there we discovered... the truth of Savannah Cameron.
Great Father, one of my best friends is descendant of the family you so loved, and protected. And you have seen fit to place Hannah in my life. We have lifebonded now. It seemed fated. It seemed right.
I hope I prove worthy of her.
I swear to you, Great Father. I shall not let either come to harm as long as I live. That is my oath, and my rede.
>> End entry
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pandacommander24a · 8 months
Bug Batchall
Sometimes you do silly things. @asksanguinius40k
Right so the story.
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It should maybe end with a funny joke about what I bid, but at the same time... A voice came to me, and it asked a simple question...
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And, like, I took that personally.
For those that don't think about 80s wargames lore all the time... The fuck are we even talking about?
A batchall is the Battle Challenge, get it, issued before a Trial in Clan "Culture."
The clans are a group of space weirdos who left Earth after pulling a Space Middle East, leading to a Galactic war that left hundreds of worlds burning and hundreds of trillions dead. After they almost killed themselves in the same way that the poor bastard they left behind had, the worst son of the greatest military leader mankind ever had, came up with the "perfect society" to never have that threat happen again to the human race... Except he created the very thing that would lead to happening four more times. Trail of Annihilation, which you know the Wolverines were right, the Clan Invasion, the War of Reaving, and the Conquest of the Republic. Not my Ilkhan.
A Trial is an honorable combat to settle a dispute between Clans and inner Clan disagreements. There are six, and they grow in severity, ending with Annihilation. You can't have a Trial without a Batchall.
In this case, the Trail of Possession to Call a bug looking mech a bug, https://www.tumblr.com/gort-grundlekin/739688789810823168/bug-type-mech
Normally, a Batchall would start with me issuing the challenge and declaring what I think this attack should cost; my opponent would then state what they are bidding in defense. If I was cool, and I am cool, I would counter-bid with a lower force than my opponent. Then my opponent, being a cool person, would counter-bid lower. Then, because, as stated, I'm cool, I would counter a lower force. And then... You get the idea...
The idea is to get to the lowest cost possible for the conflict, agreed to by both parties. Mind you, this is expected to cost human life; the question is, how good is my human life to be able to beat the other person's human cost.
Which brings us to the Bid;
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One War Hawk, an 85-ton gun platform, smashed into the IS forces of the DCMS so hard they named it Masakari because it hit like an ax and split forces in two. There is not a bad variant of this; all of them hit like a MACK truck, and none of them are fun face down.
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Three Horned Owl Light mechs. Relatively lightly armed, the Horned Owl makes up for it by having speed, dexterity, and staying power, unlike most clan designs. The Clan Weapons easily make this one able to punch into the Medium Tonnage, but this guy is sharing the tonnage ranking just before you get medium and is basically, in some ways, a clan Panther.
Fun fact; this mech was based on the Zaku from Gundam, and you can see it with its mono-eye cockpit.
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Finally, a star of Elementals. Imagine Astates in a hard Sci-fi setting instead of a Space Opera one, and that's the Elementals. Genetically engineered super soldiers clad in advance power armor, allowing them to rip apart tanks and mechs while moving faster than
In a bit of humor, the two clans that have championed this fight, the Goliath Scorpions and the Coyotes, are more responsible for the Elementals than their credited creators, Clan Wolf. All they did was steal better ideas for themselves; it is almost as if that will be the trend for their narrative...
Thanks to the Goliath Scorpions' creation of underwater suits known as Water Elementals to complete complex tasks at incredible depth, the Elemental Suits have incredible armor and a flexible chassis.
However getting any weapon systems or the amount of options that are fielded by the Elementals would not be possible without the OMNITECH created by Clan Coyote. The "Hey man, if you keep changing your fucking work order every five minutes, I'll brain you, warrior caste or no warrior caste" clan. Coyote Tech Caste created the flexible slot system to allow a greater amount of customization in payloads which allowed for rapid force changes in battle and easier repairs to a degree.
Additionally Clan Hell's Horse created the genetic template that would become the Elemental people. The first drafts were so good without the elemental suits they almost won against normal Clan Wolf Dudes in the power armor.
That is a good Star, strong punch, movibility and a surprise waiting at your feet.
My Rebuttal Bid:
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Savage Coyote is an 85 ton Assault Mech built to showcase two weapon systems; Omni-Tech Advance Tactical Missiles or the Clan ATM, all the fun of LRMs with SRM fun. Thanks to a XL engine this bad boy is stuff with armor and weapons. Built to bring the Coyotes in tho the post Golden Century Swinging.
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An oldie but a classic, the Coyotl is the first Omnitech. However, built to prove the concept, it is a capable machine. All of its variants are built to have a solution to any problem.
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The Rabid Coyote is a medium mech designed to serve as backup to slower mechs. It's moderately armored, but its pulse laser ensures its deadly accurate and carries a mixed tonnage of ATM ammunition. It is more than able to punch up from its modest 55 tons.
To round this out, I have also taken;
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The total of my Bid is 180 Tons vs 195. Kids never play tonnage, however, since everyone was Clan... It was the only way to do this. However surprisingly?
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Pretty close in BV.
Right, so let's get to the actual fight:
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For the purpose of not knowing and also keeping things relatively interesting, I decided I would use late-era mechs, mostly Jihad mechs.
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Also Clan Coyote stops being important in the Clan Invasion and suffers from the "Don't want to write a complex Clan narrative anymore" that CGL blessed us with in the War of the Reaving. There are a lot of reason people hate the Jihad, and besides its name, this is one of the reasons.
Lamba Galaxy is generally my go-to pick for Clanners. Coyotes and I like our mechs experimental and they have a neat paint scheme in the lambas. Seen here on a group of bois I need to touch up at some point:
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Clan Coyote will also join the Society in a big way; Lamba Galaxy almost completely defects to them during the War of Reaving. The Society was a revolt from Clan Scientists Caste who was tired of Collage Jocks making all the big choices because dying young is a big clan ethos for Warriors. So they threw out a bunch of tech and advanced battle mechs to maybe save the clans from their ways. They lost, big shocker right?
Clan Coyote however gets to stay in the Tree house and disappear from the game's story. Possible forever... Fucking Jihad.
The Savage Coyote Variant was one such model built by the Society, with a HAG, targeting computers and Imporved ATM its a tough nut with a great punch.
The Coyotl, like wise was a bunch of tech from later than the Golden Century but felt right as a good addition to my bid.
Finally I brought a regural Rabid Coyote default, because 3 pulse laser should kill Elementals dead. It is why the Komodo has 9 fucking Medium lasers after all.
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Clan Goliath Scorpion got kicked out of the tree house and is running around the Deep Periphery kicking ass and taking names. They, too, lost the War of Reaving, but they aren't bitches like Jade Falcon, Wolf, and Ghost Bear. Ultimately, it looks like they are going to pull a Clan Invasion 2.0. It's going to be more Revenge of the Periphery than Attack of the Clans though, I'm hyped for it. So the Scoripon Empire moves on closer and closer to the Inner Sphere.
For the Warhawk, I picked the mixed tech Alternate Configuration T to reflect this era. This does drop the long-range murder effect to a degree but it gives it two PPC that are also flamers, which for a clan mech is murder on the wheel, they run hot, and it also kind of better puts it in the timeline for a dust up of Clans in a late-era that aren't just Sucessor States that were once Clans... Fucking Wolf Empire.
For the Owls I pick two later eras ones and one default. The Default is murder; the other ones are just fun. I do this when I field a bunch of the same much, take variants, and they stacked up well enough to help each other out and make so I can't quite use the same tactic on all three.
But I made creative choices that might not be made if we did this for real.
BV and tonnage works out. Sadly I didn't have any friends online, so I had to resort to Princess, megamek's ai, and since this will be a quick game, brawler seemed good (maybe I shouldn't have had the Run Away so high in hindsight.)
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Default victory I used with my friends is 40% BV lost, which is a good place for a friendly fight. Also so it doesn't last forever which can happen with bad dice.
For Pilots, I set all to the Clanner Default, 3/4 for everyone.
I picked the terrain.
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A good mix of hills and vegitation. Flipping a coin, I was north, and my opponent south.
The fight was pretty fast. we moved quickly towards each other and started blasting, mostly missing. My Rabid Coyote got caught in the open and was knocked down, but the pilot managed to get her up and moving next round.
Then we slammed into each other, and the first blood went to the Scorpions.
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The Coyatl has ECM, but it really didn't do much. It was funny. The Owls proved to be deadly, swarmed my Rabid Coyote and just sliced him to pieces. Managed to knock one of the Owls down.
The Toads jump in behind.
The next phase, I pulled back into the forest, and as my Coyotl pulled rapidly back trying to catch the Owls in a better firing line. The Owls that could jump far and wide, with one finding my rear armor of the Savage open to their pulse weapons. The owl, knocked prone, made an effort to go hull down, unable to get back up the next round.
The Warhawk fell back and opened fire on my Savage as well; with the high advantage and those long-ranged guns, it was the smart call.
In the firing phase saw my Savage tooke nearly 120 damage. Luckily no punches through the armor for the Warhawk and some how under the pulse lasers the back armor held.
Thanks to that barrage, my savage was knocked down, but the pilot pulled a hull down, allowing it to stay fighting.
Since this massive exchange happened in rapid order and heat was running red for both of us. I couldn't get the Savage moving too much heat, but to my dismay, the Warhawk bet heavily on that attack as well and was left unable to move and, worst, exposed on that hill.
Moving my elementals I forced them to get the Owls off the Savage while moving my Coyotl into minimum range bracket for all its weapons. This allowed me to pour fire from both the Savage and the Coyotle, scoring two engine hits despite not punching through the massive armor. The Warhawk had been cripple and couldn't likely survive another attack with that savaging, and with its engine compromised, so too were the heat sinks.
The Warhawk had to pull back and try and get off that hill.
Meanwhile, the Owl knocked prone manage to get up and turn on my Coatyl near it. However, thanks to the coyotes movement, I was able to win that fight and knock out that Owl.
In the moving away from the Toadies one of the other owls messed up a jump roll and was forced off the game, considering it retreated bummer...
Unable to get the Warhawk moving, the AI punched it out as well.
Finally with the toadies in range the real fight got started as the last owl jumped in to finish off my Savage, but my elementals were waiting and pounced on the light mech begingin to swarm as their elements closed distance and proceeded to bloody my other elemental unit.
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And the game ended because a lot of BV was scraped off the board.
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So I win.
And as my right to decide... It's a bug mech, the king of all bugs even. Realized now, after writing this 3 hours later, that the Trail was for our Gender... Does this make your pronouns my bond servants?
Thanks for Reading. I am now going to have to think about Clans created in the 80s by dudes who gave us a legacy of yellow scare to unpack and how they would have written gender.
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goodqueenaly · 1 year
If I am a forward thinking Greyjoy, and wanted to get my son fostered with the Starks / Tyrells / Lannisters etc, could I also demand that their hosts provide naval education and training to my son? Or really any specific training?
I think the better choice would be to arrange a fostering somewhere where naval training would be, for lack of a better term, part of the curriculum - among the Farmans of Fair Isle, for example, or with the Redwynes on the Arbor. A family that fosters another (especially non-hostage) child is not simply a secondary education institution for that child, but in a very real societal sense that child's second family, who will be raising the child as they see fit, without oversight or direction from the child's birth family. Consequently, a family cannot do much to encourage naval training if that family does not have a tradition of or resources for just such training (no shores of Winterfell, in other words).
Of course, the obvious potential problem here is that there might be a great sense of reluctance among some or all of these families to foster a Greyjoy or another Iron Islands aristocrat when those families might have experienced a long history of rape, slavery, and imperial conquest at the hands of ironborn (especially when some of those families, like the clans on the Shield Islands, were found specifically to stop the incursions of ironborn). Why should they help develop the naval skills of a Greyjoy or a Greyjoy bannerman if that individual is going to use the Iron Fleet to make the coasts of Westeros his playground for reaving? So while it's certainly not impossible to build ties between mainland Westerosi Houses, including those with naval power, and the Iron Islands - see, for example, Harmund II Hoare, who in his youth was fostered with the Lannisters and eventually married Princess Lelia - it is worth remembering the long antagonism of the Old Way baked into the relationship between the Iron Islands and mainland Westeros, especially those families on the coast.
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adreamofsilk · 2 months
which of your ocs would you ship with sandor clegane?
Which ones wouldn't I?!?!? Under the cut for a clean dash(focusing on Sandor's proper era and only the Westeros girls. Why Sandor is in Essos would have to factor into those girls and that's between me and the Sandor mun)
Addie Upcliff: Wanna talk about scars? Addie is a survivor of greyscale and has 'disfiguring' scars covering the upper part of her chest and shoulders and understands the feeling of people staring at you. Addie would understand the best what it's like to be the way they are and possibly be someone he connects to on that level. She is believed to be a magic user by people who've met her family and could possibly be more terrifying for that reason which would be a first for Sandor to have his partner be 'the scary one'
Alysanne Blackwood: Alysanne is a hunter and loves to be out in the world meaning easy paths to cross. She is a Blackwood which is a northern house and would see the fact he survived what caused those scars as a sign of a strong man who produces strong kids. Meeting with him finds a soul that needs to heal and she would be more than happy to show him a proper happy life with her and her family.
Amyra: To start with if you have gold most whores are gonna touch you, some just charge more. Amyra herself wouldn't care about his scars since they have nothing to do with ability to pay her when he first starts seeing her and as he spends more time with her she would just see them as a part of him. Their time spent together is interesting to her since he seems to value her giving him that time more than other men she attends to.
Dayanna Umber: I truly feel all my northern girls would just look at Sandor and go 'strong man. Good kids' Dayanna is an Umber and is used to a house of big men. Sandor would fit right in and for Dayanna she would feel he's the safest man to introduce to her brother and dad.
Heighdan Drumm: Heighdan is ironborn. Big men with scars are like catnip to her and while yeah stealing him to be her salt husband would be a trail by fire she is a bold women. Overall she would find him fascinating because of his scars and just want to be around him to tempt him into reaving with her.
Herra: Big strong man. For a Freefolk spearwife Sandor is like a prime steak. Just perfect for marriage and defending her clan, strong children almost guaranteed to survive winters and someone she can trust to watch her back. The scars mean he can survive and she won't come home from a hunt to a dead family.
Jasline Beesbury: Okay a little harder to justify why Jasline would be interested in him,but she is fascinated by strange things and Sandor can be weird. These two wouldn't have a lot of chances to meet but anything that happens would stick in her mind like honey.
Kaela Slate: Kaela looks odd herself and while that isn't a great reason to start a relationship it is a starting spot. Because of her appearance she feels she has no right to judge and her father would be trying for any husband to marry his weirwood looking daughter
Lyla: Yes she's a midwife but that doesn't mean she doesn't deserve love. Lyla's job takes her everywhere and having a man near her who she can trust to get pushy husbands *cough*or maesters*cough* out of the rooms would be beneficial to her. She's seen worse than some scars and his temper would just be responded to with a lift of the eyebrow.
Lilliyan Rivers/Blackriver: I had a Sandor I was kinda shipping Lilliyan with on her original page. I miss that. Lilliyan in both verses is a bastard and was raised to never judge someone. Sandor isn't a strange sight for her since she was raised around men with hand their faces cut up. In her legitimized verse she would be clinging to any interaction that is positive and they both know the feeling of being judged for something completely out of their control and someone elses fault (His scars and her being born)
Meyla: Meyla is a daughter of the Iron Bank. Sandor would be an absolute assist solely for her and she is a greedy women. Realistically she would go for Sandor first only for the protection he offers with his bulk and attitude and then would fall for those moments his humanity shows. The scars would be a talking point, but there are worst faces in Essos.
Sanira Farman: She would be used to him, her mom is a childhood friend of the Queen so she spent plenty of time around Sandor. For her he is someone she's known for years and while his appearance is startling she's grown used to it
Sharley: Sharley is a former Septa in training and an unclaimed bastard. He would be an absolute mystery to her because of how strong his will was to survive his injuries and she would want to spend time with him to learn how to be that strong herself
Una Borell: A lot of my girls just like how big and husky he is okay?! Una is a Borell with the mark and while she often wears gloves to hide the webbing it is a known thing. I feel like he wouldn't enjoy how cutthroat her family can be, but that's between me and the Sandor mun
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heliinx · 2 years
“Helll…innxxx…hel…IINXXX!” A garbled, seemingly pained voice would screech from a far squeaker, if she even had access to one after all these months.
“W…wwwh..aaat…the FUCK-fuuu…appended?!” It’d screech again, a familiar deep and artificial voice attempting to force as much sound through the device as possible.
That gives her quite a spook; the sound of a ratman she honestly thought was dead and gone. She didn't even remember grabbing the Farsqueaker if she was honest, scrabbling for the device amid what she had hidden in her robes.
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"...Xeenq?" Yes, there was no other ratkin who sounded like that. "Thought you were dead-dead." A pause, then Heliinx would answer his question. Not right away though....how to phrase it....how to frame it?
" Clan Reave is in hand-paws of my treacherous brother-spawn. I am...touring the world."
Touring. Yes. Not driven out and lost.
" Surprise you still live-breathe."
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mayxthexforce · 4 months
Magash & The Singing Mountain Clan
Since there are a few (three or four) iterations of this clan, I figured I'd make a post to specify which one I go with when it comes to writing Magash.
For starters, the singing mountain clan as depicted in Maya Kaathryn Bohnhoff and Michael Reaves' The Last Jedi novel is an all-female, 99% human clan of witches that inhabit the Singing Mountain. They're sort of like the amazons in the way that —unlike other depictions of the same clan and unlike the Nightsisters— they do not have men in their territory. Due to Dathomir's past of sex trafficking and slavery, the witches of the Singing Mountain have stuck to a life away from men for generations, abandoning their mountain to find a mate whenever it is that they decide to have a child, then returning once the child is conceived.
Magash's clan doesn't follow the ways of the Jedi, nor do they follow the ways of Allya as they were first given to them by the former Jedi. They also do not worship neither the winged goddess nor the fanged god. Instead, they worship the Unformed: their own way of understanding the force; along with the spirits of nature. Magash also refers to the dark side of the force as The Dread.
The clan is led by Augwynne Djo– NOT related to Tenel Ka Djo's lineage. The daughter of Augwynne, Gethzerion, became the founder of what would later become the Nightsisters after being exiled from the Singing Mountain for attempting to kill her mother.
Magash is the only non-human member of the clan, as she was born from the union between a witch of the singing mountain and a nightbrother. Despite Augwynne Djo's opposition, Magash was given the tattoos that identify her as the child of a nightbrother by her mother not long after she reached adulthood and became an Adept, in hopes that if she ever encountered the nightbrothers, the markings would keep her from harm.
Because of this, however, Magash was othered by Augwynne Djo, who feared that she would follow a similar path as her daughter Gethzerion did all those centuries prior. And, as a result, many other members of the clan also avoided her.
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sansaissteel · 1 year
Hill tribes
Mountain clans
They're all blood of the first men
They all have different cultures
Culture and race are not the same thing. And not everything in ones culture should be continued and practiced
First night
Killing disabled kids
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Vapor Eagle
First appearing in the Inner Sphere with the arrival of Clan Steel Viper, ComStar operatives were baffled by the intended purpose of the close-combat second-line garrison BattleMech they named the Goshawk for its unusual birdlike design. It wasn't until Clan culture became more understood that Inner Sphere observers figured out what the Clans called the Vapor Eagle was designed as a duelist for the one-on-one fights that are so prevalent in Clan society.
Largely seen only in the Steel Viper garrison forces, the Vapor Eagle was repurposed less as a dueling 'Mech and more a general combatant in the wake of the so-called Hegira War and Clan Jade Falcon's ejection of the Vipers from the Inner Sphere. Reflecting the bitter lessons learned by the Steel Vipers in that conflict, their leadership reconfigured many 'Mechs in their touman to make them better suited to larger and more fluid engagements. The new Vapor Eagle 3 increasingly filled holes in Steel Vipers frontline units that saw action against Clans Snow Raven and Star Adder in the Viper's campaign to secure a dominant position in Clan Homeworlds immediately prior to the Wars of Reaving.
Built around one-on-one duels, the Vapor Eagle focuses a good deal on speed and maneuverability, and its weapons configuration emphasizes close-range firepower. Clad in nine tons of ferro-fibrous armor and built around a 330 rated Extralight fusion engine and an Endo Steel frame, the Vapor Eagle can reach 97.2 km/h on the ground and six jump jets allow it to cover 180 meters at a time. The inspiration for its Inner Sphere reporting name, the Vapor Eagle incorporates large arm baffles much like the venerable Griffin, but rather than blast deflectors the Vapor Eagle uses them more like wings to enhance its jump jets. While not as effective as the later Partial Wing as these stabilizing wings provide negligible lift, with some of the thrust from the torso jump jets diverted over their surface, the Vapor Eagle has very smooth and controllable jump flight allowing precision landings.
The Vapor Eagle features an eclectic and close-ranged weapons loadout, mounting a Large Pulse Laser in its right arm, supported by a single Machine Gun, two Streak SRM-2s and three Medium Pulse Lasers split between its side torsos and rounded out by a trio of Machine Guns in a handgun shaped housing in the left arm. The addition of a Targeting Computer makes its firepower even more deadly as long as it can get its weapons into range. Eleven Double Heat Sinks, half a ton of machine gun ammunition and one ton of Streak missiles are more than adequate for the average Clan Trial.
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So a little late on posting about my Pathfinder 2e campaign but where we are getting the show on the road, quite literally. The party left the fortified frontier town of Winterrane Plains and headed for Underlake Farm(just on the south east end of the Musclewood Wilds, north of the main road in between Winterrane Plains and Barrville.
This session did not feature a ton of action(Dungeons and Daddies call them 5-footers), because the party and myself were coming to grips with how the exploration actions and abilities work in Pathfinder. I'm a big fan of them making travel and exploration a lot more involved for players instead of just foot-slogging and rolling for encounters.
I made a simple encounter table for the party, I roll d100s and the result means the level of encounter, if any, that the party faces. If the rolls are even it will be an encounter with another creature or monster and it it's odd then it will be weather of some kind.
The party quickly realized as night began to fall that they had not fully prepared for travelling in the dead of winter despite my many descriptions of the bad weather and bitter cold. One PC(I can't remember which one) rolled very well on a nature check and the party was able to find a secluded stand of trees that they camped for the night, giving them cover and preventing them from taking any exhaustion or other negative effects.
The most notable thing happened right at the end of the session, as the party awoke for the morning to head to Underlake Farm(still the better part of a day away depending on nature checks), Najela Chestertail(Human swashbuckler) drew the sigil of her old school in the snow. The problem with this is that she used to attend, before she was kicked out for not being able to pay, is the Bashford academy. The Bashford academy is located in the town of the same name in the Ognash kingdom on the Heartless Isles, a series of islands to the west of the continent.
Bashford serves as a finishing school for the rich and influential children of the Ognash are prepared to lead their violently monotheistic people. Many there graduate and go on to take leadership roles in raider guilds, crews of all shapes, sizes, and power which will pillage and reave when not fighting for the highest bidder. While these raider clans are a core part of the Ognash society, they are seen as a menace by the rest of the continent.
We'll see what happens next time, and as always please leave a comment if you have any questions about my campaign world. I built it during quarantine and have purposely left a lot of specifics blank in order to allow myself or players to fill in the blanks.
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khanhannahlewis · 5 months
In my downtime before the operation, I have been looking into Clan legal history, especially that of the Inner Sphere Clans. There is a history of ignoring Grand Council decisions post-reaving, a history of reestablishing clans.
I may have a case, I just need population and resources.
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skxrbrand · 2 years
Warhammer: Muses and their Goals
In attempt to make some sense of this “story” (I do use that word very loosely lmfao) I’m putting together.
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Become Clan Reave’s Clanlord
Join the Council of Thirteen
Become the New SeerLord
Usurp the Great Horned Rat as the Skaven’s new God
Follow Weaver into the new world he speaks so she can be the Skaven God there also :{ don’t leave me dad
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Finish his Reality Rending Device
Make sure his two spawn, Heliinx and Tikrik, are okay
Use the verminous Legions for his own ends, which lie outside the bounds of the Warhammer reality
Challenge, kill, and consume his sire
Weaver’s lore Bleeds into other fictions and my own CrossOver canon, largely uninvolved with the rest of my WH muses.
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Dominate the World and the Other Gods
Gorge himself on Elven Souls
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Dominate the Other Gods, except for Slaanesh-- he has to die.
Destroy All Magic (There’s a project in the canon he’s working on to do this, but the name escapes me...)
Destroy All Mortal Life
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Unknown; vague desires for independence and vengeance, but equally vague desires to return to Kharneth. If offered, he seriously consider doing it. Yes, even after everything.
Considerations about joining Chaos Undivided.
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The Horned Rat
The only other God currently appraised of there being “Worlds beyond Worlds” in a broader sense than just the multiverse, through Weaver (quite unintentionally on Weaver’s part). Interested in explored and spreading into these worlds...
Join or better yet, usurp a spot in/among the Ruinous Powers.
Unmake the world; The Horned Rat wants the Mortal Realm remade in the image of the Realm of Ruin. Decay. Entropy. A permanent death, rather than the cycle of life and death that Nurgle promotes.
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vanvelding · 1 year
From Severen Leroux to Connor Rood, Clan Khans keep failing goddamn up.
Severen Leroux led the Nova Cats into utter failure on Tukayyid. That's not unusual, but he kept his job. Imagine a football game where half the team gets benched because the pre-game airshow goes so poorly because the opposing team kicked a field goal into it. This analogy is breaking down, but you get the point.
He would go on to confidently lead the Cats into defection into the notoriously authoritarian, xenophobic Draconis Combine (the Nova Cats were genocided) and gave the Word of Blake a dedicated commander by handing over Trent.
Connor Rood literally ended Clan Ice Hellion with an all-in assault on the Jade Falcons. Then he negotiated the absorption of his Clan into the Goliath Scorpions.
He went on to become a Goliath Scorpion Khan. Not saKhan. Khan. Were the Goliath Scorpion bloodnamed like, "Do you know what would be really funny...?"
WTF? The Steel Vipers didn't reave enough, TBH.
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heliinx · 1 year
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LEGAL NAME : Heliinx Weaver
 ALIAS : Pale Lady of Reave, She-Seer, Reave’s Lady, Grey-Traitor 
NICKNAME[S] : Snowdoe, Snowflake, Little Winter,
ASTROLOGY SIGNS : idk rat? idk
GENDER : Cis (she/her)
SPOKEN LANGUAGES : Queekish, Reikspiel, Saurian, Some Dhar/Daemonic
 EDUCATION : Coven of the Horned Rat
HAIR COLOR : White, Grey Stripe on fur
EYE COLOR : Orange
HEIGHT : 4′10 (5′5″ including horns)
WEIGHT : like 90-100 pounds. leetle
 SIBLING[S] : Tikrik (adoptive brother), Various Biological Siblings
PARENT[S] : Biological Parents Unknown, Weaver (adoptive sire)
PET[S] : Various
SEXUAL ORIENTATION : None Professed, appears to be heterosexual
RELATIONSHIP STATUS : Polyamorous, no long-standing relationships
tagged by : @mortau​
tagging : you!
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