altinovaguncel · 2 years
Başkan Oral'dan tarihin derinliklerine dalış
Başkan Oral’dan tarihin derinliklerine dalış
“Yeni büyük bir şehrin varlığını hissetmek heyecan verici” Marmara Hersek lagününde denizin yaklaşık 3,5 metre altında tespit edilen antik yapılar için dalış yapan Yalova Altınova Belediye Başkanı Dr. Metin Oral, “Tarih için tarihi bir dalış yaptık. Her dalışta yeni ve büyük bir şehrin varlığını hissetmek heyecan verici. Altınova’nın Türk tarihi ve dünya tarihi adına önemi çok daha fazla ortaya…
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canakkale17ege · 4 years
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#hatıralardaaltınova’da; #altınova #hatıralardayalova’da; #yalova 12.8.2020 Altınova’da sualtı araştırması devam etti #AltınovaHersekBölgesi’nde yürütülen “ #YalovaİliKıyılarıAntikLimanveSualtıYüzeyAraştırması2020” çalışmalarının bu yılki ayağı tamamlandı. #AltınovaBelediyeBaşkanı #DrMetinOral #YalovaİliAntikLimanveSualtıYüzeyAraştırmasıBaşkanı #DrÖğrÜyesi #SerkanGündüz tarafından 2020 yılı çalışmaları ile ilgili bilgilendirildi. Altınova Hersek Bölgesinde yürütülen, “Yalova İli Kıyıları Antik Liman ve Sualtı Yüzey Araştırması 2020” çalışmalarının bu yılki ayağı tamamlandı Bu yıl gerçekleştirilen çalışmalarda elde edilen bulgular Araştırma Başkanı Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Serkan Gündüz tarafından yapılan sunumla Altınova Belediye Başkanı Dr. Metin Oral’a aktarıldı. Su altında yapılan çalışmaların geçen yılki ayağında Selçuklu karşısında yenilen Haçlı ordularının sığındığı kayıp #kibatoskalesi Altınova Hersek Bölgesinde sular altında bulunmuştu. 1069 yılındaki 1. Haçlı seferinde Haçlı orduları ile Selçuklu orduları arasında yapılan #Hasting Muharebesi’nden kaçan #Anglo-#Saxon askerlerin sığınması için yapılan Kibatos ( #Civetot ) Kalesi, Altınova Hersek lagünü altında keşfedilmişti. @demirsoz.com.tr @canakkalege (Kepez, Canakkale, Turkey) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDzfDgnpHzL/?igshid=lq0l0tx6ob7z
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qqueenofhades · 4 years
Nicky as an archer, rather than a swordsman? I saw someone suggest this due to the expense of being an actual knight not necessarily aligning with him having been a priest (plus the whole first crusade not having Templars etc) - and apparently the Genoese were known for their archers?
Ahaha, oh dear. Fair warning, you are going to make me roll out my grouchy “I realize it’s graphic novel canon but It’s Just Not Realistic for Nicky to actually fight in the First Crusade if he’s a priest” medieval historian Complaints again, but alas?
I talked in this ask about the medieval relationship between clerics, violence, and weapons, and how they were forbidden from dealing with/bearing swords or even any kind of weapon at all, at least in very strong theory. This would be the same with crossbowmen, which is indeed what the Genoese were known for (in this ask, I discussed Nicky having/using a crossbow as part of his weaponry if he was a regular Genoese soldier, especially since we see him using a long rifle in the present, and crossbows were the assault rifles of their day). While yes, Nicky could technically have gone on crusade as a priest and broken the rules in order to handle weapons, there’s almost no chance he could have gotten up to combat speed with them in two-ish years, especially since so much of the First Crusade involved politics, sieges, laboriously painful travels, and infighting as much or more than any actual fighting. (We’re assuming he left with the main Genoese contingent in 1097, but he could have also arrived in 1099 with the Genoese reinforcements, hence seen almost no fighting before the battle/siege/sack of Jerusalem.) There were the sieges of Nicaea, Antioch, and Jerusalem, and the battle of Dorylaeum, as well as skirmishes and clashes along the way, but a pervasive and major problem on the First Crusade (and then later on the Second Crusade as well) was the involvement of untrained commoners who simply did not know how to fight.
This was why Pope Urban seems to have envisioned the crusade as a professional military undertaking for trained soldiers, rather than a popular religious expedition which many laypeople joined up and then caused major logistical difficulties for the army as a result. The People’s Crusade of 1096 ended in disaster at the Battle of Civetot for this very reason; it’s simply not possible to pick up a sword or a crossbow or anything else and be an effective fighter with it on the spot (especially if you’re facing trained soldiers on the other side, you will get ANNIHILATED). Boys had to train from the age of seven to master weapons, arms, armour (and later, as it developed, the code of chivalry). If you’re interested in reading more about this:
Graham A. Loud, ‘Some Reflections on the Failure of the Second Crusade’, Crusades 4 (2005), 1–15. (This article discusses the Second Crusade’s failure overall, including the fact that Bernard of Clairvaux’s populist preaching caused a number of untrained commoners to take the cross and that there was no improved notion of how the army would have expected to use them.)
Conor Kostick, ‘God’s Bounty, Pauperes and the Crusades of 1096 and 1147’, Studies in Church History 46 (2010), 66–77. (This explores the phenomenon of ‘populist crusading’ among laypeople in the early crusades and how, yes, it went very badly wrong both times.)
Marcus Bull, ‘The Roots of Lay Enthusiasm for the First Crusade,’ History 78 (1993), 353-72. (This discusses how the crusading message was spread beyond Urban’s initial call for military recruits and how that was taken up among medieval society.)
Albert of Aachen, in the Historia Ierosolimitana, was scathing about the efforts of the everyday/untrained crusaders; he called them “a stupid and insanely irresponsible mob of pilgrims” (congregatione pedestris populi stulti et vesane levitates) and this view was shared to some degree among the other First Crusade chroniclers as well, especially in their treatments of Peter the Hermit (the populist leader of the People’s Crusade; they admired his personal religiosity but weren’t all that sure of the actual value of his overall efforts). Obviously yes, some of it is elitism and wanting to make their noble patrons look better and come out as the “real” crusaders, but there’s no reason not to think that the soldiers on the crusade regarded their untrained counterparts as an active liability, because... this would generally be the case if you’re trying to fight and the guy next to you wants to come along and wave a sword he does not know how to use. So while yes, many priests and monks did travel on the crusade in defiance of ecclesiastical orders, if Nicky wanted to even live long enough to get to Jerusalem and meet Yusuf and get killed there for only the first time, he either already knew how to fight (and thus wasn’t a priest) or had been trained for a while before he became a priest (and that’s confusing on its own, but let’s just say that this is me being pedantic and leave it at that).
ANYWAY. Long story short: yes, Nicky could definitely be (and probably was) a crossbowman, since it fits both with the well-attested presence of Genoese crossbowmen in the crusades and the fact that we see him with an assault/sniper rifle later. However, since he also has a broadsword (which is very explicitly a knight’s weapon), the fact of him using both or either of these weapons in active combat on the crusade still doesn’t fit with the supposed graphic novel backstory of him being a priest. He also couldn’t have (or at least is quite unlikely) learned on the journey, because as noted, it doesn’t work like that and would have been against the rules for clerics anyway. So if Nicky was a fighting priest, he was clearly less observant of the spiritual aspects of the role/the church’s strict proscriptions on violence for clerics, and would be more similar to the secular bishops who served in the church as a career. But then it makes less sense to paint him as exceptionally devoted to any of the religious premises of the crusades. Of course, you can break the rules in the name of doing the Right Thing, but eh... it just still doesn’t make sense without a lot of caveats and explanations and headcanoning and work-arounds, and it’s easier just to see him as a regular Genoese soldier at least for the purposes of film-verse backstory. So yes.
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sciencespies · 4 years
Turkish Archaeologists Discover Grave of Sultan Who Defeated Crusaders
Turkish Archaeologists Discover Grave of Sultan Who Defeated Crusaders
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Archaeologists from Dicle University have discovered the graves of Kilij Arslan I, the leader of the Seljuk Sultanate of Rūm who defeated some of the first Crusader armies to arrive in Turkey, and his daughter, in the Anatolian country’s Diyarbakir province.
As Daily Sabah reports, university scholars began searching for the graves through archival research. They then created a commission to oversee fieldwork. After researching graveyards across Diyarbakir’s Silvan district, where they knew the grave must be, the researchers focused their efforts on two gravesites in Orta Çeşme Park. The excavation work involved digging more than six feet underground across a 377-square-foot area. After nine days of work, the team successfully found the burials.
“The area on which we work featured the grave of the most important ruler of the Sultanate of Rum,” says commission member Aytaç Çoşkun. “Therefore, we studiously sustained our work day and night.”
Kilij Arslan I was the second sultan of the Seljuk Sultanate of Rūm. His father, Suleiman ibn Qutulmish, established the independent state in Anatolia by seceding from the Great Seljuk Empire in 1077.
Kilij Arslan became sultan in 1092. Three years later, Pope Urban II set the first wave of Crusaders from Western Europe into the Muslim-controlled Middle East. The People’s Crusade, led by charismatic preacher Peter the Hermit, arrived in Turkey in 1096. The sultan’s forces met the Crusaders in the Battle of Civetot on October 21, killing thousands and ending the Christian campaign.
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The sultanate clashed with Western European fighters in the Crusade of 1101.
(mapmaster via Wikimedia Commons under CC-SA 4.0)
“As soon as the Crusaders appeared at the entrance of the valley, they were rained with arrows, falling down their horses one by one before they could figure out what was going around,” wrote scholar Birsel Küçüksipahioğlu in a 2015 journal article. “The Crusaders were perplexed, running here and there. … [I]t was the first time that the Crusaders so closely witnessed the disciplined strategy and tactics of Turks.”
Aided by allies among the Turkish chieftains, Kilij Arslan later clashed with forces involved in the First Crusade and the Crusade of 1101. Per Daily Sabah, he went on to conquer much of eastern Anatolia, which was then ruled by the Danishmendid dynasty, before his death in 1107.
Per Encyclopedia Britannica, the Sultanate of Rūm was home to diverse groups of people, including Christians, Armenians, Greeks, Syrians and Iranian Muslims. Its leaders’ tolerance of different groups supported the sultanate’s stability, and it became a thriving region for commerce, agriculture and art. Eventually, however, the sultanate declined, and in the 1240s, the region came under control of the Mongols.
Craft experts are currently working to restore artifacts from the Alaeddin Mosque in Konya province, which holds the tombs of later leaders of the Sultanate of Rūm, according to the state-run Anadolu Agency. The mosque, constructed during the time of Mesud I, who ruled from 1116 to 1156, houses intricately decorated monuments honoring eight Anatolian Seljuk rulers.
Mehmet Karakoc, rector of Dicle University, tells the Anadolu Agency’s Hasan Namli that the discovery of the tombs is significant for the area’s history.
He says, “This will bring a different perspective to historical events in terms of both Silvan and Diyarbakir history.”
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ahlulbaytnetworks · 2 years
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After the fall of Jerusalem, there was a mass slaughter of the Muslim and Jew population of the city perpetrated by the Christian Crusaders. The Fatimids were defending the city, who had previously captured it from the Seljuks in 1098.
Previously, in 1095, Pope Urban II called for a crusade in a speech during the Council of Clermont, France. As a result, the People’s Crusade led by Peter the Hermit and Walter left for the Holy Land. Made of a mob of peasant zealots, the people’s Crusade was crushed by Seljuk Sultan Kılıç Arslan I in the Battle of Civetot.
Then in April 1097, the Crusaders of the official First Crusade crossed the Bosporus into Anatolia. On July 1, 1097, the Crusaders defeated Sultan Kılıç Arslan I in the Battle of Dorylaeum and captured the Seljukid capital city of Nicaea.
From there, Crusaders moved to the Seljukid city of Antioch (present-day Antakya, Turkey) and captured it on June 3, 1098. On the other side, the County of Edessa was established by Baldwin I, who had separated himself from the main army of the Crusaders, which was heading south towards Antioch and Jerusalem.
Finally, the Crusaders reached Jerusalem in June 1099 and started besieging the city on the 7th day of the month.
Read a short chronological timeline of the Crusades (main events):
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ayojalanterus · 3 years
Kekalahan Seljuk dan Jatuhnya Nicaea
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Kekalahan Seljuk dan Jatuhnya Nicaea
Kesultanan Seljuk Rum (Kesultanan Seljuk Romawi) merupakan sebuah negara Muslim Sunni, dengan tradisi Persia-Turki abad pertengahan, di Anatolia. Keberadaannya dimulai dari tahun 1077 sampai 1307, dengan ibu kota pertamanya di İznik (Nicaea) dan kemudian di Konya (Ikonium). Bagaimanapun istana kesultanan ini mobilitasnya tinggi, kota-kota seperti Kayseri dan Sivas untuk sementara waktu juga berfungsi sebagai ibu kota. Kesultanan ini mencapai puncaknya saat wilayahnya terbentang di Anatolia tengah, dari garis pantai Antalya dan Alanya di pesisir Laut Tengah sampai wilayah Sinop di Laut Hitam. Di bagian timur, kesultanan ini mengabsorb negara-negara Turki lainnya sampai ke Danau Van. Batasnya di bagian barat berada di dekat Denizli dan pintu-pintu masuk cekungan Aegea.
Pada 1077, Sulaiman Shah bin Qutalmish menaklukkan kota Nicaea, Byzantium dan mendirikan negara Seljuk Agung. Negara ini kemudian dikenal dengan  nama "Kesultanan Seljuk Romawi" atau "Kesultanan Seljuk Anatolia".
Setelah wafatnya Sulaiman Shah, anaknya Kilij Arslan I naik tahta. Namun dia segera menghadapi ancaman berbahaya pasukan Salib dari barat. Dia kemudian menjadi panglima Muslim pertama yang berperang melawan pasukan Salib. 
Pada 1095 ketika Paus Urbanus II memobilisasi Perang Salib Pertama, gelombang pertama di bawah pimpinan Peter Hermit dan Walter segera berangkat ke tanah suci Palestina.
Mereka terdiri dari  para petani dan gerombolan rakyat jelata dari seantero Eropa yang militan, namun tidak memiliki disiplin sehingga dengan mudah dihancurkan Sultan Kilic Arslan I dalam Pertempuran Civetot pada 21 Oktober 1096.
Ketika mendengar pasukan Salib lain datang, dan karena keberhasilan sebelumnya Kikic Arslan menganggap gelombang kedua pasukan Salib ini bukanlah ancaman. Namun yang tidak diketahuinya, mereka adalah pasukan profesional sebenarnya yang dimobilisasi dari seluruh Eropa. 
Sultan sebaliknya memutuskan menghadapi musuhnya dari Timur. Pada saat bersamaan, pasukan Salib resmi  pertama telah menyeberangi Bosphorus menuju Anatolia. Mereka tiba di pinggiran Nicaea pada 6 Mei dan mulai mengepung kota pada 14 Mei. 
Ketika Sultan mendengar kabar tentang pengepungan kota, dia bergegas kembali ke ibukota, namun pasukannya berhasil dipukul mundur pasukan Salib. Tanpa kepemimpinannya, kota Nicaea menyerah pada 20 Juni dan Byzantium tanpa sepengetahuan pasukan Salib menguasai kota. 
Ketika pasukan Salib meninggalkan kota Nicaea pada 29 Juni, Sultan berencana menyerang mereka. Kedua pasukan saling berhadapan dalam Pertempuran Dorylaeum pada 1 Juli. 
Pasukan Kilij Arslan tidak sanggup menghadapi pasukan Salib yang unggul secara jumlah dan pada akhirnya kalah. 
Kekalahan Kilic Arslan menandai awal kejatuhan kota-kota strategis lainnya di sepanjang pesisir timur Mediterania, seperti Edessa, Antioch dan puncaknya Yerusalem pada 1099. 
Untuk mengamankan jalur ke tanah suci, pasukan Salib mendirikan 4 kerajaan Kristen: Edessa, Antioch, Tripoli dan Yerusalem. 
(Ahmad Dzakirin)
from Konten Islam https://ift.tt/3qjNKfI via IFTTT source https://www.ayojalanterus.com/2021/06/kekalahan-seljuk-dan-jatuhnya-nicaea.html
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tas-ss7a · 6 years
The summary of the First Crusade/ Episode Oneby/ Kate
I will not talk anything that aren't related to the battle, ok. 
                           Summary of the first Crusade
On the late November in the year 1095, at the Council of Clermont, Pope Urban II, in one of history's most powerful speeches had called to recapture the Holy Land. And that was when the age of the Crusade began. (This was caused because the East Romans Byzantines Empire were defeated by the Turks at the Battle of Manzikert near Lake Van in what is now Turkey. So, the Byzantine emperor asked Pope Urban II for help).  
Before the successful, there was a group, headed by Peter the Hermit, started in the spring of 1096. Peasants and laymen travelled to Anatolia where they came up to against the Tusks. They killed many Muslim and Jews. However, they were defeated at the Battle of Civetot.  
After the Peter the Hermit ‘s battle was another group headed by... (in general way, the battle headed by Christians) in the late summer of the years 1096. They arrived at Constantinople and captured Nicaea and Antioch. Then, they arrived at Jerusalem in June 1099. By massacred the defenders, they attacked the inside. And finally, they won. T\At the end, they separated the city into four parts.
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altinovaguncel · 1 year
Vali Kaya, Altınova’nın tarihi ve doğal güzelliklerine hayran kaldı
Yalova Valisi Dr. Hülya Kaya, Altınova ilçesine giderek Çabankale ve Civetot (Kibatos) Kalesi su altı kazı çalışmalarını inceledi. Çiçeği burnunda Yalova Valisi Kaya, Altınova ilçesinde bir dizi incelemede bulundu. Kenti tanımak adına çalışmalara başlayan Kaya, ilçede ilk olarak Civetot (Kibatos) Kalesi su altı kazı çalışmalarında elde edilen materyallerin yer aldığı kazı evini ziyaret etti.…
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altinovaguncel · 2 years
Bakanlığın eli Altınova’nın üzerinde
Bakanlığın eli Altınova’nın üzerinde
Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı Kültür Varlıkları ve Müzeler Genel Müdür Yardımcısı Yahya Coşkun, Altınova’da gerçekleştirilen arkeolojik kazıları ziyaret ederek çalışmalar hakkında bilgi aldı. Altınova’da gerçekleştirilen arkeolojik kazıları ziyaret ederek yerinde inceleyen ve kazı başkanlarından bilgi alan Kültür Varlıkları ve Müzeler Genel Müdür Yardımcısı Yahya Coşkun, ilçede gerçekleştirilen…
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altinovaguncel · 2 years
Altınova’daki kazılar bilim dünyasına tanıtıldı
Altınova’daki kazılar bilim dünyasına tanıtıldı
Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı’nın düzenlediği bu yıl Denizli’de gerçekleştirilen 42´nci Uluslararası Kazı, Araştırma ve Arkeometri Sempozyumu Denizli Pamukkale Üniversitesi ve Büyükşehir Belediyesi desteği ile Denizli Büyükşehir Belediyesi Nihat Zeybekci Kongre ve Kültür Merkezi’nde gerçekleştirildi. Sempozyumunda; Altınova Çobankale, Limnae/Civetot Sualtı Kazıları ve Altınova Sualtı Yüzey…
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altinovaguncel · 2 years
Altınova’da 50 kişilik arkeolog ordusu çalışacak
Altınova’da 50 kişilik arkeolog ordusu çalışacak
Altınova Belediye Başkanı Dr. Metin Oral, Çobankale ve Kibatos Kalesi su altı arkeoloji çalışmaların yanı sıra bu yıl Helenopolis Antik Kenti’nde de kazı çalışmalarının başlayacağını söyledi. Başkan Oral, kentteki basın mensuplarıyla iftar yemeğinde bir araya geldi. Oral, burada yaptığı açıklamada, Çobankale’deki arkeolojik kazıların devam ettiğini söyledi. Oral, su altındaki Kibatos Kalesinde…
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altinovaguncel · 2 years
Gazetecileri iftarda ağırlayan Başkan Dr. Metin Oral, önemli açıklamalarda bulundu…
Gazetecileri iftarda ağırlayan Başkan Dr. Metin Oral, önemli açıklamalarda bulundu…
“Altınova’nın potansiyelini harekete geçiriyoruz” Altınova Belediye Başkanı Dr. Metin Oral, düzenlediği iftar programında Yalova basınını ağırladı. Altınova Belediyesi Düğün Salonu’nda gerçekleştirilen iftar programında Altınova Belediye Başkanı Dr. Metin Oral ve eşi Yasemin Oral konuklarını kapıda karşıladı. Oral Çifti, konuklarıyla tek tek ilgilendiler. Adı gibi ‘altın’ İlahiler ve dualarla…
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altinovaguncel · 2 years
Altınova, önemli bir coğrafya
Altınova, önemli bir coğrafya
Arkeoloji ve Kültürel Miras Eğitimleri Çalıştayında konuşan Dr. Serkan Gündüz: Marmara Denizi, medeniyetlerin buluşma noktası olmuştur. Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı, Gaziantep Büyükşehir Belediyesi, Avrupa Birliği Komisyonu Türkiye Delegasyonu ortaklığında Gaziantep’te kurulan Türk Arkeoloji ve Kültürel Miras Enstitüsü’nün düzenlenen, Arkeoloji ve Kültürel Miras Eğitimlerinin ikincisi Gaziantep’te…
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altinovaguncel · 2 years
"Altınova, turizmde de var"
“Altınova, turizmde de var”
Altınova Belediye Başkanı Dr. Metin Oral, 15-22 Nisan tarihleri arasındaki Turizm Haftasını kutladı. Başkan Oral, her alanda olduğu gibi turizm alanında da ilçenin gelişerek, bölgenin gözde yerleri arasına girdiğini dile getirdi. Başkan Oral, ilçede tarihi, sanayiyi, tarımı ve kültürü bir arada yürüttüklerini, bu değerlere turizmi de eklemek için ciddi çalışmalar yaptıklarını söyledi. ÇOK…
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altinovaguncel · 3 years
Sualtı Bilim ve Teknolojisi Toplantısı’nda Altınova hakkında sunum yapıldı
Sualtı Bilim ve Teknolojisi Toplantısı’nda Altınova hakkında sunum yapıldı
23. Sualtı Bilim ve Teknolojisi Toplantısı, Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi Sualtı Topluluğu tarafından Prof. Dr. Mete Cengiz Kültür Merkezi’nde yapıldı. 23. Sualtı Bilim ve Teknolojisi Toplantısı, 19-20 Mart 2022 tarihlerinde Uludağ Üniversitesi Sualtı Topluluğu tarafından Prof. Dr. Mete Cengiz Kültür Merkezi’nde gerçekleştirildi. Altınova Hersek sunumu yapıldı Toplantıya Yalova Üniversitesi…
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altinovaguncel · 3 years
Marmara Denizi'nde keşfedilen batık Kibatos Kalesi'nin şifreleri çözülüyor
Marmara Denizi’nde keşfedilen batık Kibatos Kalesi’nin şifreleri çözülüyor
Altınova ilçesinde denizin yaklaşık 3 metre derinliğinde yer alan yapıya dair Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığının izniyle başlatılan “Yalova Kıyıları Antik Liman ve Sualtı Yüzey Araştırması” kapsamında önemli bilgilere ulaşıldı. Marmara Denizi’nde 2019’da yaklaşık 3 metre derinlikte tespit edilen, Bizans döneminin önemli yapılarından Kibatos Kalesi’nin geçmişi, araştırmalarla gün yüzüne…
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