#City Trivet
clockwayswrites · 6 months
City Pigeons Bleed Green - Part 13
Cass looked up as Jason came out of Danny’s room. He looked better.
After Danny had been stabilized, Cass had taken Jason away from the safe house and to Jason’s place with the gym in the basement. She knew what it was like to have that need to act— to hurt to ruin to end— burning under her skin. She gave Jason the fight that he needed, letting him punch and kick until they were both covered in bruises and he was shaking apart in her arms.
Today he looked better.
“N is going to stay with Danny,” Jason said with a little nod backwards.
Dick, Jason, Tim, and herself had all been taking turns staying with their new brother. He was sleeping a lot right then; he was waking with nightmares a lot too. Waking up with one of them touching him seemed to help him calm the quickest so they took turns staying close.
“Red?” Cass asked with a little tilt of her head.
Jason glanced at the clock on the oven as he opened the fridge. He wasn’t really hungry, but eating out of habit. “He’ll be over here in two hours, I he doesn’t get distracted.”
“Be nice. Red cares. He’ll be here,” she said.
Jason seemed to settle on something and popped the top off before throwing it in the microwave. “Yeah… yeah. Danny’s pretty much wormed his way into all of our hearts, hasn’t he?”
“Yes. Will for rest too.”
Jason snorted. “As if he already hasn’t with B. They didn’t need to meet for that. You know how the old man is, a real bleeding heart of stone.”
Cass rolled her eyes and ordered again, “Be nice.”
Jason frowned at her but she just smiled serenely back until he rolled his eyes. It was a win enough for her.
The heated food was set on a trivet between them and Jason stuck two forks in it.
“I’m thinking we get O in here in a few days,” he said around his own large bite of lasagna. “Danny is healing better this time, but we don’t know what sort of set back this will cause mentally and all. Having another set of hands would be good.”
“O will like him.”
“Course she will,” Jason said with almost a scoff.
“No O and Red,” Cass added thoughtfully after she had chewed her own bite. This was definitely Jason lasagna and not Alfred lasagna.
“Yeah… I don’t think I’m going to trust those three in a room together for a long time,” Jason said with a dawning sort of horror. “Danny took apart the remote here and now it has buttons for services I didn’t even know existed. I swear it will change shows on its own too if no one is paying attention to it. It’s useful, I guess, but a little creepy.”
“Ghost brother,” Cass said with a little shrug.
Jason’s eyes narrowed before he let out an exhausted sounding sigh. “I hate that you might be right. Our controller could be haunted now.”
“Alas poor Yorick?”
“Wrong character,” Jason said, pointing with his fork, “but that is a play with a ghost in it so good job.”
Cass smiled happily at the praise. “Once Red is here, you and me errands?”
“You just want to buy Danny another present,” Jason said, jabbing his fork in her direction.
“Yes,” she said with zero shame.
Jason rolled his eyes. “Fine, but we have to do groceries too.”
Babs had been warned that Danny was still very skittish, but he hadn’t actually expected him to freeze like a scared rabbit when she came into the apartment. She stopped rolling forward and moved her hands to where he could see them both clearly.
“Hi Danny,” she said with her kindest librarian voice that she had. “I’m Oracle. It’s nice to finally meet you.”
Danny shook his head, the motion ran through him like a shudder and whatever had frozen him shook off him like water off a dog. His smile was still shaky though, so Babs didn’t think that whatever the reaction had been was completely done.
“Hi, Oracle.” His voice was soft, rough, a little broken.
She’d heard from a number of the bats about the latest development and the trauma that went with it, but it as still something to see someone that looked like a young Bruce covered in bandages and looking more than worse for the wear.
“Are you alright if I come in? If you aren’t, that’s alright. I’ll just talk with Nightwing in the hall for a little.”
“No, you can come in,” Danny said, sitting up a little straighter. His eyes flicked over her again. “It’s just… your hair reminded me of someone is all. No one… no one bad.”
Babs offered him a smile and came the rest of the way into the apartment. “If that changes, just let me know.”
“It’s fine, really,” Danny said, though the words were still a little bit of a whisper.
“Well then,” Dick said, interrupting the end of the oddly tense moment, “Babs, do you want any hot chocolate?”
“Thank you, but without the mountain of whip cream I know you liked to put on it,” she said, giving Dick a playful glare.
He shrugged unrepentantly. “Danny?”
“Yes please,” he said. He was fussing with the blanket he had been sitting under, folding it up just so.
Babs moved towards the kitchen to give him a little bit of space and the illusion of some privacy.
‘What was that about?’ Babs asked Dick silently through raised eye brows, a slightly twisted frown, and a subtle nod towards the living room.
‘Not a damn clue,’ is what Dick’s shrug said back.
It almost made Babs sigh.
Danny was still a complete mystery to her. While they were being good and had avoided taking blood or fingerprints from Danny, Barbara had at least been trying to find Danny’s path through the city. She’d been saying for days now that the boy was like a ghost.
She just didn’t expect that to be as literal as it was.
The nickname had lost any of its fun.
“Danny, whipped cream for you?” Dick asked.
Danny’s eyes darted from Dick to Babs.
“Oh, feel free to have it like N,” Babs said with a smile. “I just don’t have the sweet tooth that he does.”
“She never has, it’s tragic,” Dick said with a sigh as he started to warm a pot of milk. “So, whipped cream.”
“Um, yes,” Danny said.
“I will take sprinkles though,” Babs said. “Do you have the little—”
“Bats?” Dick scoffed. “Of course I have the little bats. You can’t have proper hot chocolate without the little bat sprinkles.”
“Of course not,” words serious but unable to help the little smile that she sported.
“You all really like the theme, don’t you?” Danny asked, though he was smiling too now.
“The boy in the hoddie with the Bat logo on it does not get to talk,” Dick said and tossed a large marshmallow at Danny with pin point accuracy.
Danny caught it effortlessly and started to pull it apart with a little shrug. “Hood got if for me as a present.”
“Of course he did,” Tim said as he finally emerged from wherever he had been tucked away. He handed the tablet he was carrying over to Danny before he sat down in the neighboring armchair. “He’s just trying to claim you first, as if him and I didn’t find you together.”
“Hot chocolate, Red?” Dick asked while Danny was busy looking bewildered at that.
“Sure, but add some coffee to it?” Tim asked.
“No,” Dick replied far too cheerfully. “But seriously Dandelion, a Bat logo from a Bat means something.”
Danny’s face scrunched up at that and he looked down at himself. “I don’t think… he was trying to claim me?”
Babs snorted. “Oh, trust us, he was absolutely claiming you. He probably felt that he had to do something material to even start to compete with B.B., as if he wasn’t cooking for you all the time.”
Danny stared back at her with wide blue eyes. The open surprise and desperate want was odd to see on someone that looked so much like Bruce. Damian certainly never let himself appear that way.
“And Red is already souping up your tablet, I’m assuming— though if you really want an improvement let me see it,” she continued, talking over Tim’s little snort, “and N is making you the special hot chocolate. Even Signal is thinking what he can get you and Spoiler is whining that she hasn’t met you yet.”
“She is getting so annoying,” Tim whined while Danny stuffed the shredded marshmallow in his mouth, likely to get out of saying anything. He looked more than a little teary eyed. Tim gave him the out by continuing, “We’ll have her over one morning when she’ll be tired and easily distracted by waffles. You’re not up for the full Spoiler experience yet.”
“Trust Red on that,” Dick interjected as he stirred the coco, “he dated her.”
“I don’t know what either of us were thinking,” Tim said with a sigh. “We are both way too high maintenance in different ways for it to have worked.”
“You were still waiting for you bi awakening, baby bird, you were missing out on half the options,” Dick said. He dropped one of the oversized marshmallows in each of the four mugs before pouring the scalding hot chocolate over it.
Babs left him to his sorcery and wheeled over to the couch before working her way onto it. Danny helpfully moved the blanket out of the way and then offered it back after. She draped it carefully over her legs.
“So what did Red do to your tablet?”
“I actually didn’t do anything,” Tim said, and then had to pause. “Well, not after I gave it to Danny at least. I was just making sure everything was still good. Danny’s been tinkering with it.”
Danny gave a little shrug and picked at the edge of his hoodie.
“Do you like engineering then? Or inventing?” Babs asked, trying to encourage Danny to open up a little.
“Yeah, my— I—, I mean…” Danny stumbled over his words. He lost some of his color with each false start until he was worryingly grey. He swallowed thickly. “Yeah, I used to at least.”
“Danny, hot chocolate,” Dick said with impeccable timing as always.
Danny whispered a thanks and took the almost overflowing mug. He could basically hide behind the mound of whipped cream and he definitely tried to. Babs took the offered mug with a much more modest dollop but an absurd amount of bat sprinkles. Her lips twitched up in a smile as she took a sip.
Tim’s portion was somewhere in between Bab’s and Danny and of course Dick’s was practically laughable. It’s a wonder he didn’t make an absolute mess of himself drinking it as they argued over a movie to watch. It was clever of the Bats, really, they had started to narrow down how long Danny had been a test subject by what movies he had seen or not.
It was somewhere between seventeen and twenty-three months.
Nearly two years.
They were all lucky that Danny had made it out at all. They all knew the statistics of something like that.
Hot chocolate turned into dinner turned into Danny cuddling Dick on the couch and eventually resting against Bab’s legs. A good sign about her acceptance, according to the birds.
Babs had thought that Danny was asleep. She reached out to run the tips of her fingers through his hair. The lights from the movie that was still playing glinted off her pink nails. “Yes, Danny?”
“If I asked… would you be able to find someone for me?”
She tilted her head. “The person that I remind you of?”
“Yes. Just… just so that I know she’s okay.”
“Is she in danger?”
“No, she’s not like me. She’s…” Danny cut himself off, swallowing back the words.
“But you’d still like to know.”
Babs hummed. It was technically an abuse of her powers, but they were something she abused all the time. “Yes, if you ask me to, I can find out if she’s okay.”
“Okay. I’ll… maybe I’ll ask. Thank you.”
“Of course, Danny.”
AN: I struggled with this chapter at first, but it was because I was jumping right to Barbara meeting Danny and not giving the others some more time to deal with the change in Danny. They still haven't really dealt with it, right now they're focused on healing and getting more help through Babs being around.
All our poor Bat's. So attached already and so traumatized.
But not as traumatized as Danny...
Stay delightful, darlings!
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blakelysco-pilot · 2 months
being shocked that they eat something in a peculiar way (like the whole how to eat a kitkat debate)
getting annoyed when they decide to wash dishes right when the other gets in the shower, making their water cold unexpectedly
for whichever couple sparks your inspiration!
Thank you so much for the ask, friend! I combined both of your choices. I hope you like it!
Prompts from this list if you’d like to request one. My ask box is open💗
The smell of coffee was the first to rouse him from sleep. Blue eyes blinking away the cobwebs of his dreams, Rosie turned in bed ready to continue his morning with his wife in his arms, but found that Jo’s side of the bed was empty. The sheets pulled up neatly, he could only guess she had gone downstairs some time ago. With a heavy sigh, he let himself remain under the covers a few moments longer before the scent of the coffee became too alluring. Stuffing his feet into his slippers and pulling on his robe, he quickly padded from the bedroom, stopping only when he met Ev Blakely in the hallway.
“Ev,” Rosie nodded, peering behind him to see if his wife was in tow. “Val get up early too?”
“Explains the coffee.” He gestured down the stairs, letting Rosie go ahead of him.
The cottage that the two couples had rented in Martha’s Vineyard was bathed in sunlight as the men made their way downstairs. It had been Jo and Val’s idea, a getaway before the end of the summer to get out of the city. It hadn’t taken much persuading on the girls part to get their husbands to agree to a few days off. Still in the honeymoon phase, both men had gladly conceded to their wives request for a couples trip.
Entering the kitchen, they found both women wrapped up in their robes, hair still tied up in their scarves, puttering around. Jo was pouring coffee, watching toast on the griddle, and Val was in front of the stove moving something around in a frying pan.
“Look who’s up,” Val hadn’t even looked up from her task, “Good morning sleeping beauties.”
“Morning, sweetheart,” Blakely crossed the kitchen quickly, dropping a kiss to his wife’s lips, his eyes lighting up as he saw what she was cooking. “I’d gripe about you leaving me in bed, but you’re making eggs in purgatory!”
“Does that mean I’m forgiven?”
“Absolutely,” He winked, gratefully accepting the coffee that Jo had poured for him. “Thanks, Jo.”
“Oh you’re welcome. I know I’m no Red Cross gal, but I hope it will suffice.”
Jo carried two mugs across to Rosie, who was still standing in the entrance to the kitchen, watching his wife and their friends start their day. She held hers in one hand, gently passing the other off to him with a smile and a good morning kiss.
“Missed you when I got up…” Rosie pouted, blue eyes twinkling in mischief.
“You were sound asleep, I couldn’t bear to wake you.”
“You’re forgiven,” He grinned. “You made me coffee.”
“Well, aren’t you sweet!” She winked, gently pinching his side before moving back to check on the toast.
“Sit down you two, breakfast is almost done.” Val peeked over her shoulder at them, gesturing to the two seats they had occupied the night before when they all sat down for dinner.
“What did you say she was making?” Rosie posed the question to Blakely over the top of his coffee cup, watching as the other man’s eyes lit up.
“Eggs in purgatory,” Rosie wasn’t sure, but he could almost see Blakely’s mouth watering. “I never had it until I met her mother, and it’s the best breakfast ever.”
“Eggs in…purgatory?!”
“It’s fried eggs in tomato sauce, with Parmesan cheese, some parsley, and a little red pepper.”
“Eggs in tomato sauce!?” Rosie looked between his two friends, Jo leaning over the table to place a basket filled with toast between the boys. “Val, not everything needs to be cooked in tomato sauce.”
“Don’t knock it till you try it.” She grinned, bringing the frying pan over to the table and setting it on a trivet.
“And yes, it does,” Blakely immediately reached for the serving spoon, first dishing up to the girls before feeding himself and Rosie. “Come on, Rosie, live a little!”
“Eggs in tomato sauce…” Rosie shook his head with a laugh, picking up his fork. His wife and friends looked on as he took a tentative first bite.
“Honey?” Jo looked over at him, waiting for any kind of reaction.
“Pass me that toast, would ya, Blakely…” Was the only response around another mouthful of eggs.
“You girls go on, we’ll clean up breakfast.”
“Are you sure?” Jo looked at her husband skeptically, knowing that Rosie never voluntarily did the dishes unless his mother was in the room.
“Yes, go on,” He ushered her out of the kitchen with a kiss. “Least I can do after giving Val’s cooking the third degree.”
“Then why am I on dish duty too?” Ev looked at his friend from where he was pouring another cup of coffee for Val.
“Shut up,” Rosie rolled his eyes, watching as Blakely handed Val her coffee and sent her on her way. “Get a towel, you’re gonna dry these.”
“No wonder Pappy went home after you reupped. Bossy.” Ev grumbled, and both girls could be heard laughing as they climbed the stairs to their respective bedrooms to begin getting ready for the day.
Both men began shuffling plates and cups off the table and into the sink to soak, listening carefully for the sound of their respective bedroom doors closing after their wives. With the now empty frying pan on the counter, waiting to be scrubbed, Rosie turned to Everett who had dutifully picked up a dish towel.
“Does Val know?”
“About the vineyard and lunch?” Ev rolled his eyes as if to prove their secret was safe. “Not a thing.”
“Neither does Jo.”
“I’m surprised she didn’t suggest it, didn’t she come here with her parents as a kid?”
“Oh yea,” Rosie laughed, turning back towards the sink. “She hated it.”
“Then why…”
“Beats me,” Rosie shrugged. “But I was happy to pack up and get away for a few days.”
“You can say that again.” Ev sighed, rolling his shoulders.
“No, seriously. She caught me sleeping at the kitchen table last week, a case file under my head like a damn pillow.”
The men, both fully engrossed in their chatter, hadn't heard the showers upstairs turn on in their respective bedrooms. So when Rosie turned the sink on, and let the hot water run for a moment, it hadn’t occurred to him where that hot water was coming from.
“Alright pal, let’s get these dishes-“
“On second thought…”
“Yea, let’s uh, let’s just go…”
“Mhmm, right behind ya pal!”
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Weekly Wrapup 3/10/24
This Week's Rankings:
Utami Hayashishita - 88.9% smash
Jon Moxley (Dean Ambrose variant) - 84.6%
Eddie Guerrero - 80.5%
Edge and Beth Phoenix - 75.1%
KENTA - 75.1%
Unholy Union (Alba Fyre and Isla Dawn) - 74.3%
Carmelo Hayes - 71.6%
Bear Boulder - 69.1%
Pretty Deadly (Elton Prince and Kit Wilson) - 59.9%
Minoru Suzuki (Current Day) - 51.8%
Randy Orton with a mustache - 50.9%
Sami Callihan (CZW Era) - 26.4%
Gangrel - 24.1%
Gorgeous George - 21.4%
Average smash rating this week: 61.0%
More stats under the cut, along with my observations, commentary, and some of my favorite tags...
Most total votes this week (most enthusiasm)
Jon Moxley (Dean Ambrose) - 364 votes
Minoru Suzuki - 361
Utami Hayashishita - 343
Edge and Beth Phoenix - 338
Eddie Guerrero - 303
And least total votes this week (least enthusiasm)
Sami Callihan - 178 votes
Gorgeous George - 187
Unholy Union - 206
Bear Boulder - 217
Carmelo Hayes - 222
The closest poll was Randy Orton with a mustache, who won 115-111
Top Ten Overall
Kris Statlander - 91% smash
Athena - 90.2% smash
Hikaru Shida - 89.7% smash
Utami Hayashishita - 88.9% smash
Minoru Suzuki (Young Variant) - 88.7% smash
Swerve Strickland - 88.3% smash
Toni Storm - 88.1% smash
Hiroshi Tanahashi - 87.7% smash
Hangman Adam Page - 86.4% smash
Bianca Belair - 86.4% smash
Bottom Ten Overall
Vince McMahon - 3.9% smash
Ric Flair - 4.6% smash
Kane (Corporate variant) - 10.1% smash
Miracle Violence Connection - 11.8% smash
Gene Munny - 12.4% smash
Spike Trivet - 12.% smash
Kevin Sullivan - 13.1% smash
Triple H (Terra Ryzing variant) - 18.6% smash
Eric Bischoff (NWO) - 20.0% smash
Gorgeous George - 21.4% smash
Top Women Overall
Kris Statlander - 91% smash
Athena - 90.2% smash
Hikaru Shida - 89.7% smash
Utami Hayashishita - 88.9% smash
Toni Storm - 88.1% smash
Bottom Women Overall
Eve Torres - 47.1% smash
Carmella - 47.8% smash
Nikkita Lyons - 48.2% smash
Julia Hart (Cheerleader Variant) - 49.8% smash
Kelly Kelly - 50.3% smash
Top Men Overall
Minoru Suzuki (Young Variant) - 88.7% smash
Swerve Strickland - 88.3% smash
Hiroshi Tanahashi - 87.7% smash
Hangman Adam Page - 86.4% smash
Hikuleo - 86.0% smash
Top Tag Teams
The Golden Lovers - 80.4% smash
Unholy Union - 74.3% smash
Best Friends - 66.7% smash
Motor City Machine Guns - 65.5% smash
Roppongi Vice - 62.7% smash
There were some new additions to the overall lists this week. Utami Hayashishita earned a spot on both the top overall list and the top women's list, and Gorgeous George just barely kicked Charlie Dempsey off the bottom overall list.
We've now had three polls on Jon Moxley, and the ranking is:
Current AEW Mox - 84.8% smash
Dean Ambrose - 84.6%
CZW Mox - 82.3%
Also, people prefer non-mullet Eddie Guerrero (80.5% smash) to Eddie Guerrero with a mullet (77.0% smash), and people prefer Randy Orton sans mustache (62.3% smash) to Randy Orton with mustache (50.9% smash).
Also like...88.7% of you would have done Minoru Suzuki when he was young, but only 51.8% of you would do old Suzuki? To echo the sentiments of a few reblogs, is this not the "sexualize that old man" website?
In actual blog news, the 250th poll was posted today, and we hit 500 followers a couple weeks ago but I forgot until now. Thank you so much to everyone who's followed, submitted poll requests, reblogged, liked, and otherwise interacted with this blog!
And now for some of my favorite tags and comment
@lghockey on Gorgeous George: #what in the revolutionary war is that haircut
@booboo-eyedbambi on Bear Boulder: #i need him to squish me like he's trying to get the last of his toothpaste out of me
@midcarder on Minoru Suzuki: #the only reason to not fuck suzuki is because you're afraid
@regalityandcoffee on Carmelo Hayes: #on one hand hes hot#in the other hand i once had a dream he tried to kill me so- I once had a dream that William Regal put drugs in my suitcase as I was going on vacation with Mox. Wrestlers are rude af in dreams.
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ceramiccity · 4 months
Souda on Instagram
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Souda’s Fin Trivets in the Kitchen of @mandymooremm via @archdigest - 📷: @trevortondro - From Souda's Instagram Follow Ceramic City on Tumblr Source: https://www.instagram.com/p/BkgCOM7F2I4/
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soudasouda · 4 months
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Fin City 2000🏗 Fin Coasters and Trivets designed by @shaunkasperbauer for #souda . . . . #homeware #homewareas #moderndesigns #product #coasters #moderncoasters #designlovers #trivet #minimaldesigns #minimaldesign #industrialdesign #decor #simpledesign #anodizedaluminum #gooddesign #design - From Souda's Instagram Follow Souda on Tumblr Source: https://www.instagram.com/p/BvCMnKSgZQi/
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omgkalyppso · 10 months
I thought I was going to turn this into a little fic, but that's not happening, I have too many wips. Let me just share my vision. Étoile x Zevlor. Bal/dur's G/ate 3 end game spoilers:
It's around a year post-canon. Zevlor wakes up slowly in the sunlight of a eastern-facing bedroom, but it's cold, late autumn, not yet winter, the window rattles from the wind and he remembers that he forgot to buy fresh batting to insulate them as he meant to some weeks ago. Tired, he wonders why he's so cold and under dressed, until remembering that he has a guest and cracks open his eyes slowly, both because he doesn't want to yet face the day and because of habit — friends and fellow soldiers once frightened by the orange glow in the darkness.
He finds himself alone and stretches, savouring the slowness and solitude, so often having days filled with work and more recently, Doni; who is currently being minded by Bex and Danis elsewhere in the city, as they get in practice with young ones and decide whether they're prepared or interested in what parenthood could look like in their one-room apartment. Zevlor had gathered and watched the orphans for three very hectic months until a proper orphanage was able to pose as a base for where they'd rest between those who insisted on weaseling away — Mol, most notably; but while the others had mixed emotions about Zevlor's failure to save Asharak, Doni hadn't wanted to leave, and so he hadn't made him. He still sees the others through him now, and he thinks Mol knows that he would lie for her, or be a place for her to hide, if it ever came to that.
Dressed, or half dressed, he exits his room to the main area of his home. It would be spartan if not for the gifts that found their way to him, from Tilses, from Doni, from his unexpected trio of lovers, from members of his community who didn't carry the weight of resentment after — after everything. Spoons, books, letters, helmets, trinkets and ... things needed for living, for hosting, for ensuring that when he wants to be reliable that he isn't climbing a burning rope to give all of himself and his possessions to ensure those he chooses to serve can find what they need in him. He didn't need to be a soldier to serve, but how embarrassing would it be to have had fewer chairs than one needed, to lack a serving plate, a trivet, a cutting board, or a teapot.
He isn't worn thin, he isn't working for free, but the assistance has been welcome.
Étoile rises from his table as soon as he's out in the open, one of two elven partners who has to duck in his doorways. They're more than twice his age, were a paladin an extra twenty-years on his experience in his order before breaking their oath, and yet the elven-styled youth in their their features makes him feel self-conscious even now, as they smile so earnestly to see him, as they take him around the waist and stroke back his bed-head.
They steal a kiss.
They talk and bicker about sleep; as Étoile finds they often do with non-elven partners, they insist it's fine but their partners worry that the meditation is boring.
They drink warm drinks and eat good, simple food.
They consider doing Zevlor's morning exercises (Paladin training that is different enough from Étoile's that it's unusual, but not impossible, for them to follow along) and despite how Zevlor's body will protest later, they opt to indulge in more intimate stretching while time allows.
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interxstitial · 2 years
@giventakes​ sent: “ 🌪️  -  a  starter  where  our  muses  are  trapped  together  during  a  storm. (BDAY BDAY BDAY 🫶 from murph!!! 🫂) ”
surely, in this day and age, in a well-developed and industrailised city, blackouts would be a thing of the past. but reality is not so kind. the storm of the century, they’re calling it, just as they did the year before, and the one before that. even before moving continents, jiwon knew the transition would be difficult, but he hadn’t expected such a drastic adjustment. winter in his hometown by the sea was a mere brisk breeze in comparison to the same season in new york. this time of the year, he’s already wearing two pairs of socks, a long puffer coat, and his softest, cosiest trapper hat.
today he’s wrapped in all of that plus an entire duvet, and he’s still shivering. the power has been out in his flat for the past three hours, along with the electricity for the entire floor, the building, and the block. if he didn’t need to breathe, he most certainly would have wrapped a fleece scarf around his entire face. distinctly, jiwon remembers feeling like the world had transformed into a fairy tale when he experienced his very first snowfall in new york. now, he doesn’t even dare glance at the window for fear of the several inches piling higher by the second. fortunately, the water and gas stove are still working (for now). while bundled up like a king size burrito, jiwon manages to make a pot of spicy ramyeon and quickly scuttles back to join murphy on the living room floor.
every square inch of the flat smells like vanilla and sugar, thanks to the plethora of scented candles jiwon has stashed away. with the sky white as a ghost, they’ve kept the curtains pulled back, but jiwon has a wind-up charging flashlight ready on standby. after army crawling into the blanket fort, he sets their lunch on a wooden trivet and assesses what progress murphy has made since he braved the freezing outside world.
“it looks the same as when i left. wait— did you take some pieces out? where did this corner go?”
emoji-based starters: ACCEPTING!
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Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Vintage Jerusalem Israel City Scene Trivet Wall Hanging Tile 4.25 x 4.25 Pottery.
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monika-gupta26 · 4 months
Name some of the best restaurants in London.
London is known for housing some of the best restaurants in the world. The folks of this city are food lovers and you get to taste the food of almost every country because of the diverse population of London. Here are some of the best restaurants in London that you must try at least once. Let's have a look at them one by one:
Plaza Khao Gaeng & Arcade Food Hall, Tottenham Court Road
Apricity, Mayfair
Cavita, Marylebone
The Clove Club, Shoreditch
Trivet, London Bridge
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farinakhan · 4 months
Best Restaurants in London 
From some of the restaurants in London offering British classics to flavours from across the globe, there’s something to satisfy every craving. The city is actually a paradise for food lovers. Some of the best restaurants in London are:
Apricity, Mayfair
Plaza Khao Gaeng & Arcade Food Hall, Tottenham Court Road
Cavita, Marylebone
The Clove Club, Shoreditch
Trivet, London Bridge
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wildbeautifuldamned · 7 months
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Villeroy And Boch 6 Ceramic Tile Trivet Dutch Windmills Colorfu ebay Brew City Limited
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samanthamalay · 10 months
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Dear Friends,
The Eileen Fisher Renew Chop Challenge Silent Auction and Artist Reception is just a few days away.
Please join me at Columbia City Gallery this Thursday, November 30, from 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. All funds raised support SEEDArts and Columbia City Gallery directly.
This year my artwork includes repurposed blouse fabric, a vintage postcard, antique cast iron, and beeswax.
Thank you, and happy holidays!
image: 'Armchair Travel' by Samantha Malay; recycled blouse fabric, vintage postcard, cast iron trivet frame, beeswax, linen cord, glass beads
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Weekly Wrapup 3/3/24 (late!)
This Week's Rankings:
Hangman Adam Page (Mustache) - 70.7% smash
Drilla Moloney - 70.7%
Kagetsu - 66.7%
Randy Orton - 62.3%
Alex Coughlin - 61.3%
Amir Jordan - 60.2%
Shane Haste - 59.0%
Rocky Romero - 58.4%
Tetsuya Naito - 54.1%
Tony Nese - 51.4%
Al Snow - 47.3%
Eve Torres - 47.1%
Julius Creed - 27.9%
Kevin Sullivan - 13.1%
Average smash rating this week: 53.6%
More stats under the cut, along with my observations, commentary, and some of my favorite tags...
Most total votes this week (most enthusiasm)
Hangman Adam Page - 529 votes
Alex Coughlin - 279
Drilla Moloney - 246
Rocky Romero - 245
Randy Orton - 236
And least total votes this week (least enthusiasm)
Kevin Sullivan - 153 votes
Amir Jordan - 166
Eve Torres - 174
Julius Creed - 201
Tony Nese - 218
The closest poll was Tony Nese, who won 112-106
Top Ten Overall
Kris Statlander - 91% smash
Athena - 90.2% smash
Hikaru Shida - 89.7% smash
Minoru Suzuki (Young Variant) - 88.7% smash
Swerve Strickland - 88.3% smash
Toni Storm - 88.1% smash
Hiroshi Tanahashi - 87.7% smash
Hangman Adam Page - 86.4% smash
Bianca Belair - 86.4% smash
Hikuleo - 86.0% smash
Bottom Ten Overall
Vince McMahon - 3.9% smash
Ric Flair - 4.6% smash
Kane (Corporate variant) - 10.1% smash
Miracle Violence Connection - 11.8% smash
Gene Munny - 12.4% smash
Spike Trivet - 12.% smash
Kevin Sullivan - 13.1% smash
Triple H (Terra Ryzing variant) - 18.6% smash
Eric Bischoff (NWO) - 20.0% smash
Charlie Dempsey - 22.1% smash
Top Women Overall
Kris Statlander - 91% smash
Athena - 90.2% smash
Hikaru Shida - 89.7% smash
Toni Storm - 88.1% smash
Bianca Belair - 86.4% smash
Bottom Women Overall
Eve Torres - 47.1% smash
Carmella - 47.8% smash
Nikkita Lyons - 48.2% smash
Julia Hart (Cheerleader Variant) - 49.8% smash
Kelly Kelly - 50.3% smash
Top Men Overall
Minoru Suzuki (Young Variant) - 88.7% smash
Swerve Strickland - 88.3% smash
Hiroshi Tanahashi - 87.7% smash
Hangman Adam Page - 86.4% smash
Hikuleo - 86.0% smash
Top Tag Teams
The Golden Lovers - 80.4% smash
Best Friends - 66.7% smash
Motor City Machine Guns - 65.5% smash
Roppongi Vice - 62.7% smash
Young Bucks - 43.8% smash
Mustachioed Hangman took the No. 2 spot for most total votes, with 529 votes cast. However, there was a 13.6 point drop in his smashability when the mustache is taken into account. He scored 86.4% smash for his previous poll, with 386 smash votes. With the mustache, he scored 70.7% smash, with 374 smash votes. I thought he'd do better, given how popular mustaches seem to be overall, but maybe the mustache fans are just a small, vocal minority.
Eve Torres had the misfortune of being the least smashable woman overall. She was the fourth woman to score less than 50%.
We can now add Rocky Romero to the rankings for Best Friends and Friends:
Kris Statlander - 91.0% smash
Orange Cassidy - 77.1% smash
Danhausen - 68.8% smash
Chuck Taylor - 66.2% smash
Trent Beretta - 61.3% smash
Rocky Romero - 58.4% smash
And for their tag teams, we have
Best Friends (Chuck and Trent): 66.7% smash
Roppongi Vice (Trent and Rocky): 62.7% smash
In other news, I'm starting to add Cagematch rankings to the results spreadsheet (reminder, that exists here: Google Docs). I plan to eventually make some silly charts involving those ratings, like smashability vs. Cagematch rating.
And now for some of my favorite tags and comment
@tetsuya-taito on Julius Creed: #he looks like he rubs the inner thigh and asks if you like that
@mancewarner on Julius Creed: #he does unfortunately look like hed call me a slur though so id hit it and ghost
@mancewarner on Shane Haste: #just watched an insiderz stream where he was chugging coke and burping extremely loudly into the microphone. that being said yes id smash
@sanguinaryrot on Kagetsu: #uhhhhh yeah I stand for the troops (transgender professional wrestlers)
@dykecassidy on Hangman with a Mustache: #everyone stop clicking smash i wanna be the only one please let me be alone with this hangman
@theunprettier on Drilla Moloney: #i wanna get tangled up in his body hair and die like a fish caught in ocean debris
Honorable mention to the MANY people who tagged the Hangman poll with some variation on "save a horse ride a cowboy"
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ceramiccity · 4 months
Souda on Instagram
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Fin Series by @shaunkasperbauer - Coasters, Trivets/Letter Trays inspired by industrial heatsinks ✌️ - From Souda's Instagram Follow Ceramic City on Tumblr Source: https://www.instagram.com/p/BOK5VpZg_zf/
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nanaseruw · 1 year
〘熱海市攻略戦 Days29X ぬい探 Days25 RAG 217〙⁡
#熱海 #散歩
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〘Atami City Strategy Days29X Nui Exploration Days25 RAG 217〙⁡
To be honest, I don't know if it's the gas can itself that's broken or the trivet side, which has become quite rusty.
⁡If I had another gas can, I could have identified the cause...!
⁡Being prepared is important.
⁡Mui "If there was one more normal can, this wouldn't have happened..."
#Atami #walk
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michelangelomarble · 1 year
Carrara White Marble at the Lowest Price From India
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Carrara marble is a type of natural stone that is popular for its elegant and timeless appearance.
This marble is named after the city of Carrara in Tuscany, Italy, which is where it is quarried.
Carrara marble has been used for centuries in construction and design, and its popularity has only grown in recent years due to its durability, versatility, and beauty.
In this article, we will explore all aspects of Carrara marble, including its history, properties, uses, care, and maintenance.
History of Carrara Marble
The history of Carrara marble dates back to ancient Rome, when it was used to build some of the city's most iconic structures, including the Pantheon and Trajan's Column.
The marble was also used by Michelangelo to create some of his most famous sculptures, such as David and the Pieta.
Since then, Carrara marble has been used in countless architectural and artistic projects, from sculptures and monuments to buildings and interiors.
Properties of Carrara Marble
Carrara marble is a type of metamorphic rock that is formed from limestone under intense heat and pressure.
It is composed mainly of calcium carbonate and is known for its distinctive veining, which can range from subtle to bold.
Carrara marble comes in different grades, with the highest quality being pure white with minimal veining. Lower grades may have more pronounced veining or contain impurities such as iron or quartz.
Carrara marble is a relatively soft stone, with a Mohs hardness scale rating of 2-4, which makes it vulnerable to scratching and chipping.
However, it is also highly resistant to heat and moisture, making it an excellent choice for use in kitchens, bathrooms, and other high-traffic areas.
Uses of Carrara Marble
Carrara marble is a versatile stone that can be used in a variety of applications, from flooring and walls to countertops and tabletop surfaces.
It is often used in high-end residential and commercial projects due to its luxurious appearance and durability.
One of the most popular uses of Carrara marble is in kitchen countertops, where its natural beauty and heat resistance make it a practical and stylish choice.
Carrara marble is also commonly used in bathrooms for vanity tops, shower walls, and flooring. Its smooth surface and resistance to moisture make it ideal for use in wet areas.
In addition to its practical applications, Carrara marble is also used for decorative purposes.
It is a popular material for sculptures, monuments, and architectural details such as columns, balustrades, and mantelpieces.
Its distinctive veining and elegant appearance make it a favorite of designers and architects worldwide.
Care and Maintenance of Carrara Marble
Carrara marble requires regular care and maintenance to keep it looking its best. Like all natural stone, it is porous and can stain easily, so it is important to clean up spills promptly and avoid using harsh cleaning products that can damage the surface.
To clean Carrara marble, use a soft cloth or sponge and a pH-neutral cleaner specifically designed for use on natural stone.
Avoid using acidic or abrasive cleaners, as these can etch the surface and dull the finish.
To prevent scratching and chipping, use coasters, trivets, and cutting boards when placing hot or sharp objects on the surface.
Avoid dragging heavy objects across the surface, as this can cause scratches and cracks.
If your Carrara marble becomes stained or damaged, it may require professional restoration.
A stone restoration specialist can polish, seal, and repair the surface to restore its original beauty.
Carrara marble is a luxurious and versatile stone that has been used for centuries in construction and design.
Its distinctive veining and elegant appearance make it a favorite of designers and architects worldwide.
Carrara marble can be used in a variety of applications, from flooring and walls to countertops and decorative elements.
Its heat resistance and moisture resistance make it ideal for use in kitchens and bathrooms, while its smooth surface and elegant appearance make it a popular choice for decorative applications such as sculptures, monuments, and architectural details.
If you are considering Carrara marble for your next project, it is important to work with a reputable supplier and installer who can help you choose the best quality and grade for your needs.
With proper care and maintenance, Carrara marble can add timeless beauty and elegance to any space.
Bhutra Marble & Granites is the trusted supplier and manufacturer of imported Carrara marble in India, located in Kishangarh, Rajasthan.
Call For More: +91 - 9001156068
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