#Cisco is not okay
natikoko · 2 months
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We don't have many days
CISCO chapter 11. Edited by @dubbymillieart
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hawkstincan · 3 months
my rewatch got to season 8
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rayjenkins · 4 months
one of the really unfortunate things about the audience of the Netflix original legal drama The Lincoln Lawyer and my tendency to read every discussion of characters I like to the point of doing myself severe psychic damage is that one of the only places people talk about Cisco is on reddit where they keep saying really awful things about Angus, in particular his appearance, and I get so angry reading them that I want to, like, put people in saw traps but like.
not even getting into the fatphobic shit or people just saying he's unattractive, two things I've legitimately seen people say is that 1. he doesn't look like a biker and that 2. he's not masculine. and to that I have to say 1. have you ever seen a biker??? and 2. have you ever seen a MAN????
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strivia · 1 year
Something I've been mulling on is how fun it would've been if Cisco & Francisco had actually gotten to know each other. Got to be protective over each other. Got to bicker.
"What do you mean you don't know how to do that? I thought you were the experienced one with your powers!" "Shut up!"
Probably a reluctant allies situation.
I am a sucker for powers that flare with danger and emotions, and in Cisco, Harry intentionally tries to trigger his fear response to trigger his powers.
Anyway, the idea that Reverb doesn't really know how to repel speedsters. But also, Eobard killing Cisco left a mental scar that echoed across more than just one of the Cisco Ramons.
Since it seems Reverb trained his energy pulses a lot, his survival instincts unleashing a shockwave on more survival instinct than anything else when Zoom tries to kill him delights me.
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Anyway, maybe this leads to Reverb teaming up with Cisco because he fears Zoom will retaliate on Dante. And even if Cisco doesn't like Reverb, that's something he can understand well.
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jolapeno · 8 months
📺 Frankie scenes
Fish flying the chopper
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Locker room Frankie
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JESUS JESS. are you trying to ruin me? i don't even feel like there's a wrong answer... or better yet a right one. god.
ummmm. okay. so locker room frankie is in my FAVE outfit. but jo loves competency, and there's something so hot about him flying and being so just smart and good and talented. like i know he's just killed people. about to go off on his pals in the jungle. but like, make a little room between those thighs for me francisco.
for jo and her horn, let's go with heli-cisco for this one. also neckkkkkk
jo’s 7k celebration sleepover
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icedteaandoldlace · 1 year
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That's your plan? Do it or you'll Reverse Flash me?
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vexic929 · 4 months
not me starting ANOTHER new fic-
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Chapter 26 Is Up!
So recently I got a new keyboard, and this thing sounds like a typewriter when I type. And... it's addictive. It's so motivating. The more I type, the more motivation I get. I wish I had gotten this thing five years ago, because holy crap. >.>
Aaaanyway, hi! Chapter 26 is up! We're in the thick of it now. Our favorite fam is dealing with a lot. And Harry and Cisco are experiencing a slew of changes. Big stuff is coming. Big, big stuff.
If you're wondering what this is, it's the second installment in the Harrisco Vampire AU series I've been writing for, eek gad, over three years now? (Holy crap, has it really been that long?!) It started with Borrowed Forgiveness, which is 41 chapters long and over 370,000 words. So if you like the long ones, and you love Harrisco, then it's definitely worth a shot! (Please, yes, maybe?) After Borrowed Forgiveness comes Where We Stood. And, I'm going to be totally honest with you, I think we're looking at this being a three-part series. Because there's just so much story to tell! Please give this labor of love a chance, and I'll be eternally grateful if you share it with anyone else who loves Harrisco. If you can, please comment! I'd love to know all your thoughts! Thank you to everyone who has read the story from the beginning, to everyone who has found it along the way and felt it was worth the time, and to everyone finding it now. I appreciate every single one of you more than you know. Happy reading! - QD
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(Gif credit goes to its creator.)
(Seriously, I love gifs and can't make them. So all y'all gif creators are amazing.)
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cisco ramon has SUCH intense ‘asshole teenage prodigy’ vibes in the first season of the flash like holy shit
even the way they styled carlos valdes outfit and hair wise made him seem significantly younger than the rest of the cast physically and then the general dynamic between him and caitlin is SO older sister baby brother/they get into the whole father-son thing with wells and I just think the general fandom did NOT take advantage of cisco’s entirely unestablished age range enough
like he’s canonically a genius and wells was too much of a time traveling super villain to care about the morals of hiring children for intense scientific research or whatever so cisco could literally be like 19
HOW is there virtually no fandom content of team flash just both desperately depending on and desperately trying to not traumatize a 19 year old child prodigy cisco ramon????
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kerryweaverlesbian · 3 months
This is old news for fans of the CWs the flash and presumably the rest of the extended arrowverse but this fucking crisis on earth x crossover across 4 shows having the WEDDING of TWO MAIN CHARACTERS that has had a season and a half of build up and a PROPOSAL of two DIFFERENT main characters from a DIFFERENT show all in SUPERGIRL. OF ALL PLACES. Which none of those 4 characters are from. Is INFURIATING!!!!!!
I bought the fucking DVD. I bought the goddamn DVD of season 4 of The Flash so I could watch all of the events of season 4 of The Flash and the important things that happened to the people in season 4 of The Flash such as. Say. Getting fucking married. So I watch season 4 episode 6 of The Flash and they say "next episode we are going to get married :)". And then I click on episode 7 and it is called Crisis on Earth X part 3 and I go that's weird. Well maybe this is just where The Flash joins the crossover. During their wedding. Because it would be crazy for them not to put the wedding of two main characters including THE titular Flash on the DVD. And Barry's cheerful little voice goes "previously on Crisis of Earth X" and it shows me a clip of their wedding.
So I go. Fuck you, for one. And for two okay I guess I will find???? Supergirl?? (ew) and watch them get married :3. And find that Supergirl is only streaming on fucking. NowTV. because nobody wants to watch Supergirl. To which I obviously don't have a subscription. So I am reduced to looking up "Barry and Iris wedding" on YouTube dot com of which there are only two scenes. Neither of which feature Cisco for more than a brief cut to him as best man. So what's even the point.
Anyway now I'm watching the DVD part 3 and I am once again asking where is Cisco. Why am I seeing conflicts between Supergirl's sister and (?) A guy from Legends? Or maybe he's a new guy from Earth X? And then cutting from them to an old guy and the guy who had to ask what a pink triangle represented on a human person in a concentration camp (jesus christ?????? Why are they tackling this?????????). And THEN to MORE people from different shows. I haven't seen someone from the Flash for 5 scenes in a row let alone had them be a main character in the scene. Where are MY friends from THE FLASH. The Flash, the show I bought the DVD for!!!! SO I COULD WATCH THE FLASH!!!
Like surely. The appeal of crossovers are to show "here is how the people you already like hang out with people from other shows you either already like, or could like, if you give it a chance". This isn't letting me get to see any of that.
It is nice to see Snart again though. And oh he's a man loving man?? that's nice. Why did they make this like this. Why didn't they put all the episodes on my DVD 😭
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Flash tv prompt: Don is in love. Unfortunately, he's in love with Eobard's daughter. Meloni is nothing like her father, but Barry can't stand the thought of his son dating the daughter of the man who murdered his mother. Barry and Don fight, and then they don't speak to each other for years. Then the timeline goes to crap and Don and Meloni have to fix it while keeping their identities a secret from their fathers.
"You could ask him for help."
Don turned sharply to see Cisco standing there. He gripped Mel's hand tight.
"The Flash," Cisco said, pointing around the corner to where the younger version of Don's father was with his Uncle Wally and Frost. "He would help."
"No, he wouldn't," Don said. "He hates me."
"You came back in time for a reason," Cisco said. "Was it not to ask him for help? Your sister did already."
"Oh, please," Cisco laughed. "You think I wouldn't notice someone messing with time? Who else's kid could you possibly be? And you look like your mother."
"I'm not-"
"Relax, you're not in trouble. I get it. Meeting your parents before you're born is possibly dangerous and might be weird. But you're Barry and Iris' kid. Another one. And you are..."
"My girlfriend," Don said. He pulled Meloni slightly behind him.
"Congratulations, kiddo. Have we met? I'm Cisco."
"I don't know if we should tell you our names," Meloni said.
"Smart, I like you," Cisco said. "You're not planning on telling me what brings you to this time either, are you?"
"No," Don said. "See you around, Uncle Cisco."
His hand tightened around Meloni's and flecks of her red lightning bled into his yellow.
Cisco's eyes glazed over.
"Tell me Eobard didn't send you," he demanded.
"Meloni isn't her father," Don snapped. "You're all the same, you won't-"
"Don," Meloni said. Cisco looked upset and he stepped back.
"Don," Cisco said. "I know it's dangerous, but please tell me what's going on."
"I'm not going to risk time by-"
Cisco opened a breach and grabbed something.
"Don't tell the Legends I borrowed this," he said, and handed Don a black stick. "Probably stole because I'm not going to remember to give it back. It erases memories. You can tell me everything and then I'll forget."
"But you're Vibe," Don said.
"I have too many visions to think they'll all happen," Cisco said. "And they've only just started to come back, I haven't told anyone other than Kamilla yet. Talk to me, Don."
"There's something wrong with Time," Don said. "We're just trying to fix it."
"Your father can help you."
"He wouldn't. We fought and I left and then it changed and he died and I didn't go to his funeral and Dawn and Nora hate me too and maybe they're right and if I'd been there I could have stopped it, but he wouldn't have wanted me there. And I saw that Nora came back with Bart, I don't know him, it's because if Dad meets me now I won't exist."
"I think there might be something Bart didn't tell us. But Barry would never hate you, and I don't know what happened, but it wasn't your fault. He wouldn't blame you."
"He did, I chose Mel over them."
Cisco looked at Meloni and sighed.
"You're Eobard's daughter," he said. Meloni nodded. "And they couldn't see past that, and it was Eobard who killed him, wasn't it?"
"But it wasn't Meloni," Don said. "She's not like him, Uncle Cisco, you have to-"
"I believe you, Don," Cisco said. "I don't know how much things will change in the next, what, three decades? But the Barry I know, he wouldn't be angry with you. Scared maybe, but he wouldn't hate you for this."
"He was furious."
"Eobard Thawne killed your grandmother."
"I know. Dad yelled everything he'd done at me. But Meloni isn't Eobard and he can't tell me I'm not allowed to see her just because of her father. He really can't, we have lectures together."
"How old are you?" Cisco asked.
"Did he tell you when he found out Nora was working with Eobard he ran her back to the future without letting her explain? He regretted it. He blamed himself when she was erased."
"I think Barry hears the name Eobard Thawne and he doesn't think. His biggest fear is losing the people he loves, and Eobard is so determined to take everyone from him. Try talking to him. If he's still acting like an idiot, call me and I'll kick some sense into him, if your mother hasn't already done that."
"She's not..." Don trailed off.
"Which is why she hasn't already yelled at him," Cisco said. "I'm assuming that was Eobard too."
Don nodded.
"Well, if you're here to fix time, I think I know one thing that shouldn't have happened. Things will be different when you get home, Donnie. That's how time travel works. You can never truly go back to what it was before. You should probably erase my memories now, but hang onto that, if there's anything you need, you come find me, promise?"
"Thanks, Uncle Cisco," Don said.
"Come here, both of you," Cisco said. He pulled them both into a hug. "You two can do this. You can stop him, and you can get them both back. It'll be okay. I promise."
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brooklynstar · 2 years
Cisco probably has pillows shaped like actual weapons so when there’s a pillow fight he can go all out.
This is an important headcanon.
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cyclopstism · 1 year
dc is so underwhelming bc there's not enough content for my obscure niche side characters and i just wanna read abt them
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bia-wayne-west · 8 months
Pregnancy — Barry Allen x Reader
Characters: Barry Allen (The Flash), Reader (You).
Synopsis: You have been married to Barry for two years. One fine day, you start to feel a hunger worthy of a little speedster.
Warnings: Pregnancy, seasickness, pregnancy discovery
N / A: I did this imagine in 10 minutes. I watched a pregnancy movie with my cousin, and then we went to watch The Flash, she suggested the idea to me and I loved it. Hope you like it.
I'm a Latina girl who doesn't speak fluent English, so I want to apologize for any writing errors you find. Feel free to correct me.
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The day had begun. The sun came through the window, causing you to curl up even more in the duvets.
You ran your hand over the bed, feeling the sheet to feel Allen's warm body. There was only an empty space, indicating that he had been awake for some time.
Your mind tried to sleep again, however, a sweet smell flooded his nostrils. You could have sworn it smelled like pancakes and condensed milk.
The sheets were set aside as his feet touched the ground. With delicate steps, you made your way to the kitchen, being guided by the wonderful smell. You had no intention of surprising Barry, as he could see everything happening in slow motion and could easily see you approaching.
 Allen held a frying pan, trying to flip a pancake. On the kitchen counter was a stack of pancakes and two coffee cups of Jitters.
With a smile on your face, you approached your husband, placing your hand on the speedster's shoulder. Barry's face lit up, showing a sweet smile.
“Good morning.”
“Good morning, my dear.”
“What are you doing?” You ask.
“You always make coffee, I decided to make it for you today.” Allen placed the last finished pancake on the plate, enjoying the view of what he had just prepared. “Are you hungry?”
“I think I could devour a whole cow.” Your stomach churned, complaining of hunger.
 You usually didn't eat much, unlike your husband. Barry had to consume at least fifteen thousand calories daily, so he could stay upright and healthy. He literally ate all day and kept him body skinny.
Unlike you, who hardly felt hungry. You were the perfect couple. When you couldn't finish your snack, Allen was able to eat everything and still had plenty of room in his stomach. A few weeks ago, you began to feel extraordinarily hungry.
 You ate almost the same amount of food as Barry. It seemed like you were a speedster, too. Her sense of smell could sense food being prepared in other rooms, as well as feeling terrible nausea and dizziness. You thought it was vitamin’s problem, and you bought some to make yourself feel better.
 Within seconds, the breakfast table was fully set. Without much ceremony, you joined your husband to enjoy their morning meal.
“I could have sworn you have hypermetabolism too.” He joked when he saw you steal a pancake from him after eating yours.
“I don't know what happened. It feels like I'm eating for an army.” You verbalized, picking up the dishes to wash them. As soon as your hand placed the last glass in the sink, a horrible sensation gripped your entire body. You ran to the bathroom, feeling a terrible urge to vomit. Your body leaned over the toilet as the breakfast was poured out.
In less than a second, Barry appeared at your side, his face full of concern. One hand held your hair, while the other smoothed your back.
 “Are you okay?”
“I am. I think I ate more than my stomach can handle.”
“Let Caitlin examine you.”
“I told you I'm fine, dear.” You got up with Barry's help. Along the way, you felt your vision darken and your body vibrate, as if you were a speedster. “I think going to see Caitlin is a good idea.”
“I have two new features.” Caitlin said, as soon as she finished examining your blood. “A good one and a bad one, depending on one's point of view.”
“What's the good news?” Barry asked. Cisco, Joe, Barry, and you were waiting in the exam room. Caitlin held a sheet of paper with the results of your exams.
“You're pregnant.”
 Your world spun. Your chest collapsed with happiness. A year ago, you and Barry were planning to have a child, but you never had any luck.
Allen took your hand. The speedster's face was flooded with a smile. Everyone in the room was happy with the news of yet another person being added to Team Flash.
“And what's the bad news?” You asked.
“Very well.” She seemed to be looking for the right words. “I did an ultrasound, and it looks like the baby's heart has stopped.”
“You mean he's dead?”
Everyone in the room asked at once. Tears had already appeared in your eyes, you had barely gotten used to the idea of being a mother, and your little Allen was no longer with you.
“Theoretically, yes.”
“Explain it properly.” You demanded.
“When Barry was struck by lightning, his heart stopped several times. Doctors believed he had died because the machines couldn't record his heartbeat.” She explained. “But his heart had never stopped, what happened is that he was so fast that not even the machines could keep up.”
“So your theory is that the baby is like Barry?” Cisco chimed in. His face was in an expression it was always when he was thinking. “My God, that completely explains your extraordinary hunger and why you started vibrating like a speedster.”
“Our son is also fast.” Allen said, grinning from ear to ear. He deposited a beak on your lips, still holding your hand.
 Ten years later…
 You've finished setting the lunch table. The dish of the day was pasta with broccoli and cheese. Benjamin Allen's favorite meal.
After putting the last dish on the table, you called your child. Benjamin quickly descended using his powers.
The wind caused by your little one's speed left one of the glasses on the table unbalanced. Before Ben had a chance to catch him, another speedster came in front of him. Barry put the glass right where it was before, and went to meet him.
The brunette wrapped his arms around his body and pressed a sweet kiss to her neck. A laugh escaped his throat as he saw his son utter an exclamation of disgust.
“Please, your son is here watching you be completely disgusting. Ben said, sitting in the chair.
Benjamin has the same hair color as yours, but he had the same green eyes as his father. Everyone who saw him always said the same thing, that he was a faithful copy of Barry Allen.
 He and your husband were the guardians of Central City. The little one has not yet obtained all of his father's abilities, but he has the super speed and the ability to vibrate his body and molecules.
 In the middle of lunch, you smiled when you saw the size of your child's plate, which was three times larger than yours. That scene reminded him of something.
“Ben, would you like to hear the story of the day I found out I was pregnant?”
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callmemaeverick · 1 year
The Spy Next Door [Peter Sutherland x Reader]
Summary: Title technically says it all.
Part II
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The apartment across from yours had been empty for a long time before he moved in and you had liked it that way. It gave you a sense of security, especially since they were situated at the end of the hall. But then, one day, you got back from a grocery run to find the door to 5J ajar. There were sounds coming from within, male voices, and just like that, a sliver of dread crept up your spine.
It was not always in your nature to be suspicious, but the building was not located in the safest part of the city and you were a single woman, living alone, hours away from your family. Thankfully, in the year you have lived there, you hadn’t encountered any mishaps yet. Still, you could never be too careful.
And now, there would be men living across from you. You cringed internally at the thought of having to acknowledge someone’s presence, so say empty hellos and insincere how are yous. You dreaded the thought of football matches and parties that lasts into the night.
But there was nothing much you could do but hope that you’ll get along. As silent as you could, you went up to your door. You didn't want to meet them. At least not yet.
But it seems like fate had it out for you that day because just as you were about to turn the key, you heard the greeting.
"Hey, you must be the neighbor!"
You winced, but turned around none the less. "Hello,"
The man in front of you was about your height, skinny and from the looks of him, very chatty. His smile was wide and mischievous as he approached you. "I'm Cisco, the best friend."
You blinked at the introduction, weirded out by the way he phrased it. Your confusion must have shown on your face, because the man chuckled. "I'm just helping him move. Not that he has a lot to begin with. My man keeps it simple."
Definitely chatty, you thought.
"Cisco, come on! Stop harassing her." A voice came from inside the apartment and you had to look up, up and up until you met a pair of kind hazel eyes. This man, the man who would was going to live across from you was wholy different from his best friend. Other than being very tall, he is also broad-shouldered, hinting to time in the gym.
And to make matters worse, he isn't unattractive.
"I'm sorry about him. He's just excited I'm not crashing on his couch anymore." He joked lightly and reached across his friend. "I'm Peter."
You took it, introducing yourself at the same time.
"So, we're gonna go for some coffee," Cisco told you. "and you're welcomed to join."
And there it was. You knew he meant well but because of his more extroverted nature, he didn't see that you were getting slightly overwhelmed. But Peter did because he quickly slung an arm over Cisco's shoulders and pulled him away from you.
"How about we don't scare my neighbor on my first day, huh? I'm pretty sure she has better things to do than hang out with your ass." He looked back at you over his friends' shoulder, his eyes apologetic.
You nodded gratefully in reply . "Maybe next time?" You said, just for the sake of it. "I-I just got home."
And that was that.
You said goodbye as they strolled down the hall and out of sight and locked your door. You trained your focus to sorting out your groceries, not on your new handsome neighbor.
A few hours later, a knock came at your door, and your heart jumped in your chest. When you saw Peter through the peephole, you had to remind yourself that you were not alone in that section of the building anymore.
"Hey," Peter greeted when you opened the door and if he noticed you didn't take off your chain, he did not react to it. "I-uhh, I just want to apologize for Cisco. He’s harmless but can be a bit… forward."
A small smile graced your lips at his gesture. It was sweet of him. "No, that's okay. Thank you though, for noticing."
Peter shrugged, no big deal, and then revealed something from behind his back. "Well, I uhh- I got you these from the shop around the corner? Charles'?" He looked back at the name on the small doggie bag. "Chels'. They're chocolate crossaints."
Almost instantly, your mouth watered. If theres two things you love to eat, it’s chocolate and croissants. The surprise and hesitation must have shown on your face because Peter added. "As a peace offering. Come on. Please?"
A part of you warned you to take caution, but another part of you, the part that had appreciated his attentiveness and his thoughtfulness had started to trust him. So slowly, you undid your chain and opened the door wider. You took the bag from him and peered inside. The pastry smelled divine. "This is very nice of you. Now I feel bad that I didn't have anything in return." You told him.
"Nah, that's alright." He waved you off. "Maybe next time."
Ps: I have a few more of this already written. Planning to make this a 4/5 parter. Let me know if yall want to read em.
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icedteaandoldlace · 9 months
Bestie has been all excited about introducing me to her new boyfriend because we're both big Flash fans. We finally got to have the long awaited talk she was hoping we would have, but it was a lot shorter than expected because as it turns out, he's a Flash comics fan who's only seen the first season of the TV show, and I'm a Flash TV show fan who's never read any of the comics.
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