#Cisco Ramon story
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just-my-fandom · 2 years ago
Call It (Cisco Ramon x Allen! Reader)
Summary; After Barry speeds to the future to see his sister getting killed by Savitar, team flash has to find a way to prevent this from happening. Cisco grows protective over the reader, deciding to call it quits when enemies come and go too quick for him to count.
Warnings; Yelling, cursing, stabbing, coma, crying, one year time skip, mentions of hate for body image. Reader and Cisco leave the team. Starts with Savitar then cicada comes in. I’m stating for the sake of the story that the years are not right, just an estimate!
Taglist; @livingwrite-andrepeat
A/N; Here it is!! This is a long one (like, 7k worth), and I honestly really posted it for myself since Cisco isn’t super popular anymore, but I’m proud of it. Alternate ending to “You Know I Love You, Right?”
(D/N) means daughters name.
Small timeline change- Caitlin is in this as Caitlin, she is not killer frost.
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July, 2017, four months until destruction.
A hand rests on your bare shoulder. You turn, smiling warmly at Barry Allen’s taller figure, “You look great,”
“Thanks,” Your breath is light, hands running down the front of your sweater-like dress, “Iris helped pick it out,”
Barry then glances over to said woman and the rest of the group, who, too, were dressed up from the event of HR attempting to reopen STAR Labs, “Hey,” He repeats, nodding his head over his shoulder, “I need to show you something,”
“Okay,” You nod back, glancing at your friends grouped together before following your friend at a slow pace, “What is it?”
Barry leads you into a hidden room. A room you recognize that used to be Eobard Thawnes, which worries you as to why he has brought you into the room of your old enemy.
With a click to the button on the single stand, Barry steps back to allow a projector to arise, showing both you and him an article, “Look at this,”
“The Flash vanishes after Crisis,” Your brows pinch as you glance to him, “I don’t understand. What am I looking at?”
“An article. From the future,” Barry starts, eyes flicking back up to the projector, “Look who wrote it,”
Your eyes move to follow his gaze, “Written by Iris West-Allen,” You lift your shoulders, “Okay? You and Iris get married. That’s wonderful, Bar,”
“No,” Barry shakes his head, “You originally wrote this article. Somethings changed,”
“Maybe I quit,” You sigh, reaching up to curl a strand of hair behind your ear, “I’ve been talking to Cait and Cisco about staying home with (Your/Daughter/Name), it’d make sense,”
“That’s not why it changed to Iris,” Barry can see your irritation as he leads on, your figure turning to face him as if urging him to hurry to his conclusion, “When I threw the Philosophers Stone into the Speed Force, I ran to the future,” He pauses to clench his jaw, “You die, Y/N. I-I saw it,”
“Die?” Your breath comes short, in disbelief as you look back to the article, “From what?”
“Savitar. He was holding you and he stabbed you. Right in front of the whole team,” Barry’s hand raises to his hair, tugging at the locks,
“How long?” Your eyes stare at the floor, hearing Barry’s hum of confusion before lifting your eyes to him, “How long until I die?”
“I won’t let that happen,” Barry steps up, hand at your arm as you clench your jaw, “I won’t. I swear on our parents lives, I will protect you,”
Your hands wipe at your eyes, hard, heaving a deep sigh, “We have to tell the others. I can’t stand to be one of the only ones that knows when we can try to stop it but- what if we don’t?”
“We will,” Barry breathes, “I promise, Y/N. I- we will do whatever it takes,”
“I hope you’re right,” You step back, out the hidden door and to the Cortex and to where Cisco instantly questioned your reddened face.
. . .
“So… all this happened while you were in the Speed Force?” Caitlins questions breaks the silence of the cortex. You can see the gears turning in everyone’s heads. Processing it.
You still haven’t.
“When I threw the Stone in, I went four months into the future. That gives us four months to figure out what needs to be changed and how we can stop him,” Barry exhales, looking to you where you leaned against the Control Panel in silence,
“Y/N?” Cisco speaks up, so you raise your eyes to him across the Cortex. “What’s going through your head?”
You lift a hand, waving it in front of your face with a pinch of your brows, “I’m fine. I think,” You bare down on your teeth at a lump that forms in your throat, “I need a second,”
The team watches as you depart from the Cortex in quick steps. Cisco worriedly follows after you while Barry rubs a hand down his face,
“Hey,” Cisco’s hand catches your wrist, twirling you to face him at the same time you cough out a weak breath, “Hey. Look at me,”
Your eyes look up at him on demand. Blurred with tears, you attempt to clear your vision as his hands raise to your face, wiping the tears from your skin, “You’re allowed to be scared. It’s okay,”
“I’m sorry,” Your whisper is harsh, “I don’t want this to happen. I can’t leave her,”
“We’re gonna figure this out,” He reassures, eyes on yours as his thumbs wiped below your eyes, “I promise,”
You nod, eyes shut when he rests his forehead against yours. His hand raises to the back of your head, hearing his best friend call behind him so you pulled away and wiped your face,
“HR thinks if we go back to the place I saw it,” Barry starts, watching you flinch at the mention, “We can find details that may help us change the future,”
“And how’re we supposed to do that?” Cisco asks, tiredly, “Go back into the speed force?”
Barry’s nod is slow, “You might be able to help,”
“I’m gonna go home,” You sigh, raising your hand to your forehead as Cisco turns back to you, “It’s late. It’s a lot, I think I just need sleep, and I need to see (D/N),”
“I’ll let you know what we find,” Cisco murmurs, pecking your lips before staring at you for a mere second, “I love you,”
“I love you too,” Your smile is weak before you teleport from their vision, Cisco exhaling a deep breath before turning to face his brother in law, “Let’s do this.”
September, 2017, two months until destruction.
Cisco steps into a silent apartment. He drops his keys on the counter with a tired sigh, turning to face the inside of his home.
Silent until he hears a loud giggle, one that brings a smile to Ciscos face despite how exhausted he is. He steps towards the hall of his apartment, where the bathroom door was open, light shining out into said hallway.
He leans against the doorway as his eyes settle on you, sitting on your knees beside the tub after having pulled (D/N) from the water, your child wrapped in a towel and leant against you.
“I love you, you know?” Cisco hears you murmur, and Cisco watches his daughter nod against your neck, your lips on her wet hair. She leans back to pat at your face, eyes spotting her father over your shoulder,
You glance over your shoulder at her shout, looking up at Cisco as he steps into the bathroom, kneeling down behind you to tickle (D/N)s neck, before leaning over to peck your cheek, softly,
“Anything?” Your eyes meet his, his head shake light as you frown, allowing Cisco to stand and pull (D/N) from your arms, taking your towel wrapped child into her bedroom,
“What pajamas are we thinking tonight, huh?” Your mind drifts as you listen to your husband, reaching over to drain the tub water and push to your feet, silently picking up her dirty clothes to toss in the hamper, “Spider man? I think you should wear the flash. Huh? Like uncle Barry? No?”
Your lips pull at this, moving towards the bedroom opposite of yours as Cisco pulls a Spider-Man shirt over (D/N)s head, then ruffling out her curls on her head,
“Bedtime, mi amor,” Cisco states, pulling the blanket out so (D/N) pouted but dropped onto the bed, “How does pancakes sound in the morning? Hm?”
“You always burn the pancakes, daddy,” (D/N) giggles, eyes looking at you when you sit on the edge of the bed, “Mama can make them!”
“I’ll make them, sure,” You smile, tucking the blanket beneath her chin, “Sleep good, baby. Maybe after breakfast we’ll go visit Papa Joe, hm?”
“Papa Joe!” (D/N) sticks her arms up, before shimmying under the blanket, allowing you to kiss her cheek as Cisco kisses her forehead.
You softly close the door to her bedroom, breath trembling as you exhale, hands at your face.
“Hey, hey,” Ciscos arms wrap around your shoulders, pulling you against him, “I know,”
Your sniffle is weak as you press yourself to his chest, lifting your head to look at him so his hands slid to your face, thumbs wiping beneath your eyes,
“I love you, baby,” Cisco whispers, your nod weak as his nose brushes yours, “It’s gonna be okay,”
October, 2017, one month until destruction.
“Okay, what if-,” Cisco paces in front of the control panel, Caitlin seated beside you while Barry stood to the side, “What if Y/N teleports at the second just before she’s stabbed?”
“We’ve already looked into that, Cisco,” Barry states, “The timing would have to be just right. One second too early, and Savitar is chasing her down. One second too late…”
“Well does anybody have any other ideas?” Cisco blurts, “Huh?! We’re running out of time!”
“Cisco-,” “What if it was Iris? Huh?” Cisco cuts, your eyes fluttering shut, “What if you had a daughter who doesn’t know what the hells going on, who doesn’t know that she could potentially lose her mother in less than two months?!”
“Cisco,” You raise to your feet, Cisco shaking his head with a deep sigh, hands in his hair as you step up to him, grasping his wrists, “Baby, look at me,”
Ciscos pinched eyes open to stare at you, a tear slipping down his cheek, “We have to think of something. We have to,”
“And we’re going to,” You whisper, hands now at his face to wipe under his eyes, “I’m going to be okay. We’re going to figure this out, and we’ll both be there to watch our baby grow up,”
Cisco sniffles, roughly, eyes shutting again so your arms wrap around his shoulders, pulling him forward so his own arms loop at your back, holding you firm against his chest. His nose ducks into your shoulder, hiccuping against the fabric of your sweater.
“I love you,” He whispers, Caitlin’s lips pressing together tearfully at the interaction, “I can’t lose you,”
“We’re gonna figure it out,” You lean back, Ciscos hands sliding to hold your waist as his eyes flicker across your face, “Let’s go get some water, come back, and restart. Okay?”
November 2017, the day before destruction.
Your hands tremble. Sitting at the control panel, your eyes stare at the blank screen. It’s only twenty four hours away. No plan has come up.
Your exhale is sharp, hands raising to your face to notice your fingers are ice cold, frozen with terror. “Hey,” Caitlin’s hand at your shoulder startles you so hard your body jerks, head turning to look up at your best friend in fear.
Her brows pinch, worriedly, kneeling down by your chair as your hiccup comes choked, head shaking as you raise your hands back to your face, “Hey. Y/N, breathe, honey,”
“I-I can’t,” Your exhale releases a sob, the tears hot on your cheeks as you gasp, “I’m so scared. I don’t want to leave her. I don’t want to leave them,”
“We’re going to figure it out,”
“When?!” You don’t mean to shout, guilt on your face as you glare down at where she knelt, “It’s going to happen in twenty four hours, Caitlin! I should be home with my daughter right now, but instead I’m freaking out because I’m going to die- and we can’t stop it,”
“Breathe,” Caitlin soothes, your back leaning into your chair as you tilt your head back, coughing up a sob that hurts your chest.
“I’m so scared, Cait,” You whisper, your best friend shifting to sit in the chair beside you, “She’s not even two yet. I won’t get to watch her go to kindergarten. I won’t get to watch her graduate,”
You sigh against your hands, sniffing, “And Cisco…I can’t leave him to raise her alone,”
“I want to promise that we’ll figure something out,” Caitlin starts, “But we both know that a promise like this is something we can’t keep,”
“I know,” You murmur, rubbing your temple. “I don’t know what to do,”
“Ciscos worried about you, honey,” Caitlin speaks, reaching to squeeze your hand, “And he’s scared, too,”
You nod, allowing another tear to slide down your jaw. You shift to stand, wiping your hand under your eye, “I’m gonna go try to find him,”
Ciscos easy to find- cooped up in his lab when not in the Cortex. The smile you give him is weak, the redness in your eyes evident when he turns to you,
“You busy?” You murmur, him shaking his head as he sets down the tool in his hand, arm already reaching around your shoulders,
“Never too busy for you,” He allows you to press yourself against him, head tucking under his chin as he exhales slowly, “You okay?”
“As okay as I can be,” You sigh, eyes falling shut as you let the man just embrace you. God knows its possibly one of the last times, “Just tired. Thinking too much,”
Cisco hums, lips pressing to your hair, “Yeah,” He sighs, cheek turning to rest on your head, “Me too,”
You inhale, lifting your head to flicker your eyes across his face, “Are we gonna be okay?”
Ciscos hands slide to cup your face, nose brushing yours. “We’re gonna be okay,” He nods, eyes glossy. He nods, lips pressing between your brows with a deep sigh, “We’re okay,”
Late November, 2017, the day of destruction.
Time falls still. Team Flash all stand frozen in terror. It happened. It really happened.
Savitar won. All those months trying to change the future was a fail. He knew it.
Cisco’s shout is what drags Barry to speed up and catch your near falling figure. Blood already stained your jacket, body limp against his suited form as he panicked for his best friend.
His sister.
“Y/N!” Cisco’s terrified cry gets closer as his footsteps skid, dropping down at your other side to pull you from Barry’s grasp, “Hey! Hey, baby!”
Tearing his goggles from his face, Cisco’s eyes brim red as his gloved hand held your face to look up at him, your own eyes hazy from exhaustion, but wide in terror.
“It’s okay, it’s okay,” Cisco’s thumb brushes over the skin, eyes flicking back and forth across your face, “Stay awake for me, okay? Can you- can you stay awake?”
“Cisco-?” Your lips part in a wheezed breath, lifting your head in an attempt to look at the damage, but Ciscos hand tightens at your jaw, shaking his head as he sniffles.
“No, no. Look at me. Look at me,” His pleas are weak, free hand pressed to the wound so you hiss, “You’re okay, baby. You’re gonna be okay,”
Your head shakes, barely, blinking away the black spots but only causing more. “It hurts,” Your eyes flick to Barry, eyes then pinching shut in pain.
“Get her to the lab,” Caitlin’s sudden figure behind Barry is rushed, and Barry barely processes her demand, “Now, Barry!”
. . .
An hour later, the team of five all stand throughout the Cortex. While Iris watched Barry pace, HR stood close to Caitlin’s lab door, all while Cisco sat in his desk chair, Joe beside him.
Ciscos eyes stare at the blood on his hands. Yours. With a trembling breath, Cisco finally looks up upon hearing Caitlin’s footsteps, as does the rest of the team to see the relief on her face.
“She’s going to make it,”
Ciscos exhale is sharp, head falling forward in his hands as Joe grasped his shoulder, Ciscos fingers clutching at his hair. He stands up, Caitlin nodding her head to lead him into the lab, where they find you, out and still covered in blood.
“We’re going to have to keep an eye on her for the next couple of days,” Caitlin’s hushed voice speaks, Cisco sinking down in the chair by the bed to grasp your hand, “Her heart rate seems stable, the blade went through both her back and her chest…”
Cisco nods, swallowing thickly as he rests his forehead to your hand, eyes shutting, tiredly.
“Do you want me to go get her some new clothes?” Barry speaks this time, voice hoarse, “And sheets?”
Cisco opens his eyes to see the white sheets of the bed have been stained red. Along with her clothes, and almost every inch of her skin.
“No, I can go,” He musters, sitting up, “Felicitys at the apartment with (D/N), I think I’m gonna bring her here and we’ll stay for a night or two,”
“Okay,” Iris breathes, nodding, “But let one of us drive you, please,”
. . .
At the apartment, Felicity instantly stands upon the arrival of both Cisco and Barry. “Please tell me she’s okay,” Felicity begs, Cisco silently walking by her to enter your daughters room. Felicity looks at Barry, eyes wide, “Is she okay?”
“She’s alive,” Barry nods, Felicity immediately exhaling, “We’re gonna have to keep an eye on her for a while. But she’s alive,”
“Oh, thank goodness,” Felicity nods, shortly, turning when Cisco shushes (D/N) softly, him now holding the whining child who curled back into him and almost instantly fell back asleep,
“Can you grab Y/N some clothes?” Cisco asks, exhaustedly, “Third drawer and left side of the closet. I’m gonna pack (D/N) a bag,”
“Are you sure?” Felicity asks, “I can stay here with her while you’re at the labs,”
“I want us all together, thanks,” Cisco smiles, weakly, “I need to be with her. Felicity-,”
“You don’t have to explain,” Felicity nods, a third time, “I understand. Let me take her and you pack her a bag, okay?”
December 1st, 2017. The day after destruction.
Cisco finally finds himself dozing off.
Seated next to your bed, his arm rests at the edge, the resting down while his gaze kept towards the corner of the lab, where your daughters playpen sat, allowing her to comfortably sleep.
But he feels a pull. He thinks it’s his own hand muscle spasm, but when his fingers are tugged at a second time, his head shoots up so fast he feels dizzy, eyes instantly looking up to your face.
Your brows pinch, before your eyes flutter, lips parting to inhale. “Hey,” Cisco sits up, fingers tightening on your hand as his free reaches up, curling hair out of your face. “Hey, baby,”
“What happened?” Voice hoarse, you tilt your head down to look at the patch at your chest and shoulder, wincing at the pain your movement caused.
“Savitar,” Cisco murmurs, eyes flicking to his phone momentarily to send Caitlin a quick “she’s up!” “But you’re okay. We did it,”
“(D/N)?” Your head tilts in the opposite direction of your husband, Ciscos eyes following yours towards the resting toddler.
“She’s okay. We’re all okay,”
“Everything hurts,” You whimper, free hand rubbing at the patch, “My back. My chest. It hurts to breathe,”
“I know. I know,” Cisco stands up, reaching for the pain killers Caitlin ordered him to give you when you’ve awaken. He sinks down to sit at your legs, hand at your thigh as you take the cup of water he hands you to down the medicine. “Caits on her way to check your vitals to make sure everything’s stable. She’s taking good care of you,”
You nod, slightly, looking over when your daughter shifts in her playpen, whining as she sat up and spotted you, instantly standing to grasp the edge of the pen and reach up with a hand.
“Morning, sleeping beauty,” Cisco lightly jokes, leaving your side to move up to the playpen, lifting up the two year old before he moves back to you, setting down the toddler so she crawled up to you, giggling as you pull her into your lap,
“Easy, bug,” Cisco warns, glancing over just as Caitlin, along with Barry, Joe, and Iris entered the lab, all faces relieved to see you up.
“How long have you been up?” Caitlin asks, moving to the monitor beside you before checking your blood pressure, all while smiling at (D/N) leaning against your chest.
“Not even ten minutes,” You murmur, rubbing (D/N)s back, “How am I alive? All the outcomes from Savitar I died,”
“You had the best doctor in Central City taking care of you,” Joe smiles to Caitlin, who nods in thanks, your own eyes flicking to her with a smile.
“Thank you, Cait,” Your smile instantly vanishes with a loud hiss when (D/N) accidentally nudges your patched wound, Cisco immediately pulling (D/N) up by her underarms to pick her up,
“Okay, we gotta be easy with mama, babes,” Cisco reminds, shifting the now whining child to hold her better.
“I’ll be okay,” You press a hand to Ciscos torso, curling your fingers into his shirt, letting his eyes flick to your face.
Cisco nods, glancing down when (D/N) drops her head onto his shoulder. “I can take her,” Barry speaks, hands extended so (D/N) sat up and leaned towards her uncle, Cisco muttering his thanks as he moves back next to you.
“I’ll say you need to stay on bed rest for maybe about four more days before you can get up and move around,” Caitlin scans her monitor, then smiles, “Healing completely will take about four to six months, though. But you’ll be good as new,”
“Thanks, Caitlin,” You repeat, “Do I have to stay here or will I be able to go home?”
“I want to keep you here for a day or two to monitor your wound in case it opens again. But after that you’ll be free,” Caitlin jokes, your laugh heaved so you wince.
“This will most likely make you drowsy again,” Caitlin informs, as she sticks a needle in your arm, “But rest is what you need,”
“Barry and I can take (D/N) for tonight,” Iris speaks, Cisco glancing back at her, “You two need some peace and quiet while Y/N heals. Don’t worry,”
“Thanks, Iris,” You smile, the team slowly bidding their goodbyes as Cisco stands up to stretch, your eyes watching as your husband looked over the monitor himself, bottom lip between his teeth.
“Hey,” You reach out to take his hand closest to you, letting him turn his wrist to grasp your fingers as he glances at you, “Have you slept?”
“No, uh,” Cisco sighs, forcing himself away from the monitor to face you, completely, “I couldn’t bring myself to,”
You give his hand a small tug, Cisco forcing himself to sit at the empty space beside you, hand now at your thigh as he sighs.
“I want to call it,”
His eyes look up at you. Your brows are pinched, sitting up further so he could feel your breath and vice versa, “Wait, what?”
“I…” Cisco shakes his head, glancing to the side with a thick swallow, “I want to call it. I- we almost lost you tonight, Y/N,”
“But that doesn’t mean we should make an immediate decision to leave the team,”
“We made a deal when we got married- when we found out you were pregnant, that if something major happened that put either of our lives or our daughters, in danger,” Cisco pauses to intake a breath, “That we’d both agree to drop the superhero life and step back,”
“You love being on this team, Cisco,” You take his hand at your thigh, staring at him, worriedly, “I love being on this team. Shouldn’t we think about this after I’ve finished recovering?”
“Your safety is more important,” Cisco heaves, hands releasing yours to cup your face, “I’m not going to stay here if that just chances that (D/N) could loose her mom again,”
Your eyes find themselves flicking wildly between his, hands at his wrists, “You haven’t slept,” You murmur, “You’re scared after what happened. Just… please try to sleep and we can talk about this more later,”
Ciscos eyes drop shut. With a short exhale, he nods, pulling you forward so your lips press against his, searching for comfort he knows you both need. “Okay. Scoot over,”
March, 2019. Two years after destruction.
“Don’t you hate it?”
Cisco hums, peering sideways from the bathroom door to where you stood at the mirror in your bedroom, shorts and lace bra the only thing covering your figure,
Your eyes are casted downwards, hand hovering over the large scar that dragged from the top of your right shoulder, to the middle of your right breast. “The scar,” You murmur, fingers finally brushing the raised skin with a sigh. “Don’t you hate how it looks?”
“I hate how you got it,” Cisco states, now behind you where he ignores the matching scar on your back, hands at your waist with a light squeeze, “But you look beautiful as always, with or without it,”
Your eyes roll, back leaning against his chest so his arms fully wrap at your front, chin on your shoulder, “You’re only saying that because I’m your wife,”
“I’m saying that because I love you,” Cisco turns his head to press a kiss to your cheek, which you lean into, “Maybe you can get…a badass tattoo over it or something,”
You snort, raising the back of your hand to lightly smack his cheek, “In your dreams,”
May 14th, 2019. Two years after destruction.
“He took Cisco,”
“What do you mean he took him?” Your figure leans against the Cortex desk. Fingers grasping the countertop, you ignore the white numbness of your knuckles as your eyes flicked between screens,
“I don’t know, they went through a breach when I got here,”
“Cisco?” You call out, nearly holding your breath as you listened for your husbands response, “Baby, can you hear me?”
“I hear you!” Ciscos call back is muffled. “My breach frizzed out and threw us in a forest somewhere,”
“What kind of trees are there?” Sherloque asks, stepping next to you as you pinch your brows to him, “Ask him,”
“What?” You flick your eyes to the screen, eyes steady on Ciscos heart rate, “Cisco, what kind of trees are around you?”
“I don’t know!” You hear Cisco grunt, dodging most likely, “Pine trees? Some of them have pointy leaves,”
“Ash trees,” Sherloque hums, leaning forward, “Now, Fransico, I need you to hold your breath, let me listen,”
A pause. Crickets sound, Sherloque clicking his tongue, “Kolin Woods,”
“Are you sure?” Barry asks through, Sherloque humming, “I’m on my way,”
On time, Cisco yells out in pain through his mic that makes you sit down in the seat behind you, “Baby, you’ve got to run,”
“I can’t,” Cisco heaves, your hand over your jaw as your knee bounced, “He got me in the back of the shoulder-,”
Silence. Your watering eyes stare at the still monitor of his heart beat, sitting up so quick your mind spins, “Cisco?”
Nothing. “Cisco,” You demand, attempting to turn the volume of his ear piece up, “Baby, please. Barry what’s going on?!”
“He’s gone,”
Iris can see you nearly fall out of your chair. Her hand reaches to grasp your arm, sliding in her chair closer beside you. “He’s not here, he-,”
The silence they keep giving you feels deadly. A heavy sigh of relief, “He’s alive,”
Your chest caves as your hands cover your face, body slouching beside Iris as she exhales, relieved. “Both of you come back. Now,”
You don’t move from your chair until you hear their footsteps behind you. Barry held Ciscos arm around his shoulders, while Ciscos free hand pressed to his injury, face scrunched.
“Oh, my god,” You push from your chair, Barry releasing Cisco quick enough to let Cisco throw his free arm around your shoulders, lips to your hair as you pressed yourself against him.
Your hands reach up to his face, sniffling as he whispered reassuringly to you. “I’m okay,” His thumb brushes a free fallen tear from your jaw. “I’m okay,”
You nod, taking his arm to lead him into Caitlin’s lab, sitting beside him as Caitlin got to work.
. . .
“Hey,” Your eyes raise to your husband. Your vision is blurry- exhausted- as you stared at his arm in the sling, Caitlin’s order until his shoulder healed. “What’re you thinking about?”
You lift your head, nose stuffy as you inhale, “I think you were right,” You murmur, Ciscos brows pinching, “About calling it,”
His brows relax at this. He knew the minute something happened to him, you’d instantly change your mind.
“Hey,” Cisco repeats, extending his free hand- bandaged from Cicada first attack- waiting for you to rise from the chair and take it before gently tugging you to stand in front of him, “Is this what you really want?”
“I don’t know,” You exhale, lifting your chin to stare at the ceiling, “Maybe it’s the adrenaline of the fact that I thought you were dead-,”
“But I’m not,” Cisco soothes, “This is just Savitar all over again, I’m okay-,”
“We had a warning for mine, Cisco!” You hiccup, glancing over when realizing your voice had grown in volume. Looking back at him, Ciscos eyes flick between yours, worriedly, “We had a warning for me, not for you. I saw your heart beat stop on the monitor and I thought you died,”
“But I didn’t,” Ciscos hand slides to your jaw, “I’m here, and I’m breathing. We both are, baby,”
“I know,” You copy his action, swallowing, “I just don’t want this to be a scare again, it’s not healthy for a baby the team doesn’t know about,”
Ciscos eyes soften, tugging on your wrist with a soft c’mere before he lets you sit next to him, his free arm sliding to your shoulders to pull you against his side. “Do you really want this?”
“You’re the one who wanted it first,” You remind, hearing him exhale through his nose.
“I want this,” He murmurs, thumb pressing to your shoulder blade comfortingly, “I want you. You, and (D/N), and the baby safe, and that can’t happen if we stay,”
You nod, tilting your head back to look up at him, “Let’s take care of Cicada, at least,” Cisco nods, lips to your forehead before moving to your own lips.
May 26th, 2019. Two years after destruction.
“We have something we want to talk to you guys about,”
The team all look up from their spots spread across the Cortex. They train their attention on the couple sitting at the desk, Cisco distractingly staring at the computer screen while you were already looking at them.
“Okay,” Iris speaks first, hesitantly, “What is it?”
“Uh, well, two things,” Your eyebrows flick when Cisco looks at you, “Good news or bad news first?”
“There’s bad news?” Sherloque huffs, “Might as well say both at once, then,”
Cisco is the one who raises his brows this time. You shrug a shoulder, Barry’s brows pinching at your silent communication,
“Okay,” You exhale, shifting in your seat, “We’re leaving Team Flash,”
“Y/Ns pregnant,”
Six pairs of eyes all blink at you. You grimace, sighing as you stand up. “Im pregnant. Which is one of the reasons why we’ve decided,” You wipe your hands nervously on your sundress, “To leave the team,”
“I don’t know whether to hug you or cry,” Caitlin moves up first, your smile light as she embraces you, Cisco moving to stand, “When?”
“We’re officially stepping back in two weeks,” Cisco states, eyes shifting to your brother who had crossed his arms, “We’re moving in three months,”
“Wha- moving?” Your brothers eyes instantly look at you, “Leaving the team I understand, but you’re moving?”
“Central City isn’t safe, Barry,” You remind, brows pinched, “We’re going to have two kids under the age of three. We won’t be part of Team Flash anymore but we’re still a risk of danger. Leaving Central City is the best decision for them,”
“We’ll-we’ll protect you,” Your brother stammers, your shoulders deflating. After your parents death, you knew he felt as if he was losing you, too, “You don’t have to leave the city altogether,”
“As much faith I have in you guys, I just don’t want to chance it,” You breathe, “We’re doing this to protect these kids. Just support us on it, Bar,”
Your brother exhales, looking towards the rest of the team, “Have you told Joe?”
“Joes the one we talked to about the decision,” Cisco speaks, as you shift in your heels before settling on sitting back down in your chair, “So he’s known, for a while,”
“And you decide to tell us two weeks in advance,” Barry nods, Iris crossing her arms as her brows pinch towards her husband, “Thanks for the short notice. Got it,”
“Barry,” Iris hisses, the man speeding off so your hair blows in your face, your eyes shutting as you tuck the strands back behind your ear, “Y/N-,”
“I know, he’s just upset,” You sigh, twisting in your chair, “I knew we should’ve told him sooner,”
Ciscos hand presses to your shoulder, rubbing the area with a frown as he looks up to his team.
July 2019, two years after destruction.
“I think that’s the last of it,” Cisco hears your heaved huff from the living room, stepping around the corner to see you taping a box shut, standing with your hands on your hips,
“Besides (D/N) going to war with herself over which toys she wants to keep,” Cisco snorts, thumb jabbing over his shoulder where you hear your daughter talking to herself, then clanking of her toys,
“I don’t see why we can’t just let her keep them all,” You shrug, Ciscos eyebrows raising as his head shakes, hands on your hips,
“I’m not letting our daughter become a hoarder,” He states, “Besides, once Dante comes, that’ll be two times the toys,”
“I’m so glad this one’s a boy,” You sigh, breathlessly, head tilting up to look at your husband, “One girl, one boy. All I wanted,”
Cisco smiles, nose brushing yours, “Thank you for letting me name him after my brother,”
“You let me choose (D/N),” You smile back, “Only fair with the next one,”
Ciscos hands press to your stomach, lips brushing yours before a loud crash comes from your daughters room, Cisco jerking back to glance over his shoulder, where (D/N) now stood at the kitchens entrance, holding her toy Harry Potter wand now snapped in two,
Your daughters pout matches her tearful eyes, Cisco copying her pout as he moves up to her, lifting her so she sniffles and holds up the broken wand, “Daddy…”
“That’s okay,” Cisco murmurs, “We’ll use our magic glue to put it back together, it’ll make sure the wand doesn’t loose its magic, hm?”
(D/N) nods, fist rubbing her eye as you smile, taking the broken pieces before digging in an open box, thankful to find the super glue pretty easy. After putting the wand together and blowing the glue dry, you hand it back, causing her to giggle and wave it around.
“Have you figured out what toys you’re keeping, amor?” Cisco brushes her hair from her face, her hesitation causing you to laugh,
“I’ll take that as an shes keeping them all,” Cisco gives you a look, but rolls his eyes and smiles.
November 2020. three years after destruction.
“Hey guys!” Cecile’s smile when she opens the door is bright, opening it wider so you could step in, her hands out in a gimmie motion for the toddler in your arms,
“Your favorite has arrived,” You smile as Barry walks up, embracing you before turning to (D/N) at your leg, hands open so she reaches up and lets him pick her up,
“I think theyre more excited to see the kids rather than us,” Cisco speaks, setting down the large bag of presents he held behind the couch, laughing when Joe shakes his head and embraces you so tight you stutter on your breath,
“I’m excited to see you,” Joe states, you peeking your head out from his arm with a muffled “I can tell”, “We’ve missed you guys,”
“I’ve missed this little guy,” Cecile kisses Dante’s cheek so the near one year old giggles, your smile light as you watch your step-mother love on her grandson, “He’s gotten so big already!”
“(D/N)s starting to look too much like Cisco,” Iris hums, twirling a curl on (D/N)s cheek as Cisco fakes offense, accepting a small glass of wine from Caitlin,
“How’s Star City?” Wally asks you, as you settle on the couch while Cecile sits in the recliner, beginning to bounce Dante on her lap,
“It’s good,” You breathe, “Cisco and I both started our jobs, Felicity is loving being the babysitter,”
“How long are you guys staying for the holidays?”
“Uh, we’re hoping for a week,” You glance at Joe, “If that’s okay with you,”
“Stay as long as you need,” Joe raises his glass, gesturing to your two children, “As long as I get to spend time with my grandkids,”
“Oh, definitely,” Cisco slides an arm around your shoulders, pulling you into his side, “I know my parents want us to visit with them but the rest of the week- they’re yours,”
Joes lips part to say something, but the door knocks, your eyes scanning the group wondering just who could be missing-
“Sorry we’re late, guys!” A male calls, you looking over your shoulder to see a tall man with glasses next to a Latina girl, both holding presents, “We have gifts!”
“Oh, Y/N, Cisco, this is Chester and Allegra,” Caitlin gestures, Allegra smiling as she rounds the couch,
“I heard a lot about you,” Allegra speaks, raising a box, “And your kids. I hope it’s okay I bought your daughter something,”
“Yeah, that’s okay,” You smile, watching her kneel in front of your daughter to hand her the box, eyes then shifting to Chester,
“Y/N Allen, right?”
“Born an Allen, yes,” You cackle, “But legally I’m a Ramon,”
“You’re the one who miraculously survived a stab to the chest. You’re awesome!”
The air falls tense, quick, Ciscos hand tightening on your shoulder as you send a weak smile, “Thanks. It wouldn’t have ended the way it did if it wasn’t thanks to Caitlin,”
“How’d you know Savitar was the one who did it? No one could see him but Barry!”
“O-kay!” Joe cuts it, noticing Ciscos irritated stare, “Let’s open gifts, hm?”
Shoving the ball of wrapping paper into a trash bag, you huff as you tie the bag shut. “I didn’t make you uncomfortable back there, did I?” You look up at Chesters entrance, smile light as you shake your head,
“No, no. It’s just, um, that whole thing was a really emotional experience,”
“How so? Besides, uh, worrying about surviving,” Chester closes his eyes, brows pinched, before reopening them,
“Uh, Barry-,” You pause, “Do you know?”
“About Barry being the Flash? Yeah!” Chester laughs, “Allegra and I, we’re part of Team Flash,”
You smile, quickly dropping it, “Barry went back in time by accident, and saw the whole thing revolving Savitar and I. Yeah we had a heads up, but originally I wasn’t supposed to make it,”
Chester frowns as you sigh. “It was six painful months of waiting. Cisco and I, we were both terrified. My daughter was only maybe two at the time, and I was so scared of leaving her,” You lift a shoulder, setting the trash bag to the side, “It was a miracle Caitlin was able to save me. Here I am three years later, with now two kids and almost completely healed,”
“I’m sorry I asked,”
“No, really, it’s okay,” You laugh, moving to walk around him, “It feels good talking about it again. It was a lot, still is, but I’m healing,”
Chester smiles, nodding, looking down at his phone which beeps, along with five other phones across the house.
“Dammit,” Barry mutters, glancing at Iris who already stands, “Meta attack downtown,”
“Aw yeah!” Chuck grins, “I’m in,”
“One holiday,” You roll your eyes, dropping back beside Cisco before picking up Jenna from her rocker, “One holiday without a meta ruining it, is all I ask,”
“You guys go ahead, we’ll stay here,” Joe insists, nodding to Cecile who had her own fun holding your son,
“We’ll be back!” Chester grins, winking, “In a Flash,”
“Don’t say that,” Barry whines, “Because every time you do, we end up being stuck out there for hours,”
“I was trying to make a joke. Take the joke!”
“In case that happens,” Allegra smiles, waving,
“Happy holidays, everyone,”
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smittenbyvillains · 10 months ago
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Harrison Wells: you breath too hard
Y/N: you stomp too hard
Harrison Wells: you eat too loud
Y/N: you can’t walk.
Barry Allen: …
Caitlin Snow: …
Cisco Romano: …
Barry Allen: Are they?
Cisco Romano: they are denying each other
Caitlin Snow: this happens a lot
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Harrison Wells: At least I can sit just fine
Y/N: you’re grumpy and a know it all
Harrison Wells: You’re too perky
Y/N: excuse me?
Caitlin Snow: oh dear…
Cisco Romano: ..
Y/N: You think I’m annoying?
Harrison Wells: I didn’t say that-
Y/N: You did
Barry Allen: should we stop them?
Caitlin Snow: just wait
Y/N: you think I’m annoying and you’re mean
Y/N: *starts sobbing.*
Harrison Wells: shit. No no. I don’t think that.
Y/N: you do!
Harrison Wells: you’re a beautiful young lady and smart and wonderful personality
Y/N: *sobs more.*
Harrison Wells: *pulls her into his lap.* there there
Y/N: *calms down soon after.* big jerk
Harrison Wells: yes yes I’m a jerk but yours. *laughs*
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Barry Allen: WAIT THEY ARE!
Caitlin Snow: you didn’t know?
Cisco Ramano: they are Barry. You’re too slow
Barry Allen: am not..
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icedteaandoldlace · 2 years ago
I will never understand why people hate Cisco because of that one time he got mad at Barry for indirectly causing his brother's death. First of all, that was a very short period of time, he forgave him VERY quickly, and that doesn't define his entire character or his entire relationship with Barry. And second, HIS BROTHER FUCKING DIED. Like, that's kind of a big deal. Does no one in this fandom have siblings??
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thatsandwichguy · 1 year ago
I've been going on in my head for months about how I would do The Flash's Season 9 differently, and at this point, I just might do something about it. I'm just not sure what medium to do it in, I'd love to do a 13-issue fan comic run, but I don't have the skill or resources to draw that out, so I guess average Tumblr fanfiction it is. I know there are probably other people who may have thought about this and are probably better at it than me, but I still want to take a crack at it. If you ever decide to read it, I hope you enjoy it.
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messylxve · 1 year ago
Imagine Earth-2 didn’t have just the Flash, but also a hero named Phantom. Able to phase through solid matter and disappear and reappear at the blink of an eye.
Imagine she had once loved the villain named Reverb and through a moment of weakness, she was captured by Zoom.
Imagine a story of love, betrayals, and most importantly, doppelgängers.
In Only Us, Paisley Holloway—the adoptive daughter of Dr. Harry Wells—finds herself with her life on the line. Betrayed by the man she once loved and trapped at the hands of Zoom, all she can cling onto now is hope as Zoom tears her city to shreds in her absence.
Unfortunately, I’ll only be publishing this story on Wattpad under my account -fallenxangel. However if it gains enough traction I might transfer it to here for non-Wattpaders :)
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shrinkthisviolet · 1 year ago
The thing that drove me nuts about Cisco giving up his powers is it could have been fixed with one scene. Cisco mentions he wants kids... "And Nora got your powers. How can I risk passing mine along? What kind of parent gives their kids visions of awful things?" Suddenly, it makes sense. He loves his powers... But wants something else more, and it's worth the sacrifice to him.
That is a good point! Also, per this post, I will add that it’s hard to nail down a definitive reason for why he actually wanted his powers removed, because the show seems to jump from “these powers are the only thing giving me worth” to “I want a family” (notably before he meets Kamilla, so he must’ve just had a general idea in mind) back to “these powers are the only thing giving me worth here” to “I want to discover myself outside of these powers”. And they do it so incoherently that it’s a mess.
There’s also the fact that we don’t know why he feared starting a family with his powers. Was it because of his kids possibly inheriting those powers? Or was it because he didn’t want to become the kind of dad who spent more time at “work” than with his family? Either is likely, especially since we know Cisco felt emotionally neglected growing up.
I absolutely agree that adding that line that you mentioned would’ve helped…if that’s actually the reason. The problem is, we really don’t know. The writers adding a line like that would’ve helped clarify it though! And I absolutely would’ve been fine with it if it felt coherent (which it, unfortunately, was not).
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stars-are-just-ghosts · 2 years ago
Where We Stood - Chapter 22
Yup, you guessed it. I’m still writing my epic (in both length and type of story) Harrisco tale. Things are getting real unpleasant for our spunky team, and Harry and Cisco are being put through the ringer. (Whump, angst, chaos, you name it.) For those that don’t know about this story, it’s a two-part series (so far), and it stars our favorite duo, Cisco Ramon and Harrison ‘Harry’ Wells, in a modern day AU about the power of choice, the strength of family, and the burden of fate. Oh, and... love. Definitely love. 
It started with Borrowed Forgiveness, and we’re now into Where We Stood. So if you love Harrisco as much as I do, and like dubious science, action, angst, mayhem, humor, sci-fi, vampires (yes, vampires), supernatural elements, and more, this series may just be what you’re looking for. 
It has been an absolute labor of love, and is a grand total of -does some quick math-  584,750 words right now. I’ve had the great and wonderful privilege of continuing to share this with you, and the absolute honor of having fanart made of it. (Seriously, I cried over that. I was extremely touched.) Did I mention it’s all kind of epic? If you like long reads, with plot and everything that goes with that, please-please-please give this series a try. 
Comments make my absolute day. And if you reblog/share this story, you are a goddamn hero. (Nothing makes a writer happier, seriously.)
Thank you to all those who’ve stuck with this story since the beginning (back in 2020) and thank you to everyone who has found it along the way and decided it was worth holding on to. I love you all.
Yours truly, QuietDarkness.
You can find the Sanctuary series on Ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/series/2814568
You can find Borrowed Forgiveness on Ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/25183126
You can find Where We Stood on Ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/37769611
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(Gif credit goes to its creator.)
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kitkatt0430 · 2 years ago
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: The Flash (TV 2014) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Major Character Death Relationships: Cisco Ramon/Earth-2 Harrison "Harry" Wells Characters: Cisco Ramon, Earth-2 Harrison "Harry" Wells, Caitlin Snow Additional Tags: Canonical Character Death, Major Character Injury, Dreams, Angst, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, set in season 6, Cisco still has his powers, Grief/Mourning Summary:
"You can't hide with me here forever, Ramon," Harry remarked dryly. But there was something sad in his eyes and Cisco didn't want to remember why that was at the moment.
So he didn't.
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smittenbyvillains · 8 months ago
Feel free to send emoji’s and I try to make something based off that for a character (I feel more like doing Eobard and Wells) 🩵 it my be headcannons or a short story
I think this will help my writers block :’)
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 7 months ago
Superman's Daughter
by Kervia Kori’andr, the princess of Tamaran, was the only surviving member of her planet. Her parents, knowing of an ancient prophecy concerning their second child, placed their daughter in a pod for her own safety, as Trigon destroyed their planet. Discovered by a newly married Clark Kent, he and his wife, Lois, decide to raise the alien princess as their own. They have never regretted their decision, especially since they could have no children of their own. Meanwhile, Dick Grayson is adopted and raised by Bruce Wayne to be a vigilante, a superhero, and a manwh@re. Much like Bruce, Dick is angry, broody, and withdrawn. He pushes away anyone and everyone, only keeping certain people close, but never letting them get too close. That is, until he meets Kory Kent at the Justice League Daycare & Academy. The two orphans grow up to be best friends which their parents encourage, until the day everything changes. When Clark tries to intervene in the burgeoning relationship between Kory and Dick, he sets off a chain of events which will lead to new relationships, new families, world-changing events, dangerous situations, unexpected consequences, and a love story for the ages… fated before either Dick or Kory were even born. Words: 7456, Chapters: 3/34, Language: English Series: Part 1 of The Bird and The Starfire Fandoms: Titans (TV 2018), Batman (Caped Crusader), Young Justice (Cartoon), Justice League & Justice League Unlimited (Cartoons), The Flash (TV 2014), DC's Legends of Tomorrow (TV), Supergirl (TV 2015), Harley Quinn (Cartoon 2019) Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: F/F, F/M, Gen, M/M Characters: Dick Grayson, Koriand'r (DCU), Raven, Garfield Logan, Selina Kyle, Barbara Gordon (Caped Crusader), Bruce Wayne, Sara Lance, Lois Lane, Harley Quinn, Pamela Isley, Tim Drake, Original Children of Barbara Gordon & Bruce Wayne, Donna Troy, Dawn Granger, Hank Hall, Nate Heywood, Amaya Jiwe, Iris West, Barry Allen, Cisco Ramon, Garth (DCU), Conner Kent (Young Justice), Justice League members Relationships: Dick Grayson/Koriand'r, Barbara Gordon/Bruce Wayne, Dawn Granger/Hank Hall, Garth/Donna Troy, Clark Kent/Lois Lane, Barry Allen/Iris West, Dick Grayson & Koriand'r & Garfield Logan & Raven, Dick Grayson & Koriand'r, Dick Grayson & Bruce Wayne, Clark Kent & Koriand'r, Clark Kent & Bruce Wayne, Batfamily Members & Justice League, Kara Danvers/James "Jimmy" Olsen, Kon-El | Conner Kent/M'gann M'orzz, Alex Danvers/Kelly Olsen, Dick Grayson & Raven, Koriand'r & Raven (DCU), Raven & Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson & Garfield Logan, Koriand'r & Garfield Logan & Raven, Koriand'r & Garfield Logan, Nate Heywood/Amaya Jiwe, Sara Lance/Ava Sharpe Additional Tags: Dick Grayson is a Fool in Love, Dick Grayson Loves Koriand'r, Koriand'r is Starfire (DCU), Koriand'r loves Dick Grayson, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Alternate Universe, Selina Kyle is Catwoman, Dick Grayson is Nightwing, Dick Grayson is Robin, Bruce Wayne is Batman, Bruce Wayne Tries to Be a Good Parent, I played around with the ages of some characters to make it all work, Overprotective Dad Clark Kent, Clark Kent is Superman, OTT J/P Dick Grayson, Unplanned Pregnancy, Don't yell at me about Bruce and Barbara, Canon-Typical Violence, Canon-typical language, I have no idea who is going to show up in this story thats really going to be like a book via https://ift.tt/ABdUm3j
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jackiequick · 2 years ago
The Flash OC ⚡️
Leanna O’Conner 🌺
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Full Name: Leanna Kira O’Conner
Nicknames: Lea, Lana, Anna, Annie, O’Conner, Doc, Darling, Flower
Age depending on the season: 32–38 (but she always looks young for her age)
Height: 5'3
Job: Assistant, Scientist, Detective and overall help of Team Flash
Shows she appears in: The Flash, Arrow, Supergirl, DC Legends Of Tomorrow and etc
Relationships: Ex-boyfriend Eowells and Harrison Wells Earth 2. Currently single.
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Friendships: Iris West, Caitlin Snow, Cisco Ramon, Kara Danvers, Barry Allen, Felicity Smoak, Ray Palmer and the list goes on
Power Set: She doesn't have powers but ends up effected by the explosion and timeline change years later. Ends up with really good sense of hearing, enhanced listening which comes in handy.
Leanna was hired by Dr. Harrison Wells to be his little helper knowing she also has a background in science and tech, with a strong heart. That moment he knew she was someone who keep an eye on.
She quickly became friends with Caitlin, Ronnie, Cisco and Hartley having other scientists and engineers of S.T.A.R. Labs join in on the fun of their friendship. Over her months, more like a year, of working with them whole team she developed a huge love and respect for them. Lea grew close to Dr. Wells having a small crush on the older man, little did she know he felt the same way. Soon enough the night of Explosion came and everything changed.
Later on Leanna was sent to recruit Barry Allen since doctor Wells wanted to keep the coma patient at Star Labs instead, she agreed knowing that they can probably help him out when the time came. 9 months later Barry woke up and training with his speed began! One night, Harrison spoke into the microphone saying, “Run Barry Run!” for the first time as his hand causally slipped onto Lea’s in a comforting grip and she smiled back, leaning into his touch.
Later on the two started rather quickly dating over that. Dinner dates, kisses shared, hand holding, smiles, late night talks and etc. Love was in the air, friendships grew, Team Arrow came to visit Central City aka Oliver, Felicity and Ray, Team Flash was at its highest point but The Reverse Flash was out there…
Later Leanna gets a feeling that Harrison is hiding something from her and she confront him about him, Harrison tells her it’s nothing. Until a few days later while she’s walking down the hallways one morning at the Lab she leans against the wall noticing how difficulty tougher the wall felt and stumbles into room in between the wall where Thawne kept his suit and Gideon. EoWells became the new name.
Leanna is in shock finding the information as Gideon greets her saying “Hello Ms O’Conner. But you are only that last name during this lifetime. How may I be of assistance ma’am?” Leanna ask her the questions she has. But before she can ask about article and Eowells real family history, her boyfriend sneaks in behind. Eowells was standing, as he sat in Lea his famous chair and questioning her action by entering the Time Vault.
Eowells grumbles and pinching his nose, “Lea my dear, I love you. I really do but I can’t believe you’ll ask Gideon AND NOT ME!”
Leanna glares, “Oh please, Harrison or should I call you Eobard? I asked you earlier and you refused to answer me! If you really wanted my help or something, you could’ve been honest…do you care about me or am I just a game in your plan to build Team Flash..?”
“I-I do care! I can’t have them knowing yet, I promise you I will tell them about who I am and we can be together forever.”
“A week.”
“I’ll execute the best to way to tell them.”
“Or I tell the team.”
“You wouldn’t dare, I can tell your bluffing my dear.”
That night lead to screams, heartache and anger for the pair. Eobard told her bits and pieces of his story, but not everything keeping it a lie and Leanna fell for it. He hated seeing her that way, noticing the light and laughter flickering out of his girlfriend that night, pulling Lea into his arms, he kissed her and begged for forgiveness. She didn’t even know what to think, but let it slide hoping he kept his promise.
As weeks went on, Eobard didn’t say a word to Team Flash BUT Leanna did! She revealed his identity to Barry, Cisco, Caitlin, Joe and even Iris as they all worked against him. Eddie died sadly. Of course they defeated Reverse Flash, Barry went back in time to see his mother and they created a wormhole in Central City. Ronnie and Barry stopped it as Leanna held Caitlin in her arms knowing how heartbreaking it must’ve been for her friend.
(Season 2–3)
Months later, everyone was working once again at Star Labs after a break from the chaotic year. Leanna worked with Joe and Caitlin most of those months as a biologist and detective. She became friends with Penny and her sister Patty, eventually finding a video tape for Barry and handing it to him. On there the video tape Eobard Thawne aka FAKE Harrison Wells confession to the murder of Nora Allen and his faults towards his relationship with Leanna O’Conner, saying that her and Barry have inherited a chunk, if not most of S.T.A.R Labs.
Everything was turning up nicely until two visitors from EARTH-2. Jay aka ZOOM and Harrison ‘Harry’ Wells. The moment Lea lay her eyes on Harry in Star Labs, she felt like she saw a ghost, like she was gonna throw up. The girl didn’t know what to think the long hours she spend standing near Wells and trying to get to know him. Cisco hated him, saying he was a grump and a total dick while Lea kept watch while working on a few test items noticing a look in Harrison Wells eyes. Anger, confusion, sadness and annoyance. The same way she felt.
She told Cisco, “Sooner or later, every man shows himself.” And Harry did. He was a little nicer in a way with Team Flash, being mostly closer to Cisco and Leanna. The three could be bickering over everything! However Harry seemed to care about her, finding her presents kind and lighten up his mood every once in a while. He barley heard her laugh or smile too often but when he did, he smiled.
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One night, Leanna was closing the windows in Star Labs and checking up on the rooms before leaving it all to Harry. She stumbled into one of the labs searching for jacket that held a small brown notebook she lost earlier during the week. “Ah ha! I knew I left it in here…” She said with a small nod, noticing a small black notebook that was open with nice handwriting inside. She smiled.
Harry walked into the lab with a half nod and taking a seat near the sets of tables, grabbing his black markers and a white notepad scribbling down an idea. He felt her eyes on him and chuckled slightly, “Yes, O’Conner?”
“Is this yours?” She asked with a small half smile, taking a seat in one the stools pointing to the notebook.
He turned around questioning her query and eyes widen at the small black notebook, snatching it of the table and closing it. He glanced between the notebook and her before he asked, “What did you..see? In this case of the notebook, O’Conner.”
“Just your handwriting, and a narrative in the way you wrote a note, like a storyteller. And a name.” She replied honestly, pushing her hair out of her face. Harry questioned her knowledge cue her to speak more and she continued, “The name, Jesse, popped up on that small note.”
“…my daughter, Jesse. I told you and your team that Zoom took her, while some of his Metas came here to Earth 1. I miss her…”
“I can tell you do. I have a few nieces and nephews, I know how it feels to miss children you love…”
“Why are you so nice to me?”
“Because, Harry, you aren’t like the others. I can see the pain and anger in yours eyes after losing your light and laughter, being your daughter…I know that because I felt it. When your told the truth and something you love is taken from you..it hurts.”
“You were hurt before, weren’t you Lana?”
“Yeah. I was hurt before by Thawne, friends while I was child..even told that a woman couldn’t do much better than a man in my line of work.”
“They’re idiots.”
“I’ve haven’t known you long but I can tell enough. Your very smart, kind, understanding and a badass with a gun. Hell, you shot down three Metas this month and cuffed them in front of the group like it was nothing. You show a lot of love and compassion towards everyone.”
“I was taught well. But don’t sell yourself short, Harry. Your a genius and gentle, a bit grumpy but it adds to your charm. You’re very understanding about a lot of things and see a lot compassion in people, notice things that they don’t.”
It was like sparks flew between that in that moment, of course they pair was attractive to each other after some time working together but this month felt stronger than ever. Harry saw a light flickering return in her eyes while Lea saw a balance of hope returning in his. Lea’s heart fluttered softly for him and Harry’s heart beats strongly for her. Two kept their emotions in control, not knowing what to say or do about this feeling..
Until Christmas time came near and Cisco hung mistletoe in Star Labs cortex, in hopes to have Caitlin and Jay along with the other couples to celebrate and kiss. But Cisco Ramon didn’t expect to walk into the Cortex, to find Harry Wells hands cupped onto Lea O’Conner’s face with such joy as her arms wrapped around his waist lean in for another sweet kiss. The two were in their own little world all smiles and no sorrow..
Cisco cleared his throat with his hands on his hips and yelled, “Well, well, well, if it isn’t The Grump and The Lady!”
The two snapped their heads towards Cisco in utter shock and slightly annoyance wanting to kick him out of the room. “Ramon!” Harry yelled with his hands still gently cupping his lady’s face, “Don’t you knock?!”
“Seriously, Cisco?!” Lea yelled at the same time as Harry did grumbling under her breath.
Cisco just laughed while also in shock wanting to know everything about this situation. He swore to not tell a soul but it didn’t last long as he told Barry, Iris and Caitlin, even Joe and Jay found out. They didn’t know how their relationship started exactly but it did and it felt just right. To add onto the dynamic, it was honestly a adorable height difference, if you ask Caitlin.
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The two were inseparable, with Harry always standing behind her as his hands, placed comfortably on Lea’s shoulders as if it was the most normal thing in the world. She would smile taking one of his hands, placing a gentle kiss onto her knuckles that always tinkered with items in the lab. They weren’t big on PDA however the couple always seen giving small kisses on each other’s cheeks and forehead.
Of course, they bickered and fought like an old married couple at least twice a week, even over the smallest things.
Plenty of things happened, Harry got shot by Patty, a few metas, Jay revealed to actually be Zoom, and of course the famous trip to Earth 2 to save Jesse…Let’s just say Lea met Jesse under the worst circumstances as Zoom kidnapped her as well for high leverage over Team Flash.
Jesse screamed, ranted and cried the whole time, in the beginning Lea felt sorry for her and comforted the girl. Until her temper started to rise and snapped at the poor girl, telling Jesse that everything will be fine and that she’s braver than this! Eventually Jesse stopped and started talk to her to figure out how to escape. Thankfully Barry, Cisco, Harry, Killer Frost and others saved them! They all returned to Earth 1 with a survivor of Zoom to reveal himself as the REAL Jay Garrick. 
Everyone bonded, a few metas came in here and there. Harry, Lea, and Caitlin had to saved Jesse from going into shock. Lea and Jesse formed a bond afterwards. Plenty of other things happened as Barry’s dad died while trying to help them.
Eventually they defeated Zoom and everything was fine, until Barry created Flashpoint and you know what happened there! Team Flash was dealing with bigger issues due that change in the timeline order cause of the different Meta Humans, Caitlin becoming Killer Frost, Harry and HR, relationships blooming, the yearly crossover events and etc.
Forget to mention, Harry was a little jealous when HR would be flirty or anything similar to that with Lea. HR adored all the couples, especially Barry and Iris! But deep down he knew she was Harry’s lady.
As crazy it was, it was home. One afternoon, Harry walked into the lab to find Lea tinkering a equation for a biological connect between a few Meta humans and a new answer to Jesse’s speeding powers, getting a huge headache. He smiled, resting his hand on her waist kissing her shoulder tenderly. It was a rare occasion where he was the one easing her thoughts. Usually it was the other way around, with her being the one to do so, but it felt good.
Lea leaned into Harry’s touch and eased looking up at him with a small smile. They only been together for two years but it felt like they were the married couple of Team Flash with how comfortable they are around each other. She laced her lips giving him a cheeky kiss as he went in for another kiss.
“You forgot to add the 3 and subtract the 15, that’s why your having trouble.” Harry commented, taking the pen to fix the equation and being a genius, he solved it immediately.
“Of course I did. I’m better with a gun and genetic codes then rude math stuff..” Lea replied with a small huff, pointing to the paperwork.
“That’s why I’m the billionaire genius.”
“And I’m the junior biologist.”
“A gorgeous biologist, may I add.”
“I wouldn’t say that.”
“I would!”
Before she can replied or add anything else, Harry lifted the girl into her arms wrapping the love of his life into her arms grinning. Lea wrapped around his neck when suddenly she hissed her face laying on Harry’s chest, feeling a headache and a sharp ringing in her ears. His gripping stayed strongly against hers, rubbing her back until it passed and when it did, Harry asked, “Uh honey what was that? Are you okay?”
Lea whimpered for a moment and nodded, “I’m fine. I heard a ringing like a bell..or the elevator.”
“From here? Darling, your sure it’s not a headache…you’ve been having a lot of those recently.”
“No..it’s not.”
As if on cue, Cisco came in with a confused face holding a corn dog and texting Barry on his phone. He looked up and noticed the couple sensing something was wrong, Harry was skeptical, it happened out of the blue as he watch Lea’s reactions and his face lighted up. 
Cisco tossed Harry his machine and they the used old Meta Human detector waving it in front of her until it’s started slowly beating a gentle as Harry and Cisco face lit up. After a few hours it was confirmed, Leanna caught onto elements of being Meta Human!
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Hours and days passed as Leanna O’Conner became aware of her powers that bounced within her. She had to ability to have enhanced hearing. Cisco and Harry were VERY proud they found out of her abilities firsthand while Caitlin kept her abilities a secret. That was until Cisco and Lea found out with Barry about her power set. They love Caitlin and embraced her new abilities, even if Killer Frost revealed to be a bit of a insecurity for her. But Lea was always by her side for all of it!
To say Lea struggled with her powers was a understatement, there were moments where she heard everything from a 4 mile radius and moments where she couldn’t hear anything at all. The first days she couldn’t sleep or think straight, having to wear noise canceling headphones that Cisco and Harry built for her or Iris hug her from behind to hush her worries.
Weeks past and everything changed for Team Flash, they’re team grew up but also downgraded. Since Killer Frost kept showing up making issues harder, Savitar kept wanting to kill Iris, Wally West got powers and started dating Jesse, and etc.
OH! The Invasion, The Musical Crossover Event and happened as well. In result, was a world wrestling issue for the teams as Supergirl, Arrow, Legends and others join in. Barry and Iris even got engaged twice, which everyone celebrated.
More Metas came to town, causing Lea to take action and step up even more with Team Flash, since she was always behind the scenes of all the action. Time travel happened and then it was the night of Iris’s death…
It was a crazy nightmare for Barry and the rest of Team Flash, fighting against time to save Iris from Savitar and Killer Frost. Stressful, heartbreaking and frustrating to say the least. In the end they won, H.R. swapped positions with Iris, as she went to kill Savitor with a gun she took from Lea.
There was a small funeral held for H.R. Wells during a somewhat cold rainy day, everyone dressed in black underneath umbrellas burying their short lived friend. Caitlin returned as Killer Frost for the funeral telling Lea and Cisco she needs some time to figure herself out but will return later on. A few days later, Lea and Cisco were packing up for a small trip to Earth 2 with Harry when a portal opened a few blocks away result all of Team Flash to take action.
The portal was The Speed Force wanting Barry to spend some time with them for a while, for his issues of messing with the timeline. It was heartbreaking to see Barry Allen go, Lea held Iris in her arms comforting the girl as she had to watch her fiancé leave for a while. Julian, Cisco, Harry and Joe stayed behind watching the mere sad action take place as a group…
Thanks to reading and I hope you liked it. If you have any questions onto Season 4-5 put them in the comment section below 👇🏼
Tags: @gaminggirlsstuff @morgan108 @msrochelleromanofffelton @t-nd-rfoot @yetanotherwells @blueboirick @sherloquestea @sherlkore @gcthvile @ohgodnotagainn @topgun-imagines @gcthvile @superspookyjanelle @blackheart-beauty @hanlueluver and etc
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thatsandwichguy · 1 year ago
Doing this Season 9 redo ff for The Flash, I'm trying to incorporate a genuine connection to earlier seasons as fan service, while maintaining a steady and consistent plot. I already have the disadvantage of not being the actual production, and of not having the immense talent of Grant or Candice (and the like) as part of it, so I really want this to look and feel and smell like the show we know and love.
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beasttold · 10 months ago
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gloria delgado-pritchett: silvio is someone that has a lot of stories of growing up in his hometown and most of them are wild. when he first left venezuela, godspead was the only reason why he was comfortable because he used to only speak spanish. it was still hard shifting from culture to culture. he's proud of his latino roots and his family was very relationships-focused with a high sense of hiearchy. going from that to a task-focused group mindset has been a little hard. sabretooth: his divine mauling makes him look a little like sabretooth when it comes to the claws that he grows out. this is when he feel the need to really protect himself. he proves that he won't go down with a fight and it's up until life or death. catwoman: when it comes to his physical weapons and fighting style without powers, he resembles catwoman/selina kyle. someone that's quick on their feet, uses a whip to best their foes, and is pretty flexible even during combat. cheetah: someone that was highly intelligent and that's why she got into the mess that she did. often times it's hard to mix the beast within and the human that you are. if he gives too much into his animal mimicry, he tends to get a little bit too wild and forget common decency/manners. vixen: when animal mimicry isn't physical, when he's using the soul warriors, they come out the same way as vixen's powers. he tends to summon these from different areas on the grounds and have them attack his opponent. he also feels highly connected to them, being able to gain an eagle's eyesight while not fighting. cisco ramon: one thing about silvio is that he's never going to lose his optimistic view on life. whether it's because he's trying to honor silvana or just because he's like that naturally, it's always going to be a part of him. he'd much rather look at the glass half full than even begin to think it could be half empty.
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shrinkthisviolet · 11 months ago
Allegra and Cisco for the character bingo👀
Allegra Garcia:
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She’s cool. Her powers are cool too, and so is her superhero name (Wavelength, I think it was?). I wish I had more to say about her, but honestly I didn’t get attached to most of the new characters 😅 her story did start off very intriguing, with her being a former inmate who had to turn her life around, and the story with her cousin Esperanza was interesting too, and her powers are cool, but…aside from that, she didn’t really strike me in any particular way.
Especially since she doesn’t have much to do after that except be Iris’s mentee…which was a messy arc on its own tbh—somewhat effective, but not as much as I think the writers wanted, especially since iirc Allegra is the de facto head while Iris is timesick or on her babymoon with Barry? That struck me as premature, because the show establishes her as a strong reporter and hero, but not a strong leader as much imo
(I also don’t like that she was the one to defeat Thawne, but that’s on the writers, not her)
Cisco Ramon:
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I love him so very much 🥰 he’s incredible, underrated and nerfed by the show…and as I’ve said in the past, he never should’ve given up his powers (or, if he did, the show should’ve properly explained why and not tried to undo it lazily with “Mecha-Vibe”).
Also also, the fandom is generally pretty positive towards him now, but…the way they turned on him in s3 when he dared to be rightfully mad at Barry…*heavy sigh* also I once saw a video titled “Cisco being SB’s child for x minutes”*, and I haven’t been able to stop thinking about it since. Literally wtf. Cisco is their age you weirdos.
*I don’t remember how many minutes it was, and ofc the ship name is censored
send me a character (or multiple) and I’ll fill out the bingo!
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stars-are-just-ghosts · 6 days ago
Soooo... I've been working on a new Harrisco (Earth-2 Harrison 'Harry' Wells/ Cisco Ramon) story for awhile now.
It's a modern day AU full of secrets, angst, heartache, joy, dark themes, dubious science, crime, danger, parenthood, steamy scenes, murder, loss, love, and hate. (There will be quite a few trigger warnings throughout, too.)
It's about two men (Harry and Cisco) who are trapped by their secrets but find an impossible connection with each other that makes them want to risk everything for the chance to keep it. (I don't want to give too much away just yet.)
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It's about 150,000ish words right now. And I haven't posted a single chapter of it... Yet. My question is this: does anyone want to read it?
I know our ship is small, and that there aren't many of us floating around out here in the Tumblr ether, but I'm willing to pop it up on AO3 if y'all would like.
Let me know if it's something ya might be interested in.
I miss our fandom. Come back!!!
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kitkatt0430 · 2 months ago
Cisco Ramon for the Character Opinion Bingo?
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*Golem Voice* My Precious.........
I have a lot of thoughts and feelings about Cisco, he's exactly the kind of nerdy person I would love to have as a bestie. I love watching his growth as a character over the seasons, he suffers so much trauma but also finds so much joy. Also I get such second hand joy from his gender non-conformity - I don't exactly want his gender, but I want like the aesthetic vibes he has going on. And also to occasionally project some of my own non-binary-ness onto him. (Really should write more enby!Cisco.)
There is unfortunately a part of fandom that's pretty shitty about him. i steer clear of them but sometimes I can still hear their voices (metaphorically). Canon did him dirty on occasion (season 5 with the cure, the 'big story arc' of season 7 that was writing him out in the background with an 'oh shit we have to wrap it up last minute' approach to his final episode as some notable moments though not all by far) but that's what fix fics are for.
His Vibe outfit is the super hero costume I wanna wear the most and one day I'll finally put together a knock off costume of it for myself.
He's the heart of Team Flash and fiercely loyal. And sorry to Barry, but Cisco's my favorite. Of course this is also why I put him in the most situations. But he gets the comfort after the hurt. Usually. ;)
To be honest, I really didn't like his canon relationship with Cynthia, in a large part because the show avoided dealing with the ethical ramifications of her job once she became his girlfriend. Just sort of handwaved that away. Once it became clear the narrative wasn't going to treat Kamilla as Cisco's rebound, I did like her as his new canon love interest however. Kamilla not only didn't have an ethically dubious job, but I feel like she gelled with the rest of Team Flash in a way that Cynthia never really tried to? But at the same time, I don't like that the show later treated Cynthia like she was Cisco's starter girlfriend and only his love for Kamilla counted (*heavy sigh*).
While I tend to vibe (*snicker*) with Cisco's non-canon ships the most, I really do like his endgame romance with Kamilla so I do write Kamisco from time to time. But I kind of want to try my hand at writing a Cynthia/Cisco fic that addresses/fixes the things about the ship I didn't like? I dunno, it'd be interesting to try at some point anyway.
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