#Circolo Island
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nicocastellini · 6 months ago
L’associazione culturale ARRIVO presenta il numero speciale del Freepress Le Periferie presso il Circolo Island di Perugia. Anno 2019. Presentazione a cura di Giacomo Oliva. Letture di Benedetta Rocchi, Laura Adriani e Nicola Castellini. Riprese a cura di Alessandro X. Audio lo-fi. Sfoglia liberamente il numero a questo indirizzo:
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tremaghi · 4 months ago
Capitolo 16 - La nascita di un nuovo country (di Kirsti VK9NL)
Un’isola ghiacciata nell’Oceano Antartico era stata per un pò di tempo una possibile aggiunta alla DXCC Country List. Poiché nessuno aveva mai utilizzato la radio lì, nessuno l’aveva mai lavorata. Poi, nel 1987, finalmente si è avverata. Una volta saputo che Peter 1 Island sarebbe nata a fine gennaio nelle bande amatoriali, le aspettative erano alte. KD7P aveva provato ad attivare questa newone…
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csuitebitches · 2 years ago
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A Brief Guide to Yachts
This is a continuation to my cultural education segment (aka my rich bitch guide).
The yacht is an invention of the 14th century Dutch. The Dutch used small, fast boats for chasing smugglers, pirates and criminals. Rich ship owners and merchants began using these small “jaghts” to sail out to celebrate their returning merchant ships.
The first yacht club in the world, called the Cork Water Club, was established in Ireland in 1720.
Some famous clubs include:
1. Annapolis Yacht Club: Surrounding the Spa Creek Bridge in Annapolis, the Club boasts over 75 wet slips and dry dockage. The club began in 1886 as an informal canoe club, and today has 1600 regular members active in social, racing, and cruising programs
2. Chicago Yacht Club: Founded in 1875, Chicago Yacht Club is one of the oldest and most respected yacht clubs in the world. The Club is home to more than 1,400 members, including a winning America’s Cup skipper, and Olympic medalists.
1. Circolo Canottieri Aniene
2. Circolo degli Esteri
3. Compagnia della Vela
1. Royal Canadian Yacht Club
2. Royal Vancouver Yacht Club
Yachts are most active in the summer months (May- August in the northern hemisphere) or the winter months. many yacht owners decide to keep the maximum number of guests onboard to 12 (plus crew) for chartering.
Different types of yachts:
Sailing Yacht: a yacht mainly propelled via wind and sails
Motor Yacht: a yacht propelled via one or more motors
Gulet Yacht: a hybrid yacht with both sails and motors
Open Yacht, Cruiser, Cabin Cruiser, Express Cruiser: an otherwise uncategorized standard yacht for cruising and entertaining
Luxury Yacht: a yacht that includes high-end finishes and features and the latest in modern performance technology. The term ‘luxury’ can precede any type of yacht, i.e. “luxury motor yacht”, “luxury sailing yacht”, etc.
Sports Yacht: a yacht geared towards fishing, water sports, or cruising with a sleeker design and more powerful motor for faster cruising speeds.
Catamaran Yacht: a yacht with two hulls (pontoons) often made of fiberglass that can be used in shallow waters.
The most popular destinations:
1. Monaco
2. The French Riviera
3. Greece
4. U.S. Virgin Islands
5. Palm Beach, Florida
6. Costa Smeralda, Italy
7. St. George’s Parish, Bermuda 
8. Newport, Rhode Island 
9. Nantucket, Massachusetts
10. Greater Victoria, Vancouver Island
Insane super yachts
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Football club owner Shahid Khan's 95 metre Lürssen Kismet was delivered in 2014. On match days, a four-metre silver statue of a jaguar, its paw resting on a football helmet, graces the bow. Elsewhere, its sizeable foredeck has enough space for Khan's beloved football team, the Jacksonville Jaguars, to stage a practice.
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The 70 metre Feadship superyacht Joy features a deck that's wide enough to enjoy a tandem jog around. This yacht is all about exterior living, which includes making use of these ample decks with some great sporting facilities. A basketball and badminton court is set all the way forward on the owner's deck. This is complemented by her large gym and dedicated spa. All of this adds up to make Joy an ideal choice for those interested in a yacht with ample fitness, wellness and sporting amenities.
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isoleminori · 1 year ago
Pantelleria, Federica Di Giovanni, 2012-2016
"A Pantelleria il carnevale ha una lunga tradizione pagana contadina. Inizia l’8 dicembre, finisce durante il periodo delle Ceneri e si svolge all’interno dei Circoli.
I Circoli hanno una loro bandiera, uno statuto, un codice d'onore tramandato dagli antenati che, dalla seconda metà dell’800, li costruirono come luogo per il dopolavoro agricolo.
Durante il Carnevale questi luoghi si trasformano in piccole e affollate balere dove è possibile ballare il liscio fino all’alba e dove si può celare la propria identità sotto la maschera.
Più che mascheramento è un camuffamento sotto cui ci si nasconde con lenzuola, guanti da cucina, parrucche colorate e quant’altro possa servire a confondere o nascondere. Alcuni nascondono addirittura la propria voce declinandola in falsetto.
A mezzanotte il maestro d’orchestra annuncia a tutte le maschere presenti che, se vogliono rimanere nel Circolo, devono privarsi del travestimento. Chi non ha intenzione di svelare la propria identità è quindi costretto, ad uscire dalla sala da ballo.
Da due secoli, questa tradizione pagana non è mai cambiata e, come si può comprendere, questi balli, specialmente nel passato e per le donne, costituivano l’unica opportunità di evasione e di nuove conoscenze."
Foto e scritto tratti dal libro Isole d'Inverno di @federicadigiovanni_photo
#pantelleria #pantelleriaisland #isoledinverno #federicadigiovanni #carnevale #khamma #isoleminori #isola #carnival #sea #mare #isole #island #marenostrum #mediterraneo #mediterranean #crowdbooks #isolamento #isolation #isoleitaliane #isoleminorifoto
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foxpapa · 1 year ago
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Palmer Station, 9 maggio 2015. Palmer si trova in un porto protetto sulla costa sud-occidentale di Anvers Island, al largo della penisola Antartica. È l'unica stazione scientifica Usa a nord del Circolo polare antartico: è in una posizione ideale per lo studio di uccelli e foche e in generale dell'ecosistema marino
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personal-reporter · 2 years ago
Gli altri sport: Il golf
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Uno degli sport perfetti da giocare in una giornata primaverile… Il golf ha le sue origini nella Roma Antica, dove si giocava la paganica, un sport che aveva come protagonisti una palla di cuoio gonfia di piume ben compresse e un bastone, che sarebbe poi arrivato in Scozia, patria del golf moderno, con l’Impero Romano.  Nel Medioevo in Scozia e in Olanda c’era un gioco con pietra e bastoni, detto goulf in scozzese e kolf in olandese  ed è una che si può spiegare con i rapporti commerciali tra le due nazioni. Se in Olanda con il tempo il golf perse importanza, lo stesso non fu in Scozia, dove venne praticato anche dai reali, tra cui Maria Stuarda e Giacomo I. Altre testimonianze dimostrano che un gioco analogo al golf,  chiamato chuíwán,  era praticato in Cina  dalla Dinastia Tang Meridionale, poi sarebbe arrivato in Scozia nel tardo Medioevo con i viaggiatori mongoli. E in Scozia che si ha il primo documento ufficiale che dimostra l’esistenza del golf, cioè un decreto del 1457 di Giacomo II per la sua proibizione dato che era fonte di distrazione da attività fondamentali per la difesa del regno, fu li che nacque il golf moderno e ne furono definite le regole per la prima volta  dal Gentlemen Golfers di Leith, il più antico golf club , fondato nel 1744 da William St. Clair di Roslin, poi riviste dal Royal and Ancient Golf Club of St Andrews nel 1754, quando ci fu  la scelta del campo standard a 18 buche. Il primo campo da gioco nella storia del golf divenne il Royal Oldest Golf Club a Musselburgh dove all’inizio del XVI secolo si svolgevano delle partite e li all’inizio del XIX secolo, a partire da una grondaia tagliata, fu realizzato uno strumento per tagliare buche regolari adottato successivamente anche al St Andrews, che rese la dimensione delle buche così ottenute, di 10,8 cm,  quella standard. Nel 1860 fu fondato il British Open Championship per stabilire il miglior giocatore dopo la scomparsa di Allan Robertson di Prestwick. In America il golf arrivò nel XVIII secolo grazie agli olandesi e si diffusa nella Carolina del Sud e in Georgia, ma per avere il primo percorso permanente si dovette aspettare il 1891, quando fu  realizzato a Shinnecock Hills, Long Island. Nel 1894 vennero fondate la United States Golf Association e l’US Amateur Championship, che anticipò di un anno il primo US Open e da allora il golf divenne uno sport di massa. In Italia il golf arrivò nel Settecento tramite la nobiltà inglese, che si sfidava a Villa Doria Pamphili. Nel 1895 a Sorrento fu fondato il primo Golf Club, seguito da quelli di Varese (1897), Firenze (1899) e Sanremo (1901). A Roma il primo golf club risale al 1898 e le gare vennero  realizzate a Villa Doria Pamphili, a Villa Borghese, e su un percorso fuori Porta San Giovanni, nel 1903 il club divenne il Circolo del golf di Roma dell’Acquasanta ed  è ancora oggi il più antico d’Italia. La prima gara ufficiale di golf si tenne in Italia soltanto nel 1905, mentre per la nascita della Federazione Italiana Golf si dovette attendere il 1927. Nonostante non sia mai stato molto diffuso, il golf italiano ha visto alcuni nomi degni di nota, all’inizio del XX secolo ci furono Pietro Manca, Ugo Grappasonni, Aldo Casera; nel secondo dopoguerra Baldovino Dassù, negli anni Novanta Costantino Rocca e di recente i fratelli Francesco ed Edoardo Molinari, Matteo Manassero, Renato Paratore e Nino Bertasio. Read the full article
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lunamagicablu · 3 years ago
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Proprio come Platone citava la leggenda egiziana dell'isola sommersa di Atlantide, lo storico greco Erodoto menzionò la leggenda egiziana del continente di Hyperborea nell'estremo nord.
Quando il ghiaccio distrusse questa antica terra, si diceva che la sua gente fosse migrata a sud.
Scrivendo nel 1679, l'autore svedese Olaf Rudbeck identificò i Proto-Atlantidei con gli Iperborei e li localizzò al Polo Nord.
Nella mitologia greca il popolo iperboreo viveva “al di là del vento del nord”.
I Greci pensavano che in Tracia abitasse Borea il Dio del Vento del Nord (uno degli Anemoi, o "Venti") e quindi Hyperborea indica una regione che si trovava ben a nord della Tracia.
Erodoto ha registrato che tre fonti precedenti menzionavano gli Iperborei tra cui Esiodo e Omero.
Questa terra è stata descritta come perfetta con il sole che splende 24 ore al giorno suggerendo una posizione all'interno del Circolo Polare Artico. Secondo il poeta greco classico Pindaro.
“Mai la Musa è assente dai loro sentieri: le lire stridono e i flauti piangono e ovunque volteggia il coro inaugurale. Né la malattia né l'amara vecchiaia si mescolano al loro sacro sangue; lontani dal lavoro e dalla battaglia, vivono”.
Insieme a Thule, Hyperborea era una delle numerose terrae incognitae per i greci e i romani dove Plinio, Pindaro ed Erodoto, così come Virgilio e Cicerone, riferirono che le persone vivevano fino a mille anni e godevano di una vita di completa felicità.
Ecateo di Abdera raccolse tutte le storie sulla corrente iperborea nel IV secolo a.C. e pubblicò un ampio trattato su di esse perduto per noi ma annotato da Diodoro Siculo:
“Nelle regioni oltre la terra dei Celti c'è un'isola nell'oceano non più piccola della Sicilia. Quest'isola continua la storia si trova a nord ed è abitata dagli Iperborei, che hanno questo nome perché la loro casa si trova oltre il punto in cui soffia il vento del nord (Boreas); e l'isola è fertile e produttiva di tutti i raccolti e ha un clima temperato. "
Fonte: giardini atlantidei
Just as Plato cited the Egyptian legend of the submerged island of Atlantis, the Greek historian Herodotus mentioned the Egyptian legend of the continent of Hyperborea in the far north.
When the ice destroyed this ancient land, his people were said to have migrated south.
Writing in 1679, Swedish author Olaf Rudbeck identified the Proto-Atlanteans with the Hyperboreans and located them at the North Pole.
In Greek mythology the Hyperborean people lived "beyond the north wind".
The Greeks thought that Boreas the God of the North Wind (one of the Anemoi, or "Winds") inhabited Thrace and therefore Hyperborea indicates a region that was well north of Thrace.
Herodotus recorded that three earlier sources mentioned the Hyperboreans including Hesiod and Homer.
This land has been described as perfect with the sun shining 24 hours a day suggesting a location within the Arctic Circle. According to the classical Greek poet Pindar.
“The Muse is never absent from their paths: the liras screech and the flutes cry and she whirls the inaugural choir wherever she goes. Neither sickness nor bitter old age mingles with their sacred blood; far from work and battle, they live ".
Along with Thule, Hyperborea was one of several terrae incognitae to the Greeks and Romans where Pliny, Pindar and Herodotus, as well as Virgil and Cicero, reported that people lived up to a thousand years and enjoyed a life of complete happiness.
Hecateus of Abdera collected all the stories about the Hyperborean current in the 4th century BC. and published an extensive treatise on them lost to us but annotated by Diodorus Siculus:
“In the regions beyond the land of the Celts there is an island in the ocean no smaller than Sicily. This island continues the story is located in the north and is inhabited by the Hyperboreans, who have this name because their home is located beyond the point where the north wind blows (Boreas); and the island is fertile and productive of all crops and has a temperate climate. "
Source: Atlantean gardens
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newstfionline · 4 years ago
Friday, November 13, 2020
A thought experiment (Washington Post) The political scientist Brendan Nyhan has often responded to events by asking a question: What would you say if you saw it in another country? Imagine that a president of another country lost an election and refused to concede defeat. Instead, he lied about the vote count. He then filed lawsuits to have ballots thrown out, put pressure on other officials to back him up and used the power of government to prevent a transition of power from starting. How would you describe this behavior? It’s certainly anti-democratic. It is an attempt to overrule the will of the people, ignore a country’s laws and illegitimately grab political power. President Trump’s efforts will probably fail, but they are unlike anything that living Americans have experienced. “What we have seen in the last week from the president more closely resembles the tactics of the kind of authoritarian leaders we follow,” Michael Abramowitz, the president of Freedom House, which tracks democracy, told The Times. “I never would have imagined seeing something like this in America.”
Biden’s Policy Agenda Rests Heavily on Senate Outcome (NYT) President-elect Joseph R. Biden Jr.’s transition team is preparing multiple sets of policy proposals for the economy, health care, climate change and other domestic issues, including the ambitious agenda Mr. Biden laid out in his winning campaign, while acknowledging it may have to be pared back in recognition of divided government. Where the incoming administration lands depends heavily on two Senate runoffs in Georgia in early January. If Democrats win both races, close aides to Mr. Biden and economists who helped advise his campaign say the president-elect will try to push through a large stimulus plan for the flagging economic recovery—most likely along the lines of the $2.2 trillion that House Democrats approved this fall. His stimulus plan under such a scenario would include hundreds of billions of dollars for state and local governments that have lost tax revenue amid the pandemic recession, extended unemployment benefits for people who lost jobs during the crisis and a new round of aid for small businesses. A narrow majority in the Senate would also give Mr. Biden the chance to push through his proposed tax increases on corporations and the rich—tax hikes that would be used to fund the president-elect’s more ambitious plans like rebuilding roads and bridges, speeding the transition to a carbon-free energy sector and helping Americans afford health care. But if Republicans win even one of the Georgia seats, Mr. Biden will most likely need to settle for a wave of executive actions that would bring more incremental progress toward his policy goals, while trying to cut compromise deals with Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, the majority leader.
Millions Face Loss of Jobless Aid: ‘Without It, I’m Dead in the Water’ (NYT) Two critical unemployment programs are set to expire at the end of the year, potentially leaving millions of Americans vulnerable to eviction and hunger and threatening to short-circuit an economic recovery that has already lost momentum. As many as 13 million people are receiving payments under the programs, which Congress created last spring to expand and extend the regular unemployment system during the coronavirus pandemic. Leaders of both major parties have expressed support for renewing the programs in some form, but Congress has been unable to reach a deal to do so. It remains unclear how the results of last week’s election will affect prospects for an agreement. That means that for now at least, people like Randy Williams must prepare for the possibility that they are weeks away from losing their only income. Mr. Williams, 56, lost his job as a manager at a Memphis-area Cracker Barrel in the first weeks of the pandemic. His state jobless benefits ran out last month, leaving him to rely on a 13-week extension under the federal Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation program, which ends in late December. Already, Mr. Williams is struggling to get by on his $275 weekly benefit check, the maximum allowed in Tennessee. He has fallen behind on rent, racked up thousands of dollars in credit card debt and turned to a food pantry run by a church. Even with the benefits, “I may have got behind on this or that, robbing Peter to pay Paul this month,” he said. “But without it, I’m dead in the water.”
Hospitals brace for problems (Washington Post) The number of new daily coronavirus cases in the United States jumped from 104,000 a week earlier to more than 145,000 yesterday, an all-time high. Nearly every metric is trending in the wrong direction, prompting states to add new restrictions and hospitals to prepare for a potentially dark future. “We’re at a fairly critical juncture,” said Dave Dillon, a spokesman for the Missouri Hospital Association. The day will soon come when hospital staffing will fall below standards that are normally required, he said.
Police crackdown rocks top Mexican tourist resort (AFP) Images of terrified protesters fleeing police and gunfire have shaken one of Mexico’s top beach resorts and dealt another blow to a tourism industry already reeling from the coronavirus pandemic. The crackdown on Monday in front of Cancun city hall, where hundreds were demonstrating against the murder of a local woman, sparked national outcry and protests in Mexico City. Three people were injured when police fired in the air for several minutes and chased the mostly female demonstrators through a budget hotel district after property was vandalized. Live fire by police against protesters is unprecedented in Cancun and rare across Mexico, where security forces usually limit themselves to using shields and sometimes pepper spray. It was criticized by authorities at the regional and national level, cost the local police chief his job and led to the suspension of Quintana Roo’s head of security.
Evo Morales makes gleeful return to town he fled (Guardian) Tens of thousands of jubilant followers have welcomed Evo Morales back to the coca-growing region from which he fled into exile exactly one year ago after what they branded a racist rightwing coup. “Evo, Evo, Evo,” chanted the people who had travelled from all over Bolivia to witness their leader’s triumphant return home in the jungle-flanked town of Chimoré. Bolivia’s first indigenous president resigned and abandoned the South American country on 11 November 2019, making his escape on a Mexican air force jet that whisked him out of Chimoré’s airport. Morales decided to bolt when security forces withdrew their support after later questioned claims of electoral fraud in the presidential election sparked street protests and deadly unrest. But on Wednesday, two days after re-entering Bolivia at the start of an emotional, politically-charged homecoming, he made a gleeful return to the same town—to a rapturous reception.
Italian hospitals face breaking point in fall virus surge (AP) Dr. Luca Cabrini was certain his hospital in the heart of Lombardy’s lake district would reach its breaking point caring for 300 COVID-19 patients. So far, virus patients fill 500 beds and counting. Italy, which shocked the world and itself when hospitals in the wealthy north were overwhelmed with coronavirus cases last spring, is again facing a systemic crisis, as confirmed positives pass the symbolic threshold of 1 million. “We are very close to not keeping up. I cannot say when we will reach the limit, but that day is not far off,” said Cabrini, who runs the intensive care ward at Varese’s Circolo hospital, the largest in the province of 1 million people northwest of Milan. The Italian doctors federation called this week for a nationwide lockdown to forestall a collapse of the medical system, marked by the closure of non-emergency procedures. The government is facing tougher criticism than in the spring, when the health crisis was met with an outpouring of solidarity. As of Wednesday, 52% of Italy’s hospital beds were occupied by COVID-19 patients, above the 40% warning threshold set by the Health Ministry. Nine of Italy’s 21 regions and autonomous provinces are already securely in the red-alert zone, above 50% virus occupancy, with Lombardy at 75%, Piedmont at 92% and South Tyrol at an astonishing 99%.
Azerbaijan’s drones owned the battlefield in Nagorno-Karabakh (Washington Post) The drone’s-eye view over Nagorno-Karabakh defined much of the six-week war in the mountainous enclave within Azerbaijan: The video first showed soldiers below in trenches, then came blasts and smoke, then nothing. Drone strikes—targeting Armenian and Nagorno-Karabakh soldiers and destroying tanks, artillery and air defense systems—provided a huge advantage for Azerbaijan in the 44-day war and offered the clearest evidence yet of how battlefields are being transformed by unmanned attack drones rolling off assembly lines around the world. The expanding array of relatively low-cost drones can offer countries air power at a fraction of the cost of maintaining a traditional air force. The situation in Nagorno-Karabakh also underscored how drones can suddenly shift a long-standing conflict and leave ground forces highly exposed. “Drones offer small countries very cheap access to tactical aviation and precision guided weapons, enabling them to destroy an opponent’s much-costlier equipment such as tanks and air defense systems,” said Michael Kofman, military analyst and director of Russia studies at CNA, a defense think tank in Arlington, Va. “An air force is a very expensive thing,” he added. “And they permit the utility of air power to smaller, much poorer nations.”
Wolf sentinels (Foreign Policy) The Japanese town of Takikawa on the northern island of Hokkaido has found a novel solution to its growing bear problem: wolf robots. More like mechanized scarecrows, the fake wolves come equipped with loudspeakers producing wolf howls once bears come within range. Sightings of bears in Japan are at their highest levels in five years, and two fatal bear attacks have already taken place in 2020. Takikawa officials say they have not encountered any more bears since the lupine sentinels were deployed.
Biden vows to defend Japan as China asserts power in Asia (Washington Post) As China flexes its muscles, President-elect Joe Biden is offering assurances to America’s top allies in the Asia-Pacific region that he’s not going to be a soft touch. Biden spoke with the leaders of Australia, Japan and South Korea on Wednesday night in Washington, underlining in each call his commitment to “strengthen” their bilateral alliance. “The president-elect underscored his deep commitment to the defense of Japan and U.S. commitments under Article 5,” Biden’s team said, referring to the two countries’ joint security treaty that commits the United States to respond to any attack on Japan. Japan’s Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga went further, saying that Biden had given “a commitment” that Article 5 would cover an attack on the Senkaku islands, a chain of five rocky outcrops administered by Japan but claimed by China, which calls them Diaoyu. With the world struggling to contain the coronavirus pandemic, and the United States distracted by its marathon electoral process, China has been seizing the moment to assert itself. On Wednesday, China dramatically intensified its clampdown on Hong Kong, a subject of bitter dispute between Beijing and Washington. Chinese coast guard ships, meanwhile, have been ratcheting up the pressure around the Senkaku islands, appearing in the nearby waters almost every day this year, more than ever before.
Typhoon Vamco batters the Philippines, leaving millions without power (Washington Post) A week and a half after suffering a deadly hit from a super typhoon, another storm battered the Philippines overnight into Thursday, cutting power to millions and leaving at least one person dead and countless others stranded. Typhoon Vamco, the equivalent of a Category 2 hurricane, struck the northern island of Luzon, the third typhoon and fifth tropical cyclone to affect the Philippines in less than three weeks. Super Typhoon Goni narrowly sidestepped the capital region of more than 12 million this month, but Vamco brought rain and winds of up to 105 mph Wednesday night into Thursday. On Thursday, houses were submerged and Filipinos were stranded on rooftops. The hashtag #RescuePH trended on social media, with people posting their whereabouts and contact details, begging for help. Many were stranded with the elderly, children and pets. Some were rescued on rubber life boats; in one video, a child was floated out in a basin. The Manila Electric Company said almost two million households—a fifth of its base—were still without electricity at midday Thursday.
In ruins, Syria marks 50 years of Assad family rule (AP) On Nov. 13, 1970, a young air force officer from the coastal hills of Syria launched a bloodless coup. It was the latest in a succession of military takeovers since independence from France in 1946, and there was no reason to think it would be the last. Yet 50 years later, Hafez Assad’s family still rules Syria. The country is in ruins from a decade of civil war that killed a half million people, displaced half the population and wiped out the economy. Entire regions are lost from government control. But Hafez’s son, Bashar Assad, has an unquestioned grip on what remains. It wasn’t clear whether the government intended to mark the 50-year milestone this year. While the anniversary has been marked with fanfare in previous years, it has been a more subdued celebration during the war. “There can be no doubt that 50 years of Assad family rule ... has left the country what can only be described as broken, failed and almost forgotten,” said Neil Quilliam, an associate fellow at Chatham House’s Middle East and North Africa program.
Trump may be headed out the door, but Saudi Arabia’s global enablers remain (Washington Post) In November 2017, Jamal Khashoggi told me “In Saudi Arabia, we cannot choose our leaders. We can only hope they get it right.” Less than a year later, the Post contributing columnist would be murdered by agents of Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, a leader he did not choose. Throughout his bloodstained rise to and consolidation of power, MBS, as the crown prince is generally known, placed his hopes in President Trump and Jared Kushner. Trump and Kushner, almost from the very beginning of the Trump administration, signaled that Saudi Arabia would be given extra special treatment. “We put our man on top,” Trump reportedly bragged when Mohammed bin Salman became crown prince after wrenching power from his older cousin in 2017. Saudi Arabia was the first country that the then-freshly elected and notoriously travel-averse Trump flew to early in 2017, to an extravagant fete put on by the regime, which is said to have spent as much as $68 million on the summit. MBS would go on to say, “Trump was the right person at the right time” for Saudi Arabia. The Saudi and Emirati governments reportedly offered the Trump campaign help to win the 2016 election, according to the New York Times. In 2018, MBS reportedly bragged that he had Kushner “in his pocket,” according to the Intercept. While Trump has been in office, Saudi Arabia has arrested influential personalities and activists, including women’s rights advocates. It also tried to pursue an impulsive war against Qatar, and imposed a blockade on the country. Kushner reportedly gave advice to Mohammed bin Salman on how to weather the storm after Jamal’s gruesome murder, and Trump later bragged to Bob Woodward about shielding MBS from congressional scrutiny.
Jamal’s assassination was personal and devastating. But the entire country of Yemen has been bludgeoned by Saudi Arabia and its partners in the gulf coalition that has orchestrated airstrikes against it since 2015. The United States has been one of the main suppliers of bombs to the Saudis in a quagmire of a blood-soaked and unwinnable war; some 13,500 Yemeni civilians have died from targeted attacks. Even after Jamal’s murder, when mounting political pressure was aimed at the United States to stop arming the Saudis, the Trump administration not only refused to budge but also Trump himself used the arms deals and the price of oil as a reason to justify continuing to engage with the Saudis. The situation is so bad that U.S. officials are reportedly now worried that they could face prosecution for war crimes for continuing to sell arms to the Saudis despite the mounting body count. But Trump is not the only enabler of Saudi Arabia. The focus on Trump, ironically, seems to glide over the fact that the Group of 20 countries have largely gone on with business as usual with Saudi Arabia. And as long as the international community continues to turn a blind eye to Saudi Arabia’s worst impulses, the so-called guardians of the liberal world order have blood on their hands, too.
Ethiopia claims ‘liberation’ of west Tigray, humanitarian crisis looms (Reuters) Ethiopia’s military has defeated local forces in the west of Tigray state, Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed said on Thursday, accusing his foes of atrocities during a week of fighting that threatens to destabilise the Horn of Africa. Air strikes and ground combat have killed hundreds, sent refugees flooding into Sudan, stirred Ethiopia’s ethnic divisions and raised questions over the credentials of Abiy, Africa’s youngest leader who won a Nobel Peace Prize in 2019. With communications down, transport blocked and media barred, independent verification of the status of the conflict was impossible. There was no immediate response from the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF), which rules the mountainous northern state of more than 5 million people. More than 10,000 Ethiopian refugees have crossed into Sudan since fighting started and aid agencies say the situation in Tigray is becoming dire. Even before the conflict, 600,000 people there were reliant on food aid. The United Nations’ Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs said aid agencies were unable to restock food, health and other emergency supplies due to lack of access.
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stripeout · 6 years ago
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..Elba Island, suddenly.. #snipefleetmacondo #cvtalamone #snipeclassitalia (at Circolo Vela Talamone) https://www.instagram.com/p/BqnVKPchOfU/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1n5u7bgkngqjz
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nicocastellini · 2 years ago
Morti in una città silente
PERUGIA SABATO 4 MARZO 2023 Circolo Island (fermata minimetrò Madonna Alta PG) alle ore 18 il Collettivo Antipsichiatrico Antonin Artaud e il Circolo ISLAND presentano: MORTI IN UNA CITTA’ SILENTE. La strage dell’8 marzo 2020 nel carcere Sant’Anna di Modena di Sara Manzoli edizioni Sensibili alle Foglie ne parleremo con l’autrice e Simona Materia di Antigone Umbria Il giorno 8 marzo 2020…
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daastan-e-musafir · 3 years ago
A Complete Guide to Venice Beaches, Italy
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Guide to Venice Beaches, Italy
Venice has a lot to do and covering all of them can be a bit tedious. Where is a better place to find peace than the beach? This phrase was never a winner, and the best beaches in Venice are usually quiet and always beautiful. Guide to Venice Beaches, Italy.Open your mind if you decide to add the best beaches of Venice to your list of must-see attractions in this beautiful Italian city. Most of them are quiet sanctuaries of extraordinary beauty, often inaccessible. Sure, there are some sandy beaches around Lido (of course, on the list of things to do in Venice), but many destinations are raw, with large barrier rocks and stunning native lagoon vegetation. Is changing endlessly. Relax with a chair or umbrella. Venice Beach Italy Travel Guide | Guide to Venice Beaches, ItalyNevertheless, these beaches are still very clean and definitely not crowded. They are one of the best beaches in Northern Italy. We will help you find the best beaches near Venice. It’s easier than I expected. So, if you like beaches, read on … All the beaches mentioned here are what I call the beaches of Venice-very close and a great day trip. # 1 Venice Arido Beach on Lido de Venezia Barrier Island  The main beach of Venice in Italy is officially known as Lido de Venezia, but it is also sometimes called Lido Venezia, Lido Beach, or simply “Lido”. When you reach the main Lido S.M.E., you will arrive at the nearest beach in about 10 minutes on foot. Guide to Venice Beaches, Italy
Venice Lido Beach is the closest beach to the city of Venice in Italy. Getting there is easy, you can rent a few umbrellas or bring a beach towel to relax in the sun. It is often simply called “Lido”. A 7-mile barrier island in the Venice Lagoon that protects Venice. About 20,000 inhabitants live here, most of them working in Venice. Once a mere natural barrier, it is now a beach along the coast of Venice. Developed as a seaside resort in the early 20th century, it has been a popular beach in Venice ever since. Oh, and don’t forget that they host the Lido Film Festival.
Malamocco in Lido de Venice is the closest town to the south, where the old extant city center is located. It is the second largest city in Lido de Venice. It is a quiet village with some nice big squares. There’s not much to do here, but it’s worth a visit to the church of Santa Maria Asunta in the 15th century.
Alberoni | Guide to Venice Beaches, Italy
In Lido de Venezia, the last Lido beach to the south is Alberoni Beach. Lido de Venice has several beaches, but this is a good choice as it is completely free access and well maintained. To be honest, it doesn’t look like a “hotel zone” with lots of lounge chairs and umbrellas on the beaches of Venice. It is a beautiful beach in northern Italy and has a more natural atmosphere as it is located in a nature reserve. You really feel like you are in a world away from the hustle and bustle of Venetian tourists!naturalists enjoy all that complete tranquility! Bring or rent a bike to explore this beachfront area of ​​Venice. A golf course, Circolo Golf Venezia, is also nearby. The sunsets in Venice here are as good as the sunsets in Italy. Great for day trips!# 2 CavallinoCavallino Beach is probably my second favorite beach. Known for its white sands and calm, clear waters. This fluffy white thing is lined up in Cavallino for more than 15km. It is also a nature reserve. Cavalino is also said to be a camper paradise. The small villages of Treporti and Ca`vio in the area have well-equipped campgrounds with bars, restaurants, and shops. Guide to Venice Beaches, Italy.Here you can find the rich ancient history of fishing done according to the ancient Venetian method. Trammelnet is one of the ancient Venetian methods introduced in this Venetian beach guide. “This technique is called’Cerasia'(closed cage) and consists of placing stanchions every meter across a net in the shallow waters of the lagoon. This causes fish, crabs, and eels to get caught in the “kogori” (accordion-type net). The net should be designed to allow fish to catch in both directions when leaving the lagoon at high tide. – Giuseppe Rossi, or Burano’s “Bepi Suste”, who everyone calls him, says.# 3 Lido di JesoloThe most popular beach for children in Venice is Lidodie Solo. You might wonder why? The main reason is that it has a lot of nightlife and is very popular with party attendees in 20 – 40. They even call it a “party town” or where it should be. The bar stays open from late to early hours and the price tends to be in your favor. So a better drink! It is close to Venice and easy to reach. However, keep in mind that the beaches here can be crowded. Especially during the summer, traffic for all cars is a big problem. Nevertheless, if you are looking for the best beaches near Venice, Italy, it’s a great option! Guide to Venice Beaches, Italy.Lido di Venezolo is undoubtedly a popular beach near Venice, Italy. So plan to spend your day on the beach. The 10-mile sandy beach features a lifeguard, a snack bar serving alcohol, and a beachside toilet. There are also affordable Pedro and Stand Up Paddle Board rentals that are easily found at Lidodie Solo Beach. So stay for a while Also, Italy’s premier water theme park, Caribbean Bay, is located in Lidodie Solo.# 4 Caorle-Go to the beaches of North VeniceHead north from Lido Devenzia to the town of Caorle. The main tourist attraction of the city of Caorle is the long sandy beaches they have. These beaches are divided into east and west. They are over 9 miles long. It offers both private and free beaches. Here you can swim, sunbathe and relax. However, there is also a bicycle path, and the city itself is rich in history.Caorle has two major beaches, Spiaggia di Levante to the east and Spiaggia di Ponte to the west. Both have endless soft white sands and wonderful warm waters, famous in the Mediterranean. We recommend staying at Hotel Astoria as the beach on the east side faces the beach. Popular with local families, Hotel Antonella is just a short walk from the beach. Guide to Venice Beaches, Italy.
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enricaleone91 · 3 years ago
Martedì 27 luglio. Stasera in Tv
Martedì 27 luglio. Stasera in Tv
Programmazione delle principali emittenti televisive per la sera: Rai Uno: Carramba! Che sorpresa!Rai Due: Il circolo degli anelliRai Tre: Cavalleria rusticanaRete 4: Ricky e BarabbaCanale 5: Temptation Island Italia 1: Poliziotti dall’aldilà La7: In onda Tv8: Due cuori e una provettaNove: Il primo cavaliereRai 4: La battaglia continua Iris: Cavalca, vaquero!Rai 5: La Belier famiglia Rai Movie:…
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isoleminori · 2 years ago
Isola del Giglio, Capitano Enrico D'Albertis, 1907/1915
Torre del Campese
Per gentile concessione dell'Archivio famiglia D'Albertis e con la collaborazione del Circolo Culturale Gigliese.
#giglio #isoladelgiglio #enricodalbertis #archiviofotogori #isoleminori #isoleitaliane #mare #isole #island #sea #isola #tirreno #mediterraneo #photography #vintagephoto #vintagephotography #oldphoto #foundphoto #lostmemories #antiquephoto #oldphotos #oldphotograph #isoleminorifoto #giglioisland #isoletoscane
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madeinpop · 7 years ago
Made In PoP™ ǁ eventi Rock in Veneto dal 5 all' 11 Aprile 2018 ǁ stagione 15
Ciao Made-In-PoPpers, condividiamo sempre con piacere certe produzioni fatte con anima e cuore, come il progetto tutto al famminile ed acustico di WAV Women Against Violence, che sta realizzando un album con tutte le cantautrice che hanno aderito, per sostenere l'iniziativa vi rimandiamo alla pagina MusicRaiser https://www.musicraiser.com/it/projects/10193 sostenete sostenete sostenete. CHECcO & LoRIS
«Sostenete la Musica, Andate ai Concerti»
► segnalazione Made In PoP ◄
Ω  LAST NITE PARTY Ω Ω VINILE Club via Capitano Alessio 92 ROSÀ (Vi) Ω Ω SABATO 7 APRILE Ω torna la festa indierock per eccellenza presentando un'interessante band,i livornesi SIBERIA, indierock cantautorale dal retro gusto wave. dopo i concerti si balla con i djset di CASTE, ORDINARY NOISE e PAUL dei SLAPS. https://www.facebook.com/events/553476635011892/
�� FESTIVAL ◄ ► IRRUZIONI Festival varie location PADOVA fino a Sabato 7 Aprile festival diffuso di peripezie urbane organizzato da Associazione VOYAGER e altre realtà, programma completo e dettagliato qui http://www.irruzioni.it/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/Irruzioni2018-Programma.pdf
► SETTIMANA ◄ ► GIOVEDÌ 5 Aprile ᴥ Centro Culturale CANDIANI piazzale Candiani 7 MESTRE ore 21 prima serata della rassegna Indie Voices con protagonista la musa di David Lynch, CHRYSTA BELL, già protagonista di Twin Peaks e cantautrice texana. ᴥ CA'SANA Cibo Arte e Cultura via SS. Fabiano e Sebastiano 13 PADOVA voce angelica e songwriting profondo per MANEL RODRIGUEZ artista tedesca. ᴥ YOKELZ Plan B pub piazza Marconi 1 TREBASELEGHE (Pd) daranno la scossa qui stasera i FLAT FIFTY indiepoprock. ᴥ COMARÒ via F.M.Preti 26 CASTELFRANCO Veneto (Tv) We//Net ospita il giovane e molto bravo cantautore ALESSANDRO RAGAZZO. ᴥ Osteria da TOCCHETTO via Risorgimento 27 MONTEBELLUNA (Tv) rassegna band emergenti, stasera BEHIND BLUE EYES e HITO+. ᴥ POMOPERO Osteria Musicale via Castelletto 84 BREGANZE (Vi) austriaco di nascita ma teutonico d'adozione il cantautore/producer indietronico ANT ANTIC. ᴥ JACK the RIPPER via Nuova 9 RONCÀ (Vr) il ritorno dei celeberrimi The MOORINGS folk rock in salsa celtica dalla Francia, in apertura il trio femminile KILL THE MAYOR poppunk. ᴥ EL CABALLITO via Pastengo 17 BUSSOLENGO (Vr) due band della scena alternative locale, CAU (indie) e NØEN (alt-rock).
► VENERDÌ 6 Aprile ᴥ ALTROQUANDO Osteria Musicale via Corniani 32 SANT'ALBERTO di Zero Branco (Tv) terza serata di selezione del contest per il Veneto dell'AREZZO WAVE Festival, sul palco BACK to NOISE (Vi) il solo FEYDAN (Tv) e La SORTE (Vr). ᴥ Circolo NADIR piazza Gasparotto 10 PADOVA ospite la bravissima Sara Ardizzoni con il suo progetto DAGGER MOTH one/woman/band tra chitarre elettriche e minimalismo elettronico. ᴥ VIRGO Rock Club via Padana 32 SANT'ANGELO di Piove di Sacco (Pd) serata stumentale progressive con i QUARTO VUOTO band trevigiana di area Lizard Records. ᴥ AL BUSCAGLIONE via Marsala 50 PADOVA serata hammond groove con El DUO composto dai maestri Giulio CAMPAGNOLO hammond e Gioele PAGLIACCIA batteria. ᴥ BIOS LAB via Brigata Padova 5 PADOVA spazio al progetto roots-blues self-made di Stefano DENTONE & Antonio GHEZZANI canzoni proprie e chitarre autocostruite. ᴥ GRINDHOUSE via Longhin 37 PADOVA warp up del festival che si terrà a fine mese con tre band locali, TUTTO BRUCIA punk/HC GRAMIGNA post-HC e ISCHÆMIA post/neo grunge. ᴥ RICKY’s Pub via Commerciale 12 ABBAZIA PISANI Villa del Conte (Pd) il venerdì spazio alle ottime realtà locali come i 3CHIODI prog/grunge/stoner e The WANKERSS hard/punk. ᴥ BISTROCK via Rometta 13 San MARTINO di Lupari (Pd) fusione tra sonorità di ieri e oggi, questo sono i DIRTY ROLL. ᴥ CIVICO 4 via Portello 4 PADOVA inizio ore 20 per il live pop punk con cantato in italiano dei giovani FORGET IT. ᴥ Spazio MAVV via Gelsolino 43 VITTORIO Veneto (Tv) sarà qui SID GRIFFIN grande artista americano co-fondatore del movimento Paisley Underground, con lui anche Alberto GROTTO. ᴥ EDEN Cafè via XV Luglio TREVISO la grande icona della scena jazz nazionale ROSA BRUNELLO e il suo combo LOS FERMENTOS. ᴥ MATTOROSSO via Piave 108 MONTEBELLUNA (Tv) boogie hard rock per il grande LU SILVER (ex Small Jackets) e la sua String Band. ᴥ DIEGO ARMANDO Pub piazza Caduti 6 VALLÀ di Riese Pio X (Tv) accoppiata di band di rock in italiano, i CLUB SANDWICH e i FESTA degli IMPICCATI. ᴥ KRACH music Club via Madonna 3 MONASTIER (Tv) sguaiato hardrock con venature glam per i GIVE US BARABBA e in apertura HELL'n'THEN. ᴥ OUTSIDER pub via San Cassiano 72 QUINTO di Treviso (Tv) l'appuntamento live questa settimana è con STEVE SALUTO & the RIKKANZA rock con ifluenze blues e soul. ᴥ LIGHTHOUSE Pub via Noalese Sud 2 NOALE (Ve) cantautorato al femminile per il duo STORIE STORTE, persone, storie e viaggi contromano . ᴥ NOVAK Club via Castellana 59 SCORZÈ (Ve) appuntamento con MAXIMUM Festival #2 di GoDown Records, sul palco i celeberrimi californiani The LOONS capitanati da Mike Stax, in apertura i "nostri" MOTHER ISLAND + djset garage, freakbeat con svariati dj's. ᴥ ARG0 16 Arci Club via delle Industrie 27 MARGHERA (Ve) serata di sperimentazioni con KRISHNAMURTI (Giovanni Lami e Lorenzo Abattoir) basato sull'uso del shurti box, strumento indiano, e poi il manipolatore SIMON WHETHAM e ancora Mauro e Matilde SAMBO, djset della splendida LECRI. ᴥ Laboratorio MORION salizada San Francesco del a Vigna VENEZIA cucina a km zero, libreria antagonista e concerto del bluesman canadese LEE HOLMES accopagnato dal suo combo The Beautitones. ᴥ GROOVE via Martiri Libertà 8 LUGO (Vi) in arrivo da Mikwaukee (Wn,Us) the FOX FACE (Dirtnap records) punk'n'roll al femminile. ᴥ Bar ASTRA contrà barche 14 VICENZA ore 19 nel passaggio qui del tour italiano si esibiranno l'esuberante miss STEREOCHEMESTRY cantautrice berlinese d'origine slava ma veneta d'adozione e lo svedese GUS RING. ᴥ Circolo MESA via L.Da Vinci 50 MONTECCHIO Maggiore (Vi) serata a tutto punkrock con i DURACEL impegnati nel loro "Supermarket tour" in apertura FDP. ᴥ Bar The BROTHERS via Olimpia 1 GREZZANA (Vr) rock dall'anima soul per il trio guidato da GARY HUDSON. ᴥ COHEN Pub via Scarsellini 9 VERONA ospite la cantautrice e producer VEDA BLACK giovane londinese alternative soul. ᴥ JACK the RIPPER via Nuova 9 RONCÀ (Vr) ritornano ad esibirsi live e soprattutto su questo palco i SPAGHETTI SUPERSTAR r'n'r casereccio, in apertura HI FI STACEY alt/hard/rock.
► SABATO 7 Aprile ᴥ LA STANZA Associazione Culturale via Leopardi 25 San MARTINO di Lupari (Pd) nel passaggio qui del tour italiano si esibiranno l'esuberante miss STEREOCHEMESTRY cantautrice berlinese d'origine slava ma veneta d'adozione e lo svedese GUS RING. ᴥ BAHNHOF Live via Sant'Antonio 34 MONTAGNANA (Pd) suoni violenti e poderosi per i gruppi LAST MINUTE to JAFFNA (To/heavy & psych) 8FULSTRIKE (Pd/hategroove) e NADSAT (Bo/noisemath) ᴥ Circolo NADIR piazza Gasparotto 10 PADOVA performance sperimentale del duo bolognese MACK. ᴥ Bar MAUI via Kennedy 54 TAGLIO di PO (Ro) WannaBe collective organizza un aperitivo tra motociclette e rock'n'roll, suoneranno The BOYLERS. ᴥ DUMP latgo Bailo 7 TREVISO serata Marker Shop, il celebre negozio skater e non solo, con live degli interessanti TWO BIRDS ONE STONED attitudine gargae con inserti blues. ᴥ birreria OLD SALOON via Feltrina 19 PEDEROBBA (Tv) serata punk e metal all'italiana con ANGRY DRIVERS (Mo) RAISE YOUR FALL (Mo) LUCIF&R's NAK6D BODY (Tv). ᴥ RADIO GOLDEN bar piazza San Martino 13 CONEGLIANO (Tv) la tostissima Sara Ardizzoni aka DAGGER MOTH one/woman/band tra chitarre elettriche e minimalismo elettronico in apertura il duo BELFAST. ᴥ Cso DJANGO via Monterumici 11 TREVISO serata strumentale e sperimentale con i locals WATERPROOF armati di djdgeridoo e i bolognesi MASSTANG dirompenti e visionari. ᴥ NASTY BOYS via Pellicciaio 4 TREVISO dal Mexico carichi della loro attitudine garage punk i sensazionali LOS EXPLOSIVOS. ᴥ MATTOROSSO via Piave 108 MONTEBELLUNA (Tv) sonorità oscure per il live dei MADAME SADOWSKY e il djset di Alex DEL DUCA. ᴥ GALA via Canova 288 ASOLO (Tv) klezmer sound e gipsy jazz per il COLLETTIVO ORKESTRADA CIRCUS. ᴥ KRACH music Club via Madonna 3 MONASTIER (Tv) serata stoner/doom/spacepysch con le band HUMULUS (Bs/Bg) e i locali The BLACK LOOSE. ᴥ Auditorium SQUERO isola San GIORGIO Maggiore VENEZIA dalle 17 performance "Ba-Rock Cello" per il violoncellista solista GIOVANNI SOLLIMA che va a lla scoperta dei punti di unione tra la musica classica e il moderno rock con composizioni personali. ᴥ ARG0 16 Arci Club via delle Industrie 27 MARGHERA (Ve) Input-Ve ospita la cantautrice neo-soul JOAN THIELE, in apertura KLUNE nuova realtà indierock patavina. ᴥ ARCADIA Csa via Lago di Tovel 18 SCHIO (Vi) dalle 20:30 festa molesta per i diec'anni di attività per The NUTRIES metalpunx a festeggiare assieme a loro LINEA di CONFINE, GROG, i CARLITO (ritorno sulle scene) e JESUS ain't in POLAND. ᴥ AUDITORIUM via Compans CARRÈ (Vi) ore 20:30 in occasione del festival letterario "Parole a Confine" ci sarà il concerto della grandissima CRISTINA DONÀ che presenta le sue "Canzoni in COntroluce". ᴥ VIAROMA17 via Roma 17 DUEVILLE (Vi) postpunk disturbato per due band su Maple Death records, HAVAH e HIS ELECTRO BLUE VOICE. ᴥ CENTRO STABILE di CULTURA via Leogra 4 San VITO di Leguzzano (Vi) gipsy night con l'arrivo del duo A HAWK & A HACKSAW dal New Mexico con Jeremy Barnes dei Neutral Milk Hotel + djset BimBumBalaton. ᴥ Circolo MESA via L.Da Vinci 50 MONTECCHIO Maggiore (Vi) serata old school con i RESPIRO NOCIVO ska-punk e i ROUND7 hardcore. ᴥ BOSTON SQUARE viale Brenta 70 TEZZE sul Brenta (Vi) alternative metal per i milanesi ANEWRAGE, in apertura MORE THE MURDER metalcore, FATE UNBURIED death prog e BLOODFIELD thrash. ᴥ Club IL GIARDINO via Cao di Prà 82 LUGAGNANO di Sona (Vr) concerto della band locale The MASONS che renderanno omaggio allo scomparso amico Stefano, sul palco anche altre band. ᴥ Bar The BROTHERS via Olimpia 1 GREZZANA (Vr) chitarrista dalla spiccata personalità rock blues per l'argentino DEMIAN DOMINGUEZ e la sua Band. ᴥ COHEN Pub via Scarsellini 9 VERONA per festeggiare il primo compleanno del locale sarà qui SID GRIFFIN grande artista americano co-fondatore del movimento Paisley Underground. ᴥ JACK the RIPPER via Nuova 9 RONCÀ (Vr) glam hardrock di stampo eighties per i FALLEN ANGELS.
► DOMENICA 8 Aprile ᴥ TETRIS Project via Roma 87 ARZEGRANDE (Pd) dalle 12 griglie roventi e dopo pranzo live per i giovani FORGET IT poppunk SARA KENNEDY altrock MEDS indierock VAN GOGH SEASON postrock e jam jazz e acustici. ᴥ PUNKY REGGAE Pub via Barbarigo 15 LIEDOLO di San Zenone degli Ezzelini (Tv) dalle 17 aperitivo electrorock con The DIGITALS duo garage/sinth e FLAT FIFTY indie/ultrapop. ᴥ GOTO STORTO via Villanova 8 TREBASELEGHE (Pd) aperitivo targato RocKonnection con presentazione nuovo disco dei BLARING SILENCE alternative metal/rock, il loro compagnia anche i WELKIN rock metalloso. ᴥ Osteria AL CASTELLO via Rossi A. 15 CHIUPPANO (Vi) aperitivo con la sognante musica da film dei GRIMOON combo deluxe rock, psichedelia ed elettronica. ᴥ Circolo MESA via L.Da Vinci 50 MONTECCHIO Maggiore (Vi) aperitivo desertico con gli ELEPHARMERS (Cagliari) e i locals A FOREST MIGHTY BLACK. ᴥ DUMP latgo Bailo 7 TREVISO stasera qui il duo israeliano JONZ folk intimo armonioso ed ottimista. ᴥ ALTROQUANDO Osteria Musicale via Corniani 32 SANT'ALBERTO di Zero Branco (Tv) GoDown records ospita una delle due date italiane della superband croata PUNČKE stoner/altrock.
► LUNEDÌ 9 Aprile ᴥ meno sette.
► MARTEDÌ 10 Aprile ᴥ Osteria FUORI PORTA via Tiziano Aspetti 7 PADOVA serata WAV Women Against Violence con le cantautrici IRENE BRIGITTE e LIL'ALICE, in favore del Centro Donna Padova. ᴥ CA'SANA Cibo Arte e Cultura via SS. Fabiano e Sebastiano 13 PADOVA concerto che chiude il workshop di REBETIKO tenuto da Sofia LAMPROPOULOU, con tutti i partecipanti.
► MERCOLEDÌ 11 Aprile ᴥ SHERWOOD OPEN LIVE vicolo Pontecorvo PADOVA il classico appuntamento del mercoledì tra birre artigianali cicchetti e pizze e i cantautorato di grande spessore stilistico per VERDIANA RAW (Pippola Dischi).
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sayitaliano · 7 years ago
Geografia + Astronomia Vocabs
[ insp. x ]
la geografia: geography geografico: geographic l’atlante geografico (m.): atlas / illustrated volume il nord / il settentrione: North il sud / il meridione: South l’ovest / l’occidente: West l’est / l’oriente: East la Terra / il pianeta Terra: the Earth / planet Earth la terra: land, ground il nucleo (della Terra): the core (of the Earth) la crosta terrestre: earth’s crust la tettonica: tectonics il fossile: the fossil l’acqua: water il cielo: the sky le coordinate (geografiche) (f.): coordinates  la cartina / la mappa / la carta: map (= topographical plan) la piantina / la pianta / la cartina: map (= city plan) la longitudine: the longitude la latitudine:  the latitude il meridiano: meridian il parallelo: parallel l’equatore: equator il clima: the climate l’altitudine (f.): the altitude la densità: density
astronomia: astronomy i pianeti: planets lo spazio: the space le stelle: the stars la stella cadente: shooting star / falling star la cometa: comet la meteora: meteor l’asteroide (m.): asteroid il cosmo / l’universo: cosmos / the universe  la Via Lattea: The Milky Way la galassia: the galaxy il satellite: satellite l’eclissi (f.): eclypse la navicella spaziale: space shuttle il Sole: the sun il tramonto: the sunset il crepuscolo: the sunset / twilight l’alba (f.): the sunrise, the dawn Mercurio: Mercury Marte: Mars Venere: Venus Giove: Jupiter Saturno: Saturn Urano: Uranus Nettuno: Neptune la Luna: the Moon la notte: the night
le terre emerse: lands (lands above the sea) i continenti: continents il subcontinente: sub-continent l’emisfero (m.): hemisphere l’America del Nord: North America (adj: americano: American) l’America del Sud: South America (adj: americano: American) l’Asia: Asia (adj: asiatico: Asian) l’Africa: Africa (adj: africano: African) l’Europa: Europe (adj: europeo: European) l’Australia / l’Oceania: Australia/Oceania  (adj: australiano: Australian) l’Antartide: the Antarctic  (adj: antartico: Antarctic) l’Artide: the Arctic  (adj: artico: Arctic) l’Eurasia: Eurasia   il polo Nord: the North Pole il polo Sud: the South Pole il circolo polare: the polar circle la frontiera / il confine: border la Nazione / il Paese: country lo Stato: state la Regione: area la provincia: province, district / suburbs l’isola (f.): the island  la penisola: the peninsula 
una distesa di acqua: a body of water l’oceano: the ocean  l’Oceano Atlantico: Atlantic Ocean  l'Oceano Pacifico: Pacific Ocean l’Oceano Indiano: Indian Ocean l'Oceano Artico: Arctic Ocean il mare: the sea il Mar Mediterraneo: the Mediterranean sea il fiume: the river il torrente: the stream, the brook il canale: the canal / sewer lo stretto: the streat il lago: the lake la cascata: the waterfall la baia: the bay la cala / l’insenatura (f.): the cove la diga: the dyke
la montagna: the mountain le Alpi: the Alps gli Appennini: the Apennines la catena montuosa: mountain range il ghiacciaio: the glacier la cima / la vetta / la sommità: summit il vulcano: the volcano l’eruzione vulcanica: the eruption la costa: the coast il litorale: the coastline la spiaggia: the beach la pianura: the plain la valle: the valley la collina: the hill il campo: the field la campagna: the countryside la scogliera: the cliff l’altopiano: plateau la foresta: forest la foresta tropicale: rainforest il bosco: wood il canyon / la gola: canyon la grotta: cave il deserto: desert la salina: saltpan la steppa: steppe la tundra: tundra
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scienza-magia · 5 years ago
Stagione estiva anomala e molto calda in Antartide
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L'estate dei record in Antartide, temperature oltre i 20°. Uno studio analizza i fattori che hanno portato a registrare una stagione anomala in termini di caldo, con temperature anche minime sopra lo zero. Il global warming ovviamente è la causa scatenante al quale si accompagna il buco dell'ozono che, chiudendosi, ha indebolito lo scudo contro le correnti calde. Quella dell'Antartide è stata un’estate davvero complicata. Sotto molti punti di vista. Primo fra tutti la temperatura: a febbraio si sono superati i 18 gradi centigradi alla stazione argentina di Esperanza, nel nord della penisola antartica. Mentre i ricercatori brasiliani hanno misurato 20,75° alla base Marambio, sull’isola di Seymour, il 9 febbraio. Sbriciolati record su record, dunque, a causa di un’ondata anomala di calore. C’entra il global warming, ovviamente. Ma i fenomeni che governano l’atmosfera, la circolazione dell’aria e delle acque oceaniche sono davvero complessi.
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Un team di scienziati australiani ha analizzato, in uno studio pubblicato su Global Change Biology, questa folle estate antartica, scoprendo che tra i volani di questo vortice di calore c’è anche il buco dell’ozono che (a differenza di quanto si possa pensare) richiudendosi, disattiva lo scudo contro le correnti calde. Lo spettro caldo sul continente Lo scioglimento dei ghiacci in Antartide interessa in maniera più grave soprattutto la zona ovest del continente. Dove i ghiacciai Pine Island e Thwaites, giganti che, squagliandosi, potrebbero innalzare il livello dei mari di qualche metro, da diversi anni ormai stanno riducendo la loro massa. Tuttavia l’ondata di calore ha interessato anche la parte opposta dell’Antartide, a est. A gennaio alla Casey Station si sono avuti picchi di temperature minime sopra lo zero e di massime attorno ai 7,5° con una punta di 9,2° e una minima corrispondente il mattino dopo di 2,5°. Va da sé che tutto questo caldo ha contribuito a sciogliere ancora di più i ghiacci esponendo, scrivono i ricercatori, molte più aree di terreno senza copertura glaciale. E questo, è noto, genera un altro problema: quello dell’albedo. Il ghiaccio, bianco, riflette buona parte della radiazione solare di nuovo nello spazio. Il terreno molto più scuro (o i mari, nel caso dello scioglimento della banchisa) assorbe invece molto più calore, contribuendo a scaldare ancora di più terreno e aria, in un circolo vizioso che porta a nuovo scioglimento e così via
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Il buco dell’ozono Che si stia richiudendo non è più una notizia, e non è nemmeno tanto buona. Anche questo, infatti, ha un costo. Se è vero che l’ozono scherma, per esempio, i raggi UV del Sole assorbendoli, e quindi impedendo che arrivino al suolo, questo causa un riscaldamento delle parti alte dell’atmosfera. L’assenza di ozono dunque raffreddava leggermente l’atmosfera rafforzando il vortice polare, che è quello ‘scudo’ all’infiltrazione di correnti calde dalle latitudini più alte. Ora questo baluardo è più debole. Una cosa simile accade anche al vortice polare artico.
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Il buco dell’ozono “Alla fine del 2019 - scrivono gli scienziati nello studio - il riscaldamento stratosferico ha portato a un disfacimento precoce del buco dell’ozono e le temperature antartiche hanno cominciato a salire a livelli record”. A Nord di questa corrente, la penisola antartica, che si trova a latitudini più elevate, protesa verso il Sud America, è stata la prima regione a farne le spese negli anni scorsi. Assieme alle isole subantartiche che stanno subendo “un riscaldamento simile a quello dell’Artico”. Le ondate di calore, specificano, sono rare in Antartide. Anche per questo l’anomalia dell’estate 2020 è significativa, in un anno in cui eventi come gli incendi in Australia e l’indebolimento dei monsoni segnano un progressivo mutamento delle circolazioni atmosferiche, guidate proprio dal riscaldamento globale.
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Tutto questo sta avendo e avrà effetti sull’ecosistema antartico, concludono gli scienziati, con un maggiore scioglimento dei ghiacci, più acqua e inondazioni che porteranno al proliferare della flora (muschi e licheni per esempio) e di microrganismi in un ambiente solitamente arido. Ma porterebbe a uno stravolgimento del clima locale, mettendo a rischio anche la sopravvivenza della fauna (pinguini, foche, uccelli marini). Read the full article
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