#Cinema & TV
poroskota · 2 years
Atta Halilintar Dukung Gus Miftah Luncurkan Parfum Karya Santri 
POROSKOTA.COM, JAKARTA – Youtuber Atta Halilintar ikut mendukung sahabatnya, Gus Miftah dalam berbisnis parfum. Hal tersebut terlihat ketika Atta Halilintar hingga Thariq Halilintar menjadi sala satu tamu istimewa perilisan D’Goes di Acta Brasseire Senayan Jakarta Selatan. Atta Halilintar sangat mendukung usaha yang baru saja dirilis Gus Miftah. Sebab menurutnya bisnis tersebut memiliki niat yang…
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admireforever · 8 months
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Daisy Jones & The Six
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carlocarrasco · 3 months
Better than Streaming: Do you have Cloak & Dagger (1984) 4K Blu-ray in your collection?
Welcome back, fellow geeks, Blu-ray collectors and movie buffs! Decades ago, I saw on home video Cloak & Dagger (1984) which turned out to be an entertaining film to watch as I was already playing games on Atari 2600 and the arcades. After replaying by chance on cable TV years later, I finally bought myself the 4K Blu-ray and it sure was fun to watch it all over again. Check out my retro movie…
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assowebtv · 2 years
Due canturini al Festival del Cinema Sportivo
Due canturini al Festival del Cinema Sportivo
Marzorati e Sacchetti protagonisti del Festival Internazionale del Cinema Sportivo Parla anche canturino l’edizione numero 40 di “Sport Movies & TV – Milano International FICTS Fest”, la fase finale delCampionato Mondiale della Televisione, del Cinema, della Cultura e della Comunicazione Sportiva, inserita nel Circuito Internazionale “World FICTS Challenge”. Il prossimo 10 novembre alle 15…
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idleglowingpixels · 11 months
I finally got my schedule aligned with a friend of mine to watch Monster High 2 (the live action movie sequel) and I have some thoughts about it
(Keep reading only if you're okay with spoilers, I go into a lot of detail)
Monster High 2 was a solid experience altogether. The previous movie was in a similar vain, but I think the special effects budget got amped up, because everything looked stellar and just generally better than the first movie. It's still not cinema film level quality but these aren't meant to be compared to that. It's a TV movie, and for what it is I thought that (almost) everything rendered out beautifully (idk why they keep having Lagoona do the oAo thing but okay).
As per the previous film, there were lots of highs in the comedy (Frankie is always the highlight of these movies for me, Cleo taking her job as campaign manager so seriously was kinda funny to me, and a lot of the Heath shenanigans were so reminiscent of G1 to me ESPECIALLY the teasing about Clawdeen being Deuce's girlfriend and general himbo behavior), but it's also a kid's movie, so there's bound to be misses too. Comedy isn't personally my forte, but I got enough chuckles and laughs here and there that it didn't really matter to me.
The songs sounded pretty nice! I went into the movie this time without hearing any songs in advance like the first movie, and was pleasantly surprised. None of them were particularly bad to me, but I think my favorite one was the very-poorly-disguised friend breakup song with the main trio. It reminded me of a similar song in Descendants 2 ironically enough, but I don't mean that as an insult, I love the Descendants soundtracks too!
Okay, now the story of the movie…I don't really know where to begin, there's so much to talk about. I guess I can start at the beginning.
I've seen a few people complain about Clawdeen blowing up on social media and going viral when the characters would regularly go viral or get tons of views on their not-YouTube channels in G1. I know the Internet was different back in 2010, but it wasn't THAT much different going viral back then as it is now imo. I found it an odd complaint personally.
While I have no idea how a half-human ghost can exist in the first place, I ADORED the little bits where that new character was. Unfortunately I neglected to remember her name, usually I'm better with keeping up on this stuff. But she was so goofy, like yeah queen, walk through the door and immediately hit it on the way back out. 💖
The whole thing with the prefect is kind of irrelevant for the most part, so I don't mind it as much. I have an irrational love for the whole fire and water thing Heath and Lagoona got to do for it together, and I noticed characters like them actually have something to do in the movie instead of just awkwardly showing up at the end to record Komos and stand guard I guess??? And they had much more dialogue this time around (very few exceptions, I can only think of Ghoulia and Abbey but who knows, maybe they'll get to be main characters in the third movie I presume will release next year).
Torelai being a general nuisance was amazing, and here she really did feel like her G1 counterpart…if said counterpart was British lol. Her outfits were really nice, felt super edgy and it was a plus for me. I also liked the mention of her scarring from the witches in France, where she'd studied abroad, but I do think they repeated the point of her bringing it up against witches in the song was too quick after the initial mention, perhaps it could've been reserved to the song and have her sing-song her way through explaining the wraith silver.
Draculaura was the main focus in the film, and I really enjoyed her story. She's got every card stacked against her, even those she trusts, it feels like they turn on her in her point of view (Clawdeen and Ellis specifically). I've also seen characters like Ellis a billion times, but as generic as he is, he served the purpose he was in the film for (lowkey thought the name was a reference to Elphaba/Wicked Witch of the West).
Seeing Dracula as much as we did this movie was amazing, loved that, though Zamara kinda fell flat with me as an antagonist. Making a comparison here, but it felt like they were trying to replicate what they'd done with Komos in the previous film, just adjusting her to fit the new narrative, but Komos was much better executed imo (I promise this isn't my bias to Jekyll and Hyde characters showing, I just think his dynamics with the students flowed more organically). I found the whole thing about witches marketing herbal products as remedies with magical healing properties to exploit humanity's fears of appearing healthy to be funny with Z, but that's about it. I also could tell she'd be the villain a lot faster than I did with Komos haha. Seeing Apollo play a significant role here was nice too! I really like how the adult/parent characters can be just as important as the teens, as I find the lack of parent appearances in G1 to be too sparce for something so integral to the characters' stories.
As with pretty much anyone who's seen the film, it seems we were all shouting at Clawdeen towards the end to just turn human to avoid injury from the wraith silver bars (I was so confused lmao), but I think she was so desperate to save her friend that she was in too blind a panic to control that or think rationally. Frankie is in a similar vein; I thought their upgrades would've caused more pain than it'd be worth, and since we saw the electricity from their arm separating from the rest of their body earlier in the scene, it might've triggered a rush of pain to Frankie or their energy would've been zapped out like a light. Also, y’all, they thought their friend was going to forcefully commit genocide, I don’t think either of them were safe from having irrational/impulsive solutions to a situation in which their friend is literally gonna die if they take time to think critically. I do think there could’ve been better execution with the scene, especially how important it is for later, however. I may be explaining the thought process of my only other point of contention here, but it wasn’t thought out all too much imo — Deen could’ve tried to shift back and find it doesn’t work, Frankie could’ve tried to detach their hand/arm and found themselves getting hurt (but not scarred since that’s really the were-girls’ common thing).
But when Clawdeen died just from touching the bars for too long, I was so shocked it was happening from something so small, I figured the explanation was that it might drain a monster's life force or something. But I COULD NOT take the grim reaper thing seriously. Genuinely laughed my ass off cause WHAT WAS THAT??? It seemed so out of place for the pacing to me I guess. I felt like it could've been a perfect opportunity to have Komos reach out to her through his petrification, especially with how much she hangs around his statue during her troubles and looks to his statue for guidance, but I knew going in he was like 99% certain to be a one-off villain. 🥲
Anyway, Torelai and Clawdeen's little trauma bond moment with the scars at the end was very wholesome, a nice tie back to the "not afraid to show my secrets or my scars" line from Coming Out Of The Dark. And for once the franchise acknowledges were-animals as having kinship, like don't get me wrong, I know it's mainly for the cats vs dogs thing, but they're essentially the same monsters. I always found it odd that they were treated as completely different monster types entirely when all they are is just a human base with animal features and abilities (speed, agility, heightened senses, etc.).
A lot of people have a problem with Clawdeuce being a thing, but I don't mind it personally. It's a different gen, nothing has to stay the same as G1, so I’m just going along with the vibes. And I can tell Deuce leaving is going to be where we follow through in the next movie (unless he got tossed into the underworld in the end credits scene, I have no clue). To be honest I really like his prominent inclusion in the roster of characters, especially with how erased he’d get in the G1 movies (they literally cut his part of the rap out and it’s so apparent q-q).
But back to the point about the after credits, when I saw the grim reaper actually CAME BACK and just threw Deuce to the side (or maybe through the portal idk) I instantly freaked out, no laughter to be had, like "WAIT OH MY GOD WE WERE SUPPOSED TO TAKE THAT BIT FOR REAL—"
I know the third film is looking to be centered on Frankie (They 💖) but I do worry with how much elements they're taking from G1 movies to make up new/similar narratives (Drac's Sweet 1600, the previous gen's self acceptance narrative but specifically with a half human character, the emphasis on Jekyll and Hyde shenanigans, vampires vs werewolves but make it vampires vs witches instead, etc.). I just don't think another Freaky Fusion thing with Frankie sacrificing their life energy should be necessary. Especially considering the new antagonist is very clearly gonna be this Grim Reaper dude. And since the Underworld might be the main location for the third film, I wonder if the whole thing about Heath being Hades's son in the TV show will come up in the movie. Ik they're different canons from each other, but It'd be pretty interesting to see how they'd create a MH version of Hades. (I found his design from the cartoon after typing all this up and I mean, okay then I guess 🤷 Don’t love it but don’t hate it either, he just looks too nice to me haha. I love when Hades is actually a nice character, but his appearance and Resting Bitch Face make him out to be a huge dick.)
As of right now, that's basically everything I have to say on the movie. I personally prefer the first one, but I will not deny that it's because I liked Komos more as an antagonist than Zamara — antagonists are just as important as protagonists. He has the Jekyll and Hyde thing going for him too, which is just overall a favorite trope of mine (Though his change wasn’t as literal). I do think this movie had more going on and much higher stakes, what with characters almost committing mass genocide, suffering injuries and nearly outright DYING.
But I don't know, it was a solid 7/10 for me I think, on the higher end of 7 but Zamara keeps me from giving it a higher rating (sorry y'all I just REALLY didn't like her character, not even in a love to hate way, and villains’ likability matters too much for me personally). I guess my ranking for the first movie would be a low 8, but it’s based more on how much I enjoyed it than how objectively good or "perfect" it is.
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britesparc · 2 years
Weekend Top Ten #554
Top Ten Movie Trailers
I love movie trailers. They’re so cool. Talking about music videos being short films, here you have a short-form video that has to not only condense the themes and – maybe – plot of a longer film into two and a half minutes, but it also has to be entertaining in its own right. As someone who’s spent about fifteen years making TV promos, a well-cut movie trailer feels like a piece of high art; something to aspire to.
Nowadays there’s a template to these sorts of things, especially for big budget blockbusters. Moody opening shots, often of a location; smatterings of enigmatic dialogue; tension music; leading to fast cuts, action scenes, thrilling music, before coming back down with either a big effects money shot or a funny one-liner. Even within this format you get some great trailers – Marvel in particular has a strong trailer game – but I prefer the ones that think outside the box. Trailers that use their short runtime to tell a story in some way, to evoke emotions. Sometimes this is via bespoke footage made just for the trailer – we’ve got a couple of these in the list – and sometimes it’s using the film itself.
Music, too, plays a huge role in a good trailer. There are a couple of examples here, too, where the track is just really well-cut, with visuals to match; it almost turns the trailer into something approaching a music video. Sometimes these songs are really well chosen, matching the visuals with the lyrics so expertly as to make you think they could almost be written for this film. Which, interestingly enough, brings us to another point: great trailers for crap films.
Maybe that’s a bit harsh, but there are trailers here for films which I must say I don’t love. Interestingly enough, I feel like Zack Snyder films make terrific trailers, even if I’m often not too enamoured with the final product when it hits cinemas. But that’s not really the point: we’re not judging the films here, literally all I’m talking about is the trailers themselves. How cool they are, how exciting, how they make me feel – and, yes, whether or not they make the film they’re supposed to be advertising look good or not. Because in a way, a terrific trailer for a terrible film is almost the highest form of compliment: a trailer so good it assembles sub-par material in such a way as to make it seem really, really cool. And hopefully we can all agree that these ten trailers are really, really cool.
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Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace (1999): watching it back now it’s like a museum piece. An almost-archaic use of footage, dialogue, and music – with Star Wars dissolves and wipes, in the promo – but as a tool for building excitement, nothing could be greater. This was a return to a beloved galaxy, and whilst nowadays we’re totally disillusioned by everything far, far away, back then it was hugely anticipated. Seeing stuff we’d just never seen – CGI cities, impossible aliens, elaborate lightsaber fights – was gobsmacking. People can criticise the film all they want, but as an artfully-constructed promo, with its expertly chosen shots and sounds, the trailer is a masterpiece.
Cloverfield (2008): I had my issues with the final film of Cloverfield, but maybe they were all because no film could ever really live up to this incredible first impression. Unlike Phantom, which was eagerly anticipated to the point of mania, this just emerged out of nowhere: an enigmatic title, an unknown film, starring and directed by unknowns, but with uber-producer JJ Abrams somehow attached. And in its brief runtime it perfectly sketches a scene, home video footage of a party segueing into unease, tension, fear and then terror. Coming so soon after 9/11 the grainy imagery of explosions in New York carried greater resonance, and only as the atmosphere amps up do we realise something unearthly or supernatural is going on. And as money shots go, the head of the Statue of Liberty being flung down a street is right up there.
Terminator 2: Judgement Day (1991): in the annals of “specially-shot promo footage” this has to rank as the greatest of all. A series of industrial close-ups show the construction of an actual Terminator, something that filled baby nerds like myself with all kinds of lore-building delight. The use of sound design, lighting, and – of course – the fantastic Terminator theme helps build both tension and excitement, until we’re finally face to face with a naked Arnold. Funnily enough, I think the first time I saw this was as a chunky lo-res intro to the Terminator 2 videogame on the Amiga.
Watchmen (2009): another film where I much prefer the trailer to the finished product – weirdly, a very common phenomenon when discussing the films of Zack Snyder! The use of slow motion and frame ramping in the trailer gives the action a sense of gravitas, suitable for such a revered text. But really it’s the music that sells this, the excellent Smashing Pumpkins song The Beginning is the End is the Beginning matching brilliantly – if a bit on-the-nose-dly – with the visuals.
Jurassic Park (1993): here we get to one which, I think, is perhaps a bit less iconic, but had a profound effect on me when I saw it in the cinema in – I guess – 1992. Over shots of a mosquito in amber, a serious voiceover explains in dry tones how dinosaur blood was found in the frozen insects, and scientists have used that to clone dinosaurs. When I first saw this, for the longest time I thought it was true; some kind of documentary or news report or something. Only as it progressed did my innate (even then) knowledge of how promos and movies worked did I begin to suspect this was a film they were talking about; and, of course, it ends with “next summer Steven Spielberg will take you there”. Well, I was already a huge Spielberg fan even back then, so this was just incredible. A subtle, enigmatic, and quietly creepy trailer that totally whetted at least one kid’s appetite thirty years ago.
Spider-Man (2002): although feeling like another bespoke specially-shot featurette, this was footage that was meant to be part of the movie, in the montage of Spidey’s actions. It has gained notoriety in the years since, as it was briefly released to the internet before being banned – for reasons that shall become clear. Because the trailer – which is an excellently-shot bank heist, evoking classics such as Heat, and doesn’t tip its hat at all to the superheroic nature of its target – ends with a helicopter caught in a spider’s web spun between the twin towers of the World Trade Center. This was an excellent trailer, really showing us something that no superhero film had done, and also just damned exciting.
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (2011): in the annals of trailers-basically-just-cut-to-an-existing-music-track, this must be one of the best. The use of Immigrant Song might be a bit first-base for a film set in Scandinavia but the beat is perfect for the staccato cuts of a trailer like this, and the haunting visuals perfectly set up a dark noir story: snowy lanes winding into the distance, disparate scenes of violence, enigmatic faces, wide expanses of landscape… the sense of threat is all-encompassing, yet there’s also an undercurrent of, I dunno, excitement or even humour somehow, because, well, Immigrant Song is a banger. Anyway, it’s great.
Die Hard with a Vengeance (1995): another one where I think maybe I remember this trailer a lot more than anyone else, it really had an impact on me back in the day. I think the first time I saw it was on a VHS full of movie trailers that came with a special issue of Empire magazine – just in case you didn’t know how old I was. But it utilises the film’s rather shocking opening – a bomb suddenly going off in New York – and then reprises Ode to Joy, echoing the first film, a series of rapid action beats cut to the music. It was just so much damn fun and really exciting.
Independence Day (1996): so perfectly calibrated that it could be a case study for how to ramp up expectation. ID4 was going to be an event, and this trailer cemented it; people went wild. Sure, we get the money shot of the White House exploding and a super-cool badass Will Smith kiss-off line, but the slow-burn ratcheting of the tension – the signal detected, the people gathering, the worried politicians, the shadows stretching over cities – plays like the first half of the film in microcosm. Indeed, you could argue that this trailer distils the very best of the finished film into under three minutes; perhaps it’s even the perfect version of the film. Although you don’t get Brent Spiner.
The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (2003): there can be no victory without loss. There’s a particular type of trailer – the Saga’s End, let’s call it – that really breaks out all the stops, and whilst ROTK may have more-or-less pioneered the form (pre-dating Revenge of the Sith and Deathly Hallows), it’s still the master. Slow dissolves, dialogue snippets like “we come to it at last” and “the pieces are in place”, shots ramping up a sense of finality, of danger, of sacrifice. Someone’s crying, someone’s screaming, someone’s giving a heartfelt speech; there’s the promise of spectacle on a scale hitherto unseen in the series, of an event so great there’s no going back. Gondor’s in flames. Legolas scales a Mûmakil. There’s a bloody great spider. I think what really sells this is that this sense of our heroes undergoing great loss in the pursuit of victory is actually an overriding thread in Tolkien’s work; that some wounds never heal, that evil like this cannot be entirely unmade. We know that not quite everyone will emerge the other end, and those that do will be changed. A trailer like this should promise melancholy, and this succeeds and then some.
Would have been nice, at some point in my career, to make an actual proper trailer for an actual proper movie. Ah well. I’ll always have that Pokémon promo I made for CITV using Duel of the Fates as a backing track.
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hangman001 · 1 month
TV Wall Mounting Foley AL
Looking for professional home cinema installation services in Perdido Key, FL? Our team specializes in home theater installation, TV mounting, and AV installation across Pensacola, Mobile, Orange Beach, Gulf Shores, Foley, Spanish Fort, Pace, and Milton. From TV installation to wall mounting and home audio setup, we've got you covered in Mobile, AL, and Pensacola, FL.
TV Wall Mounting Foley AL
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We offer a wide range of residential and commercial handyman services to our clients. We specialize in small projects and we deliver high-quality workmanship that will stand the test of time. We intend to foster a second-to-none client experience by remaining true to the words that we speak and the relationships that we make.
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charlesmwa · 2 months
Transforming Home Entertainment: The Benefits of High-End Audio Systems
Hey there, music lovers and movie buffs! Ever dreamed of bringing the concert hall or the cinema right into your living room? Well, it's time to make that dream a reality with high-end audio systems. These bad boys aren't just about cranking up the volume; they're about transforming your entire entertainment experience. So, let's dive into why investing in a top-notch audio setup is a game-changer for your home.
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Sound Like You've Never Heard Before
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The Ultimate Entertainment Experience
Now, think about your typical Friday night. You're chilling on the couch, ready to binge-watch the latest series or throw on a movie. With a high-end audio system, that experience gets a major upgrade. Surround sound overwhelm you, making you feel like you're part of the storyline. It's immersive, it's thrilling, and it's way more satisfying than relying on those tinny TV speakers. Plus, it makes hosting movie nights or game days with friends an epic event. They'll be blown away by the sound quality, and you'll be the star of the show.
Boost Your Home’s Value and Vibes
Investing in a high-end audio system doesn't just amp up your entertainment; it also adds serious value to your home. Potential buyers see high-quality sound systems as a major perk, and it can set your place apart from others on the market. But beyond that, it's about the vibe. Walking into a home with killer sound just feels different. It's luxurious, it's modern, and it's a conversation starter. Plus, you'll enjoy it every day, making it a worthwhile investment in your own happiness and satisfaction.
Music to Your Ears - Literally
For the music enthusiasts out there, having a high-end audio system is like having your favourite band or artist performing live just for you. Whether you're into jazz, rock, classical, or hip-hop, you'll hear nuances in the music you never knew existed. It's an experience that makes you appreciate your favourite tunes even more and might even introduce you to new genres you hadn't considered before.
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So, to cut to the chase, high-end audio systems are a must-have for anyone serious about their entertainment. They bring unparalleled sound quality, elevate your home entertainment experience, add value to your property, and make every listening session a pleasure. It's not just about having the latest tech; it's about transforming how you experience media in your home. So, why settle for ordinary when you can have extraordinary? Treat yourself to a high-end audio system and check them personally at shops like VIP PRO AUDIO and hear the difference for yourself!
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mdshariful · 8 months
Marantz's latest flagship AV receiver is clearly aimed at demanding home theater enthusiasts with complex setups, with 13 Cinema 30 speakers and four subwoofers, and can be connected to three 8K TVs simultaneously. Aspect Details HDMI Connectivity Seven HDMI inputs and three HDMI outputs, with three inputs supporting HDMI 2.1. HDMI 2.1 supports 8K signals up to 60 Hz and 4K signals up to 120 Hz. Features include VRR, ALLM, Dolby Vision, HDR10+, and HDMI CEC. Diverse Port Options Comprehensive range of ports, including Phono input for record players, composite- and component inputs, and optical Toslink ports. Ensures compatibility with various audio and video sources. Speaker Terminals and Subwoofer Outputs 13 speaker terminals and four dedicated subwoofer outputs, enabling the setup of 13.4 surround-sound systems. Amplification Eleven 140-watt class AB amplifiers power passive speakers. The receiver can also function as a preamplifier, allowing connection to an additional power amp for larger speakers. Advanced Audio Technologies Features a SHARC dual DSP and an ESS Sabre 32-bit D/A converter for distortion-free sound. Audyssey MultEQ-XT32 software and included microphones allow users to customize sound based on their environment. Streaming Features Supports streaming features such as Apple AirPlay 2, Spotify Connect, and Bluetooth, providing additional flexibility for audio playback. Additional Power Options Can be used as a preamplifier, and an additional power amp can be connected for driving larger speakers if more power is required. Color Options Available in black or silver with gold accents, offering buyers aesthetic choices. Price and Availability The Marantz Cinema 30 AV receiver is set to be available at specialist retailers from mid-March, with a recommended retail price of $4500. Official Product Page More detailed information on features can be found on the official product page. Marantz Cinema 30 aims to conquer buyers with maximum compatibility and flexibility, for which the manufacturer has installed seven HDMI inputs and three HDMI outputs. Of these, three inputs support HDMI 2.1 and therefore 8K signals up to 60 Hz, or 4K signals up to 120 Hz, including support for VRR, ALLM, Dolby Vision, HDR10+ and HDMI CEC. From a phono input, vintage composite and component inputs to a Toslink optical port for a turntable, the list of ports couldn't be longer - the Cinema 30 is missing a standard. Additionally, there are 13 speakers. terminal and four dedicated subwoofer outputs, allowing for effortless setup of 13.4 sound systems. Eleven 140-watt class AB amplifiers are used to drive the passive speakers. If such power is not enough, the Cinema 30 can also be used as a preamplifier and an additional power amplifier can be connected to drive larger speakers. A SHARC Dual DSP and ESS Saber 32-bit D/A converter ensure distortion-free sound, while the Audyssey MultEQ-XT32 software and supplied microphone allow users to tailor the sound to their own environment. Streaming features like Apple AirPlay 2, Spotify Connect, and Bluetooth are also part of the AV receiver's standard features.
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globalrokid · 10 months
 Rokid Station- Enjoy augmented reality and cinematic experience like never before
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Rokid Station gives you an unprecedented cinematic experience by creating a portable Android TV that can be carried anywhere. Rokid Station supports Cloud gaming and Google Ecosystem resources. Rokid Station has 64-bit 4-core ARM CPU with 32GB of internal storage of which 20 GB is free. Rokid Station has also 2GB of RAM and a 5000mAh battery. Rokid Station does not have any kind of fan inside so the device gets warm with prolonged use. On the outside of the device, there are buttons for control and power and an LED light battery indicator. Rokid Sation has two ports one port is that of USB C which is used for charging and another is a mini HDMI port for display output. Another important feature of Rokid Station is that you can transform any space into your cinema hall by wearing AR Glasses. Rokid Station also gives you an once-in-a-lifetime thrilling game play experience like never before.      
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nikkiserenity · 2 years
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This Saturday, our film Zombie Resurrection is going to be shown again in St. Louis! It hasn’t been released so only a few people have seen it. Come out this Saturday if you want to be one of the first people to see it before it’s released to the public! I probably won’t make it, but if you can, enjoy and let me know what you think! Date: Saturday, March 11 Event: 2 PM - 5 PM Showing time: 5 PM Location: @arkadincinema Address: 5228 Gravois Ave, St. Louis, MO 63116 Event page: https://fb.me/e/3eu7zc8Zt Videographer/Writer/Producer/Director/Editor/Actor: @brad_prime / https://www.primephotostl.com Zombie: @NikkiSerenityArtist Hunter/Associate Producer: @barehandsberan of @wildlifecommandcenter and Bare Hands Rescue TV show on @animalplanet and @discoveryplus Special FX Makeup: @staycreepysfx Assistant Makeup: @karilynnsfx Behind the Scenes Video/Photos: @cole_wide_world Sound Assistant/BTS Photos: @mwinklerphotos / @whatwedoaftercoffee Other things it’s been in: @andy.ruzicka @stltvchannel: https://youtu.be/u3K3daOTufk @altontelegraph / @edwintelligencer / @theintellnews 2x by @jillmoonwhitworth . @luckysevensfilmchallenge in Las Vegas, accepted into many more, won many awards Trailer: https://youtu.be/3u0_Kv3QKuU Articles: https://www.theintelligencer.com/news/article/Zombie-Resurrection-reaction-powerful-at-1st-16948132.php?fbclid=IwAR24nwHidlClYSai1rriJegT2O4Km7z4Xr8qjVaj-bRYG1csMETApRN1nSI https://www.theintelligencer.com/news/amp/Nikki-Serenity-in-first-lead-role-in-Zombie-16640178.php Website: http://zombie-resurrection.com Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/ZombieResurrectionFilm/ IMDb: https://m.imdb.com/title/tt16114346/ Watch party: https://fb.watch/bnpXL6LEx-/ #stlfilm #stlmovie #stlfilms #stlmovies #stlouisfilm #stlouismovie #stlfilmmakers #stlouisfilmmakers #stlfilmmaking #stlouisfilmmaker #stlvideographer #stlouisvideographer #stlactor #filmfestivals #filmshowcase #filmfestival #saintlouis #stlouis #stl #314 #saintlouisday #stlouisday #stlday #zombie #314day #arkadin #zombieresurrection #stlvideographer #stlouisvideographer @stlfilmshowcase @314_day @314day @indiefilmfest @stlfilmfest @filmfestivals @filmfestivalsofficial (at Arkadin Cinema & Bar) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpkyVLGOCH5/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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poroskota · 2 years
Jadwal Tayang Dan Link Live Streaming Film Penumpasan Pengkhianatan G30S PKI Di TV
Jadwal Tayang Dan Link Live Streaming Film Penumpasan Pengkhianatan G30S PKI Di TV
POROSKOTA.COM – Berikut jadwal tayang dan link live streaming film Penumpasan Pengkhianatan G30S PKI di TV. Film Penumpasan Pengkhianatan G30S PKI berkisah tentang peristiwa kudeta politik di Indonesia oleh Partai Komunis Indonesia (PKI). Film Penumpasan Pengkhianatan G30S PKI merupakan karya Arifin C. Noer. Berdurasi 220 menit, film Penumpasan Pengkhianatan G30S PKI dibintangi sederet artis di…
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admireforever · 3 months
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Daisy Jones & The Six
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mmorgshell · 2 years
Dolby home theater v4 download review
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We will guide you how to install dolby home theater v4 in windows 7,8,10 with a simple installation guide. Transform your home entertainment experience with our range of sound bars, home cinema systems and soundstages. Identify which fluance surround sound speakers fits you best. Dolby atmos home theatercreate a cinema-quality experience at home with an lg home theater system.
Dolby home theater v4 acer 8930 driver for windows 7 32 bit, windows 7 64 bit, windows 10, 8, xp. We pared 6 top-rated fluance surround sound speakers products over the latter 2 years. IOmega Zip Drive Features.įind out which fluance surround sound 1 matches you.
You can find audio drivers by visiting the support section of your pc or tablet manufacturer's website. The dolby software is 'dolby digital plus' and not 'home theatre v4' the v4's installer exe is in the zipped folder, but digital plus is what installs. Dolby home theater v4 - realtek hd audio drivers were collected from official websites of manufacturers and other trusted sources. Dolby home theater 5.1 grátis baixar software em - dolby home theater oferece a experiência de som surround final para pcs. We made a comparison of 6 leading fluance surround sound 1 products over the past 2 years. Not liking that os i installed windows 7 professional. Volume maximizer boosts the problem is the tuba subwoofer.In very simple terms, a home theater setup constitutes a set of speakers, a media player including dvd or blueray players, an av receiver, and a large screen tv or projector.Dolby home theater v4 how to uninstall dolby home theater v4 from your computer this info is about dolby home theater v4 for windows.Instalar dolby home theater v4 windduration, 7, 58.Get the best deal for onkyo dolby home audio receivers with digital tuner and 5.1 channels from the largest online selection at.
Enable 5.1 dolby in windows 10 w/ realtek patch! Choose an audio solution to suit your tv and your lifestyle, with options including everything from the samsung sound bar with multiroom capabilities and valve amp technology to more pared back sound bars that offer a great virtual surround sound solution on a budget. Official driver packages will help you to restore your dolby home theater v4 - realtek hd audio sound cards. Users of Dolby Home Theater gave it a rating of 3 out of 5 stars.Download Now DOLBY HOME THEATER 5.1 DRIVER 17, which is used by 28 % of all installations.ĭolby Home Theater runs on the following operating systems: Windows. It was initially added to our database on. The latest version of Dolby Home Theater is. It was checked for updates 785 times by the users of our client application UpdateStar during the last month. Overviewĭolby Home Theater is a Shareware software in the category Audio & Multimedia developed by Dolby. By setting personalized EQ profiles, they can achieve exactly the sound quality they want: more powerful bass, clearer dialogue, and crisp, consistent audio overall. Easy to implement and integrate, this comprehensive set of audio technologies gives consumers the high fidelity they’ve always wanted from their laptops. Dolby® Home Theater® delivers the ultimate surround sound experience to PCs.
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mainsminder · 2 years
Svat wrc101 wireless remote control
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=> Belkin F7D4516 ScreenCast AV4 – Clutter Removing 4 Port Wireless HDMI Adapter.
=> Azend Group MediaGate GP-IR02BK Windows Vista Home Premium and Windows Vista Ultimate MCE Remote Control, 2 Channel IR (Black).
=> Apple MacBook Pro MC976LL/A 15.4-Inch Laptop with Retina Display (NEWEST VERSION).
hubs switch switches pc power supply printer laser New 3 Prong 15Ft Ac Power Cord Cable Plug for Samsung Toshiba LG Sharp Sony Sceptre RCA Panasonic Philips Mitsubishi Magnavox TV LCD Plasma DLP, Acer Asus HP Samsung ViewSonic Dell Compaq Hanns-G LG Planar Monitor, Screen, Certain XBOX 360 Black color
> 15 foot Computer or TV HIGH GRADE Right Angle AC Power Cord, UL/CSA, 18AWG, 15′ – Powers up to 10 AMPs – this powers items that take this style of cord.
> TCL L40FHDF12TA 40-Inch 1080p 60 Hz LCD HDTV with 2-Year Warranty.
> Sony KDF-46E2000 120 Watt TV Lamp Replacement.
> Sharp GA667WJSA Factory Original Remote Control.
> Samsung Galaxy S III 4G Android Phone, Blue 16GB (Verizon Wireless).
> Panasonic DMP-BD75 Ultra-Fast Booting Blu-ray Disc Player.
> Mount-It! Full Motion Articulating Tilting TV Wall Mount for 32″-55″ Samsung LCD LED PLASMA HDTV **Extends 20 Inches**.
> Magnasonic Wireless Key Finder for Keys, Wallet, Phone, Remote Control includes Locator with 4 Receivers – MGWF300.
> iSymphony LC19iH56 19-Inch 720p LCD HDTV (Black).> Hauppauge 1288 WinTV-HVR-1150 PCI Hybrid High Definition TV Tuner Card.> Energy 5.1 Take Classic Home Theater System (Set of Six, Black).> eForCity 2x Premium 6FT 1.3 Gold High Speed HDMI Cable For 1080p HDTV.> Cheetah Mounts 32″-55″ Articulating LCD TV Wall Mount Bracket with Full Motion Swing Out Tilt & Swivel Dual Arms for Flat Screen Flat Panel LED Plasma Displays.> ASUS USB Kit for Eee Pad Transformer TF101, TF101G, TF201 & TF300 Tablets.> Apple MacBook Pro MD213LL/A 13.3-Inch Laptop with Retina Display (NEWEST VERSION).> Aluratek ADMPF108F 8-inch Hi-Res Digital Photo Frame With 512MB Built in Memory (Black).!! VIZIO E260VA 26 Inch Class Edge Lit Razor LED LCD HDTV.!! VideoSecu Universal LCD/DLP Projector Ceiling Mount Bracket White Fits Both Flat or Vaulted Ceiling PJ2W 1CA.!! SVAT WRC101 Wireless Remote Control Power Outlet Outdoor On/Off Switch with 100 Feet Range.!! Sanus VMP元-B Tilt Wall Mount for 27″ to 90″ Displays (Black).!! Samsung Galaxy S III 4G Android Phone, White 16GB (Verizon Wireless).!! OmniMount Tria 1 B – 1 Shelf Wall Furniture (Black/Dark Glass).!! Mount World 1430 2 Shelf LCD, LED, Plasma TV Wall Mount Bracket for Blu-ray Player, Cable Box, DVD Player, Stereo Components, AV Video, Etc.!! LG Cinema Screen 55LM8600 55-Inch Cinema 3D 1080p 240Hz Dual Core LED-LCD HDTV with Smart TV and Six Pairs of 3D Glasses.!! JBuds J2 Premium Hi-FI Noise Isolating Earbuds Style Headphones (Orange Citrus).!! HDMI Extender over Cat5e or Cat6 Cables – Up To 30 meters 98 feet – Fixed 10-Inch.!! eForCity Micro USB to HDMI MHL Adapter.!! Denon AVR-2113CI Networking Home Theater Receiver with AirPlay and Powered Zone 2.!! AGPtek PC VGA TO TV Converter BOX S-Video Adaptor Convert VGA to Composite Video/ Svideo with Audio cable and 3.5MM to RCA audio cable-black.!! 32″ Outdoor TV Cover (Soft Non Scratch Interior) fits 26″ 27″ 30″ & Some 36″.Uses FCC-approved radio frequency technology.Controls up to 10A 1200W of current each.Controls independent 3-prong 120 volt 60Hz standard AC remote switch outlets.100 feet wireless transmission range passes through doors, floors and walls.The control unit, with key chain, is more than small enough to fit into your pocket, but its signal will work up to 100 feet aw Features SVAT WRC101 Wireless Remote Control Power Outlet Outdoor On/Off Switch with 100 Feet Range: The receiver plugs directly into a three-prong outlet, and provides a remote switched three-prong outlet to allow radio frequency on & off control for a wide variety of electrical devices. Control lamps, radios, or other electrical devices from up to 100 feet away, even through walls, with this radio frequency wireless remote control. This technologically advanced wireless electronic remote can control virtually everything in your house with just the push of a button. >VIEW MORE IMAGES
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pemburugacor · 2 years
LINK Nonton Film Ghost Of Mae Nak Sub Indo, Kisah Nak Dan Mak Terlibat Perjanjian Dengan Hantu
LINK Nonton Film Ghost Of Mae Nak Sub Indo, Kisah Nak Dan Mak Terlibat Perjanjian Dengan Hantu
Ghost of Mae Nak adalah film horor yang dibintangi oleh mendiang Tangmo Nida. Ghost of Mae Nak dirilis pada tahun 2005, diadaptasi dari IMDb. Ghost of Mae Nak menceritakan kisah cinta Nak (Tangmo Nida) dan Mak (Siwat Chotchaicharin) yang berbagi perjanjian dengan hantu wanita, Mae Nak. slot gacor malam ini Film horor ini bisa ditonton di banyak platform streaming, seperti Bili Bili. Ini link…
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