#Cimitero Monumentale di Staglieno
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"Havia contudo um cemitério bonito, o de Pisa. Para ver maus mármores era ir a Génova."
Ernest Hemingway, "O Adeus às Armas"; Na foto de cima, o Camposanto Monumentale di Pisa. Abaixo um dos milhares de monumentos funerários do cemitério Staglieno, de Génova.
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sy666th · 4 months
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The Death Angel - l'Angelo della Morte
Marble work by the Italian sculptor Giulio Monteverde, commissioned in 1882 by Francesco Oneto, a wealthy Genoese and president of the General Bank, to be placed in the family tomb in the Monumental Cemetery of Staglieno, in Genoa.
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wandering-cemeteries · 2 months
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Cemetery high rise.
Cimitero Monumentale di Staglieno.
Genoa, Italy
Dec. 2016
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 Cimitero Monumentale di Staglieno in Genoa, Italy.
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riceli · 11 months
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Nel ‘Cimitero Monumentale di Staglieno, Genova’
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federer7 · 1 year
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Erotismo e autoritarismo a Staglieno. Cimitero monumentale di Staglieno, Genova, Italia, 1966
Photo: Lisetta Carmi
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quandolarte · 6 months
Nel Cimitero Monumentale di Staglieno a Genova c'è un'opera funeraria in marmo bianco tra le più belle che abbia mai visto: L'angelo della Morte di Giulio Monteverde.
Fu commissionata nel 1822 dal ricco banchiere genovese Francesco Oneto per la tomba di famiglia.
Monteverde rivoluziona completamente il modo di intendere un'opera funebre. Anziché scolpire congiunti in lacrime, dà forma ad un angelo che medita sul mistero della vita e della morte mentre veglia sulla tomba.
Il giovane angelo androgino, con il suo sguardo glaciale, conquista chi lo guarda dritto negli occhi e, nello stesso tempo, seduce con il richiamo della morte.
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wandering-jana · 1 year
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Cimitero Monumentale di Staglieno (The Monumental Cemetery of Staglieno) in Genoa, Italy. Look at that detail in these sculptures!
Check out my blog post!
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angelinachiodo · 2 years
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Cimitero monumentale di Staglieno, Genova ❤️
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michelangelob · 11 months
La Scultura del giorno: il Sonno Eterno di Santo Varni
La scultura del giorno che vi propongo in occasione di questo 2 novembre dedicato al ricordo dei defunti, è l’allegoria del Sonno Eterno, scolpita dall’artista Santo Varni per onorare la memoria di Maria Bracelli, ubicata nella tomba Bracelli Spinola del Cimitero Monumentale di Staglieno, Genova. Il complesso monumentale funebre fu commissionato allo scultore genovese Varni dai figli della…
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Última morada-Cementerios-¿Campo Santo? ¿Ángeles incompetentes?
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"Blue Angel, Cimitero Monumentale di Staglieno, Genoa, Italy"
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Cimitero monumentale di Staglieno, Genova (GE), Liguria, Italia.
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wandering-cemeteries · 5 months
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The Monumental Cemetery of Staglieno (Cimitero Monumentale di Staglieno).
Genoa, Italy. December, 2016
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bucketsof-moonbeams · 2 years
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Cimitero Monumentale di Staglieno, Genova, Italy
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for the weirdly specific artist ask game: 7 and 14 (love your art so much <3)
Hey you 💜💜💜 that's lucky because I love you so much 😘💖
7. A medium of art you don’t work in but appreciate
Oh damn, so many!! I do not have the patience to paint irl but I'm a simp for traditional style paintings - Titian is my favourite old master, also a bit soft on Caravaggio. I love a lot of religious art, particularly altar pieces and icons which use a lot of egg tempera and gold leaf. This Madonna of the Rose Garden is one of my favourites I've seen in person, the depth of texture and detail was breathtaking! (Ignore me stealing a shot from wikipedia)
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A more contemporary artist would be Ruth Speer, @septemberwildflowers on IG, who I have been trying to obtain a print of for ages.
In the same vein, completely in love with stone carving sculpture, particularly the kind you see in graveyards like Cimitero monumentale di Staglieno, I got lucky to go visit there in 2010 and I still have the photos in my references folder. It's wild to me how delicate and organic stone can be when handled perfectly- and no mistakes! That's insane levels of talent, I am in awe. I could probably go on and on about so many different mediums, it fuels a part of me that nothing else could ever touch.
14. Any favorite motifs
I think, apologies for getting too pretentious, the thing I seem to gravitate most to is devotion - whether that's between lovers in frame, an emotional intrinsic link happening outside of the frame, or in a literal sense of my devotion to using every colour imaginable. I like to flirt with lot of religious imagery as well (shocking) like halos, bursting light, kneeling (👅).
Oh, and hairy butts.
Love you @nofeelingisfinall you inspire me every day 💜💜💜 thank you for the ask!!
Local slut with lofty art aspirations begging for validation asks
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strabiccio55 · 2 years
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A perenne ricordo. Immagini scattate nel Cimitero Monumentale di Staglieno a Genova.
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