is...is the lounge singer in this sugar baby Sherlock Holmes Chinese mystery drama set in 1920s Shanghai singing Creep by Radiohead in the background of this scene?
I love this fucking show
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uweiy · 2 years
Original Content Masterpost
because even I can’t find my own damn content on this damned website.
*All fics mentioned are directly on Tumblr unless specified otherwise
The Untamed
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Gifsets: Wwx and rooftops /Wangxian and jc being done part 1, part2, part3 / Yiling laozu /At Nevernight I wasn't by your side / I broke my promise /Bunny lanterns 🐇 / Lwj understanding the golden core thing
Fanart: Wwx flower boy mini comic / The red undergarnment / Song Lan / It snows / Yanqing and books
Memes: Is this... 🫱🦋🐦?/ Stabbing yourself in the heart /Picture u can hear /Y'all deserved better / Alignment chart / Tag urself (the untamed characters as people in my classroom ft. Stickmen) / The Untamed character generator
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A lot of Textposts-y memes:
Wwx introducing himself and lwj / wwx translating lwj microexpressions / he'd marry you if you asked brother / wwx chugging a whole jar of ??? / Wwx no / there is no cure / Jiang fengmian loves his sons equally / lqr at wangxian wedding / wangji this is not allowed / I'm cold / get the hoe / I wasn't drunk / wen Ning is precious / shut UP / good morning :D
The juniors shenanigans: Jin Ling adulting / *sneaking out*/da headbands very precious yes / fairy climbs a tree
Xicheng Trying to hold on to you (1.6k, hurt/comfort), you confused me with a fucking dog (1.6k, College AU), They were roommates (10k, college AU)
Wangxian: Night of shooting stars (1.3k,Star!Lwj), Those who bleed (600 words, angst)
Other: Dangling Accessories (1.9k JC&Jin ling, Wandering Heart (Yanqing, 1.5k) Mianmian's Education course (Jc &wq, 800words) Alive (wwx-centric, drabble), Ouyang Zizhen at yi-city (<1k)
More detailed Cql-fic masterpost (with summaries) INCOMPLETE. Or read them in the AO3 collection (username Namariae).
Talks and other stuff
Yanqing 😍
The Untamed rewatch
2019 top 10 favourite posts / 2019 top 10 most popular posts
Cql OST / Beyond Control (LXC Character song)
Ask game
Cultivator conferences = disaster
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Posts: Chuyao being gay / Chuyao still being gay / list of things Lu Yao stole from Chusheng / Seriously so gay / go make me coffee
Fics: Empty space(filled with flowers) / All that glitters (ao3)
The Devil Judge
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Beyond Evil vs The Devil Judge
Textposts: Get the fuck outta my house / Noo don't check me out ahaha / the Gaon Judas imagery
Gifs: *homoerotically pushes you against wall*I heard you live alone / the Kang Mansion / undresses you to tend to ur wounds
Fic: Rightful Place part 1 (Gahan)/ Rightful Place Masterpost
Love is Science
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What the fuck is Love is Science?
Gifs: Ouwen's oh shit moments / Mark panicking bc gay / Shen Ying imitating a Sloth / that kiss in the gym / Ouwen pretty ✨ / Lee Mark's outfits are bisexualcore / love is in the little things
Memes/Other: Savage Ouwen / u're reasonable but ur friends are dumbasses /
Fic: The Mark/Ouwen sickfick no one asked for (domestic)
Recommendation lists
Top 5 BL shows I like
I have nothing to watch (yes u do)
Pile of Goop Aoki (Kieta Hatsukoi) / Rainless love in a Godless land / To my Star cooking (To my Star) / The 6 stages of Tumblr / Hanahaki disease prompts(?)
>📺(more or less) Current Watchlist
Other interests
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Viggo Mortensen has chaotic neutral energy
Continued list of things Viggo did
I've only had Frodo for a Day and a half
What do we do When we are sad
Aragorn you go king
(Discussion)Why does Gandalf love hobbits so much?
The Clearest diamonds (Bagginshield, AO3)
Stranger Things / The Sandman
over at @grabyourpillow
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ruanbaijie · 2 years
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MY ROOMMATE IS A DETECTIVE (2020) Episode 7 || CHECKMATE (2022) Episode 16
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weilongfu · 2 years
Thank you so much for answering my Chuyao prompt!!
If I may be cheeky enough to request a conclusion, coz that is cliffhanger-y as hell xD (or I could wait till the next time you open the prompt spam again 😊)
What was time when a person had their world so thoroughly shaken? Somewhere after The Kiss, Lu Yao found himself taken home by Qiao Chusheng's orders to an officer. Somehow, his body went through the motions of preparing for bed, of bantering with Bai Youning, of pulling back the covers and lying in repose.
But sleep did not come.
Though his body did not toss and turn, Lu Yao's mind did.
Where had the signals been? What did it mean? Was this a one time thing? Was he to be another conquest? Was it real? Would Qiao Chusheng actually want to...
With eyes unseeing, Lu Yao met dawn's first light as it began to cross his ceiling. A few moments later, Lu Yao felt a weight cause his bed to dip. He turned his head to find Qiao Chusheng sitting at his side, broad shoulders slumped, hair slightly askew, dressed only in his dress shirt and slacks.
"Lao Qiao?" Lu Yao whispered. "What are you-"
Qiao Chusheng turned to face Lu Yao slowly. "I have to apologize to you."
"I was... rash and not thinking properly last night. You probably didn't appreciate me-"
"Where is this attempt at eloquence coming from?" Lu Yao forced himself to sit up. "Since when are you so polite to me?"
"Are you telling me I shouldn't apologize?"
"I'm telling you that if you're going to sit here and take responsibility, at least act like you mean it."
Qiao Chusheng sighed before leaning in, forcing Lu Yao to lay back down as he was caged in by Qiao Chusheng's arms. "You want me to mean it?"
"I want you to do mean the next thing you say or do. Regardless of what it is. Anything less is unbecoming of the Inspector."
"If you want me to mean it," Qiao Chusheng's eyes darkened. "Then I won't apologize."
Lu Yao met his heavy gaze. "I'm fine with that."
"I won't let another man kiss you."
"I'm fine with that too."
"I won't let women kiss you either."
"Then who will kiss me?"
Qiao Chusheng leaned in until they were a breath apart. "Me."
Lu Yao licked his lips. "Then do it."
Later that morning, Bai Youning walked by Lu Yao's bed to find the two curled up around each other, deep in sleep. She sighed and shook her head. "Finally." She then closed Lu Yao's bedroom door before wondering how she could sell the news as an article. "Shanghai's hottest bachelor, no more! The crime-solving power couple!" Bai Youning laughed to herself before leaving the house.
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moonlightfilly · 3 years
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This is the true ending I don’t care
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0-lliver · 3 years
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how about celebrating helloween with BSD icons?! \(≧▽≦)/🍬🍭🍫
bonus music!
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Not sure if this counts as prompt or headcanon but imagine if Byn, with her canonical crush on Lu Yao, doesn't take his gentle but firm rejection of her very well? All hell breaks loose when she finds out that the object of Lu Yao's affections is none other than the oblivious Qiao Chusheng (and I think he would be oblivious or atleast not read too much into Lu Yao's actions xD). I feel like the dynamics would be so much interesting with each person having to make some tough choices ahead (LY learning not to be a coward, QCS choosing loyalties coz he would care for BQ if not BYN etc.) 🙈 Hope you have fun with this one xD
Turtle! I hope you enjoy this little headcanon...it's my first one for MRIAD so I hope I did good!
Bai Youning does not take “No” for an answer. Since she’s an only child, she’s a rather spoiled brat who gets whatever and whoever she wants. “No” is not in her vocabulary. She never uses it and she’s never had it said to her before
So, when she admits her feelings to Lu Yao and he gently but firmly rejects her…she does not take it well. She throws a fit, as a spoiled brat does, and screams and cries, demanding that Lu Yao accept her affections but Lu Yao still tells her no, saying that he already likes someone else
Bai Youning, of course, the nosy busybody that she is, demands to know who the person of Lu Yao’s affection is and lets out an angry shriek when she finds out that it’s Qiao Chusheng
She tells Lu Yao that he can’t be in love with Qiao Chusheng, he should be in love with her, he can only love her, and that’s sort of the last straw for Lu Yao, he just…packs up his shit and leaves
When Qiao Chusheng comes to call on him for a case, he’s surprised to see Lu Yao sitting outside the apartment with all of his things
“Youning kick you out?”
Lu Yao looks up at him and shakes his head
“No, I left. I don’t think I can live with her anymore”
Qiao Chusheng hums
“Lovers spat?”
Lu Yao shudders
“We are not lovers, Chusheng. Not even in the slightest. I could never be in love with someone like her”
Qiao Chusheng hums
“Don’t let Bai Qili hear you say that or he’ll have your head”
Lu Yao scoffs
“I’m not scared of that man or his threats”
Qiao Chusheng frowns
“You know his threats are very real, yes?”
Lu Yao huffs
“Why should I be afraid of him when I have you?”
Qiao Chusheng looks at him in surprise as Lu Yao sighs
“Can I stay with you?”
Qiao Chusheng frowns before he shrugs
“My apartment is small and not fancy…hope you don’t mind”
Lu Yao shakes his head as he grabs his suitcase full of stuff and stands to his feet
“As long as it’s away from here, I don’t care what size it is”
Qiao Chusheng shrugs but motions for Lu Yao to follow him to his car, which was parked nearby. They then get inside and drive to Qiao Chusheng’s apartment, which was much smaller compared to that of Bai Youning and Lu Yao’s old apartment but Lu Yao just smiles at it
He then promptly moves in with Qiao Chusheng and they find it actually to be a lot more pragmatic because Qiao Chusheng never has to drive to Lu Yao’s apartment to pick him up which means they never have to tell Bai Youning about their cases (which is great for both of them)
With Lu Yao living there now, Qiao Chusheng always gets fed probably some of the best meals he’s ever had because Lu Yao is a gourmet and has a rather refined palette so whatever Lu Yao eats, Chusheng eats. Now, he doesn’t like a lot of what Lu Yao cooks (because some of it is just not his taste) but he enjoys majority of it because Lu Yao is a great cook
They had always been domestic but now that they were living together, they were even more domestic
They both claimed that it was because of the small apartment that their clothes ended up in the same closet and that they ended up sharing a bed but really, they just enjoyed being with each other
Everyone at the police station noticed a difference in their demeanor as well; Qiao Chusheng was much more pleasant nowadays thanks to good food in his stomach and a happy Lu Yao and Lu Yao was happy because he wasn’t constantly fighting with Youning every time they made eye contact
Bai Qili, of course, wasn’t exactly happy with what was happening and demanded Qiao Chusheng to do something about it but Qiao Chusheng basically tells Bai Qing to stuff it because Bai Youning is a grown woman and if she wants to do something about it, then she can but he’s done being the middle man with everything
Bai Qili isn’t happy with that statement and goes into a tirade about how he put Qiao Chusheng in the position he’s in and blah blah blah and Qiao Chusheng explains that while he’s grateful for everything Bai Qing’s done, he doesn’t have to keep helping Qiao Chusheng because he’s no longer going to be Bai Youning’s protection because again, she’s a grown woman, if she gets into a mess, it’s her damn fault and she can get herself out of it
Bai Qili does not like that and basically gets Qiao Chusheng fired but Qiao Chusheng’s not that bothered by it because now he and Lu Yao can open up a detective agency because lets be honest, they’re probably the two smartest people in Shanghai, if they didn’t open a detective agency, they’d be stupid
A few of the loyal officers from the police station come and join their agency as officers/detectives, like A-Dou and Salim and a couple of others
Majority of the cases now go to Lu Yao and Qiao Chusheng and since Qiao Chusheng isn’t bound by the police anymore, he can use his triad connections to get the information he needs. Lu Yao uses whatever means necessary to find clues
Bai Youning, still bitter about Lu Yao rejecting her, tries to write a smear piece about both of them but since they’ve helped so many people in Shanghai, the smear piece is pulled from the newspaper because of all the complaints that come in
Bai Youning loses her job at some point because of her smear piece and because she gets caught one day being at a crime scene that she’s not supposed to be at and her photos that she’s definitely not supposed to take are found in the papers
Lu Yao and Qiao Chusheng, meanwhile, are quite happy with their domestic lives and Lu Yao one day musters up the courage to tell Qiao Chusheng that he likes him. Qiao Chusheng just looks at him in confusion
“I like you too”
Lu Yao huffs and rolls his eyes
“No, you idiot. I have feelings for you. Romantic feelings”
Qiao Chusheng looks at him in surprise
“What, really?”
Lu Yao laughs and nods
“I don’t do half the things I do for you for most people. That means you’re special”
Qiao Chusheng looks at Lu Yao and smiles before he laughs
“Guess I’ve never noticed”
Lu Yao rolls his eyes again as Qiao Chusheng steps forward and wraps an arm around him, pulling him close
“So, what you’re saying is…you love me?”
Lu Yao huffs before he kisses Qiao Chusheng solidly on the lips before pulling away
“I thought I made that pretty obvious”
Qiao Chusheng laughs and kisses Lu Yao again
“Guess I wasn’t paying attention”
Lu Yao groans and knocks his head against Qiao Chusheng’s
“Why do I love you?”
Qiao Chusheng shrugs
“One of life’s greatest mysteries”
Both men laugh and just sort of enjoy being in each other’s arms while Bai Youning is angry, bitter, and lonely in her apartment. She should really learn to get used to the word “no”…she’s going to be hearing it a lot more often now
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indelibleme · 2 years
WIP challenge ask:
:eyes: The title is already making me feel soft and m up for some fluff so "Domesticity is Intimacy Earned" if that's alright!
(though if it does turn out to be angst, I don't mind either lmao)
Oho okay, but this is for the My Roommate is a Detective fandom. Written right about when the show ended, but I ended up getting distracted with uni, so it never progressed past 3 chps lol
Chapter 1 & 2 can be found HERE.
(Random snippet from chp 3)
“What are you guys talking about?” Lu Yao’s entrance startles them both. He raises an eyebrow at their fluster and then proceeds to ignore it, “Anyway, I’m done here. I need to go back to the forensic department. Chusheng, are you coming?”
“Ah, no, you can take the car. I’ll follow after we finish taking photographs.”
Youning looks at him with wide eyes as Lu Yao leaves. “Chusheng,” she whispers, “Chusheng?”
Well, that confirms it that Lu Yao hasn’t told her yet. And as usual, he has left it to him. 
Chusheng looks back at her calmly. “Yes?”
“Huh,” she says, then swipes her notebook out of his hand. She looks at him consideringly, “No wonder you actually listened to me talk about Lu Yao’s ex-girlfriend.”
He clears his throat, “Now, that’s nothing to do with the case, so–”
“How long?”
“Youning,” he says, exasperated, “calm yourself. Why are you so upset?”
“Upset? Who’s upset, not me, I’m not upset!” She certainly looks upset.
“He would have told you when he felt ready, you can’t demand this of him.”
Youning bites her lips but nods understandingly, “When would that have been though?”
“Now, apparently,” says Chusheng and at her incredulous look, continues, “have you ever heard him say something in a straightforward manner?”
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shijiujun · 2 years
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This Week on Checkmate: Murder on the Orient Express!
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Does anyone have the link to the lu yao x qiao chu sheng mv that's set to Just my Type by the vamps?
I watched it ages ago and it was sooo good but now I can't find it anymore :(
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blandings13 · 3 years
Me: This ship practically sails itself!!!
The ship in question:
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uweiy · 2 years
3, 5 & 7 💕
Thanks so much I LOVE these questions!!!
3. What do you think makes your writing stand out from other works?
I think my writing style is very "direct" and "to the point", more shorter fics. I have like one objective or one idea, develop that and that's the fic.
I try to show the characters and their thoughts through the dialogue and body language, rather than extensive descriptions (also because I am unable to lol).
Rather light on the plot side, like there is a storyline but it's more... Scenes strung together like beads to form a collar that kind of make sense than a whole ass planned, fantasy adventure with side quests and stuff, and big reveals. I cannot deal with sad endings, so (one excepted) most of my fics you can expect a happy ending lol.
I try to balance out different emotions in a fic, some moments of tension, some moments of angst, trying to make it funny, some moments of comfort. I do love a good domestic- kind of closeness.
I would say angst is the genre I have the most trouble with. I can only handle so much haha then I have a need to comfort. Smut is also smth not completely easy for me.
What I love the most are satisfying resolutions, where I manage to tie together every kinds of character thoughts, clues and hints that I gave-not necessarily on purpose lmfao.
5. What’s the fic you’re most proud of?
I love allllll my little fics. They're like little pebbles that I collect. Like they're not necessarily the shiniest or the most polished and maybe quite plain for the outside observer, but I like to sift through them and when I hold one up to the light it shines pretty colors and I'm happy to just have it in my collection and be able to look at it y'know?
I will show u some of my little pebbles tho, since that is the question:
I like this Chuyao (Chusheng/Lu Yao from cdrama My Roommate is a detective) fic - Empty space. Because I do feel like I managed to "tie everything together", despite the fact that the writing process was a trainwreck lmfao. Like I started the fic intending Angst (which is why the title sounds the way it does), was unable to finish it for a YEAR and when I returned intending to mark it on hiatus, inspiration came back, the fic made a 180° turn in mood, but still kind of made sense and I loved it.
Also this Xicheng (Lan Xichen/Jiang Cheng from the Untamed) fic called trying to hold on (to you). Idk I just really love the VIBE !? It's like rain and dancing and pain and understanding and comfort. Idk man, I love it.
I am also particularly satisfied with the last fic in the Devil Judge Yohan/Gaon series called New Beginnings. It's like, hope and forgiveness and dealing with the past and moving on to the future and I LOVE IT.
7. What element of writing do you struggle with most?
Descriptions!!! Sometimes I picture a scene sooooooo very clearly, but I just... Don't find the words or the elegant sentences to describe it in a way that satisfies me. I really really admire the writers who can write 100k+ fics and it's not boring and the descriptions are great like how.
That's where I really notice that English isn't my first language, because I know that in my own - thanks to years of mandatory language & literature classes, that I am now very thankful for lmao - I am able to.
I'd love to take that kind of classes for english.
On a tangent, I really really respect translation as a craft because damn, it ain't easy.
Thank you SO MUCH, loved thinking about it 💕, and I hope you have a great day!
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lunlvns · 4 years
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qiao chusheng doting on lu yao
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ruanbaijie · 3 years
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Get To Know Me ✧ Favourite Shows [6/10]
↳ My Roommate is a Detective 民国奇探 - Dir. Zhang Weike 张维克 (2020)
--巴黎、伦敦、纽约,喜欢哪个?别思考,一二三直接说。 Paris, London, New York, which do you like? Don’t think, just say at the count of three. --那...巴黎吧。 Then... Paris.
[1] 无话可说 literally means “no words to say”, figuratively “speechless”.
[2] 撒娇 (sā jiāo) does not really have a direct English translation. It’s somewhere along the lines of “acting cute” and “to be coy”. A closer translation would be aegyo in Korean.
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sillyfanturtle · 3 years
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Lu Yao's favourites... gifted by/borrowed from Qiao Chusheng
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moonlightfilly · 3 years
QCS getting up in Lu Yao’s space and looking him up and down all flirty while telling him
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