#Chuck Spitler
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milliondollarbaby87 · 4 months ago
The Merry Gentlemen (2024) Review
When Ashley a Broadway dancer finds herself out of her dream job right before Christmas she heads home to her small town and must help her parents save the nightclub they have owned for years. ⭐️⭐️ Continue reading The Merry Gentlemen (2024) Review
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bowtiesnmusicals · 2 years ago
Here is my recap of the A Glee-nomenon (Mattress) episode of the podcast.
Kevin said this episode was a wild, crazy, and memorable experience.
Jenna really enjoyed watching and shooting this episode.
This episode aired December 2, 2009.
This was the highest most viewed episode after the piglet.
Empire State of Mind was still #1 on the charts.
The Blind Side moved up to #1.
Some of the cast did an appearance at Bryant Park for TJ Maxx and Marshalls. It was a Carol’oke contest. Kevin and Jenna were not a part of this appearance.
They went to their first Kiss FM Jingle Ball.
They went to The Trevor Projects Cracked Christmas.
Cory and Jenna had just gotten over the flu.
This was the beginning of their long relationship with The Trevor Project.
They were really small at this point. Adam Shankman directed a lot of these events.
Glee the Music volume 2 came out.
The boys did a Vanity Fair photoshoot.
At this time Kevin kept getting strep throat. All Kevin can remember from the photoshoot was just trying to keep it together because he was so sick.
Mattress was directed by Elodie Keene. It was written by Ian, Ryan, and Brad.
John Ross Bowie and Chuck Spitler were the guest stars for this episode.
The episode was originally called Once Upon A Mattress. They couldn’t get the rights for the title.
Baby gate is peaking. Will finds out Terri is lying.
By the time the episode aired they knew they had gotten more episode. They probably did not know the fate of the show when the episode was being written so a lot of storylines were getting wrapped up in these next two episodes.
Emma has some really good one liners in this episode.
The wedding was going to be in Hawaii but then they told me I couldn’t bring my own fruit.
Ken has a lot of flaws. He has 74 flaws as of yesterday.
Oh my gosh Sue, did someone finally punch you?
Chris nailed this scene. Kevin didn’t know how Chris would get this scene without messing it up. It was a really difficult monologue. They didn’t want to mess him up but they had things to interject during the monologue.
A thousand dollars is insane for a page in the yearbook.
Diggings suggests Will use Santana and Finn for the photo. He says to use a good looking cheerleader but not the pregnant one and the quarterback.
This is a very good episode for Rachel and Lea. Lea is very good at physical comedy.
The cast would sometimes do impressions of their characters between breaks during filming.
Some of the scene with Rachel being a part of every club did not age well.
Quinn says I want my kids to look back at these books and see who I was and make them proud. Not the bastard one I am carrying now. The ones I will have when I am ready. This quote made Jenna gasp and laugh when she rewatched the episode.
We see how the yearbook affects everyone on the show. Kevin says he likes when they leaned into these high school things like this.
Terri says no five times when Will tells her he is going to buy an ad in the yearbook.
Everyone votes for Rachel to be in the yearbook.
Will asks Emma for advice. She tells Will she thinks Ken scheduled the wedding on purpose.
Will decided Rachel needs a co-captain.
Kevin remembers filming with Lea because this was the first time Artie and Rachel have a one on one.
Kevin’s bid for didn’t age well. Mercedes she can’t be co-caption because she has no time because of Kwanzaa.
Artie says I can’t because it will mess up the composition because if you lean over it will look like you have stomach rolls. Brittany says no way because she doesn’t want to be in a picture with her because it will be defaced. Rachel says no it won’t and Brittany says yes it will, I will be the one doing it.
Everyone was excited about doing Smile by Lily Allen.
Jenna was uncomfortable watching this number. They both fast forwarded though this song. It felt like it was inserted for the sake of needing a song. Usually the songs moved the plot or were fun big numbers. This one was like why is this here. Kevin said it was like Ryan throwing them a bone because they wanted to do this song. Brad on the piano is really getting into it. Rachel awkwardly slaps Finn on the butt.
Kevin love Karofsky and Azimio together. They were a really amazingly horrible bully duo and funny together. Drawing the nazi symbol was not okay at all.
Karofsky is now on the football tam.
John Ross Bowie was on Speechless and the Big Bang Theory. The scene with Lea is weird but also so good.
The mattress part of the episode is Kevin and Jenna’s favorite part.
Jenna said this episode moved very quickly.
The mattress scene was rehearsed in an an actual mattress factory. It was hot. They were sweating.
The delivery of the lines in this scene were excellent.
They rehearsed really late at night. They were left alone on the sound stages alone a lot.
Heather is going full acrobatics the entire time. She was doing her best cheerleader.
Zach basically asked them what they could do.
How did Mattressland afford Van Halen?
Cory was very excited about this number and doing the scream at the beginning of the song.
They’re brought trampolines covered in mattress pads on tour.
Jenna vaguely remembers doing mattress. She had like seven layers of clothes on because they would just tear of a layer and do another number on tour.
Amber sings the highest notes known to man over and over again.
That number is great and performed really well.
They had to turn the air off because of sound issues.
Jenna asked for water at one point and it was hot because it had been outside.
They costumes were really comfortable. They had tank tops under the button up shirts.
They didn’t know if Kevin should be bounced.
Chris got injured during this number. He tried to do a flip and landed the wrong way. He hurt his neck.
This was one of the most fun and memorable numbers because of the sheer size of it.
This was probably all Ryan’s idea.
Kevin started out doing local commercials.
The first commercial he ever did was for the local WB. He did a Radio Shack industrial for internal use. He also did a Blockbuster industrial.
Jessalyn was excellent in this episode.
Will was looking for his pocket square and finds the fake pregnancy belly.
Terri’s lie was pretty legit.
Kevin said if he pulled out the pregnancy bump he wouldn’t know what it is but in Will’s case all his suspicions were being confirmed.
This is a really beautifully acted, directed, and shot scene. It was a loose handled camera scene. It feels like you are right in the middle of the action.
Kevin was freaked out and thought Will was going to hit Terri.
Will was like a tea kettle and was about to explode.
Terri’s line of this marriage only works because you don’t feel good about yourself. This is a very dark line.
Will goes to the school and sleeps on one of the mattress.
They left Matt’s mark tape on the floor and you can see it when he throws down the mattress. They forgot to remove it for this scene.
They scene with Emma and Will was a really grounded and honest scene.
All of the storylines come to a boiling point.
The Sue’s corner is really inappropriate. The performance was great but the subject matter is not so great.
There is a stack of mattress in the choir room piled as high as the empty hair gel bottles in the dumpster outside of your apartment is a hilarious Sue line.
Sue says I didn’t’ see that one coming at all.
Kevin loves when Sue is talking about Will but looking at Figgins.
Jenna has a new appreciation for the scenes in Figgins office with Sue and Will.
Quinn steps it up in this episode. She is going to blackmail Sue.
She demands a full page photo for Glee club for free and that she’s back in the Cheerios.
Sue says you remind me of a young Sue Sylvester.
Quinn says she would rather be a part of a club that is proud to have her as a member.
The only person that has a really big significant story arc is Quinn.
It’s a nice redemption arc for her.
One of Elodie’s signatures is the shots where you shoot back to see the whole glee club.
The cast has the picture from this episode framed. It was a really special moment. It was the first picture they had of everyone together.
You start to see characters bloom in this episode.
They were allowed to improvise and figure out their characters.
Smile was Michael Jacksons favorite song. They recorded a week after he died.
They sang Smile at a Trevor Project event and the White House.
This is the penultimate episode of the first 13.
They yearbook picture gets defaced.
Tartie Takes:
Ouchies - Sue’s Corner, Kwanza bit, hitler mustache, rice paddy hat
Worst Dance Move - Smile
Best Song - Jump
Best Performance by a Prop - mattresses
Didn’t Age Well - Anything that comes out of Sue’s mouth
Best Line - Terri saying this marriage only works because you don’t feel good about yourself, sue’s tear ducts, and Sue saying what if I murdered you will.
Shit We Found on Tiktok:
Someone made a fan cam of Figgins. It’s all the clips of Figgins talking to the camera and waving. It’s incredible and insane.
Kevin said they need to get Iqbal on the show and send it to him.
If you need to smile just watch this video.
Next episode is Sectionals.
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hou-chubscout · 7 years ago
Sexy Spitler
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