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ravikugupta · 2 years ago
Summary of "The Art of Non-Conformity" by Chris Guillebeau
“The Art of Non-Conformity” by Chris Guillebeau is a self-help book that encourages individuals to question societal norms, pursue their passions, and create a life of meaning and purpose on their own terms. Guillebeau challenges conventional wisdom and societal expectations, inspiring readers to embrace their unique strengths, take risks, and live a life of non-conformity. This summary provides…
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scholarlysoldier · 5 years ago
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The end of 2019 marks the end of my year of literary rediscovery! ☺️ Over the past year I’ve been able to read a total of 50 books, 10 More than what my original goal was! It’s been a very enlightening and educational year of self reflection, discovery and certainly something I wish to continue to do coming into 2020 and beyond. It’s been an incredibly relaxing and joyful holidays with friends and family, but I’m looking forward to getting back into routine, moving into my new place, and starting my new position! 🍻 That being said, December’s haul included the next book in the adventures of Ensign Richard Sharpe, A book on the fulfilment that comes with the pursuit of goals and not just the accomplishment of them, the classic book on financial literacy as told through the perspective of a money savvy barber, the detailed account of the British Royal Marines 45 Commando’s involvement in the Falklands War, and finally the biographical/anecdotal thoughts on leadership from arguably the best General to come out the last half century, the Warrior Monk Jim Mattis. #bookstagram #decemberreads #bernardcornwell #sharpesfortress #chrisguillebeau #thehappinessofpursuit #davidchilton #thewealthybarber #iangardiner #theyompers #callsignchaos #jamesmattis #2019reads #2020reads #PEI #confederationbridge (at Confederation Bridge) https://www.instagram.com/p/B61H-WCJ-q8/?igshid=tr1w53qv053q
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soulawakeningblog · 5 years ago
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humanengineers · 4 years ago
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The $100 Startup: Fire Your Boss, Do What You Love and Work Better To Live More By | Chris Guillebeau Change your job to change your life. You no longer need to work nine-to-five in a big company to pay the mortgage, send your kids to school and afford that yearly holiday. You can quit the rat race and start up on your own – and you don't need an MBA or a huge investment to do it. The $100 Startup by Chris Guillebeau is your manual to a new way of living. Learn how to: - Earn a good living on your own terms, when and where you want - Achieve that perfect blend of passion and income to make work something you love - Take crucial insights from 50 ordinary people who started a business with $100 or less - Spend less time working and more time living your life Buy the copy of the book @ Amazon https://human-engineers.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/BR-2.jpg https://human-engineers.com/the-100-startup-fire-your-boss-do-what-you-love-and-work-better-to-live-more/?feed_id=10210&_unique_id=60e2ee0233b90 https://human-engineers.com/the-100-startup-fire-your-boss-do-what-you-love-and-work-better-to-live-more/?feed_id=10210&_unique_id=60e2ee0233b90
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brumed · 4 years ago
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Se estiver buscando inspiração e motivação para tirar alguns planos do papel, essa é uma boa dica de leitura, junto com o outro livro do mesmo autor, denominado "A Startup de 100 dólares". #Livro #Book #Leitura #Ideias #Pensamentos #Motivação #Empreendedorismo #Empreender #ChrisGuillebeau https://www.instagram.com/p/CJGXOhNDDMM/?igshid=i68ucqlmc6u6
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fabriciomena · 5 years ago
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Este libro se convirtió en el primer "best seller" de Chris Guillbeau, un jovenazo que visitó los 193 países del mundo antes de cumplir sus 35 años. Con este libro pretende guiarte hacia una vida en la que solo hagas las cosas que disfrutas hacer. Según su experiencia, alrededor del mundo miles de personas están reescribiendo las reglas de lo que significa el trabajo. Convirtiéndose en hombres y mujeres de negocios de manera inesperada y creando la revolución del micro emprendimiento. Esto hoy en día es posible gracias a la tecnología, pudiendo iniciar negocios únicamente con cien dólares.  Como base de estos negocios se encuentra el valor que pueden aportar al mundo y la libertad que ofrecen. Sin duda es un libro que ofrece muchas ideas y te motiva con las historias de emprendedores que comenzaron sus negocios sin habilidades extraordinarias, que están haciendo lo que disfrutan hacer y que están generando miles dólares anuales con negocios que comenzaron con 100 dólares. #emprendimiento #empresarios #librosdenegocios #negocios #chrisguillebeau @193countries #motivacion #ejecucion #megustaaprender #crecimientopersonal #entrepreneur https://www.instagram.com/p/B_3xPr1gW7z/?igshid=zkfmzdvyu1bh
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ybrik101687 · 5 years ago
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#chrisguillebeau #lessonofthenight https://www.instagram.com/p/B2UXDJtgfMX/?igshid=1g545cqpx8ujq
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cashunt2000 · 6 years ago
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20 years ago I said to Areti “ I have this crazy game idea” and from there we went and created “Chris & Areti’s Superhunt” aka CASHUNT. Within these past 20 years we had some tall hills to climb some fast and some slow..but have met some amazing people from all around that have come out and played with us and in the process have formed a great team along the way. Which brings us to last night.. we were honored to be chosen as one of the top 100 side hustles in the country by New York Times best selling author Chris Guillebeau @193countries and our story was included in his new best selling book. As I always say never underestimate your or your children’s ideas...especially in today’s world. Make your unrealistic endeavor ...well....realistic and keep people guessing 😉 #100sidehustles #chrisguillebeau #boston #cambridgema #harvardsquare #sidehustle #entrepreneur #cashunt #scavengerhunt (at The Harvard Coop) https://www.instagram.com/p/BynFjVFgDNr/?igshid=cn63ofh6dm6x
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reffi09 · 6 years ago
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"A real dream requires investment, and often it calls for sacrifice--yet when you feel excited about something, even if it doesn't make sense to others, the journey will produce its own rewards.'' (Page 49) . . Chris Guillebeau is a man who dedicated himself to travel as much as he could until more than 120 countries he had visited. The journey gave him the inspiration to search another people's story about pursuing a dream. There is a woman who never leave her country and now making a quest about cooking different dishes from another country started from alphabet 'A'. She could taste the local dishes without leaving her kitchen, and her quest begins more challenging because she should try the uniq recipe, drafting the composition, trial error but giving her so much impressive moments. There is a man who decides to live without car, without any money, walking and keeping silence. Literally he won't speak to listen more. . . Some quests look so weird or odd, but it changes the person maybe through the character, the way to look the world, accepting flaws, and so on. This book not only lead the reader to find their own quest or calling, but also mentioning about the preparation before a long journey. For instance, before cooking different dishes or traveling on foot, how much cost that should we need? How many hours to finish each level? From the big picture, we must divide it in sub-plan and detailed goal. We may have a big or crazy dream, but don't be a loony person who becomes a beggar just for achieving spontaneous steps. We need goal-setting, measureable deadline, and if only there is a problem in the middle of quest, we can evaluate it, move to the next plan. Money and time are the essential part in the quest. . . So what quest do you want to finish? A big dream needs a big efforts. Don't dare to dream without prepare the desire to sacrifice. . . Title: The Happiness Of Pursuit Author: Chris Guillebeau Pages: 292 pages Publisher: Pan Books #bookstagram #TheHappinessOfPursuit #OneWeekOneBook #ShortBookReview #ChrisGuillebeau https://www.instagram.com/p/BvFxfLxAzxc/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1rvavn2e6uxkf
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krokimedia-blog · 6 years ago
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"You don't have to live your life the way other people expect you to" #ChrisGuillebeau ❤️ • • • • . #krokimedia #torontoentrepreneur #creativesontherise #FridayFeeling #whiteaesthetic #ig_color #agameoftones #kroki #livecolorfully #inspiremyinstagram #forahappymoment #reflectiongram #myeverydaymagic #artofvisuals #torontolife #narcity_toronto #30under30 #moodygrams #fatalframes #createcommune #urbanandstreet #hubs_united #visualambassadors #torontoentrepreneurs #torontobusiness #FridayMotivation #virtualassistant #virtualassistance #virtualassistantservices (at Toronto, Ontario) https://www.instagram.com/p/BtD_PGRBMkP/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=19n8nhyhpqw7y
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carmelo-russo · 2 years ago
The art of no-nconformity: 36 ways to live differently by @chrisguillebeau https://t.co/wSdT9YVhbp
— Carmelo Russo (@carmelorss) Jan 12, 2023
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humanengineers · 4 years ago
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The $100 Startup: Fire Your Boss, Do What You Love and Work Better To Live More By | Chris Guillebeau Change your job to change your life. You no longer need to work nine-to-five in a big company to pay the mortgage, send your kids to school and afford that yearly holiday. You can quit the rat race and start up on your own – and you don't need an MBA or a huge investment to do it. The $100 Startup by Chris Guillebeau is your manual to a new way of living. Learn how to: - Earn a good living on your own terms, when and where you want - Achieve that perfect blend of passion and income to make work something you love - Take crucial insights from 50 ordinary people who started a business with $100 or less - Spend less time working and more time living your life Buy the copy of the book @ Amazon https://humanengineers.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/BR-2.jpg https://humanengineers.com/the-100-startup-fire-your-boss-do-what-you-love-and-work-better-to-live-more/?feed_id=4384&_unique_id=60bb161b36114 https://humanengineers.com/the-100-startup-fire-your-boss-do-what-you-love-and-work-better-to-live-more/?feed_id=4384&_unique_id=60bb161b36114
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mikito-me-blog · 7 years ago
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図書館で借りてきた、今ハマってる本📖 #本 #books #仕事 #work #chrisguillebeau #ライフハック
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hollarobrob-blog · 7 years ago
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Your life, your terms. ~Chris Guillebeau #qotd #quoteoftheday #instaquote #inspirationalquotes #chrisguillebeau #yourlifeyourterms #hollarobrob
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mukaokrika · 7 years ago
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#sidehustle #chrisguillebeau (at The Actors Fund)
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