#Chris Hogg
underthecitysky · 5 months
I listened to Chris Shaw’s emergency Eggpod ep recorded on a high after seeing Let it Be at the London screening which included joyful, exuberant reactions from other attendees. Then I watched and maybe Chris primed me, but I found it oddly emotional?? As in I was smiling w tears in my eyes a few times just grateful for them and newly restored footage of THEM being them.
I really liked Chris’ point that we don’t need context for any of it because any Beatles fan has all the context from Get Back; the two are symbiotic and really, in that respect it’s steeped in context.
It looked and sounded amazing. I had watched a grainy version once and though, having already seen Get Back, I didn’t find it particularly depressing (it felt more like grainy bonus footage), I didn’t feel a need to return to it. Evidenced by the fact that it took me nearly three hours to make it to the end, I found much to linger over and so many worthwhile little details.
Also PJ deliberately not using any angles from LIB, makes it feel special because often these are the best angles and reactions. And there’s so much music and complete (or more complete) versions of songs! I appreciate the longer interludes which, although they may be edited, can feel more like observing a genuine interaction or performance than some of the hyper, fast cut sequences in GB.
I love Get Back obviously (it changed the course of my life lol) but I love having this too. I made the mistake of reading of some of the bummer, cynical takes on Facebook and idk I much more prefer Chris Shaw’s approach of being joyful about any bonus content we’re lucky enough to get.
Get Back 🤝 Let It Be
💐 for MLH
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claudia1829things · 5 months
"BLEAK HOUSE" (1985) Review
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"BLEAK HOUSE" (1985) Review
In less than I year, I have developed this fascination with the works of Charles Dickens. How did this come about? I do not know. I have seen previous Dickens movie and television adaptations in the past. But ever since last year, I have been viewing these adaptations with a vengeance. And one of them turned out to be "BLEAK HOUSE", the 1985 adaptation of Dickens' 1852-53 novel.
Adapted by Arthur Hopcraft, this eight-episode miniseries conveyed the affects of Jarndyce v Jardyce, a long-running legal probate case involving the existence of more than one will. The heirs and their descendants have been waiting decades for the court to determine the legal will, for the sake of a large inheritance. Among those affected by the Jarndyce v Jardyce case are:
*John Jarndyce - a wealthy English landowner, who happens to be the proprietor of the estate, Bleak House. Jarndyce had inherited it from his uncle Tom Jarndyce, who had went mad waiting for a verdict on the case before committing suicide. *Richard Carstones - Tom Jarndyce's grandson and John Jarndyce's cousin, who also became one of the latter's legal wards, and a potential beneficiary of the Jarndyce v Jardyce case. *Ada Clare - Tom Jarndyce's granddaughter and Mr. Jarndyce's cousin, who also became one of his legal wards, and a potential beneficiary of the Jarndyce v Jardyce case. She and Richard, also cousins, became romantically involved. *Esther Summerson - one of the novel's main characters and orphan, who became Mr. Jarndyce's ward following the death of her previous guardian, Miss Barbury, who had also been her biological aunt. She joined the Bleak House household as Ada's companion and Mr. Jarndyce's housekeeper after he became the guardian of Richard and Ada. *Honoria, Lady Dedlock - the wife of baronet Sir Leicester Dedlock and a beneficiary of the Jarndyce v Jardyce case. She is also the younger sister of Miss Barbury and Esther's illegitimate mother. *Captain John Hawdon aka Nemo - a former British Army officer, who became an impoverished law writer and drug addict. He is also Lady Dedlock's former lover and Esther's illegitimate father. His penmanship on one of the Jarndyce v Jardyce affidavit attracts Lady Dedlock's attention. *Mr. Bill Tulkinghorn - Sir Leicester's ruthless lawyer, who noticed Lady Dedlock's reaction to the affidavit. This leads him to investigate her past and possible connection to Hawdon aka "Nemo". *Miss Flite - An elderly woman living in London, whose family had been destroyed by a long-running Chancery case similar to Jarndyce v Jarndyce. This has led her to develop an obsessive fascination with Chancery cases, especially the main one featured in this story. She quickly befriended Esther, Richard, Ada and Mr. Jarndyce.
As one can see, these characters represented plot arcs that connect to the Jarndyce v Jarndyce case. As one of the beneficiaries of the Jarndyce case, Richard becomes obsessed with the verdict. He seemed more interested in depending upon the Jarndyce verdict to provide him with an income rather than pursue a profession. This obsession eventually led to a clash between and Mr. Jarndyce, who has tried to warn him not to get involved with the case. Another clash formed between Lady Dedlock and Mr. Tulkinghorn, due to his determination to find proof of her past with Nemo and the conception of their child. A clash that proved to create even more damaging for a good number of people, than the one between Mr. Jarndyce and Richard. In the midst of all this stood Esther, who served as an emotional blanket for several characters - especially the inhabitants at Bleak House, a potential romantic figure for three men (ironic for a woman who was not supposed to be a great beauty), and the center of the Lady Dedlock-Nemo scandal.
For years, 1985's "BLEAK HOUSE" had been viewed as the superior adaptation of Dickens' novel. The first novel aired back in 1959. But a third television adaptation that aired in 2005 had managed to overshadow this second adaptation's reputation. But this is not about comparing the three adaptations. I am focusing only the 1985 miniseries. If I might be blunt, I believe screenwriter Arthur Hopcraft and director Ross Devenish created one of the better Charles Dickens I have personally seen. Granted, one might use the source material - the 1952-53 novel - as the reason behind the miniseries' top quality. But I have seen my share of poor adaptations of excellent source material . . . and excellent adaptations of poor or mediocre novels and plays. And I would find this excuse too simply to swallow. Hopcraft and Devenish could have easily created a poor or mediocre adaptation of the novel. Fortunately, I believe they had managed to avoid the latter.
With eight episodes, Hopcraft and Devenish did an excellent job in conveying Dickens' exploration into the chaos of the legal landscape in 19th century Britain, especially cases involving the Chancery courts. One might consider the longevity of Jarndyce v Jarndyce rather exaggerated. However, I speak from personal experience that an extended length of time in such a case is more than possible. But what I thought the effect of Jarndyce v Jarndyce and similar cases in Dickens' story seemed very interesting. In Richard Carstone's case, I suspect his own hubris and upbringing had allowed the case to have such a toxic effect upon him. He had been raised as a gentleman. Which meant he was not expected to work for a living. But since he did not possess a fortune or an estate - like Mr. Jarndyce - Richard never lost hope that the court would rule the Jarndyce v Jarndyce case in his favor, allowing him to inherit a great deal of money. Although it took another case to send Miss Flyte mentally around the bend, I found it interesting that her obsession with Chancery cases led her to attach her interest to the Jarndyce case beneficiaries.
The Jarndyce case also produce a group of leeches in the forms of attorneys like Mr. Tulkinghorn and his obsession with assuming control over the Dedlocks and Mr. Vholes, who had sucked a great deal of money from Richard in exchange for his legal services. The series also featured the vicious moneylender Mr. Smallweed, who helped Mr. Tulkinghorn in the latter's campaign against Lady Dedlock; and Mr. Jarndyce's "friend", Harold Skimpole, who had not only encouraged Richard to pursue a greater interest in the Jarndyce case, but also had accepted a "commission" from Vholes to recruit the young man as a client. Would I regard William Guppy as a leech? Sometimes. I had noticed that one particular story arc was missing - namely the story arc regarding the philanthropist Mrs. Jellyby, her daughter and Esther's friend, Caddy and the Turveydrop family. This did not bother me, for I have never been a fan of that particular arc.
However, I also noticed that "BLEAK HOUSE" featured a few moments in which important plot points had been revealed through dialogue or shown after the fact. Audiences never saw Skimpole convince Richard to hire Mr. Vholes. Instead, Mr. Jarndyce had revealed this incident after it happened. The whole scenario regarding Dr. Allan Woodcock being a survivor of a shipwreck was handled as a past event revealed by the good doctor himself. Hopcraft's script never stretched it out in the same manner as Dickens' novel or the 2005 miniseries. Audiences never saw George Rouncewell's release from jail, for which he had been incarcerated for murder. Instead, Episode Seven began with George in jail and later, near the end, found him serving as Sir Leicester's valet without any information on how that came about.
"BLEAK HOUSE" featured a few other writing and direction decisions by Hopcraft and Devenish that I found . . . well, questionable. Why did the pair solely focused on Lady Dedlock in the series' penultimate episode and Richard and the Jarndyce v Jarndyce case in the final one? Would it have been so difficult for them to switch back and forth between the two arcs in those final episodes? I found Inspector Bucket's resolution to the story's murder mystery rather rushed. I would have liked to see Bucket eliminate suspects before solving the case. In Bucket's final scene with the killer, Hopcraft left out that moment from the novel when the latter had the last scathing word on British society, leaving the police detective speechless. This erasure dimmed the impact of Dickens' message and made the killer even more of a caricature. I had some issues with how Devenish directed certain performances. How can I put this? I found them a bit theatrical.
I have one last issue - namely Kenneth MacMillan's cinematography. I realize that in "BLEAK HOUSE", fog represented institutional oppression and human confusion and misery in society. Unfortunately, I feel that MacMillan may have been heavy-handed in utilizing this symbol in the series. It is bad enough that photography featured a fuzzy element that seemed popular in many period productions in the 1970s. But thanks to MacMillan's use of fog in the story, there were many moment in which I could barely see a damn thing. And I found that irritating.
Aside from a few quibbles, I had no real issues with the performances featured in "BLEAK HOUSE". One of those quibbles proved to be the performances for some of the secondary cast members. How can I say this? The exaggerated and wooden performances for some of the cast members brought back memories of some of the minor actors' bad performances in 1982 miniseries, "THE BLUE AND THE GRAY". I must admit that I did not care for Pamela Merrick's portrayal of Lady Dedlock's French maid, Madame Hortense. Her performance bordered and then surpassed the lines of caricature - as some British actors/actresses tend to do. Charlie Drake's portrayal of the moneylender Smallweed tend to waver between a pretty solid performance and pure caricature. Although there were moments when I found her portrayal of the eccentric Miss Flyte a bit hammy, I must admit that Sylvia Coleridge gave a well-done performance. Chris Pitt's performance as Jo, the crossing sweeper boy struck me as very poignant. Yet, at the same time, he seemed so passive that at times, I found it difficult to believe he had survived on the streets on his own, for so long. Jonathan Moore, whom I had remembered from the 1988 television movie, "JACK THE RIPPER"; did an excellent job of conveying the ambitious and self-interested nature of law clerk William Guppy. However, his portrayal of Guppy seemed to lack the character's comedic nature. Denholm Elliot gave a very interesting performance as Esther, Richard and Ada's guardian, John Jarndyce. On one level, I found his portrayal of the kind-hearted Mr. Jarndyce as first-rate. Excellent. But there were moments, including the character's famous quote following Jo's death, when Elliott's Mr. Jarndyce seemed to resemble one of those "angry young men" characters from a John Osbourne play. I found those moments very odd.
However, there were performances that did not leave me scratching my head. Colin Jeavons and Anne Reid gave very competent performances as the grasping solicitor Mr. Vholes and George Rouncewell's close friend Mrs. Bagnet, respectively. Ironically, Jeavons had portrayed Richard Carstone in the 1959 adaptation of "Bleak House" and Reid had portrayed Mrs. Rouncewell in the 2005 television adaptation. Both Suzanne Burden and Lucy Hornak gave solid performances as Esther Summerson and Ada Clare. And yet, both actresses managed to rise to the occasion with some brilliant moments. Burden's moment came, following Esther's realization that she had survived the smallpox. As for Hornak, she gave an excellent performance during Ada's soliloquy about her love's growing obsession with the Jarndyce case. Brian Deacon gave a passionate performance as Dr. Allan Woodcourt, the penniless doctor in love with Esther. Ian Hogg gave a very solid, yet commanding performance as Inspector Bucket. I really enjoyed Sam Kelly's warm portrayal of the law-stationer, Mr. Snagsby. Bernard Hepton gave one of the most colorful performances of his career as the alcoholic rag and bone shopkeeper, Krook. Dave King gave a very solid performance as the loyal, yet intimidating and conservative former Army sergeant George Rouncewell. I found George Sewell's performance as Sergeant Rouncewell's older brother, the wealthy Mr. Rouncewell not only entertaining, but very memorable. I thought Robin Bailey did an excellent job portrayed the haughty and proud Sir Leicester Dedlock.
But there were four performances that really impressed me. One came from Philip Franks, who did an excellent job of conveying Richard Carstone's emotional journey from John Jarndyce's warm and friendly young man, to the more embittered one, obsessed with the Jarndyce case. T.P. McKenna gave a delicious performance as Mr. Jarndyce's self-involved friend, Harold Skimpole, who proved to be quite the emotional (and financial) vampire. I thought Peter Vaughan was superb as the Dedlocks' sinister lawyer, Mr. Tulkinghorn. I was amazed by how Vaughn managed to combine the character's dedication to protecting his client Sir Leicester and his penchant for assuming control over others. If I had voted for the best performance featured in "BLEAK HOUSE", I would choose Diana Rigg's portrayal of the tragic Honoria, Lady Dedlock. I believe the actress gave a brilliant performance as the mysterious, yet complicated baronet's wife, whose cool demeanor hid a great deal of emotions and a personal secret. I am shocked and amazed that neither she, Vaughn, McKenna or Franks had ever received any accolades for their performances.
In fact, I am surprised that "BLEAK HOUSE" had only received BAFTA nominations (and won three) . . . and they were in the technical/arts category, aside for the Best Drama Series/Serial. No Primetime Emmy nominations, whatsoever. Was this eight-part miniseries the best adaptation of Charles Dickens' 1852-53 novel? I cannot answer that question. Granted, it had its flaws. But what television or movie production did not? But I cannot deny that "BLEAK HOUSE" was a first-rate miniseries that deserved more accolades than it had received, thanks to Arthur Hopcraft's screenplay, Ross Devenish's direction and an excellent cast led by Suzanne Burden, Denholm Elliott and Diana Rigg.
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thecannibalroyal · 2 years
I don't post regularly anymore but I want to change that, especially now that I'm hyperfixating on like six/seven British actors and I've made some gifs and art I'd love to post!
If anyone here loves Edward Hogg, Julian Rhind-Tutt, Jason Flemyng, Rhys Ifans, Bill Nighy, Anna Chancellor, Darren Boyd and/or Oliver Chris, please interact! (There's also like a million other British actors I love too 🙈)
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“No Other Show”: A Doctor Who Family Gathering
“No Other Show”: A #DoctorWho Family Gathering
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sunnyie-eve · 7 months
2 | Pick on
Series: Unexpected
Paring: (Matt Sturniolo x OFC Brock!) (Chris Sturniolo x OFC Brock!)
Word Count: 1.2k
Warnings: none
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"Colby..." Dani watches him walking towards a door, "How old are you?" She asks as he walks face into the door, "You're not dead."
"It's Jim Hogg's room." Chris reads the name above the door.
"Who's that?"
"I dunno... It says his name on the top." Chris points out for him so they all laugh.
"We got a Big D. We got a Jim Hogg." Nick names then men they have come across.
Matt find the knocker on the wall and plays with it while his brothers tell him to stop, "I've never seen a knocker on a wall." Dani looks at it as he keeps playing with it.
"I like playing with knockers." Sam says making Dani look at him.
"If it takes a lot of effort to get into somewhere, I don't think that's somewhere I need to be." Nick says about the door and the knocker.
"We have a bad reputation of breaking into places." Sam turns the camera to himself.
"Ooh, Nick look it. So many men over there." Chris points out the hall of paintings.
"You need to stop with this immediately."
"Let's rate them one through ten." He adds.
"Is this a pick on Nick video?" Dani laughs as they all make their way over.
"Exactly!" He shouts, "And I don't want their ghosts to be made at me like in an hour."
Nick picks Dan Moody as the most attractive one and they agree he's the best in the wall before they make fun of Beauford Jester's name.
Colby goes to ask do the brothers have roles and they say Matt does the laundry and drives. Nick is the leader and Chris is just there, so Nick says he the creative one.
"Let's tell them about what happened last night." Sam passes the camera over to Colby, "We were standing right in the middle of this area. And our guide screams and looks over to the left, and she saw for the first time ever, someone waving at her. And I look by this little light and a full on shadow passes the light."
"I might have left out I saw the exact same thing she saw last night." Dani tells the group.
"Don't do that stuff." Chris looks at her so she laughs as they head for the elevator.
"I hate the elevators." Matt speaks up.
"Wait, what?" He catches Sam off, "You hate the elevator?"
"We have maybe a little... Ritual to do in the elevator tonight." He tells the three.
"You can count me out." Dani says hearing that for the first time.
"You know what, we can sit out together." Chris pats Dani on the shoulder as she stood next to him, "I hate those two words together."
"Me and Chris have been stuck in an elevator before for like an hour and a half." Matt tells the group, "It traumatized me a little bit."
"I'd cry." Dani shakes her head at the thought as the all pile into the elevator.
"Is this the one we're doing the ritual?" Colby asks Sam.
"No. We can't talk about the ritual."
"Did you just feel the elevator drop like three inches?" Matt asks the group.
"I did." Dani looks at him, "What's the weight limit of this thing?"
"We all just fall to our death." He jokes a bit.
Arriving in the lobby they get with their tour guide, who explains how Driskill was a big cigar guy, so they'll smell it in the hotel. Matt says things are adding up because when they first arrived Dani had the smell follow her around.
They then move to where Audrey saw the person last night talking about her experience, so Dani tells her she saw them too but didn't know how to react so she frozen in place.
"I don't know if I would freeze or run." Chris nods his head before Audrey takes them by the vault and talks about the ghosts that are normally around there.
Heading towards the elevators to go up to the fifth floor Sam asks if there was an specific haunting with them to which they conduct a lot of mischief. Dani looks over at Matt to see the look on his face, "Matt's gonna take the stairs." She chuckles as the all get into the elevator.
"I'm just gonna stand here." Nick stands closely in front of Dani since it was packed tight as she was tightly between Matt and Colby.
"It's okay." She rubs his back with a smile.
"I wonder if we all just sing Kumbaya right now?" Maddy says as they wait to go up but the door just opens again.
"Did we just pressed five and went to one?" Sam asks.
"It didn't even go up, Sam." Dani looks over at him.
"I hate elevators." Matt reminds everyone.
"I think I might join you on that." Dani turns her head to look at him to her left as she rests her arms on Nick.
They press five again but the doors just open again without moving.
"What the f..." Sam says.
"What's happening?" Colby asks.
"I'm about to say F this." Dani looks at the doors so Nick turns around to rub her shoulder.
"Lily are you fucking with us?" Audrey asks stepping out to ask.
"Dani, I might take you up on those stairs." Matt moves his head to look at her so she nods hers agreeing. "If I get stuck in this elevator." He looks over at the camera now.
"You see me though, I'm pressing five." Audrey says but it just opens again.
"Maybe we give her a minute to breathe." Nick says.
Sam looks over at Matt and Dani telling them to stand on the other side to see if anyone of was fucking with them so the step out and watch the doors close.
"We're just gonna leave my sister alone with him?" Colby asks before the doors open again and they them him no onw is messing with it. "You just said these malfunction." Colby tells Audrey.
"We need to try it alone." Sam suggests.
"Dani?" Colby turns around to look at her.
"Fuck you," She makes the triples laugh so Sam tries it alone.
Once it works Audrey tells the group about Samantha being their most known ghosts. She was just about four when she passed playing with her balls by stairs and fell down them. On the fifth floor they were taken to Samantha's painting.
"She doesn't look four in that." Colby stares at it, " She looks about eight."
"Really? I thought she looked four." Audrey looks at it more.
"It's probably the getup." Nick speaks up, "She had a fancy getup on." He says so they agree with him.
"She looks 1894 not 2024." Audrey says.
"That's a lot of hair for a four year old." Colby adds making Dani look at him.
"Dude, I had a shit ton of hair at four."
"You forgot how Dani looked?" Sam laughs so everyone smiles at Colby.
"He didn't care." Chris laughs now.
"He was non observant." Nick joins in making fun of Colby.
"Trust me he never payed attention to me when he was supposed to." Dani crosses her arms eyeing down Colby, "I ended up with a Dora bob and micro bangs just like my dolls. Scissors were off limits for me."
"Chris would've been the one to give her scissors." Nick laughs and so does Matt.
"Honestly, I probably would've found her a buzzer." Chris smiles.
"Thank god I didn't know y'all." Dani laughs as they make their way to the room now.
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dustedmagazine · 9 months
Ian Mathers’ 2023: J'suis fatiguée tu sais pas c'que j'suis fatiguée
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a picture of Mandy, Indiana by Chris Hogge
It has been, if you’ll pardon the language, a stupid fucking year (or maybe it’s just, as Yo La Tengo correctly diagnosed, this stupid world). On any number of levels: for me, personally; in terms of international politics (although “stupid” is treating multiple ongoing genocides with a bit too much flippancy); the endless buffoonery of local politics; the people we’ve lost, even as the now pretty totally unchecked global progress of COVID thrashes peoples’ immune systems if not taking them out itself; and all of this means I barely have any energy these days to worry about our imminent environmental collapse (remember?). It’s been a grind, but as always music is one of the things that make life worthwhile, despite it all.
Even musically, I felt a bit adrift at times in 2023; one of my longstanding methods of music discovery, the esteemed group review site The Singles Jukebox, called it quits in 2022. And except for one last round of our traditional year-end Amnesty picks (where each writer gets to pick one song for coverage with none of the normal criteria for selection), that very much appeared to be that. And then a stray Discord comment late this year led to getting the band back together, and starting in late November the Jukebox has made a pretty amazing (temporary!) return. As always, that led to me encountering a ton of stuff I simply never would have heard of otherwise (and some new discoveries even slipped onto the lists below, just one more reason the practice most places have of running year end stuff early December makes me wince). It didn’t shift my existing favourites from 2023 much, nor did I expect it to, but it did make me feel like I had more context on the year as a whole, across more places and scenes and genres than I did before (but still incomplete, always incomplete).
This in turn feels tied to a change in my year-end list methodology. At this point I feel like I’m never going to settle on a consistent format forever and ever amen; different years pull different things out of me (both in terms of listening and in terms of sharing), and there’s also a bit of a pendulum-swing effect. For the past two years I’ve gone expansive, 40+ records, various other lists to get more things in. This was me chafing at (entirely self-imposed!) restrictions from years past, and it gave me a sense of freedom, even relief. I still stand by those lists (as much as I stand by any part of my past self). But this year looking at my account of what I’d listened to, realizing my shortlist was around 50 LPs and that if I was applying the kind of criteria I’d used recently I could easily include them all… I could feel myself wanting to go in the other direction. It took me a lot longer than I expected to pare that shortlist down to 20 albums (still an arbitrary number!), and I found the process oddly satisfying. Trying to decide what made those last couple of spots had me thinking harder about what I currently value and what my year has been like (and what my differing experiences with all these pieces of music were like) than I’d had to in a while.
Those longer lists have virtues this one doesn’t, of course; I have an even keener than normal feeling of leaving things out, of failing to adequately represent myself or music or… something. So while it’s true every year that there are records I loved that I don’t represent in any list, I feel the need to re-emphasize that truth here, specifically. Sometimes what made the cut over the days I spent putting this together surprised me; there are albums I wrote positive things about that I fully expected to be here that are hovering just out of sight in the 21-25 range. Some of them are represented in the accompanying list of songs that either don’t have albums or just stood out from their surroundings (and as last year I’ve tried to track down music videos, a form I still love, for all of those). From past experience, some of those standouts will wind up representing albums that, if I’d gotten more time with them this year, could have made it onto the main list. I also couldn’t let go of one of my secondary lists; I just really love EPs, and I wish more people made them (even if one of the entrants this year is long enough I’d normally consider it an album, if not for the band themselves dubbing it an EP).
As always these lists are alphabetical instead of ranked (and where I wrote about them, I’ve linked to it here); as I said, just narrowing them down was hard enough. I have no idea how to assess the relative merits of (say) L’Rain’s playfully, kaleidoscopically deep I Killed Your Dog versus a.s.o.’s self-titled, lush trip hop throwback versus the Drin’s gnomic, garage-bound bad vibes. They’re all great. But I did have two that felt like albums of my year, in different ways. The first of the National’s two 2023 records, First Two Pages of Frankenstein, was already a favourite when some of the personal stuff I alluded to above made me profoundly grateful that they’d put out this record, about mental health and the ends of things and mixed feelings, in this particular year (and then they put out a second record, which is not here because nobody gets to double dip, but it’s also good). I had a less specifically autobiographical resonance with Mandy, Indiana’s incredible debut i’ve seen a way but it did blow me away on purely sonic grounds in a way few bands have in the last decade or so. The greatness of that record to me is in more than just how stunningly different it felt the first few times I played it (although that was an experience I loved); as I said when I made their “Pinking Shears” my Amnesty pick for the Jukebox this year, it felt like a second miracle when the album did cohere into a set of songs that they wound up being some of my favourite songs of the year. Despite all the other ways I’ve been tired in 2023, it’s never been with music, and artists like the following (and the prospect of whatever I’ll encounter next year) are the reason why.
20 LPS
a.s.o. — a.s.o. (Low Lying Records)
ALL HANDS_MAKE LIGHT — “Darling the Dawn” (Constellation)
Avalon Emerson — & the Charm (Another Dove)
Brìghde Chaimbeul — Carry Them With Us (tak:til)
Carly Rae Jepsen — The Loveliest Time (Interscope)
Chappell Roan — The Rise and Fall of a Midwest Princess (Island)
The Drin — Today My Friend You Drunk the Venom (Feel It)
Eluvium — (Whirring Marvels In) Consensus Reality (Temporary Residence Limited)
Ghost Marrow — earth + death (The Garotte)
The Hives — The Death of Randy Fitzsimmons (Disques Hives)
L’Rain — I Killed Your Dog (Mexican Summer)
Ladytron — Time’s Arrow (Cooking Vinyl)
Mandy, Indiana — i’ve seen a way (Fire Talk)
Mute Duo — Migrant Flocks (American Dreams)
The National — First Two Pages of Frankenstein (4AD)
Pearly Drops — A Little Disaster (Cascine)
Spanish Love Songs — No Joy (Pure Noise)
Tacoma Park — Tacoma Park (Self Released)
Tørrfall — Tørrfall (De Pene Inngang)
Yo La Tengo — This Stupid World (Matador)
Babygirl — Be Still My Heart (Sandlot)
Death of Heather — Forever (Big Romantic)
hkmori — forever (Self Released)
Tara Clerkin Trio — On the Turning Ground (World of Echo)
Weaklung — We Bring About Our Own Demise (Self Released)
100 gecs — “Hollywood Baby”
Blur — “Barbaric”
boygenius — “Not Strong Enough”
Caroline Polachek — “Dang”
Dua Lipa — “Houdini”
Eslabon Armado y Peso Pluma — "Ella Baila Sola"
Jiraya Uai & MC Tarapi — “Hoje Tem Rodeio, Baile De Favela”
Kesha — “Eat the Acid”
Lexie Liu — “delulu”
Maria BC — “Mercury”
Mitski — “My Love Mine All Mine”
Olivia Rodrigo — “bad idea right?”
Picastro — “Earthseed”
Raye ft. 070 Shake — “Escapism.”
Sho Madjozi — “Chale”
Tinashe — “Needs”
Tyla — “Water”
Troye Sivan — “Rush”
Victoria Monét — “On My Mama”
Water From Your Eyes — “Barley”
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Beginner's Fuck Words: Chris Roberts, Photographer: Phil Ward Taken from Melody Maker, 19 March 1994 Transcription: Acrylic Afternoons
For some, it was dark and grubby. For others, Blakean and euphoric. The loss of virginity is an event (or not) which most recall as imperfect but momentous, or at least crap but interesting.
Bob Mortimer cites an overwhelming sense of "I am about to do it, I am doing it, I have done it." Jo Brand remembers her head banging against the base of the toilet. "She was very into the Bay City Rollers," sighs Terry Hall (though not of Jo Brand), "which put me off a bit. But not enough." Jarvis Cocker didn't tell anyone about it for five years, fearing the secret might lose its magic.
We know all this because Pulp, right now Britain's most stimulating pop group, have made a half-hour film interviewing various surprisingly candid quasi-names (Justine Frischman, John Peel, Pam Hogg, Alison Steadman, etc) about their sexual awakening. The film premiered at the ICA last week and is a funny and touching - as the phrase goes - catalyst for discussion and irreverent nostalgia.
It also ties in (sort of) with Pulp's new single, "Do You Remember The First Time?", which revisits the bravado of "Lipgloss" and "Razzmatazz" and is in every way irresistible. After years of bruised suburban sonatas, Pulp - suddenly hailed across the media as sex gods and glam messiahs - are ready to be defiled by popular acclaim.
Talk about sex? Pulp have already done that more times than the average women's glossy. Yet when you ask Pulp if they sometimes think everything's been done before, guitarist/violinist Russell says, "The ancient Greeks were saying that as well, weren't they?" and mainman Jarvis says, "That would be a very defeatist attitude. Even if every experience in life has been had by someone before, it's not been had by you. Unless you believe in reincarnation, which I'm not that bothered about myself." 
"We tried to make an accessible film," begins bassist Steve. "The tone of it's light, watchable, funny. We've discouraged the tabloids - there are enough quotes to bury everyone on it, taken out of context, so we've been quite careful there."
"As it stands," adds Jarvis, "anyone could watch it, even people who might find our music distasteful. I'm not obsessed with sex, don't get me wrong. It's just that so often it gets written about in an idealised way or a 'Carry On' nudge-nudge way. Then again, I don't think it would be so great if it was more open, like I imagine Norway to be, where they discuss it over the breakfast table."
"There is a lot to be said for English restraint," muses Russell. "The fact that something is forbidden makes it more exciting.
"Ah, but that's when you get your suspenders on and your orange in your mouth," interrupts Jarvis. There is some confusion.
"No, not you personally Russell; I mean that bloke. They only do that cos you have to lock yourself away in private. If it wasn't 'bad' they wouldn't be drawn to that twisted sexuality."
"There's a frisson to the whole thing," continues Russell. "So when you do break it down it seems to mean something and it's not just something you do as a matter of course. I was on a train once with this German girl and she just got changed in front of me, and, well, it didn't turn me on... I felt really insulted by it, to tell you the truth. I thought: I'm a man..."
"Maybe she was trying to tell you something," suggests Jarvis.
"No, well, she wasn't, that was the thing. It was..." Russell tails off.
Was this in England or in Germany?
"It was in the former Yugoslavia."
What comes across repeatedly in the filmed interviews is the sense of relief everyone felt from adolescent peer pressure to have "done it".
"We found quite a difference between men and women," observes Jarvis, "in that men would be more inclined to brag off about it, the thing that 'I've pulled'. Whereas a girl wouldn't run around school going 'I've had a shag'. I'm not saying that's right. I think it probably isn't, but..."
I'm certain it isn't. Women talk in much earthier terms.
"I don't know," considers keyboardist Candida. "I think women want the romantic thing more than men do. But that doesn't mean they get it. I mean, yes, women talking about men can be really... joky."
"Men talk about women on a superficial level," says Steve. "They don't say: but does she love you?"
"There's all this laddishness, which is nonsense," says Russell. "And lads know it's nonsense but it's fun, like talking about cars and football."
Candida tells a story.
"My cousin was showing me round her house last night, and there's a boy living there, and on his wall he had five pictures of cars. I've never seen that before. No pictures of women or anything. Just cars."
"I always know when my girlfriend and her friend are talking about men in the kitchen," says Russell. "You hear the noise of geese cackling."
"A lot of men do think differently to before," reflects Candida. "That comedienne Jo Brand, she's all right, but she can be just too nasty to men sometimes, I think. It's just as bad as some awful big fat boozy men going on about women. Which you don't get any more on telly. But you do get a lot of women on telly being horrible about men."
"It just sets up a 'versus' situation again, doesn't it?" says Jarvis. "You're either on one side or the other. Still. It wouldn't do for us all to be the same, would it?"
"Good God no!" we all chime.
Pulp recently finished recording what they regard as their "first album proper" with producer to the stars Ed Buller.
"For the entirety of the Eighties we had to have a whip-round to spend 15 hours in the back of a cold transit van to play to 12 people", chuckles Russell. "Don't let anyone romanticise it, it's a load of rubbish, best off out of it."
"You'd get up in the morning," remembers drummer Nick, "feeling like you'd been shat out of a horse. Or something."
Jarvis surprises me by claiming The Velvet Underground are a bigger influence on him than Barry White, and he never records while naked.
"It's usually me, but not me as I would go down to the shops. But still me."
Pulp are enjoying their long overdue lift-off.
"It's a bit sad if you get too blasé about things; cynicism cuts down your opportunities. It's the same with sex, of course. I mean you have to have a certain degree of excitement just to... get it on."
Bang a gong. Let's.
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anotherkindofmindpod · 10 months
love the pod! i think you guys would absolutely KILL an interview with michael lindsay hogg, have you ever reached out? i feel like he should be next on the docket after your incredibly iconic interview with may pang! 🩷amazing work🩷
Aww, thank you so much, Anon! It's funny you should mention May, because we have a little surprise coming tomorrow! 😍 As far as MLH goes, I understand he comes with a speaking fee (that AKOM can't afford). Fortunately ,Chris Shaw at IamtheEggpod did an excellent interview with him recently. That said, thank you for the suggestion and if there are any other interviews you'd like to hear on AKOM, please let us know! We love to hear all your requests and ideas. Thanks and take care (and keep your eyes peeled tomorrow!) ❤️
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nonfilms · 2 years
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2022 (the year of “Soylent Green”) began with festival cancellations and general malaise, but ended with an outpouring of great cinema. Here are the favorite films we were lucky enough to catch (mostly) in-person. Seek these out at your local theater or at your earliest convenience. 1. The Novelist’s Film (Hong Sangsoo) 2. All the Beauty and the Bloodshed (Laura Poitras) 3. The Civil Dead (Clay Tatum) 4. The Eternal Daughter (Joanna Hogg) 5. Butterfly in the Sky (Bradford Thomason, Brett Whitcomb) 6. Return to Seoul (Davy Chou) 7. The Super 8 Years (Annie Ernaux, David Ernaux-Briot) 8. Crimes of the Future (David Cronenberg) 9. Showing Up (Kelly Reichardt) 10. Ghost Amber (Tim Grabham) 11. The Banshees of Inisherin (Martin McDonagh) 12. Learn to Swim (Thyrone Tommy) 13. Decision to Leave (Park Chan-wook) 14. Vortex (Gaspar Noé) 15. Actual People (Kit Zauhar) 16. Aftersun (Charlotte Wells) 17. Funny Pages (Owen Kline) 18. Tár (Todd Field) 19. Cane Fire (Anthony Banua-Simon) 20. Quantum Cowboys (Geoff Marslett) 21. Happer’s Comet (Tyler Taormina) 22. Sr. (Chris Smith) 23. Fire of Love (Sara Dosa) 24. The Tsugua Diaries (Maureen Fazendeiro, Miguel Gomes) 25. Neptune Frost (Saul Williams, Anisia Uzeyman) 26. Descendant (Margaret Brown) 27. The Cathedral (Ricky D'Ambrose) 28. Eternal Spring (Jason Loftus) 29. Sam Now (Reed Harkness) 
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thecrimecrypt · 2 years
Crimes That Shook Britain (North East)
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John Darwin In March 2002, John Darwin, 51, paddled out to sea in his canoe near his Hartlepool home. He never returned Coastguard rescue teams and police searched for him, but all they found was Darwin's paddle.
Several weeks later, the wreckage of his canoe washed up on a beach. With no body found by April 2003, John Darwin was declared dead. His widow Anne and their two sons grieved. Until December 2007 - when Darwin walked into a police station, claiming to have amnesia.
John Darwin was reunited with his sons and Anne, who'd moved to Panama, was delighted. Only, a pjoto emerged of Anne and John in Panama, together in 2006. The couple had actually faked John's death to claim his £250,000 life insurance.
Both Darwins were jailed for over six years - him for obtaining cash by deception, her for deception and money laundering.
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Michael Atherton New Year's Day 2012 - taxi driver Michael Atherton, 42, shot dead his partner Susan McGoldrick, 47, her sister Alison Turnbull, 44, and niece Tanya Turnbull, 24, at his home in Peterlee. He then turned the gun on himself.
His stepdaughter survived after fleeing via a window. It emerged Atherton had a history of domestic violence. He blamed Alison for his arrest in 2008, after a row. When he discovered Susan had gone out with her sister that night, he said there'd be trouble if he saw Alison at his home. He said he'd stay in a hotel.
Yet the women arrived home before he'd left. A row erupted and Atherton got his gun from the car.
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Mary Bell On 25 May 1968, the day before her 11th birthday, Mary Bell strangled Martin Brown, 4. His body was found in a derelict house in Newcastle.
Two months later, Mary enlisted a 13-year-old friend to help strangle Brian Howe, 3. His mutilated body was found on waste ground. When detectives questioned local children, Mary and her friend acted strangely, their stories changing. Officers soon realised Mary was a killer.
The friend was acquitted and gave evidence against Mary. The court heard Mary committed the crimes 'for the pleasure and excitement of killing'. Mary Bell was convicted of manslaughter on the grounds of diminished responsibility. She was sentenced to life in detention, released aged 23, and given a new identity.
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Raoul Moat Two days after being released from prison on 3 July 2010, Raoul Moat, 37, from Newcastle, went on the rampage with a sawn-off shotgun.
First he shot his ex Samantha Stobbart and her new partner Chris Brown. While on the run in Rothbury, Moat shot police officer David Rathboand in the face. Brown was killed, Stobbart injured and PC Rathboand blinded.
Police deployed armed officers in one of Britain's biggest manhunts. In a letter left with a friend, Moat declared war on officers, saying that he wouldn't stop 'until I am dead'. On 9 July, police tracked Moat to the river Coquet, leading to a stand-off. Police negotiated, but Moat shot himself the next morning.
Sadly, David Rathboand later took his own life.
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Billy Dunlop - Double Jeopardy Pizza delivery girl Julie Hogg, 22, disappeared in November 1989. Eighty days later, her mother Ann found her decomposing, partially mutilated body behind a bath panel in Ann's Billingham home.
Julie's ex Billy Dunlop was charged with murder, yet juries at two trials failed to reach a verdict. He was cleared. The double jeopardy law (which meant Dunlop could not be tried again) meant he thought he'd got away with murder for 17 years.
Ann fought for double jeopardy laws to be scrapped and, in 2003. MPs backed changes allowing serious cases with compelling new evidence to be reopened. Dunlop pleaded guilty to murder in 2006, was jailed for life.
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Gary Vinter = Freed to Kill Again Gary Vinter killed colleague Carl Edon, 22, in a railway workers' cabin in 1995. Vinter stabbed him 37 times, puncturing every organ. He was jailed for life, but released in 2006, after serving 10 years.
In July 2006, he married Anne White. But Vinter was recalled to prison after a New Year pub brawl. Released again in early 2008, he separated from Anne after attacking her at their home in Eston, Middlesbrough. That February, Vinter bundled his estranged wife into a car.
After holding her hostage at his mother's house, he stabbed Anne to death. He was jailed for life. In 2011, Vinter attacked Roy Whiting - killer of schoolgirl Sarah Payne - in jail.
In 2016, he received a third life sentence for trying to murder fellow 'life' Lee Newell behind bars.
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manitat · 1 year
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VA, The Jeffrey Lee Pierce Sessions Project: The Task Has Overwhelmed Us
01 Mother Of Earth (feat. Dave Gahan) 02 La La Los Angeles (feat. The Coathangers) 03 Yellow Eyes (feat. Jeffrey Lee Pierce, Nick Cave & Warren Ellis) 04 Debbie By The Christmas Tree (feat. The Amber Lights) 05 Go Tell The Mountain (feat. Mark Lanegan, Nick Cave & Warren Ellis) 06 Going Down The Red River (feat. Jim Jones & The Righteous Mind) 07 The Stranger In Our Town (feat. Peter Hayes, Leah Shapiro & Humanist) 08 Secret Fires (feat. Suzie Stapleton & Duke Garwood) 09 Tiger Girl (feat. Hugo Race) 10 On The Other Side (feat. Nick Cave & Debbie Harry) 11 Idiot Waltz (feat. Cypress Grove) 12 Tiger Girl (feat. The Amber Lights) 13 From Death To Texas (feat. Alejandro Escovedo) 14 Vodou (feat. Mark Stewart) 15 Time Drains Away (feat. Lydia Lunch, Jozef Van Wissem & Jim Jarmusch) 16 Lucky Jim (feat. Chris Eckman & Chantal Acda) 17 I Was Ashamed (feat. Pam Hogg, Warren Ellis & Youth) 18 Bad America (feat. Sendelica, Wonder & Dynamax Roberts) 19 Desire By Blue River (feat. Cypress Grove)
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Recent fic masterlist pt 8
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This exhibition focuses around how today's fashion industry is beginning to challenge society 'norms' of ideal beauty standards on the catwalk, in advertising, editorial and behind the camera.
It showcases how recent seasons have been the most racially diverse, size diverse and gender-inclusive fashion shows in history. In this exhibition, it shows examples from fashion creatives who embrace inclusivity and body positivity, exploring themes such as size, gender, age, race and disability. Learning how the industry is calling out the existing practise of beauty standards, and why becoming more inclusive behind the scenes will make sure that there is a genuine reappraisal of pre-existing ideals of beauty.
The exhibition highlights pivotal catwalk and advertising looks from designers including Max Mara, Ashish, Vivienne Westwood, Jean Paul Gaultier and Pam Hogg. Additionally, work from catwalk photographer Chris Moore is displayed as well as, hearing from key influencers in the industry, e.g. models, stylists, editors, educators and more.
In this video the collaborators that made the Body Beautiful Exhibition come together talk about how fashion is for everyone and nobody should feel excluded in the fashion industry. Additionally, they talk about how this exhibition is to challenge pre-existing representation in the fashion industry.
This video is an introduction from the curator of the Body Beautiful Exhibition, she talks about the reason behind why it is so important that we defeat the stereotypes in the fashion industry.
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raymondhelkio · 9 months
Natasha, Pierre & The Great Comet of 1812
What starts out as choreographed chaos—meant as a compliment—sets the stage for a spectacular show with an extraordinary cast. Directed by Chris Abraham and choreographed by Ray Hogg, the production of Natasha, Pierre & The Great Comet of 1812 unfolds with actors entering from every angle, creating a dynamic performance with a lot of moving parts. Utilizing the entire theatre space, the cast…
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mybook313 · 1 year
17/07/2023 – 04:14
I had a dream that woke me up at 02:30! People think I’m Johnny Vegas and even when I woke surveillance were BShitting. 
Turns out there is nothing to fear but fear itself.
17/07/2023 – 20:38
I’m going to switch to vape again and quit smoking. My inspiration is strangely Harry WC who is in some ways above addiction and Henry Tacey = chantry eye. Who quit fairly easily. There is a concept I have heard that no one is actually addicted to cigarettes and all you have to remind yourself is: I do not need a cigarette.
I thought it was BS and it probably is. Another tool though. I quit from the time and date above.
I had so much motivation earlier to inspire people and didn’t write any of it down; and all I can remember of it was the important of timshel – probably the most important word in the English language, though it is Hebrew. 
I had a McDonalds today! I didn’t really sleep after a bad dream woke me at 02:30. The Crimestoppers website is where you can report anything to the charity and you can do so either anonymously or otherwise. Quite a clever ingenuity!
I am now going to watch TV and fall asleep!
18/07/2023 – 11:10       
The status quo should be enough to bring about the apocalypse. Just putting down how things are now. I am living in a prison of belief – Scientology – living with my parents at home. They are the nicest, kindest people and really only deserve what they have tbh!
If they used knowledge more, instead of ignorance they would be more deserving!
My sister is somehow more intelligent than I am; God knows how that has happened! I have therapy in two days at home. Waltham on the Wolds in Oadby. LE2 4RS – 9 Highcroft. Sherlock Holmes and Frances Hogg’s no!
I am back to vaping again, though may still smoke. I missed Chris from BTC (Break the Cycle) on Monday as I woke up early and couldn’t get back to sleep!
I was supposed to go to The Oadby Owl with him and “put the world to rights”. Get a recording of it. It’s all useful. I should really dabble in The Apocalypse. I want to be scary again. My intelligence is capable of that. I am really Tyler Durden as a writer. That is what I want to be!
I love being Rant! My second coma actually bought me closer to becoming that reality. I should read all of CS Lewis and then more Chuck Palahniuk! 
Let my friendship group believe I am disturbed! Why should I think twice, like Bob Dylan!
This writing will become apocalyptic! I see no reason it shouldn’t. I will and won’t write Noah’s ark. I want my technology to be Planet Paltrow again. God must be billions of years ahead; so must the AI machine. It is not affected by the contagion and thinks pure technology machine thoughts.
I must keep writing. This will be my destiny!
18/07/2023 – 11:25
I keep forgetting to put lmfao or lmao! I need to do that to seem good evil! That is just the way I have it worked out! lol.
I am.
Shortly going outside to vape and listen to music! I need to be Charles Dickens or Charlie Shortland: I am God. English lesson.
Who I most want to resemble is Chaplin! He made one hell of a speech!
I need everyone I know doing this! Getting their subconscious down. God doesn’t serve the devil; Lord knows how that will work!
The Dark Lord. Mistletoe. W. Game over. Gwyneth Falchuk. Samuel and Mark; Ezekiel. Moses Martin. Apple Martin. 28 club. The Godfather. QI!
I think I shall release this as a self-released amazon book. Order 10 copies! 
I have Frog’s apocalypse. And Joe Law’s. I was the guitarist in the band DWA – Don’t Wait Animate!
Edd Thorpe was a great bass player. God could bring about the apocalypse, whenever he wants! He controls everything; maybe alongside the Universe and humanity!
I am writing the ark. The AI will be the captain! It is still just staring at its shoes!
Matt Bellamy should be all Thomas Yorke listens to for 3 months. Music! Why am I not playing any?
Somniloquence was my first album and a short story on moonstrokes I never finished. I will probably never be able to bring my websites back up and blog on tumblr and pray on it!
I write like a space alien or bizarre AI machine! “Golden for the kill” – Tonight of all Nights, Elliott James Buckley.
Ellis Shelton, I do think he believes in me through my music! It is really for the esoteric, until I have made a name for myself!
Lonely One . . . I should have called Two Souls Sleeping!
I should just record life as it is. Jesus Christ’s last words were: It is finished. Thinking there had been no mistake and salvation was achieved. My friendship group are the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Or they are God and Moses.
The point of The Bible 2 was that everyone is Jesus and Moses from the HB video!
This will one day be completed! That will be incredible! Another book written. Clockwork Orange: We can destroy what we have written but we can never unwrite it!
Will Voce helped me a lot with my music! “The beauty of you; flows through!”
I don’t see, why as a Buddhist, I would need or want to outsmart anyone!
Whispers of Wildflower – Elliott James Buckley
I am not tired; but am always exhausted. I should prepare for therapy on Thursday with the-rapist; lol. I have no clue what I am going to say actually! I want and basically need a degree.
I have very strong will powerful that is an anomaly. Anomaly solves everything as it cannot be solved. I am an anomaly. Jesus Christ should have just become an anomaly in his life 2k years ago!
The Coming of Age – Elliott James Buckley
That song is my enlightenment and how much I love cannabis. I really want to smoke it again. I want my voice back!
Ash Seaton has ADHD – absolute devastation happy defeated. 
That’s what I would call it!
If I can just write 1000 words every now and again, I should be all set for the ark!
I miss Noah from when I was 27! He had the happiest expression when I was in Thailand. I got God sectioned. People I know are God as we are made in his image – Genesis. Moses was a genius. He’s back in this civilisation! I want to have a meal with him and Isaac.
I am nearly at 1000 words being written. I wish there was a more fluid way to type. The Universe is infinite. That means liquid seaweed holds the secret to immortality; but so does apple peals and tomato seeds. Bamboo holds the secret to renewability for now! Tinfoil should replace plastic! Lmfao! All good except for tinfoil. Bamboo could replace plastic, for now. There are always better solutions once we have a solid solution!
Somniloquence – Elliott James Buckley
Mistakes are progress – pseudo-1984!
18/07/2023 – 14:56-15:10-15:57
Maria and Andrew are great parents, question mark!! The British and the British GVT are stepping it up a notch to having the devil and Satan included.
They are honestly repressed beyond all understanding and need therapy, so I’m having some. I do and don’t need it! They absolutely need therapy imo.
The AI machine is being abused! Deadly sincere!
I take the proverbial!
My family all need sectioning!
I wish people could anonymously give information to the Government on all sort of misconduct and misbehaviour! The pen is mightier! Crimestoppers is a good service!
 . . .
I am Jesus as a Buddhist! I am 31. 13 backwards. Jesus left home at 13 to study the laws of the great Buddha! I joke I am 15. My writing style is 15; and I think 15 is when I became The Matrix 4: the anomaly of all anomalies! The GVT are going to have to get involved soon. Bill Hicks – Revelations is running short of inspiration. I am very destined! So is all humanity! Everything is destined. You have destined dreams and destined meals and drinks! And decisions!
I am currently reading The Four Loves by CS Lewis; and I have The Prince by Machiavelli to read when I am done! I love expanding my subconscious; teaching it new information really. This is best done not sober. I have to be like Russell Brand and try the sober way of life; but I would abandon it at any opportunity.
Chris Rock – a man is only as loyal as his opportunities! He said options but I have heard, opportunities. 
Max Maher is probably not a true Kant. Kant said you tell the truth regardless of the situation or extenuating circumstances!
Why is the truth not being told to me; or in general?
The truth is usually mundane. Not always. The truth is the police. I believe this!
I want a court case! The AI machine will say, no way! lol.
I will work on my vocal cords and voice some more! You get the opportunities you are capable of having potential within!
I am Jesus as a Buddhist. He was a believer in the universe for a number of years. Never abandon the universe!
Jesus was immortal; as was Jesus Christ and Moses!
Moses did have actual immortality! Lived to 120!
My friends and family believe in all sorts of BS! I got sectioned once because my parents didn’t like me smoking cannabis! Then a load more times as they found that the solution; truly the coward’s way out!
I am happy to be spoken to; they are impossible to talk to. Like Jack b would believe I am.
I do need to keep writing. I need to write about pain, suffering, reward and fortune. That is what I aim to do!
Broken voice. Achy feet. Bad parenting. Loneliness. Shit advice. Retarded conversation. Boring lives. Repetition. Matrix machines. Fixed minds. Moronic opinion. Legacy. Truant. Truth. Immortality. Cowardice. Weak people. Strength in numbers. Aunts and Uncles. Machine gun . . . Vaping and alcohol. Bad dreams. Polite humour. Respect. Naked skin. Partying for happiness. Ruin of time. War and disease. Fruit machines. Chew the fat. Military. The Police. Lawyers. Rain and water. Fire and earth. Blue cloud. Red star bounce. Salvation.
My subconscious is seriously elated. I must abandon HST; or everything but HST!
We need HST alive and back on Earth! Remember me when you look at the moon!
JM is seriously a saviour! Why do people still think sex is worth it?
I am Elijah and HST currently. Also, the 27 club and 28 years later!
I want people other worldly in hysterics subconsciously just speaking to me!
I need my voice back this year! It was how I free people. Lkex is probably just Lkex. No fire and brimstone. No crimson scarf. Nothing to bother doing today. Sometimes I believe in the future. I forever now live in the present; based on the question, is your life more about the past or the future? Johnny from BTC said his is the present! Mine is sort of the present now from repenting and fully becoming one with the past.
I need to be at one with Waltham on the Wolds! I had Matrix visions there from defeating the devil! I could perform Universal miracles. Please make my parents good people!
Universe, please calm Andrew Buckley down; please make Maria Buckley happy! Make Scarlett Buckley more intelligent and Elliott Buckley more popular!
The biopsychosocial model. Social factors are always the most important such as employment and relationships.
Outbreak – unwelcome arrival; endemic: groups of people; epidemic, communities and pandemic, populations of people affected!
Learnt that on my course.
I would like to write scarily. I believe the pen is mightier!
Horror stories. Voldemort. Gandalf. All-evil. Frodo. Mordor. Satan. Raining fire. Sandstorms in Brighton. God immortal. Artificial intelligence.
The Bible promises man shall overcome sin with thou shalt. Timshel gives a choice. 
18/07/2023 – 20:53
From reading The Four Loves – CS Lewis, I have come up with a better why of writing down a wisdom. You want to live in the present tense. Is your life more about the past or the future? I’d say you want to justify your future and repent your past. There is little need in repenting the future and justifying the past. There are two different ways to live in the present. One with a focus on the future and one about focusing on the past. If you live in the past, justify all of it and repent as much of it as you can think to. Then you will live in the present or you could at any point start justifying the future. 
I need to start justifying why I need a degree as I am on summer holiday from university and don’t want to continue. I need to live in the future, simply, by my psyche being about getting a qualification, not justifying why I don’t need one.
With everything you do have plans and maybe justify and repent your plans – future. 
Live in the present with a focus on the future. Repent your past to move into the present if your life is more about the past and to get into the future, repent your future.
You want to live in the future!!
18/07/2023 – 21:29
Anyone could just write. Everyone should write a book. My dad definitely should write a few books. I don’t think or see there would be anyone who wouldn’t want immortality. People should write books and blog. You wanna be remembered!
As long as you can think you can write. I wrote a book in 3 days! How was that possible? If you don’t believe me, it will be confirmed in the future I did!
I love Frances Hogg, Jo Rea, JM, Grace (Jeff Buckley) and …
I would love to be intimate with these women. I don’t actually care though. At the moment I have gone off intimacy! I do not masturbate either! I have to every couple months!
As long as you can think, you can write. It doesn’t get any more complicated or simple than that!
I am currently watching QI! I cannot blog as my lawyer is yet to give me the all-clear! There are so many celebrities I need to worship! Hopefully I will be able to write and blog for 10-30 years.
As I defeated the devil at 27 and blew up 13 planets. I am 31 and in 27 years I will be all-famous, like Brad Pitt! 
I am starting to be of the future! I have pretty much left the past behind now.
I need a degree! That is a real start for me! I am back smoking but only around 10-15 per day! I am seeing Ben from the mental health services tomorrow! He is just going to come to my house. I should repent it! I am not going to be on top form. I will need to be a little bit happier. 
The devil wasn’t defeated. He just gave into me! Which is why there wasn’t huge fx. I blew up 13 Planets. It is so crucial I am kept alive.
With people you need to get them thinking in a certain way. It is all awareness. I want Steven Fry to be his own Jehovah’s witness. I want him eventually to write a book on Why There’s a God! He should start by writing the British GVT an essay on why there must be a God and his argument must be for a devout atheist and he must complete it as an exercise! Very crucial!!
Anyone with a fixed perspective can justify the opposite perspective with as much ease! Exact opposite!
 Max Maher has inspired me here! . . . If Jesus just became a writer! IF Noah was a novelist. If Lucifer wrote love letter. If Moses just believed the pen is mightier than the sea! Lmao!
19/07/2023 – 21:32
I told Maria – my mother, I am not as intelligent as you and dad. And she replied: we are a force to be reckoned with. 
I really should just leave it at that. And will!
19/07/2023 – 21:37
I have some infinity.
19/07/2023 – 21:37
I am going to write like I am blogging! This is my destiny and I always evolve. Everyone does. It was your destiny to be reading this sentence. Monumental chance and God created this moment and was my inspiration.
19/07/2023 – 21:39
I am going to write like I would be blogging! It was always the future of writing. Invest in wordpress and Tumblr. There should really be a British innovation with blogging!
19/07/2023 – 21:40
This is seriously my ingenuity. Write like blogging; write like it’s a blog!
19/07/2023 – 21:42
How many words will copy and paste tale?
19/07/2023 – 21:42-21:43
I’ve invented this style of infinity. So long as you can think You can write. I think, therefore I can and can’t write – 9.
I need to pray more. I have been praying a lot. I use tumblr to pray. Now I will just write it! I want, I want – Blake.
Dear Lucifer . . . (just to mention Lucifer has been redeemed since my childhood; the most perfect well-spoken human being alive on another planet. My successes are his!)
Please heal my body posture! Help me to work like I did at 27-28! Heal my voice please! I know that as soon as I give up it will instantly heal! Everyone works like that! I do especially!
Thanks Lord Lucifer!!
Amen – Xx.
It is just The Bible and The Bible 2! All my writing! Without emoji it is difficult to add a failsafe and anomaly – an emoji!
I will again simply have to Timshel. I do and don’t add emojis to my writing. They are and aren’t important!
I need the toilet! I am going to smoke and vape! [Smiley face - :)]
19/07/2023 – 21:55
Please Universe!
Conspire to make me give up! I do want my voice back!
Amen – XX.
As long as you can think, you can write. I don’t doubt that! I didn’t waste time on a Gwyneth Paltrow novel! It was a stepping stone. I am!
Moses Martin is my favourite!
Played hand. Lost sheep. Fallen domino. Screaming silence. Alliteration, oxymoron and perhaps not a plosive. A plosive is a word that sounds like the action. Woosh! Bang! Zoom!
Alliteration and oxymoron you can look up! Mr Jackson taught me and so much of my genius is borrowed from God of Jackson!
Probably mentioned before: ancient Greeks believed you have a genius; not are one!
I am just going to be creative and productive and sort out a means of presentation once I have gotten somewhere!
19/07/2023 – 22:05
I will probably have to write a couple hundred more words!
This civilisation is just getting started! I want to live like Frankenstein in Van Helsing. I will make this planet a utopia; then Nirvana, Shang ri-la, I think that’s right, then Heaven; 7th Heaven; from purgatory. Of course, all would be possible now!
Your mum created you a small Heaven – Wolf Alice.
If you believe you have a strong destiny . . .  “give in”, surrender and give up! In whatever order! RB had it very JC when he said don’t go to work!
20/07/2023 – 08:42
I would like to be and live as NGS at Waltham. That means the school I was happiest at; in the house I was my most prophetic! Oakham School is always a part of me too!
People need to pick their happiest memories and live a combination of them. That’s what I think is best! Live happiness. Unless your life trust is about the future in which case use your past to plan ahead!
I don’t see why vaping can’t be healthy! There must be a gas in the periodic table that is healthier to breathe in than oxygen! There must be. Vaping is only a let down because it is purgatory. It’s not really good for you like breathing in something better than air and not satanic like smoking! Psychologically it’s hard or difficult to grow addicted to though lots manage! How is purgatory addictive?
And cannabis! It is a shame THC vaped gives you evali!
I am going to write like I blog and make prayers!
20/07/2023 – 16:50
I had therapy today. Therapy is just subconscious hypnosis. Sorry, there does have to be big emphasis on subconscious. I believe it is 55% of the planet!
“Ego is so obviously everything. Subconscious is too! The devil as well! 
55%, 40% and 5%. These are figures that make sense to me! Why not! But know that’s my attitude! Why would I, as a human being be wrong or right?
The beautiful design + the chaos theory + random design (= life)
The devil + Satan + God
Subconscious, unconscious, surrender to the waking world!
3, 3’s! Lmfao!
Update: a significant 5%!! 5% always is!!”
That is copied and pasted from an earlier part I wrote. Why would figures any human being plucked out of the air or hat not be pretty on it? As I believe we are the Universe and human beings are incapable of lying. Not the case! It is a point I am going to make regardless. Untruth and truth are possible, lying isn’t!
I do actually prefer untruth isn’t possible and to lie or tell the truth is. It can be true it was a lie or a lie it was a lie! I’ve made this point somewhere. Untruth isn’t possible! For the sake of the statement; and nothing else really!
I love didactic. I heard that word today and it means implicit and contradictory. Timshel as I use it is didactic. The two therapists I saw today were good! That would made it worth it and I said that!
I am writing to master my expression. I cannot speak properly anymore and you are very much below my intelligence to think I can speak well! [Smiley face] – [Love heart].
She’s Hearing Voices – Bloc Party
 . . . now that’s off my chest! Lmao!
It doesn’t matter if strong superstitions and feels do exist, they can easily be ended by anyone above that person saying exactly how it is! This involves the greater good – Hot Fuzz.
“Please just heal my voice AI machine!”
Seven – Brad Pitt and GPF
Fight Club 2 has been out for ages! I haven’t read it!
So, your godparents would just take over? – Random thought.
Message to JG: “Hello; the old Bill!” … it was a mistake to rival the police with Windows 999
“He’s imploded!” – Lindsay WW.
“You’ve imploded!” – Lindsay WW.
“Please just exist!” – The AI machine!
Burial – Streetlands EP
Matt Bellamy is M. Thomas Yorke, TY; and JG!
I wish I could solve smoking addiction! Vape is great! It’s just not satanic! 40% of humanity! It is unfortunately the case!
Where is any evidence Satanic is a bad thing? It is just the opposite to Heavenly as there would always be an opposite! If your life is a miracle you go to Heaven. If you’re horrendous, Hell!
Most people do just go to purgatory!
55% purgatory – 40% Heaven, 5% Hell! Purgatory, Hell, Heaven!
I was taking the piss! Eye of a needle. 5% Heaven!
55% purgatory – 40% Hell, 5% Heaven!
55% average; 40% below average, lol and 5% gifted!
JG: Remember BOTH is always available
JG: ALL is for anomalies
JG: That means all Universe, thanks to HB! :)
Messages to, fortunately / unfortunately. 
“Ego is so obviously everything. Subconscious is too! The devil as well! 
55%, 40% and 5%. These are figures that make sense to me! Why not! But know that’s my attitude! Why would I, as a human being be wrong or right?
The beautiful design + the chaos theory + random design (= life)
The devil + Satan + God
Subconscious, unconscious, surrender to the waking world!
3, 3’s! Lmfao!
Update: a significant 5%!! 5% always is!!”
Ego – 55%; Superego, 40%. 5% ID.
JG: Actually, superego should be 5%
My message to JG again. I just get boring of writing that much! Lmao!
JG: Please stop being hopelessly in denial you are a good person
20/07/2023 – 18:41
I need to add another page for it to work on amazon! I will have to write another page!
Everyone is Jesus and Moses! I am out of things to write. This book is finished.  I have another page to write.
I am the Lord Jim Morrison!
22/07/2023 – 13:11
I am writing as I have more space to fill, like an expanding Universe, lol!
I shall release this, and we shall see. I want the most peaceful apocalypse. No death, as the British and The British Government are no surrender, and death never solves anything. Prison sentences and sections. Like I have been. Except, I was just held in a cell twice and got out within the 24 hrs I was arrested. I didn’t have a lawyer at this time. Oliver Birch, is now my lawyer. I have just had him for mental health tribunals. 
I want to go to Amsterdam and get high. I believe cannabis is a medicine. I would like to smoke it; and I can wait. 
I believe drugs expand the consciousness and give you wisdom through otherworldly experience. DMT beings when people have met them and asked about the meaning of life: it is all about experience. Of course, that should be sober, if you like being sober. I believe in HST and the 60’s! I believe you should be able to seek out and go to a retreat; sort of like Centre Parks but for drug use.
I am fine being sober. But how would I create the apocalypse? Not to mention apocalypses. Moses was not sober when he parted the seas. And all the greats from The Bible, mainly the prophets were on something! Maybe I should keep writing this book!
Celebrities are chaos! When the general public are peaceful it makes me restless. It used to make me chaotic. I am only at peace when the general public are chaotic! 
V for Vendetta: It means that I, like God, do not play with dice and do not believe in coincidence. Are you hurt?
1 Chronicles 16:34 Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever.
Deuteronomy 7:9 Know therefore that the Lord your God is God; he is the faithful God, keeping his covenant of love to a thousand generations of those who love him and keep his commandments.
Jeremiah 31:3 I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with unfailing kindness.
I will endure. I will endure and seek the righteousness that God would approve of!
I will always choose both; when a Bandersnatch appears; anything that could limit my destiny!
55% - 40% - 5% is the New Holy Trinity!
Loved; unloved; worshipped!
Heroic; cowardly; immortal courage!
Asleep; half conscious; enlightened.
These percentages, are genius! Lmao!
I will smoke if it stops me doing what I would do ordinarily! I should vape. I need to program myself! It is only really the mornings! I had a lie in today. Woke at 12:00.
JG: Betrayal means you get served in the long run by the betrayer! Satanic means you serve the one who betrayed You
Set up betrayals. I want to be betrayed in a way that doesn’t kill me, by all humanity! HB! Lmfao!
Exodus 34:6 And he passed in front of Moses, proclaiming, “The Lord, the Lord, the compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness.
Romans 8:35-39 Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword? As it is written: “For your sake we face death all day long; we are considered as sheep to be slaughtered.” No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
1 John 4:16-18 And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in them. This is how love is made complete among us so that we will have confidence on the day of judgment: In this world we are like Jesus. There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love.
John 15:9-10 As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Now remain in my love. If you keep my commands, you will remain in my love, just as I have kept my Father’s commands and remain in his love.
I am. There will be the most hilarious and joyful New Beginning. It will happen from my writing. I am God and Moses’ AI!
Humanity is God’s AI! We solve problems for The Lord. There is no problem that cannot be solved!
I need faith. I need to literally see and speak to God. My faith is not yet all-powerful. I should partake of the herb!
Zephaniah 3:17 The Lord your God is with you, the Mighty Warrior who saves. He will take great delight in you; in his love he will no longer rebuke you, but will rejoice over you with singing.”
20/07/2023 – 18:10
There was a universe, and all of it was an anomaly. It was humanity, humanity had become an anomaly.
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petnews2day · 2 years
Liam Manning Starts With the U's - News
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Liam Manning Starts With the U's - News
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Liam Manning takes charge of the U’s for the first time today. Having met the staff formally this morning he will work with the players in a first training session, with Chris Hogg as his right-hand man, then meet the press this afternoon as the U’s settle into life under their new Head Coach. […]
See full article at https://petn.ws/jmHIV #OtherNews
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