#Choy Tee Tong
demospectator · 3 years
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The Fook Sang Tong herbalist shop, c. 1890 (from the collection of the San Francisco History Center, SF Public Library).  Fook Sang Tong or 福生堂藥材 (canto:  “Fook Sang Tong yeuk choy”) was located at 744 Sacramento Street.
The Herbalists:  Old Chinatown’s Pioneer Healthcare Providers During The Era Of Exclusion And Segregation
“When more than 100,000 Chinese were put largely upon their own to minister to their sick or injured, how did they handle the problem?  Specifically, what medications and methods were utilized in the 19th century?” -- Historian Thomas W. Chinn.
When Thomas Chinn (a co-founder of the Chinese Historical Society of America), posed the above question in the publication “ History of the Chinese in California:  A Syllabus, he implicitly asserted that in the era of exclusion and segregation, San Francisco’s Chinese community essentially had no access to the US health care system for the first 75 years of its existence.
The herbalist shop depicted in the first photograph of this series, Fook Sang Tong, appears in the earliest directory for Chinese businesses as the “Fook Chang Hong, druggist and chemist” on Chinatown’s first main street at 744 Sacramento as of 1875. 
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The listing for “Fook Sing Tong, Drugs” from the Wells Fargo Chinese business directory of 1878.  The listing reads 福生堂各省地道藥材鋪 (lit. “Fook Sang Tong various provinces authentic herbal medicine shop ”; canto: “Fook Saang Tong gok saang deih douh yeuk choi poh”; pinyin: Fúshēng táng gèshěng  dìdào yàocái pù)
The herbalists at Fook Sang Tong would continue to do business at the northeast corner of Sacramento and Dupont Streets for the rest of the 19th century before probably moving to 827 Washington Street, according to the 1904 telephone directory (with an exchange number of “China 607”).   The shop apparently survived to reestablish itself after the Great Earthquake and Fire at 901 Grant Avenue.
Chinn wrote about Chinatown’s traditional medicine sector as follows:
“In the beginning, few Chinese were willing to consult an American doctor in a strange country. The language barrier, the higher fees, and strange medications and methods were too much to assimilate, particularly when one's life was frequently at stake. So the great majority relied upon their old-world, familiar remedies.
“The first Chinese to reach these shores undoubtedly had amongst his belongings, a package of assorted herbs and other old-world "cures." As more Chinese arrived, the first herb stores and herb dispensers appeared in San Francisco. Then, as other Chinese communities sprang up, the herb dispensers followed with their wares.
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“3721 Chinese Apothecary, Chinatown, S.F. Cal.” c. 1885.  Photograph by I.W. Taber (from the Marilyn Blaisdell Collection).  Collector and researcher Wong Yuen-Ming observes that this photo captures the interior of the Quong Sang Tong apothecary, the same subject as Taber’s photo “B 5397.”  According to Wong, “the picture … has many additional components: the large embroidery on top (which covers most of the 廣生堂 [canto: “Gwong Sang Tong”] banner that remain visible very partially on bottom), the calligraphy pair that looks like it is just placed on the sides to take the photo but especially the clock inside the door. Both embroidery and calligraphy might have been temporarily hung, maybe specifically to take that … photo, but I think it is reasonable to believe that the clock is a later addition ‘to stay’ which means the …  photo should be [dated] later”
“An herb dispenser acts in a like capacity to that of the pharmacist:  upon prescription of the herb doctor. If the ailment is minor, a person went directly to the herb shop and asks the dispenser to "pick up a prescription of herbal tea," after first describing his ailment to the dispenser. If the ailment is of long standing, or serious, the sick man hurries to the herb doctor.
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Chinatown medical clinic.  c. 1890  Photographer unknown
“Nearly all patients receive a "pulse diagnosis," which consists of the patient's resting each wrist in turn upon a small cushion on the table. The doctor places three of his fingers lightly upon the wrist and notes the pulse-beat for several minutes. His concentration is deep. He may ask the patient's age, and his marital status; once in awhile, a very few, seemingly irrelevant questions. lf the doctor were asked, he would say that the Chinese herb doctors believe that the condition of each of the vital organ is indicated by the pulse; that they define at least twelve different pulses, and claim to be able to distinguish them by the wrist-beat. Without further ado, the herb doctor renders his opinion on the nature of the illness, and the requirements necessary to effect a cure. He prescribes an herb tea.
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“The prescription is then taken to the herb shop (sometimes within the same suite of rooms). There, the herb shop has on its shelves literally a hundred or more small drawers. They contain his more popular merchandise. A complete herb shop in China may have more than three thousand items classified and used as medicine, but generally only five to six hundred are in popular use. One prescription may contain from ten to fifteen varieties of herbs, barks, roots, gums, nuts, flowers, and other medically-used-for-centuries items.  All of these are put in a pot with water, and brewed for the required length of time. Invariably, it is a bitter tea.
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“150 Chinese Drug Store, San Francisco, California – Destroyed by earthquake and fire Apr. 18, 1906” c. 1905.  Photographer unknown (postcard from the collection of Wong Yuen-Ming).
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A Chinese drugstore in Chinatown.  Photographer unknown
“The patient returns each day for further pulse examinations. The prescription may be repeated, or varied to a stronger or weaker tea, or a different tea. The results generally are good, and the patient would return to work praising his doctor's skill.  Nor were herbs or consultations with herb doctors limited to the Chinese. Other nationalities used the herb doctors and his prescriptions also. Toward the latter part of the 1880's and continuing to the present time, goodly numbers of Caucasians began to consult the herbalist and to be treated by him.
“In the beginning herbs were all imported from China, and with the exception of a certain species of deer, few animal substances were used. This horn was ground into powder and sometimes given with the herbs (the Chinese believing that it gave one greater strength).
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“B 5397. Chinese Apothecary. Chinatown, S.F., Cal.” – photo by Isaiah West Taber c. 1890 (from the Marilyn Blaisdell collection).  The bold signage above the group photo of traditional Chinese medicine practitioners proclaims the firm name of 廣生堂 (canto: Gwong Sang Tong). Langley’s San Francisco Directory for the year 1895 provides a clue as to where I.W. Taber took this photograph. The directory shows under “Opium (Importers and Dealers)” a “Quong Sang Tong & Co.” located at 900 Dupont Street (at the northeast corner of the intersection with Washington Street).  
“Early in the twentieth century, herb shops and herb doctors were the subjects of close scrutiny for possible violations of California medical laws and practice, but successfully survived the ordeal. A once moderately flourishing trade had nearly disappeared when federal laws prohibited the importation of herbs from China's Communist held mainland. The climate has changed in 1973-74, and the flow of herbs has once again assured the importation of herbs for sale.”
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The intersection of Sacramento and Dupont Streets, c. 1893.  Photographer unknown (from the Marilyn Blaisdell Collection).  The buildings located at the northeast corner of the intersection of Dupont and Sacramento streets housed several Chinese medicine establishments.
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“Apricot Spring Orchard” c. 1900.  Photograph by Arnold Genthe (from the Library of Congress)
Among the better-known herbal dispensaries was Apricot Spring Orchard or 杏春玲  ( canto:  “hahng chuen ling”; pinyin:  xìng chūnlíng), which located at the northeast corner of the intersection of Dupont and Sacramento Streets, probably at 706a Dupont (where the 1904 phone directory listed it as “Hong Chun Lum, Drugs”).  
According to historian Jack Tchen, “The name derives from a folktale about a benevolent doctor from Lushan who refused monetary payment for curing his patients, but accepted remuneration in the form of apricot trees for his property.”
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“Apricot Spring Orchard” c. 1900.  Detail of a photograph by Arnold Genthe (from the Library of Congress)
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View of a crowd of men near the southeast corner of Dupont and Washington streets, c. 1882-1895 (confirmed years of the herbalist store’s operation based on directory references).  The long, vertical sign of the Tie Wo Hong drugstore can be seen at the right of the frame.  The Langley directory of 1895 listed Tie Wo Hong Drugs  (太和堂各省地道藥材; canto: “Tai Wo Tong gok saang deih douh yeuk choi”) at 842 Dupont Street (and 745 Washington Street).  In 1883 (and moving right to left down the hill in the photo), the storefront at 743 Washington Street (seen left of center) was occupied by the Ly Chin jewelry store. The address of 739 Washington Street (at left) was occupied by the Sung Wah barbershop and the Yee Chong & Co. store specializing in ladies' underwear.
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“All Peace Hall” (drugstore) c. 1900.  Photograph by Arnold Genthe (from the Library of Congress)  The “Tóng'ān táng” drugstore was located near the northeast corner of its intersection with Jackson Street.  The 1904 phone directory lists a “Hong On Tong, Drugs” (indicating the Toisanese pronunciation of 同安堂; canto: “tuhng on tong”) at 1002 Dupont (with a phone number of “China 115”).  
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“The Drug Store Sign” c. 1900.  Photograph by Arnold Genthe (from the Library of Congress).  Unfortunately, Genthe’s shot cut off the top portion of the sign.  The partial signage advertises a common claim that the shop sells:  各省地道藥材 (lit.: “authentic medicinal herbs of various provinces”;  canto: “gok saang deih douh yeuk choi”)
The 800-block of Dupont Street hosted a cluster of herbal medicine establishments prior to 1906.
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“Street Scene in Chinatown” c. 1892-1905.  Photographer unknown (from the collection of the Bancroft Library).  Partial signage for the Hong Yan Tong drugstore (China 559 in the Chinese telephone book of 1905) can be seen at 810 Dupont Street in the center of the frame as follows:  “同仁堂各 . . .” This herbalist business had established itself at least as early as 1892, and it would also reestablish itself at 916 Grant Avenue after the earthquake and fire of 1906.
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New Year’s flower shoppers gather at a curbside stall in front of the business premises of the Dan Sang Tong drugstore at 822 Dupont Street, c. 1905 (from the collection of the Bancroft Library).  The white vertical sign reads:  贊生堂各省地道藥材 (lit. “Daan Saang Tong authentic herbal medicine of various provinces”; canto: “Daan SaangTong gok saang deih douh yeuk choi”).  The Dan Sang Tong drugstore would reestablish itself at 842 Grant Avenue during Chinatown’s post-1906 reconstruction.  
After the disaster in 1906, the practitioners of traditional Chinese herbal medicine would reestablish themselves in the rebuilt Chinatown.  
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“Chinese Drug Store, San Francisco, California” c. 1907-1913.  Photographer unknown (from the collection of Wong Yuen-Ming).. The postcard depicts the post-1906 drugstore, Choy Tee Tong 采芝堂藥材 (canto: “Choy Tee Tong yeuk choy”) located at 804 Grant Avenue.
However, historian Jack Tchen observes, “the Chinese were generally barred from access to San Francisco's hospitals and unfairly blamed for many of the plagues that affected the city.  Racist policies eventually forced Chinese businessmen to build their own clinic.”
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The “Oriental Dispensary” ( 東華醫局; canto: “Duhng Wah yee kuk”) on Sacramento Street in 1899. (Photograph courtesy of Chinese Hospital).  
The first, partially-western medical dispensary (Tung Wah) had been established in 1899.  Another quarter-century would pass before the great institution of Chinese Hospital would open its doors in Chinatown on April 18, 1925 (but that’s a story for another day).
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Photograph courtesy of Chinese Hospital
[updated 2024-4-5]
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huaschengs · 4 years
❃ Eastern and Southeastern Asians Facecast Help❃
Note: :D hi,  I’m tired of people casting the wrong facecast for characters in creations. So, I made a list. 
Please stop interchanging East Asians and Southeast Asians (whether between the two or within).
Even with this list and other sources, please be sure to double-check every faceclaim you use in your creations/works, thank you.
List posted 10/6/2020
Updated 12/25/2020
Please let me know if there are any errors. 
 The creator of this list doesn’t have that much knowledge of South Asian celebrities and models. Please refer to other lists, thank you.
I didn’t include people from all Southeast Asian countries.
Baifern aka Pimchanok Luevisadpaibul (พิมพ์ชนก ลือวิเศษไพบูลย์)
Bass aka Suradet PiniwatSuradet Piniwat (สุรเดช พินิวัตร์) 
Ben aka Benjamin Brasier (เบญจมินทร์ เบรเซียร์)
Bright aka Vachirawit Chiva-aree (วชิรวิชญ์ ชีวอารี)
Captain aka Kongyingyong Chonlathorn (ชลธร คงยิ่งยง)
Copter aka  Panuwat Kerdthongtavee (ภานุวัฒน์ เกิดทองทวี)
Diary (ไดอารี่)
From RedSpin
Dome aka Woranart Ratthanaphast ( วรนาถ รัตธนภาส)
FahProud (ฟ้าพราวด์) 
From RedSpin
First aka Nattapat Kapilkarn (ณัฐภัท กปิลกาญจน์)
Frung aka Narikun Ketprapakorn (นรีกุล เกตุประภากร)
Gulf aka Kanawut Traipipattanapong (คณาวุฒิ ไตรพิพัฒนพงษ์)
Gun aka Napat Na Ranong (ณภัทร ณ ระนอง)
Jackie aka Jackrin Kungwankiatichai (จักริน กังวานเกียรติชัย)
Jam aka Charattha Imraporn (ชรัฐฐา อิมราพร)
James aka Teeradon Supapunpinyo (ธีรดนย์ ศุภพันธุ์ภิญโญ)
Jaylerr aka Kritsanapoom Pibulsonggram (กฤษณภูมิ พิบูลสงคราม)
Joong [or Chen] aka Archen Aydin Winphakun (อาเชน วิรภากุล)
Kaownah aka Kittipat Kaewcharoen (กิตติภัทร แก้วเจริญ)
Kayavine aka Kay Lertsittichai (เค เลิศสิทธิชัย)
Kim or Kimmon aka Varodom Khemmonta (วโรดม เข็มมณฑา)
Lay aka  Talay Sanguandikul (ทะเลสงวนดีกุล)
Lisa aka Lalisa Manoban (ลลิษา มโนบาล)
Birth name: Pranpriya Manoban (ปราณปริยา มโนบาล)
Lotte aka Thakorn Promsatitkul (ฐกร พรหมสถิตกุล)
Mark Prin aka Prin Suparat (ปริญ สุภารัตน์)  
Mew aka Suppasit Jongcheveevat (ศุภศิษฏ์ จงชีวีวัฒน์)
Minnie aka Nicha Yontararak (ณิชา ยนตรรักษ์)
Namfah aka Thunyaphat Phatrathinchaicherin (ธัญญภัสร์ ภัทรธีรชัยเจริญ)
Natty aka Ahnatchaya Suputhipong (อานัชญา สุพุทธิพงศ์)
Nine aka Kornchid Boonsathitpakdee (กรชิต บุญสถิต์ภักดี)
Noey aka Warattha Imraporn (วรัฐฐา อิมราพร)
Paris aka Paris Inthonkomansut (พาริส อินทรโกมาลย์สุต)
Pavel aka Naret Promphaopun (นเรศ พร้อมเผ่าพันธ์) 
PearPunch (แพร)
From RedSpin
Pepe (เปเป้)
From RedSpin
Perth aka Tanapon Sukhumpantanasan (ธนพนธ์ สุขุมพันธนาสาร)
Peter aka Cholapatr Jeepetch (ชลพัชร จี้เพชร)
Piglet aka Charada Imraporn (ชาราฎา อิมราพร)
Pimmy (พิมมี่)
From RedSpin
Plan aka Rathavit Kijworaluk (รัฐวิทย์ กิจวรลักษณ์)
Porsche aka Sivakorn Adulsuttikul (ศิวกร อดุลสุทธิกุล)
Porsche aka Nishapang Suksawatnachok (ณิชชาพัณณ์ สุขสวัสดิ์นำโชค)
From RedSpin
Praew aka Narupornkamol Chaisang (ฤภรกมล ฉายแสง)
Ryu aka Vachirawich Aranthanawong (วชิรวิชญ์ อรัญธนวงศ์)
Sorn aka Chonnasorn Sajakul (ชลนสร สัจจกุล)
Tae aka Darvid Kreepolrerk (ดาวิชญ์ กรีพลฤกษ์)
Taew aka Natapohn Tameeruks (ณฐพร เตมีรักษ์)
Tee aka Thanapon Jarujittranon (ธนพล จารุจิตรานนท์)
Third aka Lapat Ngamchaweng (ลภัส งามเชวง)
Title aka Kirati Puangmalee (กีรติ พวงมาลี)
Tor aka Thanapob Leeratanakajorn (ธนภพ ลีรัตนขจร)
Toto aka Thanadech Ophatthanyakorn (ธนเดช โอภาสธัญกร)
Amee (Trần Huyền My)
Annie (Nguyễn Thị Thu Thủy)
Bảo Anh (Nguyễn Hoài Bảo Anh) 
Bích Phương (Bùi Thị Bích Phương)
Chi Pu (Nguyễn Thùy Chi)
Cody (Võ Đình Nam)
Duc Ung (Ứng Văn Đức)
Erik (Lê Trung Thàn)
Grey-D (Đoàn Thế Lân)
Hoàng Yến Chibi
Hong Phu (Huýnh Hồng Phú )
Ivone (Bui Diệu Linh)
J (Phạm Tiến Đạt)
Key (Võ Trần Thái Trung)
Kha Ngan
Khoi My (Trần Khởi My)
K.O. (Nguyễn Thái Sơn)
Lana Condor (Trần Đông Lan)
Liz (Ngụy Thùy Linh)
Lục Huy (Lục Quang Huy)
Min (Nguyễn Minh Hằng)
Minh Hằng (Lê Ngọc Minh Hằng)
Minh Hoang (Nguyễn Minh Hoàng)
Miu Lê (Lê Ánh Nhật)
Nicky (Trần Phong Hào)
Phuong Ly (Phương Ly)
Quang Huy (An Quang Huy)
Rosy (Mai Huyền My)
Sơn Tùng M-TP (Nguyễn Thanh Tùng)
Soobin Huangshan (Nguyen Hoang Son)
Thanh Hằng (Phạm Thị Thanh Hằng)
Tóc Tiên (Nguyễn Khoa Tóc Tiên)
Toof.P (Nguyễn Lâm Hoàng Phúc)
Tùng Maru (Hồ Lê Thanh Tùng)
Yori (Lê Võ Huỳnh Nga)
Zino (Ngô Nguyên Bình)
Ahn Hyo-seop (안효섭)
English name: Paul Ahn
Arden Cho
Bae Ju-hyun aka Irene (배주현)
Bae Suzy [or Suzy] aka Bae Su-ji (배수지)
Byun Baek-hyun aka Baekhyun (변백현)
Cho Mi Yeon aka Miyeon (조미연)
Cho Seo Young aka Ireh (조서영)
Choi Choong Hyup aka Baron (최충협)
Claudia Kim
Han Eunji aka Mia (한은지)
Han Sung Min (한성민)
Heo Yoorim aka Aisha (허유림)
Jamie Chung
Jang Eun Seong aka Dosie (장은성)
Jang Woo-young aka Ace (장우영) 
Jeon Ji-woo aka Jiwoo (전지우)
Jeon Jung-kook aka Jungkook (전정국)
Jeon So-min aka Somin (전소민)
Jeon So-yeon aka Soyeon (전소연) 
Jo Serim aka Onda (조세림) 
Jung Jae-hyun aka Jaehyun
Legal name: Jung Yoon Oh (정윤오)
Jung Ho-seok aka J-Hope (정호석)
Jung Sung Chan aka Sungchan (정성찬)
Kang Seul-gi aka Seulgi (강슬기)
Ki Hong Lee
Kim Dong-young aka Doyoung (김동영‬)
Kim Gun Hak aka Leedo (김건학)
Kim Ho-sung aka Lou (김호성)
Kim Jennie aka Jennie (김제니)
Kim Ji Soo aka Jisoo (김지수)
Kim Jin Seok (김진석) / Kim Woo Jin (김우진) aka BM
English name: Matthew Kim  
Kim Jong-in aka Kai (김종인)
Kim Jung-woo aka Jungwoo (김정우) 
Kim Nam-joon aka RM (김남준)
Kim Seok-jin aka Jin (김석진)
Kim Sihyeon aka Sihyeon (김시현)
Kim So-hyun (김소현)
Kim Soo-hyun (김수현)
Kim Tae-hyung aka V (김태형)
From BTS
Kim Tae-hyung aka J.Seph (김태형)
From K.A.R.D
Kim Tae-yeon aka Taeyeon (김태연)
Kim Ye-rim aka Yeri (김예림)
Kim Yoo-jung (김유정)
Kim Young Jo aka Ravn (김영조)
Kwon Bo-ah aka BoA (권보아)
Lee Chae-young aka Chaein (이채영) 
Lee Dong-hyuck aka Haechan (이동혁)
Lee Gun Min (이건민) aka Seoho
Legal name: Lee Seo Ho (이서호)
Lee Ji-eun aka IU (이지은 )
Lee Je-no aka Jeno (이제노)
Lee Keon Hee aka Keonhee (이건희)
Lee Min Hyung aka Mark (이민형)
English name: Mark Lee
Lee Sun-bin (이선빈)
Lee Sung-kyung (이성경 )
Lee Tae-min aka Taemin (이태민)
Lee Tae-yong aka Taeyong (이태용)
Min Yoon-gi aka Suga (민윤기)
Moon Chae-won (문채원)
Moon Geun-young (문근영)
Moon Tae-il aka Taeil (문태일)
Na Jae-min aka Jaemin (나재민)
Na Go Eun (나고은)
Noh Yoon Ho aka Ayno (노윤호)
Park Chae Young aka Rosé (박채영)
Park Hee Jun aka Ziu (박희준)
Park Ji Eun (박지은) 
Park Ji Min aka Jimin (박지민)   
Park Ji-sung aka Jisung (박지성) 
Park Jiwon aka E:U (박지원)
Park Shin-hye (박신혜)
Park So-dam (박소담)
Park Soo-young aka Joy (박수영)
Park Su-jin aka Swan (박수진)
Pony or Pony Park aka Park Hye-min
Seo Su Jin aka Soojin (서수진)
Seo Ye-ji (서예지)
Seo Young Ho aka Johnny (서영호)
English Name: John Suh 
Son Dong Ju aka Xion (손동주)
Son Seung Wan aka Wendy (손승완) 
Yeo Hwan Woong aka Hwanwoong (여환웅)
Bai Jingting (白敬亭)
Bai Lu (白鹿)
Cai Xukun (蔡徐坤)
Cai Zhuo Yi aka Joey Chua (蔡卓宜)
Cao Lu (曹璐)
Cheng Mengchen aka Shen Mengchen (沈梦辰)
Curly G (希林娜依·高)
Deng Lun aka Allen Deng (邓伦)
Dilraba Dilmurat (دىلرەبا دىلمۇرات)
Mandarin Chinese: 迪丽热巴/ 迪力木拉提
Dong Sicheng aka WinWin (董思成)
Gulinazhaer Baihetiyaer aka Gulnazar (古力娜扎) (گۈلنەزەر بەختىيار)
Mandarin Chinese: Gulinazha/Guli Nazha (古力那扎尔·拜合提亚尔)
Fan Bingbing (范冰冰)  
Fan Chengcheng  (范丞丞)
Fernanda Ly (利献灵)
Gao Yuanyuan (高圆圆)
Guan Xiaotong (关晓彤)
Huang Guanheng aka Hendery (黄冠亨)
Huang Renjun aka Renjun (黄仁俊)
Jia Fu aka Fingal (付嘉)
Jia Nailiang aka Jerry Jia (贾乃亮)
Jike JuanyiJike Junyi aka Summer (吉克隽逸)
Other name:  王隽逸   
Jing Tian (景甜)
Li Bingbing (李冰冰)
Li Qin (李沁) 
Li Xiaolu aka Jacqueline Li (李小璐)
Lin Xinru aka Ruby Lin (林心如)
Liu Shishi aka Cecilia Liu (刘诗诗)
Liu Yangyang aka Yangyang (刘扬扬)
Liu Ying (刘颖) aka Ying Er (颖儿)
Lu Han (鹿晗)
Luo Yunxi aka Leo Luo (罗云熙)
Ma Sichun aka Sandra Ma (马思纯)
Madina Memet (مادىنا مەمەت )
Mandarin Chinese: 麦迪娜 or 麦迪娜·买买提/ 买地娜·买买提
Meng Ziyi aka Zoey (孟子义)
Merxat (米热夏提▪亚里坤)
Ni Ni (倪妮)
Ouyang Nana (欧阳娜娜)
Qian Kun aka Kun (钱锟)
Song Yuqi aka Yuqi (宋雨琦)
Song Weilong (宋威龙)
Song Zuer aka Lareina Song (宋祖儿)
Sun Li (孙俪)
Sun Bohao (孙博豪)
Tang Yan aka Tiffany Tang (唐嫣)
Tang Wei (汤唯)
Ten aka Chittaphon Leechaiyapornkul (เตนล์ ชิตพล ลี้ชัยพรกุล)
Li Yong Qin (李永钦)
Ethnically Chinese 
Tian Yitong (田依桐)
Tong Liya (佟丽娅)
Father: Tong Jisheng (佟吉生) of Xibe ethnicity from Xinjiang 
Mother: Mao Haiying (毛海英) of Han ethnicity from Gansu
Wang Chuanyi aka Kingone Wang (王传一)
Wang Jiaer aka Jackson Wang (王嘉尔)
Wang Likun aka Claudia Wang (王丽坤)
Wang Yibo aka Yibo (王一博)
Wang Yifei aka Faye (王一菲)
Wang Yiren aka Yiren (王怡人)
Wang Ziyi (王子异)
Wang Zhuocheng (汪卓成)
Wu Qian aka Janice Wu (吴倩)
Wu Tianming aka Constance Wu (吴恬敏)
Wu Xize aka Caesar Wu (吴希泽) 
Xiao Dejun aka Xiao Jun (肖俊)
Xiao Zhan aka Sean Xiao (肖战)
Xu Ke (徐可)
Yang Mi (杨幂)
Yang Wei Ling Hua (杨魏玲花)
Yang Zhiying aka Katherine Yang (杨之楹)
Yang Zi aka Andy Yang (杨紫)
Ye Shuhua aka Shuhua (叶舒华)
Yu Shuxin aka Esther Yu (虞书欣)
Zhao Liying (赵丽颖)
Zhang Liyin (张力尹)
Zhang Xinyuan (张辛苑)
Zhang Yixing aka Lay/Lay Zhang (张艺兴)
Zheng Shuang (郑爽)
Zhou Dongyu (周冬雨)
Zhong Chenle aka Chenle (钟辰乐)
Zhou Jieqiong aka Kyulkyung (周洁琼)
Zhu Zhengting (朱正廷)
Abe Haruno aka Haru (阿部春野)
Adachi Yuto aka Yuto (足立湯と)
Alice Hirose- Hirose Arisu (広瀬 アリス)
Aragaki Yui (新垣 結衣)
Hamada Asahi aka Asahi (浜田朝光)
Hirai Momo aka Momo (平井 もも)
Hirokawa Mao aka May (廣川茉音) 
Honda Hitomi aka Hitomi (本田仁美) (ほんだ ひとみ)
Ishigami Kuniko (石神 国子)
Kanemoto Yoshinori aka Yoshi (金本芳典)
Katsuno Rise aka Remi (勝野莉世) 
Kiritani Mirei (桐谷 美玲)
Birth name: Sayasa Matsuoka (松岡さや紗)
Komatsu Nana (小松 菜奈)
Lyrica Okano
Minatozaki Sana aka Sana (湊崎 紗夏)
Miyawaki Sakura aka Sakura (宮脇咲良)
Mori Koyuki aka Yuki (もうりこゆき)
Myoui Mina aka Mina (名井 南)
English name: Sharon Myoui
Nakagawa Taishi (中川大志)
Nakamoto Yuta aka Yuta (中本悠太)
Okamoto Tao (岡本 多緒)
Osaki Shotaro aka Shotaro (大崎将太郎)
Sasaki Nozomi (佐々木 希)
Satoh Takeru (佐藤 健)
Shimabukuro Satsuki  (島袋 さつき) aka Meisa Kuroki (黒木 メイサ)
Takahashi Juri aka Juri (高橋朱里) (たかはし じゅり)
Takata Mashiho aka Mashiho (高田ましほ)
Takei Emi (武井 咲) 
Watanabe Haruto aka Haruto (渡辺春虎)
Yabuki Nako aka Nako (矢吹奈子) 
Yamashita Tomohisa aka Yamapi (山下 智久)
Yamada Ryosuke (山田 涼介)
Angel Locsin
Birth name: Angelica Locsin Colmenares
Charo Ronquillo 
Coco Martin
Birth name: Rodel Pacheco Nacianceno
Daniel Padilla
Devon Seron
Gabbi Garcia
Birth name: Gabriella Louise Ortega Lopez
Janine Tugonon
Birth name: Janine Mari Raymundo Tugonon
JC de Vera
Julie Anne San Jose
Birth name: Julie Anne Peñaflorida San Jose
Manuel Jacinto
Rita Daniela
Birth name: Rita Daniela De Guzman Iringan
Sam Concepcion
Birth name: Samuel Lawrence Lopez Concepcion
Teresita Marquez  
Birth name: Teresita Ssen Lacsamana Márquez
Yūn/Yūki Mago
Birth name: Laya
Jelita Septriasa aka Acha Septriasa
Maudy Mikha Maria Tambayong aka Mikha Tambayong
Muhammad Tulus aka Tulus
Nikita Purnama Willy aka Nikita Willy
Rachel Amanda Aurora
Rizky Febian Adriansyah Sutisna aka Rizky Febian  
Sherina Munaf
Shireen Sungkar
Yunita Rachman aka Yura Yunita 
Amber Chia 
Jordan Rodrigues
Yunalis binti Mat Zara'ai aka Yuna
Aarif Rahman aka Li Zhiting (李治廷)
Of Arab, Malay, and Chinese descent
Awkwafina aka Nora Lum 
Of Korean & Chinese parentage
Mother: Korean, Father: Chinese
Bambam aka Kunpimook Bhuwakul (กันต์พิมุกต์ ภูวกุล) 
Of Chinese descent, one of his grandma is Chinese.
Belle aka Jin Hyeon Ju (진현주)
Of Korean and Filipino parentage
Mother: Filipina, Father: Korean
Brenda Song 
Of Thai & Hmong parentage
Chanmina aka Otomonai Mina (ちゃんみな)
Of Japanese and Korean parentage
Mother: Korean, Father: Japanese 
Elaiza Ikeda
Of Filipino and Japanese parentage
Mother: Filipino of Spanish descent, Father: Japanese
Haley Tju
Of Chinese and Indonesian descent
Hari Won  aka Lưu Esther 
Of Vietnamese and Korean parentage
Mother: Korean, Father: Vietnamese 
Hashimoto Tenka (橋本 甜歌)
Of Japanese and Chinese parentage
Mother: Chinese, Father: Japanese
Heart Evangelista aka Love Marie Payawal Ongpauco-Escudero
Lucas aka Lucas Wong/Huang Xuxi (黄旭熙)
Of Thai & Chinese parentage
Mother: Thai, Father: Chinese
Manika aka Manika Grace Ward
Part Filipino, Japanese, Chinese, Malaysian, and Spanish
Nichkhun aka Nichkhun Buck Horvejkul (นิชคุณ หรเวชกุล)
Mother: Chinese, Father: Thai/Chinese descent
Takahashi Yu (高橋 ユウ) 
Of Filipino and Japanese parentage
Mother: Filipino, Father: Japanese
Tomo aka Visava Thaiyanont (วิศว ไทยานนท์)
Of Thai & Japanese parentage
Mother: Japanese, Father: Thai
Yuki Anggraini Kato 
Of Japanese and Indonesian parentage
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sportsflu · 6 years
The Thomas and Uber Cup 2018  also known as the 2018 BWF Thomas & Uber Cup will be the 30th edition of the Thomas Cup and the 27th edition of the Uber Cup, This event is a Team event contested by the men and women’s national teams of the member associations     Badminton World Federation (BWF). The tournament will be hosted by Bangkok, Thailand at IMPACT Arena
This will be the first time that Thailand will be hosting this prestigious tournament from 20 to 27th may 2018, where Denmark and china will be defending Men’s championship and Women’s championship crown respectively.
  Thomas and Uber cup finals 2018 draws:
  Thomas and Uber cup 2018 Schedule:
  Thomas and Uber cup 2018 team level details:
Thomas cup: 
Algeria: Abderrahim Bouksani, Balahoune Majed Yacine, Belarbi Mohamed Abderrahime, Hamek Adel, Khaldi Samy, Larbaoui Sifeddine, Mammeri Koceila, Meddah Adel, Medel Youcef Sabri, Ouchefoun Mohamed Abdelaziz
Australia: Chau Matthew, Gobinathan Ashwant, Joe Anthony, Leung Simon Wing Hang, Schueler Jacob, Serasinghe Sawan, Tam Raymond, Teoh Kai Chen, Vuong Eric, Yan Peter
Canada: Dostie-Guindon Paul-Antoine, Ho-Shue Jason Anthony, Lai Jonathan Bing Tsan, Li Antonio, Lindeman Ty Alexander, Yakura Nyl, Yang Brian, Yao Duncan
China: Chen Long, Li Junhui, Lin Dan, Liu Cheng, Liu Yuchen, Qiao Bin, Shi Yuqi, Wang Yilyu, Zhang Nan, Zheng Siwei
Chinese Taipei: Chen Hung Ling, Chou Tien Chen, Hsu Jen Hao, Lee Jhe-Huei, Lee Yang, Lu Ching Yao, Wang Chi-Lin, Wang Tzu Wei, Yang Chih Chieh, Yang Po Han
Denmark: Antonsen Anders, Astrup Kim, Axelsen Viktor, Boe Mathias, Christiansen Mathias, Conrad-Petersen Mads, Jorgensen Jan O, Kolding Mads Pieler, Rasmussen Anders Skaarup, Vittinghus Hans-Kristian Solberg
France: Corvee Jordan, Corvee Lucas, Gicquel Thom, Kersaudy Bastian, Labar Ronan, Leverdez Brice, Maio Julien, Merkle Arnaud, Popov Toma Junior, Rossi Leo
Germany: Jansen Jones Ralfy, Kaesbauer Peter, Lamsfuss Mark, Roovers Alexander, Roth Fabian, Schaefer Kai, Schaenzler Lars, Seidel Marvin Emil, Zurwonne Josche, Zwiebler Marc
Hong Kong: Ho Wai Lun, Hu Yun, Lee Cheuk Yiu, Lee Chun Hei Reginald, Mak Hee Chun, Ng Ka Long Angus, Or Chin Chung, Tang Chun Man, Wong Wing Ki Vincent, Yeung Shing Choi
Indonesia: Ahsan Mohammad, Alfian Fajar, Ardianto Muhammad Rian, Christie Jonatan, Gideon Marcus Fernaldi, Ginting Anthony Sinisuka, Kholik Firman Abdul, Mustofa Ihsan Maulana, Setiawan Hendra, Sukamuljo Kevin Sanjaya
India: Attri Manu, George Arun, M.R. Arjun, Prannoy H. S., Reddy B. Sumeeth, Sai Praneeth B., Sen Lakshya, Shlok Ramchandran, Shukla Sanyam, Verma Sameer
Japan: Endo Hiroyuki, Inoue Takuto, Kamura Takeshi, Kaneko Yuki, Momota Kento, Nishimoto Kenta, Sakai Kazumasa, Sonoda Keigo, Tsuneyama Kanta, Watanabe Yuta
Korea: Choi Solgyu, Chung Eui Seok, Ha Young Woong, Heo Kwang Hee, Jeon Hyeok Jin, Kang Min Hyuk, Kim Dukyoung, Kim Won Ho, Seo Seung Jae, Son Wan Ho
Malaysia: Arif Mohamad Arif Ab Latif, Chia Aaron, Goh V Shem, Lee Chong Wei, Lee Zii Jia, Leong Jun Hao, Soh Wooi Yik, Tan Wee Kiong, Teo Ee Yi, Zulkarnain Iskandar
Russia: Alimov Rodion, Dremin Evgenij, Grachev Denis, Gulomzoda Shokhzod, Ivanov Vladimir, Karpov Georgii, Lemeshko Nikita, Malkov Vladimir, Sirant Sergey, Sozonov Ivan
Thailand: Avihingsanon Suppanyu, Isriyanet Tinn, Kedren Kittinupong, Namdash Kittisak, Phetpradab Khosit, Phuangphuapet Nipitphon, Puavaranukroh Dechapol, Thongnuam Pannawit, Viriyangkura Tanupat, Wangcharoen Kantaphon
Uber Cups: 
Australia: Chen Hsuan-Yu Wendy, Fung Zecily, Khoo Lee Yen, Lim Lauren, Ma Louisa, Mapasa Setyana, Slee Ann-Louise, Somerville Gronya, Tam Jennifer, Veeran Renuga
Canada: Beaulieu Anne-Julie, Choi Catherine, Honderich Rachel, Li Michelle, Pakenham Stephanie, Tam Brittney, Tong Michelle, Tsai Kristen, Wu Josephine
China: Chen Qingchen, Chen Yufei, Gao Fangjie, He Bingjiao, Huang Dongping, Huang Yaqiong, Jia Yifan, Li Xuerui, Tang Jinhua, Yu Zheng
Chinese Taipei: Chen Hsiao Huan, Chiang Mei Hui, Hsu Ya Ching, Hu Ling Fang, Kuo Yu Wen, Lin Wan Ching, Lin Ying Chun, Pai Yu Po, Tai Tzu Ying, Wu Ti Jung
Denmark: Blichfeldt Mia, Bøje Alexandra, Christophersen Line, Finne-Ipsen Julie, Fruergaard Maiken, Kjaersfeldt Line Højmark, Rohde Natalia Koch, Søby Rikke, Thygesen Sara
France: Batomene Marie, Delrue Delphine, Desmons Ainoa, Heriau Vimala, Hoyaux Yaelle, Lambert Margot, Lefel Emilie, Normand Katia, Palermo Lea, Tran Anne
Germany: Deprez Fabienne, Efler Linda, Goliszewski Johanna, Heim Luise, Herttrich Isabel, Kaepplein Lara, Konon Olga, Li Yvonne, Nelte Carla, Wilson Miranda
Hong Kong: Cheung Ngan Yi, Cheung Ying Mei, Ng Tsz Yau, Ng Wing Yung, Poon Lok Yan, Wu Yi Ting, Yeung Nga Ting, Yeung Sum Yee, Yip Pui Yin, Yuen Sin Ying
Indonesia: Ayustine Dinar Dyah, Fitriani Fitriani, Haris Della Destiara, Hartawan Ruselli, Istarani Ni Ketut Mahadewi, Maheswari Nitya Krishinda, Polii Greysia, Pradipta Rizki Amelia, Rahayu Apriyani, Tunjung Gregoria Mariska
India: Bhale Vaishnavi, Ghorpade Sanyogita, Jakka Vaishnavi Reddy, Jakkampudi Meghana, Kudaravalli Sri Krishna Priya, Nehwal Saina, Prabhudesai Anura, S Ram Poorvisha, Sawant Prajakta
Japan: Fukushima Yuki, Hirota Sayaka, Matsutomo Misaki, Okuhara Nozomi, Sato Sayaka, Takahashi Ayaka, Takahashi Sayaka, Tanaka Shiho, Yamaguchi Akane, Yonemoto Koharu
Korea: An Se Young, Baek Ha Na, Kim Hye Rin, Kim So Yeong, Kong Hee Yong, Lee Jang Mi, Lee Se Yeon, Lee Yu Rim, Shin Seung Chan, Sung Ji Hyun
Malaysia: Cheah Soniia, Chow Mei Kuan, Goh Jin Wei, Goh Yea Ching, Hoo Vivian, Kisona Selvaduray, Lee Meng Yean, Lee Ying Ying, Soong Fie Cho, Tee Jing Yi
Mauritius: Allet Aurelie Marie Elisa, Dookhee Kobita, Foo Kune Kate, Leug For Sang Jemimah, Mungrah Ganesha
Russia: Bolotova Ekaterina, Chervyakova Anastasia, Davletova Alina, Evgenova Ksenia, Komendrovskaja Elena, Kosetskaya Evgeniya, Morozova Olga, Perminova Natalia, Pustinskaia Anastasiia, Vislova Nina
Thailand: Chaladchalam Chayanit, Chochuwong Pornpawee, Intanon Ratchanok, Jindapol Nitchaon, Kititharakul Jongkolphan, Muenwong Phataimas, Ongbamrungphan Busanan, Prajongjai Rawinda, Supajirakul Puttita, Taerattanachai Sapsiree
  Live streaming of Thomas and Uber cup 2018:
In India:
Star Sports 2 and Star Sports HD 2 is official Broadcaster of the Thomas and Uber Cup 2018 in India. While Hotstar.com will provide the Live Streaming online through the Internet
Outside India:
If you are outside India then watch BWF youtube channel for the Thomas and Uber Cup 2018 Live Telecast, Streaming.
  Follow SportsFlu for all updates on Thomas and Uber cup 2018!
    The post Thomas and Uber cup 2018: Everything you want to know about appeared first on SportsFlu.
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