#Chipko Andolan
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CHIPKO ANDOLAN – a movement of village women A key example of an ecofeminist movement is the Chipko Andolan in India in early 1973. Chipko was a forest conservation movement in India led by both male and female activists and leaders such as Indian environmentalists, Chandi Prasat Bhatt and Sunderlal Bahuguna, and the indigenous women of the Himalayan region of Uttarakhand in the Chamoli district, then part of Uttar Pradesh.
The story of the Chipko movement in 1973 follows how a contractor was given the right from the state to fell trees for a sports manufacturing company. The area, already denuded, was subjected to landslides and floods due to rapid deforestation from commercial logging. Women also had to trek further for fuel, fodder, and water.
When the loggers arrived at the village, they were met by the womenfolk who formed a circle around the trees, linked arms, and embraced the trees to prevent the men from cutting them down.
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Uttarakhand Chipko Andolan | देश का सबसे बड़ा आन्दोलन | #chipko #chipkoa...
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आपदा भूस्खलन से हाईवे बंद ' चिपको आंदोलन ' वाले गौरा देवी के गांव का वजूद संकट में दुनिया को ' चिपको आंदोलन ' देने वाले उत्तराखंड के चमोली के रैणी गा
#uttarakhand#chipko movement#chipko andolan#gaura devi#gauradevi chipko andolan#raini gaun#chamoli#uttarakhand disaster
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Sunderlal Bahuguna, Noted Environmentalist, Dies Of COVID-19
Sunderlal Bahuguna, Noted Environmentalist, Dies Of COVID-19
चिपको आंदोलन के संस्थापक सुंदरलाल बहुगुणा को 8 मई को कोविड के साथ अस्पताल में भर्ती कराया गया था। नई दिल्ली: 1970 के दशक में वनों की कटाई के खिलाफ चिपको आंदोलन के अग्रणी पर्यावरण कार्यकर्ता सुंदरलाल बहुगुणा का आज निधन हो गया। वे 94 वर्ष के थे। एएनआई ने बताया कि उनकी मृत्यु की घोषणा अखिल भारतीय आयुर्विज्ञान संस्थान (एम्स) ऋषिकेश ने की थी, जहां उन्हें कोविड के इलाज के लिए भर्ती कराया गया था। एम्स…
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How The Chipko Movement Gets Started By The Chipko Women From India | ‘चिपको आंदोलन’ चलाने वाली एक थी ‘चिपको वुमेन’ फ्रॉम इंडिया
How The Chipko Movement Gets Started By The Chipko Women From India | ‘चिपको आंदोलन’ चलाने वाली एक थी ‘चिपको वुमेन’ फ्रॉम इंडिया
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बात 1974 की है, जनवरी का महीना था, रैंणी गांव के वासियों को पता चला कि उनके इलाके से गुजरने वाली सड़क-निर्माण के लिए 2451 पेड़ों का छपान (काटने हेतु चुने गए पेड़) हुआ है. पेड़ों को अपना भाई-बहन समझने वाले गांववासियों में इस खबर से हड़कंप मच गया.
अलकनंदा की प्रलयकारी बाढ़ (1970) उनकी…
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Noted environmentalist Sunderlal Bahuguna dies of Covid
Noted environmentalist Sunderlal Bahuguna dies of Covid
Image Source : TWITTER Noted environmentalist Sunderlal Bahuguna passed away on Friday afternoon due to COVID-19 Noted environmentalist Sunderlal Bahuguna passed away on Friday afternoon due to COVID-19. He breathed his last at AIIMS in Rishikesh, news agency PTI reported quoting hospital authorities. Latest India News
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Eco-feminism has got also got close links with cultural feminism, though eco-feminists themselves [...] Ynestra King, Vandana Shiva and Maria Mies are among the known eco-feminists.
Cultural feminists have celebrated women’s identification with nature in art, poetry, music and communes. They identify women and nature against (male) culture. So for example they are active anti-militarists. They blame men for war and point out that masculine pre-occupation is with death defying deeds. Eco-feminists recognize that socialist feminists have emphasized the economic and class aspects of women’s oppression but criticize them for ignoring the question of domination of nature. Feminism and ecology are the result of nature against human domination. They demand that we re-think the relationship between humanity and the rest of nature, including our natural embodied selves.
In eco-feminism nature is the central category of analysis—the interrelated domination of nature—psyche and sexuality, human oppression and non-human, and the social historical position of women in these. This is the starting point for eco-feminism according to Ynestra King. And in practice it has been seen, according to her, that women have been in the forefront of struggles to protect nature—the example of Chipko Andolan in which women clung to trees to prevent the contractors from cutting the trees in Tehri-Garhwal proves this point, according to them.
There are many streams within eco-feminism. There are spiritual eco-feminists who consider their spiritualism as main, while the worldly believe in active intervention to stop the destructive practices. They say that the nature-culture dichotomy must be dissolved and our oneness with nature brought out. Unless we all live more simply some of us won’t be able to live at all. According to them there is room for men too in this save this earth movement. There is one stream among eco-feminists who are against the emphasis on nature-women connection. Women must, according to them, minimize their socially constructed and ideologically reinforced special connection with nature. [...] Thinkers like Warren believe that it is wrong to link women to nature, because both men and women are both equally natural and equally cultural. Mies and Shiva combined insights form socialist feminism (role of capitalist patriarchy), with insights from global feminists who believe that women have more to do with nature in their daily work around the world, and from postmodernism which criticizes capitalism's tendency to homogenize the culture around the world.
-Anuradha Ghandy, Philosophical Trends in the Feminist Movement
#Anuradha Ghandy#Philosophical Trends in the Feminist Movement#proletarian feminism#eco-feminism#Marxism#Maoism#MLM#feminism
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सैकड़ों की भीड़ में शामिल युवक आया कोरोना पॉजिटिव, मचा हड़कंप
सैकड़ों की भीड़ में शामिल युवक आया कोरोना पॉजिटिव, मचा हड़कंप
<p>भीड़ में शामिल व्यक्ति निकला कोरोना पॉजिटिव । </p><p><br></p> हाइलाइट्स
सैकड़ों की भीड़ में शामिल युवक आया कोरोना पॉजिटिव, नेताओं,अफसरों और पत्रकारों में मचा हड़कंप
दौसा में एक साथ मिले कोरोना के आठ संक्रमित मरीज
चिपको आंदोलन की भीड़ से चिन्हित किया गया कोरोना संदिग्ध भी निकला पॉजिटिव आंदोलन में शामिल सभी लोगों में बढ़ी चिंता एक दिन में दौसा में आए आठ कोरोना पॉजिटिव
आंदोलन में…
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#Chipko Andolan#Dausa#dausa chipko aandolan#dausa corona status#dausa corona update#dausa coronavirus#dausa covid-19#dausa news#rajastahan news#rajasthan samachar
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पर्यावरण को बचाने में महिला उद्यमियों की अहम भूमिकाः जयराज
पर्यावरण को बचाने में महिला उद्यमियों की अहम भूमिकाः जयराज
फिक्की फलो की ओर से आयोजित किया गया चर्चा कार्यक्रम
एक स्थाई वातावरण के लिए महिला उद्योगपति एवं महिला उद्यमि किस तरह से अपना योगदान दे सकती है इस विषय पर फिक्की फलो की ओर से चर्चा कार्यक्रम का आयोजन किया गया। कार्यक्रम में बतौर मुख्य अतिथि प्रमुख वन संरक्षक एवं वन बल प्रमुख जयराज मौजूद थे।
कार्यक्रम के मुख्य अतिथि जयराज ने कहा कि “चिपको आंदोलन“ तब उत्तराखण्ड की मजबूत ग्रामीण महिलाओं का चलाया…
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Stories have always been important in India, a culture with strong oral traditions. Even concepts such as Sadharanikaran, Sahrdaya, and Rasa in the Indian communication theory highlight the significant contribution of storytelling in capturing audience engagement.
Storytelling had lost some of its significance in the times when we started privileging the masculine, the rational, quantitative paradigms and technology. I am glad it is regaining our attention as we recognize the importance of emotions and theories of affect gain prominence even in academic circles.
We all remember stories that have moved us, inspired us, made us laugh or cry but stories for social change are different from ordinary stories. Social change stories also emotionally connect with us but additionally, they have to have a purpose. It is not sufficient for them to entertain us.
Another important point to note is that not all stories bring social change. Remember, stories are also told to maintain the hegemonic culture, the status quo and remind people to observe the existing social norms. In fact, many stories just do that.
I would like you to see a video here- A touch of care- and relate it to the points I will make later. These points are drawn from my ongoing work with Prof. Christine Garlough of the University of Wisconsin-Madison on Ethic of Care.
What does this story do? What can stories do?
Bear Witness: Stories can bear witness to important events where the audience did not have a chance to be- riots, rape, triumph, solidarity. Stories are mirrors that reflect our society. The video we saw bears witness to a young girl’s life from destitution to success and a mother’s love that fights against all odds. Similarly, stories about Chipko Andolan take us there and bear witness to the struggles and triumphs of the women activists.
Acknowledgement and recognition: Stories offer acknowledgement and recognition to the marginalized. In its simplest terms, acknowledgement is being there to answer, “Here I am!” when one hears a call for help. It is the self’s obligation “to be for others” (Hyde, 2006). Without acknowledgement one is confronted with the possibility of being “isolated, marginalized, ignored, and forgotten by others” (p.1). Hyde evokes the concept of “social death” which is a consequence of life without acknowledgement. Whether it is coal miners or manual scavengers or single mothers…such groups are seldom on our radars but their stories make us acknowledge their existence and recognize their issues as valid.
Question, critique, challenge: Social change requires challenging the status quo and existing power structures- Governments, corporates, policies and systems, practices and norms all need to be challenged to take on issues of discrimination based on gender, class, caste and other identity axes. At times when it is not safe or effective to pose a direct challenge stories can act as powerful tools through metaphors and allegories. The video we just saw raises many questions- Why is the mother in the video no rights? Why is she not treated with dignity?
Envisioning alternatives- My personal favorite (Remember Bhavni bhavai with two endings?). Stories can show us that another reality is possible, another ending is possible, there are better ways to resolve issues and we can treat others with more empathy. Stories can create a vision for the future and well-told stories can lead us to believe in this vision.
So, we discussed how stories can contribute to social change. Now I would like to raise some questions about the power of stories. I have three questions that all storytellers who are envisioning social change should ponder.
Is being a mirror enough
Is cultural activism enough
Are you speaking FOR people and silencing those less powerful by telling other people’s stories?
And finally, I would like to draw our attention to what we can learn from brand stories. We love certain brands and their stories. They stay with us for a long time and we are not bored even when we encounter them again and again. What are some elements that brand stories work on to achieve this impact?
Focusing on only one message
With the right kind of treatment, even non-profits can tell such interesting and powerful stories. The video by Breakthrough “Share your story with your son” is an example… Read More
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Paryavaran, Vikas or Mahilaye
Paryavaran, Vikas or Mahilaye
Book Description : What is the role of women in environmental protection and rural development, it is a matter of public discussion, but history is witness that whenever women have got a chance, they have not been behind men in any field. In Uttarakhand, whether it is ‘Nasha Nahi, Rozgar Do’ movement or the world famous ‘Chipko Andolan’ and whether it is ‘Separate State Movement’, there has been…
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Sunderlal Bahuguna died, Sunderlal Bahuguna chipko andolan, Sunderlal Bahuguna photo, Sunderlal Bahuguna age
Sunderlal Bahuguna died, Sunderlal Bahuguna chipko andolan, Sunderlal Bahuguna photo, Sunderlal Bahuguna age
Image Source : TWITTER Noted environmentalist Sunderlal Bahuguna passed away on Friday afternoon due to COVID-19 Noted environmentalist Sunderlal Bahuguna passed away on Friday afternoon due to COVID-19. He breathed his last at AIIMS in Rishikesh, news agency PTI reported quoting hospital authorities. Latest India News Source link
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Overall, Chipko Andolan stands as a non-violent protest against deforestation. It emerged as a movement that protected the future not only of Uttarakhand but of many other states in India. Movements like Chipko give us an idea of how important forests are and what they can be.
Read more at https://www.takshilalearning.com/what-is-chipko-movement-objective-of-chipko-andolan/
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Kisan Andolan Update: किसान आंदोलन का समर्थन करेंगे चिपको आंदोलन के प्रणेता ‘सुन्दर लाल बहुगुणा। #किसानआंदोलन
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Responsibility of human’s towards other living beings.
-Samiksha Patil
Responsibility is the fact of being accountable to someone or something, likewise as human beings (the dominant species ) being a part of this whole ecosystems not only the advantage of controlling the environment but also holds us accountable for the impacts. But are we human’s considering them? Are we working on them? Rather do we even have an idea what the responsibility is? So hence my topic will be dealing with the responsibility of an individual human and responsibilities of the humankind towards other species which are animals, plants, rivers, sea etc. And what way are we currently dealing with it and what way we actually should.
• So what are these responsibility of human towards other living beings?
For instance, let’s keep it quite clear that the universe works with giving and take if we are talking something we need to give in return and if we don’t opt to do that there are consequences. So stating the responsibility point-wise it would go
1. If we are taking wood for the paper it is our responsibility that in return we need to plant more trees.
2. If we are using plastic even after knowing it’s an adverse consequence it is our responsibility to recycle them.
3. If we are using waterways as transport it is our responsibility to take proper measures to protect sea life.
4. Of we are emitting carbon dioxide it is our responsibility to plant more trees and increase oxygen.
So the problem of development arises when these responses are under looked hence the major problems would like to highlight are Deforestation, Animal cruelty, Endangered Species, carbon dioxide and plastic waste.
• why don’t we obey our responsibilities?
Starting from a scientific point of view it seems that we should focus on first and foremost on our own survival and prosperity, even if it means leaving this planet devoid of life. In terms of evolution, the only purpose of life is to survive and continue to survive for as long as possible. Even if we take into account our added concept of happiness, what seems to matter is that we, as a species, are happy. But what we are not under response that the harm or less we think about other species the more it is revolting against us, not now not currently but surely and the results of years of ignorance are been seen in the recent decade.
• What are the approaches to fulfil the responsibilities
There are various approaches with respect to the individual’s problems to state in points like
1. To reduce plastic – ban plastic production, avoid plastic consumption in the unnecessary mode, recycle the used plastic, reuse until damage and many more.
2. To reduce carbon dioxide- CDR methods include afforesting, agricultural practices that sequester carbon in the soils, bio-energy with carbon capture and storage, ocean fertilization enhanced weathering, and direct air capture when combined with storage.
3. Approaches to protecting endangered species -Scientists tell us the best way to protect endangered species is to protect the special places where they live. Wildlife must have places to find food, shelter and raise their young. Logging, oil and gas drilling, over-grazing and development all result habit destruction.
4. Approaches to stop animal cruelty-Be a responsible pet owner,
Be an example of kindness to other pets, Intervene if you witness animal cruelty.
Report animal cruelty, abuse or neglect,
Teach your children to have respect for animals,
Demand stricter laws for the protection of animals.
5. Approaches to stop deforestation- Plant a Tree where you can, Go paperless at home and in the office, Buy recycled products and then recycle them again,
Buy certified wood products, Support the products of companies that are committed to reducing deforestation.
• What are the success stories, are there any responsible individuals and organizations dealing with these problems?
It would wrong if I say the whole humankind is resisting the responsibilities which are not so because there are individuals, organizations and government trying to make a change, trying to develop the idea of responsibly amongst people or set an example like- success stories
Deforestation -
The Chipko Andolan or the Chipko movement is a movement that practiced methods of Satyagraha where both male and female activists from Uttarakhand played vital roles, including Gaura Devi, Suraksha Devi, Sudesh Devi, Bachni Devi and Chandi Prasad Bhatt, Virushka Devi and others.
Saalumarada Thimmakka, also known as Aalada Marada Timakka, is an Indian environmentalist from the state of Karnataka, noted for her work in planting and tending to 385 banyan trees along a four-kilometre stretch of highway between Hulikal and Kuduro. She has also planted nearly 8000 other trees.
Animal cruelty-
FIAPO was set up to bring activists and NGOs together, to be able to talk about issues on animal welfare, to set higher goals, achieve them and look at the factors that affected our success. The purpose of FIAPO is to help us find each other in a storm i.e. struggle for the animal rights movement.
PETA exposes animals suffering in laboratories, in the food industry, in the clothing trade, and in the entertainment industry.
Endangered species-
The WWF is the world's leading animal conservation charity. One of the best known organizations that helps endangered species , WWF definitely deserves a place in our list. This globally known organization has been fighting for wildlife conservation since 1961
Created in 1948, The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) is a membership union composed of both government and civil society organizations. It is the largest and organization that helps endangered species in the world including sea turtles, whales, polar bears and lions.
Carbon dioxide-Cool Effect is an organization on a mission to reduce carbon emissions through a variety of science-backed sustainable projects.
The Indian Government has made a voluntary international commitment to reduce the emissions intensity of its gross domestic product (GDP) by 20–25 per cent from 2005 levels by 2020.
Plastic waste - Plastic Pollution Coalition is a growing global alliance of more than 1,200 organizations, businesses, and thought leaders in 75 countries working toward a world free of plastic pollution and its toxic impact on humans, animals, waterways, the ocean, and the environment.
India has pledged to ban all single-use plastics by 2022. All offices of central and state governments and major PSUs have been told to prohibit single-use plastic products. India banned imports of solid plastic waste only in March this year.
Apart from these success stories, there are many people but not all who are carrying the responsibilities of humans towards other living beings.
• What are the various platform that covers these problems?!
Not every mainstream media platform talks about these responsibilities quite a few organization pages and study papers on the web give u the information and the reason they don’t talk is that the consumers of media don’t really intend to know as the mainstream media is commercialized. Yet there are places where u can see media support to these responsibilities-
Deforestation- Over the last few years, there has been a notable increase in the international media coverage of deforestation and its link to climate change – with an increase by two thirds in global coverage between 2014 and 2018 and a more than doubling between 2016 and 2018.
Animal cruelty- Activists investigations of animal cruelty expose the public to suffering that they may otherwise be unaware of, via an increasingly broad-ranging media. Most people discussed the media coverage with others afterwards but fewer than 10 % contacted politicians or wrote to newspapers. A social organization like Animal Aid in India has their public social media accounts where the not only share their success stories but also reach out to a large number of audience.
Carbon dioxide- Global Carbon Budget 2019
Carbon Dioxide. Emissions Hit a Record in 2019, Even as Coal Fades.
Plastic- WEF Brief Explores Opportunities for Circular Plastics Economy
Economic meltdown threatens Europe’s war on plastic.
• What is the final conclusion we get from the responsibilities of human towards other living beings?
responsibilities of human towards other living beings should be like any other responsibility that we carry as a member of a community or I would say the universal family the same we as we are accountable to our own family members and take their problems as our own.
For a brief description of my topic would refer you to read- https://samiksha5915.wordpress.com/
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‘Chipko Movement, Narmada Bachao Andolan part of India’s proud tradition to protect environment, I bring this rich inheritance to Canada’
‘Chipko Movement, Narmada Bachao Andolan part of India’s proud tradition to protect environment, I bring this rich inheritance to Canada’
Written by Anuradha Mascarenhas | Published: April 25, 2020 7:26:15 pm
“In response to the COVID-19 crisis, the Canadian federal government has put forward an unprecedented response,” says Awasthi. (Express photo/Arul Horizon)
Prateek Awasthi, who grew up in Pune and is a law graduate from the ILS Law College, was…
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