#Chinese to English Captioning Services
rigelmejo · 1 year
Notes to myself on study activities I want to do, feel free to try some if you feel like it -3-)/
Play Final Fantasy X in japanese (reading practice, some vocabulary learning from context or word lookup on translation app)
Listen Read to Kiki's Delivery Service on Smart Book app. This app is free (I recommend it), and let's you listen to TTS, auto generates a parallel translation, and has click translations for all words. This app has a lot of free books, but you can also just import files you have so I imported Kiki's Delivery Service. (Reading and listening practice, vocabulary learning, some grammar structure learning from context)
Listen Read to Alice in Wonderland on Duoreader app, a free app with several parallel texts with TTS audio. I already did 2 chapters, I'd like to do all of the book though. (Reading and listening practice, vocabulary learning, some grammar structure learning from context)
Listen to Game Gengo YouTube videos. Listen to Final Fantasy IX video, Yakuza Ishin video. I highly recommend just putting on his videos and listening while doing stuff, his vocabulary lessons are DENSE which i highly value in study material, because the more words studied per hour the better to me. And he explains well enough you can listen without watching, if you want to use the long videos like podcasts. (Listening practice, vocabulary learning, grammar structure learning)
Watch Nihongo con Teppei videos with japanese captions (reading practice, some vocabulary learning from context, listening practice)
Listen to Nihongo con Teppei videos (listening practice, minor vocabulary learning from context)
Listen to Glossika Japanese (vocabulary learning, grammar structure learning, listening practice)
Playing games with japanese audio, Judgement and Final Fantasy Crisis Core Remake. Barely considered studying, but I do think I get some listening practice, mainly review of words I know, by listening to Japanese that much. Especially in Judgement's case because it's like a show with how much dialogue there is relatively frequently. I think playing games with English subtitles and Japanese audio helps me keep what words I've learned fresh in my mind, rather than forgetting them. (Minor listening practice, review)
Watching Japanese let's plays on youtube, you can click auto captions for Japanese youtube videos usually and they're often decent enough to read along. Let's plays mean more frequent listening practice, more words per minute spoken, then just playing a video game in Japanese. Also some let's players will read the game text aloud, helping with learning pronunciation of new unknown words and review of pronunciation of written words. You can watch let's plays of games you've played before, which can mean you have enough prior context to guess more word meanings of unknown words. (Reading practice if captions are used, listening practice, vocabulary learning)
Watching Japanese shows in Japanese. Anime and dramas. If there's japanese subtitles, can also be used for some reading practice. I'd like to do this with Sailor Moon, Ranma 1/2, Devilman, and a few jdramas I'm interested in. I think I have enough vocabulary to make learning from show context feasible, i just need to rip the training wheels off but I've been a chicken about the initial difficulty of adjusting. For dramas, i think good starting options might be: Our Dining Table, She Loves to Cook and She Loves to Eat, Midnight Diner, and Way of the Househusband. I've tried watching a few of those already without english and they're all doable. I have a vocabulary of roughly 2000, I think this activity may be doable at a vocabulary of 1000 if you have a higher tolerance for ambiguity. As long as you can follow the main overall idea of each episode plot, you understand enough to watch and learn new words from context. For chinese I started watching shows at a vocabulary of 1000 words. Other jdramas I'd like to watch but fear will be harder in japanese without English subs to rely on: First Love, Japan Sinks People of Hope, MIU404, Kei X Yaku, Dakara Korosenakatta, Shoutai, Ouroboros... can you tell I like crime thrillers... (Listening practice, some vocabulary learning from context, reading practice if japanese subtitles are used)
Reading anything on bilingualmanga.net. I recommend this as an easier "immersion" activity then novel reading, but I'm on the fence about if it's easier to just read a japanese manga and look up the words versus using the change to english/japanese tool on bilingualmanga.net. while I love that site, it doesn't work well for me on my phone. So I usually just read entirely in japanese, and try to look up words myself using imabi app or Google translate apps handwriting input. It's an excellent site for finding online copies of japanese manga though if you want a digital manga you can copy/paste text from into a translator site/app. If you are studying Chinese I greatly recommend Bilibili Comics app for reading chinese manhua, as it has tons of free chinese/english manhua, and it gives you prizes for reading which may help motivate you to read more. (Reading practice, vocabulary learning from context or looking words up)
Reading japanese stuff on Amazon through Kindle app. Alternatively, read on whatever you want, I like Smart Book app and Moonreader app. But if you buy japanese novels cheaply on amazon.co.jp, then reading on Kindle app will be convenient. I am currently reading a manga adaptation of Kokoro, the Japanese Translation of Guardian by priest, some random novels I found, Koisenu Futari novel (I love the jdrama). I think amazon.co.jp sometimes also offers free chapters of manga, so you could download free chapters to read on Kindle for regular free reading material. Kindle app has click-translations, I hate that it has no TTS feature (if it does someone PLEASE TELL ME). No TTS feature makes Kindle suck compared to all my other reading apps. In comparison, Smart Book and Moonreader apps have TTS and click translations, so I'd recommend reading in literally any other Reader app you like better if you can get japanese reading material on it. I'm stuck with Kindle because I do not know where else to buy japanese ebooks as easily and cheaply. (Reading practice, vocabulary learning through context and click translation)
Tadoku Graded Readers. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND THIS IF YOU'RE A BEGINNER. In fact I highly recommend them period, if you're not comfortable with reading. They're amazing, and free. You can find pdf collections of all of them together and it's around 900-1000 pages. You can also find the Tadoku readers individually free, there's several levels of difficulty. I read the mega collection since it started with the very easy graded readers then gradually increased the reading difficulty, so I didn't have to figure out what to read next. They're amazing graded readers, when used together they go from very basic Japanese (like the first chapters of Genki 1) to probably at least 1000 words of solid common japanese vocabulary. It may go up to 2000 words, I didn't check. The main noticeable benefit is they are written to read a LOT of Japanese that's easy for you to read, so you can practice the skill of reading without the difficulty of constant unknown words/grammar to break the reading practice flow. As a result, when you're done reading the Tadoku graded readers, you come out of it feeling it is much easier to read Japanese for hours straight. Because you've practiced reading itself, so the activity itself feels doable and easy, and it's just the difficulty of reading material like number of unknown words that feels challenging. If you're a false beginner like me who knows a few thousand words, you can read all 1000 pages of the Tadoku readers in a few days to a week. Afterward, novels and manga will feel much less daunting. That's 1000 pages of practice getting used to reading Japanese grammar patterns and the words you already studied easier, while filling in any basic vocabulary gaps you had. If you're a true beginner, you could probably still do 1 Tadoku story every few days. As you get to the longer Tadoku graded readers with more vocabulary, you might do one story every week or few weeks. The Tadoku readers are genuinely SO beginner friendly and easy to use and NICE. I wish there were 10 other graded reader collections this actually easy to read, this comprehensible, for Japanese. (Reading practice, vocabulary learning)
For beginners, I'd recommend: Tadoku Graded Readers (for reading practice and vocabulary learning), Game Gengo YouTube videos (lesson format vocabulary learning and grammar pattern learning where you can jump in at any video and learn something, no major difficulty curves), Nihongo Con Teppei (good listening practice for middle beginners and upward), Glossika Japanese (if it is free/cheap to you only* in my opinion, it can be started as a complete beginner and will be useful until your vocabulary is around 2500-3000 words)
For upper beginners: manga reading either on bilingualmanga.net or finding any japanese manga then looking up the unknown words yourself. It will be easier to do if you already know the manga in your native language, and if its a manga that's about more obvious topics (like daily life, romance, action). You can download translation apps like imabi or jisho, just use Google translate in a pinch (I like the handwriting input if i dont know the kana for a word or the voice input if i happen to know pronunciation), Ichigo Manga Translator app is a free screen reader translator app in a pinch to look up words on manga panel images. For the people who want heavier text materials, try out Duoreader app (for its free parallel texts) or Smart Book (if you have your own japanese ebook files or text files). Those two apps both provide: parallel texts, text to speech audio, click translations. Those tools can be nice to lean on as a beginner, if say you don't know a pronunciation and need to hear it or vice versa you don't know a spelling and hearing pronunciation helps clarify what word you're reading, parallel text helps with figuring out grammar, click translation of course helps with vocabulary meaning. And both Duoreader and Smart Book are free. Other Reader apps will work fine (Kybook, Moonreader, Kindle, literally anything including Google Chrome, Edge, Firefox because all web browsers have click translate and TTS). But not all other reader apps provide parallel text translations, and those can be very useful if you aren't sure of the grammar. The Golden star BEST recommendation for upper beginners is Satori Reader app, because it's got graded readers of various difficulties until you're reading close to native japanese novel difficulty stories. Satori reader has interesting stories, parallel text translations written by real translators and include extensive grammar explanations, human narration for all stories. The caveat: Satori Reader costs a monthly subscription. I do plan to use the app eventually, some month I can justify the price because I'm in a reading mood and managing to read 300 chapters or more a month. But currently I'm finding it's free sample chapters sufficient, and reading other (less learner friendly) materials that I'm more interested in at the moment.
For upper beginners/lower intermediate learners who like video games: I highly recommend japanese let's plays on youtube, japanese auto captions turned on. Let's plays provide you spoken audio for all text in the game (if the let's player reads everything aloud) making it easier than playing video games, they're videos so you can pause them to check word spellings or replay audio to hear something better, you can select lets plays of games you've played before (for example if I listen to Kingdom Hearts let's plays I can pick up a LOT of words because I know the script in English almost by heart as one of my favorite games). You can replay cutscenes multiple times if you don't understand them, and use the let's players reaction to figure out what was meant to be taken away from the scene. You can practice the skill of learning things from context (story, plot, visuals, listening/reading what you know and guessing the unknown word meanings from what's around them) without the pressure of Playing a video game yourself. Because you can pause, replay, and just follow along, you can focus on learning new stuff and understanding the bits you've studied before. While the let's player will show you how to play the game, what the menus mean and attack commands mean, where things are on the map, and all the things the game player will need to know. Then if you decide to play the game yourself later, you will not be struggling with all of that while ALSO trying to understand the japanese. I think Game Gengo's videos for beginners, then let's plays for upper beginners, then trying to play video games in japanese that you've played before in your native language, is a good progression if you want to make things feel fairly doable. (You can definitely do whatever though, I played Kingdom Hearts in japanese before checking out let's plays lol, cause it's better to do whatever you are MOTIVATED to actually do rather than what's the "best possible activity." Do what you want first, then change things based on what's more easy or difficult if you want or need to).
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bizarrequazar · 2 years
GJ and ZZH Updates — December 18-24
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This is part of a weekly series collecting updates from and relating to Gong Jun and Zhang Zhehan.
This post is not wholly comprehensive and is intended as an overview, links provided lead to further details. Dates are in accordance with China Standard Time, the organization is chronological. My own biases on some things are reflected here. Anything I include that is not concretely known is indicated as such, and you’re welcome to do your own research and draw your own conclusions as you see fit. Please let me know if you have any questions, comments, concerns, or additions. :)
[Glossary of names and terms] [Masterlist of my posts about the situation with Zhang Zhehan]
12-18 → The Instagram posted four photos. The first is from the same photoshoot from 2021-08-09 that the current pfp is from, the others look to have been promotional shots from the concert that was never formally announced. Aka they were all taken in July 2021.
→ The stolen song got to #2 again on iTunes because whalers have zero critical thinking skills.
12-19 → Gong Jun made a post on his personal Weibo announcing that the rescheduled birthday livestream would be held on 12-21. Caption: “Then it's done, let's chat on the 21st! #Informal New Year's Eve Party#” His studio reposted it with the added caption: “This year’s livestream is late but it’s here! No leave of absense this time, come late on the 21st to have a chat with boss @ Gong Jun Simon. 😎”
→ 361° posted a clip from their livestream with Gong Jun last month to tease an upcoming product.
→ Hsu Fu Chi posted a photo ad featuring Gong Jun.
→ Kangshifu posted a photo ad featuring Gong Jun.
→ The stolen song continued to rise and fall dramatically on iTunes, definitely not looking articifial at all. /s It stayed consistently lower after the title changed from Chinese to English (a change that would have been made on the part of the uploaders, not iTunes), so whalers / hired goons pushing the song blamed this as the reason. It definitely wasn’t that they had just only hired water armies until that specific hour mark, oh no. /s
12-20 → BEAST posted two photo ads featuring Gong Jun advertising their New Year’s product line. (1129 kadian)
→ Gong Jun posted a photo of gifts he recieved from Louis Vuitton to his personal Weibo and Instagram. Caption: “Starting from polka dots, experience Yayoi Kusama's unique artistic style. Sharing the avant-garde and stylish @展开全部 #LVxYayoiKusama# cooperation series Keepall handbag, full of good mood for holiday trips ☀”
→ The Instagram posted a clip of another stolen song. This song was posted to international streaming services and again showed the same very obviously manipulated statistics, though this time for a shorter period of time. This song was also given an “explicit” marker on iTunes despite not containing anything that would auto-flag as such, indicating that the people who posted it chose to flag it as this, as likely another intended smear.
12-21 → Colgate posted a photo ad featuring Gong Jun.
→ L’Oreal posted a video spoken by Gong Jun announcing a livestream for the following day. He stated in his livestream later this day that it had originally been planned for 12-16 but had to be rescheduled.
→ Gong Jun held the rescheduled birthday livestream. [Recording] Written summaries [here] and [here]. 
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Highlights / Fan Observations:  -  He said that the livestream wasn’t held on 11-29 because he was supposed to go to Chengdu but was unable to, and his staff weren’t able to come to where he was in Yunnan because of pandemic restrictions. He spent the week in Yunnan with his family,* and stayed in Yunnan for twenty days. * “Us fi— My family”  -  He didn’t attend the GQ event the previous week because he had COVID, the poor boy. He said that he was now better and testing negative, but he was still sniffling a bit.  -  He’s already signed the contract for his next drama, but wouldn’t give any information other than that it’s a role that will be making him step out of his comfort zone.  -  He recently filmed a variety show in Hangzhou but couldn’t say more because it hasn’t been announced yet.  -  He ended the stream with “Thank you to my Junweixians [deliberate pause] Thank you everyone.”  -  The person he had helping him offscreen was completely silent, compared to previous years where you could always hear at least some muffled laughter and whispering once in a while from his staff. At one point he called the person “ge”.  -  The sweater he was wearing throughout most of the stream is by Ponder.er, a “genderfluid menswear” brand that aims to redefine expectations of masculinity. Also the cutouts are FULLY cut out, there’s a reason he was wearing a shirt underneath.  -  The plate he was using is from a line that was popular a few years ago as a wedding gift.
→ Gong Jun trended on Twitter, and there were multiple Weibo hotsearches related to the livestream.
→ The Instagram posted three photos of “Zhang Zhehan” and seven pieces of fanart for the stolen songs.
12-22 → Gong Jun’s studio posted four photos from the previous day’s livestream. Caption: “The winter solstice is here! Delivering the handmade dumplings from last night's boss @ Gong Jun Simon, eat a bowl of hot dumplings, and spend this winter safely and warmly 🥟”
→ Gong Jun posted two photo ads for 361° to his Xiao Hong Shu. These were also later posted by 361°. (1129 kadian)
→ Fresh posted a commercial featuring Gong Jun, shortly followed by a photo ad. Gong Jun also posted the commercial to his personal Weibo shortly after.
→ LockNLock posted a photo ad featuring Gong Jun advertising the water bottle he had used during the livestream.
→ Hsu Fu Chi posted a photo ad featuring Gong Jun. Part of their caption included, “I don’t know if our handsome @ Gong Jun Simon eats dumplings or tangyuan on this day~” 🤡
→ Kangshifu posted a clip from Gong Jun’s livestream.
→ Gong Jun appeared in a livestream for L’Oreal. [Recording] [written summary with clips]
→ Gong Jun’s studio posted nine photos from the livestream. Caption: “Boss @ Gong Jun Simon brings a warm winter surprise, enveloping the winter full of warm atmosphere~”
12-23 → Honor posted a photo ad featuring Gong Jun.
→ Gong Jun’s studio posted an announcement that the AI Gong Jun Jifeng will be appearing for a New Year’s event on 12-31. 
→ LockNLock posted a promotional video spoken by Gong Jun, filmed prior to the 12-21 livestream. This was later reposted by his studio.
→ Yang Yang, the L’Oreal livestream host, posted three photos from it of himself and Gong Jun.
12-24 → One year since Zhang Zhehan’s case was accepted by the Beijing Chaoyang Police.
→ Gong Jun posted fifteen travel photos in Yunnan from earlier in the month, as he mentioned he would during the birthday livestream. The banner he’s standing under in one photo says “Place happiness as the main point to repeatedly recite” Caption: “Let's go, enjoy the ginkgo!” This was later reposted by MUJOSH. He also posted the photos to Xiao Hong Shu, caption: “Let’s go! To enjoy the ginkgo!” and as two posts on Instagram [1] [2], captions: “Doesn’t it look nice” and “The shots look alright!” Fan Observations:  -  People found the hotel in the last photo. The room is for two with only one bed, and the hotel specified that the pool was designed to fit two people.  -  I have a theory about the water marks on the side of the pool.  -  The various photos from this trip have shown Gong Jun with both a film camera and a digital one, yet the sunrise pictures posted last week were taken with a phone? 🤔
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→ Charlotte Tilbury posted a photo ad featuring Gong Jun.
→ The Instagram posted ten photos of “Zhang Zhehan”, the first of which has the figure’s face completely obscured by a Santa emoji and several of which are supposedly “behind the scenes” from the white haired photos.
Additional Reading: → Flora’s daily fan news thread
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The Benefits of Multi-Language Corporate Videos for Global Reach
In an increasingly globalised world, businesses are constantly seeking ways to expand their reach and connect with audiences across different regions and cultures. One powerful tool for achieving this is multi-language corporate videos . These videos, produced in multiple languages, can significantly enhance a company’s ability to communicate effectively with a diverse audience. In this blog, we will explore the benefits of multi-language corporate videos and how they can help your business achieve global reach. Enhanced Accessibility and Inclusivity Creating corporate videos in multiple languages makes your content accessible to a broader audience. Not everyone is proficient in English, and by offering videos in other languages, you demonstrate respect and inclusivity towards non-English speaking viewers. This approach ensures that your message reaches a wider demographic, including potential customers, partners, and employees who may prefer consuming content in their native language. Inclusivity in communication not only enhances your brand’s reputation but also builds trust and loyalty among diverse audiences. When people see that your company values their language and culture, they are more likely to engage with your content and develop a positive perception of your brand. Improved Engagement and Understanding Language barriers can hinder effective communication and understanding. By providing corporate videos in multiple languages, you eliminate these barriers and ensure that your message is clearly understood by all viewers. This is particularly important for complex topics or detailed explanations, where nuances and specific terms need to be accurately conveyed. When viewers can engage with your content in their preferred language, they are more likely to retain information and respond positively. This improved understanding can lead to better customer experiences, increased interest in your products or services, and ultimately, higher conversion rates. Enhanced SEO and Online Visibility Search engine optimisation (SEO) is a crucial aspect of digital marketing, and multi-language videos can significantly boost your SEO efforts. Search engines like Google prioritise content that is relevant and accessible to a diverse audience. By creating videos in multiple languages, you increase the chances of your content appearing in search results for various language queries. Additionally, multi-language videos can improve your website’s overall SEO performance. When you host videos on platforms like YouTube and include multilingual captions or subtitles, you enhance your content’s discoverability. This can drive more organic traffic to your website, increase video views, and improve your online visibility on a global scale. Greater Market Penetration Expanding into new markets requires an understanding of local cultures, preferences, and behaviours. Multi-language corporate videos allow you to tailor your message to specific regions, making it more relevant and relatable to local audiences. This localisation strategy can significantly enhance your market penetration efforts. For example, a product launch video in Spanish for the Latin American market or a recruitment video in Mandarin for the Chinese market can resonate more deeply with local viewers. By speaking directly to their needs and interests, you increase the likelihood of gaining traction in these new markets and establishing a strong presence. Strengthened Brand Identity and Loyalty A brand that communicates effectively in multiple languages demonstrates a commitment to global reach and cultural sensitivity. This can strengthen your brand identity and foster loyalty among international audiences. When viewers see that you are making an effort to engage with them in their language, they feel valued and appreciated. Moreover, multi-language videos can help humanise your brand. Featuring employees, customers, or partners from different regions speaking their native languages can create a sense of authenticity and relatability. This personal touch can enhance emotional connections with your brand and encourage long-term loyalty. Competitive Advantage In today’s competitive business landscape, standing out from the crowd is essential. Offering multi-language corporate videos can give you a distinct competitive advantage. Many businesses still produce content exclusively in English, overlooking the vast potential of non-English speaking markets. By investing in multi-language videos, you position your company as a forward-thinking, inclusive, and globally-minded organisation. This competitive edge can help you attract international clients, partners, and talent who value diversity and inclusivity. It also sets you apart as a leader in your industry, capable of effectively communicating with a diverse audience. Enhanced Customer Support and Training Multi-language corporate videos are not only beneficial for marketing and communication but also for customer support and training purposes. Providing instructional or support videos in multiple languages can improve customer satisfaction and reduce the burden on your support team. Customers can access information in their preferred language, leading to quicker problem resolution and a better overall experience. Similarly, training videos for employees or partners in different regions can ensure consistent knowledge transfer and skill development. This can enhance productivity, reduce misunderstandings, and foster a cohesive, well-informed workforce. In conclusion, multi-language corporate videos offer numerous benefits that can significantly enhance your global reach. From improved accessibility and engagement to enhanced SEO and market penetration, these videos enable you to connect with diverse audiences effectively. They strengthen your brand identity, provide a competitive advantage, and support various business functions, including customer support and training. For businesses aiming to expand their global presence and communicate with audiences across different regions, investing in multi-language corporate videos is a strategic and impactful choice. By partnering with a professional video production company like Shot Blast Media, you can ensure high-quality, culturally relevant content that resonates with viewers worldwide and drives your business success. Find out more about how we can help you on your next video project: +44 (0)113 288 3245 | [email protected] Your Industrial Story Starts Here Press the button. Make the call. Transform your media. +44 (0)113 288 3245 [email protected] Contact Us
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Rask AI Video Editing Tool Review 2023 : Pro Or Cons How To Use Free Version
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What is Rask? Rask AI currently supports the following languages for output videos: German, French, Spanish, Chinese, English, and Portuguese. No matter what language the source video is in, we can provide localization in these languages. If you don't see your desired language listed, please let us know and we'll be happy to consider adding it for you. Simply send a message with your request. Key Points KeyPointProduct NameRask AIProduct TypeTranscription Free TrailYes Available Basic Version Price Start From$9 Per Month DeploymentSaaS/Web/Cloud Mobile - Android Mobile - iOSOffline/Online SupportOnlineCustomer TypeLarge Enterprises ,Medium Business ,Small BusinessOfficial WebsiteClick Here To Visit Rask AI Transcription Pricing Now it’s time to talk about company plans and pricing. Reduce costs with automated translation and dubbing tools. You can cancel any time before the expiration of your trial period: How to Sign Up & Use Rask? Signing Up for Rask: - Go to the Rask website: https://www.rask.ai/. - Click on the "Sign Up" button on the top right corner of the page. - You can sign up with your Google account, Facebook account, or email address. - If you choose to sign up with your email address, enter your email and create a password. - Click on the "Sign Up" button to complete the process. Rask Tool Key Features Captions & Subtitles AI-generated subtitles are a useful tool for making content more accessible by automatically generating subtitles in different languages. They can also benefit content creators by saving time and effort in manually creating subtitles. Voice over AI-voiceover is a tool that uses artificial intelligence to generate a voiceover for your video. Simply input the text you want to include in the voiceover, and the tool will create a natural and human-like voice to match. It's a quick and easy way to add a professional-quality voiceover to your video without the need for recording or hiring a voice actor. Translating & Dubbing Simply select the video or audio file you want to translate and choose the target language, and our AI will do the rest. Whether you need to make your content more accessible to a wider audience or just want to save time and effort on translation, our AI has you covered. Speed With our advanced AI technology, they can localize videos much faster than traditional translation agencies. This means you can get your localized videos back in a fraction of the time it would take with a manual process. Cost The AI-powered localization process is much cheaper than manual translation services, so businesses of all sizes can afford to use it Accuracy The AI-powered translation technology is designed to produce highly accurate translations that are faithful to the original content. This means you can be sure that the meaning and tone of your localized videos will be the same as the original Multiple Language Options The platform can translate and generate voiceovers in multiple languages, allowing you to reach a larger audience. Rask Pro Or Cons PROCONSEasy to use: Theey user-friendly interface makes it easy for anyone to create professional-looking videos.Limited features: Rask features are limited compared to more robust video editing software, making it less suitable for advanced video editing needs.Templates: They offers a wide range of templates that can be customized to suit your needs, saving you time and effort in video creation.Subscription-based: They requires a subscription to access its premium features, which may be costly for some users.Stock media: Rask provides access to a large library of stock photos, videos, and music to enhance your video content.Internet-dependent: As This is an online tool, it requires a stable internet connection to work, which may be a challenge in areas with poor connectivity.Cloud-based: They is a cloud-based tool, meaning you can access and work on your videos from any device with an internet connection.Limited customization: While They offers a range of templates, customization options may be limited for users who want more control over their video's look and feel. Rask Alternative Below Is Some Alternative Of Rask Tools - Animoto - Animoto is a cloud-based video creation platform that enables users to create professional-looking videos with ease. It offers a wide range of templates, music tracks, and editing tools. - Adobe Premiere Rush - Adobe Premiere Rush is a simplified version of Adobe Premiere Pro designed for video creators who need a quick and easy way to create high-quality videos. It offers a variety of editing tools and is available on multiple platforms. - iMovie - iMovie is a free video editing software available for Mac and iOS devices. It allows users to edit videos, add effects and transitions, and share their creations with others. Final Verdict on Rask.ai Rask.ai is a video creation and editing platform that offers a user-friendly interface, a wide range of templates and stock media, and basic editing tools. It can be a good option for those who need to create simple videos quickly and without much technical knowledge. Read the full article
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Major Features Of Chinese Captioning Services
Chinese captioning services are majorly used in every video and is the simplest method to reach the audience. Find out more about this.
Chinese to English Captioning Services are the best ones as it helps in providing the best quality of output for the easier communication of the audience to the video that is being displayed. This makes an effort even simpler to understand the video and act accordingly. In fact, Chinese to English captioning services are the ones that are majorly used in the sectors of the corporate and by business empires.
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What Do Chinese Captioning Services Cover
The Chinese captioning services include many major services that include the likes of:
Subtitling of the Chinese audio
Subtitling of the Chinese video
Subtitling of the audiovisual translation in Chinese
Subtitling for the Chinese translation
Chinese subtitling of the movies
Chinese e-learning subtitling
Chinese film subtitling
Commercial subtitling in Chinese.
Features Related to the Chinese to English Captioning Services
The Chinese captioning Services do have the inclusion of the several features that include the feature of being secure, quicker and much easy for the uploads. The English to Chinese Captioning Services do have the best time for the turnarounds and have the company for the closed captioning as per the ISO standards. Most of the Chinese captioning services have the inclusion of a large number of experts that come up with the substantial experience that they have in the field of captioning and the subtitling services.
Major Types Of Chinese to English Captioning Services
The client always needs the customized requirements for providing of the services that help in getting of Chinese to English captioning services. Thus, this leads to some of the different types that include:
Narrative Subtitling
The Narrative subtitling is the process that is majorly seen to be done in most of the video files and is one of the predominant types that helps in the understanding of the things that are being mentioned in the form of the narration.
Helping the Hearing-Impaired Patients
The Chinese captioning service providers are the ones that are dedicated to providing the best aid to the patients that are suffering from the healing impartation. The Chinese subtitles are the ones that come in the form of the most narrative ones and thus also cover the much detailed things like the scenes that have the accident, gunshots, ringing of a doorbell, the breaking of glass, falling off any object and many more.
3D Subtitling
The term refers to the fact of providing the translated texts that tend to happen at any other position or commonly known as the third position. The option is available with the digital cinemas and other more clarified versions.
The Chinese captioning services are the best possible services to avail in the case of the audience that is unable to understand the language or for the people that are physically challenged with the hearing problems.
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ljaesch · 2 years
Netflix Is Streaming the Bubble Anime Film Worldwide
Netflix Is Streaming the Bubble Anime Film Worldwide
The Fandom Post is reporting that Netflix is now streaming the Bubble anime film worldwide. On the service, the film is available with the original Japanese language with English subtitles, as well as English closed-captions, Spanish, Japanese closed-captions, and Simplified and Traditional Chinese subtitles. The film is also available with the following dubs: English, French, Spanish, Mandarin,…
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kastroil · 4 years
Six Minutes to Midnight (= 午夜密令 =) 完整版 —  《《2020》》~免費下
午夜密令完整版 ►【2021】◄ || 在线观看和下载完整电影 『TW電影』 午夜密令整版线上Six Minutes to Midnight 線上看小鴨完整版 2021-HD 【午夜密令】完整版本▷[Six Minutes to Midnight] 完整版觀看電~2021HD 《午夜密令》-高清电影-(Six Minutes to Midnight)完整版在线观看|(2021-HD) 午夜密令 完整版本 (2021-HD) Six Minutes to Midnight]完整版觀看電~看电影. 看 ! 完整版 ~午夜密令 《 Six Minutes to Midnight] Zh》 線上看電影臺灣
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六分钟到午夜 Six Minutes To Midnight (2020) Six Minutes To Midnight导演: 安迪·戈达德 编剧: 安迪·戈达德 / 艾迪·伊扎德 / 塞林·琼斯 主演: 朱迪·丹奇 / 詹姆斯·达西 / 吉姆·布劳德本特 / 艾迪·伊扎德 / 大卫·斯科菲尔德 / 更多… 类型: 剧情 制片国家/地区: 英国 语言: 英语 上映日期: 2020–10–15(俄罗斯) / 2021–03(英国) 片长: 99分钟 又名: 12 Minutes to Midnight / 午夜密令(台) IMDb链接: tt5114840 六分钟到午夜的剧情简介 · · · · · · 朱迪·丹奇商谈加盟惊悚片《6分钟到午夜》(Six Minutes To Midnight),此前艾迪·伊扎德已确定主演。安迪·高达(《唐顿庄园》《燃烧星辰》)执导,伊扎德与塞林·琼斯编写剧本,伊扎德饰演文学和语言老师托马斯·米勒,父母是英国/德国人,他为德国女子联盟教授课程。二战将临,米勒在与联盟领导、希特勒的忠实拥趸起冲突之后,被诬陷是德国间谍并牵扯到谋杀案中。丹奇将饰演严厉女校长Rocholl,在米勒逃亡的过程中对其提供帮助。 午夜密令 线上看 午夜密令 在线 午夜密令 下载 午夜密令 林俊杰 午夜密令电影 如果您的午夜密令沒有任何促銷或預告片,那麼您應該會看到它。電影中的所有標誌性瞬間都不會為您所寵。如果您大肆宣傳並觀看了預告片,我擔心您可能會不知所措,想知道為什麼當您幾乎可以觀看預告片中的最佳片段時付錢購買電影。就是說,如果您有孩子,並且將其作為孩子們的電影觀看(請注意某些令人痛苦的場景),那麼它可能就在您的小巷旁。 查看更多 : DVDRip分辨率中的BD / BRRip在XviD或x264編解碼器​​(通常為700MB和1.5GB,DVD5或DVD9的大小為4.5GB或8.4GB)之間可能會有所不同,該大小會隨發行時間和發行質量而波動,但尺寸越大,午夜密令(2021)和x264編解碼器​​的可能性就越大。 BOX-電影-!〜聲音。 Cloud ++!-JWPLayer * GoogleDrive / 4K。下載-!如何免費在線觀看午夜密令(2021)? 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The quality is quite good since they are not re-encoded. The video (H.264 or H.265) and audio (AC3/Benning’s Dream C) streams are usually extracted from the iTunes or Amazon Video and then remuxed into a MKV container without sacrificing quality. Download Movie Benning’s Dream One of the movie streaming industry’s largest impacts has been on the DVD industry, which effectively met its demise with the mass popularization of online content. The rise of media streaming has caused the downfall of many DVD rental companies such as Blockbuster. In July 2015 an article from the New York Times published an article about Netflix’s DVD services. It stated that Netflix is continuing their DVD services with 5.3 million subscribers, which is a significant drop from the previous year. On the other hand, their streaming services have 65 million members. In a March 2016 study assessing the “Impact of Movie Streaming over traditional DVD Movie Rental” it was found that respondents do not purchase DVD movies nearly as much anymore, if ever, as streaming has taken over the market. Watch Movie Benning’s Dream , viewers did not find movie quality to be significantly different between DVD and online streaming. Issues that respondents believed needed improvement with movie streaming included functions of fast forwarding or rewinding, as well as search functions. The article highlights that the quality of movie streaming as an industry will only increase in time, as advertising revenue continues to soar on a yearly basis throughout the industry, providing incentive for quality content production. Watch Benning’s Dream Movie Online Blu-ray or Bluray rips are encoded directly from the Blu-ray disc to 1080p or 720p (depending on disc source), and use the x264 codec. They can be ripped from BD25 or BD50 discs (or UHD Blu-ray at higher resolutions). BDRips are from a Blu-ray disc and encoded to a lower resolution from its source (i.e. 1080p to 720p/576p/480p). A BRRip is an already encoded video at an HD resolution (usually 1080p) that is then transcoded to a SD resolution. Watch Benning’s Dream Movie BD/BRRip in DVDRip resolution looks better, regardless, because the encode is from a higher quality source. BRRips are only from an HD resolution to a SD resolution whereas BDRips can go from 2160p to 1080p, etc as long as they go downward in resolution of the source disc. Watch Benning’s Dream Movie FullBDRip is not a transcode and can fluxate downward for encoding, but BRRip can only go down to SD resolutions as they are transcoded. BD/BRRips in DVDRip resolutions can vary between XviD or x264 codecs (commonly 700 MB and 1.5 GB in size as well as larger DVD5 or DVD9: 4.5 GB or 8.4GB), size fluctuates depending on length and quality of releases, but the higher the size the more likely they use the x264 codec. Download Benning’s Dream Movie HDRip Film, also called movie, motion picture or moving picture, is a visual art-form used to simulate experiences that communicate ideas, stories, perceptions, feelings, beauty, or atmosphere through the use of moving images. These images are generally accompanied by sound, and more rarely, other sensory stimulations.[1] The word “cinema”, short for cinematography, is often used to refer to filmmaking and the film industry, and to the art form that is the result of it. ❏ STREAMING MEDIA ❏ Streaming media is multimedia that is constantly received by and presented to an end-user while being delivered by a provider. The verb to stream refers to the process of delivering or obtaining media in this manner.[clarification needed] Streaming refers to the delivery method of the medium, rather than the medium itself. Distinguishing delivery method from the media distributed applies specifically to telecommunications networks, as most of the delivery systems are either inherently streaming (e.g. radio, television, streaming apps) or inherently non-streaming (e.g. books, video cassettes, audio CDs). There are challenges with streaming content on the Internet. For example, users whose Internet connection lacks sufficient bandwidth may experience stops, lags, or slow buffering of the content. And users lacking compatible hardware or software systems may be unable to stream certain content. Live streaming is the delivery of Internet content in real-time much as live television broadcasts content over the airwaves via a television signal. Live internet streaming requires a form of source media (e.g. a video camera, an audio interface, screen capture software), an encoder to digitize the content, a media publisher, and a content delivery network to distribute and deliver the content. Live streaming does not need to be recorded at the origination point, although it frequently is. Streaming is an alternative to file downloading, a process in which the end-user obtains the entire file for the content before watching or listening to it. Through streaming, an end-user can use their media player to start playing digital video or digital audio content before the entire file has been transmitted. The term “streaming media” can apply to media other than video and audio, such as live closed captioning, ticker tape, and real-time text, which are all considered “streaming text”. ❏ COPYRIGHT CONTENT ❏ Copyright is a type of intellectual property that gives its owner the exclusive right to make copies of a creative work, usually for a limited time.[1][2][3][4][5] The creative work may be in a literary, artistic, educational, or musical form. Copyright is intended to protect the original expression of an idea in the form of a creative work, but not the idea itself.[6][7][8] A copyright is subject to limitations based on public interest considerations, such as the fair use doctrine in the United States. Some jurisdictions require “fixing” copyrighted works in a tangible form. It is often shared among multiple authors, each of whom holds a set of rights to use or license the work, and who are commonly referred to as rights holders.[citation needed][9][10][11][12] These rights frequently include reproduction, control over derivative works, distribution, public performance, and moral rights such as attribution.[13] Copyrights can be granted by public law and are in that case considered “territorial rights”. This means that copyrights granted by the law of a certain state, do not extend beyond the territory of that specific jurisdiction. Copyrights of this type vary by country; many countries, and sometimes a large group of countries, have made agreements with other countries on procedures applicable when works “cross” national borders or national rights are inconsistent.[14] Typically, the public law duration of a copyright expires 50 to 100 years after the creator dies, depending on the jurisdiction. Some countries require certain copyright formalities[5] to establishing copyright, others recognize copyright in any completed work, without a formal registration. It is widely believed that copyrights are a must to foster cultural diversity and creativity. However, Parc argues that contrary to prevailing beliefs, imitation and copying do not restrict cultural creativity or diversity but in fact support them further. This argument has been supported by many examples such as Millet and Van Gogh, Picasso, Manet, and Monet, etc.[15] ❏ GOODS OF SERVICES ❏ Credit (from Latin credit, “(he/she/it) believes”) is the trust which allows one party to provide money or resources to another party wherein the second party does not reimburse the first party immediately (thereby generating a debt), but promises either to repay or return those resources (or other materials of equal value) at a later date.[1] In other words, credit is a method of making reciprocity formal, legally enforceable, and extensible to a large group of unrelated people. The resources provided may be financial (e.g. granting a loan), or they may consist of goods or services (e.g. consumer credit). Credit encompasses any form of deferred payment.[2] Credit is extended by a creditor, also known as a lender, to a debtor, also known as a borrower.
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laurellynnleake · 6 years
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Fight To Protect Immigrants! - Resource & Organization Masterlist (updated: 6/22/18)
If you need help and/or want to help others trapped in the brutal US immigration system, let me get you started! Regardless of your time and abilities, you can help in countless ways big and small. Head to Informed Immigrant to find local/national/global orgs supporting undocumented immigrants - you can donate money/time/transportation, join protest actions, register voters, cook dinners, watch kids, and simply provide emotional support to people!
I’ve gathered together some useful links and resources here - please help me spread ‘em around, and add any of your own links and info too (and let me know if you donate/contact reps and I’ll draw you some art).
Calling Scripts: 
Check out Celeste Pewter’s twitter for up-to-date call scripts and resources for contacting your reps and fighting for human rights (@ her or use #Icalledmyreps after you call to get a boost and/or share info). She eventually transcribes most scripts here, but can take several days, so while these links below go to images on twitter I’ve also included captions under the cut.
Tips for calling your electeds
Calling Senate/House for Feinstein/Nadler’s Keep Families Together Act post EO (6/22), and for Texans near the border (6/13)
Call scripts pushing for House/Senators to investigate DHS’s Zero Tolerance Policy (6/22), and for contacting the DOJ/DHS to protest the Zero Tolerence Policy post executive order (6/20)
Call scripts for governors to refuse to send the National Guard to the border (6/22) and calling for Sec Nielson’s resignation (6/18)
Calling Congress re: Kids already separated, and rumors of military lawyers (06/22)
Calling governors, federal reps, and state attorney’s about joining the multi-state lawsuit (6/22)
General Guides for Contacting Reps:
Find My Reps
Resistbot (emails and faxes reps for you)
Herd on the Hill a FB group of dedicated volunteers who will print out your letters, and deliver them.
How to Call Your Reps When You Have Social Anxiety
Legislative & Organizing Resources:
Join a local protest at FamiliesBelong.org. Donate here.
ACLU Know Your Rights pocket guides includes ICE Visits (ICE Visitas), If Questioned About Imm. Status (Que Hacer Si Le Preguntan Acerca de su Estatus Migratorio), and What To Do If Stopped By Police (Qué Debe Hacer Si la Policía/Agentes de Inmigración/FBI) in English and en Español, as well as guides for protests.
Know Your Rights Handouts: If ICE Raids a Home/Employer/Public Space (AILA) in Español, Chinese, Portuguese, Haitian Creole, & Punjabi
Indivisible’s Immigration News Resources
Indivisible’s Immigrant Ally Toolkit
Tisp for attending protests and rallies and advice for white allies
Look up ICE detention centers here
Internet security: FB centric, basic computer security, more elaborate
Organizations to Join/Support:
Use the Informed Immigrant to find groups near you, find legal aid, and join the fight!  
Pueblos Sin Fronteras provides humanitarian aid to migrants and refugees. Donate here.
Al Otro Lado is a bi-national, direct legal services organization serving indigent deportees/migrants/refugees in Tijuana, Mexico. Donate here.
The Florence Project provides free legal services to adults and unaccompanied children in imm. custody in Arizona. Donate here.
Border Angels serves San Diego County’s immigrant population through various migrant outreach programs such as Day Laborer outreach, a free legal assistance program, and more. Donate here.
RAICES provides free and low-cost legal services to underserved immigrant children, families, and refugees in Texas. Donate here.
The Immigrant Children’s Assistance Project is an American Bar Association project currently helping unaccompanied children in South Texas w/ knowing their rights. Donate here.
United We Dream is the largest immigrant-youth led group in the USA, and their site provides news, event info, as well as guides and toolkits for fighting the system, protecting LGBTQ immigrants, and taking care of your mental health. Donate here.
The Black Alliance for Just Immigration “educates and engages African American and black immigrant communities to organize and advocate for racial, social, and economic justice.” Donate here.
The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) is one of the largest civil rights and advocacy organizations dedicated to fighting against discrimination against Muslims. Click here to donate to the national organization or a specific campaign, or click here to find your local CAIR chapter (which needs your support as much/even more).
CUNY CLEAR provides representation and rights training to Muslim communities targeted by law enforcement. Donate here.
Families for Freedom fights on behalf of families facing deportation. “We are immigrant prisoners (detainees), former immigrant prisoners, their loved ones, or individuals at risk of deportation.” Donate here.
The Immigrant Defense Project uses impact litigation, advocacy, and public education to fight to stop mass deportations and an unjust immigration system. Donate here.
The Immigrant Legal Resource Center (ILRC) is a national resource center that helps train immigration lawyers and advocates on the local, state and federal level. Donate here.
The International Rescue Committee works to provide aid to people affected by humanitarian crises. You can donate to specifically support U.S. refugee resettlement programs re: Trump’s Muslim Ban here, and see other ways to get involved (volunteering/calling reps) here.
The International Refugee Assistance Project works to organize lawyers and law students to fight for the human and legal rights of refugees through legal aid and policy advocacy. For legal help click here, and to donate click here.
Make the Road New York uses policy advocacy, organizing, education, and survival services (including workforce training and adult education) to improve the lives of immigrants—in particular Latino and working class communities—in NYC. Donate here, get involved here.
Mariposas Sin Fronteras works with LGBTQ people detained in immigration facilities and works to get vulnerable detainees out on bond. Donate here.
MPower Change does grassroots organizing, campaigning, and storytelling to empower Muslim communities in the USA. Donate here.
National Immigration Law Center works for the rights of low-income immigrants through impact legislation, policy analysis and advocacy, communications, and education programs. Donate here.
Northwest Immigrant Rights Project offers legal services directly to immigrants with its network of 350 pro-bono attorneys. Donate here.
Remember, one person alone can’t do everything, so please take care of yourself and each other - but if we all do a little, we can make a difference together!
Captions for the Pewter call scripts under the cut, as well as a list of pro-bono legal aid and therapist volunteers organized by Joanna Rothkopf.
Tips for calling your electeds, especially if you’re leaving a VM
If you’re leaving a voicemail, make sure you clearly state your name and where you are calling from. (Zip, etc.)
Make sure you have a concrete ask, or specify a specific opinion. Imagine a staffer asking: “What’s the best outcome/resolution for you?” and frame your comment that way. E.g. If you want them to specifically oppose an amendment, say that, and explain why.
Always clarify if you would like a response, and leave a way for the office to reach you. (Phone number, email, etc.)
If you have another issue, bring it up on the phone at the time. Always personalize your comments.
For Cruz/Cornyn constituents on the TX detention facilities: (06/18, tweaked by OP)
You: Hi, my name is [name]. I am calling from [zıp code]. You: I am calling today to ask [Cruz/Cornyn] take a stand... 
Opposing the detention facilities for young people in Texas, and
To also oppose the DHS’s overall zero tolerance policy.
You: The horrific conditions being experienced by these children are absolutely unacceptable, and betray the values of our state.
You: <Insert optional comments here>
You: Furthermore, I am also calling on [Cruz/Cornyn] to support their colleague Senator Feinstein’s Keep Families Together Act. President Trump has clearly and repeatedly stated he would support a bill to keep families together, so I expect [Cruz/Cornyn] to follow the GOP agenda.
Call the capitol switchboard: (202) 224-3121 #ICALLEDMYREPS @CELESTE PEWTER
Talking points for Texas residents re: local/state electeds re: the detention facilities (06/13)
What did the city/county/state know about these proposals to hold children in warehouses, with limited access to fresh air? Does local city/county/state official condone these practices?
If yes: does [official] understand that these kids are in conditions that are comparable to what certain criminals experience in jail?
If no: great. How will [elected] address this with their federal counterparts? I do not support facilities like these, and want [elected] to exert all possible pressure with their federal counterparts.
Will [elected] come out with a public statement condemning these facilities?
Call the capitol switchboard: (202) 224-3121 #ICALLEDMYREPS @CELESTEPEWTER
For House/Senators re: DHS’s Zero tolerance policy (opening investigations) Talking points post-Trump executive order (6/20)
The Executive Order would only create family detention centers which would continue to lead to expanded camps.
The executive order doesn't offer recourse for reuniting already- separated families The EO gives wide discretion to DHS Secretary Nielsen
Crossing the border will be deemed a criminal violation, vs. a civil one (which will lead to parents being charged criminally; and children likely being taken)
The EO doesn't address asylum seekers, and will still prohibit anyone seeking asylum under domestic violence/gang violence from seeking asylum
The House bill (Border Security and Immigration Reform Act) will also not fully address these concerns.
Call the capitol switchboard: (202) 224-3121 #ICALLEDMYREPS @CELESTE PEWTER
Talking points re: the DOJ/DHS following Trump's Executive Order signing (6/20)
Ask the DOJ/DHS stop lying about the origins of zero tolerance policy - it's well documented it's a Trump Administration policy
Stop using Flores to justify this policy.
Stop saying it's about the wall. Democrats have actually offered funding for the wall before (during the DACA debate) and the GOP/Trump Administration passed. This is NOT about the wall
Per news reports this morning, DHS thought the zero tolerance policy would deter border crossings. According to public documents sited by outlets like the Hill, crossings have actually gone up, including crossings by unaccompanied minor children
The Executive order doesn't have a recourse for how families will be reunited. How will the DOJ/DHS address this?
Stop insisting this is up to Congress to act - this is a DHS/DOJ created problem
Call your SENATORS post-Trump's executive order signing re: family separation (06/22)
You: Hi, my name is [name]. I am calling from [zip code} You: I am calling to ask Senators to continue to do everything in their legislative power to address the DHS/DOJ's zero tolerance policy. You: This week's executive order does not adequately solve the problem of family separation; it just creates family detention centers, and doesn't address the overarching problem. You: We also need clarity on how this executive order helps the children who have already been separated. The administration is claiming 500 kids have been reunited. When will we get proof? When is this rumored staging ground in Texas supposed to be complete?
Dem Senators: Finally, I'd like to call on [Senator] to continue to express support for Feinstein's Keep Families Together Act. GOP Senators: I am calling on [Senator] to support Feinstein's Keep Families Together. You: <Additional comments>
Call the capitol switchboard: (202) 224-3121 #ICALLEDMYREPS @CELESTE PEWTER
Call both chambers re: asking for Secretary Nielsen's resignation (06/18)
You: Hi, my name is [name]. I am calling from [zip code]. You: I am calling on [elected] to issue a public statement to ask for Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen's resignation. Not only has she been complicit in helping the Trump Administration institute their new zero tolerance policy, she has lied repeatedly to the public on the policy, and what it does and doesn't do. You: I am calling on [elected] to follow in congressional colleague Senator Kamala Harris's footsteps, and call for Secretary Nielsen's resignation immediately. You: <insert optional comment>
Call the capitol switchboard: (202) 224-3121 #ICALLEDMYREPS @CELESTE PEWTER
Call your GOVERNORS and ask them to direct the national guard to NOT send resources to the border (06/18)
You: Hi, my name is [name]. I am calling from [zip code].
You: I am calling to ask [GOVERNOR] to please follow Governor Baker of Massachusetts, by instructing the national guard to not deploy to the US-Mexico border. The National Guard cannot and should not be used to further assist in enforcing the Zero Tolerance policy being enacted by the Trump Administration.
You: I am also calling on [GOVERNOR] to commit to signing an executive order similar to Governor Hickenlooper of Colorado, prohibiting any state resources from being used to asssist the Trump Administration's efforts to enforce the zero tolerance policy. I understand it's largely ceremonial, but I want [GOVERNOR] to commit to taking a stand.
You: <insert optional comments here>
Find your governor's contact info here: https://openstates.org #ICALLEDMYREPS @CELESTE PEWTER
Talking points re: JAG corps allegedly being assigned to try cases at the border (06/22)
JAG lawyers have different rules to follow than civilian lawyers. How can we be sure they'll follow proper procedure when trying cases? How will any appeals process on behalf of the defendant be impacted (if applicable) given that military and civilian appeals are different?
WHY are we letting DHS/HHS utilize DOD resources, for something that is strictly in DHS/HHS territory? What is the justification?
Should we not be concerned we're allowing military personnel to handle civilian affairs? This is conflating multiple departments and cross issues.
Call the capitol switchboard: (202) 224-3121 #ICALLEDMYREPS @CELESTE PEWTER
Call your GOVERNORS and ask them to continue issuing directives to NOT support border efforts + support their requests for clarity on children in their respective states (06/22)
You: Hi, my name is [name]. I am calling from [zip code]
You: I am calling to ask [GOVERNOR] to continue to refuse to utilize any state resources that would help the federal government's zero tolerance policy. [GOVERNOR] should commit to signing an executive order similar to Governor Hickenlooper of Colorado.
If there are children in your state: I am also calling on [Governor] to continue to be vocal on the need to get accurate numbers on how many children are in our state, and where these facilities are. I ask [Governor] to do everything in their power to tour these facilities. Accountability is needed. You: <insert optional comments here>
Find your governor's contact info here: https://openstates.org #ICALLEDMYREPS @CELESTE PEWTER
Call your local electeds to request a resolution condemning the zero tolerance policy/family separation (6/22)
You: Hi, my name is [name]. I am calling from [address/zip code].
You: I am calling to ask [MAYOR/CITY COUNCILMEMBER] to please endorse a resolution that makes clear [CITY] does not condone the Trump Administration's current immigration practices, including family separation, family detention centers, and the refusal to provide asylum to those who are seeking it under domestic violence and gang violence.
You: Yesterday's federal executive order does little to solve the problem. Families are still separated, and the executive order only opens up the pathway to family detention centers.
You: I am calling on [MAYOR/CITY COUNCILMEMBER] to show what our city stands for, and take a stand. You: <insert optional comment here>
Call your Attorneys general, and ask them to join the multi-state lawsuit. (06/22)
You: Hi, my name is [name]. I am calling from [zip code].
You: I am calling on [AG] to join the other state attorneys generals who are planning on suing the Trump Administration to compel reunification for the 2.3K children separated from their families.
You: As Maryland's AG Frosh confirmed in an interview: the executive order does not adequately address the problems that have resulted in family separation; including how to reunite the families, and the government appears to not have a concrete plan.
You: Please sign onto the lawsuit and compel the administration to act.
You: <insert optional comment>
Find your AG: http://www.naag.org/naag/attorneys- general/whos-my-ag.php
Ted Colquett, Birmingham, AL -  [email protected], (205) 245-4370
Morgan Petriello, Los Angeles, CA - [email protected], (323) 651-2577
Elleni Kalouris, Chicago suburbs, IL - [email protected]
Muni Olia, Philadelphia, PA - Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist - [email protected]
Ruth Durack, MSW, Peoria, IL - Social Worker - [email protected]
Lauren Fallon, LCSW, IL - Social Worker - [email protected]
Jennifer Goldstein, Chicago, IL - Therapist - [email protected]
Gloria Jetter, LMSW, New York, NY - Social Worker - [email protected]
Note: These attorneys and therapists/psychiatrists were shared via Jezebel, and have not been vetted by the website; their inclusion on the list is by request.If you are an attorney or therapist who would like to offer your services to immigrants and refugees pro-bono, email Joanna Rothkopf with your contact information at [email protected]. The descriptions I found for many of these resources are also courtesy of Rothkopf and Pewter.
Please consider boosting this post, @phonescripts​, @justsomeantifas​, and @nativenews​! 
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kermitstepp-blog · 5 years
Spanish subtitling services
Subtitles are captions but captions are not subtitles. Generally, subtitles displayed on the bottom of the television screen, film etc,. This helps us in understanding the language by transcribing and translating the dialogue or narrative of the characters that spoken.
However, subtitles and closed captions goal are to provide information to the viewers. But both are designed for two different purposes. As closed captions provide both speech and non-speech sounds to the viewers. Non-speech sounds are considered essential for understanding what’s happening on the screen such as laughter, doorbell ringing, phone ringing, music playing etc. To be simple, it is provided with the assumption that the viewer/reader cannot hear the audio.
On the other hand, subtitles are provided with the assumptions that the viewer can hear the audio, but they can’t understand the language spoken on the screen. As a result, it is understood that subtitles are translated text that displayed on the bottom of the screen. For example: If you are watching an English video, and you are in the need of Spanish subtitles for clear understanding of the language spoken by the character. At this point you can opt for Spanish subtitles. Here Spanish subtitles display Spanish dialogue for content spoken in English language. This will not include any noises and sound effects from the video.
In case, you are in immediate need of subtitles for your video, you can download it easily through many automatic software tools available online. With the help of automatic tools, you can get your subtitles faster and cheaper than humans. Though it is cheaper than human transcription, machine transcription will never able to handle the following difficulties like.
Understanding the context
Language nuances
Grammatical accuracy, exceptions etc.
Dealing with content that consists of idioms,     can’t be translated directly.
Can’t deal with     creative content.
These difficulties prove human transcriptionists are unbeatable in delivering accurate spanish to english subtitling services to their viewers. Knowing the importance of the subtitles for a video helps you to choose human transcription. Some of the benefits of adding subtitles are:
It Improves SEO
It can be accessible to hard of hearing people
Helpful to non-native people
Helpful in social media
Improve comprehension.
It improves turnaround time
It boosts the value of the content
Help employees to focus,
Dwell time increases
Increases quality and     accessibility.
So, if you are in need of Spanish subtitles for your video, offering with more than the above benefits. At Vanan captioning, we have a team of highly skilled subtitling linguists who can create high-quality, accurate Spanish subtitles and captions that convey the nuance and meaning of the dialogue.
Our multilingual services provide affordable Spanish subtitling service in language combinations like
●       Spanish to English subtitling services
●       Spanish to Arabic subtitling services
●       Arabic to Spanish subtitling services
●       Spanish to Chinese subtitling services
●       English to Spanish subtitling services
●       Chinese to Spanish subtitling services and so on.
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Transcription Services in SanFrancisco @ $0.10/Min, California - California Multiservices
When you have a tape, digital, or podcast audio to transcribe into a written document, you need it done in the most accurate and convenient method possible. In San Francisco, Transcription Services that specialize in fast turnaround times with the highest quality and levels of accuracy are in great need. As a result of being one of the worlds most diverse cities San Francisco is a major capital of business, media and entertainment. English and foreign language audio is being created on a daily basis in a wide variety of fields like education, law enforcement, production and medical. English transcriptions as well as foreign language transcriptions like Spanish Japanese, French, Korean, German Chinese, Russian and Tagalog are commonplace in the San Francisco area.
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Transcription Services in Dubai|Best proofreading services online| best transcription platforms|professional transcription service
There are numerous instances whilst it's far tough to apprehend what the speaker is attempting to convey. Despite the fact, that the speaker can be addressing with the equal language, because of pronunciation differences, it may be a project to apprehend what message is being conveyed. Any phrase may be misinterpreted because of comparable pronunciations, that is whilst transcription comes into the picture. Our transcription offerings in Dubai consist of well-known transcription, textual content-to-textual content transcription in addition to speech reputation transcription. Our transcription carrier consists of the conversion of an audio report right into a written format. They also are referred to as captions which you see in any collection or documentary.
Linguistic Interpretation
Our Transcription Services in Dubai consist of interpretation in numerous languages. They additionally consist of information Transcription and Translation Language in fields like medical, marketing, advertising, legal, etc. They enjoy and fine will satisfy all of your linguistic requirements. The languages that our interpreters have fluency in consist of English, Arabic, Russian, Hindi, German, French, Spanish, Korean, Japanese, Chinese, and plenty of others. Apart from the languages in addition they have an exceptional interpretation of changing the speech into Active and Passive Voice. There also are operating languages like deciphering into the mother tongue, language this is flawlessly fluent however now no longer the mother tongue, or the language this is flawlessly understood.
RSI (Remote Simalteanous Interpretation)
We offer expert transcription like RSI (Remote Simultaneous Interpretation) as it's far an instance of the development of technology. We are powered through a cloud-primarily based platform for RSI and are used for a couple of functions like multilingual meetings or net conferences, small workshops, or global meetings. We offer extremely good interpretation and assist you with store costs, as one platform offers all forms of interpretation offerings. The handiest downside of RSI is that it's far remote. It may be streamed on through human beings via an internet utility to have to get right of entry via their laptops or phones. It has been followed by numerous organizations with the beyond few years and has speedily received the reputation as the latest tech for interpretation.
Business Interpretation
Our commercial enterprise is one of the nice transcription systems in that interpreters generally take a seat down beside the speaker and for the reason that talking turns are generally quick, she or he effectively conveys the middle message. We behavior this form of deciphering in particular for global conferences or among executives for green translation. For small or large commercial enterprise institution conferences too, our interpreter concurrently translates via any expert device. This form of interpretation is likewise referred to as liaison deciphering. It doesn’t require any specialized device for the equal.
Consecutive Interpretation
In consecutive interpretation, the speaker takes approximately five mins of pause earlier than letting the interpreter talk. Our interpreter generally takes quick notes and as a consequence conveys the message in the language understood by the listener. Our expert transcription carriers have note-taking strategies such that they don’t leave out the critical info of the message and nonetheless translate it with whole fluency. This approach doesn’t require any unique device however simply the interpreter. Consecutive interpretation is a time-ingesting procedure, because the message is repeated twice, as soon as the unique language after which with the interpreted language.
 Telephonic Interpretation
We are a number of the Top Transcription Companies who offer this form of carrier, wherein the interpreter generally interprets the message via a smart phone all through the communication among individuals, who do now no longer talk the equal language. Usually, it's far performed via a convention call, wherein she or he waits for the speaker to complete their message, and as a consequence translates the equal for the listener. This procedure takes time because it offers a higher fine for the carrier. With technological improvement, we assure quicker and extra dependable interpretation over telephonic communication.
Simultaneous Interpreting
Are you seeking out simultaneous deciphering? Our licensed expert's paintings from a soundproof sales space wherein the speaker wear a couple of headphones and translate the speech into the language of the listener. This complete procedure is performed in real-time, and the time distinction among the translations is just a few seconds. The listener can listen to the translation via headsets. In the case of multilingual interpretation, our experts offer that carrier, wherein the receiver can pick the language this is handy for them. Our expert transcription carrier constantly has some other professionals with the sales space for activities that have an extended length of communication. For any of your meetings, workshops, or any event, you could get our offerings for immediate interpretation of speech. We have interpreters who talk numerous language mixtures and are relatively certified to satisfy your requirements.
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life-observed · 6 years
To speak is to blunder
Choosing to renounce a mother tongue.
By Yiyun Li
Illustration by Jun Cen
In my dream, I asked for the phone. Two women came out of a front office. I recognized them: in real life, they are both gone. No, they said; the service is no longer offered, because everyone has a cell phone these days. There was nothing extraordinary about the dream—a melancholy visit to the past in this manner is beyond one’s control—but for the fact that the women spoke to me in English.
Years ago, when I started writing in English, my husband asked if I understood the implication of the decision. What he meant was not the practical concerns, though there were plenty: the nebulous hope of getting published; the lack of a career path as had been laid out in science, my first field of postgraduate study in America; the harsher immigration regulation I would face as a fiction writer. Many of my college classmates from China, as scientists, acquired their green cards under a National Interest Waiver. An artist is not of much importance to any nation’s interest.
My husband, who writes computer programs, was asking about language. Did I understand what it meant to renounce my mother tongue?
Nabokov once answered a question he must have been tired of being asked: “My private tragedy, which cannot, indeed should not, be anybody’s concern, is that I had to abandon my natural language, my natural idiom.” That something is called a tragedy, however, means it is no longer personal. One weeps out of private pain, but only when the audience swarms in and claims understanding and empathy do people call it a tragedy. One’s grief belongs to oneself; one’s tragedy, to others.
How to Write a New Yorker Cartoon Caption: Will Ferrell & John C. Reilly Edition
I often feel a tinge of guilt when I imagine Nabokov’s woe. Like all intimacies, the intimacy between one and one’s mother tongue can be comforting and irreplaceable, yet it can also demand more than what one is willing to give, or more than one is capable of giving. If I allow myself to be honest, my private salvation, which cannot and should not be anybody’s concern, is that I disowned my native language.
In the summer and autumn of 2012, I was hospitalized in California and in New York for suicide attempts, the first time for a few days, and the second time for three weeks. During those months, my dreams often took me back to Beijing. I would be standing on top of a building—one of those gray, Soviet-style apartment complexes—or I would be lost on a bus travelling through an unfamiliar neighborhood. Waking up, I would list in my journal images that did not appear in my dreams: a swallow’s nest underneath a balcony, the barbed wires at the rooftop, the garden where old people sat and exchanged gossip, the mailboxes at street corners—round, green, covered by dust, with handwritten collection times behind a square window of half-opaque plastic.
Yet I have never dreamed of Iowa City, where I first landed in America, in 1996, at the age of twenty-three. When asked about my initial impression of the place, I cannot excavate anything from memory to form a meaningful answer. During a recent trip there from my home in California, I visited a neighborhood that I used to walk through every day. The one-story houses, which were painted in pleasantly muted colors, with gardens in the front enclosed by white picket fences, had not changed. I realized that I had never described them to others or to myself in Chinese, and when English was established as my language they had become everyday mundanities. What happened during my transition from one language to another did not become memory.
People often ask about my decision to write in English. The switch from one language to another feels natural to me, I reply, though that does not say much, just as one can hardly give a convincing explanation as to why someone’s hair turns gray on one day but not on another. But this is an inane analogy, I realize, because I do not want to touch the heart of the matter. Yes, there is something unnatural, which I have refused to accept. Not the fact of writing in a second language—there are always Nabokov and Conrad as references, and many of my contemporaries as well—or that I impulsively gave up a reliable career for writing. It’s the absoluteness of my abandonment of Chinese, undertaken with such determination that it is a kind of suicide.
The tragedy of Nabokov’s loss is that his misfortune was easily explained by public history. His story—of being driven by a revolution into permanent exile—became the possession of other people. My decision to write in English has also been explained as a flight from my country’s history. But unlike Nabokov, who had been a published Russian writer, I never wrote in Chinese. Still, one cannot avoid the fact that a private decision, once seen through a public prism, becomes a metaphor. Once, a poet of Eastern European origin and I—we both have lived in America for years, and we both write in English—were asked to read our work in our native languages at a gala. But I don’t write in Chinese, I explained, and the organizer apologized for her misunderstanding. I offered to read Li Po or Du Fu or any of the ancient poets I had grown up memorizing, but instead it was arranged for me to read poetry by a political prisoner.
A metaphor’s desire to transcend diminishes any human story; its ambition to illuminate blinds those who create metaphors. In my distrust of metaphors I feel a kinship with George Eliot: “We all of us, grave or light, get our thoughts entangled in metaphors, and act fatally on the strength of them.” My abandonment of my first language is personal, so deeply personal that I resist any interpretation—political or historical or ethnographical. This, I know, is what my husband was questioning years ago: was I prepared to be turned into a symbol by well-intentioned or hostile minds?
Chinese immigrants of my generation in America criticize my English for not being native enough. A compatriot, after reading my work, pointed out, in an e-mail, how my language is neither lavish nor lyrical, as a real writer’s language should be: you write only simple things in simple English, you should be ashamed of yourself, he wrote in a fury. A professor—an American writer—in graduate school told me that I should stop writing, as English would remain a foreign language to me. Their concerns about ownership of a language, rather than making me as impatient as Nabokov, allow me secret laughter. English is to me as random a choice as any other language. What one goes toward is less definitive than that from which one turns away.
Before I left China, I destroyed the journal that I had kept for years and most of the letters written to me, those same letters I had once watched out for, lest my mother discover them. What I could not bring myself to destroy I sealed up and brought with me to America, though I will never open them again. My letters to others I would have destroyed, too, had I had them. These records, of the days I had lived time and time over, became intolerable now that my time in China was over. But this violent desire to erase a life in a native language is only wishful thinking. One’s relationship with the native language is similar to that with the past. Rarely does a story start where we wish it had, or end where we wish it would.
One crosses the border to become a new person. One finishes a manuscript and cuts off the characters. One adopts a language. These are false and forced frameworks, providing illusory freedom, as time provides illusory leniency when we, in anguish, let it pass monotonously. “To kill time,” an English phrase that still chills me: time can be killed but only by frivolous matters and purposeless activities. No one thinks of suicide as a courageous endeavor to kill time.
During my second hospital stay, in New York, a group of nursing students came to play bingo one Friday night. A young woman, another patient, asked if I would join her. Bingo, I said, I’ve never in my life played that. She pondered for a moment, and said that she had played bingo only in the hospital. It was her eighth hospitalization when I met her; she had taken middle-school courses for a while in the hospital, when she was younger, and, once, she pointed out a small patch of fenced-in green where she and other children had been let out for exercise. Her father often visited her in the afternoon, and I would watch them sitting together playing a game, not attempting a conversation. By then, all words must have been inadequate, language doing little to help a mind survive time.
Yet language is capable of sinking a mind. One’s thoughts are slavishly bound to language. I used to think that an abyss is a moment of despair becoming interminable; but any moment, even the direst, is bound to end. What’s abysmal is that one’s erratic language closes in on one like quicksand: “You are nothing. You must do anything you can to get rid of this nothingness.” We can kill time, but language kills us.
“Patient reports feeling . . . like she is a burden to her loved ones”—much later, I read the notes from the emergency room. I did not have any recollection of the conversation. A burden to her loved ones: this language must have been provided to me. I would never use the phrase in my thinking or my writing. But my resistance has little to do with avoiding a platitude. To say “a burden” is to grant oneself weight in other people’s lives; to call them “loved ones” is to fake one’s ability to love. One does not always want to be subject to self-interrogation imposed by a cliché.
When Katherine Mansfield was still a teen-ager, she wrote in her journal about a man next door playing “Swanee River” on a cornet, for what seemed like weeks. “I wake up with the ‘Swannee River,’ eat it with every meal I take, and go to bed eventually with ‘all de world am sad and weary’ as a lullaby.” I read Mansfield’s notebooks and Marianne Moore’s letters around the same time, when I returned home from New York. In a letter, Moore described a night of fund-raising at Bryn Mawr. Maidens in bathing suits and green bathing tails on a raft: “It was Really most realistic . . . way down upon the Swanee River.”
January 2, 2017
Illustration by Marco Goran Romano
Shouts & Murmurs
After Watching “Sully” and “Star Trek Beyond”
By Ian Frazier
Photograph by Laura El-Tantawy for The New Yorker
“Most Die Young”
By Camille Bordas
Briefly Noted
Briefly Noted Book Reviews
Illustration by Tom Bachtell
Recycling Re
“How do you feel about staying in power?”
I marked the entries because they reminded me of a moment I had forgotten. I was nine, and my sister thirteen. On a Saturday afternoon, I was in our apartment and she was on the balcony. My sister had joined the middle-school choir that year, and in the autumn sunshine she sang in a voice that was beginning to leave girlhood. “Way down upon the Swanee River. Far, far away. That’s where my heart is turning ever; That’s where the old folks stay.”
The lyrics were translated into Chinese. The memory, too, should be in Chinese. But I cannot see our tiny garden with the grapevine, which our father cultivated and which was later uprooted by our wrathful mother, or the bamboo fence dotted with morning glories, or the junk that occupied half the balcony—years of accumulations piled high by our hoarder father—if I do not name these things to myself in English. I cannot see my sister, but I can hear her sing the lyrics in English. I can seek to understand my mother’s vulnerability and cruelty, but language is the barrier I have chosen. “Do you know, the moment I die your father will marry someone else?” my mother used to whisper to me when I was little. “Do you know that I cannot die, because I don’t want you to live under a stepmother?” Or else, taken over by inexplicable rage, she would say that I, the only person she had loved, deserved the ugliest death because I did not display enough gratitude. But I have given these moments—what’s possible to be put into English—to my characters. Memories, left untranslated, can be disowned; memories untranslatable can become someone else’s story.
Over the years, my brain has banished Chinese. I dream in English. I talk to myself in English. And memories—not only those about America but also those about China; not only those carried with me but also those archived with the wish to forget—are sorted in English. To be orphaned from my native language felt, and still feels, like a crucial decision.
When we enter a world—a new country, a new school, a party, a family or a class reunion, an army camp, a hospital—we speak the language it requires. The wisdom to adapt is the wisdom to have two languages: the one spoken to others, and the one spoken to oneself. One learns to master the public language not much differently from the way that one acquires a second language: assess the situations, construct sentences with the right words and the correct syntax, catch a mistake if one can avoid it, or else apologize and learn the lesson after a blunder. Fluency in the public language, like fluency in a second language, can be achieved with enough practice.
Perhaps the line between the two is, and should be, fluid; it is never so for me. I often forget, when I write, that English is also used by others. English is my private language. Every word has to be pondered before it becomes a word. I have no doubt—can this be an illusion?—that the conversation I have with myself, however linguistically flawed, is the conversation that I have always wanted, in the exact way I want it to be.
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for-all-mankind · 7 years
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Chinese Space Station Tiangong-1 prepares to for uncontrolled deorbit. (Saturday, March 31, 11am EDT.) In the weeks leading up to the Skylab space station’s uncontrolled deorbit in 1979, billions of people across the Earth wondered where the remains of NASA’s first space station might land. Almost four decades later, that same question of uncertainty plagues another space station in its final days - China’s Tiangong-1. Launched in September 2011 as the country’s first prototype space station, Tiangong-1 hosted two Shenzhou crews totaling six people during its 1,630-day - 4.5 year - operational lifespan. The station continued to send telemetry and data on Earth-sensing equipment and robotic experiments to ground controllers for an additional two and a half years following June 2013′s Shenzhou 10 mission, going silent in early 2016.
Earth based observers noted the station slowly spinning in mid-2016, raising the possibility that China had lost any ability to communicate and subsequently control the laboratory. China reluctantly admitted in early 2016 that the station experienced a power failure in March which lead to the loss of ‘data services.’ 
Initial estimates of its reentry were projected for late 2017 and were further refined towards a late-Feburary to early April 2018 timeframe. 
As the weeks to reentry have become days, the reentry timeframe for Tiangong-1 has now been projected for the afternoon of Sunday, April 1st, with an 11-hour margin of error. The specific time and location of reentry is determined by multiple factors, including solar activity and the spacecraft’s shape. 
Since the station is in an orbit inclined 43 degrees to the equator, only locations on the Earth’s surface between 43 degrees north and south longitude are potential landing sites. While three-fourths of the Earth’s surface is covered by water, the 42.8 degree orbit of Tiangong actually raises the probability of fragments impacting land to around 38%.
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European Space Agency graphic showing the potential reentry area of Tiangong-1 and the Earth’s population density in that area.
Only a small portion of the station is expected to survive reentry, with the friction of the atmosphere vaporizing most components. Around 20-30% of the station could survive, which for Tiangong could be anywhere from 1.5 to 3 tons. Thicker pieces such as thruster components, docking mechanisms, pressurization tanks and solar array joints may survive to reach the Earth’s surface. While this may sound shocking, the mathematical chances of Tiangong-1 injuring a human being are remarkably low - just one in 5,000. By comparison, when NASA’s Skylab reentered over Australia, the chances of it striking a human were 1 in 500. Being struck by lighting is a 1 in 3,000 chance during the entire average lifespan of a human.
Although the precise time and location of Tiangong-1′s demise is not yet known, it is certain that the laboratory will cease to exist by the middle of this week. Tiangong’s legacy continues on through its upgraded sister craft, Tiangong-2, which launched on its own groundbreaking mission in 2016. Both ‘Heavenly Palaces’ - as their English translations mean - have helped China develop the spacecraft, technology, and methods necessary to begin the construction of a large modular space laboratory smaller than the current International Space Station. The Chinese Space Station, also known as Tianhe, is slated to launch its first module in 2020.
P/c: Fraunhofer Institute for High Frequency Physics and Radar Techniques, European Space Agency. GIF caption: Tiangong-1 is seen spinning in orbit by the Fraunhofer Institute for High Frequency Physics and Radar Techniques’ TIRA Radar on March 27. TIRA recorded the laboratory spinning at a rate of 2.2 degrees a second, making one revolution in 2 minutes and 43 seconds.
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latinbossboy9 · 2 years
The Department of Fair Employment and Housing provides free online training courses on preventing sexual harassment and abusive conduct in the workplace that satisfy California’s legal training requirements pursuant to Gov’t Code 12950.1.
California law requires all employers of 5 or more employees to provide 1 hour of sexual harassment and abusive conduct prevention training to nonsupervisory employees and 2 hours of sexual harassment and abusive conduct prevention training to supervisors and managers once every two years. The law requires the training to include practical examples of harassment based on gender identity, gender expression, and sexual orientation.
For additional information:
If you are an employee: Employee FAQ
If you are an employer: Employer FAQ
The training is accessible on a computer or mobile device.
Internet browsers required:
Windows: Microsoft Edge (latest version), Google Chrome (latest version), Firefox (latest version)
Mac: Safari (latest version), Google Chrome (latest version), Firefox (latest version)
Mobile: Safari in Apple iOS 12 or later, Google Chrome in Apple iOS 12 or later, Google Chrome in Android OS 6 or later
The training module will not save your progress. If you refresh or reload the page, you may lose your progress toward completion.
At the end of the training, you will have the option to utilize a certificate of completion. Using computer/mobile device functions, you can choose to save, print, take a screenshot, or take a photo of the certificate. Please consult your employer for direction on if/how they prefer to receive the certificate. DFEH cannot email you a replacement certificate.
Limitations on Use
DFEH's trainings may not be duplicated, reproduced, distributed, or ingested into a third-party system such as employers' e-learning platforms. The trainings contain materials licensed only to DFEH. DFEH anticipates updating these trainings from time to time to account for legal and policy developments.
The trainings are available in English, Spanish, Korean, Chinese, Vietnamese, and Tagalog.
You may choose to turn closed captioning on or off in any version.
There is alt-text for the images and the icons.
California Employer Requirements
Employers must retain a record of all employees’ training for a minimum of two years.
Employers must provide sexual harassment and abusive conduct prevention training to employees every two years.
Employers must provide employees with a poster or fact sheet developed by the Department regarding Sexual Harassment, or equivalent information.
To learn more about this and other requirements, please see our Frequently Asked Questions.
Communication Center: 800-884-1684 (voice), 800-700-2320 (TTY) or
California's Relay Service at 711
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yeonchi · 6 years
Dub Logistics Part 29: Toxicity and Hypocrisy (Retirement Speech Part 1)
“I may have been a toxic hypocrite, but at least I know who and what I’ve been fighting for.”
I’ve said more than enough about my trolls, haters and naysayers over the years; this time around, I’m going to be talking about myself and the roles I played in the past through my English dub rants.
At the start of this year, I announced my intentions to end the Dub Logistics series and my English dub rant posts with it. Among my reasons, I explained that last year’s feud has contributed to my decision, but it wasn’t the main or only factor. Much as I hate to admit it, the events and aftermath of the feud have affected me more than what I’ve stated; I was understating the effects of the feud in my recounts because I never let my haters dictate my life or what I do with it, whether it be online or in real life. That was true then and this is still true now.
Reeling back from the feud has made me think about how toxic I may have been over the years, particularly while responding to the comments and addressing the hypocrisies of dub haters and opinion-neutrals. More recently, however, I’ve come to realise that my ever-changing views may have made me look like a hypocrite, if anyone hasn’t called me out as such already.
In this special instalment of Dub Logistics, I’ll be reflecting on my toxic hypocrisy and hopefully, setting the record straight for people who may have the wrong idea about me, particularly those who have heard about me from the biased perspectives of my haters and naysayers. It’s going to be long, so you’ll have to bear with me here.
The main point that I realised about my hypocrisy is that I am totally fine with reading subtitles when my rants make me look like I don’t like or want to read subtitles at all. This is a common assumption that many non-dub fans make about dub fans without considering some of the deeper reasoning behind their decision. In actuality, I’ve had my fair share with both dubs and subs myself, so to set the record straight, I’m going to be stating a few anecdotes relating to my experience with subtitles and dubbing, along with my experiences of video games, particularly the Koei Warriors game series. In case you didn’t know already, “Azuma Yeonchi” is a persona I use online, I am from Melbourne, Australia and my family is from Hong Kong. You’ll see how this is relevant as you read on.
In Australia, television stations are required by law to provide closed captioning on their programs, which isn’t really a surprise. We also have a public broadcasting network known as SBS (Special Broadcasting Service) that specialises in multilingual and multicultural programming. In addition to programmes from Australia, the US and the UK, they have also broadcast imported programs from other countries with their own English subtitles. Admittedly, they haven’t been doing this as much as they used to, however I sometimes watch the Japanese game show VS Arashi if it’s on.
In Hong Kong, many programs on TVB’s channels are broadcast with Chinese, while some programmes are additionally broadcast with the option to switch to English subtitles. A lot of non-locally produced programs are dubbed and broadcast with dual audio options, namely Cantonese and whatever language the program was originally made in. In a sense, Hongkongers and by extension, other Chinese people (not to make a political statement) can’t get away from subtitles in their media. Likewise, gamers can’t get away without reading the text and/or subtitles in games, Japanese or not.
I’ve played Koei Warriors games, mostly Dynasty Warriors, on the PSP, PS2 and the PC with English and Japanese voices along with English, Japanese and Chinese subtitles. Hearing that WO3U and SW4 wouldn’t be dubbed (despite the 18-month gap since WO3) inspired me to start the Koei Warriors Rant Series in 2014, but when I discovered that Koei Tecmo had cheapened out on the dubs for Dynasty Warriors 9 (among other things, but granted, it wasn’t entirely their fault given the voice actor strike), all hope I had for them was gone and I decided to stop following them on social media for good. This, combined with other commitments and interests that popped up, have led me to lose interest in video games, including the Koei Warriors series.
I’ve watched a few dubbed and subbed animes, but in 2014, I stopped following new animes, again because of other commitments and interests, but also because of the flagrant (female-centric) sexism I noticed in recent anime works. The only reason why I’m still posting on my Facebook anime pages and the Yui Hirasawa Waifu Network nowadays is out of gratitude because some series have served as inspirations for my personal projects.
The void left by video games and anime was filled by Japanese tokusatsu, which I have started getting into in the past few years. Honestly, I prefer watching live-action works, including tokusatsu, with subtitles since it’s pretty much the only way to watch them. I’ve also been watching some episodes raw (without subtitles) right after they’ve premiered in Japan; I’ve come to loosely understand the plot and dialogue thanks to years of contact with the Japanese language and vice versa. I have watched Power Rangers in the past as a gateway into the world of tokusatsu, but to me, it doesn’t exactly fit under the English dubbed category as it is rather an adaptation, mixing dubbed fight scenes with original footage. I still sometimes watch clips for comparison purposes.
If you’re still hating on me without having read everything up to here, or if you’ve read all this and you still consider me a hypocrite, then congratulations for missing the entire point of my argument. If you’ve supported my views and opinions in the past and you consider me a hypocrite now, then maybe you should have a think about whether you have really supported me at all.
Contrary to what some people may have assumed, I never did all this for myself alone. I can adapt my views and opinions to be fair to everyone because I can understand why some fans have their own preferences for dub or sub. Aside from my fans, it is rare to find people in the same boat as myself because the haters and naysayers I’ve encountered are ignorant, short-sighted or just unable to understand the bigger picture behind things.
Given my position towards subtitles and dubbing, it was never my intention to derail the dub-sub debate and demonise dub fans. From the very beginning, I had high hopes and good intentions for my English dub rants and the fanbases involved or mentioned, but in most cases, I’ve either come short or had the opposite effect to what I wanted.
It has been difficult to talk some sense into the haters and naysayers because aside from being ignorant, many of them have been toxic to me or other dub fans as well. Therefore, the only way I was able to do that was by being toxic back at them. I’m not saying that any of these attempts backfired on me, but most of the time, those people just don’t seem to listen because they are unable to listen to the opinions of others without being offended themselves.
It was in that vein that my warped sense of self-justice led me to name-and-shame dub haters by screenshotting their comments and reposting them. This started following the announcement of DW8E being localised without English voices, after it was erroneously announced that it would be localised with dual audio. This practice spread to the #NoDubNoBuy page (now English Dubbed Game News) and it wasn’t until late last year that I realised that it was going against the spirit I wanted to create for the page, so I deleted the name-and-shame album after I ended the feud.
Looking back, I think the events of the feud brought out the worst in me and the other party behind it. During the initial debate, I tried to convince him and his fake sock-puppet accounts that he was missing the point about dubbing and localisation, but he later claimed to his fans/white knights (in an act of virtue-signalling) that I ignored his points completely when that was not entirely the case. And let’s not forget that time when he spread that hoax about that one game under the name of a fake company. Even though the hoax became true in the end (as he claimed), it didn’t excuse his actions on social media.
The turning point for the feud, I believe, was when I did the parodies of iDubbbz’s Content Cop and Content Deputy in an effort to expose him as a lolcow. This was an escalation on my part, and he retaliated by pettily editing the Sea Princesses Wiki and reporting my posts on him along with other unrelated posts (I’ll go into this in the 2018 review post in late December), leading me to be postblocked on Facebook three times. Yes, I effectively copied someone else’s criticism format (while missing the point of it as well) in the hope that it would start a witchhunt, but in the end, I think we both got off lucky since not a lot of people read the posts and nothing major happened as a result.
While I have long moved on from the feud, I must admit that I still feel some guilt over my part in it a year on. The only way that I’ve been coping with it is to convince myself that while I may not always be right, wrong or perfect, nobody else is either and that I should not let this hater affect me any more than he already did (and I never have). As far as I care or know, the feud is over, the page where the debate started was deleted (which was ironically karmic to see) and we have both moved on to other endeavours (though like Keemstar or RiceGum, I doubt that he really learned anything from this).
When we ended the feud, we agreed that while we would never mention each other by name again, we would be allowed to maintain our own views and opinions on it and that any posts that have not been taken down or deleted already will be kept up or deleted at our own discretions. This applies to my Content Cop and Content Deputy posts as well, because I want him to remember that he is not immune from criticism regardless of what he thinks.
There was another feud I had with the Undub page, but it was never really a feud with the page directly; it was more like the childish prattling of their ignorant fans/white knights who associated English dubbing and its fans to politics, political correctness and SJWs, which were totally irrelevant to the topic. When the Undub page first noticed us, they accused us of copying their posts, which in reflection, I believe is bullshit because of reasons which I outlined in a post at the start of the year. However, they came to accept us at the start of 2018, particularly following the rebranding of the #NoDubNoBuy page to English Dubbed Game News.
Speaking of SJWs, I’ve never considered myself to be one of them, but after reflecting on everything that has happened, I came to realise that I was no better than an SJW in denial. In regards to other political references, I’ve been called a “nationalist”, a “Trump supporter”, or even an “alt-right” when I don’t identify with those groups. These are merely buzzwords that people learn from the news and on the internet to insult people they don’t like, but then again, I’ve called dub haters and opinion-neutrals “cucks” twice this year. But hey, why don’t we go out with a bang by forcing a meme to associate people with!
You know how opinion-neutrals always tell dub fans that they are entitled and that they should be grateful to the producers for localising the games in the first place (among other things)? Yeah, in my opinion, these are the traits of an NPC and if you think that’s dehumanising, then you have missed the point behind my argument and you are part of the problem. Even if you try to deny that you’re being like an NPC, then you’re just making up excuses to defend the publisher’s decisions or not participate in civilised debate (like a cuck).
I have unironically advocated suicide to some parties in some of my older rants. I understand that suicide is a problem and wishing harm on others is wrong, but I just can’t respect people who make no effort to understand why people think the way they think. Luckily though, I decided to stop doing that at the start of 2018 following the Logan Paul suicide forest incident because regardless of how much respect I have for people, I wouldn’t want someone like Logan Paul laughing at your corpse either.
If you have ever thought anything negative of me because of my posts and rants, you are part of the problem as well. I’m not going to apologise to the haters and naysayers (or their white knights) I may have offended because I think it will only validate their flawed opinions or vitriolic insults. The onus is on them to enlighten themselves and learn that there are people who disagree with themselves or the status quo. Luckily however, I’m going to be nice and give you a few tips about how to do that, which I will cover in the next and final instalment. Our negative criticism should be directed at the gaming companies for letting their fans turn against each other instead of fuelling the fire ourselves. If you’re looking for an apology (or maybe even forgiveness), then the best thing to do is to forget about me and move on, knowing that I will do the same for you as well.
In Part 22 of Dub Logistics, I used this quote from The Dark Knight to refer to gaming companies in general - “You either die a hero, or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain.” Portions of the past few years have been downward spirals for me and in thinking about everything I’ve done during that time, I must admit that this quote is starting to apply to me as well, though I wish my haters and naysayers (and maybe their white knights as well) could feel the same way about themselves. Aside from that, this is my way of atoning for all the drama I’ve caused and leaving with my head held high in the knowledge that my fans will remember me for my efforts.
If you have heard about me from the negative opinions of others, then I recommend that you take their words with a few grains of salt and see for yourself how I have been trying to help Japanese anime and video game fanbases get over such a trivial and prolonged problem. If you then find yourself agreeing with those negative people, then you should realise that you are becoming part of the problem. Or, like I said, you could just let go of your animosity towards me, because I’m a busy person myself and I don’t want to have to deal with anyone’s bullshit, let alone be the target of a petty witchhunt.
This was a particularly deep instalment for me to write, but I’m kind of glad that it’s nearly over. The second part of my retirement speech will be in the next and final instalment of Dub Logistics.
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ljaesch · 3 years
Netflix Adds the Den-noh Coil Anime to Its Service
Netflix Adds the Den-noh Coil Anime to Its Service
The Fandom Post is reporting that Netflix has added the Den-noh Coil anime to its service. The episodes are available with the original Japanese audio, and subtitles are available in English, Spanish, Simplified Chinese, and Traditional Chinese subtitles along with Japanese closed captions. The story of Den-noh Coil is described as: Yuko “Yasako” Okonogi and her little sister Kyoko can’t remember…
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