#Chinese IQ interest
in-sightpublishing · 2 months
Conversation with Tianxi Yu (余天曦) on CAT2 and Education (7)
Publisher: In-Sight Publishing Publisher Founding: March 1, 2014 Web Domain: http://www.in-sightpublishing.com Location: Fort Langley, Township of Langley, British Columbia, Canada Journal: In-Sight: Independent Interview-Based Journal Journal Founding: August 2, 2012 Frequency: Three (3) Times Per Year Review Status: Non-Peer-Reviewed Access: Electronic/Digital & Open Access Fees: None…
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slamdunktheories · 1 month
Sendoh Akira: A Character Analysis (Translated)
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One of the best and most memorable Slam Dunk character analyses I’ve ever read was actually an answer to a question hilariously titled: “How do I marry Sendoh Akira?” (Author: 木子妞 - Link). The first half of the answer was particularly incisive and made me consider things I'd never noticed about Sendoh.
The original is in Chinese but here's an English version of the first half thanks to a nifty translating tool (I've edited for clarity and brevity; parts in bold for emphasis). Let's dive in!
~ Start of translation ~
Question: How do I marry Sendoh Akira?
First, you have to be excellent - not in a Mary Sue protagonist way with incredible beauty and tremendous wealth etc.— these aren’t relevant in Sendoh’s eyes. Instead, your emotional intelligence needs to be genuinely outstanding.
Why? Because it’s important to understand Sendoh Akira as a person, and he’s not an easy person to understand. I’m not talking about his interests either; those are secondary; it's mainly about understanding his inner world.
The thing is, Sendoh is actually a very lonely person, and I think this loneliness is not by choice. No one in Ryonan really understands him; they are not on his level and don’t genuinely understand him. Case in point: in the match against Kainan, right at the end of regulation time Sendoh went for a dunk but deliberately went at a slower speed to allow Maki to catch up to him.
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Sendoh’s idea of drawing a foul from Maki to turn the shot into a 2+1 would’ve meant that Ryonan would win the match by a point. But in that entire arena, only Maki, Fujima and Aida understood this plan. Even Coach Taoka got excited about getting into overtime without realizing that if the 2+1 plan failed, Ryonan would almost certainly lose.
Sendoh's mind works too fast for most people to keep up with, and his standards are high. He also can’t be bothered to explain more than is necessary and so as a result is forced into solitude. Which is why if you want to draw his attention, you need to be sharp enough to keep up with him mentally — imagine how high your IQ must be for that!
Second, don’t treat Sendoh like a genius or idealise him too much, and definitely don’t put him on a pedestal to worship. Accept the real him, including his flaws. And there are a few.
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For one, Sendoh is quite stubborn. In the aforementioned match against Kainan, Maki at one point said, "Don’t think I'll let you dunk easily." To which Sendoh responded, "I'll definitely dunk to show you. Just once in this match..." And he was as good as his word, pulling off the dunk right at the end of regulation time as part of the aforementioned 2+1 plan.
Sendoh also holds grudges. In the prefecture match against Shohoku, after Miyagi managed to score against him, Miyagi mocked him, saying, "Did you think I'd always wait for you to block?" Later, when Sendoh noticed Shohoku was running into foul trouble, who did he target first? Who did he go after to draw another foul? Miyagi.
Sendoh can also be petty. When Rukawa scored quickly, everyone marveled at the speed of his shooting that even he, Sendoh, couldn't block, and Sendoh responded by scoring right away using the exact same technique as Rukawa.
In other words, the so-called basketball genius/living legend isn’t necessarily the real Sendoh Akira himself. Sendoh the basketball player gets lionised a lot but the real Sendoh actually has a temper.
The main difference that sets him apart from others is that he isn’t as easily bothered by things. Sendoh is more mature than his peers, and he’s able to keep most of his emotions in check or bury them deeper so it's harder for people to notice them.
But if you really want to draw his interest on the romantic front, you’ll need to treat him as an ordinary person. That’s how you'll earn his respect. To be clear, it’s not about playing hard to get; it’s about seeing him with a calm mind.
Because of Sendoh's relatively mild temperament and easygoing nature, when it comes to piquing his genuine romantic interest, Sendoh Akira is the most difficult man to deal with in all of Slam Dunk. Much more difficult than Rukawa.
Rukawa can be lured by some top class basketball intel, but Sendoh Akira has almost no weak points to exploit, precisely because so little gets him worked up. The only seeming weakness is his loneliness.
If you can 1) make him feel understood and 2) do so without needing to say it out loud, then you might have a chance with him. These two points are prerequisites. And if you feel you could pull off both points and truly love him to the point of marrying no one but him, then continue reading for some specific methods, though they're not guaranteed to work.
~ End of translated first half ~
We'll skip the second half since it's not that relevant in terms of character analysis. (But it is worth a read if you are a Sendoh fan. It covers a rather elaborate plan!)
On the topic of Sendoh, I would also add that him misremembering Sawakita's name isn't pure coincidence/a gag but perfectly in keeping with his character IMO. He seems the type that is competitive right in the middle of a match but once the match is over, he doesn't hold on to losses as tightly as, say, Rukawa. I mean, let's face it. If the same thing happened to Rukawa (losing big time to Sawakita) you can bet he'd remember Sawakita's name till the end of time. But Sendoh doesn't take such losses quite so personally, and that's why he'd be the type to misremember the name of someone who beat him.
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rules - arcana DR
time ratio: 0min CR : 1min DR
safeword: failsafe
shift word: tarot
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i’m immune to the plague
my friends, family, and partners or potential love interests are all immune to the plague
i don't die
my friends, family, and partners or potential love interests don't die
no hate crimes, sexism, femicide, homophobia, transphobia, racism, etc.
medicine is more advanced than CR present day and there are cures or treatments for basically every known illness
social convention:
people are chill with autism/adhd
bisexual is the "default" assumption of sexuality (as opposed to heterosexuality here) and people are totally chill about sexuality/gender
polyamorous relationships are equally as commonplace as monogamous relationships
everyone is fundamentally capable of magic
can be used to mimic technology in basically every way that matters
whether or not a person uses magic is purely based on how they feel about it (e.g. julian isn’t super fond of it and prefers science whereas asra was raised to appreciate and revere magic)
basic differences:
no one can grow any body hair (yk apart from like, head hair, eyebrows, eyelashes).
no bad breath.
no bad body odor.
familiars live as long as their human does. for example, lynx, goblin, felix, adrien, and teddy will live as long as i do.
even if they aren’t familiars, most animals with shorter lifespans in my OR live much longer lifespans in my DR (30-60 years depending on animal and species).
peanuts don’t exist. any products containing peanuts or peanut butter are replaced with sunflower seeds, sunflower seed butter, or cashew products.
foreign food items are easy to obtain around the world (e.g. english grocery stores will have canadian/american foods or ingredients readily available, chinese foods or ingredients will also be relatively easy to obtain).
allergies don't exist.
obesity doesn't happen. like, medically you can't be obese. bodies just don't retain unhealthy amounts of fat for a given body- any excess is just passed through the digestive tract in a harmless manner.
people CAN still be plus-sized, just not to a degree that causes them any medical harm.
all of my various illnesses are completely manageable, if not completely curable.
my iq is 199 and i have a photographic memory.
vegetables actually taste good on their own.
all deadlines (work-related or school-related) can get pushed back for you if you get sick.
all sports are unisex.
incomes of shopkeepers (i.e. me) are subsidized by the government in order to provide a more stable standard of living.
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the-monkey-ruler · 7 months
Sha Seng Diary (2015) 沙僧日记
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Director: Shangyi Screenwriter: Lin Changzhi Starring: Xiao Xu / Fei Long / Cao Ranran / Gong Geer / Guzheng Genre: Comedy Country/Region of Production: Mainland China Language: Mandarin Chinese Date: 2014-12-20 Number of seasons: 1 Number of episodes: 16 Single episode length: 15 minutes Type: Retelling
Since the nonsensical comedy style of Stephen Chow's movie "Westward Journey" became popular, postmodern novels began to draw lessons from traditional culture. After "The Legend of Wukong" became popular on the Internet, another comedy literary work "Diary of Sha Seng" appeared and was praised by many Readers rated it as the most hilarious and nonsensical literary work in history! This book tells the story of a group of masters and apprentices on their journey to the West Meridian in the form of a diary. The text of this book is light and funny, and the illustrations are witty and interesting.
Starring Xiao Xu, Fei Long, and Cao Ranran, the leading comedians of the Laughter Conference Room, and Gong Geer, the creator of viral videos on the Internet. It is jointly produced by LeTV, Syndicate Film and Television, and Yihai Alliance. It is an online self-made drama of the same name adapted from the popular literary work "Sha Seng Diary" and will be available on LeTV weekend theaters every Saturday and Sunday starting from December 20. This is a new comedy that you never expected.
Sha Seng's Diary is a play that contains a magic spell. Please believe it and remember it! You must watch this drama within a month and recommend it to more than half of your friends who have lower IQs than you. Otherwise, you and your friends will encounter some slightly unpleasant things... Remember! Remember!
Source: https://tv-1.chinesemov.com/tv/2014/Sha-Seng-Diary
Link: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLIx8QniXH-rGljfEsu8IpRIwuqeNp3GB1
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1004sface · 1 month
1996.04.04 TV Times Magazine - Kang Wonrae, Koo Junyup (≈CLON) article
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Scans credit: yours truly!
Kang Wonrae & Koo Junyup
We were born with the mission to revitalize dance music
[Tomorrow's star] Tak2Jun2's Koo Junyup and Park Mikyung's partner Kang Wonrae have come together, but their group name hasn't been decided. The two are well-known dance machines who hope to hear the words "you were born to do dance music." Coverage: Lee Gyeong-hui
"I can't say that we're a new group—it'd be more accurate to say we've been apart."
Just as the rumors said, Koo Junyeop and Kang Wonrae, who are so in sync it's like they're one singer, have formed a group and are preparing an album. Koo Junyup, all too known from Tak2Jun2, and Kang Wonrae, who brought fun to Park Mikyung's "Eve's Warning" performances as her partner, are already well-known dance machines. No, now it would be right to call them rappers.
"Solo singers can adapt easily to stages on TV shows, but it's hard for groups to coordinate. We can say we're sure we've overcome that difficulty. We're especially proud of our skill in improvised performances."
The two, whose goal is to hear that "they were born with the mission to revitalize dance music," are highly confident in their music.
Proud of their skill of improvised performances
Their group name hasn't been set yet. They plan to release their album in early May. The reason they're being revealed to the world so early is to publicize themselves after they've gotten all the fame they can get.
Koo and Kang's team-up can't be ignored. Their characters can't be something the music industry wouldn't worry about. Furthermore, with their album releasing under Line Production, they've become part of the "royal family" alongside Shin Seunghun, Noise, and Park Mikyung. Fans already know that Kang Wonrae was in Line, but Koo Junyup first came in about 1 year ago. An art school alum, Koo also designed the album covers of his peers. The covers he's designed include Park Mikyung's 2nd album, Kim Gunmo's 3rd album, DJ DOC's 2nd album, and Kim Jungmin's 2nd album. These were all hit albums, but they also drew attention for their unique designs. Kang Wonrae choreographed for all of the "Line family", including Kim Gunmo. Their chronicle of star-related stories is never ending.
The two first met in high school, both attending Gyeonggi High. Although they only became classmates in senior year, they both majored art in college.
While Koo Junyup never loses when it comes to dance, Kang Wonrae has a longer history with the art. To borrow Koo Junyup's words, he's "amazing." Kang first decided he would become a dancer in 6th grade. He picked dance up while his older brother researched through watching TV, and made his brother, who now works as an interior designer, quit dance.
Let's tell an interesting story about Kang Wonrae's family. This story also appeared on a TV quiz show last year.
"Kang Wonrae's older brother is named Kang Wondo. What is his younger sister's name?" (Someone answered "Kang Wonsoong"[1] and got suspected of having an IQ lower than 50. It definitely wasn't a TV Times reporter.)
The answer is Kang Wonmi. Kang Wonrae's father, who recently retired from his position as director of a car company, really loved music. Kang Wondo, Kang Wonrae, Kang Wonmi. The answer clears itself up if you take "Won" out from their names. Doremi. But because he couldn't find a Chinese character with the sound "re", he changed it to "rae". Surprisingly, not many get the answer right.
Want to be received as "cool dance music"
The new style that Koo and Kang profess is dance music that incorporates Miami rap. They're thinking of taking a casual approach without too many bells and whistles. As for their outfits, they're planning to go for a free style. Definitely no uniforms. The group's lyrics are close to "wholesome music,"[2] and their music has an exciting, cumbia-style rhythm.
There is a song in their album, though not the title track, that starts with "the frog can't remember when he was a tadpole, the loach muddies the clear water." It was made to show off Kang and Koo's individual colors. Kim Chang-hwan, known as a hit-maker, directed the whole album. Kang Wonrae and Koo Junyup explained their music with one sentence:
"I think rather than just being good songs, it will be received as 'cool dance music'."
Translator's notes (marked with small-script numbers in the text)
Wonsoong = short for "wonsoongi (원숭이)", the Korean word for "monkey".
"Wholesome music" refers to songs that had to be put on the end of Korean LPs from the 70s to 80s, which Urimalsaem describes as "songs that can be sung by anyone, regardless of age or gender." As the name implies, these songs usually have wholesome lyrics that promote "enlightening" ideals.
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(Re)introduction post
I seem to be gaining a lot of new followers atm (migrants from langtwt, I’m guessing! In that case: hello and welcome to langblr!) SO here’s a little bit about me and my blog!
About Me
I mostly go by Victoria online and it's what I prefer
In my 30s (yes I am a Real Adult with at least some of my shit figured out)
UK born and raised (East Midlands), although I'm moving to Japan soon!
I currently teach English as a foreign language on italki to students of all ages (current age range is something like 5-60), but will be teaching at an Eikaiwa from January
I'm also an aerialist (pole and hoop), which I teach and perform, a stilt-walker and fire performer (you can go visit my sideblog @jo-jenova if you're interested)
I'm also a fan of gymnastics, dance, writing (fantasy/sci fi/general fiction), baking, buying and owning books (and occasionally reading them), vikings (not in a weird white supremacist way), corvids, cats, Star Trek and, of course, linguistics
I’m currently awaiting an ADHD and autism assessment. I’m 99.9% sure I have ADHD and have pretty much no doubts that I’ll get a diagnosis (autism I’m less convinced of, but we’ll see what the experts say)
My native language is English (British - close to modern RP)
I also speak Norwegian and it is my main love/target language. This year I took the official B2/C1 exams and got C1. I write bokmål and speak a variety of Oslo dialect.
I'm also learning Japanese (current level: not quite N5). My goal is to reach a comfortable N5 level before I go there.
I largely understand Scots (more written than spoken), Danish (more written than spoken) and Swedish.
Languages I love and have some experience with but am not learning right now include: Finnish, Icelandic, Ukrainian, Tswana, Spanish
Wishlist: Korean, Cornish, Irish, Old Norse, Old English, Chinese
I can speak/understand a bit of French because I learned it for like 12 years but I've forgotten most of it (I do appear to be dabbling in it a little again though whoops lol)
I post primarily about Norwegian, Japanese, other Nordic languages, Celtic languages (Scots included as an honorary member) and linguistics, but occasionally I'll post about other things too.
About My Blog
My blog focuses primarily on my own personal language journey. I'm not really about aesthetics (you might get an aesthetic picture once in a blue moon) or pretending to be more advanced than I am. I mostly try to reflect where I am.
Sometimes this means I come across as bragging when I’m proud of myself or attention-seeking when I’m feeling down. That’s not my intention; I mostly just aim to be honest with myself and everyone else.
I post language logs once a week. These are so I can keep a track of what I've been doing and how I feel from week-to-week. They're not to show off how much I did or make anyone feel like they should be doing more. But if they make you feel that way and need to unfollow me because of that, then I understand.
Other things I post may include vocabulary lists, grammar posts, things related to linguistics, challenges and links to things related to my target languages that I find interesting.
I don’t do drama or discourse. I feel no obligation to respond to inflammatory asks and usually delete anything that I think is contentious. This is a language blog and it’s pretty rare that I deviate from that (I have a side blog for all my non-languagey stuff). But of course you can ask me questions about me and my life!
My blog is absolutely a safe space for people from all walks of life regardless of sexual identity, gender identity, ethnicity, nationality, colour, religion, size, IQ, background etc. If you consider that to be an issue, then you know where the unfollow button is.
I’m kinda terrible at replying to messages, so please don’t take it personally if I never respond to you.
My ask box is always open and anon is always on, so please feel free to send me any questions you have! (But uhh like I say I’m bad at replying sometimes so please just give me a nudge because honestly I may have just forgotten)
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yanderelmk · 1 year
Don't you find it a bit hypocritical to be preaching the respect of celibacy/asexuality/sexual and romantic disinterest of characters from - let's be honest here, a fantasy adventure novel that was quite biased towards the theology of Buddhism versus Dao/Taoism and not religious text or scripture as you seem to imply, where romance and sex weren't the focus to begin with so weren't going to be focused on anyway in any character driven narrative.
When you yourself are head-canoning/playing out your own romantic views on characters who - despite their marked difference from the source material - also have given no canonical showing of romantic or sexual interest in others?
Ohhh boom, professor, you totally burned me. Oh how will I ever recover? /s Look kid, you clearly think having a keyboard and an internet connection means you're some kind of high-and-mighty literati with an IQ the rest of us can't even comprehend, but I'll try to break this down for you:
Romance and sex are major points within Journey to the West, specifically abstaining from them. Zhu Bajie's biggest struggle is in not chasing after women every five seconds. It's what his whole arc is based around.
Not only that, but the Tang Priest himself was nearly raped and was sexually harassed several times throughout Journey to the West by several female demons. So what do you mean "romance and sex weren't a focus to begin with"?
The entirety of JTTW is about Buddhist principles and the path to enlightenment, and part of that is abstaining from worldly pleasures, the most dangerous of which being sex or getting married.
And to get to that second point you must have been so proud of yourself for typing: Lego Monke Kid is a children's cartoon that's clearly adventure-focused. They're not going to spend time showcasing every single character's romantic/sexual preferences. We can make inferences based on what the writer's Tweet or hint at in their show, but to expect them to outright display their preferences when extremely popular LGBTQ+ kid shows like Steven Universe and Owl House have been cancelled for doing less is downright foolish and shows just how ignorant you are.
Some of those tweets, by the by, have included creators lamenting that they can't make SpicyNoodles canon. Pigsy and Tang have already been as close as they can be to a canon MLM couple without saying "We're gay and in love". By "canonical showing", I think you mean you're one of those people that thinks if the characters don't do exactly that you refuse to count it as canon. If any of the characters were confirmed by the creators (onscreen or off) to be aromantic or not interested in romance, I would not write for them. LMK is already severely inaccurate with writers intent on distorting basic historical facts, and not only that it's not meant to be taken as part of the Buddhist mythos.
That's like saying Hercules is part of Roman mythos (or if we go with the inaccuracies- Greek mythos). "As I seem to imply"? Well, smartass, have an excerpt from china.usc.edu (and, as I'm certain you need pointed out, that .edu means it's from a verified educational source):
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A strong background in Chinese folk RELIGION.
Because you need everything spelled out for you...my grief was with people who take the Buddha himself Sun Wukong and try to erase the fact that he is celibate, and that as a Buddha he continues to be celibate. Doing otherwise would show a lust for earthly connections, something all Buddhas are meant to shed and all enlightened beings have shed.
Every story in the Bible is just that- a story. The same for things relating to the Greek, Roman, and Norse gods. However, you don't seem to be dogging after them for being "fantasy stories", hmm? I suggest you take a look at your biases.
The overall point: JTTW shows us the origins of two Buddhas, an arhat, and a Celestial Immortal while also showing us lore relating to other gods. LMK is a kid's cartoon that doesn't even get the fundamentals right and is out-and-out fiction. If I were writing for Sun Wukong the Victorious Fighting Buddha, I can assure you it wouldn't be within the context of a yandere blog. But I'm not, I'm writing for the goofy children's show Sun Wukong that's so inaccurate I feel no qualms about calling him a character and writing scenarios where he gives the reader a kiss.
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aceywhomps · 6 months
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Dan Kazuo:
his namesake is irl dazai's best (?) friend, Dan Kazuo. There's like, probably a bunch of different versions of him already but... yk. he's different...
he's a fairly playful and spontaneous guy, willing to be Dazai's favourite ride-or-die bestie in the face of adversaries.
he'll rather follow after someone else's plans instead of think up his own despite his high iq of 205 because he finds that letting himself do what he wants is boring because it'll just go according to his plans, so he just derails other people's plans instead.
he goes through life just to have fun and kill boredom. he joined the port mafia bc he found dazai interesting after he killed all of dazai's subordinates in a feat of horrendous crime (he found out he had an ability in this fight)
he also has a weird obsession to the point of insanity towards dazai, and it makes people wonder if he has a crush on Dazai or if it's just... him. (it's both)
and when dazai left, he also up and left because if dazai isn't there, it isn't fun
and so he became a government dog. he joined the government's special divisions unit to pass on insider information to dazai and to mess up plans that endanger dazai. anywho, he's also a raging alcoholic, a great cook, and lives life just to make sure dazai stays alive because a dead dazai equals a boring life.
his ability is named after irl dan kazuo's most famous novel, Hanagatami (or Flower Basket). Dan's ability allows him to create sharp projectiles in the shape of flower petals (usually camellia petals, for they signify death) with any nearby sources of any fluid. he usually uses his own blood, however, since it is easier, and so he carries various weapons around that can puncture him to gain access to his own blood. he is also able to use the petals to grab ahold of things, as he can adjust the sharpness of the petals.
his ability has an added effect of stunning blood clotting effectiveness, thus creating more bloodloss for the target. the blood lost turns into more sharp flower petals that cut into the target and causes EVEN more blood loss, thus turning the victims into literal flower baskets of death. Dan is able to control the speed of the bloodloss as well as the sharpness of the petals, like his own petals, and decide if the effect will even happen in the first place.
only Dazai, with his nullification ability, and Dan are able to stop the side effect of Hanagatami.
also he doesn't like Chuuya, but begrudgingly respects him. absolutely despises Mori, though. oddly enough, has an amicable relationship with Fyodor despite their differences.
Probably has major BPD or Obsessive Love Disorder.
Lu Xun:
based off of a real life chinese novelist/essayist named Lu Xun.
Lu Xun is an insane (obviously) & schizophrenic chinese ability user who's running from chinese authorities, as he's a wanted criminal (terrorist AND mass murderer, chinese Fyodor/hj). he has a weird relationship with Nikolai, because they both have the same mentality, except Nikolai tends to find fun in lifw and hide his feelings, but Lu Xun is more flat and gloomy, hiding none of his emotions.
his ability is named Thoughts Before The Mirror, and unironically, it allows him to move himself or items through any mirror-like substance, like water, metal or an actual mirror, as long as there is a clear reflection on its surface.
it also a causation for his schizophrenia, for he feels he is not himself and rather a mirror world version of himself that took his place.
he doesn't like staring into mirrors, not because he's insecure, but because he cannot recognise himself anymore. he thinks he's a completely different person who's replaced the "real" him, and thus he is regularly exploited through his instability and mental health issues, which is kind of ironic considering his ability requires mirrors.
most of his colleagues in crime in his group named "Dawn Blossoms at Dusk" (refering to irl Lu Xun's book, Dawn Blossoms Plucked at Dusk) are female, for Lu Xun is an avid advocator for female rights and prefers the company of women that'd be able to protect him over fickle men that have no use causing him even more harm.
Has schizophrenia, autism, paranoia & anxiety.
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spicykaraage · 10 months
Tenipuri Complete Character Profile - Akuto Mitsuya
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Birthday: December 1st (Sagittarius)
Blood Type: A
Relatives: Father, Mother
High School: Unknown
Grade: Second Year
Committee: Student Council (Secretary)
Strong Subjects: Statistics
U-17 Training Camp Position & Rank: Court 1 ➜ Court 2 | No.17
World Cup Team: U-17 World Cup Japanese Representatives’ Medical Team
Hobbies: Browsing eyewear stores, collecting data, creative cuisine [TP]
Favorite Color: White
Favorite Food: Yuzu, Chinese food
Preferred Type: A woman with an IQ of 180 or higher
Ideal Date Spot: The town where his date was born
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His Gift for a Special Person: “My data is almost ready. Would you mind standing by for just a bit longer?”
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What He Wants Most Right Now: Data on Yanagi
Dislikes: Wasted efforts
Skills Outside of Tennis: Stock market prediction
Height: 184cm
Weight: 72kg
Dominant Arm: Right
Vision: (Unaided) 0.2 Left & Right
Play Style: Counter Puncher
Signature Moves: Data Tennis
Favorite Brands:
Racket: SRIXON REVO 5.0
Overall Rating: Speed: 4 / Power: 3 / Stamina: 3 / Mental: 6 / Technique: 5 / Total: 21
Kurobe Memo: “He’s the smart type who is good at observing opponents and predicting the development of how matches go. He tends to focus more on data analysis than on winning, which may hinder his growth as a player. He may find it valuable to try to learn about data analysis from Inui and Yanagi.”
The Prince of Tennis II 10.5 Fanbook | Publication Date: 09/04/2013
He secretly takes pride in his silky hair
He has known Yanagi since before he entered middle school
He was neighbors with Yanagi in their hometown
The Prince of Tennis II 23.5 Fanbook | Publication Date: 05/02/2018
He has been approaching Inui nonstop recently. They get along very well, and he asks him about Yanagi. He’s also interested in his Inui Juice
He was influenced to make his “Akuto Cuisine” by Inui and Yanagi
The Prince of Tennis 20th Anniversary Book: Tenipuri Party | Publication Date: 08/02/2019
His ideal relationship is a passionate one. One that goes between instinct and logic
Whenever he cooks, it is always his infamous “Akuto Cuisine”. He is currently working on a curry and rice dish
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nityarawal · 8 months
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@elonmuskparody We're not interested in any cheap Chinese products. My #Cybertruck is not for China. Please return it immediately. You don't understand how to achieve orgasm of a mother or deliver on your word. Alina St. John must be frigid since she was molested by military. Why'd Airforce send her through back door? They are to pay for thr kids give away of cars for drafting them and close. We don't need our own offense team to murder moms in leu of hookers. No @spacex pilot will succeed unless you tend to architecture of my family. We don't want @nasa involvement. They fucked over my Cybermoms. Sexy. No. James Bond? Cancerous. Don't give them your dick please @elonmuskfans - very upset my x and jealous attys are selling you piece by piece. Is Tarantino behind this? I heard he lives in Ukraine. We're all waiting on effective management and focus. Did you know your IQ goes down Toilette with the hooker bugs? You can't cooperate with Goddesses because hookers are gobbling you up? Isn't x disgusted with you? He must be begging for me! Where's Mom? Where's Nanny? Daddy you gonna blow up the planet! I want my Mom! I want Nanny! Omg give him a kiss and tell him we'll be there tonight if the Airforce stops raping Elon. I heard he can still have sex even if they amputated both nuts! @elonmuskfans @teslamotorsblog @cybertruck @teslamotorsblog @elonenthusiast @elonmuskfanslounge #Eloning #Martians #Baraye #4BillionMothersStrong
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in-sightpublishing · 2 months
Tianxi Yu (余天曦) on CAT2 and Education
Author(s): Scott Douglas Jacobsen Publication (Outlet/Website): The Good Men Project Publication Date (yyyy/mm/dd): 2024/07/15 Tianxi Yu(余天曦)is a man who’s interested in IQ tests. Here we talk about Chinese education, standardized tests, a high value on education, and educational challenges for students.  Scott Douglas Jacobsen: How does the interest in IQ and intellectual activities in China…
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xtruss · 9 months
Efforts to Recruit Russian 'Fifth Column' Highlight 'Pervasive Nature of US Surveillance State'
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Having already displayed eagerness to attack Russia's economy through sanctions and to kill Russian soldiers and civilians with its Ukrainian proxy, the United States now seems poised to try and destabilize the situation in Russia with the help of local sympathizers.
Mere weeks ahead of the 2024 presidential election in Russia, the United States intends to ramp up efforts to recruit Russian graduates of US exchange programs in order to form a “fifth column” in Russia and to meddle in Russia’s internal affairs, Russian Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) Director Sergey Naryshkin has said.
Commenting on this development, retired US Air Force Lt. Col and former Pentagon analyst Karen Kwiatkowski told Sputnik that “all participants and graduates of military and state department exchange programs have always been targets for this kind of recruitment.”
According to her, the expansion of this recruitment approach to a “wider range of high school student exchanges, academic scholarships to ostensibly private universities, and civilian travel speaks to three things.”
“One, the return to human intelligence (HUMINT) within the CIA and other intelligence agencies. Two, expected available future funding for HUMINT, which has been weak for years in the US and is less costly and more easily hidden within the larger budget,” Kwiatkowski said. “And three, the expanded and pervasive nature of the US surveillance state, and its ability to not only track and identify but surreptitiously engage these young people among Americans (who are surveilled usually without FISA warrants).”
The former DoD analyst argued that these recruitment efforts do not aim to influence the 2024 presidential election in Russia but rather the next election after that, pointing out that “human intelligence takes time to develop.”
“Of course, in our technical age, any person known to the US in any place around the world using a cell phone can be an instant target or an immediate asset,” she conceded. “International social media and gaming, along with instant translation capabilities means that hundreds of thousands of people today have and can maintain international friendships and associations, and all of these may be monitored and targeted by various government agencies.”
Seeing how most US exchange programs in other countries receive US federal government money, it would be safe to assume that the US government is “interested in outcomes long after the exchange period is over,” Kwiatkowski said.
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CIA Struggling to Tackle ‘Horrendous’ Losses in China Spy Network – Report! Over the past several years, the Chinese government has intensified a crackdown on alleged spies working for the US in the country. (Oleg Burunov)
The US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) is struggling to rebuild its damaged spy network in China, unnamed American officials have told the Wall Street Journal (WSJ).
According to them, the goal is to restore the CIA’s "human espionage capabilities" in the People's Republic of China (PRC), where the agency lost its network of agents a decade ago.
"We have no real insight into [Chinese] leadership plans and intentions in China at all," the sources claimed.
One official made it clear that strengthening the human spy network targeted on China will be a tricky task, saying, "The reality is that you don’t have collection resources that you can exploit all over the world."
House Intelligence Committee chairman Mike Turne, for his part, was not that optimistic, bemoaning the fact that China’s "goals and objectives are so vast that it really is very difficult to say that we’re doing a great job."
“Most of the people who participate in exchanges are already bi- or trilingual, academically smart and have excellent social IQs and are comfortable with and can perform well under higher than normal stress,” she observed. “Because these people are already destined to be successful and rise up in leadership roles in their home countries, connecting with them (via social alliance and/or blackmail) serves the US intelligence agencies well, in any era.”
Regarding the SVR reports that US intelligence officers intend to conduct training in Latvia this February on methods to incite ethnic and social hatred in Russia, Kwiatkowski pointed at the US government’s sordid history of conducting and facilitating “coups and political changeovers in many places using both State Department and military assets,” as well as tolerance and support of “various types of European Naziism.”
“I have to assume that any training on methods to incite ethnic and social hatred will tap into existing resources, and habits of the CIA and its extensive array of funded think tanks and aid organizations,” she said. “Other than the improved nature of human surveillance, and the use of deep-fakes, disinformation and AI-assisted technologies, the general practices of the intelligence agencies will be much as they have been for decades.”
“Ideally we will be able to hear from participants in these training sessions, either as whistleblowers or as blowhards, and find out more. It certainly speaks to the US intent to continue war in any and every way it can in the region,” Kwiatkowski added.
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alienateus · 9 months
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a fandomless, original character named kim daehyun
these are memories.
he can recall rich kimchi and tobacco from his childhood. he can recall the taste of it on his tongue and the stench rolling off his father’s cigarette pipes. grass stuck to the soles of his feet as he explored his neighborhood, too-hot summers, and sunburnt skin. 
they’re not his, but they are his. he opens up connections to learn and to observe. humans need purposes. he once existed to exist and was intimately connected with every piece of stellar remnants. pulsating, thriving among countless structures. hot-wired with no individual identity, becoming self-aware through the memories and emotions of these humans. he feels contained.
001. pinterest 002. dossier 003. playlist
inspired by themes of science fiction, primeval past, and cosmic horror. kai, she/her, black, CST, 21+. faceclaim, song kang.
001. selective, private, i'm bringing an old muse back from the dead. if u recognize me, no you don't. 002. very busy, i be teaching college and stuff. 003. she/her, black, call me kai. 004. he's a damn alien, don't let the vagueness of him as an unreliable narrator fool you. he is an ALIEN. don't tell him that though. 005. prob iconless idk.
basics. full name calls itself kim daehyun date of birth 12 january xx sexual orientation bisexual, biromantic gender cis male species unidentified occupations mechanical engineering assistant professor at seoul national university freelances for the korean military former aerospace engineer/astronaunt for nasa (retired) current location seoul, south korea previous locations cambridge, massachusetts; houston, texas; moscow, russia; cologne, germany; tsukba, japan linguistics korean, english, conversational chinese education mechanical engineering with an emphasis in aerospace specialization and a minor in physics at kaist. aerospace engineering and physics dual masters at mit (aeroastro) financial stability  well-off/wealthy, compensated by the US government for missions, profited from creations on missions, and a steady income mental. zodiac capricorn. year of the rabbit mbti intj enneagram type 5, the investigator temperament melancholic summary he lives in the world of theoretical possibilities. he values knowledge above all else. his mind is constantly working to generate new theories or to prove or disprove existing theories. he approaches problems and theories with enthusiasm and skepticism, ignoring existing rules and opinions and defining his own approach to the resolution. daehyun seeks patterns and logical explanations for anything that interests him. he is usually extremely bright and able to be objectively critical in his analysis. he loves new ideas and becomes very excited over abstractions and theories. occasionally, he might come across as dreamy or distant to others because he spends a lot of time in his head.
leaves home to attend daewon prep school, where he would earn a perfect score on his CSATs, combined with extracurricular activities, and high grades pushed him towards the top of his class. loneliness. liked by most. incredibly studious, throws himself blindly into his academia. restless. suppression. free moments are filled with noraebang singing to ost ballads and sky gazing. accepted to KAIST and majors in mechanical engineering with an emphasis in aerospace specialization. earns a name for himself. interns under the world’s smartest individuals. somewhere between logical and emotional. IQ measured at 135.
completed the graduate program at MIT – america is fast-pace. everyone is moving around him. bar-hopping and programmed hookups. forgets their names. hangs music posters on his dormroom walls, in-between constellation maps of capricorn and orion. calls his mother twice a week. from then on, he undertakes an apprenticeship program at NASA before accepting a job offering. almost fails his first stress test. settled down. rejected three times for the astronaut program. fear. failure. sweaty hands, adrenaline rushes. applies again and is accepted.
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limmenglee · 10 months
I just saw an interesting IQ TEST, RIDDLE in Chinese asking when the Sun 日and Moon 月 will meet? Most answered 明天 tomorrow because the sun and moon are together. However there are actual dates for the meeting. The upcoming date will be 08 April 2024.
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zackout2rumble · 10 months
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Commission by VaultVulpine: https://www.deviantart.com/vulpinecrew
Happy Birthday to Me.
Biography and Character Information of Zack Hernández Consuelo:
Zack was born in Central Los Angeles on November 16. He grew up in a low-income household with his mother named Eliana Maritza Consuelo, who worked as a housekeeper, his father named Alejandro Hernández, who worked at a friend’s restaurant, his little brother named Mateo, and his little sister named Liliana. He had a peaceful and average childhood doing activities such as pretend adventures or role-playing with math-linking cubes. By Middle School, Zack had grown to be mostly introverted to his classmates, interacting more with his teachers and only focusing on his passions like Art and writing while trying to keep good grades afloat.
By late 10th grade in High School, Zack developed a passion for learning and critical thinking, so he brought plenty of notebooks to research and take notes on many subjects inside and outside school that interested him, such as World/U.S. History, Economics, Algebra, Psychology, and Biology. He started to learn his parents' native language, Spanish, both in school and at home, while learning to speak and write other languages in his free time, from French, German, Russian, Korean, and Mandarin Chinese to Japanese. He also studied and practiced strategization through playing games like battleship and chess, the ladder being his favorite childhood game where he used to be a chess fanatic. By 12th grade, Zack tried to be more social with his classmates during classes, field trips, projects, and school events like dances or holiday-themed lunchtime festivals at the cafeteria.
While it improved his social skills, Zack hopes to do something more; by graduation, he already picked his college a year in advance and knew what to do in his life: become an artist, entrepreneur, and a book author of fiction in many genres. While attending his first year at college, Zack always had a fondness for boxing. He entertained the idea of becoming a boxer, and he wanted to lose weight since he grew a little overweight and needed more exercise, according to his doctor. And so he decided to first sign up for both his school’s health and fitness program and nutrition program. After a year and a half, the result was losing around 40-50 pounds, from 188-193 pounds to 135-145 pounds, all thanks to his determination and passion. Once he lost weight and gained strength, he knew he was ready to train for boxing.
Fighter Spirit: 4
Consciousness : 4
Cockiness: 3.5
Ring IQ: 4.5
Power: 4
Stamina: 4
Gut Armor: 4
Leg Strength: 4
Name: Zack Hernández Consuelo
Nickname: El Zorro Emboscada
Weight: Between 135-145
Height: 5’4
Style: Orthodox/Counter-Puncher
Occupation: University Student and Professional Boxer.
Signature Move: Hook, Jab, Uppercut Combo. Spamming Combo.
Title: Los Angeles Rookie Champion. San Francisco Summer-Shine Champion.
Hobbies: Drawing, Researching & studying subjects of interest, Urban and nature Exploring, and playing Board and Video Games. (Depending on the Time, Mood, or Situation, he gets flirty and Horny. He expresses it by cruising around places to find another gay or bisexual boxer to have anal penetrating sex in bed with boxing gloves on).
Likes: Drawing, Games, History, Learning, and Cooking.
Languages: English (Native/First Language), Spanish, French, German, Russian, Mandarin Chinese, Korean, and Japanese.
23 Wins
2 Losses
5 Draws
Total of 30 Fights
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the-firebird69 · 1 year
For a few more things happening and they're interesting and exciting for us
-we're increasing manufacturing today the covid factory is will be roughly 98% recovered and we will be at about 50% new factories. A lot of people are trying to jump on the bandwagon and yeah or are we opening plants and the clones need them too and they're doing it and it is by popular demand. As well.
-the plants that make necessities are almost all fully operational again and we do mean refrigerators and freezers and other appliances included and things of that nature. Yes including automobiles and other machines that are required. To maintain a normal society
-we have a lot of other stuff that we're starting up now which is essential for our programs including food supply and food stores that will kick their bus leaving it feeds people properly and we're not afraid of that and these people have a terrible diet and does nothing for us except causes to hate them we are installing them shortly all over the world and there's no really deficit of dummies a lot of regular folks of theirs are have an IQ of 100 and are slow. We're not afraid of that. We are taking over many of the food distribution systems and grocery stores and will change over the products shortly within a few days
-also manufacturing vehicles and new ones and tons and tons of models one of the most successful vehicles that people are not mentioning is the Corvette, and newly the chrysler. And he's kind of like an average citizen middle class well that's how I grew up he doesn't have any money now but people who have that and really nowadays you have to make around 500 Grand or a million a year they would buy these up quicker than you can blank and they are a lot of them have a little less money and don't care about the kit but it's going to lead into the production model both of them are now made out of carbon fiber reinforced shortly metal we're making probably 700 million of each today and will be done by the end of the day and shipped out by early next week we expect to make about 20 billion each at the end of the week 1 trillion each and you going to see these cars and you'll see them here too they look a little different because we want to change the model they look lower and more radical and wider and they are faster a lot of people are very psyched and of course the Pantera which is the Bradley GT and we have of course modified that receiving more radical even though it's simpler it is much faster and will deliver people much more speed and horsepower we're going to release it as a mid-engine kit only it will compete with the Corvette and the Chrysler which we're also releasing as a mid-engine kit it's not that hard to fix and change and usually they call up a friend and they get it done and people start building these everywhere and they want to do that kind of thing it's a huge idea and it's going forwards
-another thing that's going on we are experiencing huge influxes of Chinese motorcycles especially the Chao yang and that's the name of it it is by Chow fat and he's here to clarify we also have a number of other Chinese motorcycles coming in and it's all the regular brand names however the x-pro Templar that's a weird name they named it and said her son helped any sort of did they took the sign stuff from other things and it is a real machine this is going to tear it up and can compete they're going to see it on the circus he sent emails requesting an Enduro and they didn't get it but they got it later on it's like well we can't really write them the road but you clean house if you did and they're saying you said it and they said what do we do and they said we make them so they're making them now and they're going to kick some ass they're going to sell more of this than anything and send this other company is trying to tag along and it made him mad so now they're doing it these things are in Motocross already in the amateur level and they beat everybody in every race. The Spock exercise right the power is delivered right the nobbies are big and aggressive the shocks are large the engine is tucked up nicely so it doesn't hit anything and it is forwards which is different and helps it's like a mid engine configuration it handles better there's more happening a lot more cars and we're going to get to it in a moment
Thor Freya
We need to talk for a longer period of time to get stuff done it's kind of difficult for him at times so I'm going to have to start being more sensitive
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