#China India border
deepseacityunderground · 11 months
beginning to see american "if you dont vote for the blue warmongerers then you are personally responsible for the red warmongerers getting into power"
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hongjoongscafe · 6 months
Shein controversies are so fucking wild. I'm making a PPT for my seminar and I have no tension about reaching the minimum slides requirements. And I wonder why people still use it. I understand the “cheap” part. But what about the harmful chemicals and lead in the clothes? Or forced labour? Or design theft? Etc…. There are many other cheaper and more sustainable alternatives. I would use them.
And those “influencers” who buy Shein in bulk and then throw them away?! And now making “sheglam” famous. In return for what? Your own health? Those poor labours’ life?
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indizombie · 1 year
In the past three years, India has lost territory to China, lost respect and influence in South Asia, and runs the risk of having its hand being forced by the United States of America. That is the net sum of what the ongoing border crisis with China has achieved so far.
Sushant Singh, 'Flawed approach', Centre for Policy Research
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kneedeepincynade · 2 years
India must understand that China is stronger,China can defeat it and China will, India must decide if join the prosperity of the multipolar world or become a smoldering ruin of the unipolar one
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The collective is on telegram
🇮🇳 L'India ha perso 26 dei 65 Punti di Pattugliamento nel Ladakh Orientale, lungo il confine con la Repubblica Popolare Cinese 🇨🇳
📄 È quanto scaturito da un Rapporto di un Alto Ufficiale di Polizia alla Conferenza Annuale dei Massimi Ufficiali di Polizia dell'India Nazionalista, tenutosi a Delhi - alla presenza del Primo Ministro Narendra Modi, del Ministro dell'Interno e del Consigliere per la Sicurezza Nazionale 🇮🇳
💬 "Attualmente ci sono 65 Punti di Pattugliamento a partire dal Passo di Karakorum fino a Chumur che devono essere pattugliati regolarmente dalle Forze Armate. Su 65, abbiamo perso la presenza in 26 Punti, a causa di un pattugliamento restrittivo o assente", ha affermato l'ufficiale.
⭐️ L'Esercito Popolare di Liberazione, nei Territori Contesi, e al confine con l'India Nazionalista (descritta come un paese-chiave su cui far leva per il sentimento anti-Cinese da Mike Pompeo) ha rafforzato la sua presenza - come si può leggere qui - e conduce una tattica definibile con l'espressione "affettare il salame", ovvero accaparrarsi - senza sparare un colpo - centimetro per centimetro, portando il nemico a perdere il controllo su certe aree 🪖
📟 Inoltre, l'EPL sta costruendo e posizionando sempre più apparecchiature di sorveglianza nelle "zone cuscinetto", con l'obiettivo di monitorare i movimenti delle Forze Armate Indiane 🇮🇳
🇨🇳 La scorsa settimana, Xi Jinping ha tenuto una video-conversazione con i soldati di stanza lungo il Confine Conteso tra Cina e India nel Ladakh Orientale, sottolineando l'importanza della preparazione e della prontezza al combattimento 🔥
📄 Per chi volesse approfondire il Tema dell'India Nazionalista e della Cooperazione Indo-Statunitense in funzione Anti-Cinese, così come i movimenti dell'Esercito Cinese sul confine con l'India, può rifarsi a questi post del Collettivo Shaoshan:
🔺Il Rapporto Indo-Statunitense in funzione anti-Cinese ⚔️
🔺 Tensioni tra la Repubblica Popolare Cinese e l'India Nazionalista - progetto ferroviario indiano al confine, territori contesi, presenza dell'EPL lungo la "linea di controllo effettivo", Pangong, Quartier Generale, Ponti e Stazioni Radar, Supporto Aereo: I, II, III, IV.
🌸 Iscriviti 👉 @collettivoshaoshan
🇮🇳India has lost 26 out of 65 Patrol Points in Eastern Ladakh, along the border with the People's Republic of China 🇨🇳
📄 This is what emerged from a Report by a Senior Police Officer at the Annual Conference of the Chief Police Officers of Nationalist India, held in Delhi - in the presence of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Home Minister and National Security Advisor 🇮🇳
💬 "Currently there are 65 Patrol Points starting from the Karakoram Pass up to Chumur that need to be patrolled regularly by the Armed Forces. Out of 65, we have lost presence in 26 Points, due to restricted or no patrolling," he said officer.
⭐️ The People's Liberation Army, in the Disputed Territories, and on the border with Nationalist India (described as a key country to leverage anti-China sentiment by Mike Pompeo) has strengthened its presence - how can read here - and carries out a tactic that can be defined with the expression "slicing salami", or rather grabbing - without firing a shot - centimeter by centimetre, leading the enemy to lose control over certain areas 🪖
📟 Also, the PLA is building and placing more and more surveillance equipment in the "buffer zones", aiming to monitor the movements of the Indian Armed Forces 🇮🇳
🇨🇳 Xi Jinping held a video conversation with soldiers stationed along the Sino-Indian Border in Eastern Ladakh last week, emphasizing the importance of preparedness and combat readiness 🔥
📄 For those wishing to learn more about Nationalist India and Indo-US Cooperation in an Anti-Chinese function, as well as the movements of the Chinese Army on the border with India, you can refer to these posts from the Shaoshan Collective:
🔺 The Indo-US Report in anti-Chinese function ⚔️
🔺 Tensions between PRC and Nationalist India - Indian railway project on border, disputed territories, PLA presence along "Line of Effective Control", Pangong, HQ, Bridges and Radar Stations, Air Support: I, II, III, IV.
🌸 Subscribe 👉 @collettivoshaoshan
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todayworldnews2k21 · 2 days
Air Force Facing Supply Chain Breakdown Issue Due to Wars, Says Air Chief
New Delhi: Indian Air Force Chief, Air Chief Marshal AP Singh Friday said due to the two ongoing wars between Russia and Ukraine as well as Israel and Hamas, the force is facing issues concerning a breakdown of supply chains. He also said that the standoff situation with China at the Line of Actual Control (LAC) in eastern Ladakh remains the same and that it is developing the infrastructure there…
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code-of-conflict · 26 days
AI as a Tool of Military Modernization: India and China’s Defense Strategies
Introduction: AI in Modern Warfare
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is becoming a pivotal force in shaping the future of warfare. Both India and China have recognized the strategic importance of AI in modernizing their military capabilities. However, their approaches to AI integration diverge in terms of scale, investment, and focus. While China is leveraging AI for global dominance with heavy emphasis on military-civilian fusion, India is cautiously advancing, focusing on strategic defense and autonomy.
Comparative Analysis of India and China’s Military AI Integration
1. Border Surveillance
AI-driven surveillance has transformed how nations monitor and secure their borders. For India, securing its northern borders, particularly in the volatile regions of Ladakh and Arunachal Pradesh, requires sophisticated surveillance systems. AI can help automate border monitoring using drones and ground-based sensors. India's development of AI-enabled UAVs, such as the Rustom-II and Ghatak UCAVs, demonstrates its focus on real-time surveillance, intelligence gathering, and precision strikes​.
China, on the other hand, has rapidly advanced its border surveillance through AI. Its use of drones like the Caihong series and the WZ-8 hypersonic reconnaissance drone has given China a significant advantage. These unmanned systems, capable of high-altitude and long-range surveillance, provide Beijing with a strategic edge in monitoring the India-China border along the Line of Actual Control (LAC). Furthermore, China's integration of AI into border security reinforces its aim to dominate information warfare by creating an "informationized" battlefield.
2. Cyber Warfare Capabilities
In the realm of cyber warfare, China has developed a highly sophisticated network, which blends civilian and military cyber capabilities under its Strategic Support Force (SSF). China's cyber strategy includes offensive operations such as espionage, disrupting enemy networks, and stealing classified information. The integration of AI allows China to automate these cyber-espionage activities and increase the speed and efficiency of cyberattacks​.
India, while lagging in this area, has made significant progress by establishing the Defence Cyber Agency in 2018. India's focus has primarily been on defensive operations, aiming to protect critical infrastructure and secure its networks. However, with growing cyber threats from adversaries like China, India must further develop AI-based cyber defense mechanisms and enhance its offensive cyber capabilities to deter potential attacks .
3. Autonomous Weaponry
Autonomous weaponry is one of the most significant areas where AI is transforming military arsenals. China has been a global leader in developing autonomous systems, such as drones and missile guidance systems. China's Academy of Military Science has been tasked with integrating AI into all aspects of warfare, focusing on autonomous drones, AI-driven missile systems, and robotic soldiers​. The deployment of AI-guided cruise missiles and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) is expected to reshape future combat scenarios, allowing for precision strikes and reduced human involvement in the battlefield​.
India is still in the early stages of developing autonomous weaponry. Although India has started working on AI-driven drones and systems, it lacks the scale and speed of China’s developments. However, India’s commitment to creating an indigenous AI ecosystem, as seen in projects like the HAL Advanced Medium Combat Aircraft (AMCA), reflects its focus on autonomous systems for future air combat​. The reliance on AI-enabled UAVs like the Harop drone shows India’s intent to integrate AI into its military strategies, but significant investments are needed to match China’s rapid advancements.
Conclusion: A Diverging Path to AI-Driven Military Power
India and China are both integrating AI into their military strategies, but their approaches reflect broader geopolitical goals. While China’s strategy is rooted in achieving technological supremacy and global military dominance, India’s efforts are more defensive, focused on autonomy and securing its borders. However, with China’s rapid advancements in AI-driven warfare, India must accelerate its investments in AI technology to ensure strategic parity. The future of conflict between these two nations may very well be determined by their success in harnessing AI for military modernization.
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uniqueeval · 1 month
The Hindu Morning Digest: August 30, 2024
People Liberation Army (PLA) soldiers and tanks during military disengagement along the Line of Actual Control (LAC) at the India-China border in Ladakh. | Photo Credit: AFP India, China hold 31st border affairs meeting to resolve standoff at LAC India and China had a “frank, constructive and forward-looking exchange of views” on the situation along the Line of Actual Control (LAC) to “narrow…
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newspatron · 2 months
India's Drone Power Play: MQ-9B Reapers Soar High
What are your thoughts on India's drone ambitions? Share your insights and questions in the comments below!
India’s Drone Ambitions Take Flight: A Closer Look at the MQ-9B Reaper DealThe Strategic ImperativeThe Deal in the MakingThe Road AheadUnveiling the MQ-9B Reaper: The Hunter-Killer Drone with a Multitude of MissionsMQ-9B Reaper: The Specs and SkillsMission: Impossible? Not for the ReaperIndia’s Ace in the Hole?India’s Drone Landscape: Challenges and OpportunitiesNavigating the Technological…
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pniindia · 2 months
India-China border Clashes Tension: क्या फिर से पूर्वी लद्दाख में भारत और चीन के सैनिक LAC पर भिड़े? सामने आई सच्चाई
India-China border Clashes Tension: काफी समय से सीमा विवाद को लेकर भारत और चीन के बीच विवाद होते रहते हैं. साल 2020 के दौरान पूर्वी लद्दाख में दोनों देशों की सेना अब आमने-सामने आ चुकी है. ऐसे में पूर्वी लद्दाख की गलवान घाटी में दोनों देशों की सेनाओं के बीच झड़प भी हुई थी.
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dylsexai · 5 months
One of my new favourite things is learning that Chinese and Indian soldiers on the border have to use sticks if things heat up and they have to get violent.
Yes, there's some footage of 400-4000 military guys just hitting each other with sticks
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jayprakashraj · 8 months
India China Clash Again: Chinese Soldiers Clash With Indian Shepherds On LAC | Raj Express
A video showing a clash between Chinese soldiers and Indian herders has gone viral. This isn't the first provocative action from the Chinese side. Let's explore why such incidents repeatedly escalate tensions, often leading to border disputes.
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jannattravelguru · 8 months
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minnesotafollower · 11 months
Migrants from All Over Flocking to U.S.  
For the fiscal year ending September 30, 2023, arrests at the U.S. Southwest border of migrants from China, India, Mauritania, Senegal, Russia and other distant countries tripled to 214,000. This is a special challenge for the U.S. because deporting them is “time-consuming, expensive and sometimes not possible.” As a result, the U.S. is actively working on obtaining agreements for removal of such…
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China passes new land border law
India-China Dispute: चीन की नेशनल पीपुल्स कांग्रेस के स्थाई सदस्यों की तरफ से नया भूमि सीमा कानून पास किया गया है. भारत के साथ वास्तविक नियंत्रण रेखा (एलएसी) पर चल रही तनातनी के बीच चीन ने नई चाल चली है. इस कानून के अंतर्गत चीन सीमावर्ती इलाकों में अपनी दखल बढ़ाने जा रहा है. वे इन इलाकों में आम नागरिकों को बसाने की तैयारी कर रहा है, जिससे किसी भी अन्य देश के लिए इन इलाकों में सैन्य कार्रवाई और भी…
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kneedeepincynade · 1 year
India behavior has been very double faced when dealing with China. As such, there is little hope for the talks that are being held and India absurde requests, don't make anything better
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💬 Il 23/04, si è tenuto sul Confine di Chushul-Moldo, sul lato Cinese della Linea di Controllo Effettivo nel Ladakh Orientale, il 18° Round di Colloqui Sino-Indiani tra i Comandanti dell'Esercito Popolare di Liberazione (EPL) e delle Forze Armate dell'India (FAI)🗣
🤔 I Colloqui si stanno svolgendo in vista della visita del Generale Li Shangfu - Ministro della Difesa Nazionale e Consigliere di Stato della Repubblica Popolare Cinese, in India, dal 27/04 al 28/04, per partecipare alla Riunione dei Ministri della Difesa dei Paesi membri dell'Organizzazione per la Cooperazione di Shanghai ☑️
🇨🇳 Durante la Visita in India, il Generale Li Shangfu terrà colloqui di alto livello con Rajnath Singh, Ministro della Difesa della Repubblica dell'India 🇮🇳
🤔 Durante il Colloquio, è chiaro che sarà affrontato il Tema del Ladakh Orientale, lungo il confine con la Repubblica Popolare Cinese, dove le tensioni tra i due Paesi sono molto forti 🔥
🤔 Ancora non sono usciti i risultati del 18° Round di Colloqui, ma è bene ricordare il comportamento anti-Cinese dell'India, soprattutto in relazione al precedente Colloquio Sino-Indiano:
🤝 Il 08/07 del 2022, venne raggiunto un Consenso tra l'EPL e le FAI. I due Paesi avevano concordato nell'iniziare il disimpegno delle truppe lungo la Linea di Controllo Effettivo nel Ladakh 🕊
😡 Tuttavia, il 28/09, le FAI schierarono obici semoventi, Sistemi MLRS e di artiglieria al confine con la Cina, e annunciarono esercitazioni militari congiunte con gli USA (❗️), che si tennero dal 18/10 al 31/10 a meno di 100km dal Confine Conteso con la Cina ❗️
🤡 Pochi mesi prima, a Giugno 2022, i Leader di USA, Giappone, Australia e India si incontrarono in Giappone, dove Elbridge Colby - Ex Funzionario del Pentagono - affermò che l'India doveva rafforzare la sua posizione nell'Asia Meridionale, in funzione anti-cinese 😡
🇮🇳 Ad Agosto 2022, il Governo Indiano negoziò l'acquisto di 30 UAV da Attacco MQ-9B Predator dagli USA 🇺🇸
🇷🇺 Il 07/12 del 2022, il MFA Russo Lavrov rilasciò alcune dichiarazioni sulla NATO, affermando che l'Alleanza Atlantica - come nuova strategia nella Regione Indo-Pacifica - stava tentando di mettere l'India contro la Cina, facendo leva sui sentimenti anti-cinesi presenti nella Repubblica dell'India per dare inizio ad una serie di scontri con la Repubblica Popolare Cinese:
💬 "Al Vertice NATO di Madrid, nel giugno di quest'anno, sono stati proclamati nuovi approcci: la responsabilità della NATO ora si estende alla Regione Indo-Pacifica, per tentare di mettere l'India contro la Cina" - 📄 Fonte.
⚔️ Il 09/12, si verificarono scontri a Dáwàng Zhèn tra le FAI e l'EPL | Diversi feriti, ma nessuna vittima 🔥
⚔️ Dopo lo "Scontro del 9 Dicembre" a Dáwàng Zhèn tra le Forze Armate dell'India e l'Esercito Popolare di Liberazione, è stato notato - tramite immagini satellitari - il dispiegamento di UAV ed Aerei dell'EPL negli Aeroporti e nelle Basi Aeree della Regina Autonoma del Tibet 🇨🇳
🇺🇸 È stato inoltre confermato che l'India ricevette aiuto dall'Intelligence USA per portare avanti misure avventuriste anti-Cinesi - 📄 Fonte.
🤡 Infine, a Gennaio 2023, si sono tenute esercitazioni militari congiunte tra India e il Giappone Neo-Militarista, in chiara funzione anti-Cinese ❗️
🔍Per chi volesse approfondire:
🔺Tensioni tra la Repubblica Popolare Cinese e l'India Nazionalista - progetto ferroviario indiano al confine, territori contesi, presenza dell'EPL lungo la "linea di controllo effettivo", Pangong, Quartier Generale, Ponti e Stazioni Radar, Supporto Aereo: I, II, III, IV.
🔺Il Rapporto Indo-Statunitense in funzione anti-Cinese ⚔️
🔺L'India perde 26 dei 65 Punti di Pattugliamento nel Ladakh Orientale, Vittoria Cinese 🇨🇳
🌸 Iscriviti 👉 @collettivoshaoshan
💬 On 04/23, the 18th Round of Sino-Indian Talks was held on the Chushul-Moldo Border, on the Chinese side of the Line of Effective Control in Eastern Ladakh, between the Commanders of the People's Liberation Army (PLA) and of the Armed Forces of India (FAI)🗣
🤔 The Talks are taking place in view of the visit of General Li Shangfu - Minister of National Defense and State Councilor of the People's Republic of China, to India, from 04/27 to 04/28, to participate in the Meeting of the Defense Ministers of the Countries members of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization ☑️
🇨🇳 During Visit to India, General Li Shangfu Will Hold High Level Talks With Rajnath Singh, Minister of Defense of the Republic of India 🇮🇳
🤔 During the talks, it is clear that the topic of Eastern Ladakh will be addressed, along the border with the People's Republic of China, where tensions between the two countries are very strong 🔥
🤔 The results of the 18th Round of Talks have not yet come out, but it is good to remember the anti-Chinese behavior of India, especially in relation to the previous Sino-Indian Talk:
🤝 On 08/07 2022, a Consensus was reached between the EPL and the FAI. The two countries had agreed to begin troop disengagement along the Line of Actual Control in Ladakh 🕊
😡 However, on 09/28, the FAI deployed self-propelled howitzers, MLRS and artillery systems to the border with China, and announced joint military exercises with the US (❗️), which were held from 10/18 to 10/31 at less of 100km from the disputed border with China ❗️
🤡 A few months earlier, in June 2022, the leaders of the USA, Japan, Australia and India met in Japan, where Elbridge Colby - Former Pentagon Official - stated that India needed to strengthen its position in South Asia, depending anti-Chinese 😡
🇮🇳In August 2022, the Indian Government negotiated the purchase of 30 MQ-9B Predator Attack UAVs from the USA 🇺🇸
🇷🇺 On 07/12 2022, Russian MFA Lavrov released some statements on NATO, stating that the Atlantic Alliance - as a new strategy in the Indo-Pacific Region - was trying to pit India against China, leveraging sentiments anti-Chinese present in the Republic of India to start a series of clashes with the People's Republic of China:
💬 "New approaches were proclaimed at the NATO Summit in Madrid in June this year: NATO's responsibility now extends to the Indo-Pacific Region, to try to pit India against China" - 📄 Source.
⚔️ On 09/12, Clashes Occurred in Dáwàng Zhèn Between FAI and PLA | Several injured, but no victims 🔥
⚔️ After the "December 9th Clash" in Dáwàng Zhèn between the Armed Forces of India and the People's Liberation Army, the deployment of PLA UAVs and Aircraft in Airports and Air Bases was noted via satellite images of the Autonomous region of Tibet 🇨🇳
🇺🇸 It has also been confirmed that India received help from US Intelligence to carry out anti-Chinese adventurist measures - 📄 Source.
🤡 Finally, in January 2023, joint military exercises were held between India and Neo-Militarist Japan, clearly anti-Chinese ❗️
🔍 For those who want to learn more:
🔺Tensions between PRC and Nationalist India - Indian railway project on border, disputed territories, PLA presence along "Line of Effective Control", Pangong, HQ, Bridges and Radar Stations, Air Support: I, II, III, IV.
🔺 The Indo-US relationship in anti-Chinese function ⚔️
🔺India Loses 26 Out Of 65 Patrol Points In Eastern Ladakh, Chinese Victory 🇨🇳
🌸 Subscribe 👉 @collettivoshaoshan
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defencecapital · 2 years
US, India ‘can’t take eyes off ball’ on Chinese aggression at LAC, says American defence attaché
By N. C. Bipindra New Delhi: India and the United States can’t afford to take their “eyes off the ball” when it comes to Chinese aggression along the Line of Actual Control (LAC), a senior US defence official posted at its embassy here said today, as he made it clear that Washington remains watchful of Beijing‘s moves. Rear Admiral Michael L. Baker, the United States defence attaché in India,…
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