#Chief Powell
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a-babe-without-a-name · 8 months ago
Sister Lovers, Water Brothers
Chapter Six: The Dive
Steve wasn’t happy with the way Munson was treating one of his kids. So unhappy in fact, that he forces himself into their club leader’s van to see what he’s getting up to with Chrissy Cunningham, and maybe it’s a good thing he’s so paranoid because it might just save her life.
Or, the one where Chrissy doesn’t die in the Munson trailer, and, despite the world-ending, the king(former) and queen(current) of Hawkins High cannot take their eyes off Eddie Munson
Read on AO3 (content warnings in notes on A03)
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Chief Powell knew that just because this was the third body he’d seen, it wasn’t going to be any easier to look at. Andy had been the one who called, panicked and crying as he ranted about Chrissy Cunningham and freaks and broken bones. Eventually, they had gotten a location out of him and were on the scene in under 10. Powell and his officers found Andy sitting on the front step of local drug supplier Rick Lipton’s house. Powell cursed himself for not thinking to look there, leave it to him to be outsmarted by a fucking high schooler at a time like this. Andy had a rag soaked in blood wrapped around his hand, he noted to have Callahan inquire about that when other matters were figured out. 
Andy was still shaking when Powell leaned down to him, “Where is he?”
Wordlessly Andy stood and walked quickly around the side of the house. They found Jason sitting on the ground, facing the slope down to Lover’s Lake, holding Patrick McKinney’s body. Powell choked back bile as he approached, he could hear Jason breathing heavily as he cradled his dead friend in his lap, staring out over the lake. He didn’t need to be close to tell that Patrick’s body was identical to Anne Carver’s and Fred Benson’s. The gaping eyes and broken limbs were enough to draw Powell to the conclusion that they had been killed by the same person. Thing. Whatever it was. 
Both Patrick and Jason were soaked, they must have been out in the lake when it happened. Powell’s head was swarming with what questions to ask. He knew this was going to fall back on Eddie Munson and, knowing he shouldn’t have any conclusions at this point, it was getting less and less believable that he was the one doing this.
Powell had been having run-ins with Munson for years, but rarely were they because of violence. Some mild vandalism, the occasional light drug charge, and a few schoolyard fist fights that, in the end, Eddie never started. Powell wouldn’t go as far as to say he was a good kid, but he had a hard time believing he was as violent a killer as the current events made him out to be.
But right now wasn’t the time to believe anything, there was more to deal with. He waved the coroner over as he crouched next to Jason, trying to gently explain what needed to happen. It was going to be another long night, the sooner he got started questioning Jason, the sooner Jason could go home.
Chrissy was nearly halfway around the lake when she had to stop. The adrenaline began to wear out and her muscles began to burn, she could barely catch her breath in the cold air. She was far enough away that she hoped walking to the tree-lined shore would be fine. She needed to find Eddie. They had agreed to meet on the other side of the lake, but that was when Eddie had a boat and Chrissy didn’t have a mouthful of someone else's blood gagging her.
The moon was high, lighting up the entire lake for Chrissy to see as she carefully crunched along the small cliffs of the shore. She couldn’t see or hear Jason and Andy, and she was sure that Patrick was dead. But there was no sign of Eddie, not even the boat.
Chrissy couldn’t help the panic that rose in her chest as she searched for him. What if he couldn’t swim? She hadn’t asked, she just assumed but it wasn’t a given. Or what if he hit his head falling in? Or his clothes were too heavy and dragged him under? Chrissy was starting to hyperventilate at the idea of Eddie’s limp body sinking to the bottom of Lover’s Lake. 
“Eddie?” She whispered as loud as she dared into the dark, not able to help herself, “Eddie are you there?”
She moved further down the shore, calling out for him again when the sound of loud splashing in the direction she had just been made her jump.
“Eddie?!” She kept herself from shouting, rushing to the noise as fast as she could without slipping and falling into the lake. 
“Chrissy!” He called after her as she approached, “Oh, fuck, Chris are you okay?”
She threw herself into his arms before answering. He was soaking wet, but she didn’t care, she just held on to him. She felt his head drop to her neck as he held her back, shaking.
No. Shivering.
“Fuck,” Chrissy muttered, not moving, “Eddie, you’re soaked! You’re gonna fucking freeze to death.”
“Yeah,” Eddie said, teeth chattering, “It is a bit chilly, huh.” 
Only he would make a joke right now. Before Chrissy could respond the sound of sirens cut through the night air, making them freeze. They were headed for Rick's house. For Patrick.
“We need to go,” Chrissy said, stepping away from him, she wasn’t sure where to, just not there. 
“I think I know a place,” Eddie said, stepping up away from the lake towards the woods, he paused thinking for a moment, “We’re on the North side of the lake, right?”
“Rick’s house is on the East side right?” Chrissy asked, Eddie nodded as he looked around the woods, “Then yeah, we’re at the North end right now, or near it at least.”
“Okay, yeah, if we just had a little bit more Northwest we’ll reach Skull Rock,” Eddie said, “It’s not a house, but it’s at least sheltered.”
“Works for me,” Chrissy said, grabbing his hand and beginning to walk through the woods Northwest, she hated how cold his fingers felt. Before they got very far, Eddie spotted the boat he used to escape, rocking gently halfway beached on the shore. 
“Hold on,” Eddie said, looking around before darting out into the small clearing of the shore and grabbing the rope tied to the bow, looping it tightly around a tree. He clumsily covered it with a tarp folded in the bottom of the boat, “Just in case we need it again,” he told her as he climbed back up the shore, taking her hand again and continuing towards skull rock. 
They had been walking for a while, neither of them really leading, just heading in a direction and hoping they’d know when they were close enough. A twig snapping off to their left, made Chrissy freeze and Eddie duck down, pulling her with him. They held their breath as they looked through the trees, waiting for voices or flashlights. Nothing, and then another snap of a twig, and then a relieved sigh from both of them as they caught sight of the whitetail carefully stepping through the brush. 
“Fuck,” Eddie shook his head, pinching the bridge of his nose, Chrissy could feel his heart beating in her palm. He looked up and over at her and paused, “Chrissy, are you hurt?”
He brought a quick but gentle hand to her face, tilting her chin up to look her over. She suddenly realized what she probably looked like.
“It’s not my blood.” She assured him, the confusion in his eyes clear, “It’s uh, yeah, it’s not mine. I’m totally, mostly, okay I promise.”
He held his hand there for a moment still before dropping it and standing, helping Chrissy up as well, “I’m making you explain when I’m less cold,” He shivered and continued walking, squeezing her hand.
Eventually, they made it to Skull Rock. The moon lit up the small clearing around it. Carefully they stepped into the open, worried about being so exposed. But when no other shoe dropped, they moved in closer, crouching down to take cover between the cluster of boulders. It wasn’t warmer, but being out of even the slight breeze helped enough. As they went to settle on the ground, Chrissy realized that while Eddie’s hair had dried, his clothes were still soaked.
“Wait, come here,” She stopped moving, backing out from under the rocks where she could stand, Eddie followed easily.
“What’s up?” He asked, worried something was wrong.
“Take your jacket off,” Chrissy slid her hands under the shoulders of his jacket, helping him slide the heavy wet leather off. She laid it over a boulder, hoping the cool air would dry it by morning. He watched her in confusion, not sure what she was doing, “Take your shirt off, too.”
She nodded to his black shirt, stuck to his skin. She began unzipping her cheer jacket. She had gotten it sophomore year, back when her feelings about her body were even worse than now, so it was several sizes too big for her and probably even Eddie.
“Hey, uh, Chris,” Eddie said, fidgeting nervously as he watched her unzip her Jacket, “It’s not that I don’t want to, but I don’t think this is the time or place.”
“What?” She stopped, her jacket bundled in her hand, raising her eyebrow at him.
“Uh, what?” Eddie said, shaking his head, trying to backpedal.
“Take off your wet shirt and wear my dry jacket,” Chrissy clarified, feeling heat rush to her cheeks, “You know, so you don’t freeze.”
“Yeah, no, yeah,” Eddie muttered, “I knew that, totally.”
Chrissy rolled her eyes, but the blush didn’t stop. Especially when Eddie did what she told and pulled his shirt off. Chrissy hated herself for staring at him as he struggled for a moment to get the wet fabric off. He stretched his torso up and she couldn’t help but look at the tattoos on his chest and one she couldn’t quite see on his ribs. She didn’t have time to take him all in, her eyes just reaching the top line of his hips when he was free of his shirt and she quickly glanced away, holding out her jacket to him and swallowing hard.
He stepped closer, but instead of taking it, he grabbed her hand pulling her closer, “Here,” He made her look up at him and, using the hem of his wet shirt to wipe the dried blood from around her chin.
She watched his eyes, focused on her mouth as he carefully wiped away the blood, trying not to be too rough. Even without looking, she was keenly aware of how shirtless he was right now. When he was satisfied, he dropped his hand, using the other to tilt her chin and look her over.
“There,” He smiled, meeting her eyes, “a little less Carrie-esque.”
“Thank you,” Chrissy wasn’t sure if the redness in her face was visible in the light, if it was he didn’t say anything, instead he took the jacket she was offering, easily sliding it over his shoulders and zipping it up. It was tight on his shoulders and biceps, but it fit enough.
“How do I look?” He stepped back, holding his arms out for her to examine.
“Drier.” Chrissy said, and then, “Sorry I can’t offer you my jeans, but I don’t think they’ll fit.”
“Oh, so you want me in your jeans, is what I’m hearing?” Eddie asked, raising an eyebrow and throwing her the dumbest smirk.
“Oh god,” Chrissy groaned, snatching the wet shirt from him, “Will you shut up.”
He laughed, chasing after her as she laid his shirt over the rocks next to his jacket, “I’m sorry! That one was just too easy. Thank you for the jacket, though.”
“Of course,” she went back to the spot between the rocks, crouching and climbing into the little shelter, “It would be embarrassing for you to die of hypothermia after all of this.”
“First the seat belt,” He started, sitting next to her on the ground, “And now this? I'm grateful to have you around to keep me from dying a lame death.”
“Anytime,” She laughed shortly, then yawned exhaustion starting to settle over her. 
“Hey, come here.” Eddie, who was leaning against the wall of rock, unzipped his borrowed jacket.
“What are you doing?” Chrissy questioned, but still moved towards him.
“Get in,” He laughed, “You’re pretty and smart, but not immune to hypothermia.”
He held open the baggy sides of the jacket, offering his bare chest to her. Chrissy blushed, but he was right, she was just in a short sleeve right now, plus their body heat together would keep them warmer. 
“You really didn’t have to call me smart and pretty,” She rolled her eyes, trying to hide her nerves with snarkiness. She climbed against him anyway, sticking her arms into the jacket and wrapping herself around his bare torso, resting her head against his shoulder.
“Hm, yeah,” He agreed, zipping up the bottom of the jacket around them, locking them together, “But I wanted to.”
Chrissy didn’t reply, she just shook her head and moved closer to him. She could feel both him and herself warming up already, sleep threatening to take her soon. Eddie shifted, wrapping his arms tighter around her and settling in against the rock.
A moment passed and then, “Chris, you still awake?”
“It’s been 30 seconds,” She scoffed, smiling against his skin, eyes closed.
“Are you okay?” He asked, sounding serious.
“What?” Chrissy was confused, they had just been over this that she wasn’t hurt.
“I mean, like,” He struggled to find the right words, “Emotionally? A lot just happened, and… and Jason is your boyfriend and the others were your friends. I just… I don’t know that I would be okay if I were in your position.”
“Hmm,” She thought for a moment, she had been blocking out most of her feelings about the situation, trying to survive the night first, “Probably not, honestly.”
She could feel Eddie press his cheek to the top of her head, when he didn’t respond she continued, “Andy has always been…sick. Just the worst of them, so I’m not surprised he tried to hurt me, but Patrick? He’d always been the nicest,  obviously he had his problems, but he never really seemed like Andy or Jason.”
Eddie hummed, acknowledging that he was still listening but not wanting to interrupt. 
“And, ex-boyfriend, by the way.” Chrissy felt relieved saying it for the first time, “He… he isn’t him anymore. I mean, like… I loved him a lot when we first got together, but I’ve changed a lot, and he… hasn’t, I guess. Or, well, he has, but he’s changing into his father, which is scary to think about.”
Eddie nodded, thinking about Jason’s dad, the whole town knew him. He was a pastor at the local church. 
“He’s been so stifling lately,” She choked back tears, the sudden loss of her first love actually setting in, “I’ve been wanting to end things for a while, I guess. But, I don’t know, I guess I was scared to. He’s so public about me, us, I didn’t want to embarrass him, not right before graduation. I hoped things would end when we went away to school, but those plans changed, and then… then he started talking about getting married and all this other big crazy stuff,” Chrissy shuddered, Eddie held her tighter, “I just can’t do it anymore.”
Realizing she had spilled more than intended, she tried to apologize, “I’m sorry, Eddie, you don’t need to deal with all that right now.”
“Hey, no,” He assured her, running a hand over her arm through the jacket, “No, it’s okay, I asked. I want you to be able to talk about this, I’m sorry I didn’t ask sooner.”
“... thank you, Eddie.” She sniffed, awkwardly wiping away tears and then going back to wrapping her arm around him.
“Anytime, Sunshine,” He pressed a kiss against the top of her head, relaxing against her, “Anytime.”
Erica didn’t know whether to be pissed or anxious about her brother’s absence. At first she hadn’t cared, just covered for him, coolly. She had done so for the past year, knowing she’d get something out of it when he returned. This was longer than he had ever been gone without at least calling or swinging by the house. Now, with the two, three according to the news, high schoolers dead in the past couple of days, Erica couldn’t help the nagging feeling that her big brother could be in trouble. 
Her parents were already on the couch watching the news when she came into the room, eager to catch the statement Chief Powell was giving.
“...as many of you know by now, the Roane County Line received a call a little after midnight,” The chief sounded professional, but still anxious as he read off his premade statement, the ever loyal Officer Callahan standing behind his shoulder, “reporting a homicide out here on the lake. Officer Callahan here and myself arrived first on the scene. We made our way to the shore of Lover’s Lake, about ten yards from that house you see behind me. It was there that we found the victim, an 18-year-old senior from Hawkins High, Patrick McKinney.”
Erica recognized the name, it was a teammate of Lucas’s. He was a senior, so friend felt like the wrong word, but Lucas had mentioned him at least once or twice around the dinner table. 
Powell regrettably continued his statement, sounding uncomfortable as he began to describe the body, “his limbs…his body, it was uh, disfigured…”
Erica flinched, as much as she reveled in pretend gore and violence, the idea of someone around her brother’s age being mutilated made her sick.
“There was an eyewitness on the scene, who will remain anonymous. We have also identified a person of interest.” Powell held up a black and white photo, “Eddie Munson.”
Erica narrowed her eyes, leaning forward as Chief Powell encouraged anyone with information to come forward, the reporters all clamoring for more information.
There was no way that scrawny freak was the one doing this. Erica just couldn’t believe it. Lucas and Dustin had been involved in crazy shit the past few years and Erica knew about all of it. Eddie, however, had never fallen into that category. She wished she could talk to them- Lucas or Dustin or, hell, even Eddie. She hated this, she hated being 11, and she hated being treated like a kid.
“I know you’ve all got a lot of questions,” Powell continued, “And I’m going to answer as many of them as I can. Two o’clock Town Hall, where anyone from the Hawkins' community is welcome. But right now, I’ve got some work to do, and I appreciate your patience and understanding.”
The reporters began barking questions as Powell walked off towards the cruisers behind him, Officer Callahan following and flashing an awkward thumbs up. Erica’s mind raced with worried thoughts of her brother and friends as her parents began making plans to go to Town Hall already.
Nancy, picked them all up again in the morning, secluding Dustin and Steve to the back bench seats with all of Eddie’s groceries. 
Robin was panicking, as usual, and Nancy was doing her best to cool her down. Steve didn’t know when Nancy decided she liked Robin, but in true Nancy fashion, the switch was noticeable. Not only did Rob get the front seat, but now instead of sighing and rolling her eyes Nancy was actually responding, and trying to help. Steve couldn’t say he was thrilled at the prospect, but he trusted Robin and knew she would never spill his feelings about Nancy and the breakup to anyone let alone the leading lady of Steve’s emotional turmoil herself. He also thought Nancy could use a friend.
In the past year she’d only had Johnathan, all the way in California, and school friends that she tended to treat more like co-workers. Everyone needed a Robin, he decided, but Nancy couldn’t have his.
As they rounded the corner, coming up on Rick’s house, Nancy cursed. Half standing in the back of the car didn't give Steve much of a view, but the news van and the amassing crowd could only mean one thing.
Everyone climbed out of the car. They couldn’t have Eddie, Steve told himself. It couldn’t end here, after all they’d done to keep Eddie and Chrissy safe. Before he could truly begin to panic, Dustin’s walkie clicked on, 
“Dustin, can you hear me? Wheeler?”
Steve didn’t want to hit Dustin. He just wanted to snatch that stupid broken compass out of his hand and bash it against the nearest rock. If it was Skull Rock, that would just be a bonus, because Steve didn’t think they were ever going to make it there at this rate.
“You do realize that Skull Rock, it’s a super popular make-out spot?”
“Yeah, so?” Dustin bit back, not looking up from the compass.
“Yeah, well, it wasn’t popular until I made it popular,” Steve told him, sure, Martha Jones had shown him the spot freshman year, but he’d still been the one who made it known. “You’re heading in the wrong direction.” Sick of following the direction of a literal child, Steve broke off making a beeline for Skull Rock's actual location.
Dustin called after him, trying to throw them off again, but Steve wasn’t having it. The rest of the group brushed past Dustin to trail after Steve, Lucas threw an apologetic shrug back to his friend.
It was only a short walk to Skull Rock, once they were going the right way, and Steve announced their arrival,
“Bada bing, bada doom! There she is Henderson. In your face man, in your stupid cocky little face.”
“Doesn’t make sense,” Dustin kept arguing, unable to accept that Steve might be right for once.
“Yeah, yeah, even with it staring at you in the face, you can’t admit it,” Steve teased, “can’t admit that you’re wrong you little butthead.” He would have felt bad if the kid didn’t rightfully deserve an ego check, and if Eddie even gave him a chance. Jumping down off one of the rocks that made up the titular skull, Eddie announced,
“I concur, you Dustin Henderson are a…” He paused, and Chrissy appeared from behind him and Eddie helped her down. “total butthead.” he finished, with Chrissy’s hand still tucked into his. 
“Jesus, we thought you were a goner,” Dustin let out a sigh of relief and forced Eddie into a hug. Chrissy stepped back, watching fondly as they reunited. Steve was also watching, and accepting that the horrible dread settling in his stomach was a beast of his own making. He’d been the one to invent Skull Rock, and now he had inadvertently pushed his first-ever gay crush to get with the most perfect girl to ever set foot in Hawkins.
Steve never thought he’d want to punch a child, try as Dustin might- but he really, really wanted to punch freshmen Steve.
“Yeah me too, man,” Eddie admitted as they pulled apart. 
Steve and Eddie’s eyes met over the kid between them. Steve did his best to imitate the typical guy nod, but all he could think of were the hours he and Chrissy had spent alone, scared and cold. He could see them, clinging to each other for warmth, and comfort, and it was a make-out spot- Steve needed a nap, or maybe a strong drink, anything but the awkward nod that Eddie gave in turn.
Steve let the girls handle interrogating Eddie and Chrissy. He was too distracted to even attempt to help, but he got the gist. The thing with their lights, Venca in his attic, had been him killing Patrick. So they had a target, but no way to reach it.
“We just need to sneak into the upside down and drive a stake through his heart,” Max shrugged.
“A stake? Is he a vamp-” god, had he really zoned out for that long? “Is he a vampire?”
“It was a metaphor,” Max rolled her eyes.
“ I say we should chop his head off,” Lucas offered.
“Shouldn’t a gun work fine?” Chrissy asked, incredulously.
“All of the above,” Nancy, cut them off, “but we can’t do any of that until we find a way into the upside down.”
“We need El to get her powers back,” Max said
“Everything was, like, way easier,” Steve told Eddie and Chrissy, unable to meet either of their eyes, “there was this girl. She had superpowers.”
“Superpowers,” Eddie repeated distractedly, “yeah, you mentioned her.” He glanced down at Chrissy by her side, but she had actually been listening to Steve, trying to wrap her head around superpowers still.
“Hey, uh, Henderson’s not cursed is he?” Eddie asked, pointing his chin over to Dustin pacing back and forth, apart from the rest of the group.
“Cursed? No,” Steve shrugged off, “Mental? Absolutely.”
“Boom!” Dustin shouted, despite the fact, Eddie was a wanted man and they were only partially hidden in the woods. “Bada bada boom,” he continued with a whisper dramatically. Steve blamed Eddie for this sort of behavior, the theatrics were a bit over his head. Yet the way the kids took after Eddie was adorable. 
“I was right.” That bitchiness was all Steve, unfortunately, and he was starting to hate how this sounded in his head. “Skull Rock was north,” Dustin continued, despite the very obvious fact that they were already at Skull Rock. Steve tried to explain as much, but the kid was on a roll. He started explaining something about electron magnets and fields, and Steve was lost. Then, despite Steve’s best attempts to get them somewhere safe or at least planned, Dustin wanted to head back into the woods, after some unknown gate.
“What say you, Eddie the Banished?” Henderson asked with a flourish. 
Eddie stepped forward, out of the shadow of the rocks, and let Chrissy’s hand drop from his. He stared off at the sun coming through the trees, dramatic as always.
“I say you’re asking me to follow you into Mordor, which…” he focused on Dustin, “if I’m totally straight with you I think is a really bad idea, but, uh, the shire…” Eddie glanced behind him towards Chrissy, “the shire is burning, so to Mordor it is.”
And that seemed to be final.
With Eddie following, Dustin was off like a shot, and everyone else fell into line or feared being left behind.
“What is Mordor?” Steve asked aloud, though apparently the only one who was confused.
“Don’t worry about it,” Chrissy reassured with a warm smile and a hand on his arm as she passed him to keep up with the rest, “Let the nerds worry about that, we’re just here to look pretty.”
“Yeah you are,” Eddie smirked, as he rushed back to collect the water and walkie that he’d stolen that morning. Chrissy flushed, but Steve refused to and instead, turning his embarrassment into annoyance, said,
“Get your stuff dude, let's go.”
For a moment, Steve thought he was doing well, treating Eddie like anyone else, or one of the kids even, but then he ran to the front of the group, dragging a giggling Chrissy behind him by the hand, and Steve allowed himself one deep self-loathing sigh.
“You gotta be shitting me,” Steve sighed when they burst out of the tree line, steps away from stumbling into the lake.
“I thought these woods looked familiar,” Eddie said bitterly, lifting a tarp to reveal the boat he had borrowed from Rick.
“This is confounding,” Dustin exclaimed, and Steve wished he’d just talk normally sometimes. It turned out not to be that confounding, however, as Nancy was able to quickly piece together that Venca must be leaving behind gates when he attacked, and their trek through the woods was becoming a full-on voyage.
Unspeaking, Eddie and Steve moved together to get the boat situated in the water. Eddie fumbled it and muttered an embarrassed apology when it splashed Steve.
Robin got on first, ignoring the hand Steve held out to steady her, and instead used both of the boys' heads for balance. Nancy followed close behind her, snatching up the offered hand and claiming a seat towards the front of the boat, and Eddie crawled on behind her. Once stable, he turned back to help Chrissy on, with one hand holding her around the waist and the other grabbing her hand.
The kids and Steve were left on shore. He saw himself getting left behind, and quickly pushed the boat out, planting one foot in the water to do so, and practically threw himself on board.
“Hey!” Dustin whined when he realized he was being left behind.
“Sorry,” Steve shrugged, “not enough room.”
“Besides someone’s got to watch Max,” Nancy added on, shooting him a look like he was supposed to be supporting her.
“It’s my goddamn theory!” he complained.
“Listen to Nancy,” Robin warned, then claimed that Nancy was in charge. Steve was more worried about rowing than logistics, but he never really thought of Nancy being in charge. Sure she was one with the plans, but that didn’t mean any of them really knew what they were doing. That much was evident as they rowed out into the middle of the lake watching for the compass to give some sort of signal.
When it began to spin rapidly they slowed and radioed the kids back on shore.
Since it appeared that they’d found the gate, and no one else was going to do anything about it Steve took off his shoes, quickly followed by his socks.
“What are you doing?” Nancy asked, sounding worried.
“Somebody's gotta go down there to check this thing out,” He explained, “Unless one of you can top being a Hawkins High swim co-captain and a certified lifeguard for three years, then it’s gotta be me. No complaints alright?”
“Hey,” Eddie shrugged, “I am not complaining,” He dumped out the bag he kept tucked inside his jacket and wrapped it around one of their flashlights, “I do not want to go down there.”
Steve stood, rocking the boat as he moved, and when Eddie looked back up he was met with the expanse of Steve’s bareback. No sir, Eddie was not complaining even a little bit. Hawkins had not been wrong to pick Harrington as their heartthrob and he couldn’t help but try to save the image in his mind. He wanted to rub it in all those girls who’d gone out with Steve that Eddie had gotten a piece of something that was theirs, that he could enjoy Steve Harrington the same as all them. 
For a moment, a burnt-out dream reared its hopeful little head, and Eddie remembered days where he’d thought of guys, men, taking him by the hand and pulling him along- not drunkenly, or hornily, but lovingly and joyfully.
He looked over at Chrissy, who was nervously watching the water and squeezed at her hand. She squeezed back, eyes locked on him.
It was okay, not every dream had to come true. Because here was Chrissy Cunningham, the sweetest person Eddie had ever met, who apparently had one hell of a bite attack, and she was looking at him.
Suddenly Eddie felt a bit guilty for checking Steve out. He had honestly assumed everyone was when Nancy started gawking, but Chrissy hadn’t even wanted a peek.
“Hey, Good luck,” Eddie said and looked up at Steve, which was a bad decision. Steve turned back to him, shoulder and chest on display as he reached for the flashlight, and Eddie couldn’t help but think of running his hands over that skin. Chrissy was right there, but then again Steve was straight, right, so looking could hurt. With the flashlight gone, Eddie needed something to do. He needed a smoke.
“Thanks,” Steve breathed and tossed his shirt back at Eddie, who caught it but set it aside to pull out a cigarette and lighter. When he tried to light it, however, Robin plucked it from his mouth and tossed it in the water with a short,
Chrissy let out a disappointed, “awe.”
Steve took a few quick breaths, preparing himself, and just as he launched from the boat, Nancy called after him,
“Steve?” but it went unheard.
Dustin, Max, and Lucas anxiously waited and watched at the shore. It had been almost a whole minute since Steve disappeared below the surface of Lovers Lake. 
“Come on, Steve,” Dustin watched through the binoculars, knowing he was running out of time. Steve’s record was barely two minutes, and that was in the shallow end of his pool, sitting stock still, not swimming to the very bottom of a lake, “C’mon…”
Dustin found himself counting down the seconds when the sound of radios and beams of flashlights began cutting through the dark wood.
“Shit,” Lucas hissed, grabbing Max’s arm, “Down! Down.”
The three of them dropped to the forest floor, hiding behind a fallen log. They watched as the people crept closer, shouting to each other about noise at the shoreline.
“Dustin! You are a goddamn Einstein!” Robin’s voice shouted through the walkie before Dustin could switch it off, “Steve found the gate-”
“Cops,” Max observed the whoop of a siren cutting above the chatter.
Dustin cursed, gritting his teeth.
“We can’t let ‘em find Eddie,” Lucas said, eyebrows furrowed as he tried to think of a plan.
Max was quicker, glancing around the woods before making a decision.
“Stay with me.” She said, hopping up from the cold ground, “Hey, officers!” 
Dustin and Lucas hushed Max like the cops couldn’t possibly have heard her screaming up the hill at them.
“Over here!” She threw her bag over her shoulder, “I found the killer! This way!”
The boys groaned, cursing as they jumped up from the ground and followed Max as she darted away from the shore and into the woods.
Cold enveloped Steve, as bubbles rushed up around him.
It had been so long since he’d swam like this, in the cold even when his bones ached for sleep. It had been common practice when he was on the swim team when they met through the winter at the crack of dawn. Most swimming he did nowadays was when the kids ambushed his house in the summer, declaring pool days whenever they could. How could he deny them, when the pool his parents kept up went otherwise unused?
He dived deeper, feeling the pressure building in his ears, but with the light, he could see how close the bottom was. The lakebed was littered with old trash, a sunken boat, and picked-clean fish skeletons. Amongst the refuse, the gate made itself easily known as a bright red light emanating from it. Steve stared down and looked like a giant red eye glaring back up at him.
With a shaky hand, he reached out and brushed the veined membrane with his fingertips, causing something on the other side to reveal itself, flashing darkly against the light.
Startled by the revelation of another living thing down there, Steve pulled away and then pushed off the floor, dropping the flashlight in his rush. He reached the surface gasping for air and spitting out,
“I found it,” along with a mouth full of water.
“It’s down there?” Chrissy confirmed, unsure if she should be happy or weary.
“I found it, yeah,” Steve repeated, the cold getting to him as air blew through his wet hair, “I found it.”
“Dustin, you’re a goddamn Einstein,” Robin said into the walkie when something jerked at Steve's ankle.
The three kids sprinted as fast as they could through the brush, leading the police away from where they had left Eddie and the others. Dustin could hear them being shouted after, the voices getting closer and closer as he began to run out of stamina.
An unfortunately placed root sent Dustin flailing to the ground as his shoe caught on it, his flashlight clattering out of his hand. Lucas cursed, stopping immediately as he noticed his best friend fall, turning to go back.
Chief Powell was on Dustin in an instant. “Hey there,” He panted, grabbing Dustin by the shoulders. Dustin hung his head, knowing they were caught but grateful it was them instead of Eddie or Chrissy.
Steve hardly had time to breathe, let alone think, before something was dragging him back down into the lake and towards the evil red glow emanating there. In the panic, and the silence of the water Steve was able to focus in on something wet and strong wrapped around his ankle. The vines- he thought of the vines covering the wall of the cave the kids had dragged him into, and the way they’d tried to trap them. This one wasn’t holding him in place however, it was dragging him through the gate he’d found, and flipping him onto his back as he reached the other side.
Above him the sky was dark and stormy, flashing that same warning red as the gate, like blood boiling over. Steve managed to get back on his feet and take in his withered and waterless surroundings before a warbling screech echoed around him. Against the dark sky, he could hardly make out something flying above him, just hearing the beating of their wings as they circled in closer.
Desperate for some sort of protection, he grabbed one of the oars in the boat next to him, trapped in vines, just in time to swipe out when one of the bat-like creatures swooped down. Three of them descended, lashing out with their whip-like tails. For a moment, Steve managed to beat them off, keep them far enough away, until one caught him around the neck.
He went down, the bat lifting him just enough to rip away his balance and lay him out flat, knocking the breath out of him. The other bats continued to dive at him, their claws catching at his sides as he tried to work his fingers under the tail tightening around his neck. 
It was fruitless. He couldn’t breathe.
The other bats landed on either side of him and sank in their dagger-like beaks shredding open his stomach. He could hear the loud wet sound of his own flesh being ripped open, and he knew there was no way this was not the end.
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ellstinson · 2 months ago
Speculating the role of the Hawkins Police in 1987
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One thing I’ve been reflecting on is how the Hawkins police will act in light of the strong military presence after the events of 1986. The military will be operating intensely, with little or absolutely no cooperation with local authorities. I think it will be interesting to see how Chief Powell handles possible reports of strange events in the city and how this might lead to growing public pressure—especially considering what we’ve already seen happen in season four.
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We know the army will establish a presence in Hawkins with the goal of repairing damage and controlling potential future threats. For this, there will be an operations and research base at the downtown, restricted zones, checkpoints at entrances, and a heavy presence of soldiers, although all of this won’t work perfectly at first in controlling the UD invasion.
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I like the idea of mysterious disappearances and reports of strange events throughout the city being used in season 5 to intensify the tension between the population—who still believe the blame lies with the satanic ritual—and local authorities, who will certainly be pressured for answers.Maybe this shift in the military dynamics in the town could impact, to some extent, the total autonomy of the Hawkins police idk.
The Pentagon will likely avoid providing clear explanations about what’s happening in the city, both to the public and local authorities, offering only superficial official justifications.
Unfortunately, with no more information yet, it’s hard to theorize about the real role of the police this season. However, it’s interesting to consider how Chief Powell, who must already be overwhelmed, would deal with the lack of clarity about what’s going on, along with the possibility of new pressures.
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bylerschmyler · 2 years ago
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Rewatching S1. And no wonder that Powell wasn't able to find Eddie or the real reason for the murders in S4.
He is like not a very good detective.
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spaceofentropy · 2 years ago
Patrick McKinney is just a spectacle for others to look at even as he's dying, his death is not about him, or his past, or his trauma, or his current suffering; it's about motivating Jason to his anti-satanist crusade and scaring Eddie even more than before.
Office Powell is only 5% less incompetent as a policeman than Callahan, they are the fucking comedic relief in the police, so funny (not really). When he becomes Chief in season 4, he's still bumbling and investigating stuff with all the tact and sharpness of beach glass, until we get to the townhall meeting, where Powell's the epitome of useless (and irrealistic!) as he, the fucking chief of police!, stays there like a fucking mannequin and lets a group of teenagers basically stoke the fires of what could have easily become a mob of adults hunting a suspect for sports. Like, there's incompetence, and then there's whatever that shit was! All because we had to have our Satanic Panic moment and a guy who in the last episode would alert Carver and co. of the lights inside Creel House! (In Hawkins, nobody ever notices shit, except "White Rando Walking His Dog At Night With A Curfew", of fucking course!)
Kali appears, is the catalyst for El's levelling up her powers through a morally-ambiguous Yoda routine, and then she's kicked out of the series altogether, nobody ever remembers about her, Kali whooo? Sister? Never heard of her!
I feel like Lucas and Erica's parents being written as "healthy couple who likes each other and doesn't treat their kids as a nuisance" was almost an accident at this point, because the Duffers seem to have a problem treating their non-white characters as anything but a) instruments of a white character's inner change; b) physical or metaphorical punching ball for white characters; c) handy stereotypes.
I’ve just expressed this to someone, but let me throw this out there too. The Brothers Duffer’s decision to make Billy Hargrove a racist for realism will NEVER cease to piss me off. Never. This is a show about an alternate dimension, monsters, and a telekinetic young girl. What the fuck about that screams realism??? There was no need to traumatize the black audience (and younger black audience specifically) by having Billy verbalize that max could not interact with Lucas, specifically, and then put his hands on him, a child. And to do it in the last episode, after I’d begun to empathize with him being chained to his abusive father? To ostracize a whole race from a pretty much main character like that, for realism? Disgusting. When black people say they want to see representation, we just mean they want to see black people in roles like Caleb and Priah excelled in. We don’t want to see them brutalized because they’re black. Thank god for Dacre Montgomery’s (who desperately does not want Billy to be racist but can admit what he was given to work with implies so, thank god that line was cut, iykyk) interference. I was so mad because I really wanted to give Billy a chance.
They did us and Billy dirty. Can’t be trusted with anything. Don’t even get me started on the Erica tackle. I have yet to see any of the other children physically assaulted by grown people. Just Lucas and Erica. Telling, isn’t it?
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artiststarme · 2 years ago
From Alibi to Reality
A little something different, I hope you guys like it! Title brought to you by @nburkhardt. Please leave your thoughts in the comments!
Steve knew he was going to act as Eddie’s beard for the cops and the town. That was a no-brainer, it was the only way to clear Eddie’s name. He discussed it with Hopper, the kids, and Robin. Everyone determined that the shock factor of Steve “The Hair” Harrington dating the town freak was the only thing that was going to change Powell’s mind and make him drop the charges. The thing no one could agree on was how to broach the subject. 
Dustin thought that telling the police directly would be the best way, Robin thought they should build up to the declaration, and Nancy thought it was a stupid idea because no one would believe that lady-killer Steve Harrington was into a guy (little did she know). Regardless, all of his friends thought talking was the best course to take. 
But Steve was a man of action, not words. All of the Party’s plans involved discussing their “relationship” like civilized adults. The problem was though, they weren’t talking to civilized adults. They were talking to his brother, a known dumbass, and the new Chief of Police that wanted to hunt down a bunch of kids because Jason fucking Carver told him to. 
So he was going to handle this the way he handled every shitty situation thrown his way. He was going to wing it. It had worked for him thus far and it hadn’t failed him yet. So, for the rest of the Party’s meeting, Steve zoned out. He thought about how fucked he was going to be when his parents found out about this, how much shit he’d have to take from the rest of the town, and how ostracised he’d be. But it was the only way to clear Eddie’s name. 
Eddie had jumped into the lake after him and saved his life before protecting Dustin from demobats. He was a part of the Party now and Steve would do anything to protect the Party. So, he was fine with ruining his reputation and probably being disowned by his parents for  tainting the Harrington name. As long as Eddie was okay in the end, nothing else mattered. 
They neglected to tell Eddie the plan. He hadn’t seen any of the Party members since the police realized he was being treated at the hospital and barred anyone from seeing him until they questioned him. He was just minding his own business, ignoring the two doofus cops trying to question him, and looking forward to whatever the Party came up with to clear his name. Eddie wasn’t sure if whatever their plan was was going to work or even if they meant what they’d said. However, he had hope. Mostly because the only other option would be joining his dad in a cell for murders he didn’t even commit. 
That’s when it happened. Steve stormed into his hospital room with a flourish, slamming the door against the wall and scaring the two cops. 
Eddie watched as the tall one’s eyes narrowed, “Steve, you better have a good explanation for this one-“
He didn’t pay attention to what else was said. One minute, he was looking at an angry Harrington walking into his room and the next, said Harrington was kissing him. On the lips! 
Mother of fuck, Eddie had died and gone to heaven because all of his dreams were coming true. He didn’t know what Steve was playing at but Eddie wasn’t complaining. He just slipped his eyes closed and kissed him back with equal fervor.
He was pulled from their passionate kissing by a loud, “Son of a bitch, Steve! The murderer?! What the fuck? I thought your taste was bad when you were dating the priss but now this? Jesus Fuck, bro!”
“Officer Callahan, please maintain your composure.”
“My composure?!” His voice was shrill as he shrieked in his own defense. “Powell, my brother is macking on fucking Munson! What the fuck? How am I supposed to maintain my composure?!”
Eddie pulled away from Steve, “your brother is Officer Callahan?”
“Oh, I’m sorry. Did that not come up when you were defiling my baby brother?!” Callahan yelled at him, waving his hands in the air maniacally. 
“No, actually. It didn’t,” Eddie told him. 
Callahan let out a sound of frustration before pointing at Steve, letting out another frustrated noise, and stalking out. Steve and Eddie turned to Powell who just looked tired. 
“I assume this is why you wouldn’t tell us your alibi for the night of the murder, Munson?” He sighed. 
“That’s right, there was no way in hell I was going to out my boyfriend. Apparently he does it himself though,” Eddie gave Steve the side eye. Why had he chosen to do this? He’d known the guy for like two weeks and he was just throwing his life away to protect Eddie. What the hell?
Powell turned to Steve, “is that true? Mr. Munson was with you the night that Chrissy Cunningham was murdered?”
“That’s right. We were watching The Rocky Horror Picture Show and Alien before going to bed. He stayed the whole night laying in bed next to me, there’s no way he could’ve murdered anybody,” Steve nodded. 
Powell just shook his head at them, “fine, Munson. I’m clearing you but don’t leave town.” 
“I won’t sir, thank you for doing your due diligence. It was at my expense but still, thanks,” Eddie said sarcastically. 
He shot them one last disbelieving look before following his partner. Then all that was left was Eddie and Steve. 
Eddie whipped his head around to Steve. “Now what the hell was that?!”
“Hey! Don’t talk to your boyfriend that way!”
“Seriously Steve-”
“Eddie, I swear to god if you don’t kiss me again in the next twenty seconds, I’ll go get Powell and tell him I changed my mind,” Steve threatened him with narrowed eyes. 
How was Eddie supposed to refuse him after that?
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jakeseresinnix · 1 year ago
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I need Monica Barbaro and Glen Powell to always do interviews together at the Superbowl each time it's 49ers vs Chiefs... cos their rivalry is downright entertaining xD. Its really like Phoenix vs Hangman.
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cottagecori · 19 days ago
top gun will never die and this superbowl is proof
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chernobog13 · 10 months ago
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Chief Thunder-Cloud as Tonto, and Lee Powell as The Lone Ranger, from the 12-part Republic serial The Lone Ranger (1938).
Powell was dubbed over as the Lone Ranger by Bill Bletcher, and Earle Graser when crying out "Hi-Yo, Silver!" Bletcher had done extensive voice work in animation, and Graser had been the original radio Lone Ranger.
This was done because part of the plot of the serial is that the villain is trying to figure out which of five characters could really be the Lone Ranger. The studio wanted this to be a mystery to both the bad guy and the audience until the very end, so they didn't want anyone recognizing Powell's voice under the mask.
Republic would revisit the same gimmick in 1943 with The Masked Marvel serial. Not only was the Masked Marvel dubbed while in costume, Republic went one step further when his identity is revealed at the end: the actor playing the Marvel's alter ego was nowhere near the same size or build of the stuntman who played the hero.
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multifandomangel · 6 months ago
this football season i’m rooting for the kansas city chiefs (for travis kelce / taylor swift) and the texas longhorns (bc glen powell said he likes them). i have no idea if either of these teams are actually any good this year, and honestly: i don’t really care!
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lpmurphy · 9 months ago
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catharusustulatus · 2 years ago
My Eddie Munson analysis, with points that have already been made, but that I’ll say again:
He was probably not intended to be as popular as he became, hence his death. The Duffers and co obviously regret their decision; cue the kajillion posts, teases, and merch pieces coming out about him. They fucked up by killing him, and they know it. Will he come back? I have no idea.
Joseph was the one who made Eddie as great as he is. He helped shape the character and he gave him the depth and personality (mannerisms, rings, eye fucking Steve in all scenes, other choices, ad libs, etc) that we love him for.
To me, Eddie as a character IS a plot device. He was written to mature the party boys, specifically Dustin. He was written to die, so that Steve could live. He was written to subvert expectations, like with Chrissy, which makes you care about him.
He was also written to confirm the re-significance of Stancy, with his explicit “get her back” comments in the UD. This fascinates me because he barely knows these people, let alone what’s going on in their relationship. Why would he feel compelled to say what he said, unless he’s being used as a narrative tool to push Stancy to the forefront? I am into Stancy too personally but like, lol, who told him about what was going on? Did Robin take 5 minutes to be like “hey Eddie btw if Steve and Nancy seem awkward around each other, it’s because they used to date but she broke up with him and he never really got over her and her long distance bf has been incommunicado so I feel like there might be a chance they rekindle their love” like I guess it happened off screen! Did Dustin tell him? And while I wish we’d seen a conversation so it would make more sense why he’s saying that, we didn’t need it, because HE doesn’t exist that deeply on the page. His comment was to further someone else’s plot, not his own. (I personally also love the headcanon that he said all of that to Steve because he was crushing on Steve and was deflecting).
I have no idea what the costume and hair and makeup departments were doing when they developed his final looks, but that boy is queer. The bandana alone, I immediately thought he was going to be the first gay character in the show in s4e1. In his introductory monologue he mentions sodomy, I mean….
Lastly, everyone has already said this, but his death. Are you kidding me? It’s not just that he was another one season semi filler character that’s introduced, who you fall in love with, who dies. It’s the fact that he died so savagely, in what felt like a nonsensical way. It felt almost taunting, like here’s this symbol of what it means to be different and let’s kill him! Get it, he didn’t run away this time! Booooo ��🍅 that’s bad writing. He didn’t zip up his jacket! Why? He was written to make all the wrong decisions, because they so thoroughly wanted him to die, almost like his death is an important part of his character.
Whether or not he’s Kas, just haunts Dustin the way Billy haunted Max, or something in between, if he isn’t shown at all in season 5, after all the hubbub about him, I will riot.
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conjuringjustice · 7 months ago
Dropped the Ball
I started this blog to tell the stories of people victimized by corruption. My focus is, obviously, Patrick Gonzalez and his travesty of a case, but working hand in hand with that case, is the ongoing corruption that facilitated that case. I have been contacted by so many people associated with the Escambia County Sheriff’s office over the years. The people brave enough to come forward are the…
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artiststarme · 2 years ago
Highway to Hell
Just another fun little story based on a random sentence song title that came to mind. I hope you guys like it and please leave a comment below!
Steve was a really bad driver. He knew it, his high school friends knew it, and the police knew it. He didn’t mean it in a technical way, he was perfectly capable of driving a car and not crashing it. Admittedly, he was reckless and he found driving laws to be more of a suggestion than a rule. Steve had his reasons though. 
There was very little to do in Hawkins for any sort of entertainment. One could only go to the arcade or go swimming at the lake so many times before it became boring just like everything else in the town. When the excitement surrounding fun activities wore out, Steve turned to racing down empty country roads and skidding down the highway to feel a thrill. 
And he liked it. The feeling of the wind tearing through the open windows, the exhilaration at the threat of danger, and the delight that came with gaslighting the cops that pulled him over. There was nothing better. 
All of that changed when the kids started hanging around though. Steve couldn’t race down the 25 mph roads at 70. He had to slow down and protect his precious cargo. As such, the only people that didn’t realize he was a notoriously bad driver were the kids and Robin. They considered him the safest driver they’d ever been around. He followed the speed limit to a T, didn’t have road rage like their parents, and always stopped at stop signs. What more could they ask for?
It lasted for a while, his good driving habits, enough that Hopper, Powell, and Callahan all took a sigh of relief. Not having to worry about Steve Harrington doing his darndest to wrap himself around a tree allowed them to let their guard down. Granted, it coincided with strange happenings, disappearances, and murders, but still, it was one less thing on their plate.  
When he started hanging out with Eddie after the events of Spring Break, Steve relaxed a little bit. He didn’t have to be so stringent with his driving and could start letting loose again. So he did. Whenever he was alone or driving somewhere with Eddie, he’d speed like a bat out of hell, ignore the recommended stop signs, take turns too fast, everything he shouldn’t do. 
Hopper was the one who pulled him over first after he illegally passed the police cruiser going 60 mph in a 45. 
“Harrington, what the hell? I thought you were done with this shit,” Hopper grumbled. His face was exasperated which made sense since his pseudo-son was being a little shit again. 
Steve just sent him a chagrined smile, “I’m sorry Hop, I didn’t mean to speed. I’m rushing Eddie back to the trailer because he’s feeling sick and I don’t want him throwing up in my car. I love the guy but not enough to deal with vomit, you know?”
Hopper just shook his head at him and waved him off. “Next time I catch you speeding, you’re getting a ticket. Go the speed limit, Steve.”
“Of course you won’t catch me again, Hop! I’ll see you at dinner tomorrow. Bye!” He called as Hopper walked back to the cruiser. He looked at Eddie in the passenger seat to face a deranged glare. “What’s up with you?”
“Me?!” Eddie shrieked. “You’re the one speeding like you have a death wish then blaming it on me to my future father-in-law! You’re not winning me any points here, Steve!”
“Wow hey, Hop likes you just fine. Also, future father-in-law? Let’s go back to that, as far as I know, you haven’t even proposed!”
“Gay marriage is illegal! Otherwise I would’ve-”
The next time they got pulled over, Steve blew through a stop sign. That one, admittedly, was his fault. He’d been too distracted with Eddie’s hand rubbing his thigh that he’d driven right through it. Luckily though, it was late and no one was out and about. Besides the police cruiser that was parked out of sight in the dark. 
As soon as Powell saw it was him, he told him to keep his eyes on the road and walked back to his car. He’d dealt a lot with Steve Harrington and he wasn’t willing to put up with the headache at 2 AM on a Tuesday. He’d get him next time, he was sure. 
Steve had a tactic for dealing with Callahan. His big brother could be a bit of a dumbass and as long as you muddied the situation enough, he would drop the lecture and ticket out of confused rage alone. It had worked with him every single time thus far and it wouldn’t fail him now. 
So, when he and Eddie got pulled over for speeding down an empty country road, Steve mustered up his bitchiest face. As soon as Phil walked up to the window, he started his act. 
“Phil, what the hell? Why are you pulling me over? I’m just trying to get home after a long day.”
“You were going 30 mph over the speed limit which is considered reckless driving. I should write you a ticket right now,” Callahan spoke with an air of cocky arrogance that was sure to fade. 
“Who says I was speeding? You were the one that had to speed to catch up to me. Why were you driving so quickly? Some might say that’s reckless.” The smile dropped off of Phil’s face immediately and he became defensive. 
“I’m a police officer, I’m allowed to speed.”
“Ohhh, so you think you’re above the law because you have a badge?” Steve raised an eyebrow and could only watch in delight as Phil’s face became more and more red.
“That’s not what I sai-”
“That’s awful, Phil. What would mom say right now? Or worse, what would Hopper say about his deputy mistreating the badge?”
Phil just looked at him in shock before he blinked. “How the hell do you do this every time? Do you know how many times you’ve tried to trick me when I’ve pulled you over?”
“Phil, that doesn’t sound like me at all. Why are you really pulling me over today? Are you trying to pull the annoying big brother card? Is this a prank?”
“You know it's not a prank, you were speeding!” He yelled at him.
“You were speeding!” Steve screamed back, pointing a finger at him accusingly. 
“Jesus Christ, just go home and stop fucking speeding! Fuck Steve, every time!” Phil screamed in fury before stomping back to his cruiser. 
Steve merely rolled up the window and turned his head to look at Eddie. He was once again shocked with his mouth gaping open. 
“Oh yeah, did I tell you that Phil’s my brother? Small world, huh?”
Of course no one in the Party believed Eddie when he told them that Steve drove like a maniac on crack. Every single person he told just shrugged it off and it was driving him insane. He even tried to convince Hopper to talk to the kids but he refused to get in the middle or risk fighting with his kid. 
To this day, the Party still doesn’t believe Eddie when he says that Steve is a reckless driver (and it’s infuriating because Steve smirks arrogantly anytime it comes up).
Bonus: Eddie knows Steve before the Upside Down because he almost hit him with his car when Eddie was walking home one day (Steve gave him a ride after but the damage was done)
That’s how he knew he could handle driving the RV and why he decided to throw him the reins. 
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ayyy-imma-ninja · 2 months ago
The gathered onlookers turned upon hearing Sun’s cry and quickly parted, letting him through with ease. On the grass stood Chief Powell, with two other officers nearby disarming a pair of disgruntled teens. One of the human security guards carried a fire extinguisher in her arms. The shade umbrella that was normally upright was now laying on the ground, its canopy angled to still cast shadow onto the ground. Sun locked eyes with the chief, rays partially retracted and hands clenched into shaking fists.
Powell silently looked to the umbrella.
Without a word, Sun walked right by him and around the canopy, the smell of petrol now overwhelmingly potent. He looked to the ground—
Sun froze in place, his voice box squawking—eerily mimicking one choking on a gasp of air. “M-Moon…?!”
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gallifreyanhotfive · 1 year ago
Random Doctor Who Facts You Might Not Know, Part 2
While attending Jago and Litefoot's knighting ceremony, the Sixth Doctor had to go in disguise because of the grudge Queen Victoria had against him, which was started by the Tenth Doctor.
Once, the TARDIS jumped a time track, leaving the Tenth Doctor at Powell Estate for a week. During this time, he lived with Mickey.
A team called the "Plastic Surgeons," comprised of the Tenth Doctor, Rose Tyler, and a lone Auton, won a Mannequin Challenge competition.
The Shopkeeper from the SJAs may have been an incarnation of the Corsair according to RTD.
The War Chief once had an aborted regeneration, which left him deformed, his past and future selves joined together. He had a conjoined dual skull and an extraordinary set of limbs.
The Third Doctor took Jo back in time in an attempt to kill that same would-be-dictator baby but also failed to do so after seeing his Sixth try the same (some of you already know where I am going with this).
After being irradiated on Metebelis III, the Third Doctor was stuck in the time vortex for ten years, dying very slowly.
Ian and Barbara's son became a pop singer.
The Eleventh Doctor once traveled with a robotic copy of a Tyrannosaurus rex named Kevin. His tiny arms made him unable to help pilot the TARDIS.
Kamelion and the TARDIS had a child together.
Missy killed the incarnations that came both before her (Saxon Master) and also after her (the Lumiat).
The Venusian Lullaby sounds like God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen because Jago and Litefoot sang it on Venus to soothe the Shanghorn.
The First Doctor caused High Tutor Albrecht to regenerate by experimenting with a perigosto stick and a temporal feedback loop.
The First Doctor rigged a drinks machine to produce mercury during his time at the Academy to experiment with, nearly causing his professor to regenerate.
The First Doctor's dorm room had posters in it and became timelocked after an experiment gone wrong. No one ever figured out how to get rid of the timelock.
Basically, the Doctor was a menace even as a student, but everyone knew that.
Part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28
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