dimity-lawn · 7 months
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artparks-sculpture · 10 months
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A sculpture titled 'Monk (Ghostly Standing Mesh Garden statue)' by sculptor William Ashley-Norman. In a medium of Chickenwire.
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biffmitchell · 4 months
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Art and the Zen of Chicken Wire
There is no Zen in chicken wire. The title is a lie. There is only pain and remorse in chicken wire. Chicken wire wants to take out your eyes. Chicken wire wants to scar your face and rip off an ear. Chicken wire will put tiny holes in your arms and legs, your wrists and ankles…and then it will shed micro bits of metal into your coffee…
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sinceimbreathin · 1 year
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ianscott360 · 1 year
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Yesterday at our @farnhamcommunityfarm I laid down these pieces of cardboard and put 🐔wire on top. So that anyone driving things up like tools and vegs wouldn't get as stuck or slidy #farnhamcommunityfarm #chickenwire (at Farnham Community Farm) https://www.instagram.com/p/CnT1kTdNnn5/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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unicornsmilez · 2 years
Saturday lab session
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vernrot · 3 months
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Sniper enjoying a morning cup of coffee
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yourgaydads · 2 years
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the corinthian confides in a co-worker.
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galionne-diging · 1 year
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There is a beast in my home
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cantankerouscatfish · 4 months
another stunner of a text from my brother
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sure, man. you can do whatever the heck you want. live ur dreams.
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transhitman · 5 months
A little in love with the NPC crew I made for my pirate-themed Post-Earth side-game. They're all like ridiculously skilled prodigies in their respective fields but no one respects them or would even guess the type of demented arcane experiments that are going on on that gay ship because their captain acts like an embarrassing freak idiot at every turn.
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worldsofzzt · 1 year
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Source “ChickenWire v1.8” by Zenith Nadir (2001) Published by: Interactive Fantasies [SIAMESE.ZZT] - “11) FUCK OF ZENITH” {🔫: 0} Play This World Online
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artparks-sculpture · 10 months
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A sculpture titled 'Kneeling Female (3D Lifesize Nude Wire Wall statue)' by sculptor William Ashley-Norman. In a medium of Steel chickenwire and in an edition of 1/1.
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biffmitchell · 4 months
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Art and the Zen of Chicken Wire
There is no Zen in chicken wire. The title is a lie. There is only pain and remorse in chicken wire. Chicken wire wants to take out your eyes. Chicken wire wants to scar your face and rip off an ear. Chicken wire will put tiny holes in your arms and legs, your wrists and ankles…and then it will shed micro bits of metal into your coffee…
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puppyeared · 2 years
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noinou · 2 years
just realized i might be cool???
#like i know how to program and cook and bake and do calligraphy and watercolor and can sort of draw#right now i do archery and i learned the basics of a bunch of martial arts (muay thai + kung fu + tae kwon do)#and i learned the basics of fencing#i used to shave with a straight razor and i sharpen my own knives#im an ok rock climber and tree climber#i did folk dancing for 2 years#i learned basic sailing and fishing and know how to swim#ive done 2 50km hikes and was on my highschool's rugby team#i tutor people in math and python#i can read ipa#and can sorta read hangeul cyrillic and chinese and farsi#i know the basics of building a fire#i built a giant chickenwire sculpture of a fish once#my friend liked one of my paintings so much its hanging in her house#i know how to book bind and taught it to my sister#she and i built a bookshelf from scratch together#i have a jacket i made myself out of scraps#i can make a brooch in less than 5 minutes#i have operated a nuclear reactor#one time i freaked out my professor by being able to recite the first bit of the pirates of panzance modern general song without fucking up#i can do the thing where you open a bottle by hitting it on a corner#oh i forgot i did capoeira and fencing for a bit!#oh i recently learned how to wrap gifts without using any tape!#ok this has gotten really long#im not doing this to show off or anything#this is genuinely the first time i realized some of this stuff might be impressive to people#since ive got this whole jack of all trades master of none thing going on#except i hang out with a shit ton of masters of one#but like fuck dude#was it kurt vonnegut who had the quote about like the things you do dont stop mattering when you put them down
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