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omanxl1 · 3 years ago
Moving Forward: Now What’s Next? (Part Ten )
Moving Forward: Now What’s Next? (Part Ten )
We’re moving forward even though it’s a Throwback Thursday; oh we might visit the past but we won’t stay in it.  Thankful Thursday business is also handled due to the fact that it’s a blessing to be here so we’re in it to win it! But not a dimwit as we bear witness to the madness around us; this Covid 19 Delta Variant ain’t playing fair with it! Speaking of dimwits, Ron DeSantis and Greg…
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backroombuzz · 7 years ago
Crickets From Democrats and Media About Chicago Gun Violence
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Democrats Drag Out Their Soapbox Every Time Some POS White Boy Shoots A Gun, But Blacks and Minorities You Get Crickets From The Hypocrite Left
After another school shooting it's not shocking to read the left tweeting out their typical 'something must be done about guns' diatribe bullshit. What you won't hear from these hypocrite POS's is the least bit of outrage about the mass murder happening in Chicago every single day. For all their liberal gun bluster, Chicago has proven that there is only one solution. To combat senseless gun violence, an armed law abiding citizen is the only way to protect law-abiding citizens from criminals. I doubt that the POS 17-year-old would have walked into Santa Fe High if he knew someone was inside ready to shoot back. For all the leftist talk, the liberal loony toons never propose anything that would actually have stopped the school shootings in Santa Fe, or Parkland, or the Texas Church shooting or....... The sad truth is everything a lefty gun control lover could propose has been done tried by previous Chicago Mayors and that includes their latest Loony Toon Liberal Mayor. Here's a short list of current Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel's brilliant fails: He’s fired and hired multiple police superintendents He’s tried (unsuccessfully) to eliminate gun stores within city limits He’s tried (unsuccessfully) to keep shooting ranges out of his town. He fought concealed carry He's outlawed citizens wearing bullet proof vests or any gun protection for that matter. He’s tried paying gang bangers with tax dollars in hopes they would stop banging... His mom? In September 2016, Rahm Emanuel announced the city would spend $36 million in youth mentoring efforts, policing strategies and gun legislation as his plan to fight and prevent crime. In 2017 there were 3,566 shootings. Yes that was down from the 4,369 shootings in 2016. Except you would need to overlook the fact that 2017 ranked #2 all time and had almost 600 more shootings than in 2015. So if you want to claim success... Good luck!  Number of REPORTED shootings in Chicago 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2,518 2,186 2,581 2,981 4,369 3,566 Rahm Emanuel's latest scheme to end the shooting gallery is almost as ridiculous as Chicago voters year after year electing yet another corrupt and/or inept Democrat to run America's third largest city. Rahm's big idea to cut down on the approximately 600 homicides committed within the city each year? Punish banks who make loans to weapons manufacturers. But as usual, the Democrats never think their "Big Idea" through. Chicago's financial situation is in shambles, and they are close to $40 Billion dollars in debt. That kind of shortfall equates to 1970's NYC financial ruin level. I'm just spitballing here but I don't think it's a great idea to spit in the face of the only institution that is preventing Chicago from becoming the next Detroit. Crickets Where is all the over the top hyperbole from David Hogg, Rosie, Alyssa Milano, CNN, MSNBC, The Big Three fake News Networks, The DNC, The DCCC, and Democrats in general... Hell, where is Obama speaking out about Chicago gun violence? After-all it's his hometown and home of the future Obama library (LOL Maybe). Where is Joe Biden who claims that 'America has Stormy Daniels (prostituted) the Second Amendment.' Where is Nancy Pelosi or Chuck Schumer spewing their typical 'jump the shark' statements when it comes to Chicagoans having to sleep on the floor to avoid being shot through a window?  They sure spout off every time some retarded POS white boy shoots up a school. Hell, now according to the latest liberal reporting those inbreed morons no longer even need to use an AR-15 to have the left hyperventilate about their so-called "Common sense gun control" i.e. Repealing the Second Amendment. The Santa Fe School shooting introduced America to two new liberal loony toon phrases "AR-15 Like" and the incredibly asinine USA today created phrase ‘less-lethal' than an AR-15. As long as the left can get AR-15 in their gun control story all's good in Liberal La-La-Land. But somehow the Democrats and MSM seem to never address the thousands of shootings taking place each year in dozens of generational run Democratic, gun controlled cities like Chicago, Detroit or Baltimore? Chicago has some of the toughest gun laws in the nation but year in and year out the Windy City's streets are basically a shooting gallery that have law-abiding citizens running for their lives. 22 in 2018 The Democrats latest love has been spewing their "22 school shootings in 2018." Yes, it's nothing but BS when you consider the fake news media and the Democrats who thought it up are counting a BB gun incident among those 22 school shootings. But while liberals are using months as their parameter, in Chicago they count their shooting in minutes. To get a sense of how hypocritically sick the left are when spewing their bullshit '22 in 2018.' This list shows the victims of Chicago gun violence covering a 12-day span, let me repeat that A12-DAY SPAN.  Via The Chicago Tribune May 16th, Wednesday 11:00 AM, May 16 - 27-Year-Old Male READ STORY 11:00 PM, May 16 - 18-Year-Old Male READ STORY 10:07 PM, May 16 - 25-Year-Old Male 9:08 PM, May 16 19-Year-Old Male READ STORY  7:55 PM, May 16 - 46-Year-Old Male READ STORY 7:55 PM, May 16 - 53-Year-Old Male READ STORY 7:35 PM, May 16 - 25-Year-Old Male READ STORY 7:40 PM, May 16 - 36-Year-Old Female READ STORY 3:35 PM, May 16 - 31-Year-Old Male READ STORY May 15th, Tuesday 3:20 PM, May 15 - 20-Year-Old Male 3:20 PM, May 15 - 20-Year-Old Male 7:15 PM, May 15 - 20-Year-Old Male 5:40 PM, May 15 - 19-Year-Old Male 4:30 PM, May 15 - 20-Year-Old Female 9:05 PM, May 15 - 37-Year-Old Male 11:45 PM, May 15 - 30-Year-Old Male 11:54 PM, May 15 - 21-Year-Old Male 11:02 AM, May 15 - 18-Year-Old Male READ STORY May 14th, Monday 5:25 PM, May 14 - 17-Year-Old Male READ STORY 5:25 PM, May 14 - 19-Year-Old Male READ STORY 12:05 AM, May 14 - 22-Year-Old Male READ STORY May 13th, Sunday 8:00 PM, May 13 - 24-Year-Old Male 2:35 PM, May 13 - 20-Year-Old Male READ STORY 2:30 PM, May 13 - 38-Year-Old Female READ STORY 11:45 AM, May 13 - 27-Year-Old Male READ STORY 12:30 AM, May 13 - 23-Year-Old Male READ STORY May 12th, Saturday 12:24 AM, May 12 - 21-Year-Old Male READ STORY 5:46 PM, May 12 - 43-Year-Old Male READ STORY 12:10 PM, May 12 - 29-Year-Old Male READ STORY 10:15 AM, May 12 - 15-Year-Old Male READ STORY 2:03 PM, May 12 - 15-Year-Old Male READ STORY 2:36 PM, May 12 - 34-Year-Old Male READ STORY 5:46 PM, May 12 - 40-Year-Old Male READ STORY 7:43 PM, May 12 - 29-Year-Old Male READ STORY 11:35 PM, May 12 - 35-Year-Old Male READ STORY 3:32 AM, May 12 - 39-Year-Old Male READ STORY 2:00 AM, May 12 - 27-Year-Old Male READ STORY 1:09 AM, May 12 - Female READ STORY 1:09 AM, May 12 - 41-Year-Old Male READ STORY 12:24 AM, May 12 - 28-Year-Old Male May 11th, Friday 10:53 PM, May 11 - 27-Year-Old Male READ STORY 9:41 PM, May 11 - 29-Year-Old Male 9:17 PM, May 11 - 18-Year-Old Male 7:45 PM, May 11 - 19-Year-Old Male READ STORY 2:30 AM, May 11 - 35-Year-Old Male READ STORY May 10th, Thursday 2:18 PM, May 10 - 17-Year-Old Male READ STORY 11:28 PM, May 10 - 23-Year-Old Male READ STORY 10:56 PM, May 10 - 18-Year-Old Male READ STORY 7:35 PM, May 10 - 17-Year-Old Male READ STORY 7:35 PM, May 10 - 13-Year-Old Male READ STORY 2:00 PM, May 10 - 22-Year-Old Male READ STORY 11:49 AM, May 10 - 24-Year-Old Male READ STORY  May 9th, Wednesday 10:35 PM, May 9 - 18-Year-Old Male READ STORY 10:35 PM, May 9 - 15-Year-Old Male READ STORY  9:49 PM, May 9 - 21-Year-Old Female READ STORY 9:49 PM, May 9 - 26-Year-Old Male READ STORY 4:40 PM, May 9 - 43-Year-Old Male READ STORY 3:30 AM, May 9 - 31-Year-Old Male READ STORY 12:40 AM, May 9 - 29-Year-Old Male READ STORY May 8th, Tuesday 10:48 PM, May 8 - 28-Year-Old Male READ STORY 9:45 PM, May 8 - 23-Year-Old Female READ STORY 8:45 PM, May 8 - 53-Year-Old Male READ STORY 9:34 PM, May 8 - 18-Year-Old Male READ STORY 9:34 PM, May 8 - 60-Year-Old Male READ STORY 8:45 PM, May 8 - 20-Year-Old Male READ STORY 8:30 PM, May 8 - 15-Year-Old Female READ STORY 7:20 PM, May 8 - 43-Year-Old Male READ STORY 7:20 PM, May 8 - 28-Year-Old Male READ STORY 7:20 PM, May 8 - 33-Year-Old Male READ STORY 6:27 PM, May 8 - 16-Year-Old Female READ STORY 5:28 PM, May 8 - 24-Year-Old Male READ STORY 1:58 PM, May 8 - 24-Year-Old Male READ STORY 1:58 PM, May 8 - 27-Year-Old Male READ STORY 12:30 AM, May 8 - Male READ STORY May 7th, Monday 9:50 PM, May 7 - 27-Year-Old Male READ STORY 6:15 PM, May 7 - 29-Year-Old Female READ STORY 6:15 PM, May 7 - 26-Year-Old Male READ STORY 4:37 PM, May 7 - 30-Year-Old Male READ STORY 4:04 PM, May 7 - 36-Year-Old Male READ STORY 1:33 AM, May 7 - 26-Year-Old Male READ STORY May 6th, Sunday 2:30 AM, May 6 - 23-Year-Old Male READ STORY 11:20 PM, May 6 - 35-Year-Old Male READ STORY 9:28 PM, May 6 - 22-Year-Old Male READ STORY 9:00 PM, May 6 - 32-Year-Old Male READ STORY 4:00 AM, May 6 - 33-Year-Old Male READ STORY 4:53 AM, May 6 - Male READ STORY 2:48 AM, May 6 - 28-Year-Old Male READ STORY 3:28 AM, May 6 - Male READ STORY 2:15 AM, May 6 - 29-Year-Old Male READ STORY 1:54 AM, May 6 - 35-Year-Old Male READ STORY 2:01 AM, May 6 - 24-Year-Old Male READ STORY 2:01 AM, May 6 - 22-Year-Old Male READ STORY 12:24 AM, May 6 - 29-Year-Old Male READ STORY May 5th, Saturday 7:59 PM, May 5 - 55-Year-Old Female READ STORY 9:21 PM, May 5 - 23-Year-Old Male READ STORY 9:21 PM, May 5 - 12-Year-Old Male READ STORY 7:59 PM, May 5 - 35-Year-Old Female READ STORY 1:56 AM, May 5 - 30-Year-Old Male READ STORY The only gun control that Democrats want is a total repeal of the Second Amendment. Can't wait to hear the left tell us how exactly they will confiscate 350 million guns from 100 million law-abiding citizens, not to mention the criminals. The Democrats keep telling us that if Trump fires Mueller it will create a civil war, just wait till they try to confiscate 350 million guns, they'll see what a real civil war will actually look like. To See Reporting On Chicago Gun Violence Done In Absolute perfection Then You Must Go To HeyJackass.com.  Not only do they have every stat imaginable, you know you're in the presence of greatness when a site unpacks Chicago gun violence stats so well they have this:
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I am so friggin envious of HeyJackass.com brilliance LOL. Read the full article
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braidedjanes · 6 years ago
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Ruleta by The Braided Janes. This art piece was painted by our band members for our Despierta album release show. It reads, “another good guy with a gun gone bad” lyrics from our song Ruleta. You can listen to and download Ruleta on Spotify and iTunes! #behindthemusic #braidedjanes #juanastrenzudas #latinx #latinxt #postpunkmusic #spanishrock #latinrock #bilingualrock #chicana #chicanamusic #ruleta #endgunviolence #westorange #gunviolenceawareness #gunpolicyreform #russianroulette #artexhibit #albumrelease #despierta #musicanueva #musicsaves #bethechange ##enough #bradybackgroundchecks #bradycampaign #ceasefire #latinosunidos #chicagogunviolence #musicforthemasses #musicforthepeople #musicforthestreets https://www.instagram.com/p/BygTBeMgzZa/?igshid=r7g4g58zrgzt
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instapicsil2 · 7 years ago
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An evidence marker sits next to a shell casing at the scene where a 64-year-old woman was shot in the head and killed in the 6900 block of North Glenwood Avenue near the Morse Red Line station Friday, Oct. 13, 2017, in the Rogers Park neighborhood of Chicago. (Erin Hooley/Chicago Tribune) #Chicago #ChicagoTribune #Chicagogunviolence #RogersPark http://ift.tt/2gbnz7J
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lyfestile · 7 years ago
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#santafe #dimitriospagouritz #gunviolence #chicagogunviolence #ferguson #whitesupremacy #trump #whiteness #blackonblackcrime #systematicoppression #racism #policebrutality #thisisamerica #schoolshooting #blacklivesmatter #alllivesmatter #indigenouslivesmatter #brownlivesmatter #sayhername #capitalism #whoprotectsusfromyou #policereform #stopkillingus #othering
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hiphoprepublicansworld · 9 years ago
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Funeral Preparations for 9 year-old Tyshawn Lee. A victim of #ChicagoGunViolence. ChicagoTribune.com -Kindness for Tyshawn after unimaginable cruelty Final touches -Last Monday, the morning of Tyshawn's wake, Troy Franklin arrived at the West Side funeral home all in black. Franklin, at 48, was the oldest of the men at House of Branch entrusted with Tyshawn's care. He was a calm presence among those helping with the arrangements. Franklin walked a pair of white cotton gloves into the room where Reid was already working and ripped off the plastic packaging. Reid lifted Tyshawn's right hand and struggled a bit to fit the glove over the blue latex glove already on the boy's hand. Once the first finger was in, the others were a bit easier. He did it again with the left hand. The gloves matched the tuxedo, something Tyshawn might have worn to a prom. In other ways, the wake and funeral would be a reminder of what the boy would never become. At his feet would be a basketball he would never dribble for a varsity team. Near the coffin would be a photo of a younger Tyshawn in a cap and gown, not much different from what he would have donned graduating from high school. Another photo showed Tyshawn in a vest and shirt, as if dressed for a job interview he would never have. When the gloves were on, Reid sprayed the boy's face with a touch of moisturizer. He tugged the white overlay around the inside of the casket tight, then folded it back into the casket over Tyshawn's body. He replaced two pieces of tissue over his face and closed the casket door just enough to leave a two-inch gap to guard against sudden changes in humidity and temperature. The pair loaded the casket into the hearse and drove to the Haven of Rest church. It was locked. Reid waited while Franklin set off in search of a janitor or security guard. Reid and Franklin brought the boy to the front of the chapel, with its simple stained glass letting in light from the south. A florist laid an array of white carnations, lilies and roses over the casket while church and funeral staff awaited the Lee family. #NewYorkCity #Boston #Baltimore #Atlanta #StLouis #Detroit #Milwaukee #Miami #Atlanta (at Wakefield, Massachusetts)
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divounlimited · 9 years ago
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This is heartbreaking. We as a nation, society, Americans, and African Americans have to do better. Senseless violence has claimed enough lives over the past 10-15 years. While some areas have improved, others like Chicago have gotten worst. As a survivor of multiple drive-bys myself, the aftermath affects us all. It's counterproductive, costs tax payers astronomical amounts to rebuild and repair neighborhoods, beef up police presence, and takes money from other resources that needs it. We cannot scrutinize the white on black crimes without examining and eliminating the black on black crimes.There is value in black lives. We must not only see the value for ourselves, but we must let our lights shine so bright that no one can dim it or ignore it. Blaming lack of economic development, education, and family support cannot become acceptable. Ethics, the golden rule, and morals go a long way. We are our brothers and sisters keeper. The time has come to put the guns down, disband the gangs, teach responsibility, mentor, and show that there are mature and legal non-violent ways to solve conflict without guns. #prayersforChicago #endgunviolence #Chicagogunviolence #stopcommunalterrorism #endtheviolence #disbandthegangs #makeadifference #aspiretoinspire #weallareaffected #Chicagohurts #guns #gunlaws #Divospeaks #endgangviolence #endshootouts #nogunsallowed #nonviolenceadvocate #gunsdontsolveproblems #lifeisshort
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omanxl1 · 3 years ago
Not Trying To Waste Your Time Or Mine (Part Ten)
Not Trying To Waste Your Time Or Mine (Part Ten)
It’s going down on this Thankful Thursday, I keep telling y’all it’s a blessing to be here! I’m not trying to waste your time or mine, showing gratitude check the attitude!  retro futuristic per this Throwback Thursday! we’re taking it there! We’re out here where they’re not playing fair, but we’re moving forward now what’s next? O-Zone? we’re going in / getting it in per the veteran in the…
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franklyyoursfoundation · 11 years ago
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You can help us Target Hope! Spread the word and help us grow our network of people willing to take action for the community. Tweet, Like, Share, Blog, and feature our content on Facebook. Send action emails to your friends. Talk about our campaigns and victories in your own language, and make sure your friends know how you're making a difference.#Chicago #nonprofit #art #distractionfromdestruction #Chicagogunviolence #awareness #takeaction #giveback #network #spreadtheword Targethealth #franklyyours2targethope #TargetHope #FranklyYours - See more at: http://www.franklyyours.org/joinnow.html
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instapicsil2 · 7 years ago
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Chicago police investigate the scene where a 64-year-old woman was shot in the head and killed in the 6900 block of North Glenwood Avenue near the Morse Red Line station Friday, Oct. 13, 2017, in the Rogers Park neighborhood of Chicago. Police said she was the "unintended target'' of the attack. The woman was walking toward the "L" station when a vehicle drove by and opened fire. (Erin Hooley/Chicago Tribune) #Chicago #ChicagoTribune #Chicagogunviolence #RogersPark http://ift.tt/2yhnmuj
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instapicsil2 · 7 years ago
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Deaira Moore, right, and others stand around outside the Morse Red Line station near the scene where a 64-year-old woman was shot in the head and killed in the 6900 block of North Glenwood Avenue Friday, Oct. 13, 2017, in the Rogers Park neighborhood of Chicago. Moore said she was walking up to the train station when she saw a woman collapse by the opposite corner. “They just shot that girl like it was nothing,” she said. “I can’t believe what I just saw.” (Erin Hooley/Chicago Tribune) #Chicago #ChicagoTribune #Chicagogunviolence #RogersPark http://ift.tt/2ga1LsY
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instapicsil2 · 7 years ago
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The CTA Red Line train passes by as Chicago police investigate the scene where a 64-year-old woman was shot in the head and killed in the 6900 block of North Glenwood Avenue near the Morse Red Line station Friday, Oct. 13, 2017, in the Rogers Park neighborhood of Chicago. Police said she was the "unintended target'' of the attack. The woman was walking toward the "L" station when a vehicle drove by and opened fire. (Erin Hooley/Chicago Tribune) #Chicago #ChicagoTribune #Chicagogunviolence #RogersPark http://ift.tt/2yhndHh
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omanxl1 · 8 years ago
#AtlantaFalcons, #BeverlyHillbillies, #chicagobulls, #chicagogunviolence, #falconfunk, #GOPRetreats, #LaLaLand, #music, #PatriotsDay, #poetry, #throwbackthursday, #ThursdayThoughts, #TrumpExecutiveOrders
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omanxl1 · 8 years ago
#BeverlyHillbillies, #chicagogunviolence, #donnyhathaway, #JeffSessionsProtest, #LaLaLand, #LamarJackson, #music, #poetry, #RedDeadRedemption, #Russianhacking
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omanxl1 · 8 years ago
#chicagogunviolence, #donaldtrump, #isleybrothers, #MariahCarey, #poetry, #RondaRousey, #Russianhackers, #TommyElrod
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divounlimited · 9 years ago
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This is heartbreaking. We as a nation, society, Americans, and African Americans have to do better. Senseless violence has claimed enough lives over the past 10-15 years. While some areas have improved, others like Chicago have gotten worst. As a survivor of multiple drive-bys myself, the aftermath affects us all. It's counterproductive, costs tax payers astronomical amounts to rebuild and repair neighborhoods, beef up police presence, and takes money from other resources that needs it. We cannot scrutinize the white on black crimes without examining and eliminating the black on black crimes.There is value in black lives. We must not only see the value for ourselves, but we must let our lights shine so bright that no one can dim it or ignore it. Blaming lack of economic development, education, and family support cannot become acceptable. Ethics, the golden rule, and morals go a long way. We are our brothers and sisters keeper. The time has come to put the guns down, disband the gangs, teach responsibility, mentor, and show that there are mature and legal non-violent ways to solve conflict without guns. #prayersforChicago #endgunviolence #Chicagogunviolence #stopcommunalterrorism #endtheviolence #disbandthegangs #makeadifference #aspiretoinspire #weallareaffected #Chicagohurts #guns #gunlaws #Divospeaks #endgangviolence #endshootouts #nogunsallowed #nonviolenceadvocate #gunsdontsolveproblems #lifeisshort
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