#Chibs Telford x OFC
hello sweet baby angel. can i pleaseeeee get #6 for chibs? ❤️❤️❤️
Hey gorgeous! Yes, you can!
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Smut below the cut, minors DNI!
Whenever he goes away on a run, you turn into something of an emotional mess if it's longer than a few days.
Your sexual emotions, to be specific.
God, how you miss your man between your legs when he isn't there.
The evening of his arrival at home comes around quickly, though, sitting on the couch catching up on your favourite TV shows when you see the window illuminated by the headlamp of his bike. You cross the lounge at a run, practically skiing down the hallway towards the front door, bolting through it and diving into his arms while he's still out on the drive.
"Jesus Christ, that's one fast-moving woman!" he exclaims, kissing you fondly as you wind yourself around him.
"A fast-moving woman who needs you as soon as possible," you state, kissing him as he carries you into the house, heading straight for the bedroom.
You paw at him hungrily, your kisses heating up as you both undress one another, Chibs laying you back on the bed, his mouth descending your newly exposed flesh. lips leaving a trail of kisses downwards, your muscles bouncing beneath your skin as you hum and moan softly.
“I’ve barely even touched you, and you’re this needy already? Hmm, I guess you really did miss daddy, huh?”
You laugh softly, hissing a breath when his mouth closes over your slit, sucking at you hungrily. "Oh, I really, really did."
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last updated on 09/14/2024
Bold stories or chapters are SMUT/NSFW
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Jake Hangman Seresin (Top Gun Maverick)
The girl behind the bar (Jake Hangman Seresin x plus-size reader)
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4.1
Part 4.2
Part 5.1
Part 5.2
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
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Chibs Telford (Sons of Anarchy)
Chibs x plus-size reader (18+ throught, minors DNI!!)
A new job
Boys will be boys
Party at the clubhouse
Late night
Dress down
Car troubles
Part of the business
Better offer
A New Home
Maybe baby
Oh so horrible
Redwoody Productions
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Henry Cavill Masterlist
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Sebastian Stan
Sebastian x Anna (OFC) Series
The universe can be a bitch  Part 1  Part 2
What happens in New York…  Part 1  Part 2  Part 3  Part 4  Part 5 Part 6  Part 7
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Morning kisses (Ben Hardy fluff)
You win an Oscar (Ben Hardy fluff)
Joe’s daughter (Joe Mazzello fluff)
BoRap Cast
Unexpectedly expecting (Ben Hardy x reader)
Part 1   Part 2   Part 3   Part 4   Part 5   Part 6   Part 7   Part 8   Part 9   Part 10  Part 11   Part 12   Part 13   Part 14 (unfinished)
Prove it to me (Ben Hardy x plus-size reader)
My new favorite t-shirt (Ben Hardy x plus-size reader)
PRESSing matters (Ben Hardy x reader)
Part 1   Part 2   Part 3   Part 4   Part 5   Part 6   Part 7   Part 8   Part 9   Part 10  Part 11
At the BAFTAs after party (main story)
- Gwil Part
- Joe Part
- Ben Part
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Alex Hogh Andersen
Temporary Roommate (Alex x Reader)
Part 1  Part 2  Part 3  Part 4  Part 5  Part 6  Part 7  Part 8  Part 9  Part 10  Part 11  Part 12  Part 13
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The gift (Hvitserk x OC x Magrethe)
My AO3 account
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the-hinky-panda · 2 years
Hinky’s Masterlist
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Minors DNI: The content on this blog is intended for adults (18+). By following or engaging with this content, you are agreeing that you are 18 or older. Do not interact if you are not 18 or over.
Ask: I love analyzing character, plot, storytelling methods, so if you ever want to talk about those things, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me! I also love hearing other people’s ideas so please, share those as well!
A03: Here is the link to my AO3 account. I have a lot of stories with OCs there if you like reading those. I’ve just started getting into writing the Reader stories.
Tag List: Sign up for your favorite characters here! 
Fic Fests:
October 2022 Fic Fest
**All stories are Fem!Reader and are explicit 
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Dustland Fairytale - Complete
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Mariposa - Complete
Pura Vida (An Alternate Ending to Mariposa) - Complete
Los Regalos - Ongoing series
La Chaparrita - Ongoing Series
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After We Fall - Ongoing Series
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By Land, Sea, and Air - Ongoing Series
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How To… - Ongoing Series
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The IT Series - Ongoing Series
The Penny Series - Ongoing Series
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The Tremont Tempest - Ongoing Series
The Dog - Ongoing Series
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The Lens - Ongoing Series
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Sacrifice - Complete
Oneshots for Sacrifice:
La Finca - Ongoing Series
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Eldritch - Complete
The Florist - Complete
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The Community Universe (in collaboration with @bullet-prooflove��)
The Medic Series (Coco Cruz x OFC! Morgan Fox)
The Preacher’s Wife Series (Hank Loza x OFC! Maggie Fox)
The Gin Blossom Series (Gilly Lopez x Reader)
Stand Alones: 
Vanishing Act (Kevin Jimenez x Fem!Reader)
Dog Days are Over (Chibs Telford x Fem!Reader)
Strings (Les Packer x Fem!Reader)
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The Drowning Kind (Sean Renard x Fem!Reader)
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The Seasons Series: 
The Fall Series (Porthos x OFC Reader)
The Winter Series (Aramis x OFC Reader)
The Spring Series (Athos x OFC Reader)
The Summer Series (Treville x OFC Reader)
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Boss Mare Series (Jamie Dutton x OFC reader)
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The Hare (Richard “Ritchie” Jerimovich x OFC reader)
106 notes · View notes
~Whiskey Lullaby~
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~Chapter 11~
Image credit: Myself @badwolf-in-the-impala​. None of the images are mine, only the editing.
Previous Chapters:  ((Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7 - Part 8 - Part 9 - Part 10))
Rating: Mature/18+
Warnings: Alcohol and drug use/abuse, violence, suggested physical/sexual abuse, kidnapping, sexual content, angst...So much angst.
Chapter warnings: Language, smoking, someone gets punched in the face and a whole lotta feels.
Word count: 4,264
A/N: I’m a shitty person when it comes to posting, I’m sorry...I also forget this chapter even existed. Oops. x_x Also huge shoutout to @jacksonroseroth​ who helped in the making of this chapter and always comes to my recue when I get stuck writing! ^-^
Once they were sure Tawni had left the room, Tig gave Teagan one last hug before jetting off, having gotten a text to meet the guys in the chapel. Teagan bit back her tears, having enough with crying for the day as she sat down in the chair beside Chibs’ bed. The steady beeping of the EKG machine drummed in her head as she sat there in silence. He wasn’t out of the woods, but he wasn’t dead. Her only regret was he hadn’t woken up yet so he could talk to her. Teagan just wanted to hear his voice right now, more than anything.
“God...I’ve really fucked it up this time.” She gave a bitter laugh as she shook her head, leaning her elbows forward onto the edge of the bed as she cradled her head in her hands. “I feel like this is all my fault, and the two people I trust and care about most? Well, Tawni hates me; And you?” 
Teagan let out a long sigh as she ran a hand through her dark hair, looking up to study a very unconscious Chibs. His head bandaged and face scraped in places from where he hit the ground during the explosion. He looked so broken and helpless lying in a hospital bed compared to his usual tough exterior that everyone saw. 
“Well -- You almost died.” She finally whispered, catching a stray tear with the back of her sleeve. “Shit, you still could. Please don’t.” Teagan choked out a sob as she took his hand gently, her voice going soft as she spoke to him. The fact that he likely couldn’t hear her briefly crossed her mind as she chewed her lower lip anxiously, but she continued anyway. 
 “There’s so much I need to tell you still...Things I should’ve told you already, probably, if I wasn’t so shit at talking about my feelings.” Teagan admitted guiltily. “Things I’m scared to admit because I’ve been here before, and I fucking swore to myself; I fucking swore! That I wouldn’t go down this road again. But alas, here I am. God I’m an idiot.” 
Things fell silent again for a little while, the steady beeping of the EKG machine being the only noise to fill the room once more. Teagan not knowing how to continue on, not that it mattered anyway. Chibs was unconscious and he would likely remain that way for quite a while. But the bigger question that had been weighing heavily on her mind -- Especially following her blow up with Tawni -- was not so much her own feelings, but his. It wasn’t something she had really even considered bringing up yet, what with everything that had been going on. But now? Now she wondered.
Just what exactly was it that he saw he saw in her? I mean sure, it wasn’t like things were really that serious between them, but they were serious enough that he cared for her well being. Her safety even. He cared enough to help her put herself back together every time she fell apart, even though he barely knew anything about her. Save for the story that had been pieced together all those years ago when she left Charming. The story that everyone knew so well. The story, that was only half truth.
Teagan could feel the tears beginning to prick behind her eyes again, forcing herself to draw in a few deep breaths as she tightened her grip on Chibs’ hand, trying her best to ground her emotions again. But her voice still faltered as she spoke aloud the question she wasn’t certain would ever be answered.
“What is it exactly that you see in me?” Tegan whispered. Her brows pulled tightly together in confusion as she ran a thumb carefully across his scared cheek and down his jawline before allowing her hand to fall away. Before Teagan could say anything else, the door swung open, making her jump. She quickly pulled her hand away and wiped her face as she stood. “Sorry, Doc. I just wanted to-”
As Teagan turned, expecting Tara to be standing in the doorway, she, instead, came face to face with an older, darker skinned woman with black hair that had begun to salt and pepper, holding onto the bag slung over her shoulder with a hip popped, hand propped on it, with a posh and annoyed look on her face.
“Oh. Um, sorry. I thought you were--Who are you?” Teagan asked, slightly confused. She’d never seen this woman around the clubhouse before and Chibs never mentioned any woman that even came close to what she looked like.
“I think the question here would be who the hell are you?” She asked, a thick Irish accent coming through. Teagan’s eyes shrunk back.
Oh, God, not another one. Teagan thought. She’d never met Tawni’s mother and she hoped to God this wasn’t her. Granted Tawni was as pale as the day was long, but stranger things have happened. Taken aback by the woman, Teagan blinked and cleared her throat before she said, “Um, I’m-I’m Teagan?”
The woman pursed her lips and gave a soft ‘Mhm’ as she rounded the bed and set her bag down. Tossing her dark mane over her shoulder, she turned back to Teagan and said, “And would ye mind tellin’ me why yeh’re so broken and upset over m’husband’s accident? And why you were touchin’ him like that?”
It took everything Teagan had to not let her mouth drop open in shock and start yelling. Chibs never once mentioned he had a wife. Not when he held her that first night, not when she spent multiple nights in his bed. He didn't even bother to tell her when they were mere articles of clothing away from doing the do.
‘Alright…That puts a new spin on shit.’ Teagan thought, not trusting herself enough to say anything out loud just yet. Teagan opened her mouth to explain, but the woman cut her off with a wave of her hand and said, “No. Don’t tell me. I don’ need ta’hear any lies out’o a Crow Eaters mouth.”
“Excuse me?!” Teagan shrieked. That one label sent her over the edge. She did her share of whoring around when she was younger, but goddamnit! She was the sister of one of the members! She was as far from a Crow Eater as you could get without being an Old Lady! “Listen, who the hell do you think you are?! You don’t know me!”
“Oh, sure, please!” The woman shouted back. “I know Filip has his fun wit’ you American girls. But never once has one o’them shown their face when I’m around!”
Teagan was about to channel Tawni and reach across Chibs’ bed for a right hook to her face, when a nurse hurried in through the open door.
“What is going on? ICU is for immediate family only!” She said. Teagan opened her mouth to lie and say she was family, but the Irish woman beat her to it with, “I’m his wife.”
The nurse gave her a sweet smile and nodded before turning to Teagan and saying, “Miss Trager, you need to leave. Dr. Knowles is looking for you anyway.”
Teagan huffed at the nurse, shooting daggers at the woman before turning on her heel and marching out of the room.
Gemma had lost track of Teagan after reprimanding Jax and just prayed that Teagan didn't end up running back into Tawni. She really didn't need to deal with an angry Irish girl and a Trager, at least not at the same time. The last thing they needed was an all out brawl between a couple of hot headed biker chicks on hospital grounds. But after checking around with a few of the guys, she confirmed that Tawni had indeed gone back to the Clubhouse. And judging from the commotion coming from down the hall nearest Chibs’ room, Gemma could only guess that’s where Teagan had ended up.
“Shit.” Gemma muttered under her breath as she quickened her pace as she moved towards whatever in the hell was going on; Stepping back just in time as Teagan blew around the corner and passed her, Tara hot on her heels trying her best to stop her.
“I’m serious, Teagan, you really need to stay overnight for observation! You have a concussion for Christ sake, just let me help!” Tara tried to reason.
“I don’t fucking need anymore help!” Teagan stopped so suddenly that Tara almost smacked right into her. Taking a quick step back with a wide eyed expression as Teagan rounded on her like a viper about to strike its prey. 
“Hey! Knock it the hell off!” Gemma managed to butt in between the two, putting a hand to Teagan’s chest as she pushed her back. “This isn’t the goddamn WWE. Now why don’t you calm down and tell me what the hell is going on?” 
“He has a fuckin’ wife!” Teagan all but screeched before storming off down the hall towards the exit to the stairs. ‘Explains a lot.’ Gemma thought to herself, pinching the bridge of her nose as she turned to face Tara. “I got it from here, Doc.”
“Good luck.” Tara called after her as Gemma took off after Teagan, catching her on the stairs.
“Wanna slow down before I have a fucking heart attack?” Gemma shouted as she struggled to catch up in hopes of talking Teagan out of whatever in the hell she was about to do.
“Fuck off, Gem!” Teagan shouted back as she hit the last flight of stairs and made her break for the door. Gemma caught her by the arm just as she was stepping outside. “Seriously, Gem, I don’t want to fucking hear it.”
“And what is it exactly you think I’m gonna say?” Gemma shot back, hands flying to her hips as she gave Teagan an irritated and disapproving look. 
“I don’t fucking know!?” Teagan yelled as she fished around in her pockets angrily for her pack of smokes, struggling to light one as her hands trembled from all the emotions coursing through her. So angry at this point she could hardly see straight. “I told you so? You’re a fucking idiot? Stay away and stop getting involved with the fucking Club members?!” 
Teagan gave a brief pause as she took a long drag off of her cigarette, running a hand aggressively through her dark hair as she exhaled. “Jesus, fuck; Why didn’t you tell me he had a fucking wife?!” She rounded on Gemma, who stood still as a statue, waiting for her moment to interject. 
“Maybe ‘cause it ain’t my place, for starters.” Gemma snapped. “And before you go jumping on that fuckin’ high horse of yours, maybe take a step back and think? It’s not like he fuckin’ knows shit about your own past, aside from the bullshit story everyone else knows. So why would he feel obligated to tell you anything about his? Especially when you two aren’t even exclusive. I mean Jesus, Teag, have you two even talked about your feelings?”
“No…” Teagan admitted reluctantly, taking another drag off the cigarette burning between her fingers as she turned her back. Gemma had a point, even if Teagan didn’t want to admit it. But that didn’t change the fact she felt lied to. Betrayed even. Even if Chibs was never hers to begin with, it didn’t change the fact that he had kept this very important bit of information from her. 
“Then why should it matter?” Gemma stated. “His business is his business, nobody else’s!”
“He’s fuckin’ married, Gem!” Teagan shouted as she whirled around, seething again. “I don’t give two fucking shits why, or what his reasonings for not telling me are, that’s not something you just keep from the person you’re getting involved with!”
 “Jesus Christ…” Gemma gave a frustrated sigh as she closed her eyes, drawing in a deep breath as she pinched the bridge of her nose. “Teage--”
“NO, Gemma, I’m done. I’m.Fucking.Done.” Teagan cut her off before taking one last drag, flicking the cigarette butt to the sidewalk as she began looking around for a way back to the Clubhouse. Panic setting in as she realized everyone had gone home except for Gemma. 
“Look, Sweetheart, I know you’re upset, and don’t get me wrong, you have every right to be--But this ain’t the time.”
“Seriously, just save it! OK?” Teagan snapped, closing her eyes as she rubbed at her temples. A sudden wave of dizziness hitting her out of nowhere.
“You need to calm down…Let’s just go back inside for a bit till you cool off.” Gemma stated firmly as she moved to take Teagan by the arm and lead her back inside. Gritting her teeth as Teagan pushed her way.
“I’m fine...Gem…” Teagan shot back as she pulled away, reaching a hand out to steady herself against the pillar in front of her as the edges of her vision started to blur. But by then, it was already too late. Her hand missed the pillar entirely and her vision quickly went black as she fell to the ground, Gemma managing to grab her before her head hit the concrete.
“Shit…” Gemma muttered as she laid Teagan carefully on the sidewalk before rushing back inside the hospital to grab a nurse.
The slow and steady beeping filled her ears as Teagan came to, finally hooked up to monitors and IVs. She let out a soft groan as the EKG beeps began to pound against her skull. Before she could have any other reaction, from the corner, almost making her jump and fall out of bed, she heard Gemma say, “Oh, good. You’re not dead.”
“Jesus Fuck, Gemma!” Teagan shouted, the EKG beeping wildly for a moment or two before the steady pace continued. Teagan sighed and tried to move but found it rather painful with needles sticking out of her arms. She sighed and shifted, trying to get a better look at her surroundings. “Why am I still here?”
Gemma slapped down the magazine in her hand and crossed her legs. “Because you almost took a fuckin’ cement nap if I hadn’t caught you, Teagan Marie.” She said. Teagan let out another groan.
“Oh, for fuck’s sake, Gemma! Not the middle name shit! I got that enough growing up!” She said. Gemma uncrossed her legs and stood, stalking over to her bed.
“I don’t give a shit what you got growing up, missy.” Gemma said. “You’ve done enough damage, you don’t need any more in your life. You don’t want me to treat you like you did growing up? Then fuckin’ grow up!”
Gemma walked away from the bed and grabbed her purse from the table next to her chair and made for the door. With her emotions running high, probably from the drugs Tara put her on, Teagan fought her tears, though they came through as she said, “Wait...Gem. Please don’t leave me alone…”
Gemma stopped and turned to her. Teagan couldn’t stop the tears seeping from the corners of her eyes as she struggled not to completely break down and sob. Gemma sighed and set her bag back down, going back over to her and taking her hand.
“Teagan...This is serious shit we’re in right now. And if you’re gonna stick around, you’ll be involved. Do you really think it’s a good idea to get involved with Chibs? Let alone any member right now?” Gemma asked, lowering her voice to a softer tone. Teagan sighed, looking away from Gemma, angry with herself for crying again.
“I don’t know, Gem. It-It’s different this time. With Chibs.” She said. “He doesn’t treat me like I’m a no good degenerate like everyone else does.”
“Oh, baby.” Gemma said with a soft chuckle. “That’s not true; Jax doesn’t. Tawni never did. Clay doesn’t. I don't.”
Teagan gave her a look that made Gemma smirk and add, “Alright...Not all the time. But still, Teagan, I mean…”
“Gemma.” Teagan took a breath and said, “I think I might be in love with him.”
Gemma blinked, shocked, and said, “Are-Are you serious? Jesus, Teage, you’ve known him for like, a month.”
Teagan rolled her eyes and sighed. “Fuck. Gemma. I’m trying to be fucking happy for once in my life! Genuinely happy! And he’s fucking married!” Teagan said.
“Honey. That’s never stopped him before. Jimmy O’Phelan stole Fiona from Chibs before he exiled him from Ireland. Sure he still loves her, but...Well, he has needs too. He’s had relationships in the past. It doesn’t bother him. Why should it bother you?” Gemma asked.
“Maybe because I don’t want to be called a fucking Crow Eater by that bitch again?” Teagan hissed, her anger getting the better of her and making the EKG go off again. Gemma sighed and said, “Alright, honey, you need to calm down. If you want the Doc to clear you to leave, you’ve gotta get that anger under control.”
Teagan sighed and nodded, closing her eyes and taking a few deep breaths. Good God, did she want to get out of this fucking hospital. She cleared her throat and said, “Um, is-is he awake?”
“Teagan…” Gemma sighed.
“Gem, I just want to make sure he’s okay. Tell him I’m sorry.” She said.
“For what?” Gemma asked. Teagan opened her mouth to respond, but stopped when she realized she wasn’t quite sure.
“I-I-” Gemma stopped her and said, “Look. Before you do anything, I want you cleared by the doc. Make sure everything is working right up there. You’ve taken a few punches already and we don’t need you passing out on us again.”
“Yeah. Yeah. Alright. But can we make it quick? I want to fucking shower too.” Teagan said. Gemma chuckled and gave Teagan a kiss on her cheek before she left the room to flag down Tara.
After a lengthy talk about making sure she was monitored for the next few days, Tara finally cleared her to leave. Teagan couldn’t change fast enough. Gemma had run back to the clubhouse and packed her a small bag of new clothes. Once she changed and the papers were signed, Gemma walked Teagan up to Chibs’ floor and stopped her.
“Just give me a minute, Teagan, okay?” Gemma said, sitting the girl down in a nearby chair before sidestepping to the door. With her hand on the door knob, she stopped when she saw Fiona sitting in the chair, reading a magazine.
‘Oh, shit.’ She thought as she slowly opened the door and walked in. Fiona glanced up as the door opened as surprised to see Gemma as Gemma was to see her. With a sigh and uncrossing her legs, Fiona put down her magazine and stood. Gemma went to the counter to set down her bag as she said, “You’re a long way from home, sweetheart.”
“Yes. I am.” Fiona said, rather matter of factly. Gemma braced a hand on the counter, the other on her hip and asked, plainly, “Why?”
“I was worried about him.” Fiona said, almost a hint of offence in her voice. Gemma looked unconvinced as she said, “Could’ve sent flowers.”
Fiona’s face was full of annoyance at this point, uphased at how much Gemma hadn’t changed over the years. With an equal annoyance in her voice, she said, “Just needed to see him, Gemma.”
Gemma glanced at Chibs, making sure he wasn’t awake and listening as she crossed in front of Fiona and said, “We are in a shit storm here. The last thing we need is you turning him inside out.”
Teagan stayed out of view from the window on the door, ear pressed to it, listening. She didn't know what Gemma meant by ‘turning him inside out’, but she didn't need an interpreter for it, and booked it, swiping her bag from the chair and beelining for the elevator. Clearly, this Fiona woman had an effect on Chibs and, after all, she was his fucking wife. She didn't want to ruin Chibs’ relationship with her and had her mind made up, even before she hijacked Tig’s bike, parked with the others. She hotwired the Harley, strapped on Tig’s helmet and took off as the club came running back outside, ready to deal a beat down, but they were all caught off guard to see Teagan as the thief.
“Hey! Teagan-!” Tig called in disbelief. He sighed and turned to his crew, staring at them for a moment before he said, “Unbelievable.”
Teagan lit into the Clubhouse like the place was on fire. Ignoring Piney’s attempts to slow her down and tell him what the hell was going on as she passed by the bar and made her way down the hall to the dorms; Throwing the door to her room open. The sound of it slamming against the wall sending an echo loud enough down the hallway that it could’ve woke people up in the next County over. 
Grabbing her pack from the closet she quickly began to stuff in the essentials. Making sure to do so quickly as she knew at least a few of the guys would be on their way back and pulling in soon. Tig being among them, given she had just stolen his pride and joy. So the sooner she got out of there, the better. Besides, the last thing she wanted was anyone trying to stop her…
Her mind was made up...She was done. Charming had been her last chance at a safe haven, but now that had been shattered into a million pieces and all because she let her feelings get in the way. Just like she always did. Funny she had actually believed that things had actually turned in her favor for once, and that maybe she finally had a shot at real happiness despite the shitstorm that had been chasing her all her life. But she couldn’t have been more wrong.
“What in the fuck are you doing?” Tawni grumbled crankily from the doorway of Teagan’s room, still half asleep; Teagan turning and narrowing her gaze. 
“Leaving.” Teagan snapped as she tugged the zipper on her pack shut and threw it over her shoulder before stalking out of the room. Shoulder checking Tawni on the way out when she didn’t move.
“Seriously?!” Tawni huffed as she turned and started after Teagan. “You’re gonna be a bitch this fucking early?!”
“I’m done. Gone. Not fucking coming back. You should be fucking happy!” Teagan rounded on Tawni, causing her to take a step back as she stared at Teagan a little shocked as those few that remained in the Clubhouse fell silent. “Can’t fuck your Uncle if I’m not around anymore, right? Because as if things weren’t shitty enough -- To add insult to injury, my best fucking friend--Sorry ex best friend, just assumes, that I would go behind her back in such a way--”
“Fuckin’ save it Tawn, ‘cause I don’t give a shit anymore.” Teagan cut her off before she could even start. “And to think, I actually fucking cared...I mean genuinely fucking cared, for the first time in a long time...But he’s married, so crisis averted. ” She laughed bitterly, turning on her heel as she started for the door again.
“And you’re answer to it all is to run like a fucking coward? Just like you’ve always done?!” Tawni started after Teagan again, not ready to let her go so easily. But she stopped when Teagan dropped her bag abruptly, her fist suddenly connecting with Tawni’s jaw, sending her to the floor.  
“I thought you were my fucking friend.” Teagan’s voice was calm, showing in it the level of hurt she was feeling right now as she shook her head.
“C’mon, Kid, don’t do this.” Piney butted in as he got to his feet, holding his hands out as if he was trying to calm a wild animal as he approached her. Stopping when Teagan held out a hand to stop him, and picked up her bag.
“Save it.”
“What the fucking Christ, Teagan?!” Tig hollered as he came bursting through the doors of the Clubhouse, Jax and Opie close behind. 
“Don’t.” Teagan snapped coldly as she pushed past her brother and out the door; yanking her arm from Opie’s grasp when he tried to grab her.
“Come on, Rave...Don’t do it like this.” Opie pleaded with a sympathetic expression as he stared down at her as she pushed past him out the door. “At least tell us what’s going on?”
“She’s fuckin’ my Goddamn Uncle, is wha’s goin’ on!” Tawni shouted as she came flying out the door in the midst of all the chaos, hellbent on finishing what had just been started.
“You know…” Teagan gave another hollow sounding laugh, turning with tears in her eyes to face Tawni who stopped when she saw her twisted expression. “I actually wish I had gotten the chance.”
Without another word she turned, crossing the lot the rest of the way to her bike, securing her pack to the sissy bar before she climbed on and pulled on her helmet. The sound of the engine roaring to life drowning out Tig’s shouts as he came running across the Teller-Morrow lot after her; Falling just short  of reaching her as she pulled out of her space and hit the throttle. Leaving behind a sea of shocked and confused faces in her wake as she left it all behind.
Hellbent on never looking back.
Lemme know what you guys think! I promise things pick up soon and get more interesting lol And if you want to be added the taglist, or removed ((it’s been a long time, I’d understand if anyone's lost interest)) just let me know. I’m actually getting ahead on chapters, so hopefully I’ll be able to start posting a little more often.
TAGLIST: @jacksonroseroth​ @cole-winchester​ @stacie-marie-bloom​ @journeyrose​ @penny4yourthot​ @xbreezymeadowsx​ @miss-nori85​
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artemiseamoon · 3 years
The Longest Ride 4
Devyn x Jax Teller | Devyn x Vince
Fic info || Ch 1 || ch 2 || ch 3 || Next
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Words: 3,751
⚠️warnings: it’s an angsty fic as you know
An: I cannot write accents. You can imagine the person's accent :) We meet Devyns best friend Sabine and spend some time with them in this chapter. I have a moodboard at the end, if you want to see what she looks like and the vibe of the shop. I’ll be completing this fic within a week, there are three more updates to come. 
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The Next Day 
Locking the door behind her, Devyn heads to her car in the driveway. Glancing up at the sky, she watched the storm clouds roll in. It was drizzling on and off since she woke up, but the downpour would start any second now. By the look of the sky, it would be a nasty one.
Quickly getting into the car, she starts it up and turns the Bluetooth on for some music. With her hands on the steering wheel, she takes a moment to prepare for the day. She had two clients this afternoon and didn’t want to bring her own shit into the sessions.
Devyn was running out of space between Jax and Vincent. His words stuck with her like glue since the moment he said them,
If you were my girl, I would never treat you like that. I’d put you on the pedestal you deserve! You would be my first priority, not my second, not my third, not the bottom of my fucking list
But Jax met you first. Guess I got to charming a little late
It isn’t easy but after a few breaths, she finds enough calm to get moving. Devyn backs out of the driveway, en route to Luxe Luna.
Luxe Luna was the brainchild of her childhood best friend Sabine Underwood. Devyn had one blood sister who lived out East, but Sabine was like the little sister she never had but always wanted.
Alyse was older than Devyn by 4 years and followed her call for travel pretty early on. She was never home, always visiting somewhere or someone. Though they were sort of close, Devyn felt like an only child until she met Sabine. The two have been attached at the hip ever since.
Like a few other kids who needed a break from Charming, Devyn went out of state for college. During that time, Sabine stayed local, so did Jax, who ended up marrying a girl named Wendy for a brief amount of time.
After college, Devyn found herself visiting more, and extending her stay. There wasn’t anything practically magical about Charming, in fact living there came with some serious cons. But it was nice having some family around, Sabine, and reuniting with Jax.
Over the first year after graduation, she flirted with the idea of moving back. When Sabine asked Devyn if she could help when in town, Devyn said yes.
Soon enough, the move back to Charming was official and she eventually became partners with Sabine. The shop was Devyn's favorite place on Main Street. It felt like being transported into an old school magic shop full of books, candles, incense. Attached to the back was a series of rooms, one of them became Devyn's massage studio.
Over the last four years, one of Devyn's hobbies became a small business. She enjoyed making small-batch natural candles. Now she sold them online and had a few lines created exclusively for Luxe Luna.
On a regular week, between shop things and clients, Devyn was here about 3-4 times a week. It used to be more, but Sabine was pretty hands-on, and her partner was often working at the shop these days.
The short drive talks a little longer in the heavy rain, but the trip down memory lane was welcomed company. She spent so much time lately thinking about all this shit with Jax, it was easy to forget the other things that drew her back here.
Exiting and locking the car, Devyn opens her umbrella and heads up the street, occasionally glancing down to avoid stepping in any puddles.
Reaching the middle of the block, the beautiful brownstone is a welcomed sight. Devyn catches a glimpse of Sabine in the left window as she restocks a self.
Many people commented on how good the place smelled, the aroma often hitting their nose before they stepped fully into the threshold. Upon entering, Devyn knew exactly which candle Sabine was burning; she made it special for her birthday.
“I love that you love this one so much!” Devyn closes the door behind her, the little bell stops jiggling.
“I mean it is perfect, so of course.”
Sabine puts the last book in her arms on the shelf and walks over to her friend. The candle was called Autumn Rose, and Sabine appeared like a beautiful manifestation of it. Her rose-colored lipstick, dark brown top, and long flowy dark orange skirt embodied the vibe perfectly.
“How are you feeling today?” She asks compassionately.
“I’m okay,” they hold hands. Sabine studied Devyn's face, “I’m okay. I just needed yesterday to … I don’t even know. But, since Lia is a regular, I figured she would understand better than a new client would.”
“Oh, she was cool about it. Stopped by anyway to get some things for friends. Sure you’re up for working today?”
“Yeah, I think so. I need to get back into it.”
“Well, you should have an easy time. Both are a little older, and asked for gentle work.” Sabine goes over to the small bar and turns the kettle on, “Want to talk about any of it?” She raises her brows, “Jax issues?”
“No,” Devyn waves away the question, “this is my peaceful place. No Jax talk here today. I’m going to get the room ready and then I’ll join you.”
“Sure, I made a new incense, put some in there. See what you think,” Sabine’s eyes are focused on the shelf of jars behind her as she picks a tea for them. “I think you’ll like it.”
“You know me better than anyone, so of course, I will.”
Though her first client of the day wasn’t for another 2 hours, it was nice to sit in this room and connect with it again. No matter what was going on in her life, Devyn took her work and obligations seriously. She tried her best to not let things interfere with her time here. But it was becoming harder and harder over the years.
No, she wasn’t an MC member, but being involved with a member-turned-president was enough to suffer the effects. Depending on what was going on, they ranged from mild to severe.
At the worst time, Sabine asked Devyn to just take care of business and not worry about the place. It was understandable, who would want MC shit dragged into their business.
After setting up and enjoying the room for a moment, Devyn hears a knock at the door. She knows from the rhythm it’s Sabine.
“I was just on my way over to you.”
“I know,” Sabine pauses, “you have a visitor.”
From the way she says it, Devyn knows it’s club-related. Overall, the guys only came by to say hi if nearby or book a massage. The other masseuse was a sweet woman named Deena who came in on weekends and when Devyn couldn’t.
“Sorry, I didn’t know anyone was coming.” Devyn apologizes and heads into the hall. Sabine knew the guys, so it was okay, but she didn't love them being in the shop. They were aware of this and tried to respect her wishes.
Sometimes it felt like having your punk friends come over, and your parents tolerate them but would prefer if they didn't come over at all.
Reaching the front room, Devyn spots Chibs sitting on the bench. The sight of him creates an instant sinking feeling in her gut.
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“I went by the house, figured you were here.”
Chibs had this stern wiseness about him, like a guardian Owl. The Scotsman had a soft spot for her and treated Devyn like a daughter. So seeing him was usually a nice sight, but after yesterday and still being in the dark about what they called Vince back for, she felt more worry than pleasure.
“Hey Chibs,” she smiles and hopes her voice sounds cheerful.
“Can I talk to you, it’ll just take a moment,” he stands up. She sees his gaze shift to behind her, where Sabine must be standing.
“I have a client soon, but sure-” she starts thinking of a place they could meet. The rain continues to pound loudly against the pavement.
Sabine catches her eye and points to the second floor. Aside from a second larger office, there was a smaller room they used as an apartment. It came in handy a lot during the early days when pulling all-nighters and becoming too tired to make it home.
It was a small clean room with the basics, but it did its job. The friends share a nod and Devyn leads Chibs upstairs. Once inside the room, he sits in one chair, his eyes following her as she sits across from him on the corner of the bed.
“You know why I’m here?” He asks.
“No. Not really.”
Chibs raises his brows, “ I like you kid. I care about you. But what you’re playing with right now, it’s not smart.”
There it is.
That sinking feeling again. Devyn presses her palms into her thighs and breaks eye contact.
So much for a drama-free day.
“Devvy, what were you thinking?”
“Nothing happened. We’re friends.”
“Friends,” Chibs huffs, “that's what you kids are calling it now.”
“Chibs.” she gets up kneels beside him, looking him in the eyes, “you know me. Am I lying? Nothing has happened.”
He’s quiet as he studies her face. Finally, after a long moment, he says, “nothing yet.”
When she lowers her head again, he gently touches her cheek, “that boy is in - -crazy about you and just as explosive as Jax when set off. He’s a good kid, solid. But this is a disaster waiting to happen.”
“And Jax, do we honestly think he’s making the best decisions. You tell me, you’re at the clubhouse with him. What’s he up to?” She asks with a little more sting than intended.
Chib's dark brown eyes stay steady, he gives away nothing. Feeling annoyed, Devyn stands and returns to her spot on the bed, this time crossing her arms across her body.
“You and Jacky boy, that's what matters. Give him time.”
“I’ve given him nothing but time, Chibs. You know that. And no, please don’t tell me how much he loves me or any of that. I love you guys, but it's like the default script ya’ll give me and I just can’t hear it right now.”
Chibs stands with a sigh and walks over to her. He touches the top of her head and plants a kiss there, “ I didn't come to upset you, just talk some sense into you. Now,” he smoothes his hair out of his face, “Vincent.”
Devyn looks up at him, her eyes growing wider at the sound of his name. Chibs shakes his head, like a parent who hit a wall. He places a hand on her shoulder and squeezes, “he’s fine.”
Devyn watches as Chibs heads for the door. He stops then turns back, “I’m looking out for you Devy. We know Jax. Jax would kill him.”
Emotion wells up in her chest as she lowers her gaze, unable to look at the warning in Chib's eyes any longer. She only raises her gaze when the door closes, then the anger comes.
Sure, she didn’t have proof yet, but Jax was likely out there doing whatever the fuck he wanted, and deciding to put a mountain between them whenever it was convenient for him.
But she makes one connection while trying her damn hardest to resist temptation, and she is the one who gets warned. It was fucked up. It felt like some kind of cruel joke. For all the ways she appreciated and respected Chibs, at this moment she felt only anger and annoyance.
When she returned back to her room, she briefly glanced at her phone to see a text from Vince. Sliding the screen open, she reads it,
Sorry I went MIA. Club shit last night. Chibs has me running around all over the damn place. You okay?
She can’t help the small smile dancing on her lips, even with Chibs' voice in the back of her mind. She writes back and presses send before turning the lights off. She needed to decompress and come down from the conversation with Chibs before she could help anyone relax.
At work, but I’m okay. Glad you are too.
After closing the shop down, with the rain outside finally starting to settle down, Devyn and Sabine hang out on the couch eating chocolate and continuing their conversation.
“The east coast shop is going really well. We’re checking out a Southwest location too.”
“I’m so happy for you, that’s exciting.”
“If you ever end up in the East again, you know you could take the reins there. It would be nice to take a little off my plate.”
“Thank you for the offer Sabine, I’ll keep that in the back of my mind. I don’t know if I’ll go back out that way though…so much is in the air.”
“You know what we haven’t done in a while, just for us?” Sabine asks as she gets up. She vanishes behind the desk and reappears with a card deck, “come, reading room! Grab wine.”
“Oh god, the last thing I need to see is my cards. Trust me, I am very aware of my mistakes and….risks.”
Sabine is already down the hall. Devyn grabs a bottle of wine, the one they started the other day and two glasses.
By the time she enters, Sabine is already sitting at the table, cards spread over the red velvet cloth, a lit candle to the left, and an incense cone burning to the right. Devyn sits.
“Go ahead, shuffle them.” She hands Devyn the cards.
After a moment of hesitation, Devyn takes them. She already got reprimanded by Chibs today, Jax kept texting her even though she didn’t read them, and now, the cherry on top, it was the card's turn to yell at her. Plus, she never got a text back from Vince, who always wrote her back. It was safe to assume Chibs got in his head too.
Slowly releasing a breath, Devyn stops shuffling and gives the cards to Sabine. With her free hand, she takes a sip of wine from the glass Devyn placed beside her then starts laying cards out on the table.
Devyn wasn’t as good with these as Sabine, but over the years she gained a better understanding and could already see where this was going. Chugging some wine, she sinks deeper into the chair.
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“I have to ask love,” Sabine looks at the cards then at her friend, “are you holding on because you want it to work? Or are you holding on because the alternative is scary, unfamiliar?”
When Devyn doesn’t respond, Sabine keeps going, still pulling cards, “I know you love him, and he loves you. If he wasn't so occupied with the Tara girl in high school, I know for sure you two would have been a thing even earlier. But…you might have to let go, as much as that sucks to hear... “ she taps a card, “ even with all the love here Hunny, I don’t see the cycle breaking anytime soon.”
Sabine frowns.
“Not all past life ties are good or meant to last. Maybe you and Jax, you served your purpose,” Sabine speaks as softly as possible, fully aware of how tender this topic is for her best friend.
Devyn speaks up, “He’s a good guy, with a good heart…that guy is still in there, I think."
“And Vincent? What is he?”
The two friends stare at each other, communicating with their eyes. For a while, Devyn kept Vincent to herself.  She only opened up to Sabine when the girl pretty much confronted her about it, knowing Devyn was keeping a secret.
Devyn shrugs and knocks back the rest of her wine. She thinks about how the talk with Chibs could have gone. Chibs was gentle with her because he adored her. And though he liked Vincent too, she was sure that interaction may have been more ….aggressive.
“Don’t do that, the wall coming up, I feel it -” Sabine shakes her head and pulls more cards. She stops to review them, “look at this. The left is Jax, the right is Vince.”
Devyn sits up straight and puts her hand on the edge of the table. She scans the Jax side, then the Vincent side.
“I know you know enough tarot to get that.”
Sabine sits back, bringing the wine to her lips.
Meet me at the clubhouse
Devyn reads the text again as the cab pulls up to the entrance. This was the last place she wanted to be, and the thought of seeing Chibs disapproving stare and whatever state he left Vince in only made her feel more anxious. But Jax kept asking, and after two more glasses of wine with Sabine, she left her car there and came here.
Jax even paid for the cab in advance. Devyn tries to play it cool as she nears the clubhouse entrance. She can hear classic rock playing and lively conversion. Maybe that was a good sign, better than silence or the place is a no man's land.
Before reaching the door, the first person she sees is Chucky, he’s carrying a case of beer. His face lights up at the sight of her as he says hello in French. It must be his new hobby.
“Bonsoir Chucky, here let me help.” She opens the door, holding it for him as he enters.
“Merci. Mademoiselle.”
This little interaction with Chucky takes the edge off. Causing her to enter with a smile instead of anxiously biting the inside of her cheek. Tig, Bobby, and Juice are at the bar with some girls, Chibs behind it.
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As she walks over to greet them, she realizes she doesn't see Vince anywhere. Did Chibs have him on some other random mission to make sure they didn’t cross paths?
“Look who it is! We missed you around here!” Tig beams, pulling her into a hug.
“Yeah, I missed you guys too.”
She makes her rounds, eventually leaving Chibs for last. He greets her as normal, with a warm ‘hey Devy’ and a kiss on the cheek. She turns back around and chats with Juice a little.
He was like an excited puppy and genuinely interested in the stuff in the shop. He would ask about all of it, how things like tarot and crystals worked. It was kind of adorable. He was like a little kid.
Bobby rests a hand on her shoulder, “Jax should be back any minute. He was waiting for you before the errand.”
“Yeah, I was finishing stuff up at the shop.” She replies. She did take her sweet time getting here. Tig passes her a drink, she takes it, and sits on one of the stools.
It was a mix of memories at the Clubhouse; good ones, and bad ones. Overall, the place did feel like a piece of home, and it was nice, at this moment, to be back.
But that feeling is short-lived when the door swings open, it’s Jax followed by Vince, both carrying big boxes.
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Jax winks at her and places the box down. Devyn quickly catches the look of surprise on Vince's face before he sets his eye on something else, anything else but her.
How quickly he looked away leaves a hollow feeling in her chest. Though her back is turned to him now, she just knows Chibs is watching too.
Vince heads off to the right, busying himself with the boxes. Jax cups her face and kisses her lips.
“Thank you for coming," He says sweetly, “can we talk?”
She knocks the rest of the drink back and stands, “ sure.”
Wearing a smile, Jax wraps his arm around her shoulders and leads her toward the back. They enter the apartment and Jax sits on the bed. She perches on the edge of the desk.
“I am not sitting on that. Who knows what has been happening on those sheets."
It was true, Devyn never sat on that thing unless the sheets were changed. In her mind, all these guys and one bedroom; it was safer to stand.
Jax chuckles, “I changed them this morning. Besides, “ he studies her face, “it's just been me in here.”
She nods, her eyes traveling around the room. She almost forgot, on his own, Jax lived like a high school kid or college freshman. The room was a mess.
“I know you’re pissed at me Devyn. I’ve given you plenty of reason to be. I want to come home, our house, our bed.”
A strange feeling moved through her body in response to his words. Was she happy about this? Sad? Devyn fidgeted with the hem of her shirt as his eyes burned into hers, waiting for a response.
“I never kicked you out, Jax. You left on your own. That was your call.”
“I know,” he stands and walks over to her. Bringing his warm hands back to her face, he stares deeply into her eyes, “the club shit, the stress, life after Opie...it's been killing me. I was taking that shit out on you, pushing you away. I’m sorry.”
Devyn nibbled her bottom lip. On one hand, she was processing his words; on the other, she was wondering about Vince and what exactly Chibs said to him. He wouldn't even look at her, not really, and that hurt.
“Devyn,” Jax caresses her face, “let me make it up to you. Let’s go home.”
Jax holds her close to his chest and wraps his arms around her. Not knowing what else to do, or how to respond, Devyn lets herself rest against him. She can feel tears in the corner of her eyes, but they never fall.
And when Jax leads the way out of the clubhouse, and to his bike, she lets him. On the way out, she can see Vince at the pool table with Juice and makes sure to exchange a glance with Chibs before leaving.
She had questions, and he knew exactly what she would ask him about.
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@drabbles-mc​ @andacrylikebreakingglass​
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32 notes · View notes
aravenamongcrows · 4 years
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12 notes · View notes
A Song for You
AN: I am beyond sorry its been so long. The second the holidays started I was in a whirlwind but I'm back and ready to keep going. Here is the new Chapter hope you love it.
Chapter Eighteen
She hadn't seen her husband since they both got to work this morning, he was currently underneath a car while she was double checking some appointments for later today and filing that still hadn't been done by Gemma. It was a fucking wonder this place lasted with her behind the filing. She was putting some files up when the door to the office opened, without turning she speaks “Take a seat I'll be with you in a moment.” She drops the files on her hands when she hears a Scottish brogue reply “Take your time Lass.” she turns and sees Chibs grinning at her, practically leaping over the desk chair she hugs him tight. “Jesus fuck Chibs I was so scared!”  the older man hugs her close kissing the side of her head in greeting as her husband rushes in at the sound of her shouting. “Babe you…..” she pulls herself from Chibs, seeing the wide grin on her husband face she gets out of the way just in time for him to hug Chibs himself “Jesus Chibs.” She rubs her husband's back, she knew Chibs meant a lot to Juan, she was glad he was back home. Once they released the man hug of the century she grabs Chibs face in her hands, looking him over “What happened.” the older man huff out a laugh, grabbing one of her hands he kisses the back of it before stepping out of her reach, nodding towards the clubhouse. “Want to wait until the others are here, put up the break sign or get one of the prospects in here.” she watches him go, she and her husband locking eyes. This wasn't good if the whole club needed to know. “Go clean up. I'll grab our lunches from the clubhouse.” Juan nods, pressing a kiss to her cheek he heads for the bathroom in the office to clean up.
It's not twenty minutes that she and Juan are having lunch at the picnic tables with Tig, Chibs, Bobby, Phil, and her father. She kept having to swat at her father and Tig as they stood bites of her chicken and rice, when her father steals another bite she hands her food to her husband for protection while she smacks at her father's arms as he hides his head from her blows. “It's your mom's recipe what do you expect little girl!!!” she glares at him as she grabs her food back from her husband. “ I expect you to ask you heathen. You too Tig don't think you're off the hook.” she feels a tap on her shoulder, seeing Chibs glancing between her and her food she arches a brow “May I have a try lass?” she sighs, hold out a spoonful for him she glares between her father and Tig “See. Asking helps.” She goes back to eating as Chibs nods. “Pretty good girlie. Make that for dinner one night and I'll swing by.” She takes her last bite and nods, hearing a bike pull up she sees Jax, she hears her father get up as his phone rings she moves over so he can head for the ring behind them to talk to whoever was calling. She grins as Jax pulls Chibs in for a hug “The prodigal Scot. Oh, man. Thank God you're alright, man. What happened?” she leans into her husband's side, resting her head on his shoulder as she listens to Chibs “Frankie, he dumped me out on the 99. I really thought he was gonna put a bullet in the back of my head. Some trucker found me. Check this out.” she watches him pull his paperboy hat from his head, hissing between her teeth when she sees the glimmer of two staples in the long scar on his head. Frankie was worm food. “Did you see anything Chibs? Anything we could use to find him?” turning to her he lights a cigarette, blowing the smoke upward he shakes his head in the negative “Too dark lass. But it looked like a White SUV. I couldn't see plates, faces. But it's obvious somebody's helping him.” She sighs, resting her elbows on the table she racks her brain, but with so little info that was given to her through the paperwork she was given by Frankie, it wouldn't be easy to sniff him out. She turns to Bobby, “Seems to be heading north, maybe breaking for Canada.” sounded plausible, she almost jumps out of her skin when her father plops down next to her, seeing his face and the evil grin on it she narrows her eyes “Try Tahoe. Just talked to Quinn. He found Frankie.” She smirks, leaning over she plans a kiss on her father's cheek, snickering when he tried to scrub her lip gloss from his cheek. Even Jax chuckled as he said  “Well, let's go. Come on, let's move to church.”
Standing she follows behind the others, her husband's hand on her hips as he walks behind her. She and the others quickly grab their seats, seems she wasn't the only one itching to get her hands on Frankie. She gets comfortable between Phil and her husband, rubbing her hand up and down her husband's back as he leans his elbows on the table, his whole upper body almost hunched over the table. He was just as ready as she was to see Frankie bleed. Her eyes land on her father as he speaks first “Quinn says Frankie's in South Tahoe. Hooked up with Leo Pirelli's crew.” She scuffs, couldn't even hide on his own. Jax nods, a hand coming to scrub roughly at the side of his beard jaw “He's bought himself some mob protection.” all eyes move to the older man at the end of the table as he says “Is that solid intel? 'Cause I'm a little cautious when it comes to Nomad integrity.” she wanted to throw one of her knives into his eye socket, the Nomads were his errand boys and a good few of them knew it. Her father's eyes narrow at Clay “Quinn knows every pimp and hooker in a 300-mile radius. Frankie still likes them young and slanted.” She narrows her eyes at Tig and he snorts “Yeah, pussy tells all.” she kicks him under the table, a smirk of satisfaction on her face when he winches and reaches down for his shin. “Ok unloyal pussy tells all better?” she nods and turns her attention to Jax, who shakes his head at the both of them “All right, give him a call when we break. Tell him we're on our way. Make sure it's real.” she watches her father nod, he had his role to play. She glances past her husband's still hunched form to Bobby “Leo runs book and poker clubs. It's a quiet crew, man. Maybe Cacuzza could reach out, explain our situation. Do this the easy way.” She doesn't look at Clay as he replies “Yeah. I can call Jimmy.” Her husband sighs, leaning back in his seat he grabs her hand, his fingers playing for with the rings on her hand as he asks the question they all want to be answered. “ What happens when we find Frankie? Because frankly Jax I want his fucking head for what he tried to do to my wife.”
She lifts his hand, not caring if the guys see her kiss his knuckle. Juan wasn't the most blood thirty out of this group, but she knew he needed this. Chibs nods “I agree, we cut his head off.” Jax's leans forward on his elbows, his gaze bouncing between Juan and Chibs. “First we press him on the attacks, find out who's calling the shots.” She nods, lacing her fingers with Juan's “I agree, I want him to die buried to his neck in shit but I want the person holding his fucking leash.” Tiggy slaps his hand on the table “Then let's vote this shit.” She watches Jax as he looks at everyone at the table for a moment “Okay, we all know what Frankie did to compromise the club. Vote's got to be unanimous. All in favor of stripping his patch.” the sounds of agreement were deafening, not one person at this table would stand for that man having redwood on his cut for another day. Jax's face takes on a darker note as he locks eyes with her “As far as Mr. Mayhem goes, let's hear pros and cons.” Tig scuffs, drawings Jax's eyes from her to him “He tried to kill you. That would be a pro.” She will give Jax his dues, she knew he wanted the man dead but he was also being a president and level headed when he said. “We only got the word of a non-member.” 
Clays voice down the table makes her tense, ever since Frankie had confirmed she had been right all she wanted was to crawl down the table and his throat out with her teeth. “ Gogo and Greg tried to kill Unser. Nomads were on a spree.”  all eyes turn to Chibs “ Yeah, and he shot Lyla, tried to whack me, and admitted to being the one who shot Joy. Frankie's made his bed, Jackie.” she rubs her husband's forearm as he grips her hand, she knew Juan still hadn't gotten over that night, she knew it would take a while for him to forget that feeling of not know if she was alright. Jax's eyes lock with hers for a moment, sometimes she wondered why he gave Bobby the VP patch when it seemed he still looked to her for some things, she nods slightly, it needed to be done. “ Okay. All in favor of Frankie Diamonds meeting Mr. Mayhem.” everyone voted in favor, Frankie's lifespan just shrunk down to hours as Jax slams down the gavel with a resounding crack.
She lets her husband practically drag her from the room by her hand as they all head outside, her mind is so focused on Frankie and how this would end she doesn't hear Juan's voice until he waves a hand in front of her face. “Hey. Come back to me. You ok?” She leans into his hands as they cup her cheeks, she rests her hands on his sides as his eyes sweep over her face “I'm fine just over analyzing. I'm ready for him to be gone.” she can't help but smile up at her husband when he plans a kiss to her forehead. “I know. Now the real question is are you riding along with me or solo. You seemed ok this morning without your pain Meds but this is an hour or so out.” she takes a hand from his side and rubs over the slowly fading bruise under her black shirt. “I'm alright. Tender to pressure as always but as long as I'm not doing a workouts like you do I'm good.” she smirks up at him as he rolls his eyes, she gasps as he yanks her closer by the back of her neck, the kiss he gives her makes her toes curl in her shoes. As he pulls back her lips chase his, much to his amusement. “Crack jokes about my work out habits all you want baby girl but you like what it does.” She snickers and smacks his stomach, making him grunt, she pulls two hair ties from her wrists, holding them up to Juan she turns around and lets him start to tightly braid her hair back. She sees Tig watching them, an amused grin on his face, he opens his mouth to say something but he catches the glint of silver on her hand, realizing she was holding a throwing knife. She waits until he locks eyes with her to wink, yeah fucker try it. Fucking cut your tires, the blue-eyed man pouts at her before yelling. “Your no fun doll.” she snickers and shoves the knife back into her thigh holster. Once Juan is done with her hair she runs to the office to grab her emergency ride bag she keeps there. Seeing Gemma she lets her know what had already he handled today and runs out to the bikes. Phil and Rat would be trailing behind them in the van, with Clay riding as well she would be taking up the rear between her father and Husband. Getting her customary kiss from her husband they take off not long after.
It had been so fucking long since they had just ridden together. This was what she used to dream about when her father would tell her about the club, wide open road. The rumble of their engines like a storm it's halfway in that they stop for a leg stretch and bathroom breaks. She is inside grabbing some waters for the guys and a few lollipops for her sweet tooth while Juan tops off their tanks, she heads outside a grape lollipop already between her lips as she walks up to Chibs who was laid out on his bike, she lays a water on his stomach before taking two waters out off the bag for herself and Juan. Chibs peers up at her, chuckling she arches a brow. “What's got you giggling?” he smirks “With the Lolli stick hanging out of your mouth it looks like a toothpick. Ya look like you Da.” the guys circled around grin, she remembers something, looking around she catches sight of her dad, she whistles to catch his attention. Reaching into her back pocket she holds up a small pack of toothpicks she got inside for him, tossing them towards him she grins when he catches them with ease. Sending her a nod in thanks before turning back to his conversation with Rat in the van driver seat. She shrugs as the rest of the guys laugh “Dad is easy to shop for. Toothpicks, beer, and condoms.” She giggles as Juan's forehead rests on her shoulder, her hand patting the side of his tattooed scalp as he tries to get his wheezing laughter under control.
She sees Phil glance over her shoulder, turning her head she sees him watching Clay who had just come from the bathrooms. The what he was rubbing his hand let her know he was regretting his choice to leave his shot at home. Juan having composed himself rests his chin on her shoulder as Clay passes them “How they doing?” Clay shakes his head, moving to lean against his bike behind them “I should have brought the cortisone.” Yes, he fucking should have, she even packed her pills, even if she felt fine she might not later. Jax comes over, his eyes narrowed on Clay “You good?” she lets Juan moves her so they are facing Clay, her back against his chest. Resting her head back on his shoulder she twirls the Lolli in her mouth as Clay replies “Lungs holding up, it's my goddamn hands.” Jax glances between the van and Clay before replying  “Hop in the van with Rat. Let Phil ride it out.” she knew it sucked to tap out. But Clay needed to be more realistic, bring your fucking meds if you needed them. Everyone started to get on their bikes, pulling the Lolli from her mouth she kisses Juan snickering when he grins “Mmmm grape.” She shakes her head and heads for her bike, turning to Tig when he swats at her leg. “Got any more?” she heaves a suffering sigh and holds out her treasure trove of lollipops. Letting him pick before she puts them away. These men would be the death of her, from a bullet wound or mental break she just didn't know which.
An hour or so later
Pulling up to the poker club she sees a very tall son waiting for them and for a second her mind flashes to Opie, she shakes it off walking up behind Jax as he greets the taller man “Quinn it's good to see you man.” she tilts her head back to look at him as he smiles down at her. Seems he was another gentle giant. “Well seems the rumors of the smallest son to wear a patch are true. I'm Quinn it's great to meet you Sonshine.” She grins, holding her hand out for him to shake, she finds herself a few feet of the ground in a tight hug before she can blink. “Careful hun. I'm not one hundred percent.” he drops her onto her feet. “Sorry. I'll remember next time.” she chuckles, letting her husband grab her hand, pulling her behind him and the rest as they head inside. Looking around she gets a feel of the place, very backwoods casino. She liked it, hanging onto Juan's arm she follows behind Jax, narrowing her eyes as a man steps up to their side “Hey, what do you guys need?” Jax pats the man on the shoulder “ We're just looking around, big fella.” Jax's swiftly moves past the man, who turns his attention to herself and the guys, his fingers pointing towards her cut.“Yeah, we're a quiet place. Gotta do it without the patches.”
She arches a brow, her arms crossed over her chest as she replies “Take it easy. We're just here to see Pirelli, okay?” the man steps closer into her space, she places a hand on her husband's chest, stopping him as he moves to step in front of her, she hated cheap forms of intimidation. Staring up at the bald man before her she curls her lip as he replies “Call his office and make an appointment Peaches.” She can't help but snort, fucking peaches? Wow how cute. She is about to rip his throat out with her teeth when Jax's voice bounces off the walls of the room, making them all turn to watch “Leo! You made a bad mistake helping Frankie Diamonds, man.”
She watches as Mr.Clean moves towards Jax, placing his hand on her president's chest. Shoving him back towards the guys “All right, out. Move!” she sidesteps Jax's backward falling body. Snatching up a bottle from the table she uses it to crack the extremely tall man upside the head, sending him crashing to the floor. All hell breaks loose as he gets back up Snatching her up by her cut he holds her again the wall “You crazy bitch!” she snarls and kicks him between his legs when he lets her drop she clasps her hands together making one large fist she swings at the side of his jaw. She doesn't stick around as he goes down, seeing Juan was ok she looks for her father, finding him and another man flying through the air and onto a table she winches as the table breaks. Running over she throws herself onto the man's back as he punches her father, wrapping her arms around his neck she leans back. Using all her body weight she starts to choke him out. The noise around her as come to a grinding halt but she refuses to release her hold on the guy who was now squirming in her arms for freedom. She only let's go when Jax snatches her up by the back of her cut “Enough Sonshine!” panting she leans into her husband and he moves to stand behind her, her father moving to her side as he glares at the man trying to catch his breath on the floor. A man stands before them, she guessed he was Leo. “What the hell is wrong with you guys? Somebody sneezes, your little cocker spaniel here throw a fist? How do you get any business done?” she smirks, her eyes on the man currently nursing a bloody nose “Mr.Clean next to you dropped his pants first.”
Her husband's chest rumbles as he chuckles, the bloody and bold man takes a threatening step towards her “Aw, screw this” She moves to meet him but her husband's hands on her arms and Leo's voice stop her “Hey, hey! Enough. Enough! Okay, so you got my attention.” Jax moves in front of her with sigh “Frankie Diamonds. Leo, we know you're helping him get out of the States.” she couldn't see past Jax large frame, but the condescending tone of Leo's voice made her roll her eyes “ You don't know shit.” Jax finally moves so she can lock eyes on Leo as Jax speaks lowly, but just loud enough for the few close enough to hear. “You know, Frankie Diamonds stole half a million dollars from me and my associates. He's using our cash to bankroll his exit. If you think we're noisy, wait till the cartel and the IRA come knocking.” she bites down on her lip as she tries not to laugh, that sneaky son of a bitch. She leans into her husband and she giggles out “Machetes, grenade launchers and AK’s oh my. And you think I'm a pain. They can spill a few stacks of chips.” She winks at Leo as her husband rests his forehead on her shoulder, she could feel his chest shaking as he tries to suppress his wheezing laughter. The larger man Quinn pats her on the shoulder as he passes by to speak to Leo “We just want Frankie.” Jax's chuckle makes her glance his way, the look on his face was a touch on the teasing side “You can even keep the cash.” She smirks as Leo finally grins, turning away he stops before turning back to Jax “Make a call. Follow us. But if you're telling me a story, kid, this ain't gonna be such a beautiful, sunshiny day here in the splendor of the lakes. You understand?” she can't help but reach over to swat at Jax's arm closest to her as he replies “Not exactly, but I think I get the point.”
She watches him go with a grin, smart ass. She and Juan let the others pass by, leaving them to follow in the back as he walks behind her, his hand coming around to rest his palm flat against her stomach and he whispers “You ok?” She turns her head, presses a kiss to his jaw “I'm fine Juan. Sore but nothing I'm not used to handling.” He narrows his eyes for a second but nods, kissing her temple as they get to their bikes. Following behind Leo and his guys as they pull out the drive isn't long it's just a lot of back roads, she almost swerves into another lane when the sound of a huge explosion booms through the mountains like thunder. She sees Jax's head pop up as he stands on his bike to look at something before he is peeling around the SUV and taking off at high speed, takes the rest of them half a second to do the same when they see the smoke from the mountain. She had broke formation and got closer to Jax, she would catch hell for it later but she wasn't gonna miss Frankie, fuck that for a joke. She pulls up next to Jax as they both catch sight of the van she quickly races past Jax for the door, yanking out her glocks she aims them at Clay who had a shotgun aimed at Frankie “Drop it Clay or I drop you!” Jax's rushes in behind her, gun aimed at Clay as well “Not yet Clay.” She side steps from the door, never taking her eyes off Clay, or her guns as the guys file in one by one. She can't help but smirk as Chibs lays his hands on her shoulders as he passes, talking to Frankie over her head “Frankie. Miss me?” she sees Leo and his boys file in from her peripheral as Jax's speaks to Clay “Lower the shotgun now.” for a second Clay looks like he might just say fuck it, she hoped he would but sadly he had some sense, lowering the shotgun he looks at Jax, the next few seconds are so fast she still can barely remember them. All she hears is Leo's low curse and the sound of gunshots, she watches Frankie drop as one hits him between the eyes, she turns to Leo as he stops, it takes her husband and her father to drag her out as she screeches, trying to bum rush the man. “You stupid son of a bitch!!! HE WASN'T YOUR KILL HE WAS MINE!”
She struggles as her father wraps his arms around her middles, pinning her swings arms to her side she yells as Juan grabs her face. “Joy enough! Look at me. Stop before to pass the fuck out BREATH!” She stares at him, her chest heaving as she feels tears of rage stream down her cheeks and over Juan's fingers. She feels her body shaking as she tries to calm her racing heart and mind. It's a good ten minutes before she can speak without yelling. “I'm good. Let me down dad.” her father kisses the back of her head before he drops her on her feet, moving past her he plants another kiss on the side of her head as he goes back to the cabin. Leaving her alone with her husband, looking up at him she swipes at her tear stained cheeks, looking up at him with a watery smile “I bet I look like shit.” Juan chuckles softly, his hands coming up your cup her face as his thumbed swipe under her eyes. Wiping away the Mascara that had smudged in her rage, she rests her hands on his sides as he presses a kiss to her forehead. “There. Just as beautiful as the day I married you.” she snorts, her hand rubbing up and down his sides “If your trying to sweet talk your way into my pants…..keep talking it might work.” he husband chuckles, his beefy arm wrapping around her shoulder as he drags her forward into his chest. The smell of weed smoke and body wash makes her tension melt away, she slides her hand around his back, her hand digging his back pocket as he tries to move away “The fuck you doing!?” she smiles into his chest as she finds what she was looking for, pulling back she holds up the case of prerolled blunts he always had and wiggles it “light up time?” He shakes his head but grabs it anyway, she goes back to her place against his chest, hugging him tightly as he lights up over her head. With her ear against his chest, she can hear when he takes his first hit, the blunt appearing in front of her face as he passes it to her. Finally pulling back from the warmth of his chest she sees the fuss heading their way, she inhales deeply as Jax gets to her, his hand on the back of her head as he locks eyes with her “You good sis?” she shrugs, a sad smile on her face as she blows her smoke off to the side. Handing the blunt to Juan, as Jax talks to Quinn behind her “do you have a truck or something we can borrow? To haul Frankie back?” she watches Clay standing off to the side with Rat, she takes the last of the blunt from her husband, inhaling all of it she holds it as Quinn replies “Yeah I got you.” she tosses the blunt to the dirt stomping it out she blows her smoke out as she speaks, the guys going quiet at the tone of her voice as she speaks to Clay directly. “Wanna share with the class how you got here before us?”
She doesn't flinch as Clay stares her down through his shades for a moment before replying “Cacuzza. He called me as you guys were pulling out. Me and Rat boy here wanted to check it out before we hit you up.” She doesn't take her eyes off Clay as Rat speaks “We wanted to make sure it was real.” she nods slowly, the feel of a hand on her shoulder makes her tense until she hears the voice attached “Well guess what. It was. Come on. Let's go home.” Her eyes following Clay as he turns to walk to the van, Jax's hand clenching her shoulder in silent support letting her know, I see him too. She reaches up and pats his hand as he moves away and towards the cabin to collect Frankie's corpse. Sliding her sunglasses on she moves away from the others, and away from the still smoking cabin she finds a nice rock formation near the lake and climbs on top of it. Curling her legs up to her chest she stares out onto the oddly still lake, as she stares she tries to figure out what is next. She had been so angry looking for proof of the Nomads and finding the shit stains who killed Opie that it was all she felt for a while, sure she had overcome her issues and fears regarding her and her families mortality. But she was slowly coming to the realization that she was always angry, or maybe the best way to describe it was her anger never died down it simmered under her skin and she was so tired of it. Now that Frankie was dead, that chapter closed. She wasn't sure where to focus that anger she held before and that worried her, the last thing she wanted was to lash out at the guys or worse, Juan or her dad. They still had Opie's killers to look for but she had long ago told herself that she couldn't hold anger for that even though it still hurt to know he was gone, all she could do was just serve justice for her still living boys.  She jerks when she feels arms slide around her shoulders, but once she got sight of the reaper set against the deep sepia skin of the left forearm she knew it was her husband. Leaning back against him she closes her eyes as he presses slow, lazy kisses from her ear to the collar of her shirt. When she turns her head to returns the favor. “Want to tell me what has you sneaking off? Needed a minute?” she rests her forehead against his cheek, her nails dragging back and forth over the reaper on his arm as she tries to figure out how to say this right. “I was so ready for today. My anger was at the surface and I was ready to take that human skit mark back to Charming, grill him and dump him in a ditch after. But now I'm left feeling. I don't know if empty is the best word.” She struggles for a moment, her husband grabbing her hand rubbing his arm, pulling the hand to his mouth he kisses her fingers before speaking.
“I get it. You had so much anger. And have had it since Op died and then this added too it. Now when you thought you were doing to get an ending you wanted it was stolen from you and your anger is confused now. Frantic and searching for a place to put it all.” she nods, staying quiet as Juan continues. “But baby that's not healthy to stay that angry all the time. You have to take away the fact that it wasn't you who killed him and think on the main point, he is dead now. He can't hurt any one of us anymore. And Joy If you need to do something with it. The anger I mean. tell me. You and I can go in the backyard with Sonny and play it off or hey, come out on Saturday with me and your dad to work out, yoga is all well and good for you but this might help more.” she thinks for a second, he made a good point. Shifting she grins up at her husband “Look at you. My incredibly smart and thoughtful husband. I like that idea working out, and we can bring sonny with us, he loves the clubhouse.” She smirks, her hand snaking up his hard chest to the back of his neck. Yanking his head down she brushes her lips over his softly as she speaks, her eyes heavy-lidded from the weed and her voice taking on a smokey quality “And seeing you sweaty and shirtless is never something I will pass up seeing.” His grin is wicked as he leans down, closing that last centimeter between their lips to kiss her deeply. She would never get tired of his kiss, the brush of his warm tongue along her bottom lip as she lays back onto the hard stone below them, his body hovering over her as she grips the back of his neck with both hands. The sound of laughing doesn't hit her until she opens her eyes, she can hear the voices finally “I don't think Juicy boy stands a chance. She will detach her jaw swallow him whole, you watch.” She finally pulls away from her husband, tilting her head back she sees an upside-down Chibs and Tiggy grinning at them. “Do either of you old pervs have nothing better to do?” she pets her hand down the back of her husband head as he laughs into the side of her neck. Tiggy walks over to them, Chibs following behind, Chibs help Juan off of her and Tiggy helps her down from the tall formation. Grinning as he wraps an arm around her shoulder, leading her towards the bikes “You know I'm always down for a live show.” She shakes her head and sighs, only the men in her life. She would be grey by thirty-five.
A few hours later
Once they had gotten back to the house it had been peaceful, they had stripped down to their night clothes well before the sun was down but they had the rest of the day to do absolutely nothing. Then right before dark Juan decided to take Sonny on a run with him, something about needing time to think about what's up next. She didn't stress him, he would tell her his thoughts eventually when he finally caught up to them. That had been an hour ago, Juan had texted her saying he was on his way back so she was currently getting dinner ready when the doorbell rang. Grabbing her Glock from the kitchen island she slowly walks to the door, peeking out the hole her shoulder drop and she sighs at the sight of Roosevelt. Opening the door wide she grins. “What can I do for you?” he holds up a file. She waves him inside, locking the door behind her knowing Juan had his key to get in. She lets him follow her into the kitchen as she checks on the broccoli she is steaming as she talks over her shoulder to him. “Thanks for the file. But I doubt it will be necessary.” She knows he is staring holes into her back, once she is done tossing the spices into the chicken in the pan she has before she turns it down a little and turns to face him. “Got a call an hour ago. Frankie Diamonds was found in a ditch, multiple gunshot wounds to the face and torso. Something you want to tell me, Ortiz?” She can't help but smirk, always the cop. “First off, cut the cop act your sitting at my kitchen island and I'm in my pj’s it's not even remotely intimidating. And secondly no it wasn't us sadly.” She turns, grabbing the tongs on the counter she flips the chicken, giving it a dash of her pre-mixed seasoning before turning back to face Eli. “We were there though. And another person who isn't a son shot first I'm just as pissed as you are, trust me.”  she crosses her arms over her chest as Eli rests his head on his folded arms on the counter, it's quiet for are moment, the sounds of the  food cooking the only thing you could hear before she breaks the silence again.
“I wanted to pull the fucking trigger. So I get how you feel man I do, but Juan said something today that made me see reason. He is dead Eli. The man who tried to kill me and your wife and unborn child are dead. I know you as a cop want to see them rot in cells but for me…..this is enough. And both of us have people we love to watch out for, so we can't waste time dwelling on what could have happened.” she hears the front door lock tumble, turning her head she can't help but smile as her husband and dog rush in. Watching him kneel down before sonny, she can't help but sigh. Even after a year seeing him so happy and open makes her heart go soft, she hoped in years to come it wouldn't stop happening. Once Juan had finished taking the harness off sonny he made his way into the kitchen, panting he leans against the doorway as he eyes the man sitting at his counter. Opening the fridge she gets him a tall bottle of water and tosses it at him, smirking as she says “He isn't gonna explode if you stare at him hard enough Juan.” her husband narrows his eyes and walks over to her to kiss her cheek, she wrinkles her nose as his sweaty chest brushes her arm. “You stink. Go shower dinner is almost ready.” he chuckles, pressing another kiss on her cheek he nods to Eli on his way out. She grins as Eli shakes his head “I need to head home. Rita is probably worried.” she nods, walking over to cabinet she pulls out a container of cookies, handing them to Eli she smiles. “Rita seems to like these. My mom's recipe. Tell her hi for me.” Eli nods, heading for the door he stops and turns to her. “I need your statement still. write it up and drop it off, please. Maybe tomorrow?” 
She nods and watches the man leave, feeling somewhat better about the day. Juan had been right, she and Eli both needed to let go of their anger in this. The deed was done and for now, both their small families were safe, heaving a tired sigh she turns back to dinner. Pulling the chicken out of the pan she sets it to the side, Juan would be out soon then they could finally eat.
Next Morning
She had risen early, normally Juan was the one to rise before her but she guessed everything from yesterday and his hour run after had wiped him out. She had quickly let Sonny out into the back yard before he could start making enough noise to wake Juan before she set about making a nice breakfast. But before she can start her phone starts ringing, seeing Jax's name on the screen she arches a brow, putting in on speaker she grabs the eggs and other stuff from the fridge. “What's up buttercup?” the man in questions tone made her know this wasn't just a social call. “A little much to talk about over the phone, you good to have visitors?” she silently curses and then sighs “Yeah. Who's coming so I know to make enough food for you strays I have apparently adopted.” that gets a chuckle from the man on the phone before he replies “Just me and Rat boy. And you and Juice.” She nods, sorry Juan duty calls you from slumber it seems. “I need to wake him so let me do that first and get some go go juice in my man.” they both say goodbye and hang up. Putting the foodstuff to the side she heads for the bedroom, leaning against the door she watches her sleeping husband for a moment. He looked so peaceful she honestly wanted to let him sleep but she had no choice.
Walking over she carefully slides in on her side of the bed, sitting against the headboard she combed her fingers over his Mohawk as she calls his name softly. “Juan, wake up baby.” She watches with a soft smile as he turns in his sleep, his arms reaching out for her. She lets him wraps his arms around her waist as his head comes to rest on her lower stomach. She gently traces his tribal tattoos as she speaks again. “I know you're tired handsome but Jax called. He and Rat are coming over to discuss something.” She giggles as he groans, his face turning to rub back and forth over her stomach as he shakes his head. His voice deep and underused as he speaks into her shirt. “Why are they coming here at ass o'clock in the morning anyway?” she snorts, sliding down in his arms so they are holding each other under the warm covers she kisses his stubble covered jaw “It's hardly that early Juan. It's eight in the morning.” he groans against, his face hiding in her neck, the scratch of his stubble making her laugh. “Exactly. Ass o'clock.” She swats his arm, trying to wiggle from his iron grasp, trying not to smile as she realizes she is stuck. “Juan Carlos get up. I need to make breakfast and let Sonny back in and you need to get dressed and have your wake up mix or your gonna be a boar when the guys get here.” she thinks he is asleep again until she hears him curse lowly before rolling onto his back to stare at the ceiling, slowly Blinking sleep from his pretty brown eyes. She sits up in bed, looking down at him to make sure he is going to stay awake when he looks over at her and grinning she knows he is ok. Leaning over she presses a kiss to his nose before sliding out of bed she walks over to her side of the dresser, pulling on some old sweats she turns to leave, only to see her husband's smirking face watching her from the bed, she couldn't help but laugh “Your such an ass man.” she watches him stand, biting down on her lip as she catches sight of his toned body in nothing but black boxers. He walks over to her, kissing the top of her head he smirks  “And your no better about me.” he swats her on the ass, making her yelp. Before she can retaliate he is out of arm's reach and closing the bathroom door “Coward!” his wheezing laugh is the only reply she gets before she heads back to the kitchen, a small grin on her face.
It's not twenty minutes later that the Jax and Rat stroll in, she rolls her eyes as they park it at the kitchen island, grinning boyishly at her as she pours both of them cups of coffee. “Only two men can grin at me like that and get away with it. One is in the living room the others is not here. So drop the shit and start talking.” She pulls the eggs and turkey bacon off the fire, setting three plates out she goes about making them as she raises her voice so Juan hears her over his movie. “Juan come on breakfast.” She hears him groan, narrowing her eyes at the backsplash in the kitchen she yells again. “Juan Carlos you have seen Spaceballs twenty fucking times in your young life. And you will see it twenty fucking more.  it's not changing any time soon now get in here!” the men behind her snicker but when she turns with their plates in hand and a glare on her face they quite quickly. She only loses her glare when Juan comes into the kitchen, an easy grin on his face. Standing by her side he goes to make his plate seeing she already had that and his morning mix done he grabs her jaw. The turn her face he pecks her lips quickly before moving to sit next to the guys, she sips her cold brew slowly as she watches them. “Start talking guys. I didn't plan to get into work headspace this early so I'm a bit of a grouch.”
Jax and Rat share a look before Jax nods, swallowing his mouthful of food he speaks “Rat came to me this morning. Apparently, Rat-boy here got a few words from Frankie before he died.” She sets her cup down, picking up her bowl of sliced fruit she nods for him to continue. “Apparently Frankie told Rat that Clay was behind the Nomads attacks. And that Clay told them to steal the safe but here is the thing, Clay made them give him back all his legal papers.” She smirks around her mouthful, swallowing she wipes her mouth with the back of her hand. “If we find the papers it proves Clay knew or at least had some part in this shit. Because the police never found the safe or the papers so how would he have them otherwise. Which would also call into question his involvement in the attack on me and Rita, the home invasions, the dead nomads. Christ Jax, we got him.” Jax shakes his head, making her frown “Not yet. We need those papers. Rat said he would look, and I'll talk to Miles myself since him and Rat boy are Clays, main watchers. Once we have those papers though yes. We just might have Clay.” Once business was off the table breakfast went quickly, the guys leaving them to get dressed. She is pulling her jeans over her hips when her husband's arms slide around her bare stomach from behind, leaning her head back she smiles as he kisses her jaw. “Can I help you sir?” she can feel him smile against her shoulder, his arms holding her a little tighter. “Just wanted to hold my wife for a second.”
She feels her heart melt a little, turning in his arms she stares up at her husband, all hard lines and head tattoos. But his eyes are soft, she wraps her arms around his back, under his so he can wrap himself around her. Laying her cheek on his chest she lets him rock them for a moment, their life was so fast-paced and hectic that silent moments like this one were so precious to her. When he tries to move away she doesn't release her grip on him, looking up at him she pouts. “What no sugar from daddy?” the eye roll she gets makes her snicker, but his smile lets her know he finds her just a little funny as he pecks her lips. “I'll be ready in ten then we can ride out. Got some paperwork that needs doing at the shop and I have our lunches set aside for later.” he nods and heads into their closet. She sent up a silent prayer as she pulls on the rest of her clothes, let no son die today.
A few Hours later
She was watching her father and Juan talk across the room as she finished the last of her lunch. He had stayed in the office with her for an hour, talking to her about working out on Saturday when Juan had come to remind her it was lunch time, after that her boys had branched off to let her eat in peace. She is shaken from that peace as the last spoonful hits her lips, Tigs hands coming down gently on her shoulders, she tilts her head to look up at him. “Prospects called. They got Hightower.” She drops her spoon, one of Opie's killers. Getting to her feet she whistles to her father and Husband, both of them at her side in an instant when they see she is checking her backpack of goodies behind the bar. “What's has you checking your bag of tricks little girl.” she loads a clip onto her Glock, stashing a few others into her tiny backpack as she replies without glancing at each of them, still elbow deep in the duffle before her. “Prospects got one of the guys who killed Opie. I'm getting ready for just about anything.” her dad is gone before she finishes the sentence, probably heading up to the dorms to do the same. Juan stays by her side, his hand held out as she hands over a few of his own clips and guns he had stashed in her bag. “So much for a slow day huh.” Once she had the bag packed full she put her weapon duffle back in its place by the bar, turning to her husband she lets him see how shaken she is.
He doesn't hesitate to wrap her up in his arms, she leans heavy into his chest “It's ok baby. We will get them all for this. Opie's death won't go unpunished. And remember, even if you don't pull the trigger yourself. It's still enough.” she leans her head back, her husband's lips meet hers in a feather-light kiss. She soaks him in, his warmth, his scent, the taste of him on her tongue. She pulls back, giving him a sad smile “I love you Juan.” he nods, resting his forehead against her he closes his eyes “I love you too Joy.” they both head for the door as her father joins them not a minute later. Heading for the bikes she is slowly, brick by brick locking away her worry, her pain, the image of Opie as well goes behind that wall. She knew this would be a touchy one. She had to remain level headed because from the faraway look in half the guy's eyes she knew level heads would be hard to come by today.
Time Jump  
As they pull up she feels an off sense of deja vu like she had been here before at some point, standing she makes sure her guns are strapped tight and her small bag on her back isn't flying off at some point. Walking over she catches the tail end of Jax's and the prospects conversation. “....there are bikes in the back. Tricked out shit.” She arches a brow, another biker gang. She starts heading towards the club, ignoring the rest of the club as they call for her in low whispers. Fuck this pussyfooting she wanted answers, making her way around the club she curses violently at the sight of the bikes before her, Jax and the others aren't too far behind when they catch sight of the bright orange bike, Grim Bastards. It would fucking have to be them wouldn't it, nothing could be fucking simple. She moves past the bikes and into the club, she is halfway to the bar when she is spotted by T.O. She quickly slaps a grin on her face as he and his men make their way towards her and the other son's. “Well if it isn't the Princess of Samcro. What brings you to our side of town?” she lets him pull her into a hug, letting him say hello to Jax and the others. Feeling Juan's arm slip under her cut she leans into his hand, trying to draw some sense of comfort as Jax's speaks to T.O. “I'm looking for someone. Guy called Randall Hightower.” T.O’s face goes from Civil to hard in seconds, she narrows her eyes as he replies flatly “Why you looking for him?” she moves to stand next to Jax, her arms crossed over her chest “He killed Opie when they were in County. I don't like the look on your face T. Spill.” the man before her starts to fidget, almost two years with Bikers you learn they don't like to see an angry woman or be the blockade in front of one “He hired us to protect him. I didn't know it was from you.” she smirks as Tig rests his arm on her shoulder he leans forward to speak “Well, we'll be buying out your contract as of now.” something else is up, she arches a brow as T refuses to meet her or Jax's eyes “ Ain't that simple. He's my cousin. We came up together.”
She is about to open her mouth to raise hell when it decides to break loss without her, she hears someone shout Randall and gunshots, she is yanked down to the ground by Tig, his body shielding hers as three shots rang out she shoots up, catching sight of the large man going out the side door. Cursing she shakes off Tig as he tries to grab her and she books it for the front door, Jax and Bobby not far behind. She is standing in the road when she hears the sound of tires, seeing a Blue SUV she starts shooting, Jax standing at her side as they rain gunfire. They are both yanked from the street by Chibs as Randell almost hits them, she tries to aim for his tires but she gets the back passage door as he knocks into one of the guy's bikes, causing them to domino into one another. She screams her rage to the sky as she stands at Jax side, she combs her hands through her hair as her Husband runs to her side. She waves him off, she needed a second, moves back a few steps, his eyes watching her closely as she pulls the now empty clips from her guns to replace them. She finally looks up at Juan, walking over she grabs his jaw, yanking him down she presses a hard kiss to his lips before quickly pulling away. “I need to keep this anger a little longer. I love you.” he nods, grabbing the wrist of the hand holding his face he yanks her hand off of his face to kiss the back of it before running off to check up with the others.
She is starting off in the distance as the sons and bastards crowd around each other she can hear the guilt in T’s voice. “we had no idea Randy was involved in Ope's death, man.” she grinds her teeth as Jax shouts, looking to her a child in every sense “Well, now you know! Where do we find him?” she watches T scrubs a hand over his mouth, a look of remote washes over his face like a flash before he locks it down. “He's blood, man. I can't just turn him over. There's gotta be something we can work out.” she finally has enough when Jax practically screeches, his arms flailing “ Like what, bro?! How are we gonna make this right?!” pushing off the wall she plants her hand on the center of the tall blonde man's chest, walking him back as she walks forward. “Give us a sec T.” She gets a few feet away and shoves harshly, Jax's glares down at her as Tig hisses through his teeth “Well, isn't this just a bunch of bullshit. Let's just find Fat Albert and cave his skull in.” She turns her glare to her father when he speaks his agreement “Second that.” both of her hands reach out to smack both men's heads with a satisfying thud. “Both of you chicken heads shut your holes. All your doing is feeding into the frenzy this albino gorilla in front of me is currently in.” turning her gaze back up to Jax “Don't act like your the only fucking person here to take a much-owed pound of flesh. The only difference between us at the current moment is I'm thinking through my anger and none of you assholes are. So please get on my fucking level or leave.” Bobby stands at her side, his hand on her arm as he talks “Kids right. For 20 years we have had relationships with these people. The Grim Bastards have always backed us, always. Maybe we need to look for a compromise.”
She curls her lip as Jax's shoulders by her, she had no issues calling anyone out on their bullshit, he should know that by now. Turning she stands towards the back with Juan and her father as they return to the Bastards “There was a couple of other guys with your cousin when they took out Opie. Why don't you let us talk to them? We'll get those names, throw him a beating, but we'll let him live.” T’s eyes move between her and Bobby, he knew at one point she had been VP, she knew what he was asking. Keep Jax honest. She nods and T locks eyes with Jax once more “All right. I'll track him down. I'll let you know.” she lets the tension drain from her shoulders, leaning back against the brick wall she slides down to sit, pulling out her pack of cigs she lights one, sliding her sunglasses on she watches Jax take off with a shake of her head. He saw Opie die, him, Chibs and Tiggy saw the whole damn thing so she could understand to a degree the rage. But Opie wouldn't want this club to go down in flames because of his death. She would keep her promise if it fucking killed her.
She doesn't look over as two bodies move to sit down on either side of her, she keeps her gaze straight even as Tigs head comes to rest on her shoulder, his curls brushing her cheek. “Going to Ignore us forever kid?” she leans her head on top of Tigs, a sad smile on her face as Chibs does the same to her other shoulder. “Not forever.” She hears Chibs light another Cig as she tosses the butt of hers into the street. “We understand where you're coming from lass. We know you made a promise to Op. But you need to understand where we are coming from.” She lifts her head, sliding her glasses a little down her nose she turns to look at Chibs as he gazes off to the side. She feels Tig grab her hand, playing with her rings and nails, her heart clinches as it reminds her of Able. “We saw that giant bastard open Opies skull with a lead pipe lass. While we banged on the glass until our knuckles went numb and bloody each one of us left a part of us in the dark, dank room with Op.” She swipes at her cheeks below her glasses, not looking away when he lowers his glasses to lock eyes with her. “Don't Judge us too harshly for what we do as the half men we currently are. We need you girl, more than you know to guide us.” she nods, licking her suddenly dry lips “Your my boys. I'll always guide you. But you make it so hard sometimes.” She closes her eyes when Chibs kisses the side of her head before he stands. Looking up at him she sees he is grinning down at her “We wouldn't be yours if it was meant to be easy.” watching Chibs walk off she raises her none captured hand to come through Tigs wild curls, her eyes finding her husband across the street. His eyes watching her from the shade, he tilts his head, she knew he was asking if she was ok, she nods, a small smile on her face. Now all they had to do was wait.
And the wait wasn't long, apparently, Jax had gone to meet with Pope about Charming Heights and got a nice tidbit of information out of the meeting as well. The boatyard, that's where Randell was hiding. Part of her was suspicious of how Pope knew that but she had come to realize this was Pope's town, they knew charming like the back of their hand, makes sense he would know his turf. Pulling up to the boatyard she sees the bastards bikes lined up near the car Randell almost ran her and Jax down with. Pulling her helmet off she sees T.O heading their way, a look of guilt and shock on his face. Standing next to Jax she arches a brow as T.O speaks “How did you know we were here?” she watches Jax as he replies “A friend. You remember what those are? Don't you?” oh please. Enough with the melodramatics, she sighs “Where is he T?” the man looks down at her, his shoulders slumped a bit “I'm trying Joy. I can't convince him that you won't kill him. I talked to him about Opie. The order was from Pope to take out the guys in county. The guards grabbed Randell for his size it was the guards who set up that kill. You know what it's like to be hired muscle joy.”  
She did, you don't ask questions, do what needs to be done to survive. But she wasn't Prez or VP anymore, she had no say in what happened today. She feels a hand on her shoulder as Tig speaks over her head “so who were the other guys.” T doesn't look away from her as he replies, she knew he was trying to appeal to her better nature, but honestly, after her talk with Chibs and Tig, she didn't know how she felt. “He didn't even know them.” Jax, sensing her unease stand a little in front of her breaking T’s line of sight with her “Let us hear that from him.” T sighs, his chin meeting his chest as he scrubs a hand over his bald head in frustration. Looking back up at Jax he replies “I need your word.” She places her hand on Jax back, he back was like stone under her hand, hard and unmoved as he replies “Yeah. Sure.”
She follows behind Jax as T leads them down to the boats, a flash of red makes her look up. She curses a Randell makes a run for the building, she is shoving past the guys as T yells for his cousin to stop. She shoves the two Grim members who had been with Randell to the side as they try to slow her down. He wasn't getting away again if she could help it, she pulls out her Glock as they make it inside. Seeing Randall aiming at her and the guys she shouts “Put that shit down!”
The taller man yells back “Back off your trying to kill me!” she curls her lip as Jax moves to her side, his gun aimed “No man we just want to talk to you.” she nods, lowering her gun slightly she lets T pass her “They gave me their word Randell. They want info, not your life. Put the gun down man.” she watches him put the gun on the floor, keeping hers in her hand she walks over slowly, her eyes on his hands as he bends down to grab it from the floor. Handing it off to T. She watches Chibs and Jax as they stand next to the giant of a man. “Who else killed our friend?” she feels Tig move to her side, he needed to be closer to this. She got that, Randell sighs “One guy, his name was Aldo. Smith, I think. Other guys, I just knew their first name. Vox and Mace. That's all I know. I swear.” they had names, that was enough for her to do a search, she sees Chibs say something to Jax but she can't make out what. She feels Tigs hand on her arm as she watches Chibs move behind Randell his silences gun blowing out the back of Randells head. She can't process as guns are drawn, she aims both of hers at T, moving away from Tig she stands between T.O’s gun and Chibs and Jax, he wanted them dead he would have to mow her down first. “Jesus Christ! What is this shit? Jax, you gave me your word, man!” she can feel the heat coming off Jax in waves as he places his hand on her shoulder, moving around her to face T on his own “And so did you. You said you were gonna deliver him. You didn't.” everything is still for a moment, she can hear everyone breathing for a solid minute before T lowers his gun, she goes as well. She feels a flood of cold in the pit of her stomach as T speaks to Jax “Who the hell are you?”  
She doesn't know how they got back to their bikes, she is digging around in her backpack once she finds what she needs she forces Chibs to sit on his bike so they are level with each other as she wipes the blood from his face with napkins she keeps for situations like this. She didn't know how she felt yet about what they had done, the bond that was now broken between the Grim Bastards and SamCro. But she knew, right now at this moment that she needed to make sure her family was ok. Once the blood was all gone she grabs a lighter and sets it on fire, no evidence. She doesn't say anything as they all get on their bikes, what can anyone say in a moment like this? The ride back was smooth and quick, her mind never stopped moving, even when they made it back. She feels Juan at her side as he wraps an arm around her, his lips kissing her temple as she watches Bobby chase down Jax “Jax. Jax wait!” she sees Jax turn to Bobby as the group catches up to them she hears what Bobby is saying “You just shit on two decades of brotherhood. What you did back there was wrong. And it hurts all of us.” Jax looks off in the distance for a moment, his eyes lost in something before he turns to Bobby with a new focus “You know, you might be right, but you didn't see the pleasure in that animal's face when he caved in Opie's skull! We did!” she gets between the two men, her hands on Jax's chest, making him look down at her and not focus on Bobby, she tilts her head towards the picnic table and Jax goes without a word. She feels Bobby move around her to head into the clubhouse.  
Staying where she was, she breathes deeply to shake the Image Jax painted when he yelled. Her heart still broke for her living men, no one should see a friend die, let alone the way Opie went out.  she sees a mass of black leather come into her eyesight, she glances up at Tig as he pats her shoulder before looking past her to Jax “I'll go talk to him.” everyone files inside, her husband and father included. She might not be VP anymore but she refused to leave Jax's side like this, he was still her brother. Turning she sees Chibs and Jax watching her, she slowly walks over to the little bit of space left on Chibs side and straddles the bench so she can see them both clearly. As Chibs pulls a pack of Ciggs from his pocket she holds out her lighter to him as he speaks “We did what we had to do, Jackie.” He turns to her as he hands her lighter back once he lights his cigg “I know your off balance lass but you know it had to be done.” she nods, she knew it did but the way it happened could have been better. Jax leans forward, he elbows coming to rest on his knees as he looks between the both of them “I know. Things are gonna get bloody, guys. I'm not sure if Bobby's gonna be able to roll with that. I need to know that I have you both in my corner. I need you both or I'll get lost.”
Her eyes well as she stares at her club brother, Chibs stands seeming to tumble through his own thoughts before tossing his half finish cigg way and turns back to Jax “I've always been there, and I always will. Come here.” she watches Chibs as he stares Jax in the face hard for a moment as he stands before the older man. “I love you, kid. Understand?” Jax nods as Chibs grabs his face, kissing his cheek and bumping his head against the younger man he turns to her, holding his hand out she grabs hold, letting him pull her to her feet she crashes into his side as he wraps an arm around her shoulders, kissing the top of her head. “I love you to girl. I'm gonna get cleaned up.” She pats his back and watches him head inside. Turning to Jax she sees him watching her, turning to face him she gives him a tired grin, her hand coming up to cup his cheek. Watching a very small smile appear to match hers she pats his cheek roughly. “I want to be angry but I can't because I have no idea what you all saw that day in county. It changed something in the three of you I might never understand. But I'm not going to duck and run. I love you all too fucking much to do that. You all will break my heart more times then I'm going to be able to count I get that now, but I will always be right here for you. To yell, to comfort and nurse you idiots. Don't doubt that brother.” he nods, yanking her forward by her cut he holds her tight for a moment, his cheek rested on the top of her head. They would make it through this shit she refused to let it happen any other way.
Later that night
After her talk with Jax, she had buckled down at the shop for a few hours to lighten the load for the next day. Gemma had been around more which helped tremendously, she hoped this was the first steps of Gemma getting her shit together. She had told Juan to head home when he was done and she would meet him there, she needed to drop of her statement to Roosevelt at the police station before heading home and honestly that had been just as draining as she had thought it was going to be. It had gone from running in to drop of her statement to sitting down and going through it and honestly she was tired of having to remember it and picking at it. She was ready to move on. Pulling up to the house she felt her body already losing some of the tension as she sees the porch light on and the living room light shining through the break in her dark curtains. Getting off her bike she makes her way to the door, opening it she expects to find her husband on the couch, asleep or playing one of his many games but when he isn't there she is surprised. She hears the sound of sunny claws on the wood floor, kneeling she wraps her arms around the excited pit with a grin. She scratches his head with both hands as she speaks softly to him. “Hey, my handsome boy. Sorry I haven't been hanging with you much. I'll bring you to work one day this week. Get you out and about. Deal?” she holds her open palm out to him, giggling when he hands her his paw, pressing a kiss to his head she narrows her eyes as she looks around. “Wanna help me find daddy? Sniff him out for me boy.”
She grins when the pup licks her cheek and takes off for the backdoor. Putting her stuff on the side table by the door and sliding off her boots she follows. Seeing the fairy lights on she pushes open the door, letting sunny charge into the yard to play for a minute, when she turns she sees her husband at the outside table, food covered and a smile on his face. She had to bite her lip to stop the wave of emotion as he stands, making his way over to her, she curls herself into his chest as he wraps his arms around her. She inhales deeply as the scent of his body wash swarms her, her hands move to grip his shirt on both sides. “I got your text about being held up with Eli. Thought I would go ahead to do the cooking and did the laundry for you.” she tilts her head back she smiles up at him. “I can tell I'm married because the words ‘I cooked and did laundry’ got me weak in the knees.” he chuckles and shakes his head, looking down he sees Sunny at their feet, letting her go he kneels down and pets over sunny’s  head as the panting dog licks his cheek. “Dinner time pup.” he looks up at her as he continues “Food is still hot. Finished about ten minutes before you pulled up. So all we need is drinks, grab those while I feed him?” she grins, grabbing his face as he moves to stand she pulls him closer, pressing her lips against his she melts into him as he yanks her closer. Pulling back he grins, his brow kicked up “What was that for? Not that I'm complaining.” She smiles, her hands rubbing his shirt covered sides “For being up handsome. Just for being you.” His smile losses the teasing edge as he stares at her, leaning his head down he kisses her forehead before turning to go into the house. She saw the raw emotion before he did though, her husband still wasn't used to being praised, but until the day she died, she would get him used to it.
AN: Hope you liked it. Let me know your thoughts and I'll see you next time. 
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crowfootwrites · 3 years
crowfootwrites masterlist
18+ / NSFW / Smut pieces marked with 🔥
Star Trek Works:
New Arrival [Odo (ST:DS9) x Fem!Reader]
Devotion & Diplomacy [Daro (ST:TNG) x OFC] Part I | Part II | Part III | Part IV | Part V | Part VI | Part VII | Part VIII | Part IX 🔥
Diel [Taurik (ST:TNG) x Fem!Reader]
Warm Welcome [Neelix (ST:VOY) x GN!Reader]
Eaha’le [Senator Kimara Cretak (ST:DS9) x GN!Reader]
What Happens on Risa [Gul Macet (ST:TNG) x Fem!Reader] 🔥
Stardew Valley Works:
December Drabbles [All Characters, currently updating]
Mayans MC Works:
The Boyfriend [Taza Romero x Fem!Reader] Part I | Part II | Part III | Part IV
Bruises [Nestor Oceteva X Fem!Reader] | Part I | Part II
Hair [Nestor Oceteva x Reader] (Drabble)
Hoodie [Coco Cruz x Fem!Reader] (Drabble)
It’s Easy [Nestor Oceteva x Fem!Reader]
June Drabbles [All Characters, unfinished]
Los Guardianes [Nestor Oceteva x Fem!Reader] Part I | Part II | Part III | Part IV | Part V | Part VI | Part VII | Part VIII
Mayans Take Their Kids Trick-or-Treating | Headcanon
Nightmare [Taza Romero x Fem!Reader]
PTA [Creeper Vargas x Reader]
Safety [Nestor Oceteva x Reader]
Show Off [Angel Reyes x Fem!Reader]
Softer [Hank Loza x Reader]
Study Buddy [Coco Cruz x Reader]
Sugar [Miguel Galindo x Fem!Reader] 🔥
Suspension [Gilly Lopez x Fem!Reader]
Together [Bishop Losa x Fem!Reader]
Undone [Nestor Oceteva x Fem!Reader] 🔥
Sons of Anarchy Works:
Ache [Juice Ortiz x Reader]
Assumptions [Chibs Telford x Fem!Reader] 🔥
The Dream [Chibs Telford x Fem!Reader] 🔥
Memories [Bobby Munson x Reader]
Rough Night [Tig Trager x Fem!Reader] 🔥
Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Works
The Bath [Rafael Barba x Reader]
A Night on the Town [Rafael Barba x OC] 🔥
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Do I Wanna Know?
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2sr3ZNH
by jdntwritesthings
You lost your virginity to Jax Teller eight years ago, only to have him break your heart. After finding out that your father is ill, you finally return back to Charming to revisit familiar faces and memories from your past.
Words: 843, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Sons of Anarchy, Jax Teller - Fandom
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con
Categories: F/M
Characters: Jax Teller, Opie Winston, Juice Ortiz, Gemma Teller Morrow, Clay Morrow, Chibs Telford, Tig Trager, Happy Lowman, Prospect(s) (Sons of Anarchy)
Relationships: Jax Teller/Original Character(s), Jax Teller & Original Female Character(s), Jax Teller/Original Female Character(s), Jax x Reader, Jax x OFC, Jax x You
Additional Tags: Smut, Fluff and Angst, Eventual Smut, Shameless Smut, Angst and Fluff and Smut, Angst and Feels, Angst and Porn, Sex, Romantic Fluff, Eventual Romance
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2sr3ZNH
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Mo Shíorghrá - Chapter Five.
Thanks to the few people reading and interacting with this, you make the effort worth it.
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Previous chapters - One  Two  Three  Four
Tag list - In the comments. Please DM to be added/removed
Words - 5,870
Warnings - 18+ content throughout. Minors DNI!
“Oh my god. Oh, Jesus, Fil. Look at them. They’re so little.”  
A sob followed those words, Abi reaching for his hand as she blinked tears down her cheeks after being wheeled into the NICU to see her sons for the first time, her own condition now stable enough to allow for her to leave her bed. She’d taken her first steps the day before on her new hip with the physiotherapist and the aid of a frame, finding it much easier than she’d anticipated it would be, but still very painful.  
Painkillers following that had helped, but there was nothing she could take to get over seeing her precious babies within an incubator, wires and tubes sticking out of them. Her husband had been very right when he’d told her they were not much bigger than one of his hands.  
He crouched by her side, kissing her hand, his other skimming her inner forearm while she reached in to touch Henry for the first time, her little finger stroking his hand, the baby responding instantly to his mother's touch, his tiny fingers flexing at the contact. Still, she continued to cry, Chibs wiping her tears, kissing her head tenderly as he gently wrapped an arm around her.  
“They’ve gained just over half a pound each since their delivery, they’re gaining at the upper end of the expected weight gain, so this is great progress. Bearing this in mind, we hope for you to be able to hold them when they reach four pounds, so realistically it’ll be around another three weeks," Tara explained, handing Abi a tissue.
“I hate that I can’t hold them, though I understand.” If Chibs could identify with anything, it was that. His arms ached to hold his babies close, strong as his fatherly protective streak was. For Abi, it was a hugely emotional moment, reaching through to Riley as well to gently stroke his foot where he wriggled, pleased to hear that it had only been in the last few days he’d become strong enough to do that, their steady progress reassuring. Still, seeing them so small, compounded by the upset she felt at not being able to hold them, colliding with the rage that someone had put their mortality at such grave risk, it all stirred up within and left her very emotional.  
“Shhh, darlin’. Try not tae upset yourself,” Chibs told her softly after she’d returned to her room, Abi crying uncontrollably. “Do you need anything?”
“A hug. I need a big hug.”  
“Okay. Shuffle forward a wee bit.” With his help, she edged down the bed, Chibs kicking off his boots and shrugging himself out of his jacket and kutte, climbing onto the bed behind her, letting her rest back against him as he held her carefully. Oh, she’d needed that, to lie back against the steadying, comforting embrace of her husband, breathing in his scent, turning her head and listening to the rhythm of his heartbeat against her ear. Still, for a time, she couldn’t quite rest, though.  
“They’re not even out of the woods yet, the fucking list of issues they could go on to have. Cerebral palsy, hearing and sight trouble, learning difficulties, psychological problems, asthma, increased risk of sudden infant death syndrome. It isn’t going to be as simple as they put on weight, leave incubation and eventually come home. This could be something that leaves them with afflictions for their whole lives!”  
“Abi, you’ve got to calm down, darlin’,” he began, taking her hand. “If they do, then they do, and as their mum and dad, we support them through it. If they’re deaf, we learn sign language, have cerebral palsy, get them to the right specialists to cope with it, blind, train the pups to be guide dogs. We adjust and we cope.” She smiled a little, at hearing his suggestion to train their dogs to guide dog standards. They’d be distracted at the first sniff of an ice cream cone. That flicker of amusement didn’t last long, though.
“I want to fucking murder the bastard that did this.” Of course, he knew that her upset was fuelled by a burning rage within to exact revenge upon the man who had almost taken hers and her children’s lives. It was very much in line with the woman she was, after all.
“You’re not alone there, hen. It’ll happen. As soon as he’s found, I’ll make him suffer, you have my word there.” He stroked her face gently, Abi sobbing against his chest, twitching with discomfort when her broken clavicle began to throb. Turning slightly to her right side made it bearable, tucking her head beneath his chin, tracing the top line of the bill tattoo on his chest with her thumb. He could have used that moment to reveal they’d at least found which direction her attack had come from, the Russians responsible, but calming her down again was of greater importance at that moment. Fuelling her anger wouldn’t do her any good, she didn’t need it while recovering.  
What she needed was his comfort, of which he gave, stroking the side of her neck as he felt her breathing steady, her crying beginning to cease. It was nice, to simply hold her close again. For Abi, that closeness was the kind of comfort she’d craved, just to be near to him, to feel his warmth. It made her physical pain a little more bearable to withstand, too. God, the c-section site hurt like hell, all her muscles burning with fury from being yanked apart and cut. Listening to his breathing calmed her further, her fingers coming to stop against his chest as she began to drift, Chibs smiling down at her as he kissed her head.  
“I’m here for a while, then.” There was no way he was walking her up. Whenever he visited her, she always looked so tired, her sleep mostly pharmaceutically induced rather than naturally occurring. Now that she’d fallen asleep without the aid of such, he wasn’t prepared to disturb it. Instead, his mind wandered back to the first morning he’d ever woken up with her lying against him like that, which from memory was likely after the fifth occasion he’d ended up in her bed...
Belfast, 1994
“Well, I think it’s fair to say I knackered you out plenty last night," he spoke when Abi finally roused from slumber, sitting up, her eyes widening a little when she realised where she’d been resting.
“Oh Jesus, I’m sorry.” Embarrassed, she scooted back over to her side of the bed, Chibs raising an eyebrow.  
“For what?”
She pointed at his chest, the place she’d been very comfortably sleeping against. “Sleeping on you. Probably the last thing you want.”  
He was amused at her assertion, leaning close to her. “I’m not made of stone, Abi. Not averse to a pretty wee thing falling asleep on my chest. What I’m not so fond of is feeling like a badger curled up in my mouth and died. Can I borrow your toothbrush?”  
She laughed there, sitting up, finger combing her mountain of unruly hair, wondering what kind of state she looked. “Yeah, no worries. There’s a spare one in the cabinet, actually. Just use that.” He got out of bed, Abi treated to the feast for the eyes that was him naked, all lithe muscles and tattooed arms.  
“Stop staring at my arse.”
She snickered, looking amused. “Why? It’s gorgeous.”  
And he knew he was gorgeous, and had an enviably trim body, but still, a sexy, seventeen-year-old who could have her pick of any bloke she wanted was the one who wanted him. He’d never get over the inner gleam of such knowledge. While he was cleaning his teeth, Abi made a few rounds of toast and some coffee, taking it all back to bed with her.  
It had been just over a week since they’d first had sex, and this was the first time he’d stayed over after finishing doing a superb job of shagging her utterly senseless the night before. He joined her, Abi pushing the toast plate over a little, Chibs thanking her before taking a slice.  
“Oh, thank fuck you use actual butter. Fi buys that Flora crap and it tastes vile,” he exclaimed, Abi shuddering.  
“So does my ma. Da got me this from the farmers market yesterday, we sat there eating it with fresh soda bread while watching Men Behaving Badly. Ma won’t have it on at home, absolutely can’t stand it but it makes us cry laughing!” Rubbing her eye as she remembered the antics of Tony and Gary, she then looked at her finger, seeing a huge, black smudge. “God, I bet I look an absolute state, so I do!”
Chibs turned, eyeing her. “You look smoking.”  
“Even with my makeup all smudged?”
“Especially with your makeup all smudged,” he grinned, leaning to kiss her shoulder. Once they’d finished eating, Abi found herself back against his chest, very content to lie there being lazy. She hadn’t really thought he’d be all that fond of little moments of affection and closeness like that when they weren’t actually having sex, being that she was just a casual bit on the extramarital side, but he surprised her greatly. “Has anyone ever told you just how gorgeous your eyes are? I swear, you’ve got the prettiest eyes I’ve ever seen.”
“You think?” she asked, tilting her head back a little, Chibs leaning to kiss her.  
“Aye, they’re like the fucking sky. You’re bloody beautiful.” He kissed her again, Abi humming happily. She honestly didn’t expect him to be like this, so it took her by surprise greatly. She didn’t truly know how to feel about that either. He was married, after all, and despite the fact he seemed very invested in having sex with her whenever he could, he loved Fiona. She knew that. The way he behaved with her that morning did seem somewhat contradictory to her assertion, though.
Or was she just being seventeen and naïve? Being nice to her didn’t mean he loved his wife any less. Thinking differently to that, she knew, would lead to her getting hurt.  
While she was chastising herself for overthinking something that was merely supposed to be a bit of fun to be enjoyed, she had no idea that the man whom she lay against was struggling with something quite similar. Even though he found himself making it sexual very quickly that morning, he’d be lying to himself if he said that was solely what he felt towards Abi, sexual interest and nothing more.  
Apart from her being gorgeous, funny, cute, crazy as hell and into a lot of similar things he was, he felt a connection to her that he truly couldn’t explain, a link, something unseen, undescribed by words, but which stirred his emotions heavily. He found it a little distressing, if he was frank, that what he felt, he’d experienced with no other, not even Fiona. It scared him a bit, that he could fall so headlong into something, something that was likely the last thing a fun loving seventeen-year-old wanted from him.  
So, he kept to what he knew she definitely sought.  
They shared fervent kisses as his fingers raked at every depth inside her soaking cunt, one of her gorgeous, long legs rested over his waist as they lay facing one another, Chibs glad that Fiona was away visiting her mother in Ballymena, so he didn’t have to hurry home. He could spend as long as he wanted sending his young lover to the edges of heaven, so that’s exactly what he did.  
He moved his kisses to her neck, fingers retreating to begin stroking at her with long rubs through her slit, spreading her wetness around, the heat of her against him absolutely blazing. Moving his focus to her clit, he softly circled, touching her so gently he was barely making contact, little by little increasing the pressure, watching her intently as she lost herself to what he inflicted upon her.  
“Is that nice?” he chuckled in whisper at her breathlessness, Abi’s helpless groan making him laugh a little louder.  
“Oh, you’re too bloody good by far!” He loved it when she was utterly beside herself with pleasure.
“Just you wait until it’s my tongue.”  
“I can’t wait, don’t make me!”  
Oh, what a state he’d worked her into, dark eyes watching her as she continued to softly mewl, his fingers suddenly speeding up. “Be patient.” Kissing her again, he silenced her until sliding his mouth to her breasts, sucking her nipples, having her practically sobbing with bliss, his fingers now working a quickly rubbed circle at her bud. Abi cried out as she broke apart against the hot throb they evoked, the flames of her release licking her spine, her shuddering body spent, yet craving more. “Okay, now you get my mouth.”  
He laid open mouthed kisses down the centre of her body, the smell of her arousal, her fragrant womanhood calling his mouth, beckoning the swipe of his tongue, which he duly laid after levelling his face with her burning slit, wet pressure bathing her sensitive bud, a slow swirl to begin with, gentle flicking added, his hands stroking her slender thighs as she tipped her head back and moaned prettily for him, his mouth gorging upon her as he began to suck, stopping only to bob his tongue inside her a few times, feeling her clench on him as she gasped and shook.  
“Fuck, you have such a pretty little pussy.” He complimented, moaning as he sucked her, her insides sparking with incandescence. Her hands held his head, nails flexing in his hair as he took a mouthful of her and sucked again, evoking her wail, watching her with lust blown pupils, covetingly gazing at the beauty who he was aroused out of his senses by.  
The wet drag of each lick languidly rolled through her slit, up to her clit again, circling, nudging, glimmers skittering through her when he aimed his next suck right there, her breath catching in her throat, her little bud sucked plumper before bathed in the fast beating of his tongue. Fast... faster... faster... oh... how was he real?  
Her body arched off the bed, her toes curling, an orb of fire rolling through her groin before boom, it exploded and she came hard, her legs wrapping around his head, her clit throbbing against his tongue. He moaned against her slick pink, tongue continuing to explore her, hands roaming up to grasp her breasts and roll her nipples between his thumbs and forefingers.
“You look so goddamned pretty when you cum.” he praised her with, taking mouthful of her and sucking thirstily, eyes closing, hands continuing to stroke her curves, Abi gently writhing against his face.  
There was no other way to explain it, she was lost in pleasure, unmoored, adrift on the wide, dark sea that was a man who knew exactly how to turn her on until she felt senseless and boneless. She had never known arousal like it, never been tended to quite so thoroughly, by someone who held such extensive knowledge of a woman’s body and exactly how to play with it.  
His fingers pushed back within the heat of her core, laying soft kisses all over her slit, up her abdomen, tongue circling her navel before slipping down again to continue eating her. He granted her no clemency with the sublimity of his tongue, rapid and unyielding as he gratified her fervently, her womanhood the altar where he laid his worship of such beauty, given unto him.  
He was almost predatory with his mouth, not ceasing or slowing, his fingertips seeking the place they had before to press precisely, her insides twitching aggressively as his tongue swept her bud with rapid circles, her body keening as she felt herself driven closer, her core close to absolute convulsion as she panted and wailed, the surge of orgasm tearing through her.  
“Oh... my... fucking... god...” she panted, Chibs kissing her thigh, watching her fighting for breath. She then looked at him with a glint of utter feral desire. “Get on your damned back.”  
“I’m not much in the habit of being ordered around, but since it’s you.” He turned at speed, cock rigid against his hip, Abi climbing astride him and sinking down on that big, thick hardness with a shuddered breath. Oh, how she’d ridden him into that bed. Fuck. It was a memory that hadn’t left him, sex so good it still made him tingle when he thought of it, as well as what followed. Just six days later and they’d told each other how they knew they felt, not able to fight the fact that against all odds, they’d fallen deeply in love with one another.  
“Filip, have you got a hard on?” Abi suddenly spoke, waking after napping for half an hour. His chuckle confirmed.  
“You’re bloody unfair! Lying there like a bloody tepee and I’m too broken to enjoy it!” It was a moment of comic relief they both needed, Chibs stroking her arms as he leaned to kiss her head, waiting for himself to calm down a little before moving back to the seat. “I suppose I should take it as a compliment.”
“Yeah, you should. What can I say? I miss my wife, in more than one way.” His wink cracked her up, Abi holding her side as she tried to compose her chuckles. Her lung was still very sore, but she guessed having a shattered rib poke a hole in it would do that to anyone. “I was lying there thinking about the first time I slept over at your old flat, when you woke up and freaked out that you’d fallen asleep against my chest.”
She remembered it like it was yesterday, her mind revolving in the horror of ‘oh my god, as if he wants his shag piece all curled up around him. Abort, Abi! Abort!’ before she’d scrambled away from where she’d so comfortably rested. She laughed about it now, now of course that he was hers, the humour of trying to remain somewhat aloof with the man whom she’d fallen so hard in love with. She thought of it later that night after he’d left, the day he’d taken her down to Armagh to get the tattoo she wanted for her birthday, the artist of her choice residing there. Kevin Dougherty had been the man who’d done her first, a snake winding around her right wrist, his work famous throughout Northern Ireland.  
She could picture it so clearly in her mind, walking towards his shop hand in hand with her outlaw...  
Belfast, 1994
Armagh. Nobody knew them in Armagh, meaning that for the first time ever, Abi could walk along with her boyfriend hand in hand, and it didn’t matter. There’d be no prying eyes ready to run back to either her father or Fiona with the scandalous information, so if she wanted to suddenly stop in the middle of the street and kiss him, she could.  
“What was that for?” he asked after she’d done just that.  
“Because I fucking love you.”  
He arched an eyebrow. God, she loved it when he did that. It made her throb, both in her heart and between her legs. He was just too sexy for his own good. “Good enough reason as any, CB.” He kissed her again then, a big, open mouthed, tongue swirling kiss, drawing a few comments of disapproval from passing elderly people, neither of them caring at all over the distain their filthy kisses provoked.  
While walking, Abi noticed that they attracted further attention too, as was the norm with outlaws. People knew who the Sons were, even if nobody there knew him personally, the stories of the club travelled, of course they did. Outlaws spelled danger, and while Abi thrived on such, others did not.  
They were the men mothers warned their daughters to steer clear of, and Abi, she was the kind of girl those same daughters were told never to end up like. Her dress code alone raised eyebrows of disapproval from women, and looks of longing from men. That day, she’d chosen her standard fishnets, a pair of platform PVC boots, and a black cropped top and hot pants set, her usual plethora of necklaces and chains and her old, battered leather jacket on top.  
Yes, the outlaw and his barely dressed young girlfriend raised more than a few eyebrows as they walked the street, even more so when they entered the tattoo shop, the men within it giving Abi some very favourable glances. One of whom had Chibs in fits while Abi was checking the placement of her tattoo in the mirror as Kevin looked on.  
“She your girlfriend, fella?”
“Aye,” Chibs beamed, the large man with the shaved head and the near full bodysuit of tattoos shaking his head as he looked back at her.  
“You lucky fucking bastard.”  
“I know.”
“How do you let her out of bed? I swear, I’d never be off her if she was my girl!”
Chibs laughed, winking at her when she blew him a kiss. Of course, she could hear their entire conversation, the large man next to her boyfriend not being particularly quiet. “Trust me, she gets ridden more than my fucking Harley.”  
“Fucking fair play, sonny.” He offered his hand, Chibs shaking it with laughter before joining Abi.
“So, all ready for your tramp stamp, crazy baby?”  
Kevin snorted laughing, loading the tattoo machine with black ink.  
“Stop calling it that!”  
“Never!” he leaned forward and kissed her, Abi grumbling at him before wincing as Kevin began.  
“Arrgh, bloody hell! I forgot how much is fucking stings to start with!”  
“Yeah, like a cat with red hot claws scratching the shite out of you, isn’t it?”
“That’s exactly what it feels like, so! I remember Monica getting hers done on her ribcage, remember, Kevin? She likened it to hot razors.”
“I do, aye. You having to fan her with a copy Skin Deep so she didn’t pass out, bless her. I miss that girl,” he lamented. Kevin had once dated Monica very briefly after she’d originally gone to him for her first tattoo and they’d hit it off, the relationship fizzling out due to neither of them having the time to travel the near hour journey to see each other regularly. “Not half as much as I bet you do though, eh?”
“Likely not. She was the best.”
“She was, a bloody grand lass, so.”  
She continued to wince and grumble as the outline was added to, having her mind taken off it by gripping Chibs’ hand and receiving kisses from him. At doing so, once again he was the envy of all of the men within the shop, grinning to himself smugly. Sexy, heavenly body, utter badass, and she was all his. As for Abi, his affections took her mind away from feeling a little mournful over her sister, and the fact that her lower back was currently on fire.  
“I’ve a good plan to take your mind off it later,” he whispered, kissing the side of her neck. He was never really one for public displays of affection, but with her, he truly couldn’t help himself.  
“Oh? And what does this plan of yours entail?” she inquired, looking at him with a lower lip biting grin.  
“Letting you sit on my face until you forget how sore your tramp stamp is.”  
She narrowed her eyes immediately, but the grin that followed was that of megawatt magnitude. “The first part, I like. You continually referring to my lovely tattoo as a tramp stamp, not so much.”
“I’m paying for it; I get to call it whatever I like. Happy birthday, beautiful.” It had been her actual birthday two days previously, but Kevin only had space to tattoo her after the event. Besides, she wanted to get drunk off her face all day, and alcohol and tattooing didn’t mix, so there’d been that, too. And god, how drunk the SAMBEL lads had gotten her. As soon as she’d walked into the clubhouse with her friends in tow, the roar of ‘shots!’ had gone up like a siren.
“I could do with some of that right now.” she grumbled back in the present, shifting in order to get comfortable, placing her arm back in the sling to alleviate the pain in her broken clavicle. It always did hurt after her walking physio, having to take weight on her left arm to support herself as she walked, getting the muscles working around her new hip. At least it all wasn’t quite as painful as she remembered in the moments between her morphine dazes upon first waking after her accident. She thanked god that apparently, he was watching out for her.
Her healing was progressing just as it should have been, meaning that after a further twelve days in hospital, she was given the all clear to head home. Not that she particularly wanted to. Not without her boys.  
“I’ll be back to see you first thing in the morning. You get to meet your aunt Venus too, she’s going to bring me up here while daddy is working, yes, she is,” Abi pledged to her babies, stroking their hands lovingly. “I love you both so much. See you tomorrow.” It took her a few moments to compose her tears before she stood, aided by a crutch in one hand, holding onto Chib’s arm with the other. Walking was still painful, but not as bad as it had been, now three weeks on from the accident and subsequent replacement. She just had to be careful not to overdo things, since she still got out of breath fairly easily after the trauma she’d suffered to her lung.  
She could have killed for a cigarette, but didn’t think it wise beyond taking two puffs off the one Chibs lit once they got outside, with him eyeing her disapprovingly. “Don’t come crying to me when you cannae breathe right,” he warned, Abi tightening her jaw a little.  
“I think after everything I’ve been through, I can be forgiven for wanting a small hit of nicotine.”
He nodded. “Aye, I suppose you’re right.”
“I might need you to put that on a t shirt, since you so seldom concede,” she teased, walking steadily to her car.  
“Shut up, you wee shite.” She laughed, and it felt good, good to laugh and joke with him, to see him smile rather than look perpetually scared to death. Once he’d helped her into the car, he took her home, carrying her things in and then grabbing hold of two very excited dogs so they didn’t dive all over her as she carefully made her way inside. “Steady, lads, steady.” he told them, letting go of their collars once she was seated in the armchair, Ozzy and Jimi staying low, their entire bodies quivering with excitement that their mum had returned, receiving scratches and tummy rubs from her, Abi thrilled to see her again.  
Looking around, she was glad to be home, the sights and smells comforting to her. “Is that furniture polish I smell?”
“It is.”
“Oh. Venus came by and cleaned, then? She said she’d call in to make sure the house hadn’t reverted back to, and I quote, a bachelor pad comprised of dusty surfaces, overspilling ashtrays and the scent of ripe underpants.”
“She did, but I did the cleaning.”
“Pardon?” Her eyes widened so much, he couldn’t help but laugh softly.
“Just because I don’t like to, doesn’t mean I don’t know how to. I cleaned and did laundry, and Venus cooked enough food to feed a small army so you’d be all sorted and wouldn’t have to do anything other than take things out of the freezer or fridge. And she walked the dogs as well. That woman is an absolute diamond.”  
Abi smiled, certainly believing so. “Anyway, my love. I have to shoot off. Duty calls, but I’ll try not to be too late home. Love you.”
“Alright, don’t worry about me. I’ll just be sitting here having a 90’s film marathon. Love you too.” While she relaxed with her very happy dogs and the first of a long run of her favourite films, Chibs rode out with the rest of the club to meet with the remaining west coast based Russians, determined to get to the bottom of who the hit and run driver was.  
The bar they met at was seedy and stank of vodka and stale urine, a typical meeting place between men who most definitely fell upon the wrong side of the law. It was the kind establishment regular, law-abiding patrons eschewed by a very wide berth.  
“Gentlemen, welcome,” Leo Lenkov, the man who had ascended to power within the west coast fraction of the Russian mob spoke, gesturing to the red leather seating section he and his guys rested within. “Although, I am at a loss to understand the purpose of this meet. Your Mexican friends tied up any, ah, loose ends between us, shall we say.”  
He eyed them carefully from behind the thick framed glasses he wore, his turnout immaculate, smelling strongly of expensive cologne, his suit pressed crisply, the top buttons of his black shirt undone to reveal a similar tattoo to that of the man they were attempting to locate.  
“Except for the one that lead a Russian to attempt to murder my wife and unborn children,” Chibs spoke, his dark eyes practically boring into the back of Leo’s skull.  
“And you know this, how?” Clay took the image from his kutte, unfolding the paper and sliding it across the black, chipped lacquer table. Leo lifted it, studying it carefully. “Russian, he most definitely is, this is obvious. Alas, I do not know his identity. I know of course from his tattoos that he is indeed bratva, but not of my particular franchise.”
Chibs virtually snarled at his reply. “I’m calling bullshit on that.”  
Clay moved on instinct, halting the reach for his gun with a hand pressed to his arm. Leo remained passive, unmoved. “You can call it whatever you want, mister Sergeant at arms. No number of bullets will jog a memory that is simply non-existent. This was not a planned hit from my side. We did that already, of course, as you know. Your wife, I would likely assume, was a target on a personal vendetta basis, for nothing was sanctioned by me. This, I swear on the pride of my motherland. Also, a personal code of mine would forbid me from calling for the harming of children. Especially of the unborn kind. A man has to have his uncrossable line.”
He sank a shot of vodka, placing his glass down. “Does she have any links to my people, perhaps there is a hostility there which needs to be uncovered. Is she Russian herself, your wife?”
Chibs intrinsically knew when he was being lied to, knew the little tells to look out for, the plays, the gestures. Leo Lenkov did not display any of them. He was telling the truth, and from the looks of it, did actually want to offer assistance. “No, Irish. And yes, there’s a tentative link. She used to date a man you’ve likely heard of, Vladislav Morozov.” He was, of course, one of the men whom had died at the hands of the club in their retaliation against the Russians, on the night of Opie and Lyla’s wedding.  
Immediately, Leo’s eyebrows fluttered in recognition. “You are married to the gadyuka?”
“What the fuck does that mean?” Clay questioned, about as perplexed as everyone else not fluent in Russian.  
“Gadyuka is the Russian word for viper. Vlad spoke of her to me once, told me of the insane IRA arms dealer he had been with for around half a year. Her reputation precedes her. Gentleman, I would not personally go after a woman with that kind of propensity for blowing up those who anger her, for I am not a stupid man. Whomever did this, I would likely wager is either a stupid man, or a man hellbent on revenge for something she did to him, but I state once more, this did not come from me. Perhaps your net needs to be cast further afield. I am sorry I can be of no further assistance, and I do mean that. As far as I am concerned, we are even now.”
Clay looked to Chibs, who nodded, satisfied by what Leo had stated, but not why his wife had been targeted. He mulled it over as they left, suddenly stopping outside of the bar when it hit him, his eyes widening in realisation.  
Jax turned, pausing from placing his helmet on. “What is it, bro?”
“He’s fucking right, about it being personal.” How it hadn’t dawned on him until that moment, he didn’t know, but he could have fucking kicked himself. “Who was it that got us the information to begin with over where Jimmy was hiding out? Who reached out to her ex-boyfriend, a call that ultimately led to him ending up dead?”  
Jax closed his eyes momentarily. “Jesus fucking Christ.”  
“We need to start digging into Vladislav’s family.”
“And you need to get home to your wife, because that guy is still out there, and if he knows she ain’t dead...” Clay began, Chibs racing to his bike.  
“Shit!” Of course, there’d been no sniff of further retribution while she’d been at the hospital, the guys considering their debt paid in the harm that had befallen Abi. But now they knew differently, with the perpetrator still out there in the wild and Abi now released, anything was possible.  
“Hey, Chibs. Take this with you. For all we know, Abi is the best person to ask, if she met any of his family back while she was with him.” Taking the picture, he stuffed it into his kutte before departing at speed, Clay ordering Ratboy to follow him back and keep a lookout, sending Phil to the hospital to be stationed outside the NICU unit, just in case an attempt to harm the babies was made. Chibs must have broken every speed limit there was in racing home, his heart calming immediately at entering the house to the sounds of happy barks from his dogs and a content looking wife. Thank Christ.  
“You’re back much earlier than I expected,” she spoke, pausing the film, receiving a kiss from him happily.  
“We spoke to the Russians, and while we’re confident it didn’t come from their specific fraction of the bratva, it did throw up a line of thinking we hadn’t pursued,” he began, reaching into his kutte and unfolding the picture. “This is an image of the man who hit you. Do you recognise him at all?”
Taking the picture, Abi only needed to study it for a second, her body stiffening slightly. “Aye, I do. That’s Ivan Morozov, my ex-boyfriend Vlad’s elder brother.”  
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yourcroweater · 7 years
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A Little Wicked - Part V
Chibs x Vivi (oc)
Warnings:: swearing, guns (honestly though, it’s a soa fic, swearing and guns are pretty much called for), character death mention;
I made this a bit longer for making you guys wait so long. It’s here, finally. 
Note: I bumped up Vivi’s age a few years, she’s now 30. Taking how the show ended in 2014, she was born in 1984.
Tag list: @sam-samcro @soafanficluvr1 @jaaxtellerasf @telford-ortiz-teller @grungedaddykinks @i-am-the-luna @teller-telford-old-lady @i-like-it-heavy-so-i-can-panic @meggzz21 @make-things-beautiful2 @come-join-themurder
Let me know if I forgot to tag you.
Gif credit goes to their owners ofc.
“Thanks.” I pulled fifteen dollars out of my purse and handed it to the taxi driver before I jumped out of the car in my black skinny jeans and a snug Mötley Crüe t-shirt.
I left my car back at home, well hidden behind the garage doors. If Pete was already in town, then I wouldn’t make it easy for him to find me and he knew my car pretty well. A white 65’ Thunderbird in perfect condition wasn’t exactly conspicuous, either.
Red Woody’s parking lot was packed with Harley bikes and it wasn’t even 10am. Club business starts early, I guess. Or they were just there to watch Lyla shoot porn, which was just as likely.
I stuffed my hands on my back pockets and took a deep breath, letting the smell of water wash over me. Maybe I should have called first to tell Chibs I was coming over. I was afraid I’d walk into Red Woody to see crow eaters perched on his lap.
I looked around the parking lot, one hand shielding the sun away from my eyes, and noticed that besides the bikes, the only other vehicle was a bigass truck with the back opened up. No cars meant no crow eaters, which made the fist around my heart loosen a little. No crow eater to rub against Chibs other than me -- and I didn’t intend to do that.
Meeting Chibs after telling him I couldn’t see him felt bittersweet. I didn’t want to risk being close to him and falling in love for real, yet I was more than eager to see him and to hear him call me ‘lass’.
As I walked into Red Woody I couldn’t help but remember Lyla pushing me inside as I told her I didn’t do dates. And then Chibs and I talking in Lyla’s office, the both of us kissing-- Goddammit, no. I’m not thinking about that. Think about anything else other than Chibs laughing at my shitty jokes, or the soft graze of his fingers on mine when he handed me his cigarette, or his dark eyes, or the taste of his li-- fuck! Jesus Christ, this is never gonna work.
I stopped just at the entrance, rubbing a hand over my face as if by doing that I’d forget all about Chibs. I felt the urge to turn around and go back home, but I couldn’t do that. I needed a gun. I couldn’t buy one in a gun store because of my police record. I had to bottle up my feelings for Chibs for a moment and just waltz into Red Woody and ask him for gun. Easier said than done, when just a minute ago I was pining after him
“Stop being such a pussy.” I muttered to myself as I placed my hand on the doorknob.
“Hey Vivi.” I recognized the voice at once.
I let go of the doorknob and turned around to see Tig striding over to me with his hands on his hips. I met his electric blue eyes with a smile. I liked Tig and not just because we had fucked a few of times, we were actually friends. I used to spend a few of my thursday nights at the old clubhouse playing cards with him, Bobby and Kozik while we all drank beers and talked. Kozik was my partner for Tig’s benefit and the both us -- the blondies, Tig called us -- were a pretty good pair for beating Bobby and Tig and wiping them clean out of cash. After Kozik died, Happy became my partner but it just wasn’t the same anymore. We kept playing when the boys had time, but after Bobby died we put a stop to it.
“Hi Tiggy.”
He stopped in front of me and leaned in to give me a kiss on the cheek.
“You looking for Chibs?” He asked when he stepped back.
I narrowed my eyes and tilted my head to the side. Did that mean Chibs told about me to Tig? Maybe. Tig had walked in on me and Chibs making out, though, so that could be it.
“I am, actually. Is he here yet?” I hooked my thumb over to Red Woody’s door.
“Nah. He’s at Scoops. It’s finished rebuilding, we’re moving there today. Give Lyla more space.”
Just as he said it the door next to us swung open, giving way to Happy, T.O and Rat as they carried the big redwood table with the Reaper on it. Tig and I moved to the side so they could maneuver the table out the door.
“A hand, Tig?” Rat asked, fixing his big brown eyes on the man at my side..
“I’m good, thanks.” He answered, shaking his head to the sides and smiling wide. He swung an arm over my shoulders and I looked at him. “I have to give blondie here a ride to Scoops.”
“You do?” I asked, raising one eyebrow and placing my arm around his waist.
Happy and the guys made their way with the table towards the bigass truck on the farther side of the parking lot.
“I don’t see your car.” He pointed to the parking lot, his fingers full of rings. “I was heading for Scoops anyway. You wanna see your old man or what?” His arm tightened around me. I caught a mischievous glint on his eyes and elbowed his ribs, concealing my smile. Tig rubbed the place I hit him and laughed. “I’m just teasing.”
I let him lead me back to the parking lot, our arms still around each other as we reached his bike.
“Chibs told you?” I asked quietly, letting go of him so he could get on his bike.
“That you tried to run him over ‘cause you were jealous of Jarry? Yeah, he told me.” He handed me his helmet and started the bike. Was that all Chibs told him? I had the feeling Chibs wouldn’t share about his little trip to my place last night. I didn’t think he’d be very open about his relationships to the guys.
The loud rumble of the bike resonated inside my chest as I looked down at the black helmet on my hands, twisting it around.
I looked back at Tig and saw him looking at me expectantly.
“Is this you testing me?” I questioned. Tig furrowed his brows. “Y’know, giving me a ride and being all nice to check if I’m serious about Chibs? I heard about the crow eater that was into the prospect that died, how Bobby pushed to get into her pants and see if she would give it up or not.” Tig kept shaking his head to the sides as I spoke, muttering ‘no, doll’. “Cause if you are testing me then I’d rather call a taxi, I don’t have the patience for this today.”
“I’m not testing you, Vivi. You’re family to the club. Helping out with Abel and Thomas after Tara died? Helping organize Gem’s and Jax’s funeral?” He blinked several times as he spoke. “You picked Gemma’s clothes for the funeral, for God’s sake. You didn’t need to do all those things, but you did. You’re taking care of Lyla’s and Opie’s kids half the time I see you.” He shook his head to the sides as he watched me.
“Any of the crow eaters would do that.” I answered, feeling overwhelmed by his words.
“Maybe. But they expect dick in return, you don’t expect anything. And I don’t think Chibs would ever ask me to test you like that. He’s not Clay.”
I gave him a weak smile then, still feeling somewhat shaken. I never thought much about the things I did for the guys, never thought they’d see me as family either. It upped my mood, even if by a little.
I slipped the helmet on, latching it underneath my chin as I climbed on the bike behind him. I wrapped my arms around him and rested my cheek against the Sons of Anarchy top rocker.
“Take me to Scoops, Tiggy.”
Scoops was as good as new. I had only been there twice before it got blown up by a grenade but it looked just the same as before. They even managed to purge out the awful smell of burnt plastic tables. This time however the walls were getting properly decorated by Quinn and Montez with Reapers and a few Harley posters. Chucky was behind the counter emptying a box full of whiskey.
“Morning, boys.” I greeted when I walked in with Tig by my side.
Tall and tiny looked from what they were doing to say hi to me. The contrast between the two was almost funny, Quinn looked like a mountain and Montez was shorter than me but with wide shoulders. It looked like someone picked up Montez and smashed him between their hands, leaving him short and bulky. Chucky waved excitedly at me with one of his prosthetic hands. I waved back.
“Chibs must be upstairs. I’ll go get him for you.” Tig told me.
Just as he started going towards the stairs at the back of the establishment, Chibs came down the stairs. He stopped on the last step when he noticed me. His brows made the slightest jerking motion when he met my eyes. I raised my brows back at him. Even from a distance, I could see when he bit the inside of his cheeks, giving him dimples and making the scar dig in into his face. I noticed then that this was him trying to stifle a smile.
My heart did a little cartwheel inside my chest.
I noticed Tig looking between the two of us, like he was fascinated by Chibs smirking at me and me doing my absolute best to keep a straight face.
“Can I talk to you?” I said as stiffly as possible, to try and let Chibs know I wasn’t there to flirt with him to death.
I must have sounded serious enough because his smirk disappeared at once and he finished coming down the stairs, striding my way with his brows pulled together.
“I know I shouldn’t be here, especially after last night.” I said in a low voice when he reached me. He stood very close to me, like he did last night when he meddled with my hair and told me how much he liked me. I half expected him to wrap his arms around me, or place a hand on my shoulder but he kept his hands behind his back. “But I need your help.”
“What is it, lass?” He asked, sounding worried.
I sighed, unable to stop myself from thinking how much I enjoyed him calling me that, or how safe I suddenly felt with him so close to me.
“Can you get me a gun?” I sounded more panicked than I wished. Chibs furrowed his brows. “I don’t want you to think I’m using you but I don’t have anyone else to ask.”
He waved a hand, dismissing what I said last.
“Aye.” He tugged his beard, meeting my eyes. “Why do ye need a gun?”
I took a deep breath. Here we go.
“Pete found me. He’s coming to Charming.”
I watched his dark eyes widen. It was so subtle that I would have missed it had I not been looking into his eyes. He drew his hands up then and cupped my face, his calloused thumbs caressing my cheeks. His hands were warm and I let him hold on to me for a moment, taking a moment to appreciate how nice that felt.
“Are ye okay?” He asked, observing me.
“I’m scared shitless,” I said, giving a nervous laugh, “that’s why I need the gun.”
I pulled his hands away from my face as delicately as possible. Chibs allowed me to put his hands down but he didn’t let go of my hands. I realized then that this was him reassuring me he would take care of me. I squeezed his hands and he did the same.
“How did he find ya?”
“Does it matter?” I asked. Chibs raised one eyebrow. Yeah, he wasn’t letting this go. “He was following my brother back at Sacramento. Pete stole his phone and got my number. He’s gonna track me down, Chibs.”
Chibs bit his lower lip, making a face and letting his eyes drift around us. I was starting to notice he did that when something annoyed him..
“Do ye know how to shoot?” He asked, meeting my eyes again.
“I’ll figure it out.” I told him.
“I’ll teach ye.”
“Uh, it’s okay. I’ll have Tig or one of the guys teach me.” I countered. I knew I couldn’t spend more time with Chibs than necessary but by god did I want to. And honestly, what did I expect? Chibs wouldn’t give me a gun and tell me to be on my merry way. I knew he would want to teach me how to handle a gun from the start, but I kept ignoring the thought.
“No one’s teaching ye but me.” He answered, wiggling his brows.
“Chibs, you know I can’t-”
“It’s a shooting lesson, Vivi.” He cut me off, sounding impatient. “I’m not askin’ ye to be my old lady.” He chuckled. “We have some extra guns upstairs. I’ll go get ‘em then we’ll go.” He let go of my hands and turned towards the stairs, without giving me a chance to protest.
“Go where?” I called after him.
He didn’t spare me an answer as he climbed up the stairs.
I climbed on the bike behind Chibs after he stuck a backpack filled with guns and ammo on one of the side hard cases, he placed my purse in there too. He started the bike and handed me his helmet. Riding with Tig had been like nothing at all, but riding with Chibs meant close proximity that I just couldn’t have if I wanted to avoid falling head over heels for him. Still, I’d have to endure it -- yeah, my body said, endure it, wow, such a hard task being close to a guy as attractive as Chibs -- if I wanted to learn how to shoot.
I put the helmet on, telling me to get a hold of my sex drive, and placed my hands on Chibs’ shoulders.
“Yer gonna fall if ye don’t hold on to me.” Chibs spoke over his shoulder, his voice a little louder so I could hear him over the bike engine.
“I am holding you.” I leaned in close to his ear so he could hear me.
I watched the hairs on the back of his neck rising in response to my voice so close to him. I smiled cockily, glad to see I had as much effect on him as he had on me. Chibs turned his head to look at me, catching my smile before I could wipe it off my face. Uh oh. He wasn’t supposed to have seen that.
He grabbed my wrists, taking them off his shoulders, and wrapped my arms around his waist, making me edge forward and splay my chest against his back. My chin went over his shoulder, leaving our faces close together. He licked his lips and my eyes followed the movement. Heat rushed over my body, stopping just between my legs. I blinked and looked up at his eyes.
“We’ll never get anywhere if we keep staring at each other like this.” I said in a husky voice.
“Mm-hmm.” He made, glancing quickly at my lips and then looking forward.
Chibs slipped his sunglasses on just before revving the bike and shooting down Main Street at full speed.
Chibs took me to a cabin up in the woods. I’d never been there before but I figured it was Piney’s cabin. More than once I heard Jax or Opie say they would ‘go up to the cabin to check on Piney’.
The weather was cooler there, barely any sun made through the trees. I thought it was really beautiful place, seemed peaceful.
“No neighbors?” I asked as I climbed off the bike and removed the helmet.
I ran my fingers through my blonde hair so it would sit properly, but the wind seemed to have taken its toll because my hair just wouldn’t obey my wishes. I gave up and let it be.
“No one will hear the shots.” Chibs confirmed, swinging a leg over the bike and climbing off.
Chibs and I went inside the house and gathered as many empty bottles as we could, our little moment on the bike long forgotten. We took the bottles outside and positioned them on top of a fallen tree, just at the back of the property. After we were done, Chibs whipped out the bag of guns off the hard case.
“I brought three different guns so ye can see which one ye like best.” He told me as he placed the bag on the ground, making the the fallen leaves rustle. He kneeled by the bag and unzipped it. He picked up a small silver gun with a wooden handle and stood up. I held out my hand, hoping he would give the gun to me, but he held it away from me.
“First, ye need ta know the gun. Respect it.” He explained, taking off his sunglasses and placing them on one of the kutte’s pockets. I nodded more solemnly than I was feeling, feigning seriousness as I stood near him, ready to absorb anything he had to taught me. It was funny, though, how he insisted I ‘respected’ the gun. “Ye want ta learn or not?” He asked, raising one annoyed brow when he caught my bad acting.
“Yes, sir. I do, sir.” I said while laughing and doing a lame salutation. I was in a surprisingly good mood now. Chibs rolled his eyes but I caught a little smile playing on his lips.
“This is a .38. It only carries six bullets.” He opened the cylinder to show me that it was fully loaded. “Ye hav’ to load manually. The safety is on, see?” He pointed at it with his index finger then pulled it down to release it. “To aim ye align this little thing here with this one here at the barrel. A .38 will do quite the damage if ye aim it right.” He handed me the gun then.
I didn’t catch it right away. I couldn’t tear my eyes away from him, thinking to myself how deeply enthralled he became with the gun, like he appreciated it, and how attentive he was being with me so I could learn how to handle it, even if I had been mocking him just a minute ago.
Finally, still gazing at him, I accepted the gun and held it on my palm, feeling the weight of it.
“It’s heavier than I expected.” I observed, my eyes landing on the gun. I held it before me with both hands like I’d seen people do in films. “Am I holding it right?”
“Keep yer fingers away from th’ cylinder or ye’ll get burned when ye pull th’ trigger.” Chibs said at my side, reaching over to my hands and placing my fingers on the right place.
He backed up behind me and I turned my head to see what he was doing. I watched as his eyes analyzed my feet, then, looking unpleased, he shook his head to the sides. He stepped near me again, grabbing my waist brusquely and making me gasp. He aligned his hips with mine, the front his pants pressing against my ass, and used his legs to spread my feet apart. He stood there, unmoving. For a second, all I could think about was how much I wanted to back up and grind my hips against his.
“What are you doing?” I asked when I finally gained my rationality back.
“Relax, Vivi.” He murmured in my ear, his beard tickling my neck. “Just fixing yer stance.”
“I have a gun in my hands, remember?” I said quietly, not meaning the threat in the least. It was more second nature, really, to come up with sassy comebacks. I turned my head and met Chibs’ eyes. His arms circled my waist then and one of his hands made his way up, dangerously close to my breasts. I looked down to the ground, backing up a little as I tried to remember the reason I couldn’t do this, there was a good one, but I couldn’t remember, not with Chibs just a kiss away.
Chibs sighed, sounding frustrated, and then let me go. I tried to meet his eyes but he was staring straight ahead, at the bottles. He must’ve understood that me backing away was the same as ‘no’. Better this way.
“Aye. Go on, then. Choose yer target.” He directed, his teaching voice back on. “Deep breath. Exhale when ye squeeze the trigger. Hold tight, the gun will kick.”
I chose, aimed and shot.
Needless to say, I missed -- by a lot, I didn’t even see where the bullet hit. I didn’t take a deep breath. My breath was caught in my chest because I kept thinking about Chibs’ hands on me.
Soon after, I wasted my other bullets, still not hitting a target. Chibs had lit a cigarette and was already halfway through it when I handed him the gun. He placed it in his backpocket.
“Maybe it’s the gun” I said, putting my hands on my hips and looking at Chibs for support. “Could it be the gun?”
“No, love.” He blew the smoke out in a laugh. “The gun’s fine, yer aim is what needs checking.”
I knew damn well that I was only doing so bad because I couldn’t concentrate with him watching me. If I really put effort into it, and if I didn’t have him right at my side, I knew I could do it. Eventually. Maybe I was just bad at it. Three years around gun-dealing bikers and I had never learned how to shoot. Gemma was probably shaking her head in embarrassment.
“Well, can I try another gun?”
“Take a break first. We hav’ all day.” He handed me his cigarette and I gladly accepted it. I stuck it between my lips, taking one well-deserved drag.
Chibs stepped closer to tug at the edge of my shirt while cocking an eyebrow. “Isn’t this from before yer time? 1987, righ’?”
I looked down at my Mötley Crüe shirt. It had the Girls, Girls, Girls cover on it, but it was fading now from being washed too many times. I wasn’t even surprised he knew the year the album came out, Mötley Crüe probably wrote the biker anthem, if there was one.
“Actually, I was 3 when this album came out.” I told him.
“I’m not even gon’ tell ye how old I was in ‘87.” He said, shaking his head to the sides.
I laughed and grabbed his hand. “Let’s have a seat then, if you’re so old.” I teased. “Your back must be hurting from standing up for so long.” He glared at me but I saw the corners of his lips twitching as he allowed me to lead him to the cabin’ porch.
He followed me to the cabin’s back porch and sat next to me on one of the stair’s steps. My hand lingered on his for a moment, enjoying how his hand completely enclosed mine, wrapping it in warmth. I started to withdraw my hand but he held onto it. I raised my eyes to his to see him gazing at me.
“I would never hurt ye, Vivi.” Chibs said softly. “I know yer trying to put some distance between us but I need ye to know that.”
“It’s not working very well, is it? Me trying to put some distance between us.” I explained. He shook his head to the sides. “You’re not helping, either.” I accused.
“Wha’ did I do?” He asked, seeming genuinely surprised.
“Fixing my stance?” I quoted, raising my eyebrows at him with a half-smile. He chuckled. “C’mon, Chibs, that was a low blow and you know it. I almost jumped you right there.”
He tilted his head to the side, a strand of his salt-and-pepper falling over his eyes as he watched me. The hold he had on my hand tightened.
“Why didn’t ye?”
I was about to tell him he knew why, when I stopped myself and thought about it. Was I really convinced he would hurt me? He was willing to protect me from Pete even after I practically dumped him last night, hell, he was downright worried about me when I told him Pete was coming. He dropped everything to give me a shooting lesson -- I was failing, alright, but still he had been supportive every time I missed, telling me that I’d get the hang of it.
Did being near him really have to hurt? It had been so easy talking to him back at Red Woody when we had a date. It could still be easy, I told myself, we were teasing each other not a moment ago. Was I just making myself suffer for something that could never happen? Maybe he’d never hurt me like Pete. Maybe. I was tired of always thinking the worst of people, of men, just because of Pete.
Pete ruined me -- he crushed my self-esteem by telling me I wasn’t good enough, he hit me and said that every punch was my own doing for not obeying him, he would say I was too pretty to be willful, that pretty women didn’t have sharp tongues like mine and that’s why he went around sleeping with other women.
And then, after beating me bloody and saying all those awful things to me, he would tell me how much he loved me, I just had to understand his way of loving me. It took me one year of group therapy with women who suffered with domestic violence to accept that none of that was my fault and to get rid of the guilt I felt for letting him do all those things to me.
I was past that now. Even though Pete was coming to Charming, I knew that if he got to me, things wouldn’t be the same. He could hit me again and it would hurt just as much, but I wouldn’t cower to a corner anymore. He would keep hitting me whether I stood up for myself or not, so I would do it just to remind myself that he was responsible for it, not me.
Chibs wasn’t Pete, I had to remember that. He didn’t have that glint in his eyes that Pete had, a glint of something bad and ugly lurking behind his eyes. When I looked into Chibs’ eyes all I could see was honesty. Suddenly, I realized that I trusted him. I fully trusted him when he told me he wouldn’t hurt me. And just like that it was like a weight got lifted off my back.
With Pete coming to Charming, I needed something real to hold me down. My life had just taken a spin. I had lost my 3-year-long job and as much as I loved my brother there was no denying he was an irresponsible and lazy little shit. I would have watch over him like he was a kid. Life in Charming had changed a lot in the last months with Tara, Juice, Bobby, Gemma and Jax dying. Jesus, I had lost most of my friends, my life wasn’t the same.
The only thing real I had on my life right now was Chibs. Here, right next to me, willing to protect me and care for me. Wanting me. He didn’t scare me, he didn’t intimidate in the least. Hell, I don’t think I ever felt this comfortable with a man before. So safe.
My mind flashed back to the little talk I had with my brother last night, right after Chibs left. Jean-Claude told me how I needed to allow myself to be happy.
I took one long drag out of the cigarette, watching Chibs behind my cloud of smoke as I thought about what to say.
“I’m not gonna lie to myself.” I started, putting out the rest of the cigarette by rubbing it on one of the steps. “I can’t stop what’s going between us and I don’t want to stop. Not anymore. But if you ever lay your hands on me, Filip, I swear to God I’ll kill you.” I mustered up as much determination as I possibly could.
He stared at me, his brows relaxing just the smallest amount as he took in what I said. He was still holding my hand. “What’re ye sayin’?”
“I’m saying you can kiss me.” I answered, my harsh expression breaking with the softness of my voice and the smile that played in my lips. “If you want.” I added, thinking to myself that if he didn’t kiss me after all my epiphany then I would feel really stupid.
He pulled me closer by my hand, his other hand coming to rest on my cheek as he leaned in. I closed my eyes, leaning into his touch. I felt his breath coming closer until I felt the soft graze of his lips against mine. When he finally kissed me, our lips parting and moving together, I felt air rushing into my lungs, it was like kissing him made me finally breathe properly again and I forgot all about Pete and my fears.
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the-hinky-panda · 1 year
WIP Game
Thank you for the tag @bullet-prooflove! You are responsible for the mess that is my WIP.
Rules: reveal the titles of the documents in your WIP folder and tag as many people as there are documents. Let others ask questions about the ones that interest them and post snippets or explain the contents as you see fit! (one of the rules was also to tag as many people as there are wips but my wip folder is too big to play that lmaoooo) - I second this - Mine is wayyyyy too big
WIP List:
Salvation: (this is an AU, alternate ending to Heroes) Les Packer x OFC! Morgan Fox
The Gin Blossom: Gilly Lopez x Fem!Reader
Heroes: Coco Cruz x OFC! Morgan Fox, Angel Reyes x OFC!Morgan Fox
The Preacher's Wife: Hank Loza x OFC! Maggie Fox
Dog Days Are Gone: Chibs Telford x Fem!Reader
Something Witchy: John Doggett x Fem!Reader
Tremont Tempest: Mike Duarte x Fem!Reader
The Dog: Mike Duarte x Fem!Reader
And I think that's enough for now...and I'm going to tag the wonderful and talented @seltsamkind cause I know they have some fantastic ideas for fics, @drabbles-mc (but they may have done this already but I love their stuff!), @tropes-and-tales because they're amazing as well. And @the-ginger-hedge-witch because she always has something amazing in the works.
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~Whiskey Lullaby~
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~Chapter 10~
Image Credit: Me. Pictures not mine obviously, but the collage is.
Rating: Mature/18+
Warnings: Alcohol and drug abuse, violence, suggested sexual/physical abuse, kidnapping, sexual content, angst.
Chapter Warnings: Angst, emotions....feelz. Nothing to major in this chapter.
A/N: Huge shout out to @jacksonroth for constantly kicking me in the ass to keep working on this story and lending a hand when I need a little extra help. You’re the best, Babe! Also, sorry it’s been a while since I’ve posted! More updates to come soon though!
“Hey! Whoa, whoa.” Gemma stopped Tawni as she stormed back into the lobby, tears streaming down her face. Gemma raised an eyebrow at her. “What’s goin’ on?”
“Nothin’, Gem.” Tawni lied, pushing Gemma’s hands away. Gemma was prepared to let it go, seeing as she was faced with her Uncle’s life in the balance; that is, until she saw Teagan walk back inside, a wicked bruise blossoming on her cheek.
“Nothin’, my ass, Telford.” Gemma stated firmly, hooking a hand around Tawni’s arm and pulling her back to stand in front of her as she stopped Teagan. “Now, what the fuck is goin’ on with you two?”
She looked between the two girls, though neither of them spoke up nor even looked at each other.
“You two had better start talkin’.” Gemma said, crossing her arms and popping a hip out to one side.
“I’ve nothing to say to her.” Tawni said, breezing past Gemma, who was left to hold Teagan back as she screamed after her, “Yeah?! Well, same to you, bitch!”
“Hey!” Gemma called over her, gripping her arm tight and pulling her down the hallway into an empty room. “I wanna know what exactly is going on with you two, and I want to know now. What changed, that you two went from being best friends to now hatin’ each other?”
“It’s nothing, Gem. We used to fight back in the day too.” Teagan said.
“Bullshit, not like this. You’ve never called her a bitch and meant it. That’s a term of endearment to us, hunny.” Gemma shot back. “I’m not going to ask you again, Teagan. Tell me what’s going on.”
“Gemma, nothing is going on!
“Yeah? And you’re a shit liar, Teagan.” Gemma said sternly as she pointed at a chair. “Sit.”
Teagan did so begrudgingly, letting out a sigh as she reached up to prod gently at her left cheek; wincing. Gemma rolled her eyes and yanked open on of the cabinets, pulling out an ice pack and breaking the middle bit before pressing it forcefully to Teagan’s cheek. Leaning back against the counter behind her, Gemma crossed her arms over her chest and waited impatiently for an explanation. Teagan finally fessing up when she realized Gemma wasn’t going anywhere.
“Tawni apparently witnessed my freakout...she thinks I’m sleeping with Chibs.” Teagan murmured softly, her gaze fixed to the floor and her brows furrowed tightly. Gemma leaned forward, opening her mouth as she was about to speak but paused, giving Teagan a confused look.
“Wait...you’re not sleeping together?” She questioned, watching in stunned silence as Teagan shook her head ‘no’. “You tell her that?” Gemma added, referring to Tawni as she nodded her head towards the closed door beside her.
“Yeah. Guessing she didn’t buy it.” Teagan replied sarcastically as she gestured to the rapidly darkening bruise on her cheek.
“Well, give her some time to cool off. I’ll talk to her..” Gemma sighed as she reached for the door. “But in the meantime, let’s go find Tara...make sure little miss ‘Mayweather’ out there didn’t do anymore damage to that head of yours.”
“Jesus, how hard did she hit you?” Tara questioned as she examined Teagan’s cheek closely before pulling the pen light from her pocket and performing the same tests she had done earlier, returning it to her pocket once she was satisfied, and retrieved a fresh ice pack.
“Hard enough that I’m pretty positive whatever was left of my soul got ejected from my body.” Teagan sneered as Tara pressed the ice pack back to her cheek, carefully.
“Yeah, well, you can worry about finding that later.” Gemma stated as she gestured to Jax who was approaching them from down the hall. “Looks like we got more important matters at the moment.”
“Hey, Doctor said they just wheeled Chibs out of recovery and into a room finally--” Jax paused as he looked down at Teagan, noting the visible bruise that peaked out from behind the ice pack. “The hell happened to you?” 
“Tawni’s fist.” Both Gemma and Tara replied in unison as the three of them stared down at Teagan, causing her to sink lower into her chair, silently wishing she was invisible right about now.
“Oh.” Jax replied casually, not seeming surprised in the least. “She figure out you’re bangin’ her Uncle?”
“We’re not sleeping together! Jesus Christ, what it is with you people?!” Teagan snapped as she got to her feet and stormed off down the hall, Tara chasing her down. Jax flinched as Gemma’s hand connected with the back of his head. Hard.
“The hell did I do?!”
“Not really a good time.” Gemma huffed before taking off down the hall herself. Jax sighed and shook his head as he caught the familiar glimpse of salt and peppered curly hair step out of the elevator.
“Oh, shit.” Jax muttered before taking off after his mother.
Tawni sat by Chibs’ bed as he still remained unconscious, a bandage wrapped around his head. She wiped the tears from her eyes as she sat in silence, her lips lifting in a small smile as she inhaled the scent that clung to the hoodie she was wearing. When the door opened, Tawni sighed and turned, ready to tell off Gemma, but stopped at stared at the curly haired woman that walked in.
“Fi.” Tawni breathed. It took her a minute for the flashbacks and memories from her early childhood in Ireland to fade before she hopped to her feet and glanced around out the door before she shut it once more and locked it. “Fi, what are you doing here? Jimmy-”
“Jimmy doesn’ know I’m here. Not yet at least.” Fiona said, going to Tawni and cupping her face. She gave a small smile and added, “Ye look more and more like y’er Ma every time I see you.”
Tawni smiled and gave a soft giggle. “Everyone here says I’m all Chibs’. They’re sure the whole niece thing is a cover up.” She said. Fiona chuckled and kissed her cheek.
“Ah. Well. Y’er Ma was his sister after all.” Both women let out a chuckle as they took their seats. “How is he?”
“Stable, they said.” Tawni replied with a sigh. She chewed her lip as her anxiety spiked with the thought of Teagan possibly making her way over and they’d both be stuck in a rather awkward situation. Before Fiona could say anything else, Tawni made her decision and stood. “Um, I’ll give you a minute. Uh, Tara Knowles is one of the doctors here. She’s Jax’s old lady. She might be in to check up on him.”
“Alrigh’, love. Thanks.” Fiona said with a smile, scooting a little closer to the bed and taking his hand. Tawni left quickly and rounded the corner a little too fast when she ran into Gemma.
“Jesus!” Tawni jumped and sighed, rubbing her fingers over her forehead. “Gemma, you need a goddamn bell around your neck.”
“Yeah? And you need some boxing gloves, apparently.” Gemma said, giving her a look. Tawni’s face dropped and she narrowed her eyes at Gemma.
“It’s an internal matter. I can handle it.” Tawni said, almost mimicking the lines she’d heard for years when she moved to Charming. Tawni started down the hall, moving past Gemma, but Gemma wasn’t having any of it.
“Oh, yeah. You’re handling it real well. Did you even see the size of the bruise you left on Teagan’s face?” Gemma asked, matching Tawni’s quick pace as they maneuvered through the halls.
“She’ll be fine...The bitch…” Tawni muttered. Gemma closed her eyes and sighed, muttering to herself about having to deal with this a second time, then grabbed Tawni’s arm, hauling her into the chapel that was, thankfully, empty.
“Alright. I’ve had just about enough of this bullshit, Tawn.” Gemma said. Tawni stared at the cross above the altar and had a split second desire to punch out Gemma as well, but she decided against it and turned her back on the cross, crossing her arms as she faced Mama Gemma. “They aren’t sleeping together, Tawni.”
Tawni snorted and rolled her eyes. “Oh, fer fuck’s sake...Gemma, if ye’re goin’ ta stick up for tha’ harlot, I don’ wanna hear it!” Tawni shouted, her accent slipping out along with her anger. “ ‘N I’m surprised y’er keepin’ up with her lies!”
“They aren’t lies, sweetheart. And I’m the last person who would lie to you, you know that.” Gemma said, a little offended at the insinuation. Tawni glowered at her for a moment before turning away from her.
“If ye heard it from Teagan, they’re lies. I saw how she flipped out an’ punched Tig when-” Tawni cleared her throat and blinked a few times before she continued, “When the van blew up. She wouldn’ be tha’ upset if she wasn’ involved with him.”
Gemma sighed and slowly stepped closer to her, the hollow sound of her heels filling the silence. She took Tawni’s shoulders and turned her around.
“Tawn. I thought the same thing. But she didn't seem like she was lying.” Gemma said in a soft voice, trying to calm the wild Irish girl down. She gave a small chuckle and said, “Not as if she could lie, with the concussion and having been punched by her best friend.”
“Well...she deserved it.” Tawni said, pulling away from Gemma’s grasp. “If they aren’t sleepin’ together, there’s somethin’ goin’ on. I know Teagan. She wouldn’ get involved with a member again.”
Gemma shook her head, not entirely ready to start down that path with her, at least not right now.
 “Tawni, let me find Jax or someone to take you home, okay? I’ll call you if we hear anything more about Chibs.” She said. Tawni didn't want to leave her uncle, but with Fiona here with Teagan, that was trouble enough. There was no telling whether or not Jimmy really didn't know if she was here or not, and that was the one thing Chibs made her promise when they moved; Stay away from Jimmy O’Phelan.
“Juice brought me. I think he’s still here. I can catch a ride home with him.” Tawni said, letting the barest tone of defeat into her voice; accent falling away. Gemma smiled and pulled her into a brief hug and kissed her cheek.
“Go on, baby. I’ll check in on you later.” Gemma said. Tawni nodded and sighed, turning to the crucifix and marking herself with the cross before she walked out. Gemma shook her head, staring up at the cross and said, “We’re about to have the Boondock trilogy in this bitch.”
Gemma stared at the cross for a moment longer before going to the altar and lighting two of the candles before walking out.
Teagan had found an empty waiting room on the next floor and curled up in one of the chairs, waving off any nurse or doctor who tried to ask if she was okay. She didn't even realize she had fallen asleep, until a rough shake of her shoulder woke her. Teagan groaned and shoved the hand away, opening her eyes to tell off the umpteenth nurse/doctor, when she saw it was Tig. She was still just as pissed and irritated, but she didn't have the strength to fight with him this time.
“Leave me alone, Alex.” Teagan hissed. Tig simply rolled his eyes; Teagan only ever used his real name when she was mad at him and his full name when she was absolutely irate.
“I heard about what happened with you and Tawn. I can’t make sure my baby sister is okay?” Tig asked, sitting down in the chair next to her.
“I’m not a baby, Tig. So fuck off.” Teagan snapped. “Besides, since when did you decide to actually start acting like my brother, instead of my fucking parole officer?”
“Look, Teage, I know I haven’t exactly been the most supportive of your decisions recently...” Tig stated. “And I most definitely haven’t been the best brother since you got back into town.”
“No fucking shit.” Teagan muttered, rolling her eyes before scrubbing a hand over her face, wincing as it connected with the bruise on her cheek.
“I’m tryin’ to apologize here, Rave.” Tig frowned as he watched his sister closely. “And you know well as I do, that’s not something I do.”
“I know.” Teagan sighed softly, her gaze fixed on her hands as she fidgeted with the ring on her middle right finger. “You don’t have too, Tig...really. I get it.” She sighed. “I haven’t exactly spent my time making good life choices.”
“While I’m not goin’ to disagree with you…” Tig trailed off for a moment. “Not all your choices have been terrible lately...well, one of them at least.” He smirked a little, chuckling, as Teagan rolled her eyes at him dramatically.
“You’re an adult, Teagan. I can’t exactly tell you what you can and can’t do anymore...not that you ever listened to me anyway. But, after today...after the explosion.” Tig shook his head at the memory. “Look, what I’m tryin’ to say is after what happened, I know you’re not just fuckin’ around with this whole ‘Chibs’ situation.” Tig sighed. “And if being with him makes you happy, or a better person, or whatever in the hell relationships are supposed to do; then I’ll try and back off...maybe even be a little more supportive.”
“Jesus Christ, how hard did I fucking punch you?” Teagan snorted in disbelief as she waited for him to start laughing or admit he was just fucking with her; but he simply stayed silent. Blue eyes fixed to hers patiently as he waited for some kind of response.
“Teage?” Tig questioned carefully after about a solid minute of silence between them had passed. Not entirely sure how to react as he watched his little sister dissolve into tears, burying her face in her hands as she let out a quiet sob. 
“Shit…” He muttered under his breath as he stood, kneeling in front of Teagan as he pulled her into a tight hug. Tig sat there with her for a while, letting his little sister cry. He hadn’t seen her like this since they were kids and he was ready to do anything to help her this time. Finally, Teagan pulled away from him, sniffling, as she wiped her face.
“I-I think I’m gonna go check on Chibs.” She said, clearing her throat. “I haven’t seen him yet...I want to make sure he’s okay.”
“Yeah, babe. Don’t worry.” Tig said, helping her stand. “But we should make sure Rocky Jr. isn’t around. No need to go TKO over him.” Teagan rolled her eyes, but let the comment go. She nodded and Tig walked with her as they went to the elevator to find Chibs’ room.
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If you would like to be tagged in future chapters, just shoot me a message and let me know! Also, my Masterlist will be updated this week and Chapter 11 should be posted Wednesday. Trying to get myself on a Schedule for posting...so we shall see how that goes XD
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Mo Shíorghrá - Chapter Six.
I probably could have split this chapter into two, but decided to leave it intact. Just one more now until we reach the end, thanks so much to those who have enjoyed this series, I think this will likely be where I end it, although I might do a spin off for Happy and... well, read on for that little nugget to be revealed ;) 
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Previous chapters - One  Two  Three  Four  Five
Tag list - In the comments. Please DM to be added/removed
Words - 7,550
Warnings - 18+ content throughout. Minors DNI!
“Hi, sweetheart. How you doing?” Clay asked, kissing Abi on the forehead as he greeted her, Abi squeezing his big arm affectionately before she was greeted similarly by Jax. As soon as she’d revealed she knew who her attacker was, Chibs had called in with Clay, he and Jax riding out to their home to receive whatever information they could.  
“I’ve been better, but less broken as the days go by,” she revealed, Clay smiling with a wink as he sat down. She was made of damned tough stuff; she’d be fine with adequate rest in order to continue healing. “So, Ivan.”
“Yeah, darlin’. What do you know of him?” Jax asked, sitting down beside Chibs on the other couch, his hand reaching for Jimi’s ears as the dog came to sit on his feet.  
“Well, obviously he’s bratva, but not entrenched within any of their stateside franchises. Leo Lenkov wasn’t lying to you there. He’s done time, which you can tell from the number of domes upon his chest tattoo, I think about eight years. He was newly released when I met him, Vlad took me up to Saint Petersburg to meet his family, and he was there. What I learned of him was that he’s ex-military, as so many of them often are, is an active member of the bratva in the position of a brigadier, or more commonly known amongst them as an avtoritet, meaning he’s a captain of designated groups.  
“He’s elusive and ruthless, he was only locked up as part of a deal, nominating himself to serve in order to save such befalling any further members of his organisation, took one for the team, so to speak. I would more than likely think that right now, he’s lying low, planning on when exactly he’s gonna come and finish me off, waiting for an opportunity to present itself. Until that moment of his choosing, he’ll likely be completely untraceable. These guys, they move in the shadows. It wouldn’t surprise me if he’s out of state somewhere, biding his time, lulling me into a false sense of security before he strikes again.”  
“So, what you’re essentially saying is that finding him will be like searching for a needle in a haystack?” Jax asked, looking incredulous.
“Aye,” she nodded, blowing her cheeks out. “When these guys go to ground, they burrow deep.”
“And any leverage we could hold over him resides over five thousand miles away,” Clay lamented, pressing his fingertips together, his mind turning quickly. There had to be some way to flush him out again. Enemies. “What of his adversaries?”
“I didn’t know him well enough to know if he had any,” she shrugged, “besides, if he does then they’re all likely back in the motherland as well.”  
“But you can’t vouch for the fact that he’s gone into hiding, no?” Jax then questioned, Abi frowning slightly.  
“No, but logic tells me that he likely has. He isn’t going to leave until the job is done.”
“Right, and when better to do the job than at a point in time where you’re still incapacitated? Why would he wait for you to recover? If he’s gonna strike, I think it’s gonna be soon, before you’re primed to put up the fight he’d know he has coming to him if he did wait for you to recover. He's gonna be watching both you and us closely for a time where he’s certain help ain’t coming for you, so we gotta flush him out.”
“Continue.” Clay spoke with interest.  
“We stage a phony run, one where the whole crew leaves down for a couple of days. I doubt he’d strike on the first night, but just in case, we have some of our Tacoma guys positioned in hiding, watching this house for any activity. For all intents and purposes, Abi is a sitting duck with no one there to come to her aid. Once he’s sure we’re not about to come back, it’ll give him the perfect opportunity to strike. If that don’t flush him out, then I’m out of ideas,” Jax proposed, Chibs nodding.
“Aye, that might just work. How’d you feel about that, darlin?’”
Abi smiled. “Me and a gun will be waiting for him. Thank fuck I didn’t damage my right side; I’ll still be able to fire on him if needs be. I’ll lock the dogs away in the spare room, save any harm befalling them, and lie in wait.” She was contemplative for a few moments, her doubt beginning to play upon her face. “I’m dubious, though, that it could really be so simple. We’re pinning a lot on second guesses that we cannot confirm. No disrespect, Jax, but... I don’t know.”
He understood her concerns and quite agreed with her. His theory did indeed hinge upon what was mostly guesswork into the modus operandi of a man they knew virtually nothing about. “We have to see if there’s some way to flush him out, because you can’t live in perpetual wondering over when he’s gonna strike again, it ain’t possible. You know that. I doubt he’d attempt another hit and run; it was a risky play in the first place, not to get caught, which leaves nothing but more clandestine methods of dispatch,” he explained grimly, sighing.
“And we know your fortitude, Abi, and respect it, but imagine if he came after you while it was just you and the twins out someplace. I don’t even wanna think of anything happening to those babies, but it’s a reality. Once they’re home, they’re an extra vulnerability a son of a bitch like that wouldn’t think twice in using against you,” Clay added, his frown deepening. He wasn’t a particularly ethical man, but he drew the line at children. “And Chibs, in light of this, if you wanna remain back from duty and be here with Abi, we can make that happen. We’ll take it to the table; I’m proposing we act upon it this weekend.”  
Chibs agreed that he would, not wanting his wife out of his sight in light of what had been learned. As soon as they’d left, Abi made her displeasure over the whole situation known.  
“I feel fucking useless. He’s coming for me and I need to rely on others to protect me. I don’t want that to sound like I’m being ungrateful either, I just... god!” she fumed, her hands flexing with fury. He got it. Of course, he did.
“I know, hen. You’ve always done a good enough job of looking after yourself where being a force to be reckoned with is considered, but this time, you’ve got to lean on your family, and those guys, they’re your family now. And you’ll get your chance to carve out a nice pound of flesh from him, this I promise. His death won’t be quick, and we’ll see to that together, alright?”  
“For all the use I’ll be, one handed and virtually one legged as well,” she snorted, Chibs taking her hand and kissing her.
“You only need one hand to hold a knife, a set of pliers or a blow torch.” His reminder evoked a sinister grin to spread across her face. “I thought that’d make you happy.” Trying to keep her in good spirits and not succumb to her own feelings of helplessness was his primary focus, even though within, he felt weighed down by it, as if he was trying to remain afloat with large sandbags attached to his legs, the constant struggle to fight against the descent and keep his head above water.  
Somewhere, he was out there. Not knowing where drove him to the edges of his usual level headed demeanour, hoping with everything he had that Jax’s plan would work in flushing him out. If it didn’t, he had no idea what on earth would. Jax’s needle in a haystack analogy summed up the situation perfectly, much to his aggravation. Although life was tense, it wasn’t without its little moments of sparkle here and there, such as waking up next to her the following morning.
Being able to feel her breath at his back when he woke was something he already knew not to ever take for granted, even more so after missing it for three weeks while she’d been in hospital. He turned, stroking a few strands of hair from her face, leaning to kiss her forehead. There she was again, returned to his side, his greatest love.  
“If there is ever a day that goes by where I don’t fucking tell you just how lucky I am to have you, or let you know how much I bloody love you, you have permission to shoot me.”  
Arching one eyebrow significantly, she reached for him, stroking his chest. “And deny myself the best orgasms I’ve ever had? Hardly.”
His eyes widened in comic astoundment. “Oh, that’s just lovely, isn’t it? I try and have a tender moment with my ole’ lady, and she reminds me it’s my cock she loves the most. Fucking charming, Abigail.”  
“Your tongue’s pretty good, too.”  
“Shut up, you wee shite.” Her loud laughter filled the room, moving her head to his chest, wrapping herself around him. He hugged her eventually, kissing her hair. “You’re such a beastie.”  
She hummed, lifting her head to kiss his jaw. “I know. I wouldn’t shoot you, though, to answer your earlier statement. I might as well kill myself, because I couldn’t live without you.”  
“See? Was that so difficult for you?”  
She snickered with laughter, kissing him again. “Now who’s being a beastie?”  
“Provoked beastie.” Her look of entertained incredulity had him laughing quietly, reaching to gently stroke her hip. “How’s it feeling?”
“Much better, actually. I’ve laid here doing a few exercises while you were sleeping. It’s still sore, but I think my main issue now is just re-strengthening the muscles. I just wish my damn collarbone would catch up. Sleeping with my arm propped is helping, though, keeping is still without having to wear the fucking sling. It needs to heal in time for me to be able to hold my boys when they reach four pounds.”
Tara had revealed that to be the optimum weight they needed to reach in order to leave their incubator, estimating that time to likely be a further week, going by their progress so far. She could barely wait. Cradling her babies was something she’d been looking forward to since waking to hear the heartbreaking news that she was no longer carrying them, feeling empty inside without them there.  
“I’ll help you. Anything to see you holding our boys.” Chibs vouched, kissing her head, Abi enjoying basking in his affections before she became too sore, turning onto her back to prop her arm on the pillows once more. They lay talking for a short while before getting up, Chibs helping her shower and dress before going to make them breakfast, heading over to the hospital shortly after. Although plans had changed in so much that Venus wasn’t collecting her, Abi had insisted she still meet them there, wanting to introduce her babies to the lady whom had a hand in saving their lives.  
“My little chickadee, to see you up and walking. What a joy this brings to my heart,” Venus greeted her with warmly, Abi opening her arm as they embraced outside of the hospital. “How is the pesky clavicle?”
“Still pesky,” Abi sighed, Venus looking sympathetic. “My hip is pretty good this morning, though. I managed to go from the bathroom to the bedroom and then the kitchen without using my crutch, so that’s something positive. They’ve told me to use it less as a begin to feel stronger, but I still can’t manage without it for more than a few minutes.”  
“Well, that certainly is progress. You’ll be bouncing around voraciously upon your husband again soon enough. A prospect I think it would be safe to say he anticipates with much eagerness,” she revealed, her mouth twisting into a grin.  
Chibs looked nothing short of welcoming to such. “Oh aye, Vee. Of that you can count on.” In that particular moment, though, all his eagerness was directed towards seeing his boys again, but he held back, telling Venus she could go in with Abi firstly, smiling through the glass as he watched her look a little overcome.  
“Oh, my lord in heaven! They are about the most perfect little things I have ever seen! Those tiny feet and hands, and their little eyes. Abi, my sweet. They’re simply precious,” she gushed, placing her arm around Abi before sanitising her hands, sitting down to reach in and stroke Riley’s hand. “Well hello, young Mister Telford. I’m your aunt Venus, and I shall be the lady who will spoil you and your brother utterly rotten while your mama and papa aren’t watching, oh yes, I shall! Oh, such a big yawn for someone so small!” she cooed softly, Riley having a little stretch as he yawned. “He’s very true to his in utero days, isn’t he? A very sleepy little gentleman, yes you are.”
“My spine is glad he’s no longer using it as a recliner, that’s for sure,” Abi chuckled, reaching in to lovingly stroke Henry’s hand, his fingers gently closing around her fingertip. “Oh my god, that’s the first time he’s done that!” her exclamation came with a few happy tears, one of the nurses dutifully moving in to dry her face with a tissue since she was bound in her sling.  
“That’s him telling his mama he loves her.” Venus spoke, smiling with a little wink through the Perspex. “Oh, regardless of my previous stance on offspring, if I had ovaries, I would be feeling them dancing right now! They are simply too adorable.” Once she’d had her time to coo over them, Venus moved out so that the twin's daddy could come and say hello, Chibs smiling at them fondly, thrilled with how much they were progressing. Seeing them the first time, he’d honestly wondered how they were even alive, but now, although still very small at just over three and a half pounds, they didn’t look quite as scarily frail as they once had.
Looking over at his wife, he could read her like a book. Her lips curled fully into an adoring smile, but her eyes told the pain, the rage, the emotion burden of knowing someone could have taken their lives. “Stop thinking about him.” he instructed softly, Abi gently stroking Riley’s tiny toes, taking a deep breath.
“It’s hard not to, whenever I see them, knowing, living with what his actions caused us all. He nearly murdered my babies. The anger I hold burns brightly.”
“I know, love,” he was quick to sympathise with. “Four more days, though, and you get to take that out on him with a bit of luck. For now, though, look at our lads, how well they’re doing, and don’t let it stress you.”
Tara entered shortly after, greeting them both, standing beside Abi with an affectionate hand on her shoulder. “They both responded well with their checks this morning, meaning that we can likely rule out both blindness and deafness in them. Their lungs are strengthening as well, which is a very good sign. They are making fantastic progress all round.”  
It was indeed fantastic progress, the kind of news the boys’ parents truly needed after a near month of utter hell. Staying with their babies for a further hour, Abi gave Venus a big hug goodbye, the women making plans to see one another again as soon as the whole Russian mess was sorted, Abi suggesting they get all the women together, Lyla, Tara and Gemma too, since it had been a while since the five of them had all met up.
Once back in the car, Abi looked dejected as she started out of the window, Chibs naturally picking up on it. “What’s up, hen?”
She sighed, adjusting her sling. “Leaving the hospital without our sons safely fastened into the back of the car. It’s wearing on me, only being able to visit, not being able to hold them. I’m sorry, I know I sound like a broken record.”
“Don’t be fucking stupid,” he began, reaching to squeeze her thigh. “I’m your husband, the one you’re allowed to pour all of this out to without question, so don’t apologise for it, alright? Secondly, you’re their mother; of course you’re yearning to have your little ones in your arms and with you all the time, that’s completely understandable. You’re too hard on yourself sometimes, Abi.”  
She always had been, too. Abi was often in the habit of chastising herself when she became soft and emotional, because she’d always had to be hardened. She was raised to always be hardened too, after all. Sighing, she tried a smile for size, thinking just how much worse it could have been. All three of them could have been dead, and she had to count her blessings from god that they weren’t. “Aye, you’re right. At least they’re here at all.”
“Pretty soon, they’ll be home with us, and you’ll be missing the peace with them keeping us up all night.” He was right there, too, she didn’t doubt. One newborn baby was hard work, but two? She knew they’d definitely have their work cut out for them.
As soon as they arrived home, they tended to the other two boys in their life, Abi accompanying Chibs on a dog walk, taking them to a local grassland area and letting them off their leashes to run, since she couldn’t manage to walk much further than the journey to get there without her hip hurting. She noted how much better she seemed on it, though, counting it as a plus as she sat on a rock and did her stretching exercises, Chibs laughing as the dogs made friends with a large Great Dane, the three hurtling around the wide-open space having a wonderful time playing chase.  
Whenever he glanced at her, he didn’t see the same ease that he felt, though. It was there at the forefront of her mind, her anger, her rage concerning the man who had done this to her and their sons, and as the days began to tick closer to his departure on Friday afternoon, he knew well what was brewing within her. He knew his wife better than anyone, after all.  
“One of us needs to stay behind on Friday,” he began, taking his concerns to the table with his brothers. “It’s gonna look too obvious if it’s me, so that’s out of the question.”
“Why?” Clay began, turning his chair slightly as he viewed Chibs curiously. “She’s gonna be fine, Chibs. We’ve got Kozik, Lorca and Donut watching the house, ready to make their move if and when he makes his. Even with a limp and only one functioning arm, I still don’t fancy the Russian’s odds against your ole’ lady, either.”
“It isn’t that.” He paused, lighting a cigarette. “I don’t trust that she ain’t gonna be a loose cannon and blow it all to shit, unless she has someone there to keep her in check. Obviously, I cannae mention that to her or she’d have my hide for not trusting her, but I know my wife. I know she’s volatile when her emotions are involved. She’s already spent fifteen years of her life repressing a rage that she couldn’t go and exact; I don’t trust that she isn’t gonna be a ticking bomb, because she is. I can see it in her face. She won’t be able to remain calm and before we know it, we’ll have a fiasco on our hands we can’t cover quietly. I don’t want that for her, nor for any of us, either.”
Clay lifted his chin, thoughtful, his eyebrows twitching as he inclined his head slightly. “That’s valid. Alright, who’s staying behind to keep the gadyuka calm?”
“Dare you to call her that to her face,” Jax joked, Clay eyeing him in a way that roused immediate chuckles around the table.  
“Me. I will,” Happy spoke immediately. “Other than Chibs, I know her best. She’s my buddy, I’ll keep an eye on her, make sure she doesn’t get all unhinged. I’ll even say it was my idea, to keep her company.”
Opie snorted, shaking his head. “Two psychos together. What could go wrong?” 
“I resent that,” Happy told him calmly. “You’re right about Abi, though.”
“Oi! You’s wanna stop labelling my woman as a psychopath, over there?”  
“Truth hurts, huh?” Juice chimed in with, Chibs raising his middle finger.
“You’re just jealous because you’re not the one I’m bending over any longer, Juicy.”  
He took it, his brothers guffawing. “It is. I’m jealous and lonely, man. You got me.”
“Nah, to be serious, I appreciate it, Hap. Thanks, brother. You’re right, too. I think because you two are friends, she’ll stand to listen to you more than she would anyone else.” Happy nodded earnestly, their business at the table continuing. After that, he headed to the TM office, where Abi had been catching up with Gemma, leaving to go and visit their boys before going home. As Chibs predicted, Abi didn’t take well to the news when he finally delivered it.  
“I don’t need a babysitter!”
“Hen, he’s not babysitting you. He said he wants to keep you company,” he tried to reason, Abi huffing as she attempted to fold laundry one handed.  
“Shitting bastard t shirt!” The clean garment was flung in a fit of annoyance, Chibs leaning to catch it mid-air. “Don’t you think it’ll look suss, if he is watching the house and tracking our movements, to have all six three of Happy coming into the house?”
Chibs grinned. “Happy has his methods for being discreet.” Indeed he did, too. Friday came and went without incident, as predicted, the three guys from Tacoma all waiting back in their positions come Saturday evening, and the fourth, the former of their charter almost giving Abi a heart attack when he knocked on the sliding glass door just as Abi was exiting the kitchen.  
“For the love of Jesus in a side car, Hap! I nearly pee’d myself!” she hissed, ushering him inside, Happy pausing to kiss her cheek.  
“Dude, don’t tell me that. I’ll get all aroused.”  
Abi stared incredulously. “Really? You enjoy water sports?”
“Oh yes, I do. Fucking hot as hell.” He grinned at her face, taking his rucksack off his shoulder and pulling out the bag of Chinese takeout he carried within. “Plate it, bro. All spicy, too. Our version of spicy.”  
“You’ve been spending way too much time with Tig, but I appreciate the fact you brought food with you.” She turned and headed back to the kitchen, pulling plates out, Happy assisting with opening the boxes and fetching cutlery between making a fuss of the dogs, pointing at the carton Abi was about to open.
“That’s plain chicken and beef in there, for them.” if Happy Lowman’s heart beat for one thing, it was his love of dogs, always thoughtful with her two, like saving them turkey when he got a sub, or in this case, requesting a special order of plain, cooked meat for them as a treat. He took out a few strips of beef.  
Both backsides hit the tiles with a thud. “Oh, that’s a good sit. Good boys.” He enthused, feeding them each the pieces, wiping his hands on his jeans and taking the plate Abi passed him.  
“Beer?” she asked, Happy shaking his head.  
“Nah, I’ll get me a soda. I gotta be alert, and it ain’t fair since you can’t drink with your painkillers.” He went to the fridge and pulled out two cans of 7up, picking up the bowl of wantons as well as the chopsticks, walking through to the lounge, opening Abi’s can for her and plonking himself down at her side. “So, what are we watching?”  
“I might torture you and make you watch Real Housewives of Beverly Hills.” Her joke went down like a led balloon.  
“You watch that crap? Aw, hell no. No. No chick TV. I’ve been made to watch far too much of that lately, to the point where I can actually identify those bitches by name.”
“Your ma? And no, I don’t. I was just winding you up.” Abi replied softly. His poor mother, it was all she could really do now, sit and watch TV in the hospice while waiting for the inevitable.  
“Mmhm.” Happy Lowman was not the kind of man to answer in sounds and not words, and Abi saw through it a mile off.  
“Lies. What’s her name, Hap?”
He widened his eye a fraction. “No idea what you’re talking about.” Shoving a mouthful of noodles in so he didn’t have to answer, he picked up the TV remote, commandeering it before she could make him suffer bad choices. He could feel her eyes boring into the side of his skull. “Oh, man! We gotta watch this! Creepy as fuck, you’ll love it.”
“I already watched American Horror Story. Now, give me the bloody remote and tell me the name of the girl.”  
He pressed his lips together thinly, his eyes darting between his food, the TV and Abi. “You’re an asshole!”
“Happy, just tell me.”  
He sighed, defeated. “Celeste.”  
“Okay, that’s good. Now, tell me about Celeste.”
“No.” His reaction was so visceral, Abi truly had to wonder about why he was being so cagey. She’d usually get all the details of the women he was banging, whether she wanted a blow by (literally) blow account of his sexual escapades or not, such was their friendship. Unless...
“You’re not telling me because you have a little soft spot for this Celeste, aren’t you?”
His silence spoke volumes. “Aren’t you?”
“Quit it! She’s just a girl, just some chick I’ve been hanging out with, big deal.” As she lived and breathed, she never, ever imagined she’d witness Happy Lowman become flustered. Especially over a girl.
“And you’re really going a long way to prove that with your reactions so far!” Her sarcasm was gentle, entertained as she was by his discomfort. “Happy, this is me you’re talking to, not the guys. You can open up, you know.”
His frown deepened so much, she was surprised he didn’t see the forehead creases reach the back of his shaven head. “It’s perfectly okay to like a girl.”  
He crunched down on a wonton aggressively, brow still furrowed. “She’s an asshole too.”
Abi couldn’t help it, snorting with laughter through a mouthful of Singapore noodles, taking the remote from him and switching the TV off, placing it down and lifting the CD player remote from the table beside her, switching it on, the sounds of Screaming Trees filtering out from the speakers.
“Because she’s fucking perfect! So damn cute, long, purple dreads, button nose, beautiful, green eyes, she’s tall, too, I like tall girls, she grows weed and shrooms, lives on a converted bus out in the middle of nowhere, has a really cool perspective on life, although she’s really kooky and it’s a bit weird to get used to, and she’s just... a fucking babe. She’s so different to the kind of chicks I usually go for. She’s soft, serene and quiet, off in her own little world humming a lot, and she says she can hear dead people, which is really bizarre. And she’s made me lose all interest in other women. She’s an asshole, turning me into someone I don’t even fucking know any more, damn her,” her fumed, Abi entertained massively by how he brightened and darkened all the way through his little tirade about the girl Celeste.  
She was a little befuddled, picking up a wonton and loading it with sweet chilli dip. “You’re still you. That doesn’t change because you found someone you like enough to want to be with exclusively.”  
“I’m a proud man whore, though. I like the never-ending parade of booty.”
“Yeah, but you like Celeste even more, don’t you?”
He was thoughtful for a moment, shovelling in a mouthful of Szechuan beef. “There’s more to it than that.”
She arched an eyebrow. “And I sense I’m going to need a winch and a four by four to drag it out of you.”
Again, there was a pause. Abi was beginning to think ad companies could have sold premium advertisements in the space between Happy’s explanations. ”So, she’s into chicks too, right?”
“And we’ve had threeways on a few occasions.”
“Right, more power to you if that’s how you get off. If I was into girls, I’d likely do them, too.”
“So, I enjoy ‘em and shit, I mean, what guy wouldn’t? But I never enjoy fucking the other girl as much as I do Celeste. There’s something wrong with me. She’s some kind of witch. I’ll be there, banging away on this other girl, usually watching her playing with Celeste somehow, fucking her with a big assed dildo or eating her out or whatever, and all I want is for the other girl to fuck off so I can have her all to myself.”
Everything she’d heard, his general demeanour, his mannerisms during his revelations, it all spelled out one thing loud and clear to her. “You know what this means, don’t you? You lo...”
“Don’t you say it!”
“Abi, no!”
“Happy, you’re...”
“No! Enough, don’t you dare say that word!”
“You’re in love with her!” Abi finally shouted, smacking his shoulder, Happy visibly agitated. “Just own it, you big fucking fool. There’s no shame in loving your girlfriend, you know.”
“It’s not me. I don’t do the love thing. Not since Lou.” Lou was Happy’s ex-wife, the woman whom he’d had such a disastrous marriage to for four years in his early twenties, he’d been scared off emotional investment ever since.  
“Celeste doesn’t sound anything like the fire breathing dragon that was Louise Lowman, from what you’ve told me about your ex,” she observed, sipping her soda.  
He snorted, his face an utter picture. She found it amusing, when a man who could be as taciturn as Happy was so expressive. “She ain’t anything like her at all!”
“I’m still failing to see your issue here. You’re a big, tough outlaw. You can be brave enough to be in love with your girl.”
“They guys’ll think she’s weird.”
“Do you think she’s weird?”
“Yes, but it’s why I love her.” Immediately, he winced. “You tricked me into saying that!”
Abi was in soft fits at him, reaching to stroke his arm. “Stop making excuses. Just be content that you met someone you love. It ain’t always as easy as it sounds like it is for you and Celeste. You’re sitting next to a prime example of that. I lost my love for fifteen fucking years, so I did, as you well know. Stop being a pussy and just let yourself be as your own name suggests. Happy.”  
He side eyed her, taking a large bite from a spring roll. “Fuckin’ women. You’re all awful.” The way he smiled and winked at her betrayed his statement greatly, Abi knowing that was Happy’s silent language for ‘thanks for letting me unload, buddy.’ Once they were too stuffed to move, they decided on something to watch, a show about unsolved mysteries they both attempted to solve themselves, having playful arguments over their differing opinions, this taking them up to midnight, Abi beginning to feel tired.  
“Go to bed. Obviously, I’m staying awake. Take the pups with you, too, just in case,” Happy suggested, nodding at the door.  
“I doubt I’ll sleep, even though I am knackered,” she spoke dismissively. She lasted all of twenty minutes, Happy getting up and gently moving her feet so she was lying down, placing some cushions under her sling arm to keep it rested properly, moving to the armchair and switching the TV to mute, turning on the subtitles. The curtains were blackout, so no one would see the flickering from the TV screen from the outside, but they’d perhaps hear it, Happy wanting the element of surprise if and when Ivan decided to make an appearance.  
Snorting a small bump of speed made him feel zippy enough to remain awake, but not so much that he was impaired, Happy waiting patiently, his gun on the arm of the chair, waiting, waiting...  
At not long after 2am, he heard a noise come from the back door, the dogs going on high alert, two low, rumbling growls. “Shhhh, boys. Stay.” He instructed in whisper, getting up and sliding from the room, closing the door softly behind him. A curtain covered the sliding door the lock of which was being picked, Happy ducking quickly into the kitchen, concealed behind the wall.  
He prepared himself for a fight, silencer-adorned gun primed, ready to fire a non-fatal shot before tying him with the rope he’d brought in his rucksack, but one thing Happy hadn’t prepared for was a knockout gas cannister to roll through the opened sliding door, Happy taking a big breath of clean air and then striking, shooting at the knee of the man who entered donned in a full head gas mask, but sadly for him, missing, Ivan advancing on him, hitting him in the stomach to make him take a breath, Happy holding onto it as he surged back and aim a boot for his crotch, Ivan grasping his gun arm and slamming it into the kitchen wall until he released, continuing to punch him in the stomach.  
Hardened as he was, Happy did not go down without a fight, but eventually, the lack of breath, the repeated hits to his stomach, and the fact he couldn’t see to find his gun outnumbered him, falling to the kitchen floor and submitting to the gas as he was rendered unconscious, leaving just Abi on her own, whom had heard it all, opening the door a fraction to see her house becoming clouded in gas, shutting it again and racing quietly to the window. She had to get her pups out of there.  
“Up, go, go!” she urged, the dogs jumping up and through the open window, whining at being told to leave when they knew something was going on. “Stay!” she instructed them, turning back, picking up her gun and then taking a deep breath, deliberately kicking the metal litter bin over so it clattered on the floor, alerting Ivan to exactly where she was. She then jumped, her thigh burning, but the sound loud enough to trick him into thinking she’d collapsed. It worked.  
The door opened, the black clad figure of Ivan inching in, Abi aiming an immediate shot to his arm, the large Russian swiftly disappearing back behind the door once he realised her rouse, waiting. He knew what she was doing, and knew she couldn’t hold her breath forever. That was when Abi realised she’d had to disadvantage herself for real, thanking her mother there and then for insisting upon her swimming lessons that her father had admonished as a waste of time, meaning she could hold her breath fairly easily for around a minute and a half.  
Dropping down, she feigned collapse, her lungs starting to tingle from the lack of air, the footsteps of Ivan alerting her to his entry, her one eye fluttered open enough to see him stand over her, taking aim. She swung her gun up, shooting him in the calf muscle, her other arm grasping his wrist, yanking him down between her legs, her thighs wrapping around his ribcage and squeezing hard, her hip a raging fire of pain for such sudden, strenuous use, but nothing compared to the rage that burned through her that this time, he would not get away with trying to come and kill her, taking the risk of releasing his gun holding wrist, grasping her large, stone ashtray from the table, and bringing it down upon the back of his head hard enough to knock him out.  
She felt dizzy, sick from lack of air, her lungs on fire as they trembled with the desperation to take in a breath, Abi hauling his body off of hers and clawing her way to her feet, throwing herself towards the window and taking the urgent breath she needed, hearing another thud coming from the hallway. Another breath was taken, rubbing her dog’s heads for their obedience, ducking back into the room and pulling the mask off of Ivan, clipping it on around her own head, flinging both lounge windows open before staggering out to the hallway, finding a now present Kozik unconscious on the floor, Happy slumped just by the side of the kitchen entrance.
Moving through each room, she opened every window and door, checked their pulses and then took the rope she knew Happy had brought with him, going back to Ivan, binding his legs first to prevent escape, lashing his wrists together behind his back before taking her phone, calling Donut and telling him not to follow where Kozik had, that the house needed to air because of the gas. She then called the most important person.  
“Baby, you alright?” Chibs asked, from his location at a motel just outside of Charming where he and the others had been holed up, awaiting the call with nerves eating away at him.
“I’m good, I think. A little sore, he didn’t go down easily. The sneaky fuck used knockout gas, so Hap copped the brunt of it, and I had to hold my breath and fight him into submission. My hip and poor little left lung aren’t pleased, but at least my collarbone held out okay.”
He breathed the biggest sigh of relief. “We’re on our way, alright? We’ll be there in about half an hour.” Most of the guys split off to head to TM, him and Jax heading to the house, Abi watching them pull up, Phil with them in the van, while a conscious Happy sat atop the back of a very pissed off Ivan, his mouth stuffed with a pair of socks, Kozik keeping a lookout at the front door.  
The guys hauled him into the van discreetly, Kozik jumping in with him, Abi closing all the windows once more and giving her dogs a treat each for how impeccably they’d behaved in her efforts to keep them safe, while all the time they would have fought hard against their natural instincts to protect her, before locking up the house and joining Chibs on the back of his bike. Twenty-five minutes later and they were walking into the garage of TM, Ivan chained in the middle, bleeding, his face furious.  
That fury, however, was nothing compared to Chibs, who moved to him at speed, swinging his arm back and punching him straight in the nose, the bone breaking with a sickening crack, his fist striking him again, and again, and again.  
“Try and murder my fucking wife, my sons? You piece of fucking shit!” More punches followed, Ivan’s face cracking, bones fracturing, a husband and father’s vengeance executed with painful, merciless delivery. He ceased after a few minutes, standing back, Clay nudging him before handing over a bottle of tequila, gripping his shoulder supportively.  
“This all you have, eh?” Ivan sneered, spitting blood and teeth on the floor.  
“Oh no, laddie. I’ve plenty left, but see, there’s something else much more formidable than I who deserves to take a few pieces of you. There’s no greater wrath in the world than that of a lioness whose cubs you tried to kill.” Turning to Abi, he kissed her head, watching her nod as her eyes snapped onto Ivan with all the menace of a predator about to stalk down its prey. She walked to him slowly, standing right in front of him, a smile tilting her lips.  
“Not quite as easy to kill as you thought, am I?”  
He snarled, spitting in her face. “Rotten gadyuka.” sniffed, wiping the blood and spit from her face on her sleeve, laughing a burst.  
“I know what that means, Ivan. Yes, I am. And you’re about to feel my fucking fangs.” Without further words, she surged at him, teeth biting onto his nose, crushing his skin, tearing the flesh as he howled in pain, her hands securing his throat before hauling her mouth away, taking his nose with her and spitting it onto the ground. All the guys present raised their eyebrows, impressed at her savagery. They hadn’t seen anything yet. “Can one of you fellas lend me a knife.”  
Happy moved from his space by the tool chest, taking his blade from its holder and handing it to her, Abi then walking to her husband and gesturing for the bottle of tequila in his hand. He hesitated for a second. “I didn’t take my 10pm painkillers, I’ll be fine.” Handing over the bottle of Jose Cuervo, he winked at her, Abi swilling her mouth first, spitting blood swirled tequila onto the concrete beneath her feet, drinking the next mouthful before passing the bottle back.
She then browsed the shelves, taking a tub of caustic soda down, placing it onto the small table she guessed had been set up by Happy, where pliers, a blowtorch, a hammer and other such instruments for evoking pain were laid out. Ivan was still grunting in agony as she walked back to him, lifting the knife and making a deep cut across his chest from clavicle to clavicle, digging the knife in until the bones were exposed, going back to the table and picking up the pliers with a bladed edge, rather than the ones used for grasping, taking them and pinching his clavicle bone in their blade before using all her strength to go straight through the bone.
“Fucking hurts like bitch, doesn’t it?” She roared, laughing at his pain as Ivan continued to growl, thrashing against his chain restraints, cursing her in Russian as she levered her weight against the bone before relenting, picking up the caustic granules, undoing the lid and pouring them straight into the open wound. That really made him howl. A couple of the guys winced, surprised by the brutality of Abi’s retribution, but not by much. She was, after all, her father’s daughter, and Michael Maguire had been unhinged when touched by rage.
On she continued, ripping out the teeth he had left from Chibs punching most of them out onto the floor, burning him with heated screwdrivers, inflicting all manner of pain upon him, until she felt her rage beginning to subside. Walking back to Chibs, she nodded. “Go. Go do what you said you needed to. I’m finished.” He nodded, pulling his gun out and walking to Ivan, shooting him straight between the eyes without a flicker of remorse. Finally, the man who almost took the lives of the three most precious people to him was no more.
“Juice, take the prospects and get rid of him.” Clay ordered, Juice nodding, Happy assisting him in unchaining the body while Chibs stood back, swigging tequila, wrapping his arm around Abi. They walked outside arm in arm, over to the clubhouse, going and washing themselves of his blood before sitting outside on the tables, Abi thankful for the cigarette he offered her.  
“You shouldn’t really be smoking yet, but I think you need it after that,” he told her, offering the flame from his lighter, Abi nodding.  
“If my chest hurts, I’ll stop. My hip is more of an issue right now, I think I strained myself putting him in a body lock,” she confessed, Chibs nodding.
“Well, don’t wear yourself out too much, because I very much intend on being squeezed between those gorgeous thighs soon, now I’m getting over my fear of breaking you any further. Besides, if you can ruck with a Russian and take the cunt down, you can ruck with me. You’ll be the one getting taken down, though.” His wink made her snort with laughter, feeling a hand on her shoulder, turning to see Opie, who passed her a joint. She put her cigarette into her other hand and took a few puffs, deciding it was a little too harsh on her chest and handing it back. That little bit of very strong weed did certainly help, though.  
“That was some next level torturous shit,” he observed, Abi grinning.
“And he deserved every last bit of it. Try and kill my bloody kids, the fuck.”  
“You’re awesome.” His fond words were followed by a kiss to her forehead, Opie, squeezing Chibs’ arm before he left them be, Juice and the prospects leaving the compound with the body in tow, Abi feeling a large sense of relief descend her even more as the van went past. It was over.  
The only cloud in her sky now was wondering when she’d be able to bring her babies home. She was good with that, she realised, leaning her head against her husband's shoulder, Chibs leaning to lay a kiss on her forehead.
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The Thief of your Heart - A Chibs Telford/Abi Maguire (OC) Story.
So, because I am SO EXCITED to share, and also because my lovely @vulgar-display-of-escapism​ is likely to hunt me down and smack me over the head with a large book until I relent, here is the first chapter of my new story, y’all! It isn’t exactly canon as you’ll see, but somewhat follows S3 of SOA. Also, I’ve embelished actual history a little, where the troubles in Northern Ireland are concerned. 
The title comes from the song, You Made me the thief of your Heart, by Sinead O’Connor, which I reccomend you listen to, as it’s THEIR song. It fits them perfectly. Notes as well, you’ll see on the story banner two separate photo’s for the lead characters, The top pics are how they appear in the past, the flashbacks we will go into to see how they once were, and the bottom pics are them present day in the story. 
And now, to sit here and chew my nails off in anticipation over whether you guys think it’s any good or not! 
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Words - 4,347
Warnings - 18+ content throughout. Minors DNI!
The atmosphere in the clubhouse was tense. A father broken from the snatching of his infant son, and a band of brothers determined to do whatever it took to locate the child again.  
“Nah, I don’t trust anything that comes from Jimmy.”
Clay’s eyebrows twitched, rolling his cigar between his thumb and forefinger. “Right now, Chibs, that’s all we have.” He then contemplated his next words carefully, his small, blue eyes studying him from across the table, glittering through the plume of pungent smoke. “Unless you reach out to her.”
His reaction was immediate, visceral, agitated. Exactly as he presumed it would be.  
“No, no fucking way.”  
“If she knows whether Jimmy is lying about Abel not being in Belfast, she’ll tell you,” Clay reasoned quietly, those in the know over the woman whom he referred to all watching Chibs closely, those in the dark looking like they were missing the vital pieces in the jigsaw puzzle that was Clay’s request.  
Chibs took a deep breath, his hands beginning to tingle, a feeling not unlike being hit by the harsh cold of a winter morning back in his homeland spreading through his chest. “I have’nae spoken to her for just shy of fifteen years, you know that. I don’t even have a contact for her, lest know where she is. Running guns through Africa is the last I heard, Jimmy keeping her out of the way.”  
Clay raised his eyebrows, sniffing. “It was just a thought.”  
“Wait, who is...” Jax began, turning to Chibs, looking between him and Clay.
“Ahh, fuck!” He was out of his chair and through the doors, Jax making a start to go after him.  
“Leave him, son,” Clay advised, gesturing back to the seat he’d just risen from.  
“Does somebody wanna fill me the fuck in on what I’m missing here? What this mystery woman might know about where my son is?” he asked, looking between his stepfather, Tig, Bobby and Piney, the four men who wore it upon their faces, the knowing looks of men who were under no illusion as to why their brother had torn a speedy escape out of the room.  
“Yeah, who is this woman, and why did he, well...” Juice questioned, gesticulating at the open door.  
Clay took a long pull on his cigar, leaning back in his chair. “The woman is Abigail Maguire, daughter of Michael Maguire, may he rest,” he began. Of course, the name Michael Maguire wasn’t lost on anyone at the table. He was a legend, one-time leader, succeeded by a tenure as one of the kings of the IRA until his passing from liver cancer fifteen years previously. “She’s the reason why Chibs was kicked out of Ireland. He had an affair with her, back when he was thirty-one, and she seventeen.”  
“Damn,” Juice exclaimed quietly, his eyes widening a touch.
“Hey man, don’t judge him. We’ve all been there,” Tig contributed with a pointed finger, Opie snorting.  
“Speak for yourself and your desire for underage pussy.”
“She wasn’t underage,” Clay quickly interjected, not willing for anyone to be misinformed at Chibs' expense. “Age of consent in Northern Ireland is seventeen, so he wasn’t in Tig territory.”  
“Hey, fuck you man. She told me she was eighteen,” the man himself spoke, a rumble of laughter going around the table.  
“But obviously, ole’ Mickey Maguire didn’t see if that way, to learn one of his own had been piledriving his little girl on the regular, no matter that Abi wasn’t exactly a particularly normal teenage kid,” Clay then added.  
“You can say that again,” Piney gruffed from the other end of the table. “The way Mickey raised his girls; I was always convinced it was to punish them for not being the boys he wanted. The fact that they thrived on the lifestyle he threw them into like a pair of goddamned javelins was likely a plus in his eyes.”  
Clay then embellished further. “Michael had two daughters, Monica and Abigail, both of whom he raised as if they were sons. They were shooting guns at nine and able to build bombs at twelve, neither really had much of a regular childhood, being raised as soldiers for the cause. By the time they’d finished school, that’s exactly what they were, full time foot soldiers for the army. Lookouts, snipers, bomb builders, you name it, they did it. And they did it well, believe me. My ole’ lady claims there are only three women in this world who scare her. Abi is one of them.”
“And her sister?” Jax broached.
“Dead. Shot by the British military, the perpetrator of her demise picked off by Abi from a nearby rooftop during a riot. Shot him in the throat and took great pleasure in watching him choke to death on his own blood. Anyway, that’s how she met Chibs. By that point, he was patched into SAMBEL, but still pulled his weight for the cause.  
“That was, until Michael found out about him and Abi, his last dying wish to punish him so greatly for it, he’d wish he was dead, those wishes handed to him via Jimmy O. Banished from Ireland, with scars to remind him of what he’d done whenever he looked in the mirror. Michael’s vengeance was cold, even from beyond the grave. He could have easily killed him, but he did worse. He made it so he lost his family, his club, his army and Abi, all in one fell swoop. He came over here, patched into SAMCRO, and never spoke of it. That explains why you three didn’t know.”  
“Jesus fucking Christ,” Jax exclaimed, rubbing his chin, shaking his head.  
“We only know because McGee clued us in prior to his arrival,” Bobby offered.  
“And he told me once, when he was out of his head on scotch,” Tig then spoke.
“Hold on, I thought members of the army couldn’t be ex-communicated for personal reasons?” Opie then questioned, taking a long drag on his cigarette.
“A rule that’s kinda made moot if you spend just over a year bangin’ on one of the king’s daughters, son,” his father confirmed, Jax then standing as he lit a cigarette, heading out in the same direction Chibs had torn a path in. He found him outside, sitting on one of the tables in the dark, a bottle of Glenfiddich in his hand, swigging the contents.
“I assume Clay filled you in,” he spoke, taking the cigarette he was offered with thanks.
“He did,” Jax confirmed, climbing onto the table to sit next to him. “After what I just heard, I understand your reluctance, but brother, anything you could do to help me find Abel, and I gotta ask you to take that shot.”
Chibs sighed, rubbing his face with his hand. “Jimmy won’t have said anything to her, I can bet on that. Because of the circumstances, as I said, the last I heard she was back and forth between Ireland and Libya mainly, Cameroon and Nigeria also, arms dealing to the LIFG and Boko Haram. She’s out there specifically to be kept out of Fiona’s way. As you can imagine, there’s a whole lotta bad blood there. Jimmy only keeps her around because she’s a vital asset. The Libyan lads will only deal with a Maguire, out of respect for Michael, so yeah, last I heard, she was gun running,” he explained. “If it means we get a solid lead on the wee bairn, though, I’ll try. I’ll reach out to one of the lads in Belfast, see if I can get her number.”
Jax was impressed at her mettle. “Dealing with Africa, huh?”
Chibs laughed a small burst through his nose. “Aye. Suits her down to the ground. That lass is hard as fuckin’ nails. They won’t have known what hit ‘em when they first met her. I sure as fuck didn’t.”
He was intrigued. “Tell me?”
Chibs took another glug of scotch, closing his eyes, seeing her there. He’d never not. She was burned into him, like a branding. “Tell you what, Jackie boy? How I broke myself apart for that girl, shattered my life, ruined my marriage and lost everything because I couldn’t keep my dick in my pants when some hot little piece of Irish gash gave me the come on?”  
He smirked a little, taking a drag on his cigarette. “It’s as good a place to start as any.”  
Chibs laughed, albeit a quiet, dead laugh of no sparkle or joy. A dark laugh of remembrance. “I did resist her at first. That girl, though. She was a fucking spitfire, likely still is. Her flirting had all the fuckin’ subtlety of smacking a concrete post with a lump hammer. I told her over and over that I was married, and because of that, I wouldn’t fuck her.  
“That was all until one afternoon, after she’d thrown a fucking grenade at a paddy wagon and scarpered on foot. She was meant to be a lookout on an arms deal, and fair enough, the lassie made damned sure her actions meant most of the coppers could’nae follow the club, but I had to make sure she was alright, so I ran after her. It would have been on all of our heads if Mickey Maguire’s little girl had come to a sticky end. So, we outran ‘em, ended up ducking into this old, abandoned church to lay low, the place still rubble after it had been bombed out a few years previously...”
Belfast, 1994.  
“Where in god’s name did you get that grenade from?” Chibs panted, sitting behind a pew in the ruins of the old altar of Our Lady of Lima, Abi at his side, pulling her cigarettes from the oversized camouflage jacket she wore.  
Lighting up after throwing one onto his lap, she winked, licking her lip. “Wouldn’t you like to know.”
He scoffed, staring at her with incredulity. “Well, that is why I was asking you, hen.”
“Me da’s cache, if you must know. Don’t worry, I didn’t rob it from McGee.”
“I should think taking it from your da is a shite side worse if he finds out. Guns only. No heavy fuckin’ artillery.” Her grin did nothing but grow wider, pleased with herself, Chibs snorting. “What the fuck am I gonna do with ye, girl?”
“Pin me down and fuck me?” He should have seen that one coming.  
“Abi.” His tone was warning, but he couldn’t hide the small, smug uptilt of his mouth. She could lust after anyone she wanted, looking the way that she did, but no. Abi Maguire solely coveted him. Sexy, long, light blonde hair, blue eyes perpetually made even sultrier by a liberal smudge of black kohl, great tits, beautiful legs, a body that thoroughly begged to be touched. And she wanted him.
She learned around, until she was imposing his direct line of vision. “You want to, though.”
“Never said I didn’t, pet. I said I wouldn’t.”
He sighed, running a hand through his dark hair and down his face. “You’re Mickey’s daughter.”
“I’m not about to tell him.”
“I’m married.”
She snorted softly. “You’re an outlaw! Since when have you guys been particularly known for your fidelity?”  
“You’re seventeen, for Christ’s sakes!”
“Eighteen in two weeks. Besides, seventeen is legal, you wouldn’t get into trouble.”  
He groaned slightly, closing his eyes. “Morally, it isn’t right. I’m fourteen years older than you.”
“I know, that’s why I want you so badly,” she began, taking another drag on her cigarette, stretching her legs out. Those legs, Christ. He dreamed of those beautiful, long legs, dreamed of them wrapping around him as he railed her until she screamed. “I’m fed up of boys who don’t have a clue what they’re doing. I need a man between my legs, and you know I want that man to be you.”
It was always the same, whenever they were alone. She was slowly eroding at him, like water perpetually dripping onto a rock, indenting its surface, wearing it down. Wearing him down. “You’re not going to let me keep suffering bad sex, are you, Filip? I bet you dick down like a goddamned champion, don’t you?”
The erosion... lord, was it wearing thin.  
He looked her up and down, his heart beginning to race. “Aye. But you’re not finding that out first hand, young lady.”
She poked out her bottom lip, a tactic rarely used by Abi. She didn’t do cute. She did unabashed, unashamed she devil, and by the saints, did she do it well. “It can be my birthday present?”
Her suggestion had him laughing, drawing fiercely on his cigarette. “You know Fi would scratch your eyes out, if she even so much as caught a whiff of how brazen you are with me, don’t you?”
Her face was deriding at such a prospect. “Your wife doesn’t frighten me, big guy.”
His eyebrows rose, his eyes widening a fraction. “She should.”
She scrunched her nose, shaking her head. “But you know I’m not easily scared.”
True, she most definitely was not. She was Mickey Maguire’s daughter, after all. She was raised to be an immovable force, scared of nothing, answerable to no one. Except Michael himself. She was perhaps one of the most fearless people he’d ever met, and still at such a tender age. She had no qualms about walking into gunfire while wielding a rifle, hell, he’d witnessed her do it enough times. McGee often voiced that if she were a fella, he’d patch her in.  
A somewhat uneasy silence followed, uneasy for Chibs, as he felt himself pressed down under the weight of her stare, taking out his hip flask and swigging a mouthful back, handing it to her when she gestured. Her father would punch his lights out just for that, giving his daughter alcohol. He reasoned though, that she was only two weeks away from being able of drink legally. “You know I’d be content just to have you once, don’t you? It wouldn’t have to be a regular thing.”
And still she continued. Good god, she’d be the death of him.  
“It isn’t even gonna be a onetime thing, Abi, because I’ve told you no enough times now.” His words were all refusal, but the way he looked at her, oh. She knew what want looked like. It was right there in his dark eyes, every time they fell upon her.  
“But you don’t mean it.” Moving, she grabbed the back of his long legs, lowering his bent knees enough to climb astride him, his slender thighs hot against her almost bare legs. Almost, bar the pair of fishnet tights she wore beneath her casual black dress. “Maybe when I know you mean it, I’ll quit asking.”
“Abi, stop.” The way she looked at him, god in heaven. No woman had ever looked at him like that in his life, her want rampant, unabashed, her need for him palpable. It was so strong he swore, he could even smell it, her desire for him as it bubbled in the air between them.  
Her hands reached for his neck, the muscles cording beneath her fingertips, making lust twist strongly within him, a jolt he could barely contain. “You don’t mean it,” she breathed, leaning closer, her lips following her fingers, her hands at his chest, feeling his heart hammering like a war drum. “And you never have.” Another kiss touched to his stubbly throat, pressing herself against his crotch, her pulse flipping wildly when she felt his hands on her hips, his chest rising and falling faster.  
Her beautiful pout curled into a sultry grin, Abi knowing that she had him, witnessing his resolve disassembling itself. Finally, she was going to receive what she wanted, what she had been steadily stirring for; a very aroused, very pent-up outlaw, let loose upon her.  
To his credit, he attempted to hold onto it, the last remaining shards of his resolve. Like a cowboy in a futile struggle to tighten the lasso around the neck of an unruly bull and bring it under control, except it was too furious, what he felt inside, roaring, charging, kicking for release. It was at the point where if he didn’t simply let go of that rope, it would damage him, tear up his insides, gore at the soft spots within him where she’d weakened his well-built walls. So, he did what any man would do. He released the rope and let it charge.  
It took her by surprise, to have his mouth suddenly fly at hers, kissing her in a way that made her cunt pulse instantly, his tongue fighting into her mouth, arms locking around her, her entire being buzzing with elation. Finally, she had Fillip Telford exactly where she wanted him; between her legs, kissing the life out of her. His hands led paths of scorching heat over her body, feeling her at last, relishing in the contact he’d craved, his touch reaching the apex of her thighs, two handfuls of fishnet material grasped, torn with a loud rip, her underwear decimated with matching hunger.  
She gasped a shuddered breath into his mouth, bowled over by such prowess, manliness and intense craving, his fingers meeting her already dewy folds and stroking her, her hips shuddering immediately at the contact. “Is that what you wanted, you bad, bad girl?”  
She cried out as two fingers pushed within her, arms winding around him tighter as he immediately sought spots inside her no boy of her past had ever been skilled enough to find. “Oh, god yes!” she wailed, kissing him again with burning lust, the want within her chaotic as she was assailed by fingers that knew exactly what they were doing. Little sobs welled in her throat as the press of his fingertips had glimmers skittering through her like little lightning bolts, his mouth breaking from hers, burying at the side of her neck, the rush of tingles consuming her, Abi feeling almost high on him.  
He was that cold, then hot rush from a shot of whiskey, the moment of pain just before a burn if one held their finger to close to an open flame, the adrenaline that preceded the squeeze of a trigger. He was everything that shouldn’t have felt good, but did; and he eclipsed it all. Her slick muscles began to pulse around him, his fingers circling, the heel of his palm pressing to her clit, rocking back and forth, evoking a high-pitched cry the likes of which made his cock throb. She could feel it, hot and hard against her thigh, and boy, it felt big.  
His mouth consumed hers once more, sucking her tongue, biting her lower lip, his free hand pawing at her dress, Abi shaking her jacket off and untangling her arms from the straps, his hand yanking the front down, gripping her neck and pushing her back, teeth biting down on her nipples in turn. Oh, he was savage. Exactly how she’d expected him to be, but it was with the kind of finesse that only came from a man with an abundance of experience. He knew what to do with a woman.  
Her neurons buzzed, the synopses snapping wildly, tingles rushing through her as she began to purl against his hand, seeking greater friction, Chibs sensing it, driving his hand against her harder, adding speed, mouth sucking a purple welt at her neck, his heart going into overdrive as she began to gasp and uncontrollably. Her hands grasped at his dark hair as it came for her, like a billion lights firing into life beneath her skin, her cunt spasming, her clit oversensitive, the rush charging, her entire sex throbbing as she came for him, hard, rolling and unrelenting, much like him.  
No one had ever made her cum before. Not even herself.  
The aftermath was tingling, tight and throbbing, Abi knocked sideways. As if a man could make her feel like that, just with one hand. “So, that’s what an orgasm feels like, then,” she panted, resting her forehead to his, watching him grin with self-satisfaction at hearing such a revelation.  
He kissed her, dirty and slow, removing his fingers from within her, shrugging himself out of his jacket and kutte. “Do you want another one?”  
“Aye.” He kissed her again, laying her back upon the altar, her hands tugging his t shirt off as he undid his belt and jeans, freeing his cock, and against any kind of sense, logic or reason, burying it within her. “Oh my fucking god, that’s big!” she gasped, laughing with utter delight.
“Aye.” His mimic had her laughing into the kisses they shared, fervent and hungry, her hands roaming his tattooed arms as she undulated her hips up into him, loving the feeling of being filled and stretched out, the pace even and rolling to begin with, their sync perfect. “God damnit, you are so fucking beautiful, and shit, if yours isn’t about the fuckin’ most gorgeous cunt I’ve ever been inside of.”  
Those words made her feel elated, their kisses heating up as he began to breech her with more urgency, cock hitting her summit as the need for greater friction consumed him, fucking her right there in the ruins of a place where sinners had confessed their misdeeds, knowing at some point or another he’d feel guilt for his own, but not then, not in that moment, balls deep in the last girl he ever should have allowed himself to be. Her father would have him shot. His wife would vow to do it for him.  
Her nails grazed his back, her soft moans becoming louder, legs winding around him as his thrusts became completely uncontained in all out frenzy. “Oh Jesus, fuck. Fuck me, Fil.” she purred. And he did. And it was brutal. It was everything she had ever fantasised it would be. He was everything she fantasised he would be. She drank him in, knowing he’d be resolute that this wouldn’t ever happen again, savouring the feeling of his cock arrowing her soaking centre deeply, her nerves buzzing, pleasure streaking through her like a hail of shooting stars beneath her skin.  
Each hot, rhythmic grind against her walls had her fluttering madly, the breath knocked from her. Yes, he was ferocious with her, but it wasn’t a mindless battering of her innermost sacred area. He fucked her with purpose, knew exactly how to align his cock so it yielded nothing but pleasure within her, his groans hungry at her neck, hands pawing at her, lost and adrift on the vast sea that was sex with a horny, gorgeous young woman.
It became so intense, Abi was unsure whether she was pulling back or driving against him, the sizzle of pleasure igniting her down to her very bones as his thrusts became staccato, both of them hurtling towards sweet, throbbing culmination. The heat snapped like a tempest, her thighs going rigid around him, his diligence tipping her into the swell of heaven, filling her with thick ribbons of cum as his teeth clamped on her neck.
He continued to move in a slow glide within her, everything softening, his hands cupping her cheeks, kissing her, both fighting to breathe, until his chest suddenly stilled in rigidity, his eyes widening. “Tell me I haven’t possibly just knocked you up.”  
“No, I’m on the pill.”
“Oh, thank fuck.” He rested his head to her shoulder, chest still heaving, waiting for it, the guilty feeling to smack him harder than a spiked bat. It didn’t. He just swam in post-frenzied tingles, not wanting to pull out of her, wishing it had lasted longer, but knowing himself, and knowing right there and then, it wouldn’t be the last time he was inside of her.  
“So, once wasn’t enough then, obviously,” Jax commented, back in the present, Chibs’ mouth twisting at one side, his head cocking slightly.  
“Aw, hell no.” They shared laughter there, Chibs sighing. “I banged that girl so fucking much, I’m surprised she could still bloody walk.” He passed the bottle to his friend, Jax taking it, swigging a mouthful before handing it back.
“I sense that’s not all, though.”
Oh, how right he was, and how it still burned through Chibs. It would never stop, never leave him be. He’d never find peace from it. “I loved her, Jackson. I fell so fuckin’ hard in love with Abi, I’m yet to feel that love fade. Doubt it ever will, truth be told.”  
And there it was, what he lived with, what had haunted him like a ghost for the past fifteen years. The ghost of Abigail Maguire, his one true love. Of course, he had once thought that woman to be Fiona, the woman he was still married to, the one who flat out refused to divorce him out of pure spite so he could never marry Abi, should she ever be free to follow him to America.  
He closed his eyes, seeing her there, back in her flat in Belfast, smiling at him as she stroked his face, leaning down to kiss him.  
“I love you so much, CB.” CB, crazy baby, as he fondly called her. Because she was crazy, and she was his baby, and she’d never not be. He could be with a hundred women, and likely had been in the time between, and still never even feel one eighth the way he felt when he was with her. All the time and oceans that separated them would never change that, either.  
Jax left him to it, returning to the clubhouse while Chibs pulled out his phone, calling the person he knew would likely have what he needed. “Seamus, how are ye, lad? Aye, not too bad. Listen, I’ve a wee favour to ask. Have you got a contact number for Abi? Right, text it to me, then. Thanks, brother.”  
His heart almost somersaulted clean out of his chest when his phone beeped with the message five minutes later.  
A/N - Please do you hard working author a solid by commenting and reblogging! I don’t have many Chibs fans in my followers, so helping me promote this would be bloody fantastic of you!
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The Thief of your Heart - Chapter Ten.
So guys, here’s the last installment of the story before we move onto the sequel. I’ve lost a few readers along the way, but gained a few as well, so big thanks to all who have stuck with it and offered such lovely feedback. I appreciate you so much. Also, even though you’re all aware it isn’t canon, just to note that I know there’s a glaringly big difference in the fact that in canon, Tig goes away to jail with the other guys at the end of S3, but in my land of creation, he doesn’t. Why? Well... I had to do something else very non-canon in who I decided to introduce much earlier than she actually appears in SOA... ;)
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Previous chapters - One  Two  Three  Four  Five  Six  Seven  Eight  Nine
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Words - 6,647
Warnings - 18+ content throughout. Minors DNI!
“I’m going to miss this.” Abi whispered quietly, stroking his dark hair as Chibs slept on, his face partially stuffed into the pillows beneath his head, soundless in sleep. She’d never known a man like him for quietness in slumber... when he slept on his front. On his back? She’d have to poke him until he turned to prevent the snoring booming through the room.  
She smiled to herself while remembering the very first night he’d stayed over at her old flat, an extremely tired and sleep deprived Abi jabbing him in the ribs, shouting at him that he even snored in a strong, Glaswegian brogue, such was the ferocity of his snoring. When he slept on his front, though? Silence. So much so that on that same night, she’d poked him awake again.  
‘Are you dead?’
‘I fucking wish I was with all this poking! Stop waking me up, lass! Unless it’s tae suck my cock, then go right ahead.’ She had. None of that would be partaken of that morning, though, both of them tired and sex sore from the utter marathon they’d partaken of in the hours preceding, Abi content to just have him there next to her. At least this time when he left, she knew that at some point, once her Saudi contracts were comfortable, she’d be able to follow him across the vast ocean that had parted them for so long. She was also looking forward to the man who had facilitated that being caught and disposed of.  
It was something that was discussed a little later, back at the digs the SAMCRO group were staying at.
“I’ve been thinking, Chibs, and it’s only right, after what he did, that you be the one to hand it to him,” Clay vouched with a nod, Bobby and Jax both looking on in agreement.  
“It’s about time old scores were settled, brother,” the latter added, nodding deeply.  
“We have a lot to work out logistically, but I wanted you to know that as soon as possible, wanted Abi to hear it as well.” Clay smiled, nodding in her direction. He had a lot of respect for her as a soldier, even more so that she had been forced to sit on the amount of venom she’d harboured for Jimmy because of her loyalty to the cause for so many years. “Also, I want to pick your brains, while I still have them at my disposal. Any ideas on who his allies are, who could be harbouring him?”
She was thoughtful for a few moments. “If I had to bet money on it, I’d say the Russians, Viktor Putlova in particular. I might be able to assist you there, too?” Clay raised his eyebrows in interest. “My ex is close with Putlova, I’m sure for the correct monetary exchange, he can tell you everything you need to know.”
Chibs’ eyebrows creased, his mouth tightening. “You dated a Russian?”
“Oh, hello, captain xenophobia!” she snorted sarcastically, the men assembled laughing softly. “Aye, I did. And what of it?”
He continued to mutter, something about not liking to share his toys.
“Oh, and how many women have you slipped the cock to in the last fifteen years, hmm?”
“None of them were sneaky fucking Russians!” he replied, looking her up and down with mock disgust. “What are you grinning about over there, Juicy boy?”  
Juice tried to hide his smile behind his hand, chuckling away. “I’m imagining the moment Abi meets some of your little crow eater harem. I want a front row seat for that.”
The lady herself leaned across the table. “A harem, you say?”  
“Juice,” Chibs warned.
“Oh yeah.”
“Interesting,” Abi mused, lifting her chin, her eyes flitting over to her boyfriend. “If they even dare go near him again, I shall be exercising a hell of a lot of cunt punting.”
Jax sprayed the mouthful of coffee he was drinking back into his cup, laughter abounding. None of them doubted her for even a second.  
“Well, there’s a woman after my own heart.” Gemma contributed as she cradled Abel, smiling knowingly at Abi. She’d pay good money to witness that.  
For the remaining time they had left, Abi and Chibs sat outside, her astride him, enjoying the feel of his arms around her, drinking it in, smiling as she imagined the future, of getting to be like this with him more or less whenever she pleased. Her head found its place, tucked beneath his chin, kissing his neck a few times, feeling his arms tighten around her. “What you thinking about, CB?”  
“What life will be like, when I get over to California.”
“Still shite for the most part, I should imagine, but at least we’ll have each other while it’s being shite.”
She laughed, shaking her head as she emerged from under his chin. “Always the eternal optimist, you grumpy fuck.”  
He chuckled, kissing her head. “Just as long as you don’t come crashing in there and want to change my entire house around, I should be happy enough.”
“About that,” she began, pursing her lips when he groaned. “You’ve not told me about your place.”
“Nae much to tell. It's a bungalow, decent sized, two bedrooms, has a pool out back that I’ve never used, could probably do with a lick of paint here and there, but one stipulation I do have is that you’ll not change my lounge.”
“What colour is it?”
“Orange.” Her face was immediately affronted.  
“Excuse me?”
“It was like that when I moved in, and I quite like it. You’ll leave my orange lounge well alone.”
“Orange?!” she cried. “But...”
“Abi,” he warned.
“But it’s, orange!”
“Aye, and I like it. It’s not bright orange, it’s pretty dark.”
She snorted, her mouth tilting. “Goth orange? That’s not a thing, Fil.”
“It’s my thing, and you’ll not change it.”
“Do I dare ask what the rest of it is like?” He chuckled at her look of trepidation.
“Casting your aspersions over my house!”
“It has a fucking orange lounge, what do you expect?” she wailed, squealing when he tickled her for it.  
“Bathroom and kitchen are new, those had been done before I bought it, the rest you can put your own stamp on, though. Just don’t be too girly with it.”
She arched her eyebrow immediately. “Have you forgotten who it is who's moving in with you?”  
“You have girly shite!”  
She was aghast. “Such as?”
“Cushions and blankets on the sofa, and the rug that looks like you skinned an Afghan hound!”
“Those are cosy pieces of home furnishings,” she reasoned.  
“And they’re not coming with you when you move!”  
Her face darkened, muttering. “We’ll see.”  
“We will not.” He was emphatic, but also very entertained by their back and forth.
She had an ace, though. And damn, she would use it. “Hmmm, nightly blowjobs might be a thing of the past, then.”  
He narrowed his eyes, closing them slowly, shaking his head. “Fine, bring your girly shite.”
“Thank you, I will.” she hummed, kissing him. Much too quickly for either of their liking, the time rolled round for him to leave, Abi hugging him tightly, beaming at him before they exchanged a lingering kiss.  
“Until a few months then, my beautiful, crazy baby. I’ll call you when I’m back, alright? Love you.”
She nodded, stroking his face with her thumbs. “Okay. I love you too. And don’t worry, if I have to crack Saudi skulls together to facilitate me getting to you faster, then that’s just what I’ll do.”
He laughed, kissing her forehead. “I wouldn’t expect anything less.” They lingered on a hand hold, Abi stepping back to stand with Mo, watching as they all filed out. This time as he left, she didn’t fall apart, she didn’t cry, and her world wasn’t shattered. If only she could go back in time and tell that heartbroken girl who had collapsed in hysterics on the hard wood floor that it wouldn’t be forever, that one day, she’d find a way back to her beloved Filip again. As for him, upon his return to Charming, he had a very important part of the past he’d been tasked with, something he’d been imagining for fifteen years.  
There was a lot of poison he still needed to work out, and as he stood over Jimmy O after throwing him back against the school bus after ambushing his car, he knew this was how he’d permanently rid himself of it. He imagined it all, it fuelled him like kerosene being poured onto a fire, every last bit of hurt the man before him had caused. Fifteen years of his life lost, of Abi’s life lost. Everything they’d had to endure, all because of what he’d been tasked with.
“Filip,” Jimmy acknowledged, knowing what he had coming. “It was never personal, you know that?”
Chibs took his knives, glowering at him. “This is for the fifteen years you stole.” Slashing at his face, he gave him the same excruciating wounds he’d been blighted with upon that fateful night, remembering it, stitching his own face, packing his belongings, holding Abi for what he thought would be the last ever time. “And this is for her. Abigail sends her regards.” He then plunged the knives into Jimmy’s chest, twisting and tearing the blades down for maximum impact where agony was concerned. Time was of the essence, so he needed to hurt him as much as he could in the shortest time possible.  
If Chibs hadn’t had been pressed for time, his death would have been a lot more drawn out, but upon arriving back at the clubhouse, he was glad to be able to send a text to the one person who needed to hear the news of his demise most. 
‘It’s over. Call you later on, love you.’
Abi sighed with relief when she woke up to read that. It further cemented each footstep upon the path she took to regaining all she had lost, that journey continuing with her task of bringing Brendan up to replace some of her dealings beginning the following week, Abi okaying it with the kings to also hand over her Nigerian contract to him to handle, leaving her with Libya and Cameroon, the two most volatile, those who would likely kick up the most ructions, should she make too many changes. She wasn’t prepared to give up who she was for a man, but she would cut her workload for him. It wasn’t easy, either. These were the kind of men who were suspicious regarding change, even the smallest nuances, such as the switching of a contact.  
“So, where are you right now?” Chibs asked her late one evening, the early morning for her, his call her wakeup alarm. It had been two months since he’d arrived back in Charming, and god, he missed her.  
“I’m about to leave Nigeria, after finally appeasing the lads down here. I think they should be fine with Brendan being their face from here on out, but I don’t think the Saudi boys are going to be quite as happy with it,” she confessed, walking out onto the balcony of the location they were staying in, the Nigerian heat hitting her full pelt.  
It made a slight nervous knot form in his stomach, hearing that. Of course, he knew how proficient she was at her job, but now they were so close to the end result they’d longed for, even the smallest hurdle brought a feeling of trepidation. “Are you anticipating that they’ll be difficult?”
“Aye, they’re not partial to change. They’re also highly suspicious, next level cloak and dagger shenanigans. Even getting to meet them in the first place requires the kind of rigmarole that almost isn’t worth the money. Securing those deals was a big enough ball ache as it was, but adding this, I can imagine they’ll not take too kindly.” They didn’t either, as Abi discovered, insisting on a transitional period much longer than she was first anticipating. Of course, there was no way around it, the kings emphatically stating that she needed to appease them, that the deals were worth too much money to risk losing. She knew that. She’d been the one to broker them in the first place, after all.  
All in all, it took five months to sort her affairs, from her work to her home, which she sold, a lot of her possessions going as well, a steady stream boxed securely and sent via courier over to America. Her things might’ve began arriving, but Chibs was getting antsy over when his girlfriend would actually follow, starting to become pissed off with her giving him vague answers, his brain going to places he didn’t like. It was something he found himself discussing with Tig’s new lady friend, someone he’d been a little dubious over at first, but found himself becoming quite fond of. She was extremely wise, for one thing.
“Oh come now, Filip. Do you mean to tell me that you now consider her to be lacking in sincerity over her vow to join you upon these sunny shores? I very much fail to see the validity in that line of thinking,” Venus spoke, sitting adjacent to him in the clubhouse one night, shaking her head in wonder.  
“I don’t know. She says one week that it’ll be a couple of weeks, then maybe a month. Nothing is ever concrete with her,” he sighed.
Venus cocked her head, smiling kindly. “The woman sent her shoes, chere. She’ll be here, you mark my words. No lady would part with a collection of pumps the likes of which your Abigail possesses if she did not intend to follow them.” Tig and Venus had been assisting him in getting her belongings moved from TM (where it made the most sense to have them delivered, since he was never home in the day to sign for the deliveries) and thusly had noticed the huge box of shoes to arrive.  
He sniffed slightly, his mouth twitching. “I guess you have a fair point, darlin’.” He still bordered on morose in demeanour, though, which killed her, the secret she kept burning on the tip of her tongue. Tig spotted it a mile off, jerking his head in the direction of the door as he beckoned for her.
“I know it’s hard, but you gotta keep it in, baby,” he told her quietly outside, Venus actually stamping her stilettoed foot a few times in quick succession, such was her agitation.  
“I do profess this to be very difficult to manage now, especially when he’s so miserable without his lady love,” she lamented.
“Two more days, honey. Two more days.” He chuckled at her whine, hugging her. It’d be worth it. In two days, Chibs turned forty-seven, his birthday never an event he particularly relished in, beyond getting absolutely steaming drunk at the party which would be thrown, as was the norm. Also, most of his brothers were absent, of course, locked up in jail. All he could think as he worked on a set of troublesome carburettors was that he wished he’d be spending his day with Abi. “A few more weeks, fucking bullshit.” he muttered to himself, referencing the conversation he’d had with her the previous night.
“Sweetheart, come with me. You’re finishing early today, on account of your birthday. The guys want to give you your gift up at the clubhouse, though,” Gemma spoke, exiting the office.
Chibs sighed, throwing the spanner back into the tool chest. “Aye, alright. I’ll get cleaned up.” She waited while he washed down his face and hands, freshly free of oil and lighting a cigarette as he joined her, the creases in his forehead heavy, Gemma’s smile beginning to spread. Entering the clubhouse, all the remaining guys were waiting, Tig stepping forward with a box in his hand.  
“Why are you’s all smiling so much?” he charged, looking to Opie first.
He shrugged. “We think we did well with your gift.” He looked entirely too pleased with himself; they all did. Suspicion abounded.  
“Here, happy birthday, bro,” Tig spoke, passing him the box. Taking his knife, he slit the paper and tape open, the same with the tape securing the card of the box inside, putting it back on his belt before pulling out a can, reading the label. ‘Irish whoop-ass.’  
“Why’s it empty?” he asked, puzzled.  
“The whoop-ass escaped,” Gemma replied, just as he felt a fingernail tap his shoulder. They hadn’t... Turning around, he beamed, seeing the greatest present anyone could have made happen for him.  
“Happy birthday!” Abi chirped, laughing hard at his face, Chibs covering it with his hand momentarily before wrapping her up in a hug and swinging her around, the clubhouse erupting into happy cheers and applause.  
“You’re a wee shite, telling me your fibs!” he began, giving her a kiss. “And you lot? You were all in on it too, huh?”  
“Yep,” they all chorused at once.  
“She’s been staying well out of the way with Venus for the last ten days,” Tig confirmed. “We wanted it to be a surprise for your birthday. It’s killed them both, Venus trying to keep a secret, and dragging Abi back whenever she’s wanted to come and see you ahead of time.”  
“I am owed great monetary recompense for the amount of whiskey I’ve had to pour into your good lady so she’d been too drunk to walk, let alone try and escape my apartment to get to you!” Venus herself piped up, winking at Abi. In those last ten days, she’d really warmed to her houseguest, finding Abi to be charming, funny, and a little terrifying too, as she’d learned of her life.  
“We kick your party off in an hour. So, if you want to go and enjoy your whoop-ass, I’d do it now,” Opie told him, entertained. Chibs leaned down, threw Abi over his shoulder and grinned, smacking her bum.  
“There’s only one arse getting whooped here, and it ain’t mine!” Laughter abounded, Chibs carrying her through the clubhouse and down to one of the bunk rooms, shutting the door and placing her down.  
“So, pleased to see me?”  
“I meant it, you’re a wee shite.”
She laughed, stroking his neck with her fingertips. “A wee shite you’re pleased to see?”
His growl as he advanced on her was all she needed to hear, Chibs reducing the long dress she wore to a puddle of fabric upon the floor, Abi kicking her heels off as she was corralled onto the bed, a very horny man pressing her into it as they kissed one another with wild longing. Five months of no sex would do that to a person, though.
He paused his hungry assault upon a mouth for a moment, staring down at her, thumbs stroking the apples of her cheeks. “Can’t even believe you’re here. It feels surreal, fuck. You live here now. With me. How the fuck did I ever get this lucky?”  
“I like to think this is god, or the universe, or whatever realising we were owed greatly because of what happened to us. And guess what? I have three weeks until I have to go away again, and then it’s only for six days, including travelling.”  
He raised his eyebrows. “Oh, so definitely stuck with you now, am I?”
“You are.”
“I’d better go tell the side piece to fuck off, then.” He laughed softly, receiving a thump to his chest, trying to kiss her, Abi making a show of dramatically turning her head away.  
“Nope! None for you!”
He laughed harder, eventually grasping her jaw. “Shut up and kiss me, CB.” She did, her hands pushing his work shirt off, grabbing at the black vest he wore beneath, yanking it over his head and then pausing, her mouth dropping. He’d looked a little trimmer to her, but what he had lurking beneath his clothes was a definite, and very sexy surprise.  
“Erm, excuse me? What do we have here?” she purred, running her hands over his stomach.  
“Abs. We have abs, and a bit more chest.”
“And your cum gutters are making a return!” she noted, making him chuckle. God, he looked good. He wasn’t suddenly transformed into a chiselled Adonis (and she wouldn’t wish for him to be either) but the improvements he’d made were definitely to her liking.
“I’ve been at the weights, stopped eating so much crap food, too, figured I’d put in some work, get a bit fitter.”  
Her mouth tilted, biting her lip. “Mmm, I approve.” She’d thought of him as nothing but sexy as fuck before, but now? Oh, next level sexy.  
“Thought you might.” Pushing her back to the bed, he kissed her hotly, his hand sliding beneath her, bra clasp flicked undone and removed, his mouth closing over one nipple while his fingers pinched at the other, rolling the piercing bar back and forth between his thumb and forefinger.  
Her hands slipped around grasping his bum. “Best arse in the world.” she stated, Chibs rumbling a laugh around her other nipple, shifting up slightly when she moved her hands to unfasten his belt. It was all heat and sin between them, a dizzying need to be joined, Chibs standing and stripping off the rest of his clothes. He grasped her thong, pulling it off before wasting no time in slotting himself between her thighs, cock arrowing straight into her.  
She inhaled sharply, the relief of having him back inside her once more almost crippling, only getting to enjoy how he spread her for a couple of thrusts before he slipped from within her grasp, kissing her cleavage, her navel, her public mound, and then her clit, pushing her thighs wide with his elbows before taking a firm, slow, sweeping lick through her folds. The moan she made at that filled the room, audible to outside ears, a rapid hammering of knuckles upon the door.  
“Yeah, brother!” Tig shouted approvingly from the other side.  
“Alexander! You will come away from that door and allow them their time, or I will tan your hide with hot barbecue tongs!” Venus’s chiding had them both snickering with laughter, even more so when Tig proclaimed that he’d enjoy it. With the source of interruption herded away, Abi continued to voice her pleasure at the slow circles drawn over her clit, feeling it swelling against each sweep, her fingers tugging in his hair as her hips twitched. God, he was too talented by far with his mouth, and he knew it. She felt him smiling against her as she writhed, her little cries growing in intensity as did her pleasure, Chibs loving the sight of her escalating, sucking on her with a deep groan.  
He was greedy and unrelenting with her, assailing the beautiful petals of her cunt with his mouth, Abi writhing against each immaculately placed suck and lick, his beard tickling her pink as her thighs skimmed his cheeks, his hands grasped tight upon her hips. The warmth of his tongue cut an edge right through her, her hands weaved tight in his hair, squirming into his mouth, consumed by him, her breath stalling in her lungs when a particularly sharp suck at her clit sent a bolt right through her.
His cock ached, hard against his hip, the need to push into her again far outweighing his desire to draw out driving her wild with his tongue, kissing his way back up her body, yanking her closer to him as knelt before her, guiding his cock to her burning hole and pushing within with a satisfied sigh, her aqueous walls pulsing on him, her back arching up off the bed. Her cunt was fever hot, slick muscles pulling him back with every retreat, each forward thrust sinking him in an extra inch as he felt her opening more for him, her mouth agape, pretty sounds of utter sin pouring from her.  
“My beautiful girl,” he spoke, pushing his fingers into her mouth, gripping at her jaw as he watched her soft lips suck them, her cheeks hollowing, “I fucking love you so much.” Slipping his hand to her neck, he clutched lightly, bending to kiss her, her nails dragging his arms.
“I love you too.” she panted, nuzzling him, moving her mouth to lay soft bites over his throat. Gasping as the thick head of his cock snagged her insides, his head dipping, biting her nipple hard. He adored that she still had the piercings he’d put in sixteen years before, remembering the night like it was yesterday, his mouth sucking, hips driving against her harder, forcing wails from her throat as he pounded into her like a jackhammer.  
It bordered on barbarity, the pace which was set, Abi pinned to the bed by a strong grasp at her throat, crying out in bliss as he fucked her mercilessly, her nails sharp at his chest in appreciation of the fast, hard drag of her fluttering walls. He slipped from her, turning her over and yanking her hips up, burying his cock back within her soaking centre once more, a handful of her hair taken, her head pulled back firmly.  
“Fuck... ahhh, sorry baby. I think I’m gonna have to be a five-minute wonder,” he lamented, the hot coil tightening within him too ferocious to attempt to hold back from.  
“Go for it, I’m close.” She panted. So, he did. The heat of the moment sizzled like a tempest, their bodies pounding together with furious intent, the rhythm of his cock making her catatonic, sending her reeling, mouth agape as she screamed with white-hot pleasure, Chibs going faster and faster still, hips disengaging as each stroke became unfettered.  
The chase of their release was unrelenting, the pleasure breaking over them in a wave, swirling, crashing, consuming and relentless in its power. In the wake of tense and fervid, her rigid body finally relaxed, aware of his head resting down between her shoulders as he panted hard against her back.  “I’ll make up for it, I promise.” he breathed, still foggy with bliss, enjoying her slick warmth fluttering around him.  
“You’ve nothing to make up for, that was fucking amazing,” she praised him, her head spinning from the force of her orgasm. He smirked to himself, pulling out and flopping down on his back, Abi moving to rest her head upon his chest, feeling his fingers begin to stroke at the nape of her neck. Suddenly, she was up again.  
“Oh! I have your birthday present, wait.” Jumping off the bed, she pulled her dress back on, ducking out quickly to where she’d left her bag behind the bar, pulling the small bow adorned box from within, taking a quick shot Piney poured for her and heading back again. “Happy birthday, BDT!” she announced once back in the room, kicking her dress off once more, sitting cross legged beside him on the bed and handing over the box.  
Removing the ribbon, he was curious over what he might find within, opening it up to see an exact match of the gold skull ring he’d given to her before having to leave Ireland all those years ago. “Oh, you’re kidding me! How’d you even find one exactly the same?” he exclaimed, pulling it out and examining it.  
“I had mine copied, big enough so it’ll fit your first finger too, so we can match.” Taking it from him, she slipped it onto the first finger of his right hand, kissing his knuckles, and then his lips.  
“I fucking love it,” he began, holding his hand out to admire it, pulling hers atop it so the matching rings were side by side. “Thank you, CB.” He kissed her again, her fingers weaving through his, squeezing his big hand in hers. “I have something for you as well, you know.”
“Oh?” she inquired.
“Aye. I wanted to show you the actual paperwork, but that’s all at home, so I’ll settle for telling you instead. My divorce was finalised ten days ago.” He didn’t think he’d ever seen her beam like she did then, throwing her arms around him with a happy little shriek, his eardrums ringing, but his heart thudding with happiness.  
“So, you’re free to make an honest woman of me?”  
He snorted, shaking his head. “I don’t think me marrying you would facilitate that, baby. But yes, free to marry you eventually. Whenever I decide to pop the question.”
She frowned suddenly, her face a picture of entertainment. “You’re going to make me wait?”
“Well,” he began, laying her on her back. “It has to be a surprise.”
“I don’t like surprises! You know this!”  
He chuckled, kissing between her breasts. “You’ll like this one, though.”  
“Oh, hush. No more talk. My mind wandered elsewhere.”  
“I’m not going to give this up, you know. I want to know when!”
“Shhh.” he stated, his kisses trailing lower.
“Abi, hush.”
“Bu... ohhh.”  
He chuckled, after that first drag of his tongue against her heat. “Thought that’d shut you up.” She wasn’t silent for long, though, but the noises she began making were much more preferrable to him than being winged at. After he’d successfully made her cum all over his tongue, and fucked her so hard she was certain walking would be an issue, they lay there curled around one another, Abi stroking his neck with her fingertips.
“You look very thoughtful, there.”  
He raised his eyebrows, turning his head to her. “Aye, I am. I’m contemplative.”
“Over what?”
“Well, the fact that I just turned forty-seven, and not really wanting to be much older than I am now when our kids come along. So, I suppose it poses the question over what your thoughts would be, in stopping taking your pill?”  
It wasn’t something out of the blue for Abi to hear. For the last five months of being forced to conduct their relationship over phone calls, it had come up in discussion many times, the fact they wanted to have children, and that neither were getting any younger, especially not him. “Why are you grinning to yourself?”  
Her smile grew wider. “Well, I have something to reveal there,” she began, turning onto her front, her fingernail idly circling his nipple. “I stopped taking it a month ago.”
His eyebrows rose significantly. “Sly, Abigail. Very sly.”
“But a good pre-emptive move, wouldn’t you say? Especially when you told me, and I quote, ‘you need to get your arse on a plane so I can get to putting a baby in ye!’ did you not?” Her imitation of his accent was perfect, Chibs laughing, pulling her to lie on top of him and kissing her head.  
“Well, I suppose I cannae fault that.” He paused, stroking her cheek. “I quite like that there’s a chance we might have just made a teeny, tiny Telford. Imagining you going for nine months without coffee, nicotine or alcohol is a scary thought, though.”  
In anticipation of such, Abi made damned sure that she’d be the shot downing, chain smoking, life and soul of whatever party she was at in the meantime, that night being no exception. Well, she was a little slow moving to that party, on account of feeling like she’d just been sandblasted.
“Oh, sweet child! Do we need to sit you in an ice bucket?” Venus cooed through her laughter, Gemma snorting as she saw Abi walking a little bow legged. That snort gained momentum as she attempted to seat herself upon a bar stool, Venus assisting, her face a silent scream.  
“That’s what happens when you don’t see ‘em for a while,” she empathised.
“This is even worse than when I hadn’t seen him for fifteen years!” Abi cried.
“Ahh,” Gemma began. “That’s because you refreshed his memory.”  
“You make quite the valid point there, Gem,” Abi replied, taking a bottle of beer and twisting the cap off. “Either way, I’ll be holding a requiem for my vagina in at 6pm this evening. May she rest in tatters.”
Venus almost exploded. “Are we to wear traditional mourning dress?”  
“Oh yeah, black veil and a big hat.”
“Noted. I shall even throw myself dramatically upon the tiny casket and wail inconsolably.”
Gemma was in soft fits at their back and forth, passing over a few shots of tequila one of the prospects was pouring out, Abi in utter hysterics.  
“Beast!” Venus exclaimed, pointing at Chibs when he walked over and picked up the shot.  
His eyes darted around between the women, grinning when he caught on. “Aye, Vee. Guilty.” He sank it, taking a second one, too.  
“The poor girl can barely sit down as a result of your assault upon her little cooch,” she continued, Chibs smirking.
“She wasn’t complaining.” He took a third shot, grabbing Abi’s face and licking her cheek before heading off to greet a few guys from the Tacoma chapter, Abi crinkling her nose and dabbing her cheek.  
“You’re right, he is. But I like it!” The party was everything she expected from a SAMCRO event, having a fantastic time, meeting a hell of a lot of new people, but by halfway through, content to go seek out her man with a bottle of tequila in her hand, giving Opie a kiss on the head on her way to him, reaching to pinch Lyla’s arm softly with a smile. She liked her, they’d sat in a huddle with Venus for most of the night, all three getting to know one another.  
“So, you’re stocking up all you can, are you, in light of our discussion earlier?” Chibs asked while gesturing to the bottle of Jose Cuervo she clutched, pulling her onto his lap, taking a swig after she offered it to him.  
Abi made a somewhat agreeable face. “Aye, I am. Because as you correctly deduced, without my cigarettes, coffee, booze and also weed, I’m likely to be hell in a handbasket.” He burst out laughing at that, somewhat dreading the mood swings. “Venus has been teaching me about balancing my rage and finding composure, though. I suppose I could put that into practice.”
“And has it worked?”
She shrugged, reaching to take the joint Opie was passing to her with thanks. “I suppose we’ll have to wait until someone really pisses me off, won’t we?”  
As it stood, that moment was quite a long time in the coming, very long, in fact. She found that all the crow eaters needed was a withering look in their direction if they so much as even looked at Chibs with lust in their eyes, but there was one woman, one very foolish woman, who wouldn’t be so easily swayed.  
“Morning, sweetheart. How you doing?” Gemma asked as she came out of the office at TM, roughly nine months after Abi’s arrival, kissing the cheek of the lady herself as she stood, her face a picture of bliss, Tara kindly massaging a sore spot on her back.  
“Fed up! And I have four more months of this, too!” she fumed, the women chuckling.  
“And I hate to say it, but it doesn’t get any easier either. Although my backache didn’t start until well into my seventh month. I see how it’s different for you, though,” Tara spoke, rubbing her arm affectionately.  
“How bloody dare he, putting twins in me!” Abi fumed jokingly, stroking her bump and looking over to outside the clubhouse, the father of her boys sitting with a few other club members, the incarcerated of SAMCRO newly released and back within the fold. “He neglected to tell me it runs in his family! Twenty-three weeks and I’m already getting backache because one of them is using my spine as a hammock!”  
Her assertion had the women chuckling more, Abi thanking Tara for her assistance, draping an arm around her shoulders. They looked up towards the clubhouse, a white car pulling up, the driver of which making Tara groan in annoyance.
“Oh Jesus, not Ima again,” she muttered, watching Ima climb out, heading over to where Jax, Juice, Opie and Chibs were congregated.  
Abi scrunched her eyes against the glare of the bright sun. “Is that the little piece of trash you told me about, the one who’s always wagging her pussy at Jax?”
Tara took a deep breath, her lips a little pursed. “Yep, that’d be her.”  
“She’s been sniffing around every so often, I’ve noted, seeing what she can sink her teeth into.” It seemed that day would be no different, Ima looking down in their direction defiantly, before she sauntered right on over to Chibs. “Oh no, no way. Absolutely not.”
“Careful, baby. You’re compromised with tummy,” Gemma warned lovingly, resting a hand to her bump.  
“Five months pregnant or not, I’ll still tear her in two, the jumped-up little gash.” She was off, storming away, Gemma and Tara exchanging looks.  
“I feel we need popcorn for this,” Tara spoke, Gemma nodding.  
“Well, I don’t have any of that, but I’m all for getting a front row seat.”  
Jax winced as he watched Abi storming across the concrete, trying not to laugh at his mother and Tara following, attempting to appear as if they weren’t rushing when they in fact were, turning his attention then back to Ima.  
“So, since your ole’ lady is pregnant, I bet she isn’t giving you as much sex as you deserve right now. Care to take me inside and make that happen for you, hmm?” Ima purred at Chibs, stroking his chest beneath his kutte.  
He snorted with laughter. “I’m fine in that department, but you have roughly ten seconds to get your hands off me before my wife sees to you and thus ensures you’ll never be able to open your legs again.” Oh yes, after his divorce had been granted, it hadn’t taken Chibs Telford long at all to put a ring on it.  
Ima snorted. “She doesn’t scare me.”
All the men laughed. “Oh, darlin’. She should. Last chance, get off.” Ima refused to comply. “Hello, my little piranha fish.” Chibs welcomed Abi’s arrival with, Ima eventually turning around.
“Can I help you?” The audacity of her.  
“No, but you can help yourself by never laying a fucking hand on my husband again.”
Ima looked her up and down, licking her lip confidently. “Or what? What’s your fat, pregnant ass gonna do?”
Everyone winced. As they should have.  
Abi grinned, one of pure, psychotic menace. Grabbing Ima by the back of her head, she brought her face down to meet her knee. Twice. Letting her go, she gripped her neck, imposing herself right in her face, her tone cold, quiet and foreboding. “Touch him again, and I’ll cut your fingers off one by one with a rusty knife, before sticking them right up your bony arse. Do you fucking understand me?”
Shaken and bleeding, Ima nodded, the hand at her throat clutching tighter. “I require an answer, Ima.”
“Yes, I-I under, unders-stand,” she stammered, her face burning in pain.  
“Good.” Abi released her, but for good measure, brought a kick straight up between her legs, Ima howling in pain before staggering off, Abi simply waving goodbye to her before seating herself on Chibs’ lap.  
“Jesus Christ,” Jax muttered, his hysterics taking over as he began to laugh richly, even more so at the way Chibs was looking at his wife.
“Are you ever not gonna be a complete savage, hen? I’d have thought knocking you up might’ve calmed you down a wee shade or two, but apparently not.”
Abi beamed, kissing him. “No.”  
He snorted, kissing her shoulder. “Well, I suppose some things never change.”
The only things that had changed were all for the better.  
The End.
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