#Cheyenne Autumn
dweemeister · 2 years
Indian on horseback in opening credits of the movie Cheyenne Autumn. Where can you buy it?
Hi anon,
A little confused about what you're asking about here. I believe you are the same anon who sent me the following message just before this: "Indian on horseback in opening credits of the movie Cheyenne Autumn".
You need to note it's been a long time since I've seen Cheyenne Autumn (1964) and, having seen it once, don't remember what the opening credits looked like. I wish I had an encyclopedic photographic memory, but I don't.
I'm assuming this character was only shown over the opening credits? And that they didn't have a speaking role? If so, than it's more than likely that they went totally uncredited. When John Ford made his many Westerns in northeastern Arizona/southeastern Utah near Monument Valley, his films put out casting calls for local American Indians to be extras. And if you know anything about that area of the country, Monument Valley is in the heart of Navajo Nation. I would wager almost all those extras are Navajo - and they played members of whichever tribe the screenplay called for in Ford's Westerns. Silly, indeed. But many times they would substitute some very dirty Navajo dialogue in scenes where their characters were supposed to speak some other tribe's language!
I'm not sure there's much you could do here except to ask folks who might know in Navajo Nation. I wouldn't know where to start there. Sorry if I'm not a miracle worker in cases of identifying actors in bit roles.
Cheyenne Autumn is one interesting, flawed movie though! A very too-little-too-late cinematic apology from Ford. Gonna put this anon in tags to see if someone out there might know more.
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filmy420 · 9 months
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lshedra-blog · 2 years
An Autumn Scene - Cheyenne Mountain State Park by Lutfi Shedraway Via Flickr: Cheyenne Mountain State Park is a Colorado state park that was acquired in June 2000 through a partnership between the City of Colorado Springs, Colorado State Parks, Great Outdoors Colorado, Colorado Lottery, El Paso County, and other local private organizations. Walking the part in October, provide this unique view of Autumn Tree colors, Two months after October, the trees are bare and in their winter look.
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jdjdhfdhdhdb · 19 days
Brandi gillis
Vannika Mann
Kaibah Joe
Shaye Notafraid
Queta yazzie
Aaliyah Claude
Skydawn phillips
Paige tsosie
Tiffany Sam
Marie Kennedy
Tyra claw
Monique Rose
Nadine skye
Aspen Rojas
Autumn Chino
Makaila Jesus
Amber j martza
Elena sosa
Cheyenne thomas
Dina curley
Felicia charley
Jessica Nosie
Delia Martin
Aoleon kaye
Carla yazzie
Janine Nachu
Kelcie quay
Shaundina yazzie
Jazmyne stanley
Jolonda Barlow
Brianna Jimenez
Tonita yazzie
Tamika Tsosie
Amanda Tsosie
Johnita Lopez
Tamalika shortie
Cheyanna stevenson
Demetria begay
Celeste seeley
Amanda joshevama
Taliyah john
Deanna Yazzie
Nicole Martinez
Taya sampson
Allison monroe
Kayla Goldtooth
Cecilia Laughter
Mary Ozmotiy
Cheyenne begay
Aubrey Redmustache
Faye Bennett
Adrianna Joe
Chanel Henry
Nuria grey
Deanna yazzie
Anna Hernandez
Joy begay
Nicole Curtis
Mariah frank
Marie yazzie
Nasasha Jane
Siane Hale
Tegan Lee
Tanya nih
Shawnee de
Laneisha brunette
Tysheena bedonie
Elgin youngbear
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trashbag-baby666 · 3 months
My Husbands Name- Clegan
Casper FD au
Summary: I wanted to write a little Drabble based off this post! Gale and Rosie are at an annual work convention and Gale's missing his John.
WC: 915
C/W: None!
mota masterlist! | ao3 link
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The autumn leaves crunched under his shoes, the early morning breeze nipping at his ears as he pulled the collar of his jacket up. Well…it was actually John’s jacket, the dark chocolate, brown leather one.
He and Rosie had spent the last two days at the annual Doctors of Wyoming conference in Cheyenne. A crisp four days of sitting in a stuffy banquet hall staring at a projector and slides of how to better treat patients.
Gale didn’t know if he really believed it was more beneficial rather than just a way to spend hospital funding on pointless tickets to a conference for their doctors.
Really, he just wanted to go home to John and the girls. Last night he didn’t want to hang up on John but he knew Rosie needed his white noise to sleep. So, instead he laid there in the dark hotel room staring at photos on his phone of his family. The sound of Rosie’s artificial waves and the occasional whale noise filled his silence. Normally, Rosie’s white noise would bother some, but Gale was used to it from years of sharing a dorm.
“Can’t wait to go home,” Gale grumbled, letting the sliding doors of the hotel open for them.
“Me too, this morning Benny texted me saying Freddie stress ate all of his food and was sick all night.” Rosie’s hand went up running a stressed hand down his face.
The two flashed their lanyards to the door guy by the conference center to be let into today’s torturous babbling and team exercises.
“I know, I’m about to tell Maxine to give my ticket to a younger, more eager doctor for next year.” The pair sat at their table readying to meet new people as the conference liked to mix the seating arrangements up daily.
Across the circular plastic fold-out table draped in a dark blue tablecloth, sat a younger set of three doctors. Two women and a man, he sat between the two women and looked the slightest bit uncomfortable. The two gossiping over him like he was just some centerpiece of the conversation.
“Good morning,” Gale cleared his throat, setting his cup of coffee on the table. He knew these kids probably looked at him and Rosie as elderly, Gale peeking over the frames of his glasses at them.
“Morning,” the two girls said at the same time before talking amongst each other again.
“Hi,” the man squeaked out, looking tense as ever. Gale noticed the way he seemed to sit stick straight and as still as a rock.
“I’m Doctor Gale Cleven,” Gale reached his hand across the table for the man to shake. His eyes flicked between Gale’s hand and then up to his ocean blue eyes.
“Uhm, uh, Doctor in training, John Mayfield.” He shook Gale’s hand. Gale observed his stiff handshake and the other's sweaty palms of nervousness.
“My husband’s named John!” Gale's eyes lit up, practically sparkled and turned into hearts if you asked Rosie. Gale's hand instinctively went to his ring finger and began turning the gold band.
"Trust me Doctor Mayfield, you do not want to get this guy started on his other half." Rosie clicked his tongue and shook his head.
Gale dropped his head, his cheeks heating up pink in pure bashfulness.
"Oh, how long have you been married?" The naive young doctor asked.
"Ten years, together for fifteen." Gale smiled, mostly to himself, honestly. He took in a deep breath, pulling the scent of John off the jacket, the familiar piney cologne leaving a residue smell along with the familiar burnt smell John had. Not like a bad kind of burning, more like a campfire kind of burning.
“Wow, that’s impressive,” Mayfield said, his eyes wide with a mix of admiration and curiosity. “You must have a lot of stories.”
“Oh, we do,” Gale said, his voice warm with affection. “John is a firefighter captain, so we have quite the mix of hospital and fire station tales. Keeps life interesting.”
Rosie chuckled, shaking his head. “Interesting is one way to put it. Between the two of them, there’s never a dull moment.”
The young doctor seemed to relax a little, his shoulders loosening as he leaned in, clearly intrigued. “How do you manage it all? The work, the family, everything?”
Gale thought for a moment, his fingers still absentmindedly turning his wedding band. “It’s not always easy. We’ve both had our fair share of challenges, but we’ve learned to support each other through everything. Communication, trust, and a lot of love. That’s the secret.”
Rosie nodded in agreement leaning in a bit further, “And a good, healthy sex life.” he winked causing a small eruption of laughter from the three, but knowing when to take a break, even if it’s just for a few minutes. Like now, chatting before listening to the same presentation as yesterday but by a different doctor.” 
As the conference began, Gale’s mind drifted back to his family, the thought of returning home to John and the girls giving him a sense of peace. He glanced at the young doctor beside him, hoping that he too would find the kind of love and support that made even the toughest days bearable.
And as the speakers droned on, Gale’s thoughts were 200 miles away, nestled in the warmth of home, wrapped in the scent of pine and vanilla, and the arms of the man who made every struggle worth it.
taglist: @storysimp @austeenbootler @executethyself35 @coastiewife465 @slowsweetlove reply to be added to the tallest :3
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gatutor · 4 days
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Carroll Baker-Richard Widmark "El gran combate" (Cheyenne autumn) 1964, de John Ford.
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citizenscreen · 10 months
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Dolores Del Rio studio portrait for John Ford’s CHEYENNE AUTUMN (1964)
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littlefeather-wolf · 1 year
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Fool Thunder and family. Hunkpapa Lakota. 1880 ❤
The Hunkpapa (Lakota: Húŋkpapȟa) are a Native American group, one of the seven council fires of the Lakota tribe. The name Húŋkpapȟa is a Lakota word, meaning "Head of the Circle" (at one time, the tribe's name was represented in European-American records as Honkpapa). By tradition, the Húŋkpapȟa set up their lodges at the entryway to the circle of the Great Council when the Sioux met in convocation. They speak Lakȟóta, one of the three dialects of the Sioux language.
Seven hundred and fifty mounted Yankton, Yanktonai and Lakota joined six companies of the Sixth Infantry and 80 fur trappers in an attack on an Arikara Indian village at Grand River (now South Dakota) in August 1823, named the Arikara War. Members of the Lakota, a part of them "Ankpapat", were the first Native Americans to fight in the American Indian Wars alongside US forces west of the Missouri.
They may have formed as a tribe within the Lakota relatively recently, as the first mention of the Hunkpapa in European-American historical records was from a treaty of 1825.
By signing the 1825 treaty, the Hunkpapa and the United States committed themselves to keep up the "friendship which has heretofore existed". With their x-mark, the chiefs also recognized the supremacy of the United States. It is not certain whether they really understood the text in the document. The US representatives gave a medal to Little White Bear, who they understood was the principal Hunkpapa chief; they did not realize how decentralized Native American authority was.
With the Indian Vaccination Act of 1832, the United States assumed responsibility for the inoculation of the Indians against smallpox. Some visiting Hunkpapa may have benefitted from Dr. M. Martin's vaccination of about 900 southern Lakota (no divisions named) at the head of Medicine Creek that autumn. When smallpox struck in 1837, it hit the Hunkpapa as the northernmost Lakota division. The loss, however, may have been fewer than one hundred people.Overall, the Hunkpapa seem to have suffered less from new diseases than many other tribes did.
The boundaries for the Lakota Indian territory were defined in the general peace treaty negotiated near Fort Laramie in the summer of 1851. Leaders of eight different tribes, often at odds with each other and each claiming large territories, signed the treaty. The United States was a ninth party to it. The Crow Indian territory included a tract of land north of the Yellowstone, while the Little Bighorn River ran through the heartland of the Crow country (now Montana). The treaty defines the land of the Arikara, the Hidatsa and the Mandan as a mutual area north of Heart River, partly encircled by the Missouri (now North Dakota).
Soon enough the Hunkpapa and other Sioux attacked the Arikara and the two other so-called village tribes, just as they had done in the past. By 1854, these three smallpox-devastated tribes called for protection from the U.S. Army, and they would repeatedly do so almost to the end of inter-tribal warfare. Eventually the Hunkpapa and other Lakota took control of the three tribes' area north of Heart River, forcing the village people to live in Like a Fishhook Village outside their treaty land. The Lakota were largely in control of the occupied area to 1876–1877.
The United States Army General Warren estimated the population of the Hunkpapa Lakota at about 2920 in 1855. He described their territory as ranging "from the Big Cheyenne up to the Yellowstone, and west to the Black Hills. He states that they formerly intermarried extensively with the Cheyenne." He noted that they raided settlers along the Platte River In addition to dealing with warfare, they suffered considerable losses due to contact with Europeans and contracting of Eurasian infectious diseases to which they had no immunity.
The Hunkpapa gave some of their remote relatives among the Santee Sioux armed support during a large-scale battle near Killdeer Mountain in 1864 with U.S. troops led by General A. Sully.
The Great Sioux Reservation was established with a new treaty in 1868. The Lakota agreed to the construction of "any railroad" outside their reservation. The United States recognized that "the country north of the North Platte River and east of the summits of the Big Horn Mountains" was unsold or unceded Indian territory. These hunting grounds in the south and in the west of the new Lakota domain were used mainly by the Sicangu (Brule-Sioux) and the Oglala, living nearby.
The "free bands" of Hunkpapa favored campsites outside the unsold areas. They took a leading part in the westward enlargement of the range used by the Lakota in the late 1860s and the early 1870s at the expense of other tribes. In search for buffalo, Lakota regularly occupied the eastern part of the Crow Indian Reservation as far west as the Bighorn River, sometimes even raiding the Crow Agency, as they did in 1873. The Lakota pressed the Crow Indians to the point that they reacted like other small tribes: they called for the U.S. Army to intervene and take actions against the intruders.
In the late summer of 1873, the Hunkpapa boldly attacked the Seventh Cavalry in United States territory north of the Yellowstone. Custer's troops escorted a railroad surveying party here, due to similar attacks the year before. Battles such as Honsinger Bluff and Pease Bottom took place on land purchased by the United States from the Crow tribe on May 7, 1868.These continual attacks, and complaints from American Natives, prompted the Commissioner of Indian Affairs to assess the full situation on the northern plains. He said that the unfriendly Lakota roaming the land of other people should "be forced by the military to come in to the Great Sioux Reservation". That was in 1873, notably one year before the discovery of gold in the Black Hills, but the US government did not take action on this concept until three years later.
The Hunkpapa were among the victors in the Battle of Little Bighorn in the Crow Indian Reservation in July 1876.
Since the 1880s, most Hunkpapa have lived in the Standing Rock Indian Reservation (in North and South Dakota). It comprises land along the Grand River which had been used by the Arikara Indians in 1823; the Hunkpapa "won the west" half a century before the whites.
During the 1870s, when the Native Americans of the Great Plains were fighting the United States, the Hunkpapa were led by Sitting Bull in the fighting, together with the Oglala Lakota. They were among the last of the tribes to go to the reservations. By 1891, the majority of Hunkpapa Lakota, about 571 people, resided in the Standing Rock Indian Reservation of North and South Dakota ...
Since then they have not been counted separately from the rest of the Lakota ...
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peace-coast-island · 7 months
Diary of a Junebug
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Go with the flow like the autumn koi and swim away without a care in the world
I should strive to be more like the autumn koi in the Moonlit Choral Brook. They follow the rhythm of the river like it’s a dance, always moving forward. I wonder how the world looks from their point of view through the crystal clear water.
We’re in Sunburst Villa for a fishing tourney involving autumn koi obviously. They’re kinda like the village’s mascot, so it’s no exaggeration to say that they’re everywhere. I don’t mind, I think koi are pretty, especially the autumn koi with its warm and vibrant colors.
Along with the journey, there’s MellowCon, an anime convention where Alexi and Emma are attending. Of course, I got a couple signed prints from them, one of them having been commissioned from Cheyenne, who regretfully couldn’t make it. Luckily, the next convention Alexi’s going to is about half an hour away from where Cheyenne lives and they have plans to meet up with some old college friends during that weekend.
We’re also hanging out with Jamie and the Linnea Squad for some sightseeing. Jamie wanted to treat the Linnea Squad to a vacation when she found out an old friend and her traveling party was in the area, so she introduced them to us.
The fishing tourney has been fun in a chill, low-key kind of way. I always prefer events more of that pace than something big and extravagant. Sure, those can be fun, but they also can be draining. For me, fishing is about taking it easy, so it makes sense for it to be a low stakes kind of thing. It would be nice to catch lots of huge fish and get a nice trophy, but that’s not a priority for me. I’m just here for the cool sea creatures.
MellowCon was also fun, although it’s not really my scene, so I didn’t really spend a lot of time there. To be honest, I really only hung around Alexi and Emma because I’m not familiar with the other shows and games over there. Really, I only know a very small handful of characters they play, specifically from Pillars of Stone and Flame. Still, it was fun looking around and seeing all the art and cosplay.
At least I was able to get into the conversations revolving around Pillars. Along with Emma and Alexi, it seems like a lot of the English VAs really kicked off their careers with Pillars - and most of them happen to be fans of the game too. The new update’s coming next week with a new exploration area and story chapter, both which I’m hyped for.
Along with the excitement for the new update, we also talked a bit about that dev, the one who was memed in an interview for coming off as a snob — and rightfully so, to be honest. Apparently, she made a spectacle of herself in a podcast by being sort of passive aggressive towards the fanbase. From my understanding based on translations, she doesn’t like the criticism towards the writing, except she kinda blows it out of proportion.
I mean, I kinda get it, but at the same time those criticisms are usually valid. I got interested in Pillars for the story and exploration, and while I am invested, I find the writing to be uneven at times. In other words, when it’s good, it can be really good, but when it’s bad, it falls flat. At least, in my opinion, the story has improved a lot since the beginning, though pacing seems to be its weak spot.
The podcast also goes a bit into Constellation Matrix, which is another game produced by the same company as Pillars, and that was what prompted the dev’s rant as she worked on both. I don’t know too much about Constellation Matrix’s lore, but there’s a lot of comparisons made between the character Fury and Pillar’s October - who happens to be played by Emma - in terms of their character arcs being similar.
From the gist of it, Fury was a fan favorite, at least until the writers butchered her character arc so badly that she died an anticlimactic death. In other words, she was a well written character with a lot of potential to take the story in another direction. Fans speculated that the writers didn’t want to commit or something, so they decided to kill her off and then act like she never existed. Of course, fans protested and the phrase “offed like Fury” became a thing. Even the company and the devs poke fun at it occasionally.
I mean, imagine screwing up so badly that you sort of became a cultural phenomenon, like, damn. I can see the parallels between Fury and October, which are likely intentional, though I think I have faith in Pillars to not pull an “offed like Fury” with October. I mean, October’s second character story chapter’s coming out in the new update, so she’s not disappearing from the spotlight anytime soon. Really, the only thing I’m worried about at this point is the pacing, especially later on when the story begins to focus on other characters.
And on an unsurprising note, that dev isn’t a fan of “offed by Fury” and went off on a tangent on why it was necessary for Fury to die and people were too dense understand what it meant for the narrative or something. I didn’t understand most of it, but she seemed really defensive over that for some reason, which is what people are memeing over because it really is ridiculous.
Aside from hyping about Pillars, the biggest highlight of MellowCon for me was seeing Alexi and Emma with their fans. Both of them never imagined that they’d make it as voice actors, not with the way their families discouraged them from pursuing it. And now here they are, living the life they never imagined would be possible if they hadn’t taken the plunge. It really is amazing to see.
Alexi had a pleasant surprise when her brother showed up with his friends to support her. She mentioned that out of her family, she has a difficult relationship with her oldest brother and their father after the accident. The way she describes it, they see her as damaged goods, a traumatized amputee who should be ashamed to be alive. Sounds harsh, but that’s just the sad reality of how some people are.
While things are far from ideal between Alexi and her brother, at least they’re talking. It’s sad that they used to be close, only for him to pull away when she needed his support the most. She said the worst thing was that he was being dishonest, always making up excuses to justify treating her like she’s less of a person. And when her voice acting career took off, she felt that his “support” was purely superficial, as in he only cared when it benefitted him.
As for her father, not only he looks down on her, he also thinks that voice acting is not a real job. His response to her getting more recognition as a voice actor was basically along the lines of, “Do these people have anything better to do? Aren’t they tired of her yet?” How rude.
Alexi said she wasn’t super close to him as they didn’t really have a lot in common to begin with, but they got along pretty well back then. She described him as old fashioned, the kind of person who thinks that people should just develop a thick skin and get over it. Basically, although he’d never say it outright, he’s ashamed of having a disabled and mentally ill daughter.
By now, Alexi’s accepted that they’ll never see eye to eye. She admits that she can be difficult, though I don’t think that’s an excuse for him to cast her aside like that. Sounds like the kind of person where there’s just no winning with them. When you’re at your lowest, they make fun of you for being weak. And then when you stand up for yourself, they complain that you’re unreasonable and stuck up. Sometimes you just have to say “Fuck it, I’m not bending over backwards just to get your approval.” Alexi’s been through a lot of shit and she doesn’t have time to deal with people like that. Good for her!
Then we met up with Jamie and her friends, the Linnea Squad and Caerwyn’s adventuring party. Linnea and her comrades are still traveling with Jamie from time to time, mainly because they need a mentor figure to look up to. They’re still at large, so going off on their own isn’t the best option.
Linnea’s still trying to reason with Jet and Gabe, but it seems like her pleas go in one ear and out the other. There’s no point in forcing them to talk if they refuse to, so she has no choice but to let it go. She and the others are still hoping for a reconciliation, but knowing how stubborn and hardheaded their friend is, they’re gonna need a lot of patience before things settle down. As long as he’s not causing trouble, and potentially putting the rest of the squad at risk, Jamie advises that it’s best to leave him alone for now. Sounds like a tricky situation, though I think the squad’s handling it well.
As for Caerwyn, she’s an elf mage who’s adventuring with her apprentice mage Salka, and Kalle, a warrior from the Glacial Mountains. They were planning to travel further up north, but they encountered problems at the Hallowed Pass. There was another member, a healer mage they picked up during their travels who later parted ways not too long ago, right before the group headed towards the Hallowed Past.
The ordeal the party experienced over there caused a considerable setback, but since they’re not on a strict schedule, it’s not that big of a deal. Basically, there were a bunch of curses and monsters acting haywire to the point that the roads became inaccessible. Caerwyn said it was just their luck that their healer mage just left because he happened to have an innate immunity to some of those curses, which would’ve made cleaning up a lot more easier. Still, it wasn’t anything that Caerwyn couldn’t handle.
While Caerwyn and Salka took care of the curses and flying monsters, Kalle handled the beasts and whatever physical obstacles came their way. The whole cleanup took nearly four days and they succeeded in reopening those routes, a feat that Caerwyn said would be considered impossible for most mages and warriors. I don’t think she’s exaggerating, otherwise, I think Jamie would’ve called her out.
Those four days really tested their stamina, especially for Kalle, so they have to take it easy for a while before going back on the road. Since they have to cross the mountains and blizzard season is approaching, which can get deadly in these parts, the group figured that it’s not worth risking their necks out there. Along with overexertion, Kalle also sustained some injuries while fighting, so he had been on strict bed rest orders.
Caerwyn and Salka are almost fully recovered while he still has to take it slow. And of course, he’s gone a bit stir crazy from being in bed all the time, but at the same time too tired to really do anything. That can be a drag sometimes. At least he was well enough to join us on the tourney for a bit and catch some autumn koi.
Since there’s no way of knowing when’s the next time they’ll cross paths again, Jamie and Caerwyn have a lot of catching up to do. Jamie says Caerwyn doesn’t have the best sense of time because she has a long life, so Salka often has to keep her in line or else she’d be taking them on detour after detour. After all, she may have all the time in the world, but for us humans, we don’t really have that luxury.
Salka has explored the village in and out, so she’s become our tour guide. The three of them tend to do their own things when they’re staying somewhere for a while. Caerwyn likes to look for shops that sell magic stuff, according to her, shadier a place looks, the more likely you are to find some treasure. Jamie wasn’t exaggerating when she said that Caerwyn’s a walking tome on magic. While she’s off doing that, Salka’s exploring the shops and replenishing on supplies, and Kalle’s running around helping the locals out.
There’s a cafe that’s not too far from the tourney, so it’s become our hangout spot. Not only the pastries are good, they also have these cute autumn koi rice cakes for the occasion. It’s kinda become our thing to end the night with rice cakes, green tea, and a couple card games.
The nightlife is pretty active here, so Caerwyn and Salka have been using these game nights to seek out a new member to join their party. As their journey goes on, they realize that they need a healer, preferably a licensed medic. The guy who left, Emlyn, wasn’t a medic, but he was a mage who Caerwyn considers a genius. Not only he’s immune to most curses, which is considered unusual, he can easily heal ailments that are difficult for even the most experienced mages. And the worst part, according to Caerwyn, instead of putting his gifts to good use, he spent most of his life living with regrets. Based on her tone, I wonder if she’s speaking from experience.
Before going off their separate ways, Emlyn left a notebook on various spells and medicinal herbs for common ailments, which has been a godsend for them. While that alone has been helping them get by, Caerwyn’s open to recruiting a medic just to be safe. According to her and Jamie, those kinds of mages are considered to be very niche, which is why it’s hard for them to find one. Basically, mages aren’t very common, and licensed ones, especially in the medical field, are very few and far between. Emlyn happened to be a unique case, so their replacement has some big shoes to fill.
Well, like Caerwyn says, there’s no rush. It’s not healthy to live life burdened by worries and regrets. Sure, there are things that are outside your control, but don’t let that stop you from living. Although Caerwyn’s made a name for herself as a powerful mage, she says she can’t help but feel like she hasn’t done enough, which is why she’s on this adventure now, to take it slow and really get to know her companions before she inevitably outlives them like most of her friends.
After getting burned out with the incident at the pass, she said seeing the autumn koi swimming in the river reminded her why she and Salka set out on this journey in the first place. Instead of a definite endpoint, they’re just going with the flow like the koi, and they’re content with that. Even if you decide to stop moving, the currents will take you along anyway whether you like it or not, so you might as well let it carry you away. You’ll end up somewhere, and you have the choice of exploring your surroundings or just burying your head in the sand. Like I said before, sounds like Caerwyn’s speaking from experience.
It won’t be long before we all go our separate ways again. Jamie hopes it won’t be too long before she and Caerwyn cross paths again. There may be no guarantees, but considering how much Jamie travels, Caerwyn bets that they’ll meet up again in the future, and hopefully introduce her to their medic. From how Jamie, Salka, and Kalle talk about her, Caerwyn is an interesting figure, one who I really hope to meet again in the future if fate allows.
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pulpsandcomics2 · 1 year
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Cheyenne Autumn April 1965
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therichantsim · 1 year
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So, I get everyone all settled in etc. Jonathan (model) and Kory (comedian) are booed up in their apartment chillin'. Brock just moved into bestie from college Ida's childhood home. He's new to Newcrest starting a new job at... you guessed it, Burn Industries lol. Ida is a freelance photographer. Pierre (programmer/app developer) and PJ (author) are frat bros from college. They're all home chilling enjoying this Sunday afternoon in Newcrest on this good autumn day 9 I think. When Cheyenne (artist) decides to make lunch for her and roomie Stephanie (Civil Designer) somehow the stove catches fire.
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filmy420 · 9 months
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nityarawal · 1 year
Afternoon Songs
Did That Judge
Just Get Retired
Did That Judge
Just Expire
Did We Scare Her
Dr. Kazi
Lord I Hope So
No No 
Judge Davis
You Showed Me Little
Went After
My Head
Fish Line & Sinker
Let's See Her
You Said
Last Autumn
When Are We Gonna
See Her
Well I Used To Be
On Instagram
Before You Kidnapped
Me With Your
Asian Predecessors
Kelly Mok
Not- Honorable Mathew Brower
Even Facebook Once
Discriminated off
Was Felena Hansen 
From Hera Hub
With Lori Clark 
Judge Davis
King David
Judge Davis
Why'd You Want To See 
Wasn't 18 Months
Of Naked Reels
12 Dyke Officers
Enough To Spin
Your Wheels
I Swear I Felt
You Blush
Through My Recording 
You Are A Dyke
Aren't You
Want My Yin
And I'm
Not A Sodomised Mom
For Your Yang
Nor Do I Want To
Out For A Pretty Penny
You See
Looked You Up
On Google
Put You On Blast 
To My Legal Team
Along With Atty
Bill Whitman
And All The F*****s
On Your Creepy List
We Know Attys
Baes From Ukraine
But We Know
You Stole
Joanna Bond's
Baes For Race
Marissa Cheyenne Morris
We Know You Stole
Our Movie Stars
For Your Kinks
We Won't Be
Anymore Of This Crime
It Stinks
Looked Up Your Picture
Even Younger
You Was Skenky
How Many Mommies
Did You Rape
And Murder
For Your Ghoul
Nazi Lady
No One Is Laughing 
Heard Your Trans
Heard Your Pedophile
Say They'd Sell
Their Kids For Lunch
And Ours
Must We Teach
Them Priorities
Or Is It Too Late
Too Late For Dykes
Too Late
Time Is Essential
Says Dr. Kazi
Naturopath Said
Too Late Too Late
Queen Elizabeth
Is Gone
Died Not Long After 
Covid 19
Perhaps Not
Was She Rationed
From Her Bitters
Prince Phillip Too
Or Did She Die Of
Heart Break
After He Died
On Fentanyl
Like Half The Monarch
Wanted Too
After She Blew
Princess Diana
Out Of Queen's Race
Night I Took Plan B
We Both Bled
All The Night
8 Hours Of Radio
Phone In Hand
Sheriff Listening
But My Angel
Lady Di
Never Came Back
And We Said
Long Live The Queen
And Pretended
It Never Happened
But Now She's Gone
Sir Paul
And The Judges Got
A Taste For Blood
The Brokers
And Dr's Too
And We've Had To Whistle
Much To Our Dismay
We'd Hoped
To Find A Backbone
But Got To The Top
Met Judge Davis
And We Knew
A Kink Agenda
For More Dr's
Won't Do My Dear
You Saw Marilyn's
Skirts Blow Up
Even Though
We Offered 
You Time
Hurricane Hilary
Had Enough
She Might Not
Have Blown
Like Monica
My Cousin Kvon
Marilyn Must've
Had A Giggle
Peeing On All Those
Gays You Know
Some Mommies
In Detention
Said She Was
Their Mom
Some Said
A Grandmother
Henry Kissenger
Would Come 
Take Us Home
Myth Of
Orphans Glowed
Said Dr. Anette 
For Her X-Husband's
Can You Blame
Court Breeding
Like Alex
Raised By Gay
And Atty
When Sisters Were
Just Radiant
When They Did
What They Did
Can You Blame US 
If We Dated Boys
In College
We Were Cuter
They Said
At The College Academy
Maybe Too Many Dykes
That Year
Like In The Courts
So If We Sing
Real Breathy
Like Marilyn
And Shake Our Busts
You'll Give Our Kids
Back To US
Nitya Nella Davigo Azam Moezzi Huntley Rawal 
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kaletastrophes · 1 year
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Western babes! Thanks to Indiewire, we now have directly from Pedro Almodovar the westerns he personally had in mind while making Strange Way of Life.
Part 1 of this list, mostly movies I personally believed would influence the film, is pinned to my page and I can report I got 2 right! Pedro listed The Wild Bunch and Red River as influences! I will be honest I have only seen a few of the westerns Pedro mentioned so maybe we can watch these together.
While my original list focused more on anti-westerns, Almodovar seems to have focused much more on traditional westerns. John Wayne stars in 4 of the 9 he listed for example. I find that fascinating honestly.
(once again tagging the ultimate western babe @the-ginger-hedge-witch if she wants to add these to her western studies)
But without further ado heres Part 2 of westerns that inspired Strange Way of Life:
The movie is strewn with references to Westerns that Almodovar has treasured for years. 
The Wild Bunch 
In Strange Way of Life a flashback between the two men, in which they fire at wine barrels and shrug off some prostitutes for their own plans, stems from Sam Peckinpah’s The Wild Bunch.
Babes!! Im so absolutely tickled that I spotted this and now it's confirmed. I wont go into details about the film because I listed it in part 1 but it was confirmed by Almodovar in the Indiewire interview so I've included it again here.
Almodovar says he envisioned Ethan Hawke’s character as an extension of archetypes in two John Sturges movies:
Last Train from Gun Hill
A marshal (Kirk Douglas) tries to bring the son of an old friend (Anthony Quinn), an autocratic cattle baron, to justice for his role in the rape and murder of the marshal's Native American wife.
Gunfight at the O.K. Corral
Lawman Wyatt Earp (Burt Lancaster) and outlaw Doc Holliday (Kirk Douglas) form an unlikely alliance which culminates in their participation in the legendary Gunfight at the O.K. Corral.
I haven't seen either of these Sturges films but just reading the plot summaries above and the plot summary of Strange Way it's pretty clear how they would tie together.
John Ford loomed large for the spectacular vistas, and Almodovar says he thought a lot about:
The Searchers
In this revered Western, Ethan Edwards (John Wayne) returns home to Texas after the Civil War. When members of his brother's family are killed or abducted by Comanches, he vows to track down his surviving relatives and bring them home. 
Cheyenne Autumn
The Cheyenne, tired of broken U.S. government promises, head for their ancestral lands but a sympathetic cavalry officer is tasked to bring them back to their reservation.
The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance
Questions arise when Senator Stoddard (James Stewart) attends the funeral of a local man named Tom Doniphon (John Wayne) in a small Western town. 
Wow. What an interesting list... I'm not sure I could have imagined the first two being included before reading the article honestly. The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance makes really perfect sense, two men hide the history they have together until it comes out years later just like they seem to do in Strange Way.
The Searchers I have seen and while it is regarded as one of the best films ever in American film history it's also regarded as one of the most racist films in American film history. The portrayal of Native American's is truly hard to stomach. Critic Roger Ebert went so far as to accuse director John Ford of trying to somehow "justify the Native American genocide." So I would warn perhaps be cautious when viewing. I will say Cheyenne Autumn is perhaps somewhat Ford's response to The Searchers, it's regarded as a pretty mediocre film but lauded in film history because the actors portraying the Cheyenne are actually Navajo and speak Navajo in the film. Because no one else on set spoke Navajo, during scenes when Navajo is spoken the actors made dirty jokes and openly mocked production.
Pascal wears a green jacket that serves as a callback to the one Jimmy Stewart wears in:
Bend of the River
When a town boss confiscates homesteader's supplies after gold is discovered nearby, a tough cowboy (Jimmy Stewart) risks his life to try and get it to them.
This is another fantastic western and whats interesting is that the film centers on constantly keeping you guessing on which character is going to turn out good and which character is going to turn out bad. I wonder if Almodovar will bring that same thing to Strange Way..
Also, "Julia Adams stars as the woman who made the mistake of loving two men!" No, thats never a mistake babe hahaha.
Finally, Almodovar give three more films that inspired costumes for Strange Way:
El Dorado
Cole Thornton (John Wayne), a gunfighter for hire, joins forces with an old friend, Sheriff J.P. Hara (Robert Mitchum). Together with an old Indian fighter and a gambler, they help a rancher and his family fight a rival rancher that is trying to steal their water.
Red River
Dunson (John Wayne) leads a cattle drive, the culmination of over 14 years of work, to its destination in Missouri. But his tyrannical behavior along the way causes a mutiny, led by his adopted son (Montgomery Clift).
Vera Cruz
During the Mexican Rebellion of 1866, an unsavory group of American adventurers are hired by the forces of Emporer Maximilian to escort a countess to Vera Cruz.
Well there you have it! Let me know your thoughts. I really find this list incredible curious and interesting.
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inestheunicorn · 2 years
Your art style is absolutely incredible. One of the most beautiful styles I've discovered in this day and age (no kidding!) 😅
I have two questions for you:
1. Are we able to make public commissions? If so, I was thinking a drawing of Kiki from Kiki Delivery Service in your art style - if not, perhaps I can request if at some point in commissions 🌱
2. Do you know any other artists with a somewhat similar art style to yours? 💡
Also, I love how your art has developed over the years! 🎨🖌️ Keep at it, as long as it brings you joy. I know one thing for certain it brings many people joy in their hearts. You are making many people happy alone by just sharing your work! 🫂💗
I almost missed your message! So sorry for taking so long to reply!
1 - I'm not sure what you mean by public commissions, but my commissions are open most of the time ♥ at the moment I'm still finishing my current commissions, so I'm only saving new requests into the waiting list, but you can check all the info here: https://inestheunicorn.bigcartel.com/commissions
2 - If you're looking for more artists with a cosy/wholesome/cottagecore vibe, here are some of my faves:
*in bold are those currently active on tumblr*
Jemlington - cute cats + people who live in a English-style Village
Cheyenne Barton - cute + colourful cartoony art
GhostPuff - cosy gouache illustrations
Kiki Nordstrom - cosy and wholesome art
Veronica Prolier - the cutest art that wakes your inner child
Nicole Josephine - super cute and cosy art
CarrieDraw - girls with classy clothes
Ash Elizabeth - the cutest cottagecore handmade accessories
Depflore - frogs and magical creatures in traditional illustrations
Ohkayyay - gouache illustrations and doodles
Taryn Knight - simply perfect art with Autumn/Winter vibes
Loon Pflug - warm botanical art
Bird - for all the birb lovers out there
That was a big list, but I hope it helps anyone looking for cool artists to follow! ♥
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scotianostra · 2 years
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On 17th October 1821 Alexander Gardner, renowned photographer of the American Civil War was born in Paisley.
Gardner became an apprentice jeweller at the age of 14, lasting seven years. He had a Church of Scotland upbringing and was influenced by the work of Robert Owen, Welsh socialist and father of the cooperative movement. By the time he reached adulthood he and his brother James had the idea to create a cooperative in the United States that would incorporate socialist values, they travelled to Iowa with this in mind in 1850, Alexander returned to Scotland to raise money for the project and purchased the Glasgow Sentinel, quickly turning it into the second largest newspaper in the city.
Alexander Gardner emigrated to the United States in 1856 and worked at the New York City studio of Mathew Brady, coming into contact with numerous politicians and military figures. After the outbreak of the Civil War, Brady photographed the conflicts, sending his team of photographers, including Gardner, into the field. Alexander Gardner left Brady’s studio in 1862 to open his own in Washington, D.C.; at this same time, he also became employed by General McClellan as official photographer of the Union Army’s U.S. Topographical Engineer Corps.
After the war, Gardner photographed many notables including President Lincoln, the Lincoln conspirators, and Indian delegations visiting Washington. In 1867, Gardner joined the survey team for what became the Kansas Pacific Railroad. The railroad was promoting plans for an extension of its route from Kansas to the Pacific Ocean. This proposed route, from Kansas through the mountains of Colorado and deserts of New Mexico, Arizona, and California, would serve to placate the Indians and provide access to the markets of the California. Gardner photographed the path of the proposed extension, emphasizing the ease of future railroad construction and the potential for economic development while including studies of the Indians in the region and settlements along the way. Gardner’s photographs represent the earliest systematic series of the Great Plains.
Gardner photographed many of the Sioux chiefs from the northern plains tribes including Crow, Arapaho, Oglala, Minneconjous, Brule and Cheyenne.  
In 1871, Gardner gave up photography entirely to start an insurance company. He lived in Washington until his death in 1882. Regarding his work he said, “It is designed to speak for itself. As mementos of the fearful struggle through which the country has just passed, it is confidently hoped that it will possess an enduring interest.”
Alexander Gardner became sick in the late autumn of 1882 and died shortly afterward on December 10th 1882.
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