#Chevrolet Colombia
revistaautoyestilo · 1 year
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esthapherthmont · 2 years
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🏁🔥 ROLLING SQUAD🔰 🔥 . 📸🔥#brothers #cars #friendship #speed #carlove #goodvibes #wednesdaynight #lights #tbt❤️ #night #friends #driving #chevrolet #mazda #meet #track #tunner #lifestyle #lifestyle #colombia 🔊🔥🚗🔥#photography #shooting #team #clean #photooftheday #like4likes #rollingsquad #turbo #motor #wednesday #carsofinstagram No Intended Copyright Infringement (en Car Meet) https://www.instagram.com/p/CjEatoAjTKe/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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noisynaia · 2 years
Dreaming of You
Chapter three: Lonesome Town
summary: An otherwise depressing night takes a turn when a pair of warm brown eyes belonging to a charming stranger lock with yours. Years later, at a different time of your life, a certain pair of eyes find their way back into your life.
word count: 2.7k 
pairing: Javier Peña x afab!reader 
note: (18+ mdni) No use of (y/n). The reader uses she/her pronouns and is shorter than Javier, but no other physical descriptions are used. This has not been beta-read and English is not my native language.
Can also be read on ao3
prevoius chapter│playlist│series masterlist│next chapter
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…You can buy a dream or two
To last you all through the years
And the only price you pay
Is a heart full of tears…
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Laredo, Texas. August 1997.
Javier sighs as he turns the key and the familiar sound of the Chevrolet Silverado’s engine roars to life. His father has taken good care of it for him while he was gone and the truck still drives like a dream.         
He has been back in Laredo for two weeks now. The town has not changed much in the years that have passed since he left for Colombia. Hell, it has not changed much since he was a kid. He can’t decide if it is comforting or not.
In many ways, he is the same man he was when he left, but at the same time he’s completely changed. He had been a young, vacillating man, running away from his own wedding. Now he’s older, and in some aspects probably still as vacillating as back then, but also tired, worn to the fucking bone. Both time and all the things from Colombia have aged him, and now he’s back, feeling like a shell of a man. 
He is happy to be able to help his father with the ranch, but something about being back in Laredo just doesn’t feel right… Everyone in this town knows him, either as the bastard that ran away the night before his wedding, or as Chucho’s son or that had left to become a narc in South America and now has come back worse for wear.  
He runs a hand through his hair, which is still slightly damp from his shower, before leaning his elbow on the frame of the open car window and turning on the radio as he drives through the gate of the Peña ranch. He had been up early to repair the fence on the steer paddock before the Texas sun would make the job too unbearable. It had still ended up being a hot, sweaty affair, and he was really happy when it was over so he could get back inside to take a shower and get some breakfast. But then Chucho had asked him to drive into town after he was done eating to run some errands for him, and of course Javier couldn’t say no to his old man, but not without that heavy feeling of dread settling in the pit of his stomach.
He feels like everyone is looking at him every time he goes into town, like he’s being judged by everyone he passes. He can see the whispers and the sideways glances, and it makes him feel like he’s suffocating. It’s making him feel more paranoid than he had when he was actively working on taking down drug cartels. At least he doesn’t have to worry about running into Lorraine.              
Lorraine had gotten married to a man from Dallas a couple of years after Javier had run off to Colombia. The last thing he has heard is that they relocated to Oklahoma and are now living in Tulsa with a couple of kids. Javier, despite their rocky past, is happy for her. She is living a life he could never have given her, which only confirms that his decision to not marry her was right - even though he still feels ashamed of how he called off the wedding.
After turning the knob on the radio for some time he finally finds something he wants to listen to, mindlessly drumming with his fingers against the steering wheel to the rhythm of ‘Go Your Own Way’ as he drives down the dusty road that leads into town.
The bitter nuttiness of your morning coffee mixes on your tongue with the taste from your cigarette as you take a sip from the mug in your hand. The August heat is overwhelming, it’s 9 am, and you would normally be out on your morning walk by now, but the intense weather has made you skip it. 
Bailey is lying beside you, seemingly okay with your decision, as she lies stretched out on her side with her mouth open, panting lightly, while lazily wagging her tail against the wooden floorboards. You had adopted her a couple of months after moving to Laredo a year and a half ago and she is honestly the best friend you have in this town.
You had moved into the five-bedroom home, whose front porch steps you’re currently sitting on, after your wedding to your husband, the Laredo-born and bred, Bruce Price.
You had met Bruce a little under three years ago. He had been in San Antonio for work, and you had been living your normal, trivial life, with night shifts at the club and most of your day hours being slept away. A life you had been content with, but not overly fulfilled by, feeling stuck in a never-ending circle as you lived out your days in a numbing routine. He had asked you out on a date, you accepted, and the ball had rolled from there. It had technically been a long-distance relationship, but he was so often in San Antonio that it had worked out fine, at least fine enough for you now being married to the man.
And now you have a new life. One where you actually sleep at night and get to see the sun in the daytime, which is a nice change, but you also feel more stuck than ever. You might have a new routine now, but your days seem to blend together in a blur of monotony.
Bruce is almost always busy with work, leaving you alone in this new town with no friends or family nearby. You cannot help but feel misplaced in the giant house, where you spend so much time alone. Bailey has been a godsend, offering companionship and comfort in a place where you feel like a stranger, and she makes the giant house feel a little less empty, but you still think the house is way too big just for you and Bruce. 
You had been very honest with him from the start about your lack of desire to become a mother, making sure that he knew what marrying you would entail and making sure he wouldn’t be disappointed further down the line. He had been understanding, assuring you that he was okay with it, but you have begun to fear that he may secretly hope that you will change your mind.
 It is something you worry about a lot, but it’s also a topic that you have a hard time bringing up with him. You do not want to make a big deal over an assumption, but the feeling of not being taken seriously about your wishes weighs you down. You don’t want to stir the pot over nothing, and it’s probably just you who is being paranoid and overthinking things. But the thought lingers in the back of your mind. The feeling of somewhat being a disappointment.
You take the last sip of your coffee before putting the mug down, feeling the bitterness linger on your tongue as you sit alone with your feelings in the summer heat. It’s a quiet morning, except for the occasional car driving by and the rhythmic, hollow thud that sounds each time the five-year-old pit bull mix’s tail hits the porch floor.
You sigh as you look down at the cigarette in your hand, which by now has almost burned all the way down to the filter. You stub it out and dump the butt in the ashtray before grabbing the ceramic. As you walk down your garden entry to empty the ashtray you notice a red Chevy you don’t recall having seen before driving by on the road, but you don’t think much of it. Maybe Mr. Nelson has got a new truck like he had mentioned wanting last time he was donating books. You absentmindedly put up your left hand in a greeting as the vehicle passes, while putting the lid back on the trash can with your right. You didn’t even look at the person behind the wheel, but you don’t want anyone in town complaining about you not exercising good neighborly courtesy.
Laredo is a town where everyone knows everyone, and that is something you still haven’t gotten used to. Most of the time, you find it almost suffocating, at least as an outsider.  
You return to the porch, grabbing your empty coffee mug before heading back inside the house, making sure Bailey has had a chance to pee in the yard and that she has plenty of fresh water in her bowl before you begin to get ready to drive into town.
You are locking up the front door soon after, putting on your sunglasses as you fish your car keys up from the pocket of your denim shorts. The gravel of the driveway crunches under the soles of your chancletas as you unlock your car, hopping into the driver’s seat. Luckily it had been parked in the shade, so the car isn’t as hot as it could have been, but you still turn on the AC immediately.
Your car is a dark green 1996 Cadillac Fleetwood, it was a gift from Bruce on your one-year wedding anniversary. You had needed a new car after you had moved to Laredo, but had postponed it for almost a year. You had got by just fine without one, living close enough to the town center to be able to walk to the grocery store and the bookshop and if you needed to drive you could usually borrow Bruce’s car or he would drive you. However, he is now so often out of town that it is a rare thing to happen nowadays.
You are proud of Bruce, he has been taking over more and more of his father’s responsibilities in the firm, until he has to take over completely and take his father’s position as CEO. 
You are proud but lonely…
Bruce either has long days at the office in town, or he is gone on one of his, seemingly never-ending, business trips. You still haven’t really made any friends in Laredo yet, unless you count Gladys, the 78-year-old lady who also volunteers at the charity bookstore on Main Street like you.
Bruce’s parents are nice enough, at least in smaller doses, but you don’t feel like you can really connect with them, and you definitely don’t feel close enough with his parents to spend time with them on your own. You can’t help but feel like an outsider in their family, even after being married to Bruce for over a year now. You honestly don’t think that you are the one they would have chosen for their son.
You don’t live up to the expectations from the small town’s society. You can’t help but feel out of place, and kind of like a fraud. You had met Bruce back in San Antonio when you were still dancing at the club, he had not seemed to mind, if anything he had maybe been a little too fascinated by it, but now in Laredo, in this new life with his family and the expectations that come with it, you feel like you are constantly falling short of what is expected of you. 
Bruce was not like the other guys you had dated in the past, and you had liked that and it had taken you by surprise when he proposed to you. The two of you had not even been dating for a year when he popped the question. You had never been to Laredo, or even met his family, at that point. But you had been very flattered that he had wanted you as his wife and you had felt like you really were in love this time. You had also felt burned out in San Antonio and had thought that getting married and moving to a new town would be a good thing for you. Bruce was stable and you felt like he really did care for you so you had said yes to his proposal. 
You probably should have waited, looking at it in retrospect. You do love him, and you are thankful for the life he is providing you, but you still can’t help feeling that you have rushed things. You had just been so happy to have someone like him to make you feel loved and secure. You had worried what his parents would say about him proposing to a woman they never had met, they had sounded like the traditional types, not something you could claim to be yourself…
You had later found out that Bruce had told them that you worked as a waitress. You understand that your previous profession can be frowned upon by some people, especially in a small town with many older residents who might have a more conservative view of the world. You know that Bruce mainly lied about it to make sure no one has a reason to look down on you, but you still can’t help but feel a little weird about it. Like you have to hide your past and pretend to be someone else entirely.
Maybe you would feel different if you worked instead of staying home and play housewife (which you definitely think you are butchering big time), if you maybe actually got a job as a waitress, it would make you feel more fulfilled. But every time you have brought up the idea of getting a job, Bruce has seemed opposed to it, brushing you off and insisting that there is no need for you to do that, saying that he prefer you to be home when he get back from work, that he don’t want you to be stressed out with a job when he can support you. 
‘There is no reason to give people something to gossip about by working when you don’t have to, honey,’  he had said to you. You had wanted to argue, to tell him that you wanted a sense of purpose, something to occupy your time and mind, but you had stayed silent, not wanting to cause tension, and feeling like you should just be grateful for the life he was providing for you.
Volunteering at the bookstore had been a fine compromise. You really like it, and it feels good to have something to do, especially something that goes to a good cause, even though it is only for a few hours a few days a week. It has definitely earned you some points with the Laredo residents - points that you fear you wouldn’t have otherwise. You are an outsider, a city girl, you don't dress or act like the other women in town. Standing out in this way is a constant worry for you, something that you often think about during your morning drive or walk into town.
Not even ten minutes after you drove out of your driveway at home you’re already driving down Main Street. You, half-consciously, notice the red mystery Chevy from earlier, which is parked in front of the pharmacy a little further down the street. You only register it for a brief moment before your thoughts return to your other worries. 
You easily find a place to park, turning off the engine and grabbing your purse before stepping out onto the sidewalk. You rummage through your purse trying to find your sunglasses case, not seeing where you’re not too concerned with watching where you’re going since there is almost never anyone out on the street at this time on a Tuesday morning. However, apparently, at least one other person is out and about this morning, as you inadvertently bump directly into a tall male frame while your head is halfway down your purse.  
Feeling your face heat with embarrassment, you look up quickly, muttering a quick apology before hurrying on. It’s so typical you to manage to bump into the only other pedestrian on a broad and otherwise completely empty sidewalk.
You slipped away before you could get a good look at the man, but he had not been anyone you recognized from town, at least not from only getting a quick glimpse. You had been so quick to avert your gaze, but your eyes had met for a split second. But, something about the warm brown color of those eyes is sending a wave of deja-vu through your entire being. You are stepping through the door to the bookstore before it dawns on you, and you realize whose eyes the man on the sidewalk reminded you of. A pair of eyes you once knew, because years ago, those eyes had been yours for a night.
They reminded you of Javier…  
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…In the town of broken dreams
The streets are filled with regret
Maybe down in Lonesome Town
I can learn to forget… 
Lonesome Town, Ricky Nelson
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elhoimleafar · 5 months
How do your dreams sound? How does your magic feel and sound? 😌🐈‍⬛🌄
One of my goals writing Dream Witchery was keeping it authentic and personal, but also real and faithful to the culture and history it represents.
The aroma of star anise, rosemary, chamomile, mint, cinnamon, kava kava, and orchids burning everyday over a piece of charcoal in the corner's cauldron, that was the essential spirit of the book bringing with it inspiration and motivation day after day, and occasionally camphor to refresh memory and properly clarify memories.
When you have Dream Witchery in your hands it feels like a bunch of wet earth from the edge of the Orinoco River in your hands, when you pick it up from the table it feels like a large, light rock from the bottom of the Segura River in Cartagena.
Those shades of orange on the cover they have that look that is reminiscent of the houses in the old villages of Peru, Cuba and Colombia, when the houses have been painted for so many years that you feel the color change in the cracks, but even so the families do not paint the houses because these were many times painted by their grandparents collecting money for weeks to be able to make these humble changes.
The subtle changes in the Orange cover remind me so much of the color of the burning fathoms at the edge of the Montana de Sorte (Cerro María Lionza) river where the brujas gather after that long two-day journey to honor the queen goddess of the land, It also reminds me of those amazing soups made over burning wood every Sunday afternoon at the Embalse la Mariposa, where my mother, as well as many brujas of the Capital in later years, usually brought their clients to perform spiritist sessions, and aromatics baths with flowers and essences in the river to honor Oshún & Our Golden Lady of Charity 💛
That dancing snake surrounded by moons that reminds me of how our ancestors, Hispanics, Indigenous natives, Europeans, and Afro-Caribbeans living on the coasts mixed with each other and constantly changed their skin, just like us, as well as all the witches in modernity, we constantly change our skin and adapt to everything that comes for us.
Those moons around are a subtle and wise reminder to always keep me grounded, remind me to be a child sitting over the hood of my dad's 1989 Chevrolet Classic just watching the stars and the moon all night and listening the drums coming from the house while everyone is dancing and singing all long night 😌
If you haven't read yet Dream Witchery 🌺 you can grab yours now in this link: https://amzn.to/4aPNCLd or in your favorite local bookstore.
#dreamwitch #indigenouswisdom #tribe
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callmeanxietygirl · 2 months
¿Se acuerdan de Mateo Carmona, el deportista que nos representó en BMX y que contó que su familia había vendido el carro para ir a verlo en París?
- "Mi familia vendió el carro para poder venir a verme aquí en París. Es la primera vez que me ven correr fuera del país, y qué mejor que en unos Olímpicos".
Pues Chevrolet, una de las marcas más reconocidas de carros del país, ha comunicado a través de sus redes sociales que tienen una sorpresa para Mateo cuando regrese a Colombia. Si señores, la familia Carmona tendrá nuevo automóvil. No ganó medalla, pero sus papás recuperarán el carro que tuvieron que vender. QUÉ LINDO QUE ES EL BMX, PIBE.
#JuegosOlimpicos #Paris2024 #Colombia #MateoCarmona #Chevrolet
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amonerdj · 2 months
Chevrolet perdió corona en ventas en Colombia; Renault le ganó con estos carros
Redactor     Jul 26, 2024 – 3:07 pm Los últimos años han sido especialmente desafiantes para Chevrolet en Colombia. Una marca que durante décadas lideró el mercado automotor colombiano ha visto cómo su hegemonía se desvanece, siendo superada por competidores tanto tradicionales como emergentes. (Lea también: Nueva camioneta llegará pronto a Colombia y competirá duro; precio enamoraría a…
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xlevelpr · 2 months
Chevrolet perdió corona en ventas en Colombia; Renault le ganó con estos carros
Redactor     Jul 26, 2024 – 3:07 pm Los últimos años han sido especialmente desafiantes para Chevrolet en Colombia. Una marca que durante décadas lideró el mercado automotor colombiano ha visto cómo su hegemonía se desvanece, siendo superada por competidores tanto tradicionales como emergentes. (Lea también: Nueva camioneta llegará pronto a Colombia y competirá duro; precio enamoraría a…
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brookstonalmanac · 11 months
Events 11.3 (before 1960)
361 – Emperor Constantius II dies of a fever at Mopsuestia in Cilicia; on his deathbed he is baptised and declares his cousin Julian rightful successor. 1333 – The River Arno floods causing massive damage in Florence as recorded by the Florentine chronicler Giovanni Villani. 1468 – Liège is sacked by Charles I of Burgundy's troops. 1492 – Peace of Etaples between Henry VII of England and Charles VIII of France. 1493 – Christopher Columbus first sights the island of Dominica in the Caribbean Sea. 1534 – English Parliament passes the first Act of Supremacy, making King Henry VIII head of the Anglican Church, supplanting the pope and the Roman Catholic Church. 1783 – The American Continental Army is disbanded. 1793 – French playwright, journalist and feminist Olympe de Gouges is guillotined. 1812 – Napoleon's armies are defeated at the Battle of Vyazma. 1817 – The Bank of Montreal, Canada's oldest chartered bank, opens in Montreal. 1838 – The Times of India, the world's largest circulated English language daily broadsheet newspaper is founded as The Bombay Times and Journal of Commerce. 1848 – A greatly revised Dutch constitution, which transfers much authority from the king to his parliament and ministers, is proclaimed. 1867 – Giuseppe Garibaldi and his followers are defeated in the Battle of Mentana and fail to end the Pope's Temporal power in Rome (it would be achieved three years later). 1868 – John Willis Menard (R-LA) was the first African American elected to the United States Congress. Because of an electoral challenge, he was never seated. 1881 – The Mapuche uprising of 1881 begins in Chile. 1898 – France withdraws its troops from Fashoda (now in Sudan), ending the Fashoda Incident. 1903 – With the encouragement of the United States, Panama separates from Colombia. 1908 – William Howard Taft is elected the 27th President of the United States. 1911 – Chevrolet officially enters the automobile market in competition with the Ford Model T. 1918 – The German Revolution of 1918–19 begins when 40,000 sailors take over the port in Kiel. 1920 – Russian Civil War: The Russian Army retreats to Crimea, after a successful offensive by the Red Army and Revolutionary Insurgent Army of Ukraine. 1929 – The Gwangju Student Independence Movement occurred. 1930 – Getúlio Vargas becomes Head of the Provisional Government in Brazil after a bloodless coup on October 24. 1932 – Panagis Tsaldaris becomes the 142nd Prime Minister of Greece. 1935 – George II of Greece regains his throne through a popular, though possibly fixed, plebiscite. 1936 – Franklin D. Roosevelt is elected the 32nd President of the United States. 1942 – World War II: The Koli Point action begins during the Guadalcanal Campaign and ends on November 12. 1943 – World War II: Five hundred aircraft of the U.S. 8th Air Force devastate Wilhelmshaven harbor in Germany. 1944 – World War II: Two supreme commanders of the Slovak National Uprising, Generals Ján Golian and Rudolf Viest, are captured, tortured and later executed by German forces. 1946 – The Constitution of Japan is adopted through Emperor's assent. 1949 – Chinese Civil War: The Battle of Dengbu Island occurs. 1950 – Air India Flight 245 crashes into Mont Blanc, while on approach to Geneva Airport, killing all 48 people on board. 1956 – Suez Crisis: The Khan Yunis killings by the Israel Defense Forces in Egyptian-controlled Gaza result in the deaths of 275 Palestinians. 1956 – Hungarian Revolution: A new Hungarian government is formed, in which many members of banned non-Communist parties participate. János Kádár and Ferenc Münnich form a counter-government in Moscow as Soviet troops prepare for the final assault. 1957 – Sputnik program: The Soviet Union launches Sputnik 2. On board is the first animal to enter orbit, a dog named Laika.
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revistaautoyestilo · 1 year
Nueva Chevrolet Silverado Trail Boss Z71
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juradoleonardo · 1 year
Experiencia Laboral
El debut de mi carrera se daría en el año 2010, cuando Mauricio Salazar y Jorge Buendía abrieron las puertas de Young Marketing para que trabajara como Community Manager y Líder de Proyectos para las marcas MINI, BMW Motorrad, Directv y Revlon Colombia.
Luego de un año lleno de aprendizajes, emprendería un nuevo camino. Esta vez el traspaso se haría a eNNOVA, la agencia digital de RCN y el grupo Ardila Lule, donde de la mano de Julian Jaramillo, German Salcedo y un gran equipo de trabajo, manejé como Community Manager las marcas Colombiana, Bretaña, Postobón, Liga Postobón, Monopoly Colombia, entre otras.
Después de una gran temporada, me despediría para afrontar un reto aún más grande. Es así como en mayo de 2012 mi pase lo adquirió Sancho BBBDO, donde bajo el liderazgo de Rodrigo Reyes y Mauricio Álvarez generaría contenido como Community Manager para las marcas .CO, Dogourmet y Pepsi.
En el año 2013 cambiaría de posición a Social Media Manager, donde lideré la operación de 4 grupos de cuentas.
Pernod Ricard: 
Ron Havana Club 1🍹    2🍹 
Tequila Olmeca 1🍾
Pepsico Alimentos:  Doritos 1🧀   2🧀
De todito 1🍟
Cheetos 1🐯   2🐯   3🐯   4🐯.
Maní Moto y Galletas Mamut. 
GTECH: Baloto
GM: Chevrolet y la campaña “Síndrome de gol atravesado” 1⚽   2⚽   3⚽
Finalizando el 2014, cambiaría de uniforme, afrontaría un nuevo reto y entendería el negocio desde una nueva perspectiva. 
Así fue como di un brinco hacia la Creatividad Digital donde bajo la dirección de Mario Silva y Andrés Marantá, crearía campañas para marcas como Seguros Bolívar, Corona, Campi, Agua de nacimiento, Winner Group, AVON y TicTac🍿.
Al cierre de temporada de 2015, mi carrera me abriría las puertas en un nuevo club donde me ofrecerían la 10, el equipo EIKON DIGITAL, donde me encontraría con un antiguo DT, Julian Jaramillo y bajo su batuta empezaría como Director Creativo General y de Estrategia, creando campañas para marcas en Colombia, Ecuador, Panamá, Perú y México como:
Hasbro, Casa Luker con sus marcas Lukafe, Chocolate Sol y Luker, Chevrolet, Samsung, Meals de Colombia con sus marcas Bocatto, Chococono y Sinfonía, Supermercados y Droguerias Colsubsidio, Centro Mayor, LG Electronics, KLM, DHL, Pyrex Latam, Indurama y Alpina 1🥛   2🥛. 
Después de 2 años donde se consiguieron varios títulos, ganándonos cuentas como Alpina, Meals y DHL, en el 2017, de Sancho BBBDO, sería llamado de nuevo para ser el 10 de los contenidos digitales de Bancolombia.
Jugando de la mano de Pepo, Gio y un gran equipo, dirigiría toda la creación y operación de contenidos de la marca, también del equipo de mailing, analítica y ventas digitales. Aquí creamos una unidad de trabajo a la que llamamos Bancolombia en vivo, con un modelo innovador y ágil que nos ayudó a mejorar los tiempos de creatividad y producción para ser mucho más eficientes con el cliente. Luego este modelo se convertiría en una práctica que se llevaría a las diferentes cuentas de toda la agencia.
Jugando aquí hicimos campañas como:
La Escuela de la Sostenibilidad 1🌊   2🌊 
Esta Nueva Raza Somos Todos 1⚽   2⚽   3⚽
Mensajes que curan 1🤳
Tarjeta Joven 1💳
El delito que se disfraza de buena suerte. 1💸
En el 2020 un nuevo equipo se interesaría en mis servicios y con Andrés Norato y Juan Pablo Rocha nos dimos a la tarea de crear el área de contenidos de The Juju, una agencia independiente de la red de Untold. Aquí como Head of Content, trabajamos de la mano con clientes como:
Colombina 1🍭 
Bon Bon Bum 1📍
Coffee Delight y La Constancia.
Con la llegada de la Pandemia, no paramos, y con muchas ganas seguimos jugando, buscando oportunidades, creando contenidos rápidos, a bajo costo.  Así logramos sacar adelante para Colombina:
Ría, las últimas sílabas 1🤣 
Hogar dulce hogar 1🏡   2🏡 
También fue así que llego la Cruz Roja con quienes creáramos una campaña que nació en Colombia y que luego se extendió a la región y el mundo:
ElMundo Está Al Revés 1🚑.
Además creamos equipos con creativos de toda la red en Colombia, Argentina y México, para participar en licitaciones importantes en toda la región, lo que nos llevó a ganar proyectos importantes como el lanzamiento de Toyota Híbrido en Argentina y ser la agencia encargada de la creatividad de la nueva plataforma de domicilios en Colombia, ifood 1🍔.
Gracias a estas experiencias mi perfil se ha vuelto muy integral, afrontando desde la planeación, la operación, la estrategia y la creatividad todos los retos que el mundo publicitario trae día a día. ACTUALIZACIÓN DE MERCADO DE PASES Actualmente jugando para Sancho BBDO como Director Creativo Ejecutivo en el grupo Bancolombia y CX and innovation Head de la agencia.
Desde los orígenes 1👩🏻‍🌾
The Gaming Profile 1🎮
Innovators 1📣 (Charlas de inspiración para Sancho)
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calcomaniaslatata · 1 year
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Fase Dios en Personalización para vehiculo Alto #chevrolet Tornasol Impresion Digital Laminada Crédito para tus calcomanías 3143611296 3005646901 3236975055 Cali - Colombia #chevrolet #alto #chevroletalto #tornasol #calcomanías #calcomanias #tornasol #impresióndigital #tata #personalizaciones #personalizacion (en Calcomanias La Tata) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cq1Rgb5MMLy/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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gossipvehiculos · 2 years
El nuevo Mazda MX-30 eléctrico fue visto en Colombia (+Imágenes) https://gossipvehiculo.com/2022/09/27/el-nuevo-mazda-mx-30-electrico-fue-visto-en-colombia-imagenes/?feed_id=49340&_unique_id=63337de6a5a5a
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palatascolombia · 5 years
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Venta de Repuestos y Autopartes para Carros Marca Chevrolet en Bucaramanga | Palatas Colombia Repuestos y Autopartes @PalatasColombia WhatsApp +57 3162736870
Autopartes y Repuestos Chevrolet en Bucaramanga. Bienvenidos a Palatas Colombia. Tienda de Repuestos y Autopartes para su Vehículo. Encuentre autopartes y repuestos para su vehículo marca Chevrolet. Si usted está buscando algún repuesto, alguna autoparte o algún accesorio genérico u original para su carro marca Chevrolet. En @PalatasColombia lo puede encontrar. Y recuerde somos Palatas Colombia - Repuestos y Autopartes @PalatasColombia #PalatasColombia WhatsApp +57 3162736870. #Chevrolet #Repuestos #Autopartes #Carro #CarroChevrolet
| Palatas Colombia - Repuestos y Autopartes @PalatasColombia #PalatasColombia WhatsApp +57 3162736870 | Para ver más hacer clic en http://palatascolombia.blogspot.com/2019/06/venta-de-repuestos-y-autopartes-para-carros-marca-chevrolet-palatas-colombia-repuestos-y-autopartes-palatascolombia-whatsapp-57-3162736870-1.html | Accesorios Chevrolet, Autopartes Chevrolet, Autopartes de Carros Chevrolet, Chevrolet, Chevrolet Colombia, Repuestos Chevrolet, Repuestos para Carros Chevrolet, Venta de Autopartes para Chevrolet
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amonerdj · 2 months
Renault, Kia y Chevrolet lideran lista de carros más vendidos en Colombia
La industria automotriz ha sido una de las más golpeadas en Colombia recientemente, pero los números de este año ilusionan bastante a las grandes marcas. El mencionado informe de la Andi y Fenalco evidencia cuáles son las marcas que mejor desempeño han tenido en el territorio nacional. (Vea también: Cuáles son los carros que menos se devalúan en Colombia: marcas que se sostienen fuerte). Toyota,…
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xlevelpr · 2 months
Renault, Kia y Chevrolet lideran lista de carros más vendidos en Colombia
La industria automotriz ha sido una de las más golpeadas en Colombia recientemente, pero los números de este año ilusionan bastante a las grandes marcas. El mencionado informe de la Andi y Fenalco evidencia cuáles son las marcas que mejor desempeño han tenido en el territorio nacional. (Vea también: Cuáles son los carros que menos se devalúan en Colombia: marcas que se sostienen fuerte). Toyota,…
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brookstonalmanac · 2 years
Events 11.3
361 – Emperor Constantius II dies of a fever at Mopsuestia in Cilicia; on his deathbed he is baptised and declares his cousin Julian rightful successor. 644 – Umar ibn al-Khattab, the second Muslim caliph, is assassinated by a Persian slave in Medina. 1333 – The River Arno floods causing massive damage in Florence as recorded by the Florentine chronicler Giovanni Villani. 1468 – Liège is sacked by Charles I of Burgundy's troops. 1492 – Peace of Etaples between Henry VII of England and Charles VIII of France. 1493 – Christopher Columbus first sights the island of Dominica in the Caribbean Sea. 1534 – English Parliament passes the first Act of Supremacy, making King Henry VIII head of the Anglican Church, supplanting the pope and the Roman Catholic Church. 1783 – The American Continental Army is disbanded. 1793 – French playwright, journalist and feminist Olympe de Gouges is guillotined. 1812 – Napoleon's armies are defeated at the Battle of Vyazma. 1817 – The Bank of Montreal, Canada's oldest chartered bank, opens in Montreal. 1838 – The Times of India, the world's largest circulated English language daily broadsheet newspaper is founded as The Bombay Times and Journal of Commerce. 1848 – A greatly revised Dutch constitution, which transfers much authority from the king to his parliament and ministers, is proclaimed. 1867 – Giuseppe Garibaldi and his followers are defeated in the Battle of Mentana and fail to end the Pope's Temporal power in Rome (it would be achieved three years later). 1868 – John Willis Menard (R-Louisiana) was the first African American elected to the United States Congress. Because of an electoral challenge, he was never seated. 1881 – The Mapuche uprising of 1881 begins in Chile. 1898 – France withdraws its troops from Fashoda (now in Sudan), ending the Fashoda Incident. 1903 – With the encouragement of the United States, Panama separates from Colombia. 1908 – William Howard Taft is elected the 27th President of the United States. 1911 – Chevrolet officially enters the automobile market in competition with the Ford Model T. 1918 – The German Revolution of 1918–19 begins when 40,000 sailors take over the port in Kiel. 1929 – The Gwangju Student Independence Movement occurred. 1930 – Getúlio Vargas becomes Head of the Provisional Government in Brazil after a bloodless coup on October 24. 1932 – Panagis Tsaldaris becomes the 142nd Prime Minister of Greece. 1935 – George II of Greece regains his throne through a popular, though possibly fixed, plebiscite. 1936 – Franklin D. Roosevelt is elected President of the United States. 1942 – World War II: The Koli Point action begins during the Guadalcanal Campaign and ends on November 12. 1943 – World War II: Five hundred aircraft of the U.S. 8th Air Force devastate Wilhelmshaven harbor in Germany. 1944 – World War II: Two supreme commanders of the Slovak National Uprising, Generals Ján Golian and Rudolf Viest, are captured, tortured and later executed by German forces. 1946 – The Constitution of Japan is adopted through Emperor's assent. 1949 – Chinese Civil War: The Battle of Dengbu Island occurs. 1950 – Air India Flight 245 crashes into Mont Blanc, while on approach to Geneva Airport, killing all 48 people on board. 1956 – Suez Crisis: The Khan Yunis killings by the Israel Defense Forces in Egyptian-controlled Gaza result in the deaths of 275 Palestinians. 1956 – Hungarian Revolution: A new Hungarian government is formed, in which many members of banned non-Communist parties participate. János Kádár and Ferenc Münnich form a counter-government in Moscow as Soviet troops prepare for the final assault. 1957 – Sputnik program: The Soviet Union launches Sputnik 2. On board is the first animal to enter orbit, a dog named Laika. 1960 – The land that would become the Great Swamp National Wildlife Refuge is established by an Act of Congress after a year-long legal battle that pitted local residents against Port Authority of New York and New Jersey officials wishing to turn the Great Swamp into a major regional airport for jet aircraft. 1964 – Lyndon B. Johnson is elected to a full term as U.S. president, winning 61% of the vote and 44 states, while Washington D.C. residents are able to vote in a presidential election for the first time, casting the majority of their votes for Lyndon Johnson. 1967 – Vietnam War: The Battle of Dak To begins. 1969 – Vietnam War: U.S. President Richard M. Nixon addresses the nation on television and radio, asking the "silent majority" to join him in solidarity on the Vietnam War effort and to support his policies. 1973 – Mariner program: NASA launches the Mariner 10 toward Mercury. On March 29, 1974, it becomes the first space probe to reach that planet. 1975 – Syed Nazrul Islam, A. H. M. Qamaruzzaman, Tajuddin Ahmad, and Muhammad Mansur Ali, Bangladeshi politicians and Sheikh Mujibur Rahman loyalists, are murdered in the Dhaka Central Jail. 1978 – Dominica gains its independence from the United Kingdom. 1979 – Greensboro massacre: Five members of the Communist Workers Party are shot dead and seven are wounded by a group of Klansmen and neo-Nazis during a "Death to the Klan" rally in Greensboro, North Carolina, United States. 1982 – The Salang Tunnel fire in Afghanistan by kills 150–2000 people. 1986 – Iran–Contra affair: The Lebanese magazine Ash-Shiraa reports that the United States has been secretly selling weapons to Iran in order to secure the release of seven American hostages held by pro-Iranian groups in Lebanon. 1986 – The Compact of Free Association becomes law, granting the Federated States of Micronesia and the Marshall Islands independence from the United States. 1988 – Sri Lankan Tamil mercenaries attempt to overthrow the Maldivian government. At President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom's request, the Indian military suppresses the rebellion within 24 hours. 1992 – Democratic Arkansas Governor Bill Clinton defeats Republican President George H. W. Bush and Independent candidate Ross Perot in the 1992 United States presidential election. 1996 – Abdullah Çatlı, the leader of the Turkish ultranationalist organization Grey Wolves, dies in the Susurluk car crash, leading to the resignation of Interior Minister Mehmet Ağar (a leader of the True Path Party). 1997 – The United States imposes economic sanctions against Sudan in response to its human rights abuses of its own citizens and its material and political assistance to Islamic extremist groups across the Middle East and East Africa. 2014 – One World Trade Center officially opens in New York City, replacing the Twin Towers after they were destroyed during the September 11 attacks. 2020 – The 2020 United States presidential election takes place between Democratic Joe Biden and Republican incumbent President Donald Trump. On November 7, Biden was declared the winner.
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