#Cheap laser welding machine
zxlasers · 2 years
laser welding machine Manufacturer,laser welding machine china,Cheap laser welding machine ,
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the-firebird69 · 8 months
Homemade 200cc MOTORCYCLE of CAR TIRES !? / PART 1
There's a lot of junk cars with tires and rims my son had a great idea and you need a laser to do it or a lot of patience really we prefer people who have lasers it's kind of a simple idea and it could run on an automobile hub and you'd have to connect both sides of the rim to the fork here's what he's talking about and it's a great idea he's got some ideas that are really super. This man put some effort in and you can see it's tube steel and it worked pretty good and it goes 45 miles an hour and it hasn't broken yet and it hasn't ruined the bearings yet but it's not balanced and not well thought out but it works but we don't recommend it we have an idea that's not easier but it will make it into a real motorcycle.
-use the tube steel for the entire frame over the motorcycle but not for the front Forks. Those you want to use solid steel and it's high quality steel rod and it's not much money and it has some chromium but you need to paint them and you want to make a Springer front end and you use an old automobile shock and if he had a shop he'd be making it right now cuz it's a fun idea. You simply you you make the Springer and you haven't worked off of each side of the tire the wheel and see you have a car tire and you have a car rim and the rim attaches on the outside and basically that's an offset and it's not a great offset it's way too far out it should be in the middle and you'll see super cars have them in the middle but that's not the idea although it's not a bad idea it's impossible to do without the right machine and you have you have to do the same thing he's talking about anyways you take all four rims and tires and you take the tire off the room temporarily off too that will off all four to fabricate and you cut the mag side off accurately I'm so just barely fits on the other side of their keeper rim and you're going to keep two and you're going to make two of these and you don't have to do much else you want to assemble it so you can bolt it up with your forks attached and bolted up with your brake system on there I'm in it all will fit because you can go on the outside of it and you really have to I'm so basically you're going to be attaching it to an axle that will be connected on the outside of each and how do you break you'd have to stop the axle no you attach it to the outside of the rim and you'd have to shim it but really you can drill right through and put in high strength bolts and shim it with the right angle and there you have it there's some fabbing but once you do it once you can do it a million times if you have the same car tire and rims you need all four that's the solution to the offset issue this tire is kind of big most tires are about 5 in wide and it looks really cool cuz the rims these days are cool most of the rooms are aluminum and you just use the same metal welding rod and use a MIG and you sand it a little and it looks really nice and you paint them a lot of people will pay them black it looks intense and you might want to line the mag up on one side to the other some people might offset them but you should offset it exact so it doesn't wobble and we're talking about the pattern and the front fork idea is superb with solid steel rod doesn't take any time to Fab you can attach whatever you want to it it is a no-brainer and the same with the Springer you use metal rod as cheap by the way the two pieces the four pieces would cost about $30 retail and our son can buy them and you put the shock from the car in so you have three spare shocks for each bike and you send it with the bike although he says you only have no spare shocks because you need to use it for the rear and you need to use too so the shocks will mash the size the color of the the spring and on a a car you have a lot of tension and weight and it's usually kind of mushy and it's perfect for a motorcycle it's a little bit heavy duty but it'll last forever and you can get them at almost any parts store so far your bike you can buy rims and they're like $30 each you can fix it but you have to make it and it might make rims like this in the future for motorcycles right now they're ridiculous with the way they making is stupid with spokes is ancient the second part
-you want to make your entire frame out of the TS including the gooseneck and you attach everything to a square piece it's much stronger and we're told that and we tested it and then you insert the tube and you weld the tube on and then you insert the ball bearings now it makes really a lot of sense because you can put more metal in there and you stop the tube from twisting and it resists torsion a lot of people say there's too much torsion when steering and it kind of rips it apart this will stop that completely and you can control it more and we were told it's a better design he made a real motorcycle with it and it rides better than any other bike so then you use that for the swing arm as well and you attach everything to it with the tube steel and we found one by one works this guy is really monstrous tube steel but he's got the idea and he said I bet this would be a revolutionary thing to use a smaller one to do his idea and he tried doing it and he said I can't get it cut exact but it's real close and he said you have to just balance it like in a tire shop so he did that and it works and that's why you have to cut it precisely and you have to wait it right it works and there's a way to do it you do it once you do it the same way and you test it and we do have a winner this is a winner idea and the rear shock system you have one shock in the front and two in the rear and one spare from the car some cars have two in the front but really most have one and for bigger bikes you can use truck shocks and really that you can build tube steel bikes for off-road using this method and use truck tires and truck shocks and you welded on the other side and you're going to have an off-road bike with a big huge tires that will go probably 400 miles an hour with ease and you can use a smaller 6 cylinder engine and you probably get 500 out of it but really with the throw and the travel of the sharks and the system even a springer that thing is going to kick some serious ass but we suggest two shocks in the front for something that like that this is an awesome idea and I wish you could do it himself and he wants someone to do it for him and he's requesting Frank Castle hardcastle and she wants Duke nukem Blockbuster to build one and those guys want to they'll love it and then go around and people copy it they take pictures and everything it's just like that hydraulic bike but this is a no-brainer it's very simple and he wants to tell the guys too there's another item they heard it though
-when you're trying to weld the angle corners and really you don't make any bins in the stuff there's no bins you take a flat stock and you cut the flat stock into like an angled l and it fits inside the tube still on one side and the inside the other it's like four inches extend into each side of each piece that you're connecting and then you put it on the other side and then you take the second piece then you slide it down over and you weld the normal Wells and then you puddle weld and you can weld on the inside of the other one and people say that's awesome you can even leave a slot so you can slot well on the top but he says the bottoms better but it's rust-prone so you won't puddle well the top and a slot and you puddle weld all around and you sand it smooth and in a few seconds you have a class A connection you can even assemble it this way and do all the Big welding after the whole frame is done and it takes a lot less time for some reason cuz you have to set up and I don't know why you have to move around but you take it and you put the inserts in you put it well a couple puddle weld a couple you put the piece on your puddle weld it you do it all you do the whole thing then you come back you finish all the puddle welds in there and the Angles and you're not holding it together now what he says is when you get it going in the shop you have a jig and it's a lot faster and you can even make the inserts with like a little two angle pieces clips on the inside and have people Fab them up so you can put the frame all together and cut in a jig and then weld the whole thing not even pieces and we like that that sounds like a lot of fun and saves time people see what we mean but that's another idea so these are great ideas and that would work and you can Fab almost the whole thing and you'll be using car parts and even a car engine 4 cylinder car engine they have about 75 horsepower and it's perfect in the tube steel would make it look normal but boy you can make this a radical radical vehicle gas tanks are sold everywhere and you can get a cool one and the seats are sold everywhere I mean this would be an awesome bike and it's going to have power and the small tires work great and they're multidirectional and they're for other side of the car and really they would work awesome a lot they're about 5 in wide and a lot of them are high speed so someone's saying that they put one together and with a four-cylinder from a Mazda Miata and it sounds like a motorcycle and the tires from it which are really 4.5 in which is a half an inch wider than our son's bike both of them and it looks just like a fat tire and it rides pretty good you have to inflate it just right it goes about 300 miles an hour and you can use the brakes from the car they're disc brakes people are tired of fixing their cars from the used parts and they're starting to make used parts for the most predominant cars this is something to do with those cars that are left in other words the models that sold the most are just going to sit there and rot and this there's probably 500 trillion of them and all over the world total so we're going to publish so people can do this
Thor Freya
There'll be a few prototypes until people get it what he's saying though is great the front fork is a is it just a dream I mean you can make that in a few minutes if you know how to do it well an hour and then you can make it in minutes if you have people cut it and drill it and really you can use the whole car because the tube seals in the car but he says it's too big and the two still is too big unless you're making a brute and that you probably want to but for crying out loud we can make really big chopper side of this off-road and the way to do it is intense I really have never heard of something thought of so quick it's only taking him a few months but boy this is going to be intense people going to be doing it everywhere and really the inserts for the angles corners it's the best idea I've ever heard otherwise the damn thing falls apart and just slide it over hold it in The jig and weld the whole thing and puddle all the whole thing that's ridiculous I mean how many people would think I'm doing that I mean it was really cool this is going to be awesome these things are going to be fast an off-road is going to be unbeatable with a big huge car shocks I want to see him ride ride one around and he says that he's going to try and make one production and it's a special and it can be like a military research projects by Harley to scavenge a vehicle I got to tell you that's an awesome idea we got four cylinder vehicle the tube steel's like 3x2 and you could use that it wouldn't look too funky but it would be kind of funky and the motor is kind of big so and you can make the finish this look like it's normal is it's pretty big 2x3 but there are pieces on it that are smaller and there's enough for one bike and he says you want to support the engine pretty good and kind of laughing cuz that's what you need to do but wow what an idea
Mac Daddy
We're going to go ahead and we are going to start making these ourselves and see how it works cuz there's a lot of these cars that don't work and then there's other cars that don't work you can use the engine usually four cylinder and some people are crazy but you know the four cylinders are not that large it's like the same size as a Harley motor and you have to use a different transmission yes that's also a hard part where to find the transmission so in the meantime you go and use a go-kart engine a 45 or a 65 75 00 and for the monster you want to use 100 but really this is going to be awesome cuz these things look cool the way he described it's fun you have a car shock in the front I can't believe it
Thor Freya
Hehehahaherher that's why I sounded like at work this is so much fun he'd be a lot of fun to hang out with and we'd be driving these things around I'll tell you what he said it'll look kind of normal like a big bike and it would sound atrocious as true too you put the dot exhaust and it sounds so damn loud usually it's a little bit too loud I wanted to be on one of these that's made from a factory I think we can make this aftermarket and actually make some money because it's going to be solid as a rock and you can tow he's asking about the car motor and the tranny if you simply can't use the transmission it's too big and he said it's not really true in a front wheel drive and I looked at it and it's big but not that big and you all you do is hook it up to the chain and it's going the right direction he says as a matter of fact it's got a shaft off it already that is not moving it's solid you just cut it to size unless you get fits right unless it fits right so I'm going to go check it out and I've got a few cars it would work on because they're small and front wheel drive most cars most of these cars are this is ridiculous we just figured that another part of it it's hard because people block it he's laughing his ass off and I I don't want to tell anyone I really don't we both fell out of our chairs it's an automatic okay all these girls are going to want those stupid thing the tire is making kind of tough to ride and you have to go pretty straight just wondering if over-inflating would work better and it might so I have to test it
Bob marsh I used to make the Harley-Davidson sound now he's buying Harley-Davidson that's stupid he's just a regular person just a kid out of nowhere for the most part except what he does but it's kind of very secretive and he said I used to make this noise and I know I did and of the motorcycle going up the hill cuz he's remembered when he kind of explained it up the hill up route 9 and he's going up when you do that he thought it was me and it wasn't it it makes us intense noise that echoes through the valley and it's a Mac and that's what they're saying like King Kong and this thing would be a lot louder and it would sound intense you said it might blow the exhaust pipe right off and it might cuz it's going to be like some serious reverberations I mean this is going to be awesome
Bob Marsh
We have to print this is so cool I'm going to make one of these and try and get it to my husband I'm going to try and make a bike that we can sell and out of car parts and I'm going to use new car parts and people think they're used and that's pretty cool he says we have a lot of stock
Trump I'm going to my shop right now you take the wheel and you cut out the mag and you're weld it to the other side so it's equal and your centered and you'd use two solid rods in a Springer and the car shock in the middle I got to do it to see what it looks like
Ewwww I'm feeling giddy you hero is getting up and yeah I'm going to use a Japanese version
Yujiro he says I'm fast becoming a Jedi because this is what they do they build their own weaponry and they build their own vehicles I'm going to go ahead and do this I'm going to love this genre you would love it to death he says
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standardtitaniumu · 1 year
Types of Welding - TIG, Stick, and MIG Make Up 90% of All Welding
What are the different types of welding and what are they used for? If you are looking for a 20,000 foot view of the different types of welding along with applications, stick around for a minute, I think I can help.
Stick welding
Stick welding is often called Arc welding although that is kind of a misnomer because TIG welding and MIG welding are actually arc welding processes too. But ARC welding is what most people still call stick welding.  Stick welding is the old school kind of welding that grandpa used to do to fix his tractor in the barn. It uses a stick electrode like a 6013, 6011, or 7018 welding rod that is chucked up in an electrode holder that looks a little bit like a battery jumper cable clamp. The rod is struck like a match to get the arc going and the rod is fed into the puddle as it burns. Stick welding is pretty simple and the stick welding machine is simple too and also pretty cheap. You can buy a Lincoln 225 AC welding machine at any Home Depot for way less than 300 dollars.
MIG welding
Mig welding is considered one of the easiest types of welding to learn. Why? Because the rod does not have to be fed as it shortens like with stick welding. A wire is fed through a cable and out the end of the mig welding gun and all the operator is required to do is to pull the trigger and weld. Sounds easy right? Well it is not that easy. It is a little bit easier to learn than stick welding but only a little.
Titanium Tube
Mig welding actually kind of describes 2 types of welding...bare wire mig, AND flux core welding.
Bare wire mig is cleaner, and will weld thinner metal, but flux core is easier to use outdoors and does not require a cylinder of mig welding gas or a flow meter. Flux core welding is usually either used for cheap hobby welder s where the buyer does not want to spend the money for gas and a gas conversion kit, or for really heavy duty applications like earth moving equipment and heavy production welding.
TIG welding
TIG welding is considered one of the more difficult types of welding to learn...harder to master than mig or stick welding. That is because both hands are needed to tig weld. One hand holds a tig torch with a tungsten electrode that provides the arc and heat...and the other hand feeds the rod.  TIG welding equipment is generally more expensive and more difficult to set up because there is often a remote amperage foot pedal included and it takes a cylinder of argon or argon mix shielding gas to work.
Tig welding is the most versatile type of welding of all. Virtually all conventional metals can be welded with the tig process. Carbon and low alloy steels, stainless steel, nickel alloys, aluminum, magnesium, titanium, cobalt, and copper alloys can all be welded using this type of welding.
Plasma arc welding
Plasma arc welding is similar to tig welding except that the tungsten electrode is recessed inside a nozzle and the heat is created by ionizing gasses flowing around the arc. Plasma arc welding is used where high precision is required and in situations where a recessed electrode is beneficial.  Plasma arc welding is used extensively in aerospace applications for dimensional restoration of air seals and jet engine blade repair where thicknesses are often below .015" and amperages used are often single digit.
Gas welding
Gas welding is one of the old school types of welding.  Oxygen and Acetylene is the most popular setup for a gas welding kit and gas welding is still used a lot for automotive exhaust applications, as well as by homebuilt airplane enthusiasts for welding 4130 chromoly tubing for airplane fuselages.  It works. It's portable. And it is fairly versatile... There are still some people that swear by gas welding even for welding aluminum.
Titanium Sheet
Some people believe that tig welding is much better than gas welding. I am one of those people.
Electron beam and laser welding. 
These types of welding are considered high energy welding processes because they pinpoint heat so much better than older more conventional types of welding. Electron beam welding can penetrate through 6 inches of steel without any bevel.
Laser welding can pinpoint heat so precisely that weld metal can be deposited on a tool steel injection mold cavity so precisely that heat treatments can be eliminated and only minimal machining is needed in order to restore dimensions.
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langfangmfr · 2 years
Knowledge of flat welding flange and Butt Welded Fitting
Butt Welded Fitting is widely used for its high productivity and easy automation. Its application scope can be summarized as follows:
(1) workpiece extension such as Butt Welded Fitting of steel strip, profile, wire rod, steel bar, steel rail, boiler steel pipe, oil and natural gas transmission pipeline, etc.
(2) Butt Welded Fitting of ring workpieces, such as automobile rims and bicycles, motorcycle rims, various chain links, etc.
(3) The assembly and welding of components will make simple rolled, forged, stamped or machined parts butt welded into complex parts to reduce costs. For example, the Butt Welded Fitting of the automobile steering shaft shell and the rear axle shell, the Butt Welded Fitting of various connecting rods and pull rods, and the Butt Welded Fitting of special parts, etc.
(4) Butt Welded Fitting of dissimilar metals can save precious metals and improve product performance. For example, the Butt Welded Fitting of the working part (high-speed steel) and the tail (medium carbon steel), the Butt Welded Fitting of the head (heat-resistant steel) and the tail (structural steel) of the exhaust valve of the internal combustion engine, the Butt Welded Fitting of the aluminum copper conductive joint, etc.
Flat welding :soldera mixture metals that is heated and melted and then used to join metals,wires,etc.together.In the welding process, the workpiece and the solder melt to form a melting area, and the melting pool cools and solidifies to form a connection between the materials. In this process, pressure is usually required. There are many sources of welding energy, including gas flame, arc, laser, electron beam, friction and ultrasonic.
Before the end of the 19th century, the only welding process was forged metal welding, which had been used by blacksmiths for hundreds of years. The earliest modern welding technology appeared in the late 19th century, first arc welding and oxy fuel gas welding, later resistance welding. In the early 20th century, with the war of the first and the Second World War, there was a great demand for cheap and reliable connection methods for military equipment, which promoted the development of welding technology. With the wide application of welding robots in industrial applications, researchers are still in-depth study of the nature of welding, and continue to develop new welding methods to further improve the quality of welding.
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villo2022 · 2 years
How To Choose The Right Welding Fume Extractor
Are you looking for an industrial fume extractor for laser marking, cutting, or welding conditions that produce industrial exhaust fumes? Then you are in the right place. Villo has an excellent fume extraction system.
Why the industry needs an industrial fume extractor?
1.Health and safety
Not just harmful smoke and dust, such as acetaldehyde, isocyanate, nitrogen oxides, etc., will cause serious harm to human health. Even if it is not carcinogenic and submicron soot, it can also cause human health problems. Dusty air can cause respiratory tract damage, dyspnea, and allergy. When smoke and dust cause employees’ health problems, they may frequently ask for leave or leave, which will lead to an invisible increase in the production and operation costs of enterprises. Industrial fume extractors can effectively solve such problems.
Industrial Fume Extractor
2.Environmental responsibility
Each country has its environmental protection standards. There are two reasons for enterprises to install industrial fume extractors. One is to consider employees’ health, and the other is to consider the environmental protection assessment of relevant departments. Therefore, the exhaust of smoke exhauster must meet the national standards to avoid damage to enterprises’ economic interests.
3.Better working atmosphere
Working in a factory with smoke and dust will harm the health of employees and reduce their work efficiency. In order to create an excellent working atmosphere, the factory needs to be equipped with an industrial fume extractor.
Industrial Fume Extractor
What is an industrial fume extractor?
The industrial fume extractor is a high-efficiency air purifier designed for industrial waste gas and dust. It is a complete air purification system composed of dust pipe, filter unit, dust fan, and circuit control elements. The industrial fume extractor is widely used in machinery, hardware, electronic appliances, photoelectric, chemical, tobacco, pharmaceutical, food, biological and other industries and other places with smoke and dust pollution.
What should we be careful when choosing an Industrial Fume Extractor?
Some enterprises only consider their economy when choosing the welding fume extractor. In fact, there are other essential issues to consider to select the best industrial fume extractor for your working condition.
Villo industrial fume extractor is widely praised by customers for its advantages: a strong economy, high quality, and good durability.
The following are the critical points for selecting an industrial fume extractor:
1.Industrial fume extractor needs to meet your own working conditions.
Some factors affect the machine's selection:
The type and nature of the smoke
The layout of the device
The requirement of the floor space
The convenience of replacing the filter element
Villo has an experienced professional team that can customize industrial smoke exhaust systems/equipment for you and provides customers with high-quality products.
Industrial Fume Extractor
2.Industrial fume extractors must have the advantages of high quality, good durability, and a strong economy.
Industrial fume extractor generally needs to work continuously, so its durability is essential. The key to ensuring the machine’s durability is to choose the smoke exhauster of good quality and the manufacturer with a good reputation. Simultaneously, on the premise of guaranteeing the quality and durability of an industrial fume extractor, cheap equipment is also the focus of many enterprises, which reduces the input cost of enterprises.
Villo has great industrial fume extraction systems. The purification efficiency of our industrial fume extractor is as high as 99.9%. The purifier can filter 0.3 μm fine particles with high precision, and the dust purification standard is higher than the national standard. The dust purified by our industrial fume extractor will not cause any pollution to the environment. Therefore, the purified dust can directly flow into the workshop. Our industrial fume extractor provides help for the pollution-free workshop you need.
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lisarwilliams01 · 6 years
Setting marking parameters in fiber laser marking machine software
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In marking metal and plastic,There is a setting parameter range for reference to test ,Speed 100-2000 adjustable,Power 30-80 adjustable,Frequency 5-30. Depends on different materials and the marking effects you want so for a new operator may need conduct dozens of trials to know the ideal marking parameters for each material and even some experienced engineers have to try several times.
Here have a brief introduction about laser marking frequency,power,speed and the hatch function .  These four settings will affect the marking result in order to get a good laser marking result we need to adjust the speed power and frequency.
1.)  In laser marking machine,Marking frequency stands for the times of laser pulse per unit time is called the marking frequency.It is easy to understand.For example, When the value of marking frequency is high, the laser spot is dense ,on the contrary if the marking frequency value is low then the laser spot is parse.
Although the laser spot can not be seen by the naked eye,we can see it when we put the marking workpiece under the electron microscope.The continuous line we see by eyes turns out that is composed by many laser spots.The high value we set at marking frequency,the denser laser spot we get and more smoothness we will get on the marking workpiece.
2.)  Marking speed refers to the moving speed of the laser cutting machine. Here this speed is the speed that can be adjusted in the parameters for marking.The overall marking time is not only affected by marking speed,but also by the marking depth, marking area and other factors.The higher speed you set,The faster marking speed you get.
Fast marking speed means less laser hitting times in the same marking place. Slow speed is more conducive to deep marking . But it does not mean the slower speed you set, the better depth you will get. It also depends on the different materials and other relative parameters you set at.
If the marking speed is too slow, the substance that burns by laser will accumulate on the surface of the material, and affect the laser to engrave deeper. When you are doing deep marking,It is better do a high speed marking after a few times of low speed marking. In this way you will get better marking result.
3. )  Marking power, in the parameter setting, the power is adjusted by percentage, and the output power from 0% to 100% can be adjusted. Usually the default power is 50%.Higher laser power you set,the stronger laser output energy you get and it is easier to marking depth.     You need to set the laser power according to your actual requirement.Because the laser output energy is too strong,It will do more affect to the material. As long as the laser power can reach your marking expectations then no need to set very high laser power,otherwise long time high power marking will do damage to the laser generator and affects its life span.
4.)  “Hatch” is used to force EZCAD to calculate the hatch fills for the current objects. The object to be filled must be closed curve, and if you choose many objects to fill, these figures can be objects nested mutually. Any two objects may not have intersectant parts .Line Space setting is the most frequent tool we use, line space is the space between two hatch lines .
The low value of line space result in denser lines in the object and more marking content and slow marking speed. You can try to set the line space at 0.05  .About the hatch type, Bidirectional hatch offers most efficient marking speed.
5.)  Finally it is the Pulse width . Pulse width means the lasting time of one unit pulse . Common fiber laser marking machine does not have this function to adjust the pulse width. In MOPA laser marking machine, It has the function of adjusting the pulse width and the main advantage is that it can mark black color or other color on stainless steel.
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dawn-mark-blog · 4 years
Guide For Buying a Laser Engraver in 2020
Laser engraving machine is a device that can engrave and cut wood, paper, leather, acrylic and other materials. Whether for industry, home or individual, a comprehensive research investigation is required before purchasing a laser engraver. If you choose the right manufacturer or supplier, you can buy the best laser engraving machines at a lower cost.
Now, we have listed the precautions before buying a laser engraver. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced professional, this guide will help you make the right decision.
How choose a laser engraving Machine?
Some beginners believe that the current laser engraving machine configuration is very high, and the price is cheap, it is certainly easy to buy a laser engraving machine. But as a professional, I think you should choose a laser device that meets your needs, only in this way, you can buy an affordable laser engraving machine. Most laser engraving machines can be used to engrave or cut crafts. We recommend the following laser engraving&cutting machines according to different materials and requirements.
Engraving bamboo, wood and small crafts
If you want to engrave bamboo, wood and small crafts, then EMIT4060 is your best choice, it is a small laser engraving machine with cheap price and high precision.
Engraving wooden box, wine box
For the engraving of square materials such as wooden boxes or wine boxes, we recommend EMIT4060 or 9060, and you need to configure the lifting platform, otherwise the long wooden box can not be engraved.
Engraving bamboo tube, tea box
For engraving of round materials, 4060 or 9060 laser machine both arr good. At the time of buying, you should ask the seller to configure the lifting platform and have a rotary engraving device.
Cutting paper materials such as greeting cards
If you want to make a greeting card or a Christmas card, a small laser engraving machine such as EMIT4060 or 9060 is the best option. It has a fast cutting speed and high precision, which can avoid the yellowing of the edge of the paper.
Engraving large woodblock prints
For large wood paintings or other large materials, you should choose a large laser engraving machine or laser cutting machine. I suggest you buy 1390 with a lifting platform and you can put materials on the front and back of the laser engraver, so it is easy to engrave large wooden boards.
Cutting cloth and leather
For the cutting of materials such as leather fabrics, we have a professional laser cutter- EMIT1610. The laser cutter has a fast cutting speed, high power and a honeycomb cutting platform.
Cutting acrylic
Acrylic materials are very hard. You should choose a lasermachine with a large power and long life. It is best to choose a blade platform for the working platform, so that the bottom of the material will not be reflected. In addition, cutting for acrylic is the most high requirement for CO2 laser cutter, so this is a good standard for testing the laser technology capabilities of suppliers.
What is the best laser engraver/cutter?
Now you have found a laser engraving machine which suitable for your project, then you need to look for high quality laser equipment. It is possible to use different parts for laser engraver with the same appearance. You need to look carefully and ask the following sections to find the best laser engraver and cutter.
The engraving accuracy of the laser engraver is determined by the motor. If you have high requirements on the engraving accuracy, you must ask the seller about the motor.
2. Laser tube
Laser tubes are the most important part of laser engraving machines. The price of laser tubes is different in the market. Some sellers use low-quality laser tubes to reduce costs. Compared with low-quality laser tubes, high-quality laser tubes can be used tens of thousands hours. So you can ask the seller about the life of the laser tube to judge the quality of the laser tube.
3. Laser lens
The laser lens determines the power of the laser engraving machine. If you are planning to buy a high-power laser engraving machine, then you should choose a good laser lens.
4. Machine casing
In order to reduce the cost, some manufacturers use a very thin iron sheet to make the machine casing. The customer will not pay attention to it at the beginning, but after a period of use, the laser engraving machine will be deformed. The best laser engraving machine should be Used frame structure, welded with high quality steel, and made of high quality cold rolled steel to make the casing. Before buying, you can request about the thickness of the seller’s machine casing to judge the quality.
After sales service
After-sales service is very important for beginners. First of all, if the supplier don’t have good after-sales service, you may have to spend a lot of time learning how to use laser engraving machine. In addition, some parts of the laser engraving machine belong to consumables, such as laser tubes, emitting lenses, etc. These parts have a service life. After the damage, they you need to contact the manufacturer for replacement. This requires the seller to have the best after-sales service, if there is no good After-sales service, I think this will be very terrible.
Buying a laser engraving machine is an important investment, so make sure you choose the trustable seller and buy the best laser machine. If you have other questions, please leave us a message and we will share more information.
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The benefits of a Laser Engraving System
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https://www.kysson.com/ was the greatest revolution over traditional methods of engraving. The difference in lazer engraving is that the machine used for engraving will not be direct exposure to the surface which is to be engraved. Laser is just the tool governed by having direct contact with the surface which is to be etched or perhaps engraved. Use of lasers for engraving has made this process truly simple, which was earlier considered as complex process. This new method has proved it is the best and cheap form considered to old methods which was easier and user friendly but needs lots of care. The laser beam is so powerful that it needs to be managed while it's used in industrial use, otherwise it may reduce the surface which was to be engraved actually. These laser decoration machines were introduced in earlier 90's and all the functional of this machine controlled by the computer hardware and the software installed in this. All these types of automation systems are actually having a well designed equipment and software to control all the operations of the machine. Right now the machines are really developed that the picture or style which needs to be engraved can be stored to the computer that controls the operations and the software will simply engrave or maybe mark those designs to the surface. These laser devices were actually designed to engrave so many different types' materials such as plastic, glass, wood etc . Due to the success of laser light engraving machine the companies began to implement laser on a lot of areas like laser marking system, automation systems, warm stamping etc . Only disadvantage of laser engraving machine more than other types is the initial cost is bit higher however it is so many advantages over the traditional form of engraving. There are lots of advantages of laser module header compared to traditional methods of engraving. one In this method no toxic chemicals are used and it will not be getting any chemical residue after engraving. This is the major good thing about laser engraving over other types of older methods where a wide range of toxic chemicals and was having lot of residue after the utilize. 2 . It doesn't produce any dust while the machine functions, the machine works clean if its properly used, just thing is it should be used perfectly and correctly 3. Keep in mind that produce any sound; the machine just works with a minimal audio considered to older methods. 4. Since the laser engraving device doesn't have any direct contact with the surface so really easy to perform engraving on uneven surfaces. The tips of the machine was to replaced earlier according to the surface which is to be engraved, right now all these jobs are controlled by the software just by pressing a control button. 5. The machine is having only very less service price and it doesn't need any tip replacement. 6. The actual operational cost is really less and the implementation of the new-technology will definitely increase the productivity and reduce the operational cost of little industries. There is so many other automation systems like sizzling stamping which is used for hot stamping machines, pad publishing used for pad printing services, laser marking used for fractionated laser marking system and ultrasonic welding machines which is also popular in industries.
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judahreid-blog · 5 years
Varieties of Welding - TIG, Stick, and MIG Make Up 90% of All Welding
What are the a variety of welding and what could they be useful for? If you're looking to get a 20,000 foot check out the differing types of welding as well as applications, hang in there for a minute, I do think I'm able to help. Stick welding Stick welding can often be called Arc welding although that's a misnomer because TIG welding and MIG welding have been arc welding processes too. But ARC welding 's what most of the people still call stick welding. Stick welding is the old style form of welding that grandpa used to do to solve his tractor inside the barn. It works on the stick electrode being a 6013, 6011, or 7018 welding rod that's chucked up in an electrode holder that appears slightly just like a battery jumper cable clamp. The rod is struck just like a match to get the arc going along with the rod is fed to the puddle mainly because it burns. Stick welding is pretty simple and the stick welding machine is simple too and also pretty cheap. You can purchase a Lincoln 225 AC welding machine at any Lowe's for way below 300 dollars. MIG welding Mig welding is considered one of the easiest kinds of~varieties of~different types of~different kinds of welding to learn. Why? Because the rod won't have being fed since it shortens just like stick welding. A wire is fed through a cable and out the end in the mig welding gun and all sorts of operator is necessary to do is to pull the trigger and weld. Sounds easy right? Well it is not that simple. It's a tiny bit better to learn than stick welding however only a bit. Mig welding actually kind of describes 2 types of welding...bare wire mig, AND flux core welding. Bare wire mig is cleaner, and definately will weld thinner metal, but flux core is a lot easier to work with outdoors and will not have to have a cylinder of mig welding gas or a flow meter. Flux core welding is normally either employed for cheap hobby welder s in which the buyer does not wish to pay the gas and a gas conversion kit, or really heavy duty applications like earth moving equipment and production welding.
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TIG welding TIG welding is regarded as one of the most difficult types of welding to master...harder to perfect than mig or stick welding. This is because both hands should tig weld. One hand holds a tig torch with a tungsten electrode providing you with the arc and warmth...and yet another hand feeds the rod. TIG welding equipment is generally costlier plus more tough to setup since there is commonly a remote amperage control pedal included and yes it has a cylinder of argon or argon mix shielding gas to function. Tig welding is easily the most versatile form of welding of most. Practically all conventional metals could be welded using the tig process. Carbon and low alloy steels, metal, nickel alloys, aluminum, magnesium, titanium, cobalt, and copper alloys can all be welded on this welding. Plasma arc welding Plasma arc welding is just like tig welding apart from the tungsten electrode is recessed inside a nozzle and the heat is made by ionizing gasses flowing around the arc. Plasma arc welding can be used where high precision is essential plus situations the place where a recessed electrode is helpful. Plasma arc welding is employed extensively in aerospace applications for dimensional restoration of air seals and jet engine blade repair where thicknesses in many cases are below .015" and amperages used in many cases are single digit. Gas welding Gas welding is one of the old style forms of welding. Oxygen and Acetylene is regarded as the popular setup for a gas welding kit and gas welding continues to be used a whole lot for automotive exhaust applications, as well as by homebuilt airplane enthusiasts for welding 4130 chromoly tubing for airplane fuselages. It works. It's portable. And it's also fairly versatile... You can still find some people that swear by gas welding for even welding aluminum. Some individuals feel that tig welding is much better than gas welding. We are one particular people. Electron beam and laser welding. Most of these welding are considered high energy welding processes because they pinpoint heat a lot superior to older more conventional types of welding. Electron beam welding can penetrate through 6 inches of steel without any bevel. Laser welding can pinpoint heat so precisely that weld metal could be deposited on a tool steel injection mold cavity so precisely that heat treatments could be eliminated and only minimal machining is required so that you can restore dimensions. For additional information about Gia Thuoc han hoa nhiet 115g web portal: click here.
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zxlasers · 2 years
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xlntchillers · 3 years
Industrial Water Chiller
XlntChillers is the source of small and medium-sized chillers around you, with customized chiller design and professional chillers. XlntChillers is a water cooling machine manufacturer with diversified products, providing refrigeration solutions for customers in multiple industries (CNC laser industry, welding industry, advertising production industry, plastic industry, the medical device industry, UV printing industry, Laboratory, etc.). Our products include industrial chillers, Fiber Laser Chillers, Co2 Laser Chillers, CNC Spindle Chillers, etc.
 Different Industrial Water Chiller For Sale
 Fiber Laser Chiller
XLNT-500 Fiber Waterchiller
XLNT-800 Fiber Chiller Cooling System
XLNT-1000 1000W Fiber Laser Chiller
XLNT-1500 1500W Fiber Laser Water Chiller
XLNT-2000 2000W Laser Chiller
XLNT-3000 3000W Fiber Laser Cutter Chiller
XLNT-6000 6000W Fiber Laser Chillers
 CO2 Laser Water Chiller
CW3000 60W CO2 Mini Water Chiller
CW5000 80W-100W Co2 Small Chiller
CW5200 130W-200W Co2 Portable Water Chiller
CW6000 450W CO2 Laser Water Chiller
CW6200 860W CO2 Laser Chiller Unit
 CNC Spindle Chiller
CW 3000 Industrial Chiller For 1.5KW CNC Spindle
CW5000 Water Chiller For 5kw CNC Spindle
Chiller CW 5200 For 8KW CNC Spindle
CW6000 Water Chiller For 22KW CNC Spindle
CW6200 Water Chiller Units For 45KW CNC Spindle
 Features Of XlntChillers Industrial Water Cooled Chillers
The world-renowned brand compressor has built-in protection function, low noise, energy saving and durable.
 The electrical equipment adopts well-known brand products to ensure the stable operation and long life of the machine.
 High-quality water pump, large flow, high efficiency, and durable.
 Equipped with an intelligent temperature controller, which can control the water temperature accurately to ±0.3℃.
 The design of the copper bar of the condenser is reasonable, and the heat exchange effect is good.
 Electrostatic spray plastic shell, beautiful and generous, and the appearance board adopts quick disassembly form, which is convenient for use and maintenance.
 XlntChillers is a professional water cooling machine manufacturer in China that can offer a wide range of industrial chiller machines and systems for sale that meets various needs including the chiller for laser machine, CO2 laser water chiller, CNC spindle chiller, etc. We offer reliable quality water cooled liquid chillers at a cheap cost/price. Please contact us to know more about it.
 Features Of XlntChillers Industrial Water Cooled Chillers
Water Cooled Chiller Unit Installation Requirements
Before the installation of industrial chiller, please choose a smooth foundation, surrounded by open, smooth and avoid corrosion, pollution, sun, rain, easy installation and maintenance of the place.
 The chiller must be installed in the space above the wall 1m space position, so as to avoid poor heat caused by high pressure overload caused by cooling effect and increase power consumption.
 The Reason Why Industrial Water Chiller System Does Not Work
power cord contact is not good. Fault processing method: Check the Water chiller for laser cutter power connector, check the power cord plug is plugged in place and good contact.
 use blown. Fault processing method: Pull out the fuse box in the power connector on the Water chiller laser cutting machine.
 Simple Fault Processing Method Of Industrial Water Cooled Liquid Chiller
Room temperature alarm is the reason for the use of water chiller ambient temperature is high, we should improve the ventilation, to ensure that the chiller operating environment below 40 degrees.
 Condensate condensation is serious because the water temperature is lower than the ambient temperature, humidity, we should increase the water temperature or to the pipeline insulation.
 Water drain when the drainage is slow because the water nozzle of water chiller is not open, we should open the water nozzle.
 Industrial Water Chiller Application
Metal Finishing Chillers
Laser Chillers
Welding Chillers
Food Processing Chillers
Plastic Processing Chiller
Injection Molding Chiller
Beverage Process Chiller
Hydroponic Chillers
Chemical Chiller
Pharmaceutical Chiller
Welcome your presence, you can send us an email, we will get in touch with you within 24 hours.
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bestcncmachining · 3 years
CNC stainless steel machining from WORTHY HARDWARE CO.,LTD
Stainless steel could be a exceptionally prevalent combination since of its amazing physical properties and superior erosion resistance. But to urge the foremost advantage from stainless steel parts, it is exceptionally imperative to select a company that gives proficient stainless steel CNC machining services.  Stainless steel requires carefully kept up instruments and machining to obtain precision parts. At WORTHY HARDWARE CO.,LTD, our experienced staff and state-of-the-art machines empower us to supply exact comes about on time each time.
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Classification and use of stainless steel
1.304 stainless steel. It is one of the foremost broadly utilized austenitic stainless steels. It is reasonable for the make of deep-drawing shaping parts and corrosive channels, holders, auxiliary parts, different instrument bodies, etc. It can moreover fabricate non-magnetic, low-temperature hardware and portion.
2.304H stainless steel. The inner department of 304 stainless steel features a carbon mass division of 0.04%-0.10%, and its tall temperature execution is superior than that of 304 stainless steel
3.304L stainless steel. The ultra-low carbon austenitic stainless steel created to illuminate the genuine intergranular erosion propensity of 304 stainless steel due to the precipitation of Cr23C6 beneath certain conditions, its sensitized state of intergranular erosion resistance is altogether way better than that of 304 stainless steel. But for the somewhat lower quality, other properties are the same as 321 stainless steel. It is primarily utilized for corrosion-resistant hardware and parts that cannot be solid-solution treated after welding, and can be utilized to make different instrument bodies.
4.316 stainless steel. Molybdenum is included to the 10Cr18Ni12 steel to form the steel have great resistance to decreasing media and setting erosion. In seawater and other different media, the erosion resistance is superior than 304 stainless steel, basically utilized for setting erosion safe materials.
5.316L stainless steel. Ultra-low carbon steel has great resistance to intergranular erosion within the sensitized state, and is reasonable for the fabricate of welded parts and gear with thick cross-section measurements, such as corrosion-resistant materials in petrochemical gear.
The reasons why stainless steel materials affect the accuracy of machined parts:
 The solidifying inclination of stainless steel materials is genuine. In expansion, the processing is hindered cutting, and the affect and vibration are as well expansive, which makes the processing cutter simple to wear and chipping. When utilizing small-diameter conclusion plants, it is simple to break; in expansion, once the processing handle The toughness of the apparatus diminishes, and the harshness and size of the machining surface of the stainless steel precision parts cannot meet the comparing prerequisites.
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We have 20 years of CNC processing experience, focus on quality first, customer service, beautiful price of CNC machining services,Our product tolerance is small, the price is cheap,which are used in a variety of sectors, including industrial equipment,automotive , etc.
Worthy Hardware is a CNC manufacturing and sheet metal fabrication company,including CNC machining services,CNC milling services, CNC turning services, laser cutting services and stamping services.Call us +86-76989919645 or email us [email protected] for more discounts for your projects.
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igoldenlaser · 3 years
5000W metal fiber laser cutting machine price
igoldencnc fiber laser cutting machine 5000W metal fiber laser cutting metal laser price,CNC laser cutting machine, also called fiber laser cutting machine, fiber laser cutter, laser cutter, metal laser cutter, metal laser cutting machine, designed for high precision metal plate cutting processing ot applications is cutting for stainless steel, carbon steel, aluminum, copper, galvanized sheet and other metal plate.
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FLATBED FIBER LASER CUTTING MACHINE iGR-F   Series is economical laser cutting machine with cheap price and high quality. With the movement of the relative position between the beam and the workpiece, the cheap fiber laser cutting machine makes the material form a cutting seam, so as to achieve the purpose of cutting. Laser cutting is designed to replace the traditional mechanical knife with invisible light beam. It has the characteristics of high precision, fast cutting, not limited to the limitation of cutting pattern, automatic typesetting, saving materials, smooth incision and low processing cost. It will gradually improve or replace the traditional metal cutting process equipment. The mechanical part of the laser cutter head has no contact with the workpiece, so it will not scratch the surface of the workpiece. The cheap price laser cutting machine is professional for cutting 1~1omm aluminum, 0.5~25mm carbon steel plate, 1~12mm stainless steel plate, 1~10mm brass, copper, galvanized sheet, electrolytic sheet and silicon steel and other metal materials.
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Jinan iGolden CNC Equipment Co., Ltd. has been engaged in laser machine manufacturing for over ten years. All machines are certified by CE and FDA authority, and each of machine undergoes rigorous production assembly and quality inspection process. We are devoted in laser machine manufacturing, which including fiber laser cutting, fiber laser marking, fiber cleaning and fiber laser welding. With advantage technology and research, IGOLDENCNC is becoming more and more popular among various of different counties.
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Cheap laser Cutting Machine Features:
High rigid gantry mobile structure:
Enhanced machine base, lightweight gantry finished by cast aluminum, higher speed operation, precision processing with Japanese equipment, high temperature aging treatment, hollow structure, no heat-deformation
Optional configuration:
Double exchange worktable to enhance production capacity.
Smaller focus spot:
Finer cutting line, smooth incision, beautiful appearance, no deformation, higher work efficiency and better processing quality.
Using branded fiber laser source:
Compact structure, small volume, using fixed optical path, low energy consumption, stable cutting quality.
The optical path is not constrained:
The optical fiber transmission loss is small, and the processing range can be enlarged.
Using professional software:
Realize the timely processing of all kinds of graphics and text, which is simple and convenient to use.
Energy saving and environmental protection:
Low operation cost, meet the needs of 24-hour industrial production.
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micrometalsblog · 3 years
Top Qualities to search for Steel Supplier!
The entry was posted in the Steel Industry as well as tagged selecting the steel partner for business, let us understand what are the qualities that you should look for the stainless steel bright bar manufacturers in india and steel supplier.
     When you are searching for the duplex round bar suppliers and steel supplier, the bottom line starts with below mentioned question, which manufacturer or supplier, offers you with the best quality of product at most affordable rates. Such as, when you are looking for the A193 B7 product or for A193 B8 it is always suggest that you should explore different options and not should simply reply on just one supplier.
   Though the price offered by ss fasteners manufacturers in india is undoubtedly significant, cheap product can also cost you quite more in long run when it needs some kind of additional or extra cleaning, or it is related to the inferior quality. In addition, when you have the warehouse, your savings on the cost may also diminish. Your perfect bet is to simply search for the steel supplier or super duplex fasteners manufacturer that may provide you with the experience of consistently reliability. That mentioned, look for such qualities in the steel partner:
   1. The commitment done by stainless steel round bar manufacturers in india for offering high quality along with doing the regular improvement. The steel supplier must simply demonstrate the high level of commitment to offer you with the consistent and with the quality product, which may simply exceeds the level of expectations, each time. In addition, the duplex fasteners manufacturer must even maintain the system of quality management in conformance with the quality certification, and regularly strive for improvement, which mainly based on customer feedback as well as employee feedback.
   2. Experience: Irrespective of the industry for which you need the steel such as automotive, mining, transportation, agriculture, manufacturing and construction or manufacturing. It is important that you must select the partner of steel processing with great experience in sheet, steel plate, structural profiles such as angle, beams and channel, even the merchant bar as well as different products such as tube and pipe, rebar and mesh, even the expanded as well as grating. They must even provide an extensive variety related to the manufacturing processes.
   3 Agility and Flexibility. Speaking related to the manufacturing processes, the processing company of steel must be flexible as well as agile, and ready to simply help to accommodate the unique requirements, irrespective of the fact that it is burning, machining, laser, forming, notching, punching, drilling, sawing and welding. They must even carry a great inventory of the steel products so they may simply accommodate the needs and also some of the unexpected needs.
   4.Delivery on accurate time: You must simply count on the steel processing company having the quick turnaround times with the much reliable and the on-time delivery. You may search for the steel supplier, which has the proper working of production team round the clock to get the 24/7 to get the job across finishing line.
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langfangmfr · 3 years
Knowledge of flat welding flange and Butt Welded Fitting
Butt Welded Fitting is widely used for its high productivity and easy automation. Its application scope can be summarized as follows:
(1) workpiece extension such as Butt Welded Fitting of steel strip, profile, wire rod, steel bar, steel rail, boiler steel pipe, oil and natural gas transmission pipeline, etc.
(2) Butt Welded Fitting of ring workpieces, such as automobile rims and bicycles, motorcycle rims, various chain links, etc.
(3) The assembly and welding of components will make simple rolled, forged, stamped or machined parts butt welded into complex parts to reduce costs. For example, the Butt Welded Fitting of the automobile steering shaft shell and the rear axle shell, the Butt Welded Fitting of various connecting rods and pull rods, and the Butt Welded Fitting of special parts, etc.
(4) Butt Welded Fitting of dissimilar metals can save precious metals and improve product performance. For example, the Butt Welded Fitting of the working part (high-speed steel) and the tail (medium carbon steel), the Butt Welded Fitting of the head (heat-resistant steel) and the tail (structural steel) of the exhaust valve of the internal combustion engine, the Butt Welded Fitting of the aluminum copper conductive joint, etc.
Flat welding :soldera mixture metals that is heated and melted and then used to join metals,wires,etc.together.In the welding process, the workpiece and the solder melt to form a melting area, and the melting pool cools and solidifies to form a connection between the materials. In this process, pressure is usually required. There are many sources of welding energy, including gas flame, arc, laser, electron beam, friction and ultrasonic.
Before the end of the 19th century, the only welding process was forged metal welding, which had been used by blacksmiths for hundreds of years. The earliest modern welding technology appeared in the late 19th century, first arc welding and oxy fuel gas welding, later resistance welding. In the early 20th century, with the war of the first and the Second World War, there was a great demand for cheap and reliable connection methods for military equipment, which promoted the development of welding technology. With the wide application of welding robots in industrial applications, researchers are still in-depth study of the nature of welding, and continue to develop new welding methods to further improve the quality of welding.
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