shsl-fem-rpgshamen · 11 years
((Anyone miss me? I have recently gotten a new muse. So. . .  I disappeared.))
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shsl-fem-rpgshamen · 11 years
Put a song in my ask. I'll listen to it and come up with an AU to match it.
No obligation to write it out just a little synopsis of like a music video for it or what you’d find on the back cover of a book.
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shsl-fem-rpgshamen · 11 years
((Do you guys think I am a decent Yasuhiro? I am feeling like I am failing OTL))
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shsl-fem-rpgshamen · 11 years
((Here you go guys. A-ask away, I guess. ^^))
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shsl-fem-rpgshamen · 11 years
Ask me anything and I will respond with a voice clip. . or something. XD
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shsl-fem-rpgshamen · 11 years
Yasuhiro had a bit too much sake and much to her amusement, her cellphone was beside her. She lay in bed and typed  random letter, clicking on the first name she saw she began feverishly typing. The keyboard clicking loudly.
"Heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy~! You looking mighty finnnnnneeeeeeee. . Hit me up at my place. . I need you!"
Without thinking she pressed send.
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shsl-fem-rpgshamen · 11 years
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(( No. . . just why? why did I do this? XD))
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shsl-fem-rpgshamen · 11 years
Send me a symbol
♬ Mun will say something as their muse and post it
♠ Muse will do anything of your muse's choosing
♩ Mun will pose a snippet of them singing
٭Muse will take of one article of clothing
* Muse will do a dare of your choosing
^ Muse will send you a drunk text
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shsl-fem-rpgshamen · 11 years
"Wha? Wait so…oh! This is one of those voodoo doll things, right?" Teruteru asked, taking a moment to proccess his own words. "….Hey! Wait, a minute! I don’t want you doing stuff to that doll! Golly, I would have much prefered if it were a sex doll instead… …. Wait a minute….Maybe…. May I please see the doll for a second?” He asked, blood beginning trickle down his left nostril.
"…oh my Gods… holy cow. . Of course you, can dude. Probably won’t work. Occult stuff never does. . The real psychics can read numerology and hunt down the elusive skyfish! They are energy suckers that cause planes to crash."
She snickered to herself and gave the chef the doll.
"Have fun. If anything happens, lemme know."
Abababa! W-Wh...What is this thing? Is it supposed to be...me? A-ah!!! "Hagakure-San...what is this? If you wanted a sex doll of me, don't you think you should have asked first? And I must say, whoever made this was insanely innacurate! I'm not this small at all!"
What? Whoa, whoa, whoa. No dude. That’s not a sex doll, think of it as you will man! I can do some things to you that you wouldn’t even fathom, dude. I can make you dance, and do other things that I kind of forgot about… so, yeah…
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shsl-fem-rpgshamen · 11 years
"Just a heads up dudes. . If you send me a cheeseburger or a hamburger I will mess you up! I can't beat people up, I am not that strong. Beef tastes so bad. . Don't you guys follow the news?! They pump cows full of nasty hormones. Chickens are ten times better. Plus you can add stuff to it to make it not so plain."
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shsl-fem-rpgshamen · 11 years
M!A: You hate ALL Beef Products for 1 day.
"Ugh… . I guess I have to eat chicken."
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shsl-fem-rpgshamen · 11 years
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shsl-fem-rpgshamen · 11 years
Abababa! W-Wh...What is this thing? Is it supposed to be...me? A-ah!!! "Hagakure-San...what is this? If you wanted a sex doll of me, don't you think you should have asked first? And I must say, whoever made this was insanely innacurate! I'm not this small at all!"
What? Whoa, whoa, whoa. No dude. That's not a sex doll, think of it as you will man! I can do some things to you that you wouldn't even fathom, dude. I can make you dance, and do other things that I kind of forgot about. . . so, yeah. . .
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shsl-fem-rpgshamen · 11 years
Moo, I'm a plant.
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shsl-fem-rpgshamen · 11 years
((Lolololol! I dare someone to do this! XD Contradictions))
Your character finds a voodoo doll of themselves among my character's belongings. How would yours confront mine on this issue?
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shsl-fem-rpgshamen · 11 years
Thank you
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 Hey you guys! I know this may not be as big of an accomplishment in your eyes as it is in mine, but. . . .
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Thanks so much for following this crumby lil' blog. 16 followers means a lot to me. Even if I am too shy to start an RP with any of you. ;;
You are all so awesome. )
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shsl-fem-rpgshamen · 11 years
The brunette scratched her head and put a finger underneath her nose. She thought for a moment and looked the male over. A cold chill ran down her back at the word 'despair'. . maybe it was the way it had been said. . or maybe it was the stranger himself. Either way a customer was a customer.
"Eh. . despair? Hmm. . .Ah! K, dude. . Lemme move you on back to my little room here and we'll have a looksie into my crystal ball. It can tell the future. . 30% of the time."
She let out a little chuckle .
((Shhh. . You're fine darlin'. : > I appreciate the RP.))
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