#Charlize Schwarz
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mumblingsofmemory · 3 months ago
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Charlize Schwarz by Peter Müeller
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lol-jackles · 9 months ago
Would doing a cameo or guest spot on the Boys hurt Jared's branding? We found out today that Kripke seems to be tweeting him a lot, and I don't think it's about the revival from what Jared said about working out. For me it wouldn't be so much about nudity as my trust in his choices for projects in the future. Right now, I trusted him to watch a cowboy show of all things and loved the family vibe. But after an X rated gig, maybe not so much. Do agents and managers consider things like that or not
It's not the cameo or guest spot that is the issue per se, after all Charlize Theron had a funny cameo as an actress portraying one of the supes in a movie within a movie, and all lead actors do guest spots between their main projects. 
There's main three things going on.  First, Kripke is indulging in some of his worst impulses.  He knows Amazon will censor out the graphic sexual and violent scenes, but it won't stop him from filming them for his own titillations. 
Second, unsympathetic roles never help anyone's career. Just look at how much Misha disavowed Karla with excuses that he "didn't know" it was based on true events. Back then Misha was a struggling actor who accepted work whenever he can. The reason why Jared said he would like to play "thinking man villain" is because those type of villains are usually right in their thinking; they're just wrong in how they try to achieve their goal.
Third, if the guest role is an unsympathetic villain that gets killed by the good guys, then it goes against the upward trajectory of Jared's career. If you've seen the movie Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, there is a scene between Al Pacino and Leonardo di Caprio that explains this.  Pacino plays a director to Caprio's Rick Dalton who is a fading lead tv star known for playing a heroic character name Jake Cahill on Western series, now is guest starring as bad guys in Western series.  Rick has been offered a lead role in Italy's spaghetti Western movies that he's unsure of accepting.
Marvin Schwarz: You… You always play the bad guy on these (American) shows?
Rick Dalton: Yeah.
Marvin Schwarz: So, and they have a fight scene at the end of them?
Rick Dalton: Well, not… not… not Land of the Giants or F.B.I… but the rest, yeah. Yeah.
Marvin Schwarz: you lose in the fight?
Rick Dalton: Yeah. Yeah, of course.  I’m… I’m the heavy.
Marvin Schwarz: Oooh, That’s an old trick pulled by the networks.
Rick Dalton: *stunned*
Marvin Schwarz: Now, you take (new character) Bingo Martin, for example. Right?  So you got a new guy (actor) like Scott Brown.  You wanna build up his bona fides, right?  So you hire a guy from a canceled show to play the heavy.   Then at the end of the show, when they fight, it’s hero besting heavy.  But what the audience sees… is Bingo Martin whipping Jake Cahill’s ass.
Rick Dalton: *taking it all in*
Marvin Schwarz: You see?  Then next week, it’s Ron Ely.  And next week, it’s Bob Conrad, wearing his tight pants, kicking your ass.
Rick Dalton (in a bit of denial): Yeah.
Marvin Schwarz: Now, in another couple of years, playing punching bag to every swinging dick new to the network, that’s gonna have a psychological effect… on how the audience perceives you.
Rick Dalton: Right.
Marvin Schwarz: So Rick, who’s gonna kick the shit out of you next week? Mannix? The Man from U.N.C.L.E.? The Girl from U.N.C.L.E.? How about Batman and Robin? Ping! Pow! Choom! Zoom! Down goes you, down goes your career as a leading man.
Rick Dalton: *silence*
Marvin Schwarz: Or do you go to Rome and star in Westerns… and win fucking fights?  Ticket, señor?
Cliff Booth (played by Brad Pitt): All right....... What’s the matter, partner?
Rick Dalton: Well… it’s official, old buddy. I’m a has-been.
Cliff Booth: What are you talking about?  What did that guy tell you?
Rick Dalton: He told me the goddamn truth, is what he told me.
Ever wonder why most action stars like Dwayne the Rock Johnson have in their contract that their characters never lose fights on screen? Because they don't want to even give audience the chance to have a subconscious idea that they're not lead stars.
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I have soooooo many people I wanna see in the series
Sandra Oh
Rhys Darby
Taika Waititi
Danny Devito
Steve Martin
Martin Short
Tom Ellis
Charlize Theron
Bella Ramsay
Ian McKellen
Michael Sheen
Vico Ortiz
Samba Schutte
Lily Gladstone
Sheryl Lee Ralph
Ben Schwarz
Helen Hunt
Ryan Gosling
Ncuti Gatwa
James Roday Rodriguez
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zorkaya-moved · 4 years ago
*Sips.* I know a few, and it makes me drool over Zarina more but you already know I'm a sloot for her.
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Thank you for being a fellow simp, Wolf. Who do I have on top of my head in no particular order... LET’S GO.
Balalaika (Black Lagoon)
Makima (Chainsaw Man)
Echidna (Re:Zero)
AK-12 (Girls’ Frontline)
Koko Hekmatyar
Saeko Busujima
Aria Roscent
Roxanna Agriche
Meridian Sasha
Charlize Ronan 
Kiara Sessyoin
Lucifer (Helltaker)
Freya (Danmachi)
Riel (Lilith’s Cord)
Dea Anchora Durandal & HoS & FR (Honkai / Fighting Styles)
Schwarz (Arknights)
Skadi (Arknights)
Saria (Arknights)
Specter (Arknights)
SP Yuki Onna (Onmyoji / Ice Element)
Suzuka Gozen (Onmyoji / Family Importance)
Takiyasha-Hime (Onmyoji / Moon Symbolism and Weaponry)
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gesundheittipps · 6 years ago
20 Frische Charlize Theron Frisuren Kollektion
Charlize Theron s Schnellen 8-Bösewicht die Meisten Erschreckend Aber von charlize theron Frisuren Charlize Theron Charlize Theron Pinterest von charlize theron Frisuren Charlize Theron se déhanche nouveau pour Dior J adore Video von charlize theron Frisuren Charlize Theron CHARLIZE Pinterest von charlize theron Frisuren Charlize Theron ÐарРÐз Pinterest von charlize theron Frisuren Kurze Haare mit Schichten – Haar-Ideen, Schnitt Und Farbe von charlize theron Frisuren charlize theron Frisuren der Google-Suche Haare von charlize theron Frisuren Davis Vision Charlize Theron geht alle schwarz mit geek chic-Spezifikationen von charlize theron Frisuren Charlize Theron von charlize theron Frisuren Charlize Theron Frisur Trends 2012 von charlize theron Frisuren Charlize Theron Frisur Trends 2012 von charlize theron Frisuren 552 besten Charlize Theron-Bilder auf Pinterest von charlize theron Frisuren 22 Besten Frisuren für Baby-Feines Haar Ideen von charlize theron Frisuren Vip-con i capelli corti Charlize Theron Pinterest von charlize theron Frisuren Charlize Theron Alle Dinge, die im Stil von Pinterest charlize theron Frisuren Charlize Theron Frisur Trends 2012 von charlize theron Frisuren Charlize Theron Besten Funny Pics Best Funny von charlize theron Frisuren 246 besten Charlize theron-Bilder auf Pinterest von charlize theron Frisuren Lockige Schwarze Frisuren für Natürlich Lockigem Haar Schön ich Pinimg von charlize theron Frisuren 20 Frische Charlize Theron Frisuren Kollektion was last modified: February 18th, 2019 by Smart Frisuren
The post 20 Frische Charlize Theron Frisuren Kollektion appeared first on Finden Sie die besten Gesundheitstipps online - Gesundheittippss.com.
source https://www.gesundheittippss.com/die-schoensten-frisuren/20-frische-charlize-theron-frisuren-kollektion.html
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inspirierendefrisuren · 6 years ago
Beste Promi-Pixie-Haarschnitte
Wir beziehen uns oft auf die modischsten Frisuren von Prominenten, da diese Stile von professionellen Friseuren entworfen und richtig gewählt werden. In diesem Beitrag finden Sie die besten Promi-Pixie-Haarschnitte die für 2019 im Trend liegen und von vielen Frauen kopiert werden. Zwar sind Pixies junge Frisuren, aber Sie werden sehen, wie professionell unsere Prominenten sie feminin und subtil aussehen lassen.
Rihanna Kurze Pixie-Frisur
Als hübsche schwarze Frau wählt Rihanna immer die richtigen Frisuren, um sie zu unterstreichen Schönheit. Ihre jungenhafte Pixie-Frisur mit zu kurzen Pony ist eine der stilvollsten Pixie-Frisuren für schwarze Frauen. Sie ermöglicht es ihr, ihre schlanken Gesichtszüge hervorzuheben und auf ihre glänzenden Augen aufmerksam zu machen. Viele schwarze Frauen mögen diese Frisur von Rihanna kopieren.
Keira Knightley Pixie-Frisur
Als Keira mit kurzen Frisuren auftauchte, glaubte jeder, sie hätte den besten Stil für sie gefunden. Diese Frisuren passen nicht nur zu ihrer Gesichtsform, sondern machen sie auch zu einer anderen schönen Dame. Sie sieht sehr stylisch aus mit diesen braunen Akzenten auf ihrem Pixie-Haarschnitt und ist sehr raffiniert mit dem langen Pony auf ihrer Stirn.
Miley Cyrus Pixie Haircut
Seitenpompadour-Frisur von Miley Ihre Gesichtsform passt zu einer trendigen Frisur. Es ist sehr verlockend, vor allem wegen der kontrastierenden Haarfarbe. Ihre dunklen Wurzeln und ihre hellblonde Haarfarbe sorgen dafür, dass sie in der Öffentlichkeit steht.
Emma Watson Pixie Haircut
Emma hat ihre lange, zu weibliche Frisur verändert in einen gemütlichen jungenhaften Haarschnitt. Nach diesem Haarschnitt sieht sie jünger und interessanter aus. Ihr neuer Stil amüsierte jeden, da sie völlig anders aussieht.
Anne Hathaway Pixie Haircut
Da Anne sehr prominente Gesichtsmerkmale hat, die diesen kurzen Pixie-Haarschnitt immer hervorheben, unterstreicht diese kurze Schönheit nur ihre Schönheit. Obwohl sie wirklich jung aussieht, hat sie eine sehr trendige Frisur, die es ihnen ermöglicht, ihre Augen schön hervorzuheben.
Charlize Theron Pixie Haarschnitt
Betrachtet man dieses Foto von Charlize denke, dass Pixie für Frauen nicht so unhöflich ist. Darüber hinaus ist es der beste Stil, um Ihre wahre Schönheit hervorzuheben. Dies bezieht sich auf die hübsche Charlize-Frisur. Obwohl sie zu kurz ist, ist sie sehr schick, weil Charlize selbst subtile und zu feminine Gesichtszüge aufweist. Jennifer Lawrence Pixie Haircut
Jennifer hat sich für einen zarten Pixie-Schnitt für ihre modische Werbung entschieden auffälliger Blick. Ihre dunklen Wurzeln zusammen mit leichten Enden machen ihre Frisur weicher und niedlicher. Es funktioniert mit ihrer Gesichtsform und ihren Gesichtszügen.
Lily Collins Pixie Haircut
Ein etwas längerer, aber sehr heißer Pixie-Haarschnitt ist auf Lilys Haar zu sehen. Diese hübsche Dame wählt die Frisuren aus, die sie in der Mitte der Aufmerksamkeit halten und sie schön funkeln lassen. Sei es lang, mittel oder kurz Lily weiß immer, wie sie ihr Haar so stylen soll, dass sie so großartig ist.
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source https://www.inspirierendefrisuren.com/beste-promi-pixie-haarschnitte.jsp
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malte1mj-blog · 7 years ago
2015 Movie Awards
Best Picture: Amy Brooklyn Inside Out Mad Max: Fury Road Wild Tales HONORABLE MENTION: Clouds of Sils Maria, The Martian, Carol, Anomalisa, James White, Room, Spotlight, 99 Homes, Chi-Raq, It Follows, Ex Machina Best Director: John Crowley, Brooklyn Pete Docter, Inside Out George Miller, Mad Max: Fury Road Ridley Scott, The Martian Damian Szifron, Wild Tales HONORABLE MENTION: Lenny Abrahamson, Room; Olivier Assayas, Clouds of Sils Maria; Ramin Bahrani, 99 Homes; Alex Garland, Ex Machina; Todd Haynes, Carol; Duke Johnson & Charlie Kaufman, Anomalisa; Asif Kapadia, Amy; Spike Lee, Chi-Raq; Tom McCarthy, Spotlight; David Robert Mitchell, It Follows; Josh Mond, James White Best Actor: Christopher Abbott, James White Matt Damon, The Martian Andrew Garfield, 99 Homes Michael B. Jordan, Creed Jacob Tremblay, Room HONORABLE MENTION: Abraham Attah, Beasts of No Nation; Michael Caine, Youth; Nick Cannon, Chi-Raq; Leonardo DiCaprio, The Revenant; Michael Fassbender, Steve Jobs; Joseph Gordon-Levitt, The Walk; Tom Hanks, Bridge of Spies; Tom Hardy, Mad Max: Fury Road; Eddie Redmayne, The Danish Girl; Jason Segel, The End of the Tour; David Thewlis, Anomalisa Best Actress: Juliette Binoche, Clouds of Sils Maria Cate Blanchett, Carol Brie Larson, Room Rooney Mara, Carol Saoirse Ronan, Brooklyn HONORABLE MENTION: Cate Blanchett, Truth; Regina Case, The Second Mother; Greta Gerwig, Mistress America; Nina Hoss, Phoenix; Anna Kendrick, The Last Five Years; Jennifer Lawrence, Joy; Melissa McCarthy, Spy; Teyonah Parris, Chi-Raq; Amy Poehler, Inside Out; Bel Powley, The Diary of a Teenage Girl; Charlotte Rampling, 45 Years; Amy Schumer, Trainwreck; Sarah Silverman, I Smile Back; Meryl Streep, Ricki and the Flash; Charlize Theron, Mad Max: Fury Road; Lily Tomlin, Grandma; Alicia Vikander, The Danish Girl Best Supporting Actor: Steve Carell, The Big Short Benicio Del Toro, Sicario Oscar Isaac, Ex Machina Mark Ruffalo, Spotlight Michael Shannon, 99 Homes HONORABLE MENTION: Christian Bale, The Big Short; Emory Cohen, Brooklyn; Bradley Cooper, Joy; Tom Courtenay, 45 Years; Ricardo Darin, Wild Tales; Idris Elba, Beasts of No Nation; Sam Elliott, Grandma; Diego Gentile, Wild Tales; Nicholas Hoult, Mad Max: Fury Road; Samuel L. Jackson, The Hateful Eight; Michael Keaton, Spotlight; Harvey Keitel, Youth; Richard Kind, Inside Out; Robert Redford, Truth; Mark Rylance, Bridge of Spies; Liev Schreiber, Spotlight; Sylvester Stallone, Creed Best Supporting Actress: Jennifer Jason Leigh, Anomalisa Cynthia Nixon, James White Erica Rivas, Wild Tales Kristen Stewart, Clouds of Sils Maria Alicia Vikander, Ex Machina HONORABLE MENTION: Joan Allen, Room; Angela Bassett, Chi-Raq; Cate Blanchett, Cinderella; Olivia Cooke, Me and Earl and the Dying Girl; Brie Larson, Trainwreck; Rachel McAdams, Spotlight; Julianne Moore, Maps to the Stars; Sarah Paulson, Carol; Phyllis Smith, Inside Out; Mya Taylor, Tangerine; Tessa Thompson, Creed; Rachel Weisz, Youth; Kristen Wiig, The Diary of a Teenage Girl; Kate Winslet, Steve Jobs Best Original Screenplay: Clouds of Sils Maria - Olivier Assayas Inside Out - Josh Cooley, Ronnie del Carmen, Pete Docter & Meg LeFauve James White - Josh Mond Spotlight - Tom McCarthy & Josh Singer Wild Tales - Damian Szifron HONORABLE MENTION: Ex Machina, 45 Years, It Follows, Maps to the Stars, Mistress America, 99 Homes, Sicario, Trainwreck Best Adapted Screenplay: Anomalisa - Charlie Kaufman Brooklyn - Nick Hornby Carol - Phyllis Nagy The Martian - Drew Goddard Room - Emma Donoghue HONORABLE MENTION: Ant-Man, Beasts of No Nation, The Big Short, Brooklyn, Chi-Raq, Creed, The Diary of a Teenage Girl, The End of the Tour, Me and Earl and the Dying Girl, Phoenix, Star Wars: The Force Awakens, Truth, The Walk Best Ensemble: The Big Short Chi-Raq Joy Mad Max: Fury Road Spotlight HONORABLE MENTION: Avengers: Age of Ultron, Beasts of No Nation, Brooklyn, Carol, The Hateful Eight, Inside Out, Magic Mike XXL, Maps to the Stars, The Martian, Me and Earl and the Dying Girl, Sicario, Sisters, The Stanford Prison Experiment, Star Wars: The Force Awakens, Straight Outta Compton, Trainwreck, Wild Tales Best Limited Performance - Male: Donald Glover, The Martian Neal Huff, Spotlight Stacy Keach, Truth Ron Livingston, James White Chris Sheffield, The Stanford Prison Experiment HONORABLE MENTION: Jon Bernthal, Sicario; Victor Garber, Sicario; Tim Guinee, 99 Homes; Tracy Letts, The Big Short; Christopher Meloni, The Diary of a Teenage Girl; Ezra Miller, Trainwreck; Nick Offerman, Me and Earl and the Dying Girl; Chris Sarandon, I Smile Back; Jamey Sheridan, Spotlight; Cory Michael Smith, Carol; Lakeith Stanfield, Straight Outta Compton; Max von Sydow, Star Wars: The Force Awakens Best Limited Performance - Female: Jane Fonda, Youth Noni Hazlehurst, Truth Rebecca Henderson, Mistress America Audra McDonald, Ricki and the Flash Lupita Nyong'o, Star Wars: The Force Awakens HONORABLE MENTION: Connie Britton, Me and Earl and the Dying Girl; Drena De Niro, Joy; Kathryn Erbe, Mistress America; Sarah Gadon, Maps to the Stars; Adepero Oduye, The Big Short; Lisa Renee Pitts, Straight Outta Compton; Margot Robbie, The Big Short; Bailey Spry, It Follows; Angela Walker, Clouds of Sils Maria Breakthrough Performance: Abraham Attah, Beasts of No Nation Bel Powley, The Diary of a Teenage Girl Amy Schumer, Trainwreck Mya Taylor, Tangerine Jacob Tremblay, Room HONORABLE MENTION: R.J. Cyler, Me and Earl and the Dying Girl; Julia Garner, Grandma; O'Shea Jackson Jr., Straight Outta Compton; Jason Mitchell, Straight Outta Compton; Maika Monroe, It Follows; Daisy Ridley, Star Wars: The Force Awakens; Kitana Kiki Rodriguez, Tangerine; Elias Schwarz & Lukas Schwarz, Goodnight Mommy Best Film Editing: Amy - Chris King Mad Max: Fury Road - Margaret Sixel The Martian - Pietro Scalia Room - Nathan Nugent Wild Tales - Pablo Barbieri Carrera & Damian Szifron HONORABLE MENTION: Ant-Man, Beasts of No Nation, The Big Short, Brooklyn, Carol, Chi-Raq, Creed, Ex Machina, It Follows, Mission: Impossible - Rogue Nation, 99 Homes, The Revenant, Sicario, Spotlight, Star Wars: The Force Awakens, The Walk Best Cinematography: Carol - Edward Lachman It Follows - Mike Gioulakis Mad Max: Fury Road - John Seale The Revenant - Emmanuel Lubezki Sicario - Roger Deakins HONORABLE MENTION: Beasts of No Nation, Brooklyn, Creed, Ex Machina, James White, The Look of Silence, The Martian, 99 Homes, Phoenix, Room, The Walk, Wild Tales Best Original Score: Carol - Carter Burwell It Follows - Disasterpeace Mad Max: Fury Road - Junkie XL Steve Jobs - Daniel Pemberton The Walk - Alan Silvestri HONORABLE MENTION: Anomalisa, Bridge of Spies, Brooklyn, The Hateful Eight, Inside Out, The Martian, The Revenant, Room, Sicario, Spectre, Spotlight, Star Wars: The Force Awakens, Wild Tales, Youth Best Original Song: Chi-Raq - "Pray 4 My City" - Robert Amparan, Nick Cannon, Rico Cox & Leroy Griffin Jr. Fifty Shades of Grey - "Earned It" - Ahmad Balshe, Stephan Moccio, Jason Quenneville & Abel Tesfaye Fifty Shades of Grey - "Love Me Like You Do" - Savan Kotecha, Tove Lo, Max Martin, Ali Payami & Ilya Salmanzadeh Freeheld - "Hands of Love" - Linda Perry The Hunting Ground - "Till It Happens to You" - Lady Gaga & Diane Warren HONORABLE MENTION: Chi-Raq - "I Run"; Insurgent - "Never Let You Down"; Pitch Perfect 2 - "Flashlight"; Ricki and the Flash - "Cold One"; Shaun the Sheep Movie - "Feels Like Summer"; Spectre - "Writing's on the Wall"; Youth - "Simple Song #3" Best Art Direction: Carol - Judy Becker & Heather Loeffler Joy - Judy Becker, Hillary Derby & Heather Loeffler Mad Max: Fury Road - Colin Gibson, Katie Sharrock & Lisa Thompson The Martian - Celia Bobak, Zoltan Horvath & Arthur Max Room - Mary Kirkland & Ethan Tobman HONORABLE MENTION: Anomalisa, Ant-Man, Avengers: Age of Ultron, Bridge of Spies, Brooklyn, Cinderella, The Danish Girl, Ex Machina, The Hateful Eight, The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 2, The Revenant, The Stanford Prison Experiment, Star Wars: The Force Awakens, The Walk, Wild Tales Best Costume Design: Bridge of Spies - Kasia Walicka-Maimone Brooklyn - Odile Dicks-Mireaux Carol - Sandy Powell Chi-Raq - Ruth E. Carter Mad Max: Fury Road - Jenny Beavan HONORABLE MENTION: Ant-Man, Avengers: Age of Ultron, Cinderella, The Danish Girl, The Diary of a Teenage Girl, The Hateful Eight, The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 2, Joy, The Martian, The Revenant, The Stanford Prison Experiment, Star Wars: The Force Awakens, The Walk, Wild Tales Best Makeup: Avengers: Age of Ultron Ex Machina Mad Max: Fury Road The Revenant Star Wars: The Force Awakens HONORABLE MENTION: Ant-Man, Brooklyn, Carol, Chi-Raq, Cinderella, Creed, The Danish Girl, The Hateful Eight, The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 2, Spy, Trumbo, The Walk Best Sound Mixing: Amy Inside Out Mad Max: Fury Road The Martian Star Wars: The Force Awakens HONORABLE MENTION: Anomalisa, Ant-Man, Avengers: Age of Ultron, Chi-Raq, Creed, Ex Machina, The Hateful Eight, It Follows, Joy, Mission: Impossible - Rogue Nation, The Revenant, Room, Sicario, Spy, Straight Outta Compton, The Walk, Wild Tales Best Sound Editing: Ant-Man Mad Max: Fury Road The Martian The Revenant Star Wars: The Force Awakens HONORABLE MENTION: Avengers: Age of Ultron, Creed, Ex Machina, The Hateful Eight, The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 2, Inside Out, Mission: Impossible - Rogue Nation, Sicario, Spy, The Walk Best Visual Effects: Ant-Man Mad Max: Fury Road The Martian Star Wars: The Force Awakens The Walk HONORABLE MENTION: Avengers: Age of Ultron, Ex Machina, The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 2, Mission: Impossible - Rogue Nation, The Revenant, Spy Best Foreign Film: Goodnight Mommy - Severin Fiala & Veronika Franz The Look of Silence - Joshua Oppenheimer Phoenix - Christian Petzold The Second Mother - Anna Muylaert Wild Tales - Damian Szifron HONORABLE MENTION: The Assassin Best Documentary: Amy - Asif Kapadia Ballet 422 - Jody Lee Lipes The Hunting Ground - Kirby Dick Iris - Albert Maysles The Look of Silence - Joshua Oppenheimer HONORABLE MENTION: Best of Enemies, Cartel Land, Merchants of Doubt, Red Army Best Animated Film: Anomalisa - Duke Johnson & Charlie Kaufman Inside Out - Pete Docter The Peanuts Movie - Steve Martino Shaun the Sheep Movie - Mark Burton & Richard Starzak The Spongebob Movie: Sponge Out of Water - Paul Tibbit HONORABLE MENTION: The Good Dinosaur Every 2015 Film I've Seen: Ranked
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