#Charlie/Puppet is the only kid that remembers everything—and she’s nowhere near the spirits and rabbit
incorrect-fnaf-quotes · 4 months
Springtrap AU time—here’s the info that I have for it: Similarly to the situation in the movie, the spirits do not remember what he did to them, and consider him a friend—including Cassidy. The only one that does remember is Charlie.
Henry was the one who destroyed the suits, having hoped that it would help them. At the same time, William arrived, planning to put the suit on. Which, he did—but, a fight with Henry caused the springlock failure.
When Henry left to find something to keep him from potentially leaving the place... that’s exactly what William did—the spirits accompanying their ‘friend’ in the process.
While he died, Springtrap ended up wandering for a total of two years—all while Henry kept searching for him so that the rabbit could be trapped somewhere, and not cause any harm.
During those two years, Springtrap kept dealing with the spirits—before coming across his wife and Michael (pre-scooping—happens a bit later on here.)—she’d moved, and brought along her son.
Henry isn’t the one who ends up trapping Springtrap—instead, in the end, it’s his wife and only surviving kid. In the end, they’d bring him into an abandoned building, and trapped him in an area within it.
There, Springtrap finally does spend thirty years trapped somewhere. The building would actually be repurposed, and turned into the horror attraction—so, he would be found quickly.
The attraction actually lasted a good while—about three years, to be exact—but in the end, it still ended up burning down, just like in canon.
After that, Springtrap is back to wandering, with the plan to get revenge on all three of Henry, his wife, and Michael—who wasn’t the attraction’s guard.
And all while the spirits are still accompanying him.
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