#Charles Lee Loman Reinhardt
fanficwriter284 · 2 months
If any of you were curious this is how Chucky goes out in public (mainly to the kids school events and parents teacher conferences)
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Tiffany puts some makeup on his face…But he doesn’t care enough for the rest of his body
And heres a pic of normal him
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nightki11er · 2 years
Happy New Year!
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May the New Year be successful for us and rich in good events and acquaintances, desires and opportunities. I wish that we could share joyful moments with loved ones. I wish you health, peace, good luck and prosperity. May the New Year bring joy, happiness and change for the better!
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marvelmaniac715 · 2 years
This is really exciting, me and @fanficwriter284 are collaborating to write a fic together! It’s set in their Kingdom AU, where Chucky and Tiffany are king and queen of a kingdom. Think of this fic as a blend between Seed of Chucky and Tangled, it should be a lot of fun. It’s another multi chapter fic, and we’ll take turns writing chapters. This is the prologue. We hope you enjoy it :).
The night was dark and cold. The howling wind perfectly matched the howling of Queen Tiffany, who was currently going through a difficult labour. Her husband wasn’t home for the birth, he’d been called away at the last minute to yet another battle. Not called away exactly, he tended to wage war when he was stressed, and he had been extremely stressed during the pregnancy. Conceiving had been difficult, to have not one child but two was utterly miraculous.
Chucky had promised to be home before sunrise, but as it 11 o’clock at night and Tiffany had not received word that he was close, that prospect was seeming less and less likely. So it seemed as if the Queen was doomed to suffer through her labour alone, not feeling comforted by the terrified doctors and maids surrounding her. 
As her screams reached a crescendo, the door flew open, and a frantic looking King Charles Lee Loman Reinhardt burst into the room, sporting a dozen new open scars. Momentarily forgetting any sense of regal decorum, he ran up to his wife and grasped her hand in his, squeezing tightly with a deep sense of worry.
“Have the babies not come yet?”
Tiffany screamed yet again, before gathering the strength to speak. 
“No, it’s been hours! I’m starting to believe these children will never come-‘
Chucky squeezed tighter, growing more worried, despite that seeming impossible. Seemingly noticing how intense he seemed, he tried to smile, but it seemed more like a terrified grimace.
“Don’t say that, my own mother had a difficult labour with my twin and I, but we were born eventually. Besides, this is the hardest part, afterwards we’ll be parents. Isn’t that just incredible?”
This thought comforted Tiffany, and as she thought about how wonderful motherhood was going to be, she began to feel something shift. Could it be? Was it time? As if in confirmation, a doctor nodded and beamed.
“I think I can see a head, ma’am! Push!”
Immediately, Tiffany pushed with all of her might, digging her nails into her husband’s hand as she did so. Chucky, to his credit, didn’t make a single sound that would indicate that he was in pain. He’d had practice from the battlefield, he wouldn’t cry out even if he were stabbed through the heart.
After what seemed like an eternity of pushing (which was, in actuality, only eleven minutes) a healthy baby boy with hair the colour of his father’s came kicking and screaming into the world. A son and heir, the kingdom would be so happy. It didn’t matter what the second child’s gender was, Tiffany had done her queenly duty and provided a male heir. As the boy was washed and wrapped in blankets, Tiffany valiantly began to push out the second child.
This birth seemed easier, potentially due to the fact that Tiffany’s stress has alleviated, and about five minutes later the second child was born. This child was a girl, with a head of flame-red hair identical to her father and brother’s. Now the kingdom had a new prince and princess, and Tiffany was so pleased.
Mere moments later, both twins were placed on their mother’s chest, freshly washed and swaddled. Their father bent down to get a good look at them out of his good eye. Tiffany had worried that her husband would struggle to bond with the children, he always seemed so closed off and he had publicly stated that he detested children in the past. But the second that Chucky reached down to touch their children’s faces so tenderly, she knew that this wouldn’t be an issue.
“You’ve done so well, my love. What shall we name them, then?”
Giving this a moment of thought, Tiffany glanced down at her babies, struggling to make up her mind. There had been a list of approved names, but looking down at the twins, it was clear that none of them would fit. She looked up at her husband for assistance.
“Can’t think of one, huh? That’s okay, none of the names we like fit, do they? I did have a backup option, but I wanted to wait until the twins were here to see if the name would work. It was a name for our son, our daughter could maybe have a name that started with the same letter?”
That sounded like a great idea, it certainly took a lot of stress out naming. Relieved, Tiffany nodded and smiled.
“What was the name you were thinking of?”
Chucky suddenly grew quiet, slightly sad even. He reached out to hold their son, and stared into the boy’s eyes. He nodded decisively and looked back at his wife.
“Carolus. After my twin brother.”
Tiffany looked down at her son and tested out the name.
“Carolus… I like it. It’s a beautiful name, thank you for suggesting it. Perhaps our daughter’s name could be Cara?”
As if in agreement, the newborn princess grunted and opened her eyes and mouth as wide as she could. Seeing this, both parents laughed.
“I think she likes that name! Okay, it’s settled then. Welcome to the world, Carolus and Cara.”
A celebration was held throughout the kingdom, lanterns were lit, people danced in the streets. Everybody was thrilled to have a new prince and princess, especially since the King had promised to hold off any battles for the time being, vowing to dedicate himself to his family and not put his life in danger for their sakes.
It was the next evening before Tiffany and Chucky were able to get any sleep. They loathed leaving their children in the nursery down the hall, but that was the custom. They were so tired that they immediately fell asleep the second their heads hit the pillow.
If they had been in a lighter sleep, or maybe even awake, they would’ve heard the latch on the nursery window coming undone. They would’ve heard the quiet freak as the window opened, and the howling of the wind that had been let indoors. They would’ve heard the sound of footsteps in the nursery, followed by the cries of terrified infants. But it was too late.
The next morning, Tiffany went into the nursery to see her children, only to find the cradles empty. With a devastated howl that made her husband run into the room, she came to the heartbreaking realisation that her children were missing.
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fanficwriter284 · 11 months
1 for Chucky :)? (I alr know this answer but just bc he called me mentally unstable he deserves this)
Do you have a good relationship with your parents?
".....Fuck you....well Imma hit your ass with a curve ball. Because yes I do. Just depends on which parent's you’re talking about"
He has a horrible relationship with his father and no relationship with his mother. His mother never wanted him or Carolus and refused to hold them when they were both born. Lukas was the on who actually wanted them both...and he loved and cared for them to some degree....until he slipped into the cycle of alcohol
He was adopted and he adores his adoptive mom Mary. He see's her as his actual mom. He'll listen to tape recordings she left him before she passed away....when she passed away it broke him....(She died of Cancer) He even named Chelsea's middle name after her.
And his mom's boyfriend Liam. Was his father figure sure he didn't like him at the start but he learned to accept Liam and even began to think of him as a father after a while...He taught Chucky how to drive, apply for a job, tutored him, built stuff with him, and other fun stuff....But Chucky ran away after his mom died and hasn't really kept in contact with Liam
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fanficwriter284 · 5 months
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He’s missed his twin…
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fanficwriter284 · 4 months
This is a little quick write, it's a bit more oriented towards Chucky’s family. I don’t feel like translating the dialogue to German so the English dialogue you’re reading just imagine it’s in English.
It had been a crisp afternoon in Germany, the light dimmed by the beige curtains that hung overhead in the kitchen. Julia Reinhardt, the former youngest Reinhardt, before her twin nephews came along stirred endlessly attempting to thicken her double chocolate cookie batter. Each mix grew tougher as she continued to press, tossing in chocolate chips as she mixed. However something felt amiss, she wasn’t alone. The woman could feel eyes on her, nothing nefarious, but rather curious. Quickly she glanced around the room, peering over counters, chairs, and the dinner table. Nothing. Until with a light startle two wonderfilled eyes popped up from the kitchen island. Both pairs of icebergs locked for a moment, the only sound being the ticking of the clock mounted on the wall. A small smile crept upon Julia’s lips as she continued to stare and study what or more so who was peering over at her. She took in his cornflower eyes, his little curls that hooked around his ears, his little button nose, and light freckles.
“Hi Char Char ” she smiled warmly, motioning for her nephew to come closer.
Giving a slight nod, he scurried her way over to her side hugging her leg, pressing his cheek against her side. Gently she hoisted him up into her grasp with one arm, allowing him to cling to her. Silently he watched her stir the cookie batter, occasionally snacking on a stay chocolate chip if he managed to get his little hands on one. Once again he pressed himself against her, hugging his aunt tightly resting his head against the crook of her neck feeling her warmth against his cool ivory skin. Softly she nudged him, pressing a light kiss on his cheek, the boy leaned closer, cracking a gentle smile as he felt her ruffle his hair.
“Charles, would you like to try some?” Julia spoke, her voice soft, as she held a spoon, with double chocolate cookie dough batter. The young boy nodded, reaching for the chocolate slathered spoon without hesitation. Charles shoved the spoon into his mouth, allowing the sweetness to engulf his tongue, taking his time to enjoy the dough. Slowly she set him down, giving him a light pat on the head, and watched him sit down on the ground leaning against the lower cabinets, munching on his cookie dough. Julia continued her baking, taking the dough and breaking it apart, rolled it, and created little balls, and set them on a baking sheet. Charles only watched while enjoying his dough spoon.
Once the cookies were done Julia picked up her nephew once more, letting him see the finished product. She couldn’t help grin seeing his wide-eyed expression.
“We gotta wait for them to cool before you eat one okay?”
The young boy gave his aunt a sharp nod, still eyeing the fresh cookies. 
After a few hours the double chocolate chip cookies finally cooled, soft and gooey in the center.
“Charlie Bear the cookies are ready” Julia announced, scanning the room for her young nephew. Like magic the young boy had already clung to her left leg giving it a firm squeeze, reaching for her fingertips, giving them a slight tug. Julia gave a slight understanding knowing the young boy wanted to be picked up. When she lifted him off the ground, Charles immediately clung to his aunt pressing himself against her once more. 
Julia picked up one of the smaller cookies giving it a soft cooling blow.
“Here let me know what you think’’ she said, handing the treat to him.
Charles took the cookie and helped himself to a small bite, letting the flavors process. As he chewed it unleashed a new world of sweetness and smooth chocolatiness. 
“You like it Char Char?”
Charles gave an excited nod reaching for another cookie.
“I'm glad you do”
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fanficwriter284 · 6 months
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I’ve talked so much about the Reinhardt Twins…So here’s Chucky and Caro!
…They got those shiners from their dad…but Caro still try’s to be happy…
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fanficwriter284 · 6 months
Chucky ur twin brother brother seemed sweet
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“….yeah……he was…”
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fanficwriter284 · 1 year
I DON'T KNOW WHY BUT THIS HAS BEEN LIVING IN MY HEAD RENT-FREE! Just an argument between Chucky and Glen...
"Glen.....I can't stress this enough you are NOT Japanese!"
"Yes I am"
"But I'm from Japan...And I'm pretty sure I'm part English"
"......A likely story.....But I know I'm Japanese and part English"
".....I fucking quit....."
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fanficwriter284 · 1 year
I wanna give a run down of family members that haven’t really been mentioned.
Aunt Lina.
The oldest of his aunts! She’s the most morally balanced of her siblings! She’s the planner, organized, and the cautious of one! She was born in Austria! As well as her brothers, Lukas and Luis.
Uncle Luis
He’s the 3 oldest of the Reinhardt siblings. Since Lukas is only than Luis by 3 minutes! Luis served in the military and partook on warfare…and it fucked him up. He suffered from EXTREME PTSD….He turned to substance abuse to cope with the pain and flashbacks…After he fell down the rabbit hole….His family outlasted him….since he kept relapsing and disregarding their help….so they want nothing to do with him……HOWEVER MANY years later they were able to somewhat make amends….
Aunt Ida
She’s very….well she’s something! She’s kind of a bit of a nerd! And she loves helping with the family’s steal company. The Reinhardt got that MONEY….That’s how Chucks able to buy all the expensive shit….His family’s rich! And his grandfather left him…..basically all of it….But since Chucky isn’t in Germany to help he lets his Aunt tend to the business!!! She’s her twins counter balance and kinda the second mom of the group trying to keep everyone together.
Aunt Julia
She is a wild card!!! Absolute wild card and fun to have at parties! She’s got the German spirit and loves drinking…and trust me she ain’t no lightweight drinker. She loves calling Chucky “Char Char” because she finds it adorable!
Chucky’s cousin! Well Second Cousin!
Carlis Reinhardt! Or now known as Christine Robinson! Since she changed her name when she moved to America! She is a psychotic bitch....and she's crazier than Chuck. They ran into each other as adults trying to kill each other....only to back off finding out who the other was. She has a mean scar courtesy of her cousin, that splits down the center of her hand....So now her hand is disfigured. She's good with guns.
Chucky's Half Sister
Carina Ray
Chucky does not like her. She is the reason Carolus is dead....well that's how Chucky sees it. Since the night Lukas went out to get drunk, was the night he had an infidelity which resulted in Carina's existence...And that very night, he came home drunk and strangled Carolus to death...
AJ, Chucky's adoptive cousin!
She was literally his BFF growing up. The two did EVERYTHING together! And she was the goofy one compared to a then serious and quiet Chucky!
If there's any other character's that I haven't brought up and you'd like to know more about! Let me know!
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fanficwriter284 · 1 year
Growing up Chucky knew his biological mother had no affection for him. She cared for him but she didn't love him as her son, because she never wanted him or Carolus, in fact, she wanted to give her twin boys up for adoption, but their father immediately rejected the idea. Lukas actually loved his sons for a short while, till he turned to alcohol.
Chucky was actually going to be named Karl. Since it was more traditional instead of Charles. But he went with Charles since it fit well with Carolus.
Chucky was a massive introvert growing up. Still is but he's better at hiding it. He was very shy and quiet and always was with Caro. The two were never apart, practically stuck together like glue. So he finds it funny how people say Glenda like him....Sure, Glenda's like him NOW, but he was small and younger he was similar to GLEN, not Glenda. If anything Tiffany was more like Glenda growing up.
Carolus was the more confident and self-assured one...Caro was basically where Chucky gained confidence. He felt at ease and capable with his brother around since Caro just knew how to talk with people. Seriously Chuck doesn't know how to talk to people genuinely, the only way he can be a slick charismatic asshole is when he has the upper hand and is an environment he's used to and comfortable in....and it helps if he's looking to manipulate and gain something in the end.
And Chucky was very awkward growing up, he just didn't know how to function sometimes. He'd often replicate the habits of others and pick up on common slang and phrases to fit in.
Sure, he doesn't give a fuck about what people think about him now...but strips away the layers of anger and hate he has...he's just a ball of awkwardness...He also becomes a ball of awkwardness when he's put into new environments and people he doesn't know. God on school events he has to attend and is forced to talk to other parents...it's so fucking awkward, and he'd just accept death at that point.
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fanficwriter284 · 1 year
can we get some chucky angst..? >:)
Chucky angst you say!? But of course!!! Sorry I have writers block so this will be a mini write!
The woods had been whispering in Chucky’s ears. He hadn’t been quite sure what they were saying as it sound like mindless gibberish. He didn’t know why he was out there at such a late hour…perhaps to enjoy the tranquility and stillness out the wooded area. He knew he wasn’t alone…at least mentally, someone had always been there right behind his shoulder. Most of the time it had simply been in his head, often receiving horrific visits from his long deceased father. With him having to endure the constant belittlement of Lukas Rays words. Despite all the credit Charles gave himself for surviving all these years, dismissing any ounce of fear he had…his fathers voice always remained. Never failing to cause the man to falter after all these eyes.
Chucky took a deep breath listening to the sound around him, allowing his thoughts to settle. Not even a moment past and he swung his eyes open, and tossed his blade into the bark of a tree.
“Hm…if I was real you definitely would have killed me”
Charles get his throat tighten, forcing himself to hold back tears. He knew his twin was dead, he knew that for a fact….he was the one who was forced to watch them lower Carolus into the ground. However he could t deny the fact that he loved hearing his twins voice despite him not really being there.
“What do you want Caro”
The young twin sigh lowering his head.
“I just wanted to check up on you…that’s all”
Chucky couldn’t speak, he knew well that this Caro was in his head. His psyche must be trying to fuck with him he thought.
“You’re not real….”
Carolus’ face soften upon hearing those words, he took a step closer to his twin wanting to comfort him.
Chucky wound only snarl, and swing his fist, feeing it penetrate the oak tree. He raised his head to find no one. Just himself alone with his thoughts. He allowed the tears to stream and he swung his fist again and again going until he could feel the hot crimson stream down his knuckles. He had been screaming and roaring louder and louder with each swing, crimson flying everywhere, staining the ground, his face, the white stones, and the bark.
“Always so fast to give into anger Charles”
Chucky felt his eyes widen. That was his fathers voice. Chucky pulled away, forcing himself to regulate his unstable breathing. He looking around to find no one, he shuddered feeing every inch of his body become numb and iced. He forced himself to stand clutching his knuckles tightly to his chest. The red head grabbed the blade admiring it more a short while, only to catch his reflection. Not one of him…but o e of his father. The sight name the man drop the blade watching it impale the ground, similarly as to him impaled his father in the chest all those years ago.
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fanficwriter284 · 1 year
I feel like I haven’t talked much about Chucky’s uncle Luis…. And warning this will get a tad bit dark
Luis is the young twin brother of Lukas (Chucks dad)
Luis was a sweet kid growing up though a bit spoiled! He always went along with his brothers antics.
He eventually joined the armed forces and that gravely messed him up mentally and physically.
Lukas turned to drinking while Luis turned to substances. He constantly was popping pills and smoking weed just to stay calm and relax.
Eventually his father disowned him and his brother from the will leaning to a downward spiral in both their lives. Resulting in Luis going off on his own, broke and mentally scarred.
His sisters want nothing to do with him or Lukas.
Eventually after years of suffering alone he contemplated suicide on various occasion BUT! He decided to go to therapy and get some help.
After years of therapy and gardening to help soothe the pain. He’s managed to turn his life around! However his family wants nothing to do with him and he understands that and respects their boundaries.
However he desperately wants to make amends with his nephew Charles. But Chuck wants nothing to do with him either.
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fanficwriter284 · 1 year
Ok some Lore on Chucky’s Half Sister!
His half sister is Carina Evelyn Ray. She is 11 years younger than him so quite the age difference.
Lukas Met up with Carina’s mother after Mila’s passing. Much to the Reinhardt twins dismay. They always noticed their father sneaking around with Carinas mother while their mother was alive.
Charles always dismissed his half sister and never really saw her as family….despite the many times she’s tried to get in contact and try to get to know him. He’s always held a resentment towards her…
And after he found out her mother was the one who invited Lukas to a bar….the night his father was drunk….and killed Carolus. And the same night Carina was conceived.
Charles found this out after some….digging and math. Tracking down the dates and birthdays and death anniversaries. And once he found out….he couldn’t stand the presence of Carina and pretends she doesn’t exist.
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fanficwriter284 · 1 year
It was a still Friday afternoon, a young Charles Lee Ray sat, fiddling aimlessly with a number two wooden pencil, this one taken from his teacher's desk. He would have been playing with toys if he had any. However his father never bought any for the young boy, so his best option for entertainment was a pencil. Eventually, he grew bored of it, and stared out the window watching the autumn leaves fall, and the gusts of wind lift them back to the height of the trees. He missed his homeland of Germany, the security of his small town, and the illusion of a somewhat functional family, and his brother...oh how he longed for his twin brother…
Twins had always been known to the Ray family with his father being a twin as well. However, Charles’ twin was now…deceased. Due to respiratory issues in his sleep, resulting in the young boy never waking up…or at least that’s what his father told the public. Charles knew the truth. His twin possessed no such issues, Carolus was perfectly healthy. It was his father who was sick, the man stunk of pungent Ale, drinking away his issues every night…until one day he returned home. And strangled his youngest son to death leaving Charles to find his younger twin's body still and lifeless. He recalled the coldness he felt upon touching Caro’s skin, and the lack of pulse. Oh how he wailed and shrieked, praying that his brother would wake, all for it to be in vain. God showed no mercy that night. Charles never cared for his mother, the woman never loved him, he took no offense to it since he didn’t love her either, they never spoke nor acknowledged one another. They were two strangers trapped in a household bound together by blood, nothing more, so her death was another casualty. He felt no grief or emotion for her; she was simply a person to him…not a mother...not a mom…. she was not fit for such a little.
However, he much preferred her lack of acknowledgment over his father. For the man beat him daily. Charles wished the tool for “discipline” was a belt, but his father saw the tool as nothing more than a soft weak punishment ... a metallic rod however would suffice for his son’s “disobedience”. Charles couldn’t remember the last time he had been met with gentle hands that treated him with kindness, only those who wished to “correct” him and his negligence. His body was weak and wiry, given no opportunity to grow, with little food provided, and no time to flourish and thrive. His innocence was lost upon moving to America…or “Amerika'' as he pronounced it through his thick German accent. Charles could only stare out the window watching the free birds chirp soaring. His daydream was full of wonder, and what he imagined was love. In his haze he was with his brother, laughing and cheering playing a carefree game of soccer, hearing his father say the words,” I’m proud of you son”....he couldn’t even imagine how that would sound emerging from his father, struggling to make the phrase to the voice...The young lad blinked, snapping out of his daydream back into reality, surrounded by empty beer bottles and cans, along with cigarette buds, and dusty ashtrays. 
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fanficwriter284 · 5 months
Binding Mistakes
This is a bit of a different fic…hehe…enjoy!
Sunday 2:42 Am. It officially marked one month. One month of having the twins. It hadn’t felt like a month, memories had been fragmented and lost in a blurred haze from sleepless nights and constant wails beating against eardrums. Perhaps time would have felt grounded if he wasn’t alone and Ignored. Lukas Reinhardt could only stare at the two babies who slept soundly in their cribs. Charles was never one to make a fuss or even a sound, Carolus on the other hand was quite the vocal thing. He just stared vacantly, studying their traits, noticing the similarities they shared with him, they both had the same nose, ear shape with their earlobes attached, and though their hair haven’t been prominent yet, he could see the light formation of brunette curls hooking around their ears. However they did share similar characteristics to their mother such as their ivory skin, that had been smooth to the touch, their pinkish lips that slightly curved upward at the ends, freckles, and their delicate digits.
For a moment he broke his gaze taking a sip from his bottle, allowing the syrup to soak and run down into his intestines. He knew well out of all places this wasn’t one to indulge but he craved and longed for the liquid that took him away from his bleak reality. It put his mind at ease…or just erased the distress, or came close to. If nothing worked he simply just leveled the dosage till he wasn’t mentally conscious…it was better that way. The neck of the bottle gave off a subtle creak as Lukas’ grip tightened as he took another swing, feeling the word turn to fuzz and his body growing both heavy and light. The man’s body swayed as he battled gravity as he stepped outside, practically bracing himself against the door holding himself upward.
Once he left the twins nursery he downed another bottle tossing it in the trash paying no mind to the hour. Eventually he managed to sit himself on the leather couch hanging his head backward feeling the dampness of the room frost against his cheeks. His face practically drained of saturation looking like a raw piece of sunken bread dough. His fingers foreign to him rendering them useless, his legs facing the phantom pricks of pins and needles, and his jaw slacked having liquor laced saliva spill out. His thoughts drowned in the pit of intoxication leaving his body empty. A living corpse.
From the end of the hall a slight creak of a door caused the man to jolt slightly. If he had any form of physical mobility he would’ve turned his neck, so he just listened to the weary steps recognizing them as his wife Milas.
Mila seeing her husband slumped on the couch stiffed, her body attempting to be a silent retreat.
“Mila” Lukas spoke, his words sounding as if they were being played on a delayed record.
The woman bit her lip suppressing a sigh, tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear.
“Did you ever love me…or do you hate me” he whispered, his left side beginning to twitch.
Mila didn’t speak, instead fixating her vision to the ground, rocking up and down on her heels.
“I don’t blame you if you do” Lukas spoke again, his voice shaking this time around.
Mila continued to fidget with her brown locks as her posture continued to sink.
Lukas took another swig, wiping away the dribble, “do you at least love the twins?” He spoke once more, his voice growing to a standard volume.
Mila looked up seeing her husband was looking directly at her, his icy blues staring into what felt like her soul. His expression grave filled with tired sadness, his eyes looking as if they were fighting to stay open.
“No I don't,” she replied, her voice calm and certain.
Lukas tried to halt from speaking; he knew nothing would come from it, however his mind and mouth were two completely separate entities.
Mila stoked her hair once again, “Because I never wanted them. You forced me to keep them” she said a frown beginning to formulate at her lips pulling down the natural curved ends of her lips.
“So you neglect them” he uttered, tightening his grip around the neck of the bottle once more, “refusing to acknowledge their existence…and starving them.”
Milas frown only continued to depend as her husband continued to speak out against her, “Charles is small enough, the poor thing is smaller than his brother. The formula barely suffices…we both know that”
Mila stepped forward gearing at her husband, “I told you what to expect but you refused to give them up. Don’t blame this on me”
“But to deprive your own children of a mother and not bother to do anything…You haven’t even held them. Seems rather cruel to me” he spoke, his temper beginning to simmer.
Mila tossed her hair backward, yanking the bottle away, throwing it across the hall watching it shatter. “I told you I never wanted to be a mother. And I never wanted to go there. I was forced to live with them inside me. For 9 months…they’re nothing more to me and leeches that made me suffer and trapped me her” she spoke. Lukas could feel the venom laced in her words, leaving him silent.
The woman pulled away heading back to her room, leaving her husband alone in the dark.
Little insight to Chucks parents….yeesh….
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