#Carolus Klaus Ray
fanficwriter284 · 1 year
Ok some Lore on Chucky’s Half Sister!
His half sister is Carina Evelyn Ray. She is 11 years younger than him so quite the age difference.
Lukas Met up with Carina’s mother after Mila’s passing. Much to the Reinhardt twins dismay. They always noticed their father sneaking around with Carinas mother while their mother was alive.
Charles always dismissed his half sister and never really saw her as family….despite the many times she’s tried to get in contact and try to get to know him. He’s always held a resentment towards her…
And after he found out her mother was the one who invited Lukas to a bar….the night his father was drunk….and killed Carolus. And the same night Carina was conceived.
Charles found this out after some….digging and math. Tracking down the dates and birthdays and death anniversaries. And once he found out….he couldn’t stand the presence of Carina and pretends she doesn’t exist.
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fanficwriter284 · 1 year
LORE ON LUKAS RAY!!! Aka Chuck's Dad!
So when Chuck said in Seed...It's been a Family Tradition for Generations Got me thinking....
So Lukas Reinhardt Or Lukas Ray, was viewed as a disappointment in his father's eyes. Since he had turned out to be a spoiled entitled brat and cut his two sons off and only left his wealth to his two daughters.
Lukas desperate to inherit his father's inheritance smothered his father in his sleep with a pillow. While his two-year-old sons watched. He didn't know that the money had been left to his sisters. And was outraged upon hearing that the money had only been left to them instead of him and his brother. Or at least the money be divided equally between the four of them.
The Reinhardts (Chucky and Carolus's Family) had decided to stay in Germany until Lukas found a job in New Jersey. So they left. Leaving behind their family. Lukas immediately turned to alcohol, once they arrived in the US and took out all his suppressed rage on his two sons and wife. Once night he had been wasted and drove, and ended up hitting a car with a family....Killing the father and his daughter. Lukas once sober could vaguely remember the event and for the most part, didn't really care.
Once the boy's got old enough to hold a revolver he taught them how to shoot and aim, with live targets....the targets being rabbits.
The man would often cheat on his wife, and the Reinhardt tiwns often saw it, when they went on their bikes, and saw their father with another woman...kissing.
Learning English had been forced upon them. Charles was weaker when it came to his English, and would often have his hands or back hit with a rod, if he failed to pronounce a word.
The belt was deemed as a weak punishment, in his father's eyes, so he would often beat Charles with a metal rod, or make clean sharp pieces of glass with his bare hands. Carolus was no doubt his favorite since he saw so much potential in him. However, Carolus always refused his teachings.
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fanficwriter284 · 1 year
Thank you @sliveringcarnival BECAUSE NOW CARO IS IN MY MIND....
So here a mini snip of my What-If AU, where Caro lived past the age of 11.
The twins were now entering their high school years, both very protective of their adoptive mom. She was their world and would do anything to make her smile. However, both of them were...put off by her new love interest who had become more prominent in their lives, and had caused some tension between the family.
"...He's here again..."
"Mr. Liam?"
"Why do you sound upset?"
"Cuz I don't like him, the only reason I haven't been a jerk to him is cuz Mom likes him..."
"I think he's nice. He and Mom seem to be great together."
Charles could only roll his eyes, he had somewhat of a strained relationship with Liam Kalago. He hadn't had the best male role models in his life and for one to try and force the "Fatherly" role was not welcomed.
"Don't even think about it"
"What? I didn't even say anything"
"I know that look on your face. Please don't drive him off...he makes mom happy"
"I know"
"Please just try and be nice...for me?"
Charles could only lower his head, giving a slight nod accompanied with a sigh.
"Only for you Caro...."
"Thank you. OH! I gotta skedaddle!"
"I'm finally going on a proper date with Lily!"
" 'Bout time....WAIT you better not be leaving me here with Kalago..."
"Sorry...But yeah I gotta leave ya here big brother"
"Ich bin nur fünf Minuten älter"
(I'm only five minutes older)
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fanficwriter284 · 1 year
Heya fan!! Back with a writing prompt heehee!!
He wanted to yell, but he couldn't. He was far too afraid of the man in front of him to scream, or cry, or even just make a sound. The silence engulfed him, and the anger and tension in the room was so thick he felt he could cut it with his knife.
The sky with each passing day only appeared grimmer, no sun, just the darkening clouds that continued to form overhead. There was no sound, only the sound of Lukas' heavy breathing, and the faint squeaking of glass as Lukas tightened his grip on the olive-green bottle. No one wanted to address the issue. So, no one spoke. They simply stood. It was clear there was a lack of presence. The presence of Mila that is. Charles felt nothing for her passing, as she did nothing for her son. She was never there, so how could he? He had no relation to that woman, the only thing binding them together was blood...nothing more. Carolus felt saddened for the passing of Mila, but no tears had been shed, only the slight acknowledgment that she was gone.
Lukas, however, simply sat in his false leather chair. Aimlessly picking at the ends with her chewed fingernails. The man could only stare at the wall, the blankness brought him ease, reflecting his own mind....Blank.
The thought that his father felt sorrowful for the passing of his mother, agitated Charles. That man felt nothing for her. He never loved her nor cared for her. Perhaps it was the loss of a trophy that saddened him. Charles could only clench his knuckles, he wanted to yell, but he couldn't. He was far too afraid of the man in front of him to scream, or cry, or even just make a sound. The silence engulfed him, and the anger and tension in the room was so thick he felt he could cut it with his knife. Only the faint nudging of Carolus brought him ease. Both quietly took a step back, hearing their father take another swing of his putrid ale.
"This is all your fucking fault"
The two boys lifted their head's upon hearing their father's words. It was clear by his slurred speech; he was far from sober.
"No it's not" The young boy whispered, pressing his fingernails against his skin, so hard he thought he might bleed.
"Excuse me"
"No It's not" He repeated. This time louder with more drive to his hushed voice.
"....It's yours"
Before the young boy could utter another phase, he felt a quick sharp agonizing pain, against the left side of his face, feeling as though minuscule knifes had sliced across his face. The sudden strike knocked the young boy over, causing him to fall with great force on his right side.
Carolus quickly rushed over to his twin helping him up from the ground and back onto his feet.
"Get out of my sight"
And with that, both lads rushed out of the living room and up the stairs, cowering in Charles room, locking the door behind them, making sure the monster couldn't get them.
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fanficwriter284 · 1 year
“…..I’m asking Tiffany out”
“When are you gonna ask Lily”
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fanficwriter284 · 1 year
Growing up, Chucky allowed Carolus to call him by his real name. Carolus felt odd calling his twin Chucky. To him he was Charles. And Charles was his brother.
Plus whenever I talk about the two you'd probably noticed that Carolus only calls Chucky Charles.
And when specific timeframes hit I never call Chuck, Chucky...only Charles.
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fanficwriter284 · 1 year
also!! bit of a silly question, but since we know Chuck’s favourite cake is chocolate cake, what is Caro’s?
OOo!! It's been a hot minute since I've talked about Caro! Chucky is a sucker for anything chocolate but his twin on the other hand only has it occasionally! Carolus is more of a cheesecake type of guy! Or he'll settle for the good ol' Red Velvet or an Oreo cake!
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fanficwriter284 · 1 year
Idk this is how I picture Carolus trying to tell someone off.
"....uh Cant you not do that again please...it bothers me...I--If that's okay with you!"
"...uhh sure?"
"...okay? Thanks"
"....Oh Caro...."
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fanficwriter284 · 1 year
Carolus’ death may or may not have been the breaking point for Charles….
(And when I mean breaking point I mean…that was his push…which resulted in a dead dad)
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fanficwriter284 · 1 year
Some of my What If AU
Carolus could only stare. The body had been dismembered and brutally stabbed. Each wound appearing to grow darker by the second. He could immidialaty tell it was the work of his brother. Especially the way that a knot was tied to the corpses hand…it was his brothers signature knot. He loves his brother truly, however when circumstances like this came along it made something in his stomach churn. Knowing that it was his brother….who could be capable of such…brutality and violence.
He knew Charles…he knew him….or he knew the softer side to his brother. Growing up his brother was so kind and loving…and now…he slaughtered with no remorse. How could someone be capable of such?
“Officer Reinhardt any leads?”
“Huh?……Oh….not that I know of….and please call me Carolus”
“Hm alright then. Officer Carolus, this is the 4th one this month….people are starting to get worried…I hope the bastard that did this burns in hell…How’s your family doing? Your daughter doing alright?”
“…..huh?…..Oh yeah they’re fine….My little girls been excited to head to a birthday party this weekend…”
“That’s nice…We’ll I’ll be off then….take care of yourself”
“Yeah…You too”
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fanficwriter284 · 1 year
The old twin hung his head back, resting it on the bed frame. It had been around a month since they had arrived at the orphanage, and there had been so signs of him or his brother ever being adopted....until today. He listened through the paper then walls, of his brother's name being repeated over and over again....however, his name was never mentioned. The family that had stopped by, had taken a liking to Carolus...however, didn't have that same feeling when it came to the colder and distant twin. Carolus had sat by his brother's side. Resting his head on his shoulder, quietly hummed a tune to himself.
"....You should go"
"Go with that nice family"
"And leave you behind? Not a chance"
"I'm serious....this is a once in a life time opportunity...nobody wants kids at our age Caro......especially "troubled" ones like us....and this...this family want's you....you should go"
"Charles....I'm never going to leave you...the only way I'm going is if they take you too...I'm happy to stay here by your side and wait till we turn 18"
"Caro....you need a family...."
"So do you.....and...you're my family Charles"
"I said no....I'm staying right here with you...they'll be someone that'll take us both....I'm sure of it"
"I don't deserve you"
Carolus gave a tight hug to his twin never wanting to let go. Charles allowed the embrace and rested his head on his brothers. Softly shutting his eyes, letting the welcoming darkness take him.
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fanficwriter284 · 1 year
hi Fan!! so i was thinking, we know that Otto and Carolus are friends in the crossover/Carlos lives au, but we never established how they met!! so, how do you think that happened?
Oooo!! Yesss!!! They probably met through Chucky! Since Chuck was probably hunting Otto and was stopped by his brother and ended up meeting Otto! And boom! That’s how Otto and Carolus met!
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fanficwriter284 · 1 year
"Hi excuse me to you know there the nearest bus stop is?"
"Down that way...m--make a l--left"
"Ok thank you so much!"
"...können Sie Englisch!?"
(you know English!?)
"Ein bißchen"
(A little bit)
"Wo hast du Englisch gelernt, Caro?"
(Where'd you learn English Caro?)
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fanficwriter284 · 1 year
i just remembered! obviously we all know how terrible Caro and Chuck’s father is, but i think i remember you briefly mentioning their bio mother? what did the twins think of her?
Mila Reinhardt was their biological mother. And they don't really have an opinion of her, because she never really bothered to engage with her children. She never wanted them, and they began an obstacle to her. An obstacle she always avoided. She never did anything to harm them, she was always simply....distant. Sometimes she'd stop her husband from harming them, but that was it. When they were younger and still lived in Germany, she was a tad bit more loving, still giving them good night kisses and singing them lullabies...but once they moved to the US as love seemed to stop. They never referred to her as "ma" or "Mom" only Mother... And they eventually found her dead in her room...pill bottles in hand. Carolus feel sad but didn't cry and Charles felt nothing, he could only stare. They two expressed more emotion regarding their grandfather's passing as he was a true father figure to them.
However when their adoptive mom Mary passed...the two took it hard.
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fanficwriter284 · 1 year
hiya Fan!! what about 42 for Carolily??
HEY VIPER!!! Thanks for the ask!!!!!
What’s their relationship like with each other’s friends/families?
Well!! Carolus gets along with pretty much everyone in Lilys family….well almost everyone. Lily’s mom isn’t very fond of him. Carolus is very desperate for her approval and has no idea why she hates him so much. But he tried to be nice and kills her with kindness. Everyone in Lily’s family loves and and gets annoyed at Lilys Mom for hating him but she hates Chucky even more. However their relationship improved a bit them they had their little girl. All Lilys younger family members love him even more because he brings presents and stories about him in the field.
Carolus doesn’t have much family left. Well Biological family. (In the What If AU the two are adopted by a woman named Mary. It’s like in my canon AU but with Carolus). Their mom passed away from cancer when they were about 18-19. Lily loved her and how sweet and kind she was to her and Chucky and Carolus. The twins did have adoptive cousins and she loves hanging out with them they go out on girls nights with Tiffany and have a good time. Lily loves her Chucky and Tiffany’s kids, like she adores them and showers them all in presents. Her and Tiffany are really close and her and Chucky are close as well and have a goofball brother and sister in law.
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fanficwriter284 · 1 year
hi fan!!! what about favourite for Carolus?
Hey Viper!!! Thank you for the ASK!!!
Carolus' favorite article of clothing has got to be long sleeves and coats. In his words "it feels like a giant hug!" His favorite being the coat his brother got for him on their birthday, he was shocked on how Charles was able to make such a purchase. (Don't worry Chuck didn't steal it. He wouldn't give a stolen item to his twin) He loves that coat and says it feels like his big bro by 5 minutes is always hugging him. He likes wearing long sleeves too because they are comfortable! And for the same reason Charles does...to cover the bruises.
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