#Chargers Free Agency
thenfl · 4 months
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Three Sleeper Undrafted Free Agents That Could Absolutely Make the Los Angeles Chargers Roster
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godefylife · 1 month
Most pivotal figures heading into the 2024 NFL season:
With the NFL season just around the corner, instead of bringing up storylines and figures about dominating conversations on TV already, I wanted to discuss a few names that maybe we don’t fully understand who they are or how big a factor they may be in a new role/place, but have the potential to define the landscape of the league.
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anneapocalypse · 1 year
Demands of the Qun, or How the Inquisitor's Choice Answers the Iron Bull's Most Important Question
I was having a chat about the Iron Bull and his personal quest with some friends and one person said in response to something I said that I should make it a Post, so here it is! And a usual disclaimer: this is not about which in-game decision is "correct"--it's an RPG, there's no wrong way to play the game. I just want to talk about the meaning of this decision for Bull's character and for his future.
Dragon Age: Inquisition’s “Demands of the Qun” is, for me, one of those quests where the RPG format of “player character makes major decision for companion character” really works. I do not see this as an example of game mechanics taking away agency from an NPC. I think Bull has agency in this situation.
The Chargers are not Inquisition soldiers. They are mercenaries, and Bull is their commander. If the Inquisitor makes a call he doesn't like, he is free to say "Screw you" and take his people and leave, because they are not soldiers, they're independent contractors, so leaving isn't desertion, it's just quitting. If he were already certain he wanted to leave the Qun, he could simply call the retreat himself, take the Chargers and leave. Similarly if he were certain of his loyalties and willing to sacrifice the Chargers for that purpose, he could do that, regardless of what the Inquisitor says.
He lets the Inquisitor make this choice.
The Iron Bull has had one foot out the door of the Qun for a long time now. But he's gone back and gone back, submitted himself for re-education and done his best to keep serving the Qun, because he believes he needs the Qun. To him, becoming Tal-Vashoth means losing himself, his identity, his purpose, his very sanity, and as the Fade tells us in "Here Lies the Abyss," this is quite literally his greatest fear. Bull could never bring himself to leave the Qun with nowhere to go instead, nothing to give his life purpose and meaning—and no one to entrust himself to should he doubt his own sanity.
But in his work in the south, the Iron Bull has found community and identity and purpose outside the Qun. The very name he has given himself speaks to that, as does his close relationship to the Chargers.
Right from the beginning, there is tension in "Demands of the Qun." Bull remarks that he's gotten used to the Qunari being "over there" during his life in the south. I think Bull has a very potent anxiety when he meets Gatt again on the Storm Coast, and introduces him to the Inquisitor and their party. To me, it very much has the vibes of introducing two friend groups, where you're not only pretty sure they won't get along, but you're also very aware that they know very different sides of you—and neither of them are going to like seeing the other side. Bull's discomfort is visible both when Gatt speaks freely about Bull's work in the Ben-Hassrath, and when the Inquisitor's other companions make disparaging remarks about the Qun. His two worlds have collided, calling into conflict two sides of his sense of self that he has thus far managed to avoid confronting.
And this is likely part of the point. The Qun does not truly respect alliances with any outside the Qun. I wouldn't say for sure that the Qunari set up this whole situation just to test Bull—it's possible they knew exactly how many Venatori would show up, but they couldn't have known precisely how the Inquisition would respond. That, and their desire to root out the Venatori is no doubt sincere. But I do think they are watching Bull's actions very closely throughout this proposed alliance, gauging his loyalty. Gatt tells him outright that many already believe he has betrayed the Qun.
Bull's internal conflict quickly becomes an external one when the Venatori reinforcements show up, and Bull is faced with the decision of whether to withdraw the Chargers or defend the dreadnought at the cost of their lives.
The thing is, Bull is not neutral on this. He tells the Inquisitor what he wants. He wants to save the Chargers. If the Inquisitor says that the Chargers still have time to retreat, Bull agrees. When Gatt tells him they need to hold position, he says in a low, intense tone, "They're my men."
And then, when Gatt tells him in no uncertain terms that calling the retreat will make him Tal-Vashoth, the Iron Bull looks to the Inquisitor.
Again, he is not neutral. He knows what he wants. He is standing there basically begging the Inquisitor with his eyes to save his boys.
So why doesn't he just make the call himself?
Because just as this whole situation is in part a test of Bull's loyalty, this is also a test of the Inquisitor.
What Bull needs to leave the Qun is not simply for someone else to make the choice for him, but to believe that there is a future for him outside the Qun. That he will still be himself, that he will have purpose, and meaning, and that someone else is worth trusting. Bull cannot bring himself to leave the Qun if it means he will be left utterly alone with nothing but his own mind and his deepest fears. And if that's what leaving the Qun means… then in his mind, it would be better to stay.
The Inquisitor's choice will answer that question.
To sacrifice the Chargers leaves Bull with nothing outside of the Qun. He has just watched his closest friends die, and he cannot trust the Inquisitor. With Krem and Rocky and Skinner and Stitches and Dalish and Grim, the new sense of self that the Iron Bull has found in the south also dies.
Of course he turns back to the Qun. He has nothing else left.
But if it's the Inquisitor who makes the call to save the Chargers… Bull can leave. He has friends who care about him. He has purpose. He has someone whose command he can trust. He has hope. None of this makes the choice easy for him. It is quite clearly very painful and difficult, and I don't think there's any way it could be otherwise. But he has a way forward nonetheless. The choice makes leaving possible.
The Inquisitor doesn't force the Iron Bull to become Tal-Vashoth. Instead, Bull implicitly asks a question, and the Inquisitor by their choice gives him an answer.
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pamgkrthwrites · 11 months
Touched : Chapter 4 : Awkwardness
Warning, the following content is for an 18+ audience. If you are under the age of 18 do not read the content below. The following content has themes such as; Awkward Situations, Possible 2nd Hand Embarrassment, Possesiveness, Stalkish Like Behaviour, and others. The character(s) depicted within this post are over the age of 20. (This list may get updated with each new Chapter Update)
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Fandom: BNHA
Pairing: Bakugou x F!Reader
Themes: Soulmates, Porn with Plot (This list may get updated with each new chapter update)
Summary: Y/N sets some boundaries for herself and for Bakugou.
Word Count: 3488
Tag List: @tjmaxx556 @cosmicbreathe @lavender99 @optimisticprime3 @dreamcastgirl99 @kenmakai @emmab3mma (Sorry if I have gotten any tags wrong)
A/N: Shout out to Beta Reader Ribbon for being the only beta reader this week. We gave Huntress a break because they do not like Bakugou and yet I force her to read these fics LMFAO. I've come back after a big test and I want to die. This chapter is a bit of a slower one as it's more housekeeping if anything.
When Bakugou said he was going to leave early in the morning, you didn’t think he’d leave at 3 a.m.
Your eyes opened once your body could no longer feel the warmth in the bed. Your eyes landed on Bakugou’s back, seeing old scars from being stabbed through his chest and the scars you gave him the night before.
His perfectly muscular back was soon covered by his shirt, forging the pout on your face and a sad whine.
He looked over his shoulder upon hearing your whine and chuckled. He turned and leaned down to you and kissed your cheek. “Sorry princess, I need to make sure I am ready for work today. I’ll see you then, okay?”
Though you whined, you nodded your head. Bakugou gave you another kiss, though it was longer and sweeter as if he didn’t want to leave either.
He pulled away though, leaving you to watch him leave your room and hear him close the front door behind him.
You grabbed the pillow he had laid on and cuddled it closely to you, breathing in his scent. Your brain felt fuzzy from just being woken up and also the feeling of being addicted to your soulmate already.
You reached out of your bed and grabbed your phone from a pile of clothing so you could put it on charge, but you quickly noticed you had two message notification files. One from your mother asking how you were, and one from him.
Minato Kusumoto (2) Missed Calls Missing my calls? You busy or something? Is it true you are working at Best Jeanist’s Agency?  That Saitou chick from the social media department found out this morning Call me once you are free, k?
You mentally cringed. Maybe it was because you were still in the after-glow after fucking your soulmate, but Minato just felt creepy to you now. You dumped him and yet he was still trying and reaching for your attention.
At least he wasn’t calling you by that pet name.
You clicked on his profile and pressed the blocked button, sighing in relief. 
Maybe you’ll regret this later when you come back down to your normal self, but in this moment it felt right. It felt so perfectly right.
You opened up your texts with your mother, smiling with glee as you typed.
You Sorry for the late reply. I met my soulmate.
You put your phone down as you plug it into its charger before lying on your back.
You couldn’t stop smiling.
“You can’t just drop that on someone at 3 a.m., Y/N!” Your mother shouted at your mother over the phone.
You had been woken up by your mother calling you. It did force you to get up, have a shower and get ready for work, but it wasn’t a nice way to wake up.
You locked your front door, your bag hanging off your elbow as you held the phone to your ear.
You sighed. “I just thought you’d like to know, mama. Next time I won’t tell you when I meet up with my soulmate.”
You snickered to yourself when you heard a weird construction of noises coming from your mother’s end of the call. 
“I have to get going now, mama.” You informed her as you bounced down the stairs. “I have to get to work now.”
“Can you just tell me who it is?” Your mother begged. “At least tell me what he looks like.”
“I met him at work and he is tall.”
“That doesn’t give me anything, Y/N!”
You laughed. “Bye mama!”
You hung up on your mother before making your way to work.
You were going to be yelled at later for that but who cares.
Thankfully, Bakugou was busy most of the day. Off doing his job while you did his. You found a way to schedule Bakugou for only one interview for a month. Sooner or later though you knew the journalists were going to figure out what the plan was and try their best to get Bakugou ticked.
They seemed to love that.
The main thing that kept piling up though was the incident reports coming in. Bakugou hadn’t made an appearance in the office yet and it was 2pm, and yep you were getting new paperwork to file every 10 to 15 minutes because of how much he was doing. From what you heard from some of the other secretaries, it was something he learned during his first year at UA in a Work Study Problem and he wasn’t eager to let it go.
It did mean that the large amount of paperwork coming in was mostly Bakugou’s cases, and because he hadn’t come into the office, you were the one ending up doing all the paperwork. You had to have the news radio playing on all the time just so you knew where his whereabouts were and take some guesses about what incident happened where, when, with whom and what happened.
You had a feeling in your gut that he was coming in soon. No new paperwork had come in for 20 minutes and he hadn’t been mentioned on the radio for 25 minutes. You could tell though he was taking your suggestions from the day before into consideration, actively avoiding the media from what you could tell.
You heard some noise from outside of your office, hearing some heavy footsteps walking closer and closer to your office. You then started to hear an almost whiney voice following the harsh footsteps.
It wasn’t long until you saw Bakugou’s figure walk past the door with two figures walking behind him. They were talking in a line like ducklings. 
You could hear them walk into Bakugou’s office and you could hear them talk about something, but their words were mumbled because of the soundproofing on Bakugou’s office walls.
Considering how one of the figures looked to be made out of red, you were going to go out on a wild limb and assume it was Red Riot. The media made it out like they were close friends, even doing cross merch collabs even if they were in different agencies.
Suddenly the door connecting your offices opened and you saw Bakugou’s face poked through.
“Where are the reports?” He asked, his mask was around his neck this time and his skin shined with sweat.
“The three on your desk are the only ones I couldn’t do because of limited information. The rest are already finished.” You answered him.
Bakugou’s brow went into a line. “Really?”
You noticed two heads behind him looking at you. You seemed to be right on the money about one of the figures being Red Riot, but the second seemed to be Charge Bolt.
Bakugou made a sound with his mouth before turning back into his office and closing the door behind him.
“Is that your new secretary ?” Kirishima asked Bakugou, watching Bakugou walk over and sit at his desk.
“She’s rather cute,” Kaminari said with a flirtatious smile on his face. “Is she single-“
“Shut up Dunce Face.” Bakugou glared at Kaminari before looking at your handwriting on the half-filled-out paperwork.
Your handwriting was really neat…
Kirishima and Kaminari exchanged a look before Kirishima started speaking. “So now that you have met your soulmate, when do we get to meet them?”
“Hopefully never if I have anything to say about it.” Bakugou grunted, his eyes not leaving the paperwork.
Kaminari leaned over the table. “You want them all to yourself after everything? Wouldn’t blame ya. If she caught a glimpse of-”
“Kam don’t.” Kirishima warned.
Bakugou glared up at Kaminari, his upper lip snarling up.
It had been like this all day for the two friends. Bakugou seemed to be on edge after meeting his soulmate. The two worried that maybe their first meeting didn’t go well, but Bakugou pushed that concern aside and your two proper interactions as soulmates was more than what he expected.
Kirishima’s eyes scanned Bakugou’s tense body, how he seemed to be on high alert and trying to listen to what was happening outside of the room they were standing in. Said room being soundproofed made it difficult. He couldn’t help but wonder if maybe Bakugou was missing the company of his soulmate already?
“Can I ask what your soul bond is, Bakugou?” Kirishima asked.
Bakugou gave Kirishima a nasty look, a look that made Kaminari back up. Kirishima stood his ground, not giving Bakugou the satisfaction of ‘winning’.
Bakugou sighed in an annoyed tone before leaning back in his chair, looking off to the side in embarrassment. “I don’t talk about it for a reason.”
“It’s one of those feeling the same things one, right?” Kaminari asked as he sat down on the couch in Bakugou’s office.
Bakugou scoffs. Of all the people to remember that drunken confession from almost 2 years ago.
It happened after your first time, Bakugou felt so betrayed by you going against your two’s soul bond and sleeping with someone else that he couldn’t function like he used to for a short time. He had erectile dysfunction for a few months, was physically ill for two days, and had become more angry. That’s not even adding that he’d be sick after you had sex for the following months.
His friends noticed, his parents noticed, the public noticed, his therapist noticed. His friends thought maybe taking him out to drink would cheer him up, and after a few hours he finally opened up and said ‘I can feel her through the soul bond, and it’s the worst’.
That's all it took for his friends to understand why he was upset. He felt something because of the soul bond, and whatever he felt was impacting his day-to-day life. Suddenly his friends were coming over a lot more either to play games, to have a meal, or to go hiking with him. It took his mind off of it for long enough until his therapist said something that helped more than anything else.
“The downside of having soulmates is that we know our person is out there and is the perfect person for us. People have often romanticised love, being loved and being in love that when someone hasn’t met their soulmate as young compared to the people around them, they become very lonely people. Maybe even isolated. Your soulmate probably just wanted to be loved, so please don’t take it as a betrayal.”
His therapist’s words rang through his head once again, his eyes sliding over to the shared door between your two offices. 
You’ve just broken up with your boyfriend for cheating on you but you didn’t want him or anyone else to know it was about the cheating. You moved across the country to a whole different Prefecture for a new job to use that as your reason to break things off. Was nothing else holding you back to keep you there? Why didn’t you want anyone else to know?
Were you so isolated and lonely that no friends or family were able to keep you there by simply being in your life, to the point moving to a different Prefecture felt easier than confessing or confronting the truth?
Did you even have anyone to help you move into your new place? He saw all the boxes around your apartment.
Bakugou was in deep thought, his finger tapping on his desk while another hand was holding his chin. Kirishima waved a hand in front of Bakugou’s face, only to get no reaction.
“And we lost him.” Kaminari chuckled to himself, standing back up. “We should get going. Let him open up when he’s ready.”
Kirishima followed Kaminari out of the room, an eyebrow raised at Kam as they walked out. “When did you become wise?”
“Always have.” Kaminari said with a smirk.
“Fuck off with that shit.” Kirishima laughed.
You waited until you could no longer hear the heroes' voices through the halls before taking a look at the shared door between yours and Bakugou’s office. It felt awkward knowing your soulmate was on the other side of the door. What were you even supposed to say? ‘Thanks for the sex last night now let’s act as if we aren’t soulmates as we work’? 
Great, now you are thinking about the sex with Bakugou last night and being reminded how sore your thighs were feeling. You feared for a reaction from Bakugou, remembering he could feel your sexual stirrings just as you could feel his. Within this moment though, things started to connect in your head now that you had the context that Bakugou was your soulmate.
The reason why he would always push his sexual stirring down during working hours was because of his job. Either so he doesn’t get onto the news for popping a boner while fighting some lizard villain or because he just was too busy to really focus on his sexual stirring. You started to feel really guilty for all the times you and Minato Kusumoto had sex while at work.
You mentally cringed. Why did you have to remind yourself of that?
Almost on cue, the shared door opened, bringing attention to Bakugou’s face.
“Did those idiots say where they were going?” He asked in a grumpy annoyed tone.
He scoffed, turning his face away from you. Which, funny enough, only brings your attention to his red-tipped ears. You tried to hold back the smile threatening the form on your cheeks.
Bakugou turned back around to look into your eyes, catching you staring at him.
“You have any plans to meet up with friends or something?” He asked, trying to get information out of you.
You mentally cringed. A few people did come to mind who used to be your friends but dumped you after you started dating someone who wasn’t your soulmate. You doubted they would want to see you, even after you left Minato Kusumoto. You also doubted they would believe that you happened to meet your soulmate after moving too.
“...Not really. I haven’t made any friends yet.” You confessed to Bakugou, not knowing you confirmed his concerns.
You noticed tapping his finger on the other side of the door frame as his mind was in deep thought. “I’ll walk your home and help you unpack this week.” Bakugou said nonchalantly.
Your chest felt tight and you stood up from your desk. “You don’t have to do that for me.”
Bakugou rolled his eyes. “Yeah, I don’t have to. I’m doing it because I want to.”
“You-? You want to help me?” You asked.
Bakugou gave you a look that read ‘Are you kidding’? Your lips went into a straight line.
You guess you really shouldn’t be surprised that your soulmate wants to spend time with you and help you get adjusted.
But as his secretary, you can’t have him be seen coming over to your place. It would be a scandal if people noticed him walking the same girl home every night for a week, especially because you were his secretary.
“You can’t do that.” You sighed out as you sat down.
Bakugou tried to hold back his snarl. “What do you mean I can’t do that?!”
“You can’t be seen walking and staying at your secretary’s home every night for a week, Bakugou-“
“I thought we were on a first-name basis.” Bakugou’s voice was low and almost threatening.
“Not while we are at work.” You bite back.
“Why not?!” He asked with an accusatory tone.
“Because if Dynamight is seen walking his new secretary home and staying at her home for longer than a minute, it will cause scandal.” You explained to him, trying not to yell at him.
Bakugou became quiet, his eyes just glued to your face - mostly your lips - as he thought over whether he wanted to be mad or not.
You were probably right. He couldn’t be seen out with you as much as probably wanted to. All he’s ever wanted was to show off his soulmate to the world. He thought once he met you, he would rarely be seen without you when he wasn’t working. It was a huge disappointment that you two met because you were now working for him.
Didn’t mean he liked it though.
“…I still want to help you.” He grumbled out in frustration.
You sighed, resting your open hand over your mouth as you tried to find a compromise for him. “How about you come on the weekend?”
“I come on Friday and sleepover for the weekend.” Bakugou replied with a soft grin.
“The weekend.” You sat up straight, trying to ignore the warm growth in your core.
“I know you like the idea.”
“But it might cause you problems.” You said as you stood up, grateful you wore your suit pants today. “I should’ve taken the job to work for Red Riot so we wouldn’t have this problem.”
Bakugou’s eye twitched. “You think you would’ve preferred it?” He asked with an angered tone.
“I don’t know,” You let out in frustration with your hands being thrown up. “But we wouldn’t be having this problem.”
Bakugou grumbled, his finger tapping the door frame again. “Fine, but you have to give me your personal number.”
“Fine.” You sassed back before you even realised what you were agreeing to. Only once you pulled out your phone did you mentally curse yourself. “This doesn’t mean for work purposes I’ll use this phone. I’ll still use my work phone.”
“Fine.” Bakugou replied in a less angry tone than before.
You felt awkward as you held out your personal phone to Bakugou. He walked over, putting his personal number into your contacts. You felt your knee bounce up and down under the table and tried not to peel at your nails.
You wondered if all soulmates were awkward in their first few social interactions or if it was just you two considering your job and sexual past. 
Bakugou pulled a plain-looking phone with an orange case out of one of his pockets before handing it to you. You start pulling in your number, noticing him getting a lot of notifications from a group chat. It seemed as if Bakugou was the type of person to name all of his contexts with nicknames, but you still put in your full name.
Once you exchanged phones again, Bakugou looked at your new contact with a soft face for only two seconds before diving his phone back into his pocket. “You sure you don’t want me to walk you home?” He asked.
“Yes, I am sure Bakugou. How about you go have some lunch?”
“Will you join me?”
You raised an eyebrow at Bakugou. He replied back with a click sound made from his mouth and turned his head away. The screen of your personal phone lit up, bringing your attention away from Bakugou to your phone. A cold icy feeling went through your blood.
Email From: Minato Kusumoto Subject: Why Did You Block Me? Preview: Hey Kitty, You didn’t respond to my text yesterday and…
You quickly put your phone face down on your desk, making Bakugou look at your face with a quirked brow.
“What’s wrong?” He asked, noticing how stiff you had become and finding your reaction suspicious.
You mentally weigh your options of whether you should tell Bakugou or not. ‘Yeah just my ex trying to get in contact with me, no biggie.’ Did not seem like a good idea to say.
You took some deep breaths before speaking. “Just an email but how much the move here is going to cost me.”
It wasn’t a total lie. It seemed as if there was going to be a great personal cost if Minato Kusumoto was going to be emailing you during work hours.
Shit- If he had sent it any earlier that Bakugou would’ve seen it-
“I can pay for it.” Bakugou offered.
You did a double-take. “What?”
“If it’s too much, I can pay for it.”
“That isn’t necessary.” You replied, trying to think of some way to get him off the case. “Just means I won’t be able to have much takeout.”
Bakugou made a disgusted face. He wasn’t a fan of eating out.
“If you change your mind, I’ll be happy to pay for it.”
“It’s fine, Bakugou. Promise.” You gently smiled at him.
Bakugou’s heart skipped a beat from your smile and his ears went red. You on the other hand were trying to calm down your nerves and trying to remember if you could block people from emailing you. Were you going to have to block your ex on everything?
Bakugou kept staring at you for a little while longer, only breaking away when he heard his work phone go off. He reluctantly walked back into his office, closing the shared door behind him.
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mightyflamethrower · 9 months
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They tried electric buses in Connecticut. Because of their tendency to burst into flames, the entire fleet was pulled from service. They tried them in Wyoming. At last word, none works. Edmonton blew a fortune on 60 electric buses. Most of those don’t work either. Turns out electric vehicles don’t make sense in the cold. Naturally the next step was to try them in frigid Minnesota:
In 2015, Duluth received a $6.3 million federal grant for six, ultimately seven, battery-electric buses from Proterra.
Proterra has gone bankrupt, leaving customers trying to keep their vehicles running in the lurch.
In Minneapolis,
Metro Transit followed in 2017 when it received a $1.7 million federal grant to buy eight battery-electric accordion buses…
They got free money and saved the allegedly imperiled climate from harmless carbon emissions. Everyone lived happily ever after — until reality set in:
Both the Twin Cities and Duluth have had problems with their battery-electric buses. For one, they can’t go as far as their builders advertised, in part because of the cold weather.
Too bad the global warming hoax isn’t real. If temperatures would rise by more than the current insignificant fluctuations, EVs would be less insane.
Metro Transit’s battery-electric buses are also less reliable than their diesel-fueled counterparts. A September 2023 presentation to the Met Council’s Transportation Committee showed the battery-electric buses broke down twice as often.
The outlandishly expensive batteries frequently fail, as do the chargers.
Duluth also had problems with its battery-electric bus fleet. Between April 2019 and February 2020, the fleet averaged 7,717 miles between breakdowns, four times as often compared to their diesel counterparts. … The buses struggled to make it up the city’s storied steep hills and to keep riders warm in the winter.
The federal government continues to throw our money at the quixotic cause of electrifying buses in frozen Minnesota:
In August, the Federal Transit Administration awarded Metro Transit a $17.5 million grant to buy 12 battery-electric buses… Since Duluth and Metro Transit rode the electric wave, other agencies joined in on the current. With $5.4 million from two federal grants, Rochester placed into service four battery-electric buses of the exact same make and model as Metro Transit’s…
Another federal grant for electric buses in Minnesota will cost us $8.1 million.
It’s almost as if our rulers couldn’t care less how hard we have to work to create the wealth they waste.
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By: Joseph Simonson
Published: Jun 12, 2024
In 2021, the Biden administration pledged it would build 500,000 electric vehicle charging stations by 2030. So far, it’s built seven.
Last month, Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg—who administers the funds apportioned for EV charger construction in the $1.2 trillion Bipartisan Infrastructure Act—said Americans should not be surprised at the time it takes to stand up "a new category of federal investment."
"It’s more than just plunking a small device into the ground," Buttigieg said in an interview with CBS’s Face the Nation.
But internal memos from the Department of Transportation obtained by the Washington Free Beacon, as well as interviews with those who are responsible for overseeing the implementation of the electric vehicle charging station project, say the delay is in large part a result of the White House’s diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives.
"These requirements are screwing everything up," said one senior Department of Transportation staffer who spoke on the condition of anonymity. "It’s all a mess."
President Joe Biden has reportedly expressed frustration with the pace at which his much-touted infrastructure projects are getting built. A "close ally" of the White House told CNN last December that Biden "wants this stuff now," and a White House spokesman added that the president "constantly pushes his team to ensure we are moving as quickly as possible."
But Biden may only have himself to blame.
Shortly after taking office, the president signed an executive order mandating that the beneficiaries of 40 percent of all federal climate and environmental programs should come from "underserved communities." The order also established the White House Environmental Justice Advisory Council, which monitors agencies such as the Department of Transportation to ensure the "voices, perspectives, and lived realities of communities with environmental justice concerns are heard in the White House and reflected in federal policies, investments, and decisions."
In order to qualify for a grant, applicants must "demonstrate how meaningful public involvement, inclusive of disadvantaged communities, will occur throughout a project’s life cycle." What "public involvement" means is unclear. But the Department of Transportation notes it should involve "intentional outreach to underserved communities."
That outreach, the Department of Transportation states, can take the form of "games and contests," "visual preference surveys," or "neighborhood block parties" so long as the grant recipient provides "multilingual staff or interpreters to interact with community members who use languages other than English."
"This all just slows down construction," says Jim Meigs, a senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute who focuses on federal regulation.
"These ‘public involvement’ requirements are impossible to quantify and even open builders up to lawsuits by members of the community where an electric vehicle charging station is set to be constructed."
How these equity requirements are relevant to the construction of a single electric vehicle charging station is unclear, Meigs said. But all applicants for federal funding must in many cases submit reports that can total hundreds of pages about how they will pursue "equity" every step along the way.
This leads to delays and increases costs throughout the construction process, one senior Department of Transportation official told the Free Beacon. "Highly Qualified" applications, internal memos state, must "promote local inclusive economic development and entrepreneurship such as the use of minority-owned businesses."
That can take the form of funding "support services to help train, place, and retain people in good-paying jobs or registered apprenticeships, with a focus on women, people of color, and others that are underrepresented in infrastructure jobs." A firm’s "workplace culture" should "promote the entry and retention of underrepresented populations."
"These onerous diversity, equity, and inclusion requirements handcuff professionals from making proper evaluations and prevent the government/public from funding the most deserving projects, instead funneling money towards less qualified applicants," the senior Department of Transportation official said.
Those regulations are visible throughout more than 500 federal initiatives across 19 agencies, according to the White House’s chief environmental justice officer Jalonne White-Newsome, who spoke during a White House Environmental Justice Advisory Council meeting on Wednesday. The Free Beacon accessed that meeting, which took place over Zoom and included more than 15 speakers from various federal agencies.
"Since the President took office, the number of publicly available charging ports has grown by over 90 percent, with more than 184,000 publicly-available EV charging ports operational today and 1,000 more coming online each week," a Department of Transportation spokesperson said. "There are currently projects underway in partnership with states and local grantees for 14,000 federally-funded EV charging ports across the country under the NEVI and CFI programs that will build on the 184,000 chargers operational today."
The first electric vehicle charging station funded by the bipartisan infrastructure bill opened last December in a small Ohio town, and no one used the station within the first hours of its opening. Ohio has some of the lowest electric vehicle adoption in the country, with just 0.33 percent of all vehicles in the state operating on battery power, according to Nasdaq.
But the propensity for a local population to actually use an electric vehicle charging station appears to be an afterthought for the Biden administration, Meigs said. Instead the various regulations seem to serve more as a way to pay off Democratic constituencies—in the form of minority-focused contracting and hiring—at the expense of completing any projects in a timely or cost-effective manner.
"At a certain point you have to ask, is the point of these programs to reduce emissions or is the point to spread taxpayer money around and support groups that vote for the Democratic Party?"
Make merit matter.
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sourcreammachine · 4 months
tldr: tinkering reforms to existing structures and services without bothering to fix the overall problems or their causes. literally less ambitions than their previous manifestos. their whole campaign is mostly just getting u to like ed davey by making him look silly
their five basic points:
small business aid
public service investment
deal with the shitwater
as much bilateral eurointegration as possible
democratic reform
reverse tax cuts on the banks and raise business tax to the international standard, raise the tax on digital businesses
balanced budget pledge, but when possible, cut income tax for the poor via raising the personal allowance
expand the british business bank and reestablish the ‘industrial strategy council’ quango (a policy shared by labour)
abolish the two-child benefits cap, bedroom tax and WASPI discrepancy
consumer-side investment for green energy and climate projects, ten-year plan to insulate and heatpump low-income houses, minimum price guarantee for selling home solar to the grid
windfall tax on oil and gas
increase parliamentary oversight of the department of trade
establish a workers’ protection enforcement authority
“independent review” into a living wage — less of a pledge than seen in labour’s policy programme
keep zerohour contracts, right to request a contact after twelve months (not a full right to a contract), employment strategy ‘fit for the age of the gig economy’ (ie embracing it)
expand the soft drinks levy to sugary juice and milkshakes
8000 more GPs
reform dental contracts to prevent practises going private
remove the medical requirement for gender recognition and recognise nonbinary identities
free school meals — only for families in poverty
free personal care for everyone under a national care agency regulator, increased and expanded carers' allowance with paid respite leave
five more hours of free childcare — only for disadvantaged families
'guarantee' gp access within 24 hours, nhs dental access for urgent care, and access to talking therapy — though not fully enumerating this target
toothbrushing lessons in schools
eliminate the prescription charge for mental health prescriptions and 'review the entire schedule of exemptions' for the charge — not abolishing this indefensible illness tax
refom the mental health act to expand rights, self-determination and patient choice
free sign language lessons for parents of deaf children
free ‘acces to’ period products 'for anyone who needs it' [clarification needed]
various provisions for a focus on cancer care
rejoin erasmus+
freevote on the right to die
local authorities can end right to buy in their area
abolish leaseholding — but cap ground rents not abolishing long leases
ten new "garden cities", the failed nothing plan that helped nothing
abolish the land compensation act, letting local governments buy land at current value rather than speculated potential value
use-it-or-lose-it planning permission laws for 'developers who refuse to build'
local authorities can hike council tax by 500% on second homes and surcharge stamp duty (homebuying tax) on overseas buyers
community asset laws to "protect pubs... and other vital infrastructure" [actual quote]
reinstate 2030 ban on new petrol cars, build more chargers (including on-street points)
create a railway agency to manage rail systems rather than nationalising the international humiliation that is the private franchise system
build northern powerhouse rail, review the cancellation of HS2-north, ten-year plan for electrifications, open HS1 to new operators to increase international rail
strategy to expand freightrail as much as possible with keen targets to move freight from road to rail
transport ministry scheme to build local authority lightrail, trams and tramtrains
subject private and business-class flights to VAT and supertax private jets, ban domestic flights under 150 minutes (weird, because that's basically all of them, aberdeen to london included)
expand the national crime agency and its remit
surge funding for armed forces
don't establish the Rwanda concentration scheme
firewall between all public agencies and the home office to prevent the HO gobbling up personal data
'end the hostile environment' [clarification needed]
end loopholes that allow kleptocratic money laundering, seize frozen russian assets and give the money to ukraine
animal welfare bill, ban foie gras and "crack down on puppy and kitten smuggling"
continue to be the american empire's prettiest bitch
land use framework to restore biodiversity and prevent environmental waste, 'wild belt' to protect environments
sewage tax on water companies, prevent dumping in protected waters... by 2030
legal requirement for landlords to increase energy efficiency of their lorded properties
fully reinstate ban on fracking, ban new coal mines, eliminate fossil fuel subsidies
deposit return scheme for bottles and food containers
seed more seagrass meadows
SINGLE TRANSFERABLE VOTE for parliament and for all councils
abolish the lords
make parliament elect the prime minister rather than buckingham palace, repeal the reinstatement of the prime minister's indefensible dictatorial ability to dissolve parliament at will
votes at 16 and abolish voter ID
constitutional convention to draft a new Federal Constitution
let european citizens vote, just like citizens of the so-called commonwealth can
cap donations to parties
make the ministerial code a legalised thing that can be enforced with actual consequences, mandate all ministers' instant messages about government business be archived
abolish police commissioners and end new combined authorities, give such powers directly to existing authorities
regulate tv debates under ofcom
an overseas constituency for overseas voters
recognise Palestine and demand immediate ceasefire, proscribe the IRG
disengage many partnerships with china
ban single use vapes
junk food telly adverts banned pre-watershed
make carer status and care leaver status protected characteristics under the equality act
post offices become community government and banking hubs, if u can still trust them
raise subtitle mandate to 80% of telly
levy gambling companies to 'fund research', rather than actually do anything about the international humiliation that is this country's ultra-lax gambling laws and gambling addiction epidemic
rewrite wedding laws, though not necessarily marriage laws
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v-arbellanaris · 2 years
A question for you! Which of your OCs has the Worst decision-making skills and why--funny answers encouraged.
omgggg anne please they're ALL really bad at decision making. all of their decisions cause problems to themselves and for everyone else.
there's evadne who seems to make the right decisions in the base game because everyone else is acting as her moral compass/she wants everyone to like her SO MUCH but she's also like *picks up some possessed vial in a werewolf lair and learns magic from it, freeing the spirit* *violates andraste's ashes and then lies to her andrastian gf about it* *finds some musty ass vial of unspeakable liquids in an ancient warden keep and tips it back like a tequila shot* and then we get to awakening and she's like yeah yeah its fine *recruits everyone trying to kill her and also the spirit possessing the dead rotting corpse of one of her wardens* like EXCELLENT decisions there miss evadne
there's kal who spent her entire playthrough trying to protect alistair from everything, including eamon and having him become king, so she supports anora taking the throne and anora asks for her father's life and for that reason, amongst a myriad of others like the fact loghain is her blorbo, she spares loghain only to have alistair IMMEDIATELY turn on her. so ANORA turns on him and demands his execution. she spent the entire game trying to protect him only to get him EXILED FROM FERELDEN. (i almost missed the dialogue that would have spared him so can you fucking IMAGINE.) in the universes where she doesn't spare loghain and makes alistair king, HE PUBLICALLY DUMPS HER IN FRONT OF ALL THEIR FRIENDS FOR A DEFICIENT WOMB. i suppose her real crime of bad decision making was romancing alistair first instead of zevran EOFGJKDFGJ
aedan is a contender - he thinks he's making excellent decisions but he ends up with an orlesian mistress and a child out of wedlock with orlais' arcane advisor within 30 years of the occupation, and within 10 years of the empress trying to get king cailan to divorce his ferelden wife to marry her so she could take ferelden as part of the pre-nups. faris makes bad decisions on purpose because he literally does not care about any of it.
damon and mal are both partially purple personalities which is synonymous with bad decisions. damon flirting with anders right after karl dies and making the WORST jokes about justice having a sexy body is definitely top 10 worst dragon age decision making moments.
marya conscripted the templars because she thought that's what the inquisition wanted and had no idea she could exercise any agency for that and go support the mages instead. she got the chargers killed because she misread bull entirely and imagined he cared more about the qun than his men. she only found out about the halamshiral alienage AFTER she put celene back on the throne. SHE ROMANCED THE ACTUAL REAL LIFE DREADWOLF.
but i think another major contender for bad decisions is isra. she romances cullen. enough said.
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danieljreboot · 10 months
Frank Reich (1-8 with Carolina Panthers)
Welcome to the hot seat rankings, Mr. Reich. The Panthers brought in Reich, traded a bunch of draft capital for the No. 1 overall pick in the 2023 NFL Draft and selected Bryce Young out of Alabama. Is it possible all three of those decisions were bad ones? The Panthers now appear to be the worst team in the NFL, sitting at 1-8. And they don't even have their first-round pick in next year's draft to help in the rebuild.
Carolina statistically has the third-worst offense in the NFL, some of its free agency signings such as DJ Chark, Miles Sanders and Hayden Hurst haven't exactly worked out, and the defense has injuries at all three levels. It's been a disaster, which is why protests were being planned in the streets of Charlotte. 
Now, it's true that this is Reich's first season with Carolina, but The Athletic reports that team owner David Tepper is frustrated by the offense and the fact that there's been no improvement: 
"Some in the building believe the roster hasn't been built correctly, while others criticize the offense overall. This is an offense some league sources have described as 'boring,' 'predictable' and even 'lifeless.'"
The fan base and the front office (and me) thought the Panthers were going to be better than what they currently look like. Maybe Reich will get a second year, but Tepper and the fan base are pissed off watching an anemic offense each Sunday while C.J. Stroud continues to dice up defenses for the Texans. Reich is absolutely under pressure, because the 2023 campaign has been rough.
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dungeonsandblorbos · 2 years
Meet the Blorbos: Indigo Sullivan
meet my first ever TTRPG character, Indigo "Indie" Sullivan!
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made my freshman year of college, he was my PC for two different modern-day campaigns with the same GM (the first campaign was Monster of the Week, using The Spooky playbook; the second was Demon Hunters: A Comedy of Terrors). frankly, i adored him and didn't feel like making a new character and the potential for in-jokes with the GM was irresistible--so i just adapted him to the new setting and system! technically that makes him my first and second PC, because the two incarnations were technically different people, but the blorbo version of him that lives in my head rent-free is a composite of the two, so that's how i'll be talking about him on this blog lol
~ anyway ~
Indie is fiercely private, irreverent, and something of a nihilist, with an incredibly dry and sarcastic sense of humor. at the same time, he's also fiercely loyal, flamboyantly dramatic, and something of a romantic, with a major soft spot for kids and animals. he likes sitting on tables and windowsills and other things that weren't designed to be sat on. he does a lot of fidgeting. he's ambidextrous, queer/unlabeled, and fond of knives and daggers and other shiny things. his wardrobe includes a lot of obnoxiously colored and patterned short-sleeve button-ups and several hideous dad sweaters (many of which are thrift store finds older than he is), plus a few items stolen from friends and lovers. the fanny pack is completely unironic; he keeps it stocked with candy, dog treats, migraine relief pills, energy shots, band-aids, a phone charger, and a swiss army knife. after all, how can you trust a psychic that isn't prepared?
during the summer, Indie works as a camp counselor at North Pines Camp; during the school year, he studies psychology and stats at Grovington College (go Geckos!). in between classes and camp sessions, he also works with a demon-hunting agency called the Brotherhood of the Celestial Torch (more on his colleagues in a later post). apparently, being an ambidextrous psychic with no fewer than fives knives on his person whenever he's on call makes him a valuable asset, or something
someday he'd like to be a psychology professor, like his aunt Diana, who raised him. maybe he'll even lead a Brotherhood team at the college, help mentor the next generation of monster hunters. have a dog and a husband
but that's a ways off. he still has to earn a few degrees first--and survive the missions he's being sent on now!
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godefylife · 3 months
One burning question for each AFC team ahead of the 2024 season
In the second half of this little two-piece mini series, I’m switching over the AFC and ask myself “what is the one burning question I have for each team as I think about the 2024 NFL season?”
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#11 2021 FREE AGENCY
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The 2021 NFL Free Agency is open. Major moves below.
Joe Thuney signed a five-year, $80 million contract with the Kansas City Chiefs.
The best center of the last season, Corey Linsley signed a five-year, $62.5 million contract with the Los Angeles Chargers, making him the highest-paid center in the league.
Cordarrelle Patterson signed with the Atlanta Falcons for a three-year, $15 million contract.
Trey Hendrickson signed a four-year, $60 million contract with the Cincinnati Bengals.
A last dance for Richard Sherman who signed with Jacksonville Jaguars and a one-year, $10 million contract.
Marvin Jones Jr are going to Seattle Seahawks with a two-years , $18 million contract.
Ndamukong Suh also joins the Pacific Coast with a one-year , $11 million deal with the Seattle Seahawks.
The former Panthers Greg Olsen announced his signature to Big Apple with New York Jets.
The Quebec native Laurent Duvernay-Tardif signed with Chicago Bears for a one-year, $8 million contract.
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jew123 · 18 hours
The Ultimate Packing Checklist for Long-Term Travel
Planning for long-term travel can be both exciting and overwhelming. Whether you're setting off on a months-long adventure or simply preparing for an extended work trip, packing the right essentials can make all the difference. A well-prepared traveler is a happy traveler, and working with a reliable travel agency in Lucknow or booking your journey through a trusted service ensures your trip starts on the right foot. Here's the ultimate packing checklist for long-term travel to help you stay organized and stress-free.
1. Essential Documents
Passport and visas (if applicable)
Travel insurance details
Copies of important documents (ID, passport, bookings)
Tickets and travel itinerary
Emergency contact information
Credit/debit cards and some local currency
2. Clothing Essentials
Versatile clothing: Opt for lightweight, easy-to-layer items. Choose a few neutral-colored outfits that can mix and match.
Comfortable shoes: One pair of walking shoes and a pair of sandals or flip-flops are essential.
Weather-appropriate items: Pack a rain jacket or warm layers depending on your destination.
Sleepwear and undergarments: Enough for at least a week, as laundry might not always be accessible.
Swimwear and workout gear: If you plan to hit the beach or gym.
3. Toiletries
Toothbrush and toothpaste
Shampoo, conditioner, and body wash (travel-sized)
Deodorant, sunscreen, and insect repellent
Feminine hygiene products (if applicable)
Personal grooming items (razors, hairbrush, etc.)
Mini first-aid kit with basic medicines
4. Electronics and Gadgets
Smartphone and charger
Portable power bank
Universal travel adapter
Laptop or tablet (if necessary for work or entertainment)
Camera and extra memory cards
Noise-cancelling headphones for long flights or bus rides
5. Travel Essentials
Lightweight backpack for day trips
Packing cubes to organize your clothes
Travel pillow and eye mask for comfort during transit
Water bottle (preferably collapsible)
Reusable shopping bags
Padlock for hostel lockers or shared accommodations
6. Personal Comfort and Extras
A good book or e-reader
Journal or travel diary
Sunglasses and hat
Snacks for long journeys
7. Health and Hygiene
Hand sanitizer and disinfectant wipes
Face masks (if needed)
Prescribed medications (carry them in their original packaging)
Vitamins or supplements to stay healthy
8. Travel Safety Items
Anti-theft backpack or money belt
Personal safety alarm
Portable door lock for extra security in your accommodation
Copies of emergency contact numbers
9. Miscellaneous Items
Travel guidebooks or maps
Language translation app for navigating foreign countries
Lightweight towel for hostels or beach visits
Bonus Tip: Don’t Overpack
Packing light is the key to enjoying long-term travel. It's tempting to take everything you think you might need, but be selective. Remember, you can always buy essentials during your trip. A well-organized travel agency, like a Lucknow tour and travel service, can even help you find local shopping options.
When traveling for an extended period, planning ahead and packing smart can save you time and headaches. With the right packing checklist, your journey with a will be an enjoyable and stress-free experience. Happy travels!
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seoworks-blog2 · 2 days
Rent Huracan Lamborghini Spyder: Experience Top-Down Luxury in Dubai
Dubai, with its glistening skyscrapers, sun-soaked beaches, and world-renowned highways, is the perfect playground for driving luxury cars. If you’re looking for an extraordinary driving experience, renting a Huracan Lamborghini Spyder is the ultimate choice. This supercar offers unmatched power, breathtaking design, and the joy of top-down driving, making it the perfect ride to explore Dubai in style.
In this blog, we’ll guide you through why the Huracan Lamborghini Spyder is a must-rent for car enthusiasts and how you can easily book a car in Dubai. We’ll also explore thrilling alternatives like Dodge rental options for muscle car lovers.
Why Rent a Huracan Lamborghini Spyder in Dubai?
The Huracan Lamborghini Spyder isn’t just a car; it’s a symbol of speed, elegance, and unparalleled performance. Whether you're visiting Dubai for business or leisure, renting a Huracan Spyder offers several benefits:
1. Unmatched Performance
The Huracan Spyder features a V10 engine that delivers lightning-fast acceleration, reaching 0 to 100 km/h in just over 3 seconds. Its razor-sharp handling and advanced aerodynamics make it perfect for Dubai's smooth highways, offering a driving experience that combines power and precision.
2. Convertible Fun
One of the key highlights of the Huracan Spyder is its retractable roof. You can drive with the top down, enjoying the sunny Dubai weather, the breathtaking views of the city’s skyline, and the wind in your hair. There’s no better way to immerse yourself in Dubai’s stunning landscape.
3. Stylish and Eye-Catching
Lamborghini is known for its aggressive yet elegant design, and the Huracan Spyder is no exception. Its sharp, angular lines and low profile make it a head-turner wherever you go. If you want to make a grand entrance in Dubai, this car guarantees you’ll do just that.
4. Advanced Technology
Inside, the Huracan Spyder offers a luxurious cabin packed with cutting-edge technology. From its digital cockpit to intuitive infotainment, every aspect of this car is designed to enhance your driving pleasure.
How to Book a Lamborghini Huracan Spyder in Dubai
Booking a Huracan Lamborghini Spyder in Dubai is incredibly simple. Here’s a step-by-step guide:
Select Your Rental Agency: Dubai has numerous luxury car rental companies offering Lamborghinis, including the Huracan Spyder. Compare rental rates, reviews, and availability to find the best deal.
Book Online: Most rental companies provide an easy online booking system. All you need is a valid driver's license and passport. Book a car in Dubai hassle-free through their websites.
Flexible Pickup and Drop-off: You can choose to pick up the car from the rental location or have it delivered to your hotel, airport, or any address of your choice for added convenience.
Enjoy Your Ride: Once you’ve completed the booking, it’s time to take to the streets in one of the world’s most iconic supercars.
Dodge Rental: A Muscle Car Alternative
For drivers who love American muscle cars, Dubai offers fantastic Dodge rental options. Dodge cars combine power, style, and affordability, making them an excellent choice for those seeking a thrilling ride.
Dodge Challenger: Rent a Car in Dubai
The Dodge Challenger is one of the most famous muscle cars in the world, offering brute force and a bold design. Here are some Challenger models you can rent:
Rent a Dodge Challenger Hellcat: This beast of a car packs over 700 horsepower, delivering thrilling speed and adrenaline-pumping acceleration. Perfect for those who crave pure power.
Rent Dodge Challenger RT: The RT model provides a blend of high performance and practicality, making it ideal for drivers who want a powerful yet comfortable ride.
Rent a Dodge Challenger SXT: The SXT model offers a more affordable option while still delivering the unmistakable feel of a muscle car.
Dodge Charger Rental in Dubai
If you prefer something with four doors and more space but still want that muscle car vibe, the Dodge Charger is a great choice. With its spacious interior and bold design, the Charger is perfect for longer drives or exploring Dubai’s roads with friends and family.
What Makes Renting in Dubai Special?
Dubai is one of the best places in the world to rent a luxury or muscle car. Here are a few reasons why:
World-Class Roads: Dubai’s well-maintained roads are perfect for high-performance cars like the Lamborghini Huracan Spyder and Dodge Challenger. You’ll enjoy smooth drives with breathtaking views of the city.
Scenic Routes: From coastal roads along the Arabian Gulf to desert drives, Dubai offers diverse scenic routes that are ideal for exploring in a luxury or muscle car.
Exclusive Driving Experience: Renting a supercar or muscle car in Dubai isn’t just about transportation; it’s about experiencing the city in a way that few get to. Whether cruising down Sheikh Zayed Road or taking a sunset drive near the Burj Khalifa, renting a car enhances your Dubai experience.
How to Choose Between Lamborghini and Dodge?
It all comes down to what kind of driving experience you want. If you’re looking for ultimate luxury and performance, then the Huracan Lamborghini Spyder is the way to go. Its sleek design, convertible roof, and blistering speed make it the perfect car for a thrilling and stylish ride in Dubai.
On the other hand, if you love the roar of an American muscle car, then renting a Dodge Challenger or Dodge Charger is an excellent alternative. These cars offer powerful engines, bold designs, and an adrenaline-packed driving experience at a more affordable price point.
Renting a Huracan Lamborghini Spyder in Dubai offers the perfect mix of luxury, performance, and style. Whether you’re a car enthusiast or simply looking to add excitement to your Dubai trip, driving this iconic supercar will leave you with unforgettable memories. And for those who prefer raw power and muscle, Dodge rental options like the Dodge Challenger or Dodge Charger provide thrilling alternatives.
So, the next time you’re in Dubai, be sure to book a car in Dubai and explore the city in style. Whether it’s the elegance of a Lamborghini or the muscle power of a Dodge, Dubai’s roads are waiting for you.
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semiconductorhub · 1 month
Wide Bandgap Semiconductor Market : In-depth Analysis by Trends, Dynamics, Drivers, Challenges and Growth Factors by 2032
Wide Bandgap Semiconductor Market is estimated to reach USD 7.01 billion by 2030, growing at a CAGR of 24.7 % over the forecast period of 2023-2030.
The wide bandgap (WBG) semiconductor market is set to experience substantial growth as advancements in technology and rising demand across various industries fuel the expansion. Wide bandgap semiconductors, known for their superior performance in high-power and high-frequency applications, are gaining traction in sectors such as automotive, energy, and telecommunications.
As industries strive for greater efficiency, higher power densities, and improved thermal management, the adoption of wide bandgap semiconductors, including materials like silicon carbide (SiC) and gallium nitride (GaN), is rapidly increasing. These materials offer significant advantages over traditional silicon-based semiconductors, including higher breakdown voltages, greater thermal conductivity, and improved efficiency in power conversion.
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Major Players Driving Innovation in the Wide Bandgap Semiconductor Market Include:
Avago Technologies (Braodcom)
Cree Inc.
Infineon Technologies AG
Navitas Semiconductor
On Semiconductor
Panasonic Corporation
ROHM Semiconductor
STMicroelectronics NV.
Toshiba Electronic Devices & Storage Corporation
These companies are at the forefront of developing and deploying wide bandgap semiconductor technologies, driving innovation and addressing the growing needs of various end-use industries.
Regional Analysis
North America
Asia Pacific
Latin America
Middle East & Africa
The wide bandgap semiconductor market is experiencing diverse growth across regions. North America and Europe are leading the market, driven by significant investments in research and development, as well as the increasing adoption of electric vehicles and renewable energy technologies. Meanwhile, the Asia Pacific region is expected to see the highest growth due to rapid industrialization and technological advancements in emerging economies.
Market Segmentation
The wide bandgap semiconductor market is segmented into several key areas, including:
By Material
Silicon Carbide (SiC)
Gallium Nitride (GaN)
Others (Zinc Oxide, GaAs, etc)
By Application
Hybrid / Electric Vehicles
PV Inverters
Railway Tractions
Wind Turbines
Power Supplies
Motor Drives
Others (Medical Imaging, Chargers and Adapters, etc.)
End-use Industry
Automotive & Transportation
Consumer Electronics
Aerospace & Defense
IT & Telecom
Energy & Utility
Others (Healthcare, Industrial, etc.)
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Key Questions Addressed
What are the emerging trends in the wide bandgap semiconductor market?
How are technological advancements impacting wide bandgap semiconductor devices?
What challenges are manufacturers facing in this market?
Which regions are expected to experience the highest growth for wide bandgap semiconductors?
About Us:
SNS Insider is one of the leading market research and consulting agencies that dominates the market research industry globally. Our company’s aim is to give clients the knowledge they require in order to function in changing circumstances. In order to give you current, accurate market data, consumer insights, and opinions so that you can make decisions with confidence, we employ a variety of techniques, including surveys, video talks, and focus groups around the world.
Contact Us:
Akash Anand - Head of Business Development & Strategy
Phone: +1–415–230–0044 (US) | +91–7798602273 (IND)
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uniquecrownblaze · 3 months
Navigating the Skies: Flight Booking Essentials
Book cheap flight tickets and hotels- https://cheaptravelfirst.com/
In an era where the world is more connected than ever before, air travel has become an indispensable part of our lives. Whether it's for business or pleasure, booking a flight can often be a daunting task, especially with the plethora of options available. However, with the right knowledge and tools at your disposal, navigating the skies and booking your next flight can be a breeze. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore the essential factors to consider when booking a flight, from finding the best deals to ensuring a smooth travel experience.
1. Destination and Dates: The first step in booking a flight is determining your destination and travel dates. Whether you're planning a weekend getaway or a long-term adventure, having a clear idea of where and when you want to go will streamline the booking process and help you narrow down your options.
2. Flexibility: Flexibility is key when it comes to finding the best deals on flights. Being open to alternative dates, nearby airports, and different airlines can often result in significant savings. Consider using flexible date search tools offered by various booking websites to explore all available options.
3. Budget: Setting a budget for your flight is essential to avoid overspending. Determine how much you're willing to allocate towards airfare and be mindful of additional fees such as baggage charges and seat selection. Keep an eye out for special promotions and discounts offered by airlines and booking platforms to stretch your travel budget further.
4. Comparison Shopping: With numerous online travel agencies and airline websites vying for your business, it pays to shop around. Use flight comparison websites to compare prices across multiple airlines and booking platforms, ensuring you get the best possible deal for your journey.
5. Loyalty Programs: If you're a frequent flyer, consider joining airline loyalty programs to earn miles and other perks every time you travel. Accumulating miles can lead to free flights, upgrades, and other exclusive benefits, making it a worthwhile investment for frequent travelers.
6. Reviews and Recommendations: Before finalizing your booking, take the time to read reviews and recommendations from other travelers. Websites like TripAdvisor and Yelp provide valuable insights into airline experiences, helping you choose the best airline for your needs.
7. Travel Insurance: While no one likes to think about potential travel mishaps, having travel insurance can provide peace of mind in case of unexpected emergencies or cancellations. Compare different travel insurance policies to find one that offers comprehensive coverage at a reasonable price.
8. Booking Direct vs. Third-Party: When booking a flight, you have the option to either book directly through the airline's website or use a third-party booking platform. While booking directly may offer more flexibility and direct access to airline policies, third-party platforms often provide competitive prices and additional perks such as bundled deals.
9. Stay Updated: Once you've booked your flight, stay updated on any changes or developments leading up to your departure. Sign up for flight alerts and monitor your airline's website for any updates on flight schedules, gate changes, or delays.
10. Packing Essentials: Finally, don't forget to pack essential items such as travel documents, medications, chargers, and other necessities to ensure a smooth travel experience. Check your airline's baggage policy beforehand to avoid any surprises at the airport.
By keeping these flight booking essentials in mind, you can navigate the skies with confidence and ease, ensuring a stress-free travel experience from start to finish.
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