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fraudprevention-blog1 · 5 years ago
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When it comes to business, the data and services are needed to be organized. Chargeback Expertz also offers assistance to the merchant with the Chargeback Representment and Chargeback Management contact +1 855-465-4723.
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chargebackprevention-blog · 7 years ago
Impact Of Chargeback Management System – The Benefits That It Brings
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The truth is that running a business requires quite a lot of considerations to be implemented and thoroughly accounted for. With this in mind, chargeback prevention is without a doubt something that needs to be taken into the most serious consideration. With this in mind, the first thing that needs to be clarified is what a chargeback actually is. This is the process in which the customers retrieve funds from the merchant as a result of a disputed credit card transaction. This process is almost always going to be initiated by the cardholder themselves as well as the corresponding bank of issue.
The Chargeback System and its Benefits
There are quite a lot of powerful benefits which stem from using a prominent chargeback management system. Let’s go ahead and take a look.
Prominent management– The chargeback system is going to simplify your workflow tremendously, and you are going to be spending a lot less time and money on annoying chargeback procedures. This will open up more time for you to look after your own business.
Dynamic real-time updates – the chargeback management system is going to provide you with the opportunity to integrate dynamic and real-time updates. The system includes built-in processors for payments as well as card provider updates. It is going to improve the overall performance and your success rate.
Precise analysis – you can take a look at the specific reason for the chargeback and undertake the necessary preventions to ensure that it never happens again.
Secure Environment – protection should always be a number one priority for your enterprise. With a comprehensive chargeback system, you can rely on tools which are going to manage the chargeback and reduce it to its minimum.
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Other Considerations to be Aware of
The chargeback system is also going to enable you to draw the proper conclusions and reach the necessary solutions. This is paramount for the proper conduct of your enterprise and the optimization of the processes within it. With this in mind, you are expected to drive a lot of advantages from it that every contemporary merchant should be focusing on. Not having a system of the kind means that you would have to physically visit and audit a wide range of different websites and the businesses they conduct to handle the issue. A chargeback system, on the other hand, is going to provide you with everything that you need in order to comprehensively handle everything that’s necessary. It’s quick, it’s convenient and most of all – it’s truly effective. Not only are you going to spare resources, but you will also increase customer satisfaction and reduce chargebacks.
The Chargeback System and its Process
The entire process revolving around chargeback is rather complicated, and it’s filled with particularly sensitive deadlines as well as legal procedures, documentation and a lot of additional requirements. It’s important to take a look at some of the most common reasons for which a chargeback process is going to be initiated on behalf of the customer. This is not only going to help the chargeback management draw the proper conclusions, but it’s also going to allow it to come up with proper and actionable chargeback prevention strategies. With this in mind, the most common issues are:
The customer isn’t satisfied with the service or the product which have been delivered
The items which were paid for weren’t delivered to the cardholder
The transaction itself was not authorized
The consumer attempts to engage in a friendly fraud
An error in the billing process took place (for instance, the card was billed two times)
As you can see, the reasons are numerous but it goes without saying that unsatisfied customers are the most common initiators of chargeback processes. From this point forward, if the issuer is convinced that the cardholder has the necessary merit to initiate the dispute, he’s going to notify the actual acquirer of the transaction reversal who is going to notify the merchant. What is more, there is going to be a fee charged for the administrative trouble and efforts.
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Things to Consider
The chargeback system is a necessity as it provides the customers with a lot of safety and security. Failing to implement a proper chargeback management system, however, is going to lead to increased losses and decreased revenues for the merchant himself. This is something that has to be taken into thorough account. There are plenty of different policies that could be implemented to an emphasis on chargeback prevention as well as reduction.
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ecommerceaccounting-blog · 7 years ago
The Customer must have to make a legitimate attempt to resolve the issues or return the Merchandise for Refund.
If you get more information you can contact us freely on this Number +1855-465-4723.
Address- 10300 49th St N #427, Clearwater FL 33762, USA
Our Link of Site - https://www.chargebackexpertz.com/
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chargeback01 · 2 years ago
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Master the art of chargeback management with Chargeback Expertz - Your pathway to efficient solutions and unrivaled expertise. Visit Our Site To Get More Information - https://www.chargebackexpertz.com/
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fraudprevention-blog1 · 5 years ago
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You have an e-commerce business, right? So you’ve рrоbаblу seen marketing miѕtаkеѕ that dеѕtrоу a рrоduсt’ѕ appeal and ѕеnd returns and chargebacks flying.Hеrе’ѕ to уоur ѕuссеѕѕ! Call +1 855-465-4723
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fraudprevention-blog1 · 5 years ago
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A merchant has a specific time limit when it comes to responding to chargeback. If not done, the issuing bank can press charges on the merchant. But at the same time, a merchant needs to be very careful when responding to a chargeback.
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fraudprevention-blog1 · 5 years ago
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While managing a business, a merchant can come across a number of chargebacks by different card networks, and most of the time they accept the chargeback as a cost of doing business.
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fraudprevention-blog1 · 6 years ago
Know The Value Of Chargeback Reports
What Is A Chargeback Report?
A chargeback involves various parties- Cardholder, Merchant, Issuers Bank, Acquirer Bank, and Card Network. A chargeback goes through the system of each of the entities mentioned above.
A chargeback the report contains the flow of money and mentions the stage where the things went wrong leading to a chargeback. A merchant can create his own database logging the details of each chargeback that occurred in the business.
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Importance Of Chargeback Report
When it comes to business, the data and services are needed to be organized. This is because one needs to keep a record of everything from revenue to product to the number of chargebacks. If you have a business that accepts credit card payments then there sure will be some chargebacks.
If you are connected to a chargeback management company and think that all your chargeback issues are taken care of, then you may be wrong. You need to keep an eye on each of your chargeback reports, monthly.
Ingredients of chargeback report
•Transactions Details (Amount, Mode of Payment, Customer’s Information)
•Chargebacks (Chargeback Amount, Reason of Chargeback, Time Frame to resolve the Chargeback)
•Finally, Chargeback Reason Code
Short Summary
A well-composed chargeback report can actually help evaluate the pattern of the chargeback occurrence. Furthermore, you can study the pattern to finally assess risks.
•Prepare Chargeback Alerts
•List Win-Chargeback Report
•Calculate the Number of Representments resulted in merchants favor
•Report the number of days of a month rich in chargeback
•Identify merchant errors
•Review the risk causing factors
•Identify areas offering most profit and loss
•Identify the most common chargeback reason codes in the business.
A well-organized chargeback report can actually, help:
•In predicting chargeback in upcoming months
•In creating a more effective chargeback prevention strategy
•Designing methods to recover the revenue lost due to excessive chargeback
•Finally, decreasing the frauds caused in the name of chargeback
To get information about chargeback reports you need to get in touch with us. Chargeback expertz will give you a proper diagnosis about the business and suggestions which is more fruitful and productive for your firm. Call us at +1 855-465-4723 or mail us at [email protected].
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fraudprevention-blog1 · 6 years ago
See The Real Face Of Chargeback Guarantee
Guarantees are the most sought-after feature people look for in sales, and when a Chargeback guaranty is given upon a merchant account that’s more of what the merchant has asked for, but how it is showcased may be a facade.
Chargebacks are never cured completely 100 %. It is not like a chargeback alert service but more like reimbursement to you when a chargeback like an insurance policy hits you.
The chargeback ratio for a high-risk business is different and cannot be given a 100% risk-free environment to a merchant. Issuing chargeback guarantees breaks the bond in between partnership from the merchant to the customer, merchants want to maximize accepted transactions and minimize the chargebacks.
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3 cases where the chargebacks are reimbursed by the chargeback solution provider.
1. The chargeback reimbursed is greater than the fees charged.
2. The chargeback reimbursed is equal to the fees.
3. The fee is higher than the chargeback reimbursed.
Let’s discuss the cases in detail.
Case 1 and 2
The chargeback reimbursed is greater than the fees charged.
Unsustainable the situation for a merchant and a merchant should be aware of their fees are increasing at some point.
Case 3
In this case, it's more than clear that a fraud prevention company is keeping refusal rates at maximum levels, which is costing the merchant more and increasing their revenue directly.
Keeping these things apart from their few benefits for the merchants who are into small e-commerce merchants, retail merchants, startups and merchants, processing for high margin goods.
If your fraud prevention vendor spends on refunding many chargebacks, they have every odd in their favor to decrease their frequency – even by risking more false positives.
Chargeback Expertz
Chargeback Expertz gives you alerts in advance which acts as a notice in prior. To know more, call us anytime at the toll-free number i.e. +1 855-465-4723 or visit chargebackexpertz.com for the same.
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fraudprevention-blog1 · 6 years ago
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Chargeback Expertz service station gives you and a wide variety of chargeback services. Take the benefits and swim in a pool of profits.
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fraudprevention-blog1 · 6 years ago
Chargeback Representment
Chargeback representment cycle is a process by which merchants are able to dispute chargeback by showing evidence that transaction was authentic.
Based on the evidence provided, the card brand reverses the chargeback and refund merchant.
In case of a chargeback isn’t represented successfully, then merchant can go for arbitration, which can result in additional fees.
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Why Chargebacks need to be represented?
30% of merchants represent all chargebacks, while 60% represent fraud coded only. It is extremely important to keep the pros and cons into consideration because some chargebacks can hurt the business. Why chargebacks should be represented? Why business needs to be proactive?
• Chargebacks are not only loss of sale, but they also come along with fees without warning. The business will lose revenue; additional costs may hurt.
• If there are numerous chargebacks then the merchant may lose the trust from the processor. Many banks assume that the merchant is guilty, chargeback representment will assure that your business doesn’t get blacklisted.
• The billing address and shipping address were the same, and the merchant was received as per post service.
Why Outsource It to Chargeback Expertz
We have 7+ years of experience and expertise in representing chargebacks
•We have maintained our win rate of 85% for 3 years.
•We have a record of reduced second chargebacks.
•We delegate a committed representative to improve your ROI.
•We help you in improving your relations with the issuer.
•We provide you full access to track your chargebacks.
•We create a customized business process for you to minimize and win chargebacks.
•We provide daily, weekly and monthly reports to inspect your chargebacks.
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fraudprevention-blog1 · 6 years ago
Remedies To Solve Chargebacks Fast
Chargebacks are shooting stars that fall all of a sudden in the bag of the businessman. Chargebacks need quick treatment so that they should conquer the place. Here let’s have some glimpse.
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Resolve Chargebacks
Arbitration is the best method to resolve disputes faster. From the merchant’s point of view, Arbitration is the preferred method to resolve the chargeback. Because it is more effective and recognized method to fix dispute.
In the pre-arbitration, the dispute is resolved within the issuing bank and the acquiring bank. If a merchant feels that the evidence is strong enough to win the chargeback, the Arbitration method can be used to resolve chargebacks faster. The Pre-Arbitration does not involve the card network like Visa.
The general the flow of the chargeback starts from the customer, where the customer initiates the chargeback then the merchant either provides the evidence to fight chargeback or simply gives a refund.
What is Arbitration?
Arbitration is like a court trial where both the parties that are merchant and customer present their cases to the card network (Visa).
After examining the details of both the parties the final decision is given by the card network.
Tips for Quick Chargeback Reversal.
For a merchant, the chargeback can be really difficult to handle and everyone wants to resolve chargebacks faster. These tips can help:
•   Present the evidence that is to-the-point, clear and short.
•   A quick response can help you resolve chargeback quickly. Respond quickly.
•   Avoid any difficult or time-consuming method to resolve disputes.
•   Learn from your mistakes.
•   Finally, if you are in doubt get a professional.
If you are thinking to get a professional for the chargeback reversal then you can try our Representment Service.
In order to reach an expert, you can try the toll-free number +1(855) 465-4723 or chat via Skype. Our services are 24*7 available, you can reach us anytime. Moreover, you can get the solution to your other chargeback issues by following our blogs at chargebackexpertz.com
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fraudprevention-blog1 · 6 years ago
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See The Magic Of Winning Chargeback
Discussing the major issues related to chargeback's Chargeback Expertz is the one that solves the problem from just simple and quick tips. Feel the joy with us.
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fraudprevention-blog1 · 6 years ago
1,2,3 Down |Chargeback Prevention.
E-commerce fly’s well with the chargeback. Nooo, this Is the nature of the business but not a feature of the business. Losses are obvious but what if the losses exceed a lot for no reason. The merchant always ignores minute things which actually escalates the profit time.
The merchant should stop using his traditional way of working he should always upgrade him/her self. Preventing chargeback requires few technical techniques, which a merchant should look after. For better working of the business, he/she should ask for the experts help.
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Here are few steps which a merchant should follow
1.  Be in touch with the customer after his 1st purchase.
To your online customer, 24 hours can seem like an eternity. Mаnу times they want rеаѕѕurаnсе that their purchase wasn’t a miѕtаkе. If you аllоw that doubt to linger, buуеr’ѕ remorse саn creep in and a refund request or chargeback could роѕѕiblу be just around the соrnеr.
2.  Surprises for customers
Every online the site offers a sale coupon to the customers once they are associated with them. Make sure to collect the e-mail address which will be easy for the customers to connect to you and vice versa.
3.   Be on your toes for giving them refunds
The decision to return money to a customer may not always be easy, but failing to promptly do ѕо can lead to costly сhаrgеbасkѕ and оthеr potential hеаdасhеѕ. Many times, a customer hаѕ a legitimate rеаѕоn for requesting a refund, and the way you handle refunds may be the deciding factor on whether that customer will make future рurсhаѕеѕ from уоu.
4.   Provide quality рrоduсtѕ аnd ѕеrviсеѕ.
No matter whаt уоu аrе оffеring tо your сuѕtоmеr, mаkе ѕurе that the quality is аlwауѕ high. Whеn dеvеlорing a product, аѕk yourѕеlf, “Would I bе happy if I bought this?” If you саn’t honestly аnѕwеr yes, then go back tо thе drawing board
Chargeback Expertz
Chargeback Expertz will always take out the best out of you. Do trust us and fall in the beautiful world of simple and easy business life. Call Us at Phone: +1 855-465-4723
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fraudprevention-blog1 · 5 years ago
Strict Detection and More Profit.
Owning a business involves the risk of fraud especially, e-commerce business where transactions are done virtually, known as CARD NOT PRESENT. CNP payments increase the risk of fraud exponentially.
3 highly common causes of chargebacks.
The charge or business name is unrecognizable on credit card statements
Usage of your credit card without any intimation to the owner.
The delivered goods or services is not actual as described or the good received is damaged.
In order to detect chargebacks, you must combine machine learning and a human interception. Machine learning will ensure data has been quickly analyzed, checked and balanced.
What can you do to prevent chargeback?
Customer service – Expect excellence from your employees. Train them to be effective, efficient and empathetic when a customer concern arises.
Train your Employees – Invest time in their business knowledge and ability. Actively enforce relevant policies and procedures.
Know Your Customer – Monitor customer behavior and activity by calling or emailing the customer by which you can further confirm the security of sales.
Keep up to date and secure technologies – Always be informed of technological advancements to keep your business’s and customer’s safety.
Chargeback Expertz
Prevention and Detection of chargebacks will protect your e-commerce business’s profitability. For more information, feel free to contact Chargeback Expertz and get the information related to the various Chargeback Frauds and how to prevent them. Furthermore, Chargeback Expertz also provides assistance with the Representment and Chargeback Reversal. Contact now at the toll-free number +1 855-465-4723 or chat via Skype by visiting www.chargebackexpertz.com
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fraudprevention-blog1 · 6 years ago
Frauds Knocking Your Door?
Fraudsters don’t look at the anyone keeping a soft corner in their heart. They directly keep an eye on the merchant’s pocket and want a product for free. Merchant has to be proactive and look after their account and an eye on the tracking of the product. So that the customer never comes on their head and ask for the claim.
Cause of Frauds & Their Identification
Online fraud is possibly different from the fraud that occurs in traditional businesses as you are uncertain that the person, you’re selling to is a real customer or fraud.
An e-commerce credit card fraud occurs when the information is held loose from the side of a cardholder or someone steals the data of the card. By building up an enormous amount of information online there is a great risk of data breach and hacking. So, whenever a fraudster tries to steal card information, he attempts to do that from a vulnerable or less informative person there is.
Fraudsters find one or the other way to rip you off your money.
Types of Credit Card Frauds:
•CNP (Card Not Present) Fraud: If someone knows the expiry date and account number of your card, they can commit CNP fraud against you. This can be done through a phone, email or the Internet. It essentially means that somebody uses your card without having physical possession of it.
•Overpayments: This is also called as stolen card fraud. The fraudsters present themselves as requiring the services from a third-party. Then he offers to pay the seller the cost, extra sum and often, an additional convenience for accommodating the request.
•Multiple Imprints: When a single transaction is recorded multiple times on credit card imprint machines.
•Collusive Merchants: When a merchant’s employee works with the fraudster to defraud banks.
•Account Takeover: When a credit cardholder innocently and unwittingly gives personal information (such as a home address, mother’s maiden name, etc.) to a potential fraudster, who contacts the cardholder’s bank, reports a lost card on behalf of the cardholder and obtains a new card in the victim’s name.
Chargeback Expertz
The box is full of treasures which gives you the best gem out of it. Chargeback Expertz gives the best solution for the mishap a merchant goes through. Call us at PHONE: +1 855-465-4723 or mail us at EMAIL: [email protected]
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