hauntingkiki · 3 months
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Venture x Reader
2nd POV
"you're coming home saturday, yeah?" you asked your partner over the phone, taking your calendar that was hung up on your fridge. you placed it on the island, pulling your phone away from your left ear and switching it over to your right, your elbows propped up on the counter as you leaned on it, grabbing a nearby pencil and twirling it around in your fingers.
a sigh escaped the others lips, a faint 'i'm telling her right now.' makes its way through the speaker of the phone. "no...no, no, not tomorrow." the huffed, clearly annoyed.
you perked up at the news, dropping the pencil as you pushed yourself off of the counter, wondering around your apartment. "what?! what do you mean, 'not tomorrow', sloan?" you cried, disappointed in the news. you ran your free hand through your hair, stopping at the top of your scalp as you gently pulled at your hair. "w-why are you guys staying longer? i thought you guys found enough artifacts at the site!”
"apparently, the boss found another site he wants to visit, it'll take us all day saturday to get there, sunday is our rest day, then we'll start exploring monday through friday." your partner, sloan explained, looking at the written schedule that was in front of them as they spoke, bouncing their leg.
“ANOTHER site?!” you scoffed, walking back to the island and taking a seat, snagging the calendar and pencil to fix the dates. “are you fucking kidding me?! this is the fourth one you’ve been too! in what- the span of three weeks?!” you pulled your phone away from your ear, putting it on speaker as you placed it carefully on the marble countertop as you erased the pencil marks.
sloan scoffed, humming in agreement on how stupid the whole thing was. even though it bright in good money, enough to feed you two, pay rent, go out on dates and travel, it pulled them away from you more than they would like. “tell me about it.” sloan huffed, standing up from their seated position. "we should hopefully be home by next sunday, and have that dinner with the crew at that one joint..."
you groaned, remembering the celebratory dinner. "right! i forgot about that." you muttered, biting on your thumb nail.
the line was quite, besides the loud laughter that came from sloan's end. it suddenly went dead silent, a door clicking shut was all you heard as you sat at the island. "what do you want to do?" sloan asked, taking a seat at their bed that was freshly made, their clothing, toiletries and other things they brought with them packed in their suitcases.
"what do you mean?" you asked, scribbling down the dates sloan mentioned a few minutes prior.
"with the reservations! and the plans we made." they waved a hand around, sighing as they hunched forward. "should we just move them until i get back? or you can go with your friends or whoever and we can go another time."
you pressed the eraser against your lip, looking at the name you had sloan saved under as well as the picture of the two of you that was saved as their profile. “i…i uh, let’s just move the dates.” you sighed, sliding the pencil behind your ear. “i’ll call the restaurants and whatnot to move them to next week, it won’t be a big deal.”
sloan softly nodded, whipping out their wallet from one of many jacket pockets they had and opened it single handedly, pinching their phone in between their right shoulder and their face. “okay…text me when you get the new reservations.” sloan meekly smiled, opening one of the wallet pockets before pulling out a polaroid of the two of you, small hearts doodled the white boarder that surrounded the picture.
you hummed, muttering a small ‘will do’ under your breath as you click the speaker button to cancel it before bring the phone up to your ear. your eyes darted around the kitchen, a mess of pots, pans, and silverware was no where in sight in your sink, which you grew fond over. you always loved seeing sloan in the kitchen, cooking away at their family recipes which had the place smelling like the amazing spices for weeks on end. sure, you had stocks of food that they cooked before the mission in the fridge from weeks prior, but it wasn’t the same, since all you had to do was to warm them up, either on the oven or in the microwave.
it never tasted the same as when your lover made them for you.
your eyes started to become glassy as your lip quivered, your teeth sinking into your bottom lip before any noise sneaked its way out of your throat. it’s been three weeks since you’ve seen sloan, going on four since sloan is staying longer. you were missing them like crazy, the apartment was unbearably quite without them home. you wanted to voice your opinion out about the matter for a while, but they’ve been working there since they’ve been sixteen-ten years at the same company! you couldn’t and wouldn’t do that to them in your wildest dreams, they meant so much to you for you to do that.
you softly shook your head, telling your brain to cut it out and save it for when you were off the phone so they didn’t feel the guilt of hurting you. but, that plan was quickly abandoned as tears rolled down your cheeks, shaky breaths filled the silence and alerted your partner on the other end of the phone.
“cariño?” venture gasped out, their attention snapping away from the photo and towards the sounds of your sobs. they placed their wallet and the photo to their left side, the mattress slightly creaking as they shuffled around on the bed. “what’s wrong?”
you wiped away your tears, choking on a sob as your hand holding your phone began to shake against your face, focusing most of your attention onto that in oder to make it stop. “it’s just…” you swallowed a lump that clogged your throat, making it hard to speak. ‘might as well tell them.’ you let out a cry, sniffing before looking down at the marble countertop. “it’s so hard to be away from you. especially for four weeks, sloan! like-it’s absolutely crazy!”
sloan nodded softly, taking your words into consideration. their attention snapped to the door that creaked open, covering the bottom of their phone as they locked eyes with zane, one of their coworkers.
zane took the hint and quickly left the room, shutting the door behind him.
“but.” your voice startled sloan back to reality, their undivided attention back to you. “i didn’t want to say any of this because this is your dream! you love this job and i don’t want to stop you.”
the two of you went silent, besides your faint sobs and sniffles.
sloan ran a hand through their hair, their fingers twirling around the hairs of their undercut before stopping at the base of their neck, gently massaging at the muscle. “i…i get it.” sloan reassured, dropping their hand that was at their neck back to their lap.
you blinked, your lashes soaked in your tears as they brushed against your brow bone. “really?” you muttered, your voice soft.
sloan nodded, their attention glued onto their boots. “yeah! i miss you so much, you’re all i think and talk about!” they chuckled, smiling warmly at the sound of your faint snicker. sloan’s smile faintly dropped, becoming serious as their eyes darted over to the picture of you two that was to the left of them. “these long and far trips suck. and-and i know this year has been full of them, but i promise you that there won’t be as many later in life.”
“promise?” you bit back a small smile, your heart slightly fluttering at the sound of sloan’s chuckle.
“promise, mi amor.”
today was the day.
sloan camron was coming home.
you were practically bouncing off the wall as you paced around the living room, phone in hand as you reread the long message that was sent in the wayfinders groupchat that you were so grateful to be added to (as well as other’s family and spouses).
hello members and family of the wayfinder’s society,
as you all know, today is the day we’re all coming home from a four week exploration that took place in australia. during these four weeks, we were thankful enough to visit, explore and research five sites scattered around the land. with great discoveries of artifacts, gems, rocks, fossils and much more, we have decided to come home, and let our members have a six month ‘break’ from traveling. during this ‘break’, members, and family members, will be called to our company building for meetings, dinner parties, and other events we will be hosting during those six months before we start up traveling again.
we will, hopefully, arrive to the airport at 7:10 PM. it’ll take about 30 minutes to an hour before we’re all off the plane, then you all will be expected to be at our celebratory dinner at 9:20 PM, at the local bar and pizzeria uptown. (oliver will provided the location when we land)
when we arrive to the airport, we will be leaving the plane in alphabetical order by last name. so family, please do the following:
if you have someone in the A-K range, show up to pick up your person then immediately go home to get ready for the dinner.
if you have someone in the J-Z range, be ready before you pick up your person. you should have time to let your person freshen up before going to the diner. if not, bring a change of clothes, cologne/perfume and whatever’s necessary for them to look somewhat presentable.
members of the wayfinder’s, please wear your jackets to the dinner. we need to represent the company while we’re out having a good time tonight.
- thanks, ben (the boss)
you bit your lip as you grinned, throwing your arms up as you cheered, jumping around with a laugh.
you snapped out of your trance and made your way to the shared bedroom, checking-for the tenth time- that you had everything laid out for the two of you.
a cute outfit for you laid on the bed and some makeup was already out of your makeup bag and lined up in order along your desk. you also had some jewelry laid out, your shoes and a bottle of perfume.
a fresh pair of clothes was laid out for sloan, just a simple jeans and t-shirt for your lover. you also placed some of their rings, a matching necklace that you two had and their cologne bottle on the mattress for them.
as of now, it’s 6:32. if you leave now, you’ll get to the airport by 6:52 if you were lucky, 7:05 with the light traffic that was on the freeway.
smiling, you grabbed your keys and made your way to your car. you locked the door behind you before practically skipping down the steps and towards the parking lot. you, shockingly, got to your car within two minutes. unlocking it, you got inside and into the drivers seat, putting the keys into the keyhole and starting the engine. taking a deep breath, you put the car into reverse and backed out before shifting gears and driving out of the parking lot.
••• (i ain’t writing the drive)
chitter filled your ears as you walked through the building, the clicks of shoes were drowned out by the voices, but if you listened hard enough, you could hear it. you gently rubbed your hands up and down your arms, trying to keep yourself slightly warm from the cold air. the roars of engines echoed through the building as airplanes flew overhead or as they made their way down the runway.
you glanced around the airport, people waiting at their gates with their luggage or people walking to and fro with suitcases dragging behind them filled your view. it surprisingly not too crowded, but you guessed it was because of how late it was.
“y/n!” a voice called out, snapping you out of your trance. there stood a girl who was about 5’7, she had green-hazel eyes with tan skin, dark freckles covered certain areas of her skin, as well as a faint, natural blush on her cheeks. she had gorgeous, wavy dirty brown hair that fell a little past her mid back, faint pops of orange peeked through her hair as well. she wore a beautiful, light orange sun dress with a plaid pattern that fell a little short of her knees. she also had simple white flats on with her gold anklet.
“katie! oh, my god, hi!” you beamed, jogging over to the girl and engulfing her into a hug. as the two of you hugged one another, you got a strong scent of orange blossom. ‘man, does she love orange.’ you joked to yourself, the two of you pulling away from the hug. “how have you been?”
she faintly waved a hand around, rolling her eyes in a playful expression. “ah, you know. bored out of my MIND!” she laughed, gently pushing your left shoulder. her smile softened slightly, her brows knitting together as she gestured a hand in your direction. “but what about you? this is the longest sloan and you have been apart- the two of you are a packaged deal!…how are you holding up?”
you sighed, biting the insides of your cheeks as you remembered last week; you crying to your dear partner about their work and how hard it’s been on you. you blinked a few times, chuckling awkwardly before clearing your throat. “it’s hard, but um…i’ve managed.” you confessed, feeling a little embarrassed that you were getting vulnerable in a fucking airport, but you’ve seen worse things; both online and in real life. “definitely different then the two week trips.”
katie nodded with a hum, crossing her arms. “no, i totally understand. it still bugs me when zane’s gone for anything longer than a week.” she reassured in a way, placing a hand on her chest.
you let out a sarcastic sigh, throwing a hand on her shoulder which made her let out a laugh. “FINALLY! someone who gets it!” you joked, laughing along with her.
a taller man, about 5’11 with black, shaggy hair and light blue eyes walked over to the two of you, a faint smile on his lips. “i hate to interrupt…BUT the planes here and they’re making they’re way out.” he beamed, gently nudging you both over to the crowd that started to form around the door.
katie gasped, throwing her arms around the man as she jumped up and down in excitement. “ugh, thank you travis!!” she grinned, letting go of the man before turning back to you, placing an arm around your shoulder so she wouldn’t lose you.
members of the wayfinders started to make their way out of the jetway, immediately looking for their family, friends and significant others.
as you watched the faces walk by, you realized something. you slowly turned to katie, opening your mouth to point out your observation before shutting your mouth when you saw her pale, wide eyed expression. “hey…hey abby?” you called, slipping away from the dirty blond and making your way over to the ginger.
abby smiled brightly, waving at a nearby group before turning towards you, her eyes going wide when she saw you. “y/n?” she gasped, walking over to katie with you at her side. she ran a hand through her hair when it clicked in her head, groaning faintly. “did ben not send the new message?!” she snapped, adjusting her bag that she held in her right hand.
katie glanced over to you before going back to abby with a quirked brow. “what new message?” she asked, shaking her head softly to finalize her thought.
abby sighed, darting her attention between the two of you. “ben changed the order of how we get off-it’s by first name!” she huffed, jerking her head to the side as she walked off, the two of you following after her. “so since you’re here for zane and your here for sloan, you two have to go back home to get ready and whatever.”
you groaned, slapping a palm to your forehead. “fucking ben.” you spat under your breath, making abby click her tongue in agreement.
“will we have time to leave?” katie asked, tilting her head softly.
abby nodded. “yeah, it’ll take way more than an hour for everyone to get out of the plane.” she shrugged faintly.
“alright, but thank you for the heads up, i greatly appreciate it.” you smiled, nodding at the advice that she gave.
abby smiled softly, pulling you into a quick hug. “anytime! it’s nice to see the two of you again.” she gushed, pulling away and taking katie into a hug before making her way over to her family.
katie sucked in a breath, turning on her heels towards you. “let’s ride together, yeah?” she offered, gently taking your hand into her and she dragged you towards the parking.
you nodded catching up to the girl before you two ended up running out of the airport doors.
“thank you for letting me use your flat iron! you’re a life savor!” katie sighed in relief from the small bathroom, ironing her hair until it was somewhat straight.
you hummed somewhat loudly for the girl to hear you from the bathroom, brushing your eyeshadow onto your eyelid. it was a simple, light shimmer, faint f/c sparkles peaking through when you blinked. you threw your brush into your makeup bag, snatching your mascara before twisting the bottle open and applying it onto your lashes until you were satisfied. “you’re more than welcome to touch of your makeup, too!” you called out, adding some highlighter to your inner corner and your nose. “feel free to use my makeup if you’d like!” you grabbed your lipstick, popping the cap off before twisting it up and swiping it onto your lips.
“awe, thank you, y/n!” she cooed, turning off the flat iron and sliding over to your room. she walked over to your desk, grabbing your mascara tub and applying the product onto her lashes. “we’re cutting it super close, we should probably get ready to go soon.”
you nodded in agreement, fixing your hair and outfit before standing up. “yeah, i think we should go now.” you made your way over to the bag that held sloan’s clothes, picking it up and throwing it over your shoulder.
katie closed the mascara, nodding with a hum before following after you, grabbing the bag with zane’s clothes before the two of you headed out of your apartment and towards her car.
the drive back to the airport was quick and tense, the two of you anxious for if you missed seeing your partners coming out of the jetway.
once you two arrived at the parking lot, you grabbed the bag you packed and made your way to your car, throwing it into the backseats when you unlocked it before locking it and running into the building with katie in tow.
“think we made it on time for them?” you asked, yelping when you almost pumped into someone. you called out an apology, spinning around them before running alongside your friend again.
“i hope so!” katie gulped, the two of you slowing down. the two of you started to walk over to where the wayfinder’s where at, katie pointing to a group before excusing herself over to them, leaving you with a wave.
you swallowed nervously, peering over the crowd of people while you stepped onto your tippy toes. brushing some of your hair behind your ears, you glanced around the surrounding area before stopping in your tracks.
there they were.
standing ways in front of you was sloan camron. or someone that looked like them. they looked so different, but so familiar at the same time. maybe it was the uncut, poorly kept hair and the new scars that imprinted into their tan skin.
the two do you stared at one another in shock. this couldn’t be real, it didn’t feel real to you. you felt lightheaded, overwhelmed at the sight of them.
you slowly inched forward, your feet dragging against the white tile underneath you. tears started to prick at your eyes, the realization hitting you like a ton of bricks, and soon, you were sobbing and picking up your speed, running straight at them.
sloan also had tears in their eyes, dropping their heavy bags of equipment and of clothes onto the tile before also making their way towards you, tears streaming down their face.
the two of you quickly met in the middle, the two of you almost falling over from sloan’s brute strength. the two of you clawed and gripped at each other, both of you sobbing uncontrollably into each other arms.
you pulled away, reaching out and cupping sloan’s cheeks, rubbing your thumbs under their eyes which smudged their tears into their skin. your glassy eyes darted around their face, noticing a few small scars scattered around. but the things that’s stayed the same where their dimples, the chip on their tooth, and their eyes. oh, how you could get lost in their deep caramel eyes.
sloan leaned into your hands, a weak smile twisting in their lips as their eyes sparked in the airport lightning. they leaned their face into yours, your lips connecting with a small desire, a small hunger between the two of you.
your hand snaked around their neck, pulling them closer into you and deepening the kiss. sloan pulled you closer by the waist, crouching down slightly and picking you up, their arms hooking around your upper thighs and spinning you around slightly, making the two of you break the kiss with a faint laugh.
“i’ve missed you so much, mi amor.” sloan sighed shakily, nuzzling their face into the crook of your neck, softly kissing around your neck and up to your jaw.
you pressed your lips on the top of their head, tears still slowly rolling down your cheeks. you gently nudged their head back to make eye contact with them, your eyes darting in between theirs. “i still can’t believe you’re here.” you whispered, chuckling softly as you were placed back onto your feet, their hands still around your waist.
sloan nodded faintly, smiling as they kissed your temple. “it’s feel so great to be back.” they murmured against your face.
the two of you leaned into another kiss, pulling back sooner than you’d both liked as a pair of hands were pressed onto your shoulders.
“hey, i’d hate to be that guy.” zane meekly smiled with a shrug. “but we got a dinner to get to in like…hmm…i dunno-20 minutes?”
“hey, if we’re late,” sloan pointed between the two of you before pointing at zane and katie. “then you’re late, too.”
“hey, you’re lucky ben changed the time for the dinner.” katie jabbed back, zane and her waving before walking off.
you pulled at the black tshirt that was almost fully caked in dirt and grime. “cmon, you smell like dirt and sweat and you need to change out of these clothes.”
but im cringe but free
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azeelafr · 5 months
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"The Star of Our Show" (Sundrop / Moondrop x Reader story) - Chapter 1 *REWRITING* (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1238355718-the-star-of-our-show-sundrop-moondrop-x-reader?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=probablyfloppinglmao I wanted to write smth as a comfort for myself and I love Sun & moon SO much. Y/N (or us-) joins as a nightguard for the daycare. Working as a nightguard (or more) at a daycare seems easy enough! But could more blossom from this event? Will y/n find something unexpectedly? Let's find out! I also plan on making this series a long one, and will try to keep y'all entertained. I'm not sure how it's gonna go down, but I promise it'll work out in the end. *WARNING FOR ABANDONMENT ISSUES AND ANGST.. this story may get deep* I CANT BELIEVE I HAVE TO SAY THIS BUT THIS STORY ISNT BASED OFF OF THE SUN AND MOON SHOW!!! I take a few ideas from it but please separate this work of fiction from the YouTube channel. :) Btw, I keep forgetting to say this apparently, but the reader here is genderfluid! I'll go through they/them pronouns with the reader, however they'll be neutral around stuff like miss, mister, ma'am, sir, stuff like that ig.
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hellenfuvk · 1 month
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𝐈'𝐋𝐋 𝐊𝐈𝐋𝐋 𝐘𝐎𝐔 : 𝐘. 𝐆𝐰𝐢-𝐧𝐚𝐦 𝐱 𝐅𝐞𝐦 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 - •1• (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1343078076-%E2%80%A21%E2%80%A2?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=hellenfoff One unfortunate day during lunch, the apocalypse starts. A zombie apocalypse. Y/n gets separated from her friends and barricades herself in the kitchen, killing all of the turned zombies in the room with the nearest kitchen knife. Little does she know, she just got stuck teaming up with the most feared bully in the entire school, Yoon Gwi-nam, who was hiding under one of the counters. She never bothered with the bullies before, but she sure as hell never feared them. Gwi-nam will soon realize that Y/n and himself are going to have to survive together. He also noticed how strong and brave y/n was when killing the zombies... Something inside Gwi-nam changed, and he begins to fall for y/n. He starts to be a little calmer and less aggressive. What will Y/n do? With that, enjoy my first book. -silvpics Yoon Gwi-nam x Fem Reader !! DISCLAIMERS !! TW's / CW's - Gore, Trauma, Strong language, Smoking She/her used A/N - For the sake of not getting cancelled, I made sure that Gwi-Nam never sexually harassed Eun-ji, or any other girl for that matter. He is simply your typical high school bully who likes to pick fights with other people. A/N - This entire story is fiction, I may forget what exactly happens in a moment and will most likely make something up to flow better with the story. Please do not take anything characters do/say as canon. I do not own any of the characters, apart from y/n. There may be spoilers within the story for the show, All of us are Dead. Thank you for reading, enjoy! :) Top rankings ✩ Lowkey just want #1 zombie, even for just one day. #1 in kdrama #1 in gwi-nam #1 in mi-jin #3 in characterxreader
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we-dragons · 21 days
Chapter 22
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The boy looks at me incredulously, as if he didn't believe a word from my mouth.
"You mean to tell me that the people who ran that dinky place you live in claim to be your family? Not only that, they are shape-shifting fairies from your dimension who want to take you with them and make you a member of royal court. Y/N I think that maybe you've been reading too much fan fiction and it's begun to blur your perception of reality and people."
"I'm not lying! it was so cold and impossible. Do you think I would hide in a closet and shake like a leaf for fun?"
"Well you've done weirder things-"
"This not a Joke!" I slam my hands on the table, shaking some of the cups full of pomegranate juice. My nerves are on end feeling for anything wrong, working over time. The bloody sigils glowing in where something was pushing against it. "I knew it was too quiet. It was too perfect. I know this sounds weird and delusional. If you still feel like something I said sounds wrong we can go back to the place in the morning. But it's too much right now, I-I just need to calm down." I slump over the table shaking, tears prickling my eyes. Something, I assume his chair, scrapes against the floor, and his hand rubs at my back.
"I'm sorry, I'll tell the others we are here, and ask them not to bother us. I imagine they'll want to know why." His voice is soft and firm.
I shake my head vigorously, I turn my body to hug him watching the marks on the walls. Something still pressing against it. "Ask them if they go out from now on, wear something Iron, one article of clothing inside out, and some of the blackberry stalks from Alfred's garden."
I had dealt with fairies in the past, one of my caretakers and mentors was a High fae of his world as well. His name was Enlil, an old man who had lost his people and his family to a plague that rotted people of magic from the inside. Enlil took good care of me while evading the Crow. The world he was on failed him and he sent me here. Time was odd there, but he taught me all he could. These sigils are his work, they just don't hold against the Crow.
I let my arms move from his side and open a small pocket, pulling out an iron bracelet. The bracelet had some things fae are repulsed by, marked with symbols, and cursed to those who would harm the wearer. I place it in his hands.
"I want you to wear this, I made it just in case something would happen to my brother. But I see that this might be more difficult than I had originally planned. It won't work on me, I made to many mistakes in the spell carving. But it will on anyone else. It should keep you safe from the....things outside."
He raises a brow but puts the iron thing on.
"I didn't take you for a superstitious person."
"I am a cautious person."
I look out the window. I see, no, feel something, move past it a shiver runs up and down my spine. When I turn around again, he is gone. I sit down on the ground. I hear whispers all around me.
"Y/N~Join us~"
The voice is raspy and quiet, as if directly in my ear to scold me. I stay on the floor contemplating. I can't hear the world around me. Just these voices. So many voices. I can't hear Nightmare. I can't feel the boys. The world around me feels blank. Just the voices. The ones who can't reach me but they know where I am. I feel like I'm back on the ship, again. I want not to exist again. I can't speak my body hurts. I'd rather fight the Crows again. I hate It here.
I hate fairies.
I claw at my face. Anything, to drag myself from this. I feel something cold run down my face. No pain, but I gather that its blood on the floor. I try to move, but my hand slips on the ground at first. I manage to get up again. I force myself to a window and watch the world. I forgo my usual perception of the world and let myself see the world in between.
I blink and frog eyes stare back at me. I jolt back. A twisting grin flashes at me showing sharp teeth caked in blood. A shiver runs down my spine.
"HelLo PriNClinG."
I hold myself, fingers digging into my upper arms.
"Leave me alone!"
The creature cocks his head.
"LeAvE?" It laughs blinking his eyes one at a time.
"Shut up and go away!" I sob, screaming at the window. I want Nightmare, I want my friends, I want my tea.
"hOW UnCoUth WHAT evEr SHouLd i do? the PriNCeliNG is a mESs. NoT LIke olD prinCE, OnLY smiLeD oNce iN 500 yEaRs."  It claws at the glass. "OLd pRInCe likeD wAr AnD blOod, neW PRINCe MOM MADe olD pRINce sofT. DOn't LikE IT."
You could kill him.
My spine straightens, and I drop my hands from my arms.
"Yeah, I can do that. Can't I?"
Then what are you waiting for? My permission?
The beast looks confused at me, frowning.
"PRIncEliNg doEsN'T loOK lIKe PrINcelING."
Kill him now.
I pull out a dagger from my pocket portal.
Bleed him
I step closer to the window eyes meeting the creature.
Cut him open
I raise an arm holding a dagger.
Ha ha!
What am I doing? My arm shakes and the creature laughs at me. My blood boils. Something in me wants to kill this thing I feel it in my body.
Come on Y/N, what's his life to you? This thing doesn't even like you, right? Just give in. Let me take a turn. When have you ever been so weak? Get a move on.
"Shut up! Shut up!! SHUT UP!!!" I throw down the knife. "Get out of my head! I don't need you! I won't kill this thing. I don't care! Mom-"
Mom is dead! Dad is Dead! Want revenge just a little you god fucking idiot! Why not release some of your anger, your frustration? Kill him. Kill him now!
Something appears in the window, no I do, I'm in the glass. A gold-eyed version of me. Choking the creature.
You should take notes Y/N, this is what you should be doing to those who wrong you.
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fairyrosepetals · 2 years
❤️A Strange Valentines❤️
TW: Slight suggestiveness, mentions of drug use
🕶️Steve Harrington🕶️
Where do I begin with Mr. Steve Harrington? We all know he’s a total sweetheart and naturally a great mother hen type to his younger friends, but what about when he falls head over heels for you?
Whether your first introduction was when he worked at Scoops Ahoy or at the family video, you can bet your ass he is flirting with you the moment you enter the store.
His flirting definitely has you laughing, watching him stumble over his words and possibly trip over his own two feet just trying to approach you is something you find endearing. He just wants to find someone to love and spend the rest of his life with, and his gut tells him that you might be the one.
Who can blame him? The moment he saw you, he swore he thought he heard a choir of angels behind you. Robin quickly taking notice urges him to make his first move, which more or less ends up in a cringy disaster.
Regardless, you find his sweet and clumsy demeanor towards you adorable. Capturing your heart the moment he’s opened his mouth. Say yes to a date and he feels as if he’s walking on air the entire day.
He’s very affectionate with you, even with all the chaos that you have the misfortune of being dragged into. Always keeping a protective arm around your waist or keeping your fingers linked with his.
In private, it’s more gentle, less tense and anxiety ridden. There are times he’d just cup your face and stare, tracing and memorizing your features with his gaze, nothing but love behind those big brown eyes you hold so dear.
He’s always touching you, whether it be hugging you from behind and hiding his face in the crook of your neck, or laying on your chest as the both of you rest on the couch, your fingers carding through his thick brown hair as you give him the occasional head scratch. He’s felt as if he’s died and went to Heaven!
His kisses can depend on his mood. In the moment where it’s just the two of you, Steve’s very gentle and loving, holding your face in his hands as he kisses you, pouring every once of love into the kiss as he cherishes the moment.
During high energy moments, he will usually go for a peck or a quick kiss to your cheek or forehead, but it’ll never fail to send those sparks of electricity throughout your body as you watch him go into protective mode.
Steve prides himself in being able to make you laugh around him. It’s a big ego booster when he makes a lame joke and you’re the only one in the friend group to be in a fit of snorts and giggles, loving the way you light up at something others would find so lame.
He appreciates that you don’t make him feel stupid or incompetent either. During the times where the sudden realization hit everyone that their lives may be in danger, there are times the group tends to make him feel dumb. However, Steve notices that you never do that with him and loves you even more for your patience.
If you’re a fan of kids and sees you parenting the younger members of the group, Steve will be over the moon. Knowing that he’s found someone who loves babies and kids just as much as he does brings a different kind of warmness to his heart.
If you end up being close to Dustin? You might as well marry him right there on the spot. He cares for Dustin as if he was a little brother, so seeing Dustin and the love of his life get along so well makes him feel honored to have fallen in love with someone as caring as you are.
Watching you rough house with the curly haired boy, or even just giving him a comforting squeeze when times get tough already has Steve picturing his entire life with you. A life where he gets his picture perfect family as he marries the love of his life. With Dustin babysitting of course.
When Valentine’s Day comes, you know Steve is going to dedicate the entire day to you.
Robin helps him get together a basket of your favorite snacks, tapes of your favorite music and movies, even some skincare and perfumes if you’re into that. Robin helped obviously.
Steve takes you to a movie drive in date where he’s grabbed all your favorite snacks and drinks, the both of you snuggled up in the back seat of his car as “The Princess Bride” begins to play. He relates so hard to Westley.
By the end of the movie, he literally continues to treat you like royalty the entire time you are together. And if you gift him something on Valentine’s as well? Make sure you cancel all plans because he will absolutely melt and shower you with the most affection you’ve received in a long time.
Steve Harrington is absolutely, head-over-heels in love with his significant other. Finding someone to love and cherish for the rest of your life doesn’t come as easy as it does in fairytales, but ever since he met you he’s felt as if he’s been living in one. Who knows? Maybe there’s a ring waiting in your not so distant future.
🦇🎸Eddie Munson🎸🦇
We all know how high energy Eddie is. His highly expressive faces and gestures make him stand out from the rest of the students at this school. So what if he found someone who met his energy?
If you’re just as energetic and loud as he is, he’d be surprised, but intrigued. Especially if you’re interested in joining the Hellfire Club. If you have what it takes to join, this is where you take this opportunity to get to know everyone better and find out what all the fuss is about from other students.
If you’re not and prefer to keep to yourself, that’s perfectly fine! Eddie would understand you need your space. After all, sometimes he needs his alone time too with how shitty he gets treated on a regular basis.
Over time, he’d cherish you just like he would with any other member until the both of you begin to catch feelings for each other. Mike and Dustin have the misfortune of realizing before anyone else does and make their complaints towards their dungeon master. Which Eddie immediately shuts them up about.
Once together, Eddie also can’t keep his hands off you. Always having you on his lap, his hand resting on your waist or the small of your back to keep you close as you all continue to finish a campaign.
Always ditching class in order to spend some time in the woods together despite you always urging him to stay in class, and he does over time. However, he just can’t get enough of having your body close to his.
Eddie’s kisses are usually pretty intense and also full of energy much like himself, his kisses always bruising your lips and taking your breath away as he goes in for more and more. He can’t help himself, he’s fallen so deeply in love with you and feels as if he needs you to breathe.
Always leaving love bites and marks on your neck, even places where he knows you can’t hide or cover up with make up. It’s something he so proudly does in order to show the world that you are certainly not single.
Meeting Wayne is something that definitely unnerves him. He’s not worried about his uncle disliking you, more just what if you suddenly lose interest in him? He understands he may not be the richest or smartest guy, but he’d do anything if it meant he got to keep you in his life.
But if you and Wayne hit it off right away? He’d definitely feel as if his heart might leap out of his chest. Eddie holds his uncle to a high degree and values what he has to say, so if Wayne has already accepted you into the family, he can’t help but feel a sense of pride of bringing someone so amazing into his family. Not to mention how happy it makes Wayne to see you really bring out the best in his nephew.
Even during the moments where you and Eddie are not together at the moment, Wayne can’t help but seek you out the moment he lays eyes on his nephew. I mean, one half needs the other to be whole right?
When it comes to Valentine’s, he’s not very familiar with this area of your relationship. He never really got a ton of Valentine’s gifts or cards growing up like other kids, but that doesn’t mean he won’t make sure you both have the best Valentine’s Day ever.
If you’re a metal head just like your boyfriend, he’d definitely take you out to some shows that may be performing nearby. The high energy music getting your adrenaline pumping as you two sing as loud as you can to the music, Eddie even going as far as lifting you onto his shoulders just so you could get a better experience from the concert. He’s also not complaining with your thighs squeezing his head.
If concerts make you a little nervous and you don’t consider yourself a metal head, he’d definitely organize a music date. The two of you browsing the record store together as you picked out a record for the other to listen to, the both of you laying on his bed as you stared at the ceiling and enjoying each other’s company as you listen to the music you picked out.
Gifts may be a bit difficult for Eddie, but he still tries his best to do something special for you. Whether it be him singing one of your favorite songs, or even opting to do something you’re into rather than doing his DnD campaigns and band practice, he just wants to make sure you know how much he loves you.
As mentioned before, Eddie knows he may not be the smartest or the richest guy like a certain basketball player in school. But you just being there for him makes him want to be better for you, and he’s never had someone like you that made him want to keep going and just give up. He knows that when you see him walk at his graduation to accept his diploma, he has you to thank for keeping him grounded.
Let’s face it, half the time Argyle doesn’t know what the hell is going on. When he does, the moment has already passed.
However, when he sees you? He’s absolutely starstruck. His brain can’t help but malfunction as he does nothing but stare at you as he tries to find his voice.
The moment he does, there’s a very dreamy tone in his voice that makes your heart just melt upon hearing it.
“Woah… am I dreaming, or are you, like, some kind of angel?”
Whether you meant to do it or not, you have Argyle absolutely wrapped around your finger.
He worships the ground you walk on, and will definitely follow you around like a lost puppy if you let him. Unsurprisingly, Jonathan always teases him about it during the times that he is sober, but can you really blame Argyle?
He loves when you visit him at his place of work, it makes things a whole lot better when he sees you put in the effort to come see him on his break. Especially if you stick around long enough for a pizza break.
When you both are finally able to officially date each other, he is another very touchy man. It may not be as intense and passionate as Steve and Eddie, but his love is still there.
He’d definitely throw a lazy arm around your shoulders or waist, holding you close to his side as he talked to the Byers kids. Just your presence keeps him grounded and a little bit more aware of his surroundings.
Argyle’s favorite is to have lazy day naps with you, being able to enjoy having his arm lazily thrown across your hip as you both lay in bed, talking about anything and everything even if it doesn’t make any sense.
If you’re up for it, smoking with him is definitely a whole different vibe. Lazy kisses exchanged between the both of you as you sit in his lap, enjoying the other’s company.
Argyle’s kisses are very slow and gentle, tending to savor the moment rather than rush in with so many intense emotions and feelings.
He takes his time with his kisses, but you can feel the amount of love he has for you behind each and every one.
When Valentine’s rolls around, he does forget what day it is. However, upon Jonathan casually mentioning his Valentine’s Day plans with Nancy, it sends him into full panic.
With the help of Jonathan, Argyle manages to throw together a last minute Valentine’s Day gift that he hopes isn’t something that you would hate.
Mostly, it was a gift basket of all your favorite snacks, candies, and desserts. (And 🍃🍃 smoking gifts if that is something you’re definitely into.)
Don’t go too hard on him, he genuinely had no idea what day it was today and is willing to make it up to you once he’s calmed down.
I think most of his dates would require being at home, but for Valentine’s Day he would make sure it’s a lot more special than any other day. He’d make sure you have his undivided attention as he prepared REAL food for you.
He may not be the world’s greatest chef, but there are definitely some foods he’s great at making. Lots of comfort foods for this at home date, macaroni, spaghetti, grilled cheese, you want something indulgent? Your boyfriend’s got you.
Don’t even get met started on the sweets, he knows what you want and will not fail to provide only the best for you.
As it’s said before, Argyle worships the ground you walk on. He’d do everything and anything for you if it meant it would make you happy. He may be forgetful sometimes and may not be the best at reading the room, but he genuinely cares about your wants and needs when it comes to your relationship. Just call his name and Argyle will be right there, eager to please and make you happy.
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“even if your heart is breaking, just keep smiling and pretending”
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character x gn reader!
angsty shit
heavily inspired by Haniyyah’s Fiance Scaramouche bot
tw// su*c*dal thoughts + implied su*c*de
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You slowly opened eyes and the first thing you saw was unfamiliar white square tiles on the ceiling. This looked nothing like your room. The air smelled different too. What… happened?
Memories started hitting you like the truck that hit you (im sorry i just had to) during the accident that caused you to land in this god forsaken coma. How long were you even out? All you could remember was rushing for a date with your lover at your usual hangout spot, you were just crossing the traffic light, waving happily at your lover who gently smiled at you, waving back but their expression turns drastically into one of panic. You could see them mouthing something which you couldn’t tell, and in confusion you turned your head to the side just in time to see a truck a few milliseconds from hitting you before everything turned black.
“You’re finally awake!” One of the nurses exclaimed excitedly. You winced at the sudden loudness, “how-how long was I out for?” You asked, looking over to her lethargically. She just smiled sympathetically and patted your hand as if to comfort you. “2 years.” “2 years… wAIT WHAT? TWO WHOLE FREAKING YEARS?”
“Oh my god Y/N! You’re finally awake!” Your best friend squealed excitedly, immediately hugging you tightly, causing you to cough slightly and weakly patted her back. “Y-yeah, I am.” You laughed softly, however your happy expression quickly melded into a blank one when you noticed how your lover and your best friend had matching engagement rings. “You two…” You started, glancing at the both of them for answers.
Your lover just looked away from you, instead nudging your best friend to reply you instead. “We got engaged!” She giggled happily, causing you to nod and quickly force a smile on your face. “Wow! That’s great news!” You smiled, trying your best to keep your anger at bay. Why was this happening? Oh god, how you wished you had died from the accident. Why would your lover do such a thing? And of all people, with your best friend? That bastard…
“I will leave you both alone now.” Your best friends says, noticing the slight tense atmosphere and quickly excuses herself, leaving you both alone. Inhaling a deep sigh, you turned away, refusing to give your lover a single glance. “Explain.” You said plainly, your voice completely devoid of emotions despite how much you could feel your anger boiling. You honestly had no idea what to feel right now. Anger? Sadness? Happiness? It was just all too confusing and overwhelming.
“I’m sorry.” Your lover started, clearing their throat before continuing. “Y/N, I’m sorry, about all these but, you were in coma for so long. I really did loved you, I really did. But, your best friend was next to me the entire time and comforting me and I just… fell in love with her along the way.” They explained, but of course it does not make you feel any better. You could understand their point but how would anyone react if they were in your position? Hurt and confused, right?
“Just leave.” Was all you could say. You hated this. You hated all of it. You could feel the tears already filling your eyes, still refusing to even look at your lover; well, ex-lover. “Leave, please.”
Your ex-lover just stands up quietly, the only evidence of it was the sound of the chair scraping the floor and their footsteps until the door closes behind them. It was then you finally broke down, letting out all the tears you had been holding.
Why was this happening? What did you do to deserve this? You sniffed, trying to wipe away the tears but they just couldn’t stop. Perhaps they never loved you enough at all. If only you knew this would happen, you would have been more careful. If only you could’ve woken up earlier, this would not happen. If only you had died, you would not have to deal with this pain. Right now, you were just an obstruction to their happiness. Not while you still love them. They are the love of your life and she is your best friend, how could you ever wish ill on them?
The next day, the nurses and doctors were thrown into a flurry panic, hurrying to contact your family and friends. Your bed was completely empty when the nurse came in for your morning check-up and the only thing left was a few letters placed on your bed. Some were dedicated to each member of your family. Some to your closest friends. And one, specifically for your best friend and ex-lover.
“By the time you are reading this, I am gone. I’m sorry I can’t attend your wedding but I promise, I will be there cheering in spirit (literally). I’m sorry for being so selfish. I’m sorry for making you both worry. Thank you for waiting for me and I am truly sorry. May you both find happiness. I wish you both all the best and a happy lifelong marriage.
p.s. to (character name), if you dare hurt her, I will haunt your nightmares”
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im sorry, idk what i wrote. i just lost motivation
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rimii-iii · 1 year
perfectionist, not. sae itoshi
chapter five - perfectly.
"hm. i guess you better confess, he'll be lucky to have you."
i couldn't sleep, i rolled around, seeing the redhead was already fast asleep. i suddenly felt a hand around my waist, while i let out a silent yelp. but of course, i wasn't dreaming, my face landed on a chest, his heart beat steady. 
his scent invaded my nostrils, somehow making me sleepy. my eyelids dropped, the night seemed less stressful.
i actually should confess, shouldn't i? when we go back to Spain, we'll be more busy and we won't be seeing each other as much as now.
i'm actually gonna do it, no? i can do it! i got this!
you think i'm actually gonna do it? nope 😂
unlike him, i'm not a perfectionist, i don't have any flowers or blah blah blah to give him, all i have to do is to give him my words.
i'm rather a perfectionist, not. 
it's gonna be a starry night, two lovers- no... two workers sitting on top of a mountain, watching the fireworks even though it's not July.
people say, being delulu is always the solulu, no?
oh stop it, the faster this is done, the faster you'll know his answer. "are you gonna confess soon? to your crush-"
"he's my lover!" i argued, pouting. "yeah yeah whatever." he rolled his eyes, "oh by the way, meet me at the top of the mountain tonight! let's go stargazing!" i smiled, grabbing my over shoulder bag. 
he thought for a second, staring at the floor, "okay." he agreed, and headed towards the hotel door. "see you tonight, then." he looked back when i hummed in response, stealing one more pretty stare before he leaves.
"make sure to confess soon~" he teased, a smirk curving up his lips, "shut up!" i flustered, stomping away. 
23:57... October 9th.
today was the day i was gonna confess, after meeting him for a few days, crazy right? i was wearing a black hoodie to keep myself warm, steam coming out of my mouth as i breathed when i walked up the stairs. 
i made it to the top, seeing Sae who was standing, wind kissing his messy hair and his button down shirt, his black jacket flowing against the air. "hey." his voice was low, his turquoise orbs shining in the night. 
"you sparkle... a lot." he said when i sat down, tilting my head in confusion, "what do you mean?" 
"you stand out." he muttered, quiet enough just for me to hear, my ears flushed, as he sat down next to me.
"did you confess yet?" he questioned, staring at the slightly dimmed city view, i shook my head, "nope."
"that sucks." he commented while i stared at him, oh, i couldn't take my eyes off him now. he turned his face towards my direction, lost in my hues. 
he suddenly placed a smirk on his soft lips, thinking of something devilish? 
"hurry up and fall in love with me instead of that boy of yours, stupid." 
"i already did." 
that... slipped out of my mouth too fast, his eyebrows noticeably shot up, "the boy of mines i fell in love was, you, Itoshi Sae." 
he chuckled, "really?" i hummed as he leaned closer, "you want my answer?" he asked, our noses touching.
"yeah." even if he didn't like me, it's fine, at least i already confessed, life goal completed unless i fall in love with someone else. 
he gently grabbed me by the chin, tilting his head, his irises were on my lips. he was a perfectionist, and i was merely just a klutz.
yet, we fell in love together. 
oh, two exact opposites. everything about them are right the opposite, except their lips.
they fit perfectly together.
that was something perfect we could both do.
00:00... October 10th.
a/n: check sae's bd 🫣
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divadrawsstuff · 2 years
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~~~~Ghostly love || TBHK X Reader~~~~ - Prologue (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1213115454-%7E%7E%7E%7Eghostly-love-tbhk-x-reader%7E%7E%7E%7E-prologue?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=xXSaturnRingsXx&wp_originator=KYNPVY9IKE%2B2tQJWZJcB0uSI5GyAk09zsGTVH5Wbvpxwj3tmcawiIOI6oL3laU43fXOPHaNx8O0gp25zsh%2BrVHvdxOfofi3DPy49rUeTkMzwihYuwPPFAsy%2F2C9rnwPK Trying to make fandoms for the first time. Idk how this turned out. It's a story based on TBHK, and what happens if YASHIRO was replaced by yourself in both the anime and the manga. I tried, alright? Just have fun reading!! Byeeee!!! WARNING: It has been some time since watching/reading TBHK, and I have made a couple of changes to the plot of this story. Just to let you keep that in mind!!
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gummyhoe · 1 year
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I will be posting the full chapter of Alice and borderland tomorrow night so stay alerted. (To all who have read it of course.) I’m not sure some people are gonna like the little twist I did but, I didn’t really want the story to be the exact same and the Netflix series, you know? Just a reminder that there will be death of characters…not spoiling who You might be a little mad at me but that’s okay! It’s just a story.
I wanna say so thank all the people who read the story. I know on my new account I’m not popular yet, but I’m a believer and so fell like with my prayers to the Lord and good work it’ll pay off!
Mwah 💋
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giforce87 · 1 year
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As Above, So Bellow (wally darling x reader (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1339444367-as-above-so-bellow-wally-darling-x-reader-chapter?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=azulinLAb_2001&wp_originator=PV7UzjVLtDhvC3TRlHP0cjxEQ6rjT3Q09niZOqDSasj8LqwoN%2F%2Bf6%2BdbJiAMoN1iyKwHYZDgNQlh6NHAd%2BgY8tluX9Er20OsQ51CaplT7cTObSIWW%2FzN9KOFGcSsD3KZ When y/n kicked by her father at their household she has no choice but to move to another place called 'welcome home'. But everything changed when she saw the small door.. Will y/n find out behind the welcome home secret? Will she be able to love the lonely monster? =================== TW: this story may contain such as Heavy gore Manipulation Possessive behaviour Scopophobia This book may have a little bit reference in coraline movie. ?some interesting book that i read might as well share this to y’all
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strangergurl22 · 14 days
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Sᴛᴜᴘɪᴅ Bᴜɴɴʏ... (Tᴀᴅᴄ Jᴀx x Fᴇᴍ! Rᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ) [COMPLETE] - I Tʜɪɴᴋ I'ʟʟ Lɪᴋᴇ Iᴛ Hᴇʀᴇ.. (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1444514500-s%E1%B4%9B%E1%B4%9C%E1%B4%98%C9%AA%E1%B4%85-b%E1%B4%9C%C9%B4%C9%B4%CA%8F-t%E1%B4%80%E1%B4%85%E1%B4%84-j%E1%B4%80x-x-f%E1%B4%87%E1%B4%8D-r%E1%B4%87%E1%B4%80%E1%B4%85%E1%B4%87%CA%80-complete-i?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=InvasionOnCreeps22 You never had the best life a 23 year old could ever have. You didn't get good grades in high school. You didn't get into college because of your lack of good grades. Now you were struggling to find a job as you were equipped with the worst resume ever. What is a girl to do? Until one day, a mysterious headset arrived at your door. As you had nothing else better to do, so you decided to try it out. Little did you know, this headset would change your life forever.. You would be meeting a certain cocky and full-of-himself bunny who would maybe be your soulmate..
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hauntingkiki · 4 months
finally decided to take a shot at the SFW Alphabet, since i’ve never done one😓
and why not do it for our favorite, sloan:3
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Sloan Camron SFW Alphabet
2nd POV
^ a fun lil playlist i made:3
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
- they are a very affectionate person! they always have to have a hand on you, like i said in the basic headcannons, they like having their arm wrapped around your waist/shoulders, or even holding your hand!
- kissing on the job isn't their go to, unless you're out party or just hanging out with coworkers!
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
- in the beginning, they were very chatty. they would tell you random facts that they know, random stories, etc. they were a little overwhelming but, as time went on, they mellowed out and you got used to their chatter
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
- they are the biggest cuddle bug known to mankind.
- they mainly prefer to be the big spoon in some way, just any position where they're holding you is their go to!
- but if work was very stressful OR if they've been gone for weeks or even months, they would want to be held by you :)
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
- they would love to settle down with you! but, it would definitely be a few years until you both did settle down due to your jobs and overwatch being a huge part of your lives, it's something you both have done for years! you can't just leave in a heart beat
- sloan is definitely the chef while you do the cleaning around the house.
- they'll make their 'camron family' dishes for you, which have been passed down for generations in their family! (they'll wash the dishes after diner)
- and you'll just sweep/vacuum, dust, clean the bathrooms.
-and you both have shared chores that you both do, like making the bed, grocery shopping, doing the laundry, etc.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
- i personally don't think that they'll ever break up with you (also based off of some other headcannons and sfw alphabets that i've seen). they're in it for the long run, and they don't want to loose someone as amazing as you!
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
- they would definitely want to marry you, but, with work interfering with both of your lives, marriage would definitely be a later priority
- and like i said in Ending, they're in it for the long run, and hopefully you're the same!
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
- sloan is very strong (physically), and they're very aware of this aspect. like if you two horse around in your shared apartment, they'll playfully throw you on the couch/bed, but they'll never use their strength to hurt you in any physical way.
- in other words, they are a gentle giant both emotionally and physically, their emotional side a little more since they go to you about anything and everything
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
- like in Cuddle and Affection, they're very touchy so of course they love hugs and will do it as often as they can!:3
- if they haven't seen you in weeks/months due to work, then they would pick you up and spin you around. but if you're walking into their work a little late, then they'll throw their arms around you whist squeezing you gently
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
- probably after a few weeks into dating, they would let it slip by accident
- you fell ill and didn't show up to work, so sloan made a trip over to your place to you to make sure you were okay. they would make you some family dish and spoon feed it to you since they didn't want you to 'overwork' yourself. while giving you some of their food, they'd chuckle out and "i love you.", which you'd smile, swallow your food and say "i love you too." before going into a coughing fit
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they're jealous?)
- they aren't really the jealous type, trusting you with their LIFE. i mean, you picked them out of EVERYONE! what's there to be jealous of?!
- but there would be a few times that they did get jealous, and that would be if someone was making you extremely uncomfortable, then they would get very touchy with you and start kissing you in front of said person as a "fuck off; i bagged this baddie"
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
- their kisses are very passionate and sweet, even if they're a peck on the cheek, you can feel the passion in that short moment. they have a faint orange taste, from their chapstick, and they have a faint earthy taste to them too (probably from them touching their face after manhandling a bunch of rocks and whatnot)
- they loved to be kissed anywhere on their face (preferably cheeks, lips, temple), on their tattoos, and sometimes their hands!
- they love kissing you on the lips and hands! and if you two are home alone and you're wearing a tanktop/lowcut shirt, they'll kiss you on your collarbones
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
- (kinda a headcannon) since they have a HUGE family, bunch of aunts, uncles, siblings, cousins etc, they are very good with children! at family gatherings, they will pry their nieces and nephews off of their parents and just hang out with them:)
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
- they usually wake up before you, like an hour or so, so while they wait they'll be reading on of their many history books while they wait for you to wake up:)
- unless it was a rough night where you had to sleep on the couch, they'll call out for you while looking around the apartment before joining you on the small ass couch, which wakes you up.
"Y/N?? oh, there you are." *squeezes next to you on the couch*(aka laying on top of you)
*gasping for air* "SLOAN GET OFF!!"
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
- surprisingly, getting ready for bed is quite easy for the two of you, unlike the other half of the day.
- your routine;
shower(if necessary)
change into pajamas
brush your teeth
get into bed (plus anything else you do to get ready for bed)
- sloan's routine;
clean piercing
change into pajamas
brush their teeth
get into bed
- the two of you will fall asleep with sloan holding you, your head in their chest while you listen to their heart beat
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
- when you two started off as friends, they kinda already ripped the bandaid off, talking about their life and whatnot
- but as you two got closer and started dating, they started to share more personal things about themselves to you that not many know about, so they trust you very much
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
- it takes a lot for sloan to break down, but if someone pushes their buttons just right, they might crack.
- and they usually get more frustrated with themselves than at you, so they'll just need a quick breather to calm down before talking to you about their feelings
- they would NEVER in a million years, use you as an outlet to let their anger out, they're not that kind of person and believe that people who do that to others are horrible human beings
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
- "n/n!! look at what i got you!"
"you got me tickets for (fav. band)?!"
"yeah! i remembered you said you liked them during our first sleepover!"
- they will not forget anything you say, they have lists a upon lists of all of your favorite things and things you dislike
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
- they definitely love when you two first met, your milestone anniversaries (6 months, 1 year, etc.)
- they love all their moments with you! just hanging out with them is the best!
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
- they can be somewhat protective, like i said in Jealousy, they trust you so much, they aren't very protective
- they usually protect you during matches when you're loosing a fight
- when the two of you are exploring/in caves, sloan is more cautious than protective, having you at their HIP at all times in case something falls
- they LOVE IT when you come in to help them in a fight during a match, gives them butterflies!
- they also enjoy it when you act a little bitchy towards people who were being mean to them/giving them weird looks, makes them all flustered:3 (besides their coworkers, they all fuck with each other and make harmless jabs with everyone)
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
- you know damn well they would spend their life savings on something to make you the happiest!
- they put in so much time and effort into gifts, dates, anniversaries, you sometimes have to postpone them due to how much effort they're putting into them
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
- one habit of theirs is their unstoppable chatter. and they're aware of this, and they're working on it!
- and another habit is when they take up the whole bed
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
- sloan isn't too worried about their looks, unless it's an important event (family hangout, date, anniversary, etc.) otherwise, if you both are just eating ramen in your apartment, they couldn't care less
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
- yes. no question asked.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
- their grandma (their dads mom) was also an archeologist! so sloan has a really good bond with her!(id like to believe that she’s the one sloan talks about in the game)
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn't like, either in general or in a partner?)
- someone who doesn't want to try new things. sloan wants someone who's willing to try and experience their hobbies and vise versa.
- they also don't want anyone who shits on anyone in their (sloan's) family. their family is everything to them, sloan's family is their rock (pun intended) and they love everyone equally
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
- you will fall asleep in their arms and you will wake up in their arms. yes, a different sleeping position, but you'll be in their hold no matter what
- they're a light snorer, which is very good
- heavy sleeper too, all thanks to all the noise in their house growing up
if you guys are interested, i MIGHT do the nsfw one, but only if that's something you guys are wanting to read!:)
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my-own-au-my-way · 10 months
Genshin Impact fic:
Sumeru region
Monstadt region
My crushes are these guys
Inazuma and Fontaine
Coming up
Sorry I'm so inactive! Life happened.
TW: None that I note, but still proceed to read at own risk.
Thank you.
Comfort fic:
Its a really hot day In Teyvat, all anyone could think of is cool drinks or Ice-cream. However you just fall asleep outside waiting for your boyfriend under some trees, hoping for some relief from the unforgiving glare of the sun.:
*He chides you everytime you fall asleep outside, especially since there is possibility of getting dehydrated.
*He makes sure to usher you into his home, even though Kaveh also had choice words for you before he had to go to a building site.
*For the next half hour he makes sure you drinking enough water and keeps a moist cloth on your face to cool you off.
*Even his indifferent as usual attitude melted slightly when he noted how you just fell asleep on the couch.
*When Kaveh came in, Alhaitham slapped a hand over his mouth and a single finger on his lips to signal him to stay quiet.
*Pointing to you sleeping on the couch under the fan, Kaveh shows thumbs up that he won't say one word.
*Evening time was when you got closer to Alhaitham, he had placed you in bed where he feels you belong since you are his girlfriend.
*He doesn't say much, however instead opts to take you to the infirmary to make sure that heatstroke hadn't set in.
*Waking up at the infirmary, your boyfriend was there sitting on the edge of the bed.
*The General Mahamatra was deep in his thoughts at that moment, likely worried about your condition.
*Glancing in your direction, he snapped out of his thoughts and instantly feels your forehead out of concern.
*"You really should be more careful when traversing the desert like thiswhen coming home, you passed out from the heat."
*You blush a shade darker realising that the one important thing you forgot to bring on your travels was water.
*Sitting back on the bed, he pulls you onto his lap in an embrace. The General Mahamatra's usual serious demeanor had finally dissolved. You are his weakness, almost losing you was enough to almost break him[He wont openly tell just anyone this].
*He knew you forget to stay hydrated at the worst of times, and always worried about you.
*Finding you waiting near the tavern under some trees asleep, takes you inside and upstairs where it was quiet.
*Setting up a makeshift bed for you, he leaves some cold water nearby for when you wake up.
*Checking up every thirty minutes, you finally wake up. To say you were excited to see Diluc would be an understatement.
*You jump into his arms, still warm to the touch he grabbed a cloth and dabbed your face down while chiding you for been reckless.
*He promises to take you to Starfell Springvale to go swim and cool off a bit. He has been promising so many times to spend time with you, choosing now was perfect timing.
*It was late afternoon when you and Diluc arrive at the place he chose. You were now in your swimwear, the outfit accentuating every curve that Diluc was left blushing. The settimg sun outlining your beautiful Physique left him speechless.
*Okay lets be honest, cryo vision equals instant chilling sensation. This was the best moment everytime in Summer.
*You woke up in his arms in the Angels share with Diluc watching him in his typical stoic look.
*"Well Good afternoon my lil kitten~, hope you slept well. Although sleeping outside in this heatwave certainly wasn't the best choice. Make sure Im around next time so you can keep cool at the same time."
*All you could do was blush, since you were caught out by your rather protective boyfriend. He may seem chilled out and carefree, but he has this pritective side that comes out only with you.
*He ordered a cold beverage for you, one of Dilucs non-alcholic specialties with extra ice. It was always so refreshing after a long day.
*"Perhaps a stroll by the lake tonight to unwind and catch up with what you have been up to."
* All you could do was smile, this man just had this way of making you happy with the simplest of suggestions. You loved spending time with him, so of course you agreed to his idea of a stroll at the lakeside.
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we-dragons · 1 year
Chapter 18
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My head throbs and my eyes are heavy as I rise from my position on the bed. My brain feels threaded with fog making it hard to process my surroundings.
"Was I...was I drugged?" I look around realizing I'm still in my room. I move out of the bed and try to use my legs. They fail me and I crumple to the floor a harsh thud follows me. I hiss in pain and curse every creature and fairy any tongue I can muster in the moment. Gripping onto the bed frame I pull myself. The door opens, I don't have to know who it is. I look up at the green-eyed traitor.
"What did you do to me? How long was I even out?"
"Long enough for us to remove the bangles from your arms and put them back in the box I found on your floor."
I pat my arms feeling for them for the stones. I feel stitches but nothing inside my skin. I don't feel the strange tug of power that urged me to become a part of them. My arms still hurt but not like before. I was healing much faster and I could feel it.
"Where did you put the box?" He narrows his eyes at me sauntering over, he lifts me up with ease and puts me back into bed. "Where is the box?" I repeat.
"Somewhere you don't need to know about yet. Your job is to rest. I have some of your Lady Grey tea steeping on the counter. And Molly is coming by later to give you some of your homework. I told her you are very sick and that you got me sick as well so she'll be leaving everything by the door."
"You drugged me and you are still playing nursemaid." I glare at him. "You perform non-consented surgery on me. I said I was going to be alright and you still did it. How could act like everything is alright?"
He doesn't answer me and turns to the door. He came back with my tea not much later. I stare at it, eyeing the liquid with suspicion. I don't drink it.
"Is your father looking over the bangles, is that why you look like you hiding something?"
The green-eyed menace gives me a slightly irritated look, he pulls up a chair and sits next to me. The tea is taken from me and placed on the nightstand.
"He looked at it, yes, but I got them back. If you really want to know. They are in a place only I know about. Away from harm, away from people who want it, and away from you."
"What is that supposed to mean?" He doesn't answer. "Damian!" He shifts uncomfortably for a moment before hardening himself He leans forward elbows on his knees eyes obscured by his hands.
"You don't know what you looked like when you were there. Just hanging from the sky and then falling. You were fading. You nearly vanished and you were bleeding to the point those wretched things looked like they were consuming your blood. You were dying and you didn't look like you cared. We were going to take them out anyway but you woke up. A miracle in itself. You looked so dead when you woke up as well. And When I looked at them again those things were merging with you. I couldn't allow that."
"You had no right-"He shoots up banging his fist on the nightstand, the tea from my cup spilling over the edge.
"I had every right to save your selfless and humble ass from dying in my presence! What about me? What about how I was feeling about everything? It killed me to see you like that! What did you want me to do let you die and become something else?! Like hell I was going to do that!"
"I wasn't going to die!"
"Then what was happening?"
"I was just sick, it's like an allergy!"
"You can still die from an allergy!"
We scream at each other for god knows how long. We only stop when my voice goes sore and I start coughing so much I couldn't talk without hacking. Damian leaves the room to blow off steam while I drink the cold tea from my nightstand. Pleasantly still good and not drugged. I start to cry drinking the lukewarm water, thinking about my outburst. I know I was saying those things from fear and anger. Angry he didn't ask me, fearful that he...Maybe I should leave. I feel Nightmare come into the room. He comforts me with warm thoughts and images. Purring in my lap as he tries to wipe away my tears with his head.
"Maybe I'm being selfish Nightmare... It's been so long since I've had to worry about another human being in this way. What happens if he directly touches one? I'm scared to think what might happen to him..." I cup the Flerkin's face in my hands rubbing circles into his cheeks. "I should apologize. No doubt he won't outright forgive me for a while but I should at least try. We both are wrong in a way so it's only right." My eyes watch the door for any signs of movement or even his presence in the doorway. I see and feel nothing. I manifest a crutch and make my way to the door. Opening it I enter the hallway. It feels colder and darker than usual. I look to Nightmare to see if he senses anything wrong but he walks ahead and turns to the living room. He purrs.
I swallow my pride and hobble to the living room. Even with my cat on his lap, he doesn't seem happy. He sits on the love seat I had found a few weeks ago discarded because of a broken leg. I know he hears me, I see his eyes flicker just a moment before settling his focus on the cat. Not wanting to take up too much of his space I sit on the other side hands tucked into my lap. I don't say anything getting used to the silence before I speak.
"Thank you, for the tea."
He grunts, leaving the seat and taking my cat with him.
"Wait!" The desperate tone leaves my mouth before I know it and I'm griping onto the sleeve of his shirt. I bite my lip and look down letting go of him as I do. "I'm sorry, for yelling at you and for making it worse. You were only trying to help. I just think drugging me was going too far. I just...I'm scared something will happen to you like Jubilee."
I feel him sit back down closer to me this time.
"I've lost so many friends and family to these kinds of things. Jean was lost to the Phoenix Crystal, and before that, she took the lives of others under its influence. The infinity stones have done so much damage as well. Countless wars started because someone touched them. And in most humans the outcome of touching one is death. They have this whisper you know. They promise everything you could ever want. They want to be used. So if you tell me that they are in a safe place I believe you. I trust you. But you need to give them back before I leave."
"So you've decided to go." I lean on his shoulder looking down at our rings.
"I don't think I have a choice, I have a deal to complete remember?" His hand intertwines with mine. "But I'll come back I promise you that. No matter how long it takes."
We sit in silence again, the weight of unspoken frustrations, fear, and anger permeating the air around us. The atmosphere grows heavy with unresolved emotions, as if everything left unsaid has created an invisible barrier between us. It is in this moment that his head gently leans on top of mine, seeking solace and reassurance. The late morning sun finds its way through the city's natural fog, casting a warm, soft glow upon us - a gentle reminder that even amidst chaos and uncertainty, there is still beauty to be found.
Inhaling deeply, I allow myself to let go and surrender to the serenity enveloping us. Time seems to stand still as we bask in the warmth of each other's presence. Amidst the ambient noises fading into white noise background melodies and distant sirens echoing through labyrinthine streets, there exists an unwavering sense of peace that only arises in shared silence. As the late morning sun continues to filter through the fog, casting ethereal rays upon our entwined beings, I am reminded of the resilience and beauty we carry within ourselves. Despite the challenges and uncertainties that surround us, this moment serves as a gentle reminder that even amidst the chaos.
A knock at the door breaks the quiet like a knife, jolting us from our comfort. Startled, I exchange a confused glance with Damian before Molly's voice echoes through the hallway. "Hello! It's Molly here!" she announces, her tone filled with a mix of playfulness and annoyance. "You are lucky that you have a note from the doctors that say your immune system is crap and your grades are good. Because your attendance is shit." Molly unlocks the door with her spare key, causing it to swing open as she barges in carrying a folder filled with my homework along with bags from various clothing stores and patisseries. She drops the bags in front of us and points an accusatory finger at Damian. "You! Big, bad, and scary. Book it," she demands, her eyes narrowing at him. "I don't care if she's sick and you're her daytime nurse. I deserve time with my friend that you have monopolized since you met her. Yeah, she's fun," Molly jabs a thumb into her chest for emphasis, "But I saw her first." As I process Molly's words, a mixture of surprise and amusement washes over me. Damian shifts uncomfortably beside me, clearly taken aback by Molly's sudden intrusion and assertiveness. "Molly," I interject gently, trying to diffuse the situation before it escalates further. "Damian has been helping take care of me while I've been unwell. It doesn't mean he's taken you away from me." Molly stares at me incredulously for a moment before sighing dramatically. "Fine," she concedes reluctantly, throwing her hands up in defeat. "But next time, you are all mine" She plops herself down on the loveseat right between us, Molly begins rummaging through the bags she brought, revealing an array of new clothes and delectable pastries. "Alright," Molly grins mischievously. "Since Damian is here to stay, we might as well make the most of it. Let's have a fashion show and indulge in some sweet treats."
"Molly, I don't think I do that in my condition."
"None sense! Since you've been gone I've been tailoring outfits in your size and style. Where am I gonna get the chance to see you in them?! Never?"
"Molly-!" A cannoli is shoved in my face and not just any cannoli, a Cosseta's cannoli. "You know I think I'm feeling better."
"Y/N!" Damian's voice echoes confusion. "Your whole attitude changes for a cannoli"
"Noo~" Molly waves her finger at him. "Though desserts might be her weakness, there is only one place she can truly never say no to. And that is Cosseta's. Or has she not told you all of her favorite things?" I hear her snicker as I take a bite of the little piece of heaven I moan as the flavors of home hit my tongue.
"Is this a joke?" Damian Growls at Molly a murderous aura fills the air. "I know more about her than you."
"Then you know her favorite animated series isn't Gargoyles but a very RISQUÉ anime about two angles killing demons for money to heaven?"
"You're making this shit up she rewatches that show like it's her lifeblood!"
I shake my head at both of them and move Molly to where I am sitting. Making sure that they don't start a fight.
"While Panty Stocking is pretty good, and Gargoyles is a personal best you are both wrong. It's Samurai Jack."
Molly Leaves hours later after poking and prodding me about how I've been. Often butting heads With Damian. The world seemed right in these moments. The sky now dimmed and the table was full of boxes that had been filled with desserts and food that was spilt during our time together. Though I was saddened to see my friend leave so soon, the green-eyed menace was ecstatic. As soon as the door gently closes behind her, he wraps his arms around my shoulders resting his head on one of them.
"I should've picked the work myself. That woman gets on my nerves."
"You seemed to like her at school."
"You haven't been on the phone with her for the last 3 days. Her voice is grating and she is persistently annoying." He makes a sound similar to a growl.
"Well, she is my best friend so you'll have to get used to her. I can't just avoid her." I move out of his arms and start cleaning up the room. He mumbles something and sets me on the couch.
"You get up and I'll drug you again." He cleans the room mumbling about Molly, I try not to laugh at how ridiculousness of it. When he finishes he comes to me and lays his head on my lap. His usual scowl was painted on his face.
"Are you angry at me or are you thinking?"
"Both." I smile at him.
"Pray tell, why are you angry with me?"
"A number of reasons come to mind," He pauses watching my face. "I don't want to tell you quite yet." I brush some of his hair from his face. Then something on the balcony catches my eye.
"Hey, Damian when was the last time you contacted home?" His gaze follows my own and his face turns red. With anger or embarrassment. But his brothers waving from the door seems to cause him to run around my apartment to close all my windows and blinds and make sure everything is locked as he saves the kitchen for last 'telling' them to leave.
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fairyrosepetals · 2 years
For all my older followers, hello again!
For my newer ones, welcome!
My name is Bee as you can call me, and obviously I am the writer of this blog. If you have scrolled far enough to see my old content, you will notice that I have written for an old Webtoon called “Sweet Home”.
This is due to the fact that my goal was to make the fandom bigger in order for other people to enjoy their favorite characters that did not have enough written content.
As for the purpose of this note, I have wanted to let everyone know that I am back and am willing to write again! This time however, not only will I write for Sweet Home but for other pop culture content as well!
A list for what I can write for will be provided soon,
Until then, have a great day!
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divadrawsstuff · 2 years
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~~~~Ghostly love || TBHK X Reader~~~~ - Prologue (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1213115454-%7E%7E%7E%7Eghostly-love-tbhk-x-reader%7E%7E%7E%7E-prologue?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=xXSaturnRingsXx&wp_originator=02iJRzuMP2Da4Z5yKMdYj5jQHBxY2qgUpIOLOsHBbsDfjLwxhu21OsY%2BC%2FyM6lwFIYxGYo8LXKHpdaRA5H4T9O82%2Feem8M0GDb7OFJmqNIn3AC55KNYhyVm5L6fiKGnw Trying to make fandoms for the first time. Idk how this turned out. It's a story based on TBHK, and what happens if YASHIRO was replaced by yourself in both the anime and the manga. I tried, alright? Just have fun reading!! Byeeee!!! WARNING: It has been some time since watching/reading TBHK, and I have made a couple of changes to the plot of this story. Just to let you keep that in mind!!
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