#Character designs belong to Mod Bee
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actuallyjustabiscuit · 11 months ago
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Fun times at the C&A company Halloween party. But a poor vampiric Jester gets her prize stolen by a sneaky werewolf Dolly just when she was craving something red.
Another @ask-the-rag-dolly discord doodle redraw. This one took a while cuz people and hands are hard but I’m quite proud of it.
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lemon-sugarcoats-nothing · 9 months ago
Darkstone Family dinner✨
[Mod Note: so sorry for the late continuation of the ongoing plot! Further explanation will be posted onto my personal blog, @may-bee-its-just-me but for now, on with the womp womp]
With the family growing concerned at Kodiak's uncharacteristic absence, the kids chatter amongst themselves. Luna and Kai exchange worried glances to each other, wondering if they should leave to find their father - Sadie sits in silence, overwhelmed by all the new sights and sounds, and worried for his papa.
Just as Kai opens his mouth to speak up, Kodiak busts through the dining hall doors, with Cinna following close behind.
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"I had something important come up last minute-! We're here now haha- I brought a few ponies, I hope that's alright-"
Luna and Kai step closer to greet their father. Luna at seeing Cinna, lights up, and speaks up first. Kai, at the thought of having even more ponies join them for dinner, mini-panics but quickly regains composure.
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Kai: You didn't message any of us, we were getting worried! Who's the other guest..?
Kodiak, still catching his breath from running, looks behind himself and notices that Sagi lagged behind.
"Oh he's...Well he's also family, just. Maybe not someone you'd expect to be..."
Sagi walks in at a leisurely pace, unsure of what to make of this whole situation. He stands before the rest of the Darkstones (and Kokoros), waiting for their approval or dismissal.
Kodiak: Everyone, this is Sagi...
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Sadie, coming back to reality, lights up at seeing a new person to meet. He runs over and greets Sagi. [Night]Shade follows close to Sadie's side to bodygaurd, having heard stories of Sagi through the group grapevine.
Sadie: WOW!! your outfit is super cool!!
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All art featured in this post was drawn by myself, Mod Bee.
Cinna - Outfit and character belongs to Mocha from @ask-cinnavanillamelody
Kodiak - Outfit and character are from yours truly
Luna - Character belongs to Mocha from @ask-cinnavanillamelody, Outfit design was on me.
Kai - Character and outfit are mine, all MINE lol
Sagi - Character belongs to @ask-cinnavanillamelody but the outfit modifications were from yours truly.
Nightshade - Character and outfit are my fault
Sadi(e) - Character and outfit are frome mee
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weirdmarioenemies · 4 years ago
Rating all the Catified enemies in Bowser’s Fury!
With the release of Super Mario 3D World on Switch, we got a fantastic little game! Bowser’s Fury! It’s like a sequel to Mario Sunshine with 3D World mechanics, it’s a delight! it has the mod Sockop seal of approval! But that’s not why I’m here today, I’m here because this game gave us Cat versions of 3D world enemies! Complete with fur, tails and little cat ears! In this post, I’ll be rating these catified designs, as an excuse to show them all to you dear reader!
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Name: Cat Biddybud
Debut: Bowser’s Fury
Starting off strong, Biddybuds are some of my fave Mario creatures, and this look fits them well, the paws and tail look natural on their spherical body! And the fur looks like a fine velvet!
9/10  Would pet.
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Name: Cat Blockstepper
Debut: Bowser’s Fury
Blocksteppers are also already perfect, with their funny hats and their trumpet mouths. However, this cat form doesn’t give them fur, or paws or a tail at all! just some cat ears! Which I’m not even sure are part of their actual body! They could just be glued onto their hats, I hope it’s actually part of their bodies and they made little holes on the hats so they can poke them out.
4/10  Blocksteppers seem to have arrived too late at the Catification center, they only had spare cat ears left.
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Name: Cat Bob-omb
Debut: Bowser’s Fury
Another one that got the short end of the stick! No fur, no paws, not even a tail! Just cat ears! Both Blocksteppers and Bob-ombs walk thanks to their wind-up keys, so perhaps they only get cat ears because these are not organic creatures! It still seems a bit unfair on the guys, just because they’re automated doesn’t mean they don’t deserve some fuzzy fur!
4/10  You deserve so much more Bob-omb.
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Name: Cat Boomerang/Fire/Hammer Bros.
Debut: Bowser’s Fury
The ears don’t look bad at all! But it’s still a very lazy catification, sure, they get fur but it’s so short it might as well not be there.
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Name: Cat Bullet Bill
Debut: Super Mario 3D World
This one’s an interesting case! They’re the only cat enemy not exclusive to Bowser’s Fury, as they appeared in the base 3D World game. Like Bob-ombs and Blocksteppers, they don’t get any fur, so this supports the inorganic creature hypothesis. However these guys DID get a tail! And they look so much better because of it! Why didn’t they give tails to Bob-ombs and Blocksteppers! I demand justice.
6/10  The tail almost makes up for the lack of fur.
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Name: Cat Bully
Debut: Bowser’s Fury
Now THIS is a catification! Extremely long and luscious fur, you can TELL he grooms himself regularly! Cat Bullies also get a tail, ears, and paws, which fit in very well with their rotund body, as a matter of fact, their iconic horns got completely replaced by the cat ears! Which is a very bold move, but one I support wholeheartedly! Now, does this confirm Bullies are organic creatures? Even though they are clearly made of metal in their base forms? Perhaps the metal is an exoskeleton of sorts, as mod Chikako suggested, whatever the case, I’m glad they got the full fur treatment!
9/10 Fantastic ball of fur.
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Name: Cat Cheep Cheep
Debut: Bowser’s Fury
This is a fishy, with fur and cat ears, not very hydrodynamic, fishies are bullet shaped for a reason, but this is ok because they at least look cute!
7/10 Pretty standard catification but it works well!
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Name: Cat Coin Coffer
Debut: Bowser’s Fury
Ouggoough.... Coin Coffer my beloved.... I wanna pet him so badly now... I guess sticking cat ears and fur on an orbular character just works!! And look at those paws! This is a novelty coin purse if I’ve ever seen one!
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Name: Cat Conkdor
Debut: Bowser’s Fury
Well, this is certainly something, I adore Conkdor, another mario creature very dear to my heart. Not sure I love this catification though, the tail looks good but the cat ears look very awkward, and it’s very unsettling to see a bird with fur instead of feathers. But don’t worry Conkdor you still look great, it’s just not your style y’know?
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Name: Cat Flopter
Debut: Bowser’s Fury
I really like Flopters! they have a Bee-like body with Dragonfly-like goggles, and they fly like a helicopter! Very charming little dudes often forgotten.
The cat ears complement the goggles extremely well! They looked a bit too bald in their base forms. And I bet those paws make landing easier! Good for them.
8/10   Award winner for best use of Cat ears.
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Name: Cat Fuzzler
Debut: Bowser’s Fury
Fuzzlers are already a delight, there’s not a lot you can do to improve perfection, and I guess the devs took that personally because this is a very light catification, I guess they couldn’t give them fur since they’re supposed to look spiky and not soft, but I still wish they did. They do have tails but they’re oddly short, more like a nub, they deserve longer tails! They’d look so good while rolling!
5/10  They don’t deserve a vestigial tail.
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Name: Cat Fuzzy
Debut: Bowser’s Fury
Very lazy catification, their oily shinyness doesn’t play well with the cat ears and tail. I’m sorry little one...
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Name: Cat Goomba (Brown)
Debut: Bowser’s Fury
You might be wondering why I put their color in parenthesis, well, this is not the first Cat Goomba we got, 3D World has an orange Cat Goomba that actually pounces like a cat. The implication seems to be that the orange one is a Goomba that used a Super Bell, while this brown one is just a Goomba that got Catified by whatever catification forces are present in Lake Lapcat. Back to the rating, I love their little white/brown color scheme! Fits them very well, and they get little whisker-like stripes too!
9/10  Good Kittycat.
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Name: Cat Koopa Troopa
Debut: Bowser’s Fury
I really dislike this one, why are the cat ears on their cheeks? That looks like it would hurt? I don’t like looking at Cat Koopa for a long time, I think it would’ve been cuter if they put the cat ears on the shell! Maybe it wouldn’t make sense but it would certainly look nicer.
1/10  I can’t give out a 0 because look at that blessed smile...
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Name: Cat Magikoopa
Debut: Bowser’s Fury
The ears look very odd, like they’re clipping out of the robe. Very lazy catification. Almost unnoticeable.
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Name: Cat Piranha Plant/Creeper
Debut: Bowser’s Fury
I love these ones they look SO silly, just stick some ears on their orb heads and you got a great kittycat! The fur also doesn’t look unnatural, there are fuzzy plants in real life!
8/10  Would pet carefully.
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Name: Cat Rammerhead
Debut: Bowser’s Fury
I also like this one quite a bit! The ears fit well with their already ridiculous head, they just look like rounder spikes! It’s like they were meant to have ears! The lavender fur looks very nice. The tail also looks very cute, completely replacing their caudal fin, how do you seem with that buddy?
8/10  Very wet kitty.
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Name: Cat Skipsqueak
Debut: Bowser’s Fury
WOW!!! This one is basically perfect! This is the ONLY catification to change the colors of the base creature! And for the better! They’re now a very vivid electric blue instead of the dull light blue of their non-cat selves. This one’s also the only mammal enemy, so their cat features look completely natural and fitting!
10/10  Very cute fat catmouse.
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Name: Cat Snow Pokey
Debut: Bowser’s Fury
Yeah this one’s arguably the laziest catification, their ears are barely visible too, but they still look cute and not unsettling! So I really can’t complain too much.
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Name: Cat Spike
Debut: Bowser’s Fury
Spike always has such an expression of pure existential dread I can’t tear my eyes away from it... It looks like he’s not handling the catification too well... He probably feels very weird being suddenly covered in fur. They did get a cute little patch of white fur on their belly, which I think is an improvement to the design!
7/10  Hope you’re ok there buddy.
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Name: Cat Splounder
Debut: Bowser’s Fury
YESSSSSSSS I LOVE SPLOUNDERS SO MUCH!!!! When I found out they got in the game I was SO happy, this catification is top notch as well! The cat ears fit in like they always belonged! And the salmon-colored fur is one heck of a look! They also got a long tail which hangs peacefully underwater, making them look like a cute comma!
10/10 Cat Splounder my beloved...
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Name: Cat Stingby
Debut: Bowser’s Fury
As we already know, putting a tail and cat ears on a sphere looks really good! So this guy is a winner by default! I think the paws are slightly unsettling since they’re just hanging there... Never to be used. But it’s ok, I’m sure they don’t get in the way too much.
9/10 Fuzzy bees are always a win.
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Name: Cat Seagull
Debut: Bowser’s Fury
To finish off this post! The most important introduction to the Mario universe by far! Cat Seagull!
This is positively delightful, they look so silly and mindless. They’re just vibing and I respect them so much for that. They probably don’t even know they have cat ears, but that doesn’t matter. Only thing that matters is existing and these guys are killing it at that!
10/10 I wanna live like you.
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busybeesflowershop · 8 years ago
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   In a city filled with cold, harsh stone, one section offers stark contrast to the rest of the prison many called home. Filled with trees and foliage, it is beautiful in it’s nature and serenity. In a clearing on the edge of sector six, among all the trees, is a tall structures that do not belong. Mushrooms, hundred times their normal height, tower tall over all those who are brave enough to venture close. There are many of them, all of them meeting in a broken circle. The gap between two rather large mushrooms however isn’t a failed design or empty placeholder for more shrubbery, but an entranceway. A large wooden sign welcomes many others who freely walk into the fairy ring, embraced by the sounds of laughter, wonderful smells, and the colors of spring...
             Welcome to the Flower Festival
Welcome, welcome, welcome! Busy Bee’s is so thrilled to invite you to for our Third Annual Flower Festival! Many of you have enjoyed the sights and wonders we have had to offer before, and many of you have yet. Young or old, everyone is allowed to visit, free of charge! We have several of your favorite older activities here at the festival, and several new events we are very excited to announce!
 ✿ Flower Garden - Like before our flower festival boasts a large meadow-like garden for flower viewing! Want to bring a date on a romantic picnic? Bring a lunch from home or buy exotic, organic food and snacks offered at the festival! Want to have a meet up with your friends? Bring them to view beautifully colored flowers from across several universes! And this year we are offering something very special: our own Pokemon petting zoo! The entire meadow is filled with friendly grass, bug, and fairy type Pokemon who you can feed, pet and play with! Rules, guidelines, and exact Pokemon can be found here.
 ✿ Easter Egg Hunt - Since our festival starts on right after Easter Sunday, we thought for the duration of the flower festival we would have an Easter Egg Hunt! All over the Festival and in the Flower Garden are hidden eggs. Inside you will find one of two things; either candy or different colored tickets which you can trade in for prizes! Below are the prizes according to their ticket color:
Red - Free Drink/Snack at any Food Stand
Blue - Free 5 dollar off coupon for any merchandise stand at the Festival
Green - Free Stuffed Animal of your choice
 ✿ Flower Crowns - All over the festival are booths were you can create free flower crowns! Busy Bee’s employees will be there to show you how to properly craft crowns, and different booths will have different flower types and colors for you to choose from!
 ✿ Shopping and Food - We proudly have local artisans and craftsmen sell their merchandise at booths all along the festival. They sell anything from clothing to jewelry to pottery to soaps and perfumes! We also have many local restaurants sell food and snacks, and have wine and alcohol tasting booths all over the festival for our older patrons to enjoy!
 ✿ Games - Many carnival games have been set up with prizes to win! Do you have what it takes to beat the shooting gallery? Or perhaps you prefer ring tossing? Prizes will be rewarded to the winners, and be warned, there will be penalties for cheaters!
 ✿ Busy Bee’s & Polka Dot’s Spring Dance - For the first time, Bust Bee’s and Polka Dot’s Boutique will be sponsoring a dance with all the proceeds going to charities across the Hive! Not to be confused with the balls that others have wonderfully hosted over the years, our dance will have a more casual setting. The dance will take place in-character on the last night of the Flower Festival, but out-of-character it will happen on 24th to the 29th of April.
Last, and probably what you need to read most of all so you don’t get in trouble, the rules and guidelines of the festival:
This is not an offical event! This is a member-run event and this will not count toward savior status. Do not feel pressured to partake in the festival or the dance if you don’t want to!
Because of this, do not send any questions to the masterlist or the mods about the festival or the dance. Send them here.
Powers are not permitted in the festival. When you walk into the fairy circle and into the festival, your powers will be stripped from you and your character will have the strength a human proportionally to their age and body type. If your character has special powers/abilities that help them survive and need them, please contact us at Busy Bee’s for us to work out a way to let them enjoy the festival.
No weapons are permitted. Weapons are to be left outside the property and you will be turned away if found carrying. 
Pets, Pokemon, and Chocobos are allowed inside the festival, but pokemon and pets with powers will be stripped of their abilities. Any animal that attacks a person/animal will be asked to be removed from the festival.
No empty Pokeballs will be allowed on the premises as well. You are not allowed to catch Pokemon within the fairy ring, but you are more then encouraged to bring your Pokemon with you.
The flower festival lasts from Monday the 17th to 23rd of April. The dance starts on Monday the 24th to Saturday the 29th of April. Please do not post dance starters or threads till the 24th. This is to give people enough time to do flower festival threads before moving onto the dance. If you do post dance starters before it officially starts, you will be ask to take it down till the appropriate time. 
We do have a tag for flower festival posts and it is #citta flower festival.
Anyone who causes violence toward others/property will be escorted out and banned from the rest of the festival and dance.
Again, we are so thrilled to be throwing our festival once more, and we hope you have a wonderful time!
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lemon-sugarcoats-nothing · 11 months ago
Little something
Found an old base drawing I did in December 2020! Decided it was due for a redo.
Old: Old designs for - Lucious, Virgil, Cinna, Lemon, Cherry
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New, with the same cast of characters (plus Shade):
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New with characters I would have used the base now: Kai, Lucious, CInna, Lemon, Alistor, Nexa
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Please note that Virgil, Cherry, Cinna and Nexa all belong to @cinnavanillamelody!
Base credit: https://www.deviantart.com/melodysweetheart/art/Mlp-Base-Umm-what-654973656
-Mod Bee
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