#Chapter: Past of a Family
thepaststillhurts · 1 year
A glance over at Kion, "Fraid not, at least that part. But, seems Scar is willing to help show what happened with him, and what he had been hearing..." On cue Kion walked up to them, "Not all stars are always visible. We always see the ones of light, but the reverse exist as well. Stars of Shadow, Dark Stars... Scar was a star out there, dark one though not of his choice. Anyways, he wishes to narrate or speak when the scenes shown of his time as roughly a teen leading up to the confrontation with yourself Dad, fight for the throne." Closing his eyes to focus, thus allowing Scar to speak through him - while Sora uses his key power again, the scene changes to the Outlands. Young Taka-Askari, patrolling alone with a Mark of the Guard. Meeting the strange lion, scarred eye. They spoke to him about wisdom, power, and that the most powerful should be king.
"Despite my facial expression then, I had intended to alert my king brother. What changed that though, well... See for yourself" Scar's voice came.
Indeed, a strange black cobra lunged. The young leader at the time trying to dodge the snake, almost succeeded but the snake still hit target. "Not all what affected me, but that venom is the main thing. Had the scar before, it healed as if I never had it. Until this time." Scar again. "Couldn't think, and I rather... hate being used, tricked like that. So, I roared using the roar in a rage. Lost control of the power, and as you can see that volcano erupted back then too."
Back at Pride Rock now, young Scar reported to Mufasa. Yet Mufasa just tease little brother with the nickname Scar now, and using his paw to push down Scar's head - which he obviously hadn't appreciated, young Mufasa strutting off after that Scar had caught sight of sealed the fates. "And, how and when I really became Scar, was right then. I don't mind the teasing so much, as I had the paw push and the way he strutted then..."
Trying to take to his Lion Guard at the time, who refused to understand Scar's side of things and out of frustration lost control again of the roar, using it on his own Guard and losing the mark and roar thereafter. "Am surprised really, how they let Kion keep his despite some of the things he's done, even as a cub; which should have resulted in the loss of the mark and roar. Thing is, my roar then didn't kill the Guard so rather unfair of the lions of the past to take it away."
The scene now a bit further in time, Scar with a young lion looking much like Simba now except for the dark mane, and still much younger. Both hunting, gazelle or zebra. Out of nowhere, a wildebeest stampede. "While I avoided the majority of that, my son Takashi wasn't... so lucky. He still alive after the herd passed, but barely. As you can see, he died in my paws. This was still some time before you were born, Simba" Scar voice. Genuine upset at the scene. "And thus why I generally dislike wildebeest species" Sometime later when little newborn cub Simba born, and their presentation. And the confrontation between Scar and Mufasa after, "Never would've ate that bird. Just scare him at best. And besides, Zazu can be a bit of an annoyance. Regardless, reason I wasn't at the presentation... Brother forgot I had set my own anniversary settings, that day... was an anniversary of my own son's death, so you see..."
Later scene changes off to somewhere in the grassland plains, wildebeest grazing and a young calf curiously asks mother about the birds being allowed on their backs gaining the response that they're a community, and the birds help get the bugs off of them. The calf chasing after a bird that flies off, unaware of a certain male prowling.
watching from the grass and brooding about his earlier confrontation with his brother, Mufasa. Suddenly, Scar pounced, and Thema's son yelled for his mother. Just in time, Thema arrived and intercepted Scar's attack, knocking him away from her calf. She begged Scar to fight her instead of her son, and he confessed that he was not attacking them out of hunger, but because he had had a bad day and had chosen random "peasants" to have an even worse day.
Before Scar could attack again, Thema gave a call of alarm, and her herd charged toward Scar, jostling and kicking him until he lay, half-trampled, at the edge of a gorge. From his prone position, Scar lamented how he had been beaten by an inferior species and grudgingly acknowledged that even overwhelming numbers could beat power and royalty. As he found his feet, Scar realized that Thema had lingered behind and told her that even the "dumbest of beasts" knew to run from a predator. In answer, Thema proclaimed that she had stayed to see him fall and explained that it was not her herd's numbers that had beaten him, but her love for her community. She then charged at Scar and knocked him into a gorge.
"Might have noticed, that one was far higher up than the one I used on family... But, I hit my head quite hard then... never was the same after that, aware now that likely brain damage resulting in my aggression and such after then. But, now you get to see the nightmare I had..."
Crystalized dreamscape, yet glowing eyes watching unblinkingly from the sky. Scar awaking in the dream,
wandering the landscape, Scar spotted Mufasa on Pride Rock and called out to him. Approaching his brother, Mufasa demanded that Scar address him as the king, but Scar protested that he was supposed to be the king. Outraged, Mufasa attacked Scar and commanded him to bow before him and his son, Simba. Scar questioned where they were, and Mufasa started to walk away, explaining that they were in a "kingdom of woe," a place fit for a "faux king" such as Scar. Though Scar begged Mufasa to stay and asserted that he was destined to rule, Mufasa reminded his brother that it was Simba's destiny to rule and that Scar's destiny was his own.
Meanwhile, two vultures named Kabeer and Krass circled Scar's fallen form and debated whether he was dead or not. Together, they approached his body and found that he was still breathing but in critical condition. The two proceeded to mock him for having been killed by "livestock" and for having lost the throne of Pride Rock to a cub. Just then, Kabeer got an idea and told Krass that, were Scar to become the king, he would desolate the Pride Lands and leave behind enough carcasses for the vultures to feast on.
As a storm moved in overhead, Kabeer pointed out that they could feast on Scar's carcass if he died or take credit for saving him and help him become the king of Pride Rock if he lived. Kabeer worried, however, that they would need something to offer Scar, like muscle and numbers, in order to convince him. As one, Kabeer and Krass suggested recruiting the "bone eaters."
Just then, Rafiki approached and ordered the vultures to get away from Scar. Using his staff, he beat the two until they flew off in a panic. Once Kabeer and Krass had gone, Rafiki knelt beside Scar and commented that the prince's actions had once again brought "dark clouds" upon him.
Later, at Rafiki's tree, Scar awoke in dismay from his vision. As he reared up, roaring, Rafiki cracked a baobab fruit open on his head, and Scar scoffed that he would be justified in mauling Rafiki for having struck a prince. Rafiki simply retorted that, if Scar tried to attack him, he would use the prince's head to open another baobab fruit. Recognizing the baobab fruit as what had been used to anoint Simba, Scar demanded that Rafiki tell him that he was the rightful successor to the throne of Pride Rock and the wisest lion in all the land. Rafiki complimented Scar's cunning but cautioned that his jealousy and hatred "murked the waters" of his soul and that his dark choices overshadowed his potential.
Incited, Scar reminded Rafiki that he had been training his entire life to replace Mufasa, only to get tossed aside, and demanded to know if his legacy should be sacrificed for the sake of tradition. Instead of answering Scar's questions, Rafiki urged him to sit and drink a healing mixture. After settling down, Scar commented that it was not fair, and Rafiki agreed, adding that a cub should enjoy his youth rather than worry about ruling a kingdom. Scar implored Rafiki to help him take over Pride Rock, but Rafiki warned Scar that his jealousy and ego led him to do terrible things. Taking this as Rafiki siding with Mufasa, Scar departed the tree. As he walked away across the Pride Lands, Kabeer and Krass flew overhead and resolved to introduce him to the bone eaters.
"Yes. Rafiki and I were once friends, not unlike how you and him are these days." A side-smirk, voice still Scar's.
While grazing with his herd, Elder confessed to an associate that he sensed a foreboding change in the air. His associate asked if his feelings related to the birth of Simba, the prince heir of Pride Rock, but Elder clarified that he was more worried about the previous heir, Scar, having lost power. He added that Mufasa was the only one who could protect the Pride Lands from Scar's reckless behavior.
Just then, Elder's associate picked up the scent of some nearby lionesses and sounded the alarm. Though the herd fled, the lioness Sofi managed to score a catch, and the huntresses paid tribute to their fallen prey. As they began to eat, the lioness Tish asked the hunting party's leader, Adea, if Mufasa and Sarabi would be joining them, but Adea explained that they were with the main hunting party. Sofi commented that two hunts seemed wasteful and that such a move was not in character for Adea, and she sadly agreed.
At that moment, Scar approached and mocked the lionesses for having performed a ritual for their prey. Adea reminded Scar that they performed the ritual out of respect for their prey as well as tradition and the throne, but he countered that, according to tradition, they should eat last, with the cubs. Though he asserted that the lionesses would eat like queens under his rule, Adea silenced him and chided herself for not having joined the royal hunting party. Scar argued that he was royalty, to which Adea called him a "bitter, selfish scavenger." Enraged, Scar attacked her, and the other lionesses ordered him to stay away from her. After the fight, the three lionesses left Scar to their catch, and Sofi remarked on how fortunate it was that Simba had been born and that Scar would never rule the Pride Lands.
"Well, she did insult me. Why would I not respond to such insults in such a way," head shake a bit.
With the lionesses gone, Kabeer and Krass approached Scar, and Kabeer dismissed the lionesses as "ungrateful females." Scar retorted that the lionesses filled his belly and asked what purpose the vultures served. At this, Kabeer formally introduced himself and Krass, and told Scar that they could help him become king. Suspicious, Scar asked for elaboration, and the vultures implored him to use the "bone eaters" as his secret weapon. Recognizing that the vultures were referring to hyenas, Scar dismissed the idea, but the vultures insisted that they were friends with a hyena and that Scar could fill a vacuum in their clan's leadership.
Intrigued but distrustful, Scar asked the vultures how they would be advantaged by his alliance with the hyenas, and Kabeer claimed that they wanted to see the Pride Lands' rightful heir on the throne. This incited Scar, who demanded the vultures stop patronizing him, and Kabeer quickly backtracked, confessing that they were hoping for extra meat and a seat in the royal court. With this admission, Scar agreed to take their advice and meet the hyenas.
With Kabeer and Krass in the lead, the group traveled to the Elephant Graveyard. Upon realizing where they were, Scar reflected on how he had often come to the Elephant Graveyard as a cub so that he could be alone and commented that the Elephant Graveyard felt more like home than Pride Rock. Suddenly, Kabeer warned Krass and Scar that a large group of hyenas was close by and urged them to take shelter. Scar initially refused but relented when he realized that they could have the element of surprise. From their hiding place, Krass asked Kabeer what he could see, and he replied fearfully that he had spotted the queen of the hyenas.
"Now, sometime after this moment it will appear as if I had first just met the trio you know of Shenzi, Banzai and Ed, yet I knew them before then. While I remember, they may not have due to their age at the time. Pausing here for the moment this time, wish to ask some questions? Next parts will show what happens with the hyenas, me, Zazu, Mufasa, and cub Simba. Will even backtrack a little after to that rock you now all call Broken Rock, it's a clue in of itself."
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"What? Scar? Scar himself?" Simba asked in surprise. His eyes then fixed on the ground, pondering. Was it a good idea at all? He just asked for help from the Great Kings and a dark king was there to reply instead?
Simba was sure that Scar had his own, subjective point of view and everything he was going to say should be treated with reservation (maybe Scar could even have some influence on the keypower?). On the other hand, the king knew there was no options here and he needed to take every opportunity to find any kind of solution.
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"Alright. Go ahead." He spoke with closed eyes first, but opened them when the scene started. He decided not to comment on things, just observe them and let Scar speak on his own.
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abdy-18 · 2 months
I guess I didn't understand this part very well, but do dreams count as thoughts? I mean, was Anya able to see her father's dream and therefore see his past or was she just comforting him because she saw him worried?
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h0estar · 6 months
i'm actually going to cry.
maybe the reason Anya suddenly revealed her secret to Damian, of all people, is because she felt guilty about knowing his deep desire for familial love. he didn't mention it, but it was painfully obvious in the way he looked at her with this soft, sad smile:
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anya is so strong. i would've cried and hugged him 😭
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but lo and behold, anya wasn't so strong after all. after trying so hard to keep her ability a secret, she told damian anyway – and without hesitation too.
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crying... this panel is everything to me
personally, what Anya did was equivalent to a hug. maybe she felt bad... maybe guilty... maybe she wanted him to feel less alone... maybe she pitied him... maybe she sympathized... or maybe she felt it was the right thing to do. but in her own way, she definitely did it to make him feel better and less alone :')
maybe i'm just yapping. but the two of them are so similar in so many ways. Damian despite being part of a real family longs for real connection. and Anya, despite loving her family so much, secretly wishes what they had was truly real – a family not held together by a mission or conveniences, but just that, a simple family. they both just want a home man
this chapter was perfect in so many ways. these kids make my heart hurt, and i'm so scared yet excited for what Endo has in store for the next arcs <3
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copdog1234 · 5 days
Spy x Family is constantly edging me with the idea that Something Big is going happen, and I love every second of it. The slow-burn be slow-burning!!!
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sidsinning · 4 months
Reading My Beloved Oppressor
Guess the quality of the male lead from the title 💀✌️
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tojisun · 1 year
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the dilf 🤭🫶🏼
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silver-dragonborn · 4 months
I'll do you one better. The hate Alicent Stans will harbor for Aemond for DARING to question his mother's loyalty will morph into multi-chapter fanfic of Alicent waking up back in time, abandoning her "ungrateful ass" silver-haired spawn that she SUFFERED to bring into this world to run away from Westeros and live a life of luxury in Essos with some random male oc who was specifically created to cater to Alicent's every whim and has a Henry Cavill Witcher face claim because of course she needs to pop out more silver-haired babies that are far more prettier and perfect than her ungrateful ass kids who were so MEAN to her. Tags will include "Alicent gets her groove back," "Alicent says fuck it and leaves Westeros," "Alicent leaves her toxic ass children and husband to be with her boy toy in Essos," "Rhaenyra Bashing," "Daemon Bashing," "Team Black Bashing," "Some bashing for Aemond because he's so UNGRATEFUL," "Alicent Gone Girls herself," "Alicent is Sansa Stark's ancestor," "Alicent hatches dragon eggs," "Alicent is the Mother of Dragons," "TEAM GREEN SYMPATHIZER!!!!"
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twicethetrouble · 4 months
New family web!
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sunsetsmakemesad · 8 months
This has been on my head for a while and it's not really relevant but what if shaun is 𝘢𝘤𝘵𝘶𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘺 suzie's little brother
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arataka-reigen · 9 months
This was a very good chapter. We get Twilight wondering about Anya's past and its connection to classical language, we get Demetrius Desmond reveal and learn that he is not as favored by his father as Damian initially thought, we get a stella and a tonitrus which means we're equally closer to expulsion as we are to imperial scholar anya lmao, and most importantly we get a new Anya face
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thepaststillhurts · 1 year
Allowing Kion to speak, in his own voice. "You saw that he hit his head, Rafiki has said that Scar never was the same after that moment. And look at the current situation here, Scar able to possess me. No reason something couldn't have possessed him back during... with grandfather Mufasa... What he said about then, as he's a part of me now is truth. Back when I was a cub, when I got the Roar... My fear was becoming much like Scar, however after receiving this scar of my own from him with Ushari in the volcano... I understand much better, what has been affecting him. My journey... was longer than expected, even with my friends... my Lion Guard... We had some close calls. Not sure if I told you before, father. I pushed a peacock over once then, aggressively at that. Definitely not who I am. And if not for Bunga, Fuli and I would have physically fought at one point. Scar had it worse, having brain damage on top of the altered cobra venom."
Shari hanging near, confirms: "neurological damage after a brain injury may cause emotional volatility like intense mood swings or extreme reactions to everyday situations. Such overreactions can be sudden tears, angry outbursts, or laughter. It is important to understand that the person has lost some control over emotional responses. Take for instance his reaction in the dreamscape regarding Timon... No control over that outburst due to part of the brain not functioning properly." A head shake, "As a cub myself growing up, out of all of us cubs of his; only me and a halfbreed sister heard much of his his self mutters, frustrations on many things. But mainly, why he was the way he was. And about the lack of control over himself and his outbursts. Yes, he did kill Zuhour in the end. Best she'd be gone, if you ask me for that hyena dont care bout anything but keeping herself in power and having all the food. Uncle Mufasa on the other paw, well. It was his - Scar's body that did the deed, not his spirit. And..." Looking to Kion now. "Am sure you both remember that day the scorpion Sumu stung your tail, Simba? Scar could have ended everything right then in the volcano, the Lion Guard also. Not just prevent the ash getting to you. He purposely chose not to take the win right then, despite having the moment to."
A bit of magic from a paw wave gesture, the unsceen scenes of then shown to Simba.
"...Reason I laugh like that when a fiery spirit, a coping mechanism... Hell makes even a tiny prick wound feel like ten or so times worse of pain. That scar, even in live still caused me much pain." Scar's voice.
"You don't have to believe me, I wish none to go down the path I fell to. Darkness, Corruption. Power... Power corrupts. Breaking the... for lack of better word, spirit bond between myself and Kion may destroy both of us. Could potentially result in a Zuhour-version or worse of myself using Kion. While I can't change the past; and even if one could it is not recommended to as more often than not that causes more problems... I can, at the very least keep your son Kion from leaning into the path I fell..."
Kion looking to his dad, "If even Grandfather can still forgive Scar, and I've spoke to other family - Grandmother Sarabi, even, can forgive him just as I have... Mother has too.. Knowing now that he wasn't in control of a lot regarding what he did, due to the brain damage and scar. It's only you left, father. And as you may need to see what affects the venom hand on me, to understand some of what he went through..." A small roar, the surroundings showing times of Kion's journey to the Tree of Life - the one far away.
- Events from facing Scar, getting his own scar and up to reaching the destination, and the first verdict regarding the Night Pride on Kion. -
"I understand their reasoning now, if I had lost control of the roar again... especially by their sacred tree... Seems some luck was on our family's side, as it was Rani's grandmother Queen Janna that told her a bit about the Roar, and to welcome us. But if not for her, I realized while my friends were clearing the accidental blockage and getting Bunga out, that they would have found another way to help me. If the Tree of Life was off limits." Continues the scene from the pausehold, his song at the denial of entering the Kingdom at first, then on hearing and seeing his friends. "Scar had friends like that once, lost them early. All he had left after was Mufasa, and as his nightmare shown us - his biggest fear was being abandoned. By his only remaining family, big brother Mufasa. Perhaps, like I ended up ruling the Tree of Life alongside Rani, Scar was meant a similar fate in another Kingdom."
Scar voice adding, "I had gone to that same Kingdom - twice even, that tree. First had a rogue healer, let's just say things didn't go quite as intended. Second time, had others with me. Family. Which convinced them to give me another chance, and a closer looking at. Well, short of it is simply - there is no cure anywhere for the altered venoms, but one can train one's self against it. That, is what I helped the Night Pride of then focus on. Focusing on getting those affected like myself focused, calm, patient, relaxed while still attentively alert. And, as all can see that worked even for Kion here."
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"Not his spirit?" Simba burst out in anger. "If only his body wanted it, his spirit wouldn't have become fire. His spirit is evil, just like his body was." Of course, Shari was trying to protect her father, it was understandable, Simba knew it. But he had a different point of view.
The king paused here. He let out a long sigh, shaking his head in puzzlement. In silence he looked at the barren land that lay beyond, illuminated by the moonlight. What was the point of this? Why did they have to fight for so long?
Simba then looked at Kion when he started talking about forgiveness. He was angry and hurt by the past, but as he looked into Kion's eyes somewhere deep inside his heart he knew his son was right. Forgiveness was a noble trait, indeed, and anger would not make things better.
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His inner temper soon calming down, the lion glanced at the starry sky above for a moment, and as he did so, a wise saying came to his mind. He could almost hear it in the wind, whispering,
You can't fight fire with fire.
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Finally understanding the meaning behind, Simba gave his son a warm smile before he nuzzled him. It seems, it was always his kids who reminded him of virtues: Kiara of the truth of 'we are one' and Kion of the truth of forgiveness.
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nekoro-san · 26 days
(Spoiler chapter 103)
I found it’s interesting both Yuri and Yor have the different mindset even though both of them had living since a child. This make me think, Yor and Yuri didn’t spending much time much to watch TV or sometimes, even have a talk together.
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Yuri and Loid both works for different shady origination.But, Yuri was more brainwashed by propaganda and violence in his group. And his mindset was still the world is not in peace.
This was completely opposite to Yor,too. She was working as a kid and might try to hide everything she could due to her indentity. She work at night to easily hide the blood or evidence and it’s could be bring lot of rumors.
But since working underground for a while maybe it’s made Yor unaware of how the world going ( there are lot of protest and terrorist around )
This made me think that of my theory of since when Yuri was little, ( there was a visual fan comic from Korean artist that fan of Yuri has make a story that has exactly what I thought ) he was bullied from ppl around him. He was bad mouth by kids and people surrounding him rumors Yor “ working late at night”. He might defend Yor by punching those kids, then got scolded because of being “violent”.
But he was silent and endure by himself to kept secret with Yor because he wants to handle this by himself. Even so, his mind only building up to revenge, to eliminate the bad deeds from joining sss when he was growing up.
Yuri only focus in studying, cannot spending much time as a normal kid do. And Yor also working until night and cannot be a normal kid too. And this end up making them try to silence to each other.
Because even for Yor, how many stressed of her assassin job to handle so young, but coming back home to see the kid that she is willing to protect open a big smile, that’s all the world she needs. And Yuri knows it, he knows his smile enlightening Yor a lot.
That’s why even he was having a bad day or not feeling well, he never telling Yor because he doesn’t wants to worry her. The same as Yor endure her pains and not saying anything to telling Yuri.
This make me think Yuri was more parallel to Loid more because Loid also was used to think about how the world is cruel to him. Of course until he meet Franky and changed his mind. And now with Anya and Yor, it’s claim him down more to be relaxed.
It’s quiet sad for Yuri case because he’s still in the stage to not accepting the world is still peaceful for him yet with all the negativity of his works are bringing.
But then, his shown of concern for Anya has changed him, a liitle. Then, Chloe also started to giving him a different direction to his goal. It’s slow but it’s progressing.
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beldaroot · 1 year
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rem being the one vash wants to remember but has to actively try to restore his memory of her vs knives being the one vash wants to forget but is constantly haunted by him
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not-poignant · 2 months
Constellations 09 on AO3! (FFS universe, Efnisien + Gwyn)
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Title: Constellations (Falling Falling Stars sequel re: Gwyn + Efnisien)
Rating: Mature
Tags: Contemporary, trauma recovery, men in therapy, references to BDSM relationships, past trauma recovery, complex family relationships, hurt/comfort, angst, historical child abuse, historical familial abuse, reconciliation, Gwyn’s a stalker for five seconds
Summary: (Will make little sense if you haven’t read Falling Falling Stars) It’s been around ten years since the events of Falling Falling Stars, and Efnisien and Gwyn are living their respective lives, and haven’t really been in touch since. Over time, Gwyn becomes more curious about his cousin, especially after learning something he hopes isn’t true, and after seeing him by chance in a park, kicks off a series of events that helps create new opportunities for reconciliation, and discovering what it really means to be family. 
Constellations - 09 - Unexpected Starfall on AO3
In which Gwyn visits Efnisien and Arden’s home for the first time, and begins to understand how much Efnisien has changed, and why Efnisien needed to cut him out of his life in the past. He finally learns why Efnisien chose Crielle over him, after the night Augus assaulted him at Forest.
EARLY ACCESS: Constellations - 12 - Heat Death on Patreon and Ream:
Constellations 12 on Patreon
Constellations 12 on Ream
In this chapter Gwyn finds out more about a part of his history he’d never taken seriously: that his family members have killed people.
– Thanks to all the Patreon and Ream supporters for making this (and my other writing) possible!
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dyinggirldied · 1 month
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haru-chi · 8 months
Okay, let's talk about the recent Natuyuu chapter for a little bit ... and something that just moved me to tears ><
let's ignore that the appearance they teased was for the cats and not what I wanted and wished for which's fine I'm fine I knew it was impossible .. yet hoped nonetheless
the chapter was really cute indeed, but I was shocked that the Reiko's pic was gonna be addressed right after the reveal !!! that took me by surprise yet a very happy one to confirm what I was saying back then ...
but before that, the way Natsume started to realize and know for sure that that might've been Reiko by remembering his father was too much for me ...
this chapter was such a good demonstration of how much our little sunshine has grown so much emotionally ... I was tearing up seeing him trying very hard to remember that blurry memory of his father taking him to an amusement park T^T
the boy who forced the memories out of his system so as not be broken down by it .. the same boy who refused to see the only parents' picture he had so that he won't be hurt or cry when he sees them ... who always pretending to be fine talking about his real family .. who ran away from any mention of them that he just purged any faint memory he once had till the point he really forgot everything related to them despite how this act of itself was hurting him deeply ...
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this same boy right now is doing his best to remember his own father .. to remember a said precious memory .. he was trying really hard something the past Natsume would never do .. but sadly, all he managed was those blurry images .. he no longer remembers his father's face .. yet he wasn't broken down or sad .. he was actually happy as if he holds something dear to him .. that even if it's blurry, even if he no longer remembers it much ... the fact that it exists no matter how faint it was was enough for him .. he does have such a happy memory inside of him afterall .. he was content by this alone .. not pain or sadness but happy to know it was there ..
I can't say it well enough how much he has grown up now ...
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and when by the end he did remember this faint memory very clearly .. he didn't cry or was sad (I sure was tho) No, he was very happy as if he was above the clouds dreaming something nice ... even Madara comment that he was weirdly happy and daydreaming ...
this was just ... how to say it ... it just moved me to tears with happiness ..
and his father ... his father was such a kind loving father which just break my heart even further .... Natsume didn't cry but I cried in his place ... even tho I was also happy and proud of him so much ..
Now to Reiko ...
I really was happy how Midorikawa-sensei proved my point when I said that Natsume lacks the ability to recognize a happy Reiko because he just never seen her like that, so even when that picture was indeed Reiko Natsume's mind was like "a girl that looked like Reiko" ... I won't dig deeper for this since I already did for a bit in a different post.
"if that picture was indeed Reiko, is the reason I didn't recognize her because that was an expression I have never seen before ?? I think that smile perhaps was ...."
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the way Midorikawa-sensei let Natsume realize that through his father's memory was clever yet cruel to me .. while also proving that that smile was indeed toward someone she loved (her husband) .. a kind of smile that you show to someone dear to you like the loving smile Natsume's father showed to him in that memory ...
now was the artist her husband ?? or was it a 3rd party who knows both of them, so they only captured the moment ?? in the first place why was her picture in an exorcist auction ?? I guess that the next question that Natsume needs to address now that he confirmed she was indeed Reiko :)
slowly but surely, the grandfather reveal is upon us and I'm here for it and all the pain he will bring with Reiko's full story :)
PS : a funny thought that occurred to me when Natsume was thinking " what kind of person will buy that picture I wonder?" and my mind went "who knows, maybe he will be Yorishima as plot twist" as if that shut-in exorcist will go to auctions or even leave his house for that matter xDD
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