#Chaol Yrene (it’s giving vibes already)
acourtofquestions · 2 months
I have finally made it after four books of guessing it’s her every single time any healer shows up
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shadowsxgwynriel · 2 years
I wonder why El/riels find it so hard to believe that Azriel could have his own book?
I know that the main argument is that “it’s about the three sisters.” Okay so if that was entirely true then why are there two more books and a novella planned? SJM already said before that she wanted to tell Elain, Azriel, and Mor’s stories and that the next books will follow an individual couple so we know that Feysand won’t be getting the last book and I don’t think SJM plans on giving Mor a full length book so that means the novella will likely be about her which leaves the two books for Elain and Azriel.
Another argument is that “he’s just a side character.” Then how can they think that the final book is about Vassa with Lucien as a love interest? Isn’t she also a side character? And I myself don’t get any romantic vibes or tension from Vassa and Lucien. I think that Feyre and the Suriel had more chemistry than them. I think that Vassa will play an important part in the final book, but as a supporting character and not a main one.
I also see the argument that “SJM doesn’t write male protagonists.” Or that “she won’t change her mind about a couple that has been built up for four books.” And I have to wonder if they’ve read ANY SJM book, more specifically Throne or Glass? Chaol, who is also a side character and happens to be a male, got his own book. I even saw someone say that if Azriel got his own book then it wouldn’t be Gwyn as his love interest because one book isn’t enough time for him to get over Elain, or even Mor, and fall for Gwyn. But I’d like to point out that Nesryn was Chaol’s love interest at the start of his book, he addressed his feelings for Celaena, and by the end he was married to Yrene, which all took place in one book. And what about how in love Chaol and Celaena were in the first two books before Rowan came along? And let me just say that Elide and Lorcan had two books of build up and they had FAR more chemistry, sexual tension, and banter than El/riel could ever hope to have with “four” books of build up.
For me, I can see Azriel getting a book before Elain just for the simple fact that Elain. Is. Not. Ready. She’s just not. All of SJM’s main protagonists have hit bottom or are in dire circumstances at the start of their story. (e.g. Celaena, Feyre, Bryce, Nesta) We’ve barely skimmed the surface of any trauma that may reside inside of Elain, but Azriel has so much in him that he’s basically bursting to have his own book so that he can finally start to heal. And with his book, we can learn more about Elain and Lucien, who both have some healing to do. In fact I believe that SJM once said that “they have some healing to do together.”
El/riels also seem to forget that there’s still TWO more books planned. Since they apparently feel that if Azriel’s book is truly next then somehow that means Elain won’t get a book? But nobody said that Elain wouldn’t get a book, of course she will. She’s just not ready to go on her journey yet.
However, Azriel is more than ready.
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gwyns · 3 years
I'm surprised I haven't seen anyone draw parallels between Feyre leaving Tamlin for her Mate to Elain leaving Azriel for her Mate. (Ignoring the fact I hate Rhysand, the books obviously want me to think he's the best person ever so I'll just pretend). Because that's what I see happening.
Elain and Azriel are so clearly rebounds for one another. Elain's still grieving her human love and life, and Azriel is still hung up on Mor. They're both quiet and available, so they jump to each other. That's it. The Azriel POV was purely about what he wants. How he wants to fuck her and taste her. He's just sex to her.
Even if E/riels had a more convincing case, it's not like SJM hasn't pulled a SIKE on us before. If she goes anywhere with E/riel, she'll undoubtedly pull it back. SJM doesn't take Mating bonds lightly, and she's stated that she loves Lucien. And if anyone deserves the happiness of a bond, it's him.
Feyre and Rhys, and Cassian and Nesta, all had relationships/lovers before Mating. Elain "liking" Az now, (which we're not even clear on), doesn't really mean much.
I'd like to hear your thoughts! You're so good at this, and you always explain my thoughts so perfectly. Love and light 💕💕💕
honestly there are quite a few feysand/elucien parallels that people either don't see or choose to ignore.
rhysand was first presented as a villain to feyre, the same could be applied to lucien just bc of his envolvement with tamlin (that he wrongfully gets blamed for btw idk why e/riels love blaming tamlin's mistakes on lucien). feyre was engaged before she went to rhys, elain was engaged before she met lucien. both were/are? still hung up on their former fiances. feysand as a couple represents the night, elucien would represent (at least in part) day. it's literally night and day with them. they're similar but also wholly their own pairing, it's fascinating to me.
anyway i think i will use this ask to spill some of my e/riel opinions sorry about that! alright let's start off with this controversial statement: i don't think e/riel was ever meant to be endgame.
i've seen it said a few times over the years that sarah changed her mind about elucien and while that's possible bc she also previously changed her mind on lucien and nesta one has to ask themselves..... if she wanted to write a mate bond rejection why didn't she stick with her original plan of lucien and nesta being mates? she's said herself that they wouldn't work but she chose to change lucien's mate to someone who compliments him better, and it's to feyre's other sister no less. that tells me lucien is important and powerful, he's mated to one of the sisters, one of the key players of the entire series.
another point is we can assume (and we could be wrong, let me put this here before someone yells at me or vague blogs about it) that sjm had an elucien endgame in mind when writing acowar, right? and when she was touring for that book hadn't she already started work on acofas? and we know that she's never on social media, so if she had an elucien endgame in mind when she wrote all of the supposed e/riel "evidence" where does that leave us?
drama. tension. conflict. angst.
i think that's what it all comes down to. people will say that elucien was a front while e/riel is the true endgame but... it all seems a bit easy, doesn't it? e/riel is right in your face while elucien is silently brewing in the background. what if the bait and switch isn't elucien, but e/riel?
sarah has shown us before that she likes to use her characters as ways for her other characters to end up with their endgame matches. for example, without tamlin, feyre wouldn't have met rhys. and moving over to throne of glass for a second, if not for chaol, aelin wouldn't have met rowan. and in turn, if aelin hadn't given yrene the money she needed in tab, chaol wouldn't have met her.
are the e/riel scenes romantically coded? yes, probably. i'm not saying they aren't, some people picked up on it but i personally didn't get that vibe myself, especially in acowar, but acofas kinda blurred the lines a bit. but even then, i didn't think they'd work out and i still don't understand the arguments that are supposed to be in their favor from that book. elain says she doesn't want a male so that excludes lucien but not azriel somehow? that line means she doesn't want any fae, she wants a human man, she wants graysen. then we have lucien saying he can't even stand to be in the same room as elain which i never read as a "oh i hate this person" kinda way. no, it's bc the whole situation between them is awkward and it obviously makes both of them uncomfortable. it doesn't help when literally all of the inner circle is constantly around them, and being in the night court in general doesn't give them the privacy to get to know each other.
some people like to ask why build e/riel up at all if they're not going to be together? one thing i've always loved about sjm's books is how she can write relationships. now, let's say you meet someone irl and you like them, eventually maybe fall in love with them, and fail to notice how they're not good for you. maybe everyone around you can see it, but you don't. you want a relationship and you're in a decent one, it should work out. like they're not a bad person, this relationship just isn't right for you in the long run. why waste your time? it's life. sometimes things are good for you at a certain point in time but not later on. sometimes you just end up in a relationship that was never good for you. sometimes you fall out of love with someone. you're constantly learning and adapting to things and that's my stance on e/riel. i think they're both looking for companionship and they're the "safest" and most available option.
taking it back to acofas, azriel was relived to not have to get elain a gift and was still gazing longingly at mor. now in acosf he's avoiding talking about her while wanting to fuck elain and getting defensive when helion mentions mor. he's not over her. he's not going to just completely forget 500 years of pining bc elain showed up, especially when they haven't even helped one another to move on. if they had, we would have seen the proof of that. not just "oh she's hot we both want sex", that doesn't make a healthy relationship.
as for elain, she's been taught she has to act a certain way her entire life. she has to downplay her trauma and emotions to appease others so they don't worry about her. maybe she's even had visions involving lucien that upset/scare her somehow and she's reaching out for something else. i think they're both lonely and desperate (at least on az's end) for someone that they ultimately are drawn to the wrong people.
as for the lack of elucien development... this is how i see it. if they're endgame, why would sarah have all of their big moments happen off screen or as a throwaway line in acosf? elain is getting a book, we know this, and with how much of the story is tied to lucien and how much is left unresolved with him, we can also assume he'd get a pov at some point. so imo it makes sense for the fact we got little to no development for them in acosf. no, she wants a huge wedge between them so we can watch them come together. the payoff will be that much sweeter. kinda similar to how she put a wedge between nessian before acosf, sure they had more development in acowar than elucien but i think that's bc sarah knew they'd get the first spinoff. she had to give them that development whereas elucien can wait, a bit longer. it's frustrating yes but i do think we'll get something in acotar 5.
maybe i'm an optimistic fool, maybe sarah did at one point have an endgame in mind for them, but i find it hard to believe she wouldn't see how wrong they are for each other in the long run. she's very good at showing us how well characters fit together with just a few lines.
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tcookies · 6 years
my thoughts/reactions while reading Kingdom of Ash
Nooo it’s Aedion x Lysandra all the way
Darrow is such an asshole
Ayyyy it’s Nox!! Ya boi is back!
Damn, everyone is hungry for sex
babies already?!
Rowan please rest
That’s right Elide you give him that cold shoulder mhm
Ugh, darn that was sweet of Lorcan to shred his shirt for her blood
Oh snap that messenger almost revealed Lysandra’s true form omg I seriously thought everyone was going to find out that she’s just been pretending to be Aelin
I need more Ilias but please protect him!
Aelin no queen don’t give up
Oh thank god Fenrys you almost broke my broken heart
wait nooooo Fenrys nonononono please no oh damn it I really thought... 
Wait I still don’t get it: whom did Dorian want to shift into? what did the golden hair mean?
Aw damn Manon & the 13 getting their hands dirty for the fallen :(
KALTAIN?! did not expect you :’(
the Little Folk are so cute but at the same time I envision them as those creatures from the horror film Don’t Be Afraid of the Dark 
Aww Fenrys hugging Aelin tugs at my heartstrings!
LOOOL ofc Aelin you would so raid treasure from the dead but it does make sense yeah
Everyone giving Lorcan the cold shoulder is pretty amusing
I’m on Chapter 39 already?! I feel pretty lost without a Table of Contents
Awww I am absolutely living for the blink communication between Aelin and Fenrys!
I need a longer Rowaelin sex scene please
Ok but the battle at Anielle reminds me of the Battle of Helm's Deep from LOTR, especially when Princess Hasar and her army arrive to flank Morath
A witch tower?! Holy shit omg I hope no character I know just died in that group of 4k soldiers that are now dust in the wind
Aelin is reuniting with Chaol, Nesryn, Yrene, and Falkan!! Omg oh my fuck nuts it is HAPPENING.
Ok seriously the battle at Anielle's Keep really reminds me of the Battle at Helm's Deep
Manon yaaaas Queen light 🔥 it 🔥 up 🔥
Aedion please hang on gods he's taking the worse of it this whole story
I agree with Lysandra he cannot just apologize and all is forgiven just like that bc seriously it took her to be nearly killed for him to apologize? But at the same time poor Aedion
Fuck you Darrow you worthless pos
Omg is Aelin going to stop the dam with her water powers?! Oh ok that's cool too
Chaol's father is such an ass
Yrene/healers are basically a metaphor for killing the enemy with kindness
I legit started tearing up when Manon and the witches began lighting the hearth fires calling all other witches scattered to heed the call of their Witch Queen and go to war
Major LOTR vibes when everyone started responding to Terrasen's call for aid but ffs Aedion why didn't you call for aid earlier?
Everyone is getting smutty sexy time but Rowaelin :(
Please I need to see more of Ilias, Ansel, Rolfe, Nox and Falkan pleeaassee it's been years
Everyone's going to Terrasen now ahhhhh
Dorian no oh damn it Dorian yes but be careful
WTF Erawan was seeking Maeve and now she just waltzes right to him and now they're conniving together?! Surprised, but also not surprised. Erawan probably doesn't know she's the runaway wife of his brother... they would make such a power couple though
Aw fucking hell Dorian
Dorian wtf you are out of your mind blegh I can't imagine you with Maeve
Dorian agh jfc are you serious. You had one job. One job....
Ohhh I see. I judged you too soon Dorian, nice work!
Awww YEAH BABY. I am literally tearing up. Just when Aedion and co. Thought it was over, Manon swoops in with her army! I can just imagine the entire scene :')
What no no no oh no I am crying ... the 13 are the true MVP oh God damn it
Bruh I am choking up at the 13's sacrifice and everyone paying their respects I am so close to crying
Bruh I'm listening to the Haunting of Hil House OST while reading the scene where Dorian and Aelin are using the Wyrdkeys and wtf is happening
Oh wtf?! Dorian's father of all people to appear?!
Aw man she lost most of her power but guess that's the price to pay :'(
NOOO GAVRIEL! Man I knew he'd do this for his son 😭
Where is Nox amongst all of this?
Come on Aelin come on you can do this!
Yes Rowan and the Cadre have arrived and--oh crap FENRYS NO NOT AGAIN--ROWAN--MY HANDSOME FAE WARRIORS NOOO
"Dorian" well who would have guessed that was his father's name
Did NOT expect Fenrys to be the one to deal the first blow almost thought it was the killing blow
"Lord Lorcan Lochan" try saying that 5x fast
I'm done and I feel empty... I feel like the book could have been a bit longer because some moments did feel rushed. I'm still wondering what the hell happened to Nox because he just ghosted halfway through the book and never made another reappearance
There wasn't as many difficult losses as I feared for and that's good but I still cry over the 13 and Gavriel and & Murtaugh
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