devotionconsumed · 4 months
changhan and altan's relationship is literally "which could mean nothing....."
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softfae · 2 years
*The Cike is playing a team sport*
Qara : Are you upset you don’t get to be on the same team as Altan?
Chaghan : Have you ever played a game with Altan?
Qara : No…
Baji: Have you ever been trapped in a cage with a wolverine?
Meanwhile, on the other side of the field
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flashyflashes · 1 year
Major 🌟chaghan×altan🌟 vibes:
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milkywaylatte · 1 year
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Changhan has knife kink
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chaotic-timelord · 2 years
Finished The Poppy Wars trilogy today at 00.01 and I admit it’s slightly less traumatising than I’d think [speaking as someone who’s read Babel before it], but it’s still sad as hell. But overall, both have young orphan mcs going in a far away place to study, accompanied by a ‘tutor’, that develop weird relationships with their classmates, everyone constantly dies around them and they don’t get to the end alive, but leave someone not quite knowing to feel about their death because they think death is the easy way. RFKuang must really like these type of plots- [the main difference is probably the amount of times people got beat up / arrested / killed and the amount of queerness, which’s still there in tpw too. Also, is the Changhan or whatever his name was x Altan ship popular or am I just making ‘romantic’ moments up?]
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scentedsstuff · 1 year
friend am I delusional? am I not getting something? I read the Poppy War trilogy and I'm still confused, was it a romantic thing between Altan and Rin? pls help
Oh friend...............it's okay to be confused. I've only talked about this particular topic once on my blog, but my opinion is that Altan didn't have romantic feelings for anyone.
I'm not going to say anything with complete certainty though because R.f.Kuang left much up to the readers interpretation. With both the way he was described paired along with the way he treated others, I was under the impression that Altan had made room for only one thing on his mind and that was his duty to his country.
I know that with everything that he had been through that's bound to fvck up his perception of healthy relationships but he really was willing to risk it all (including those close to him) in order to defeat the enemy, which I read as him not really reciprocating what Rin and Changhan felt for him (by way of feelings). Again, it just came off that he knew how both felt about him and the unyielding loyalty that came with those feelings and used them both to get the job done.
For Rin I do believe it was a mixture of adoration, idolization and some attraction, as well as the fact that with Altan she felt she could finally belong and that she wasn't alone which explains why she clung to him or more so the idea of him for so long.
In the depths of the internet out there, I have heard of people who think that they viewed each other in a romantic light amongst other feelings but to each their own I guess.
I mean I thought there could be no way some things could exist but I just learnt the other day that Puss in boots fanfiction exists?? I didn't know that?! There's fanfics abt puss in freakin boots. I've learnt not to shoot any idea/perspective down completely, no matter what it is because human beings will always surprise you.
Those are my thoughts anon, hope they somehow helped
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Ildebrando Pizzetti - Pizzetti: Fedra / Acte III - Procle, perché tu tocchi il dio esamine ? ·
Enrique Mazzola · Opéra Orchestre national de Montpellier Occitanie · Hasmik Papian · Elina Bordry · Anja Augustin · Alexandra Dauphin-Heiser · Cécile Giglio · Sherry Sassoon-Deschler · Marianne Crebassa · Béatrice Pary · Christine Knorren · ChangHan Lim
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car-hamro · 2 years
The Changan Hunter is a utility vehicle used for countless tasks worldwide. It was introduced by the Changan automobile as a midsize pickup truck for transporting goods.
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sassydefendorflower · 2 years
Diversity Win! The man who blew up the dam and destroyed the homes of hundreds of thousands of people, killing thousands in the progress, is gay and repressed! 
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efftradelinks · 4 years
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I used to wonder in teen age that what a shame and used to feel bad when Hyundai left Pakistan early in 2009 or so on after those years if my memory serves me that we are considered such a cheap country who can't afford their cars but now in 2020 it came back with lots of surprises.
But now bundle of thanks to Hyundai Nishat Pakistan who made this happen and launched these cars in our homeland like they started from TUSCON and so forth Elantra to compete (City and Corolla) in Pakistani market & Sonata, the rival of lumerious category of (Camry & Insight) are on it's way in the upcoming cars in the first quarter of 2021.
And few more companies made its way to Pakistan from our Autopolicy of 2016-2021 like DFSK GLORY, PROTON, MASTER CHANGAN, MG, BAIC, UNITED MOTORS, BJ40 & CHERY to compete veterans from old times like TOYOTA, HONDA & PAK SUZUKI.
Stay tuned for more updates !
Faraz Zulfiqar
Managing Director - EFF TRADE LINKS
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fangruninsimp · 3 years
Alternate responses to "I love you" - Poppy War Edition
Rin: I know
Kitay: *laughs nervously*
Nezha: thanks
Venka: who doesn't?
Altan: why
Chaghan: a horrible decision, really
Baji: I'm sorry
Suni: *finger guns*
Ramsa: YEET
Jiang: *laughs hysterically*
Daji: if only there was someone out there who loved you
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vcnka · 3 years
i finished the dragon republic if you've read it you know how much pain this is causing me i am dying on the inside and i have started the next book fuck me
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cgadzfna · 2 years
the aftermath of the burning god hurts in so many ways and the legacy of shamanism in nikan is just one of them. at the very start of the poppy war, jiang tells rin shamanism is a dying art and begs her to pledge lore to keep it alive. he warns her that the red emperor tried to eliminate it, and once the hesperians arrive they try to do the same. and gradually throughout the series, all the shamans rin meets up end up dying: altan, the cike, the trifecta. even the shamans rin trained, pipaji and dulin, end up dead. and when rin dies, she takes the history and knowledge of shamanism with her. 
There are a few shamans left, unegen and lianhua and changhan and nezha, but they’re in no position to challenge the hesperians and revive the shamanic arts. unegen had been burned by rin’s  power and if he’s still alive, would be too paranoid and fearful of repercussion. changhan told rin he wasn’t getting involved in nikara’s affairs and had the hundred clans to lead; he can’t afford for the hesperians to turn their wrath on his people instead. nezha already gave up his powers and submitted to the hesperians long ago. lianhua, personally trained by rin, might be the only one willing to defy the hesperians (but it would be incredibly dangerous) but she doesn’t have the knowledge or the training to pass on the the arts like her predecessors did.
 not only that, but the hesperians would’ve destroyed any knowledge of shamanism, burned all the books (as nezha had warned rin about), banned talk, and done their best to snuff out all traces of it and hunt the remaining shamans to extinction. And they would have history to prove their point: they, and their Maker had destroyed the Trifecta, the most legendary of Nikan’s shamans; they had killed Rin, the Phoenix’s vessel and the strongest shaman alive. And the last publicly known one, Nezha, had submitted and renounced his powers to them. Slowly but steadily, they’d erase Nikan’s history, two thousand years of the shamanic arts, intertwined with the very fabric of nikan itself, and the legacy of every shaman since then, from the textbooks and rewrite their own version. Those entombed in the Chuluu Korikh would be forever forgotten, with no one left alive to remember them or even know that they had once existed at all. The Cike wouldn’t even be a footnote. The Pantheon would fade. 
The Hesperians were never able to take rin’s powers away from her, but what they did was worse. They didn’t just take her country, they’d erase her culture, her gods, the very truth. Nezha may have killed rin, but the hesperians destroyed her legacy.
History is written by the victors and the hesperians will not be kind. 
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heavenlyyshecomes · 4 years
fmk nezha altan n changhan
+#(!"/#/#('!/@@@##)£)' um marry nezha bc hes rich , fuck alt*n because hes v tall and good-looking so I've heard, and kill changhan cause for a min i didn't even remember who that was
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deiacontraria · 4 years
i wasn’t planning on discussing books i read in here since i mostly just reblog stuff but now that my side-blog is basically pointless, i suppose i might as well
okay so anyway poppy wars was great and i’m now unreasonably hyped for the third one?
i’ve literally never done reviews/opinions before like this, so i’m just gonna put it under the line because spoilers in case anyone sees this, although admittedly I’m mostly gonna comment on characters
like, i’m pretty sure this isn’t even a review, just me gushing over how i liked the books and then ranting about colonialism (yeah, I can’t seem to avoid that)
oh yeah trigger warning: colonialism, drugs (this is the poppy wars)
Rin was, at times, a bit annoying, especially since she seemed to have tunnel-vision about who she thought was in the right. I guess the whole militarization of the students (and later the shamans) is the whole point of that line, but I was glad to see her finally grow out of it.
Altan was so angry and yeah he was a victim but even Rin herself admits it was such a terrible idea to get hung up over him. Not to mention freeing Feylen turned out to be such a hilariously terrible idea.
Speaking of Feylen, he isn’t even a central character but arguably one of my favorites because a) I really want to know if all shamans are still “in there”, maybe to the degree they could potentially be killed or freed, and b) because I thought of this quote while reading one of the scenes and laughed way too much.
Though the wind blows, the mountain does not move.
This quote is completely unrelated and I’m actually not sure where it’s from (if anyone knows the complete/cited one, please let me know because I can’t find it :c), but the point is, Feylen is basically possessed by an evil Wind God and not once but twice he gets taken out by literal mountains. In the backstory he was immured after he lost control and now a mountain gets thrown on top of him. I mean, I feel super bad for the guy, but lol. This isn’t even that funny but I laughed way too much at the thought.
Venka’s storyline was just tragic and I hope she gets to kill a lot of idiots.
Kitay was uh, surprisingly better in Book 2? He went from being super book-focused to still being super book-focused but also being more willing to take risks. Aside from Chaghan tricking him into thinking actual horse pee was part of that ritual and he actually drunk it and oh god that scene hurt even if Chaghan admitting he’d lied was hilarious. The fact that he originally didn’t even want to be related to war and now he’s even willing to bear the pain of Rin’s Phoenix powers really sealed it for me. Anyway RIP Niang
Changhan was awesome in general and please tell me I’m not the only one who thinks he had a thing for Altan.
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Not saying Chaghan had a thing for Altan but hey guys I think Chaghan had a thing for Altan.
What’s happened to literally every character sucks, yeah, so in theory all their growth has been out of necessity, but they didn’t give up and after book 2 I really REALLY hope they get the resolution they deserve in the end. War sucks and so does colonialism (but more on that later)
Nezha was uh, a surprise but not really? Since Enki(?) had already accused him of being a shaman back in book 1. He seems adamant that he isn’t a shaman and he actually seems to have the cannot-be-killed factor that lost shamans like Feylen also have so, uh? He has the power of a god (actually a dragon ._.) but it does seem to work a bit differently. Also yeah Rin, he’s a coward. Don’t get me wrong, I did ship Rin+Nezha throughout the book, but THE AUDACITY. Kitay did say he had been acting weird since when he saved Rin (and Rin basically drugged him til he passed out), so I kinda hope he was just losing control to his god as opposed to just being an ***, especially since he lets them go in the end.
Also lol at Rin accusing Nezha of being a shaman after she’s captured and the inquisitors (yes I’m going to call them that) being like ????? because Nezha’s father is hiding it. I do agree with Rin though, his father would have 100% intentionally left Nezha at the mercy of the dragon just for the sake of having power.
Anyway! War! Sudden southern rebellion! I really hope they win. Against the colonizers. I honestly can’t even read some of those scenes. There’s really firm church parallel in there. They worship the Maker and hate Chaos. Uh, sound familiar? Yeah. Except shamans are Chaos and it’s perfectly justified to torture/kill them! (/s, for the record) .Yeah... the Hesparians (honestly not even sure if I spelled that right because, as I said, I could barely read those scenes) are objectively terrible manipulators and I really really dislike them, to not use harsher words. Like. Seriously. The Poppy Wars. *sigh* OF COURSE it was going to turn out to be colonialism. This hurt.
In any case, if there’s anything I hope, it’s that they eventually figure out how to actually get rid of the immortal god vessels. We don’t see the others that lost control but seeing Feylen, who’s clearly still conscious and occasionally trying to struggle, basically doomed to eternity of being stuck because their god is too dangerous but also incapable of dying. Just eeeee somebody save these people. Or at least find a way to kill them.
TL;DR Poppy Wars was awesome but colonialism makes me sad (obviously not the story’s fault lol) and for some reason I’m apparently obsessed with Feylen
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cafedechangmin · 6 years
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oh our soldiers-slash-actors are put again! #ChangHan couple is ♥️! 🤪 #jichangwook #kanghaneul #sungkyu #shingheungmilitaryacademy https://www.instagram.com/p/Bn_AU9rAc7I/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1p78duukeuo0m
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