#Changeling! Claire AU
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pinkytoothlesso11 · 8 months ago
So About Changeling Claire AU we did a While ago does Claire and NotErinque What ever his name is called in the Au are Siblings?
That is a good question. XD
And I'm actually inspired enough about that ask involving Changeling! Claire that I'm turning it into a fic loosely based on it, it's going to be called Secrets and Lies.
As for the question: Claire and NotEnrique aren't biologically related, but in the Darklands they formed a very tight sibling like bond that means NotEnrique is still placed in the Nuñez family with Strickler's interference. Claire is delighted, everyone else in team Trollhunters less so.
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albentelisa · 1 year ago
Hi! Heres a super interesting ask. How would you write a au where Jim is a changeling and Claire is the Trollhunter? Just to be clear, he and Bular HATE each other.
Hi! That's a premise I really like (and at some point, I wanted to write a fic like that, so I have some ideas).
So, Jim is a changeling, but he's a really young one and lacking a good chunk of the Janus Order's training. In any normal scenario, he'd never ended with a familiar, but Strickler pulled some strings to put Jim in his current position (as he noticed his talent and potential and decided to guarantee a strong subordinate early on). Nevertheless, Jim's lack of indoctrination shows as he is reluctant to follow the Order's rules, gets attached to people and openly shows his dislike of Bular (much to Strickler's amusement - though he'll never admit that one).
Still, Strickler doesn't approve Jim's rebellious streak as he's sure it'll get his protegee into a trouble. Walter is both mentor and father figure to Jim, but he is cordial only on public, while rather strict and demanding in private (though only because he cares about Jim's survival). Strickler starts to date Barbara to get better control over Jim's actions some years prior to the canon events start, however, it soon gets way beyond 'just a mission' as Walter falls in love for real. Strickler denies it, but both Nomura and Jim know the truth. By the beginning of the canon events Barbara and Strickler are engaged and planning the wedding.
As for Nomura, she is Jim's fighting instructor (as much like her Jim is one of more battle-capable changelings). She likes him a lot, but he reminds her of her younger self too much, so she believes that Jim is doomed to face so much disappointment and despair in the future.
I have mentioned before that Jim has attachments in this AU, despite being a changeling. Obviously, both Strickler and Nomura are 'family' for him, even if he never says it aloud (as those two would scold him for that statement), but there are also humans he cherishes too much. First, there is Barbara who he starts to consider his mother rather fast (Jim would kill for her if needed). Then, Toby appears in his life - while initially Toby initiated their friendship and Jim just went along for the sake of keeping his cover, it eventually turned into the real thing. However, Jim keeps his real identity a secret from Toby as he's not sure how Toby will react to him being inhuman. And finally, Jim has feelings for Claire, though he falls in love with her for a different reason than in the canon. In this AU, Jim accidentally sees Claire sneaking out to attend a concert despite her mother forbiding her that. For Jim, it's her bravery and rebellious streak that leaves the lasting impression.
Strickler is aware of Jim's crush and while he doesn't forbid it explicitly (because he's in a relationship with Barbara himself), he still warns Jim to never let his heart rule over his mind.
And then Claire finds the amulet and everything just goes to hell.
Jim discovers it the first, way before Strickler as he catches the glimpse of the amulet in Claire's bag. His feelings are complicated as the correct course of action would be getting the amulet, no matter how. Yet Jim is against hurting Claire, so his first plan is either steal the amulet or pretend it was his. It didn't work as the amulet decides to summon the armor in response to Jim's not-that-totally-harmless intent. Jim manages to fake the surprise and Claire asks him not tell anyone. Another complication is that Toby also sees the armor, so he's also involved now (and Jim isn't happy with that as he would prefer keeping his best friend as far from the troll stuff as possible).
Claire brings Jim and Toby to meet Blinky and Aaarrrgghh. Jim still plans to steal the amulet as Strickler has told him for years that it's the only chance for changelings to be rewarded like they deserved. Besides, it's the perfect way to demonstrate Bular's incompetence. For Jim, getting closer to Claire and winning her trust is vital, not to mention that he genuinely believes he protects her as well as he tries to liberate her from the burden she got by accident.
Meanwhile, Strickler learns about the amulet as well and has a talk with Jim about it. Strickler approves Jim's plan and praises him for finally putting his feelings aside for the sake of the mission success.
Yet Strickler is wrong as Jim starts to waver the longer he is around Claire both as a member of her trollhunting team and a partner in the school play (which he also joined in the hope to get more chances to seize the amulet). After Claire defeats Draal, Jim starts to think that she might have a chance to beat Bular too (and he plans to fight by her side). With that there would be no need to serve Bular and Jim could live free life.
Jim also gets close with Blinky as he doesn't get enough kindness and support from Strickler. No, he doesn't discard Strickler as his father figure, but the new bond is also there.
Strickler starts to doubt Jim, especially after Claire finds the bridge in the museum (as Jim points out that one and gets on Nomura's way when she is close to seizing the amulet). Jim tries to talk his way out of the predicament and Strickler pretends he believes him. However, he also orchestrates Enrique's kidnapping and planting NotEnrique in Claire's family to spy on her. Jim knows nothing about this plan.
When NotEnrique is exposed, he tells Claire about Jim's real identity, but she refuses to believe him at first. Draal suggests a gaggletack test and Claire agrees to the plan. She catches Jim by surprise and learns the truth. Jim runs away, not being able to explain a thing. Claire is hurt as she started falling in love with Jim, but now thinks that everything was just a lie. Toby and Blinky are hurt too as they question their bonds with Jim. And there is some bonding between Draal and Claire as they both had feelings for a changeling.
Jim is angry and upset. Strickler tells him that it was his punishment for rebellious thoughts and that Jim is lucky to get away with just that. Nomura is more sympathetic, but she tells Jim that any love relationship involving changelings are doomed.
Jim considers giving up and just going with a flow as nearly all his bonds outside the Janus Order are in the shambles (Barbara is the only one remaining and Jim is scared that Strickler might scheme to ruin that one too).
Still, Jim comes to help Claire during the Battle of Two Bridges. He is the one who finishes Bular here. He also reconciles with everyone, changing sides for good this time.
It creates a new kind of friction though - Strickler initially flee somewhere (he tells Barbara he needs to visit an estranged relative). Jim initially believes that Strickler won't return.
The team is planning to save Enrique from the Darklands and Jim insists they should get his familiar out too. He plans to tell the whole truth to Barbara too as he has decided to live his life honestly now. He just doesn't know how to do it though.
Strickler returns after freeing Angor Rot and uses binding spell behind Jim's back (as he's scared that Jim can kill him to ensure Barbara's safety - and in this AU it is a real possibility).
Jim is enraged after learning about it and it's even more complicated as they all live under the same roof and Strickler never fails to remind Jim that each of his missteps may endanger Barbara. What he hasn't considered though is that Jim might approach Angor and try to bargain with him.
Alas, Inferna Copula is destroyed in this AU too, forcing Claire and Jim working with Strickler. Poor Barbara learns that both her fiance and son are not humans the same night (and here goes Jim's plan to proceed carefully). She is angry with Strickler, but surprisingly more accepting when it comes to Jim. When Jim promises to return her real son to her, she corrects him with 'other son'. Much like in the canon she forgets about supernatural after the breaking of binding spell, but Jim tells her the truth for the second time in any case.
Much like Jim in the canon, Claire travels to the Darklands alone (actually, that was her plan from the very start as she believes it is her problem to solve). Jim, however, goes to the Darklands too (after beating some guards), so he's now considered a criminal at the Trollmarket (not that he was in good position to start with because of his changeling status).
As Jim and Claire went separately, they don't travel together. Jim finds the familiars first (well, he knows where they are kept), but gets caught by Dictatious, ending the next cell to Nomura.
Claire rescues both her brother and Jim's familiar, but goes back after learning that Jim is still in the Darklands. Usurna orders to destroy the bridge, but the rest of trollhunters steal the fragments and hide them. Strickler, who has returned and now hopes to make up with both Barbara and Jim, also helps them. All of them go to the Darklands too, saving Claire, Jim and Nomura.
Gunmar is out, like in the canon. He tries to seize control over Draal, but Nomura saves him just in time (as she doesn't leave in this AU). However, none of trollhunters are welcome at the Trollmarket anymore because everyone believes they liberated Gunmar.
Barbara is upset that she cannot do a thing while her son and her fiance who is still trying to win her forgiveness are risking their lives while she cannot do a thing. She accidentally stumbles upon the shadow stuff (the team was using it but without much effectiveness) and starts to get mastery of it. Barbara is the one who ends summoning a huge shadow portal to save everyone and gets possessed by Morgana.
The team decides to awake Merlin, and his plan is no different from the canon. He turns Claire into a half-troll and when Jim faces him in a fury, tells him that Jim should be the last person upset as Claire's new species means they can be together. Jim punches him (hell, yeah!).
Jim leaves with Claire to New Jersey. Draal who survives in this AU goes too, hoping to mend his relationship with Nomura.
When Green Knight attacks, Jim takes the hit for Claire, so he needs to fight the corruption. The team goes back in time, with Barbara and Strickler being two additions.
Claire, Jim and Strickler end in Arthur's dungeons and meet Callista there. Barbara tries to talk some common sense into Arthur, and later end joining forces with Morgana (who she's wary off initially). They both plan the escape plan. Jim and Claire travel with Callista, however Strickler decides to hang out around Camelot as he knows some changeling history and wonders if some things might be changed without ruining the timeline.
The return to the future speeds up Jim's corruption, but rather than becoming the beast troll like in the canon, it brings up and multiplies the darkness in Jim's heart. It also makes him bigger and stronger.
Barbara takes Claire and they both go inside the Shadow Realm searching for Jim's soul. They find him trapped with his own insecurities and doubts and try to ensure him that he still has his own place. Jim snaps out of the control and Nari helps to heal his corruption (Morgana helps too).
As the amulet isn't destroyed here, Claire remains the Trollhunter. Jim, however, gets Excalibur and finds his role as the protector of the world.
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nikeofmars · 11 months ago
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Claire caught the boys in a nap pile.
Based of The Changeling Prince's Good Jotnar au.
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crackship-connoisseur · 2 years ago
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some lakovos art
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theslayerbrother · 1 year ago
I Love Changeling Claire
Changeling!Claire AU
@ch4rl13sm1th and I are playing with an AU idea. It’s still in the works, but we might write something in the future. 
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bluheaven-adw · 1 year ago
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Thank you tumblr for absolutely destroying image quality. Freaking wtf?
Some more Dark Excalibur AU
The Knighting of Steve Palchuk
We all agree that Steve needed a better arc than what RotT gave him. He deserved a chance to be a hero, a path that he started in Wizards before it fizzled out into being the comedic relief. Wizards set everyone up as the better generational mirrors to Camelot. Jim to Arthur, Claire to Morgana, Douxie to Merlin, Toby probably to Galahad, and Steve very obviously to Lancelot. I've said at the start that no one comes out of this AU unscathed, so while Steve gets the heroic redemption, it comes at a cost, one that pulls on that parallel.
RotT in the Dk-E still happens, I'm not letting everyone get their happily ever after at the end of Wizards. But I'll be damned if I end it with Toby and so many others dead, and Jim pushed into a timeline reset. You can thank Steve for that. It's because of Steve that Toby lives. Steve goes with Toby in the Taco truck, and it is Steve that yanks Toby out of the way of the collapsing debris. But Steve becomes pinned himself, resulting in the loss of his arm. An act of selflessness and bravery, valor and sacrifice, that earns him the title of First Knight of the Roundtable of New Camelot. An equal advisor, responsible for not only the protection of Camelot, and those Jim has claimed as his (which is everyone, human, troll, changeling, down to the last gnome), but also finding and training new knights, those who value all life and are willing to fight to protect it, and want to see the worlds of man and magic together in harmony instead of hate and fear.
And so we come to the Knighting of Steve Palchuk. This isn't just pomp and meaningless ceremony, this has true weight and meaning to both Jim and Steve. Jim pulls on Excalibur's magic, his voice resonating with ethereal power, creating a bond of trust and loyalty that goes both ways, only formed if given willingly. Knight to his King, King to Knight, both to the protection of all worlds and their peoples. Jim's eyes light up in tandem with the blade as the power of Excalibur and Nimue courses through him, flames licking along the blade's edge and into Steve. Steve's armor reflecting this bond as the magic burns through him.
And like Lancelot, Steve will get a fully functional prosthetic arm. There will be hardship, adapting to this new reality. But Steve has become a hero. A man of courage... far from his highscool self. A survivor, who will fight with everything he has.
Rise now, Sir Steve, First Knight of the Roundtable and New Camelot.
Closeups below
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Notes: some of the descriptive wording around the ceremony itself came from a discussion about Jim using Excalibur for the knighting, and are used with permission of Sakon76, who is a much better writer than I.
Expect more if Steve's story at a later time.
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elegantjellyfishwerewolf · 1 year ago
Trollhunters! Nomura Au
The third part(2/2)<
This AU was made me and @enniyart
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While part of the team, consisting of Nomura, Angor, Blinky, Draal, Aaarrgh, Toby and Jim, went in search of Merlin. Another part of the team with Steve and Eli stayed to look after the exhausted Claire in the Lake house (due to recent events, the house was empty for a very long time).
The journey to the tomb is uneventful. The only interesting moment happens when Merlin wakes up and Nomura says that she is now a trollhunter. This statement makes the Wizard surprised, for a second he looks at Jim, but quickly assumes the usual cynical expression on his face and together with the others goes to Arcadia where an unpleasant surprise awaits them.... The fact is that while the trollhunter and the others were looking for Merlin's tomb, the Creepslayerz, who were left to look after Claire, witnessed her obsession with Morgana (due to the fact that there was more concentration of dark magic in Claire, Morgana's possession occurred earlier than in the original). Steve was already ready to say goodbye to life, but fortunately Eli watched all seasons of "Supernatural", so the first thing he does is throw a jar of salt into the obsessed Claire and lock her in the basement to wait for the rest of the team.
After the rest of the team returns, Morgana is tied up in the same way as the original and they think about how to return Claire to her body. They decide to send a couple of team members to the world of shadows to pull Claire's soul out of illusions. Jim and Toby are called to go to the world of shadows, Angor remains to keep the portal open, and the rest remain to watch the queen of the Eldrich.
While Jim and Toby search for Claire, Morgana tries to manipulate the remaining members of the team. But Merlin begins to do what he does best, infuriate others, and Morgan is already being led to his manipulations and jokes.
Just like in the original, Jim and Toby find Claire's soul and together they expel the witch from her body.
At this time, Gunmar, with the help of Avalon's staff and Strickler, frees Morgana. Gunmar decides that he no longer needs changelings, but Strickler stops him saying that of all those present, only he is aware of what is happening in the world (and with the help of his connections has a great influence in the human world), he also says that he should not underestimate the superiority of people in technical terms. Strickler proposes a plan according to which his changelings penetrate into all important spheres of humanity, and when Gunmar decides to begin conquering the upper lands, humanity will already be destroyed from within and will not be able to provide proper resistance to the Gumgum army. Morgana, who has just been released, agrees with Strickler's plan and Gunmar and Morgana go into the shadows for a while to regain strength after a long imprisonment.
After all she's been through, Claire decides that her parents deserve the right to know what's really going on. At first, Ophelia and Javier do not believe their daughter, but when her teacher from the "exchange school" appears, all doubts disappear instantly.
Thanks to the help of a member of the Nunez council, the team is better able to hide trolls from the trollmarket.
A team of hunters is discussing a plan to defeat Gunmar and Morgana. Merlin tells about the stones of the three shadows capable of summoning the eclipse sword. The trollhunter already has the eye of Gunmar, and therefore the whole team goes for the rest of the stones. It turns out to be quite simple to get the stones of death and birth. Only in the process of extracting the second Draal accidentally turns into a human (he and Nomura even manage to go on a date to a human restaurant. The date itself happened surprisingly well, until Draal started eating curtains). After learning about this, Merlin and Angor finally figure out how to defeat Morgana once and for all. They decide to prepare a potion that, like with Draal, will turn Morgana into a human and when she will become mortal, they will finally be able to kill her.
Angor also decides that they need all the
powers they have and therefore helps Claire create her own shadow staff.
Blinky and Aaarrrgh, as well as in the original, gather allies among the trolls to fight back against Gunmar.
Gunmar also wasted no time and while the trollhunter was looking for the stones of the three shadows, he attacked troll settlements and replenished his army, simultaneously absorbing their hearts of stone, becoming even bigger and stronger because of this.
After that, Morgana begins eternal night (she also breaks Merlin's staff), but when they come to the surface, gumgums do not find a single person.
The fact is that council member Nunez is seeking consent to conduct a training evacuation of the entire city, so all residents of Arcadia are safe.
Morgana, seeing this, immediately begins to ask Strickler what is going on, and then it turns out that Walter has long betrayed her and sided with Gunmar. Morgana is about to kill the changeling, but she is attacked by an Angor that appeared from the portal and takes them to another battle location.
Gunmar at the same time starts a fight against Nomura in the eclipse armor and Draal.
Merlin goes to the ruined market to get a staff, and the rest of the team, together with the Order of Janus, fight against the Gumgum army.
The trollhunters' plan is that Angor should get close to Morgana and poison her with a poison that turns into a human (Angor himself understood that he was unlikely to be able to get out of the battle alive). Claire, when the witch finally turns into a mortal, will deal a fatal blow to the exhausted Morgan, thereby canceling eternal night. At this time, Nomura and Draal will try to restrain Gunmar in an open area, so that when the sky dissipated and the sun appeared, Gunmar fell under his direct rays and turned into stone (the fact is that he became so huge that Merlin was not sure whether the eclipse blade would be enough to kill Gunmar). The task of the rest of the team is to restrain Gunmar's army so that she could not come to his or Morgana's aid.The task of the rest of the team is to restrain Gunmar's army so that she could not come to his or Morgana's aid.
Angor and Morgana begin their battle during which the staff of the shadow breaks and Morgana kills Angor, but he manages to cut her with a poisoned blade. Morgana notices that her wounds do not recover, but remain and begin to bleed. In a panic, she tries to escape to regain her strength and stop the effect of the poison, but Claire, with a new staff of shadow, blocks her path. A long fight ensues between them during which Claire loses her right eye and is again in a dying state, but still she manages to kill the witch.
Gunmar finds himself right under the withering rays of the sun. He tries to find shelter (his skin has almost turned to stone and has become very fragile), but at that moment Nomura and Draal decapitate him. Gunnar dies, but also due to a strong surge of magic, the stone in the amulet splits, and Draal also loses his right arm.
The remaining gumgums, which did not have time to eliminate, are destroyed by themselves due to the death of Gunmar, as in the original.
Eternal Night ends (Merlin, due to the fact that Morgana broke the staff of Avalon, does not regain her powers).
Residents of Arcadia are returning to the city (a little oh.evayut when they see the consequences of the battle against Morgana and Gunmar). And when the team of hunters relaxes, the changelings take over the city and Strickler declares that his plan remains unchanged. Changelings will also destroy humanity from the inside, and then using human weapons they will strike at all the deposits of stone hearts, so the world will belong only to changelings (the world did not want to accept them, and they are not going to accept this world).
Claire goes to the hospital. Draal also becomes incapacitated due to the loss of his arm. Steve, Eli and Toby say that they will fight with the others, but Nomura does not want the children to participate in the massacre, so takes them to the pantry and locks them for a while until it's all over. Jim looks at all this from the side, and then follows Nomura (she did not look for him because time was running out, and she thought that he would have enough brains not to follow her (not enough)).
Nomura (already without the amulet, armed with khopesh), Merlin (still with 10% of his magic), Blinky, Aaarrrgh and the remaining surviving trolls go to storm the Order of Janus.
At this time, it is not Enrique who goes to the dark lands for familiars (let's accept the fact that the Darklands were not destroyed during eternal night).
While the rest of the trolls are fighting the changelings, Nomura infiltrates the headquarters of the Order of Janus (Jim slips behind her unnoticed) where Strickler is now. A fight ensues between Nomura and Strickler during which Strickler prepares to deliver a fatal blow to the hunter....
Jim picks up a crossbow lying on the floor and shoots his history teacher.
The surviving changelings escape from Arcadia. It is NotEnrique who successfully gets out of the Darklands with the familiars in the cradle stone.
Afterword: after the finale, Jimmy and Claire start dating (they fell in love with each other at joint sessions with a psychologist).
Claire continues to practice shadow magic (after the battle, she picks up a piece root of the Angor Rot body and now it grows in her pot).
Nomura, Draal, Blinky and Merlin, along with the rest of the trolls from the market, leave for New Jersey. Aaarrrgh stays with Toby and the others to protect Arcadia.
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theslayerbrother · 2 years ago
i Love what i see
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Finally posting Claire from my TOHxTOA Au ~ mostly because I haven't gotten around to designing the other characters yet.... and I really wanted her to be posted later, but ughhh I can't wait no longer!
Claire in my AU is both Hunter and Amity. [SPOILERS AHEAD]
She's in Oracle track at Hexside [or Acadia Oaks High].
She is a grimmwalker [which is only revealed later] of Morgana.
Suzy Snooze is Flapjack... so yall know what will happen to her.
She lives with her parents [the Nunez] and her twin younger brothers, Ernique and NotErnique.
Undercover however, she is the Shadow Changeling, right hand [wo]man to the Emperor [to-be-revealed who he is... though idk if yall can guess who I plan to use]
Basically, I headcanon that she goes to school during the day, and then works for the emperor's coven during the night [hence why she is always tired] and when she missed a school day, she's working full day.
Her parents would be onboard since they support the emperor, but I would make them stop supporting him once they find out his true intentions in the end. The parents also don't know she's a grimmwalker! They raised her as they wanted a daughter, and also serve the emperor haha.
Basically previous Shadow Changelings were raised by other people [to keep it like, less suspicious that she is a grimmwalker] - also from all the grimmwalkers, unlike Hunter, she's the least like Morgana - hence why she in the end is more of an individual than a clone.
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yellowmagicalgirl · 2 months ago
What are some of your favorite ToA au’s, fanfics or otherwise?
I know you said "or otherwise" but generally speaking my head still goes to fics (partially because they're easiest to rec).
I especially like the non-"Blue Moon Rising" fics in the Love in Strange Places series by @tunafishprincess. Trollhunter!Claire/changeling!Jim is always such a fun AU, and Jim Atlas bonding with Barbara was amazing.
Pretty much anything by @avirxy is good. They understand Claire in a way that few other people seem to, and while their fics are frustrating sometimes, that is because Claire is delightfully in-character, and that includes her flaws that frustrate me and all the other characters in the fic to no end sometimes. If I had to pick my top three, they'd be the following in no particular order:
I'm far from a StrickLake fan, but my favorite take on the ship (other than "crack about Jim being horrified by his mom dating his teacher-turned-enemy" and "Strickler getting kicked to the curb, possibly after being beaten up") is this AU where Strickler met Barbara and Jim all the way back in 2005, back before James Sr. walked out.
This is an AU where Angor's markings were permanent, because we all love to torture Jim. If the author who orphaned this fic is out there, please know that I love what you wrote.
Otherwise, some generic AU's that I love are AU's that expand on old fandom theories that didn't come true but I still adore, such as:
Mordred!Douxie AU's, or even not AU's because we don't know who Douxie's dad was. He could've been Arthur's son.
Gaylen!Krel AU's
AU's where Morgana controlled Claire in other ways. Did the corruption start sooner? Was it mind control, and even more mundane forms of brainwashing, as opposed to possession?
AU's where James Sr. was a changeling, left behind his wife and child for entirely selfish reasons, and when Jim goes to the Darklands he discovers the truth about his heritage (and tries to hide/deny it)
Fandom Ask Game!
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flyinghome-againstthewind · 5 months ago
Wednesday 100: Promises & Daring Escapes (1x11 au)
There was a part of escaping from Castle Leoch that Brian left out in the retelling and that was Murtagh’s hand in it. Murtagh was glad of it as he snuck Jamie’s wife and changeling child out of there, with Colum unaware that twice now he’d deceived him.
He thought of the vow he’d made to Ellen when Jamie was days old as he watched Jamie arrive at their camp. Claire smiled sweetly and rushed to him, babe in her arms, and a history of promises and daring escapes repeated itself for the Frasers. He hoped somehow Ellen saw it.
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pinkytoothlesso11 · 5 months ago
Hi Pinky what if Strickler was a Wizard in Camelot instead of being of a Changeling and was Morgana Advisor how do you think their relationship would be Like.
i do think still he would ended with Barbara and adopt Jim and Probably would've been More understandable to Claire's Problem with Morgana
Ohhh another interesting ask!!
Having Strickler as a human wizard in camelot would change a lot. He ends up as more of a apprentice almost to Morgana at first, as he ends up finding immortality a bit late due to for a long time not realising he had strong magic. So he looks the same as he does in Canon. He advises Morgana as well, because he comes from noble blood, has a rich and wide knowledge of magic and tries to convince her not to go to Gunmar when Morgana sees that she can fight the injustice more directly. Because Walter knows a war won't change anything. Its a hard decision, to turn away from her, because he looks up to Morgana a LOT. She and him almost have a similar dynamic to Merlin and Douxie. Plus he has shadow magic too.
With Claire, Jim and Douxie there due to the time travel he sides with them because Morgana no longer aligns with his own idealogy and he doesn't want to be labelled a traitor and killed by Arthur. Morgana sees this as a huge betrayal, and lays a curse on him. This curse is only realised after dark. From now on, Strickler is human by day, and troll by night. Luckily Douxie and Archie are there to help, so he isn't as miserable as he might have been through the centuries, despite the huge adjustment.
With canon events, Walt does meet and fall for Barbara fairly quick. Jim's around 12 when they meet, so definitely adopts him later on. But he's got horrible self esteem due to the curse, and has been unable to hold any relationships because he changes at sunset to his troll form. But within a few months he is encouraged to tell Barbara thanks to Douxie and everything turns out alright despite Barbara having to wrap her head around her boyfriend being a wizard and cursed.
Once Trollhunters events hit, Claire and Strickler end up bonding over their shared shadow powers, and later over their connections to Morgana/trauma.
The curse isn't ever fully lifted, but Walter works out how to negate it somewhat so he can control his transformations more.
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albentelisa · 11 months ago
Hi i Love really you asks especially the ones about Jim Claire and Blinky
What if Claire was a changeling was the Older Sister of NotErinque
How she falls in Love with Jim and how she hiding being a changeling is up to
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Somehow, I have two changeling!Claire asks in my inbox and as they aren't contradicting, let's combine them!
So, as changelings, Claire and NotEnrique aren't related, but they created a sibling-like bond while going through the Janus Order training. Actually, they are extremely close in age by troll terms and no one has an idea which one is older, and they fight back and forth for the 'elder sibling' status (ironically, there's more evidence that it's NotEnrique, but Claire would rather die than admit it).
Claire gets a familiar, when Strickler decides to get more manpower. Claire wasn't his choice as a recruit (as she's too ambitious, independent, and smart for his liking), but Nomura, who went with him (as the new recruit was supposed to be her helper), insisted on Claire. That's why Claire and Strickler's relationship in this AU is extremely strained - as Strickler senses a potentially dangerous rival. On the other hand, Claire is close to Nomura - who is both her fighting master and family-like figure. Claire likes human culture and feels that Nomura is the only one who can understand. Nomura, on the other hand, sees her younger self in Claire.
In this AU Claire gets a crush on Jim first, but she tries her best to hide it because it's forbidden for a changeling to have feelings and because she isn't sure if Jim can ever accept her true nature (and Nomura's pessimistic views that changelings simply cannot be successful in love don't help). Claire likes that Jim is nice and honest, but decides to watch him from the sidelines instead of approaching. Because of that, she is unaware that Jim has a crush on her too.
The amulet's appearance is where everything goes down. Claire notices it before Strickler and realizes what it can possibly imply. That is why she abandons her previous tactic and approaches Jim in an attempt to befriend him. Claire's plan is to steal the amulet from Jim and save him from a highly likely death from Bular's hand (and well, from her point of view, it should be the best outcome for everyone involved). Alas, Strickler learns about Jim's new status too, deciding to approach Jim via Barbara (like in the canon). So, from now on it's a race between Claire and Strickler to get the amulet. Both think it should be easy - and both don't expect Jim to actually take up the mantle.
Mary and Darci (who are still Claire's friends) find her recent attitude odd and decide to investigate. Initially, they think that it's all because of her crush, but somehow they stumble upon too much, discovering the existence of goblins. Claire in her true form saves them but leaves without any explanation. So Mary and Darci know about magical creatures now, but not about Claire's true form (as they have no idea who their savior was).
Strickler decides to recruit another changeling to spy on Claire (as he doesn't trust her now). NotEnrique is picked, but Strickler is unaware of his bond with Claire. So, Claire ends up with an additional ally instead. It's a bright moment for her as she both has no idea what to do with Mary and Darci (she should kill them according to the rules, but she doesn't want that) or with her quickly developing relationship with Jim (as she realizes he actually loves her too). She starts to think about telling Jim everything and switching sides for good.
Much like in the canon, NotEnrique is the one who gets exposed first (though the one who catches him is Toby as Claire and Jim are at the concert then). NotEnrique pretends that Claire is just an unaware human girl, but gives some hints that Strickler may be inhuman (as he is from a separate faction). Jim is upset as he doesn't want to suspect his favorite teacher, but Toby goes to check the lead and ends up exposing Strickler. Enraged, Strickler comes to the dinner at Jim's house and tells Jim about Claire's true nature when Barbara is in the kitchen.
The timing couldn't be worse as Claire actually decided to confess to Jim the next day, but when they meet Jim asks her to take a gaggletack. Jim does it because he refuses to believe Strickler's words and wants to clear Claire's name, but for Claire, it sounds like an accusation. They are interrupted though - as NotEnrique arrives, announcing that goblins attacked Mary and Darci (those two were babysitting him).
Both Jim and Claire rush to help girls, and Jim discovers that his amulet is a fake one (as Strickler switches the real one with a copy like in the canon). Claire realizes she is the only one who can fight and has no other choice but to transform in front of both Jim and her two BFFs. She defeats goblins with ease, but Nomura arrives and attacks Claire. Jim can't help but watch (as he's still shocked from both the reveal and the amulet loss), and Claire is defeated and taken away.
In despair, Jim calls for the amulet one more time and it actually responds this time, but it's too late. Toby, Blinky, Aaarrrgghh, and Draal arrive and learn about everything that happened. NotEnrique, Mary, and Darci all plea Jim to save Claire, but Jim's allies are skeptical if they should help the supposed enemy. Jim himself wavers as he learns from NotEnrique that Claire is willing to betray Bular and that she saved Mary and Darci at some point.
Like in the canon, Strickler contacts Jim and proposes to him a deal - Claire's life in exchange for the amulet. Jim arrives, seemingly alone (but actually with a backup), and the battle begins. Claire is surprised to see that Jim has come, and it only strengthens her resolve to start a new life separately from the Janus Order. Alas, the Bridge is open and Gunmar is close to coming out, so Claire attempts a self-sacrificial attack to kick him back. When the Bridge is closed, she is trapped in the Darklands (Nomura gets sucked too as she tried to drag her student out at the last second).
There is a victory of course, but Jim is devastated. At first, he even thinks about reopening Killahead, but Toby and Blinky stop him (and NotEnrique also adds that his sis didn't risk her life so that Jim wasted her sacrifice).
Jim decides that he needs to become stronger to venture into the Darklands. He talks to previous Trollhunters (who are not happy that he wants to risk so much for an impure) and later learns about the Triumbric stones.
No one in Arcadia is suspicious as Claire is seemingly ok and attends school (it's Otto, posing as her). It drives Jim nuts as he cannot stand the fake (the same goes for Mary and Darci), but people just assume that Jim and Claire have broken up and Mary and Darci have taken Jim's side in that conflict. Steve starts to date fake Claire in an attempt to spite Jim (which has a totally opposite effect).
Strickler awakes Angor (as he fears for his own safety) and comes back to Arcadia. In this AU, Darci is the one who gets the Shadowstaff, while Mary gets one of Angor's daggers. As for Toby, he gets Warhammer before that as he decides to be a better sidekick to Jim.
Aja and Krel come to school around the same time as Strickler returns and the Trollhunters immediately suspect them of being changelings and Strickler's allies. A quick gaggletack check, however, dispels those suspicions (Aja and Krel have no idea what is going on, thinking it's just one of the local traditions).
Mary thinks that Jim should relax a bit (as he still feels guilty because of Claire and recently, there's an added stress from learning that Strickler bonded his life to Barbara's). She suggests going to the swing fling with someone, proposing herself, Darci, and even Aja (as she is friendly to Jim). Jim refuses politely, but this whole conversation makes him realize that he still has feelings for Claire (before he tried to convince himself he wants to save her only because she changed sides).
In the Darklands, Gunmar imprisons both Claire and Nomura and makes them battle each other every day to break them. After the fights, they talk a lot and Nomura shares her story about her relationship with Draal. She believes that no one can truly love a changeling, but Claire thinks that she could possibly be happy with Jim (the memories of their time together are the thing that helps her keep going).
Meanwhile, during one of the encounters with Angor, Aja and Krel get involved and the Team Trollhunters learn their true identities. Aja and Krel decide to join the local defenders.
While things look bright for the team at first, everything goes worse as Draal loses his arm in a fight with Angor. Usurna also invents a different story to make Aaarrrgghh go back (as no one is poisoned in this AU) - she arrives, pretending that someone attacked the Krubera tribe, and asks for a backup. Aaarrrgghh is seemingly the only one who can go, so he departs.
The team thinks that Strickler might have a different ally (the one who attacked Krubera) and realizes they need to deal with that too before venturing to the Darklands. There is also a deal with Angor in this AU, and Angor's soul gets destroyed, leading to Strickler coming to Jim for help. The outcome is still the same, with Barbara learning the truth, the binding spell broken and the Trollmarket under the attack. It's too much for Jim, as he goes to the Darklands alone in secret.
As for Claire, Nomura actually helps her escape one day, so Claire is currently roaming the Darklands. She is lost and has no idea what to do now. At some point, Claire stumbles upon the Nursery, and it helps her to formulate some vision of her future, She vows to return all the familiars back to their families, but first, she realizes she needs to save Nomura who is kind of her family.
Jim, on the other hand, finds Gunmar's prison - and ends up surrounded and captured. Gunmar realizes that the Bridge is open and sends some of his most loyal goons to investigate. And as Usurna pulls some strings to use her own loyal troops to guard the exit, she soon makes a deal with Gunmar. Usurna sneaks Gumm-Gumms inside the Trollmarket each time no one is close, and uses Gyre to transport them into a secret location in the forest.
The Team Trollhunters try to go to the Darklands to save Jim, but Usurna's position is too strong - she keeps feeding the locals' paranoia and even insists that it may be better to destroy the bridge (she plans to do it at some point, to limit Gunmar's troops and make him easier to control). After some time, Blinky and Toby make a plan to fool guards and go past them into the Darklands (Mary, Darci, and Draal go as well). In the Darklands, they meet Claire (who isn't happy to learn that Jim came to save her alone and most likely got in trouble). With her lead, they travel to the prison area and free Jim and Nomura.
While imprisoned Jim noticed that there wasn't much activity with Gumm-Gumms and that Gunmar stopped appearing altogether at some point. He shares it with everyone else, and Claire agrees that there are seemingly fewer guards than there used to be during her own imprisonment. The team investigates a bit, following a group of Gumm-Gumms and discovering that Usurna is a traitor, working with Gunmar.
At the same time, Aja and Krel, who stayed on the surface, stumble upon the Gumm-Gumm base in the forest and realize the possible extent of the catastrophe. They are not the only ones who discover the base that night as Steve (who finds Jim's disappearance suspicious and follows Aja and Krel) and Eli (who thinks that Aja and Krel are suspicious and follows them) both end in the wrong place. Aja and Krel have no choice but to tell them everything.
Two parts of the team reunite - only to witness Gunmar taking over the Trollmarket. Aaarrrgghh returns (he has been captured all this time and helps some local trolls escape). Still, there are too many trolls under the Decimaar's control now and the future looks rather bleak.
The team decides to go looking for more allies. Nomura contacts Strickler and proposes to recruit some of the wavering Janus Order's members. Steve and Eli argue about telling the citizens of Arcadia about the magic creatures, but Jim is reluctant.
As Darci never abused the Shadow Staff (unlike Claire in the canon), she has no link with Morgana. As for Gunmar, he discovers that Morgana is sealed inside the Heartstone but after considering the pros and cons, decides not to risk unsealing her (he decides to either look for a different, more controllable wizard to start Eternal Night or simply find some alternative to that one).
Morgana, however, doesn't plan to just wait. She orders the still loyal members of the Arcane Order to find her some temporary vessel and summon her soul inside it. The changelings pick up Barbara for it and kidnap her.
Strickler and Jim think that the Janus Order does it as revenge. They save Barbara, not realizing that she's already possessed. Strickler talks to Barbara, deciding to come clean about everything, but her reaction is surprisingly nonchalant (actually, he talks to Morgana that time). At first, he thinks Barbara is still mad at him, but as time passes, he grows more suspicious, discovering that she is meeting with Angor Rot (who she has revived).
Meanwhile, Claire is secretly researching the way to get familiars out like she promised and meets Douxie during her research. She learns that Douxie is Merlin's student and brings him to meet with the team. Douxie tells everyone that Merlin is still alive and just sleeping, so Jim decides to awaken him in the hope that he can help deal with Gunmar.
Strickler doesn't manage to inform anyone about his discovery as Morgana captures him. She contacts Gunmar and proposes an alliance while sending Angor Rot to recover Merlin's staff.
With Douxie's help, the team goes through the tomb's challenges without much trouble. They are unaware that Angor is pursuing them though. Angor ambushes everyone when they drop their guard, stealing both Merlin's staff and the Shadow Staff. When Merlin wakes up, he isn't happy.
The situation is dire. Morgana gets out as she forces Strickler to read the spell (threatening to harm Barbara otherwise). Strickler escapes with unconscious Barbara afterward (as Morgana goes back to her own body). All of that only gives Merlin more arguments when he convinces Jim to take his elixir.
When Jim disappears from his bathroom, Claire goes searching for him, and finds him in the forest, transformed and disoriented. She brings him back and encounters Merlin about it. Merlin, however, tells her she should be the last person complaining as he just erased the obstacle that prevented Jim and Claire from being together. Claire loses her temper and punches him, even though some cynical part of her mind feels that troll Jim isn't bad (she feels extremely guilty for that kind of thought though as she loves Jim no matter what). Claire is the one who helps Jim to deal with his new experiences as she can relate to his situation a bit. Yet, she realizes how stressful everything is for him, so she swallows her pride and goes to Merlin again, asking if there is actually no way to turn Jim back (or at least give him the ability to change forms). Merlin harshly tells her there's no way and to stop pestering him with dumb questions.
Before the final battle, Claire talks to Ophelia and Javier, telling them the truth. She expects them to be enraged, but after the initial shock, they accept her as their second daughter.
During the final battle, Jim defeats Gunmar and Claire goes against Angor Rot, who she convinces to change the sides. Morgana, however, is captured rather than sealed (as Douxie and Krel make a magic-cancellation device).
The familiars are out of the Darklands, meaning that the changelings lose their ability to shift. Morgana, who is powerless and imprisoned, mocks Merlin for his inability to deal with that problem. Claire, who overhears it, comes to her and learns that Morgana knows a solution. She promises to free her in exchange for helping her, Jim, and other changelings who switched to the good side, to which she agrees.
Morgana, while still bitter about Merlin, decides to give humanity a second chance and just live a quiet life. Angor doesn't trust her though and decides to watch her from the shadows. Merlin is against the idea - but, well, he has already lost any credibility, so his opinion is ignored.
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theslayerbrother · 5 months ago
one of the greatest things about @pinkytoothlesso11 is how open minded She is i mean not matter what of how badly how newcomers Say the fandom is dead She always make Sure to tell everyone that we Still Stand as Strong fandom not matter how much Some people with big impact let you to believe.
her Love with Strickler and how She give interesting aus is Also So Wholesome and i really enjoy it.
Also i haven't ask about Changeling Claire in one of the aus that i ask her mainly because i didn't too shove my hyperfaxtions on to others but man She give Some of interesting au about my girl.
So yeah i Suggest you give her Some Love epspecailly if you a big Strickler and Strickalke fan cuz She made you See how great those things are really are
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preppy-donkey · 5 months ago
Tumblr media
Hiii ❤
I'm preppy donkey ❤🐴
I am a beginner artist ✒
My banner as of Dec 2024 :
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
Current media I'm interested in:
Tales of Arcadia 🔵🧌/Gravity falls 💫🌲/Steven universe💎/Mia and me (s1-2)🧚‍♀️ 🦄/she ra 2018 👑/ Emily wind snap 🧜‍♀️/old monster high 👹/ever after high👑👶/kipo 🐆💗/My Little pony g4 /mlb 🐞🐈‍⬛️/the owl house 🦉🏠 / Amphibia 🐸/Harry Potter👦⚡🧙‍♂️/jentry chau vs the underworld 😈🔥/the amazing digital circus 🎪 / murder drones🗡🤖
My AU's
(Some of these I haven't posted content for yet)
Su x gf:
Post Steven Universe Future
Gravity falls next summer
Steven has travelled for a year now and he has a van with a warp pad on the top haphazardly tied there by his father.
The twins practically begged their parents to go back and see their grunkles when they came back from their trip.
Greg who is Stan's younger brother who was born after Stan moved out got Steven a job for the summer to reconnect to his human side
Steven gets massive headaches when going inside the mystery shack and he doesn't know why. It's because he is a dream walker and the force field they used for anti-billifing the shack affects him.
Steven has corruption scars and horns and a short stubby tail but he shapeshifts them away in public.
This is so long sorry ❤
Changeling!Jim Au:
Tales of Arcadia post RoTT
Au where Merlin's potion turns jim into a changeling.
He can take off the armor!!!
Everything happens the same
In wizards the shard stops him from changing back and forth so he is stuck as a troll
At the end when he turns back time he remains a changeling and Clair remains a shadowmancer (very inexperienced one though)
The new troll hunting team is Eli, Steve and toby
Also aja has the same skin colour as krel ❤️
Mia and me redesign (WIP):
Complete Mia and me redo lol
Mia is basically elf disabled, her wings are too small to fly with because she is from earth and not centopia.
Elves have quaint little villages that have little lanterns lining the streets 💗 .
Dark elves are magic and when threatened can draw weapons from their scars, the bigger the scar the more dangerous the weapon
Violetta is a half dark elf when she goes to centopia.
Vincent goes to centopia at some point and rescues mia like Sara does except s3 is not canon to this au.
Mlp draconequus of friendship au
Mlp but Twilight is a draconequus
Shining armor found Twilight's egg while adventuring and twilight's family has raised her like their own ever since
Until the feel twilight has enough magical potential to go to Celestia's magic school
When Celestia meets twilight she sees her as a threat and locks her up in a library to become her assistant
Over time Celestia suppresses her magic enough so twilight is always by her side and runs errands for her
Celestia gave her a dragon egg so she could learn patience by waiting for it to hatch but she accidentally hatched it early and spike came out deformed with too many eyes and no wings
The story begins when twilight is sent to make sure everything runs smoothly for the summer sun celebration.
Mlp Twilight moon au:
Mlp but twilight is Luna's daughter
Mlp A draconequus' element:
Similar to draconequus of friendship au
Twilight is a draconequus that was born from the chaos of discord's brief reign over equestria
In this world, powerful elements need powerful opposites, so the draconequus of order is born, twilight , being of order, she decides to settle down in the everfree forest, as without chaos she feels lost
She misses discord after he is defeated, he is fun to watch, and she decides to put a statue of him in her house
She finds Spike wandering the woods around the time when she hatches him in canon
Sunset Shimmer is celestia's student
Celestia decides to send sunset to a library in the town hosting the summer sun celebration so she can learn how to study away from her friends and parties and learn to organise by helping with the preparations
She is sent a week before hand
On the day sunset arrives, Twilight decides to put on a pony disguise and go into the market to get some food for spike
Ponys are apprehensive to serve her because of where she lives, but they see her every Friday, so they know she means them no harm and is simply buying food
Kipo mute AU:
Kipo grows up only knowing her mute side
Kipo's dad is horrified when he escapes his burrow and his little daughter turns into a tiny jaguar
He finds a new burrow and locks his daughter in his room, to protect her.
During an earthquake she escapes.
Monster falls AU
Basically a tweaked monster falls
Dipper seeks adventure, he finds a cursed lake, he falls in, he is never the same again.
The monster curse is passed by touch
Mabel = unicorn centaur
Dipper = deer centaur
Stan and Ford = were-bears
Wendy = were-wolf
Candy = lizard thing idk ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Grenda = rabbit shifter
Soos = merman
More to come...
Ml fantasy au
Go here for the explanation >> :)
That's it go home
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annabelle-creart · 4 months ago
Dear Trollhunters fandom
I propose you something because I made the same with Rescue Bots and I found it funny
A Tales of Arcadia Swap Au, and I know this is the most burned idea I could think of but I don't give a shit, I want Steve to have the amulet just because a troll will beat the shit out of him and that will teach him some lessons
The obvious, one day Steve waked up, put some coins he found on his pig because he's saving for his own vespa, has a little fight with his mom and then goes out, Eli joins him only because they go to the same place and they're late, and the canal is the fastest route, Steve gaves some tricks (and fails miserably, because he's stupid and not that skilled on bicycles) and then he found a pile of rocks with a magic amulet that tells his name, he ask Pepperjack only because he's near but go away because they're late
Meanwhile, a big blue troll with large horns looks near "it choosed a human?" Not believing why the amulet that saw his father's death decided to choose a human for the first time in history...
History class is boring and instead of searching for whatever Mr. Galadriel is asking, Eli and Steve looks for the strange amulet, while Angor (he choose his own name) replies perfectly (as always) Mr. Galadriel's questions, also leaving Steve as an the clown of the class (as always, instead of replying, he made a damned joke), which is funny for Galadriel because Steve's joke was actually the correct answer, tries to talk to him but as always Steve makes fun of everything and goes, Galadriel was about to let it pass but a blue light fell on his eyes, leaving him in obvious shock, his old friend, a brute as always, must have lost the amulet while fighting with Kanjigar, and the sun was up, he couldn't go anywhere, but with Steve... maybe Galadriel had a change of getting it
Something was clear, Steve wasn't the best, but his grades were enough to be accepted at the school act "Romeo and Juliet" and he passed, but how to mantain the role when two big trolls are hiding at your garage just after believing it was racoons saying you are the new trollhunter? He doesn't know, but the show must go on. Drall, the son of the last trollhunter and the new trollhunter's coach, more of an historian than a fighter despite his height, and making him company a bigger troll with scary eyes, and big teeth, but kinder and softer than Drall, who only said his name was Bular (the guy is not a troll of lots of words)
And again, finding Eli by accident (because it seems to be the only crazy idiot who wanted to deal with this shit) Steve and Eli must run for their lives because BULAR IS A PACIFIST AND DRALL DOESN'T FIGHT?!?! HOW FUNNY!! AND A BIG, HAIRY AND SCARY TROLL WANTS TO KILL THEM, GREAT!!
After a persecussion (and Steve's great habilities as team's captain) they finally escape the troll, later being told by Dral that the guy was named Aarrrgh the feared (mostly a nickname, but a good won one) maybe the most dangerous troll Steve will met in this part of the world, also telling him about the dark lands, where Aarrrgh's master, Jognar, resided, waiting for his raise, stopped time ago by all the past trollhunters...
But Aarrrgh is not their only problem
Nomura, a changeling and ex-gunm-gunm challenged Steve, mostly to tease with his ex (whatever kind of opportunity she has to get the shit out of Drall is valid and justified for her)
Mr. Blinkus Galadriel, a changeling too but he works with the Janus Order to free Jognar from his prison (but he changes sides later)
Dolores (this time I used a play with the words Pain in Latin (Dolor) and the name Dolores because Claire has mexican ascendence) a huntress of trollhunters and most beloved and feared Hiserdoux's puppet
Walter Strickler, mostly a Janus Order puppet and also not the best in his job, but later he changes his side when he meets Barbara Lake
Toribian, the Krubera king, who first came in search of Aarrrgh, and finding he died, doesn't have other but to treat the new Trollhunter (how I hate Usurna, great Lord, but I wanted Toby to be a treat and a krubera, and his relationship with Aarrrgh deserved to have meaning too😔)
And of course, Jognar the Black, the gunm-gunm leader, who wishes to bring the Eternal Night to conquer the planet!
And the one who they will meet later: Hisierdoux, the mage of a thousand names, he was a student of Merlin, but later lost the path and became the merciless and powerfull being he is now
But just as enemies, Steve will also have his allies!
Eli, with his war-hammer and his large knowledge on rocks and legends
Angor, who accidentally almost got killed by goblins and later unites the team, also learning magic with Dolores' Skathe-Hūrn
Drall, with all the Troll's knowlegde he learned from his father and master (rest in peace both)
Bular, the ex-gunm-gunm prince, now reformed and ready to fight for his new family
Nomura, who thanks to Steve's mercy ends up helping training him (and living on his garage sometimes)
NotEnrique, a changelling of the Nuñez's only child (he's a pre-teen now) but who hates the Order enough to help the new Trollhunter (and Eli's socks are tasty)
Vendel (I didn't wanted to change the old guy, I like him a lot) and Gunmar (two are better than one), Trollmarket's most oldest and wisest troll's
And a lot more who maybe just a day or a whole life, they will help the guys to evade Jognar's rise, some lifes will be stolen on the way and some fails will hit hard, but Steve promised to get Nomura back from the dark lands and to defeat Jognar is his new goal. To see if he likes the Coach Lawrence as his step-father or not will have to wait...
I would like to do a swap au for 3Below and Wizards too but I don't like those series enough to rewatched them, not like Trollhunters, so, I will leave this here. You can add or ask anything
And also: a list, so, you get if better
Steve is the new Jim
Eli is the new Toby
Angor is the new Claire
Drall is the new Blinky
Bular is the new Aarrrgh
Jim is the new Gunmar
Claire is the new Angor Rot
Toby is the new Usurna
Blinky is the new Strickler
Aarrrgh is the new Bular
Nomura is the new Drall
Usurna, Strickler, Barbara and Gunmar are added characters (but are good👍)
All the rest is similar
That's all, bye
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arnerdi · 22 days ago
I think it's something like a scene from au where Jim is a changeling and somehow provokes Bular's anger. Toby is a troll hunter and Claire has something to do with it too, but Jim doesn't know (because otherwise it wouldn't be so interesting). Actually, I have a few ideas about how it all came to this, but I won't tell you (hehe)
Я думаю, это что-то вроде сцены из "ау", где Джим - подменыш и каким-то образом вызывает гнев Булара. Тоби - охотник на троллей, и Клэр тоже имеет к этому отношение, но Джим не знает (потому что иначе это было бы не так интересно). На самом деле, у меня есть несколько идей о том, как все это произошло, но я не буду вам рассказывать (хе-хе).
Jim Claire and Toby were sitting on the couch in the living room, watching TV. Toby was munching on chips, trying to rustle the bag as little as possible. Jim was snuggled up to his right, practically lying down, and Claire was scratching his head, throwing her arm over Toby and stealing his chips. Suddenly, there was a loud crash from the back yard. All three of them turned around sharply. Jim jumped up from the couch. "I'll check." Jim rushed to the back door. Claire and Toby exchanged glances and rushed to stop him. If Arrrgh had knocked down the fence again, Jim definitely didn't want to see him. By the time they reached the second exit, it was too late. One large black paw crashed into the wall, failing to grab the guy, and the other had already grabbed his leg. Bular didn't mince words, he threw Jim up and slammed him hard on the ground, and then again. Toby snatched the amulet and rushed at Bular, without a helmet. Most likely, he already knew the identity of the hunter, since he attacked now.
- Hey, Bular, I'm here - Toby shouted
- Wow. - Bular abandoned Jim, thinking that he would not survive. - Double catch - A cruel grin spread across his face, he rushed to Toby
- Ouch-oh-oh - Toby quickly jumped back, saving himself from the sword, and ran. Bular was again exhausted, but Toby managed to slip under the sword and end up at the side of the monster. Jim tried to sit up when Claire ran up to him
- You. You are hunters - he mumbled, clutching his head. Claire froze for a second and saw naked blood on the ground where Jim's head had been. Jim groaned again and tried to get up - Damn...
- Claire, hurry up - Toby shouted, locking swords with Bular
- You... You... - Claire whispered. There was a clang behind her. Budar threw Toby to the ground. In front of Claire's face, the blue changeling stood up and looked into her eyes, with his bright blue ones - I'll try to help, I promise, I won't touch Toby. You've already saved my life - Claire looked back, Toby was trying to crawl as far away from Bular as possible, and he was grinning and moving closer. She nodded uncertainly. Jim took the swords from behind his shoulders and in a couple of jumps was next to the gum gum. Jim crashed into Bular, thrusting his michi forward, scratching his sides. The gum gum roared and rushed at the otaku, forgetting about Toby. - Pathetic offspring - Jim skillfully slashed between the gumgum's swords, infuriating him more and more. - You are a nonentity, I will make a goblet from your skull and the shards of your kind - Bular struck the ground with his sword in rage, Jim jumped on top and, having scratched his back, landed behind him.
Джим Клер и Тоби седян на диване в гостиной и смотрят телевизор. Тоби жуёт чипсы, стараясь как можно меньше шуршать пакетом. Джим прижимался к нему справа, практически лёжа, а Клер чесала его голову, перекинув руку через Тоби и приворовыввла его чипсы. Вдруг раздался громкий треск с заднего двора. Все трое резко обернулись. Джим подскочил с дивана
-Я проверю. -Джим рванул к задней двери. Клер и Тоби переглянулись и рванулись, чтобы остановить его. Если Аррргх снова снёс забор, то Джиму его точно не стоит видеть. Когда они подлетели ко второму выходу, было поздно. Одна большая чёрная лапа врезалась в стену, не сумев ухватить парня, а вторая уже схватила за ногу. Булар не мелочился, он подкинул Джима и с силой ударил им по земле, а потом снова. Тоби выхватил амулет и понёсся на Булара, без шлема. Скорее всего тот уже знал личность охотника, раз напал сейчас.
- Хей, Булар, я здесь - крикнул Тоби
- Ух, ты. -Булар бросил Джима, псчитав что тот уже не выжив��т. -Двойной улов - Жестокая ухмылка расползлась по его лицу, он рванул к Тоби
- Ой-ой-ой - Тоби быстро отскочил, спасаясь от меча, и побежал. Булар снова заможнулся, но Тоби удалось проскользнуть под мечём и оказаться сбоку от монстра. Джим попытался сесть, когда Клер к нему подбежала
- Вы. Вы охотники - промямлил он хватаясь за голову. Клер на секунду замерла и увидела голую кровь на земле где до этого была голова Джима. Джим снова за стонал и попытался встать - Чёрт...
- Клэр поторопись - крикнул Тоби, сомкнув мечи с Буларом
- Ты.. Ты...- прошептала Клэр. За её спиной раздался лязг. Будар швырнул Тоби на землю. Перед лицом Клэр голубой подменыш встал и посмотрел ей в глаза, своими ярко голубыми - Я постараюсь помочь, я обещаю, не трону Тоби. Вы уже мне жизнь спасли - Клэр оглянулась, Тоби пытался отползти как можно дальше от Булара, а тот ухмыляясь двигался ближе. Она не уверенно кивнула. Джим достал мечи из-за плеч и в пару прыжков оказался рядом с гумгумом. Джим врезался в Булара, выставив мичи вперёд, оцарапал его бока. Гум гум взревел и кинулся в отаку, забыв о Тоби.
- Жалкое отродье - Джим умело скализил, между мечами гумгума, всё больше и больше выводя его из себя. - Ты ничтожество, я сделаю кубак из твоего черепа и черепков тебе подобных - Булар в ярости ударил мечём по земле, Джим вскочил сверху и оцарапав его спину, приземлился у него за спиной.
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