#Chancellor neighsay
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nextgenfoals · 2 days ago
Chancellor Neighsay x General Seaspray. we're fixing xenophobia radically
Feather Star may appear to be a pegasus, but he wears his heritage proudly on his (metaphorical) sleeves. He’s a diplomat for the hippogriffs and seaponies, whose calm and firm demeanor is a force to be reckoned with.
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~ Mod Ace ♥️
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kazachokolate · 2 months ago
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commission and gift for @clownsstupidwork Thank you!! <3
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onebadpunspoilsabunch · 1 year ago
Another thing I hated from those last two seasons were the villains, especially cozy glow
I really should stop talking about mlp. It's embarrassing 😅 I'm kind of embarrassed. I apologize to all my followers. But...
But again, 100% right.
Funny thing is, I can see a world where Chancellor Neighsay's character is written better. The problem with his character is that the terrible writers wrote him as the most stereotypical, strawman-y racist villain that I've ever seen in any piece of children's media, ever. 
If they wrote him more realistically, and actually gave the audience an explanation for why he feels that way about the other creatures...
For example, they could've showed that the reason he hated the other creatures is because of their past history with ponies:
The hippogriffs/seaponies refused to help when the Storm King attacked 
The Yaks were very picky when they came to visit for the first time
The dragons were usually very hostile towards ponies, to the point where ponies were afraid to approach them
The Changelings attacked Equestria twice
The griffins had a better relationship with ponies, but the majority of them were still very rude
Of course, the explanation for all of their behavior is the result of their environment, leadership, and upbringing. But it would still be an understandable reason.
And if they had him realistically realize the error of his ways, combined with writing him in a realistic way and giving an explanation for his mentality, then BOOM! Character fixed, problem solved :)
Now, as for Cozy Glow...
Idk what the writers were thinking when they came up with her character, but in terms of writing/character motivations she is 10,000 times worse than Neighsay. At least with him I understand what the writers were going for, and he can be more easily fixed.
But Cozy Glow…
She is a child. The same age as the CMC. Who is... inexplicable an evil sociopath who hates the other creatures, wants to get rid of magic, and... rule the world...
Absolutely no explanation given for how this child turned evil, racist, a sociopath, a master manipulator, and a megalomaniac. No backstory, no explanation. At all.
At least with Neighsay, you can logical see how he got there. But I have no idea what they were going for with Cozy Glow. 
The only thing I can figure out is this: Cozy Glow exists to prove one point that Neighsay made. He was afraid that the other creature students would use their friendship lessons and the school to secretly take over Equestria. He believed that they were sociopaths who were incapable of being changed, so instead of being improved by the school they would only learn how to better manipulate ponies. That's what sociopaths do in real life. 
But instead of it being the other creatures who did it, it was a pony. The point of Cozy Glow's character is to prove that ponies are capable of being the megalomaniac sociopaths that Neighsay thought the other creatures were. So in a way, I can see where the base concept for her character came from. 
The thing that makes it terrible is that there is absolutely no backstory or explanation given for why this child is evil, or how she got there. The writers just expected the audience to accept this incredibly bizarre, horribly written character. 
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Lol, shrug
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Grogar would've been a really cool villain, if he wasn't actually SPOILERS Discord in disguise the whole time.
The real Grogar does exist in their world. He could be dead, he could be alive. We don't know. But the writers lied to people, telling them that Grogar would be the final villain, hyping him up... only for it to be taken away with a terrible plot twist. That they (apparently) planned from the beginning:
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But when Discord was impersonating Grogar, he was still a better villain than Cozy Glow and Neighsay. The plot twist was the real problem, not Grogar himself. 
I actually feel kinda bad for Grogar's character. They did him dirty. They did my sheep dirty :(
Anyway, my final thoughts on the season 8/9 villains:
Chancellor Neighsay: Terribly written, but can be easily fixed.
Cozy Glow: They were high on BATH SALTS or something and were watching Cats Don't Dance (or the episode of Batman the animated series with Babydoll) when they came up with her character, and didn't give a shit about anything else.
Grogar: I feel bad for my poor sheep :( You deserve better, you could've been great 🐏
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miska-draws-shit · 2 months ago
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recent mlp - related stuff
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sud-scribbles · 8 months ago
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reeeally proud of this set! these may not be the biggest characters, but i think the rolled expressions and the drawings still came together very nicely!
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eriada · 1 year ago
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character-tournaments · 7 months ago
MLP Tourney: Round 1- Match 26/26
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queencoldart · 1 year ago
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Slapping is a common punishment in the Dragon Lands.
It isn't supposed to be fun.
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ashleyfableblack · 1 year ago
Chill, Chancellor. Queen Twilight's gotcha number. Happy Hearthswarming and Big Love to all y'all out there.
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nextgenfoals · 9 days ago
Neighsay x Cheerilee
Pinkie x Trixie
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This handsome stallion has a business offer you're not going to want to miss out on! - Mod Wildflower 🌻
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kazachokolate · 1 year ago
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Commission for @clownsstupidwork <з
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pathenao · 2 months ago
A very alternate Version of the MLP Finale
[After imprisoning the heroes of Equestria, Neighsay steals the magic from both Queen Chrysalis and Lord Tirek. As the two older beings lay at his mercy, he plans to end it right here and now of course with the help of his trusted daughter Cozy Glow]
Neighsay: Your rain of terror has come to an end, beasts! I shall be rid of you like i will with every creature that poses a threat to pony kind. (He points the bell at them) Do you have anything you'd like to say?
Chrysalis: You... little...
[In that Moment, Cozy steps between her father and her allies. Altough her body is trembling, she glares at Neighsay determined]
Neighsay: Cozy? What in Equestria do you think you're doing?
[She doesn't answer, simply straightening herself to look like an intimidating brick wall. Except she can't nearly take as much damage. ]
Neighsay: Step aside! Now.
Cozy: N-no.
Neighsay (taken aback): What?
Cozy: I-i'm not letting you hurt them!
[Her two allies look at her in shook. While part of them is unendingly proud for the filly finally standing her ground, they can't deny fearing for what is about to happen]
Neighsay: Don't tell me, you suddenly have learned to emphasize with the enemy!
Cozy: They're not our enemies! They could help us!
Neighsay(shakes his head): I was already forced to abandon my morales, i'm not abandoning my principles as well! Now, step aside!"
[Cozy gulps, but doesn't move. For a single moment Neighsay hesitates thinking about his next move, before pointing the bell directly at his daughter.]
Neighsay: I apologize but this is the only way.
[Without a second thought he fires the spell. Cozy's agonized screams as she felt her little magic drain from her, were accompanied by the cries of her already magicless allies.]
Just a fun little writing excersize for an idea i had floating around in my head of a "Villain Neighsay and Daughter Cozy Glow" AU.
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spiralingguitarist · 3 months ago
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made this really shitty meme that completely misinterpretes and insults neighsays character by comparing him to my ancestor. im sorry but doesnt neighsay kind of. resemble the dualscar i remember
might draw this tomorrow when i feel less sleepy and i have the time. neighsay SUCKS i hope he goes through grimdark rose and dies (affectionate)
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glapplebloom · 1 year ago
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((Imagine the look on his face when he shows up the next day to see it all gone))
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samrosemodblog · 7 months ago
Do you ship Cinch x Neighsay?
I mean, they were married in Aria's Archives and even had a kid together with Sunny Flare!
Though I headcanon that a lot of the love for the marriage has faded over the years and that while they may have been passionate when younger they are career focused individuals who take their work as priority over their marriage.
They stay married because what else are they going to do? But also for the sake of their reputations. Even if Neighsay has his sugar baby on the side lol
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carlycmarathecat · 2 years ago
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